1-- =============================================================================
2-- Copyright (C) 2002-2003 New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
4-- Description:MPLS-BGP-VPN-MIB
5-- Reference:This MIB was extracted from Draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-mib-01
6-- Version: V1.6
7-- History:
8--  VERSION    AUTHOR/          Change Description
9--  OLD/NEW     DATE
11--  #/1.1     Lingesh M        + Initial create.
12--             27/08/99
13--  #/1.2     27/09/99         + Replaced the MIB objects
14--                                  - hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxIngressCrlspTnls
15--                                  - hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxInbetwnCrlspTnls
16--                               with hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxCrlspTnls
17--  1.2/1.3   19/10/99         + Added hh3cMplsLdpPeerType in Peer Table.
18--            04/10/99         + Added hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfTable.
19--  1.3/1.4   23/11/99         + Added MIB object for Hello Hold Time in Entity
20--                               Table, modified Cr-lsp Tnl index of type
21--                               read-create to not-accessible.
22--                             + Removed hh3cMplsLdpSessionRowStatus mib-object.
24--   1.1      03/01/2k         + MPLS Release
25--             Naren
27--   1.2      27/01/2k         + Modified for MPLS Implementation
28--             Naren             Following objects are added in the Incarnation table
29--                                 hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxVcmCapability
30--                                 hh3cMplsLdpLsrVcmPathVecInAllLblMapPresent
31--                                 hh3cMplsLdpLsrRequestRetrytimerValue
32--                                 hh3cMplsLdpLsrNumOfRequestRetryAttempts
33--                               Following Notifications are added
34--                                 hh3cMplsLdpIncarnUpEventFailure
35--                                 hh3cMplsLdpIncarnDownEventFailure
36--                                 hh3cMplsLdpEntityUpEventFailure
37--                                 hh3cMplsLdpEntityDownEventFailure
39--   1.3      03/04/2k         + Changed FS related identification to hh3c
40--             David             related identification.
41--   1.4      03/14/2003       add hh3cMplsLdpSessionUpEventFailure and hh3cMplsLdpSessionDownEventFailure
42--   V1.5 2004-10-12 updated by gaolong
43--        Change SYNTAX clause value from INTEGER to Unsigned because the value range is (1..4294967295).
44--        Change MAX-ACCESS clause value of hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlIndex to accessible-for-notify
45--        because this index node is used when sending notification.
46--   V1.6 2004-11-5  updated by liuxiaolong
47--        Change DEFVAL clause value of hh3cMplsLdpLsrHopCountLimit to 32.
48-- ====================================================================================
50-- Full Copyright Notice of the MIB that was extracted from Draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-mib-01 as follows:
52--Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.
55--   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
56--   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
57--   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
58--   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
59--   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
60--   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
61--   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
62--   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
63--   Internet organizations, except as needed for the  purpose of
64--   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
65--   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
66--   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
67--   English.
69--   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
70--   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
72--   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
79--   MPLS Label Distribution Protocol MIB Definitions
82     IMPORTS
83         hh3cMpls
84             FROM HH3C-OID-MIB
86         Integer32, Counter32, Unsigned32,IpAddress
87             FROM SNMPv2-SMI
89             FROM SNMPv2-CONF
90         TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, RowStatus, TimeInterval
91             FROM SNMPv2-TC;
93     hh3cMplsLdp MODULE-IDENTITY
94         LAST-UPDATED "9906301200Z"     -- June 30, 1999 at 12:00 GMT
96             "New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd."
97         CONTACT-INFO
98             "Platform Team New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd.
99             Hai-Dian District Beijing P.R. China
100             http://www.h3c.com
101             Zip:100085
102             "
103         DESCRIPTION  "All rights reserved"
104         REVISION     "9611082155Z"
105         DESCRIPTION  "The MIB for MPLS LDP module.
106                       This MIB has been derived from the MPLS Working
107                       group LDP MIB <drst-ietf-mpls-ldp-mib-01.txt> and
108                       MPLS Working group TE MIB <draft-ietf-mpls-te-mib
109                       -01.txt>."
111         ::= { hh3cMpls 2 }
113     --********************************************************************
114     -- MPLS LDP Textual Conventions
115     --********************************************************************
116     --
118           DisplayString ::=
119               OCTET STRING
120          -- This data type is used to model textual information taken
121          -- from the NVT ASCII character set.  By convention, objects
122          -- with this syntax are declared as having
123          --
124                (SIZE (0..255))
126           PhysAddress ::=
127               OCTET STRING
128          -- This data type is used to model media addresses.  For many
129          -- types of media, this will be in a binary representation.
130          -- For example, an ethernet address would be represented as
131          -- a string of 6 octets.
133	BitRate ::= INTEGER
135	BurstSize ::= INTEGER
138     MplsLsrIdentifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
139         STATUS      current
140         DESCRIPTION
141             "The Label Switch Router (LSR) identifier
142             is the first 4 bytes or the IP Address component
143             of the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) identifier."
144         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (4))
146     MplsLdpGenAddr ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
147         STATUS      current
148         DESCRIPTION
149             "The value of an network layer or data link layer address."
150         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64))
152     MplsLdpIdentifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
153         STATUS      current
154         DESCRIPTION
155             "The LDP identifier is a six octet quantity
156             which is used to identify an Label Switch Router
157             (LSR) label space.
159             The first four octets encode an IP address
160             assigned to the LSR, and the last two octets
161             identify a specific label space within the LSR."
162         SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
164     AtmVpIdentifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
165          STATUS      current
166          DESCRIPTION
167              "The VPI value for a VPL. The value VPI=0 is not
168              used for a VPL not associated with a VCL. For ATM
169              UNIs supporting VPCs the VPI value ranges from 1
170              to 255. For ATM UNIs supporting VCCs the VPI value
171              ranges from 0 to 255.  The maximum VPI value
172              cannot exceed the value allowable by
173              atmInterfaceMaxVpiBits defined in ATM-MIB."
174          SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4095)
176     AtmVcIdentifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
177          STATUS      current
178          DESCRIPTION
179              "The VCI value for a VCL. The maximum VCI value
180              cannot exceed the value allowable by
181              atmInterfaceMaxVciBits defined in ATM-MIB."
182          SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
184     AddressFamilyNumbers ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
185        STATUS        current
186        DESCRIPTION
187            "An address family.  Values are defined in RFC 1700 -
188             Assigned Numbers.  All values may not be relevant in
189             all contexts when used in this MIB, but are included
190             for completeness."
191        REFERENCE
192            "RFC  1700   Assigned Numbers, Reynolds and  Postel,
193             Oct. 1994"
194        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
195                        other(0),
196                         ipv4(1),
197                         ipv6(2),
198                         nsap(3),
199                         hdlc(4),
200                         bbn1822(5),
201                         ieee802(6),
202                         e163(7),
203                         e164(8),
204                         f69(9),
205                         x121(10),
206                         ipx(11),
207                         appleTalk(12),
208                         decnetIV(13),
209                         banyanVines(14),
210                         e164WithNsap(15)
211                     }
214     MplsLabel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
215        STATUS        current
216        DESCRIPTION
217            "Represents an MPLS label.  Note that the contents of
218             a  label  field are interpreted in an interface-type
219             specific fashion.  For example, the label carried in
220             the MPLS shim header is 20 bits wide and the top  12
221             bits  must  be zero.  The frame relay label  can  be
222             either 10, 17 or 23 bits wide depending on the  size
223             of the DLCI field size and the top 22, 15, or 9 bits
224             must  be  zero, respectively.  For an ATM interface,
225             the  lowermost 16 bits are interpreted as  the  VCI,
226             the  next  8 bits as the VPI and the remaining  bits
227             must  be  zero.   Also  note the  permissible  label
228             values  are  also a function of the interface  type.
