1<TS language="nb" version="2.1">
3    <name>AddressBookPage</name>
4    <message>
5        <source>Right-click to edit address or label</source>
6        <translation>Høyreklikk for å redigere adressen eller beskrivelsen</translation>
7    </message>
8    <message>
9        <source>Create a new address</source>
10        <translation>Opprett en ny adresse</translation>
11    </message>
12    <message>
13        <source>&amp;New</source>
14        <translation>&amp;Ny</translation>
15    </message>
16    <message>
17        <source>Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard</source>
18        <translation>Kopier den valgte adressen til utklippstavlen</translation>
19    </message>
20    <message>
21        <source>&amp;Copy</source>
22        <translation>&amp;Kopier</translation>
23    </message>
24    <message>
25        <source>C&amp;lose</source>
26        <translation>&amp;Lukk</translation>
27    </message>
28    <message>
29        <source>Delete the currently selected address from the list</source>
30        <translation>Slett den valgte adressen fra listen</translation>
31    </message>
32    <message>
33        <source>Enter address or label to search</source>
34        <translation>Oppgi adresse, eller stikkord, for å søke</translation>
35    </message>
36    <message>
37        <source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source>
38        <translation>Eksporter data i den valgte fliken til en fil</translation>
39    </message>
40    <message>
41        <source>&amp;Export</source>
42        <translation>&amp;Eksport</translation>
43    </message>
44    <message>
45        <source>&amp;Delete</source>
46        <translation>&amp;Slett</translation>
47    </message>
48    <message>
49        <source>Choose the address to send coins to</source>
50        <translation>Velg en adresse å sende mynter til</translation>
51    </message>
52    <message>
53        <source>Choose the address to receive coins with</source>
54        <translation>Velg adressen som skal motta myntene</translation>
55    </message>
56    <message>
57        <source>C&amp;hoose</source>
58        <translation>&amp;Velg</translation>
59    </message>
60    <message>
61        <source>Sending addresses</source>
62        <translation>Avsender adresser</translation>
63    </message>
64    <message>
65        <source>Receiving addresses</source>
66        <translation>Mottager adresser</translation>
67    </message>
68    <message>
69        <source>These are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins.</source>
70        <translation>Dette er dine Bitcoin adresser for å sende  å sende betalinger. Husk å sjekke beløp og mottager adresser før du sender mynter.</translation>
71    </message>
72    <message>
73        <source>These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. Use the 'Create new receiving address' button in the receive tab to create new addresses.
74Signing is only possible with addresses of the type 'legacy'.</source>
75        <translation>Dette er dine Bitcoin adresser for å motta betalinger. Bruk 'Lag ny mottaksadresse' knappen i motta tabben for å lage nye adresser. Signering er bare mulig for adresser av typen 'legacy'.</translation>
76    </message>
77    <message>
78        <source>&amp;Copy Address</source>
79        <translation>&amp;Kopier adresse</translation>
80    </message>
81    <message>
82        <source>Copy &amp;Label</source>
83        <translation>Kopier &amp;beskrivelse</translation>
84    </message>
85    <message>
86        <source>&amp;Edit</source>
87        <translation>R&amp;ediger</translation>
88    </message>
89    <message>
90        <source>Export Address List</source>
91        <translation>Eksporter adresse listen</translation>
92    </message>
93    <message>
94        <source>Comma separated file (*.csv)</source>
95        <translation>Komma separert fil (*.csv)</translation>
96    </message>
97    <message>
98        <source>Exporting Failed</source>
99        <translation>Eksporten feilet</translation>
100    </message>
101    <message>
102        <source>There was an error trying to save the address list to %1. Please try again.</source>
103        <translation>Fet oppstod en feil ved lagring av adresselisten til %1. Vennligst prøv igjen.</translation>
104    </message>
107    <name>AddressTableModel</name>
108    <message>
109        <source>Label</source>
110        <translation>Beskrivelse</translation>
111    </message>
112    <message>
113        <source>Address</source>
114        <translation>Adresse</translation>
115    </message>
116    <message>
117        <source>(no label)</source>
118        <translation>(ingen beskrivelse)</translation>
119    </message>
122    <name>AskPassphraseDialog</name>
123    <message>
124        <source>Passphrase Dialog</source>
125        <translation>Passord dialog</translation>
126    </message>
127    <message>
128        <source>Enter passphrase</source>
129        <translation>Oppgi passord setning</translation>
130    </message>
131    <message>
132        <source>New passphrase</source>
133        <translation>Ny passord setning</translation>
134    </message>
135    <message>
136        <source>Repeat new passphrase</source>
137        <translation>Repeter passorsetningen</translation>
138    </message>
139    <message>
140        <source>Show passphrase</source>
141        <translation>Vis adgangsfrase</translation>
142    </message>
143    <message>
144        <source>Encrypt wallet</source>
145        <translation>Krypter lommeboken</translation>
146    </message>
147    <message>
148        <source>This operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet.</source>
149        <translation>Denne operasjonen krever passordsetningen for å låse opp lommeboken.</translation>
150    </message>
