5        Integer32, Counter32
6            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
8            FROM SNMPv2-CONF
9        TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue
10            FROM SNMPv2-TC
11        hpSwitch
12            FROM HP-ICF-OID
13        mldInterfaceEntry
14            FROM IPV6-MLD-MIB
15        TimeTicks
16            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
17        InetAddressIPv6
19        PortList
20            FROM Q-BRIDGE-MIB
21        InterfaceIndex
22            FROM IF-MIB;
25        LAST-UPDATED "200707020000Z"  -- July 2, 2007
26        ORGANIZATION "Hewlett-Packard Company
27                      ProCurve Networking Business"
28        CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett-Packard Company
29                      8000 Foothills Blvd.
30                      Roseville, CA 95747"
31        DESCRIPTION  "This MIB module contains HP proprietary
32                     mib definitons for managing MLD services
33                     including extensions to the standard MLD MIB (RFC 3019)."
34        REVISION     "200707020000Z"  -- July 2, 2007
35        DESCRIPTION  "Initial revision."
36        ::= { hpSwitch 48 }
38-- -------------------------------------------------------------
39-- Textual Conventions
40-- -------------------------------------------------------------
42    HpicfMcastGroupTypeDefinition ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
43        STATUS      current
44        DESCRIPTION "Type definition.  This type distinguishes the
45                    different ways of tracking this device has for
46                    multicast joins.  The method of tracking is primarily
47                    determined by the igmp/mld feature configuration.  In
48                    particular if the snooping feature is enabled then
49                    port level tracking is the default which results in
50                    filtered groups.  If the snooping feature is
51                    disabled then joins will result in standard groups
52                    being tracked by this device.  When hardware resources
53                    are exhauseted for multicast filtered bridging, joins
54                    may result in standard groups even though the snooping
55                    feature is enabled.  Mini groups may be used when
56                    other resources, such as RAM, are low or exhausted."
57        SYNTAX       INTEGER { standard(1), filtered(2), mini(3) }
60-- **********************************************************************
61-- The MLD MIB Groups
62-- **********************************************************************
64    hpicfMldObjects     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfMldMIB 1 }
65    hpicfMld            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfMldObjects 1 }
67    hpicfMldConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfMldMIB 2 }
68    hpicfMldGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfMldConformance 1 }
69    hpicfMldCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfMldConformance 2 }
72-- **********************************************************************
73-- Start of MIB objects
74-- **********************************************************************
76    hpicfMldControlUnknownMulticast OBJECT-TYPE
77        SYNTAX      TruthValue
78        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
79        STATUS      current
80        DESCRIPTION "When enabled along with MLD, any IPv6 Multicast
81                     packets that are not joined by an MLD host will
82                     will be restricted to ports that have detected a
83                     multicast router or ports that are configured to
84                     always forward IPv6 multicast.  When set to disabled
85                     or when MLD is disabled, the unjoined IPv6 multicast
86                     packets will be flooded out all ports in the VLAN.
87                     Permanently assigned multicast addresses are always
88                     flooded and so are not impacted by this object."
89        DEFVAL      { true }
90        ::= { hpicfMld 1 }
93    hpicfMldConfigForcedLeaveInterval OBJECT-TYPE
94        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
95        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
96        STATUS      current
97        DESCRIPTION "When a port's
98                    hpicfMldPortConfigEntryForcedLeaveFeature is
99                    enabled, this is the amount of time allowed for an
100                    MLD Report to arrive and cancel deletion of a
101                    multicast group requested by a previous MLD
102                    Leave request.  Units are tenths of seconds."
103        ::= { hpicfMld 2 }
105    hpicfMldEnabledCount OBJECT-TYPE
106        SYNTAX      Integer32
107        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
108        STATUS      current
109        DESCRIPTION "Current total count of interfaces with MLD enabled."
110        ::= { hpicfMld 3 }
112    hpicfMldMcastGroupJoinsCount OBJECT-TYPE
113        SYNTAX      Integer32
114        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
115        STATUS      current
116        DESCRIPTION "Current total count of Multicast groups joined."
117        ::= { hpicfMld 4 }
120-- **********************************************************************
121-- The Extensions to the MLD std MIB mldInterfaceTable (RFC 3019)
