5            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
6        TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, PhysAddress, RowStatus
7            FROM SNMPv2-TC
9            FROM SNMPv2-CONF
10        InterfaceIndex
11            FROM IF-MIB
12        hpSwitch
13            FROM HP-ICF-OID
14        ConfigStatus
15            FROM HP-ICF-TC;
17    hpVlanLevelOne MODULE-IDENTITY
18        LAST-UPDATED "200011030417Z"  -- November 3, 2000
19        ORGANIZATION "Hewlett Packard Company,
20                      Network Infrastructure Solutions"
21        CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett Packard Company
22                      8000 Foothills Blvd.
23                      Roseville, CA 95747"
24        DESCRIPTION  "This MIB module describes management objects
25                     used to model virtual LANs (VLANs)."
27        REVISION     "200011030417Z"  -- November 3, 2000
28        DESCRIPTION  "Deprecated all objects in this MIB - replaced
29                     by RFC 2674."
31        REVISION     "9510200000Z"  -- October 20, 1995
32        DESCRIPTION  "Initial revision of this MIB module"
33        ::= { hpVLAN 1 }
35    hpVLAN                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch  3 }
37    hpVlanObjects      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpVlanLevelOne 1 }
38    hpVlanTraps        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpVlanLevelOne 2 }
39    hpVlanConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpVlanLevelOne 3 }
42        DISPLAY-HINT "d"
43        STATUS       deprecated
44        DESCRIPTION  "A unique value, greater than zero, for each
45                     VLAN in the managed system. It is recommended
46                     that values are assigned contiguously starting
47                     from 1."
48        SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..65535)
51    hpVlanNumber OBJECT-TYPE
52        SYNTAX      Integer32
53        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
54        STATUS      deprecated
55        DESCRIPTION "The number of currently defined VLANs in
56                    the device. Though VLANs should be created
57                    using contiguous VLAN IDs, this is not
58                    mandatory. Gaps in the VLAN ID sequence may
59                    also result from the deletion of existing
60                    VLANs. Therefore, this value represents the
61                    total number of VLANs in the device and should
62                    not be used to indicate the highest VLAN ID
63                    value currently in use."
64        ::= { hpVlanObjects 1 }
66    -- HP VLAN Identification Objects
68    hpVlanIdentTable OBJECT-TYPE
69        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpVlanIdentEntry
70        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
71        STATUS      deprecated
72        DESCRIPTION "A table describing the various VLANs that
73                    are currently defined for this device."
74        ::= { hpVlanObjects 4 }
76    hpVlanIdentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
77        SYNTAX      HpVlanIdentEntry
78        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
79        STATUS      deprecated
80        DESCRIPTION "The row in the hpVlanIdentTable containing
81                    the general VLAN information."
82        INDEX       { hpVlanIdentIndex }
83        ::= { hpVlanIdentTable 1 }
85    HpVlanIdentEntry ::=
86        SEQUENCE {
87            hpVlanIdentIndex             VlanID,
88            hpVlanIdentName              DisplayString,
89            hpVlanIdentMode              INTEGER,
90            hpVlanIdentStatus            RowStatus,
91            hpVlanDot1QID                Integer32,
92            hpVlanIdentState             INTEGER,
93            hpVlanIdentType              INTEGER
94        }
96    hpVlanIdentIndex OBJECT-TYPE
97        SYNTAX      VlanID
98        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
99        STATUS      deprecated
100        DESCRIPTION "The VLAN ID which uniquely identifies a row
101                    in this table."
102        ::= { hpVlanIdentEntry 1 }
104    hpVlanIdentName OBJECT-TYPE
105        SYNTAX      DisplayString
106        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
107        STATUS      deprecated
108        DESCRIPTION "The user defined textual name that is
109                    associated with this VLAN."
110        ::= { hpVlanIdentEntry 2 }
112    hpVlanIdentMode OBJECT-TYPE
113        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
114                        port(1),
115                        mac(2)
116                    }
117        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
118        STATUS      deprecated
119        DESCRIPTION "The mode of this VLAN. A VLAN can be either
120                    port-based or MAC address-based. A port-based
121                    VLAN supports a multiple addresses per VLAN
122                    port.
124                    A MAC address-based VLAN supports multiple MAC
125                    addresses per port such that VLAN address tables
126                    must be consulted to determine the number of VLAN
127                    clients."
