2# Copyright (C) 2017 Xin Liang <XLiang@suse.com>
3# See COPYING for license information.
5import getopt
6import multiprocessing
7import os
8import re
9import sys
10import datetime
11import shutil
14import constants
15import utillib
16from crmsh import utils as crmutils
17from crmsh import config
19def collect_for_nodes(nodes, arg_str):
20    """
21    Start slave collectors
22    """
23    for node in nodes.split():
24        if utillib.node_needs_pwd(node):
25            utillib.log_info("Please provide password for %s at %s" % (utillib.say_ssh_user(), node))
26            utillib.log_info("Note that collecting data will take a while.")
27            utillib.start_slave_collector(node, arg_str)
28        else:
29            p = multiprocessing.Process(target=utillib.start_slave_collector, args=(node, arg_str))
30            p.start()
31            p.join()
33def dump_env():
34    """
35    this is how we pass environment to other hosts
36    """
37    env_dict = {}
38    env_dict["DEST"] = constants.DEST
39    env_dict["FROM_TIME"] = constants.FROM_TIME
40    env_dict["TO_TIME"] = constants.TO_TIME
41    env_dict["USER_NODES"] = constants.USER_NODES
42    env_dict["NODES"] = constants.NODES
43    env_dict["HA_LOG"] = constants.HA_LOG
44    # env_dict["UNIQUE_MSG"] = constants.UNIQUE_MSG
45    env_dict["SANITIZE_RULE_DICT"] = constants.SANITIZE_RULE_DICT
46    env_dict["DO_SANITIZE"] = constants.DO_SANITIZE
47    env_dict["SKIP_LVL"] = constants.SKIP_LVL
48    env_dict["EXTRA_LOGS"] = constants.EXTRA_LOGS
49    env_dict["PCMK_LOG"] = constants.PCMK_LOG
50    env_dict["VERBOSITY"] = int(constants.VERBOSITY)
52    res_str = ""
53    for k, v in env_dict.items():
54        res_str += " {}={}".format(k, v)
55    return res_str
57def get_log():
58    """
59    get the right part of the log
60    """
61    outf = os.path.join(constants.WORKDIR, constants.HALOG_F)
63    # collect journal from systemd unless -M was passed
64    if constants.EXTRA_LOGS:
65        utillib.collect_journal(constants.FROM_TIME,
66                                constants.TO_TIME,
67                                os.path.join(constants.WORKDIR, constants.JOURNAL_F))
69    if constants.HA_LOG and not os.path.isfile(constants.HA_LOG):
70        if not is_collector(): # warning if not on slave
71            utillib.log_warning("%s not found; we will try to find log ourselves" % constants.HA_LOG)
72            constants.HA_LOG = ""
73    if not constants.HA_LOG:
74        constants.HA_LOG = utillib.find_log()
75    if (not constants.HA_LOG) or (not os.path.isfile(constants.HA_LOG)):
76        if constants.CTS:
77            pass  # TODO
78        else:
79            utillib.log_warning("not log at %s" % constants.WE)
80        return
82    if constants.CTS:
83        pass  # TODO
84    else:
85        try:
86            getstampproc = utillib.find_getstampproc(constants.HA_LOG)
87        except PermissionError:
88            return
89        if getstampproc:
90            constants.GET_STAMP_FUNC = getstampproc
91            if utillib.dump_logset(constants.HA_LOG, constants.FROM_TIME, constants.TO_TIME, outf):
92                utillib.log_size(constants.HA_LOG, outf+'.info')
93        else:
94            utillib.log_warning("could not figure out the log format of %s" % constants.HA_LOG)
97def is_collector():
98    """
99    the instance where user runs hb_report is the master
100    the others are slaves
101    """
102    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "__slave":
103        return True
104    return False
107def load_env(env_str):
108    list_ = []
109    for tmp in env_str.split():
110        if re.search('=', tmp):
111            item = tmp
112        else:
113            list_.remove(item)
114            item += " %s" % tmp
115        list_.append(item)
117    env_dict = {}
118    env_dict = crmutils.nvpairs2dict(list_)
119    constants.DEST = env_dict["DEST"]
120    constants.FROM_TIME = float(env_dict["FROM_TIME"])
121    constants.TO_TIME = float(env_dict["TO_TIME"])
122    constants.USER_NODES = env_dict["USER_NODES"]
123    constants.NODES = env_dict["NODES"]
124    constants.HA_LOG = env_dict["HA_LOG"]
125    # constants.UNIQUE_MSG = env_dict["UNIQUE_MSG"]
126    constants.SANITIZE_RULE_DICT = env_dict["SANITIZE_RULE_DICT"]
127    constants.DO_SANITIZE = env_dict["DO_SANITIZE"]
128    constants.SKIP_LVL = utillib.str_to_bool(env_dict["SKIP_LVL"])
129    constants.EXTRA_LOGS = env_dict["EXTRA_LOGS"]
130    constants.PCMK_LOG = env_dict["PCMK_LOG"]
131    constants.VERBOSITY = int(env_dict["VERBOSITY"])
134def parse_argument(argv):
135    try:
136        opt, arg = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], constants.ARGOPTS_VALUE)
137    except getopt.GetoptError:
138        usage("short")
140    if len(arg) == 0:
141        constants.DESTDIR = "."
