1-- Mib files packaged on  Tue Mar 17 11:28:59 EDT 2015 for Storage Array Firmware V7.1.5 (R408054)
5    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, IpAddress, Integer32, enterprises,TimeTicks,Unsigned32, Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32,
7            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
8    DisplayString, RowStatus, TruthValue
9            FROM SNMPv2-TC
10    equalLogic
12    InetAddressType, InetAddress
13            FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB       -- RFC2851
14    eqlGroupId, UTFString, eqlStorageGroupAdminAccountIndex
15            FROM EQLGROUP-MIB;
17eqlmemberModule MODULE-IDENTITY
18	LAST-UPDATED "201503171528Z"
19    ORGANIZATION  "EqualLogic Inc."
21        "Contact: Customer Support
22         Postal:  Dell Inc
23                  300 Innovative Way, Suite 301, Nashua, NH 03062
24         Tel:     +1 603-579-9762
25         E-mail:  US-NH-CS-TechnicalSupport@dell.com
26         WEB:     www.equallogic.com"
29        "Dell Inc. Storage Array member information
31         Copyright (c) 2002-2012 by Dell Inc.
33         All rights reserved.  This software may not be copied, disclosed,
34         transferred, or used except in accordance with a license granted
35         by Dell Inc.  This software embodies proprietary information
36         and trade secrets of Dell Inc.
37        "
40    -- Revision history, in reverse chronological order
41    REVISION    "201209220000Z"         -- 2012-09-22T00:00:00
42    DESCRIPTION "Add eqlTaggedHeatProfileInfoTable, eqlTaggedHeatProfileBinTable."
43    REVISION    "201208150000Z"         -- 2012-08-15T00:00:00
44    DESCRIPTION "Add eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileInfoTable, eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinTable."
45    REVISION    "201108090000Z"         -- 2011-08-09T00:00:00
46    DESCRIPTION "Add eqlDriveGroupStatisticsTable."
47    REVISION    "200209060000Z"         -- 2002-09-06T00:00:00
48    DESCRIPTION "Initial revision"
49    ::= { enterprises equalLogic(12740) 2 }
52eqlmemberObjects        OBJECT IDENTIFIER       ::= { eqlmemberModule 1 }
53eqlmemberNotifications  OBJECT IDENTIFIER       ::= { eqlmemberModule 2 }
54eqlmemberConformance    OBJECT IDENTIFIER       ::= { eqlmemberModule 3 }
57    STATUS    current
59        "A share of an SED encryption key."
64eqlMemberTable OBJECT-TYPE
65    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberEntry
66    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
67    STATUS        current
68    DESCRIPTION          "EqualLogic-Persistent Storage Group Member Table"
69    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 1 }
71eqlMemberEntry OBJECT-TYPE
72    SYNTAX        EqlMemberEntry
73    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
74    STATUS        current
75    DESCRIPTION          "An entry (row) containing member info"
76    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex }
77::=    { eqlMemberTable 1 }
79EqlMemberEntry ::=
80    SEQUENCE {
81        eqlMemberIndex                  Unsigned32,
82        eqlMemberDateAndTime            Counter32,
83        eqlMemberTimeZone               INTEGER,
84        eqlMemberAdjustDaylightSavTime  INTEGER,
85        eqlMemberDefaultRoute       IpAddress,
86        eqlMemberUUID                   OCTET STRING,
87        eqlMemberName                   DisplayString,
88        eqlMemberSite                   DisplayString,
89        eqlMemberDescription            UTFString,
90        eqlMemberRowStatus              RowStatus,
91        eqlMemberState                  INTEGER,
92        eqlMemberPolicySingleControllerSafe INTEGER,
93        eqlMemberPolicyLowBatterySafe   INTEGER,
94        eqlMemberVersion                Unsigned32,
95        eqlMemberDelayDataMove          INTEGER,
96        eqlMemberDefaultInetRouteType       InetAddressType,
97        eqlMemberDefaultInetRoute           InetAddress,
98        eqlMemberDriveMirroring             INTEGER,
99        eqlMemberProfileIndex               Unsigned32,
100        eqlMemberControllerType             DisplayString,
101        eqlMemberControllerMajorVersion     Unsigned32,
102        eqlMemberControllerMinorVersion     Unsigned32,
103        eqlMemberControllerMaintenanceVersion  Unsigned32,
104        eqlMemberCompressionCapable         TruthValue
105        }
107eqlMemberIndex OBJECT-TYPE
108    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
109    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
110    STATUS          current
111    DESCRIPTION     "This field unique identifies an array within a group."
112    ::=  {  eqlMemberEntry 1 }
114eqlMemberDateAndTime    OBJECT-TYPE
115    SYNTAX          Counter32
116    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
117    STATUS          current
118    DESCRIPTION     "This field is dynamic, it contains the date and time for the array.
119                     There is no default value."
120    ::=   { eqlMemberEntry 2}
122eqlMemberTimeZone   OBJECT-TYPE
123    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
124                hst(1),
125                ast(2),
126                pst(3),
127                pnt(4),
128                mst(5),
129                cst(6),
130                est(7),
131                iet(8),
132                prt(9),
133                gmt(10),
134                ect(11),
135                eet(12),
136                eat(13),
137                met(14),
138                net(15),
139                plt(16),
140                ist(17),
141                bst(18),
142                vst(19),
143                ctt(20),
144                jst(21),
145                act(22),
146                aet(23),
147                sst(24),
148                nst(25),
149                mit(26),
150                cnt(27),
151                agt(28),
152                bet(29),
153                cat(30)
154    }
155    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
156    STATUS          current
157    DESCRIPTION     "The field specifies the default timezone for the group.
158                     This can be overwritten on a per Array basis. The default is EST.
159                     We need to file in all the supported TZ. For now we punt and do GMT as the catch all."
160    DEFVAL          { est }
161    ::=   { eqlMemberEntry 3}
163eqlMemberAdjustDaylightSavTime OBJECT-TYPE
164    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
165                        enabled(1),
166                        disabled(2)
167    }
168    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
169    STATUS          current
170    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies whether or not dayLight savings time should be applied to the time.
171                     The default value is enabled."
172    DEFVAL          { enabled }
173    ::=   { eqlMemberEntry 4}
175eqlMemberDefaultRoute   OBJECT-TYPE
176    SYNTAX          IpAddress
177    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
178    STATUS          current
179    DESCRIPTION     "This field is deprecated and will be unsupported in the next release."
181    ::=   { eqlMemberEntry 5}
183eqlMemberSite       OBJECT-TYPE
184    SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
185    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
186    STATUS          current
187    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the site where the volume res ides.
188                     Sites are defined on a per array basis.
189                     Sites are used to define where primary and secondary copies of volume mirror reside.
190                     The default is the default site."
191    DEFVAL          { "default" }
192    ::=   { eqlMemberEntry 6}
194eqlMemberDescription    OBJECT-TYPE
195    SYNTAX          UTFString (SIZE (0..64))
196    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
197    STATUS          current
198    DESCRIPTION     "This field contains a description of the array.
199                     For example the location of the array. There is no default."
200    ::=   { eqlMemberEntry 7}
202eqlMemberUUID       OBJECT-TYPE
203    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (16))
204    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
205    STATUS          current
207                                        This field is for internal use only."
208    ::=   { eqlMemberEntry 8}
210eqlMemberName       OBJECT-TYPE
211    SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
212    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
213    STATUS          current
214    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the name of the array.
215                     This name must be unique within the group.
216                     It can be a DNS name, though it is not required to be one. There is no default."
217    ::=   { eqlMemberEntry 9}
219eqlMemberRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
220    SYNTAX          RowStatus
221    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
222    STATUS          current
223    DESCRIPTION     "This RowStatus is used only to delete a member.
224                     The row in this table could be created only by the subsystem."
225    ::= { eqlMemberEntry 10 }
227eqlMemberState      OBJECT-TYPE
228    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
229                        on-line(1),
230                        off-line(2),
231                        vacate(3),
232                        vacated(4)
233    }
234    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
235    STATUS          current
237     "The field specifies the desired state of the array.
238      Currently setting this value to vacate is the only operation that is
239      supported."
240    DEFVAL          { on-line }
241    ::=   { eqlMemberEntry 11}
243eqlMemberPolicySingleControllerSafe    OBJECT-TYPE
244    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
245                        safe-enabled(1),
246                        safe-disabled(2)
247    }
248    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
249    STATUS          current
250    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the cache policy if we boot with only one CM."
251    DEFVAL          { safe-enabled }
252    ::=   { eqlMemberEntry 12}
254eqlMemberPolicyLowBatterySafe    OBJECT-TYPE
255    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
256                        safe-enabled(1),
257                        safe-disabled(2)
258    }
259    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
260    STATUS          current
261    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the cache policy if the battery charge is below tolerance."
262    DEFVAL          { safe-enabled }
263    ::=   { eqlMemberEntry 13}
265eqlMemberVersion OBJECT-TYPE
266    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
267    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
268    STATUS          current
269    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the compatibility level of a member."
270    ::=  {  eqlMemberEntry 14 }
272eqlMemberDelayDataMove OBJECT-TYPE
273    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
274                    unconfigured(0),
275                    wait(1),
276                    use-member-space(2)
277    }
278    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
279    STATUS          current
280    DESCRIPTION     "When a new member is added to the group the value of this column will be zero(unconfigured).
281                     Before configuring raid-policy , this value must be set to wait(1) or use-member-space(2).
282                     The value can be changed from wait(1) to use-member-space(2)
283                     But once set to use-member-space, it cannot be changed back.
284                     "
285    DEFVAL          { unconfigured }
286    ::=  {  eqlMemberEntry 15 }
288eqlMemberDefaultInetRouteType OBJECT-TYPE
289    SYNTAX          InetAddressType
290    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
291    STATUS          current
292    DESCRIPTION     "This field is used to indicate the default gateway for the group.
293                     This value can be overriden on a per array basis.
294                     This field contains the address of the local router used to forward network traffic
295                     beyond the local subnet. Gateways are used to connect multiple subnets.
296                     There is no default value for this entry."
298    ::=  {  eqlMemberEntry 16 }
300eqlMemberDefaultInetRoute OBJECT-TYPE
301    SYNTAX          InetAddress
302    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
303    STATUS          current
304    DESCRIPTION     "This field is used to indicate the default gateway for the group.
305                     This value can be overriden on a per array basis.
306                     This field contains the address of the local router used to forward network traffic
307                     beyond the local subnet. Gateways are used to connect multiple subnets.
308                     There is no default value for this entry."
310    ::=  {  eqlMemberEntry 17 }
312eqlMemberDriveMirroring OBJECT-TYPE
313    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
314                    enabled(0),
315                    disabled(1)
316    }
317    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
318    STATUS          current
319    DESCRIPTION     "On disk drive failures, this value is checked for mirroring the data onto the spare drive.
320                     The value can be changed from enabled(0) to disabled(1) and vice-versa
321                     "
322    DEFVAL          { enabled }
323    ::=  {  eqlMemberEntry 18 }
325eqlMemberProfileIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
326    SYNTAX          Unsigned32(1..4294967295)
327    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
328    STATUS          current
329    DESCRIPTION     "This field represents the profile identifier supported by this member."
330    DEFVAL          { 1 }
331    ::=  {  eqlMemberEntry 19 }
333eqlMemberControllerType OBJECT-TYPE
334    SYNTAX          DisplayString( SIZE( 0..32 ) )
335    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
336    STATUS          current
337    DESCRIPTION     "This variable specifies the type of the active controller module on this member. Ex: Type II"
338    DEFVAL          {"unknown"}
339    ::=  {  eqlMemberEntry 20 }
341eqlMemberControllerMajorVersion  OBJECT-TYPE
342    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
343    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
344    STATUS          current
345    DESCRIPTION     "This variable specifies the major version number of the
346                     software present on the active controller module."
347    DEFVAL          { 1 }
348    ::=  {  eqlMemberEntry 21 }
350eqlMemberControllerMinorVersion  OBJECT-TYPE
351    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
352    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
353    STATUS          current
354    DESCRIPTION     "This variable specifies the minor version number of the
355                     software present on the active controller module."
356    DEFVAL          { 1 }
357    ::=  {  eqlMemberEntry 22 }
359eqlMemberControllerMaintenanceVersion  OBJECT-TYPE
360    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
361    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
362    STATUS          current
363    DESCRIPTION     "This variable specifies the maintenance version number of the
364                     software present on the active controller module."
365    DEFVAL          { 0 }
366    ::=  {  eqlMemberEntry 23 }
368eqlMemberCompressionCapable  OBJECT-TYPE
369    SYNTAX          TruthValue
370    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
371    STATUS          current
372    DESCRIPTION     "This variable specifies if the member is capable of supporting compression."
373    DEFVAL          { false }
374    ::=  {  eqlMemberEntry 24 }
378eqlMemberStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
379    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberStatusEntry
380    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
381    STATUS          current
382    DESCRIPTION     "EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Status Table"
383    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 3 }
385eqlMemberStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
386    SYNTAX          EqlMemberStatusEntry
387    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
388    STATUS          current
389    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing member status info"
390    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex }
391    ::=    { eqlMemberStatusTable 1 }
393EqlMemberStatusEntry ::=
394    SEQUENCE {
395        eqlMemberStatusTotalSpace           Integer32,
396        eqlMemberStatusTotalSpaceUsed       Integer32,
397        eqlMemberStatusModel                DisplayString,
398        eqlMemberStatusSerialNumber         DisplayString,
399        eqlMemberStatusNumberOfControllers  INTEGER,
400        eqlMemberStatusNumberOfDisks        Integer32,
401        eqlMemberStatusNumberOfSpares       Integer32,
402        eqlMemberStatusCacheSize            Integer32,
403        eqlMemberStatusCacheMode            INTEGER,
404        eqlMemberStatusNumberOfConnections  Integer32,
405        eqlMemberStatusAverageTemp          Integer32,
406        eqlMemberStatusTempStatus           INTEGER,
407        eqlMemberStatusBackplaneTempSensor1 Integer32,
408        eqlMemberStatusBackplaneTempSensor2 Integer32,
409        eqlMemberStatusPowerSupply1Status   INTEGER,
410        eqlMemberStatusPowerSupply2Status   INTEGER,
411        eqlMemberStatusTrayOneFanOneSpeed   Integer32,
412        eqlMemberStatusTrayOneFanTwoSpeed   Integer32,
413        eqlMemberStatusTrayTwoFanOneSpeed   Integer32,
414        eqlMemberStatusTrayTwoFanTwoSpeed   Integer32,
415        eqlMemberStatusPowerSupplyOneFanStatus  INTEGER,
416        eqlMemberStatusPowerSupplyTwoFanStatus  INTEGER,
417        eqlMemberStatusRaidStatus           INTEGER,
418        eqlMemberStatusRaidPercentage       Integer32,
419        eqlMemberStatusLostRaidBlocks       INTEGER,
420        eqlMemberStatusHealth               Integer32,  -- deprecated  by new health tables in v1.1
421        eqlMemberStatusShortId              Integer32
423        -- This table is deprecated and new tables for Storage, Chassis, RAID etc... are added!!!
