3       IMPORTS
4           Integer32, Counter32, Counter64,
6               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
7           DisplayString, MacAddress, TruthValue, TimeStamp
8               FROM SNMPv2-TC
10               FROM SNMPv2-CONF
11           hpicfObjectModules, icfVgRepeater
12               FROM HP-ICF-OID;
14       icfVgRepeaterMib MODULE-IDENTITY
15            LAST-UPDATED "200011032225Z"  -- November 3, 2000
16            ORGANIZATION "Hewlett Packard Company,
17                          Network Infrastructure Solutions"
18            CONTACT-INFO
19                    "Hewlett Packard Company
20                     8000 Foothills Blvd.
21                     Roseville, CA 95747"
22            DESCRIPTION
23                    "This MIB module contains objects for managing
24                    HP AdvanceStack 100VG-AnyLAN repeaters.  It is
25                    expected that this module will be superceded by
26                    a standard 802.12 Repeater MIB."
28            REVISION     "200011032225Z"  -- November 3, 2000
29            DESCRIPTION  "Updated division name."
31            REVISION     "9703060347Z"  -- March 6, 1997
32            DESCRIPTION
33                    "Added NOTIFICATION-GROUP information."
34            REVISION     "9609100203Z"  -- September 10, 1996
35            DESCRIPTION
36                    "Updated division name and STATUS info."
37            REVISION     "9601250356Z"  -- January 25, 1996
38            DESCRIPTION
39                    "Split this MIB module from the former monolithic
40                    hp-icf MIB.  Added support for and full 802.12
41                    compliance."
42            REVISION     "9501180000Z"  -- January 18, 1995
43            DESCRIPTION
44                    "Initial version of this MIB module.  Released with
45                    the HPJ2414A agent card for the HPJ2410A 100VG
46                    repeater."
47            ::= { hpicfObjectModules 10 }
51       icfVgBasic         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgRepeater 1 }
52       icfVgBasicRptr     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgBasic 1 }
54       icfVgMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE
55           SYNTAX     MacAddress
56           MAX-ACCESS read-only
57           STATUS     current
58           DESCRIPTION
59                   "The MAC address used by the repeater when it
60                   initiates training on the uplink port.  Repeaters
61                   are allowed to train with an assigned MAC address or
62                   a null (all zeroes) MAC address."
63           REFERENCE
64                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
65         , aMACAddress."
66           ::= { icfVgBasicRptr 1 }
68       icfVgCurrentFramingType OBJECT-TYPE
69           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
70                          frameType88023(1),
71                          frameType88025(2)
72                      }
73           MAX-ACCESS read-only
74           STATUS     current
75           DESCRIPTION
76                   "The type of framing (802.3 or 802.5) currently in
77                   use by the repeater."
78           REFERENCE
79                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
80         , aCurrentFramingType."
81           ::= { icfVgBasicRptr 2 }
83       icfVgDesiredFramingType OBJECT-TYPE
84           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
85                          frameType88023(1),
86                          frameType88025(2)
87                      }
88           MAX-ACCESS read-write
89           STATUS     current
90           DESCRIPTION
91                   "The type of framing which will be used by the
92                   repeater after the next time it is reset.  The value
93                   of this object should be preserved across repeater
94                   resets and power failures"
95           REFERENCE
96                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
97         , aDesiredFramingType."
98           ::= { icfVgBasicRptr 3 }
100       icfVgFramingCapability OBJECT-TYPE
101           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
102                          frameType88023(1),
103                          frameType88025(2),
104                          frameTypeEither(3)
105                      }
106           MAX-ACCESS read-only
107           STATUS     current
108           DESCRIPTION
109                   "The type of framing this repeater is capable of
110                   supporting."
111           REFERENCE
112                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
113         , aFramingCapability."
114           ::= { icfVgBasicRptr 4 }
116       icfVgTrainingVersion OBJECT-TYPE
117           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..7)
118           MAX-ACCESS read-only
119           STATUS     current
120           DESCRIPTION
121                   "The highest version bits (vvv bits) supported by the
122                   repeater during training."
123           REFERENCE
124                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
125         , aRMACVersion."
126           ::= { icfVgBasicRptr 5 }
128       icfVgRepeaterGroupCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
129           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..1024)
130           MAX-ACCESS read-only
131           STATUS     current
132           DESCRIPTION
133                   "The icfVgGroupCapacity is the number of groups that
134                   can be contained within the repeater.  Within each
135                   managed repeater, the groups are uniquely numbered in
136                   the range from 1 to icfVgRepeaterGroupCapacity.
138                   Some groups may not be present in the repeater, in
139                   which case the actual number of groups present will
140                   be less than icfVgRepeaterGroupCapacity.  The number
141                   of groups present is never greater than
142                   icfVgRepeaterGroupCapacity."
143           REFERENCE
144                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
145         , aRepeaterGroupCapacity."
146           ::= { icfVgBasicRptr 6 }
148       icfVgRepeaterHealthState OBJECT-TYPE
149           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
150                          other(1),
151                          ok(2),
152                          rptrFailure(3),
153                          groupFailure(4),
154                          portFailure(5),
155                          generalFailure(6)
156                      }
157           MAX-ACCESS read-only
158           STATUS     current
159           DESCRIPTION
160                   "The icfVgRepeaterHealthState object indicates the
161                   operational state of the repeater.  The
162                   icfVgRepeaterHealthText may be consulted for more
163                   specific information about the state of the
164                   repeater's health.
166                   In the case of multiple kinds of failures (e.g.,
167                   repeater failure and port failure), the value of this
168                   attribute shall reflect the highest priority failure
169                   in the following order, listed highest priority
170                   first:
172                       rptrFailure(3)
173                       groupFailure(4)
174                       portFailure(5)
175                       generalFailure(6)."
176           REFERENCE
177                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
178         , aRepeaterHealthState."
179           ::= { icfVgBasicRptr 7 }
181       icfVgRepeaterHealthText OBJECT-TYPE
182           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..255))
183           MAX-ACCESS read-only
184           STATUS     current
185           DESCRIPTION
186                   "The health text object is a text string that
187                   provides information relevant to the operational
188                   state of the repeater.  Agents may use this string to
189                   provide detailed information on current failures,
190                   including how they were detected, and/or instructions
191                   for problem resolution.  The contents are agent
192                   specific."
193           REFERENCE
194                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
195         , aRepeaterHealthText."
196           ::= { icfVgBasicRptr 8 }
198       icfVgRepeaterReset OBJECT-TYPE
199           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
200                          noReset(1),
201                          reset(2)
202                      }
203           MAX-ACCESS read-write
204           STATUS     current
205           DESCRIPTION
206                   "Setting this object to reset(2) causes the repeater
207                   to transition to its initial state as specified in
208                   clause 12 [IEEE Draft Std 802.12].
210                   Setting this object to noReset(1) has no effect.  The
211                   agent will always return the value noReset(1) when
212                   this object is read.
