1package dns
3import (
4	"bytes"
5	"crypto/rsa"
6	"encoding/hex"
7	"fmt"
8	"math/rand"
9	"net"
10	"reflect"
11	"regexp"
12	"strconv"
13	"strings"
14	"testing"
15	"testing/quick"
18func TestDotInName(t *testing.T) {
19	buf := make([]byte, 20)
20	PackDomainName("aa\\.bb.nl.", buf, 0, nil, false)
21	// index 3 must be a real dot
22	if buf[3] != '.' {
23		t.Error("dot should be a real dot")
24	}
26	if buf[6] != 2 {
27		t.Error("this must have the value 2")
28	}
29	dom, _, _ := UnpackDomainName(buf, 0)
30	// printing it should yield the backspace again
31	if dom != "aa\\.bb.nl." {
32		t.Error("dot should have been escaped: ", dom)
33	}
36func TestDotLastInLabel(t *testing.T) {
37	sample := "aa\\..au."
38	buf := make([]byte, 20)
39	_, err := PackDomainName(sample, buf, 0, nil, false)
40	if err != nil {
41		t.Fatalf("unexpected error packing domain: %v", err)
42	}
43	dom, _, _ := UnpackDomainName(buf, 0)
44	if dom != sample {
45		t.Fatalf("unpacked domain `%s' doesn't match packed domain", dom)
46	}
49func TestTooLongDomainName(t *testing.T) {
50	l := "aaabbbcccdddeeefffggghhhiiijjjkkklllmmmnnnooopppqqqrrrsssttt."
51	dom := l + l + l + l + l + l + l
52	_, err := NewRR(dom + " IN A")
53	if err == nil {
54		t.Error("should be too long")
55	}
56	_, err = NewRR("..com. IN A")
57	if err == nil {
58		t.Error("should fail")
59	}
62func TestDomainName(t *testing.T) {
63	tests := []string{"r\\.gieben.miek.nl.", "www\\.www.miek.nl.",
64		"www.*.miek.nl.", "www.*.miek.nl.",
65	}
66	dbuff := make([]byte, 40)
68	for _, ts := range tests {
69		if _, err := PackDomainName(ts, dbuff, 0, nil, false); err != nil {
70			t.Error("not a valid domain name")
71			continue
72		}
73		n, _, err := UnpackDomainName(dbuff, 0)
74		if err != nil {
75			t.Error("failed to unpack packed domain name")
76			continue
77		}
78		if ts != n {
79			t.Errorf("must be equal: in: %s, out: %s", ts, n)
80		}
81	}
84func TestDomainNameAndTXTEscapes(t *testing.T) {
85	tests := []byte{'.', '(', ')', ';', ' ', '@', '"', '\\', 9, 13, 10, 0, 255}
86	for _, b := range tests {
87		rrbytes := []byte{
88			1, b, 0, // owner
89			byte(TypeTXT >> 8), byte(TypeTXT),
90			byte(ClassINET >> 8), byte(ClassINET),
91			0, 0, 0, 1, // TTL
92			0, 2, 1, b, // Data
93		}
94		rr1, _, err := UnpackRR(rrbytes, 0)
95		if err != nil {
96			panic(err)
97		}
98		s := rr1.String()
99		rr2, err := NewRR(s)
100		if err != nil {
101			t.Errorf("error parsing unpacked RR's string: %v", err)
102		}
103		repacked := make([]byte, len(rrbytes))
104		if _, err := PackRR(rr2, repacked, 0, nil, false); err != nil {
105			t.Errorf("error packing parsed RR: %v", err)
106		}
107		if !bytes.Equal(repacked, rrbytes) {
108			t.Error("packed bytes don't match original bytes")
109		}
110	}
113func TestTXTEscapeParsing(t *testing.T) {
114	test := [][]string{
115		{`";"`, `";"`},
116		{`\;`, `";"`},
117		{`"\t"`, `"t"`},
118		{`"\r"`, `"r"`},
119		{`"\ "`, `" "`},
120		{`"\;"`, `";"`},
121		{`"\;\""`, `";\""`},
122		{`"\(a\)"`, `"(a)"`},
123		{`"\(a)"`, `"(a)"`},
124		{`"(a\)"`, `"(a)"`},
125		{`"(a)"`, `"(a)"`},
126		{`"\048"`, `"0"`},
127		{`"\` + "\t" + `"`, `"\009"`},
128		{`"\` + "\n" + `"`, `"\010"`},
129		{`"\` + "\r" + `"`, `"\013"`},
130		{`"\` + "\x11" + `"`, `"\017"`},
131		{`"\'"`, `"'"`},
132	}
133	for _, s := range test {
134		rr, err := NewRR(fmt.Sprintf("example.com. IN TXT %v", s[0]))
135		if err != nil {
136			t.Errorf("could not parse %v TXT: %s", s[0], err)
137			continue
138		}
140		txt := sprintTxt(rr.(*TXT).Txt)
141		if txt != s[1] {
142			t.Errorf("mismatch after parsing `%v` TXT record: `%v` != `%v`", s[0], txt, s[1])
143		}
144	}
147func GenerateDomain(r *rand.Rand, size int) []byte {
148	dnLen := size % 70 // artificially limit size so there's less to interpret if a failure occurs
149	var dn []byte
150	done := false
151	for i := 0; i < dnLen && !done; {
152		max := dnLen - i
153		if max > 63 {
154			max = 63
155		}
156		lLen := max
157		if lLen != 0 {
158			lLen = int(r.Int31()) % max
159		}
160		done = lLen == 0
161		if done {
162			continue
163		}
164		l := make([]byte, lLen+1)
165		l[0] = byte(lLen)
166		for j := 0; j < lLen; j++ {
167			l[j+1] = byte(rand.Int31())
168		}
169		dn = append(dn, l...)
170		i += 1 + lLen
171	}
172	return append(dn, 0)
175func TestDomainQuick(t *testing.T) {
176	r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(0))
177	f := func(l int) bool {
178		db := GenerateDomain(r, l)
179		ds, _, err := UnpackDomainName(db, 0)
180		if err != nil {
181			panic(err)
182		}
183		buf := make([]byte, 255)
184		off, err := PackDomainName(ds, buf, 0, nil, false)
185		if err != nil {
186			t.Errorf("error packing domain: %v", err)
187			t.Errorf(" bytes: %v", db)
188			t.Errorf("string: %v", ds)
189			return false
190		}
191		if !bytes.Equal(db, buf[:off]) {
192			t.Errorf("repacked domain doesn't match original:")
193			t.Errorf("src bytes: %v", db)
194			t.Errorf("   string: %v", ds)
195			t.Errorf("out bytes: %v", buf[:off])
196			return false
197		}
198		return true
199	}
200	if err := quick.Check(f, nil); err != nil {
201		t.Error(err)
202	}
205func GenerateTXT(r *rand.Rand, size int) []byte {
206	rdLen := size % 300 // artificially limit size so there's less to interpret if a failure occurs
207	var rd []byte
208	for i := 0; i < rdLen; {
209		max := rdLen - 1
210		if max > 255 {
211			max = 255
212		}
213		sLen := max
214		if max != 0 {
215			sLen = int(r.Int31()) % max
216		}
217		s := make([]byte, sLen+1)
218		s[0] = byte(sLen)
219		for j := 0; j < sLen; j++ {
220			s[j+1] = byte(rand.Int31())
221		}
222		rd = append(rd, s...)
223		i += 1 + sLen
224	}
225	return rd
228// Ok, 2 things. 1) this test breaks with the new functionality of splitting up larger txt
229// chunks into 255 byte pieces. 2) I don't like the random nature of this thing, because I can't
230// place the quotes where they need to be.
231// So either add some code the places the quotes in just the right spots, make this non random
232// or do something else.
233// Disabled for now. (miek)
234func testTXTRRQuick(t *testing.T) {
235	s := rand.NewSource(0)
236	r := rand.New(s)
237	typeAndClass := []byte{
238		byte(TypeTXT >> 8), byte(TypeTXT),
239		byte(ClassINET >> 8), byte(ClassINET),
240		0, 0, 0, 1, // TTL
241	}
242	f := func(l int) bool {
243		owner := GenerateDomain(r, l)
244		rdata := GenerateTXT(r, l)
245		rrbytes := make([]byte, 0, len(owner)+2+2+4+2+len(rdata))
246		rrbytes = append(rrbytes, owner...)
247		rrbytes = append(rrbytes, typeAndClass...)
248		rrbytes = append(rrbytes, byte(len(rdata)>>8), byte(len(rdata)))
249		rrbytes = append(rrbytes, rdata...)
