1// Copyright 2013 Julien Schmidt. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
3// in the LICENSE file.
5package httprouter
7import (
8	"strings"
9	"unicode"
10	"unicode/utf8"
13func min(a, b int) int {
14	if a <= b {
15		return a
16	}
17	return b
20func countParams(path string) uint8 {
21	var n uint
22	for i := 0; i < len(path); i++ {
23		if path[i] != ':' && path[i] != '*' {
24			continue
25		}
26		n++
27	}
28	if n >= 255 {
29		return 255
30	}
31	return uint8(n)
34type nodeType uint8
36const (
37	static nodeType = iota // default
38	root
39	param
40	catchAll
43type node struct {
44	path      string
45	wildChild bool
46	nType     nodeType
47	maxParams uint8
48	indices   string
49	children  []*node
50	handle    Handle
51	priority  uint32
54// increments priority of the given child and reorders if necessary
55func (n *node) incrementChildPrio(pos int) int {
56	n.children[pos].priority++
57	prio := n.children[pos].priority
59	// adjust position (move to front)
60	newPos := pos
61	for newPos > 0 && n.children[newPos-1].priority < prio {
62		// swap node positions
63		n.children[newPos-1], n.children[newPos] = n.children[newPos], n.children[newPos-1]
65		newPos--
66	}
68	// build new index char string
69	if newPos != pos {
70		n.indices = n.indices[:newPos] + // unchanged prefix, might be empty
71			n.indices[pos:pos+1] + // the index char we move
72			n.indices[newPos:pos] + n.indices[pos+1:] // rest without char at 'pos'
73	}
75	return newPos
78// addRoute adds a node with the given handle to the path.
79// Not concurrency-safe!
80func (n *node) addRoute(path string, handle Handle) {
81	fullPath := path
82	n.priority++
83	numParams := countParams(path)
85	// non-empty tree
86	if len(n.path) > 0 || len(n.children) > 0 {
87	walk:
88		for {
89			// Update maxParams of the current node
90			if numParams > n.maxParams {
91				n.maxParams = numParams
92			}
94			// Find the longest common prefix.
95			// This also implies that the common prefix contains no ':' or '*'
96			// since the existing key can't contain those chars.
97			i := 0
98			max := min(len(path), len(n.path))
99			for i < max && path[i] == n.path[i] {
100				i++
101			}
103			// Split edge
104			if i < len(n.path) {
105				child := node{
106					path:      n.path[i:],
107					wildChild: n.wildChild,
108					nType:     static,
109					indices:   n.indices,
110					children:  n.children,
111					handle:    n.handle,
112					priority:  n.priority - 1,
113				}
115				// Update maxParams (max of all children)
116				for i := range child.children {
117					if child.children[i].maxParams > child.maxParams {
118						child.maxParams = child.children[i].maxParams
119					}
120				}
122				n.children = []*node{&child}
123				// []byte for proper unicode char conversion, see #65
124				n.indices = string([]byte{n.path[i]})
125				n.path = path[:i]
126				n.handle = nil
127				n.wildChild = false
128			}
130			// Make new node a child of this node
131			if i < len(path) {
132				path = path[i:]
134				if n.wildChild {
135					n = n.children[0]
136					n.priority++
138					// Update maxParams of the child node
139					if numParams > n.maxParams {
140						n.maxParams = numParams
141					}
142					numParams--
144					// Check if the wildcard matches
145					if len(path) >= len(n.path) && n.path == path[:len(n.path)] &&
146						// Check for longer wildcard, e.g. :name and :names
147						(len(n.path) >= len(path) || path[len(n.path)] == '/') {
148						continue walk
149					} else {
150						// Wildcard conflict
151						var pathSeg string
152						if n.nType == catchAll {
153							pathSeg = path
154						} else {
155							pathSeg = strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)[0]
156						}
157						prefix := fullPath[:strings.Index(fullPath, pathSeg)] + n.path
158						panic("'" + pathSeg +
159							"' in new path '" + fullPath +
160							"' conflicts with existing wildcard '" + n.path +
161							"' in existing prefix '" + prefix +
162							"'")
163					}
164				}
166				c := path[0]
168				// slash after param
169				if n.nType == param && c == '/' && len(n.children) == 1 {
170					n = n.children[0]
171					n.priority++
172					continue walk
173				}
175				// Check if a child with the next path byte exists
176				for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
177					if c == n.indices[i] {
178						i = n.incrementChildPrio(i)
179						n = n.children[i]
180						continue walk
181					}
182				}
184				// Otherwise insert it
185				if c != ':' && c != '*' {
186					// []byte for proper unicode char conversion, see #65
