1-- *****************************************************************
4-- April, 1999 Jim Fitzgerald
6-- Copyright (c) 1999-2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
7-- All rights reserved.
8-- *****************************************************************
20    Counter32,
21    Gauge32,
22    Unsigned32,
23    IpAddress                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
25    DateAndTime,
27    RowPointer               FROM SNMPv2-TC
29    SnmpAdminString          FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
30    InterfaceIndexOrZero     FROM IF-MIB
31    ciscoMgmt                FROM CISCO-SMI;
35    LAST-UPDATED        "200512060000Z"
36    ORGANIZATION        "Cisco Systems, Inc."
38            "       Cisco Systems
39                    Customer Service
41            Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
42                    San Jose, CA  95134
43                    USA
45            Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
47            E-mail: cs-pix@cisco.com
48                    cs-iosfw@cisco.com"
49    DESCRIPTION "MIB module for monitoring Cisco Firewalls."
50    REVISION    "200512060000Z"
52            "Added the copyright statement and updated the imports
53            such that Unsigned32 is imported from SNMPv2-SMI instead
54            of CISCO-TC. Added a new NOTIFICATION-GROUP
55            ciscoFirewallMIBNotificationGroupRev1 to include all the
56            notifications defined in the MIB. Obsoleted the
57            OBJECT-GROUP ciscoFirewallMIBNotificationGroup. Deprecated
58            the MODULE-COMPLIANCE ciscoFirewallMIBCompliance and added
59            a new MODULE-COMPLIANCE ciscoFirewallMIBComplianceRev1."
60    REVISION    "9904291200Z"
62            "Initial version of this MIB module."
63    ::= { ciscoMgmt 147 }
65ciscoFirewallMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { ciscoFirewallMIB 1 }
67cfwEvents            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { ciscoFirewallMIBObjects 1 }
68    cfwBasicEvents   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { cfwEvents 1 }
69    cfwNetEvents     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { cfwEvents 2 }
72cfwSystem            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { ciscoFirewallMIBObjects 2 }
73    cfwStatus        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { cfwSystem 1 }
74    cfwStatistics    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { cfwSystem 2 }
76-- Textual Conventions
78ResourceStatistics ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
79    STATUS current
81        "This textual convention is used to identify various statistics
82        that are related to the resources on a firewall.
84        highUse     : The highest load the resource has had for a
85                      time period. The time period will be
86                      implementation dependent.
87        highLoad    : The highest load the resource has had since
88                      startup.
89        maximum     : The maximum amount of the resource that is
90                      available.
91        minimum     : The minimum amount of the resource that is
92                      available.
93        low         : The lowest amount of the resource that has been
94                      available since startup.
95        high        : The highest amount of the resource that has been
96                      available since startup.
97        average     : The average amount of the resource that has been
98                      available since startup.
99        free        : The amount of the resource that is currently
100                      available since startup.
101        inUse       : The amount of the resource that is currently
102                      in use,  eg. CPU usage, memory usage."
104        highUse(1),
105        highLoad(2),
106        maximum(3),
107        minimum(4),
108        low(5),
109        high(6),
110        average(7),
111        free(8),
112        inUse(9)
113    }
116    STATUS current
118       "This textual convention is used to describe various hardware
119        resouces that can be monitored by the firewall.
121        memory         - identifies memory.
122        disk           - identifies disk.
123        power          - identifies power.
124        netInterface   - identifies a network interface.
125        tape           - identifies a tape drive.
126        controller     - identifies hardware controller.
127        cpu            - identifies CPU.
128        primaryUnit    - identifies the primary unit of the two
129                         identical firewalls configured redundancy.
130        secondaryUnit  - identifies the secondary unit of the two
131                         identical firewalls configured redundancy.
132        other          - identifies other hardware."
134        memory(1),
135        disk(2),
136        power(3),
137        netInterface(4),
138        cpu(5),
139        primaryUnit(6),
140        secondaryUnit(7),
141        other(8)
142    }
145    STATUS current
148       "This textual convention is used to describe various services
149        that are monitored by the firewall.
151        otherFWService  - a service that does not fit into any
152                          other category.
153        fileXferFtp     - identifies FTP, File Transfer Protocol.
154        fileXferTftp    - identifies TFTP, Trivial File
155                          Transfer Protocol
156        fileXferFtps    - identifies FTP, File Transfer
157                            Protocol running over Secure Sockets Layer.
158        loginTelnet    - identifies telnet
159        loginRlogin    - identifies rlogin.
160        loginTelnets   - identifies telnet over
161                         Secure Sockets Layer(SSL).
162        remoteExecSunRPC  - identifies Sun Remote
163                            Procedure Call Protocol.
164        remoteExecMSRPC   - identifies Microsoft Remote
165                            Procedure Call Protocol.
166        remoteExecRsh     - identifies the remote shell.
167        remoteExecXserver - identifies the Xwindows server.
168        webHttp           - identifies Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
169        webHttps          - identifies the secure HTTP protocol.
170        mailSmtp  - identifies SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
171        mailSmtps - identifies SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
172                    running over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
173        multimediaStreamworks - identifies streamworks.
174        multimediaH323        - identifies H323.
175        multimediaNetShow     - identifies NetShow.
176        multimediaVDOLive     - identifies vDOLive.
177        multimediaRealAV      - identifies RealAV.
178        multimediaRTSP        - identifies Real Time Streaming Protocol
179        dbOracle    - identifies Oracle's SQL*Net.
