2  govet:
3    check-shadowing: true
4  golint:
5    min-confidence: 0
6  gocyclo:
7    min-complexity: 40
8  maligned:
9    suggest-new: true
10  dupl:
11    threshold: 150
12  goconst:
13    min-len: 2
14    min-occurrences: 4
17  enable-all: true
18  disable:
19    - maligned
20    - lll
21    - gochecknoglobals
22    - gochecknoinits
23    # scopelint is useful, but also reports false positives
24    # that unfortunately can't be disabled. So we disable the
25    # linter rather than changing code that works.
26    # see: https://github.com/kyoh86/scopelint/issues/4
27    - scopelint
28    - godox
29    - gocognit
30    - whitespace
31    - wsl
32    - funlen
33    - testpackage
34    - wrapcheck
35    - nlreturn
36    - gomnd
37    - goerr113
38    - exhaustivestruct
39    - errorlint
40    - nestif
41    - gofumpt
42    - godot
43    - gci
44    - dogsled
45    - paralleltest
46    - tparallel
47    - thelper
48    - ifshort
49    - forbidigo