151    <message>
152        <source>Unlock wallet</source>
153        <translation>Lås opp lommeboken</translation>
154    </message>
155    <message>
156        <source>This operation needs your wallet passphrase to decrypt the wallet.</source>
157        <translation>Denne operasjonen krever passordsetningen for å dekryptere lommeboken.</translation>
158    </message>
159    <message>
160        <source>Decrypt wallet</source>
161        <translation>Dekrypter lommeboken</translation>
162    </message>
163    <message>
164        <source>Change passphrase</source>
165        <translation>Endre passordsetningen</translation>
166    </message>
167    <message>
168        <source>Confirm wallet encryption</source>
169        <translation>Bekreft kryptering av lommeboken</translation>
170    </message>
171    <message>
172        <source>Warning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will &lt;b&gt;LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS&lt;/b&gt;!</source>
173        <translation>Advarsel: Dersom du krypterer lommeboken og mister passordsetningen vil du &lt;b&gt;MISTE ALLE DINE BITCOIN&lt;/b&gt;!</translation>
174    </message>
175    <message>
176        <source>Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet?</source>
177        <translation>Er du sikker  at du vil kryptere lommeboken?</translation>
178    </message>
179    <message>
180        <source>Wallet encrypted</source>
181        <translation>Lommeboken er kryptert</translation>
182    </message>
183    <message>
184        <source>Enter the new passphrase for the wallet.&lt;br/&gt;Please use a passphrase of &lt;b&gt;ten or more random characters&lt;/b&gt;, or &lt;b&gt;eight or more words&lt;/b&gt;.</source>
185        <translation>Angi den nye passordfrasen for lommeboken.&lt;br/&gt; Vennglist du bruker en passordfrase &lt;b&gt; ti eller tilfeldige tegn &lt;/b&gt;, eller &lt;b&gt; åtte eller flere ord.</translation>
186    </message>
187    <message>
188        <source>Enter the old passphrase and new passphrase for the wallet.</source>
189        <translation>Svriv inn den gamle passfrasen og den nye passordfrasen for lommeboken.</translation>
190    </message>
191    <message>
192        <source>Remember that encrypting your wallet cannot fully protect your bitcoins from being stolen by malware infecting your computer.</source>
193        <translation>Husk at å kryptere lommeboken ikke vil beskytte dine bitcoins fullstendig fra å bli stjålet av skadevare som infiserer datamaskinen din.</translation>
194    </message>
195    <message>
196        <source>Wallet to be encrypted</source>
197        <translation>Lommebok som skal bli kryptert</translation>
198    </message>
199    <message>
200        <source>Your wallet is about to be encrypted. </source>
201        <translation>Din lommebok er i ferd med å bli kryptert.</translation>
202    </message>
203    <message>
204        <source>Your wallet is now encrypted. </source>
205        <translation>Din lommebok er  kryptert.</translation>
206    </message>
207    <message>
208        <source>IMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet.</source>
209        <translation>VIKTIG: Alle tidligere sikkerhetskopier du har tatt av lommebokfilen bør erstattes med den nye krypterte lommebokfilen. Av sikkerhetsgrunner vil tidligere sikkerhetskopier av lommebokfilen bli ubrukelige når du begynner å bruke den ny kypterte lommeboken.</translation>
210    </message>
211    <message>
212        <source>Wallet encryption failed</source>
213        <translation>Kryptering av lommeboken feilet</translation>
214    </message>
215    <message>
216        <source>Wallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted.</source>
217        <translation>Lommebokkrypteringen feilet pga. en intern feil. Lommeboken din ble ikke kryptert.</translation>
218    </message>
219    <message>
220        <source>The supplied passphrases do not match.</source>
221        <translation>De oppgitte passordsetningene er forskjellige.</translation>
222    </message>
223    <message>
224        <source>Wallet unlock failed</source>
225        <translation>Opplåsing av lommeboken feilet</translation>
226    </message>
227    <message>
228        <source>The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect.</source>
229        <translation>Passordsetningen som ble oppgitt for å dekryptere lommeboken var feil.</translation>
230    </message>
231    <message>
232        <source>Wallet decryption failed</source>
233        <translation>Dekryptering av lommeboken feilet</translation>
234    </message>
235    <message>
236        <source>Wallet passphrase was successfully changed.</source>
237        <translation>Passordsetningen for lommeboken ble endret</translation>
238    </message>
239    <message>
240        <source>Warning: The Caps Lock key is on!</source>
241        <translation>Advarsel: Caps Lock er !</translation>
242    </message>
245    <name>BanTableModel</name>
246    <message>
247        <source>IP/Netmask</source>
248        <translation>IP/Nettmaske</translation>
249    </message>
250    <message>
251        <source>Banned Until</source>
252        <translation>Utestengt Til</translation>
253    </message>
256    <name>BitcoinGUI</name>
257    <message>
258        <source>Sign &amp;message...</source>
259        <translation>Signer &amp;melding</translation>
260    </message>
261    <message>
262        <source>Synchronizing with network...</source>
263        <translation>Synkroniserer med nettverket</translation>
264    </message>
265    <message>
266        <source>&amp;Overview</source>
267        <translation>&amp;Oversikt</translation>
268    </message>
269    <message>
270        <source>Show general overview of wallet</source>
271        <translation>Vis generell oversikt over lommeboken</translation>