180        dbMSsql     - identifies MicroSoft SQL.
181        contInspProgLang     - identifies a payload as a programming
182                               language such as Java or ActiveX.
183        contInspUrl          - identifies a payload as a URL.
184        directoryNis         - identifies NIS, Network Information Service.
185        directoryDns         - identifies DNS, Domain Name Service.
186        directoryNetbiosns   - identifies NetBIOSNS - NetBIOS Name Service.
187        directoryNetbiosdgm  - identifies NetBIOSNS - NetBIOS
188                               datagram Service.
189        directoryNetbiosssn  - identifies NetBIOSNS - NetBIOS
190                               Session Service.
191        directoryWins      - identifies Windows Internet Naming
192                             Service (WINS).
193        qryWhois   - identifies WhoIs service.
194        qryFinger  - identifies finger.
195        qryIdent   - identifies Ident.
196        fsNfsStatus  - identifies Network File System (NFS) Status.
197        fsNfs        -  identifies Network File System (NFS).
198        fsCifs       - identifies CIFS, Common Internet
199                       File Service.
200        protoIcmp   - identifies ICMP, Internet Control Message Protocol.
201        protoTcp    - identifies TCP, Transmission Control Protocol.
202        protoUdp    - identifies UDP, User Datagram Protocol.
203        protoIp     - identifies IP, Internet Protocol.
204        protoSnmp   - identifies SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol."
207        otherFWService(1),
208        fileXferFtp(2),
209        fileXferTftp(3),
210        fileXferFtps(4),
211        loginTelnet(5),
212        loginRlogin(6),
213        loginTelnets(7),
214        remoteExecSunRPC(8),
215        remoteExecMSRPC(9),
216        remoteExecRsh(10),
217        remoteExecXserver(11),
218        webHttp(12),
219        webHttps(13),
220        mailSmtp(14),
221        multimediaStreamworks(15),
222        multimediaH323(16),
223        multimediaNetShow(17),
224        multimediaVDOLive(18),
225        multimediaRealAV(19),
226        multimediaRTSP(20),
227        dbOracle(21),
228        dbMSsql(22),
229        contInspProgLang(23),
230        contInspUrl(24),
231        directoryNis(25),
232        directoryDns(26),
233        directoryNetbiosns(27),
234        directoryNetbiosdgm(28),
235        directoryNetbiosssn(29),
236        directoryWins(30),
237        qryWhois(31),
238        qryFinger(32),
239        qryIdent(33),
240        fsNfsStatus(34),
241        fsNfs(35),
242        fsCifs(36),
243        protoIcmp(37),
244        protoTcp(38),
245        protoUdp(39),
246        protoIp(40),
247        protoSnmp(41)
248    }
250HardwareStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
251    STATUS current
253        "This textual convention is used to describe various events
254        that are related to the resources on a firewall.
255        other      : Generic resource event.
256        up         : The resource is in service.
257        down       : The resource is not in service.
258        error      : There has been an error for this resource.
259        overTemp   : The resource is overheating.
260        busy       : The resource is busy.
261        noMedia    : A device doesn't have its needed media.
262        backup     : Processing has switched to the backup.
263        active     : This is the active unit.
264        standby    : This is the standby unit."
267        other(1),
268        up(2),
269        down(3),
270        error(4),
271        overTemp(5),
272        busy(6),
273        noMedia(7),
274        backup(8),
275        active(9),
276        standby(10)
277    }
279SecurityEvent ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
280    STATUS current
282        "This textual convention is used to describe various
283        security-related events and statistics on a firewall.
285        other      : Generic attack event.
286        none       : No attack is occurring, an informational
287                     event.
288        dos        : A denial of service attack has been detected.
289        recon      : A pattern of reconnaissance activity has been
290                     detected.
291        pakFwd     : A packet forwarding attack has been detected.
292        addrSpoof  : A spoofed address has been detected.
293        svcSpoof   : A spoofed service (eg., DNS) has been detected.
294        thirdParty : This site is being used as a third-party for
295                     an attack on another network. For example, the
296                     'smurf' attack or email spamming.
297        complete   : An attack has terminated
298        invlPak    : An invalid packet with attack characteristics
299                     has been detected.
300        illegCmd   : An illegal command has been found.
301        policy     : An attempt has reen made to violate a security
302                     policy."
305        other(1),
306        none(2),
307        dos(3),
308        recon(4),
309        pakFwd(5),
310        addrSpoof(6),
311        svcSpoof(7),
312        thirdParty(8),
313        complete(9),
314        invalPak(10),
315        illegCom(11),
316        policy(12)
317    }
319ContentInspectionEvent ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
320    STATUS current
322        "Content inspection events, these events report that
323        something was found in the application payload. The
324        details entry in the event can report on what was
325        found (eg., virus, company private info., etc), what it
326        was found in (eg., html, win32 executable, e-mail), and
327        what was done with it (eg., the quarantine location).
329        other  : A content inspection event. Used to indicate
330                 that some content inspection has occurred that
331                 is not covered by the other content inspection
332                 enumerations.
333        okay   : The check of the content was okay, nothing 'bad'
334                 was found.
335        error  : There was an error while checking the content.
336        found  : Something was found that the content inspection
337                 engine has determined merits attention.
338        clean  : The content inspection engine has found something
339                 that violates the security policy and has
340                 neutralized the content in the data flow.
341        reject : The content inspection engine has found something
342                 that violates the security policy and has discarded
343                 the content.