424        -- Don't add any more columns here
426        }
428eqlMemberStatusTotalSpace    OBJECT-TYPE
429    SYNTAX          Integer32
430    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
431    STATUS          current
432    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the total disk space in MBs on the this array."
433    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 1}
435eqlMemberStatusTotalSpaceUsed OBJECT-TYPE
436    SYNTAX          Integer32
437    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
438    STATUS          current
439    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the total disk space in MBs allocated to volume data
440                     for this array."
441    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 2}
443eqlMemberStatusModel    OBJECT-TYPE
444    SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
445    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
446    STATUS          current
447    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the model number for the array."
448        -- .jpmfix - acutally model of active CM
449    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 3}
451eqlMemberStatusSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
452   SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
453    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
454    STATUS          current
455    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the serial number for the array."
456        -- -jpmfix looks like SN of active CM
457    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 4}
459eqlMemberStatusNumberOfControllers  OBJECT-TYPE
460    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
461                        single(1),
462                        dual(2)
463    }
464    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
465    STATUS          current
466    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the number of Controller modules in the array."
467    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 5}
469eqlMemberStatusNumberOfDisks    OBJECT-TYPE
470    SYNTAX          Integer32
471    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
472    STATUS          current
473    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the number of disks installed in the array."
474    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 6}
476eqlMemberStatusNumberOfSpares   OBJECT-TYPE
477    SYNTAX          Integer32
478    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
479    STATUS          current
480    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the number disks allocated as spares in an array."
481    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 7}
483eqlMemberStatusCacheSize    OBJECT-TYPE
484    SYNTAX          Integer32
485    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
486    STATUS          current
487    DESCRIPTION     "The field specifies the size in MB of the read/write cache within the array."
488    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 8}
490eqlMemberStatusCacheMode    OBJECT-TYPE
491    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
492                        write-thru(1),
493                        write-back(2)
494    }
495    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
496    STATUS          current
497    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the mode the cache is in within the array.
498                     The default is write-back. The array will be set to write-thru on battery failure."
499    DEFVAL          { write-back }
500    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 9}
502eqlMemberStatusNumberOfConnections  OBJECT-TYPE
503    SYNTAX          Integer32
504    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
505    STATUS          current
506    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the number of iSCSI initiators which are connected to this array."
507    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 11}
509eqlMemberStatusAverageTemp  OBJECT-TYPE
510    SYNTAX          Integer32
511    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
512    STATUS          current
513    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the average tempature of the array in degrees C."
514    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 12}
516eqlMemberStatusTempStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
517    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
518                        good(1),
519                        bad(2)
520    }
521    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
522    STATUS          current
523    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies whether the tempatures for the array
524                     are within acceptable tolerances.
525                     ** What are acceptable tolerances?"
526    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 13}
528eqlMemberStatusBackplaneTempSensor1 OBJECT-TYPE
529    SYNTAX          Integer32
530    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
531    STATUS          current
532    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the tempature of backplane sensor 1 in degrees C."
533    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 14}
535eqlMemberStatusBackplaneTempSensor2 OBJECT-TYPE
536    SYNTAX          Integer32
537    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
538    STATUS          current
539    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the tempature of backplane sensor 2 in degrees C."
540    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 15}
542eqlMemberStatusPowerSupply1Status   OBJECT-TYPE
543    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
544                        on(1),
545                        no-power(2),
546                        failed (3),
547                        fan-failed (4),
548                        not-present (5)
549    }
550    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
551    STATUS          current
552    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the state of the first power supply."
553    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 16}
555eqlMemberStatusPowerSupply2Status   OBJECT-TYPE
556    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
557                        on (1),
558                        no-power (2),
559                        failed (3),
560                        fan-failed (4),
561                        not-present (5)
562    }
563    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
564    STATUS          current
565    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the state of the second power supply."
566    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 17}
568eqlMemberStatusTrayOneFanOneSpeed   OBJECT-TYPE
569    SYNTAX          Integer32
570    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
571    STATUS          current
572    DESCRIPTION     "The field specifies the rpm fan speed for fan tray 1, fan 1."
573    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 18}
575eqlMemberStatusTrayOneFanTwoSpeed   OBJECT-TYPE
576    SYNTAX          Integer32
577    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
578    STATUS          current
579    DESCRIPTION     "The field specifies the rpm fan speed for fan tray 1, fan 2."
580    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 19}
582eqlMemberStatusTrayTwoFanOneSpeed   OBJECT-TYPE
583    SYNTAX          Integer32
584    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
585    STATUS          current
586    DESCRIPTION     "The field specifies the rpm fan speed for fan tray 2, fan 1."
587    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 20}
589eqlMemberStatusTrayTwoFanTwoSpeed   OBJECT-TYPE
590    SYNTAX          Integer32
591    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
592    STATUS          current
593    DESCRIPTION     "The field specifies the rpm fan speed for fan tray 2, fan 2."
594    ::=   { eqlMemberStatusEntry 21}
596eqlMemberStatusPowerSupplyOneFanStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
597    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
598                        on-line(1),
599                        off-line (2)
600    }
601    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
602    STATUS          current
603    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies whether the fan in power supply one is on-line or not."
604    ::=   {eqlMemberStatusEntry 22}
606eqlMemberStatusPowerSupplyTwoFanStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
607    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
608                        on-line(1),
609                        off-line (2)
610    }
611    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
612    STATUS          current
613    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies whether the fan in power supply two is on-line or not."
614    ::=   {eqlMemberStatusEntry 23 }
616eqlMemberStatusRaidStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
617    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
618                        ok              (1),
619                        degraded        (2),
620                        verifying       (3),
621                        reconstructing  (4),
622                        failed          (5),
623                        catastrophicLoss(6),
624                        expanding       (7)
625    }
626    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
627    STATUS          current
628    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the status of the raid subsystem.
629                     This is a composite of the view of the underlying subsystems.
630                     Status ok means things are ok.
631                     Status degraded means we are in a degraded state, possible because no spare is available.
632                     Status verifying means a verify pass is run, and a percent complete is available.
633                     Status reconstructing means we are reconstructing a drive and a percent complete is available.
634                     Status failed means we had a failure while we were up, possibly a drive failed and we have
635                        no spare.
636                     Status catastrophicLoss may not be visible to the user since the member may not be able to
637                        bootup. It means we need administrator intervention to correct the problem.
638                     "
639    ::=   {eqlMemberStatusEntry 24 }
641eqlMemberStatusRaidPercentage  OBJECT-TYPE
642    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..100)
643    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
644    STATUS          current
645    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the percentage complete when the eqlMemberStatusRaidStatus is verifying
646                        or reconstructing."
647    ::=   {eqlMemberStatusEntry 25 }
649eqlMemberStatusLostRaidBlocks  OBJECT-TYPE
650    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
651                        true  (1),
652                        false (2)
653    }
654    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
655    STATUS          current
656    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies whether we have lost blocks in the raid array which
657                        the user may want to clear."
658    ::=   {eqlMemberStatusEntry 26 }
660eqlMemberStatusHealth  OBJECT-TYPE
661    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..100)
662    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
663    STATUS          current
664    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies what the overall health of the member
665                        is on a scale of 0(dead) to 100(healthy)
666                        -- deprecated  by new health tables in v1.1"
667    ::=   {eqlMemberStatusEntry 27 }
669eqlMemberStatusShortId  OBJECT-TYPE
670    SYNTAX          Integer32
671    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
672    STATUS          current
673    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies short member address"
674    ::=   {eqlMemberStatusEntry 28 }
678eqlMemberInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE
679    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberInfoEntry
680    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
681    STATUS          current
682    DESCRIPTION     "EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Info Table"
683    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 4 }
685eqlMemberInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
686    SYNTAX          EqlMemberInfoEntry
687    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
688    STATUS          current
689    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing member info"
690    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlTargetMemberIndex }
691    ::=    { eqlMemberInfoTable 1 }
693EqlMemberInfoEntry ::=
694    SEQUENCE {
695        eqlTargetMemberIndex        Integer32,
696        eqlMemberInfoStatus         INTEGER
697        }
699eqlTargetMemberIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
700    SYNTAX          Integer32
701    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
702    STATUS          current
703    DESCRIPTION     " This is a duplication of eqlMemberIndex just to make our code generation happy."
705    ::=   { eqlMemberInfoEntry 1}
707eqlMemberInfoStatus      OBJECT-TYPE
708    SYNTAX               INTEGER     {
709                           on-line(1),
710                           off-line(2),
711                           vacating-in-progress(3),
712                           vacated(4)
713                         }
714    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
715    STATUS          current
716    DESCRIPTION     " The current state of the member."
717    DEFVAL          { on-line }
718    ::=   { eqlMemberInfoEntry 2}
722eqlMemberHealthTable OBJECT-TYPE
723    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberHealthEntry
724    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
725    STATUS          current
726    DESCRIPTION     "EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Health Table"
727    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 5 }
729eqlMemberHealthEntry OBJECT-TYPE
730    SYNTAX          EqlMemberHealthEntry
731    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
732    STATUS          current
733    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing overall member health info"
734    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex }
735    ::=    { eqlMemberHealthTable 1 }
738EqlMemberHealthEntry ::=
739    SEQUENCE {
740        eqlMemberHealthStatus               INTEGER,
741        eqlMemberHealthWarningConditions    BITS,
742        eqlMemberHealthCriticalConditions   BITS
743        }
746eqlMemberHealthStatus      OBJECT-TYPE
747    SYNTAX               INTEGER     {
748                            unknown  (0),
749                            normal   (1),
750                            warning  (2),
751                            critical (3)
752    }
753    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
754    STATUS          current
755    DESCRIPTION     "The value of this object is determinted by the severity of the
756                        health condition state variables. The most severe state will
757                        be reflected."
758    DEFVAL          { unknown }
759    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthEntry 1}
761-- these are the encodings based on the definitions in NetBSD/src/sys/EQL/include/emd_info.h
762-- Note that snmp bits have bit 0 as the left most (or high order) bit in the octet..
763-- so this struct has to be twiddled
764eqlMemberHealthWarningConditions      OBJECT-TYPE
765    SYNTAX               BITS {
766                            hwComponentFailedWarn   (0), -- A non-critical hardware component has failed
767                            powerSupplyRemoved      (1), -- One of the power supplys has been removed;
768                            controlModuleRemoved    (2), -- a cm is missing....
769                            psfanOffline            (3), -- a power supply fan has failed;
770                            fanSpeed                (4), -- a fan is not operating in its normal ranges;
771                                                         -- check the eqllog msgs to see the exact fan and issue
772                            cacheSyncing            (5), -- the cache is syncing, it would be unwise to power down while this is occuring
773                            raidSetFaulted          (6), --
774                            highTemp                (7), -- one or more sensors has exceeded the sensor's warning temp
775                            raidSetLostblkEntry     (8), -- the raid set has lost blocks; see the Group Admin manual
776                            secondaryEjectSWOpen    (9), -- the eject switch on the secondary controller has been opened; Please close it..
777                            b2bFailure              (10), -- board to board communication between the active and secondary CMs has failed.. Call support?
778                            replicationNoProg       (11), -- no progress in replicating a volume. Check network connectivity between partners.
779                            raidSpareTooSmall       (12), -- a drive considered a spare is too small to use
780                            lowTemp                 (13), -- one or more sensors is below the sensor's warning temp range
781                            powerSupplyFailed       (14), -- one of the power supplies failed
782                            timeOfDayClkBatteryLow  (15), -- time of day clock battery is low
783                            incorrectPhysRamSize    (16), -- incorrect physical ram size
784                            mixedMedia              (17), -- drive incompatibilities present
785                            sumoChannelCardMissing  (18), -- sumo channel card missing
786                            sumoChannelCardFailed   (19), -- sumo channel card failed
787                            batteryLessthan72hours  (20), -- The battery has insufficient charge to survive a 72 hour power outage.
788                            cpuFanNotSpinning       (21), -- The CPU fan is not functioning properly
789                            raidMoreSparesExpected  (22), -- more spares are expected
790                            raidSpareWrongType      (23), -- a spare if the wrong type of spare
791                            raidSsdRaidsetHasHdd    (24), -- SSD RAIDset has a HDD
792                            driveNotApproved        (25), -- one or more drives is not approved
793                            noEthernetFlowControl   (26), -- Ethernet flow control disabled
794                            fanRemovedCondition     (27),
795                            smartBatteryLowCharge   (28),
796                            nandHighBadBlockCount   (29), -- NAND chip on control module is reporting a large number of bad blocks.
797                            networkStorm            (30), -- Array is experiencing a network storm
798                            batteryEndOfLifeWarning (31)
799    }
800    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
801    STATUS          current
802    DESCRIPTION     "This field defines possible warning health conditions and which
803                        ones are present."
804    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthEntry 2}
806eqlMemberHealthCriticalConditions      OBJECT-TYPE
807    SYNTAX               BITS {
808                            raidSetDoubleFaulted    (0), -- the raid set is double faulted; the psg wont come up without user intervention; See the admin guide
809                            bothFanTraysRemoved     (1), -- both fan trays are removed; How are you even seeing this message?
810                            highAmbientTemp         (2), -- one or more sensors has exceeded its critical temperature tthreshold
811                            raidLostCache           (3), -- The RAID driver is unable to recover the battery-backed cache.  The disk array will not initialize without user intervention.  See the Handling Lost Data section in the Group Administration manual for more information.
812                            moreThanOneFanSpeedCondition(4), -- more than one fan is operating outside its normal parameters
813                            fanTrayRemoved          (5), -- a fan tray has been removed. Loss of the other fan tray will result in the PSA overheating
814                            raidSetLostblkTableFull (6), -- the raid lost block table is full; what is the user supposed to do about this? see the admin guide?
815                            raidDeviceIncompatible  (7), -- RAID Device is incompatible with platform.
816                            raidOrphanCache         (8), -- The RAID driver has found data in the battery-backed cache with no matching disk array.  Initialization will not proceed without user intervention. Call EqualLogic Support for assistance.
817                            raidMultipleRaidSets    (9), -- Multiple valid RAIDsets were found.  The array cannot choose which one to initialize.  Remove all but one valid RAIDset and power-cycle the array.