272    </message>
273    <message>
274        <source>&amp;Transactions</source>
275        <translation>&amp;Transaksjoner</translation>
276    </message>
277    <message>
278        <source>Browse transaction history</source>
279        <translation>Bla gjennom transaksjoner</translation>
280    </message>
281    <message>
282        <source>E&amp;xit</source>
283        <translation>&amp;Avslutt</translation>
284    </message>
285    <message>
286        <source>Quit application</source>
287        <translation>Avslutt program</translation>
288    </message>
289    <message>
290        <source>&amp;About %1</source>
291        <translation>&amp;Om %1</translation>
292    </message>
293    <message>
294        <source>Show information about %1</source>
295        <translation>Vis informasjon om %1</translation>
296    </message>
297    <message>
298        <source>About &amp;Qt</source>
299        <translation>Om &amp;Qt</translation>
300    </message>
301    <message>
302        <source>Show information about Qt</source>
303        <translation>Vis informasjon om Qt</translation>
304    </message>
305    <message>
306        <source>&amp;Options...</source>
307        <translation>&amp;Alternativer</translation>
308    </message>
309    <message>
310        <source>Modify configuration options for %1</source>
311        <translation>Endre konfigurasjonsalternativer for %1</translation>
312    </message>
313    <message>
314        <source>&amp;Encrypt Wallet...</source>
315        <translation>&amp;Krypter lommebok...</translation>
316    </message>
317    <message>
318        <source>&amp;Backup Wallet...</source>
319        <translation>&amp;Sikkerhetskopier lommebok</translation>
320    </message>
321    <message>
322        <source>&amp;Change Passphrase...</source>
323        <translation>&amp;Endre passordsetning</translation>
324    </message>
325    <message>
326        <source>Open &amp;URI...</source>
327        <translation>Åpne &amp;URI</translation>
328    </message>
329    <message>
330        <source>Create Wallet...</source>
331        <translation>Lag lommebok...</translation>
332    </message>
333    <message>
334        <source>Create a new wallet</source>
335        <translation>Lag en ny lommebok</translation>
336    </message>
337    <message>
338        <source>Wallet:</source>
339        <translation>Lommebok:</translation>
340    </message>
341    <message>
342        <source>Click to disable network activity.</source>
343        <translation>Klikk for å slå av nettverksaktivitet.</translation>
344    </message>
345    <message>
346        <source>Network activity disabled.</source>
347        <translation>Nettverksaktivitet er slått av</translation>
348    </message>
349    <message>
350        <source>Click to enable network activity again.</source>
351        <translation>Klikk for å slå  nettverksaktivitet igjen.</translation>
352    </message>
353    <message>
354        <source>Syncing Headers (%1%)...</source>
355        <translation>Synkroniserer Headers (%1%)...</translation>
356    </message>
357    <message>
358        <source>Reindexing blocks on disk...</source>
359        <translation>Reindekserer blokker  disken</translation>
360    </message>
361    <message>
362        <source>Proxy is &lt;b&gt;enabled&lt;/b&gt;: %1</source>
363        <translation>Proxy er &lt;b&gt;slått &lt;/b&gt;: %1</translation>
364    </message>
365    <message>
366        <source>Send coins to a Bitcoin address</source>
367        <translation>Send mynter til en Bitcoin adresse</translation>
368    </message>
369    <message>
370        <source>Backup wallet to another location</source>
371        <translation>Sikkerhetskopier lommeboken til en annen lokasjon</translation>
372    </message>
373    <message>
374        <source>Change the passphrase used for wallet encryption</source>
375        <translation>Endre passordsetningen for kryptering av lommeboken</translation>
376    </message>
377    <message>
378        <source>&amp;Verify message...</source>
379        <translation>&amp;Verifiser meldingen...</translation>
380    </message>
381    <message>
382        <source>&amp;Send</source>
383        <translation>&amp;Sende</translation>
384    </message>
385    <message>
386        <source>&amp;Receive</source>
387        <translation>&amp;Motta</translation>
388    </message>
389    <message>
390        <source>&amp;Show / Hide</source>
391        <translation>Vi&amp;s / Skjul</translation>
392    </message>
393    <message>
394        <source>Show or hide the main Window</source>
395        <translation>Vis, eller skjul, hovedvinduet</translation>
396    </message>
397    <message>
398        <source>Encrypt the private keys that belong to your wallet</source>
399        <translation>Krypter de private nøklene som tilhører lommeboken din</translation>
400    </message>
401    <message>
402        <source>Sign messages with your Bitcoin addresses to prove you own them</source>
403        <translation>Signer meldingene med Bitcoin adresse for å bevise at diu eier dem</translation>
404    </message>
405    <message>
406        <source>Verify messages to ensure they were signed with specified Bitcoin addresses</source>
407        <translation>Verifiser meldinger for å sikre at de ble signert med en angitt Bitcoin adresse</translation>
408    </message>
409    <message>
410        <source>&amp;File</source>
411        <translation>&amp;Fil</translation>
412    </message>
413    <message>
414        <source>&amp;Settings</source>
415        <translation>Inn&amp;stillinger</translation>
416    </message>
417    <message>
418        <source>&amp;Help</source>
419        <translation>&amp;Hjelp</translation>
420    </message>
421    <message>
422        <source>Tabs toolbar</source>