250		rr, _, err := UnpackRR(rrbytes, 0)
251		if err != nil {
252			panic(err)
253		}
254		buf := make([]byte, len(rrbytes)*3)
255		off, err := PackRR(rr, buf, 0, nil, false)
256		if err != nil {
257			t.Errorf("pack Error: %v\nRR: %v", err, rr)
258			return false
259		}
260		buf = buf[:off]
261		if !bytes.Equal(buf, rrbytes) {
262			t.Errorf("packed bytes don't match original bytes")
263			t.Errorf("src bytes: %v", rrbytes)
264			t.Errorf("   struct: %v", rr)
265			t.Errorf("out bytes: %v", buf)
266			return false
267		}
268		if len(rdata) == 0 {
269			// stringifying won't produce any data to parse
270			return true
271		}
272		rrString := rr.String()
273		rr2, err := NewRR(rrString)
274		if err != nil {
275			t.Errorf("error parsing own output: %v", err)
276			t.Errorf("struct: %v", rr)
277			t.Errorf("string: %v", rrString)
278			return false
279		}
280		if rr2.String() != rrString {
281			t.Errorf("parsed rr.String() doesn't match original string")
282			t.Errorf("original: %v", rrString)
283			t.Errorf("  parsed: %v", rr2.String())
284			return false
285		}
287		buf = make([]byte, len(rrbytes)*3)
288		off, err = PackRR(rr2, buf, 0, nil, false)
289		if err != nil {
290			t.Errorf("error packing parsed rr: %v", err)
291			t.Errorf("unpacked Struct: %v", rr)
292			t.Errorf("         string: %v", rrString)
293			t.Errorf("  parsed Struct: %v", rr2)
294			return false
295		}
296		buf = buf[:off]
297		if !bytes.Equal(buf, rrbytes) {
298			t.Errorf("parsed packed bytes don't match original bytes")
299			t.Errorf("   source bytes: %v", rrbytes)
300			t.Errorf("unpacked struct: %v", rr)
301			t.Errorf("         string: %v", rrString)
302			t.Errorf("  parsed struct: %v", rr2)
303			t.Errorf(" repacked bytes: %v", buf)
304			return false
305		}
306		return true
307	}
308	c := &quick.Config{MaxCountScale: 10}
309	if err := quick.Check(f, c); err != nil {
310		t.Error(err)
311	}
314func TestParseDirectiveMisc(t *testing.T) {
315	tests := map[string]string{
316		"$ORIGIN miek.nl.\na IN NS b": "a.miek.nl.\t3600\tIN\tNS\tb.miek.nl.",
317		"$TTL 2H\nmiek.nl. IN NS b.":  "miek.nl.\t7200\tIN\tNS\tb.",
318		"miek.nl. 1D IN NS b.":        "miek.nl.\t86400\tIN\tNS\tb.",
319		`name. IN SOA  a6.nstld.com. hostmaster.nic.name. (
320        203362132 ; serial
321        5m        ; refresh (5 minutes)
322        5m        ; retry (5 minutes)
323        2w        ; expire (2 weeks)
324        300       ; minimum (5 minutes)
325)`: "name.\t3600\tIN\tSOA\ta6.nstld.com. hostmaster.nic.name. 203362132 300 300 1209600 300",
326		". 3600000  IN  NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET.":        ".\t3600000\tIN\tNS\tONE.MY-ROOTS.NET.",
327		"ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET. 3600000 IN A": "ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET.\t3600000\tIN\tA\t192.168.1.1",
328	}
329	for i, o := range tests {
330		rr, err := NewRR(i)
331		if err != nil {
332			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
333			continue
334		}
335		if rr.String() != o {
336			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", i, o, rr.String())
337		}
338	}
341func TestNSEC(t *testing.T) {
342	nsectests := map[string]string{
343		"nl. IN NSEC3PARAM 1 0 5 30923C44C6CBBB8F": "nl.\t3600\tIN\tNSEC3PARAM\t1 0 5 30923C44C6CBBB8F",
344		"p2209hipbpnm681knjnu0m1febshlv4e.nl. IN NSEC3 1 1 5 30923C44C6CBBB8F P90DG1KE8QEAN0B01613LHQDG0SOJ0TA NS SOA TXT RRSIG DNSKEY NSEC3PARAM": "p2209hipbpnm681knjnu0m1febshlv4e.nl.\t3600\tIN\tNSEC3\t1 1 5 30923C44C6CBBB8F P90DG1KE8QEAN0B01613LHQDG0SOJ0TA NS SOA TXT RRSIG DNSKEY NSEC3PARAM",
345		"localhost.dnssex.nl. IN NSEC www.dnssex.nl. A RRSIG NSEC":                                                                                 "localhost.dnssex.nl.\t3600\tIN\tNSEC\twww.dnssex.nl. A RRSIG NSEC",
346		"localhost.dnssex.nl. IN NSEC www.dnssex.nl. A RRSIG NSEC TYPE65534":                                                                       "localhost.dnssex.nl.\t3600\tIN\tNSEC\twww.dnssex.nl. A RRSIG NSEC TYPE65534",
347		"localhost.dnssex.nl. IN NSEC www.dnssex.nl. A RRSIG NSec Type65534":                                                                       "localhost.dnssex.nl.\t3600\tIN\tNSEC\twww.dnssex.nl. A RRSIG NSEC TYPE65534",
348		"44ohaq2njb0idnvolt9ggthvsk1e1uv8.skydns.test. NSEC3 1 0 0 - 44OHAQ2NJB0IDNVOLT9GGTHVSK1E1UVA":                                             "44ohaq2njb0idnvolt9ggthvsk1e1uv8.skydns.test.\t3600\tIN\tNSEC3\t1 0 0 - 44OHAQ2NJB0IDNVOLT9GGTHVSK1E1UVA",
349	}
350	for i, o := range nsectests {
351		rr, err := NewRR(i)
352		if err != nil {
353			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
354			continue
355		}
356		if rr.String() != o {
357			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", i, o, rr.String())
358		}
359	}
360	rr, err := NewRR("nl. IN NSEC3PARAM 1 0 5 30923C44C6CBBB8F")
361	if err != nil {
362		t.Fatal("failed to parse RR: ", err)
363	}
364	if nsec3param, ok := rr.(*NSEC3PARAM); ok {
365		if nsec3param.SaltLength != 8 {
366			t.Fatalf("nsec3param saltlen %d != 8", nsec3param.SaltLength)
367		}
368	} else {
369		t.Fatal("not nsec3 param: ", err)
370	}
373func TestParseLOC(t *testing.T) {
374	lt := map[string]string{
375		"SW1A2AA.find.me.uk.	LOC	51 30 12.748 N 00 07 39.611 W 0.00m 0.00m 0.00m 0.00m": "SW1A2AA.find.me.uk.\t3600\tIN\tLOC\t51 30 12.748 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m 0.00m 0.00m 0.00m",
376		"SW1A2AA.find.me.uk.	LOC	51 0 0.0 N 00 07 39.611 W 0.00m 0.00m 0.00m 0.00m": "SW1A2AA.find.me.uk.\t3600\tIN\tLOC\t51 00 0.000 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m 0.00m 0.00m 0.00m",
377		"SW1A2AA.find.me.uk.	LOC	51 30 12.748 N 00 07 39.611 W 0.00m": "SW1A2AA.find.me.uk.\t3600\tIN\tLOC\t51 30 12.748 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m 1m 10000m 10m",
378		// Exercise boundary cases
379		"SW1A2AA.find.me.uk.	LOC	90 0 0.0 N 180 0 0.0 W 42849672.95 90000000.00m 90000000.00m 90000000.00m": "SW1A2AA.find.me.uk.\t3600\tIN\tLOC\t90 00 0.000 N 180 00 0.000 W 42849672.95m 90000000m 90000000m 90000000m",
380		"SW1A2AA.find.me.uk.	LOC	89 59 59.999 N 179 59 59.999 W -100000 90000000.00m 90000000.00m 90000000m": "SW1A2AA.find.me.uk.\t3600\tIN\tLOC\t89 59 59.999 N 179 59 59.999 W -100000m 90000000m 90000000m 90000000m",
381		// use float64 to have enough precision.
382		"example.com. LOC 42 21 43.952 N 71 5 6.344 W -24m 1m 200m 10m": "example.com.\t3600\tIN\tLOC\t42 21 43.952 N 71 05 6.344 W -24m 1m 200m 10m",
383	}
384	for i, o := range lt {
385		rr, err := NewRR(i)
386		if err != nil {
387			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
388			continue
389		}
390		if rr.String() != o {
391			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", i, o, rr.String())
392		}
393	}
395	// Invalid cases (out of range values)
396	lt = map[string]string{ // Pair of (invalid) RDATA and the bad field name
397		// One of the subfields is out of range.
398		"91 0 0.0 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m":   "Latitude",
399		"89 60 0.0 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m":  "Latitude",
400		"89 00 60.0 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m": "Latitude",
401		"1 00 -1 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m":    "Latitude",
402		"0 0 0.0 N 181 00 0.0 W 0m":      "Longitude",
403		"0 0 0.0 N 179 60 0.0 W 0m":      "Longitude",
404		"0 0 0.0 N 179 00 60.0 W 0m":     "Longitude",
405		"0 0 0.0 N 1 00 -1 W 0m":         "Longitude",
407		// Each subfield is valid, but resulting latitude would be out of range.
408		"90 01 00.0 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m": "Latitude",
409		"0 0 0.0 N 180 01 0.0 W 0m":      "Longitude",
410	}
411	for rdata, field := range lt {
412		_, err := NewRR(fmt.Sprintf("example.com. LOC %s", rdata))
413		if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), field) {
414			t.Errorf("expected error to contain %q, but got %v", field, err)
415		}
416	}
419// this tests a subroutine for the LOC RR parser.  It's complicated enough to test separately.
420func TestStringToCm(t *testing.T) {
421	tests := []struct {
422		// Test description: the input token and the expected return values from stringToCm.
423		token string
424		e     uint8
425		m     uint8
426		ok    bool
427	}{
428		{"100", 4, 1, true},
429		{"0100", 4, 1, true}, // leading 0 (allowed)
430		{"100.99", 4, 1, true},
431		{"90000000", 9, 9, true},
432		{"90000000.00", 9, 9, true},
433		{"0", 0, 0, true},
434		{"0.00", 0, 0, true},
435		{"0.01", 0, 1, true},
436		{".01", 0, 1, true}, // empty 'meter' part (allowed)
437		{"0.1", 1, 1, true},
439		// out of range (too large)
440		{"90000001", 0, 0, false},
441		{"90000000.01", 0, 0, false},
443		// more than 2 digits in 'cmeter' part
444		{"0.000", 0, 0, false},
445		{"0.001", 0, 0, false},
446		{"0.999", 0, 0, false},
447		// with plus or minus sign (disallowed)
448		{"-100", 0, 0, false},
449		{"+100", 0, 0, false},
450		{"0.-10", 0, 0, false},
451		{"0.+10", 0, 0, false},
452		{"0a.00", 0, 0, false}, // invalid string for 'meter' part
453		{".1x", 0, 0, false},   // invalid string for 'cmeter' part
454		{".", 0, 0, false},     // empty 'cmeter' part (disallowed)
455		{"1.", 0, 0, false},    // ditto
456		{"m", 0, 0, false},     // only the "m" suffix
457	}
458	for _, tc := range tests {
459		tc := tc
460		t.Run(tc.token, func(t *testing.T) {
461			// In all cases the expected result is the same with or without the 'm' suffix.
462			// So we test both cases using the same test code.