818                            nVRAMBatteryFailed      (10), -- The NVRAM battery has failed. The NVRAM can no longer be used.
819                            hwComponentFailedCrit   (11), -- A critical hardware component has failed
820                            incompatControlModule   (12), -- An incorrect control module has been inserted into the chassis
821                            lowAmbientTemp          (13), -- one or more sensors is below its critical temperature range
822                            opsPanelFailure         (14), -- Ops Panel is missing or broken
823                            emmLinkFailure          (15), -- Enclosure management services are unavailable
824                            highBatteryTemperature  (16), -- Cache battery temperature exceeds upper limit; battery charger is disabled.
825                            enclosureOpenPerm       (17), -- Enclosure open for a long time
826                            sumoChannelBothMissing  (18), -- Both Sumo Channel cards missing
827                            sumoEIPFailureCOndition (19), -- EIP failed in Sumo.
828                            sumoChannelBothFailed   (20), -- Both Sumo Channel cards failed
829                            staleMirrorDiskFailure  (21), -- Stale mirror disk failure
830                            c2fPowerModuleFailureCondition(22), -- Cache to flash power module failed
831                            raidsedUnresolved       (23), -- Raid sed is unresolved.
832                            colossusDeniedFullPower (24), -- Colossus was denied full power. Drive I/O is unavailable.
833                            cemiUpdateInProgress    (25), -- CEMI update is in progress.
834                            colossusCannotStart     (26), -- Colossus cannot start normal operation.
835                            multipleFansRemoved     (27), -- Multiple fans removed
836                            smartBatteryFailure     (28), -- Smart Battery failure
837                            critbit29               (29), -- available
838                            nandFailure             (30), -- NAND chip on control module failed to restore persistent data.
839                            batteryEndOfLife        (31)
840    }
841    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
842    STATUS          current
843    DESCRIPTION     "This field defines possible critical health conditions and which
844                        ones are present."
845    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthEntry 3}
850eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureTable OBJECT-TYPE
851    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureEntry
852    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
853    STATUS          current
854    DESCRIPTION     "EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Health Details Temperature Table.
855                    "
856    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 6 }
858eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureEntry OBJECT-TYPE
859    SYNTAX          EqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureEntry
860    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
861    STATUS          current
862    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing member health detailed temperature info"
863    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlMemberHealthDetailsTempSensorIndex }
864    ::=    { eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureTable 1 }
866EqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureEntry ::=
867    SEQUENCE {
868        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTempSensorIndex                   INTEGER,
869        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureName                   DisplayString,
870        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureValue                  Integer32,
871        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureCurrentState           INTEGER,
872        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureHighCriticalThreshold  Integer32,
873        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureHighWarningThreshold   Integer32,
874        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureLowCriticalThreshold   Integer32,
875        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureLowWarningThreshold    Integer32,
876        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureNameID                 Unsigned32
877        }
879eqlMemberHealthDetailsTempSensorIndex      OBJECT-TYPE
880    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
881                        integratedSystemTemperature(1),
882                        backplaneSensor0(2),
883                        backplaneSensor1(3),
884                        controlModule0processor(4),
885                        controlModule0chipset(5),
886                        controlModule1processor(6),
887                        controlModule1chipset(7),
888                        controlModule0sasController(8),
889                        controlModule0sasExpander(9),
890                        controlModule0sesEnclosure(10),
891                        controlModule1sasController(11),
892                        controlModule1sasExpander(12),
893                        controlModule1sesEnclosure(13),
894                        sesOpsPanel(14),
895                        cemi0(15),
896                        cemi1(16),
897                        controlModule0batteryThermistor(17),
898                        controlModule1batteryThermistor(18),
899                        subExpanderModule0(19),
900                        subExpanderModule1(20),
901                        subExpanderModule2(21),
902                        subExpanderModule3(22),
903                        bottomplane0d0(23),
904                        bottomplane0d1(24),
905                        bottomplane0d2(25),
906                        bottomplane0d3(26),
907                        bottomplane0d4(27),
908                        bottomplane1d0(28),
909                        bottomplane1d1(29),
910                        bottomplane1d2(30),
911                        bottomplane1d3(31),
912                        bottomplane1d4(32),
913                        subExpanderModule0expander0(33),
914                        subExpanderModule0expander1(34),
915                        subExpanderModule1expander0(35),
916                        subExpanderModule1expander1(36),
917                        subExpanderModule2expander0(37),
918                        subExpanderModule2expander1(38),
919                        subExpanderModule3expander0(39),
920                        subExpanderModule3expander1(40)
921                     }
922    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
923    STATUS          current
924    DESCRIPTION     "A unique integer that denotes which temperature sensor
925                    this entry refers to"
926    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureEntry 1 }
928eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureName   OBJECT-TYPE
929   SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
930    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
931    STATUS          current
932    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the name of the sensor that we display to the user."
933    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureEntry 2 }
935eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureValue      OBJECT-TYPE
936    SYNTAX          Integer32
937    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
938    STATUS          current
939    DESCRIPTION     "The value of this object is temperature in degrees C"
940    DEFVAL          { 0 }
941    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureEntry 3 }
943eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureCurrentState      OBJECT-TYPE
944    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
945                            unknown  (0),
946                            normal   (1), -- green
947                            warning  (2), -- yellow
948                            critical (3)  -- red
949    }
950    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
951    STATUS          current
952    DESCRIPTION     "This field tells us the state of the temperature sensor.
953                        Either normal, warning or critical."
954    DEFVAL          { unknown }
955    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureEntry 4 }
958eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureHighCriticalThreshold      OBJECT-TYPE
959    SYNTAX          Integer32
960    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
961    STATUS          current
962    DESCRIPTION     "when the TemperatureValue is greater than or equal to this
963                        variable's value the current state is set to critical."
964    DEFVAL          { 0 }
965    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureEntry 5 }
967eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureHighWarningThreshold      OBJECT-TYPE
968    SYNTAX          Integer32
969    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
970    STATUS          current
971    DESCRIPTION     "when the TemperatureValue is greater than or equal to this
972                        variable's value and not greater than or equal to the
973                        HighCriticalThreshold, the current state is set to warning."
974    DEFVAL          { 0 }
975    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureEntry 6 }
977eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureLowCriticalThreshold      OBJECT-TYPE
978    SYNTAX          Integer32
979    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
980    STATUS          current
981    DESCRIPTION     "when the TemperatureValue is less than or equal to this
982                        variable's value the current state is set to critical."
983    DEFVAL          { 0 }
984    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureEntry 7 }
986eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureLowWarningThreshold      OBJECT-TYPE
987    SYNTAX          Integer32
988    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
989    STATUS          current
990    DESCRIPTION     "when the TemperatureValue is less than or equal to this
991                        variable's value and not less than or equal to the
992                        LowCriticalThreshold, the current state is set to warning."
993    DEFVAL          { 0 }
994    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureEntry 8 }
996eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureNameID   OBJECT-TYPE
997   SYNTAX           Unsigned32
998    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
999    STATUS          current
1000    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the XML based name ID of the sensor that we display to the user."
1001    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureEntry 9 }
1005eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanTable OBJECT-TYPE
1006    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberHealthDetailsFanEntry
1007    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1008    STATUS          current
1009    DESCRIPTION     "EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Health Details Fan Table."
1010    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 7 }
1012eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1013    SYNTAX          EqlMemberHealthDetailsFanEntry
1014    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1015    STATUS          current
1016    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing member health detailed fan info"
1017    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanIndex }
1018    ::=    { eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanTable 1 }
1020EqlMemberHealthDetailsFanEntry ::=
1021    SEQUENCE {
1022        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanIndex                  INTEGER,
1023        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanName                   DisplayString,
1024        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanValue                  Unsigned32,
1025        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanCurrentState           INTEGER,
1026        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanHighCriticalThreshold  Unsigned32,
1027        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanHighWarningThreshold   Unsigned32,
1028        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanLowCriticalThreshold   Unsigned32,
1029        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanLowWarningThreshold    Unsigned32,
1030        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanNameID                 Unsigned32
1031        }
1033eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
1034    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1035                        emm0fan0(1),
1036                        emm0fan1(2),
1037                        emm1fan0(3),
1038                        emm1fan1(4),
1039                        emm2fan0(5),
1040                        emm2fan1(6),
1041                        emm3fan0(7),
1042                        emm3fan1(8)
1043                     }
1044    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1045    STATUS          current
1046    DESCRIPTION     "A unique integer that identifies the fan that the
1047                     corresponding entry refers to
1048                     "
1049    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanEntry 1 }
1051eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanName   OBJECT-TYPE
1052   SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
1053    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1054    STATUS          current
1055    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the name of the fan that we display to the user."
1056    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanEntry 2 }
1058eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanValue      OBJECT-TYPE
1059    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
1060    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1061    STATUS          current
1062    DESCRIPTION     "The value of this object is fan speed in rpm."
1063    DEFVAL          { 0 }
1064    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanEntry 3 }
1066eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanCurrentState      OBJECT-TYPE
1067    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1068                            unknown  (0),
1069                            normal   (1), -- green
1070                            warning  (2), -- yellow
1071                            critical (3)  -- red
1072    }
1073    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1074    STATUS          current
1075    DESCRIPTION     "This field tells us the state of the fan.
1076                        Either normal, warning or critical."
1077    DEFVAL          { unknown }
1078    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanEntry 4 }
1081eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanHighCriticalThreshold      OBJECT-TYPE
1082    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
1083    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1084    STATUS          current
1085    DESCRIPTION     "when the FanValue is greater than or equal to this
1086                        variable's value the current state is set to critical."
1087    DEFVAL          { 0 }
1088    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanEntry 5 }
1090eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanHighWarningThreshold      OBJECT-TYPE
1091    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
1092    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1093    STATUS          current
1094    DESCRIPTION     "when the FanValue is greater than or equal to this
1095                        variable's value and not greater than or equal to the
1096                        HighCriticalThreshold, the current state is set to warning."
1097    DEFVAL          { 0 }
1098    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanEntry 6 }
1100eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanLowCriticalThreshold      OBJECT-TYPE
1101    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
1102    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1103    STATUS          current
1104    DESCRIPTION     "when the FanValue is less than or equal to this
1105                        variable's value the current state is set to critical."
1106    DEFVAL          { 0 }
1107    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanEntry 7 }
1109eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanLowWarningThreshold      OBJECT-TYPE
1110    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
1111    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1112    STATUS          current
1113    DESCRIPTION     "when the FanValue is less than or equal to this
1114                        variable's value and not less than or equal to the
1115                        LowCriticalThreshold, the current state is set to warning."
1116    DEFVAL          { 0 }
1117    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanEntry 8 }
1119eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanNameID   OBJECT-TYPE
1120   SYNTAX           Unsigned32
1121    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1122    STATUS          current
1123    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the XML based name ID of the fan that we display to the user."
1124    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanEntry 9 }
1128eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyTable OBJECT-TYPE
1129    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyEntry
1130    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1131    STATUS          current
1132    DESCRIPTION     "EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Health Details Power Supply Table.
1133                        The mappng of index to power supply:
1134                        .1 = power supply 0
1135                        .2 = power supply 1
1136                        .3 = power supply 2
1137                    "
1138    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 8 }
1140eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1141    SYNTAX          EqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyEntry
1142    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1143    STATUS          current
1144    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing power supply status information."
1145    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyIndex }
1146    ::=    { eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyTable 1 }
1148EqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyEntry ::=
1149    SEQUENCE {
1150        eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyIndex                  INTEGER,
1151        eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyName                   DisplayString,
1152        eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyCurrentState           INTEGER,
1153        eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyFanStatus              INTEGER,
1154        eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyFirmwareVersion        DisplayString,
1155        eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyNameID                 Unsigned32
1156        }
1158eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyIndex      OBJECT-TYPE
1159    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1160                            powerSupply0(1),
1161                            powerSupply1(2),
1162                            powerSupply2(3)
1163    }
1164    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1165    STATUS          current
1166    DESCRIPTION     "Iff the power supply current state is on-and-operating,
1167                      then this field tells if the fan is operational."
1168    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyEntry 1 }
1171eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyName   OBJECT-TYPE
1172   SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
1173    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1174    STATUS          current
1175    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the name of the power supply that we display to the user."
1176    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyEntry 2 }
1178eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyCurrentState      OBJECT-TYPE
1179    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1180                            on-and-operating    (1),
1181                            no-ac-power         (2),
1182                            failed-or-no-data   (3) -- has ac but no dc out
1183                                                     -- or we have no data
1184    }
1185    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1186    STATUS          current
1187    DESCRIPTION     "This field tells us the state of the power supply."
1188    DEFVAL          { failed-or-no-data }
1189    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyEntry 3 }
1192eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyFanStatus      OBJECT-TYPE
1193    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1194                            not-applicable (0),
1195                            fan-is-operational  (1),
1196                            fan-not-operational (2)
1197    }
1198    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1199    STATUS          current
1200    DESCRIPTION     "Iff the power supply current state is on-and-operating,
1201                      then this field tells if the fan is operational."
1202    DEFVAL          { fan-not-operational }
1203    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyEntry 4 }
1205eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyFirmwareVersion   OBJECT-TYPE
1206   SYNTAX           DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
1207    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1208    STATUS          current
1209    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies power supply firmware version.
1210                    Only available starting from Porfidio Platforms."
1211    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyEntry 5 }
1213eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyNameID   OBJECT-TYPE
1214    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
1215    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1216    STATUS          current
1217    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the XML based nameID of the power supply that we display to the user."
1218    ::=   { eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyEntry 6 }
1222eqlMemberIdentificationTable OBJECT-TYPE
1223    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberIdentificationEntry
1224    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1225    STATUS          current
1226    DESCRIPTION     " EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Identification Table."
1227    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 9 }
1229eqlMemberIdentificationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1230    SYNTAX          EqlMemberIdentificationEntry
1231    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1232    STATUS          current
1233    DESCRIPTION     "List of attributes of the array used to identity the location of that array.
1234                    "
1235    AUGMENTS        { eqlMemberStatusEntry }
1236    ::=    { eqlMemberIdentificationTable 1 }
1238EqlMemberIdentificationEntry ::=
1239    SEQUENCE {
1240         eqlMemberIdentificationLEDsBlinking       TruthValue
1241    }
1243eqlMemberIdentificationLEDsBlinking  OBJECT-TYPE
1244    SYNTAX          TruthValue
1245    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1246    STATUS          current
1247    DESCRIPTION     "
1248                      Setting this variable to true enables blinking of the ALRM and WARN
1249                      LEDs on the front panel and the ERR LED on the CM, as seen
1250                      from the back.