214                   After receiving a request to set this variable to
215                   reset(2), the agent is allowed to delay the reset for
216                   a short period.  For example, the implementor may
217                   choose to delay the reset long enough to allow the
218                   SNMP response to be transmitted.  In any event, the
219                   SNMP response must be transmitted.
221                   This action does not reset the management counters
222                   defined in this document nor does it affect the
223                   icfVgPortAdminStatus parameters.  Included in this
224                   action is the execution of a disruptive Self-Test
225                   with the following characteristics:  a) The nature
226                   of the tests is not specified.  b) The test resets
227                   the repeater but without affecting management
228                   information about the repeater.  c) The test does not
229                   inject packets onto any segment.  d) Packets received
230                   during the test may or may not be transferred.
231                   e) The test does not interfere with management
232                   functions.
234                   After performing this self-test, the agent will
235                   update the repeater health information (including
236                   icfVgRepeaterHealthState and
237                   icfVgRepeaterHealthText)."
238           REFERENCE
239                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
240         , acResetRepeater."
241           ::= { icfVgBasicRptr 9 }
243       icfVgRepeaterNonDisruptTest OBJECT-TYPE
244           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
245                          noSelfTest(1),
246                          selfTest(2)
247                      }
248           MAX-ACCESS read-write
249           STATUS     current
250           DESCRIPTION
251                   "Setting this object to selfTest(2) causes the
252                   repeater to perform an agent-specific, non-disruptive
253                   self-test that has the following characteristics:
254                   a) The nature of the tests is not specified.  b) The
255                   test does not change the state of the repeater or
256                   management information about the repeater.  c) The
257                   test does not inject packets onto any segment.
258                   d) The test does not prevent the relay of any
259                   packets.  e) The test does not interfere with
260                   management functions.
262                   After performing this test, the agent will update the
263                   repeater health information (including
264                   icfVgRepeaterHealthState and
265                   icfVgRepeaterHealthText).
267                   Note that this definition allows returning an 'okay'
268                   result after doing a trivial test.
270                   Setting this object to noSelfTest(1) has no effect.
271                   The agent will always return the value noSelfTest(1)
272                   when this object is read."
273           REFERENCE
274                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
275         , acExecuteNonDisruptiveSelfTest."
276           ::= { icfVgBasicRptr 10 }
278       icfVgBasicGroup    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgBasic 2 }
280       icfVgBasicGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
281           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IcfVgBasicGroupEntry
282           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
283           STATUS     current
284           DESCRIPTION
285                   "A table containing information about groups of
286                   ports."
287           ::= { icfVgBasicGroup 1 }
289       icfVgBasicGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
290           SYNTAX     IcfVgBasicGroupEntry
291           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
292           STATUS     current
293           DESCRIPTION
294                   "An entry in the icfVgBasicGroupTable, containing
295                   information about a single group of ports."
296           INDEX      { icfVgGroupIndex }
297           ::= { icfVgBasicGroupTable 1 }
299       IcfVgBasicGroupEntry ::=
300           SEQUENCE {
301               icfVgGroupIndex                 Integer32,
302               icfVgGroupDescr                 DisplayString,
303               icfVgGroupObjectID              OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
304               icfVgGroupOperStatus            INTEGER,
305               icfVgGroupLastOperStatusChange  TimeStamp,
306               icfVgGroupPortCapacity          Integer32,
307               icfVgGroupCablesBundled         INTEGER
308           }
310       icfVgGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
311           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..1024)
312           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
313           STATUS     current
314           DESCRIPTION
315                   "This object identifies the group within the repeater
316                   for which this entry contains information.  This
317                   value is never greater than
318                   icfVgRepeaterGroupCapacity."
319           REFERENCE
320                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
321         , aGroupID."
322           ::= { icfVgBasicGroupEntry 1 }
324       icfVgGroupDescr OBJECT-TYPE
325           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
326           MAX-ACCESS read-only
327           STATUS     current
328           DESCRIPTION
329                   "A textual description of the group.  This value
330                   should include the full name and version
331                   identification of the group's hardware type and
332                   indicate how the group is differentiated from other
333                   types of groups in the repeater.  'Plug-in Module,
334                   Rev A' or 'Barney Rubble 100BaseVG 4-port socket
335                   Version 2.1' are examples of valid group
336                   descriptions.
338                   It is mandatory that this only contain printable
339                   ASCII characters."
340           ::= { icfVgBasicGroupEntry 2 }
342       icfVgGroupObjectID OBJECT-TYPE
344           MAX-ACCESS read-only
345           STATUS     current
346           DESCRIPTION
347                   "The vendor's authoritative identification of the
348                   group.  This value may be allocated within the SMI
349                   enterprises subtree ( and provides a
350                   straight-forward and unambiguous means for
351                   determining what kind of group is being managed.
353                   For example, this object could take the value
354          if vendor 'Flintstones, Inc.'
355                   was assigned the subtree, and had
356                   assigned the identifier to
357                   its 'Wilma Flintstone 6-Port Plug-in Module.'"
358           ::= { icfVgBasicGroupEntry 3 }
360       icfVgGroupOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
361           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
362                          other(1),
363                          operational(2),
364                          malfunctioning(3),
365                          notPresent(4),
366                          underTest(5),
367                          resetInProgress(6)
368                      }
369           MAX-ACCESS read-only
370           STATUS     current
371           DESCRIPTION
372                   "An object that indicates the operational status of
373                   the group.
375                   A status of notPresent(4) indicates that the group is
376                   temporarily or permanently physically and/or
377                   logically not a part of the repeater.  It is an
378                   implementation-specific matter as to whether the
379                   agent effectively removes notPresent entries from the
380                   table.
382                   A status of operational(2) indicates that the group
383                   is functioning, and a status of malfunctioning(3)
384                   indicates that the group is malfunctioning in some
385                   way."
386           ::= { icfVgBasicGroupEntry 4 }
388       icfVgGroupLastOperStatusChange OBJECT-TYPE
389           SYNTAX     TimeStamp
390           MAX-ACCESS read-only
391           STATUS     current
392           DESCRIPTION
393                   "An object that contains the value of sysUpTime at
394                   the time that the value of the icfVgGroupOperStatus
395                   object for this group last changed.
397                   A value of zero indicates that the group's
398                   operational status has not changed since the agent
399                   last restarted."
400           ::= { icfVgBasicGroupEntry 5 }
402       icfVgGroupPortCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
403           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..1024)
404           MAX-ACCESS read-only
405           STATUS     current
406           DESCRIPTION
407                   "The icfVgGroupPortCapacity is the number of ports
408                   that can be contained within the group.  Valid range
409                   is 1-1024.  Within each group, the ports are uniquely
410                   numbered in the range from 1 to
411                   icfVgGroupPortCapacity.  Some ports may not be
412                   present in a given group instance, in which case the
413                   actual number of ports present is less than
414                   icfVgGroupPortCapacity.  The number of ports present
415                   is never greater than icfVgGroupPortCapacity."
416           REFERENCE
417                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
418         , aGroupPortCapacity."
419           ::= { icfVgBasicGroupEntry 6 }
421       icfVgGroupCablesBundled OBJECT-TYPE
422           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
423                          someCablesBundled(1),
424                          noCablesBundled(2)
425                      }
426           MAX-ACCESS read-write
427           STATUS     current
428           DESCRIPTION
429                   "This configuration flag is used to select either
430                   bundled or unbundled cabling.  When this flag is
431                   'someCablesBundled(1)' and the port is not
432                   promiscuous or cascaded, frames received from ports
433                   on this group and destined to go out multiple ports
434                   on this group will be buffered completely before
435                   being repeated out ports on this group.  When this
436                   flag is 'noCablesBundled(2)' or the port is
437                   promiscuous or cascaded, these frames will be
438                   repeated out ports on this group as the frame is
439                   being received.
