3--  Cabletron Systems, Inc.
4--  35 Industrial Way, P.O. Box 5005
5--  Rochester, NH 03867-0505
6--  (603) 332-9400
7--  support@ctron.com
9--  This module provides authoritative definitions for Cabletron's
10--  enterprise-specific schema to access SSR Layer 3 processing subsystem..
12--  This module will be extended, as required.
15--  Cabletron Systems reserves the right to make changes in
16--  specification and other information contained in this document
17--  without prior notice.  The reader should consult Cabletron Systems
18--  to determine whether any such changes have been made.
20--  In no event shall Cabletron Systems be liable for any incidental,
21--  indirect, special, or consequential damages whatsoever (including
22--  but not limited to lost profits) arising out of or related to this
23--  document or the information contained in it, even if Cabletron
24--  Systems has been advised of, known, or should have known, the
25--  possibility of such damages.
27--  Cabletron grants vendors, end-users, and other interested parties
28--  a non-exclusive license to use this Specification in connection
29--  with the management of Cabletron products.
31--  Copyright June 1998 Cabletron Systems
35       MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, IpAddress
36       FROM SNMPv2-SMI
38       FROM SNMPv2-TC
40       FROM SNMPv2-CONF
41       ssrMibs
46     "199909220000Z"  -- September 22, 1999
48     "Cabletron Systems, Inc."
50    "Cabletron Systems, Inc.
51     35 Industrial Way, P.O. Box 5005
52     Rochester, NH 03867-0505
53     (603) 332-9400
54     support@ctron.com
55     http://www.ctron.com"
58     "This module defines a schema to access SSR Layer 3 processing subsystem.
59       This mib is no longer supported on ssr platforms. features of this
60      mib now exist in standard mibs. RMON I RFC 1757 provides
61      Layer 3 information and ctron-ssr-policy mib to program filter tables."
63   REVISION "199909220000Z"
64   DESCRIPTION "Firmware release 3.0 introduces full rmon I and II. this
65                enterprise mib is now obsolete."
66        ::= { ssrMibs 600 }
69     STATUS       obsolete
71        "The protocol encapsulated by an IP Header as defined by IANA in
72        ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/protocol-numbers"
73     SYNTAX       INTEGER {
74     hopopt(0),      -- HOPOPT      IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option            [RFC1883]
75     icmp(1),        -- ICMP        Internet Control Message       [RFC792,JBP]
76     igmp(2),        -- IGMP        Internet Group Management     [RFC1112,JBP]
77     ggp(3),         -- GGP         Gateway-to-Gateway              [RFC823,MB]
78     ipip(4),        -- IP          IP in IP (encapsulation)          [RFC2003]
79     stream(5),      -- ST          Stream                 [RFC1190,IEN119,JWF]
80     tcp(6),         -- TCP         Transmission Control           [RFC793,JBP]
81     cbt(7),         -- CBT         CBT                             [Ballardie]
82     egp(8),         -- EGP         Exterior Gateway Protocol     [RFC888,DLM1]
83     igp(9),         -- IGP         any private interior gateway          [JBP]
84    bbnrccmon(10),   -- BBN-RCC-MON BBN RCC Monitoring                    [SGC]
85    nvpii(11),       -- NVP-II      Network Voice Protocol         [RFC741,SC3]
86    pup(12),         -- PUP         PUP                             [PUP,XEROX]
87    argus(13),       -- ARGUS       ARGUS                                [RWS4]
88    emcon(14),       -- EMCON       EMCON                                 [BN7]
89    xnet(15),        -- XNET        Cross Net Debugger            [IEN158,JFH2]
90    chaos(16),       -- CHAOS       Chaos                                 [NC3]
91    udp(17),         -- UDP         User Datagram                  [RFC768,JBP]
92    mux(18),         -- MUX         Multiplexing                    [IEN90,JBP]
93    dcn(19),         -- DCN-MEAS    DCN Measurement Subsystems           [DLM1]