229             For  example,  the value 3 has special semantics  in
230             the  control plane for an MPLS shim header label and
231             is not a valid label value in the datapath."
232        REFERENCE
233            "1.  MPLS  Label Stack Encoding, Rosen et al,  draft-
234             ietf-mpls-label-encaps-04.txt, April 1999.
235            2.  Use  of  Label Switching on Frame Relay Networks,
236             Conta et al, draft-ietf-mpls-fr-03.txt, Nov. 1998."
239     MplsTunnelIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
240        STATUS        current
241        DESCRIPTION
242            "Index into mplsTunnelTable."
243        SYNTAX        INTEGER (0..65535)
245     hh3cMplsLdpObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cMplsLdp 1 }
246     hh3cMplsLdpNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cMplsLdp 2 }
248     --****************************************************************
249     -- MPLS LDP Objects
250     --****************************************************************
252     hh3cMplsLdpLsrObjects            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cMplsLdpObjects 1 }
253     hh3cMplsLdpEntityObjects         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cMplsLdpObjects 2 }
254     hh3cMplsLdpPeerObjects           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cMplsLdpObjects 3 }
255     hh3cMplsLdpSessionObjects        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cMplsLdpObjects 4 }
256     hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cMplsLdpObjects 5 }
257     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cMplsLdpObjects 6 }
259     --
260     -- The MPLS Label Distribution Protocol Label Switch Router Objects
261     --
262     hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnTable OBJECT-TYPE
263         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry
264         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
265         STATUS      current
266         DESCRIPTION
267             "MPLS provides support for multiple incarnations of the
268              MPLS Stack in a target. The LSR defined in the standard <IETF
269              DRAFT> MIB is treated as an incarnation in this MIB. Using a
270              local policy the Network administrator must group the LDP Entities
271              that should be placed in an incarnation."
272         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrObjects 1 }
274     hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
275         SYNTAX      Hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry
276         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
277         STATUS      current
278         DESCRIPTION
279             "An entry in this table represents an LSR incarnation.
280              All the entries in this table are created initially when the
281              LDP is initiated. The row status of each entry will be in
282              'notInService' state initially. The row status must be set to
283              'active' after the necessary configurations are complete with
284              respect to an incarnation.
286              Currenlty the LSR ID of the incarnation is the only mandatory
287              parameter that must be set before the rowStatus is set to
288              'active'.
290              An LSR Incarnation Entity is uniquely indexed by its Incarnation
291              Identifier."
292         INDEX       {  hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID }
293         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnTable 1 }
295     Hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
296         hh3cMplsLdpLsrID                                MplsLsrIdentifier,
297         hh3cMplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionPresent              TruthValue,
298         hh3cMplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionAdminStatus          INTEGER,
299         hh3cMplsLdpLsrPathVectorLimit                   INTEGER,
300         hh3cMplsLdpLsrHopCountLimit                     INTEGER,
301         hh3cMplsLdpLsrLoopPreventionPresent             TruthValue,
302         hh3cMplsLdpLsrLoopPreventionAdminStatus         INTEGER,
303         hh3cMplsLdpLsrLabelRetentionMode                INTEGER,
304         hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID                          INTEGER,
305         hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxLdpEntities                    INTEGER,
306         hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxLocalPeers                     INTEGER,
307         hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxRemotePeers                    INTEGER,
308         hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxIfaces                         INTEGER,
309         hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxLsps                           INTEGER,
310         hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxCrlspTnls                      INTEGER,
311         hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxErhopPerCrlspTnl               INTEGER,
312         hh3cMplsLdpLsrRowStatus                         RowStatus,
313         hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxVcmCapability                  INTEGER,
314         hh3cMplsLdpLsrVcmPathVecInAllLblMapPresent      TruthValue,
315         hh3cMplsLdpLsrRequestRetrytimerValue            INTEGER,
316         hh3cMplsLdpLsrNumOfRequestRetryAttempts         INTEGER
317    }
319     hh3cMplsLdpLsrID OBJECT-TYPE
320         SYNTAX      MplsLsrIdentifier
321         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
322         STATUS      current
323         DESCRIPTION
324             "The LSR's Identifier."
325         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 1 }
327     hh3cMplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionPresent OBJECT-TYPE
328         SYNTAX      TruthValue
329         MAX-ACCESS  read-only
330         STATUS      current
331         DESCRIPTION
332             "A indication of whether this LSR supports loop detection.  A
333             value of 'true' indicates this LSR does support loop detection.
334             A value of 'false' indicates this LSR does not support
335             loop detection."
336         DEFVAL  { true }
337         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 2 }
339     hh3cMplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
340         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
341                         enabled(1),
342                         disabled(2)
343                     }
344         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
345         STATUS      current
346         DESCRIPTION
347             "To enable loop detection the value of this object should be
348             'enabled(1)'.  Otherwise, to turn off loop detection, set this
349             value to 'disabled(2)'."
350         DEFVAL  { enabled }
351         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 3 }
353     hh3cMplsLdpLsrPathVectorLimit OBJECT-TYPE
354         SYNTAX      INTEGER
355         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
356         STATUS      current
357         DESCRIPTION
358             "This object only has meaning if hh3cMplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionPresent
359             has the value of 'true'.
361             The value of this object represents the limit of path vectors which
362             this LSR uses to treat the message as if it had traversed a loop."
363         DEFVAL  { 32 }
364         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 4 }
366     hh3cMplsLdpLsrHopCountLimit OBJECT-TYPE
367         SYNTAX      INTEGER
368         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
369         STATUS      current
370         DESCRIPTION
371             "This object only has meaning if hh3cMplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionPresent
372             has the value of 'true'.
374             The value of this object represents the limit on the Hop Count
375             which this LSR uses to treat the message as if it had traversed a
376             loop."
377         DEFVAL  { 32 }
378         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 5 }
380     hh3cMplsLdpLsrLoopPreventionPresent OBJECT-TYPE
381         SYNTAX      TruthValue
382         MAX-ACCESS  read-only
383         STATUS      current
384         DESCRIPTION
385             "A indication of whether this LSR supports loop prevention.  A
386             value of 'true' indicates this LSR does support loop prevention.
387             A value of 'false' indicates this LSR does not support loop
388             prevention.
390             Current release of MPLS does not provide support to assign
391             this MIB object with a value 'true'."
392         DEFVAL  { false }
393         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 6 }
395     hh3cMplsLdpLsrLoopPreventionAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
396         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
397                         enabled(1),
398                         disabled(2)
399                     }
400         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
401         STATUS      current
402         DESCRIPTION
403             "To enable loop prevention the value of this object should be
404             'enabled(1)'.  Otherwise, to turn off loop prevention, set this
405             value to 'disabled(2)'.
407             Current release of MPLS does not provide support to assign
408             this MIB object with a value 'enabled'."
409         DEFVAL  { disabled }
410         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 7 }
412     hh3cMplsLdpLsrLabelRetentionMode OBJECT-TYPE
413         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
414                         conservative(1),
415                         liberal(2)
416                     }
417         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
418         STATUS      current
419         DESCRIPTION
420             "The LSR can be configured to use either conservative or liberal
421              label retention mode.
423             If the value of this object is conservative(1) then advertized
424             label mappings are retained only if they will be used to forward
425             packets, i.e. if label came from a valid next hop.  If the value of
426             this object is liberal(2) then all advertized label mappings are
427             retained whether they are from a valid next hop or not.
429             Current release of MPLS does not provide support to assign
430             this MIB object with a value 'liberal'."
431         DEFVAL  { conservative }
432         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 8 }
434     hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID   OBJECT-TYPE
435         SYNTAX     INTEGER
436         MAX-ACCESS read-only
437         STATUS     current
438         DESCRIPTION
439             "The incarnation acts as index to all the elements in this
440              table."