441                   Note that the value 'someCablesBundled(1)' will work
442                   in the vast majority of installations, regardless of
443                   whether or not any cables are physically in a bundle,
444                   since promiscuous and cascaded ports automatically
445                   avoid the store and forward.  The main situation in
446                   which 'noCablesBundled(2)' is beneficial is when
447                   there is a large amount of multicast traffic and the
448                   cables are not in a bundle.  The value of this
449                   object should be preserved across repeater resets
450                   and power failures."
451           REFERENCE
452                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
453         , aGroupCablesBundled."
454           ::= { icfVgBasicGroupEntry 7 }
456       icfVgBasicPort     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgBasic 3 }
458       icfVgBasicPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
459           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IcfVgBasicPortEntry
460           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
461           STATUS     current
462           DESCRIPTION
463                   "A table containing information about ports."
464           ::= { icfVgBasicPort 1 }
466       icfVgBasicPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
467           SYNTAX     IcfVgBasicPortEntry
468           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
469           STATUS     current
470           DESCRIPTION
471                   "An entry in the icfVgBasicPortTable, containing
472                   information about a single port."
473           INDEX      { icfVgPortGroupIndex, icfVgPortIndex }
474           ::= { icfVgBasicPortTable 1 }
476       IcfVgBasicPortEntry ::=
477           SEQUENCE {
478               icfVgPortGroupIndex             Integer32,
479               icfVgPortIndex                  Integer32,
480               icfVgPortType                   INTEGER,
481               icfVgPortAdminStatus            INTEGER,
482               icfVgPortStatus                 INTEGER,
483               icfVgPortSupportedPromiscMode   INTEGER,
484               icfVgPortSupportedCascadeMode   INTEGER,
485               icfVgPortAllowedTrainType       INTEGER,
486               icfVgPortLastTrainConfig        OCTET STRING,
487               icfVgPortTrainingResult         OCTET STRING,
488               icfVgPortPriorityEnable         TruthValue,
489               icfVgPortMediaType              INTEGER
490           }
492       icfVgPortGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
493           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..1024)
494           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
495           STATUS     current
496           DESCRIPTION
497                   "This object identifies the group containing the port
498                   for which this entry contains information."
499           ::= { icfVgBasicPortEntry 1 }
501       icfVgPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
502           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..1024)
503           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
504           STATUS     current
505           DESCRIPTION
506                   "This object identifies the port within the group for
507                   which this entry contains information.  This value
508                   can never be greater than icfVgGroupPortCapacity for
509                   the associated group."
510           REFERENCE
511                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
512         , aPortID."
513           ::= { icfVgBasicPortEntry 2 }
515       icfVgPortType OBJECT-TYPE
516           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
517                          cascadeExternal(1),
518                          cascadeInternal(2),
519                          localExternal(3),
520                          localInternal(4)
521                      }
522           MAX-ACCESS read-only
523           STATUS     current
524           DESCRIPTION
525                   "Describes the type of port.  One of the following:
527                       cascadeExternal - Port is an uplink with physical
528                                         connections which are
529                                         externally visible
530                       cascadeInternal - Port is an uplink with physical
531                                         connections which are not
532                                         externally visible, such as a
533                                         connection to an internal
534                                         backplane in a chassis
535                       localExternal   - Port is a downlink or local
536                                         port with externally visible
537                                         connections
538                       localInternal   - Port is a downlink or local
539                                         port with connections which are
540                                         not externally visible, such as
541                                         a connection to an internal
542                                         agent
544                   'internal' is used to identify ports which place
545                   traffic into the repeater, but do not have any
546                   external connections.  Note that both DTE and
547                   cascaded repeater downlinks are considered 'local'
548                   ports."
549           REFERENCE
550                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
551         , aPortType."
552           ::= { icfVgBasicPortEntry 3 }
554       icfVgPortAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
555           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
556                          enabled(1),
557                          disabled(2)
558                      }
559           MAX-ACCESS read-write
560           STATUS     current
561           DESCRIPTION
562                   "Port enable/disable function.  Enabling a disabled
563                   port will cause training to be initiated.  Setting
564                   this object to disabled(2) disables the port.  A
565                   disabled port neither transmits nor receives.  Once
566                   disabled, a port must be explicitly enabled to
567                   restore operation.  A port which is disabled when
568                   power is lost or when a reset is exerted shall remain
569                   disabled when normal operation resumes."
570           REFERENCE
571                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
572         , aPortAdministrativeState."
573           ::= { icfVgBasicPortEntry 4 }
575       icfVgPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE
576           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
577                          active(1),
578                          inactive(2),
579                          training(3)
580                      }
581           MAX-ACCESS read-only
582           STATUS     current
583           DESCRIPTION
584                   "Current status for the port as specified by the
585                   PORT_META_STATE in the port process module of clause
586                   12 [IEEE Draft Std 802.12].
588                   During initialization or any link warning conditions,
589                   icfVgPortStatus will be 'inactive(2)'.
591                   When Training_Up is received by the repeater on a
592                   local port (or when Training_Down is received on
593                   a cascade port), icfVgPortStatus will change to
594                   'training(3)' and icfVgTrainingResult can be
595                   monitored to see the detailed status regarding
596                   training.
598                   When 24 consecutive good FCS packets are received and
599                   the configuration bits are OK, icfVgPortStatus will
600                   change to 'active(1)'.
602                   A disabled port shall have a port status of
603                   'inactive(2)'."
604           REFERENCE
605                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
606         , aPortStatus."
607           ::= { icfVgBasicPortEntry 5 }
609       icfVgPortSupportedPromiscMode OBJECT-TYPE
610           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
611                          singleModeOnly(1),
612                          singleOrPromiscMode(2),
613                          promiscModeOnly(3)
614                      }
615           MAX-ACCESS read-only
616           STATUS     current
617           DESCRIPTION
618                   "This object describes whether the port hardware is
619                   capable of supporting promiscuous mode, single
620                   address mode (i.e., repeater filters unicasts not
621                   addressed to the end station attached to this port),
622                   or both.  A port for which icfVgPortType is equal to
623                   'cascadeInternal' or 'cascadeExternal' will always
624                   have a value of 'promiscModeOnly' for this object."
625           REFERENCE
626                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
627         , aSupportedPromiscMode."
628           ::= { icfVgBasicPortEntry 6 }
630       icfVgPortSupportedCascadeMode OBJECT-TYPE
631           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
632                          endNodesOnly(1),
633                          endNodesOrRepeaters(2),
634                          cascadePort(3)
635                      }
636           MAX-ACCESS read-only
637           STATUS     current
638           DESCRIPTION
639                   "This object describes whether the port hardware is
640                   capable of supporting cascaded repeaters, end nodes,
641                   or both.  A port for which icfVgPortType is equal to
642                   'cascadeInternal' or 'cascadeExternal' will always
643                   have a value of 'cascadePort' for this object."
644           REFERENCE
645                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
646         , aSupportedCascadeMode."