94    hmp(20),         -- HMP         Host Monitoring                [RFC869,RH6]
95    prm(21),         -- PRM         Packet Radio Measurement              [ZSU]
96    xnsidp(22),      -- XNS-IDP     XEROX NS IDP               [ETHERNET,XEROX]
97    trunk1(23),      -- TRUNK-1     Trunk-1                              [BWB6]
98    trunk2(24),      -- TRUNK-2     Trunk-2                              [BWB6]
99    leaf1(25),       -- LEAF-1      Leaf-1                               [BWB6]
100    leaf2(26),       -- LEAF-2      Leaf-2                               [BWB6]
101    rdp(27),         -- RDP         Reliable Data Protocol         [RFC908,RH6]
102    irtp(28),        -- IRTP        Internet Reliable Transaction  [RFC938,TXM]
103    isotp4(29),      -- ISO-TP4     ISO Transport Protocol Class 4 [RFC905,RC77]
104    netblt(30),      -- NETBLT      Bulk Data Transfer Protocol    [RFC969,DDC1]
105    mfe(31),         -- MFE-NSP     MFE Network Services Protocol  [MFENET,BCH2]
106    meritInp(32),   -- MERIT-INP   MERIT Internodal Protocol             [HWB]
107    sep(33),         -- SEP         Sequential Exchange Protocol        [JC120]
108    tpc(34),         -- 3PC         Third Party Connect Protocol         [SAF3]
109    idpr(35),        -- IDPR        Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol [MXS1]
110    xtp(36),         -- XTP         XTP                                   [GXC]
111    ddp(37),         -- DDP         Datagram Delivery Protocol            [WXC]
112    idprCmtp(38),        -- IDPR-CMTP   IDPR Control Message Transport Proto [MXS1]
113    tppp(39),        -- TP++        TP++ Transport Protocol               [DXF]
114    il(40),          -- IL          IL Transport Protocol            [Presotto]
115    ipv6(41),        -- IPv6        Ipv6                              [Deering]
116    sdrp(42),        -- SDRP        Source Demand Routing Protocol       [DXE1]
117    ipv6r(43),       -- IPv6-Route  Routing Header for IPv6           [Deering]
118    ipv6f(44),       -- IPv6-Frag   Fragment Header for IPv6          [Deering]
119    idrp(45),        -- IDRP        Inter-Domain Routing Protocol   [Sue Hares]
120    rsvp(46),        -- RSVP        Reservation Protocol           [Bob Braden]
121    gre(47),         -- GRE         General Routing Encapsulation     [Tony Li]
122    mhrp(48),        -- MHRP        Mobile Host Routing Protocol[David Johnson]
123    bna(49),         -- BNA         BNA                          [Gary Salamon]
124    esp(50),         -- ESP         Encap Security Payload for IPv6   [RFC1827]
125    ah(51),          -- AH          Authentication Header for IPv6    [RFC1826]
126    inlsp(52),       -- I-NLSP      Integrated Net Layer Security  TUBA [GLENN]
127    swipe(53),       -- SWIPE       IP with Encryption                    [JI6]
128    narp(54),        -- NARP        NBMA Address Resolution Protocol  [RFC1735]
129    mobile(55),      -- MOBILE      IP Mobility                       [Perkins]
130    tlsp(56),        -- TLSP        Transport Layer Security Protocol   [Oberg]
131    skip(57),        -- SKIP        SKIP                              [Markson]
132    ipv6Icmp(58),   --  IPv6-ICMP   ICMP for IPv6                     [RFC1883]
133    ipv6Nonxt(59),  --    IPv6-NoNxt  No Next Header for IPv6           [RFC1883]
134    ipv6Opts(60),   -- IPv6-Opts   Destination Options for IPv6      [RFC1883]
135    hostInternal(61),   --         any host internal protocol            [JBP]
136    cftp(62),        -- CFTP        CFTP                            [CFTP,HCF2]
137    any(63),         --          any local network                     [JBP]
138    satExpak(64),   --   SAT-EXPAK   SATNET and Backroom EXPAK             [SHB]
139    kryptolan(65),   --  KRYPTOLAN   Kryptolan                            [PXL1]
140    rvd(66),         -- RVD         MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol      [MBG]
141    ippc(67),        -- IPPC        Internet Pluribus Packet Core         [SHB]
142    adfs(68),        -- any distributed file system           [JBP]
