2    "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
3    "type": "object",
4    "additionalProperties": false,
5    "required": [ "payment_hash", "expires_at", "bolt11", "payment_secret" ],
6    "properties": {
7	"bolt11": {
8	    "type": "string",
9	    "description": "the bolt11 string"
10	},
11	"payment_hash": {
12	    "type": "hex",
13	    "description": "the hash of the *payment_preimage* which will prove payment",
14	    "maxLength": 64,
15	    "minLength": 64
16	},
17	"payment_secret": {
18	    "type": "hex",
19	    "description": "the *payment_secret* to place in the onion",
20	    "maxLength": 64,
21	    "minLength": 64
22	},
23	"expires_at": {
24	    "type": "u64",
25	    "description": "UNIX timestamp of when invoice expires"
26	},
27	"warning_capacity": {
28	    "type": "string",
29	    "description": "even using all possible channels, there's not enough incoming capacity to pay this invoice."
30	},
31	"warning_offline": {
32	    "type": "string",
33	    "description": "there would be enough incoming capacity, but some channels are offline, so there isn't."
34	},
35	"warning_deadends": {
36	    "type": "string",
37	    "description": "there would be enough incoming capacity, but some channels are dead-ends (no other public channels from those peers), so there isn't."
38	},
39	"warning_private_unused": {
40	    "type": "string",
41	    "description": "there would be enough incoming capacity, but some channels are unannounced and *exposeprivatechannels* is *false*, so there isn't."
42	},
43	"warning_mpp": {
44	    "type": "string",
45	    "description": "there is sufficient capacity, but not in a single channel, so the payer will have to use multi-part payments."
46	}
47    }