647           ::= { icfVgBasicPortEntry 7 }
649       icfVgPortAllowedTrainType OBJECT-TYPE
650           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
651                          allowEndNodesOnly(1),
652                          allowPromiscuousEndNodes(2),
653                          allowEndNodesOrRepeaters(3),
654                          allowAnything(4)
655                      }
656           MAX-ACCESS read-write
657           STATUS     current
658           DESCRIPTION
659                   "This security object is set by the network manager
660                   to configure what type of device is permitted to
661                   connect to the port.  One of the following values:
663                       allowEndNodesOnly        - only non-promiscuous
664                                                  end nodes permitted.
665                       allowPromiscuousEndNodes - promiscuous or non-
666                                                  promiscuous end nodes
667                                                  permitted
668                       allowEndNodesOrRepeaters - repeaters or non-
669                                                  promiscuous end nodes
670                                                  permitted
671                       allowAnything            - repeaters, promiscuous
672                                                  or non-promiscuous end
673                                                  nodes permitted
675                   For a port for which icfVgPortType is equal to
676                   'cascadeInternal' or 'cascadeExternal', the
677                   corresponding instance of this object may not be set
678                   to 'allowEndNodesOnly' or 'allowPromiscuousEndNodes'.
680                   The agent must reject a SET of this object if the
681                   value includes no capabilities that are supported by
682                   this port's hardware, as defined by the values of the
683                   corresponding instances of
684                   icfVgPortSupportedPromiscMode and
685                   icfVgPortSupportedCascadeMode."
686           REFERENCE
687                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
688         , aAllowableTrainingType."
689           ::= { icfVgBasicPortEntry 8 }
691       icfVgPortLastTrainConfig OBJECT-TYPE
692           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(2))
693           MAX-ACCESS read-only
694           STATUS     current
695           DESCRIPTION
696                   "This 16 bit field contains the most recent training
697                   configuration in an error-free training frame
698                   sent by the end node connected to the port.  For
699                   cascade ports, this is the responder's configuration
700                   field from the most recent error-free training
701                   response frame received in response to training
702                   initiated by this repeater.  This object is formatted
703                   as follows:
705                       First Octet:       Second Octet:
707                        7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0    7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
708                       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
709                       |v|v|v|0|0|0|0|0|  |0|0|0|F|F|P|P|R|
710                       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
712                       vvv: The version of the 802.12 training protocol
713                            with which the training initiator is
714                            compliant
715                       FF:  00 = frameType88023 is requested
716                            01 = frameType88025 is requested
717                            10 = reserved
718                            11 = either frameType88023 or frameType88025
719                                 is acceptable
720                       PP:  00 = request singleAddressMode
721                            01 = request promiscuousMode
722                            10 = reserved
723                            11 = reserved
724                       R:   0  = request is from an end node
725                            1  = request is from a repeater"
726           REFERENCE
727                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
728         , aLastTrainingConfig."
729           ::= { icfVgBasicPortEntry 9 }
731       icfVgPortTrainingResult OBJECT-TYPE
732           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(3))
733           MAX-ACCESS read-only
734           STATUS     current
735           DESCRIPTION
736                   "This 18 bit field is used to indicate the result of
737                   training.  It contains two bits which indicate if
738                   error-free training frames have been received, and it
739                   also contains the 16 bits of the most recent valid
740                   training response frame on the port.
742                 First Octet:       Second Octet:      Third Octet:
744                  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0    7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0    7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
745                 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
746                 |0|0|0|0|0|0|V|G|  |v|v|v|D|C|N|0|0|  |0|0|0|F|F|P|P|R|
747                 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
749                       V:   Valid: set when at least one error-free
750                            training frame has been received.  Indicates
751                            the 16 training configuration bits in
752                            icfVgPortLastTrainConfig and
753                            icfVgPortTrainingResult contain valid
754                            information.  This bit is cleared when
755                            icfVgPortStatus transitions to the
756                            'inactive' or 'training' state.
757                       G:   LinkGood: indicates the link hardware is OK.
758                            Set if 24 consecutive error-free training
759                            packets have been received.  Cleared when a
760                            training packet with errors is received, and
761                            when icfVgPortStatus transitions to the
762                            'inactive' or 'training' state.
763                       vvv: The version of the 802.12 training protocol
764                            with which the training responder is
765                            compliant
766                       D:   0  = no duplicate address has been detected
767                            1  = duplicate address has been detected
768                       C:   0  = the requested configuration is
769                                 compatible with the port
770                            1  = the requested configuration is not
771                                 compatible with the port.  The FF, PP
772                                 and R bits indicate the configuration
773                                 which would be allowed (providing
774                                 N = 0).
775                       N:   0  = access will be allowed, providing the
776                                 configuration is compatible (C = 0).
777                            1  = access not allowed because of security
778                                 restrictions
779                       FF:  00 = frameType88023 will be used
780                            01 = frameType88025 will be used
781                            10 = reserved
782                            11 = reserved
783                       PP:  00 = singleAddressMode will be used
784                            01 = promiscuousMode will be used
785                            10 = reserved
786                            11 = reserved
787                       R:   0  = requested access as an end node is
788                                 allowed
789                            1  = requested access as a repeater is
790                                 allowed
792                   If the port is in training, a management station can
793                   examine this object to see if any training packets
794                   have been passed successfully.  If there have been
795                   any good training packets, the Valid bit will be set
796                   and the management station can examine the 16
797                   training response bits to see if there is a duplicate
798                   address, configuration, or security problem.
800                   Note that on a repeater local port, this repeater
801                   generates the training response bits, while on the
802                   cascade port, the higher level repeater originated
803                   the training response bits."
804           REFERENCE
805                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
806         , aTrainingResult."
807           ::= { icfVgBasicPortEntry 10 }
809       icfVgPortPriorityEnable OBJECT-TYPE
810           SYNTAX     TruthValue
811           MAX-ACCESS read-write
812           STATUS     current
813           DESCRIPTION
814                   "A configuration flag used to determine whether the
815                   repeater will service high priority requests received
816                   on the port as high priority or normal priority.
817                   When 'false', high priority requests on this port
818                   will be serviced as normal priority.  The value of
819                   this object should be preserved across repeater
820                   resets and power failures.  The setting of this
821                   object has no effect on a cascade port."
822           REFERENCE
823                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
824         , aPriorityEnable."
825           ::= { icfVgBasicPortEntry 11 }
827       icfVgPortMediaType OBJECT-TYPE
828           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
829                          other(1),
830                          unknown(2),
831                          pmdMissing(3),
832                          utp4(4),
833                          stp2(5),
834                          fibre(6)
835                      }
836           MAX-ACCESS read-only
837           STATUS     current
838           DESCRIPTION
839                   "The type of physical media in use.  One of the
840                   following values:
842                          other       undefined
843                          unknown     true state not known
844                          pmdMissing  PMD device not attached
845                          utp4        4-pair unshielded twisted pair
846                          stp2        2-pair shielded twisted pair
847                          fibre       802.12 fibre optic cabling
849                   This object may be 'unknown' if the implementation is
850                   not capable of identifying the PMD media type, or
851                   whether or not the PMD is even present."
852           REFERENCE
853                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
854         , aMediaType."