463			for _, sfx := range []string{"", "m"} {
464				token := tc.token + sfx
465				e, m, ok := stringToCm(token)
466				if ok != tc.ok {
467					t.Fatal("unexpected validation result")
468				}
469				if m != tc.m {
470					t.Fatalf("Expected %d, got %d", tc.m, m)
471				}
472				if e != tc.e {
473					t.Fatalf("Expected %d, got %d", tc.e, e)
474				}
475			}
476		})
477	}
480func TestParseDS(t *testing.T) {
481	dt := map[string]string{
482		"example.net. 3600 IN DS 40692 12 3 22261A8B0E0D799183E35E24E2AD6BB58533CBA7E3B14D659E9CA09B 2071398F": "example.net.\t3600\tIN\tDS\t40692 12 3 22261A8B0E0D799183E35E24E2AD6BB58533CBA7E3B14D659E9CA09B2071398F",
483	}
484	for i, o := range dt {
485		rr, err := NewRR(i)
486		if err != nil {
487			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
488			continue
489		}
490		if rr.String() != o {
491			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", i, o, rr.String())
492		}
493	}
496func TestQuotes(t *testing.T) {
497	tests := map[string]string{
498		`t.example.com. IN TXT "a bc"`: "t.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"a bc\"",
499		`t.example.com. IN TXT "a
500 bc"`: "t.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"a\\010 bc\"",
501		`t.example.com. IN TXT ""`:              "t.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"\"",
502		`t.example.com. IN TXT "a"`:             "t.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"a\"",
503		`t.example.com. IN TXT "aa"`:            "t.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"aa\"",
504		`t.example.com. IN TXT "aaa" ;`:         "t.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"aaa\"",
505		`t.example.com. IN TXT "abc" "DEF"`:     "t.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"abc\" \"DEF\"",
506		`t.example.com. IN TXT "abc" ( "DEF" )`: "t.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"abc\" \"DEF\"",
507		`t.example.com. IN TXT aaa ;`:           "t.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"aaa\"",
508		`t.example.com. IN TXT aaa aaa;`:        "t.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"aaa\" \"aaa\"",
509		`t.example.com. IN TXT aaa aaa`:         "t.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"aaa\" \"aaa\"",
510		`t.example.com. IN TXT aaa`:             "t.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"aaa\"",
511		"cid.urn.arpa. NAPTR 100 50 \"s\" \"z3950+I2L+I2C\"    \"\" _z3950._tcp.gatech.edu.": "cid.urn.arpa.\t3600\tIN\tNAPTR\t100 50 \"s\" \"z3950+I2L+I2C\" \"\" _z3950._tcp.gatech.edu.",
512		"cid.urn.arpa. NAPTR 100 50 \"s\" \"rcds+I2C\"         \"\" _rcds._udp.gatech.edu.":  "cid.urn.arpa.\t3600\tIN\tNAPTR\t100 50 \"s\" \"rcds+I2C\" \"\" _rcds._udp.gatech.edu.",
513		"cid.urn.arpa. NAPTR 100 50 \"s\" \"http+I2L+I2C+I2R\" \"\" _http._tcp.gatech.edu.":  "cid.urn.arpa.\t3600\tIN\tNAPTR\t100 50 \"s\" \"http+I2L+I2C+I2R\" \"\" _http._tcp.gatech.edu.",
514		"cid.urn.arpa. NAPTR 100 10 \"\" \"\" \"/urn:cid:.+@([^\\.]+\\.)(.*)$/\\2/i\" .":     "cid.urn.arpa.\t3600\tIN\tNAPTR\t100 10 \"\" \"\" \"/urn:cid:.+@([^\\.]+\\.)(.*)$/\\2/i\" .",
515	}
516	for i, o := range tests {
517		rr, err := NewRR(i)
518		if err != nil {
519			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
520			continue
521		}
522		if rr.String() != o {
523			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is\n`%s'", i, o, rr.String())
524		}
525	}
528func TestParseClass(t *testing.T) {
529	tests := map[string]string{
530		"t.example.com. IN A": "t.example.com.	3600	IN	A",
531		"t.example.com. CS A": "t.example.com.	3600	CS	A",
532		"t.example.com. CH A": "t.example.com.	3600	CH	A",
533		// ClassANY can not occur in zone files
534		// "t.example.com. ANY A": "t.example.com.	3600	ANY	A",
535		"t.example.com. NONE A": "t.example.com.	3600	NONE	A",
536		"t.example.com. CLASS255 A": "t.example.com.	3600	CLASS255	A",
537	}
538	for i, o := range tests {
539		rr, err := NewRR(i)
540		if err != nil {
541			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
542			continue
543		}
544		if rr.String() != o {
545			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is\n`%s'", i, o, rr.String())
546		}
547	}
550func TestBrace(t *testing.T) {
551	tests := map[string]string{
552		"(miek.nl.) 3600 IN A":                 "miek.nl.\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.1.1",
553		"miek.nl. (3600) IN MX (10) elektron.atoom.net.": "miek.nl.\t3600\tIN\tMX\t10 elektron.atoom.net.",
554		`miek.nl. IN (
555                        3600 A`: "miek.nl.\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.0.1",
556		"(miek.nl.) (A) (":                          "miek.nl.\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.2.1",
557		"miek.nl A":                                 "miek.nl.\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.3.1",
558		"_ssh._tcp.local. 60 IN (PTR) stora._ssh._tcp.local.": "_ssh._tcp.local.\t60\tIN\tPTR\tstora._ssh._tcp.local.",
559		"miek.nl. NS ns.miek.nl":                              "miek.nl.\t3600\tIN\tNS\tns.miek.nl.",
560		`(miek.nl.) (
561                        (IN)
562                        (AAAA)
563                        (::1) )`: "miek.nl.\t3600\tIN\tAAAA\t::1",
564		`(miek.nl.) (
565                        (IN)
566                        (AAAA)
567                        (::1))`: "miek.nl.\t3600\tIN\tAAAA\t::1",
568		"miek.nl. IN AAAA ::2": "miek.nl.\t3600\tIN\tAAAA\t::2",
569		`((m)(i)ek.(n)l.) (SOA) (soa.) (soa.) (
570                                2009032802 ; serial
571                                21600      ; refresh (6 hours)
572                                7(2)00       ; retry (2 hours)
573                                604()800     ; expire (1 week)
574                                3600       ; minimum (1 hour)
575                        )`: "miek.nl.\t3600\tIN\tSOA\tsoa. soa. 2009032802 21600 7200 604800 3600",
576		"miek\\.nl. IN A": "miek\\.nl.\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.0.10",
577		"miek.nl. IN A":   "miek.nl.\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.0.11",
578		"miek.nl. A":      "miek.nl.\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.0.12",
579		`miek.nl.       86400 IN SOA elektron.atoom.net. miekg.atoom.net. (
580                                2009032802 ; serial
581                                21600      ; refresh (6 hours)
582                                7200       ; retry (2 hours)
583                                604800     ; expire (1 week)
584                                3600       ; minimum (1 hour)
585                        )`: "miek.nl.\t86400\tIN\tSOA\telektron.atoom.net. miekg.atoom.net. 2009032802 21600 7200 604800 3600",
586	}
587	for i, o := range tests {
588		rr, err := NewRR(i)
589		if err != nil {
590			t.Errorf("failed to parse RR: %v\n\t%s", err, i)
591			continue
592		}
593		if rr.String() != o {
594			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", i, o, rr.String())
595		}
596	}
599func TestParseFailure(t *testing.T) {
600	tests := []string{"miek.nl. IN A 327.0.0.1",
601		"miek.nl. IN AAAA ::x",
602		"miek.nl. IN MX a0 miek.nl.",
603		"miek.nl aap IN MX mx.miek.nl.",
604		"miek.nl 200 IN mxx 10 mx.miek.nl.",
605		"miek.nl. inn MX 10 mx.miek.nl.",
606		// "miek.nl. IN CNAME ", // actually valid nowadays, zero size rdata
607		"miek.nl. IN CNAME ..",
608		"miek.nl. PA MX 10 miek.nl.",
609		"miek.nl. ) IN MX 10 miek.nl.",
610	}
612	for _, s := range tests {
613		_, err := NewRR(s)
614		if err == nil {
615			t.Errorf("should have triggered an error: \"%s\"", s)
616		}
617	}
620func TestOmittedTTL(t *testing.T) {
621	zone := `
622$ORIGIN example.com.
623example.com. 42 IN SOA ns1.example.com. hostmaster.example.com. 1 86400 60 86400 3600 ; TTL=42 SOA
624example.com.        NS 2 ; TTL=42 absolute owner name
625@                   MD 3 ; TTL=42 current-origin owner name
626                    MF 4 ; TTL=42 leading-space implied owner name
627	43 TYPE65280 \# 1 05 ; TTL=43 implied owner name explicit TTL
628	          MB 6       ; TTL=43 leading-tab implied owner name
629$TTL 1337
630example.com. 88 MG 7 ; TTL=88 explicit TTL
631example.com.    MR 8 ; TTL=1337 after first $TTL
632$TTL 314
633             1 TXT 9 ; TTL=1 implied owner name explicit TTL
634example.com.   DNAME 10 ; TTL=314 after second $TTL
636	reCaseFromComment := regexp.MustCompile(`TTL=(\d+)\s+(.*)`)
637	z := NewZoneParser(strings.NewReader(zone), "", "")
638	var i int
640	for rr, ok := z.Next(); ok; rr, ok = z.Next() {
641		i++
642		expected := reCaseFromComment.FindStringSubmatch(z.Comment())
643		if len(expected) != 3 {
644			t.Errorf("regexp didn't match for record %d", i)
645			continue
646		}
647		expectedTTL, _ := strconv.ParseUint(expected[1], 10, 32)
648		ttl := rr.Header().Ttl
649		if ttl != uint32(expectedTTL) {
650			t.Errorf("%s: expected TTL %d, got %d", expected[2], expectedTTL, ttl)
651		}
652	}
653	if err := z.Err(); err != nil {
654		t.Error(err)
655	}
656	if i != 10 {
657		t.Errorf("expected %d records, got %d", 5, i)
658	}
661func TestRelativeNameErrors(t *testing.T) {
662	var badZones = []struct {
663		label        string
664		zoneContents string
665		expectedErr  string
666	}{
667		{
668			"relative owner name without origin",
669			"example.com 3600 IN SOA ns.example.com. hostmaster.example.com. 1 86400 60 86400 3600",
670			"bad owner name",
671		},
672		{
673			"relative owner name in RDATA",
674			"example.com. 3600 IN SOA ns hostmaster 1 86400 60 86400 3600",
675			"bad SOA Ns",
676		},
677		{
678			"origin reference without origin",
679			"@ 3600 IN SOA ns.example.com. hostmaster.example.com. 1 86400 60 86400 3600",
680			"bad owner name",
681		},
682		{
683			"relative owner name in $INCLUDE",
684			"$INCLUDE file.db example.com",
685			"bad origin name",
686		},
687		{
688			"relative owner name in $ORIGIN",
689			"$ORIGIN example.com",
690			"bad origin name",
691		},
692	}
693	for _, errorCase := range badZones {
694		z := NewZoneParser(strings.NewReader(errorCase.zoneContents), "", "")
695		z.Next()
696		if err := z.Err(); err == nil {
697			t.Errorf("%s: expected error, got nil", errorCase.label)
698		} else if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), errorCase.expectedErr) {
699			t.Errorf("%s: expected error `%s`, got `%s`", errorCase.label, errorCase.expectedErr, err)
700		}
701	}
704func TestHIP(t *testing.T) {
705	h := `www.example.com.      IN  HIP ( 2 200100107B1A74DF365639CC39F1D578
706                                AwEAAbdxyhNuSutc5EMzxTs9LBPCIkOFH8cIvM4p
709                                rvs1.example.com.
710                                rvs2.example.com. )`
711	rr, err := NewRR(h)
712	if err != nil {
713		t.Fatalf("failed to parse RR: %v", err)
714	}
715	msg := new(Msg)
716	msg.Answer = []RR{rr, rr}
717	bytes, err := msg.Pack()
718	if err != nil {
719		t.Fatalf("failed to pack msg: %v", err)
720	}
721	if err := msg.Unpack(bytes); err != nil {
722		t.Fatalf("failed to unpack msg: %v", err)
723	}
724	if len(msg.Answer) != 2 {
725		t.Fatalf("2 answers expected: %v", msg)
726	}
727	for i, rr := range msg.Answer {
728		rr := rr.(*HIP)
729		if l := len(rr.RendezvousServers); l != 2 {
730			t.Fatalf("2 servers expected, only %d in record %d:\n%v", l, i, msg)
731		}
732		for j, s := range []string{"rvs1.example.com.", "rvs2.example.com."} {
733			if rr.RendezvousServers[j] != s {
734				t.Fatalf("expected server %d of record %d to be %s:\n%v", j, i, s, msg)
735			}
736		}
737	}
740// Test with no known RR on the line
741func TestLineNumberError2(t *testing.T) {
742	tests := map[string]string{
743		"example.com. 1000 SO master.example.com. admin.example.com. 1 4294967294 4294967293 4294967295 100": "dns: expecting RR type or class, not this...: \"SO\" at line: 1:21",
744		"example.com 1000 IN TALINK a.example.com. b..example.com.":                                          "dns: bad TALINK NextName: \"b..example.com.\" at line: 1:57",
745		"example.com 1000 IN TALINK ( a.example.com. b..example.com. )":                                      "dns: bad TALINK NextName: \"b..example.com.\" at line: 1:60",
746		`example.com 1000 IN TALINK ( a.example.com.
747	bb..example.com. )`: "dns: bad TALINK NextName: \"bb..example.com.\" at line: 2:18",
748		// This is a bug, it should report an error on line 1, but the new is already processed.
749		`example.com 1000 IN TALINK ( a.example.com.  b...example.com.