142        constants.DEST = "hb_report-%s" % datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%a-%d-%b-%Y')
143    elif len(arg) == 1:
144        constants.TMP = arg[0]
145    else:
146        usage("short")
148    for args, option in opt:
149        if args == '-h':
150            usage()
151        if args == "-V":
152            version()
153        if args == '-f':
154            constants.FROM_TIME = crmutils.parse_to_timestamp(option)
155            utillib.check_time(constants.FROM_TIME, option)
156        if args == '-t':
157            constants.TO_TIME = crmutils.parse_to_timestamp(option)
158            utillib.check_time(constants.TO_TIME, option)
159        if args == "-n":
160            constants.USER_NODES += " %s" % option
161        if args == "-u":
162            constants.SSH_USER = option
163        if args == "-X":
164            constants.SSH_OPTS += " %s" % option
165        if args == "-l":
166            constants.HA_LOG = option
167        if args == "-e":
168            constants.EDITOR = option
169        if args == "-p":
170            constants.SANITIZE_RULE += " %s" % option
171        if args == "-s":
172            constants.DO_SANITIZE = True
173        if args == "-Q":
174            constants.SKIP_LVL = True
175        if args == "-L":
176            constants.LOG_PATTERNS += " %s" % option
177        if args == "-S":
178            constants.NO_SSH = True
179        if args == "-D":
180            constants.NO_DESCRIPTION = 1
181        if args == "-Z":
182            constants.FORCE_REMOVE_DEST = True
183        if args == "-M":
184            constants.EXTRA_LOGS = ""
185        if args == "-E":
186            constants.EXTRA_LOGS += " %s" % option
187        if args == "-v":
188            constants.VERBOSITY += 1
189        if args == '-d':
190            constants.COMPRESS = False
192    if config.report.sanitize_rule:
193        constants.DO_SANITIZE = True
194        temp_pattern_set = set()
195        temp_pattern_set |= set(re.split('\s*\|\s*|\s+', config.report.sanitize_rule.strip('|')))
196        constants.SANITIZE_RULE += " {}".format(' '.join(temp_pattern_set))
197    utillib.parse_sanitize_rule(constants.SANITIZE_RULE)
199    if not constants.FROM_TIME:
200        from_time = config.report.from_time
201        if re.search("^-[1-9][0-9]*[YmdHM]$", from_time):
202            number = int(re.findall("[1-9][0-9]*", from_time)[0])
203            if re.search("^-[1-9][0-9]*Y$", from_time):
204                timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days = number * 365)
205            if re.search("^-[1-9][0-9]*m$", from_time):
206                timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days = number * 30)
207            if re.search("^-[1-9][0-9]*d$", from_time):
208                timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days = number)
209            if re.search("^-[1-9][0-9]*H$", from_time):
210                timedelta = datetime.timedelta(hours = number)
211            if re.search("^-[1-9][0-9]*M$", from_time):
212                timedelta = datetime.timedelta(minutes = number)
213            from_time = (datetime.datetime.now() - timedelta).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
214            constants.FROM_TIME = crmutils.parse_to_timestamp(from_time)
215            utillib.check_time(constants.FROM_TIME, from_time)
216        else:
217            utillib.log_fatal("Wrong format for from_time in /etc/crm/crm.conf; (-[1-9][0-9]*[YmdHM])")
220def run():
222    utillib.check_env()
223    tmpdir = utillib.make_temp_dir()
224    utillib.add_tempfiles(tmpdir)
226    #
227    # get and check options; and the destination
228    #
229    if not is_collector():
230        parse_argument(sys.argv)
231        set_dest(constants.TMP)
232        constants.WORKDIR = os.path.join(tmpdir, constants.DEST)
233    else:
234        constants.WORKDIR = os.path.join(tmpdir, constants.DEST, constants.WE)
235    utillib._mkdir(constants.WORKDIR)
237    if is_collector():