855           ::= { icfVgBasicPortEntry 12 }
857       icfVgMonitor       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgRepeater 2 }
859       icfVgMonRptr       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgMonitor 1 }
860       -- Currently unused
862       icfVgMonGroup      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgMonitor 2 }
863       -- Currently unused
865       icfVgMonPort       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgMonitor 3 }
867       icfVgMonPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
868           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IcfVgMonPortEntry
869           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
870           STATUS     current
871           DESCRIPTION
872                   "A table of performance and error statistics for the
873                   ports."
874           ::= { icfVgMonPort 1 }
876       icfVgMonPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
877           SYNTAX     IcfVgMonPortEntry
878           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
879           STATUS     current
880           DESCRIPTION
881                   "An entry in the icfVgMonPortTable, containing
882                   performance and error statistics for a single port."
883           INDEX      { icfVgPortGroupIndex, icfVgPortIndex }
884           ::= { icfVgMonPortTable 1 }
887       IcfVgMonPortEntry ::=
888           SEQUENCE {
889               icfVgPortReadableFrames         Counter32,
890               icfVgPortReadableOctets         Counter32,
891               icfVgPortUnreadableOctets       Counter32,
892               icfVgPortHighPriorityFrames     Counter32,
893               icfVgPortHighPriorityOctets     Counter32,
894               icfVgPortBroadcastFrames        Counter32,
895               icfVgPortMulticastFrames        Counter32,
896               icfVgPortIPMFrames              Counter32,
897               icfVgPortDataErrorFrames        Counter32,
898               icfVgPortPriorityPromotions     Counter32,
899               icfVgPortHCReadableOctets       Counter64,
900               icfVgPortHCUnreadableOctets     Counter64,
901               icfVgPortHCHighPriorityOctets   Counter64,
902               icfVgPortHCNormPriorityOctets   Counter64,
903               icfVgPortNormPriorityFrames     Counter32,
904               icfVgPortNormPriorityOctets     Counter32,
905               icfVgPortNullAddressedFrames    Counter32,
906               icfVgPortOversizeFrames         Counter32,
907               icfVgPortTransitionToTrainings  Counter32
909           }
911       icfVgPortReadableFrames OBJECT-TYPE
912           SYNTAX     Counter32
913           MAX-ACCESS read-only
914           STATUS     current
915           DESCRIPTION
916                   "This object is the number of good frames of valid
917                   frame length that have been received on this port.
918                   This counter is incremented by one for each frame
919                   received on the port which is not counted by
920                   icfVgPortIPMFrames or icfVgPortDataErrorFrames."
921           REFERENCE
922                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
923         , aReadableFramesReceived."
924           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 1 }
926       icfVgPortReadableOctets OBJECT-TYPE
927           SYNTAX     Counter32
928           MAX-ACCESS read-only
929           STATUS     current
930           DESCRIPTION
931                   "This object is a count of the number of octets
932                   contained in good frames that have been received on
933                   this port.  This counter is incremented by OctetCount
934                   for each frame received on this port which has been
935                   determined to be a readable frame (i.e. each frame
936                   counted by icfVgPortReadableFrames).
938                   Note that this counter will roll over very quickly.
939                   It is provided for backward compatibility for Network
940                   Management protocols that do not support 64 bit
941                   counters (e.g. SNMP version 1)."
942           REFERENCE
943                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
944         , aReadableOctetsReceived."
945           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 2 }
947       icfVgPortUnreadableOctets OBJECT-TYPE
948           SYNTAX     Counter32
949           MAX-ACCESS read-only
950           STATUS     current
951           DESCRIPTION
952                   "This object is a count of the number of octets
953                   contained in invalid frames that have been received
954                   on this port.  This counter is incremented by
955                   OctetCount for each frame received on this port which
956                   is counted by icfVgPortIPMFrames or
957                   icfVgPortDataErrorFrames.  This counter can be
958                   combined with icfVgPortReadableOctets to calculate
959                   network utilization.
961                   Note that this counter will roll over very quickly.
962                   It is provided for backward compatibility for Network
963                   Management protocols that do not support 64 bit
964                   counters (e.g. SNMP version 1)."
965           REFERENCE
966                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
967         , aOctetsInUnreadableFramesRcvd."
968           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 3 }
970       icfVgPortHighPriorityFrames OBJECT-TYPE
971           SYNTAX     Counter32
972           MAX-ACCESS read-only
973           STATUS     current
974           DESCRIPTION
975                   "This object is a count of high priority frames
976                   that have been received on this port.  This counter
977                   is incremented by one for each high priority frame
978                   received on this port, including readable, invalid,
979                   and training frames.  This counter does not include
980                   normal priority frames which were priority promoted."
981           REFERENCE
982                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
983         , aHighPriorityFramesReceived."
984           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 4 }
986       icfVgPortHighPriorityOctets OBJECT-TYPE
987           SYNTAX     Counter32
988           MAX-ACCESS read-only
989           STATUS     current
990           DESCRIPTION
991                   "This object is a count of the number of octets
992                   contained in high priority frames that have been
993                   received on this port.  This counter is incremented
994                   by OctetCount for each frame received on this port
995                   which is counted by icfVgPortHighPriorityFrames.
997                   Note that this counter will roll over very quickly.
998                   It is provided for backward compatibility for Network
999                   Management protocols that do not support 64 bit
1000                   counters (e.g. SNMP version 1)."
1001           REFERENCE
1002                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1003         , aHighPriorityOctetsReceived."
1004           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 5 }
1006       icfVgPortBroadcastFrames OBJECT-TYPE
1007           SYNTAX     Counter32
1008           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1009           STATUS     current
1010           DESCRIPTION
1011                   "This object is a count of broadcast packets that
1012                   have been received on this port.  This counter is
1013                   incremented by one for each readable frame received
1014                   on this port whose destination MAC address is the
1015                   broadcast address.  Frames counted by this counter
1016                   are also counted by icfVgPortReadableFrames."
1017           REFERENCE
1018                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1019         , aBroadcastFramesReceived."
1020           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 6 }
1022       icfVgPortMulticastFrames OBJECT-TYPE
1023           SYNTAX     Counter32
1024           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1025           STATUS     current
1026           DESCRIPTION
1027                   "This object is a count of multicast packets that
1028                   have been received on this port.  This counter is
1029                   incremented by one for each readable frame received
1030                   on this port whose destination MAC address has the
1031                   group address bit set, but is not the broadcast
1032                   address.  Frames counted by this counter are also
1033                   counted by icfVgPortReadableFrames, but not by
1034                   icfVgPortBroadcastFrames"
1035           REFERENCE
1036                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1037         , aMulticastFramesReceived."
1038           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 7 }
1040       icfVgPortIPMFrames OBJECT-TYPE
1041           SYNTAX     Counter32
1042           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1043           STATUS     current
1044           DESCRIPTION
1045                   "This object is a count of the number of frames that
1046                   have been received on this port with an invalid
1047                   packet marker and no PMI errors.  A repeater will
1048                   write an invalid packet marker to the end of a frame
1049                   containing errors as it is forwarded through the
1050                   repeater to the other ports.  This counter is
1051                   incremented by one for each frame received on this
1052                   port which has had an invalid packet marker added to
1053                   the end of the frame.  This counter indicates
1054                   problems with remote cable segments, as opposed to
1055                   problems with cables directly attached to this
1056                   repeater."