122-- **********************************************************************
124    hpicfMldIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
125        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfMldIfEntry
126        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
127        STATUS      current
128        DESCRIPTION "HP extensions to the MLD stadard MIB table mldIfTable."
129        ::= { hpicfMld 5 }
131    hpicfMldIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
132        SYNTAX      HpicfMldIfEntry
133        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
134        STATUS      current
135        DESCRIPTION "HP extensions for an entry in the mldInterfaceTable."
136        AUGMENTS    { mldInterfaceEntry }
137        ::= { hpicfMldIfTable 1 }
139    HpicfMldIfEntry ::=
140        SEQUENCE {
141            hpicfMldIfEntryQuerierFeature       TruthValue,
142            hpicfMldIfEntrySnoopingFeature      TruthValue,
143            hpicfMldIfEntryQuerierPort          Integer32,
144            hpicfMldIfEntryFilteredJoins        Integer32,
145            hpicfMldIfEntryStandardJoins        Integer32,
146            hpicfMldIfEntryPortsWithMcastRouter PortList,
147            hpicfMldIfEntryStatGeneralQueryRx   Counter32,
148            hpicfMldIfEntryStatQueryTx          Counter32,
149            hpicfMldIfEntryStatGSQRx            Counter32,
150            hpicfMldIfEntryStatGSQTx            Counter32,
151            hpicfMldIfEntryStatMldV1ReportRx    Counter32,
152            hpicfMldIfEntryStatMldV2ReportRx    Counter32,
153            hpicfMldIfEntryStatMldV1LeaveRx     Counter32,
154            hpicfMldIfEntryStatUnknownMldTypeRx Counter32,
155            hpicfMldIfEntryStatUnknownPktRx     Counter32,
156            hpicfMldIfEntryStatForwardToRoutersTx Counter32,
157            hpicfMldIfEntryStatForwardToAllPortsTx Counter32,
158            hpicfMldIfEntryStatFastLeaves         Counter32,
159            hpicfMldIfEntryStatForcedFastLeaves   Counter32,
160            hpicfMldIfEntryStatJoinTimeouts       Counter32
161        }
163    hpicfMldIfEntryQuerierFeature OBJECT-TYPE
164        SYNTAX      TruthValue
165        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
166        STATUS      current
167        DESCRIPTION "Turns MLD querier functionality on and off."
168        DEFVAL      { true }
169        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry 1 }
172    hpicfMldIfEntrySnoopingFeature OBJECT-TYPE
173        SYNTAX      TruthValue
174        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
175        STATUS      current
176        DESCRIPTION "When enabled along with MLD, any IPv6 Multicast
177                     packets that are joined by an MLD host will be
178                     be restricted to ports which have recieved the
179                     joins.  This can be overridden by other features
180                     like hpicfMldPortConfigEntryPortModeFeature."
181        DEFVAL      { true }
182        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry 2 }
184    hpicfMldIfEntryQuerierPort OBJECT-TYPE
185        SYNTAX      Integer32
186        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
187        STATUS      current
188        DESCRIPTION "Logical port which the querier is connected to.  This is
189                     determined by the presence of querier packets on this port.
190                     This value is 0 if this device is querier."
191        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry 3 }
193    hpicfMldIfEntryFilteredJoins OBJECT-TYPE
194        SYNTAX      Integer32
195        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
196        STATUS      current
197        DESCRIPTION "Current total count of groups on this interface being tracked on a
198                     per port basis.  Traffic for these groups will be filtered to flow
199                     only to ports with active joins, subject to hw resource limitations
200                     such as the maximum number of groups supported by the hardware."
201        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry 4 }
203    hpicfMldIfEntryStandardJoins OBJECT-TYPE
204        SYNTAX      Integer32
205        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
206        STATUS      current
207        DESCRIPTION "Current total count of groups on this interface being traced on a
208                     per interface basis.  Traffic for these groups are flooded to the
209                     ports on the interface.  These can come form joines on interfaces
210                     which do not have mld snooping turned on.  They can also come from
211                     interfaces which have mld snooping on, but hw resources have been
212                     exhausted for bridging traffic based on joins."
213        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry 5 }
215    hpicfMldIfEntryPortsWithMcastRouter OBJECT-TYPE
216        SYNTAX      PortList
217        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
218        STATUS      current
219        DESCRIPTION "This indicates which ports have a multicast router detected on
220                     them."
221        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry 6 }
224     hpicfMldIfEntryStatGeneralQueryRx OBJECT-TYPE
225        SYNTAX      Counter32
226        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
227        STATUS      current
228        DESCRIPTION "The number of times an Mld Gerneral Service Query has been received
229                     on this interface."
230        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry 7 }
232     hpicfMldIfEntryStatQueryTx OBJECT-TYPE
233        SYNTAX      Counter32
234        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
235        STATUS      current
236        DESCRIPTION "The number of times a query has been sent from this interface."
237        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry  8}
239     hpicfMldIfEntryStatGSQRx OBJECT-TYPE
240        SYNTAX      Counter32
241        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
242        STATUS      current
243        DESCRIPTION "The number of times a group specific query has been received from
244                     this interface."
245        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry  9}
247     hpicfMldIfEntryStatGSQTx OBJECT-TYPE
248        SYNTAX      Counter32
249        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
250        STATUS      current
251        DESCRIPTION "The number of times a group specific query has been sent from
252                     this interface."
253        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry  10}
255     hpicfMldIfEntryStatMldV1ReportRx OBJECT-TYPE
256        SYNTAX      Counter32
257        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
258        STATUS      current
259        DESCRIPTION "The number of times an Mld version 1 report has been received on
260                     this interface."
261        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry  11}
263     hpicfMldIfEntryStatMldV2ReportRx OBJECT-TYPE
264        SYNTAX      Counter32
265        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
266        STATUS      current
267        DESCRIPTION "The number of times an Mld version 2 report has been received on
268                     this interface."
269        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry  12}
271     hpicfMldIfEntryStatMldV1LeaveRx OBJECT-TYPE
272        SYNTAX      Counter32
273        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
274        STATUS      current
275        DESCRIPTION "The number of times an Mld version 1 leave has been received on
276                     this interface."
277        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry  13}
279     hpicfMldIfEntryStatUnknownMldTypeRx OBJECT-TYPE
280        SYNTAX      Counter32
281        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
282        STATUS      current
283        DESCRIPTION "The number of times an Mld packet of unkown type has been received
284                     on this inerface."
285        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry  14}
287     hpicfMldIfEntryStatUnknownPktRx OBJECT-TYPE
288        SYNTAX      Counter32
289        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
290        STATUS      current
291        DESCRIPTION "The number of times a packet of unknown type has been sent to the
292                     Mld protocol on this device on this interface."
293        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry  15}
295     hpicfMldIfEntryStatForwardToRoutersTx OBJECT-TYPE
296        SYNTAX      Counter32
297        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
298        STATUS      current
299        DESCRIPTION "The number of times a packet has been forwarded to routers on this
300                     interface."
301        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry  16}
303     hpicfMldIfEntryStatForwardToAllPortsTx OBJECT-TYPE
304        SYNTAX      Counter32
305        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
306        STATUS      current
307        DESCRIPTION "The number of times a packet has been forwarded to all ports on this
308                     interface."
309        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry  17}
311     hpicfMldIfEntryStatFastLeaves OBJECT-TYPE
312        SYNTAX      Counter32
313        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
314        STATUS      current
315        DESCRIPTION "The number of times a fast leave has occurred on this interface."
316        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry  18}
318     hpicfMldIfEntryStatForcedFastLeaves OBJECT-TYPE
319        SYNTAX      Counter32
320        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
321        STATUS      current
322        DESCRIPTION "The number of times a forced fast leave has occurred on this interface."
323        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry  19}
325     hpicfMldIfEntryStatJoinTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
326        SYNTAX      Counter32
327        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
328        STATUS      current
329        DESCRIPTION "The number of times a join has timeout out on this interface."
330        ::= { hpicfMldIfEntry  20}
332-- **********************************************************************
333-- The Extensions to the MLD std MIB mldCacheTable (RFC 3019)
334-- **********************************************************************
336    hpicfMldCacheTable OBJECT-TYPE
337        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfMldCacheEntry
338        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
339        STATUS      current
340        DESCRIPTION "HP extensions to the MLD stadard MIB table mldCacheTable."
341        ::= { hpicfMld 6 }
343    hpicfMldCacheEntry OBJECT-TYPE
344        SYNTAX      HpicfMldCacheEntry
345        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
346        STATUS      current
347        DESCRIPTION "HP extensions for an entry in the mldCacheTable."
348	INDEX      {hpicfMldCacheIfIndex, hpicfMldCacheAddress}
349        ::= { hpicfMldCacheTable 1 }
351    HpicfMldCacheEntry ::=
352        SEQUENCE {
353            hpicfMldCacheIfIndex            InterfaceIndex,
354            hpicfMldCacheAddress            InetAddressIPv6,
355            hpicfMldCacheSelf               TruthValue,
356            hpicfMldCacheLastReporter       InetAddressIPv6,
357            hpicfMldCacheUpTime             TimeTicks,
358            hpicfMldCacheExpiryTime         TimeTicks,
359            hpicfMldGroupType               HpicfMcastGroupTypeDefinition,
360            hpicfJoinedPorts                PortList,
361            hpicfMldCacheStatus             RowStatus
362        }
364   hpicfMldCacheIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
365       SYNTAX     InterfaceIndex
366       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
367       STATUS     current
369                "The internetwork-layer interface for which this entry
370                contains information for an IPv6 multicast group
371                address."
372       ::= { hpicfMldCacheEntry 1 }
374   hpicfMldCacheAddress OBJECT-TYPE
375       SYNTAX     InetAddressIPv6 (SIZE (16))
376       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
377       STATUS     current
379               "The IPv6 multicast group address for which this entry
380               contains information."
381       ::= { hpicfMldCacheEntry 2 }
383   hpicfMldCacheSelf OBJECT-TYPE
384       SYNTAX     TruthValue
385       MAX-ACCESS read-create
386       STATUS     current
388               "An indication of whether the local system is a member of
389               this group address on this interface."
390       DEFVAL     { true }
391       ::= { hpicfMldCacheEntry 3 }
393   hpicfMldCacheLastReporter OBJECT-TYPE
394       SYNTAX     InetAddressIPv6 (SIZE (16))
395       MAX-ACCESS read-only
396       STATUS     current
398                "The IPv6 address of the source of the last membership
399                report received for this IPv6 Multicast group address on
400                this interface.  If no membership report has been
401                received, this object has the value 0::0."
402       ::= { hpicfMldCacheEntry 4 }
404   hpicfMldCacheUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
405       SYNTAX     TimeTicks
406       MAX-ACCESS read-only
407       STATUS     current
409               "The time elapsed since this entry was created."
410       ::= { hpicfMldCacheEntry 5 }
412   hpicfMldCacheExpiryTime OBJECT-TYPE
413       SYNTAX     TimeTicks
414       MAX-ACCESS read-only
415       STATUS     current
417                "The minimum amount of time remaining before this entry
418                will be aged out.  A value of 0 indicates that the entry
419                is only present because mldCacheSelf is true and that if
420                the router left the group, this entry would be aged out
421                immediately.  Note that some implementations may process
422                Membership Reports from the local system in the same way
423                as reports from other hosts, so a value of 0 is not
424                required."
425       ::= { hpicfMldCacheEntry 6 }
428    hpicfMldGroupType OBJECT-TYPE
429        SYNTAX     HpicfMcastGroupTypeDefinition
430        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
431        STATUS      current
432        DESCRIPTION "See HpicfMldGroupTypeDefinition description."
433        ::= { hpicfMldCacheEntry 7 }
435    hpicfJoinedPorts OBJECT-TYPE
436        SYNTAX      PortList
437        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
438        STATUS      current
439        DESCRIPTION "Logical ports with active Mld joins on them for this
440                    entry.  For Filtered groups this will be the logical ports
441                    which have active joins.  For standard and mini groups this
442                    will include all logical ports on the interface running
443                    Mld."
444        ::= { hpicfMldCacheEntry 8 }
446   hpicfMldCacheStatus OBJECT-TYPE
447       SYNTAX     RowStatus
448       MAX-ACCESS read-create
449       STATUS     current
451               "The status of this row, by which new entries may be
452               created, or existing entries deleted from this table."
453       ::= { hpicfMldCacheEntry 9 }
456-- **********************************************************************
457-- MLD Port Configuration MIB
458-- **********************************************************************
460    HpicfMldConfigPortModeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
461        STATUS      current
462        DESCRIPTION "Type definition.  See
463                    hpicfMldPortConfigEntryPortModeFeature for
464                    definition of this feature."
465        SYNTAX       INTEGER { auto(1), blocked(2), forward(3) }
467    hpicfMldPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
468        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfMldPortConfigEntry
469        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
470        STATUS      current
471        DESCRIPTION "This table  contains information about the MLD port
472                    configurations on this switch."