750	)`: "dns: bad TALINK NextName: \"b...example.com.\" at line: 2:1"}
752	for in, errStr := range tests {
753		_, err := NewRR(in)
754		if err == nil {
755			t.Error("err is nil")
756		} else {
757			if err.Error() != errStr {
758				t.Errorf("%s: error should be %s is %v", in, errStr, err)
759			}
760		}
761	}
764// Test if the calculations are correct
765func TestRfc1982(t *testing.T) {
766	// If the current time and the timestamp are more than 68 years apart
767	// it means the date has wrapped. 0 is 1970
769	// fall in the current 68 year span
770	strtests := []string{"20120525134203", "19700101000000", "20380119031408"}
771	for _, v := range strtests {
772		if x, _ := StringToTime(v); v != TimeToString(x) {
773			t.Errorf("1982 arithmetic string failure %s (%s:%d)", v, TimeToString(x), x)
774		}
775	}
777	inttests := map[uint32]string{0: "19700101000000",
778		1 << 31:   "20380119031408",
779		1<<32 - 1: "21060207062815",
780	}
781	for i, v := range inttests {
782		if TimeToString(i) != v {
783			t.Errorf("1982 arithmetic int failure %d:%s (%s)", i, v, TimeToString(i))
784		}
785	}
787	// Future tests, these dates get parsed to a date within the current 136 year span
788	future := map[string]string{"22680119031408": "20631123173144",
789		"19010101121212": "20370206184028",
790		"19210101121212": "20570206184028",
791		"19500101121212": "20860206184028",
792		"19700101000000": "19700101000000",
793		"19690101000000": "21050207062816",
794		"29210101121212": "21040522212236",
795	}
796	for from, to := range future {
797		x, _ := StringToTime(from)
798		y := TimeToString(x)
799		if y != to {
800			t.Errorf("1982 arithmetic future failure %s:%s (%s)", from, to, y)
801		}
802	}
805func TestEmpty(t *testing.T) {
806	z := NewZoneParser(strings.NewReader(""), "", "")
807	for _, ok := z.Next(); ok; _, ok = z.Next() {
808		t.Errorf("should be empty")
809	}
810	if err := z.Err(); err != nil {
811		t.Error("got an error when it shouldn't")
812	}
815func TestLowercaseTokens(t *testing.T) {
816	var testrecords = []string{
817		"example.org. 300 IN a",
818		"example.org. 300 in A",
819		"example.org. 300 in a",
820		"example.org. 300 a",
821		"example.org. 300 A",
822		"example.org. IN a",
823		"example.org. in A",
824		"example.org. in a",
825		"example.org. a",
826		"example.org. A",
827		"example.org. a",
828		"$ORIGIN example.org.\n a",
829		"$Origin example.org.\n a",
830		"$origin example.org.\n a",
831		"example.org. Class1 Type1",
832	}
833	for _, testrr := range testrecords {
834		_, err := NewRR(testrr)
835		if err != nil {
836			t.Errorf("failed to parse %#v, got %v", testrr, err)
837		}
838	}
841func TestSRVPacking(t *testing.T) {
842	msg := Msg{}
844	things := []string{"",
845		"",
846		"",
847	}
849	for i, n := range things {
850		h, p, err := net.SplitHostPort(n)
851		if err != nil {
852			continue
853		}
854		port, _ := strconv.ParseUint(p, 10, 16)
856		rr := &SRV{
857			Hdr: RR_Header{Name: "somename.",
858				Rrtype: TypeSRV,
859				Class:  ClassINET,
860				Ttl:    5},
861			Priority: uint16(i),
862			Weight:   5,
863			Port:     uint16(port),
864			Target:   h + ".",
865		}
867		msg.Answer = append(msg.Answer, rr)
868	}
870	_, err := msg.Pack()
871	if err != nil {
872		t.Fatalf("couldn't pack %v: %v", msg, err)
873	}
876func TestParseBackslash(t *testing.T) {
877	if _, err := NewRR("nul\\000gap.test.globnix.net. 600 IN	A"); err != nil {
878		t.Errorf("could not create RR with \\000 in it")
879	}
880	if _, err := NewRR(`nul\000gap.test.globnix.net. 600 IN TXT "Hello\123"`); err != nil {
881		t.Errorf("could not create RR with \\000 in it")
882	}
883	if _, err := NewRR(`m\ @\ iek.nl. IN 3600 A`); err != nil {
884		t.Errorf("could not create RR with \\ and \\@ in it")
885	}
888func TestILNP(t *testing.T) {
889	tests := []string{
890		"host1.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tNID\t10 0014:4fff:ff20:ee64",
891		"host1.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tNID\t20 0015:5fff:ff21:ee65",
892		"host2.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tNID\t10 0016:6fff:ff22:ee66",
893		"host1.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tL32\t10",
894		"host1.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tL32\t20",
895		"host2.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tL32\t10",
896		"host1.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tL64\t10 2001:0DB8:1140:1000",
897		"host1.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tL64\t20 2001:0DB8:2140:2000",
898		"host2.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tL64\t10 2001:0DB8:4140:4000",
899		"host1.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tLP\t10 l64-subnet1.example.com.",
900		"host1.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tLP\t10 l64-subnet2.example.com.",
901		"host1.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tLP\t20 l32-subnet1.example.com.",
902	}
903	for _, t1 := range tests {
904		r, err := NewRR(t1)
905		if err != nil {
906			t.Fatalf("an error occurred: %v", err)
907		} else {
908			if t1 != r.String() {
909				t.Fatalf("strings should be equal %s %s", t1, r.String())
910			}
911		}
912	}
915func TestGposEidNimloc(t *testing.T) {
916	dt := map[string]string{
917		"444433332222111199990123000000ff. NSAP-PTR foo.bar.com.": "444433332222111199990123000000ff.\t3600\tIN\tNSAP-PTR\tfoo.bar.com.",
918		"lillee. IN  GPOS -32.6882 116.8652 10.0":                 "lillee.\t3600\tIN\tGPOS\t-32.6882 116.8652 10.0",
919		"hinault. IN GPOS -22.6882 116.8652 250.0":                "hinault.\t3600\tIN\tGPOS\t-22.6882 116.8652 250.0",
920		"VENERA.   IN NIMLOC  75234159EAC457800920":               "VENERA.\t3600\tIN\tNIMLOC\t75234159EAC457800920",
921		"VAXA.     IN EID     3141592653589793":                   "VAXA.\t3600\tIN\tEID\t3141592653589793",
922	}
923	for i, o := range dt {
924		rr, err := NewRR(i)
925		if err != nil {
926			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
927			continue
928		}
929		if rr.String() != o {
930			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", i, o, rr.String())
931		}
932	}
935func TestPX(t *testing.T) {
936	dt := map[string]string{
937		"*.net2.it. IN PX 10 net2.it. PRMD-net2.ADMD-p400.C-it.":      "*.net2.it.\t3600\tIN\tPX\t10 net2.it. PRMD-net2.ADMD-p400.C-it.",
938		"ab.net2.it. IN PX 10 ab.net2.it. O-ab.PRMD-net2.ADMDb.C-it.": "ab.net2.it.\t3600\tIN\tPX\t10 ab.net2.it. O-ab.PRMD-net2.ADMDb.C-it.",
939	}
940	for i, o := range dt {
941		rr, err := NewRR(i)
942		if err != nil {
943			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
944			continue
945		}
946		if rr.String() != o {
947			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", i, o, rr.String())
948		}
949	}
952func TestComment(t *testing.T) {
953	// Comments we must see
954	comments := map[string]bool{
955		"; this is comment 1": true,
956		"; this is comment 2": true,
957		"; this is comment 4": true,
958		"; this is comment 6": true,
959		"; this is comment 7": true,
960		"; this is comment 8": true,
961	}
962	zone := `
963foo. IN A ; this is comment 1
964foo. IN A (
965 ; this is comment 2
967; this is comment 3
968foo. IN A
969foo. IN A ( ); this is comment 4
971foo. IN A
972; this is comment 5
974foo. IN A
976foo. IN DNSKEY 256 3 5 AwEAAb+8l ; this is comment 6
977foo. IN NSEC miek.nl. TXT RRSIG NSEC; this is comment 7
978foo. IN TXT "THIS IS TEXT MAN"; this is comment 8
980	z := NewZoneParser(strings.NewReader(zone), ".", "")
981	for _, ok := z.Next(); ok; _, ok = z.Next() {
982		if z.Comment() != "" {
983			if _, okC := comments[z.Comment()]; !okC {
984				t.Errorf("wrong comment %q", z.Comment())
985			}
986		}
987	}
988	if err := z.Err(); err != nil {
989		t.Error("got an error when it shouldn't")
990	}
993func TestZoneParserComments(t *testing.T) {
994	for i, test := range []struct {
995		zone     string
996		comments []string
997	}{
998		{
999			`name. IN SOA  a6.nstld.com. hostmaster.nic.name. (
1000			203362132 ; serial
1001			5m        ; refresh (5 minutes)
1002			5m        ; retry (5 minutes)
1003			2w        ; expire (2 weeks)
1004			300       ; minimum (5 minutes)
1005		) ; y
1006. 3600000  IN  NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET. ; x`,
1007			[]string{"; serial ; refresh (5 minutes) ; retry (5 minutes) ; expire (2 weeks) ; minimum (5 minutes) ; y", "; x"},
1008		},
1009		{
1010			`name. IN SOA  a6.nstld.com. hostmaster.nic.name. (
1011			203362132 ; serial
1012			5m        ; refresh (5 minutes)
1013			5m        ; retry (5 minutes)
1014			2w        ; expire (2 weeks)
1015			300       ; minimum (5 minutes)
1016		) ; y
1017. 3600000  IN  NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET.`,
1018			[]string{"; serial ; refresh (5 minutes) ; retry (5 minutes) ; expire (2 weeks) ; minimum (5 minutes) ; y", ""},
1019		},
1020		{
1021			`name. IN SOA  a6.nstld.com. hostmaster.nic.name. (
1022			203362132 ; serial
1023			5m        ; refresh (5 minutes)
1024			5m        ; retry (5 minutes)
1025			2w        ; expire (2 weeks)
1026			300       ; minimum (5 minutes)
1027		)
1028. 3600000  IN  NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET.`,
1029			[]string{"; serial ; refresh (5 minutes) ; retry (5 minutes) ; expire (2 weeks) ; minimum (5 minutes)", ""},
1030		},
1031		{
1032			`name. IN SOA  a6.nstld.com. hostmaster.nic.name. (
1033			203362132 ; serial
1034			5m        ; refresh (5 minutes)
1035			5m        ; retry (5 minutes)
1036			2w        ; expire (2 weeks)
1037			300       ; minimum (5 minutes)
1038		)
1039. 3600000  IN  NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET. ; x`,