143    satMon(69),     -- SAT-MON     SATNET Monitoring                     [SHB]
144    visa(70),        -- VISA        VISA Protocol                        [GXT1]
145    ipcv(71),        -- IPCV        Internet Packet Core Utility          [SHB]
146    cpnx(72),        -- CPNX        Computer Protocol Network Executive  [DXM2]
147    cphb(73),        -- CPHB        Computer Protocol Heart Beat         [DXM2]
148    wsn(74),         -- WSN         Wang Span Network                     [VXD]
149    pvp(75),         -- PVP         Packet Video Protocol                 [SC3]
150    brSatMon(76),  -- BR-SAT-MON  Backroom SATNET Monitoring            [SHB]
151    sunNd(77),      -- SUN-ND      SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary             [WM3]
152    wbMon(78),      -- WB-MON      WIDEBAND Monitoring                   [SHB]
153    wbExpak(79),    -- WB-EXPAK    WIDEBAND EXPAK                        [SHB]
154    isoIp(80),      -- ISO-IP      ISO Internet Protocol                 [MTR]
155    vmtp(81),        -- VMTP        VMTP                                 [DRC3]
156    secureVmtp(82), -- SECURE-VMTP SECURE-VMTP                          [DRC3]
157    vines(83),       -- VINES       VINES                                 [BXH]
158    ttp(84),         -- TTP         TTP                                   [JXS]
159    nsfnetIgp(85),  -- NSFNET-IGP  NSFNET-IGP                            [HWB]
160    dgp(86),         -- DGP         Dissimilar Gateway Protocol     [DGP,ML109]
161    tcf(87),         -- TCF         TCF                                  [GAL5]
162    eigrp(88),       -- EIGRP       EIGRP                           [CISCO,GXS]
163    ospfigp(89),     -- OSPFIGP     OSPFIGP                      [RFC1583,JTM4]
164    spriteRpc(90),  -- Sprite-RPC  Sprite RPC Protocol            [SPRITE,BXW]
165    larp(91),        -- LARP        Locus Address Resolution Protocol     [BXH]
166    mtp(92),         -- MTP         Multicast Transport Protocol          [SXA]
167    ax25(93),       -- AX.25       AX.25 Frames                         [BK29]
168    ipipep(94),      -- IPIP        IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol   [JI6]
169    micp(95),        -- MICP        Mobile Internetworking Control Pro.   [JI6]
170    sccSp(96),      -- SCC-SP      Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro.    [HXH]
171    etherip(97),     -- ETHERIP     Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation     [RXH1]
172    encap(98),       -- ENCAP       Encapsulation Header         [RFC1241,RXB3]
173    anyEncrpyt(99), -- any private encryption scheme         [JBP]
174    gmtp(100),       -- GMTP        GMTP                                 [RXB5]
175    ifmp(101),       -- IFMP        Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol   [Hinden]
176    pnni(102),       -- PNNI        PNNI over IP                       [Callon]
177    pim(103),        -- PIM         Protocol Independent Multicast  [Farinacci]
178    aris(104),       -- ARIS        ARIS                              [Feldman]
179    scps(105),       -- SCPS        SCPS                                [Durst]
180    qnx(106),        -- QNX         QNX                                [Hunter]
181    an(107),        -- A/N         Active Networks                    [Braden]
182    ippcp(108),      -- IPPCP       IP Payload Compression Protocol [Doraswamy]
183    snp(109),        -- SNP         Sitara Networks Protocol          [Sridhar]
184    cpqP(110),      -- Compaq-Peer Compaq Peer Protocol                [Volpe]
185    ipxIp(111),     -- IPX-in-IP   IPX in IP                             [Lee]
186    vrrp(112),       -- VRRP        Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol [Hinden]
187    reserved(255)    --             Reserved                              [JBP]
188   }
192   l3Group       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ssrMibs 3 }
194   -- The L3-Flow Table
195   -- This L3 table contains information on all the layer 3
196   -- flows the switch is processing.