344        saved  : The content inspection engine has found something
345                 that violates the security policy and has stored
346                 it in a quarentine storage area."
348        other(1),
349        okay(2),
350        error(3),
351        found(4),
352        clean(5),
353        reject(6),
354        saved(7)
355    }
357ConnectionEvent ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
358    STATUS current
360        "This textual convention is used to describe various events
361        and statistics that are related to the connections that
362        occur on a firewall.
364        other    : A generic connection event.
365        accept   : A connection has been acccepted.
366        error    : An error has occurred for a connection.
367        drop     : The connection has been dropped.
368        close    : A connection has been closed.
369        timeout  : A connection has been timed out.
370        refused  : A connection has been refused.
371        reset    : A connection has been reset.
372        noResp   : A connection has received no response."
374        other(1),
375        accept(2),
376        error(3),
377        drop(4),
378        close(5),
379        timeout(6),
380        refused(7),
381        reset(8),
382        noResp(9)
383    }
385ConnectionStat ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
386    STATUS current
388        "This textual convention is used to describe various
389        connections statistics.
391        other            : A generic connection event.
392        totalOpen        : Total open connections since reboot.
393        currentOpen      : The number of connections currently open.
394        currentClosing   : The number of connections currently closing.
395        currentHalfOpen  : The number of connections currently half-open.
396        currentInUse     : The number of connections currently in use.
397        high             : The highest number of connections in use at
398                           any one time since system startup."
400        other(1),
401        totalOpen(2),
402        currentOpen(3),
403        currentClosing(4),
404        currentHalfOpen(5),
405        currentInUse(6),
406        high(7)
407    }
410    STATUS current
412        "This textual convention is used to describe various events
413        and statistics that are related to the access control on a
414        firewall.
416        other    : Miscellaneous access event.
417        grant    : A service has allowed access based on all
418                   of its access checks.
419        deny     : a client was denied use of a service.
420        denyMult : A client was denied use of a service
421                   multiple times.
422        error    : An error has ocurred during the access
423                   control process."
425        other(1),
426        grant(2),
427        deny(3),
428        denyMult(4),
429        error(5)
430    }
432AuthenticationEvent ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
433    STATUS current
435        "This textual convention is used to describe various events
436        and statistics that are related to authorization.
438        other    : Miscellaneous authentication event.
439        succ     : A client successfuly authenticated.
440        error    : Error while authenticating.
441        fail     : A client failed an authenticating.
442        succPriv : A client accessed a service with special
443                   privileges.
444        failPriv : A client failed to access a service with
445                   special privileges.
446        failMult : Multiple failed authentication attempts by
447                   a client."
449        other(1),
450        succ(2),
451        error(3),
452        fail(4),
453        succPriv(5),
454        failPriv(6),
455        failMult(7)
456    }
458GenericEvent ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
459    STATUS current
461        "Generic Events - events for which there is no more specific
462        enumeration
463        abnormal : An abnormal event has occurred that is neither
464                   'okay' nor an 'error'.
465        okay     : A normal event occurred or the system has changed
466                   from an abnormal state to a normal state
467        error    : An error event occurred"
469        abnormal(1),
470        okay(2),
471        error(3)
472    }
475-- The cfwBasicEventsGroup
477-- This group defines the table containing information that is
478-- for every logged event on the firewall.  The table is
479-- defined along with one variable to obtain the index value of
480-- the last row in the table. The table is indexed by the
481-- integer-valued cfwBasicEventIndex which is assigned to events
482-- in ascending chronological order, such that the oldest event
483-- stored in the table has the numerically smallest value of
484-- cfwBasicEventIndex."
486-- The index of the last row also indicates the total number
487-- modulo 2**32 of events logged in the table since reboot.
488-- Events are not retained across reboots.
491cfwBasicEventsTableLastRow OBJECT-TYPE
492        SYNTAX     Unsigned32
493        MAX-ACCESS read-only
494        STATUS     current
495        DESCRIPTION
496            "The index value of the most recently created row
497            in the cfwBasicEventsTable. This number starts at
498            1 and increase by one with each new log entry.  When
499            this number wraps, all events are deleted."
500    ::= { cfwBasicEvents 1 }
502cfwBasicEventsTable OBJECT-TYPE
503        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CfwBasicEventsEntry
504        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
505        STATUS     current
506        DESCRIPTION
507            "Table of basic data for firewall events.  The agent
508            may choose to delete the instances of cfwBasicEventsEntry
509            as required because of lack of memory.  The oldest Events
510            will be selected first for deletion."
511    ::= { cfwBasicEvents 2 }
513cfwBasicEventsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
514        SYNTAX     CfwBasicEventsEntry
515        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
516        STATUS     current
517        DESCRIPTION
518            "An entry in the table, containing general information
519             about an event. This table will always be sparse, i.e.,
520             each row will instanciate only a subet of the columnar
521             objects."
522        INDEX { cfwBasicEventIndex }
523    ::= { cfwBasicEventsTable 1 }
525CfwBasicEventsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
526        cfwBasicEventIndex                 Unsigned32,
527        cfwBasicEventTime                  DateAndTime,
528        cfwBasicSecurityEventType          SecurityEvent,
529        cfwBasicContentInspEventType       ContentInspectionEvent,
530        cfwBasicConnectionEventType        ConnectionEvent,
531        cfwBasicAccessEventType            AccessEvent,
532        cfwBasicAuthenticationEventType    AuthenticationEvent,
533        cfwBasicGenericEventType           GenericEvent,
534        cfwBasicEventDescription           SnmpAdminString,
535        cfwBasicEventDetailsTableRow       RowPointer
536    }
538cfwBasicEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
539        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
540        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
541        STATUS      current
542        DESCRIPTION
543            "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
544            log table.  These indices are assigned beginning
545            with 1 and increase by one with each new event logged."