1251                      The blinking stops after 2 hours or when the variable is
1252                      set to false.
1253                    "
1254    DEFVAL          { false }
1255    ::=   { eqlMemberIdentificationEntry 1}
1259eqlMemberStorageTable OBJECT-TYPE
1260    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberStorageEntry
1261    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1262    STATUS          current
1263    DESCRIPTION     " EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Storage Information Table."
1264    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 10 }
1266eqlMemberStorageEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1267    SYNTAX          EqlMemberStorageEntry
1268    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1269    STATUS          current
1270    DESCRIPTION     "List of attributes used to convey the details of storage space utilization on the array.
1271                    "
1272    AUGMENTS        { eqlMemberIdentificationEntry }
1273    ::=    { eqlMemberStorageTable 1 }
1275EqlMemberStorageEntry ::=
1276    SEQUENCE {
1277        eqlMemberTotalStorage           Integer32,
1278        eqlMemberUsedStorage            Integer32,
1279        eqlMemberSnapStorage            Integer32,
1280        eqlMemberReplStorage            Integer32,
1281        eqlMemberVirtualStorage          Counter64,
1282        eqlMemberCompressionStackStorage Counter64
1283    }
1285eqlMemberTotalStorage OBJECT-TYPE
1286    SYNTAX          Integer32
1287    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1288    STATUS          current
1289    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the total disk storage in MBs on the array."
1290    ::=   { eqlMemberStorageEntry 1}
1292eqlMemberUsedStorage OBJECT-TYPE
1293    SYNTAX          Integer32
1294    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1295    STATUS          current
1296    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies sum of reserved delegated space, reserved volume space, used snapshot space, used replication space."
1297    ::=   { eqlMemberStorageEntry 2}
1299eqlMemberSnapStorage OBJECT-TYPE
1300    SYNTAX          Integer32
1301    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1302    STATUS          current
1303    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies used snapshot space.  Space on this array used by snapshots.  Note that this value is not the same as space reserved for snapshots."
1304    ::=   { eqlMemberStorageEntry 3}
1306eqlMemberReplStorage OBJECT-TYPE
1307    SYNTAX          Integer32
1308    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1309    STATUS          current
1310    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies used replication space.  Space on this array used by in progress replicas or failback replicas.  Note that this value is not the same as space reserved for replication."
1311    ::=   { eqlMemberStorageEntry 4}
1313eqlMemberVirtualStorage OBJECT-TYPE
1314    SYNTAX          Counter64
1315    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1316    STATUS          current
1317    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the amount of space (MB) used by compressed pages if all pages were not compressed on the member."
1318    ::=   { eqlMemberStorageEntry 5}
1320eqlMemberCompressionStackStorage OBJECT-TYPE
1321    SYNTAX          Counter64
1322    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1323    STATUS          current
1324    DESCRIPTION     "The amount of space (MB) used to store compressed data on this member."
1325    ::=   { eqlMemberStorageEntry 6}
1329eqlMemberChassisTable OBJECT-TYPE
1330    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberChassisEntry
1331    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1332    STATUS          current
1333    DESCRIPTION     " EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Chassis Information Table."
1334    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 11 }
1336eqlMemberChassisEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1337    SYNTAX          EqlMemberChassisEntry
1338    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1339    STATUS          current
1340    DESCRIPTION     "List of attributes used to convey the details and type of Chassis present on the array.
1341                    "
1342    AUGMENTS        { eqlMemberIdentificationEntry }
1343    ::=    { eqlMemberChassisTable 1 }
1345EqlMemberChassisEntry ::=
1346    SEQUENCE {
1347        eqlMemberModel                  DisplayString,
1348        eqlMemberSerialNumber           DisplayString,
1349        eqlMemberNumberOfControllers    INTEGER,
1350        eqlMemberNumberOfDisks          Integer32,
1351        eqlMemberCacheSize              Integer32,
1352        eqlMemberCacheMode              INTEGER,
1353        eqlMemberChassisType            INTEGER,
1354        eqlMemberServiceTag             DisplayString,
1355        eqlMemberProductFamily          DisplayString,
1356        eqlMemberChassisFlags           BITS,
1357        eqlMemberChassisDiskSectorSize INTEGER
1358    }
1360eqlMemberModel      OBJECT-TYPE
1361    SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
1362    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1363    STATUS          current
1364    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the model number for the array."
1365        -- .jpmfix - acutally model of active CM
1366    ::=   { eqlMemberChassisEntry 1}
1368eqlMemberSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
1369   SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
1370    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1371    STATUS          current
1372    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the serial number for the array."
1373        -- -jpmfix looks like SN of active CM"
1374    ::=   { eqlMemberChassisEntry 2}
1376eqlMemberNumberOfControllers  OBJECT-TYPE
1377    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1378                        single(1),
1379                        dual(2)
1380    }
1381    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1382    STATUS          current
1383    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the number of Controller modules in the array."
1384    ::=   { eqlMemberChassisEntry 3}
1386eqlMemberNumberOfDisks    OBJECT-TYPE
1387    SYNTAX          Integer32
1388    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1389    STATUS          current
1390    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the number of disk installed in the array."
1391    ::=   {eqlMemberChassisEntry  4}
1393eqlMemberCacheSize    OBJECT-TYPE
1394    SYNTAX          Integer32
1395    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1396    STATUS          current
1397    DESCRIPTION     "The field specifies the size in MB of the read/write cache within the array."
1398    ::=   { eqlMemberChassisEntry 5}
1400eqlMemberCacheMode    OBJECT-TYPE
1401    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
1402                        unknown(0),
1403                        write-thru(1),
1404                        write-back(2)
1405    }
1406    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1407    STATUS          current
1408    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the mode the cache is in within the array.
1409                     The default is write-back. The array will be set to write-thru on battery failure."
1410    DEFVAL          { write-back }
1411    ::=   { eqlMemberChassisEntry 6}
1413eqlMemberChassisType  OBJECT-TYPE
1414    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
1415                        unknown(0),
1416                        t1403(1),
1417                        t1603(2),
1418                        t4835(3),
1419                        tDELLSBB2u1235(4),
1420                        tDELLSBB2u2425(5),
1421                        tDELLSBB4u2435(6),
1422                        tDELL2WB1425V1(7),
1423                        tDELLSBB5u6035(8)
1425    }
1426    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1427    STATUS          current
1428    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the chassis type of the array.  The default is unknown."
1429    DEFVAL          { unknown }
1430    ::=   { eqlMemberChassisEntry 7}
1432eqlMemberServiceTag OBJECT-TYPE
1433   SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
1434    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1435    STATUS          current
1436    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the service tag number for the array."
1437    ::=   { eqlMemberChassisEntry 8}
1439eqlMemberProductFamily OBJECT-TYPE
1440   SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
1441    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1442    STATUS          current
1443    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the product family of the peer storage array. Ex: PS5000 E Series."
1444    ::=   { eqlMemberChassisEntry 9}
1446eqlMemberChassisFlags OBJECT-TYPE
1447    SYNTAX          BITS {
1448                    isAccelerated(0), -- is the chassis raid6-accelerated?
1449                    isAllSedDisks(1), -- are all disks in the chassis SED?
1450                    flag2(2),
1451                    flag3(3),
1452                    flag4(4),
1453                    flag5(5),
1454                    flag6(6),
1455                    flag7(7),
1456                    flag8(8),
1457                    flag9(9),
1458                    flag10(10),
1459                    flag11(11),
1460                    flag12(12),
1461                    flag13(13),
1462                    flag14(14),
1463                    flag15(15),
1464                    flag16(16),
1465                    flag17(17),
1466                    flag18(18),
1467                    flag19(19),
1468                    flag20(20),
1469                    flag21(21),
1470                    flag22(22),
1471                    flag23(23),
1472                    flag24(24),
1473                    flag25(25),
1474                    flag26(26),
1475                    flag27(27),
1476                    flag28(28),
1477                    flag29(29),
1478                    flag30(30),
1479                    flag31(31)
1480    }
1481    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1482    STATUS          current
1483    DESCRIPTION     "This field defines the common place holder for Chassis operational flags.  The flags must be of type
1484                    enable(1) or disable(0), and the default will always be disable(0)."
1485    DEFVAL          { {} }
1486    ::= { eqlMemberChassisEntry 10 }
1488eqlMemberChassisDiskSectorSize  OBJECT-TYPE
1489    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1490                        sector-size-512-bytes(0),
1491                        sector-size-4096-bytes(1),
1492                        sector-size-unknown(2),
1493                        sector-size-mixed(3)    -- not currently supported
1494    }
1495    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1496    STATUS          current
1497    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the disk sector size of disks in this array."
1498    ::= { eqlMemberChassisEntry 11}
1502eqlMemberConnTable OBJECT-TYPE
1503    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberConnEntry
1504    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1505    STATUS          current
1506    DESCRIPTION     " EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Conn Information Table."
1507    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 12 }
1509eqlMemberConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1510    SYNTAX          EqlMemberConnEntry
1511    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1512    STATUS          current
1513    DESCRIPTION     "List of attributes used to convey the connections information on the array.
1514                    "
1515    AUGMENTS        { eqlMemberIdentificationEntry }
1516    ::=    { eqlMemberConnTable 1 }
1518EqlMemberConnEntry ::=
1519    SEQUENCE {
1520        eqlMemberNumberOfConnections  Integer32,
1521        eqlMemberReadLatency          Counter64,
1522        eqlMemberWriteLatency         Counter64,
1523        eqlMemberReadAvgLatency       Gauge32,
1524        eqlMemberWriteAvgLatency      Gauge32,
1525        eqlMemberReadOpCount          Counter64,
1526        eqlMemberWriteOpCount         Counter64,
1527        eqlMemberTxData               Counter64,
1528        eqlMemberRxData               Counter64,
1529        eqlMemberNumberOfExtConnections  Integer32
1530    }
1532eqlMemberNumberOfConnections  OBJECT-TYPE
1533    SYNTAX          Integer32
1534    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1535    STATUS          current
1536    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the number of iSCSI connections made from initiators to this array."
1537    ::=   {eqlMemberConnEntry 1}
1539eqlMemberReadLatency  OBJECT-TYPE
1540    SYNTAX          Counter64
1541    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1542    STATUS          current
1543    DESCRIPTION     "The accumulative latency in milli seconds for read operations on this member. The value will be zero until all members are atleast 3.0. The value is reset to zero upon reboot."
1544    ::=   {eqlMemberConnEntry 2}
1546eqlMemberWriteLatency  OBJECT-TYPE
1547    SYNTAX          Counter64
1548    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1549    STATUS          current
1550    DESCRIPTION     "The accumulative latency in milli seconds for write operations on this member. The value will be zero until all members are atleast 3.0. The value is reset to zero upon reboot."
1551    ::=   {eqlMemberConnEntry 3}
1553eqlMemberReadAvgLatency  OBJECT-TYPE
1554    SYNTAX          Gauge32
1555    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1556    STATUS          current
1557    DESCRIPTION     "The average latency for read operations on this member in milli seconds. The value is reset to zero upon reboot."
1558    ::=   {eqlMemberConnEntry 4}
1560eqlMemberWriteAvgLatency  OBJECT-TYPE
1561    SYNTAX          Gauge32
1562    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1563    STATUS          current
1564    DESCRIPTION     "The average latency for write operations on this member in milli seconds. The value is reset to zero upon reboot."
1565    ::=   {eqlMemberConnEntry 5}
1567eqlMemberReadOpCount  OBJECT-TYPE
1568    SYNTAX          Counter64
1569    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1570    STATUS          current
1571    DESCRIPTION     "The number of read operations on this member. The value is reset to zero upon reboot."
1572    ::=   {eqlMemberConnEntry 6}
1574eqlMemberWriteOpCount  OBJECT-TYPE
1575    SYNTAX          Counter64
1576    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1577    STATUS          current
1578    DESCRIPTION     "The number of write operations on this member. The value is reset to zero upon reboot."
1579    ::=   {eqlMemberConnEntry 7}
1581eqlMemberTxData  OBJECT-TYPE
1582    SYNTAX          Counter64
1583    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1584    STATUS          current
1585    DESCRIPTION     "The count of data octets trasmitted by this member.The value is reset to zero upon reboot."
1586    ::=   {eqlMemberConnEntry 8}
1588eqlMemberRxData  OBJECT-TYPE
1589    SYNTAX          Counter64
1590    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1591    STATUS          current
1592    DESCRIPTION     "The count of data octets received by this member.The value is reset to zero upon reboot."
1593    ::=   {eqlMemberConnEntry 9}
1594eqlMemberNumberOfExtConnections  OBJECT-TYPE
1595    SYNTAX          Integer32
1596    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1597    STATUS          current
1598    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the number of iSCSI connections made from external initiators to this array."
1599    ::=   {eqlMemberConnEntry 10}
1603eqlMemberRAIDTable OBJECT-TYPE
1604    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberRAIDEntry
1605    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1606    STATUS          current
1607    DESCRIPTION     " EqualLogic-Dynamic Member RAID Information Table."
1608    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 13 }
1610eqlMemberRAIDEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1611    SYNTAX          EqlMemberRAIDEntry
1612    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1613    STATUS          current
1614    DESCRIPTION     "List of attributes used to convey the RAID status information on the array.
1615                    "
1616    AUGMENTS        { eqlMemberIdentificationEntry }
1617    ::=    { eqlMemberRAIDTable 1 }
1619EqlMemberRAIDEntry ::=
1620    SEQUENCE {
1621        eqlMemberRaidStatus           INTEGER,
1622        eqlMemberRaidPercentage       Integer32,
1623        eqlMemberLostRaidBlocks       INTEGER,
1624        eqlMemberNumberOfSpares       Integer32,
1625        eqlMemberRaidProgress         Unsigned32
1626    }
1628eqlMemberRaidStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1629    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
1630                        ok              (1),
1631                        degraded        (2),
1632                        verifying       (3),
1633                        reconstructing  (4),
1634                        failed          (5),
1635                        catastrophicLoss(6),
1636                        expanding       (7),
1637                        mirroring       (8)
1638    }
1639    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1640    STATUS          current
1641    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the status of the raid subsystem.
1642                     This is a composite of the view of the underlying subsystems.
1643                     Status ok means things are ok.
1644                     Status degraded means we are in a degraded state, possible because no spare is available.
1645                     Status verifying means a verify pass is run, and a percent complete is available.
1646                     Status reconstructing means we are reconstructing a drive and a percent complete is available.
1647                     Status failed means we had a failure while we were up, possibly a drive failed and we have
1648                        no spare.