238        load_env(' '.join(sys.argv[2:]))
240    utillib.compatibility_pcmk()
241    if constants.CTS == "" or is_collector():
242        utillib.get_log_vars()
244    if not is_collector():
245        constants.NODES = ' '.join(utillib.get_nodes())
246        utillib.log_debug("nodes: %s" % constants.NODES)
247    if constants.NODES == "":
248        utillib.log_fatal("could not figure out a list of nodes; is this a cluster node?")
249    if constants.WE in constants.NODES.split():
250        constants.THIS_IS_NODE = 1
252    if not is_collector():
253        if constants.THIS_IS_NODE != 1:
254            utillib.log_warning("this is not a node and you didn't specify a list of nodes using -n")
255        #
256        # ssh business
257        #
258        if not constants.NO_SSH:
259            # if the ssh user was supplied, consider that it
260            # works; helps reduce the number of ssh invocations
261            utillib.find_ssh_user()
262            if constants.SSH_USER:
263                constants.SSH_OPTS += " -o User=%s" % constants.SSH_USER
264        # assume that only root can collect data
265        if ((not constants.SSH_USER) and (os.getuid() != 0)) or \
266           constants.SSH_USER and constants.SSH_USER != "root":
267            utillib.log_debug("ssh user other than root, use sudo")
268            constants.SUDO = "sudo -u root"
269        if os.getuid() != 0:
270            utillib.log_debug("local user other than root, use sudo")
271            constants.LOCAL_SUDO = "sudo -u root"
273    #
274    # find the logs and cut out the segment for the period
275    #
276    if constants.THIS_IS_NODE == 1:
277        get_log()
279    if not is_collector():
280        arg_str = dump_env()
281        if not constants.NO_SSH:
282            collect_for_nodes(constants.NODES, arg_str)
283        elif constants.THIS_IS_NODE == 1:
284            collect_for_nodes(constants.WE, arg_str)
286    #
287    # endgame:
288    #     slaves tar their results to stdout, the master waits
289    #     for them, analyses results, asks the user to edit the
290    #     problem description template, and prints final notes
291    #
292    if is_collector():
293        utillib.collect_info()
294        cmd = r"cd %s/.. && tar -h -cf - %s" % (constants.WORKDIR, constants.WE)
295        code, out, err = crmutils.get_stdout_stderr(cmd, raw=True)
296        print("{}{}".format(constants.COMPRESS_DATA_FLAG, out))
297    else:
298        p_list = []
299        p_list.append(multiprocessing.Process(target=utillib.analyze))
300        p_list.append(multiprocessing.Process(target=utillib.events, args=(constants.WORKDIR,)))
301        for p in p_list:
302            p.start()
304        utillib.check_if_log_is_empty()
305        utillib.mktemplate(sys.argv)
307        for p in p_list:
308            p.join()
310        if not constants.SKIP_LVL:
311            utillib.sanitize()
313        if constants.COMPRESS:
314            utillib.pick_compress()
315            cmd = r"(cd %s/.. && tar cf - %s)|%s > %s/%s.tar%s" % (
316                constants.WORKDIR, constants.DEST, constants.COMPRESS_PROG,
317                constants.DESTDIR, constants.DEST, constants.COMPRESS_EXT)
318            crmutils.ext_cmd(cmd)
319        else:
320            shutil.move(constants.WORKDIR, constants.DESTDIR)
321        utillib.finalword()
324def set_dest(dest):
325    """
326    default DEST has already been set earlier (if the
327    argument is missing)
328    """
329    if dest:
330        constants.DESTDIR = utillib.get_dirname(dest)
331        constants.DEST = os.path.basename(dest)
332    if not os.path.isdir(constants.DESTDIR):
333        utillib.log_fatal("%s is illegal directory name" % constants.DESTDIR)
334    if not crmutils.is_filename_sane(constants.DEST):
335        utillib.log_fatal("%s contains illegal characters" % constants.DEST)
336    if not constants.COMPRESS and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(constants.DESTDIR, constants.DEST)):