546    ::= { cfwBasicEventsEntry 1 }
548cfwBasicEventTime OBJECT-TYPE
549        SYNTAX     DateAndTime
550        MAX-ACCESS read-only
551        STATUS     current
552        DESCRIPTION
553            "The time that the event occurred."
554    ::= { cfwBasicEventsEntry 2 }
556cfwBasicSecurityEventType OBJECT-TYPE
557        SYNTAX     SecurityEvent
558        MAX-ACCESS read-only
559        STATUS     current
560        DESCRIPTION
561            "The type of security-related event that this row contains.
562            If the event is not security-related this object will not
563            be instantiated."
564    ::= { cfwBasicEventsEntry 3 }
566cfwBasicContentInspEventType OBJECT-TYPE
567        SYNTAX     ContentInspectionEvent
568        MAX-ACCESS read-only
569        STATUS     current
570        DESCRIPTION
571            "The type of content inspection-related event that this row
572            contains. If the event is not content inspection-related
573            this object will not be instantiated."
574    ::= { cfwBasicEventsEntry 4 }
576cfwBasicConnectionEventType OBJECT-TYPE
577        SYNTAX     ConnectionEvent
578        MAX-ACCESS read-only
579        STATUS     current
580        DESCRIPTION
581            "The type of connection-related event that this row contains.
582            If the event is not connection-related this object will not
583            be instantiated."
584    ::= { cfwBasicEventsEntry 5 }
586cfwBasicAccessEventType OBJECT-TYPE
587        SYNTAX     AccessEvent
588        MAX-ACCESS read-only
589        STATUS     current
590        DESCRIPTION
591            "The type of access-related event that this row contains.
592            If the event is not access-related this object will not be
593            instantiated."
594    ::= { cfwBasicEventsEntry 6 }
596cfwBasicAuthenticationEventType OBJECT-TYPE
597        SYNTAX     AuthenticationEvent
598        MAX-ACCESS read-only
599        STATUS     current
600        DESCRIPTION
601            "The type of authentication-related event that this row
602            contains. If the event is not authentication-related this
603            object will not be instantiated."
604    ::= { cfwBasicEventsEntry 7 }
606cfwBasicGenericEventType OBJECT-TYPE
607        SYNTAX     GenericEvent
608        MAX-ACCESS read-only
609        STATUS     current
610        DESCRIPTION
611            "The type of generic event that this row contains. If the
612            event does not fall into one of the other categories this
613            object will be populated. Otherwise, this object will not
614            be instantiated."
615    ::= { cfwBasicEventsEntry 8 }
617cfwBasicEventDescription OBJECT-TYPE
618        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
619        MAX-ACCESS read-only
620        STATUS     current
621        DESCRIPTION
622            "A description of the event. The value of the object may
623            be a zero-length string."
624        ::= { cfwBasicEventsEntry 9 }
626cfwBasicEventDetailsTableRow OBJECT-TYPE
627        SYNTAX     RowPointer
628        MAX-ACCESS read-only
629        STATUS     current
630        DESCRIPTION
631            "A pointer to a row in the table containing details
632            about this event.  Generally, the table will be the
633            cfwNetEventsTable but a Cisco-defined table may also
634            appear here. If there there is no more detailed
635            information for this event the value of this object
636            will have the value {0 0}."
637    ::= { cfwBasicEventsEntry 10 }
640-- Network Events
642-- A details table with information related to network events
643-- or events involving "users" of the firewall resources and services
644-- (eg., traffic flows through the firewall or a user authenticating
645-- to use a firewall service).
647cfwNetEventsTableLastRow OBJECT-TYPE
648        SYNTAX     Unsigned32
649        MAX-ACCESS read-only
650        STATUS     current
651        DESCRIPTION
652            "The index value of the last row in the
653            cfwNetEventsTable. This number starts at 1 and
654            increase by one with each new log entry.  When this
655            number wraps, all events are deleted."
656    ::= { cfwNetEvents 1 }
658cfwNetEventsTable OBJECT-TYPE
659        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF CfwNetEventsEntry
660        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
661        STATUS     current
662        DESCRIPTION
663            "Table of detailed data for network events. The
664            agent may choose to delete the instances of
665            cfwBasicEventsEntry as required because of lack of
666            memory.  It is an implementation-specific matter as
667            to when this deletion may occur. It is recommended
668            that the oldest log instances are deleted first."
669    ::= { cfwNetEvents 2}
671cfwNetEventsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
672        SYNTAX     CfwNetEventsEntry
673        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
674        STATUS     current
675        DESCRIPTION
676            "An entry in the table, containing detailed information
677            about an event. Note that this table may be sparse.
678            If Network Address Translation is not enabled
679            cfwNetEventInsideSrcIpAddress and
680            cfwNetEventInsideDstIpAddress will not be instantiated
681            in the row. If Port Address Translation is not enabled
682            cfwNetEventInsideSrcIpPort and
683            cfwNetEventInsideDstIpPort will not be instantiated
684            in the row. Entries are added to this table at the
685            same time that events are added to the cfwBasicEventsTable.
686            These two tables may be configured to be different
687            sizes so there may not be a one-to-one correspondence
688            between rows in the two tables."