1040			[]string{"; serial ; refresh (5 minutes) ; retry (5 minutes) ; expire (2 weeks) ; minimum (5 minutes)", "; x"},
1041		},
1042		{
1043			`name. IN SOA  a6.nstld.com. hostmaster.nic.name. (
1044			203362132 ; serial
1045			5m        ; refresh (5 minutes)
1046			5m        ; retry (5 minutes)
1047			2w        ; expire (2 weeks)
1048			300       ; minimum (5 minutes)
1049		)`,
1050			[]string{"; serial ; refresh (5 minutes) ; retry (5 minutes) ; expire (2 weeks) ; minimum (5 minutes)"},
1051		},
1052		{
1053			`. 3600000  IN  NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET. ; x`,
1054			[]string{"; x"},
1055		},
1056		{
1057			`. 3600000  IN  NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET.`,
1058			[]string{""},
1059		},
1060		{
1061			`. 3600000  IN  NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET. ;;x`,
1062			[]string{";;x"},
1063		},
1064	} {
1065		r := strings.NewReader(test.zone)
1067		var j int
1068		z := NewZoneParser(r, "", "")
1069		for rr, ok := z.Next(); ok; rr, ok = z.Next() {
1070			if j >= len(test.comments) {
1071				t.Fatalf("too many records for zone %d at %d record, expected %d", i, j+1, len(test.comments))
1072			}
1074			if z.Comment() != test.comments[j] {
1075				t.Errorf("invalid comment for record %d:%d %v", i, j, rr)
1076				t.Logf("expected %q", test.comments[j])
1077				t.Logf("got      %q", z.Comment())
1078			}
1080			j++
1081		}
1083		if err := z.Err(); err != nil {
1084			t.Fatal(err)
1085		}
1087		if j != len(test.comments) {
1088			t.Errorf("too few records for zone %d, got %d, expected %d", i, j, len(test.comments))
1089		}
1090	}
1093func TestEUIxx(t *testing.T) {
1094	tests := map[string]string{
1095		"host.example. IN EUI48 00-00-5e-90-01-2a":       "host.example.\t3600\tIN\tEUI48\t00-00-5e-90-01-2a",
1096		"host.example. IN EUI64 00-00-5e-ef-00-00-00-2a": "host.example.\t3600\tIN\tEUI64\t00-00-5e-ef-00-00-00-2a",
1097	}
1098	for i, o := range tests {
1099		r, err := NewRR(i)
1100		if err != nil {
1101			t.Errorf("failed to parse %s: %v", i, err)
1102		}
1103		if r.String() != o {
1104			t.Errorf("want %s, got %s", o, r.String())
1105		}
1106	}
1109func TestUserRR(t *testing.T) {
1110	tests := map[string]string{
1111		"host.example. IN UID 1234":              "host.example.\t3600\tIN\tUID\t1234",
1112		"host.example. IN GID 1234556":           "host.example.\t3600\tIN\tGID\t1234556",
1113		"host.example. IN UINFO \"Miek Gieben\"": "host.example.\t3600\tIN\tUINFO\t\"Miek Gieben\"",
1114	}
1115	for i, o := range tests {
1116		r, err := NewRR(i)
1117		if err != nil {
1118			t.Errorf("failed to parse %s: %v", i, err)
1119		}
1120		if r.String() != o {
1121			t.Errorf("want %s, got %s", o, r.String())
1122		}
1123	}
1126func TestTXT(t *testing.T) {
1127	// Test single entry TXT record
1128	rr, err := NewRR(`_raop._tcp.local. 60 IN TXT "single value"`)
1129	if err != nil {
1130		t.Error("failed to parse single value TXT record", err)
1131	} else if rr, ok := rr.(*TXT); !ok {
1132		t.Error("wrong type, record should be of type TXT")
1133	} else {
1134		if len(rr.Txt) != 1 {
1135			t.Error("bad size of TXT value:", len(rr.Txt))
1136		} else if rr.Txt[0] != "single value" {
1137			t.Error("bad single value")
1138		}
1139		if rr.String() != `_raop._tcp.local.	60	IN	TXT	"single value"` {
1140			t.Error("bad representation of TXT record:", rr.String())
1141		}
1142		if Len(rr) != 28+1+12 {
1143			t.Error("bad size of serialized record:", Len(rr))
1144		}
1145	}
1147	// Test multi entries TXT record
1148	rr, err = NewRR(`_raop._tcp.local. 60 IN TXT "a=1" "b=2" "c=3" "d=4"`)
1149	if err != nil {
1150		t.Error("failed to parse multi-values TXT record", err)
1151	} else if rr, ok := rr.(*TXT); !ok {
1152		t.Error("wrong type, record should be of type TXT")
1153	} else {
1154		if len(rr.Txt) != 4 {
1155			t.Error("bad size of TXT multi-value:", len(rr.Txt))
1156		} else if rr.Txt[0] != "a=1" || rr.Txt[1] != "b=2" || rr.Txt[2] != "c=3" || rr.Txt[3] != "d=4" {
1157			t.Error("bad values in TXT records")
1158		}
1159		if rr.String() != `_raop._tcp.local.	60	IN	TXT	"a=1" "b=2" "c=3" "d=4"` {
1160			t.Error("bad representation of TXT multi value record:", rr.String())
1161		}
1162		if Len(rr) != 28+1+3+1+3+1+3+1+3 {
1163			t.Error("bad size of serialized multi value record:", Len(rr))
1164		}
1165	}
1167	// Test empty-string in TXT record
1168	rr, err = NewRR(`_raop._tcp.local. 60 IN TXT ""`)
1169	if err != nil {
1170		t.Error("failed to parse empty-string TXT record", err)
1171	} else if rr, ok := rr.(*TXT); !ok {
1172		t.Error("wrong type, record should be of type TXT")
1173	} else {
1174		if len(rr.Txt) != 1 {
1175			t.Error("bad size of TXT empty-string value:", len(rr.Txt))
1176		} else if rr.Txt[0] != "" {
1177			t.Error("bad value for empty-string TXT record")
1178		}
1179		if rr.String() != `_raop._tcp.local.	60	IN	TXT	""` {
1180			t.Error("bad representation of empty-string TXT record:", rr.String())
1181		}
1182		if Len(rr) != 28+1 {
1183			t.Error("bad size of serialized record:", Len(rr))
1184		}
1185	}
1187	// Test TXT record with chunk larger than 255 bytes, they should be split up, by the parser
1188	s := ""
1189	for i := 0; i < 255; i++ {
1190		s += "a"
1191	}
1192	s += "b"
1193	rr, err = NewRR(`test.local. 60 IN TXT "` + s + `"`)
1194	if err != nil {
1195		t.Error("failed to parse empty-string TXT record", err)
1196	}
1197	if rr.(*TXT).Txt[1] != "b" {
1198		t.Errorf("Txt should have two chunk, last one my be 'b', but is %s", rr.(*TXT).Txt[1])
1199	}
1202func TestTypeXXXX(t *testing.T) {
1203	_, err := NewRR("example.com IN TYPE1234 \\# 4 aabbccdd")
1204	if err != nil {
1205		t.Errorf("failed to parse TYPE1234 RR: %v", err)
1206	}
1207	_, err = NewRR("example.com IN TYPE655341 \\# 8 aabbccddaabbccdd")
1208	if err == nil {
1209		t.Errorf("this should not work, for TYPE655341")
1210	}
1211	_, err = NewRR("example.com IN TYPE1 \\# 4 0a000001")
1212	if err != nil {
1213		t.Errorf("failed to parse TYPE1 RR: %v", err)
1214	}
1217func TestPTR(t *testing.T) {
1218	_, err := NewRR(" 900 IN PTR ilouse03146p0\\(.example.com.")
1219	if err != nil {
1220		t.Error("failed to parse ", err)
1221	}
1224func TestDigit(t *testing.T) {
1225	tests := map[string]byte{
1226		"miek\\000.nl. 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 0,
1227		"miek\\001.nl. 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 1,
1228		"miek\\254.nl. 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 254,
1229		"miek\\255.nl. 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 255,
1230		"miek\\256.nl. 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 0,
1231		"miek\\257.nl. 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 1,
1232		"miek\\004.nl. 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 4,
1233	}
1234	for s, i := range tests {
1235		r, err := NewRR(s)
1236		buf := make([]byte, 40)
1237		if err != nil {
1238			t.Fatalf("failed to parse %v", err)
1239		}
1240		PackRR(r, buf, 0, nil, false)
1241		if buf[5] != i {
1242			t.Fatalf("5 pos must be %d, is %d", i, buf[5])
1243		}
1244		r1, _, _ := UnpackRR(buf, 0)
1245		if r1.Header().Ttl != 100 {
1246			t.Fatalf("TTL should %d, is %d", 100, r1.Header().Ttl)
1247		}
1248	}
1251func TestParseRRSIGTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
1252	tests := map[string]bool{
1253		`miek.nl.  IN RRSIG SOA 8 2 43200 20140210031301 20140111031301 12051 miek.nl. MVZUyrYwq0iZhMFDDnVXD2BvuNiUJjSYlJAgzyAE6CF875BMvvZa+Sb0 RlSCL7WODQSQHhCx/fegHhVVF+Iz8N8kOLrmXD1+jO3Bm6Prl5UhcsPx WTBsg/kmxbp8sR1kvH4oZJtVfakG3iDerrxNaf0sQwhZzyfJQAqpC7pcBoc=`: true,
1254		`miek.nl.  IN RRSIG SOA 8 2 43200 315565800 4102477800 12051 miek.nl. MVZUyrYwq0iZhMFDDnVXD2BvuNiUJjSYlJAgzyAE6CF875BMvvZa+Sb0 RlSCL7WODQSQHhCx/fegHhVVF+Iz8N8kOLrmXD1+jO3Bm6Prl5UhcsPx WTBsg/kmxbp8sR1kvH4oZJtVfakG3iDerrxNaf0sQwhZzyfJQAqpC7pcBoc=`:          true,
1255	}
1256	for r := range tests {
1257		_, err := NewRR(r)
1258		if err != nil {
1259			t.Error(err)
1260		}
1261	}
1264func TestTxtEqual(t *testing.T) {
1265	rr1 := new(TXT)
1266	rr1.Hdr = RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: TypeTXT, Class: ClassINET, Ttl: 0}
1267	rr1.Txt = []string{"a\"a", "\"", "b"}
1268	rr2, _ := NewRR(rr1.String())
1269	if rr1.String() != rr2.String() {
1270		// This is not an error, but keep this test.
1271		t.Errorf("these two TXT records should match:\n%s\n%s", rr1.String(), rr2.String())
1272	}
1275func TestTxtLong(t *testing.T) {
1276	rr1 := new(TXT)
1277	rr1.Hdr = RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: TypeTXT, Class: ClassINET, Ttl: 0}
1278	// Make a long txt record, this breaks when sending the packet,
1279	// but not earlier.
1280	rr1.Txt = []string{"start-"}
1281	for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
1282		rr1.Txt[0] += "start-"
1283	}
1284	str := rr1.String()
1285	if len(str) < len(rr1.Txt[0]) {
1286		t.Error("string conversion should work")
1287	}
1290// Basically, don't crash.
1291func TestMalformedPackets(t *testing.T) {
1292	var packets = []string{
1293		"0021641c0000000100000000000078787878787878787878787303636f6d0000100001",
1294	}
1296	// com = 63 6f 6d
1297	for _, packet := range packets {
1298		data, _ := hex.DecodeString(packet)
1299		var msg Msg
1300		msg.Unpack(data)
1301	}
1304type algorithm struct {
1305	name uint8
1306	bits int
1309func TestNewPrivateKey(t *testing.T) {
1310	if testing.Short() {
1311		t.Skip("skipping test in short mode.")
1312	}
1313	algorithms := []algorithm{
1314		{ECDSAP256SHA256, 256},
1315		{ECDSAP384SHA384, 384},
1316		{RSASHA1, 512},
1317		{RSASHA256, 512},
1318		{ED25519, 256},
1319	}
1321	for _, algo := range algorithms {
1322		key := new(DNSKEY)
1323		key.Hdr.Rrtype = TypeDNSKEY
1324		key.Hdr.Name = "miek.nl."