128               ::= { hpVlanIdentEntry 3 }
130    hpVlanIdentStatus OBJECT-TYPE
131        SYNTAX      RowStatus
132        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
133        STATUS      deprecated
134        DESCRIPTION "The status of a VLAN information entry."
135        ::= { hpVlanIdentEntry 4 }
137    hpVlanDot1QID OBJECT-TYPE
138        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..4095)
139        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
140        STATUS      deprecated
141        DESCRIPTION "The VLAN tag ID.  802.1Q"
142        ::= { hpVlanIdentEntry 5}
144    hpVlanIdentState OBJECT-TYPE
145        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
146                        up(1),
147                        down(2)
148                    }
149        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
150        STATUS      deprecated
151        DESCRIPTION "Current state of the VLAN.  If one port in the
152                    VLAN is up, then that VLAN is up, otherwise it
153                    is down."
154        ::= { hpVlanIdentEntry 6 }
156    hpVlanIdentType OBJECT-TYPE
157        SYNTAX    INTEGER {
158                             static(1),
159                             dynamic(2)
160                       }
161        MAX-ACCESS read-create
162        STATUS     deprecated
163        DESCRIPTION "Type of VLAN:
164                     static - VLAN is user-configured; configuration
165                         information retained in configuration file and
166                         thus such VLANs are available across reboots.
167                     dynamic - VLAN is managed by GVRP; configuration
168                         information is NOT retained in configuration
169                         file and thus such VLANs are not available
170                         across reboots. They may be relearnt after a
171                         reboot via GVRP activity"
172        ::= { hpVlanIdentEntry 7 }
174    -- HP VLAN Membership Tables (Member and Address Tables)
176    hpVlanMemberTable OBJECT-TYPE
177        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpVlanMemberEntry
178        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
179        STATUS      deprecated
180        DESCRIPTION "A table describing the members of the various
181                    VLANs that are currently defined for this device.
182                    Interfaces can be associated with a pre-defined
183                    VLAN (i.e., VLANs can be created by grouping
184                    existing interfaces) by adding rows to this table.
185                    Likewise, deleting rows from this table removes
186                    the specified interface from the VLAN.
188                    Note that certain entries in this table will
189                    automatically be created when a VLAN is created,
190                    such as the entry associating a VLAN with its
191                    propVirtual interface to the management and/or
192                    forwarding entity on the device. These entries
193                    are read-only and can not be manipulated via
194                    the MIB."
195        ::= { hpVlanObjects 5 }
197    hpVlanMemberEntry OBJECT-TYPE
198        SYNTAX      HpVlanMemberEntry
199        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
200        STATUS      deprecated
201        DESCRIPTION "The row in the hpVlanMemberTable containing the
202                    VLAN ID to Interface Group ifIndex mappings."
203        INDEX       { hpVlanMemberIfIndex }
204        ::= { hpVlanMemberTable 1 }
206    HpVlanMemberEntry ::=
207        SEQUENCE {
208            hpVlanMemberIfIndex          InterfaceIndex,
209            hpVlanMemberIndex            VlanID
210        }
212    hpVlanMemberIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
213        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
214        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
215        STATUS      deprecated
216        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies
217                    a row in the Interfaces Table. The corresponding
218                    row in the Interfaces Table must exist prior
219                    to the index being used in this table."
220        ::= { hpVlanMemberEntry 1 }
222    hpVlanMemberIndex OBJECT-TYPE
223        SYNTAX      VlanID
224        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
225        STATUS      deprecated
226        DESCRIPTION "The VLAN ID identifies the VLAN the interface
227                    is in.  The corresponding row in the VLAN Ident
228                    Table must exist prior to the index being used
229                    in this table."
230        ::= { hpVlanMemberEntry 2 }
233    hpVlanAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
234        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpVlanAddrEntry
235        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
236        STATUS      deprecated
237        DESCRIPTION "A table describing the MAC addresses that
238                    are currently associated with a specific
239                    VLAN. Entries are added to and deleted
240                    from this read-only table automatically
241                    as they are learned from the network."
242        ::= { hpVlanObjects 6 }
244    hpVlanAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
245        SYNTAX      HpVlanAddrEntry
246        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
247        STATUS      deprecated
248        DESCRIPTION "The row in the hpVlanAddrTable containing
249                    the VLAN ID to MAC address mappings."
250        INDEX       { hpVlanAddrIndex }
251        ::= { hpVlanAddrTable 1 }
253    HpVlanAddrEntry ::=
254        SEQUENCE {
255            hpVlanAddrIndex              VlanID,
256            hpVlanAddrPhysAddress        PhysAddress
257        }
259    hpVlanAddrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
260        SYNTAX      VlanID
261        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
262        STATUS      deprecated
263        DESCRIPTION "The VLAN ID which uniquely identifies a row
264                    in the VLAN Ident Table. The corresponding
265                    row in the VLAN Ident Table must exist prior
266                    to the index being present in this table."
