1 package com.tudelft.triblerdroid.swift;
3 /*
4  * JNI interface for the libswift P2P engine.
5  *
6  * Written by Riccardo Petrocco and Arno Bakker
7  */
9 public class NativeLib {
11   static {
12     //System.loadLibrary("swift");
13 	//  System.loadLibrary("event");
14 	  System.loadLibrary("cryptossl");
15   }
17   /**
18    * Initialize swift engine. MUST be called before any other functions.
19    * Not thread-safe, only 1 global call allowed.
20    *
21    * @param listenaddr IP address and port to listen to, or empty
22    * (=IP and port randomly chosen)
23    * @param httpgwaddr IP address and port for internal HTTP server to listen to
24    * @return empty string (=OK) or error string.
25    */
Init( String listenaddr, String httpgwaddr )26   public native String Init( String listenaddr, String httpgwaddr );
28   /**
29    * Enter swift mainloop. Does not exit till shutdown is called!
30    * Not thread-safe, only 1 global call allowed.
31    */
Mainloop()32   public native void Mainloop();
34   /**
35    * Shutdown swift engine.
36    * Thread-safe.
37    *
38    * @return empty string (=OK) or error string.
39    */
Shutdown()40   public native void Shutdown();
42   /**
43    * Retrieve result of previous async* call, if available.
44    * Thread-safe.
45    *
46    * @param callid as returned by async* call
47    * @return "n/a" if not yet available or as described in async* call
48    */
asyncGetResult(int callid)49   public native String asyncGetResult(int callid);
52   /**
53    * Start swift download. For streaming via the internal HTTP server do not
54    * call this method, just do a HTTP GET /roothash-in-hex on the HTTPGW
55    * address configured via Init(). Append "@-1" to the path for live streams.
56    *
57    * If content is already on disk (e.g. starting a seed) and the swift engine
58    * finds a checkpoint for this content (i.e., a filename.mhash and
59    * filename.mbinmap) it will not hash check.
60    *
61    * If the swarmid is all 0 and no checkpoint is found, the swift engine
62    * will hash check the content in filename. This may take a while, so the
63    * asyncGetResult will not yield a result quickly. Moreover, all network
64    * traffic will also be halted during this period. To prevent this situation
65    * you should call hashCheckOffline(filename) beforehand, see below.
66    *
67    * Thread-safe.
68    *
69    * @param swarmid	SwarmID in hex, may be all 0 for seeding.
70    * @param tracker tracker for this download.
71    * @param filename Location where to store content.
72    * @return callid or -1 on error.
73    * asyncGetResult(callid) will return swarmid (=OK) or error string.
74    */
asyncOpen( String swarmid, String tracker, String filename )75   public native int asyncOpen( String swarmid, String tracker, String filename );
78   /**
79    * Remove swift download.
80    * Thread-safe.
81    *
82    * @param swarmid	SwarmID in hex.
83    * @param removestate whether to remove an existing checkpoint.
84    * @param removecontent whether to remove the content already on disk.
85    * @return callid or -1 on error.
86    * asyncGetResult(callid) will return swarmid (=OK) or error string.
87    */
asyncClose( String swarmid, boolean removestate, boolean removecontent )88   public native int asyncClose( String swarmid, boolean removestate, boolean removecontent );
91   /**
92    * Write a swift checkpoint for the specified file.
93    *
94    * Thread-safe.
95    *
96    * @param filename Location where content is stored.
97    * @return swarmid (=OK) or error string.
98    */
hashCheckOffline( String filename )99   public native String hashCheckOffline( String filename );
103   /**
104    * Set default swift tracker.
105    * Thread-safe.
106    *
107    * @param tracker tracker for this download
108    */
SetTracker( String tracker )109   public native void SetTracker( String tracker );
112   /**
113    * Returns progress for the specified swift download streamed via the HTTPGW
114    * as a fraction of the number of bytes written to the HTTP socket and the
115    * total size of the content (0 for live).
116    * Thread-safe.
117    *
118    * @param swarmid	SwarmID in hex
119    * @return callid or -1 on error.
120    * asyncGetResult(callid) will return "xxx/yyy"
121    */
asyncGetHTTPProgress( String swarmid )122   public native int asyncGetHTTPProgress( String swarmid );
125   /**
126    * Returns statistics for the specified swift download following KTH spec.
127    * Thread-safe.
128    *
129    * @param swarmid	SwarmID in hex
130    * @return callid -1 on error.
131    * asyncGetResult(callid) will return "a/b/c/d/e/f"
132    */
asyncGetStats( String swarmid )133   public native int asyncGetStats( String swarmid );
136   /**
137    * Create a live swarm (currently just one).
138    * Not thread-safe, only 1 global call allowed.
139    *
140    * @param swarmid public key to identify swarm (future)
141    * @return empty string (=OK) or error string
142    */
LiveCreate( String swarmid )143   public native String LiveCreate( String swarmid );
146   /**
147    * Pass data to live source.
148    * Thread-safe.
149    *
150    * @param swarmid public key to identify swarm
151    * @param data content
152    * @param offset offset of content in data array (UNUSED)
153    * @param length size of the content
154    * @returns empty string (=OK) or error string.
155    */
LiveAdd( String swarmid, byte[] data, int offset, int length )156   public native String LiveAdd( String swarmid, byte[] data, int offset, int length );
157 }