1057           REFERENCE
1058                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1059         , aIPMFramesReceived."
1060           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 8 }
1062       icfVgPortDataErrorFrames OBJECT-TYPE
1063           SYNTAX     Counter32
1064           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1065           STATUS     current
1066           DESCRIPTION
1067                   "This object is a count of errored frames received on
1068                   this port.  This counter is incremented by one for
1069                   each frame received on this port with any of the
1070                   following errors: bad FCS (with no IPM), PMI errors
1071                   (excluding frames with an IPM error as the only PMI
1072                   error), or undersize (with no IPM).  Does not include
1073                   packets counted by icfVgPortIPMFrames,
1074                   icfVgPortOversizeFrames, or
1075                   icfVgPortNullAddressedFrames.
1077                   This counter indicates problems with the cable
1078                   directly attached to this repeater, while
1079                   icfVgPortIPMFrames indicates problems with remote
1080                   cables attached to other repeaters."
1081           REFERENCE
1082                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1083         , aDataErrorFramesReceived."
1084           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 9 }
1086       icfVgPortPriorityPromotions OBJECT-TYPE
1087           SYNTAX     Counter32
1088           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1089           STATUS     current
1090           DESCRIPTION
1091                   "This counter is incremented by one each time the
1092                   priority promotion timer has expired on this port and
1093                   a normal priority frame was priority promoted."
1094           REFERENCE
1095                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1096         , aPriorityPromotions."
1097           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 10 }
1099       icfVgPortHCReadableOctets OBJECT-TYPE
1100           SYNTAX     Counter64
1101           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1102           STATUS     current
1103           DESCRIPTION
1104                   "This object is a count of the number of octets
1105                   contained in good frames that have been received on
1106                   this port.  This counter is incremented by OctetCount
1107                   for each frame received on this port which has been
1108                   determined to be a readable frame (i.e. each frame
1109                   counted by icfVgPortReadableFrames).
1111                   This counter is a 64 bit version of
1112                   icfVgPortReadableOctets.  It should be used by
1113                   Network Management protocols which support 64 bit
1114                   counters (e.g. SNMPv2)."
1115           REFERENCE
1116                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1117         , aReadableOctetsReceived."
1118           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 11 }
1120       icfVgPortHCUnreadableOctets OBJECT-TYPE
1121           SYNTAX     Counter64
1122           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1123           STATUS     current
1124           DESCRIPTION
1125                   "This object is a count of the number of octets
1126                   contained in invalid frames that have been received
1127                   on this port.  This counter is incremented by
1128                   OctetCount for each frame received on this port which
1129                   is counted by icfVgPortIPMFrames or
1130                   icfVgPortDataErrorFrames.  This counter can be
1131                   combined with icfVgPortHCReadableOctets to calculate
1132                   network utilization.
1134                   This counter is a 64 bit version of
1135                   icfVgPortUnReadableOctets.  It should be used by
1136                   Network Management protocols which support 64 bit
1137                   counters (e.g. SNMPv2)."
1138           REFERENCE
1139                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1140         , aOctetsInUnreadableFramesRcvd."
1141           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 12 }
1143       icfVgPortHCHighPriorityOctets OBJECT-TYPE
1144           SYNTAX     Counter64
1145           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1146           STATUS     current
1147           DESCRIPTION
1148                   "This object is a count of the number of octets
1149                   contained in high priority frames that have been
1150                   received on this port.  This counter is incremented
1151                   by OctetCount for each frame received on this port
1152                   which is counted by icfVgPortHighPriorityFrames.
1154                   This counter is a 64 bit version of
1155                   icfVgPortHighPriorityOctets.  It should be used by
1156                   Network Management protocols which support 64 bit
1157                   counters (e.g. SNMPv2)."
1158           REFERENCE
1159                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1160         , aHighPriorityOctetsReceived."
1161           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 13 }
1163       icfVgPortHCNormPriorityOctets OBJECT-TYPE
1164           SYNTAX     Counter64
1165           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1166           STATUS     current
1167           DESCRIPTION
1168                   "This object is a count of the number of octets
1169                   contained in normal  priority frames that have been
1170                   received on this port.  This counter is incremented
1171                   by OctetCount for each frame received on this port
1172                   which is counted by icfVgPortNormPriorityFrames.
1174                   This counter is a 64 bit version of
1175                   icfVgPortNormPriorityOctets.  It should be used by
1176                   Network Management protocols which support 64 bit
1177                   counters (e.g. SNMPv2)."
1178           REFERENCE
1179                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1180         , aNormalPriorityOctetsReceived."
1181           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 14 }
1183       icfVgPortNormPriorityFrames OBJECT-TYPE
1184           SYNTAX     Counter32
1185           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1186           STATUS     current
1187           DESCRIPTION
1188                   "This object is a count of normal priority frames
1189                   that have been received on this port.  This counter
1190                   is incremented by one for each normal priority frame
1191                   received on this port. This counter includes both
1192                   good and bad normal priority frames, as well as
1193                   normal priority training frames and normal priority
1194                   frames which were priority promoted."
1195           REFERENCE
1196                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1197         , aNormalPriorityFramesReceived."
1198           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 15 }
1200       icfVgPortNormPriorityOctets OBJECT-TYPE
1201           SYNTAX     Counter32
1202           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1203           STATUS     current
1204           DESCRIPTION
1205                   "This object is a count of the number of octets
1206                   contained in normal priority frames that have been
1207                   received on this port.  This counter is incremented
1208                   by OctetCount for each frame received on this port
1209                   which is counted by icfVgPortNormPriorityFrames.
1211                   Note that this counter will roll over very quickly.
1212                   It is provided for backward compatibility for Network
1213                   Management protocols that do not support 64 bit
1214                   counters (e.g. SNMP version 1)."
1215           REFERENCE
1216                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1217         , aNormalPriorityOctetsReceived."
1218           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 16 }
1220       icfVgPortNullAddressedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
1221           SYNTAX     Counter32
1222           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1223           STATUS     current
1224           DESCRIPTION
1225                   "This object is a count of null addressed packets
1226                   that have been received on this port.  This counter
1227                   is incremented by one for each frame received on this
1228                   port with a destination MAC address consisting of all
1229                   zero bits.  Both void and training frames are
1230                   included in this counter."
1231           REFERENCE
1232                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1233         , aNullAddressedFramesReceived."
1234           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 17 }
1236       icfVgPortOversizeFrames OBJECT-TYPE
1237           SYNTAX     Counter32
1238           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1239           STATUS     current
1240           DESCRIPTION
1241                   "This object is a count of oversize frames received
1242                   on this port.  This counter is incremented by one for
1243                   each frame received on this port whose OctetCount is
1244                   larger than the maximum legal frame size.
1246                   The frame size which causes this counter to increment
1247                   is dependent on the current value of
1248                   icfVgCurrentFramingType.  When
1249                   icfVgCurrentFramingType is equal to frameType88023
1250                   this counter will increment for frames that are 1519
1251                   octets or larger.  When icfVgCurrentFramingType is
1252                   equal to frameType88025 this counter will increment
1253                   for frames that are 4521 octets or larger."
1254           REFERENCE
1255                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1256         , aOversizeFramesReceived."