441         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry  9 }
443     hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxLdpEntities OBJECT-TYPE
444         SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..1024)
445         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
446         STATUS      current
447         DESCRIPTION
448             "The maximum number of LDP entities that can be supported by this
449              Incarnation."
450         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 10 }
452     hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxLocalPeers OBJECT-TYPE
453         SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..1024)
454         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
455         STATUS      current
456         DESCRIPTION
457             "The maximum number of Local LDP peers that can be supported by
458              this Incarnation."
459         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 11 }
461     hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxRemotePeers OBJECT-TYPE
462         SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..1024)
463         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
464         STATUS      current
465         DESCRIPTION
466             "The maximum number of Remote LDP peers that can be supported by
467              this Incarnation."
468         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 12 }
470     hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxIfaces OBJECT-TYPE
471         SYNTAX      INTEGER
472         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
473         STATUS      current
474         DESCRIPTION
475             "The maximum number of Label enabled Interfaces that can be
476              supported by this Incarnation."
477         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 13 }
479     hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxLsps OBJECT-TYPE
480         SYNTAX      INTEGER
481         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
482         STATUS      current
483         DESCRIPTION
484             "The maximum number of Label Switched Paths that can be
485              supported by this Incarnation."
486         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 14 }
488     hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxCrlspTnls OBJECT-TYPE
489         SYNTAX      INTEGER
490         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
491         STATUS      current
492         DESCRIPTION
493             "The maximum number of CRLSPs that can be supported by this
494             Incarnation."
495         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 15 }
498     hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxErhopPerCrlspTnl OBJECT-TYPE
499         SYNTAX      INTEGER
500         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
501         STATUS      current
502         DESCRIPTION
503             " The maximum number of ER-Hops that can be supported in a
504              CRLSP tunnel."
505         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 16 }
507     hh3cMplsLdpLsrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
508         SYNTAX      RowStatus
509         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
510         STATUS      current
511              DESCRIPTION
512                  "An object that allows entries in this table to
513                  be created and deleted using the
514                  RowStatus convention."
515         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 17 }
517     hh3cMplsLdpLsrMaxVcmCapability OBJECT-TYPE
518         SYNTAX      INTEGER
519         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
520         STATUS      current
521         DESCRIPTION
522                  "  "
523         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 18 }
525     hh3cMplsLdpLsrVcmPathVecInAllLblMapPresent OBJECT-TYPE
526         SYNTAX      TruthValue
527         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
528         STATUS      current
529         DESCRIPTION
530                  "  "
531         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 19 }
533     hh3cMplsLdpLsrRequestRetrytimerValue  OBJECT-TYPE
534         SYNTAX      INTEGER
535         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
536         STATUS      current
537         DESCRIPTION
538                  "  "
539         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 20 }
541     hh3cMplsLdpLsrNumOfRequestRetryAttempts OBJECT-TYPE
542         SYNTAX      INTEGER
543         MAX-ACCESS  read-write
544         STATUS      current
545         DESCRIPTION
546                  "  "
547         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnEntry 21 }
550     --
551     -- The MPLS Label Distribution Protocol Entity Table
552     --
554     hh3cMplsLdpEntityTable OBJECT-TYPE
555         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry
556         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
557         STATUS      current
558         DESCRIPTION
559             "This table contains information about the
560             MPLS Label Distribution Protocol Entities which
561             exist on this Label Switch Router (LSR)."
562         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityObjects 1 }
564     hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry OBJECT-TYPE
565         SYNTAX      Hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry
566         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
567         STATUS      current
568         DESCRIPTION
569             "An entry in this table represents an LDP entity.
570             An entry can be created by a network administrator
571             or by an SNMP agent as instructed by LDP.
573             An LPD Entity is uniquely indexed by its LPD
574             Identifier."
575         INDEX       {   hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID, hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfIndex  }
576         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityTable 1 }
578     Hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
579         hh3cMplsLdpEntityID                            MplsLdpIdentifier,
580         hh3cMplsLdpEntityLabelSpaceType                INTEGER,
581         hh3cMplsLdpEntityDefVpi                        AtmVpIdentifier,
582         hh3cMplsLdpEntityDefVci                        AtmVcIdentifier,
583         hh3cMplsLdpEntityUnlabTrafVpi                  AtmVpIdentifier,
584         hh3cMplsLdpEntityUnlabTrafVci                  AtmVcIdentifier,
585         hh3cMplsLdpEntityMergeCapability               INTEGER,
586         hh3cMplsLdpEntityVcDirectionality              INTEGER,
587         hh3cMplsLdpEntityWellKnownDiscoveryPort        INTEGER,
588         hh3cMplsLdpEntityMtu                           INTEGER,
589         hh3cMplsLdpEntityKeepAliveHoldTimer            INTEGER,
590         hh3cMplsLdpEntityFailedInitSessionThreshold    INTEGER,
591         hh3cMplsLdpEntityLabelDistributionMethod       INTEGER,
592         hh3cMplsLdpEntityLabelAllocationMethod         INTEGER,
593         hh3cMplsLdpEntityHelloHoldTimer                INTEGER,
594         hh3cMplsLdpEntityRowStatus                     RowStatus
595     }
597     hh3cMplsLdpEntityID OBJECT-TYPE
598         SYNTAX      MplsLdpIdentifier
599         MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
600         STATUS      current
601         DESCRIPTION
602             "The LDP identifier which uniquely identifies
603             the LDP Entity.  This is s six octet quantity
604             which is used to identify an Label Switch Router
605             (LSR) label space.
607             The first four octets encode an IP address
608             assigned to the LSR, and the last two octets
609             identify a specific label space within the
610             LSR."
611         REFERENCE
612             "LDP Specification, Section on LDP Identifiers."
613         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 1 }
616     hh3cMplsLdpEntityLabelSpaceType OBJECT-TYPE
617         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
618                         unknown(1),
619                         perInterface(2),
620                         perPlatform(3)
621                         }
622         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
623         STATUS      current
624         DESCRIPTION
625             "The type of label spaces associated with this
626             LDP Entity.  The values are
628                'unknown(1)'        The type of label space is
629                                    not known.
631                'perInterface(2)'   The type of label space is
632                                    tied to an interface.
633                'perPlatform(3)'    The type of label space is
634                                    tied to the platform."
635         REFERENCE
636             "LDP Specification, Section on Label Spaces."
637         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 2 }
639     hh3cMplsLdpEntityDefVpi OBJECT-TYPE
640         SYNTAX      AtmVpIdentifier
641         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
642         STATUS      current
643         DESCRIPTION
644             "The Default VPI value used in the label for the default
645             VPI."
646         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 3 }
648     hh3cMplsLdpEntityDefVci OBJECT-TYPE
649         SYNTAX      AtmVcIdentifier
650         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
651         STATUS      current
652         DESCRIPTION
653             "The Default VCI value used in the label for the default
654             VCI."
655         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry  4 }
657     hh3cMplsLdpEntityUnlabTrafVpi OBJECT-TYPE
658         SYNTAX      AtmVpIdentifier
659         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
660         STATUS      current
661         DESCRIPTION
662             "VPI value of the VCC supporting unlabeled traffic."
663         DEFVAL  { 0 }
664         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 5 }
666     hh3cMplsLdpEntityUnlabTrafVci OBJECT-TYPE
667         SYNTAX      AtmVcIdentifier
668         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
669         STATUS      current
670         DESCRIPTION
671             "VCI value of the VCC supporting unlabeled traffic."
