3       IMPORTS
4           Integer32, Counter32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY,
6               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
7           DisplayString, TruthValue, TimeStamp
8               FROM SNMPv2-TC
10               FROM SNMPv2-CONF
11           hpicfObjectModules, hpicfCommon, hpicfCommonTrapsPrefix
12               FROM HP-ICF-OID;
14       hpicfChainMib MODULE-IDENTITY
15            LAST-UPDATED "200011032216Z"  -- November 3, 2000
16            ORGANIZATION "Hewlett Packard Company,
17                          Network Infrastructure Solutions"
18            CONTACT-INFO
19                    "Hewlett Packard Company
20                     8000 Foothills Blvd.
21                     Roseville, CA 95747"
22            DESCRIPTION
23                    "This MIB module describes management of the
24                    Distributed Management Chain for devices in the
25                    HP AdvanceStack product line."
27            REVISION     "200011032216Z"  -- November 3, 2000
28            DESCRIPTION  "Updated division name."
30            REVISION     "9703060333Z"  -- March 6, 1997
31            DESCRIPTION
32                    "Added NOTIFICATION-GROUP information."
33            REVISION     "9609100208Z"  -- September 10, 1996
34            DESCRIPTION
35                    "Split this MIB module from the former monolithic
36                    hp-icf MIB."
37            REVISION    "9402250000Z"  -- February 25, 1994
38            DESCRIPTION
39                    "Initial version of this MIB module."
40            ::= { hpicfObjectModules 2 }
44       hpicfChain      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 1 }
46       -- This MIB models a chain of "boxes" attached to an HP
47       -- Distributed Management Chain.  Each box may have one or
48       -- more manageable entities in it, and may contain one or more
49       -- SNMP agents, which may each be acting as an SNMP proxy for
50       -- one or more of the other boxes on the Distributed
51       -- Management Chain that do not have agents.
52       --
53       -- All of the agents on the chain will know about the
54       -- hpicfChainTable.  The hpicfChainViewTable will contain
55       -- entries for those boxes on the chain for which the agent
56       -- can act as a proxy.
58       hpicfChainMaxMembers OBJECT-TYPE
59           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..16)
60           MAX-ACCESS read-only
61           STATUS     current
62           DESCRIPTION
63                   "The maximum number of devices that can be
64                   supported on the Distributed Management Chain from
65                   this agent."
66           ::= { hpicfChain 1 }
68       hpicfChainCurMembers OBJECT-TYPE
69           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..16)
70           MAX-ACCESS read-only
71           STATUS     current
72           DESCRIPTION
73                   "The number of devices currently on the
74                   Distributed Management Chain connected to this
75                   agent."
76           ::= { hpicfChain 2 }
78       hpicfChainLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
79           SYNTAX     TimeStamp
80           MAX-ACCESS read-only
81           STATUS     current
82           DESCRIPTION
83                   "The value of sysUpTime on this agent the last
84                   time a device was added to or removed from the
85                   Distributed Management Chain connected to this
86                   agent."
87           ::= { hpicfChain 3 }
89       hpicfChainChanges OBJECT-TYPE
90           SYNTAX     Counter32
91           MAX-ACCESS read-only
92           STATUS     current
93           DESCRIPTION
94                   "A count of the number of times devices have been
95                   added to or removed from the Distributed
96                   Management Chain connected to this agent."
97           ::= { hpicfChain 4 }
99       hpicfChainTable OBJECT-TYPE
100           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfChainEntry
101           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
102           STATUS     current
103           DESCRIPTION
104                   "A table of boxes currently connected to the same
105                   Distributed Management Chain as this agent."
106           ::= { hpicfChain 5 }
108       hpicfChainEntry OBJECT-TYPE
109           SYNTAX     HpicfChainEntry
110           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
111           STATUS     current
112           DESCRIPTION
113                   "An entry in the table describing a single box on
114                   the Distributed Management Chain connected to this
115                   device."