187					n.indices += string([]byte{c})
188					child := &node{
189						maxParams: numParams,
190					}
191					n.children = append(n.children, child)
192					n.incrementChildPrio(len(n.indices) - 1)
193					n = child
194				}
195				n.insertChild(numParams, path, fullPath, handle)
196				return
198			} else if i == len(path) { // Make node a (in-path) leaf
199				if n.handle != nil {
200					panic("a handle is already registered for path '" + fullPath + "'")
201				}
202				n.handle = handle
203			}
204			return
205		}
206	} else { // Empty tree
207		n.insertChild(numParams, path, fullPath, handle)
208		n.nType = root
209	}
212func (n *node) insertChild(numParams uint8, path, fullPath string, handle Handle) {
213	var offset int // already handled bytes of the path
215	// find prefix until first wildcard (beginning with ':'' or '*'')
216	for i, max := 0, len(path); numParams > 0; i++ {
217		c := path[i]
218		if c != ':' && c != '*' {
219			continue
220		}
222		// find wildcard end (either '/' or path end)
223		end := i + 1
224		for end < max && path[end] != '/' {
225			switch path[end] {
226			// the wildcard name must not contain ':' and '*'
227			case ':', '*':
228				panic("only one wildcard per path segment is allowed, has: '" +
229					path[i:] + "' in path '" + fullPath + "'")
230			default:
231				end++
232			}
233		}
235		// check if this Node existing children which would be
236		// unreachable if we insert the wildcard here
237		if len(n.children) > 0 {
238			panic("wildcard route '" + path[i:end] +
239				"' conflicts with existing children in path '" + fullPath + "'")
240		}
242		// check if the wildcard has a name
243		if end-i < 2 {
244			panic("wildcards must be named with a non-empty name in path '" + fullPath + "'")
245		}
247		if c == ':' { // param
248			// split path at the beginning of the wildcard
249			if i > 0 {
250				n.path = path[offset:i]
251				offset = i
252			}
254			child := &node{
255				nType:     param,
256				maxParams: numParams,
257			}
258			n.children = []*node{child}
259			n.wildChild = true
260			n = child
261			n.priority++
262			numParams--
264			// if the path doesn't end with the wildcard, then there
265			// will be another non-wildcard subpath starting with '/'
266			if end < max {
267				n.path = path[offset:end]
268				offset = end
270				child := &node{
271					maxParams: numParams,
272					priority:  1,
273				}
274				n.children = []*node{child}
275				n = child
276			}
278		} else { // catchAll
279			if end != max || numParams > 1 {
280				panic("catch-all routes are only allowed at the end of the path in path '" + fullPath + "'")
281			}
283			if len(n.path) > 0 && n.path[len(n.path)-1] == '/' {
284				panic("catch-all conflicts with existing handle for the path segment root in path '" + fullPath + "'")
285			}
287			// currently fixed width 1 for '/'
288			i--
289			if path[i] != '/' {
290				panic("no / before catch-all in path '" + fullPath + "'")
291			}
293			n.path = path[offset:i]
295			// first node: catchAll node with empty path
296			child := &node{
297				wildChild: true,
298				nType:     catchAll,
299				maxParams: 1,
300			}
301			n.children = []*node{child}
302			n.indices = string(path[i])
303			n = child
304			n.priority++
306			// second node: node holding the variable
307			child = &node{
308				path:      path[i:],
309				nType:     catchAll,
310				maxParams: 1,
311				handle:    handle,
312				priority:  1,
313			}
314			n.children = []*node{child}
316			return
317		}
318	}
320	// insert remaining path part and handle to the leaf
321	n.path = path[offset:]
322	n.handle = handle
325// Returns the handle registered with the given path (key). The values of
326// wildcards are saved to a map.
327// If no handle can be found, a TSR (trailing slash redirect) recommendation is
328// made if a handle exists with an extra (without the) trailing slash for the
329// given path.
330func (n *node) getValue(path string) (handle Handle, p Params, tsr bool) {
331walk: // outer loop for walking the tree
332	for {
333		if len(path) > len(n.path) {
334			if path[:len(n.path)] == n.path {
335				path = path[len(n.path):]
336				// If this node does not have a wildcard (param or catchAll)
337				// child,  we can just look up the next child node and continue
338				// to walk down the tree
339				if !n.wildChild {
340					c := path[0]
341					for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
342						if c == n.indices[i] {
343							n = n.children[i]
344							continue walk
345						}
346					}
348					// Nothing found.