337        if constants.FORCE_REMOVE_DEST:
338            shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(constants.DESTDIR, constants.DEST))
339        else:
340            utillib.log_fatal("destination directory DESTDIR/DEST exists, please cleanup or use -Z")
343def usage(short_msg=''):
344    print("""
345usage: report -f {time} [-t time]
346       [-u user] [-X ssh-options] [-l file] [-n nodes] [-E files]
347       [-p patt] [-L patt] [-e prog] [-MSDZQVsvhd] [dest]
349        -f time: time to start from
350        -t time: time to finish at (dflt: now)
351        -d     : don't compress, but leave result in a directory
352        -n nodes: node names for this cluster; this option is additive
353                 (use either -n "a b" or -n a -n b)
354                 if you run report on the loghost or use autojoin,
355                 it is highly recommended to set this option
356        -u user: ssh user to access other nodes (dflt: empty, root, hacluster)
357        -X ssh-options: extra ssh(1) options
358        -l file: log file
359        -E file: extra logs to collect; this option is additive
360                 (dflt: /var/log/messages)
361        -s     : sanitize the PE and CIB files
362        -p patt: regular expression to match variables containing sensitive data;
363                 this option is additive (dflt: "passw.*")
364        -L patt: regular expression to match in log files for analysis;
365                 this option is additive (dflt: CRIT: ERROR:)
366        -e prog: your favourite editor
367        -Q     : don't run resource intensive operations (speed up)
368        -M     : don't collect extra logs (/var/log/messages)
369        -D     : don't invoke editor to write description
370        -Z     : if destination directories exist, remove them instead of exiting
371                 (this is default for CTS)
372        -S     : single node operation; don't try to start report
373                 collectors on other nodes
374        -v     : increase verbosity
375        -V     : print version
376        dest   : report name (may include path where to store the report)
377    """)
378    if short_msg != "short":
379        print("""
380        . the multifile output is stored in a tarball {dest}.tar.bz2
381        . the time specification is as in either Date::Parse or
382          Date::Manip, whatever you have installed; Date::Parse is
383          preferred
384        . we try to figure where is the logfile; if we can't, please
385          clue us in ('-l')
386        . we collect only one logfile and /var/log/messages; if you
387          have more than one logfile, then use '-E' option to supply
388          as many as you want ('-M' empties the list)
390        Examples
392          report -f 2pm report_1
393          report -f "2007/9/5 12:30" -t "2007/9/5 14:00" report_2
394          report -f 1:00 -t 3:00 -l /var/log/cluster/ha-debug report_3
395          report -f "09-sep-07 2:00" -u hbadmin report_4
396          report -f 18:00 -p "usern.*" -p "admin.*" report_5
400          We won't sanitize the CIB and the peinputs files, because
401          that would make them useless when trying to reproduce the
402          PE behaviour. You may still choose to obliterate sensitive
403          information if you use the -s and -p options, but in that
404          case the support may be lacking as well. The logs and the
405          crm_mon, ccm_tool, and crm_verify output are *not* sanitized.
407          Additional system logs (/var/log/messages) are collected in
408          order to have a more complete report. If you don't want that
409          specify -M.
412        """)
413    sys.exit(1)
416def version():
417    print(utillib.crmsh_info().strip('\n'))
418    sys.exit(0)
421if __name__ == "__main__":
422    try:
423        run()
424    except UnicodeDecodeError:
425        import traceback
426        traceback.print_exc()
427        sys.stdout.flush()
429# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: