5        Integer32
6            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
7        InterfaceIndex, ifIndex
8            FROM IF-MIB
10            FROM SNMPv2-CONF
11        hpicfObjectModules, hpicfRateLimitTrapsPrefix
12            FROM HP-ICF-OID
13        ;
15    hpicfRateLimitMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
16         LAST-UPDATED "200708291120Z"  -- August 29, 2007
17         ORGANIZATION "Hewlett Packard Company,
18                       Procurve Networking Business"
19         CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett Packard Company
20                       8000 Foothills Blvd.
21                       Roseville, CA 95747"
22         DESCRIPTION  "This MIB module describes HP rate limit information."
24	      REVISION     "200708291120Z"  -- August 29, 2007
25         DESCRIPTION  "Deprecated all bps objects for
26                       hpEgressRateLimitPortConfigTable and
27                       hpIngressRateLimitPortConfigTable, and updated
28                       compliance information (including correcting ICMP
29                       group to be hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigGroup2)."
31	      REVISION     "200707271920Z"  -- July 27, 2007
32         DESCRIPTION  "Modified enumerated type names for
33                       hpICMPRateLimitPortControlMode object."
35	      REVISION     "200706011146Z"  -- June 1, 2007
36         DESCRIPTION  "Deprecated hpICMPRateLimitPortState in favor of new
37                       hpICMPRateLimitPortControlMode object."
39	      REVISION     "200705301610Z"  -- May 30, 2007
40         DESCRIPTION  "Added Kbps configuration for ICMP, port-egress,
41                       and port-ingress rate-limiting definitions."
43	      REVISION     "200607071833Z"  -- July 07, 2006
44         DESCRIPTION  "Added new egress rate limiting bps objects, and
45                       ingress rate-limiting definitions."
47	      REVISION     "200504201130Z"  -- April 20, 2005
48         DESCRIPTION  "Added minimum bandwidth and egress rate limiting
49                       definitions."
51	      REVISION     "200408221030Z"  -- August 22, 2004
52         DESCRIPTION  "Initial version."
54         ::= { hpicfObjectModules 14 }
57    hpicfRateLimitObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfRateLimitMIB 1 }
59-- ICMP Rate Limiting Objects
61    hpicfICMPRateLimitObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfRateLimitObjects 1 }
63    hpICMPRateLimitConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfICMPRateLimitObjects 1 }
65    hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
66        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpICMPRateLimitPortConfigEntry
67        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
68        STATUS      current
69        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains configuration objects on ICMP
70                     rate limit on a per interface basis."
71        ::= { hpICMPRateLimitConfig 1 }
73    hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
74        SYNTAX      HpICMPRateLimitPortConfigEntry
75        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
76        STATUS      current
77        DESCRIPTION "Entry that contains configuration objects on ICMP
78                     rate limit on a per interface basis"
79        INDEX       { hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigIndex }
80        ::= { hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigTable 1 }
82    HpICMPRateLimitPortConfigEntry ::=
83        SEQUENCE {
84            hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigIndex              InterfaceIndex,
85            hpICMPRateLimitPortState                    INTEGER,
86            hpICMPRateLimitPortPrct                     Integer32,
87            hpICMPRateLimitPortAlarmFlag                INTEGER,
88            hpICMPRateLimitPortKbps                     Integer32,
89            hpICMPRateLimitPortControlMode              INTEGER
90        }
92    hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE
93        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
94        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
95        STATUS      current
96        DESCRIPTION "The interface index associated with this entry."
97        ::= { hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigEntry 1 }
99    hpICMPRateLimitPortState OBJECT-TYPE
100        SYNTAX INTEGER {
101            enabled(1),
102            disabled(2)
103        }
104        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
105        STATUS      deprecated
106        DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether ICMP rate limiting is
107                     enabled on the corresponding port.
109                     Because this is a State object it cannot distinguish
110                     between percent-based ICMP Rate-Limiting and the newer
111                     Kbps-based ICMP Rate-Limiting. Therefore, it has been
112                     deprecated in favor of hpICMPRateLimitPortControlMode."
113        DEFVAL     { disabled }
114        ::= { hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigEntry 2 }
116    hpICMPRateLimitPortPrct OBJECT-TYPE
117        SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100)
118        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
119        STATUS      current
120        DESCRIPTION "This indicates the percent of ICMP rate limit on
121                     the port.  The value of this object must be
122                     interpreted under the context of
123                     hpICMPRateLimitPortState.  A value of 0 is not the
124                     same as disabling, but rather all ICMP traffic must
125                     be dropped."