349					// We can recommend to redirect to the same URL without a
350					// trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path.
351					tsr = (path == "/" && n.handle != nil)
352					return
354				}
356				// handle wildcard child
357				n = n.children[0]
358				switch n.nType {
359				case param:
360					// find param end (either '/' or path end)
361					end := 0
362					for end < len(path) && path[end] != '/' {
363						end++
364					}
366					// save param value
367					if p == nil {
368						// lazy allocation
369						p = make(Params, 0, n.maxParams)
370					}
371					i := len(p)
372					p = p[:i+1] // expand slice within preallocated capacity
373					p[i].Key = n.path[1:]
374					p[i].Value = path[:end]
376					// we need to go deeper!
377					if end < len(path) {
378						if len(n.children) > 0 {
379							path = path[end:]
380							n = n.children[0]
381							continue walk
382						}
384						// ... but we can't
385						tsr = (len(path) == end+1)
386						return
387					}
389					if handle = n.handle; handle != nil {
390						return
391					} else if len(n.children) == 1 {
392						// No handle found. Check if a handle for this path + a
393						// trailing slash exists for TSR recommendation
394						n = n.children[0]
395						tsr = (n.path == "/" && n.handle != nil)
396					}
398					return
400				case catchAll:
401					// save param value
402					if p == nil {
403						// lazy allocation
404						p = make(Params, 0, n.maxParams)
405					}
406					i := len(p)
407					p = p[:i+1] // expand slice within preallocated capacity
408					p[i].Key = n.path[2:]
409					p[i].Value = path
411					handle = n.handle
412					return
414				default:
415					panic("invalid node type")
416				}
417			}
418		} else if path == n.path {
419			// We should have reached the node containing the handle.
420			// Check if this node has a handle registered.
421			if handle = n.handle; handle != nil {
422				return
423			}
425			if path == "/" && n.wildChild && n.nType != root {
426				tsr = true
427				return
428			}
430			// No handle found. Check if a handle for this path + a
431			// trailing slash exists for trailing slash recommendation
432			for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
433				if n.indices[i] == '/' {
434					n = n.children[i]
435					tsr = (len(n.path) == 1 && n.handle != nil) ||
436						(n.nType == catchAll && n.children[0].handle != nil)
437					return
438				}
439			}
441			return
442		}
444		// Nothing found. We can recommend to redirect to the same URL with an
445		// extra trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path
446		tsr = (path == "/") ||
447			(len(n.path) == len(path)+1 && n.path[len(path)] == '/' &&
448				path == n.path[:len(n.path)-1] && n.handle != nil)
449		return
450	}
453// Makes a case-insensitive lookup of the given path and tries to find a handler.
454// It can optionally also fix trailing slashes.
455// It returns the case-corrected path and a bool indicating whether the lookup
456// was successful.
457func (n *node) findCaseInsensitivePath(path string, fixTrailingSlash bool) (ciPath []byte, found bool) {
458	return n.findCaseInsensitivePathRec(
459		path,
460		strings.ToLower(path),
461		make([]byte, 0, len(path)+1), // preallocate enough memory for new path
462		[4]byte{},                    // empty rune buffer
463		fixTrailingSlash,
464	)
467// shift bytes in array by n bytes left
468func shiftNRuneBytes(rb [4]byte, n int) [4]byte {
469	switch n {
470	case 0:
471		return rb
472	case 1:
473		return [4]byte{rb[1], rb[2], rb[3], 0}
474	case 2:
475		return [4]byte{rb[2], rb[3]}
476	case 3:
477		return [4]byte{rb[3]}
478	default:
479		return [4]byte{}
480	}
483// recursive case-insensitive lookup function used by n.findCaseInsensitivePath
484func (n *node) findCaseInsensitivePathRec(path, loPath string, ciPath []byte, rb [4]byte, fixTrailingSlash bool) ([]byte, bool) {
485	loNPath := strings.ToLower(n.path)
487walk: // outer loop for walking the tree
488	for len(loPath) >= len(loNPath) && (len(loNPath) == 0 || loPath[1:len(loNPath)] == loNPath[1:]) {
489		// add common path to result
490		ciPath = append(ciPath, n.path...)