423        <translation>Hjelpelinje for fliker</translation>
424    </message>
425    <message>
426        <source>Request payments (generates QR codes and bitcoin: URIs)</source>
427        <translation>Be om betalinger (genererer QR-koder og bitcoin-URIer)</translation>
428    </message>
429    <message>
430        <source>Show the list of used sending addresses and labels</source>
431        <translation>Vis lista over brukte sendeadresser og merkelapper</translation>
432    </message>
433    <message>
434        <source>Show the list of used receiving addresses and labels</source>
435        <translation>Vis lista over brukte mottakeradresser og merkelapper</translation>
436    </message>
437    <message>
438        <source>&amp;Command-line options</source>
439        <translation>&amp;Kommandolinjealternativer</translation>
440    </message>
441    <message numerus="yes">
442        <source>%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network</source>
443        <translation><numerusform>%n aktiv tilkobling til Bitcoin nettverket</numerusform><numerusform>%n aktive tilkoblinger til Bitcoin nettverket</numerusform></translation>
444    </message>
445    <message>
446        <source>Indexing blocks on disk...</source>
447        <translation>Indekserer blokker  disken...</translation>
448    </message>
449    <message>
450        <source>Processing blocks on disk...</source>
451        <translation>Behandler blokker  disken…</translation>
452    </message>
453    <message numerus="yes">
454        <source>Processed %n block(s) of transaction history.</source>
455        <translation><numerusform>Har prosessert %n blokk av transaksjonshistorien</numerusform><numerusform>Har prosessert %n blokker av transaksjonshistorien</numerusform></translation>
456    </message>
457    <message>
458        <source>%1 behind</source>
459        <translation>%1 bak</translation>
460    </message>
461    <message>
462        <source>Last received block was generated %1 ago.</source>
463        <translation>Siste mottatte blokk ble generert for %1 siden.</translation>
464    </message>
465    <message>
466        <source>Transactions after this will not yet be visible.</source>
467        <translation>Transaksjoner etter dette vil ikke være synlige ennå.</translation>
468    </message>
469    <message>
470        <source>Error</source>
471        <translation>Feilmelding</translation>
472    </message>
473    <message>
474        <source>Warning</source>
475        <translation>Advarsel</translation>
476    </message>
477    <message>
478        <source>Information</source>
479        <translation>Informasjon</translation>
480    </message>
481    <message>
482        <source>Up to date</source>
483        <translation>Oppdatert</translation>
484    </message>
485    <message>
486        <source>&amp;Load PSBT from file...</source>
487        <translation>&amp;Last PSBT fra fil...</translation>
488    </message>
489    <message>
490        <source>Load Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction</source>
491        <translation>Last delvis signert Bitcoin transaksjon</translation>
492    </message>
493    <message>
494        <source>Load PSBT from clipboard...</source>
495        <translation>Last PSBT fra utklippstavlen...</translation>
496    </message>
497    <message>
498        <source>Load Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction from clipboard</source>
499        <translation>Last Delvis Signert Bitcoin Transaksjon fra utklippstavle</translation>
500    </message>
501    <message>
502        <source>Node window</source>
503        <translation>Nodevindu</translation>
504    </message>
505    <message>
506        <source>Open node debugging and diagnostic console</source>
507        <translation>Åpne nodens konsoll for feilsøk og diagnostikk</translation>
508    </message>
509    <message>
510        <source>&amp;Sending addresses</source>
511        <translation>&amp;Avsender adresser</translation>
512    </message>
513    <message>
514        <source>&amp;Receiving addresses</source>
515        <translation>&amp;Mottaker adresser</translation>
516    </message>
517    <message>
518        <source>Open a bitcoin: URI</source>
519        <translation>Åpne en bitcoin: URI</translation>
520    </message>
521    <message>
522        <source>Open Wallet</source>
523        <translation>Åpne Lommebok</translation>
524    </message>
525    <message>
526        <source>Open a wallet</source>
527        <translation>Åpne en lommebok</translation>
528    </message>
529    <message>
530        <source>Close Wallet...</source>
531        <translation>Lukk Lommebok...</translation>
532    </message>
533    <message>
534        <source>Close wallet</source>
535        <translation>Lukk lommebok</translation>
536    </message>
537    <message>
538        <source>Close All Wallets...</source>
539        <translation>Lukk alle lommebøker...</translation>
540    </message>
541    <message>
542        <source>Close all wallets</source>
543        <translation>Lukk alle lommebøker</translation>
544    </message>
545    <message>
546        <source>Show the %1 help message to get a list with possible Bitcoin command-line options</source>
547        <translation>Vis %1-hjelpemeldingen for å  en liste over mulige Bitcoin-kommandolinjealternativer</translation>
548    </message>
549    <message>
550        <source>&amp;Mask values</source>
551        <translation>&amp;Masker verdier</translation>
552    </message>
553    <message>
554        <source>Mask the values in the Overview tab</source>
555        <translation>Masker verdiene i oversiktstabben</translation>
556    </message>
557    <message>
558        <source>default wallet</source>
559        <translation>standard lommebok</translation>
560    </message>
561    <message>
562        <source>No wallets available</source>
563        <translation>Ingen lommebøker tilgjengelig</translation>
564    </message>
565    <message>
566        <source>&amp;Window</source>
567        <translation>&amp;Vindu</translation>
568    </message>
569    <message>
570        <source>Minimize</source>
571        <translation>Minimer</translation>
572    </message>
573    <message>
574        <source>Zoom</source>
575        <translation>Zoom</translation>
576    </message>
577    <message>
578        <source>Main Window</source>
579        <translation>Hovedvindu</translation>
580    </message>
581    <message>
582        <source>%1 client</source>
583        <translation>%1-klient</translation>
584    </message>
585    <message>
586        <source>Connecting to peers...</source>
587        <translation>Kobler til peers...</translation>
588    </message>
589    <message>
590        <source>Catching up...</source>
591        <translation>Tar igjen…</translation>
592    </message>
593    <message>
594        <source>Error: %1</source>
595        <translation>Feil: %1</translation>
596    </message>
597    <message>
598        <source>Warning: %1</source>
599        <translation>Advarsel: %1</translation>
600    </message>
601    <message>
602        <source>Date: %1
604        <translation>Dato: %1
606    </message>
607    <message>
608        <source>Amount: %1
610        <translation>Mengde: %1
612    </message>
613    <message>
614        <source>Wallet: %1
616        <translation>Lommeboik: %1
618    </message>
619    <message>
620        <source>Type: %1
622        <translation>Type: %1
624    </message>
625    <message>
626        <source>Label: %1
628        <translation>Merkelapp: %1
630    </message>
631    <message>
632        <source>Address: %1
634        <translation>Adresse: %1
636    </message>
637    <message>
638        <source>Sent transaction</source>
639        <translation>Sendt transaksjon</translation>
640    </message>
641    <message>
642        <source>Incoming transaction</source>
643        <translation>Innkommende transaksjon</translation>
644    </message>
645    <message>
646        <source>HD key generation is &lt;b&gt;enabled&lt;/b&gt;</source>
647        <translation>HD nøkkel generering er &lt;b&gt;slått &lt;/b&gt;</translation>
648    </message>
649    <message>
650        <source>HD key generation is &lt;b&gt;disabled&lt;/b&gt;</source>
651        <translation>HD nøkkel generering er &lt;b&gt;slått av&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
652    </message>
653    <message>
654        <source>Private key &lt;b&gt;disabled&lt;/b&gt;</source>
655        <translation>Privat nøkkel &lt;b&gt;deaktivert&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
656    </message>
657    <message>
658        <source>Wallet is &lt;b&gt;encrypted&lt;/b&gt; and currently &lt;b&gt;unlocked&lt;/b&gt;</source>
659        <translation>Lommeboken er &lt;b&gt;kryptert&lt;/b&gt; og for tiden &lt;b&gt;låst opp&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
660    </message>
661    <message>
662        <source>Wallet is &lt;b&gt;encrypted&lt;/b&gt; and currently &lt;b&gt;locked&lt;/b&gt;</source>
663        <translation>Lommeboken er &lt;b&gt;kryptert&lt;/b&gt; og for tiden &lt;b&gt;låst&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
664    </message>
665    <message>
666        <source>Original message:</source>
667        <translation>Opprinnelig melding</translation>
668    </message>
669    <message>
670        <source>A fatal error occurred. %1 can no longer continue safely and will quit.</source>
671        <translation>En fatal feil har skjedd. %1 kan ikke lenger trygt fortsette og kommer til å avslutte.</translation>
672    </message>
675    <name>CoinControlDialog</name>
676    <message>
677        <source>Coin Selection</source>
678        <translation>Mynt Valg</translation>
679    </message>
680    <message>
681        <source>Quantity:</source>
682        <translation>Mengde:</translation>
683    </message>
684    <message>
685        <source>Bytes:</source>
686        <translation>Bytes:</translation>
687    </message>
688    <message>
689        <source>Amount:</source>
690        <translation>Beløp:</translation>
691    </message>
692    <message>
693        <source>Fee:</source>
694        <translation>Avgift:</translation>
695    </message>
696    <message>
697        <source>Dust:</source>
698        <translation>Støv:</translation>
699    </message>
700    <message>
701        <source>After Fee:</source>
702        <translation>Totalt:</translation>
703    </message>
704    <message>
705        <source>Change:</source>
706        <translation>Veksel:</translation>
707    </message>
708    <message>
709        <source>(un)select all</source>
710        <translation>velg (fjern) alle</translation>
711    </message>
712    <message>
713        <source>Tree mode</source>
714        <translation>Trevisning</translation>
715    </message>
716    <message>
717        <source>List mode</source>
718        <translation>Listevisning</translation>
719    </message>
720    <message>
721        <source>Amount</source>
722        <translation>Beløp</translation>
723    </message>
724    <message>
725        <source>Received with label</source>
726        <translation>Mottatt med merkelapp</translation>
727    </message>
728    <message>
729        <source>Received with address</source>
730        <translation>Mottatt med adresse</translation>
731    </message>
732    <message>
733        <source>Date</source>
734        <translation>Dato</translation>
735    </message>
736    <message>
737        <source>Confirmations</source>
738        <translation>Bekreftelser</translation>
739    </message>
740    <message>
741        <source>Confirmed</source>
742        <translation>Bekreftet</translation>
743    </message>
744    <message>
745        <source>Copy address</source>
746        <translation>Kopiér adresse</translation>
747    </message>
748    <message>
749        <source>Copy label</source>
750        <translation>Kopiér merkelapp</translation>
751    </message>
752    <message>
753        <source>Copy amount</source>
754        <translation>Kopiér beløp</translation>
755    </message>
756    <message>
757        <source>Copy transaction ID</source>
758        <translation>Kopier transaksjons-ID</translation>
759    </message>
760    <message>
761        <source>Lock unspent</source>
762        <translation>Lås ubrukte</translation>
763    </message>
764    <message>
765        <source>Unlock unspent</source>
766        <translation>Lås opp ubrukte</translation>
767    </message>
768    <message>
769        <source>Copy quantity</source>
770        <translation>Kopiér mengde</translation>
771    </message>
772    <message>
773        <source>Copy fee</source>
774        <translation>Kopiér gebyr</translation>
775    </message>
776    <message>
777        <source>Copy after fee</source>
778        <translation>Kopiér totalt</translation>
779    </message>
780    <message>
781        <source>Copy bytes</source>
782        <translation>Kopiér bytes</translation>
783    </message>
784    <message>
785        <source>Copy dust</source>
786        <translation>Kopiér støv</translation>
787    </message>
788    <message>
789        <source>Copy change</source>
790        <translation>Kopier veksel</translation>
791    </message>
792    <message>
793        <source>(%1 locked)</source>
794        <translation>(%1 låst)</translation>
795    </message>
796    <message>
797        <source>yes</source>
798        <translation>ja</translation>
799    </message>
800    <message>
801        <source>no</source>
802        <translation>nei</translation>
803    </message>
804    <message>
805        <source>This label turns red if any recipient receives an amount smaller than the current dust threshold.</source>
806        <translation>Denne merkelappen blir rød hvis en mottaker får mindre enn gjeldende støvterskel.</translation>
807    </message>
808    <message>
809        <source>Can vary +/- %1 satoshi(s) per input.</source>
810        <translation>Kan variere +/- %1 satoshi(er) per input.</translation>
811    </message>
812    <message>
813        <source>(no label)</source>
814        <translation>(ingen beskrivelse)</translation>
815    </message>
816    <message>
817        <source>change from %1 (%2)</source>
818        <translation>veksel fra %1 (%2)</translation>
819    </message>
820    <message>
821        <source>(change)</source>
822        <translation>(veksel)</translation>
823    </message>
826    <name>CreateWalletActivity</name>
827    <message>
828        <source>Creating Wallet &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt;...</source>
829        <translation>Lager lommebok &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;b&gt;...</translation>
830    </message>
831    <message>
832        <source>Create wallet failed</source>
833        <translation>Lage lommebok feilet</translation>
834    </message>
835    <message>
836        <source>Create wallet warning</source>
837        <translation>Lag lommebokvarsel</translation>
838    </message>
841    <name>CreateWalletDialog</name>
842    <message>
843        <source>Create Wallet</source>
844        <translation>Lag lommebok</translation>
845    </message>
846    <message>
847        <source>Wallet Name</source>
848        <translation>Lommeboknavn</translation>
849    </message>
850    <message>
851        <source>Encrypt the wallet. The wallet will be encrypted with a passphrase of your choice.</source>
852        <translation>Krypter lommeboken. Lommeboken blir kryptert med en passordfrase du velger.</translation>
853    </message>
854    <message>
855        <source>Encrypt Wallet</source>
856        <translation>Krypter Lommebok</translation>
857    </message>
858    <message>
859        <source>Disable private keys for this wallet. Wallets with private keys disabled will have no private keys and cannot have an HD seed or imported private keys. This is ideal for watch-only wallets.</source>
860        <translation>Deaktiver private nøkler for denne lommeboken. Lommebøker med private nøkler er deaktivert vil ikke ha noen private nøkler og kan ikke ha en HD seed eller importerte private nøkler. Dette er ideelt for loomebøker som kun er klokker.</translation>
861    </message>
862    <message>
863        <source>Disable Private Keys</source>
864        <translation>Deaktiver Private Nøkler</translation>
865    </message>
866    <message>
867        <source>Make a blank wallet. Blank wallets do not initially have private keys or scripts. Private keys and addresses can be imported, or an HD seed can be set, at a later time.</source>
868        <translation>Lag en tom lommebok. Tomme lommebøker har i utgangspunktet ikke private nøkler eller skript. Private nøkler og adresser kan importeres, eller et HD- frø kan angis  et senere tidspunkt.</translation>
869    </message>
870    <message>
871        <source>Make Blank Wallet</source>
872        <translation>Lag Tom Lommebok</translation>
873    </message>
874    <message>
875        <source>Use descriptors for scriptPubKey management</source>
876        <translation>Bruk deskriptorer for scriptPubKey styring</translation>
877    </message>
878    <message>
879        <source>Descriptor Wallet</source>
880        <translation>Deskriptor lommebok</translation>
881    </message>
882    <message>
883        <source>Create</source>
884        <translation>Opprett</translation>
885    </message>
886    <message>
887        <source>Compiled without sqlite support (required for descriptor wallets)</source>