198   l3FlowTable OBJECT-TYPE
199       SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF L3FlowEntry
200       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
201       STATUS      obsolete
203        "A list of L3 flow entries."
204       ::= { l3Group 1 }
206   l3FlowEntry OBJECT-TYPE
207       SYNTAX      L3FlowEntry
208       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
209       STATUS      obsolete
211        "An entry containing the L3 flow information"
212       INDEX   {
213        l3FlowIndex,
214        l3FlowFilterId,
215        l3FlowPortOfEntry,
216        l3FlowSrcIpAddress,
217        l3FlowDstIpAddress,
218        l3FlowTOS,
219        l3FlowProtocol,
220        l3FlowSrcPort,
221        l3FlowDstPort
222                }
223       ::= { l3FlowTable 1 }
225   L3FlowEntry ::=
226       SEQUENCE {
227           l3FlowIndex        INTEGER,
228           l3FlowFilterId     INTEGER,
229           l3FlowPortOfEntry  INTEGER,
230           l3FlowSrcIpAddress IpAddress,
231           l3FlowDstIpAddress IpAddress,
232           l3FlowTOS          INTEGER,
233           l3FlowProtocol     SSRProtocols,
234           l3FlowSrcPort    INTEGER,
235           l3FlowDstPort    INTEGER,
236           l3FlowPkts            Counter32,
237           l3FlowOctets          Counter32
238       }
240   l3FlowIndex OBJECT-TYPE
241           SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..4294967295)
242           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
243           STATUS  obsolete
244           DESCRIPTION
245        "A unique number for each flow. The encoding is
246        as explained.
247        bit 0-15 = Table Index (0-64K)
248        bit 16-18  = Table Number (0-3)
249        bit 19-31  = Channel Number (0-32)"
250       ::= { l3FlowEntry 1 }
252   l3FlowFilterId OBJECT-TYPE
253           SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..254)
254           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
255           STATUS  obsolete
256           DESCRIPTION
257        "A filter byte to narrow the data returned by the agent.
259         The number of possible flows can be extremely high. An SNMP walk
260         could take a significatn resources. Using a walk with a filter will narrow the
261         values returned to those flows matching the fields used in the index. Currently
262         only the first byte of this Integer is used.
263         This byte specifies one or more fields to compare flows in the system against the
264         index in the get-next request.
265         Big endian least significant Byte is encoding is as follows:
266                 bit 0 : unused
267                 bit 1 : Port Of Entry Filter mask
268                 bit 2 : Src IP Address Filter mask
269                 bit 3 : Dst IP Address Filter mask
270                 bit 4 : Type Of Service Filter mask
271                 bit 5 : Protocol Filter mask
272                 bit 6 : Src port Filter mask
273                 bit 7 : Dst port Filter mask
275         A complete walk of the mib will use the filter value of 0 as will a get Request "
276       ::= { l3FlowEntry 2 }
278   l3FlowPortOfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
279           SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..1024)
280           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
281           STATUS  obsolete
282           DESCRIPTION
283        "The physical port in the chassis/shelf from which this flow
284         enters the switch."
285       ::= { l3FlowEntry 3 }
287   l3FlowSrcIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
288           SYNTAX  IpAddress
289           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
290           STATUS  obsolete
291           DESCRIPTION
292        "The source IP address for this flow."
293       ::= { l3FlowEntry 4 }
295   l3FlowDstIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
296           SYNTAX  IpAddress
297           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
298           STATUS  obsolete
299           DESCRIPTION
300        "The destination IP address for this flow."