689        INDEX { cfwNetEventIndex }
690    ::= { cfwNetEventsTable 1 }
693CfwNetEventsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
694        cfwNetEventIndex              Unsigned32,
695        cfwNetEventInterface          InterfaceIndexOrZero,
696        cfwNetEventSrcIpAddress       IpAddress,
697        cfwNetEventInsideSrcIpAddress IpAddress,
698        cfwNetEventDstIpAddress       IpAddress,
699        cfwNetEventInsideDstIpAddress IpAddress,
700        cfwNetEventSrcIpPort          INTEGER,
701        cfwNetEventInsideSrcIpPort    INTEGER,
702        cfwNetEventDstIpPort          INTEGER,
703        cfwNetEventInsideDstIpPort    INTEGER,
704        cfwNetEventService            Services,
705        cfwNetEventServiceInformation SnmpAdminString,
706        cfwNetEventIdentity           SnmpAdminString,
707        cfwNetEventDescription        SnmpAdminString
708    }
710cfwNetEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
711        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
712        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
713        STATUS      current
714        DESCRIPTION
715            "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
716            log table.  These indices are assigned beginning with
717            one and increase by one with each new log entry. When
718            this number wraps, all events are deleted in order to
719            allow the NMS to differentiate between old and new
720            events."
721    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 1 }
723cfwNetEventInterface OBJECT-TYPE
724        SYNTAX     InterfaceIndexOrZero
725        MAX-ACCESS read-only
726        STATUS     current
727        DESCRIPTION
728            "The interface most closely associated with this event.
729            For example, for an event that relates to the receipt of
730            a packet, this object identifies the interface on which
731            the packet was received.  If there are multiple interfaces
732            associated with an event, the interface most closely
733            associated with the cause of the event will be used.
734            For example, for an event for the setup of a TCP
735            connection, the interface on the initiator's side
736            of the connection would be preferred.  If there is no
737            associated interface, then this object has the value zero."
738    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 2 }
740cfwNetEventSrcIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
741        SYNTAX     IpAddress
742        MAX-ACCESS read-only
743        STATUS     current
744        DESCRIPTION
745            "Source IP address in the IP packet that caused the
746            event. If there is no packet associated with the
747            event this object has the value of zero. If the event is
748            the result of multiple packets with different source
749            addresses, this value may be zero or an address taken
750            from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of
751            packets causing the event."
752    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 3 }
754cfwNetEventInsideSrcIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
755        SYNTAX     IpAddress
756        MAX-ACCESS read-only
757        STATUS     current
758        DESCRIPTION
759            "Source IP address after Network Address Translation
760            has been applied. If NAT has not been applied to the
761            source address in this packet this object will not
762            be instantiated, resulting in a sparse table. If the
763            event is the result of multiple packets with different
764            source addresses, this value may be zero or an address
765            taken from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence
766            of packets causing the event."
767    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 4 }
769cfwNetEventDstIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
770        SYNTAX     IpAddress
771        MAX-ACCESS read-only
772        STATUS     current
773        DESCRIPTION
774            "Destination IP address in the IP packet that caused
775            the event. If there is no packet associated with
776            the event this object has the value of zero. If the event
777            is the result of multiple packets with different destination
778            addresses, this value may be zero or an address taken
779            from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of
780            packets causing the event."
781    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 5 }
783cfwNetEventInsideDstIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
784        SYNTAX     IpAddress
785        MAX-ACCESS read-only
786        STATUS     current
787        DESCRIPTION
788            "Destination IP address after Network Address Translation
789            has been applied. If NAT has not been applied to the
790            destination address in this packet this object will not
791            be instantiated, resulting in a sparse table. If the event
792            is the result of multiple packets with different destination
793            addresses, this value may be zero or an address taken
794            from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of
795            packets causing the event."
796    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 6 }
798cfwNetEventSrcIpPort OBJECT-TYPE
799        SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
800        MAX-ACCESS read-only
801        STATUS     current
802        DESCRIPTION
803            "Source UDP/TCP port in the IP packet that caused
804            the event. If there is no packet associated with the
805            event this object has the value of zero. If the event
806            is the result of multiple packets with different source
807            ports, this value may be zero or a port taken from an
808            arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of packets
809            causing the event."
810    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 7 }
813cfwNetEventInsideSrcIpPort OBJECT-TYPE
814        SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
815        MAX-ACCESS read-only
816        STATUS     current
817        DESCRIPTION
818            "Source UDP/TCP port after Port Address Translation
819            has been applied. If PAT has not been applied to the
820            source port in this packet this object will not be
821            instantiated, resulting in a sparse table. If the
822            event is the result of multiple packets with different
823            source ports, this value may be zero or a port taken
824            from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of
825            packets causing the event."
826    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 8 }
828cfwNetEventDstIpPort OBJECT-TYPE
829        SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
830        MAX-ACCESS read-only
831        STATUS     current
832        DESCRIPTION
833            "Destination UDP/TCP port in the IP packet that caused
834             the event. If there is no packet associated with the
835             event this object has the value of zero. If the event is
836             the result of multiple packets with different destination
837             ports, this value may be zero or a port taken from an
838             arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of packets
839             causing the event."
840    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 9 }
842cfwNetEventInsideDstIpPort OBJECT-TYPE
843        SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
844        MAX-ACCESS read-only
845        STATUS     current
846        DESCRIPTION
847            "Destination UDP/TCP port after Port Address Translation
848            has been applied. If PAT has not been applied to the
849            Destination port in this packet this object will not be
850            instantiated, resulting in a sparse table. If the event
851            is the result of multiple packets with different
852            destination ports, this value may be zero or a port
853            taken from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence
854            of packets causing the event."
