1v2.15                How to Install routers.cgi script
2                     ---------------------------------
4Before Starting
6First, you need to make sure you have the following installed:
8	RRDTool (v1.0.39 or later).  Install perl modules under site-perl.
9	Perl (V5 or better).  If under NT, make sure you have configured any
10	    necessary extension associations and so on.
11	Perl CGI libraries (many installs, eg ActivePerl, have this as standard)
12	Perl File::Basename library (this is probably standard)
13	Perl Text::ParseWords library (this is probably standard)
14	Perl Net::SNMP library (only if you want to use Routing Table extensions)
15	Perl GD library (if you want to use the compact summary screen) with
16        the necessary gd support libraries ( see http://www.boutell.com/gd/ )
17	Perl Time::Zone library (not required, but used if you have it.  If
18     using multiple timezones under Windows then you really need it)
19	A web server (duh).  If using Apache, you need mod_expires
21You probably already have most of these, if you have already installed MRTG
22and RRDTool.
24Before using mod_perl or speedycgi, check out the sections in the PROBLEMS
25and HOWTO documentation!
27Make sure you have the latest version of routers.cgi.  Check on
30Next, you need to make sure of the following:
32* All MRTG .conf files to be handled by routers.cgi have the 'UseRRDTool' or
33  'Logformat: rrdtool' option set, and their databases are in RRDTool format.
34* Each MRTG .conf file deals with a different router. (Not necessary, but
35  advised)
37The last will be correct if you created your .conf files using the
38cfgmaker command that comes with MRTG.  I suggest you use the cfgmaker
39command with the '--descint --ifdesc=descr' options set.
41Fast Install
43If you have a faily generic system, running NT or some flavour of UNIX,
44probably with either IIS or Apache, then you can use the install script.
45In fact, unless you have a very unusual setup, you can probably use this
47Just run:
48	perl install.pl
49and this should ask you a few questions, giving sensible defaults most of the
50time.  Unless you have a customised system, this should install it for you!
52If you cannot use install.pl, or you prefer to do it by hand, then read on.
54If you have not yet created your MRTG .cfg files, you may wish to use the
55script buildwan.pl in the extras directory -- it creates all necessary .cfg
56files for your entire WAN.
58Also, see the section at the bottom about running targetnames.pl
60Use of routers.cgi under Windows NT
62I have now tested this with Apache and ActivePerl.  However, there are a few
63caveats.  The script relies on the .htaccess file to force the expiry of
64old graphs.  If you are using Apache under NT this is still OK, but IIS
65does not use the htaccess file.  You need to ensure that the graphs directory
66is either set for the appropriate expiry times, or set to NEVER CACHE.
67After taking a look, it appears that in IIS you can only set expiry times for
68an entire directory at once.  So, set the graphs directory to expire in
71Installing routers2.cgi (not using install.pl)
74You will need to modify the '#!/usr/local/bin/perl' on the first line of the
75scripts to reflect the correct location of your perl executable (the install
76script does this for you).
78Dont forget to install the RRDs perl libraries!
80Remember that while NT uses backstrokes '\' as path separators, URLs use
81forward strokes '/'.  So, when editing the routers2.conf file, make sure you
82use the correct strokes when defining URL paths and filename paths.
84People using ActivePerl should look in the documentation to find out how to
85set up their web server to run Perl CGI scripts.  This can be found at:
88Most of these instructions are UNIX-centric.  Windows NT people should make the
89appropriate changes for directory paths, permissions, and so on.  You will
90obviously need the Windows version of Perl installed and made CGI-able.  The
91same applies to people with Macs or any other more obscure OS.
93Timezone support under Windows is minimal, due to limitations of the O/S that
94are compiled into RRDTool.  Under windows, you cannot have a different
95timezone for each target.  If this is a problem, then stick with MRTG (the
96compiler used for MRTG does not have the problems that RRDTool does).  This
97may well be corrected in a later version of RRDTool - so get the latest version!
99Creating Directories
101Now you need to decide where to put the files.  The directories you will
102need are as follows:
104CGI-BIN DIRECTORY: This is where the routers.cgi file goes, with read and
105  execute permission.  This directory should be visible to your web browser
106  with exec-cgi flag set. ( 'Script' flag in IIS )
108ICONS DIRECTORY: This is where all the .gif files are put.  This directory
109  should be visible to your web browser.  Make a note of the directory's URL
110  This should not be under the CGI-BIN directory.  Usually called /rrdicons
111  or similar.
113GRAPHS DIRECTORY:  This is the work directory for the graphs.  It needs to
114  be writeable to the httpd UID, and otherwise empty.  The htaccess file should
115  be placed in here.  This directory also needs to be visible to your web
116  browser.  Make a note of the URL of the directory, and its path in the
117  filesystem.  Note that under some web servers you do not have the htaccess
118  file - you should do whatever is equivalent on your server.  Also, Apache
119  needs to have the mod_expires module installed to use htaccess. IIS users
120  should set the directory to expire in 5 MINUTES.