1649                     Status catastrophicLoss may not be visible to the user since the member may not be able to
1650                        bootup. It means we need administrator intervention to correct the problem.
1651                     Status mirroring means we are mirroring a bad drive onto a spare drive.
1652                     "
1653    ::=   {eqlMemberRAIDEntry 1 }
1655eqlMemberRaidPercentage  OBJECT-TYPE
1656    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..100)
1657    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1658    STATUS          current
1659    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the percentage complete when the eqlMemberStatusRaidStatus is verifying
1660                        or reconstructing."
1661    ::=   {eqlMemberRAIDEntry 2 }
1663eqlMemberLostRaidBlocks  OBJECT-TYPE
1664    SYNTAX          INTEGER     {
1665                        true  (1),
1666                        false (2)
1667    }
1668    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1669    STATUS          current
1670    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies whether we have lost blocks in the raid array which
1671                        the user may want to clear."
1672    ::=   {eqlMemberRAIDEntry 3 }
1674eqlMemberNumberOfSpares   OBJECT-TYPE
1675    SYNTAX          Integer32
1676    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1677    STATUS          current
1678    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the number disks allocated as spares in an array."
1679    ::=   { eqlMemberRAIDEntry 4}
1681eqlMemberRaidProgress  OBJECT-TYPE
1682    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..100000)
1683    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1684    STATUS          current
1685    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies 1000 times the percentage complete when the eqlMemberStatusRaidStatus is verifying
1686                        or reconstructing."
1687    ::=   {eqlMemberRAIDEntry 5 }
1691eqlMemberPSGMapTable OBJECT-TYPE
1692    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberPSGMapEntry
1693    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1694    STATUS          current
1695    DESCRIPTION     " EqualLogic-Dynamic Member PSG Map Table."
1696    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 14 }
1698eqlMemberPSGMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1699    SYNTAX          EqlMemberPSGMapEntry
1700    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1701    STATUS          current
1702    DESCRIPTION     "List of attributes used to convey the PSS ID information of this array in the group map.
1703                    "
1704    AUGMENTS        { eqlMemberIdentificationEntry }
1705    ::=    { eqlMemberPSGMapTable 1 }
1707EqlMemberPSGMapEntry ::=
1708    SEQUENCE {
1709        eqlMemberShortId              Integer32
1710    }
1712eqlMemberShortId  OBJECT-TYPE
1713    SYNTAX          Integer32
1714    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1715    STATUS          current
1716    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies PSS ID of the member in the context of the leader of the PSG."
1717    ::=   {eqlMemberPSGMapEntry 1 }
1719--  SNMP TRAPS
1725eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eqlmemberNotifications 1}
1727-- traps related to enclosure sensors
1729eqlMemberHealthTempSensorHighThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1730   OBJECTS{
1731        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureName,
1732        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureValue,
1733        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureCurrentState,
1734        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureHighCriticalThreshold,
1735        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureHighWarningThreshold,
1736        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureNameID
1737   }
1738   STATUS current
1740      "Sent when a high threshold has been exceeded for any of the
1741      enclosure temp sensors. The implementation of this trap should
1742      not send more than one notification of this type for a sensor
1743      in any 10 minute time span"
1744::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 1 }
1746eqlMemberHealthTempSensorLowThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1747   OBJECTS{
1748        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureName,
1749        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureValue,
1750        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureCurrentState,
1751        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureLowCriticalThreshold,
1752        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureLowWarningThreshold,
1753        eqlMemberHealthDetailsTemperatureNameID
1754   }
1755   STATUS current
1757      "Sent when a low threshold has been exceeded for any of the
1758      enclosure temp sensors. The implementation of this trap should
1759      not send more than one notification of this type for a sensor
1760      in any 10 minute time span"
1761::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 2 }
1763eqlMemberHealthFanSpeedHighThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1764   OBJECTS{
1765        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanName,
1766        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanValue,
1767        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanCurrentState,
1768        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanHighCriticalThreshold,
1769        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanHighWarningThreshold,
1770        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanNameID
1771   }
1772   STATUS current
1774      "Sent when a high threshold has been exceeded for any of the
1775      enclosure fan speed sensors. The implementation of this trap should
1776      not send more than one notification of this type for a sensor
1777      in any 10 minute time span"
1778::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 3 }
1780eqlMemberHealthFanSpeedLowThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1781   OBJECTS{
1782        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanName,
1783        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanValue,
1784        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanCurrentState,
1785        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanLowCriticalThreshold,
1786        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanLowWarningThreshold,
1787        eqlMemberHealthDetailsFanNameID
1788   }
1789   STATUS current
1791      "Sent when a low threshold has been exceeded for any of the
1792      enclosure fan speed sensors. The implementation of this trap should
1793      not send more than one notification of this type for a sensor
1794      in any 10 minute time span"
1795::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 4 }
1797eqlMemberHealthPowerSupplyFanFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1798   OBJECTS{
1799        eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyName,
1800        eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyFanStatus,
1801        eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyNameID
1802   }
1803   STATUS current
1805      "Sent when a failure has been detected on any of the power
1806      supply fan speed sensors. The implementation of this trap should
1807      not send more than one notification of this type for a sensor
1808      in any 10 minute time span"
1809::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 5 }
1812eqlMemberHealthPowerSupplyFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1813   OBJECTS{
1814        eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyName,
1815        eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyCurrentState,
1816        eqlMemberHealthDetailsPowerSupplyNameID
1817   }
1818   STATUS current
1820      "Sent when a failure has been detected on any of the power
1821      supplys in the PSA. The implementation of this trap should
1822      not send more than one notification of this type for a sensor
1823      in any 10 minute time span"
1824::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 6 }
1826eqlMemberHealthRAIDSetDoubleFaulted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1827   OBJECTS{
1828        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1829   }
1830   STATUS current
1832      "Sent when the raid set has been detected to have double faulted. When
1833       this occurs, the array will not come up.
1834       User intervention is required to correct the issue"
1835::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 7 }
1837eqlMemberHealthBothFanTraysRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1838   OBJECTS{
1839        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1840   }
1841   STATUS current
1843      "Sent when both of the fan trays have been removed from the
1844      chassis. This results in overheating"
1845::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 8 }
1847eqlMemberHealthRAIDlostCache NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1848   OBJECTS{
1849        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1850   }
1851   STATUS current
1853      "Sent because the RAID driver is unable to recover the
1854       battery-backed cache.  The disk array will not initialize
1855      without user intervention.  See the Handling Lost Data section
1856      in the Group Administration manual for more information."
1857::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 9 }
1859eqlMemberHealthFanTrayRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1860   OBJECTS{
1861        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1862   }
1863   STATUS current
1865      "Sent when one of the fan trays have been removed from the
1866      chassis. This results in overheating"
1867::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 10 }
1869eqlMemberHealthRAIDSetLostBlkTableFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1870   OBJECTS{
1871        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1872   }
1873   STATUS current
1875      "Sent when the RAID lost block table is full.
1876       This usually is an indication of lost data."
1877::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 11 }
1879eqlMemberHealthBatteryLessThan72Hours NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1880   OBJECTS{
1881        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1882   }
1883   STATUS current
1885      "Sent when the battery has insufficient charge to survive
1886       a 72 hour power outage."
1887::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 12 }
1889eqlMemberHealthRaidOrphanCache NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1890   OBJECTS{
1891        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1892   }
1893   STATUS current
1895   "Sent when the RAID driver finds data in the battery-backed cache with no matching disk array.  Initialization will not proceed without user intervention. Call EqualLogic Support for assistance."
1896::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 13 }
1898eqlMemberHealthRaidMultipleRaidSets NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1899   OBJECTS{
1900        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1901   }
1902   STATUS current
1904   "Sent when multiple valid RAIDsets were found.  The array cannot choose which one to initialize.  Remove all but one valid RAIDset and power-cycle the array."
1905::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 14 }
1907eqlMemberHealthNVRAMBatteryFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1908   OBJECTS{
1909        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1910   }
1911   STATUS current
1913   "Sent when the NVRAM battery fails . The NVRAM can no longer be used."
1914::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 15 }
1917eqlMemberHealthhwComponentFailedCrit NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1918   OBJECTS{
1919        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1920   }
1921   STATUS current
1923   "Sent when a critical hardware component has failed."
1924::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 16 }
1927eqlMemberHealthincompatControlModule NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1928   OBJECTS{
1929        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1930   }
1931   STATUS current
1933   "Sent when An incorrect control module has been inserted into the chassis."
1934::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 17 }
1937eqlMemberHealthlowAmbientTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1938   OBJECTS{
1939        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1940   }
1941   STATUS current
1943   "Sent when one or more sensors is below its critical temperature range."
1944::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 18 }
1947eqlMemberHealthopsPanelFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1948   OBJECTS{
1949        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1950   }
1951   STATUS current
1953   "Sent when Ops Panel is missing or broken."
1954::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 19 }
1957eqlMemberHealthemmLinkFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1958   OBJECTS{
1959        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1960   }
1961   STATUS current
1963   "Sent when enclosure management services are unavailable."
1964::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 20 }
1967eqlMemberHealthhighBatteryTemperature NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1968   OBJECTS{
1969        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1970   }
1971   STATUS current
1973   "Sent when the cache battery temperature exceeds upper limit; battery charger is disabled."
1974::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 21 }
1976eqlMemberHealthenclosureOpenPerm NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1977   OBJECTS{
1978        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1979   }
1980   STATUS current
1982   "Sent when the enclosure is open for a long time."
1983::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 22 }
1985eqlMemberHealthsumoChannelBothMissing NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1986   OBJECTS{
1987        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1988   }
1989   STATUS current
1991   "Sent when both the Sumo Channel cards go missing."
1992::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 23 }
1994eqlMemberHealthsumoEIPFailureCOndition NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1995   OBJECTS{
1996        eqlMemberHealthStatus
1997   }
1998   STATUS current
2000   "Sent when EIP failed in Sumo."
2001::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 24 }
2003eqlMemberHealthsumoChannelBothFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2004   OBJECTS{
2005        eqlMemberHealthStatus
2006   }
2007   STATUS current
2009   "Sent when both the Sumo Channel cards go into failed state."
2010::= { eqlMemberEnclosureMgmtNotifications 25 }
2015eqlDriveGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
2016    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlDriveGroupEntry
2017    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2018    STATUS        current
2019    DESCRIPTION   "EqualLogic-Persistent Storage Drive Group Table."
2020    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 15 }
2022eqlDriveGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2023    SYNTAX        EqlDriveGroupEntry
2024    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2025    STATUS        current
2026    DESCRIPTION   "An entry (row) containing drive group configuration"
2027    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlDriveGroupIndex }
2028    ::=    { eqlDriveGroupTable 1 }
2030EqlDriveGroupEntry ::=
2031    SEQUENCE {
2032        eqlDriveGroupIndex                  Unsigned32,
2033                eqlDriveGroupStoragePoolIndex       Unsigned32,
2034                eqlDriveGroupRAIDPolicy             INTEGER
2035    }
2037eqlDriveGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2038    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2039    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2040    STATUS          current
2041    DESCRIPTION     "This field uniquely identifies a RAID Group within a member."
2042    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupEntry 1 }
2044eqlDriveGroupStoragePoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2045    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2046    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
2047    STATUS          current
2048    DESCRIPTION     "This field uniquely identifies a Storage Pool."
2049    DEFVAL          { 1 }
2050    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupEntry 2 }
2052eqlDriveGroupRAIDPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
2054        unconfigured(0),
2055        raid50(1),
2056        raid10(2),
2057        raid5(3),
2058        raid50-nospares(4),
2059        raid10-nospares(5),
2060        raid5-nospares(6),
2061        raid6(7),
2062        raid6-nospares(8),
2063        raid6-accelerated(9),
2064        hvs-storage(10)
2065    }
2066    MAX-ACCESS     read-write
2067    STATUS         current
2068    DESCRIPTION    "The RAID policy of this drive group:
2069                        0 - unconfigured
2070                        1 - raid50
2071                        2 - raid10
2072                        3 - raid5
2073                        4 - raid50 with minimal spares
2074                        5 - raid10 with minimal spares
2075                        6 - raid5 with minimal spares
2076                        7 - raid6
2077                        8 - raid6 with minimal spares
2078                        9 - raid6 with ssd acceleration
2079                        10 - hvs storage"
2080    DEFVAL         { unconfigured }
2081    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupEntry 3 }
2085eqlDriveGroupOpsTable OBJECT-TYPE
2086    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlDriveGroupOpsEntry
2087    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2088    STATUS        current
2089    DESCRIPTION   "EqualLogic-Persistent Storage Drive Group Operations Table."
2090    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 16 }
2092eqlDriveGroupOpsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2093    SYNTAX        EqlDriveGroupOpsEntry
2094    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2095    STATUS        current
2096    DESCRIPTION   "An entry (row) containing drive group configuration"
2097    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlDriveGroupIndex, eqlDriveGroupOpsIndex }
2098    ::=    { eqlDriveGroupOpsTable 1 }
2100EqlDriveGroupOpsEntry ::=
2101    SEQUENCE {
2102        eqlDriveGroupOpsIndex                       Unsigned32,
2103        eqlDriveGroupOpsRowStatus                   RowStatus,
2104        eqlDriveGroupOpsOperation                   INTEGER,
2105        eqlDriveGroupOpsExec                        INTEGER,
2106        eqlDriveGroupOpsStartTime                   Counter32,
2107        eqlDriveGroupOpsStoragePoolSourceIndex      Unsigned32,
2108        eqlDriveGroupOpsStoragePoolDestinationIndex Unsigned32,
2109        eqlDriveGroupOpsVolBalCommandIndex          Unsigned32,
2110        eqlDriveGroupOpsVolBalCommandiscsiLocalMemberId Unsigned32
2111    }
2113eqlDriveGroupOpsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2114    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2115    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2116    STATUS          current
2117    DESCRIPTION     "This field unique identifies an operation withing a Drive Group."
2118    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupOpsEntry 1 }
2120eqlDriveGroupOpsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2121    SYNTAX          RowStatus
2122    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2123    STATUS          current
2124    DESCRIPTION     "This field is used indicate the status of this entry."
2125    ::= { eqlDriveGroupOpsEntry 2 }
2127eqlDriveGroupOpsOperation OBJECT-TYPE
2129        none(0),
2130        movePool(1),
2131        vacate(2)
2132    }
2133    MAX-ACCESS     read-write
2134    STATUS         current
2135    DESCRIPTION    "The current operation for this drive group
2136                        0 - no operation
2137                        1 - move Pool
2138                        2 - vacate"
2139    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupOpsEntry 3 }
2141eqlDriveGroupOpsExec OBJECT-TYPE
2143        none(0),
2144        cancel(1),
2145        failed(2)
2146    }
2147    MAX-ACCESS     read-write
2148    STATUS         current
2149    DESCRIPTION    "The action to perform on this operation
2150                        0 - no operation
2151                        1 - cancel
2152                        2 - the operation failed"
2153    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupOpsEntry 4 }
2155eqlDriveGroupOpsStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
2156    SYNTAX          Counter32
2157    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
2158    STATUS          current
2159    DESCRIPTION     "This field contains the time of the start of the operation."
2160    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupOpsEntry 5 }
2162eqlDriveGroupOpsStoragePoolSourceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2163    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2164    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
2165    STATUS          current
2166    DESCRIPTION     "This field unique identifies the source Storage Pool."
2167    DEFVAL          { 1 }
2168    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupOpsEntry 6 }
2170eqlDriveGroupOpsStoragePoolDestinationIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2171    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2172    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
2173    STATUS          current
2174    DESCRIPTION     "This field unique identifies the destination Storage Pool."
2175    DEFVAL          { 1 }
2176    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupOpsEntry 7 }
2178eqlDriveGroupOpsVolBalCommandIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2179    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
2180    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
2181    STATUS      current
2182    DESCRIPTION "2nd Part of Index for row in eqliscsiVolBalCommandTable"
2183    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupOpsEntry 8 }
2185eqlDriveGroupOpsVolBalCommandiscsiLocalMemberId OBJECT-TYPE
2186    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
2187    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
2188    STATUS      current
2189    DESCRIPTION "3rd Part of Index for row in eqliscsiVolBalCommandTable"
2190    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupOpsEntry 9 }
2194eqlAdminAccountMemberTable OBJECT-TYPE
2195    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF EqlAdminAccountMemberEntry
2196    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2197    STATUS          current
2198    DESCRIPTION     "EqualLogic-Dynamic table indicating the access an administrator
2199                     has to a member."