672         DEFVAL  { 32 }
673         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 6 }
675     hh3cMplsLdpEntityMergeCapability OBJECT-TYPE
676         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
677                         noMerge(0),
678                         vpMerge(1),
679                         vcMerge(2),
680                         vpVcMerge(3)
681                      }
682         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
683         STATUS      current
684         DESCRIPTION
685             "Sets the merge capability for this LDP entity.
687              Current Release of MPLS does not provide support for
688              any kind of Merge."
689         REFERENCE
690             "draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-04.txt, Section 3.5.3"
691         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 7 }
693     hh3cMplsLdpEntityVcDirectionality OBJECT-TYPE
694         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
695                         bidirectional(1),
696                         unidirectional(2)
697                     }
698         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
699         STATUS      current
700         DESCRIPTION
701             "Sets the VC directionality for this LDP entity."
702         REFERENCE
703             "draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-04.txt, Section 3.5.3"
704         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 8 }
706     hh3cMplsLdpEntityWellKnownDiscoveryPort OBJECT-TYPE
707         SYNTAX      INTEGER
708         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
709         STATUS      current
710         DESCRIPTION
711             "The well known LDP Discovery Port."
712         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 9 }
714     hh3cMplsLdpEntityMtu OBJECT-TYPE
715         SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..65535)
716         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
717         STATUS      current
718         DESCRIPTION
719             "The maximum transmission unit (MTU) that was configured
720             for this entity."
721         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 10 }
723     hh3cMplsLdpEntityKeepAliveHoldTimer OBJECT-TYPE
724         SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
725         UNITS       "seconds"
726         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
727         STATUS      current
728         DESCRIPTION
729             "The two octet value which is the proposed keep alive hold
730             timer for this LDP Entity."
731         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 11 }
733     hh3cMplsLdpEntityFailedInitSessionThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
734         SYNTAX      INTEGER
735         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
736         STATUS      current
737         DESCRIPTION
738             "When attempting to establish a session with a
739             given Peer, the given LDP Entity should
740             send out a notification when exceeding this threshold.
741             A value of 0 (zero) for this object
742             indicates that the threshold is infinity.
743             In other words, a notification will not
744             be sent if the value of this object is 0 (zero)."
745         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 12 }
748     hh3cMplsLdpEntityLabelDistributionMethod OBJECT-TYPE
749         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
750                        downstreamOnDemand(1),
751                        downstreamUnsolicited(2)
752                     }
753         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
754         STATUS      current
755         DESCRIPTION
756             "For any given LDP session, the method of
757             label distribution must be specified.
759             Current release of MPLS does not provide support for
760             'downstreamUnsolicited'."
761         REFERENCE
762             "draft-ietf-mpls-arch-04.txt [20]."
763         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 13 }
765     hh3cMplsLdpEntityLabelAllocationMethod OBJECT-TYPE
766         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
767                        ordered(1),
768                        independent(2)
769                     }
770         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
771         STATUS      current
772         DESCRIPTION
773             "For any given LDP session, the method of
774             label allocation must be specified. Label can be allocated
775             in either ordered mode or in the independent mode."
776         DEFVAL  { ordered }
777         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 14 }
779     hh3cMplsLdpEntityHelloHoldTimer OBJECT-TYPE
780         SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
781         UNITS       "seconds"
782         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
783         STATUS      current
784         DESCRIPTION
785             "The two octet value which is the proposed hello hold
786             timer for this LDP Entity."
787         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 15 }
789     hh3cMplsLdpEntityRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
790         SYNTAX      RowStatus
791         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
792         STATUS      current
793              DESCRIPTION
794                  "An object that allows entries in this table to
795                  be created and deleted using the
796                  RowStatus convention."
797         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry 16 }
799     --
800     -- The MPLS LDP Entity Interface Table
801     --
803     hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
804         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfEntry
805         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
806         STATUS      current
807         DESCRIPTION
808             "This table contains information about the
809             interfaces that are associated with an LDP Entity.
810             There should be atleast one interface associated with
811             each LDP Entity. If the LDP Entity supports 'per interface
812             based label space' label type then, atmost one interface can be
813             associated with the LDP entity. If the LDP Entity supports
814             'per platform based label space' label type then, more than one
815             interface can be associated with the LDP Entity."
816         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityObjects 2 }
818     hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
819         SYNTAX      Hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfEntry
820         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
821         STATUS      current
822         DESCRIPTION
823             "An entry in this table represents an Interface that is
824             associated with a LDP entity.
826             An entry can be created by a network administrator
827             or by an SNMP agent as instructed by LDP.
829             An interface (row in this table) can be created/deleted only when
830             the associted LDP Entity row status has the value notInService
831             or notReady."
832         INDEX       {   hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID, hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfIndex }
833         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfTable 1 }
835     Hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
836         hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfIndex                       Unsigned32,
837         hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfIpv4Address                 IpAddress,
838         hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfRowStatus                   RowStatus
839     }
841     hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
842         SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
843         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
844         STATUS      current
845         DESCRIPTION
846             "Identifier that uniquely identifies the Interface with
847             respect to an LDP Entity.
849             The ifIndex value corresponds to the IfIndex value of the
850             MIB-II"
851         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfEntry 1 }
853     hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfIpv4Address OBJECT-TYPE
854        SYNTAX        IpAddress
855        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
856        STATUS        current
857        DESCRIPTION
858            "The IPv4 address associated with the interface."
859        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfEntry 2 }
861     hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
862         SYNTAX      RowStatus
863         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
864         STATUS      current
865              DESCRIPTION
866                  "An object that allows entries in this table to
867                  be created and deleted using the
868                  RowStatus convention."
869         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfEntry 3 }
871     --
872     -- The MPLS LDP Entity Configurable ATM Label Range Table
873     --
875     hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeTable OBJECT-TYPE
876         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeEntry
877         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
878         STATUS current
879         DESCRIPTION
880             "The MPLS LDP Entity Configurable ATM Label Range Table.
881             The purpose of this table is to provide a mechanism
882             for specifying a contiguous range of vpi's
883             with a contiguous range of vci's, or a 'label range'
884             for LDP Entities.
886             LDP Entities which use ATM must have at least one
887             entry in this table."
888         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityObjects 3 }
890     hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
891         SYNTAX Hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeEntry
892         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
893         STATUS current
894         DESCRIPTION
895             "A row in the LDP Entity Configurable ATM Label
896             Range Table.  One entry in this table contains
897             information on a single range of labels
898             represented by the configured Upper and Lower
899             Bounds VPI/VCI pairs.
900             NOTE:  The ranges for a specific LDP Entity
901             are UNIQUE and non-overlapping.  For example,
902             for a specific LDP Entity index, there could
903             be one entry having ConfLowerBound vpi/vci == 0/32, and
904             ConfUpperBound vpi/vci == 0/100, and a second entry for this
905             same interface with ConfLowerBound vpi/vci == 0/101 and
906             ConfUpperBound vpi/vci == 0/200.  However, there could not be
907             a third entry with ConfLowerBound vpi/vci == 0/200 and
908             ConfUpperBound vpi/vci == 0/300 because this label range overlaps
909             with the second entry (i.e. both entries now have 0/200).
911             A row will not be created unless a unique and non-overlapping
912             range is specified.  Thus, row creation implies a one-shot
913             row creation of LDP EntityID and ConfLowerBound vpi/vci and
914             ConfUpperBound vpi/vci.  At least one label range entry
915             for a specific LDP Entity MUST include the default VPI/VCI
916             values denoted in the LDP Entity Table."
917         INDEX { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID, hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfIndex,
918                 hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVPI,
919                 hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVCI  }
920         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeTable 1 }
922     Hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
923         hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVPI  AtmVpIdentifier,
924         hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVCI  AtmVcIdentifier,
925         hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVPI  AtmVpIdentifier,
926         hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVCI  AtmVcIdentifier,
927         hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeRowStatus      RowStatus
928     }
930     hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVPI OBJECT-TYPE
931         SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier
932         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
933         STATUS current
934         DESCRIPTION
935             "The minimum VPI number configured for this range."