473        ::= { hpicfMld 7 }
475    hpicfMldPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
476        SYNTAX      HpicfMldPortConfigEntry
477        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
478        STATUS      current
479        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each MLD port
480                    configuration."
481        INDEX       { hpicfMldPortConfigEntryInterfaceIfIndex, hpicfMldPortConfigEntryIndex }
482        ::= { hpicfMldPortConfigTable 1 }
484    HpicfMldPortConfigEntry ::=
485        SEQUENCE {
486            hpicfMldPortConfigEntryInterfaceIfIndex      InterfaceIndex,
487            hpicfMldPortConfigEntryIndex                 Integer32,
488            hpicfMldPortConfigEntryPortModeFeature       HpicfMldConfigPortModeType,
489            hpicfMldPortConfigEntryForcedLeaveFeature    TruthValue,
490            hpicfMldPortConfigEntryFastLeaveFeature      TruthValue
491        }
493    hpicfMldPortConfigEntryInterfaceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
494        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
495        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
496        STATUS      current
497        DESCRIPTION "The internetwork-layer interface value of the interface
498                     for which MLD is enabled."
499        ::= { hpicfMldPortConfigEntry 1 }
501    hpicfMldPortConfigEntryIndex OBJECT-TYPE
502        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1 .. 65535)
503        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
504        STATUS      current
505        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row in the
506                     Interfaces Table for a port or trunk."
507        ::= { hpicfMldPortConfigEntry 2 }
509    hpicfMldPortConfigEntryPortModeFeature OBJECT-TYPE
510        SYNTAX      HpicfMldConfigPortModeType
511        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
512        STATUS      current
513        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the MLD feature for this
514                    port or trunk.  1 implies that all IP Multicast traffic
515                    will be monitored on the port, 2 implies that
516                    IP Multicast traffic will be dropped on the port, and
517                    3 implies that all IP Multicast traffic will be
518                    forwarded without the switch examining it."
519        ::= { hpicfMldPortConfigEntry 3 }
521    hpicfMldPortConfigEntryForcedLeaveFeature OBJECT-TYPE
522        SYNTAX      TruthValue
523        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
524        STATUS      current
525        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the MLD feature for this
526                    port or trunk indicates whether any MLD Leaves
527                    received for an IPv6 Multicast group will cause the
528                    group to be deleted after the
529                    hpicfMLDConfigForcedLeaveInterval if no new MLD
530                    Reports are received for that group. Normal behavior
531                    is for a group issuing a Leave to be deleted after
532                    the Querier's Maximum Response time if no MLD
533                    Report is received."
534        ::= { hpicfMldPortConfigEntry 4 }
536    hpicfMldPortConfigEntryFastLeaveFeature OBJECT-TYPE
537        SYNTAX      TruthValue
538        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
539        STATUS      current
540        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the MLD feature for this
541                    port or trunk indicates whether any MLD Leaves
542                    received for an IPv6 Multicast group will cause the
543                    group to be deleted immediately on single-
544            connection ports. Normal behavior is for a group
545            issuing a Leave to be deleted after the Querier's
546            Maximum Response time if no MLD Report is
547                    received."
548        ::= { hpicfMldPortConfigEntry 5 }
551-- **********************************************************************
552-- MLD Filtered Group Port Cache MIB
553-- **********************************************************************
555    hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheTable OBJECT-TYPE
556        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheEntry
557        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
558        STATUS      current
559        DESCRIPTION "This table  contains information about the MLD port
560                    configurations on this switch."
561        ::= { hpicfMld 8 }
563    hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheEntry OBJECT-TYPE
564        SYNTAX      HpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheEntry
565        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
566        STATUS      current
567        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each MLD port
568                    configuration."
569        INDEX       { hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheIfIndex,
570                      hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheGroupAddress,
571                      hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCachePortIndex }
572        ::= { hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheTable 1 }
574    HpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheEntry ::=
575        SEQUENCE {
576            hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheIfIndex        InterfaceIndex,
577            hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheGroupAddress   InetAddressIPv6,
578            hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCachePortIndex      Integer32,
579            hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheExpiryTime     TimeTicks
580        }
582    hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
583        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
584        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
585        STATUS      current
586        DESCRIPTION "The internetwork-layer interface value of the interface
587                     for which MLD is enabled and for which this filtered
588                     group exists."