116           INDEX      { hpicfChainId }
117           ::= { hpicfChainTable 1 }
119       HpicfChainEntry ::=
120           SEQUENCE {
121               hpicfChainId                    OCTET STRING,
122               hpicfChainObjectId              OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
123               hpicfChainTimestamp             TimeStamp,
124               hpicfChainHasAgent              TruthValue,
125               hpicfChainThisBox               TruthValue,
126               hpicfChainLocation              Integer32
127           }
129       hpicfChainId OBJECT-TYPE
130           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
131           MAX-ACCESS read-only
132           STATUS     current
133           DESCRIPTION
134                   "An identifier which uniquely identifies this
135                   particular box.  In practice, this will be a box
136                   serial number or MAC address."
137           ::= { hpicfChainEntry 1 }
139       hpicfChainObjectId OBJECT-TYPE
141           MAX-ACCESS read-only
142           STATUS     current
143           DESCRIPTION
144                   "The authoritative identification of the box which
145                   provides an easy and unambiguous means for
146                   determining the type of box."
147           ::= { hpicfChainEntry 2 }
149       hpicfChainTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE
150           SYNTAX     TimeStamp
151           MAX-ACCESS read-only
152           STATUS     current
153           DESCRIPTION
154                   "The value of the agent's sysUpTime at which this
155                   box was last initialized.  If the box has not been
156                   initialized since the last reinitialization of the
157                   agent, then this object has a zero value."
158           ::= { hpicfChainEntry 3 }
160       hpicfChainHasAgent OBJECT-TYPE
161           SYNTAX     TruthValue
162           MAX-ACCESS read-only
163           STATUS     current
164           DESCRIPTION
165                   "This object will contain the value 'true' if this
166                   box contains at least one network management agent
167                   capable of responding to SNMP requests, and will
168                   contain the value 'false' otherwise."
169           ::= { hpicfChainEntry 4 }
171       hpicfChainThisBox OBJECT-TYPE
172           SYNTAX     TruthValue
173           MAX-ACCESS read-only
174           STATUS     current
175           DESCRIPTION
176                   "This object will contain the value 'true' if this
177                   entry in the chain table corresponds to the box
178                   which contains the agent which is responding to
179                   this SNMP request, and will contain the value
180                   'false' otherwise."
181           ::= { hpicfChainEntry 5 }
183       hpicfChainLocation OBJECT-TYPE
184           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..255)
185           MAX-ACCESS read-write
186           STATUS     current
187           DESCRIPTION
188                   "This byte is settable by a management station and
189                   is not interpreted by the agent.  The intent is
190                   that a management station can use it to assign an
191                   ordering to boxes on the chain that can later be
192                   used when displaying the chain."
193           ::= { hpicfChainEntry 6 }
195       hpicfChainViewTable OBJECT-TYPE
196           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfChainViewEntry
197           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
198           STATUS     current
199           DESCRIPTION
200                   "This table contains one entry for each box on the
201                   Distributed Management Chain for which this agent
202                   is able to act as a proxy."
203           ::= { hpicfChain 6 }
205       hpicfChainViewEntry OBJECT-TYPE
206           SYNTAX     HpicfChainViewEntry
207           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
208           STATUS     current
209           DESCRIPTION
210                   "An entry in the hpicfChainViewTable containing
211                   information about how to proxy to a single box."
212           INDEX      { hpicfChainViewId }
213           ::= { hpicfChainViewTable 1 }
215       HpicfChainViewEntry ::=
216           SEQUENCE {
217               hpicfChainViewId                OCTET STRING,
218               hpicfChainViewName              DisplayString
219           }
221       hpicfChainViewId OBJECT-TYPE
222           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
223           MAX-ACCESS read-only
224           STATUS     current
225           DESCRIPTION
226                   "An identifier which uniquely identifies this
227                   particular box.  In practice, this will be a box
228                   serial number or MAC address."
229           ::= { hpicfChainViewEntry 1 }
231       hpicfChainViewName OBJECT-TYPE
232           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..15))
233           MAX-ACCESS read-only
234           STATUS     current
235           DESCRIPTION
236                   "The local name of this box.  This is used by the
237                   proxy agent for the box to determine which box on
238                   the Distributed Management Chain is being
239                   addressed.  If an agent does not use this method
240                   to distinguish proxy destinations, it should
241                   return a zero length octet string for this object.