301       ::= { l3FlowEntry 5 }
303        l3FlowTOS OBJECT-TYPE
304           SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..15)
305           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
306           STATUS  obsolete
307           DESCRIPTION
308        "The Type Of Service for this flow."
309       ::= { l3FlowEntry 6 }
311   l3FlowProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
312         SYNTAX  SSRProtocols
313           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
314           STATUS  obsolete
315           DESCRIPTION
316        "The IP protocol for this flow. Official assignments are defined in
317         ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/protocol-numbers"
318       ::= { l3FlowEntry 7 }
320   l3FlowSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE
321           SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..65535)
322           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
323           STATUS  obsolete
324           DESCRIPTION
325        "The source UDP/TCP port for this flow. Official port numbers
326         are defined in:
327        ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/port-numbers"
328       ::= { l3FlowEntry 8 }
330   l3FlowDstPort OBJECT-TYPE
331           SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..65535)
332           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
333           STATUS  obsolete
334           DESCRIPTION
335        "The destination UDP/TCP port for this flow. Official port numbers are
336         defined in ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/port-numbers"
337       ::= { l3FlowEntry 9 }
339   l3FlowPkts OBJECT-TYPE
340           SYNTAX  Counter32
341           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
342           STATUS  obsolete
343           DESCRIPTION
344        "The packets in this flow."
345       ::= { l3FlowEntry 10 }
347   l3FlowOctets OBJECT-TYPE
348           SYNTAX  Counter32
349           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
350           STATUS  obsolete
351           DESCRIPTION
352        "The number of octets in this flow."
353       ::= { l3FlowEntry 11 }
355   -- The L3-Flow Priority Table
356   -- This L3 table contains information on priority of all
357   -- the layer 3 flows the switch is processing.
359   l3FlowPriorityTable OBJECT-TYPE
360       SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF L3FlowPriorityEntry
361       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
362       STATUS      obsolete
364        "A list of priorities for L3 flow entries."
365       ::= { l3Group 2 }
367   l3FlowPriorityEntry OBJECT-TYPE
368       SYNTAX      L3FlowPriorityEntry
369       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
370       STATUS      obsolete
372        "An entry containing the L3 flow priority information"
373       INDEX   { l3FlowPriorityIndex }
374       ::= { l3FlowPriorityTable 1 }
376   L3FlowPriorityEntry ::=
377       SEQUENCE {
378           l3FlowPriorityIndex        INTEGER,
379           l3FlowPriorityName         OCTET STRING,
380           l3FlowPrioritySrcIpAddress IpAddress,
381           l3FlowPrioritySrcPort      INTEGER,
382           l3FlowPriorityDstIpAddress IpAddress,
383           l3FlowPriorityDstPort      INTEGER,
384           l3FlowPriorityTOS          INTEGER,
385           l3FlowPriorityProtocol     SSRProtocols,
386           l3FlowPriorityInterface    OCTET STRING,
387           l3FlowPriority             INTEGER
388       }
390   l3FlowPriorityIndex OBJECT-TYPE
391           SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..4294967295)
392           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
393           STATUS  obsolete
394           DESCRIPTION
395        "The unique entry number for this flow."
396       ::= { l3FlowPriorityEntry 1 }
398   l3FlowPriorityName OBJECT-TYPE
399           SYNTAX  OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..20))
400           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
401           STATUS  obsolete
402           DESCRIPTION
403        "A unique name for this flow. Padded with blanks to 20 bytes."
404       ::= { l3FlowPriorityEntry 2 }
406   l3FlowPrioritySrcIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
407           SYNTAX  IpAddress
408           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
409           STATUS  obsolete
410           DESCRIPTION
411        "The source IP address for this flow."
412       ::= { l3FlowPriorityEntry 3 }
414   l3FlowPrioritySrcPort OBJECT-TYPE
415           SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..65535)
416           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
417           STATUS  obsolete
418           DESCRIPTION
419        "The source UDP/TCP port for this flow.