2200    ::= { eqlmemberObjects 17 }
2202eqlAdminAccountMemberEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2203    SYNTAX          EqlAdminAccountMemberEntry
2204    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2205    STATUS          current
2206    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing the access privilege."
2207    INDEX           {  eqlGroupId, eqlStorageGroupAdminAccountIndex, eqlMemberIndex }
2208    ::=   { eqlAdminAccountMemberTable 1 }
2210EqlAdminAccountMemberEntry ::=
2211    SEQUENCE {
2212        eqlAdminAccountMemberAccess         INTEGER
2213    }
2215eqlAdminAccountMemberAccess OBJECT-TYPE
2216    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
2217                         read-only (1),
2218                         read-write (2)
2219                    }
2220    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2221    STATUS          current
2222    DESCRIPTION     "The administrative permission to a member."
2223    ::=   { eqlAdminAccountMemberEntry 1 }
2227eqlDriveGroupOpsStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
2228    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF EqlDriveGroupOpsStatusEntry
2229    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2230    STATUS          current
2231    DESCRIPTION     "EqualLogic-Dynamic Storage Volume Operations Status Table."
2232    ::= { eqlmemberObjects 18 }
2234eqlDriveGroupOpsStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2235    SYNTAX          EqlDriveGroupOpsStatusEntry
2236    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2237    STATUS          current
2238    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing status for volume operations."
2239    AUGMENTS        { eqlDriveGroupOpsEntry }
2241    ::=   { eqlDriveGroupOpsStatusTable 1}
2243EqlDriveGroupOpsStatusEntry ::=
2244    SEQUENCE {
2245        eqlDriveGroupOpsStatusCompletePct            Unsigned32
2246    }
2248eqlDriveGroupOpsStatusCompletePct  OBJECT-TYPE
2249    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2250    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2251    STATUS          current
2252    DESCRIPTION     "The percentage complete an ongoing move or bind operation is"
2253    ::=   {eqlDriveGroupOpsStatusEntry 1 }
2257eqlMemberOpsTable OBJECT-TYPE
2258    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberOpsEntry
2259    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2260    STATUS          current
2261    DESCRIPTION   "EqualLogic-Persistent Member Operations Table."
2262    ::= { eqlmemberObjects 19 }
2264eqlMemberOpsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2265    SYNTAX          EqlMemberOpsEntry
2266    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2267    STATUS          current
2268    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing Member operations configuration."
2269    INDEX        { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlMemberOpsIndex }
2270    ::=   { eqlMemberOpsTable 1}
2272EqlMemberOpsEntry ::=
2273    SEQUENCE {
2274        eqlMemberOpsIndex                        Unsigned32,
2275        eqlMemberOpsRowStatus                    RowStatus,
2276        eqlMemberOpsOperation                    INTEGER,
2277        eqlMemberOpsExec                         INTEGER,
2278        eqlMemberOpsCompletePct                  Integer32,
2279        eqlMemberOpsOperationArg                 DisplayString,
2280        eqlMemberOpsOperationStatus              INTEGER,
2281        eqlMemberOpsStartTime                    Unsigned32,
2282        eqlMemberOpsOperationArg1                DisplayString
2283    }
2285eqlMemberOpsIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
2286    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2287    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2288    STATUS          current
2289    DESCRIPTION     "The field uniquely identifies an operation within a Member."
2290    ::=   {eqlMemberOpsEntry 1 }
2292eqlMemberOpsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2293    SYNTAX          RowStatus
2294    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2295    STATUS          current
2296    DESCRIPTION     "This field is used indicate the status of this entry."
2297    ::= { eqlMemberOpsEntry 2 }
2299eqlMemberOpsOperation OBJECT-TYPE
2301        none(0),
2302        diagnose(3),
2303        update(4),
2304        restart(5),
2305        shutdown(6),
2306        delete-pending(7),
2307        install-software-component(8),
2308        cli-update(9)
2309    }
2310    MAX-ACCESS     read-create
2311    STATUS         current
2312    DESCRIPTION    "The current operation for this Member
2313                        0 - no operation
2314                        3 - get diagnostics
2315                        4 - firmware update
2316                        5 - restart array
2317                        6 - shutdown array
2318                        7 - delete old update kit (deprecated, use eqlMemberDynamicOps instead)
2319                        8 - install software component
2320                        9 - update from the cli
2321                        "
2322    DEFVAL          { none }
2323    ::=  {  eqlMemberOpsEntry 3 }
2325eqlMemberOpsExec OBJECT-TYPE
2327        none(0),
2328        cancel(1),
2329        failed(2)
2330    }
2331    MAX-ACCESS     read-create
2332    STATUS         current
2333    DESCRIPTION    "The action to perform on this operation
2334                        0 - no operation
2335                        1 - cancel"
2336    DEFVAL          { none }
2337    ::=  {  eqlMemberOpsEntry 4 }
2339eqlMemberOpsCompletePct  OBJECT-TYPE
2340    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..100)
2341    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2342    STATUS          current
2343    DESCRIPTION     "The percentage complete an ongoing diag operation is"
2344    ::=  {  eqlMemberOpsEntry 5 }
2346eqlMemberOpsOperationArg       OBJECT-TYPE
2347    SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
2348    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2349    STATUS          current
2350    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the argument for the operation.
2351                                         There is no default."
2352    ::=  {  eqlMemberOpsEntry 6 }
2354eqlMemberOpsOperationStatus      OBJECT-TYPE
2355    SYNTAX               INTEGER     {
2356                           success(0),
2357                           failure(1)
2358                         }
2359    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2360    STATUS          current
2361    DESCRIPTION     " The status of the operation."
2362    DEFVAL          { success }
2363    ::=  {  eqlMemberOpsEntry 7 }
2365eqlMemberOpsStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
2366    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2367    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
2368    STATUS          current
2369    DESCRIPTION     "This field contains the time of the start of the operation."
2370    ::=  {  eqlMemberOpsEntry 8 }
2372eqlMemberOpsOperationArg1       OBJECT-TYPE
2373    SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
2374    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2375    STATUS          current
2376    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the additional argument(s) for the operation.
2377                                         There is no default."
2378    ::=  {  eqlMemberOpsEntry 9 }
2383eqlMemberHWComponentTable OBJECT-TYPE
2384    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberHWComponentEntry
2385    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2386    STATUS          current
2387    DESCRIPTION     "EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Hardware component table. This is the general place holder for all single hardware components on the member. If there is more than one such hardware component(controllers, channel cards), they go into their own table. Otherwise they end up in this table."
2388    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 20 }
2390eqlMemberHWComponentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2391    SYNTAX          EqlMemberHWComponentEntry
2392    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2393    STATUS          current
2394    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing member health detailed fan info"
2395    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlMemberHWComponentIndex }
2396    ::=    { eqlMemberHWComponentTable 1 }
2398EqlMemberHWComponentEntry ::=
2399    SEQUENCE {
2400        eqlMemberHWComponentIndex                  INTEGER,
2401        eqlMemberHWComponentName                   DisplayString,
2402        eqlMemberHWComponentSerialNumber           DisplayString,
2403        eqlMemberHWComponentFirmwareRev            DisplayString,
2404        eqlMemberHWComponentStatus                 INTEGER
2405        }
2407eqlMemberHWComponentIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
2408    SYNTAX          INTEGER {
2409                     eip(1)
2410                     }
2411    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2412    STATUS          current
2413    DESCRIPTION     "A unique integer that identifies the fan that the
2414                     corresponding entry refers to
2415                     "
2416    ::=   { eqlMemberHWComponentEntry 1 }
2418eqlMemberHWComponentName   OBJECT-TYPE
2419    SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
2420    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2421    STATUS          current
2422    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the name of the component."
2423    ::=   { eqlMemberHWComponentEntry 2 }
2425eqlMemberHWComponentSerialNumber   OBJECT-TYPE
2426   SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
2427    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2428    STATUS          current
2429    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the serial number of the component."
2430    ::=   { eqlMemberHWComponentEntry 3 }
2432eqlMemberHWComponentFirmwareRev   OBJECT-TYPE
2433   SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
2434    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2435    STATUS          current
2436    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the firmware revision of the component."
2437    ::=   { eqlMemberHWComponentEntry 4 }
2439eqlMemberHWComponentStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
2440   SYNTAX           INTEGER {
2441                    unknown(0),
2442                    not-present(1),
2443                    failed(2),
2444                    good(3)
2445                    }
2446    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2447    STATUS          current
2448    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the status of the component."
2449    DEFVAL          {unknown}
2450    ::=   { eqlMemberHWComponentEntry 5 }
2454eqlMemberDynamicInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE
2455    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberDynamicInfoEntry
2456    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2457    STATUS          current
2458    DESCRIPTION     "EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Info Table"
2459    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 21 }
2461eqlMemberDynamicInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2462    SYNTAX          EqlMemberDynamicInfoEntry
2463    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2464    STATUS          current
2465    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing dynamic member info "
2466    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex }
2467    ::=    { eqlMemberDynamicInfoTable 1 }
2469EqlMemberDynamicInfoEntry ::=
2470    SEQUENCE {
2471                 eqlMemberDynamicInfoPendingUpdateVersion                        DisplayString,
2472                 eqlMemberDynamicInfoIsRestartRunning                            INTEGER,
2473                 eqlMemberDynamicInfoIsUpdateRunning                             INTEGER
2474        }
2476eqlMemberDynamicInfoPendingUpdateVersion       OBJECT-TYPE
2477    SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
2478    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2479    STATUS          current
2480    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the string to be read.
2481                                     To be used to send the member's pending update version.
2482                                         "
2483    DEFVAL          {""}
2484    ::=  {  eqlMemberDynamicInfoEntry 1 }
2486eqlMemberDynamicInfoIsRestartRunning   OBJECT-TYPE
2487   SYNTAX           INTEGER {
2488                    not-running(0),
2489                    running(1)
2490                    }
2491    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2492    STATUS          current
2493    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the status of the reboot shell script."
2494    DEFVAL          {not-running}
2495    ::=   { eqlMemberDynamicInfoEntry 2 }
2497eqlMemberDynamicInfoIsUpdateRunning   OBJECT-TYPE
2498   SYNTAX           INTEGER {
2499                    not-running(0),
2500                    running(1)
2501                    }
2502    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2503    STATUS          current
2504    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the status of the update shell script."
2505    DEFVAL          {not-running}
2506    ::=   { eqlMemberDynamicInfoEntry 3 }
2510eqlMemberCacheStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE
2511    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberCacheStatisticsEntry
2512    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2513    STATUS          current
2514    DESCRIPTION     "EqualLogic-Dynamic member cache statistics table"
2515    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 22 }
2517eqlMemberCacheStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2518    SYNTAX          EqlMemberCacheStatisticsEntry
2519    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2520    STATUS          current
2521    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing member cache statistics info "
2522    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex }
2523    ::=    { eqlMemberCacheStatisticsTable 1 }
2525EqlMemberCacheStatisticsEntry ::=
2526    SEQUENCE {
2527                eqlMemberTotalPageCount                                         Counter64,
2528                eqlMemberHotPageCount                                           Counter64,
2529                eqlMemberWarmPageCount                                          Counter64,
2530                eqlMemberColdPageCount                                          Counter64,
2531                eqlMemberPageSize                                               Unsigned32,
2532                eqlMemberSSDAcceleratorSize                                     Unsigned32,
2533                eqlMemberSSDCacheSize                                           Unsigned32,
2534                eqlMemberSSDAcceleratorEntriesTotal                             Unsigned32,
2535                eqlMemberSSDAcceleratorEntriesUsed                              Unsigned32
2536        }
2538eqlMemberTotalPageCount OBJECT-TYPE
2539    SYNTAX          Counter64
2540    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2541    STATUS          current
2542    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the total count of pages on the storage array"
2543    ::=    { eqlMemberCacheStatisticsEntry 1 }
2545eqlMemberHotPageCount OBJECT-TYPE
2546    SYNTAX          Counter64
2547    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2548    STATUS          current
2549    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies count of most frequently accessed pages on the storage array"
2550    ::=    { eqlMemberCacheStatisticsEntry 2 }
2552eqlMemberWarmPageCount OBJECT-TYPE
2553    SYNTAX          Counter64
2554    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2555    STATUS          current
2556    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies count of moderately accessed pages on the storage array"
2557    ::=    { eqlMemberCacheStatisticsEntry 3 }
2559eqlMemberColdPageCount OBJECT-TYPE
2560    SYNTAX          Counter64
2561    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2562    STATUS          current
2563    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies count of pages not currently being accessed on the storage array"
2564    ::=    { eqlMemberCacheStatisticsEntry 4 }
2566eqlMemberPageSize OBJECT-TYPE
2567    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2568    UNITS           "KB"
2569    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2570    STATUS          current
2571    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies size of an IOM page"
2572    ::=    { eqlMemberCacheStatisticsEntry 5 }
2574eqlMemberSSDAcceleratorSize OBJECT-TYPE
2575    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2576    UNITS           "GB"
2577    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2578    STATUS          current
2579    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies amount of space reserved for mapping writes to SSD"
2580    ::=    { eqlMemberCacheStatisticsEntry 6 }
2582eqlMemberSSDCacheSize OBJECT-TYPE
2583    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2584    UNITS           "GB"
2585    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2586    STATUS          current
2587    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies SSD RAID LUN"
2588    ::=    { eqlMemberCacheStatisticsEntry 7 }
2590eqlMemberSSDAcceleratorEntriesTotal OBJECT-TYPE
2591    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2592    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2593    STATUS          current
2594    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the total number of i/o's that can be mapped to SSD space"
2595    ::=    { eqlMemberCacheStatisticsEntry 8 }
2597eqlMemberSSDAcceleratorEntriesUsed OBJECT-TYPE
2598    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2599    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2600    STATUS          current
2601    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies number of i/o's that are currently mapped to SSD space"
2602    ::=    { eqlMemberCacheStatisticsEntry 9 }
2606eqlMemberSEDEncryptionTable OBJECT-TYPE
2607    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberSEDEncryptionEntry
2608    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2609    STATUS          current
2610    DESCRIPTION     "EqualLogic-Dynamic member encryption shares for SED disks"
2611    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 23 }
2613eqlMemberSEDEncryptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2614    SYNTAX          EqlMemberSEDEncryptionEntry
2615    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2616    STATUS          current
2617    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing SED Encryption Key info "
2618    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex }
2619    ::=    { eqlMemberSEDEncryptionTable 1 }
2621EqlMemberSEDEncryptionEntry ::=
2622    SEQUENCE {
2623        eqlMemberSEDEncryptionRowStatus                 RowStatus,
2624        eqlMemberSEDEncryptionShare1                EqlMemberSEDShareType,
2625        eqlMemberSEDEncryptionShare2                EqlMemberSEDShareType,
2626        eqlMemberSEDEncryptionShare3                EqlMemberSEDShareType
2627    }
2629eqlMemberSEDEncryptionRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2630    SYNTAX          RowStatus
2631    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2632    STATUS          current