888        <translation>Kompilert uten sqlite støtte (kreves for deskriptor lommebok)</translation>
889    </message>
892    <name>EditAddressDialog</name>
893    <message>
894        <source>Edit Address</source>
895        <translation>Rediger adresse</translation>
896    </message>
897    <message>
898        <source>&amp;Label</source>
899        <translation>&amp;Merkelapp</translation>
900    </message>
901    <message>
902        <source>The label associated with this address list entry</source>
903        <translation>Merkelappen koblet til denne adresseliste oppføringen</translation>
904    </message>
905    <message>
906        <source>The address associated with this address list entry. This can only be modified for sending addresses.</source>
907        <translation>Adressen til denne oppføringen i adresseboken. Denne kan kun endres for utsendingsadresser.</translation>
908    </message>
909    <message>
910        <source>&amp;Address</source>
911        <translation>&amp;Adresse</translation>
912    </message>
913    <message>
914        <source>New sending address</source>
915        <translation>Ny utsendingsadresse</translation>
916    </message>
917    <message>
918        <source>Edit receiving address</source>
919        <translation>Rediger mottaksadresse</translation>
920    </message>
921    <message>
922        <source>Edit sending address</source>
923        <translation>Rediger utsendingsadresse</translation>
924    </message>
925    <message>
926        <source>The entered address "%1" is not a valid Bitcoin address.</source>
927        <translation>Den angitte adressen "%1" er ikke en gyldig Bitcoin-adresse.</translation>
928    </message>
929    <message>
930        <source>Address "%1" already exists as a receiving address with label "%2" and so cannot be added as a sending address.</source>
931        <translation>Adresse "%1" eksisterer allerede som en mottaksadresse merket "%2" og kan derfor ikke bli lagt til som en sendingsadresse.</translation>
932    </message>
933    <message>
934        <source>The entered address "%1" is already in the address book with label "%2".</source>
935        <translation>Den oppgitte adressen ''%1'' er allerede i adresseboken med etiketten ''%2''.</translation>
936    </message>
937    <message>
938        <source>Could not unlock wallet.</source>
939        <translation>Kunne ikke låse opp lommebok.</translation>
940    </message>
941    <message>
942        <source>New key generation failed.</source>
943        <translation>Generering av ny nøkkel feilet.</translation>
944    </message>
947    <name>FreespaceChecker</name>
948    <message>
949        <source>A new data directory will be created.</source>
950        <translation>En ny datamappe vil bli laget.</translation>
951    </message>
952    <message>
953        <source>name</source>
954        <translation>navn</translation>
955    </message>
956    <message>
957        <source>Directory already exists. Add %1 if you intend to create a new directory here.</source>
958        <translation>Mappe finnes allerede. Legg til %1 hvis du vil lage en ny mappe her.</translation>
959    </message>
960    <message>
961        <source>Path already exists, and is not a directory.</source>
962        <translation>Snarvei finnes allerede, og er ikke en mappe.</translation>
963    </message>
964    <message>
965        <source>Cannot create data directory here.</source>
966        <translation>Kan ikke lage datamappe her.</translation>
967    </message>
970    <name>HelpMessageDialog</name>
971    <message>
972        <source>version</source>
973        <translation>versjon</translation>
974    </message>
975    <message>
976        <source>About %1</source>
977        <translation>Om %1</translation>
978    </message>
979    <message>
980        <source>Command-line options</source>
981        <translation>Kommandolinjevalg</translation>
982    </message>
985    <name>Intro</name>
986    <message>
987        <source>Welcome</source>
988        <translation>Velkommen</translation>
989    </message>
990    <message>
991        <source>Welcome to %1.</source>
992        <translation>Velkommen til %1.</translation>
993    </message>
994    <message>
995        <source>As this is the first time the program is launched, you can choose where %1 will store its data.</source>
996        <translation>Siden dette er første gang programmet starter, kan du  velge hvor %1 skal lagre sine data.</translation>
997    </message>
998    <message>
999        <source>When you click OK, %1 will begin to download and process the full %4 block chain (%2GB) starting with the earliest transactions in %3 when %4 initially launched.</source>
1000        <translation>Når du klikker OK, vil %1 starte nedlasting og behandle hele den %4 blokkjeden (%2GB) fra de eldste transaksjonene i %3 når %4 først startet.</translation>
1001    </message>
1002    <message>
1003        <source>Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. It is faster to download the full chain first and prune it later. Disables some advanced features.</source>
1004        <translation>Gjenoppretting av denne innstillingen krever at du laster ned hele blockchain  nytt. Det er raskere å laste ned hele kjeden først og beskjære den senere Deaktiver noen avanserte funksjoner.</translation>
1005    </message>
1006    <message>
1007        <source>This initial synchronisation is very demanding, and may expose hardware problems with your computer that had previously gone unnoticed. Each time you run %1, it will continue downloading where it left off.</source>
1008        <translation>Den initielle synkroniseringen er svært krevende, og kan forårsake problemer med maskinvaren i datamaskinen din som du tidligere ikke merket. Hver gang du kjører %1 vil den fortsette nedlastingen der den sluttet.</translation>
