1 // Copyright (c) 2018-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
2 // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
8 #include <outputtype.h>
9 #include <script/script.h>
10 #include <script/sign.h>
11 #include <script/signingprovider.h>
13 #include <optional>
14 #include <vector>
16 using ExtPubKeyMap = std::unordered_map<uint32_t, CExtPubKey>;
18 /** Cache for single descriptor's derived extended pubkeys */
19 class DescriptorCache {
20 private:
21     /** Map key expression index -> map of (key derivation index -> xpub) */
22     std::unordered_map<uint32_t, ExtPubKeyMap> m_derived_xpubs;
23     /** Map key expression index -> parent xpub */
24     ExtPubKeyMap m_parent_xpubs;
25     /** Map key expression index -> last hardened xpub */
26     ExtPubKeyMap m_last_hardened_xpubs;
28 public:
29     /** Cache a parent xpub
30      *
31      * @param[in] key_exp_pos Position of the key expression within the descriptor
32      * @param[in] xpub The CExtPubKey to cache
33      */
34     void CacheParentExtPubKey(uint32_t key_exp_pos, const CExtPubKey& xpub);
35     /** Retrieve a cached parent xpub
36      *
37      * @param[in] key_exp_pos Position of the key expression within the descriptor
38      * @param[in] xpub The CExtPubKey to get from cache
39      */
40     bool GetCachedParentExtPubKey(uint32_t key_exp_pos, CExtPubKey& xpub) const;
41     /** Cache an xpub derived at an index
42      *
43      * @param[in] key_exp_pos Position of the key expression within the descriptor
44      * @param[in] der_index Derivation index of the xpub
45      * @param[in] xpub The CExtPubKey to cache
46      */
47     void CacheDerivedExtPubKey(uint32_t key_exp_pos, uint32_t der_index, const CExtPubKey& xpub);
48     /** Retrieve a cached xpub derived at an index
49      *
50      * @param[in] key_exp_pos Position of the key expression within the descriptor
51      * @param[in] der_index Derivation index of the xpub
52      * @param[in] xpub The CExtPubKey to get from cache
53      */
54     bool GetCachedDerivedExtPubKey(uint32_t key_exp_pos, uint32_t der_index, CExtPubKey& xpub) const;
55     /** Cache a last hardened xpub
56      *
57      * @param[in] key_exp_pos Position of the key expression within the descriptor
58      * @param[in] xpub The CExtPubKey to cache
59      */
60     void CacheLastHardenedExtPubKey(uint32_t key_exp_pos, const CExtPubKey& xpub);
61     /** Retrieve a cached last hardened xpub
62      *
63      * @param[in] key_exp_pos Position of the key expression within the descriptor
64      * @param[in] xpub The CExtPubKey to get from cache
65      */
66     bool GetCachedLastHardenedExtPubKey(uint32_t key_exp_pos, CExtPubKey& xpub) const;
68     /** Retrieve all cached parent xpubs */
69     const ExtPubKeyMap GetCachedParentExtPubKeys() const;
70     /** Retrieve all cached derived xpubs */
71     const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, ExtPubKeyMap> GetCachedDerivedExtPubKeys() const;
72     /** Retrieve all cached last hardened xpubs */
73     const ExtPubKeyMap GetCachedLastHardenedExtPubKeys() const;
75     /** Combine another DescriptorCache into this one.
76      * Returns a cache containing the items from the other cache unknown to current cache
77      */
78     DescriptorCache MergeAndDiff(const DescriptorCache& other);
79 };
81 /** \brief Interface for parsed descriptor objects.
82  *
83  * Descriptors are strings that describe a set of scriptPubKeys, together with
84  * all information necessary to solve them. By combining all information into
85  * one, they avoid the need to separately import keys and scripts.
86  *
87  * Descriptors may be ranged, which occurs when the public keys inside are
88  * specified in the form of HD chains (xpubs).
89  *
90  * Descriptors always represent public information - public keys and scripts -
91  * but in cases where private keys need to be conveyed along with a descriptor,
92  * they can be included inside by changing public keys to private keys (WIF
93  * format), and changing xpubs by xprvs.
94  *
95  * Reference documentation about the descriptor language can be found in
96  * doc/descriptors.md.
97  */
98 struct Descriptor {
99     virtual ~Descriptor() = default;
101     /** Whether the expansion of this descriptor depends on the position. */
102     virtual bool IsRange() const = 0;
104     /** Whether this descriptor has all information about signing ignoring lack of private keys.