1257           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 18 }
1259       icfVgPortTransitionToTrainings OBJECT-TYPE
1260           SYNTAX     Counter32
1261           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1262           STATUS     current
1263           DESCRIPTION
1264                   "This counter is incremented by one each time the
1265                   icfVgPortStatus object for this port transitions into
1266                   the 'training' state."
1267           REFERENCE
1268                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1269         , aTransitionsIntoTraining."
1270           ::= { icfVgMonPortEntry 19 }
1272       icfVgAddrTrack      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgRepeater 3 }
1274       icfVgAddrTrackRptr  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgAddrTrack 1 }
1275       -- Currently unused
1277       icfVgAddrTrackGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgAddrTrack 2 }
1278       -- Currently unused
1280       icfVgAddrTrackPort  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgAddrTrack 3 }
1282       icfVgAddrTrackTable OBJECT-TYPE
1283           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IcfVgAddrTrackEntry
1284           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1285           STATUS     current
1286           DESCRIPTION
1287               "Table of address mapping information about the
1288               ports."
1289           ::= { icfVgAddrTrackPort 1 }
1291       icfVgAddrTrackEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1292           SYNTAX     IcfVgAddrTrackEntry
1293           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1294           STATUS     current
1295           DESCRIPTION
1296               "An entry in the table, containing address mapping
1297               information about a single port."
1298           INDEX      { icfVgPortGroupIndex, icfVgPortIndex }
1299           ::= { icfVgAddrTrackTable 1 }
1301       IcfVgAddrTrackEntry ::=
1302           SEQUENCE {
1303               icfVgAddrLastTrainedAddress     OCTET STRING,
1304               icfVgAddrTrainedAddrChanges     Counter32,
1305               icfVgRptrDetectedDupAddress     TruthValue,
1306               icfVgMgrDetectedDupAddress      TruthValue
1307           }
1309       icfVgAddrLastTrainedAddress OBJECT-TYPE
1310           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0 | 6))
1311           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1312           STATUS     current
1313           DESCRIPTION
1314                   "This object is the MAC address of the last station
1315                   which succeeded in training on this port.  A
1316                   cascaded repeater may train using the null address.
1317                   If no stations have succeeded in training on this
1318                   port since the agent began monitoring the port
1319                   activity, the agent shall return a string of length
1320                   zero."
1321           REFERENCE
1322                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1323         , aLastTrainedAddress."
1324           ::= { icfVgAddrTrackEntry 1 }
1326       icfVgAddrTrainedAddrChanges OBJECT-TYPE
1327           SYNTAX     Counter32
1328           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1329           STATUS     current
1330           DESCRIPTION
1331                   "This counter is incremented by one for each time
1332                   that the icfVgAddrLastTrainedAddress object for this
1333                   port has changed."
1334           REFERENCE
1335                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1336         , aTrainedAddressChanges."
1337           ::= { icfVgAddrTrackEntry 2 }
1339       icfVgRptrDetectedDupAddress OBJECT-TYPE
1340           SYNTAX     TruthValue
1341           MAX-ACCESS read-only
1342           STATUS     current
1343           DESCRIPTION
1344                   "This object is used to indicate that the repeater
1345                   detected an error-free training frame on this port
1346                   with a source MAC address which matches the value of
1347                   icfVgAddrLastTrainedAddress of another active port.
1348                   This is reset to 'false' when an error-free training
1349                   frame is received with a source MAC address which
1350                   does not match icfVgAddrLastTrainedAddress of another
1351                   port which is active.  For the cascade port, this
1352                   object will be 'true' if the 'D' bit in the most
1353                   recently received error-free training response frame
1354                   was set."
1355           REFERENCE
1356                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1357         , aLocalRptrDetectedDupAddr."
1358           ::= { icfVgAddrTrackEntry 3 }
1360       icfVgMgrDetectedDupAddress OBJECT-TYPE
1361           SYNTAX     TruthValue
1362           MAX-ACCESS read-write
1363           STATUS     current
1364           DESCRIPTION
1365                   "This object can be set by a management station when
1366                   it detects that there is a duplicate MAC address.
1367                   This object is OR'd with icfVgRptrDetectedDupAddress
1368                   to form the value of the 'D' bit in training response
1369                   frames on this port.
1371                   The purpose of this object is to provide a means for
1372                   network management software to inform an end station
1373                   that it is using a duplicate station address.
1374                   Setting this object does not affect the current state
1375                   of the link; the end station will not be informed of
1376                   the duplicate address until it retrains for some
1377                   reason.  Note that regardless of its station address,
1378                   the end station will not be able to train
1379                   successfully until the network management software
1380                   has set this object back to 'false'.  Although this
1381                   object exists on cascade ports, it does not perform
1382                   any function since this repeater is the initiator of
1383                   training on a cascade port."
1384           REFERENCE
1385                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1386         , aCentralMgmtDetectedDupAddr."
1387           ::= { icfVgAddrTrackEntry 4 }
1391       icfVgRptrTraps       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgRepeater 4 }
1392       icfVgRptrTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgRptrTraps 0 }
1394       icfVgRptrHealth NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1395           OBJECTS     { icfVgRepeaterHealthState }
1396           STATUS      current
1397           DESCRIPTION
1398                   "A icfVgRptrHealth trap conveys information related
1399                   to the operational state of the repeater.  This trap
1400                   is sent either when the value of
1401                   icfVgRepeaterHealthState changes, or upon completion
1402                   of a non-disruptive test.  The icfVgRptrHealth trap
1403                   is not sent as a result of powering up a repeater.
1405                   The icfVgRptrHealth trap must contain the
1406                   icfVgRepeaterHealthState object.  The agent may
1407                   optionally include the icfVgRepeaterHealthText object
1408                   in the varBind list.  See the
1409                   icfVgRepeaterHealthState and icfVgRepeaterHealthText
1410                   objects for descriptions of the information that is
1411                   sent.
1413                   The agent must throttle the generation of consecutive
1414                   icfVgRptrHealth traps so that there is at least a
1415                   five-second gap between traps of this type.  When
1416                   traps are throttled, they are dropped, not queued for
1417                   sending at a future time.  (Note that 'generating' a
1418                   trap means sending to all configured recipients.)"
1419           REFERENCE
1420                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1421         , nRepeaterHealth."
1422           ::= { icfVgRptrTrapsPrefix 1 }
1424       icfVgRptrResetEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1425           OBJECTS        { icfVgRepeaterHealthState }
1426           STATUS         current
1427           DESCRIPTION
1428                   "An icfVgRptrResetEvent trap conveys information
1429                   related to the operational state of the repeater.
1430                   This trap is sent on completion of a repeater reset
1431                   action.  A repeater reset action is defined as a
1432                   transition to its initial state as specified in
1433                   clause 12 [IEEE Draft Std 802.12] when triggered by a
1434                   management command.
1436                   The icfVgRptrResetEvent trap is not sent when the
1437                   agent restarts and sends an SNMP coldStart or
1438                   warmStart trap.  However, it is recommended that an
1439                   802.12 repeater agent send the
1440                   icfVgRepeaterHealthState object as an optional object
1441                   with its coldStart and warmStart trap PDUs.