855    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 10 }
857cfwNetEventService OBJECT-TYPE
858        SYNTAX     Services
859        MAX-ACCESS read-only
860        STATUS     current
861        DESCRIPTION
862            "The identification of the type of service involved
863            with this event."
864    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 11 }
866cfwNetEventServiceInformation OBJECT-TYPE
867        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
868        MAX-ACCESS read-only
869        STATUS     current
870        DESCRIPTION
871            "Specific service information.  This can be used to
872            describe the particular service indentified by
873            cfwNetEventService and can reflect whether the service
874            is a local service or a gateway service.  For example,
875            if the value for cfwNetEventService is loginTelnet
876            then the string provided might be 'local telnet'."
877    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 12 }
879cfwNetEventIdentity OBJECT-TYPE
880        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
881        MAX-ACCESS read-only
882        STATUS     current
883        DESCRIPTION
884            "This object will contain a description of the entity that
885            caused the event. The entity could be a userid, username,
886            processid or other identifier for the entity using the service.
887            If there is no such information then this object will contain
888            a zero-length string."
889    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 13 }
891cfwNetEventDescription OBJECT-TYPE
892        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
893        MAX-ACCESS read-only
894        STATUS     current
895        DESCRIPTION
896            "A detailed description of the event."
897    ::= { cfwNetEventsEntry 14 }
899-- The cfwHardwareStatus
901-- The resource information related queries, this table is for
902-- providing the status of the resources on the firewall.  Resources
903-- can include hardware or software modules on the firewall.
905cfwHardwareStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
906        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF CfwHardwareStatusEntry
907        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
908        STATUS     current
909        DESCRIPTION
910            "Table of firewall cfwHardwareStatusEntry entries."
911    ::= { cfwStatus 1 }
913cfwHardwareStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
914        SYNTAX     CfwHardwareStatusEntry
915        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
916        STATUS     current
917        DESCRIPTION
918            "An entry in the table, containing status information
919            about a resource."
920        INDEX { cfwHardwareType }
921    ::= { cfwHardwareStatusTable 1 }
923CfwHardwareStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
924        cfwHardwareType            Hardware,
925        cfwHardwareInformation     SnmpAdminString,
926        cfwHardwareStatusValue     HardwareStatus,
927        cfwHardwareStatusDetail    SnmpAdminString
928    }
930cfwHardwareType OBJECT-TYPE
931        SYNTAX     Hardware
932        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
933        STATUS     current
934        DESCRIPTION
935            "The hardware type for which this row provides
936            status information."
937    ::= { cfwHardwareStatusEntry 1 }
939cfwHardwareInformation OBJECT-TYPE
940        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
941        MAX-ACCESS read-only
942        STATUS     current
943        DESCRIPTION
944            "A detailed textual description of the resource
945            identified by cfwHardwareType."
946    ::= { cfwHardwareStatusEntry 2 }
948cfwHardwareStatusValue  OBJECT-TYPE
949        SYNTAX     HardwareStatus
950        MAX-ACCESS read-only
951        STATUS     current
952        DESCRIPTION
953            "This object contains the current status of the resource."
954    ::= { cfwHardwareStatusEntry 3 }
956cfwHardwareStatusDetail OBJECT-TYPE
957        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
958        MAX-ACCESS read-only
959        STATUS     current
960        DESCRIPTION
961            "A detailed textual description of the current status of
962            the resource which may provide a more specific description
963            than cfwHardwareStatusValue."
964    ::= { cfwHardwareStatusEntry 4 }
966-- The cfwBufferStatistics
968-- This table is for providing the statistics for the buffers
969-- on the firewall.
971cfwBufferStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
972        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF CfwBufferStatsEntry
973        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
974        STATUS     current
975        DESCRIPTION
976            "A table conatining status information about a firewall's
977            buffers."
978    ::= { cfwStatistics 1 }
980cfwBufferStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
981        SYNTAX     CfwBufferStatsEntry
982        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
983        STATUS     current
984        DESCRIPTION
985            "An entry in the table, containing status information
986            about a particular statistic for the set of buffers
987            of a particular size."
988        INDEX { cfwBufferStatSize, cfwBufferStatType }
989    ::= { cfwBufferStatsTable 1 }
991CfwBufferStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
992        cfwBufferStatSize           Unsigned32,
993        cfwBufferStatType           ResourceStatistics,
994        cfwBufferStatInformation    SnmpAdminString,
995        cfwBufferStatValue          Gauge32
996    }
998cfwBufferStatSize OBJECT-TYPE
999        SYNTAX     Unsigned32
1000        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1001        STATUS     current
1002        DESCRIPTION
1003            "This object contains the size of the set of buffers
1004            for which this row contains the statistics given by
1005            cfwBufferStatType."
1006    ::= { cfwBufferStatsEntry 1 }
1008cfwBufferStatType OBJECT-TYPE
1009        SYNTAX     ResourceStatistics
1010        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1011        STATUS     current
1012        DESCRIPTION
1013            "This object identifies the type of statistic given by
1014            this row for the particular set of buffers identified by
1015            cfwBufferStatSize."