936         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeEntry 1 }
938     hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVCI OBJECT-TYPE
939         SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier
940         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
941         STATUS current
942         DESCRIPTION
943             "The minimum VCI number configured for this range."
944         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeEntry 2 }
946     hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVPI OBJECT-TYPE
947         SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier
948         MAX-ACCESS read-create
949         STATUS current
950         DESCRIPTION
951             "The maximum VPI number configured for this range."
952         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeEntry 3 }
954     hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVCI OBJECT-TYPE
955         SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier
956         MAX-ACCESS read-create
957         STATUS current
958         DESCRIPTION
959             "The maximum VCI number configured for this range."
960        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeEntry 4 }
962     hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
963         SYNTAX RowStatus
964         MAX-ACCESS read-create
965         STATUS current
966              DESCRIPTION
967                  "An object that allows entries in this
968                  table to be created and deleted using
969                  the RowStatus convention."
970         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeEntry 5 }
973     --
974     -- The MPLS LDP Entity Statistics Table
975     --
977     hh3cMplsLdpEntityStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
978         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Hh3cMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry
979         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
980         STATUS      current
981         DESCRIPTION
982             "This table is a read-only table which augments
983             the MplsLdpConfEntityTable.  The purpose of this
984             table is to keep statistical information about
985             the LDP Entities on the LSR."
986         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityObjects 4 }
988     hh3cMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
989         SYNTAX      Hh3cMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry
990         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
991         STATUS      current
992         DESCRIPTION
993             "A row in this table contains statistical information
994             about an LDP Entity."
995         AUGMENTS       {   hh3cMplsLdpEntityEntry  }
996         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityStatsTable 1 }
998     Hh3cMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
999         hh3cMplsLdpAttemptedSessions      Counter32
1000     }
1002     hh3cMplsLdpAttemptedSessions OBJECT-TYPE
1003         SYNTAX      Counter32
1004         MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1005         STATUS      current
1006         DESCRIPTION
1007             "A count of the total attempted sessions for
1008             this LDP Entity."
1009         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 1 }
1012     --
1013     -- The MPLS LDP Peer Table
1014     --
1017     hh3cMplsLdpPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE
1018         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Hh3cMplsLdpPeerEntry
1019         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1020         STATUS      current
1021         DESCRIPTION
1022             "Information about LDP peers which have been discovered
1023             by the LDP Entities that are managed by this agent."
1024         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerObjects 1 }
1026     hh3cMplsLdpPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1027         SYNTAX      Hh3cMplsLdpPeerEntry
1028         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1029         STATUS      current
1030         DESCRIPTION
1031             "Information about a single Peer."
1032         INDEX       { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID, hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfIndex,
1033                       hh3cMplsLdpPeerIndex }
1034         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerTable 1 }
1036     Hh3cMplsLdpPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1037         hh3cMplsLdpPeerIndex                      Unsigned32,
1038         hh3cMplsLdpPeerID                         MplsLdpIdentifier,
1039         hh3cMplsLdpPeerInternetworkAddrType       AddressFamilyNumbers,
1040         hh3cMplsLdpPeerInternetworkAddr           MplsLdpGenAddr,
1041         hh3cMplsLdpPeerDefaultMtu                 INTEGER,
1042         hh3cMplsLdpPeerKeepAliveHoldTimer         INTEGER,
1043         hh3cMplsLdpPeerLabelDistributionMethod    INTEGER,
1044         hh3cMplsLdpPeerType                       INTEGER,
1045         hh3cMplsLdpPeerRowStatus                  RowStatus
1046     }
1048     hh3cMplsLdpPeerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1049         SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
1050         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1051         STATUS      current
1052         DESCRIPTION
1053             "An identifier for the LDP peer that is unique within the
1054              scope of this agent."
1055         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerEntry 1 }
1057     hh3cMplsLdpPeerID OBJECT-TYPE
1058         SYNTAX      MplsLdpIdentifier
1059         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1060         STATUS      current
1061         DESCRIPTION
1062             "The LDP identifier of this LDP Peer."
1063         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerEntry 2 }
1065     hh3cMplsLdpPeerInternetworkAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
1066         SYNTAX      AddressFamilyNumbers
1067         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1068         STATUS      current
1069         DESCRIPTION
1070             "The type of the internetwork layer address of this
1071             LDP peer. This object indicates how the value of
1072             hh3cMplsLdpPeerInternetworkAddr is to be interpreted."
1073         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerEntry 3 }
1075     hh3cMplsLdpPeerInternetworkAddr OBJECT-TYPE
1076         SYNTAX      MplsLdpGenAddr
1077         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1078         STATUS      current
1079         DESCRIPTION
1080             "The value of the internetwork layer address of this LDP peer."
1081         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerEntry 4 }
1083     hh3cMplsLdpPeerDefaultMtu OBJECT-TYPE
1084         SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..65535)
1085         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1086         STATUS      current
1087         DESCRIPTION
1088             "The default maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the
1089             LDP Peer."
1090         DEFVAL      { 9180 }
1091         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerEntry 5 }
1093     hh3cMplsLdpPeerKeepAliveHoldTimer OBJECT-TYPE
1094         SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
1095         UNITS       "seconds"
1096         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1097         STATUS      current
1098         DESCRIPTION
1099             "The two octet unsigned non zero INTEGER that indicates
1100             the number of seconds that this Peer proposes for the
1101             value of the KeepAlive Interval."
1102         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerEntry 6 }
1104     hh3cMplsLdpPeerLabelDistributionMethod OBJECT-TYPE
1105         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1106                        downstreamOnDemand(1),
1107                        downstreamUnsolicited(2)
1108                     }
1109         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1110         STATUS      current
1111         DESCRIPTION
1112             "For any given LDP session, the method of
1113             label distribution must be specified."
1114         REFERENCE
1115             "draft-ietf-mpls-arch-05.txt [20]."
1116         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerEntry 7 }
1118     hh3cMplsLdpPeerType OBJECT-TYPE
1119         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1120                        local(1),
1121                        remote(2)
1122                     }
1123         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1124         STATUS      current
1125         DESCRIPTION
1126             "Indicates whether a peer is a local peer or a remote peer"
1127         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerEntry 8 }
1129     hh3cMplsLdpPeerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1130         SYNTAX      RowStatus
1131         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1132         STATUS      current
1133         DESCRIPTION
1134             "An object that allows entries in this table to be created
1135             and deleted using the RowStatus convention."
1136         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerEntry 9 }
1138     --
1139     -- The MPLS LDP Peer Configurable ATM Label Range Table
1140     --
1142     hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeTable OBJECT-TYPE
1143         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeEntry
1144         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1145         STATUS current
1146         DESCRIPTION
1147             "The MPLS LDP Peer Configurable ATM Label Range Table.
1148             The purpose of this table is to provide a mechanism
1149             for specifying a contiguous range of vpi's with a contiguous
1150             range of vci's, or a 'label range' for LDP Peers.
1151             LDP Peers which use ATM must have at least one
1152             entry in this table."
1153         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerObjects 2 }
1155     hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1156         SYNTAX Hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeEntry
1157         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1158         STATUS current
1159         DESCRIPTION
1160             "A row in the LDP Peer Configurable ATM Label Range Table.
1161             One entry in this table contains information
1162             on a single range of labels represented by
1163             the configured Upper and Lower Bounds VPI/VCI pairs.