126        ::= { hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigEntry 3 }
128    hpICMPRateLimitPortAlarmFlag OBJECT-TYPE
129        SYNTAX INTEGER {
130            clear(1),
131            set(2)
132        }
133        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
134        STATUS      current
135        DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether ICMP rate limiting
136                     alarm has been sent.  When an alarm is sent, this
137                     object is set to set(2).  Once a management station
138                     changes this object to clear(1), an alarm can be
139                     sent again for this port."
140        DEFVAL     { clear }
141        ::= { hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigEntry 4 }
144    hpICMPRateLimitPortKbps OBJECT-TYPE
145        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..10000000)
146        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
147        STATUS      current
148       DESCRIPTION "The maximum Kilobits-per-second of ICMP traffic that may
149                     be received inbound on the port.  The value of this
150                     object must be interpreted under the context of
151                     hpICMPRateLimitControlMode.  A value of 0 is not the
152                     same as disabling, but means instead that all ICMP
153                     traffic must be dropped."
154        ::= { hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigEntry 5 }
156    hpICMPRateLimitPortControlMode OBJECT-TYPE
157        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
158                        disabled(1),
159                        portPrct(2),
160                        portKbps(3)
161                    }
162        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
163        STATUS      current
164        DESCRIPTION "The mode by which inbound ICMP traffic on this port will
165                    Rate-Limited. If icmpRateLimitPerPortOnly is configured,
166		    there will be a single maximum percentage-based rate for
167                    the entire port. If icmpRateLimitPerPortOnlyKbpsMode is
168                    configured, there will be a single maximum kilobits-per-
169                    second rate for the entire port. When ICMP rate-limiting
170                    is disabled, there are no maximum controls on inbound
171                    ICMP traffic for this port."
172        DEFVAL { disabled }
173        ::= { hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigEntry 6 }
176    hpICMPRateLimitPortNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
177        OBJECTS     { hpICMPRateLimitNotifyPortIndex }
178        STATUS      current
179        DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates limit has exceeded."
181        ::= { hpicfRateLimitTrapsPrefix 1 }
183    hpICMPRateLimitNotifyPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
184        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
185        MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
186        STATUS      current
187        DESCRIPTION "The interface index associated with
188                     hpICMPRateLimitPortNotification event."
189        ::= { hpicfICMPRateLimitObjects 2 }
191-- Egress Minimum Bandwidth Ojbects
193    hpicfBWMinEgressObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
194                               { hpicfRateLimitObjects 2 }
195    hpBWMinEgressPortConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
196                               { hpicfBWMinEgressObjects 1 }
198    hpBWMinEgressPortNumQueues OBJECT-TYPE
199        SYNTAX      Integer32
200        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
201        STATUS      current
202        DESCRIPTION "The number of bandwidth minimum egress queues supported
203                     on this system."
204        ::= { hpBWMinEgressPortConfig 1 }
206    hpBWMinEgressPortPrctTable OBJECT-TYPE
207        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpBWMinEgressPortPrctEntry
208        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
209        STATUS      current
210        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the port's egress
211		    Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth percent configurations on
212		    this switch.  The number of entries in this table is
213                    determined by hpBWMinEgressPortNumQueues.  The priority of
214                    the queues is in ascending order, starting with queue one
215                    being the lowest and queue hpBWMinEgressPortNumQueues
216                    being the highest."
217        ::= { hpBWMinEgressPortConfig 2 }
219    hpBWMinEgressPortPrctEntry OBJECT-TYPE
220        SYNTAX      HpBWMinEgressPortPrctEntry
221        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
222        STATUS      current
223        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each port's egress
224                    Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth percent configuration."
225        INDEX       { ifIndex, hpBWMinEgressPortPrctQueue }
226        ::= { hpBWMinEgressPortPrctTable 1 }
228    HpBWMinEgressPortPrctEntry ::=
229        SEQUENCE {
230            hpBWMinEgressPortPrctQueue                 Integer32,
231            hpBWMinEgressPortPrct                      Integer32
232        }
234    hpBWMinEgressPortPrctQueue  OBJECT-TYPE
235        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..9000)
236        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
237        STATUS      current
238        DESCRIPTION "The queue associated with this entry.  The priority of
239                    the queues is in ascending order, starting with queue one
240                    being the lowest and queue hpBWMinEgressPortNumQueues
241                    being the highest."
242        ::= { hpBWMinEgressPortPrctEntry 1 }
244    hpBWMinEgressPortPrct  OBJECT-TYPE
245        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..100)
246        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
247        STATUS      current
248        DESCRIPTION "The percentage of Guaranteed Minimum bandwidth to be
249                    assigned to this egress queue for this port. Total values
250                    for all queues must not exceed 100 percent."
251        ::= { hpBWMinEgressPortPrctEntry 2 }
253-- Ingress Minimum Bandwidth Ojbects
255    hpicfBWMinIngressObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
256                               { hpicfRateLimitObjects 3 }
257    hpBWMinIngressPortConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
258                               { hpicfBWMinIngressObjects 1 }
260    hpBWMinIngressPortNumQueues OBJECT-TYPE
261        SYNTAX      Integer32
262        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
263        STATUS      current
264        DESCRIPTION "The number of bandwidth minimum ingress queues supported
265                    on this system."
266        ::= { hpBWMinIngressPortConfig 1 }
268    hpBWMinIngressPortPrctTable OBJECT-TYPE
269        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpBWMinIngressPortPrctEntry
270        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
271        STATUS      current
272        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the port's
273		    ingress Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth percent
274                    configurations on this switch.  The number of entries in
275                    this table is determined by hpBWMinIngressPortNumQueues.
276                    The priority of the queues is in ascending order, starting
277                    with queue one being the lowest and queue
278                    hpBWMinIngressPortNumQueues being the highest."
279        ::= { hpBWMinIngressPortConfig 2 }
281    hpBWMinIngressPortPrctEntry OBJECT-TYPE
282        SYNTAX      HpBWMinIngressPortPrctEntry
283        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
284        STATUS      current
285        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each port's ingress
286                    Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth percent configuration."
287        INDEX       { ifIndex, hpBWMinIngressPortPrctQueue }
288        ::= { hpBWMinIngressPortPrctTable 1 }
290    HpBWMinIngressPortPrctEntry ::=
291        SEQUENCE {
292            hpBWMinIngressPortPrctQueue                 Integer32,
293            hpBWMinIngressPortPrct                      Integer32
294        }
296    hpBWMinIngressPortPrctQueue  OBJECT-TYPE
297        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..9000)
298        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
299        STATUS      current
300        DESCRIPTION "The queue associated with this entry.  The priority of
301                     the queues is in ascending order, starting with queue one
302                     being the lowest and queue hpBWMinIngressPortNumQueues
303                     being the highest."
304        ::= { hpBWMinIngressPortPrctEntry 1 }
306    hpBWMinIngressPortPrct  OBJECT-TYPE
307        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..100)
308        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
309        STATUS      current
310        DESCRIPTION "The percentage of Guaranteed Minimum bandwidth to be
311                    assigned to this ingress queue for this port. Total values
312                    for all queues must not exceed 100 percent."
313        ::= { hpBWMinIngressPortPrctEntry 2 }
315-- Egress Rate Limiting Objects
317    hpicfRateLimitPortObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
318                               { hpicfRateLimitObjects 4 }
319    hpRateLimitPortConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
320                               { hpicfRateLimitPortObjects 1 }
322    hpEgressRateLimitPortNumQueues OBJECT-TYPE
323        SYNTAX      Integer32
324        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
325        STATUS      current
326        DESCRIPTION "The number of egress rate-limiting queues supported on
327                    this system."
328        ::= { hpRateLimitPortConfig 1 }
330    hpEgressRateLimitPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
331        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpEgressRateLimitPortConfigEntry
332        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
333        STATUS      current
334        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the port egress
335                    Rate-Limiting configurations on this switch."
336        ::= { hpRateLimitPortConfig 2 }
338    hpEgressRateLimitPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
339        SYNTAX      HpEgressRateLimitPortConfigEntry
340        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
341        STATUS      current
342        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each port's egress
343                    Rate-Limiting configuration."
344        INDEX       { hpEgressRateLimitPortIndex }
345        ::= { hpEgressRateLimitPortConfigTable 1 }
347    HpEgressRateLimitPortConfigEntry ::=
348        SEQUENCE {
349            hpEgressRateLimitPortIndex             InterfaceIndex,
350            hpEgressRateLimitPortControlMode       INTEGER,
351            hpEgressRateLimitPortSingleControlPrct Integer32,
352            hpEgressRateLimitPortSingleControlBps  Unsigned32,
353            hpEgressRateLimitPortSingleControlKbps Integer32
354        }
356    hpEgressRateLimitPortIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
357        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
358        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
359        STATUS      current
360        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row in the
361                    Interfaces Table."
362        ::= { hpEgressRateLimitPortConfigEntry 1 }
364    hpEgressRateLimitPortControlMode OBJECT-TYPE
365        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
366                        disabled(1),
367                        egressRateLimitPerPortOnly(2),
368                        egressRateLimitPerQueue(3),
369                        egressRateLimitPerPortOnlyBpsMode(4),
370                        egressRateLimitPerQueueBpsMode(5),
371                        egressRateLimitPerPortOnlyKbpsMode(6)
372                    }
373        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
374        STATUS      current
375        DESCRIPTION "The mode by which this port will be Rate-Limited on
376                    egress. If egressRateLimitPerPortOnly is configured, there
377                    will be a single maximum percentage-based rate for the
378                    entire port. If egressRateLimitPerQueue is configured, the
379                    values for each of the queues indicate the maximum
380                    percentage of port traffic that may be transmitted by that
381                    queue. If egressRateLimitPerPortOnlyBpsMode is configured,
382                    there will be a single maximum bits-per-second rate for
383                    the entire port. If egressRateLimitPerPortOnlyKbpsMode is
384                    configured, there will be a single maximum
385                    kilobits-per-second rate for the entire port. If
386                    egressRateLimitPerQueueBpsMode is configured, the maximum
387                    transmission-rate values for each of the queues will be
388                    expressed in bits-per-second (again, the sum of these
389                    values must not exceed the maximum Bytes-per-second
390                    capability of the network link). The queues are defined
391                    under hpEgressRateLimitPortPrctTable.  When egress
392                    rate-limiting is disabled, there are no maximum controls
393                    on egress for this port."
394        DEFVAL { disabled }
395        ::= { hpEgressRateLimitPortConfigEntry 2 }
397    hpEgressRateLimitPortSingleControlPrct OBJECT-TYPE
398        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..100)
399        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
400        STATUS      current
401        DESCRIPTION "When hpEgressRateLimitPortControlMode is configured
402                    for egressRateLimitPerPortOnly, this value is the maximum
403                    percentage of traffic that may be transmitted by this
404                    port on egress."
405        ::= { hpEgressRateLimitPortConfigEntry 3 }
407    hpEgressRateLimitPortSingleControlBps OBJECT-TYPE
408        SYNTAX	    Unsigned32 (0..4200000000)
409        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
410        STATUS      deprecated
411        DESCRIPTION "When hpEgressRateLimitPortControlMode is configured for
412                    egressRateLimitPerPortOnlyBpsMode, this value is the
413                    maximum bits-per-second of traffic that may be transmitted
414                    by this port on egress."
415        ::= { hpEgressRateLimitPortConfigEntry 4 }
417    hpEgressRateLimitPortSingleControlKbps OBJECT-TYPE
418        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..10000000)
419        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
420        STATUS      current
421        DESCRIPTION "When hpEgressRateLimitPortControlMode is configured for
422                    egressRateLimitPerPortOnlyKbpsMode, this value is the
423                    maximum kilobits-per-second of traffic that may be
424                    transmitted by this port on egress."
425        ::= { hpEgressRateLimitPortConfigEntry 5 }
427    hpEgressRateLimitPortPrctTable OBJECT-TYPE
428        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpEgressRateLimitPortPrctEntry
429        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
430        STATUS      current
431        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the port egress
432                    Rate-Limiting percent configurations on this switch.  The
433                    number of entries in this table is determined by
434                    hpEgressRateLimitPortNumQueues.  The priority of the
435                    queues is in ascending order, starting with queue one
436                    being the lowest priority and queue
437                    hpEgressRateLimitPortNumQueues being the highest
438                    priority."
439        ::= { hpRateLimitPortConfig 3 }
441    hpEgressRateLimitPortPrctEntry OBJECT-TYPE
442        SYNTAX      HpEgressRateLimitPortPrctEntry
443        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
444        STATUS      current
445        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each port's egress
446                    Rate-Limiting percent configuration."
447        INDEX       { hpEgressRateLimitPortIndex,
448                      hpEgressRateLimitPortPrctQueue }
449        ::= { hpEgressRateLimitPortPrctTable 1 }
451    HpEgressRateLimitPortPrctEntry ::=
452        SEQUENCE {
453            hpEgressRateLimitPortPrctQueue             Integer32,
454            hpEgressRateLimitPortPrct                  Integer32
455        }
457    hpEgressRateLimitPortPrctQueue  OBJECT-TYPE
458        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..9000)
459        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
460        STATUS      current
461        DESCRIPTION "The queue associated with this entry.  The priority o
462                     of the queues is in ascending order, starting with
463                     queue one being the lowest and queue
464                     hpEgressRateLimitgressPortNumQueues being the highest."