1016    ::= { cfwBufferStatsEntry 2 }
1018cfwBufferStatInformation OBJECT-TYPE
1019        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
1020        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1021        STATUS     current
1022        DESCRIPTION
1023            "A detailed textual description of the statistic
1024            identified by cfwBufferStatType."
1025    ::= { cfwBufferStatsEntry 3 }
1027cfwBufferStatValue OBJECT-TYPE
1028        SYNTAX     Gauge32
1029        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1030        STATUS     current
1031        DESCRIPTION
1032            "The value of the buffer statistic."
1033    ::= { cfwBufferStatsEntry 4 }
1036-- The Firewall Connection Statistics Table
1038-- This table can be used to provide the statistics for firewall
1039-- connection events or services.  These "connections" can be
1040-- connections in a loose sense of the word - a UDP transaction
1041-- would qualify as a connection if the firewall maintains
1042-- state information to monitor the packets traversing the firewall
1043-- for this "connection".  A uni-directional UDP "connection" could be
1044-- described as being "half-open" by a value of 'halfOpen' in
1045-- cfwConnectionStatType.
1047-- This table contains multiple rows for each service to which the
1048-- statistic applies.
1051cfwConnectionStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
1052        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF CfwConnectionStatEntry
1053        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1054        STATUS     current
1055        DESCRIPTION
1056            "Table of firewall statistic instances."
1057    ::= { cfwStatistics 2 }
1059cfwConnectionStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1060        SYNTAX     CfwConnectionStatEntry
1061        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1062        STATUS     current
1063        DESCRIPTION
1064            "An entry in the table, containing information about a
1065            firewall statistic."
1066        INDEX { cfwConnectionStatService, cfwConnectionStatType }
1067    ::= { cfwConnectionStatTable 1 }
1069CfwConnectionStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1070        cfwConnectionStatService         Services,
1071        cfwConnectionStatType            ConnectionStat,
1072        cfwConnectionStatDescription     SnmpAdminString,
1073        cfwConnectionStatCount           Counter32,
1074        cfwConnectionStatValue           Gauge32
1075    }
1077cfwConnectionStatService OBJECT-TYPE
1078        SYNTAX     Services
1079        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1080        STATUS     current
1081        DESCRIPTION
1082            "The identification of the type of connection providing
1083            statistics."
1084    ::= { cfwConnectionStatEntry 1 }
1086cfwConnectionStatType OBJECT-TYPE
1087        SYNTAX     ConnectionStat
1088        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1089        STATUS     current
1090        DESCRIPTION
1091            "The state of the connections that this row contains
1092            statistics for."
1093    ::= { cfwConnectionStatEntry 2 }
1095cfwConnectionStatDescription OBJECT-TYPE
1096        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
1097        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1098        STATUS     current
1099        DESCRIPTION
1100            "A detailed textual description of this statistic."
1101    ::= { cfwConnectionStatEntry 3 }
1103cfwConnectionStatCount OBJECT-TYPE
1104        SYNTAX     Counter32
1105        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1106        STATUS     current
1107        DESCRIPTION
1108            "This is an integer that contains the value of the
1109            resource statistic. If a type of 'gauge' is more
1110            appropriate this object will be omitted resulting
1111            in a sparse table."
1112    ::= { cfwConnectionStatEntry 4 }
1114cfwConnectionStatValue OBJECT-TYPE
1115        SYNTAX     Gauge32
1116        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1117        STATUS     current
1118        DESCRIPTION
1119            "This is an integer that contains the value of the
1120            resource statistic. If a type of 'counter' is more
1121            appropriate this object will be omitted resulting
1122            in a sparse table."
1123    ::= { cfwConnectionStatEntry 5 }
1126-- Notifications
1128ciscoFirewallMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
1129    { ciscoFirewallMIB 2 }
1130ciscoFirewallMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
1131    { ciscoFirewallMIBNotificationPrefix 0 }
1133cfwSecurityNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1134        OBJECTS {
1135            cfwBasicEventTime,
1136            cfwBasicSecurityEventType,
1137            cfwBasicEventDescription,
1138            cfwBasicEventDetailsTableRow
1139        }
1140        STATUS current
1141        DESCRIPTION
1142            "This notification is used for events involving security
1143            events. The included objects provide more detailed
1144            information about the event."
1145    ::= { ciscoFirewallMIBNotifications 2 }
1147cfwContentInspectNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1148        OBJECTS {
1149            cfwBasicEventTime,
1150            cfwBasicContentInspEventType,
1151            cfwBasicEventDescription,
1152            cfwBasicEventDetailsTableRow
1153        }
1154        STATUS current
1155        DESCRIPTION
1156            "This notification is used to notify the NMS of content
1157            inspection events. The included objects provide more
1158            detailed information about the event."
1159    ::= { ciscoFirewallMIBNotifications 3 }
1161cfwConnNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1162        OBJECTS {
1163            cfwBasicEventTime,
1164            cfwBasicConnectionEventType,
1165            cfwBasicEventDescription,
1166            cfwBasicEventDetailsTableRow
1167        }
1168        STATUS current
1169        DESCRIPTION
1170            "This notification is used to notify the NMS of
1171            connection-oriented events. The included objects provide
1172            more detailed information about the event."
1173    ::= { ciscoFirewallMIBNotifications 4 }
1175cfwAccessNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1176        OBJECTS {
1177            cfwBasicEventTime,
1178            cfwBasicAccessEventType,
1179            cfwBasicEventDescription,
1180            cfwBasicEventDetailsTableRow
1181        }
1182        STATUS current
1183        DESCRIPTION
1184            "This notification is used to notify the NMS of access
1185            events. The included objects provide more detailed
1186            information about the event."