105      *  This is true for all descriptors except ones that use `raw` or `addr` constructions. */
106     virtual bool IsSolvable() const = 0;
108     /** Convert the descriptor back to a string, undoing parsing. */
109     virtual std::string ToString() const = 0;
111     /** Whether this descriptor will return one scriptPubKey or multiple (aka is or is not combo) */
112     virtual bool IsSingleType() const = 0;
114     /** Convert the descriptor to a private string. This fails if the provided provider does not have the relevant private keys. */
115     virtual bool ToPrivateString(const SigningProvider& provider, std::string& out) const = 0;
117     /** Convert the descriptor to a normalized string. Normalized descriptors have the xpub at the last hardened step. This fails if the provided provider does not have the private keys to derive that xpub. */
118     virtual bool ToNormalizedString(const SigningProvider& provider, std::string& out, const DescriptorCache* cache = nullptr) const = 0;
120     /** Expand a descriptor at a specified position.
121      *
122      * @param[in] pos The position at which to expand the descriptor. If IsRange() is false, this is ignored.
123      * @param[in] provider The provider to query for private keys in case of hardened derivation.
124      * @param[out] output_scripts The expanded scriptPubKeys.
125      * @param[out] out Scripts and public keys necessary for solving the expanded scriptPubKeys (may be equal to `provider`).
126      * @param[out] write_cache Cache data necessary to evaluate the descriptor at this point without access to private keys.
127      */
128     virtual bool Expand(int pos, const SigningProvider& provider, std::vector<CScript>& output_scripts, FlatSigningProvider& out, DescriptorCache* write_cache = nullptr) const = 0;
130     /** Expand a descriptor at a specified position using cached expansion data.
131      *
132      * @param[in] pos The position at which to expand the descriptor. If IsRange() is false, this is ignored.
133      * @param[in] read_cache Cached expansion data.
134      * @param[out] output_scripts The expanded scriptPubKeys.
135      * @param[out] out Scripts and public keys necessary for solving the expanded scriptPubKeys (may be equal to `provider`).
136      */
137     virtual bool ExpandFromCache(int pos, const DescriptorCache& read_cache, std::vector<CScript>& output_scripts, FlatSigningProvider& out) const = 0;
139     /** Expand the private key for a descriptor at a specified position, if possible.
140      *
141      * @param[in] pos The position at which to expand the descriptor. If IsRange() is false, this is ignored.
142      * @param[in] provider The provider to query for the private keys.
143      * @param[out] out Any private keys available for the specified `pos`.
144      */
145     virtual void ExpandPrivate(int pos, const SigningProvider& provider, FlatSigningProvider& out) const = 0;
147     /** @return The OutputType of the scriptPubKey(s) produced by this descriptor. Or nullopt if indeterminate (multiple or none) */
148     virtual std::optional<OutputType> GetOutputType() const = 0;
149 };
151 /** Parse a `descriptor` string. Included private keys are put in `out`.
152  *
153  * If the descriptor has a checksum, it must be valid. If `require_checksum`
154  * is set, the checksum is mandatory - otherwise it is optional.
155  *
156  * If a parse error occurs, or the checksum is missing/invalid, or anything
157  * else is wrong, `nullptr` is returned.
158  */
159 std::unique_ptr<Descriptor> Parse(const std::string& descriptor, FlatSigningProvider& out, std::string& error, bool require_checksum = false);
161 /** Get the checksum for a `descriptor`.
162  *
163  * - If it already has one, and it is correct, return the checksum in the input.
164  * - If it already has one that is wrong, return "".
165  * - If it does not already have one, return the checksum that would need to be added.
166  */
167 std::string GetDescriptorChecksum(const std::string& descriptor);
169 /** Find a descriptor for the specified `script`, using information from `provider` where possible.
170  *
171  * A non-ranged descriptor which only generates the specified script will be returned in all
172  * circumstances.
173  *
174  * For public keys with key origin information, this information will be preserved in the returned
175  * descriptor.
176  *
177  * - If all information for solving `script` is present in `provider`, a descriptor will be returned
178  *   which is IsSolvable() and encapsulates said information.
179  * - Failing that, if `script` corresponds to a known address type, an "addr()" descriptor will be
180  *   returned (which is not IsSolvable()).
181  * - Failing that, a "raw()" descriptor is returned.
182  */
183 std::unique_ptr<Descriptor> InferDescriptor(const CScript& script, const SigningProvider& provider);