1165             NOTE:  The ranges for a specific LDP Peer
1166             are UNIQUE and non-overlapping.  For example,
1167             for a specific LDP Peer index, there could
1168             be one entry having ConfLowerBound vpi/vci == 0/32, and
1169             ConfUpperBound vpi/vci == 0/100, and a second entry for this
1170             same interface with ConfLowerBound vpi/vci == 0/101 and
1171             ConfUpperBound vpi/vci == 0/200.  However, there could not be
1172             a third entry with ConfLowerBound vpi/vci == 0/200 and
1173             ConfUpperBound vpi/vci == 0/300 because this label range overlaps
1174             with the second entry (i.e. both entries now have 0/200).
1176             A row will not be created unless a unique and non-overlapping
1177             range is specified.  Thus, row creation implies a one-shot
1178             row creation of LDP PeerIndex and ConfLowerBound vpi/vci and
1179             ConfUpperBound vpi/vci.  At least one label range entry
1180             for a specific LDP Peer MUST include the default VPI/VCI
1181             values denoted in the LDP Peer Table."
1182         INDEX { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID, hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfIndex,
1183                 hh3cMplsLdpPeerIndex,
1184                 hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVPI,
1185                 hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVCI  }
1186         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeTable 1 }
1188     Hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1189         hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVPI      AtmVpIdentifier,
1190         hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVCI      AtmVcIdentifier,
1191         hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVPI      AtmVpIdentifier,
1192         hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVCI      AtmVcIdentifier
1193     }
1195     hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVPI OBJECT-TYPE
1196         SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier
1197         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1198         STATUS current
1199         DESCRIPTION
1200             "The minimum VPI number configured for this range."
1201         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeEntry 1 }
1203     hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVCI OBJECT-TYPE
1204         SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier
1205         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1206         STATUS current
1207         DESCRIPTION
1208             "The minimum VCI number configured for this range."
1209         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeEntry 2 }
1211     hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVPI OBJECT-TYPE
1212         SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier
1213         MAX-ACCESS read-only
1214         STATUS current
1215         DESCRIPTION
1216             "The maximum VPI number configured for this range."
1217         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeEntry 3 }
1219     hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVCI OBJECT-TYPE
1220         SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier
1221         MAX-ACCESS read-only
1222         STATUS current
1223         DESCRIPTION
1224             "The maximum VCI number configured for this range."
1225        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpPeerConfAtmLabelRangeEntry 4 }
1227     --
1228     -- The MPLS LDP Sessions Table
1229     --
1232     hh3cMplsLdpSessionTable OBJECT-TYPE
1233         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry
1234         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1235         STATUS      current
1236         DESCRIPTION
1237             "A table of Sessions between the LDP Entities and
1238             LDP Peers."
1239         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpSessionObjects 1 }
1241     hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1242         SYNTAX      Hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry
1243         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1244         STATUS      current
1245         DESCRIPTION
1246             "An entry in this table represents information on a
1247             single session between an LDP Entity and LDP Peer."
1248         INDEX       { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID,
1249                       hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfIndex,
1250                       hh3cMplsLdpPeerIndex,
1251                       hh3cMplsLdpSessionIndex
1252                     }
1253         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpSessionTable 1 }
1255     Hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1256         hh3cMplsLdpSessionIndex                          Unsigned32,
1257         hh3cMplsLdpSessionID                             MplsLdpIdentifier,
1258         hh3cMplsLdpSessionProtocolVersion                INTEGER,
1259         hh3cMplsLdpSessionKeepAliveHoldTimeRemaining     TimeInterval,
1260         hh3cMplsLdpSessionRole                           INTEGER,
1261         hh3cMplsLdpSessionState                          INTEGER,
1262         hh3cMplsLdpSessionAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVPI     AtmVpIdentifier,
1263         hh3cMplsLdpSessionAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVCI     AtmVcIdentifier,
1264         hh3cMplsLdpSessionAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVPI     AtmVpIdentifier,
1265         hh3cMplsLdpSessionAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVCI     AtmVcIdentifier
1266     }
1268     hh3cMplsLdpSessionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1269         SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
1270         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1271         STATUS      current
1272         DESCRIPTION
1273             "An unique identifier for this entry such that it
1274             identifies a specific LDP Session."
1275         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry 1 }
1277     hh3cMplsLdpSessionID OBJECT-TYPE
1278         SYNTAX      MplsLdpIdentifier
1279         MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1280         STATUS      current
1281         DESCRIPTION
1282             "The LDP Session identifier."
1283         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry 2 }
1285     hh3cMplsLdpSessionProtocolVersion OBJECT-TYPE
1286              SYNTAX      INTEGER(0..65535)
1287              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1288              STATUS      current
1289              DESCRIPTION
1290                  "The version of the LDP Protocol which
1291                  this session is using."
1292              ::= { hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry 3 }
1294     hh3cMplsLdpSessionKeepAliveHoldTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE
1295         SYNTAX      TimeInterval
1296         MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1297         STATUS      current
1298         DESCRIPTION
1299             "The keep alive hold time remaining for this session."
1300         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry 4 }
1302     hh3cMplsLdpSessionRole OBJECT-TYPE
1303         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1304                        active(1),
1305                        passive(2)
1306                     }
1307         MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1308         STATUS      current
1309         DESCRIPTION
1310             "An indication of whether the LDP Entity associated with
1311             this session is acting in an 'active' role or
1312             a 'passive' role."
1313         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry 5 }
1315     hh3cMplsLdpSessionState OBJECT-TYPE
1316         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1317                        nonexistent(1),
1318                        initialized(2),
1319                        openrec(3),
1320                        opensent(4),
1321                        operational(5)
1322                     }
1323         MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1324         STATUS      current
1325         DESCRIPTION
1326             "The current state of the session, all of the
1327             states 1 - 5 are based on the state machine for
1328             session negotiation behavior."
1329         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry 6 }
1331     hh3cMplsLdpSessionAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVPI OBJECT-TYPE
1332         SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier
1333         MAX-ACCESS read-only
1334         STATUS current
1335         DESCRIPTION
1336             "The minimum VPI number for this range."
1337         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry 7 }
1339     hh3cMplsLdpSessionAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVCI OBJECT-TYPE
1340         SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier
1341         MAX-ACCESS read-only
1342         STATUS current
1343         DESCRIPTION
1344             "The minimum VCI number for this range."
1345         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry 8 }
1347     hh3cMplsLdpSessionAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVPI OBJECT-TYPE
1348         SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier
1349         MAX-ACCESS read-only
1350         STATUS current
1351         DESCRIPTION
1352             "The maximum VPI number for this range."
1353         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry 9 }
1355     hh3cMplsLdpSessionAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVCI OBJECT-TYPE
1356         SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier
1357         MAX-ACCESS read-only
1358         STATUS current
1359         DESCRIPTION
1360             "The maximum VCI number for this range."
1361         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpSessionEntry 10 }
1365     --
1366     -- The MPLS LDP Hello Adjacency Table
1367     --
1370     hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyTable OBJECT-TYPE
1371         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry
1372         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1373         STATUS      current
1374         DESCRIPTION
1375             "A table of Hello Adjacencies for Sessions."
1376         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyObjects 1 }
1378     hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1379         SYNTAX      Hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry
1380         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1381         STATUS      current
1382         DESCRIPTION
1383             "Each row represents a single LDP Hello Adjacency.
1384             An LDP Session can have one or more Hello adjacencies."
1385         INDEX       { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID,
1386                       hh3cMplsLdpEntityIfIndex,
1387                       hh3cMplsLdpPeerIndex,
1388                       hh3cMplsLdpSessionIndex,
1389                       hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyIndex }
1390         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyTable 1 }
1392     Hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1393         hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyIndex                  Unsigned32,
1394         hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyHoldTimeRemaining      TimeInterval
1395     }
1397     hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1398         SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
1399         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1400         STATUS      current
1401         DESCRIPTION
1402             "An identifier for the adjacency."