2633    DESCRIPTION     "This field is used indicate the status of this entry."
2634    ::= { eqlMemberSEDEncryptionEntry 1 }
2636eqlMemberSEDEncryptionShare1       OBJECT-TYPE
2637    SYNTAX          EqlMemberSEDShareType
2638    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2639    STATUS          current
2640    DESCRIPTION     "This field is for the first retrieved SED backup key."
2641    ::=   { eqlMemberSEDEncryptionEntry 2 }
2643eqlMemberSEDEncryptionShare2       OBJECT-TYPE
2644    SYNTAX          EqlMemberSEDShareType
2645    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2646    STATUS          current
2647    DESCRIPTION     "This field is for the second retrieved SED backup key."
2648    ::=   { eqlMemberSEDEncryptionEntry 3 }
2650eqlMemberSEDEncryptionShare3       OBJECT-TYPE
2651    SYNTAX          EqlMemberSEDShareType
2652    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2653    STATUS          current
2654    DESCRIPTION     "This field is for the third retrieved SED backup key."
2655    ::=   { eqlMemberSEDEncryptionEntry 4 }
2659eqlMemberDynamicOpsTable OBJECT-TYPE
2660    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberDynamicOpsEntry
2661    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2662    STATUS          current
2663    DESCRIPTION   "EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Operations Table.
2664                   This table is for member operations that do not require persistent storage.
2665                   Rows in this table should be used instead of eqlMemberOps."
2666    ::= { eqlmemberObjects 24 }
2668eqlMemberDynamicOpsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2669    SYNTAX          EqlMemberDynamicOpsEntry
2670    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2671    STATUS          current
2672    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing Member operations configuration."
2673    INDEX       { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlMemberDynamicOpsOperation }
2674    ::=   { eqlMemberDynamicOpsTable 1}
2676EqlMemberDynamicOpsEntry ::=
2677    SEQUENCE {
2678        eqlMemberDynamicOpsOperation            INTEGER,
2679        eqlMemberDynamicOpsOperationArg         OCTET STRING
2680    }
2682eqlMemberDynamicOpsOperation OBJECT-TYPE
2684        none(0),
2685        delete-pending(7)
2686    }
2687    MAX-ACCESS     read-create
2688    STATUS         current
2689    DESCRIPTION    "The current operation for this Member
2690                        0 - no operation
2691                        1 - delete old update kit
2692                        "
2693    DEFVAL          { none }
2694    ::=  {  eqlMemberDynamicOpsEntry 1 }
2697eqlMemberDynamicOpsOperationArg       OBJECT-TYPE
2698    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
2699    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2700    STATUS          current
2701    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the argument for the operation.
2702                                         There is no default."
2703    ::=  {  eqlMemberDynamicOpsEntry 2 }
2708eqlMemberGroupInfoAtMemberTable OBJECT-TYPE
2709    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberGroupInfoAtMemberEntry
2710    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2711    STATUS        current
2712    DESCRIPTION   "EqualLogic-Persistent Member Group Info Known At Member Table"
2713    ::=  { eqlmemberObjects 25 }
2715eqlMemberGroupInfoAtMemberEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2716    SYNTAX        EqlMemberGroupInfoAtMemberEntry
2717    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2718    STATUS        current
2719    DESCRIPTION   "An entry (row) containing Group info that in-use at this Member."
2720    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex }
2721::=    { eqlMemberGroupInfoAtMemberTable 1 }
2723EqlMemberGroupInfoAtMemberEntry ::=
2724    SEQUENCE {
2725        eqlMemberGroupInfoAtMemberPasswd1         OCTET STRING, -- NOT null-terminated
2726        eqlMemberGroupInfoAtMemberPasswd1Len      Unsigned32
2727    }
2729eqlMemberGroupInfoAtMemberPasswd1     OBJECT-TYPE
2730    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128))  -- GROUP_MAX_CREDENTIALS_SIZE = 128
2731    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2732    STATUS          current
2733    DESCRIPTION     "The eqlGroupPasswd1 value that is currently in-use at this Member.
2734        Used by PSGD to insure that all Members are using the same eqlGroupPasswd1 value
2735        before deleting the backup password.  Not null-terminated.  Not printable characters."
2736    --DEFAULT       cookie "secure"
2737    ::=  { eqlMemberGroupInfoAtMemberEntry 1 }
2739eqlMemberGroupInfoAtMemberPasswd1Len  OBJECT-TYPE
2740    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2741    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2742    STATUS          current
2743    DESCRIPTION     "The number of octets in eqlMemberGroupInfoAtMemberPasswd1."
2744    ::=  { eqlMemberGroupInfoAtMemberEntry 2 }
2749eqlDriveGroupStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE
2750    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlDriveGroupStatisticsEntry
2751    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2752    STATUS        current
2753    DESCRIPTION   "EqualLogic-Dynamic Storage Drive Group Statistics Table."
2754    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 26 }
2756eqlDriveGroupStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2757    SYNTAX        EqlDriveGroupStatisticsEntry
2758    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2759    STATUS        current
2760    DESCRIPTION   "An entry (row) containing drive group statistics."
2761    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlDriveGroupStatisticsIndex }
2762    ::=    { eqlDriveGroupStatisticsTable 1 }
2764EqlDriveGroupStatisticsEntry ::=
2765    SEQUENCE {
2766        eqlDriveGroupStatisticsIndex                INTEGER,
2767        eqlDriveGroupStatisticsHeadroom             Unsigned32
2768    }
2770eqlDriveGroupStatisticsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2771    SYNTAX          INTEGER
2772    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2773    STATUS          current
2774    DESCRIPTION     "This field uniquely identifies a RAID Group within a member."
2775    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupStatisticsEntry 1 }
2777eqlDriveGroupStatisticsHeadroom OBJECT-TYPE
2778    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2779    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2780    STATUS          current
2781    DESCRIPTION     "This field is the recent, estimated, and smoothed percentage by which the RAID Group is not utilized."
2782    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupStatisticsEntry 2 }
2785-- This table is for the dynamic information that we need from the member
2786-- that doesn't fit in eqlMemberInfoTable (handled by psgd, not netmgtd)
2787-- and  eqlMemberDynamicInfoTable (used by netmgtd but polled all the time -
2788-- every 30 seconds or so - by the GUI) and eqlMemberStatusTable is serviced
2789-- by emd.
2790-- This table was added initially for the Language Version
2791-- ************************************************************************
2793eqlMemberFirmwareInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE
2794    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberFirmwareInfoEntry
2795    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2796    STATUS          current
2797    DESCRIPTION     "EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Info Table "
2798    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 27 }
2800eqlMemberFirmwareInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2801    SYNTAX          EqlMemberFirmwareInfoEntry
2802    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2803    STATUS          current
2804    DESCRIPTION     "An entry (row) containing member info"
2805    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex }
2806    ::=    { eqlMemberFirmwareInfoTable 1 }
2808EqlMemberFirmwareInfoEntry ::=
2809    SEQUENCE {
2810        eqlMemberLanguageVersion                    DisplayString,
2811        eqlMemberFirmwareInfoDataReduction          INTEGER
2812        }
2814eqlMemberLanguageVersion        OBJECT-TYPE
2815    SYNTAX          DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
2816    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2817    STATUS          current
2818    DESCRIPTION     "This field specifies the installed language kit version"
2819    DEFVAL          {""}
2820    ::=  {  eqlMemberFirmwareInfoEntry 1 }
2822eqlMemberFirmwareInfoDataReduction  OBJECT-TYPE
2823    SYNTAX            INTEGER {
2824                                unknown(0),              -- Current state of data reduction support is unknown.
2825                                disabled(1),             -- Member is capable of some form of data-reduction, but it has never been enabled.
2826                                no-capable-hardware(2),  -- Current member does not support data-reduction.
2827                                no-capable-raid(3),      -- Data reduction is supported, but the RAID type is not correct.
2828                                compression-running(4),  -- Member is actively compressing data.
2829                                compression-paused(5)    -- Compression of new data has been paused.
2830    }
2831    MAX-ACCESS        read-write
2832    STATUS            current
2833    DESCRIPTION       "Current form of data reduction to be used on the member.
2834                       The member must support the requested value in order for it to be set."
2835    DEFVAL            { unknown }
2836    ::=   { eqlMemberFirmwareInfoEntry 2 }
2840eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE
2841    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlDriveGroupHeatProfileInfoEntry
2842    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2843    STATUS        current
2844    DESCRIPTION   "EqualLogic-Dynamic Storage Drive Group Heat-Profile Information Table."
2845    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 28 }
2847eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2848    SYNTAX        EqlDriveGroupHeatProfileInfoEntry
2849    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2850    STATUS        current
2851    DESCRIPTION   "An entry (row) identifying a per-drive-group heat profile."
2852    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlDriveGroupStatisticsIndex, eqlDriveGroupHeatProfilePart }
2853    ::=    { eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileInfoTable 1 }
2855EqlDriveGroupHeatProfileInfoEntry ::=
2856    SEQUENCE {
2857        eqlDriveGroupHeatProfilePart                Unsigned32,
2858        eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileColdCount           Counter64,
2859        -- NOTE: SNMPv2 does not support floating point.
2860        eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileMinMagnitude        Integer32,
2861        eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileMinMultiplier       Unsigned32,
2862        eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileMaxMagnitude        Integer32,
2863        eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileMaxMultiplier       Unsigned32
2864        -- Want to put LBA/page range or something in here eventually.
2865    }
2867eqlDriveGroupHeatProfilePart OBJECT-TYPE
2868    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2869    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2870    STATUS          current
2871    DESCRIPTION     "If 1, the entire drive group, otherwise a part (possibly the only part)."
2872    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileInfoEntry 1 }
2874eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileColdCount OBJECT-TYPE
2875    SYNTAX          Counter64
2876    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2877    STATUS          current
2878    DESCRIPTION     "The number of cold pages."
2879    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileInfoEntry 2 }
2881eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileMinMagnitude OBJECT-TYPE
2882    SYNTAX          Integer32
2883    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2884    STATUS          current
2885    DESCRIPTION     "The minimum access-rate magnitude.  An access-rate magnitude is the rounded-down-to-integer logarithm base 2 of the access rate in accesses per second."
2886    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileInfoEntry 3 }
2888eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileMinMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE
2889    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2890    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2891    STATUS          current
2892    DESCRIPTION     "The minimum access-rate multiplier for the minimum access-rate magnitude.  An access-rate multiplier is the fractional 32 bits added to 1.0 to constitute a multiplier, which when multiplied by 2 to the access-rate magnitude yields the access-rate floor of a bin of the histogram that is the heat profile."
2893    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileInfoEntry 4 }
2895eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileMaxMagnitude OBJECT-TYPE
2896    SYNTAX          Integer32
2897    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2898    STATUS          current
2899    DESCRIPTION     "The maximum access-rate magnitude."
2900    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileInfoEntry 5 }
2902eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileMaxMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE
2903    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2904    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2905    STATUS          current
2906    DESCRIPTION     "The maximum access-rate multiplier for the maximum access-rate magnitude."
2907    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileInfoEntry 6 }
2911eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
2912    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinEntry
2913    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2914    STATUS        current
2915    DESCRIPTION   "EqualLogic-Dynamic Storage Drive Group Heat-Profile-Histogram Bins Table."
2916    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 29 }
2918eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2919    SYNTAX        EqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinEntry
2920    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2921    STATUS        current
2922    DESCRIPTION   "An entry (row) representing one bin in the heat-profile histogram, telling how many pages covered by the heat profile have at least a certain access rate."
2923    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlDriveGroupStatisticsIndex, eqlDriveGroupHeatProfilePart, eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinId }
2924    ::=    { eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinTable 1 }
2926EqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinEntry ::=
2927    SEQUENCE {
2928        eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinId                Unsigned32,
2929        -- NOTE: SNMPv2 does not support floating point.
2930        eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileAccessRateMagnitude  Integer32,
2931        eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileAccessRateMultiplier Unsigned32,
2932        eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileCount                Counter64
2933    }
2935eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinId OBJECT-TYPE
2936    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2937    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2938    STATUS          current
2939    DESCRIPTION     "The identifier of the bin."
2940    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinEntry 1 }
2942eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileAccessRateMagnitude OBJECT-TYPE
2943    SYNTAX          Integer32
2944    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2945    STATUS          current
2946    DESCRIPTION     "The access-rate magnitude (cf. eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileMinMagnitude) for the bin."