465        ::= { hpEgressRateLimitPortPrctEntry 1 }
467    hpEgressRateLimitPortPrct  OBJECT-TYPE
468        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..100)
469        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
470        STATUS      current
471        DESCRIPTION "The maximum percentage of traffic that may be
472                    transmitted by this port's queue on egress.
473                    hpEgressRateLimitPortControlMode must be configured to
474                    use egressRateLimitPerQueue for this to take effect.  A
475                    value of 0-percent for any queue means that no traffic
476                    will ever be transmitted on this port for that egress
477                    queue."
478        ::= { hpEgressRateLimitPortPrctEntry 2 }
480    hpEgressRateLimitPortBpsTable OBJECT-TYPE
481        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpEgressRateLimitPortBpsEntry
482        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
483        STATUS      deprecated
484        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the port
485                    egress Rate-Limiting bits-per-second configurations on this
486                    switch.  The number of entries in this table is determined
487	            by hpEgressRateLimitPortNumQueues. The priority of the
488	            queues is in ascending order, starting with queue one
489                    being the lowest priority and queue
490                    hpEgressRateLimitPortNumQueues being the highest
491                    priority queue."
492        ::= { hpRateLimitPortConfig 4 }
494    hpEgressRateLimitPortBpsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
495        SYNTAX      HpEgressRateLimitPortBpsEntry
496        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
497        STATUS      deprecated
498        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each port's egress
499                    Rate-Limiting bits-per-second configuration."
500        INDEX       { hpEgressRateLimitPortIndex,
501                      hpEgressRateLimitPortBpsQueue }
502        ::= { hpEgressRateLimitPortBpsTable 1 }
504    HpEgressRateLimitPortBpsEntry ::=
505        SEQUENCE {
506            hpEgressRateLimitPortBpsQueue            Integer32,
507            hpEgressRateLimitPortBps                 Unsigned32
508        }
511    hpEgressRateLimitPortBpsQueue  OBJECT-TYPE
512        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..64)
513        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
514        STATUS      deprecated
515        DESCRIPTION "The queue associated with this entry. The priority of
516	            the queues is in ascending order, starting with queue one
517                    being the lowest and queue
518                    hpEgressRateLimitgressPortNumQueues being the highest."
519        ::= { hpEgressRateLimitPortBpsEntry 1 }
521    hpEgressRateLimitPortBps  OBJECT-TYPE
522        SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..4200000000)
523        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
524        STATUS      deprecated
525        DESCRIPTION "The maximum bits-per-second of traffic that may be
526                    transmitted by this port's queue on egress.
527                    hpEgressRateLimitPortControlMode must be configured to use
528                    egressRateLimitPerQueue for this to take effect.  A value
529                    of 0-percent for any queue means that no traffic will ever
530                    be transmitted on this port for that egress queue. The
531                    values for each queue must not exceed the bits-per-second
532                    capability of the current network link speed."
533        ::= { hpEgressRateLimitPortBpsEntry 2 }
536-- Ingress Rate Limiting Objects
538    hpicfIngressRateLimitPortObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
539                               { hpicfRateLimitObjects 5 }
540    hpRateLimitIngressPortConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
541                               { hpicfIngressRateLimitPortObjects 1 }
544    hpIngressRateLimitPortNumQueues OBJECT-TYPE
545        SYNTAX      Integer32
546        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
547        STATUS      current
548        DESCRIPTION "The number of ingress rate-limiting queues supported on
549                    this system."
550        ::= { hpRateLimitIngressPortConfig 1 }
552    hpIngressRateLimitPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
553        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpIngressRateLimitPortConfigEntry
554        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
555        STATUS      current
556        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the port ingress
557                    Rate-Limiting configurations on this switch."
558        ::= { hpRateLimitIngressPortConfig 2 }
560    hpIngressRateLimitPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
561        SYNTAX      HpIngressRateLimitPortConfigEntry
562        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
563        STATUS      current
564        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each port's ingress
565                    Rate-Limiting configuration."
566        INDEX       { hpIngressRateLimitPortIndex }
567        ::= { hpIngressRateLimitPortConfigTable 1 }
569    HpIngressRateLimitPortConfigEntry ::=
570        SEQUENCE {
571            hpIngressRateLimitPortIndex             InterfaceIndex,
572            hpIngressRateLimitPortControlMode       INTEGER,
573            hpIngressRateLimitPortSingleControlPrct Integer32,
574            hpIngressRateLimitPortSingleControlBps  Unsigned32,
575            hpIngressRateLimitPortSingleControlKbps Integer32
576        }
578    hpIngressRateLimitPortIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