1403         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry 1 }
1405     hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyHoldTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE
1406         SYNTAX      TimeInterval
1407         MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1408         STATUS      current
1409         DESCRIPTION
1410             "The time remaining for this Hello Adjacency."
1411         ::= { hh3cMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry 2 }
1413     --
1414     -- FSMPLS- CRLSP Table
1415     --
1417     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlTable OBJECT-TYPE
1418        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF Hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry
1419        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
1420        STATUS        current
1421        DESCRIPTION
1422            "The hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlTable allows new CRLSP MPLS tunnels
1423             to be created. The ER hops associated with a CRLSP tunnel
1424             are to be configured using the hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopTable."
1425        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlObjects 1 }
1427     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1428        SYNTAX        Hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry
1429        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
1430        STATUS        current
1431        DESCRIPTION
1432            "An  entry  in this table represents an CRLSP MPLS  tunnel.
1433             An  entry  can be created by a network administrator."
1434        INDEX  {  hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID,  hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlIndex  }
1435           ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlTable 1 }
1437     Hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1438           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlIndex                 MplsTunnelIndex,
1439           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlName                  DisplayString,
1440           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlDirection             INTEGER,
1441           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlSignallingProto       INTEGER,
1442           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlSetupPrio             INTEGER,
1443           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlHoldingPrio           INTEGER,
1444           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlPeakDataRate          BitRate,
1445           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlPeakBurstSize         BurstSize,
1446           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlCommittedDataRate     BitRate,
1447           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlCommittedBurstSize    BurstSize,
1448           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlExcessBurstSize       BurstSize,
1449           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlIsPinned              TruthValue,
1450           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlFrequency             INTEGER,
1451           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlWeight                INTEGER,
1452           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlRowStatus             RowStatus
1453        }
1455     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1456        SYNTAX        MplsTunnelIndex
1457        MAX-ACCESS    accessible-for-notify
1458        STATUS        current
1459        DESCRIPTION
1460            "Uniquely identifies this row."
1461        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 1 }
1463     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlName OBJECT-TYPE
1464        SYNTAX        DisplayString
1465        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1466        STATUS        current
1467        DESCRIPTION
1468            "The 'canonical' name assigned to the tunnel that can
1469             be  used  to refer to it on the 'console' port."
1470        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 2 }
1473     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlDirection OBJECT-TYPE
1474        SYNTAX        INTEGER { in(1), out(2), inOut(3) }
1475        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1476        STATUS        current
1477        DESCRIPTION
1478            "Whether   this  tunnel  is  unidirectional-incoming,
1479             unidirectional-outgoing, or bidirectional."
1480        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 3 }
1483     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlSignallingProto OBJECT-TYPE
1484        SYNTAX        INTEGER { none(1), ldp(2), rsvp(3) }
1485        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1486        STATUS        current
1487        DESCRIPTION
1488            "The  signaling protocol, if any, that  set  up  this
1489             tunnel."
1490        DEFVAL        { none }
1491        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 4 }
1493     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlSetupPrio OBJECT-TYPE
1494        SYNTAX        INTEGER (0..7)
1495        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1496        STATUS        current
1497        DESCRIPTION
1498            "The setup priority of this tunnel."
1499        REFERENCE
1500            "Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche  et  al,
1501             Internet  Draft <draft-mpls-rsvp-lsp-tunnel-02.txt>,
1502             March  1999., Constraint-Based LSP Setup using  LDP,
1503             Jamoussi,  Internet  Draft  <draft-ietf-mpls-cr-ldp-
1504             01.txt>, Feb. 1999."
1505        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 5 }
1507     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlHoldingPrio OBJECT-TYPE
1508        SYNTAX        INTEGER (0..7)
1509        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1510        STATUS        current
1511        DESCRIPTION
1512            "The holding priority for this tunnel."
1513        REFERENCE
1514            "  Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al,
1515             Internet  Draft <draft-mpls-rsvp-lsp-tunnel-02.txt>,
1516             March  1999., Constraint-Based LSP Setup using  LDP,
1517             Jamoussi,  Internet  Draft  <draft-ietf-mpls-cr-ldp-
1518             01.txt>, Feb. 1999."
1519        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 6 }
1521     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlPeakDataRate OBJECT-TYPE
1522        SYNTAX        BitRate
1523        UNITS         "bits per second"
1524        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1525        STATUS        current
1526        DESCRIPTION
1527            "The peak rate - the maximum rate at which traffic will be sent on the
1528             CRLSP."
1529        REFERENCE
1530            "Section, Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi, et.
1531             al, <draft-ietf-mpls-crldp-02.txt>, August 1999."
1532        DEFVAL        { 0 }
1533        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 7 }
1535     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlPeakBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE
1536        SYNTAX        BurstSize
1537        UNITS         "bytes"
1538        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1539        STATUS        current
1540        DESCRIPTION
1541            "The peak burst size - the maximum burst size of the traffic that can
1542             occur in the established CRLSP."
1543        REFERENCE
1544            "Section 4.3, Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi, et.
1545             al, <draft-ietf-mpls-crldp-02.txt>, August 1999."
1546        DEFVAL        { 0 }
1547        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 8 }
1549     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlCommittedDataRate OBJECT-TYPE
1550        SYNTAX        BitRate
1551        UNITS         "bits per second"
1552        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1553        STATUS        current
1554        DESCRIPTION
1555            "The committed rate - the committed rate at which traffic will be sent on the
1556             CRLSP."
1557        REFERENCE
1558            "Section, Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi, et.
1559             al, <draft-ietf-mpls-crldp-02.txt>, August 1999."
1560        DEFVAL        { 0 }
1561        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 9 }
1563     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlCommittedBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE
1564        SYNTAX        BurstSize
1565        UNITS         "bytes"
1566        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1567        STATUS        current
1568        DESCRIPTION
1569            "The committed burst size - the committed burst size of the traffic
1570             that will be handled in the established CRLSP."
1571        REFERENCE
1572            "Section 4.3, Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi, et.
1573             al, <draft-ietf-mpls-crldp-02.txt>, August 1999."
1574        DEFVAL        { 0 }
1575        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 10 }
1577     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlExcessBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE
1578        SYNTAX        BurstSize
1579        UNITS         "bytes"
1580        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1581        STATUS        current
1582        DESCRIPTION
1583            "The Excess burst size - the excess burst size limit to be used
1584             for traffic conditioning at the ingress of the CRLSP."
1585        REFERENCE
1586            "Section, Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi, et.
1587             al, <draft-ietf-mpls-crldp-02.txt>, August 1999."
1588        DEFVAL        { 0 }
1589        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 11 }
1591     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlIsPinned OBJECT-TYPE
1592        SYNTAX        TruthValue
1593        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1594        STATUS        current
1595        DESCRIPTION
1596            "Indicates  whether  the loose-routed  hops  of  this
1597             tunnel are to be pinned."
1598        DEFVAL        { false }
1599        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 12 }
1601     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
1602        SYNTAX        INTEGER (0..2)
1603        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1604        STATUS        current
1605        DESCRIPTION
1606            "Indicates the frequency of usage of the established CRLSP."
1607        REFERENCE
1608            "Section, Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi, et.
1609             al, <draft-ietf-mpls-crldp-02.txt>, August 1999."
1610        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 13 }
1612     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlWeight OBJECT-TYPE
1613        SYNTAX        INTEGER (0..255)
1614        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1615        STATUS        current
1616        DESCRIPTION
1617            "Indicates the weight that is the established CRLSP."
1618        REFERENCE
1619            "Section 4.3, Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi, et.
1620             al, <draft-ietf-mpls-crldp-02.txt>, August 1999."
