1//+build ignore
3// types_generate.go is meant to run with go generate. It will use
4// go/{importer,types} to track down all the RR struct types. Then for each type
5// it will generate conversion tables (TypeToRR and TypeToString) and banal
6// methods (len, Header, copy) based on the struct tags. The generated source is
7// written to ztypes.go, and is meant to be checked into git.
8package main
10import (
11	"bytes"
12	"fmt"
13	"go/format"
14	"go/types"
15	"log"
16	"os"
17	"strings"
18	"text/template"
20	"golang.org/x/tools/go/packages"
23var skipLen = map[string]struct{}{
24	"NSEC":  {},
25	"NSEC3": {},
26	"OPT":   {},
27	"CSYNC": {},
30var packageHdr = `
31// Code generated by "go run types_generate.go"; DO NOT EDIT.
33package dns
35import (
36	"encoding/base64"
37	"net"
42var TypeToRR = template.Must(template.New("TypeToRR").Parse(`
43// TypeToRR is a map of constructors for each RR type.
44var TypeToRR = map[uint16]func() RR{
45{{range .}}{{if ne . "RFC3597"}}  Type{{.}}:  func() RR { return new({{.}}) },
46{{end}}{{end}}                    }
50var typeToString = template.Must(template.New("typeToString").Parse(`
51// TypeToString is a map of strings for each RR type.
52var TypeToString = map[uint16]string{
53{{range .}}{{if ne . "NSAPPTR"}}  Type{{.}}: "{{.}}",
54{{end}}{{end}}                    TypeNSAPPTR:    "NSAP-PTR",
59var headerFunc = template.Must(template.New("headerFunc").Parse(`
60{{range .}}  func (rr *{{.}}) Header() *RR_Header { return &rr.Hdr }
65// getTypeStruct will take a type and the package scope, and return the
66// (innermost) struct if the type is considered a RR type (currently defined as
67// those structs beginning with a RR_Header, could be redefined as implementing
68// the RR interface). The bool return value indicates if embedded structs were
69// resolved.
70func getTypeStruct(t types.Type, scope *types.Scope) (*types.Struct, bool) {
71	st, ok := t.Underlying().(*types.Struct)
72	if !ok {
73		return nil, false
74	}
75	if st.NumFields() == 0 {
76		return nil, false
77	}
78	if st.Field(0).Type() == scope.Lookup("RR_Header").Type() {
79		return st, false
80	}
81	if st.Field(0).Anonymous() {
82		st, _ := getTypeStruct(st.Field(0).Type(), scope)
83		return st, true
84	}
85	return nil, false
88// loadModule retrieves package description for a given module.
89func loadModule(name string) (*types.Package, error) {
90	conf := packages.Config{Mode: packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedTypesInfo}
91	pkgs, err := packages.Load(&conf, name)
92	if err != nil {
93		return nil, err
94	}
95	return pkgs[0].Types, nil
98func main() {
99	// Import and type-check the package
100	pkg, err := loadModule("github.com/miekg/dns")
101	fatalIfErr(err)
102	scope := pkg.Scope()
104	// Collect constants like TypeX
105	var numberedTypes []string
106	for _, name := range scope.Names() {
107		o := scope.Lookup(name)
108		if o == nil || !o.Exported() {
109			continue
110		}
111		b, ok := o.Type().(*types.Basic)
112		if !ok || b.Kind() != types.Uint16 {
113			continue
114		}
115		if !strings.HasPrefix(o.Name(), "Type") {
116			continue
117		}
118		name := strings.TrimPrefix(o.Name(), "Type")
119		if name == "PrivateRR" {
120			continue
121		}
122		numberedTypes = append(numberedTypes, name)
123	}
125	// Collect actual types (*X)
126	var namedTypes []string
127	for _, name := range scope.Names() {
128		o := scope.Lookup(name)
129		if o == nil || !o.Exported() {
130			continue
131		}
132		if st, _ := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope); st == nil {
133			continue
134		}
135		if name == "PrivateRR" {
136			continue
137		}
139		// Check if corresponding TypeX exists
140		if scope.Lookup("Type"+o.Name()) == nil && o.Name() != "RFC3597" {
141			log.Fatalf("Constant Type%s does not exist.", o.Name())
142		}
144		namedTypes = append(namedTypes, o.Name())
145	}
147	b := &bytes.Buffer{}
148	b.WriteString(packageHdr)
150	// Generate TypeToRR
151	fatalIfErr(TypeToRR.Execute(b, namedTypes))
153	// Generate typeToString
154	fatalIfErr(typeToString.Execute(b, numberedTypes))
156	// Generate headerFunc
157	fatalIfErr(headerFunc.Execute(b, namedTypes))
159	// Generate len()
160	fmt.Fprint(b, "// len() functions\n")
161	for _, name := range namedTypes {
162		if _, ok := skipLen[name]; ok {
163			continue
164		}
165		o := scope.Lookup(name)
166		st, isEmbedded := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope)
167		if isEmbedded {
168			continue
169		}
170		fmt.Fprintf(b, "func (rr *%s) len(off int, compression map[string]struct{}) int {\n", name)
171		fmt.Fprintf(b, "l := rr.Hdr.len(off, compression)\n")
172		for i := 1; i < st.NumFields(); i++ {
173			o := func(s string) { fmt.Fprintf(b, s, st.Field(i).Name()) }
175			if _, ok := st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Slice); ok {
176				switch st.Tag(i) {
177				case `dns:"-"`:
178					// ignored
179				case `dns:"cdomain-name"`:
180					o("for _, x := range rr.%s { l += domainNameLen(x, off+l, compression, true) }\n")
181				case `dns:"domain-name"`:
182					o("for _, x := range rr.%s { l += domainNameLen(x, off+l, compression, false) }\n")
183				case `dns:"txt"`:
184					o("for _, x := range rr.%s { l += len(x) + 1 }\n")
185				case `dns:"apl"`:
186					o("for _, x := range rr.%s { l += x.len() }\n")
187				case `dns:"pairs"`:
188					o("for _, x := range rr.%s { l += 4 + int(x.len()) }\n")
189				default:
190					log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i))
191				}
192				continue
193			}
195			switch {
196			case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"-"`:
197				// ignored
198			case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"cdomain-name"`:
199				o("l += domainNameLen(rr.%s, off+l, compression, true)\n")
200			case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"domain-name"`:
201				o("l += domainNameLen(rr.%s, off+l, compression, false)\n")
202			case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"octet"`:
203				o("l += len(rr.%s)\n")
204			case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-base64`):
205				fallthrough
206			case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"base64"`:
207				o("l += base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(rr.%s))\n")
208			case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-hex:`): // this has an extra field where the length is stored
209				o("l += len(rr.%s)/2\n")
210			case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"hex"`:
211				o("l += len(rr.%s)/2\n")
212			case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"any"`:
213				o("l += len(rr.%s)\n")
214			case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"a"`:
215				o("if len(rr.%s) != 0 { l += net.IPv4len }\n")
216			case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"aaaa"`:
217				o("if len(rr.%s) != 0 { l += net.IPv6len }\n")
218			case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"txt"`:
219				o("for _, t := range rr.%s { l += len(t) + 1 }\n")
220			case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"uint48"`:
221				o("l += 6 // %s\n")
222			case st.Tag(i) == "":
223				switch st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Basic).Kind() {
224				case types.Uint8:
225					o("l++ // %s\n")
226				case types.Uint16:
227					o("l += 2 // %s\n")
228				case types.Uint32:
229					o("l += 4 // %s\n")
230				case types.Uint64:
231					o("l += 8 // %s\n")
232				case types.String:
233					o("l += len(rr.%s) + 1\n")
234				default:
235					log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name())
236				}
237			default:
238				log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i))
239			}
240		}
241		fmt.Fprintf(b, "return l }\n")
242	}
244	// Generate copy()
245	fmt.Fprint(b, "// copy() functions\n")
246	for _, name := range namedTypes {
247		o := scope.Lookup(name)
248		st, isEmbedded := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope)
249		fmt.Fprintf(b, "func (rr *%s) copy() RR {\n", name)
250		fields := make([]string, 0, st.NumFields())
251		if isEmbedded {
252			a, _ := o.Type().Underlying().(*types.Struct)
253			parent := a.Field(0).Name()
254			fields = append(fields, "*rr."+parent+".copy().(*"+parent+")")
255			goto WriteCopy
256		}
257		fields = append(fields, "rr.Hdr")
258		for i := 1; i < st.NumFields(); i++ {
259			f := st.Field(i).Name()
260			if sl, ok := st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Slice); ok {
261				t := sl.Underlying().String()
262				t = strings.TrimPrefix(t, "[]")
263				if strings.Contains(t, ".") {
264					splits := strings.Split(t, ".")
265					t = splits[len(splits)-1]
266				}
267				// For the EDNS0 interface (used in the OPT RR), we need to call the copy method on each element.
268				if t == "EDNS0" {
269					fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s := make([]%s, len(rr.%s));\nfor i,e := range rr.%s {\n %s[i] = e.copy()\n}\n",
270						f, t, f, f, f)
271					fields = append(fields, f)
272					continue
273				}
274				if t == "APLPrefix" {
275					fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s := make([]%s, len(rr.%s));\nfor i,e := range rr.%s {\n %s[i] = e.copy()\n}\n",
276						f, t, f, f, f)
277					fields = append(fields, f)
278					continue
279				}
280				if t == "SVCBKeyValue" {
281					fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s := make([]%s, len(rr.%s));\nfor i,e := range rr.%s {\n %s[i] = e.copy()\n}\n",
282						f, t, f, f, f)
283					fields = append(fields, f)
284					continue
285				}
286				fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s := make([]%s, len(rr.%s)); copy(%s, rr.%s)\n",
287					f, t, f, f, f)
288				fields = append(fields, f)
289				continue
290			}
291			if st.Field(i).Type().String() == "net.IP" {
292				fields = append(fields, "copyIP(rr."+f+")")
293				continue
294			}
295			fields = append(fields, "rr."+f)
296		}
297	WriteCopy:
298		fmt.Fprintf(b, "return &%s{%s}\n", name, strings.Join(fields, ","))
299		fmt.Fprintf(b, "}\n")
300	}
302	// gofmt
303	res, err := format.Source(b.Bytes())
304	if err != nil {
305		b.WriteTo(os.Stderr)
306		log.Fatal(err)
307	}
309	// write result
310	f, err := os.Create("ztypes.go")
311	fatalIfErr(err)
312	defer f.Close()
313	f.Write(res)
316func fatalIfErr(err error) {
317	if err != nil {
318		log.Fatal(err)
319	}