2947    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinEntry 2 }
2949eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileAccessRateMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE
2950    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2951    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2952    STATUS          current
2953    DESCRIPTION     "The access-rate multiplier (cf. eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileMinMultiplier) for the bin."
2954    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinEntry 3 }
2956eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileCount OBJECT-TYPE
2957    SYNTAX          Counter64
2958    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2959    STATUS          current
2960    DESCRIPTION     "The number of pages having the access-rate floor of the bin."
2961    ::=  {  eqlDriveGroupHeatProfileBinEntry 4 }
2965eqlTaggedHeatProfileInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE
2966    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlTaggedHeatProfileInfoEntry
2967    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2968    STATUS        current
2969    DESCRIPTION   "EqualLogic-Dynamic Storage Tagged Heat-Profile Information Table."
2970    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 30 }
2972eqlTaggedHeatProfileInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2973    SYNTAX        EqlTaggedHeatProfileInfoEntry
2974    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
2975    STATUS        current
2976    DESCRIPTION   "An entry (row) identifying a quasi-per-volume heat profile."
2977    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlTaggedHeatTag }
2978    ::=    { eqlTaggedHeatProfileInfoTable 1 }
2980EqlTaggedHeatProfileInfoEntry ::=
2981    SEQUENCE {
2982        eqlTaggedHeatTag                      Unsigned32,
2983        eqlTaggedHeatProfileColdCount           Counter64,
2984        -- NOTE: SNMPv2 does not support floating point.
2985        eqlTaggedHeatProfileMinMagnitude        Integer32,
2986        eqlTaggedHeatProfileMinMultiplier       Unsigned32,
2987        eqlTaggedHeatProfileMaxMagnitude        Integer32,
2988        eqlTaggedHeatProfileMaxMultiplier       Unsigned32
2989    }
2991eqlTaggedHeatTag OBJECT-TYPE
2992    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
2993    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2994    STATUS          current
2995    DESCRIPTION     "A tag identifying a heat profile that could apply to internal non-volume page usage, internal-volume usage, or external-volume usage.  User volumes have tags of 128 or higher."
2996    ::=  {  eqlTaggedHeatProfileInfoEntry 1 }
2998eqlTaggedHeatProfileColdCount OBJECT-TYPE
2999    SYNTAX          Counter64
3000    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3001    STATUS          current
3002    DESCRIPTION     "The number of cold pages."
3003    ::=  {  eqlTaggedHeatProfileInfoEntry 2 }
3005eqlTaggedHeatProfileMinMagnitude OBJECT-TYPE
3006    SYNTAX          Integer32
3007    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3008    STATUS          current
3009    DESCRIPTION     "The minimum access-rate magnitude.  An access-rate magnitude is the rounded-down-to-integer logarithm base 2 of the access rate in accesses per second."
3010    ::=  {  eqlTaggedHeatProfileInfoEntry 3 }
3012eqlTaggedHeatProfileMinMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE
3013    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
3014    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3015    STATUS          current
3016    DESCRIPTION     "The minimum access-rate multiplier for the minimum access-rate magnitude.  An access-rate multiplier is the fractional 32 bits added to 1.0 to constitute a multiplier, which when multiplied by 2 to the access-rate magnitude yields the access-rate floor of a bin of the histogram that is the heat profile."
3017    ::=  {  eqlTaggedHeatProfileInfoEntry 4 }
3019eqlTaggedHeatProfileMaxMagnitude OBJECT-TYPE
3020    SYNTAX          Integer32
3021    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3022    STATUS          current
3023    DESCRIPTION     "The maximum access-rate magnitude."
3024    ::=  {  eqlTaggedHeatProfileInfoEntry 5 }
3026eqlTaggedHeatProfileMaxMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE
3027    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
3028    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3029    STATUS          current
3030    DESCRIPTION     "The maximum access-rate multiplier for the maximum access-rate magnitude."
3031    ::=  {  eqlTaggedHeatProfileInfoEntry 6 }
3035eqlTaggedHeatProfileBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
3036    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlTaggedHeatProfileBinEntry
3037    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
3038    STATUS        current
3039    DESCRIPTION   "EqualLogic-Dynamic Storage Tagged Heat-Profile-Histogram Bins Table."
3040    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 31 }
3042eqlTaggedHeatProfileBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3043    SYNTAX        EqlTaggedHeatProfileBinEntry
3044    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
3045    STATUS        current
3046    DESCRIPTION   "An entry (row) representing one bin in the quasi-per-volume heat-profile histogram, telling how many pages covered by the heat profile have at least a certain access rate."
3047    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlTaggedHeatTag, eqlTaggedHeatProfileBinId }
3048    ::=    { eqlTaggedHeatProfileBinTable 1 }
3050EqlTaggedHeatProfileBinEntry ::=
3051    SEQUENCE {
3052        eqlTaggedHeatProfileBinId                Unsigned32,
3053        -- NOTE: SNMPv2 does not support floating point.
3054        eqlTaggedHeatProfileAccessRateMagnitude  Integer32,
3055        eqlTaggedHeatProfileAccessRateMultiplier Unsigned32,
3056        eqlTaggedHeatProfileCount                Counter64
3057    }
3059eqlTaggedHeatProfileBinId OBJECT-TYPE
3060    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
3061    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
3062    STATUS          current
3063    DESCRIPTION     "The identifier of the bin."
3064    ::=  {  eqlTaggedHeatProfileBinEntry 1 }
3066eqlTaggedHeatProfileAccessRateMagnitude OBJECT-TYPE
3067    SYNTAX          Integer32
3068    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3069    STATUS          current
3070    DESCRIPTION     "The access-rate magnitude (cf. eqlTaggedHeatProfileMinMagnitude) for the bin."
3071    ::=  {  eqlTaggedHeatProfileBinEntry 2 }
3073eqlTaggedHeatProfileAccessRateMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE
3074    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
3075    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3076    STATUS          current
3077    DESCRIPTION     "The access-rate multiplier (cf. eqlTaggedHeatProfileMinMultiplier) for the bin."
3078    ::=  {  eqlTaggedHeatProfileBinEntry 3 }
3080eqlTaggedHeatProfileCount OBJECT-TYPE
3081    SYNTAX          Counter64
3082    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3083    STATUS          current
3084    DESCRIPTION     "The number of pages having the access-rate floor of the bin."
3085    ::=  {  eqlTaggedHeatProfileBinEntry 4 }
3089eqlMemberRaidPoliciesTable OBJECT-TYPE
3090    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberRaidPoliciesEntry
3091    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
3092    STATUS        current
3093    DESCRIPTION   "EqualLogic-Dynamic Member Raid Policies Table."
3094    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 32 }
3096eqlMemberRaidPoliciesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3097    SYNTAX        EqlMemberRaidPoliciesEntry
3098    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
3099    STATUS        current
3100    DESCRIPTION   "An entry (row) represents a RAID policy."
3101    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlDriveGroupRAIDPolicy }
3102    ::=    { eqlMemberRaidPoliciesTable 1 }
3104EqlMemberRaidPoliciesEntry ::=
3105    SEQUENCE {
3106        eqlMemberRaidPoliciesBehavior              INTEGER,
3107        eqlMemberRaidPoliciesRAIDCapacity          Counter64
3108    }
3110eqlMemberRaidPoliciesBehavior OBJECT-TYPE
3111    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
3112    	   		always   (1),
3113	       		never    (2),
3114	       		cli      (3),
3115	       		cliSanHQ (4)
3116    }
3117    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3118    STATUS          current
3119    DESCRIPTION     "The behavior to be followed for this RAID policy based on the current
3120		     RAID policy, the effective drive capacity and the platform.
3121		     Behavior always means the RAID policy is always configurable.
3122		     Behavior never means the RAID policy is never configurable.
3123		     Behavior cli means the RAID policy is configurable via CLI only.
3124		     Behavior cliSanHQ means the RAID policy is configurable via CLI only and
3125		          SanHQ will monitor and report on its usage."
3126    ::=  {  eqlMemberRaidPoliciesEntry 1 }
3128eqlMemberRaidPoliciesRAIDCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
3129    SYNTAX          Counter64
3130    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3131    STATUS          current
3132    DESCRIPTION     "The estimated RAID capacity in mega-bytes of the RAID set if using this RAID policy."
3133    ::=  {  eqlMemberRaidPoliciesEntry 2 }
3138-- This table describes the per TCP connection statistics for a member.
3139-- Each connection is uniquely identified by the four tuple laddr:lport:faddr:fport.
3140-- ************************************************************************
3142eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
3143    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF EqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry
3144    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
3145    STATUS        current
3146    DESCRIPTION   "EqualLogic-Dynamic Storage Member Per TCP Connection Statistics Table."
3147    ::=  {  eqlmemberObjects 33 }
3150eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3151    SYNTAX        EqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry
3152    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
3153    STATUS        current
3154    DESCRIPTION   "An entry (row) of a member's per TCP connection statistics."
3155    INDEX  { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsIndex }
3156    ::=    { eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsTable 1 }
3158EqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry ::=
3159    SEQUENCE {
3161        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsIndex                Unsigned32,
3162        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsLocalAddrType        InetAddressType,
3163        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsLocalAddr            InetAddress,
3164        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsLocalPort            Unsigned32,
3165        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsForeignAddrType      InetAddressType,
3166        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsForeignAddr          InetAddress,
3167        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsForeignPort          Unsigned32,
3168        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsMss                  Unsigned32,
3169        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsState                INTEGER,
3170        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsSndpack              Counter64,
3171        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsSndbyte              Counter64,
3172        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsSndrexmitpack        Counter64,
3173        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsSndrexmitbyte        Counter64,
3174        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsRexmttimeout         Counter64,
3175        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsFastrexmt            Counter64,
3176        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsSndprobe             Counter64,
3177        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsRcvpack              Counter64,
3178        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsRcvbyte              Counter64,
3179        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsRcvwinprobe          Counter64,
3180        eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsRcvbadsum            Counter64
3181    }
3183    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
3184    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
3185    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3186    STATUS          current
3187    DESCRIPTION     "An arbitrary integer used to uniquely identify a
3188     particular connection. The index may change between requests."
3189    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 1 }
3191    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsLocalAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
3192    SYNTAX          InetAddressType
3193    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3194    STATUS          current
3195    DESCRIPTION     "The local IP address type (ipv4 or ipv6) of the connection."
3196    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 2 }
3198    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsLocalAddr OBJECT-TYPE
3199    SYNTAX          InetAddress
3200    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3201    STATUS          current
3202    DESCRIPTION     "The local IP address of the connection."
3203    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 3 }
3205    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
3206    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
3207    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3208    STATUS          current
3209    DESCRIPTION     "The local port of the connection."
3210    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 4 }
3212    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsForeignAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
3213    SYNTAX          InetAddressType
3214    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3215    STATUS          current
3216    DESCRIPTION     "The foreign IP address type(ipv4 or ipv6) of the connection."
3217    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 5 }
3219    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsForeignAddr OBJECT-TYPE
3220    SYNTAX          InetAddress
3221    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3222    STATUS          current
3223    DESCRIPTION     "The foreign IP address of the connection."
3224    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 6 }
3226    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsForeignPort OBJECT-TYPE
3227    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
3228    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3229    STATUS          current
3230    DESCRIPTION     "The foreign port of the connection."
3231    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 7 }
3233     eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsMss OBJECT-TYPE
3234    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
3235    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3236    STATUS          current
3237    DESCRIPTION     "The TCP maximum segment size."
3238    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 8 }
3240    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsState OBJECT-TYPE
3241    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
3242        tcps-closed(0),
3243        tcps-listen(1),
3244        tcps-syn-sent(2),
3245        tcps-syn-received(3),
3246        tcps-established(4),
3247        tcps-close-wait(5),
3248        tcps-fin-wait1(6),
3249        tcps-closing(7),
3250        tcps-last-ack(8),
3251        tcps-fin-wait2(9),
3252        tcps-time-wait(10)
3253    }
3254    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3255    STATUS          current
3256    DESCRIPTION     "The TCP state of the connection."
3257    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 9 }
3260    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsSndpack OBJECT-TYPE
3261    SYNTAX          Counter64
3262    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3263    STATUS          current
3264    DESCRIPTION     "The number of data packets sent."
3265    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 10 }
3267    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsSndbyte OBJECT-TYPE
3268    SYNTAX          Counter64
3269    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3270    STATUS          current
3271    DESCRIPTION     "The number of data bytes sent."
3272    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 11 }
3274    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsSndrexmitpack OBJECT-TYPE
3275    SYNTAX          Counter64
3276    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3277    STATUS          current
3278    DESCRIPTION     "The number of data packets retransmitted."
3279    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 12 }
3281    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsSndrexmitbyte OBJECT-TYPE
3282    SYNTAX          Counter64
3283    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3284    STATUS          current
3285    DESCRIPTION     "The number of data bytes retransmitted."
3286    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 13 }
3288    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsRexmttimeout OBJECT-TYPE
3289    SYNTAX          Counter64
3290    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3291    STATUS          current
3292    DESCRIPTION     "The number of retransmit timeouts(slow start counter)."
3293    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 14 }
3295    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsFastrexmt OBJECT-TYPE
3296    SYNTAX          Counter64
3297    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3298    STATUS          current
3299    DESCRIPTION     "The number of fast retransmits."
3300    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 15 }
3302    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsSndprobe OBJECT-TYPE
3303    SYNTAX          Counter64
3304    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3305    STATUS          current
3306    DESCRIPTION     "The number of window probes sent."
3307    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 16 }
3309    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsRcvpack OBJECT-TYPE
3310    SYNTAX          Counter64
3311    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3312    STATUS          current
3313    DESCRIPTION     "The number of packets received in sequence."
3314    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 17 }
3316    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsRcvbyte OBJECT-TYPE
3317    SYNTAX          Counter64
3318    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3319    STATUS          current
3320    DESCRIPTION     "The number of bytes received in sequence."
3321    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 18 }
3323    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsRcvwinprobe OBJECT-TYPE
3324    SYNTAX          Counter64
3325    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3326    STATUS          current
3327    DESCRIPTION     "The number of received window probe packets."
3328    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 19 }
3330    eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsRcvbadsum OBJECT-TYPE
3331    SYNTAX          Counter64
3332    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
3333    STATUS          current
3334    DESCRIPTION     "The number of packets received with checksum errors."
3335    ::=  {  eqlMemberPerTCPConnectionStatsEntry 20 }
3340-- NOTE: DESCRIPTION strings for *Table entries are parsed.