2    "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
3    "type": "object",
4    "additionalProperties": false,
5    "required": [ "reservations" ],
6    "properties": {
7	"reservations": {
8	    "type": "array",
9	    "items": {
10		"type": "object",
11		"additionalProperties": false,
12		"required": [ "txid", "vout", "was_reserved", "reserved", "reserved_to_block" ],
13		"properties": {
14		    "txid": {
15			"type": "txid",
16			"description": "the transaction id"
17		    },
18		    "vout": {
19			"type": "u32",
20			"description": "the output number which was reserved"
21		    },
22		    "was_reserved": {
23			"type": "boolean",
24			"description": "whether the input was already reserved"
25		    },
26		    "reserved": {
27			"type": "boolean",
28			"enum": [ true ],
29			"description": "whether the input is now reserved"
30		    },
31		    "reserved_to_block": {
32			"type": "u32",
33			"description": "what blockheight the reservation will expire"
34		    }
35		}
36	    }
37	}
38    }