1187    ::= { ciscoFirewallMIBNotifications 5 }
1189cfwAuthNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1190        OBJECTS {
1191            cfwBasicEventTime,
1192            cfwBasicAuthenticationEventType,
1193            cfwBasicEventDescription,
1194            cfwBasicEventDetailsTableRow
1195        }
1196        STATUS current
1197        DESCRIPTION
1198            "This notification is used to notify the NMS of
1199            authentication events. The included objects provide
1200            more detailed information about the event."
1201    ::= { ciscoFirewallMIBNotifications 6 }
1203cfwGenericNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1204        OBJECTS {
1205            cfwBasicEventTime,
1206            cfwBasicGenericEventType,
1207            cfwBasicEventDescription,
1208            cfwBasicEventDetailsTableRow
1209        }
1210        STATUS current
1211        DESCRIPTION
1212            "This notification is used to notify the NMS of events
1213            that do not fall into the other categories. The included
1214            objects provide more detailed information about the event."
1215    ::= { ciscoFirewallMIBNotifications 7 }
1218-- Conformance
1220ciscoFirewallMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoFirewallMIB 3 }
1221ciscoFirewallMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
1222    { ciscoFirewallMIBConformance 1 }
1223ciscoFirewallMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
1224    { ciscoFirewallMIBConformance 2 }
1226-- Conformance
1228ciscoFirewallMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
1229        STATUS deprecated
1230        DESCRIPTION
1231            "The compliance statement for entities which implement
1232            the Cisco FirewallMIB."
1233        MODULE        -- this module
1234        MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoFirewallMIBStatisticsGroup }
1235    ::= { ciscoFirewallMIBCompliances 1 }
1237ciscoFirewallMIBComplianceRev1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
1238        STATUS current
1239        DESCRIPTION
1240            "The compliance statement for entities which implement
1241            the Cisco FirewallMIB."
1242        MODULE        -- this module
1243        MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoFirewallMIBStatisticsGroup }
1245        GROUP ciscoFirewallMIBEventsGroup
1246        DESCRIPTION
1247             "Implementation of these objects is not required."
1248        GROUP ciscoFirewallMIBNotificationGroupRev1
1249        DESCRIPTION
1250             "Implementation of these notifications is not required."
1252    ::= { ciscoFirewallMIBCompliances 2 }
1254-- Units of Conformance
1256ciscoFirewallMIBEventsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1257        OBJECTS {
1258            cfwBasicEventsTableLastRow,
1259            cfwBasicEventTime,
1260            cfwBasicSecurityEventType,
1261            cfwBasicContentInspEventType,
1262            cfwBasicConnectionEventType,
1263            cfwBasicAccessEventType,
1264            cfwBasicAuthenticationEventType,
1265            cfwBasicGenericEventType,
1266            cfwBasicEventDescription,
1267            cfwBasicEventDetailsTableRow,
1268            cfwNetEventsTableLastRow,
1269            cfwNetEventInterface,
1270            cfwNetEventSrcIpAddress,
1271            cfwNetEventInsideSrcIpAddress,
1272            cfwNetEventDstIpAddress,
1273            cfwNetEventInsideDstIpAddress,
1274            cfwNetEventSrcIpPort,
1275            cfwNetEventInsideSrcIpPort,
1276            cfwNetEventDstIpPort,
1277            cfwNetEventInsideDstIpPort,
1278            cfwNetEventService,
1279            cfwNetEventServiceInformation,
1280            cfwNetEventIdentity,
1281            cfwNetEventDescription
1282        }
1283        STATUS current
1284        DESCRIPTION
1285            "Firewall events"
1286    ::= { ciscoFirewallMIBGroups 1 }
1288ciscoFirewallMIBStatisticsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1289        OBJECTS {
1290            cfwHardwareInformation,
1291            cfwHardwareStatusValue,
1292            cfwHardwareStatusDetail,
1293            cfwBufferStatInformation,
1294            cfwBufferStatValue,
1295            cfwConnectionStatDescription,
1296            cfwConnectionStatCount,
1297            cfwConnectionStatValue
1298        }
1299        STATUS current
1300        DESCRIPTION
1301            "Firewall statistics"
1302    ::= { ciscoFirewallMIBGroups 2 }
1304ciscoFirewallMIBNotificationGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1305        OBJECTS {
1306            cfwBasicEventTime,
1307            cfwBasicSecurityEventType,
1308            cfwBasicContentInspEventType,
1309            cfwBasicConnectionEventType,
1310            cfwBasicAccessEventType,
1311            cfwBasicAuthenticationEventType,
1312            cfwBasicGenericEventType,
1313            cfwBasicEventDescription,
1314            cfwBasicEventDetailsTableRow
1315        }
1316        STATUS obsolete
1317        DESCRIPTION
1318            "Firewall Notifications"
1319    ::= { ciscoFirewallMIBGroups 3 }
1321ciscoFirewallMIBNotificationGroupRev1 NOTIFICATION-GROUP
1322        NOTIFICATIONS {
1323            cfwSecurityNotification,
1324            cfwContentInspectNotification,
1325            cfwConnNotification,
1326            cfwAccessNotification,
1327            cfwAuthNotification,
1328            cfwGenericNotification
1329        }
1330        STATUS current
1331        DESCRIPTION
1332            "Firewall Notifications"
1333    ::= { ciscoFirewallMIBGroups 4 }