579        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
580        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
581        STATUS      current
582        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row in the
583                    Interfaces Table."
584        ::= { hpIngressRateLimitPortConfigEntry 1 }
586    hpIngressRateLimitPortControlMode OBJECT-TYPE
587        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
588                        disabled(1),
589                        ingressRateLimitPerPortOnly(2),
590                        ingressRateLimitPerQueue(3),
591                        ingressRateLimitPerPortOnlyBpsMode(4),
592                        ingressRateLimitPerQueueBpsMode(5),
593                        ingressRateLimitPerPortOnlyKbpsMode(6)
594                    }
595        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
596        STATUS      current
597        DESCRIPTION "The mode by which this port will be Rate-Limited on
598                    ingress. If ingressRateLimitPerPortOnly is configured,
599		    there will be a single maximum percentage-based rate for
600                    the entire port. If ingressRateLimitPerQueue is
601                    configured, the values for each of the queues indicate the
602                    maximum percentage of port traffic that may be transmitted
603                    by that queue. If ingressRateLimitPerPortOnlyBpsMode is
604                    configured, there will be a single maximum bits-per-second
605                    rate for the entire port. If
606                    ingressRateLimitPerPortOnlyKbpsMode is configured, there
607                    will be a single maximum kilobits-per-second rate for the
608                    entire port. If ingressRateLimitPerQueueBpsMode is
609                    configured, the maximum transmission-rate values for each
610                    of the queues will be expressed in bits-per-second (again,
611                    the sum of these values must not exceed the maximum
612                    Bytes-per-second capability of the network link). The
613                    queues are defined under hpIngressRateLimitPortPrctTable.
614                    When ingress rate-limiting is disabled, there are no
615                    maximum controls on ingress for this port."
616        DEFVAL { disabled }
617        ::= { hpIngressRateLimitPortConfigEntry 2 }
619    hpIngressRateLimitPortSingleControlPrct OBJECT-TYPE
620        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..100)
621        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
622        STATUS      current
623        DESCRIPTION "When hpIngressRateLimitPortControlMode is configured
624                    for ingressRateLimitPerPortOnly, this value is the maximum
625                    percentage of traffic that may be transmitted by this
626                    port on egress."
627        ::= { hpIngressRateLimitPortConfigEntry 3 }
629    hpIngressRateLimitPortSingleControlBps OBJECT-TYPE
630        SYNTAX	    Unsigned32 (0..4200000000)
631        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
632        STATUS      deprecated
633        DESCRIPTION "When hpIngressRateLimitPortControlMode is configured for
634                    ingressRateLimitPerPortOnlyBpsMode, this value is the
635                    maximum bits-per-second of traffic that may be transmitted
636                    by this port on ingress."
637       ::= { hpIngressRateLimitPortConfigEntry 4}
639    hpIngressRateLimitPortSingleControlKbps OBJECT-TYPE
640        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..10000000)
641        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
642        STATUS      current
643        DESCRIPTION "When hpIngressRateLimitPortControlMode is configured for
644                    ingressRateLimitPerPortOnlyKbpsMode, this value is the
645                    maximum kilobits-per-second of traffic that may be
646                    transmitted by this port on ingress."
647       ::= { hpIngressRateLimitPortConfigEntry 5}
649    hpIngressRateLimitPortPrctTable OBJECT-TYPE
650        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpIngressRateLimitPortPrctEntry
651        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
652        STATUS      current
653        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the port ingress
654                    Rate-Limiting percent configurations on this switch.  The
655                    number of entries in this table is determined by
656                    hpIngressRateLimitPortNumQueues.  The priority of the
657                    queues is in ascending order, starting with queue one
658                    being the lowest priority and queue
659                    hpIngressRateLimitPortNumQueues being the highest
660                    priority."
661        ::= { hpRateLimitIngressPortConfig 3 }
663    hpIngressRateLimitPortPrctEntry OBJECT-TYPE
664        SYNTAX      HpIngressRateLimitPortPrctEntry
665        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
666        STATUS      current
667        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each port's ingress
668                    Rate-Limiting percent configuration."
669        INDEX       { hpIngressRateLimitPortIndex,
670                      hpIngressRateLimitPortPrctQueue }
671        ::= { hpIngressRateLimitPortPrctTable 1 }
673    HpIngressRateLimitPortPrctEntry ::=
674        SEQUENCE {
675            hpIngressRateLimitPortPrctQueue             Integer32,
676            hpIngressRateLimitPortPrct                  Integer32
677        }
679    hpIngressRateLimitPortPrctQueue  OBJECT-TYPE
680        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..9000)
681        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
682        STATUS      current
683        DESCRIPTION "The queue associated with this entry.  The priority
684                     of the queues is in ascending order, starting with
685                     queue one being the lowest and queue
686                     hpIngressRateLimitgressPortNumQueues being the highest."