1325		key.Hdr.Class = ClassINET
1326		key.Hdr.Ttl = 14400
1327		key.Flags = 256
1328		key.Protocol = 3
1329		key.Algorithm = algo.name
1330		privkey, err := key.Generate(algo.bits)
1331		if err != nil {
1332			t.Fatal(err)
1333		}
1335		newPrivKey, err := key.NewPrivateKey(key.PrivateKeyString(privkey))
1336		if err != nil {
1337			t.Error(key.String())
1338			t.Error(key.PrivateKeyString(privkey))
1339			t.Fatal(err)
1340		}
1342		switch newPrivKey := newPrivKey.(type) {
1343		case *rsa.PrivateKey:
1344			newPrivKey.Precompute()
1345		}
1347		if !reflect.DeepEqual(privkey, newPrivKey) {
1348			t.Errorf("[%v] Private keys differ:\n%#v\n%#v", AlgorithmToString[algo.name], privkey, newPrivKey)
1349		}
1350	}
1353// special input test
1354func TestNewRRSpecial(t *testing.T) {
1355	var (
1356		rr     RR
1357		err    error
1358		expect string
1359	)
1361	rr, err = NewRR("; comment")
1362	expect = ""
1363	if err != nil {
1364		t.Errorf("unexpected err: %v", err)
1365	}
1366	if rr != nil {
1367		t.Errorf("unexpected result: [%s] != [%s]", rr, expect)
1368	}
1370	rr, err = NewRR("")
1371	expect = ""
1372	if err != nil {
1373		t.Errorf("unexpected err: %v", err)
1374	}
1375	if rr != nil {
1376		t.Errorf("unexpected result: [%s] != [%s]", rr, expect)
1377	}
1379	rr, err = NewRR("$ORIGIN foo.")
1380	expect = ""
1381	if err != nil {
1382		t.Errorf("unexpected err: %v", err)
1383	}
1384	if rr != nil {
1385		t.Errorf("unexpected result: [%s] != [%s]", rr, expect)
1386	}
1388	rr, err = NewRR(" ")
1389	expect = ""
1390	if err != nil {
1391		t.Errorf("unexpected err: %v", err)
1392	}
1393	if rr != nil {
1394		t.Errorf("unexpected result: [%s] != [%s]", rr, expect)
1395	}
1397	rr, err = NewRR("\n")
1398	expect = ""
1399	if err != nil {
1400		t.Errorf("unexpected err: %v", err)
1401	}
1402	if rr != nil {
1403		t.Errorf("unexpected result: [%s] != [%s]", rr, expect)
1404	}
1406	rr, err = NewRR("foo. A\nbar. A")
1407	expect = "foo.\t3600\tIN\tA\t1.1.1.1"
1408	if err != nil {
1409		t.Errorf("unexpected err: %v", err)
1410	}
1411	if rr == nil || rr.String() != expect {
1412		t.Errorf("unexpected result: [%s] != [%s]", rr, expect)
1413	}
1416func TestPrintfVerbsRdata(t *testing.T) {
1417	x, _ := NewRR("www.miek.nl. IN MX 20 mx.miek.nl.")
1418	if Field(x, 1) != "20" {
1419		t.Errorf("should be 20")
1420	}
1421	if Field(x, 2) != "mx.miek.nl." {
1422		t.Errorf("should be mx.miek.nl.")
1423	}
1425	x, _ = NewRR("www.miek.nl. IN A")
1426	if Field(x, 1) != "" {
1427		t.Errorf("should be")
1428	}
1430	x, _ = NewRR("www.miek.nl. IN AAAA ::1")
1431	if Field(x, 1) != "::1" {
1432		t.Errorf("should be ::1")
1433	}
1435	x, _ = NewRR("www.miek.nl. IN NSEC a.miek.nl. A NS SOA MX AAAA")
1436	if Field(x, 1) != "a.miek.nl." {
1437		t.Errorf("should be a.miek.nl.")
1438	}
1439	if Field(x, 2) != "A NS SOA MX AAAA" {
1440		t.Errorf("should be A NS SOA MX AAAA")
1441	}
1443	x, _ = NewRR("www.miek.nl. IN TXT \"first\" \"second\"")
1444	if Field(x, 1) != "first second" {
1445		t.Errorf("should be first second")
1446	}
1447	if Field(x, 0) != "" {
1448		t.Errorf("should be empty")
1449	}
1452func TestParseTokenOverflow(t *testing.T) {
1453	_, err := NewRR("_443._tcp.example.org. IN TLSA 0 0 0 308205e8308204d0a00302010202100411de8f53b462f6a5a861b712ec6b59300d06092a864886f70d01010b05003070310b300906035504061302555331153013060355040a130c446967694365727420496e6331193017060355040b13107777772e64696769636572742e636f6d312f302d06035504031326446967694365727420534841322048696768204173737572616e636520536572766572204341301e170d3134313130363030303030305a170d3135313131333132303030305a3081a5310b3009060355040613025553311330110603550408130a43616c69666f726e6961311430120603550407130b4c6f7320416e67656c6573313c303a060355040a1333496e7465726e657420436f72706f726174696f6e20666f722041737369676e6564204e616d657320616e64204e756d6265727331133011060355040b130a546563686e6f6c6f6779311830160603550403130f7777772e6578616d706c652e6f726730820122300d06092a864886f70d01010105000382010f003082010a02820101009e663f52a3d18cb67cdfed547408a4e47e4036538988da2798da3b6655f7240d693ed1cb3fe6d6ad3a9e657ff6efa86b83b0cad24e5d31ff2bf70ec3b78b213f1b4bf61bdc669cbbc07d67154128ca92a9b3cbb4213a836fb823ddd4d7cc04918314d25f06086fa9970ba17e357cca9b458c27eb71760ab95e3f9bc898ae89050ae4d09ba2f7e4259d9ff1e072a6971b18355a8b9e53670c3d5dbdbd283f93a764e71b3a4140ca0746090c08510e2e21078d7d07844bf9c03865b531a0bf2ee766bc401f6451c5a1e6f6fb5d5c1d6a97a0abe91ae8b02e89241e07353909ccd5b41c46de207c06801e08f20713603827f2ae3e68cf15ef881d7e0608f70742e30203010001a382024630820242301f0603551d230418301680145168ff90af0207753cccd9656462a212b859723b301d0603551d0e04160414b000a7f422e9b1ce216117c4c46e7164c8e60c553081810603551d11047a3078820f7777772e6578616d706c652e6f7267820b6578616d706c652e636f6d820b6578616d706c652e656475820b6578616d706c652e6e6574820b6578616d706c652e6f7267820f7777772e6578616d706c652e636f6d820f7777772e6578616d706c652e656475820f7777772e6578616d706c652e6e6574300e0603551d0f0101ff0404030205a0301d0603551d250416301406082b0601050507030106082b0601050507030230750603551d1f046e306c3034a032a030862e687474703a2f2f63726c332e64696769636572742e636f6d2f736861322d68612d7365727665722d67332e63726c3034a032a030862e687474703a2f2f63726c342e64696769636572742e636f6d2f736861322d68612d7365727665722d67332e63726c30420603551d20043b3039303706096086480186fd6c0101302a302806082b06010505070201161c68747470733a2f2f7777772e64696769636572742e636f6d2f43505330818306082b0601050507010104773075302406082b060105050730018618687474703a2f2f6f6373702e64696769636572742e636f6d304d06082b060105050730028641687474703a2f2f636163657274732e64696769636572742e636f6d2f446967694365727453484132486967684173737572616e636553657276657243412e637274300c0603551d130101ff04023000300d06092a864886f70d01010b050003820101005eac2124dedb3978a86ff3608406acb542d3cb54cb83facd63aec88144d6a1bf15dbf1f215c4a73e241e582365cba9ea50dd306541653b3513af1a0756c1b2720e8d112b34fb67181efad9c4609bdc670fb025fa6e6d42188161b026cf3089a08369c2f3609fc84bcc3479140c1922ede430ca8dbac2b2a3cdacb305ba15dc7361c4c3a5e6daa99cb446cb221b28078a7a944efba70d96f31ac143d959bccd2fd50e30c325ea2624fb6b6dbe9344dbcf133bfbd5b4e892d635dbf31596451672c6b65ba5ac9b3cddea92b35dab1065cae3c8cb6bb450a62ea2f72ea7c6bdc7b65fa09b012392543734083c7687d243f8d0375304d99ccd2e148966a8637a6797")
1454	if err == nil {
1455		t.Fatalf("token overflow should return an error")
1456	}
1459func TestParseTLSA(t *testing.T) {
1460	lt := []string{
1461		"_443._tcp.example.org.\t3600\tIN\tTLSA\t1 1 1 c22be239f483c08957bc106219cc2d3ac1a308dfbbdd0a365f17b9351234cf00",
1462		"_443._tcp.example.org.\t3600\tIN\tTLSA\t2 1 2 4e85f45179e9cd6e0e68e2eb5be2e85ec9b92d91c609caf3ef0315213e3f92ece92c38397a607214de95c7fadc0ad0f1c604a469a0387959745032c0d51492f3",
1463		"_443._tcp.example.org.\t3600\tIN\tTLSA\t3 0 2 69ec8d2277360b215d0cd956b0e2747108dff34b27d461a41c800629e38ee6c2d1230cc9e8e36711330adc6766e6ff7c5fbb37f106f248337c1a20ad682888d2",
1464	}
1465	for _, o := range lt {
1466		rr, err := NewRR(o)
1467		if err != nil {
1468			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
1469			continue
1470		}
1471		if rr.String() != o {
1472			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", o, o, rr.String())
1473		}
1474	}
1477func TestParseSMIMEA(t *testing.T) {
1478	lt := map[string]string{
1479		"2e85e1db3e62be6ea._smimecert.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t1 1 2 bd80f334566928fc18f58df7e4928c1886f48f71ca3fd41cd9b1854aca7c2180aaacad2819612ed68e7bd3701cc39be7f2529b017c0bc6a53e8fb3f0c7d48070":   "2e85e1db3e62be6ea._smimecert.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t1 1 2 bd80f334566928fc18f58df7e4928c1886f48f71ca3fd41cd9b1854aca7c2180aaacad2819612ed68e7bd3701cc39be7f2529b017c0bc6a53e8fb3f0c7d48070",
1480		"2e85e1db3e62be6ea._smimecert.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t0 0 1 cdcf0fc66b182928c5217ddd42c826983f5a4b94160ee6c1c9be62d38199f710":                                                                   "2e85e1db3e62be6ea._smimecert.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t0 0 1 cdcf0fc66b182928c5217ddd42c826983f5a4b94160ee6c1c9be62d38199f710",
1481		"2e85e1db3e62be6ea._smimecert.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t3 0 2 499a1eda2af8828b552cdb9d80c3744a25872fddd73f3898d8e4afa3549595d2dd4340126e759566fe8c26b251fa0c887ba4869f011a65f7e79967c2eb729f5b":   "2e85e1db3e62be6ea._smimecert.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t3 0 2 499a1eda2af8828b552cdb9d80c3744a25872fddd73f3898d8e4afa3549595d2dd4340126e759566fe8c26b251fa0c887ba4869f011a65f7e79967c2eb729f5b",
1482		"2e85e1db3e62be6eb._smimecert.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t3 0 2 499a1eda2af8828b552cdb9d80c3744a25872fddd73f3898d8e4afa3549595d2dd4340126e759566fe8 c26b251fa0c887ba4869f01 1a65f7e79967c2eb729f5b": "2e85e1db3e62be6eb._smimecert.example.com.\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t3 0 2 499a1eda2af8828b552cdb9d80c3744a25872fddd73f3898d8e4afa3549595d2dd4340126e759566fe8c26b251fa0c887ba4869f011a65f7e79967c2eb729f5b",
1483	}
1484	for i, o := range lt {
1485		rr, err := NewRR(i)
1486		if err != nil {
1487			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
1488			continue
1489		}