1443                   The icfVgRptrResetEvent trap must contain the
1444                   icfVgRepeaterHealthState object.  The agent may
1445                   optionally include the icfVgRepeaterHealthText object
1446                   in the varBind list.  See the
1447                   icfVgRepeaterHealthState and icfVgRepeaterHealthText
1448                   objects for descriptions of the information that is
1449                   sent.
1451                   The agent must throttle the generation of consecutive
1452                   icfVgRptrResetEvent traps so that there is at least a
1453                   five-second gap between traps of this type.  When
1454                   traps are throttled, they are dropped, not queued for
1455                   sending at a future time.  (Note that 'generating' a
1456                   trap means sending to all configured recipients.)"
1457           REFERENCE
1458                   "IEEE Draft Std. 802.12, Draft 6, 23 November, 1994,
1459         , nRepeaterReset."
1460           ::= { icfVgRptrTrapsPrefix 3 }
1463       -- conformance information
1465       icfVgRepeaterConformance
1466           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgRepeaterMib 1 }
1468       icfVgRepeaterCompliances
1469           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgRepeaterConformance 1 }
1470       icfVgRepeaterGroups
1471           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfVgRepeaterConformance 2 }
1474       -- Compliance statements
1476       icfVgRptrPreStdCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
1477           STATUS     obsolete
1478           DESCRIPTION
1479                   "********* THIS COMPLIANCE IS OBSOLETE *********
1481                   The compliance statement for pre-standard 802.12
1482                   repeater management."
1483           MODULE
1484               MANDATORY-GROUPS { icfVgRptrBasicGroup,
1485                                  icfVgRptrPreStdMonitorGroup,
1486                                  icfVgRptrPreStdAddrTrackGroup,
1487                                  icfVgRptrNotificationsGroup }
1489           ::= { icfVgRepeaterCompliances 1 }
1491       icfVgRptrCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
1492           STATUS     current
1493           DESCRIPTION
1494                   "The compliance statement for 802.12 repeater
1495                   management."
1496           MODULE
1497               MANDATORY-GROUPS { icfVgRptrBasicGroup,
1498                                  icfVgRptrMonitorGroup,
1499                                  icfVgRptrAddrTrackGroup,
1500                                  icfVgRptrNotificationsGroup }
1502           ::= { icfVgRepeaterCompliances 2 }
1505       -- Units of conformance
1507       icfVgRptrBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1508           OBJECTS    { icfVgMACAddress,
1509                        icfVgCurrentFramingType,
1510                        icfVgDesiredFramingType,
1511                        icfVgFramingCapability,
1512                        icfVgTrainingVersion,
1513                        icfVgRepeaterGroupCapacity,
1514                        icfVgRepeaterHealthState,
1515                        icfVgRepeaterHealthText,
1516                        icfVgRepeaterReset,
1517                        icfVgRepeaterNonDisruptTest,
1518                        icfVgGroupDescr,
1519                        icfVgGroupObjectID,
1520                        icfVgGroupOperStatus,
1521                        icfVgGroupLastOperStatusChange,
1522                        icfVgGroupPortCapacity,
1523                        icfVgGroupCablesBundled,
1524                        icfVgPortType,
1525                        icfVgPortAdminStatus,
1526                        icfVgPortStatus,
1527                        icfVgPortSupportedPromiscMode,
1528                        icfVgPortSupportedCascadeMode,
1529                        icfVgPortAllowedTrainType,
1530                        icfVgPortLastTrainConfig,
1531                        icfVgPortTrainingResult,
1532                        icfVgPortPriorityEnable,
1533                        icfVgPortMediaType
1534                      }
1535           STATUS     current
1536           DESCRIPTION
1537                   "A collection of objects for managing the status
1538                   and configuration of IEEE 802.12 repeaters."
1539           ::= { icfVgRepeaterGroups 1 }
1541       icfVgRptrPreStdMonitorGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1542           OBJECTS    { icfVgPortReadableFrames,
1543                        icfVgPortReadableOctets,
1544                        icfVgPortUnreadableOctets,
1545                        icfVgPortHighPriorityFrames,
1546                        icfVgPortHighPriorityOctets,
1547                        icfVgPortBroadcastFrames,
1548                        icfVgPortMulticastFrames,
1549                        icfVgPortIPMFrames,
1550                        icfVgPortDataErrorFrames,
1551                        icfVgPortPriorityPromotions,
1552                        icfVgPortHCReadableOctets,
1553                        icfVgPortHCUnreadableOctets,
1554                        icfVgPortHCHighPriorityOctets
1555                      }
1556           STATUS     obsolete
1557           DESCRIPTION
1558                   "********* THIS GROUP IS OBSOLETE *********
1560                   A collection of objects for providing statistics
1561                   for pre-standard IEEE 802.12 repeaters."
1562           ::= { icfVgRepeaterGroups 2 }
1564       icfVgRptrPreStdAddrTrackGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1565           OBJECTS    { icfVgAddrLastTrainedAddress,
1566                        icfVgAddrTrainedAddrChanges
1567                      }
1568           STATUS     obsolete
1569           DESCRIPTION
1570                   "********* THIS GROUP IS OBSOLETE *********
1572                   A collection of objects for tracking addresses
1573                   on pre-standard IEEE 802.12 repeaters."
1574           ::= { icfVgRepeaterGroups 3 }
1576       icfVgRptrMonitorGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1577           OBJECTS    { icfVgPortReadableFrames,
1578                        icfVgPortReadableOctets,
1579                        icfVgPortUnreadableOctets,
1580                        icfVgPortHighPriorityFrames,
1581                        icfVgPortHighPriorityOctets,
1582                        icfVgPortBroadcastFrames,
1583                        icfVgPortMulticastFrames,
1584                        icfVgPortIPMFrames,
1585                        icfVgPortDataErrorFrames,
1586                        icfVgPortPriorityPromotions,
1587                        icfVgPortHCReadableOctets,
1588                        icfVgPortHCUnreadableOctets,
1589                        icfVgPortHCHighPriorityOctets,
1590                        icfVgPortHCNormPriorityOctets,
1591                        icfVgPortNormPriorityFrames,
1592                        icfVgPortNormPriorityOctets,
1593                        icfVgPortNullAddressedFrames,
1594                        icfVgPortOversizeFrames,
1595                        icfVgPortTransitionToTrainings
1596                      }
1597           STATUS     current
1598           DESCRIPTION
1599                   "A collection of objects for providing statistics
1600                   for IEEE 802.12 repeaters."
1601           ::= { icfVgRepeaterGroups 4 }
1603       icfVgRptrAddrTrackGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1604           OBJECTS    { icfVgAddrLastTrainedAddress,
1605                        icfVgAddrTrainedAddrChanges,
1606                        icfVgRptrDetectedDupAddress,
1607                        icfVgMgrDetectedDupAddress
1608                      }
1609           STATUS     current
1610           DESCRIPTION
1611                   "A collection of objects for tracking addresses
1612                   on IEEE 802.12 repeaters."
1613           ::= { icfVgRepeaterGroups 5 }
1615       icfVgRptrNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
1616           NOTIFICATIONS { icfVgRptrHealth,
1617                           icfVgRptrResetEvent
1618                         }
1619           STATUS     current
1620           DESCRIPTION
1621                   "A collection of notifications used to indicate
1622                   802.12 repeater general status changes."
1623           ::= { icfVgRepeaterGroups 6 }
1625       END