1621        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 14 }
1623     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1624        SYNTAX        RowStatus
1625        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1626        STATUS        current
1627        DESCRIPTION
1628            "For controlling the state of this row.
1629             The status can be set to 'active' only when atleast one ERHOP
1630             is created in the hh3cMplsLdpErHopTable, associated with this
1631             tunnel."
1632        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlEntry 15 }
1634    --
1635    -- Er-Hop Table
1636    --
1638     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopTable  OBJECT-TYPE
1639        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF Hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopEntry
1640        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
1641        STATUS        current
1642        DESCRIPTION
1643            "The hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopTable is used to indicate the hops,
1644             strict  or  loose,  for an MPLS  CRLSP tunnel  defined  in
1645             hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlTable.
1647             There must be atleast one entry in this table for each CRLSP tunnel
1648             that is supported in the hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlTable.
1650             The first row in the table  is  the
1651             first hop after the origination point of the tunnel."
1652        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlObjects 2 }
1654     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
1655        SYNTAX        Hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopEntry
1656        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
1657        STATUS        current
1658        DESCRIPTION
1659            "An  entry in this table represents a tunnel hop.  An
1660             entry  is  created  by a network  administrator  for
1661             signalled ERLSP set up by LDP or RSVP."
1662        INDEX  {  hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID,
1663                  hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlIndex, hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopIndex  }
1664           ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopTable 1 }
1666     Hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1667           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopIndex              INTEGER,
1668           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopAddrType           INTEGER,
1669           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopIpv4Addr           IpAddress,
1670           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopIpv4PrefixLen      INTEGER,
1671           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopStrictOrLoose      INTEGER,
1672           hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopRowStatus          RowStatus
1673        }
1675     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1676        SYNTAX        INTEGER
1677        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
1678        STATUS        current
1679        DESCRIPTION
1680            "Secondary  index  into  this table  identifying  the
1681             particular hop."
1682        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopEntry 1 }
1684     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
1685        SYNTAX        INTEGER { ipV4(1) }
1686        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1687        STATUS        current
1688        DESCRIPTION
1689            "Address type of this hop."
1690        DEFVAL        { ipV4 }
1691        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopEntry 2 }
1693     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopIpv4Addr OBJECT-TYPE
1694        SYNTAX        IpAddress
1695        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1696        STATUS        current
1697        DESCRIPTION
1698            "If hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopAddrType is ipV4(1), IPv4 address of
1699             this  hop.  This object is not significant otherwise
1700             and should return a value of 0."
1701        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopEntry 3 }
1703     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopIpv4PrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE
1704        SYNTAX        INTEGER (1..32)
1705        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1706        STATUS        current
1707        DESCRIPTION
1708            "If  hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopAddrType is ipV4(1), prefix  length
1709             for  this  hop's IPv4 address.  This object  is  not
1710             significant otherwise and should return a  value  of
1711             0."
1712        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopEntry 4 }
1714     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopStrictOrLoose OBJECT-TYPE
1715        SYNTAX        INTEGER { strict(1), loose(2) }
1716        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1717        STATUS        current
1718        DESCRIPTION
1719            "Whether this is a strict or loose hop."
1720        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopEntry 5 }
1722     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1723        SYNTAX        RowStatus
1724        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
1725        STATUS        current
1726        DESCRIPTION
1727            "For creating, modifying and deleting this row."
1728        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpCrlspErHopEntry 6 }
1730     ---
1731     --- Notifications
1732     ---
1734     hh3cMplsLdpNotificationPrefix   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
1735                                      { hh3cMplsLdpNotifications 0 }
1737     hh3cMplsLdpFailedInitSessionThresholdExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1738     OBJECTS     {
1739			hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID, hh3cMplsLdpEntityID,
1740                        hh3cMplsLdpEntityFailedInitSessionThreshold
1741                 }
1742     STATUS      current
1743   DESCRIPTION   "This notification is generated whenever the value
1744             of hh3cMplsLdpEntityFailedInitSessionThreshold is
1745             exceeded."
1746   ::= { hh3cMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 1 }
1748--          OBJECTS     { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID, hh3cMplsLdpEntityID,
1749--                        hh3cMplsLdpEntityFailedInitSessionThreshold
1750--                      }
1751--          STATUS      current
1752--          DESCRIPTION
1753--             "This notification is generated whenever the value
1754--             of hh3cMplsLdpEntityFailedInitSessionThreshold is
1755--             exceeded."
1756--          ::= { hh3cMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 1 }
1758     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTunnelUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1759     OBJECTS     {
1760			hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID, hh3cMplsLdpEntityID,
1761                  hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlIndex
1762                 }
1763        STATUS      current
1764        DESCRIPTION
1765            "This notification is generated by the Ingress LSR of the CRLSP tunnel
1766             on the receipt of Label mapping message from the downstream LSR for
1767             the LAbel request sent for the CRLSP tunnel."
1768        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 2 }
1770     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTunnelDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1771     OBJECTS     {
1772		hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID, hh3cMplsLdpEntityID,
1773                  hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlIndex }
1774        STATUS      current
1775        DESCRIPTION
1776            "This notification is generated when a CRLSP Row status is modified
1777             to destroy the CRLSP tunnel.  - due to pre-emption etc.,"
1778        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 3 }
1780     hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTunnelSetupFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1781     OBJECTS     { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID, hh3cMplsLdpEntityID,
1782                  hh3cMplsLdpCrlspTnlIndex }
1783        STATUS      current
1784        DESCRIPTION
1785            "This notification is generated by the Ingress LSR of the CRLSP tunnel
1786             on the receipt of Nak message from the downstream LSR for
1787             the Label request sent for the CRLSP tunnel. This can occur due to
1788             improper ER hop values being set, or Traffic resources not available
1789             etc.,"
1790        ::=  { hh3cMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 4 }
1793     hh3cMplsLdpIncarnUpEventFailure  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1794     OBJECTS     { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID}
1795        STATUS      current
1796        DESCRIPTION
1797            "This notification is generated by LDP to notify
1798             the Incarnation UP Event failure"
1799        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 11 }
1801     hh3cMplsLdpIncarnDownEventFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1802     OBJECTS     { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID }
1803        STATUS      current
1804        DESCRIPTION
1805            "This notification is generated by LDP to notify
1806             the Incarnation DOWN Event failure"
1807        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 12 }
1809     hh3cMplsLdpEntityUpEventFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1810     OBJECTS     { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID, hh3cMplsLdpEntityID}
1811        STATUS      current
1812        DESCRIPTION
1813            "This notification is generated by LDP to notify
1814             the ENTITY UP Event failure"
1815        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 13 }
1818     hh3cMplsLdpEntityDownEventFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1819     OBJECTS     { hh3cMplsLdpLsrIncarnID, hh3cMplsLdpEntityID }
1820        STATUS      current
1821        DESCRIPTION
1822            "This notification is generated by LDP to notify
1823             the ENTITY  DOWN Event failure"
1824        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 14 }
1825        hh3cMplsLdpSessionUpEventFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1826     OBJECTS     { hh3cMplsLdpSessionID, hh3cMplsLdpSessionState }
1827        STATUS      current
1828        DESCRIPTION
1829            "Generation of this trap occurs when the
1830            value of 'hh3cMplsLdpSessionState' enters
1831             the 'operational(5)' state."
1832        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 15 }
1834     hh3cMplsLdpSessionDownEventFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1835     OBJECTS     { hh3cMplsLdpSessionID, hh3cMplsLdpSessionState }
1836        STATUS      current
1837        DESCRIPTION
1838            "Generation of this trap occurs when the
1839            value of 'hh3cMplsLdpSessionState' leaves
1840            the 'operational(5)' state."
1841        ::= { hh3cMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 16 }
1843-- End of notifications.