420         The Official port numbers are defined in:
421        ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/port-numbers"
422       ::= { l3FlowPriorityEntry 4 }
424   l3FlowPriorityDstIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
425           SYNTAX  IpAddress
426           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
427           STATUS  obsolete
428           DESCRIPTION
429        "The destination IP address for this flow."
430       ::= { l3FlowPriorityEntry 5 }
432   l3FlowPriorityDstPort OBJECT-TYPE
433           SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..65535)
434           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
435           STATUS  obsolete
436           DESCRIPTION
437        "The destination UDP/TCP port for this flow.
438         Official port numbers are defined in
439         ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/port-numbers"
440       ::= { l3FlowPriorityEntry 6 }
442   l3FlowPriorityTOS OBJECT-TYPE
443           SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..15)
444           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
445           STATUS  obsolete
446           DESCRIPTION
447        "The Type Of Service for this flow."
448       ::= { l3FlowPriorityEntry 7 }
450   l3FlowPriorityProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
451           SYNTAX  SSRProtocols
452           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
453           STATUS  obsolete
454           DESCRIPTION
455           "The IP protocol for this flow. Official assignments are defined in
456            ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/protocol-numbers"
457       ::= { l3FlowPriorityEntry 8 }
459   l3FlowPriorityInterface OBJECT-TYPE
460           SYNTAX  OCTET STRING  (SIZE (0..64))
461           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
462           STATUS  obsolete
463           DESCRIPTION
464             "The set of interfaces which are associated with this entry.
465              Each octet within the value of this object specifies a set of
466              eight interfaces, with the first octet specifying interfaces
467              1 through 8, the second octet specifying interfaces 9
468              through 16, etc.  Within each octet, the most
469              significant bit represents the lowest numbered
470              interface, and the least significant bit represents the
471              highest numbered interface.  Thus, each interface of the
472              switch is represented by a single bit within the
473              value of this object.  If that bit has a value of
474              '1' then that interface is included in the set of
475              interfaces; the interface is not included if its bit has a
476              value of '0'."
477       ::= { l3FlowPriorityEntry 9 }
479   l3FlowPriority OBJECT-TYPE
480        SYNTAX    INTEGER {
481                   low(1),
482                   medium(2),
483                   high(3),
484                   control(4)
485                   }
487        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
488        STATUS  obsolete
489        DESCRIPTION
490        "The priority for this flow."
491       ::= { l3FlowPriorityEntry 10 }
494-- ### Compliance ###
496l3Conformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { l3MIB 2 }
497l3Compliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { l3Conformance 1 }
498l3Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { l3Conformance 2 }
500l3ComplianceV10 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
501    STATUS obsolete
503            "The compliance statement for the SSR-L3-MIB."
504    MODULE  -- this module
505        MANDATORY-GROUPS { l3ConfGroupV10 }
506    ::= { l3ConfGroupV10 1 }
508l3ConfGroupV10  OBJECT-GROUP
509   OBJECTS {
510        l3FlowIndex,
511        l3FlowFilterId,
512        l3FlowPortOfEntry,
513        l3FlowSrcIpAddress,
514        l3FlowDstIpAddress,
515        l3FlowTOS,
516        l3FlowProtocol,
517        l3FlowSrcPort,
518        l3FlowDstPort,
519        l3FlowPkts,
520        l3FlowOctets,
521        l3FlowPriorityIndex,
522        l3FlowPriorityName,
523        l3FlowPrioritySrcIpAddress,
524        l3FlowPrioritySrcPort,
525        l3FlowPriorityDstIpAddress,
526        l3FlowPriorityDstPort,
527        l3FlowPriorityTOS,
528        l3FlowPriorityProtocol,
529        l3FlowPriorityInterface,
530        l3FlowPriority
532STATUS obsolete
534  "A set of managed objects that make up version 1.0 of the SSR Layer 3 MIB"
535   ::= { l3Groups 1 }