1490		if rr.String() != o {
1491			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", o, o, rr.String())
1492		}
1493	}
1496func TestParseSSHFP(t *testing.T) {
1497	lt := []string{
1498		"test.example.org.\t300\tSSHFP\t1 2 (\n" +
1499			"\t\t\t\t\tBC6533CDC95A79078A39A56EA7635984ED655318ADA9\n" +
1500			"\t\t\t\t\tB6159E30723665DA95BB )",
1501		"test.example.org.\t300\tSSHFP\t1 2 ( BC6533CDC  95A79078A39A56EA7635984ED655318AD  A9B6159E3072366 5DA95BB )",
1502	}
1503	result := "test.example.org.\t300\tIN\tSSHFP\t1 2 BC6533CDC95A79078A39A56EA7635984ED655318ADA9B6159E30723665DA95BB"
1504	for _, o := range lt {
1505		rr, err := NewRR(o)
1506		if err != nil {
1507			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
1508			continue
1509		}
1510		if rr.String() != result {
1511			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n\n`%s', but is     \n`%s'", o, result, rr.String())
1512		}
1513	}
1516func TestParseHINFO(t *testing.T) {
1517	dt := map[string]string{
1518		"example.net. HINFO A B": "example.net.	3600	IN	HINFO	\"A\" \"B\"",
1519		"example.net. HINFO \"A\" \"B\"": "example.net.	3600	IN	HINFO	\"A\" \"B\"",
1520		"example.net. HINFO A B C D E F": "example.net.	3600	IN	HINFO	\"A\" \"B C D E F\"",
1521		"example.net. HINFO AB": "example.net.	3600	IN	HINFO	\"AB\" \"\"",
1522		// "example.net. HINFO PC-Intel-700mhz \"Redhat Linux 7.1\"": "example.net.	3600	IN	HINFO	\"PC-Intel-700mhz\" \"Redhat Linux 7.1\"",
1523		// This one is recommended in Pro Bind book http://www.zytrax.com/books/dns/ch8/hinfo.html
1524		// but effectively, even Bind would replace it to correctly formed text when you AXFR
1525		// TODO: remove this set of comments or figure support for quoted/unquoted combinations in endingToTxtSlice function
1526	}
1527	for i, o := range dt {
1528		rr, err := NewRR(i)
1529		if err != nil {
1530			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
1531			continue
1532		}
1533		if rr.String() != o {
1534			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", i, o, rr.String())
1535		}
1536	}
1539func TestParseCAA(t *testing.T) {
1540	lt := map[string]string{
1541		"example.net.	CAA	0 issue \"symantec.com\"": "example.net.\t3600\tIN\tCAA\t0 issue \"symantec.com\"",
1542		"example.net.	CAA	0 issuewild \"symantec.com; stuff\"": "example.net.\t3600\tIN\tCAA\t0 issuewild \"symantec.com; stuff\"",
1543		"example.net.	CAA	128 tbs \"critical\"": "example.net.\t3600\tIN\tCAA\t128 tbs \"critical\"",
1544		"example.net.	CAA	2 auth \"0>09\\006\\010+\\006\\001\\004\\001\\214y\\002\\003\\001\\006\\009`\\134H\\001e\\003\\004\\002\\001\\004 y\\209\\012\\221r\\220\\156Q\\218\\150\\150{\\166\\245:\\231\\182%\\157:\\133\\179}\\1923r\\238\\151\\255\\128q\\145\\002\\001\\000\"": "example.net.\t3600\tIN\tCAA\t2 auth \"0>09\\006\\010+\\006\\001\\004\\001\\214y\\002\\003\\001\\006\\009`\\134H\\001e\\003\\004\\002\\001\\004 y\\209\\012\\221r\\220\\156Q\\218\\150\\150{\\166\\245:\\231\\182%\\157:\\133\\179}\\1923r\\238\\151\\255\\128q\\145\\002\\001\\000\"",
1545		"example.net.   TYPE257	0 issue \"symantec.com\"": "example.net.\t3600\tIN\tCAA\t0 issue \"symantec.com\"",
1546	}
1547	for i, o := range lt {
1548		rr, err := NewRR(i)
1549		if err != nil {
1550			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
1551			continue
1552		}
1553		if rr.String() != o {
1554			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", i, o, rr.String())
1555		}
1556	}
1559func TestPackCAA(t *testing.T) {
1560	m := new(Msg)
1561	record := new(CAA)
1562	record.Hdr = RR_Header{Name: "example.com.", Rrtype: TypeCAA, Class: ClassINET, Ttl: 0}
1563	record.Tag = "issue"
1564	record.Value = "symantec.com"
1565	record.Flag = 1
1567	m.Answer = append(m.Answer, record)
1568	bytes, err := m.Pack()
1569	if err != nil {
1570		t.Fatalf("failed to pack msg: %v", err)
1571	}
1572	if err := m.Unpack(bytes); err != nil {
1573		t.Fatalf("failed to unpack msg: %v", err)
1574	}
1575	if len(m.Answer) != 1 {
1576		t.Fatalf("incorrect number of answers unpacked")
1577	}
1578	rr := m.Answer[0].(*CAA)
1579	if rr.Tag != "issue" {
1580		t.Fatalf("invalid tag for unpacked answer")
1581	} else if rr.Value != "symantec.com" {
1582		t.Fatalf("invalid value for unpacked answer")
1583	} else if rr.Flag != 1 {
1584		t.Fatalf("invalid flag for unpacked answer")
1585	}
1588func TestParseURI(t *testing.T) {
1589	lt := map[string]string{
1590		"_http._tcp. IN URI   10 1 \"http://www.example.com/path\"": "_http._tcp.\t3600\tIN\tURI\t10 1 \"http://www.example.com/path\"",
1591		"_http._tcp. IN URI   10 1 \"\"":                            "_http._tcp.\t3600\tIN\tURI\t10 1 \"\"",
1592	}
1593	for i, o := range lt {
1594		rr, err := NewRR(i)
1595		if err != nil {
1596			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
1597			continue
1598		}
1599		if rr.String() != o {
1600			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", i, o, rr.String())
1601		}
1602	}
1605func TestParseAVC(t *testing.T) {
1606	avcs := map[string]string{
1607		`example.org. IN AVC "app-name:WOLFGANG|app-class:OAM|business=yes"`: `example.org.	3600	IN	AVC	"app-name:WOLFGANG|app-class:OAM|business=yes"`,
1608	}
1609	for avc, o := range avcs {
1610		rr, err := NewRR(avc)
1611		if err != nil {
1612			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
1613			continue
1614		}
1615		if rr.String() != o {
1616			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", avc, o, rr.String())
1617		}
1618	}
1621func TestParseCSYNC(t *testing.T) {
1622	syncs := map[string]string{
1623		`example.com. 3600 IN CSYNC 66 3 A NS AAAA`: `example.com.	3600	IN	CSYNC	66 3 A NS AAAA`,
1624	}
1625	for s, o := range syncs {
1626		rr, err := NewRR(s)
1627		if err != nil {
1628			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
1629			continue
1630		}
1631		if rr.String() != o {
1632			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", s, o, rr.String())
1633		}
1634	}
1637func TestParseSVCB(t *testing.T) {
1638	svcbs := map[string]string{
1639		`example.com. 3600 IN SVCB 0 cloudflare.com.`: `example.com.	3600	IN	SVCB	0 cloudflare.com.`,
1640		`example.com. 3600 IN SVCB 65000 cloudflare.com. alpn=h2 ipv4hint=`: `example.com.	3600	IN	SVCB	65000 cloudflare.com. alpn="h2" ipv4hint=""`,
1641		`example.com. 3600 IN SVCB 65000 cloudflare.com. key65000=4\ 3 key65001="\" " key65002 key65003= key65004="" key65005== key65006==\"\" key65007=\254 key65008=\032`: `example.com.	3600	IN	SVCB	65000 cloudflare.com. key65000="4\ 3" key65001="\"\ " key65002="" key65003="" key65004="" key65005="=" key65006="=\"\"" key65007="\254" key65008="\ "`,
1642	}
1643	for s, o := range svcbs {
1644		rr, err := NewRR(s)
1645		if err != nil {
1646			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
1647			continue
1648		}
1649		if rr.String() != o {
1650			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", s, o, rr.String())
1651		}
1652	}
1655func TestParseBadSVCB(t *testing.T) {
1656	header := `example.com. 3600 IN HTTPS `
1657	evils := []string{
1658		`0 . no-default-alpn`,     // aliasform
1659		`65536 . no-default-alpn`, // bad priority
1660		`1 ..`,                    // bad domain
1661		`1 . no-default-alpn=1`,   // value illegal
1662		`1 . key`,                 // invalid key
1663		`1 . key=`,                // invalid key
1664		`1 . =`,                   // invalid key
1665		`1 . ==`,                  // invalid key
1666		`1 . =a`,                  // invalid key
1667		`1 . ""`,                  // invalid key
1668		`1 . ""=`,                 // invalid key
1669		`1 . "a"`,                 // invalid key
1670		`1 . "a"=`,                // invalid key
1671		`1 . key1=`,               // we know that key
1672		`1 . key65535`,            // key reserved
1673		`1 . key065534`,           // key can't be padded
1674		`1 . key65534="f`,         // unterminated value
1675		`1 . key65534="`,          // unterminated value
1676		`1 . key65534=\2`,         // invalid numeric escape
1677		`1 . key65534=\24`,        // invalid numeric escape
1678		`1 . key65534=\256`,       // invalid numeric escape
1679		`1 . key65534=\`,          // invalid numeric escape
1680		`1 . key65534=""alpn`,     // zQuote ending needs whitespace
1681		`1 . key65534="a"alpn`,    // zQuote ending needs whitespace
1682		`1 . ipv6hint=`,    // not ipv6
1683		`1 . ipv6hint=1:1:1:1`,    // not ipv6
1684		`1 . ipv6hint=a`,          // not ipv6
1685		`1 . ipv4hint=`,  // not ipv4
1686		`1 . ipv4hint=::fc`,       // not ipv4
1687		`1 . ipv4hint=..11`,       // not ipv4
1688		`1 . ipv4hint=a`,          // not ipv4
1689		`1 . port=`,               // empty port
1690		`1 . echconfig=YUd`,       // bad base64
1691	}
1692	for _, o := range evils {
1693		_, err := NewRR(header + o)
1694		if err == nil {
1695			t.Error("failed to reject invalid RR: ", header+o)
1696			continue
1697		}
1698	}
1701func TestParseBadNAPTR(t *testing.T) {
1702	// Should look like: mplus.ims.vodafone.com.	3600	IN	NAPTR	10 100 "S" "SIP+D2U" "" _sip._udp.mplus.ims.vodafone.com.
1703	naptr := `mplus.ims.vodafone.com.	3600	IN	NAPTR	10 100 S SIP+D2U  _sip._udp.mplus.ims.vodafone.com.`
1704	_, err := NewRR(naptr) // parse fails, we should not have leaked a goroutine.
