1 /*
2  * Author: Armon Dadgar
3  *
4  * Header for the Heap functions and data definitions
5  */
7 #ifndef HEAP_H
8 #define HEAP_H
10 // Structure for a single heap entry
11 typedef struct heap_entry {
12     void* key;   // Key for this entry
13     void* value; // Value for this entry
14 } heap_entry;
17 // Main struct for representing the heap
18 typedef struct heap {
19     int (*compare_func)(void*, void*); // The key comparison function to use
20     int active_entries;  // The number of entries in the heap
21     int minimum_pages;   // The minimum number of pages to maintain, based on the initial cap.
22     int allocated_pages; // The number of pages in memory that are allocated
23     heap_entry* table; // Pointer to the table, which maps to the pages
24 } heap;
26 // Functions
28 /**
29  * Creates a new heap
30  * @param h Pointer to a heap structure that is initialized
31  * @param initial_size What should the initial size of the heap be. If <= 0, then it will be set to the minimum
32  * permissable size, of 1 page (512 entries on 32bit system with 4K pages).
33  * @param comp_func A pointer to a function that can be used to compare the keys. If NULL, it will be set
34  * to a function which treats keys as signed ints. This function must take two keys, given as pointers and return an int.
35  * It should return -1 if key 1 is smaller, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if key 2 is smaller.
36  */
37 void heap_create(heap* h, int initial_size, int (*comp_func)(void*,void*));
39 /**
40  * Returns the size of the heap
41  * @param h Pointer to a heap structure
42  * @return The number of entries in the heap.
43  */
44 int heap_size(heap* h);
46 /**
47  * Inserts a new element into a heap.
48  * @param h The heap to insert into
49  * @param key The key of the new entry
50  * @param value The value of the new entry
51  */
52 void heap_insert(heap* h, void* key, void* value);
54 /**
55  * Returns the element with the smallest key in the heap.
56  * @param h Pointer to the heap structure
57  * @param key A pointer to a pointer, to set to the minimum key
58  * @param value Set to the value corresponding with the key
59  * @return 1 if the minimum element exists and is set, 0 if there are no elements.
60  */
61 int heap_min(heap* h, void** key, void** value);
63 /**
64  * Deletes the element with the smallest key from the heap.
65  * @param h Pointer to the heap structure
66  * @param key A pointer to a pointer, to set to the minimum key
67  * @param valu Set to the value corresponding with the key
68  * @return 1if the minimum element exists and is deleted, 0 if there are no elements.
69  */
70 int heap_delmin(heap* h, void** key, void** value);
72 /**
73  * Calls a function for each entry in the heap.
74  * @param h The heap to iterate over
75  * @param func The function to call on each entry. Should take a void* key and value.
76  */
77 void heap_foreach(heap* h, void (*func)(void*,void*));
79 /**
80  * Destroys and cleans up a heap.
81  * @param h The heap to destroy.
82  */
83 void heap_destroy(heap* h);
85 #endif