687        ::= { hpIngressRateLimitPortPrctEntry 1 }
689    hpIngressRateLimitPortPrct  OBJECT-TYPE
690        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..100)
691        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
692        STATUS      current
693        DESCRIPTION "The maximum percentage of traffic that may be
694                    transmitted by this port's queue on ingress.
695                    hpIngressRateLimitPortControlMode must be configured to
696                    use ingressRateLimitPerQueue for this to take effect.  A
697                    value of 0-percent for any queue means that no traffic
698                    will ever be transmitted on this port for that ingress
699                    queue.  The values for each queue must not exceed 100
700                    percent."
701        ::= { hpIngressRateLimitPortPrctEntry 2 }
703    hpIngressRateLimitPortBpsTable OBJECT-TYPE
704        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpIngressRateLimitPortBpsEntry
705        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
706        STATUS      deprecated
707        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the port ingress
708                    Rate-Limiting bits-per-second configurations on this
709                    switch.  The number of entries in this table is determined
710	            by hpIngressRateLimitPortNumQueues. The priority of the
711	            queues is in ascending order, starting with queue one
712                    being the lowest priority and queue
713                    hpIngressRateLimitPortNumQueues being the highest
714                    priority queue."
715        ::= { hpRateLimitIngressPortConfig 4 }
717    hpIngressRateLimitPortBpsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
718        SYNTAX      HpIngressRateLimitPortBpsEntry
719        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
720        STATUS      deprecated
721        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each port's egress
722                    Rate-Limiting bits-per-second configuration."
723        INDEX       { hpIngressRateLimitPortIndex,
724                      hpIngressRateLimitPortBpsQueue }
725        ::= { hpIngressRateLimitPortBpsTable 1 }
727    HpIngressRateLimitPortBpsEntry ::=
728        SEQUENCE {
729            hpIngressRateLimitPortBpsQueue            Integer32,
730            hpIngressRateLimitPortBps                 Unsigned32
731        }
733    hpIngressRateLimitPortBpsQueue  OBJECT-TYPE
734        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..64)
735        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
736        STATUS      deprecated
737        DESCRIPTION "The queue associated with this entry. The priority of
738	            the queues is in ascending order, starting with queue one
739                    being the lowest and queue
740                    hpIngressRateLimitgressPortNumQueues being the highest."
741        ::= { hpIngressRateLimitPortBpsEntry 1 }
743    hpIngressRateLimitPortBps  OBJECT-TYPE
744        SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..4200000000)
745        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
746        STATUS      deprecated
747        DESCRIPTION "The maximum bits-per-second of traffic that may be
748                    transmitted by this port's queue on ingress.
749                    hpIngressRateLimitPortControlMode must be configured to
750                    use ingressRateLimitPerQueue for this to take effect.  A
751                    value of 0-percent for any queue means that no traffic
752                    will ever be transmitted on this port for that ingress
753                    queue. The values for each queue must not exceed the
754                    bits-per-second capability of the current network link
755                    speed."
756        ::= { hpIngressRateLimitPortBpsEntry 2 }
758-- Conformance Information
760   hpicfRateLimitConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfRateLimitMIB 2 }
762   hpicfRateLimitGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfRateLimitConformance 1 }
764   hpicfRateLimitCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER
765       ::= { hpicfRateLimitConformance 2 }
767-- units of conformance
769   hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
770        OBJECTS {
771            hpICMPRateLimitPortState,
772            hpICMPRateLimitPortPrct,
773            hpICMPRateLimitPortAlarmFlag,
774            hpICMPRateLimitNotifyPortIndex
775        }
776        STATUS     deprecated
777        DESCRIPTION
778          "A collection of objects providing configuration to ICMP rate
779           limiting on an interface."