589        ::= { hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheEntry 1 }
591    hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheGroupAddress OBJECT-TYPE
592        SYNTAX      InetAddressIPv6
593        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
594        STATUS      current
595        DESCRIPTION "The IPv6 multicast group address for which this
596                    entry contains information."
597        ::= { hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheEntry 2 }
599    hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCachePortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
600        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1 .. 65535)
601        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
602        STATUS      current
603        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row in the
604                     Interfaces Table for a port or trunk."
605        ::= { hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheEntry 3 }
607    hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheExpiryTime OBJECT-TYPE
608        SYNTAX     TimeTicks
609        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
610        STATUS      current
611        DESCRIPTION
612                "The minimum amount of time remaining before this entry
613                will be aged out."
614        ::= { hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheEntry 4 }
617-- **********************************************************************
618-- Conformance Information
619-- **********************************************************************
621    hpicfMldBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
622        OBJECTS     { hpicfMldControlUnknownMulticast,
623                      hpicfMldConfigForcedLeaveInterval,
624                      hpicfMldEnabledCount,
625                      hpicfMldMcastGroupJoinsCount
626                       }
627        STATUS      current
628        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects to support basic MLD
629                    configuration information on HP routers."
630        ::= { hpicfMldGroups 1 }
632    hpicfMldIfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
633        OBJECTS     { hpicfMldIfEntryQuerierFeature,
634                      hpicfMldIfEntrySnoopingFeature,
635                      hpicfMldIfEntryQuerierPort,
636                      hpicfMldIfEntryFilteredJoins,
637                      hpicfMldIfEntryStandardJoins,
638                      hpicfMldIfEntryPortsWithMcastRouter,
639                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatGeneralQueryRx,
640                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatQueryTx,
641                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatGSQRx,
642                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatGSQTx,
643                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatMldV1ReportRx,
644                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatMldV2ReportRx,
645                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatMldV1LeaveRx,
646                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatUnknownMldTypeRx,
647                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatUnknownPktRx,
648                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatForwardToRoutersTx,
649                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatForwardToAllPortsTx,
650                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatFastLeaves,
651                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatForcedFastLeaves,
652                      hpicfMldIfEntryStatJoinTimeouts
653                    }
654        STATUS      current
655        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that extends objects defined
656                    in mldInterfaceTable and used to support management of
657                    interfaces with MLD enabled."
658        ::= { hpicfMldGroups 2 }
660    hpicfMldCacheGroup OBJECT-GROUP
661        OBJECTS     { hpicfMldCacheSelf,
662                      hpicfMldCacheLastReporter,
663                      hpicfMldCacheUpTime,
664                      hpicfMldCacheExpiryTime,
665                      hpicfMldGroupType,
666                      hpicfJoinedPorts,
667                      hpicfMldCacheStatus
668                    }
669        STATUS      current
670        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that extends objects defined
671                    in mldCacheTable and used to support management of
672                    interfaces with MLD enabled."
673        ::= { hpicfMldGroups 3 }
675    hpicfMldPortGroup OBJECT-GROUP
676        OBJECTS     { hpicfMldPortConfigEntryPortModeFeature,
677                      hpicfMldPortConfigEntryForcedLeaveFeature,
678                      hpicfMldPortConfigEntryFastLeaveFeature }
679        STATUS      current
680        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that extends objects defined
681                    in mldInterfaceTable and used to support management of
682                    interfaces with MLD enabled."
683        ::= { hpicfMldGroups 4 }
685    hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheGroup OBJECT-GROUP
686        OBJECTS     { hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheExpiryTime }
687        STATUS      current
688        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that extends objects defined
689                    in hpicfMldCacheTable which are of type filtered.  These
690                    are used to support management of interfaces with MLD
691                    enabled."
692        ::= { hpicfMldGroups 5 }
694-- **********************************************************************
695-- Compliance statements
696-- **********************************************************************
698    hpicfMldMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
699        STATUS      current
700        DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP routers running
701                    MLD and implementing the HP-ICF-MLD MIB."
702        MODULE  -- this module
703            MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfMldBaseGroup,
704                               hpicfMldIfGroup,
705                               hpicfMldCacheGroup,
706                               hpicfMldPortGroup,
707                               hpicfMldFilteredGroupPortCacheGroup }
708        ::= { hpicfMldCompliances 1 }