1name: Testing
3# Trigger on pushes, PRs (excluding documentation changes), and nightly.
5  push:
6  pull_request:
7  schedule:
8    - cron: 0 0 * * * # daily at 00:00
10# Always force the use of Go modules
12  GO111MODULE: on
15  # Check generated protos match their source repos (optional for PRs).
16  vet-proto:
17    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
18    steps:
19      # Setup the environment.
20      - name: Setup Go
21        uses: actions/setup-go@v2
22        with:
23          go-version: 1.15
24      - name: Checkout repo
25        uses: actions/checkout@v2
27      # Run the vet checks.
28      - name: vet
29        run: ./vet.sh -install && ./vet.sh
31  # Run the main gRPC-Go tests.
32  tests:
33    # Proto checks are run in the above job.
34    env:
35      VET_SKIP_PROTO: 1
36    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
37    strategy:
38      matrix:
39        include:
40          - type: vet
41            goversion: 1.15
42          - type: race
43            goversion: 1.15
44          - type: 386
45            goversion: 1.15
46          - type: retry
47            goversion: 1.15
48          - type: extras
49            goversion: 1.15
50          - type: tests
51            goversion: 1.14
52          - type: tests
53            goversion: 1.13
54          - type: tests111
55            goversion: 1.11  # Keep until interop tests no longer require Go1.11
57    steps:
58      # Setup the environment.
59      - name: Setup GOARCH=386
60        if: ${{ matrix.type == '386' }}
61        run: echo "GOARCH=386" >> $GITHUB_ENV
62      - name: Setup RETRY
63        if: ${{ matrix.type == 'retry' }}
64        run: echo "GRPC_GO_RETRY=on" >> $GITHUB_ENV
65      - name: Setup Go
66        uses: actions/setup-go@v2
67        with:
68          go-version: ${{ matrix.goversion }}
69      - name: Checkout repo
70        uses: actions/checkout@v2
72      # Only run vet for 'vet' runs.
73      - name: Run vet.sh
74        if: ${{ matrix.type == 'vet' }}
75        run: ./vet.sh -install && ./vet.sh
77      # Main tests run for everything except when testing "extras", the race
78      # detector and Go1.11 (where we run a reduced set of tests).
79      - name: Run tests
80        if: ${{ matrix.type != 'extras' && matrix.type != 'race' && matrix.type != 'tests111' }}
81        run: |
82          go version
83          go test -cpu 1,4 -timeout 7m google.golang.org/grpc/...
85      # Race detector tests
86      - name: Run test race
87        if: ${{ matrix.TYPE == 'race' }}
88        run: |
89          go version
90          go test -race -cpu 1,4 -timeout 7m google.golang.org/grpc/...
92      # Non-core gRPC tests (examples, interop, etc)
93      - name: Run extras tests
94        if: ${{ matrix.TYPE == 'extras' }}
95        run: |
96          go version
97          examples/examples_test.sh
98          security/advancedtls/examples/examples_test.sh
99          interop/interop_test.sh
100          cd ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/security/advancedtls && go test -cpu 1,4 -timeout 7m google.golang.org/grpc/security/advancedtls/...
101          cd ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/security/authorization && go test -cpu 1,4 -timeout 7m google.golang.org/grpc/security/authorization/...
103      # Reduced set of tests for Go 1.11
104      - name: Run Go1.11 tests
105        if: ${{ matrix.type == 'tests111' }}
106        run: |
107          go version
108          tests=$(find ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} -name '*_test.go' | xargs -n1 dirname | sort -u | sed "s:^${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}:.:" | sed "s:\/$::" | grep -v ^./security | grep -v ^./credentials/sts | grep -v ^./credentials/tls/certprovider | grep -v ^./credentials/xds | grep -v ^./xds )
109          echo "Running tests for " ${tests}
110          go test -cpu 1,4 -timeout 7m ${tests}