492		if path = path[len(n.path):]; len(path) > 0 {
493			loOld := loPath
494			loPath = loPath[len(loNPath):]
496			// If this node does not have a wildcard (param or catchAll) child,
497			// we can just look up the next child node and continue to walk down
498			// the tree
499			if !n.wildChild {
500				// skip rune bytes already processed
501				rb = shiftNRuneBytes(rb, len(loNPath))
503				if rb[0] != 0 {
504					// old rune not finished
505					for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
506						if n.indices[i] == rb[0] {
507							// continue with child node
508							n = n.children[i]
509							loNPath = strings.ToLower(n.path)
510							continue walk
511						}
512					}
513				} else {
514					// process a new rune
515					var rv rune
517					// find rune start
518					// runes are up to 4 byte long,
519					// -4 would definitely be another rune
520					var off int
521					for max := min(len(loNPath), 3); off < max; off++ {
522						if i := len(loNPath) - off; utf8.RuneStart(loOld[i]) {
523							// read rune from cached lowercase path
524							rv, _ = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(loOld[i:])
525							break
526						}
527					}
529					// calculate lowercase bytes of current rune
530					utf8.EncodeRune(rb[:], rv)
531					// skipp already processed bytes
532					rb = shiftNRuneBytes(rb, off)
534					for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
535						// lowercase matches
536						if n.indices[i] == rb[0] {
537							// must use a recursive approach since both the
538							// uppercase byte and the lowercase byte might exist
539							// as an index
540							if out, found := n.children[i].findCaseInsensitivePathRec(
541								path, loPath, ciPath, rb, fixTrailingSlash,
542							); found {
543								return out, true
544							}
545							break
546						}
547					}
549					// same for uppercase rune, if it differs
550					if up := unicode.ToUpper(rv); up != rv {
551						utf8.EncodeRune(rb[:], up)
552						rb = shiftNRuneBytes(rb, off)
554						for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
555							// uppercase matches
556							if n.indices[i] == rb[0] {
557								// continue with child node
558								n = n.children[i]
559								loNPath = strings.ToLower(n.path)
560								continue walk
561							}
562						}
563					}
564				}
566				// Nothing found. We can recommend to redirect to the same URL
567				// without a trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path
568				return ciPath, (fixTrailingSlash && path == "/" && n.handle != nil)
569			}
571			n = n.children[0]
572			switch n.nType {
573			case param:
574				// find param end (either '/' or path end)
575				k := 0
576				for k < len(path) && path[k] != '/' {
577					k++
578				}
580				// add param value to case insensitive path
581				ciPath = append(ciPath, path[:k]...)
583				// we need to go deeper!
584				if k < len(path) {
585					if len(n.children) > 0 {
586						// continue with child node
587						n = n.children[0]
588						loNPath = strings.ToLower(n.path)
589						loPath = loPath[k:]
590						path = path[k:]
591						continue
592					}
594					// ... but we can't
595					if fixTrailingSlash && len(path) == k+1 {
596						return ciPath, true
597					}
598					return ciPath, false
599				}
601				if n.handle != nil {
602					return ciPath, true
603				} else if fixTrailingSlash && len(n.children) == 1 {
604					// No handle found. Check if a handle for this path + a
605					// trailing slash exists
606					n = n.children[0]
607					if n.path == "/" && n.handle != nil {
608						return append(ciPath, '/'), true
609					}
610				}
611				return ciPath, false
613			case catchAll:
614				return append(ciPath, path...), true
616			default:
617				panic("invalid node type")
618			}
619		} else {
620			// We should have reached the node containing the handle.
621			// Check if this node has a handle registered.
622			if n.handle != nil {
623				return ciPath, true
624			}
626			// No handle found.
627			// Try to fix the path by adding a trailing slash
628			if fixTrailingSlash {
629				for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
630					if n.indices[i] == '/' {
631						n = n.children[i]
632						if (len(n.path) == 1 && n.handle != nil) ||
633							(n.nType == catchAll && n.children[0].handle != nil) {
634							return append(ciPath, '/'), true
635						}
636						return ciPath, false
637					}
638				}
639			}
640			return ciPath, false
641		}
642	}
644	// Nothing found.
645	// Try to fix the path by adding / removing a trailing slash
646	if fixTrailingSlash {
647		if path == "/" {
648			return ciPath, true
649		}
650		if len(loPath)+1 == len(loNPath) && loNPath[len(loPath)] == '/' &&
651			loPath[1:] == loNPath[1:len(loPath)] && n.handle != nil {
652			return append(ciPath, n.path...), true
653		}
654	}
655	return ciPath, false