243                   For SNMPv1, the destination box is specified by
244                   appending this name to the proxy agent's community
245                   name.  For example, if this agent has a community
246                   with a community name of 'public', and the value
247                   of this object is 'repeater1', the community
248                   'public/repeater1' will specify that the agent
249                   should proxy to the public community of the
250                   'repeater1' box.
252                   The default value for this object for box-level
253                   repeaters is an ASCII hex representation of the
254                   low-order three bytes of the device MAC address."
255           ::= { hpicfChainViewEntry 2 }
258       -- Chain MIB notifications
260       hpicfChainAddition NOTIFICATION-TYPE
261           OBJECTS    { hpicfChainId  }
262           STATUS     deprecated
263           DESCRIPTION
264                   "********* THIS NOTIFICATION IS DEPRECATED *********
266                   An hpicfChainAddition trap indicates that a new node
267                   has been added to the Distributed Management Chain
268                   connected to this agent.  The hpicfChainId returned
269                   is the identifier for the new node.
271                   Replaced by Cold Start"
272           ::= { hpicfCommonTrapsPrefix  1 }
274       hpicfChainRemoval NOTIFICATION-TYPE
275           OBJECTS    { hpicfChainId }
276           STATUS     current
277           DESCRIPTION
278                   "An hpicfChainRemoval trap indicates that a node has
279                   been removed from the Distributed Management Chain
280                   connected to this agent.  The hpicfChainId returned
281                   is the identifier for the node that was removed."
282           ::=  { hpicfCommonTrapsPrefix 2 }
285       -- conformance information
287       hpicfChainConformance
288           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfChainMib 1 }
290       hpicfChainCompliances
291           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfChainConformance 1 }
292       hpicfChainGroups
293           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfChainConformance 2 }
296       -- compliance statements
298       hpicfChainingCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
299           STATUS     obsolete
300           DESCRIPTION
301                   "The compliance statement for HP ICF devices with
302                   a Distributed Management Chain connection."
303           MODULE
304               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfChainingGroup,
305                                  hpicfChainTrapGroup }
306           ::= { hpicfChainCompliances 1 }
308       hpicfChainingCompliance2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
309           STATUS     current
310           DESCRIPTION
311                   "The compliance statement for HP ICF devices with
312                   a Distributed Management Chain connection."
313           MODULE
314               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfChainingGroup,
315                                  hpicfChainNotifyGroup }
316           ::= { hpicfChainCompliances 2 }
319       -- units of conformance
321       hpicfChainingGroup OBJECT-GROUP
322           OBJECTS    { hpicfChainMaxMembers, hpicfChainCurMembers,
323                        hpicfChainLastChange, hpicfChainChanges,
324                        hpicfChainId, hpicfChainObjectId,
325                        hpicfChainTimestamp, hpicfChainHasAgent,
326                        hpicfChainThisBox, hpicfChainLocation,
327                        hpicfChainViewId, hpicfChainViewName }
328           STATUS     current
329           DESCRIPTION
330                   "A collection of objects for managing devices on the
331                   HP Distributed Management Bus."
332           ::= { hpicfChainGroups 1 }
334       hpicfChainTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
335           NOTIFICATIONS { hpicfChainAddition,
336                           hpicfChainRemoval }
337           STATUS        obsolete
338           DESCRIPTION
339                   "********* THIS GROUP IS OBSOLETE *********
341                   A collection of notifications used to indicate a
342                   changes in membership on a Distributed Management
343                   Chain."
344           ::= { hpicfChainGroups 2 }
346       hpicfChainNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
347           NOTIFICATIONS { hpicfChainRemoval }
348           STATUS        current
349           DESCRIPTION
350                   "A collection of notifications used to indicate a
351                   changes in membership on a Distributed Management
352                   Chain."
353           ::= { hpicfChainGroups 3 }
356       END