1705	if err == nil {
1706		t.Fatalf("parsing NAPTR should have failed: %s", naptr)
1707	}
1708	if err := goroutineLeaked(); err != nil {
1709		t.Errorf("leaked goroutines: %s", err)
1710	}
1713func TestUnbalancedParens(t *testing.T) {
1714	sig := `example.com. 3600 IN RRSIG MX 15 2 3600 (
1715              1440021600 1438207200 3613 example.com. (
1716              oL9krJun7xfBOIWcGHi7mag5/hdZrKWw15jPGrHpjQeRAvTdszaPD+QLs3f
1717              x8A4M3e23mRZ9VrbpMngwcrqNAg== )`
1718	_, err := NewRR(sig)
1719	if err == nil {
1720		t.Fatalf("failed to detect extra opening brace")
1721	}
1724func TestBad(t *testing.T) {
1725	tests := []string{
1726		`" TYPE257 9 1E12\x00\x105"`,
1727		`" TYPE256  9 5"`,
1728		`" TYPE257 0\"00000000000000400000000000000000000\x00\x10000000000000000000000000000000000 9 l\x16\x01\x005266"`,
1729	}
1730	for i := range tests {
1731		s, err := strconv.Unquote(tests[i])
1732		if err != nil {
1733			t.Fatalf("failed to unquote: %q: %s", tests[i], err)
1734		}
1735		if _, err = NewRR(s); err == nil {
1736			t.Errorf("correctly parsed %q", s)
1737		}
1738	}
1741func TestNULLRecord(t *testing.T) {
1742	// packet captured from iodine
1743	packet := `8116840000010001000000000569627a6c700474657374046d69656b026e6c00000a0001c00c000a0001000000000005497f000001`
1744	data, _ := hex.DecodeString(packet)
1745	msg := new(Msg)
1746	err := msg.Unpack(data)
1747	if err != nil {
1748		t.Fatalf("Failed to unpack NULL record")
1749	}
1750	if _, ok := msg.Answer[0].(*NULL); !ok {
1751		t.Fatalf("Expected packet to contain NULL record")
1752	}
1755func TestParseAPL(t *testing.T) {
1756	tests := []struct {
1757		name   string
1758		in     string
1759		expect string
1760	}{
1761		{
1762			"v4",
1763			". APL 1:",
1764			".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t1:",
1765		},
1766		{
1767			"v6",
1768			". APL 2:2001:db8::/32",
1769			".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t2:2001:db8::/32",
1770		},
1771		{
1772			"null v6",
1773			". APL 2:::/0",
1774			".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t2:::/0",
1775		},
1776		{
1777			"null v4",
1778			". APL 1:",
1779			".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t1:",
1780		},
1781		{
1782			"full v6",
1783			". APL 2:::/0",
1784			".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t2:::/0",
1785		},
1786		{
1787			"full v4",
1788			". APL 1:",
1789			".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t1:",
1790		},
1791		{
1792			"full v6",
1793			". APL 2:2001:0db8:d2b4:b6ba:50db:49cc:a8d1:5bb1/128",
1794			".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t2:2001:db8:d2b4:b6ba:50db:49cc:a8d1:5bb1/128",
1795		},
1796		{
1797			"v4in6",
1798			". APL 2:::ffff:",
1799			".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t2:::ffff:",
1800		},
1801		{
1802			"v4in6 v6 syntax",
1803			". APL 2:::ffff:c000:0200/120",
1804			".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t2:::ffff:",
1805		},
1806		{
1807			"negate",
1808			". APL !1:",
1809			".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t!1:",
1810		},
1811		{
1812			"multiple",
1813			". APL 1: !1: 2:2001:db8::/32 !2:2001:db8:1::0/48",
1814			".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t1: !1: 2:2001:db8::/32 !2:2001:db8:1::/48",
1815		},
1816		{
1817			"no address",
1818			". APL",
1819			".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t",
1820		},
1821	}
1822	for _, tc := range tests {
1823		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
1824			rr, err := NewRR(tc.in)
1825			if err != nil {
1826				t.Fatalf("failed to parse RR: %s", err)
1827			}
1829			got := rr.String()
1830			if got != tc.expect {
1831				t.Errorf("expected %q, got %q", tc.expect, got)
1832			}
1833		})
1834	}
1837func TestParseAPLErrors(t *testing.T) {
1838	tests := []struct {
1839		name string
1840		in   string
1841	}{
1842		{
1843			"unexpected",
1844			`. APL ""`,
1845		},
1846		{
1847			"unrecognized family",
1848			". APL 3:",
1849		},
1850		{
1851			"malformed family",
1852			". APL foo:",
1853		},
1854		{
1855			"malformed address",
1856			". APL 1:192.0.2/16",
1857		},
1858		{
1859			"extra bits",
1860			". APL 2:2001:db8::/0",
1861		},
1862		{
1863			"address mismatch v2",
1864			". APL 1:2001:db8::/64",
1865		},
1866		{
1867			"address mismatch v6",
1868			". APL 2:",
1869		},
1870		{
1871			"no prefix",
1872			". APL 1:",
1873		},
1874		{
1875			"no family",
1876			". APL",
1877		},
1878	}
1879	for _, tc := range tests {
1880		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
1881			_, err := NewRR(tc.in)
1882			if err == nil {
1883				t.Fatal("expected error, got none")
1884			}
1885		})
1886	}
1889func TestUnpackRRWithHeaderInvalidLengths(t *testing.T) {
1890	rr, err := NewRR("test.example.org. 300 IN SSHFP 1 2 BC6533CDC95A79078A39A56EA7635984ED655318ADA9B6159E30723665DA95BB")
1891	if err != nil {
1892		t.Fatalf("failed to parse SSHFP record: %v", err)
1893	}
1895	buf := make([]byte, Len(rr))
1896	headerEnd, end, err := packRR(rr, buf, 0, compressionMap{}, false)
1897	if err != nil {
1898		t.Fatalf("failed to pack A record: %v", err)
1899	}
1901	rr.Header().Rdlength = uint16(end - headerEnd)
1902	for _, off := range []int{
1903		-1,
1904		end + 1,
1905		1<<16 - 1,
1906	} {
1907		_, _, err := UnpackRRWithHeader(*rr.Header(), buf, off)
1908		if de, ok := err.(*Error); !ok || de.err != "bad off" {
1909			t.Errorf("UnpackRRWithHeader with bad offset (%d) returned wrong or no error: %v", off, err)
1910		}
1911	}
1913	for _, rdlength := range []uint16{
1914		uint16(end - headerEnd + 1),
1915		uint16(end),
1916		1<<16 - 1,
1917	} {
1918		rr.Header().Rdlength = rdlength
1920		_, _, err := UnpackRRWithHeader(*rr.Header(), buf, headerEnd)
1921		if de, ok := err.(*Error); !ok || de.err != "bad rdlength" {
1922			t.Errorf("UnpackRRWithHeader with bad rdlength (%d) returned wrong or no error: %v", rdlength, err)
1923		}
1924	}
1927func TestParseZONEMD(t *testing.T) {
1928	// Uses examples from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8976
1929	dt := map[string]string{
1930		// Simple Zone
1931		`example.	86400	IN	ZONEMD	2018031900 1 1 (
1932										c68090d90a7aed71
1933										6bc459f9340e3d7c
1934										1370d4d24b7e2fc3
1935										a1ddc0b9a87153b9
1936										a9713b3c9ae5cc27
1937										777f98b8e730044c )
1938		`: "example.\t86400\tIN\tZONEMD\t2018031900 1 1 c68090d90a7aed716bc459f9340e3d7c1370d4d24b7e2fc3a1ddc0b9a87153b9a9713b3c9ae5cc27777f98b8e730044c",
1939		// Complex Zone
1940		`example.	86400	IN	ZONEMD	2018031900 1 1 (
1941										a3b69bad980a3504
1942										e1cffcb0fd6397f9
1943										3848071c93151f55
1944										2ae2f6b1711d4bd2
1945										d8b39808226d7b9d
1946										b71e34b72077f8fe )
1947		`: "example.\t86400\tIN\tZONEMD\t2018031900 1 1 a3b69bad980a3504e1cffcb0fd6397f93848071c93151f552ae2f6b1711d4bd2d8b39808226d7b9db71e34b72077f8fe",
1948		// Multiple Digests Zone
1949		`example.	86400	IN	ZONEMD	2018031900 1 1 (
1950										62e6cf51b02e54b9
1951										b5f967d547ce4313
1952										6792901f9f88e637
1953										493daaf401c92c27
1954										9dd10f0edb1c56f8
1955										080211f8480ee306 )
1956		`: "example.\t86400\tIN\tZONEMD\t2018031900 1 1 62e6cf51b02e54b9b5f967d547ce43136792901f9f88e637493daaf401c92c279dd10f0edb1c56f8080211f8480ee306",
1957		`example.	86400	IN	ZONEMD	2018031900 1 2 (
1958										08cfa1115c7b948c
1959										4163a901270395ea
1960										226a930cd2cbcf2f
1961										a9a5e6eb85f37c8a
1962										4e114d884e66f176
1963										eab121cb02db7d65
1964										2e0cc4827e7a3204
1965										f166b47e5613fd27 )
1966		`: "example.\t86400\tIN\tZONEMD\t2018031900 1 2 08cfa1115c7b948c4163a901270395ea226a930cd2cbcf2fa9a5e6eb85f37c8a4e114d884e66f176eab121cb02db7d652e0cc4827e7a3204f166b47e5613fd27",
1967		`example.	86400	IN	ZONEMD	2018031900 1 240 (
1968										e2d523f654b9422a
1969										96c5a8f44607bbee )
1970		`: "example.	86400	IN	ZONEMD	2018031900 1 240 e2d523f654b9422a96c5a8f44607bbee",
1971		`example.	86400	IN	ZONEMD	2018031900 241 1 (
1972										e1846540e33a9e41
1973										89792d18d5d131f6
1974										05fc283e )
1975		`: "example.	86400	IN	ZONEMD	2018031900 241 1 e1846540e33a9e4189792d18d5d131f605fc283e",
1976		// URI.ARPA zone
1977		`uri.arpa.		3600	IN		ZONEMD	2018100702 1 1 (
1978			0dbc3c4dbfd75777c12ca19c337854b1577799901307c482e9d91d5d15
1979			cd934d16319d98e30c4201cf25a1d5a0254960 )`: "uri.arpa.\t3600\tIN\tZONEMD\t2018100702 1 1 0dbc3c4dbfd75777c12ca19c337854b1577799901307c482e9d91d5d15cd934d16319d98e30c4201cf25a1d5a0254960",
1980		// ROOT-SERVERS.NET Zone
1981		`root-servers.net.     3600000 IN  ZONEMD  2018091100 1 1 (
1982			f1ca0ccd91bd5573d9f431c00ee0101b2545c97602be0a97
1983			8a3b11dbfc1c776d5b3e86ae3d973d6b5349ba7f04340f79 )
1984		`: "root-servers.net.\t3600000\tIN\tZONEMD\t2018091100 1 1 f1ca0ccd91bd5573d9f431c00ee0101b2545c97602be0a978a3b11dbfc1c776d5b3e86ae3d973d6b5349ba7f04340f79",
1985	}
1986	for i, o := range dt {
1987		rr, err := NewRR(i)
1988		if err != nil {
1989			t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err)
1990			continue
1991		}
1992		if rr.String() != o {
1993			t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is     `%s'", i, o, rr.String())
1994		}
1995	}