3    os:
4        version: .
5        hardware: .
6        serial: .
7    sensors:
8        state:
9            data:
10                -
11                    oid: inputStatusTable
12                    value: inputStatusSatLock
13                    num_oid: '.{{ $index }}'
14                    descr: 'Sat Lock {{ $index }}'
15                    index: 'inputStatusSatLock.{{ $index }}'
16                    snmp_flags: '-OQUsbe'
17                    state_name: inputStatusSatLock
18                    states:
19                        - { value: -1, generic: 3, graph: 0, descr: 'null' }
20                        - { value:  1, generic: 2, graph: 1, descr: 'No Lock' }
21                        - { value:  2, generic: 1, graph: 1, descr: 'Lock - Signal' }
22                        - { value:  3, generic: 0, graph: 1, descr: 'Lock + Signal' }
23        fanspeed:
24            options:
25                # Some Models such as D9854 do not report fanspeed, but respond to OID with 0.
26                skip_values: 0
27            data:
28                -
29                    oid: diagFanRPMTable
30                    value: diagFanRPMValue
31                    num_oid: '.{{ $index }}'
32                    descr: 'Fan Speed {{ $index }}'
33                    index: 'diagFanRPMValue.{{ $index }}'
34                    snmp_flags: '-OQUsbe'