780       ::= { hpicfRateLimitGroups 1 }
782    hpICMPRateLimitPortNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
783        NOTIFICATIONS { hpICMPRateLimitPortNotification }
784        STATUS        current
785        DESCRIPTION   "A collection of notifications used to indicate
786                      ICMP rate limiting on an interface events."
787        ::= { hpicfRateLimitGroups 2 }
789   hpBWMinIngressPortConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
790        OBJECTS { hpBWMinIngressPortNumQueues,
791                  hpBWMinIngressPortPrct }
792        STATUS     current
793        DESCRIPTION
794          "A collection of objects providing configuration to Guaranteed
795           Minimum ingress bandwidth on an interface."
796       ::= { hpicfRateLimitGroups 3 }
798   hpBWMinEgressPortConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
799        OBJECTS { hpBWMinEgressPortNumQueues,
800                  hpBWMinEgressPortPrct }
801        STATUS     current
802        DESCRIPTION
803          "A collection of objects providing configuration to Guaranteed
804           Minimum egress bandwidth on an interface."
805       ::= { hpicfRateLimitGroups 4 }
807   hpEgressRateLimitPortConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
808        OBJECTS {  hpEgressRateLimitPortNumQueues,
809                   hpEgressRateLimitPortControlMode,
810                   hpEgressRateLimitPortSingleControlPrct,
811                   hpEgressRateLimitPortSingleControlBps,
812                   hpEgressRateLimitPortPrct,
813                   hpEgressRateLimitPortBps,
814                   hpEgressRateLimitPortSingleControlKbps
815                }
816        STATUS     deprecated
817        DESCRIPTION
818          "A collection of objects providing configuration to Egress
819           Rate-Limiting on an interface."
820       ::= { hpicfRateLimitGroups 5 }
822   hpIngressRateLimitPortConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
823        OBJECTS {  hpIngressRateLimitPortNumQueues,
824                   hpIngressRateLimitPortControlMode,
825                   hpIngressRateLimitPortSingleControlPrct,
826                   hpIngressRateLimitPortSingleControlBps,
827                   hpIngressRateLimitPortPrct,
828                   hpIngressRateLimitPortBps,
829                   hpIngressRateLimitPortSingleControlKbps
830                }
831        STATUS     deprecated
832        DESCRIPTION
833          "A collection of objects providing configuration to Ingress
834           Rate-Limiting on an interface."
835       ::= { hpicfRateLimitGroups 6 }
837   hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
838        OBJECTS {
839            hpICMPRateLimitPortPrct,
840            hpICMPRateLimitPortAlarmFlag,
841            hpICMPRateLimitNotifyPortIndex,
842            hpICMPRateLimitPortKbps,
843            hpICMPRateLimitPortControlMode
844        }
845        STATUS     current
846        DESCRIPTION
847          "This replaces the deprecated hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigGroup.
848           A collection of objects providing configuration to ICMP rate
849           limiting on an interface."
850       ::= { hpicfRateLimitGroups 7 }
852   hpEgressRateLimitPortConfigGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
853        OBJECTS {  hpEgressRateLimitPortNumQueues,
854                   hpEgressRateLimitPortControlMode,
855                   hpEgressRateLimitPortSingleControlPrct,
856                   hpEgressRateLimitPortPrct,
857                   hpEgressRateLimitPortSingleControlKbps
858                }
859        STATUS     current
860        DESCRIPTION
861          "This replaces the deprecated hpEgressRateLimitPortConfigGroup.
862           A collection of objects providing configuration to Egress
863           Rate-Limiting on an interface."
864       ::= { hpicfRateLimitGroups 8 }
866   hpIngressRateLimitPortConfigGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
867        OBJECTS {  hpIngressRateLimitPortNumQueues,
868                   hpIngressRateLimitPortControlMode,
869                   hpIngressRateLimitPortSingleControlPrct,
870                   hpIngressRateLimitPortPrct,
871                   hpIngressRateLimitPortSingleControlKbps
872                }
873        STATUS     current
874        DESCRIPTION
875          "This replaces the deprecated hpIngressRateLimitPortConfigGroup.
876           A collection of objects providing configuration to Ingress
877           Rate-Limiting on an interface."
878       ::= { hpicfRateLimitGroups 9 }
881-- compliance statements
884   hpicfRateLimitCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
885       STATUS  deprecated
887           "The compliance statement for devices support of
888           HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT MIB."
889       MODULE -- This Module
891          MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigGroup,
892                             hpICMPRateLimitPortNotifyGroup
893                           }
894       ::= { hpicfRateLimitCompliances 1 }
896   hpicfRateLimitCompliance1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
897       STATUS  current
899           "The compliance statement for devices support of
900           HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT MIB."
901       MODULE -- This Module
903          MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpICMPRateLimitPortConfigGroup2,
904                             hpICMPRateLimitPortNotifyGroup,
905                             hpBWMinIngressPortConfigGroup,
906                             hpEgressRateLimitPortConfigGroup2,
907                             hpIngressRateLimitPortConfigGroup2
908                           }
909       ::= { hpicfRateLimitCompliances 2 }
910 END