121  This should not be under the CGI-BIN directory.
123DATABASE DIRECTORY: Where the RRDTool .rrd databases are kept.  This should
124  already exist.  It should not be under your web server root.
126MRTG CONF DIRECTORY:  Where the MRTG .conf files are kept.  This should
127  already exist.  It should not be under your web server root.
129Configuring the perl script
131This is now done via a separate configuration file.  You should modify the
132script so that it knows where the conf file is (the line is clearly marked
133at the beginning of the .pl file), and (if necessary) modify the path of
134the perl executable in the first line of the script. ( $CONFFILE = "...." )
136The conf file should have at least 2 sections, [web] and [routers.cgi].  The
137first needs an entry 'backurl' to define where the 'Main Menu' button takes us.
138The other section defines all the other options that used to be hardcoded into
139the script.
141A third section, [routerdesc], is now DEPRECATED.  Don't use it unless you
142have to.
144A fourth section, [targetnames]  is optional and allows you to override the
145default short description for the routers and interfaces.  You key this
146section with either the MRTG .conf file name, or the interface target name.
148The short description for a router is taken as:
149	: The entry for the MRTG .conf file in the [targetnames] section
150	: The entry in the [routerdesc] section, or
151	: The 'ShortDesc[_]: ....' entry in the mrtg.conf files, or
152	: The first word in the 'Title[..]: ...' line in the mrtg.conf files
153      (this is also the key used to uniquely identify the router in
154	  the [routerdesc] section)
156A fifth section, [targettitles] is optional and allows you to give the 'long'
157description for each interface.  This corresponds directly to the Title[]
158directive in the MRTG files.  If you made your MRTG config files using
159cfgmaker with the --descint option, you may not need do do anything here.
161See the example routers2.conf file, and the README file for more information.
163You now need to put this configuration file somewhere - I suggest in
164/usr/local/etc - and then modify the script routers.cgi so that it knows
165where to find this file.  The line to modify is clearly indicated at the
166start of the script.  As shipped, it is configured to be kept in the file
171This is a script to automatically build the [targetnames] section of your
172routers2.conf.  AFTER configuring the routers2.conf file, you can run this
173using the command
174	perl targetnames.pl routers2.conf > targetnames.conf
175changing 'routers2.conf' to be the full pathname of wherever you have installed
176your routers2.conf file.  If you used the install.pl script, this will probably
177be in the same directory as your .rrd files.
178This command will use SNMP to query your routers, and will output on STDOUT
179into targetnames.conf the necessary configuration directives which you can edit
180and add in to your routers2.conf file.
181The script looks in SNMP for the interface names and descriptions (if they are
182available) and formats them for the routers2.conf file.
184Installing the files
186Copy the routers.cgi file to the CGI-BIN directory, permission 555 (read
187and execute).  If it is called routers.cgi.pl in the package then rename
188it to routers.cgi (UNIX, Apache) or routers.pl (NT with IIS)
190Copy the htaccess file to the GRAPHS directory as .htaccess, permission 444.
191This is not necessary if your web server does not use htaccess files - you
192should do the equivalent for your server.  Apache may need mod_expires
193activated for htaccess to work, and AllowOverride set for the GRAPHS directory.
195Copy the *.gif files to the ICONS directory.
197Testing the script
199It should now work!  Point your browser at the routers.cgi file, and see
200what you get.  Note that you MUST have javascript enabled on your browser
201for the pages to function correctly, and you need cookies enabled if you
202want to use the personal preferences page.
206You may wish to use the experimental Routing Tables extension.  To use this,
207you must do the following:
208* Install Net::SNMP
209* Install the routingtables.cgi script in your CGI bin.
210* Uncomment the 'routingtableurl' directive in the routers2.conf
211This will result in a new link appearing on the 'info' page for each router,
212allowing you to view the current routing table on the router in question.
213Note that this may have problems with NT servers, particularly when used with
214IIS as the web server.
215The link will be hidden in the event that it cannot work out the necessary
217Also, your community strings will appear in your browser history.  If this is
218a security concern to you, then do not enable this feature.  If you do enable
219it, then make sure your community strings are READ ONLY and preferably
220restricted to just the IP address of this monitoring server.
222Contacting me
224Try one of the following:
225web: http://www.steveshipway.org/software (main site)
226     http://www.shipway.org.uk/software (popup ads - yeuchk)
227email: steve@steveshipway.org (preferred), s.shipway@auckland.ac.nz (work),
228	steve@shipway.org.uk (last chance)
229mailing list: http://www.steveshipway.org/mailman/listinfo/support_steveshipway.org
230forum: http://www.steveshipway.org/forum/index.php
231Yahoo IM: steveshipway
232ICQ: #210588157
233AIM: shipwaysteve
234MSN: s.shipway@auckland.ac.nz
235Please don't telephone me, unless you want to offer me money :-)
237Thanking me
239Encourage development by sending me something from my Amazon Wishlist
241Details on http://www.steveshipway.org/software/wishlist.html
243People who send me something have their names added to the Information page,
244and also get a warm, fuzzy feeling deep within from having given something