267        ::= { hpVlanAddrEntry 1 }
269    hpVlanAddrPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
270        SYNTAX      PhysAddress
271        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
272        STATUS      deprecated
273        DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of a node that is associated
274                    with a specific VLAN as identified by the
275                    object hpVlanAddrIndex."
276        ::= { hpVlanAddrEntry 2 }
279    hpVlanIdentConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
280        SYNTAX      ConfigStatus
281        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
282        STATUS      deprecated
283        DESCRIPTION "The status of a VLAN information table. If one or more
284                    variables in this group were reconfigurated since last
285                    reboot and required reboot to take effect, the value of
286                    this variable will be set to notInService."
287        ::= { hpVlanObjects 7 }
290    -- HP VLAN Tagging Membership table (supercedes hpVlanMemberTable)
292    hpVlanMemberTable2 OBJECT-TYPE
293        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpVlanMemberEntry2
294        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
295        STATUS      deprecated
296        DESCRIPTION "A table describing the VLANs on each particular port
297                    along with tagging information."
298        ::= { hpVlanObjects 8 }
300    hpVlanMemberEntry2 OBJECT-TYPE
301        SYNTAX      HpVlanMemberEntry2
302        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
303        STATUS      deprecated
304        DESCRIPTION "The row in the hpVlanMemberTable2 containing the
305                    VLAN ID to interface group ifIndex mappings as well
306                    the VLAN tagging information."
307        INDEX       { hpVlanIdentIndex, hpVlanMemberIfIndex }
308        ::= { hpVlanMemberTable2 1}
310    HpVlanMemberEntry2 ::=
311        SEQUENCE {
312            hpVlanMemberTagged2            INTEGER
313        }
315    hpVlanMemberTagged2 OBJECT-TYPE
316        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
317                        tagged(1),
318                        untagged(2),
319                        no(3),
320                        auto(4)
321                    }
322        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
323        STATUS      deprecated
324        DESCRIPTION "Identifies whether the particular VLan on this
325                     port is tagged or not. 'no' denotes not a member
326                     of that vlan.  'auto' denotes that GVRP will
327                     dynamically determine the membership of this port."
328        ::= { hpVlanMemberEntry2 1}
331    -- HP VLAN Conformance Information
333    hpVlanGroups       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpVlanConformance 1 }
334    hpVlanCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpVlanConformance 2 }
336    -- HP VLAN Compliance Statements
338    hpVlanCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
339        STATUS      deprecated
340        DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP devices
341                    supporting the HP VLAN MIB."
343        MODULE
344            MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpVlanGeneralGroup }
346            GROUP       hpVlanAddressGroup
347            DESCRIPTION "This group is current for all devices
348                        that maintain MAC address tables, based on
349                        VLAN association, that are accessible by
350                        network management (e.g., SNMP) entities."
351            ::= { hpVlanCompliances 1}
353    -- HP VLAN Conformance Groups
355    hpVlanGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP
356        OBJECTS     { hpVlanNumber,
357                      hpVlanIdentMode,
358                      hpVlanIdentName,
359                      hpVlanIdentStatus }
360        STATUS      deprecated
361        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that provide
362                    general information about a configured
363                    VLAN. The organization of this group is
364                    such that it is assumed that all devices
365                    supporting VLANs associate an RFC 1573
366                    interface with a VLAN even if only to
367                    allow default node-to-VLAN assignment."
368        ::= { hpVlanGroups 1 }
370    hpVlanAddressGroup OBJECT-GROUP
371        OBJECTS     { hpVlanAddrPhysAddress }
372        STATUS      deprecated
373        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that contain VLAN
374                    to MAC address mapping data."
375        ::= { hpVlanGroups 2 }
377    hpVlanMemberGroup OBJECT-GROUP
378        OBJECTS     { hpVlanMemberIndex }
379        STATUS      deprecated
380        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for providing port
381                    to VLAN mapping data."
382        ::= { hpVlanGroups 3 }
384    hpVlanTaggingGroup OBJECT-GROUP
385        OBJECTS     { hpVlanDot1QID,
386                      hpVlanIdentState,
387                      hpVlanIdentType,
388                      hpVlanIdentConfigStatus,
389                      hpVlanMemberTagged2 }
390        STATUS      deprecated
391        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for managing tagged VLANs."
392        ::= { hpVlanGroups 4 }