1009    </message>
1010    <message>
1011        <source>If you have chosen to limit block chain storage (pruning), the historical data must still be downloaded and processed, but will be deleted afterward to keep your disk usage low.</source>
1012        <translation>Hvis du har valgt å begrense blokkjedelagring (beskjæring),  historiske data fortsatt lastes ned og behandles, men de vil bli slettet etterpå for å holde bruken av lagringsplass lav.</translation>
1013    </message>
1014    <message>
1015        <source>Use the default data directory</source>
1016        <translation>Bruk standard datamappe</translation>
1017    </message>
1018    <message>
1019        <source>Use a custom data directory:</source>
1020        <translation>Bruk en egendefinert datamappe:</translation>
1021    </message>
1022    <message>
1023        <source>Bitcoin</source>
1024        <translation>Bitcoin</translation>
1025    </message>
1026    <message>
1027        <source>Discard blocks after verification, except most recent %1 GB (prune)</source>
1028        <translation>Kast blokker etter bekreftelse, bortsett fra de siste %1 GB (sviske)</translation>
1029    </message>
1030    <message>
1031        <source>At least %1 GB of data will be stored in this directory, and it will grow over time.</source>
1032        <translation>Minst %1 GB data vil bli lagret i denne mappen og den vil vokse over tid.</translation>
1033    </message>
1034    <message>
1035        <source>Approximately %1 GB of data will be stored in this directory.</source>
1036        <translation>Omtrent %1GB data vil bli lagret i denne mappen.</translation>
1037    </message>
1038    <message>
1039        <source>%1 will download and store a copy of the Bitcoin block chain.</source>
1040        <translation>%1 vil laste ned og lagre en kopi av Bitcoin blokkjeden.</translation>
1041    </message>
1042    <message>
1043        <source>The wallet will also be stored in this directory.</source>
1044        <translation>Lommeboken vil også bli lagret i denne mappen.</translation>
1045    </message>
1046    <message>
1047        <source>Error: Specified data directory "%1" cannot be created.</source>
1048        <translation>Feil: Den oppgitte datamappen "%1" kan ikke opprettes.</translation>
1049    </message>
1050    <message>
1051        <source>Error</source>
1052        <translation>Feilmelding</translation>
1053    </message>
1054    <message numerus="yes">
1055        <source>%n GB of free space available</source>
1056        <translation><numerusform>%n GB med ledig lagringsplass</numerusform><numerusform>%n GB med ledig lagringsplass</numerusform></translation>
1057    </message>
1058    <message numerus="yes">
1059        <source>(of %n GB needed)</source>
1060        <translation><numerusform>(av %n GB som trengs)</numerusform><numerusform>(av %n GB som trengs)</numerusform></translation>
1061    </message>
1062    </context>
1064    <name>ModalOverlay</name>
1065    <message>
1066        <source>Form</source>
1067        <translation>Skjema</translation>
1068    </message>
1069    <message>
1070        <source>Recent transactions may not yet be visible, and therefore your wallet's balance might be incorrect. This information will be correct once your wallet has finished synchronizing with the bitcoin network, as detailed below.</source>
1071        <translation>Det kan hende nylige transaksjoner ikke vises enda, og at lommeboksaldoen dermed blir uriktig. Denne informasjonen vil rette seg når synkronisering av lommeboka mot bitcoin-nettverket er fullført, som anvist nedenfor.</translation>
1072    </message>
1073    <message>
1074        <source>Attempting to spend bitcoins that are affected by not-yet-displayed transactions will not be accepted by the network.</source>
1075        <translation>Forsøk på å bruke bitcoin som er påvirket av transaksjoner som ikke er vist enda godtas ikke av nettverket.</translation>
1076    </message>
1077    <message>
1078        <source>Number of blocks left</source>
1079        <translation>Antall gjenværende blokker</translation>
1080    </message>
1081    <message>
1082        <source>Unknown...</source>
1083        <translation>Ukjent...</translation>
1084    </message>
1085    <message>
1086        <source>Last block time</source>
1087        <translation>Tidspunkt for siste blokk</translation>
1088    </message>
1089    <message>
1090        <source>Progress</source>
1091        <translation>Fremgang</translation>
1092    </message>
1093    <message>
1094        <source>Progress increase per hour</source>
1095        <translation>Fremgangen stiger hver time</translation>
1096    </message>
1097    <message>
1098        <source>calculating...</source>
1099        <translation>kalkulerer...</translation>
1100    </message>
1101    <message>
1102        <source>Estimated time left until synced</source>
1103        <translation>Estimert gjenstående tid før ferdig synkronisert</translation>
1104    </message>
1105    <message>
1106        <source>Hide</source>
1107        <translation>Skjul</translation>
1108    </message>
1109    <message>
1110        <source>Esc</source>
1111        <translation>Esc</translation>
1112    </message>
1113    <message>
1114        <source>%1 is currently syncing.  It will download headers and blocks from peers and validate them until reaching the tip of the block chain.</source>
1115        <translation>%1 synkroniseres for øyeblikket. Den vil laste ned overskrifter og blokker fra jevnaldrende og validere dem til de når spissen av blokkjeden.</translation>
1116    </message>
1117    <message>
1118        <source>Unknown. Syncing Headers (%1, %2%)...</source>
1119        <translation>Ukjent.Synkroniser overskrifter (%1,%2%)...</translation>
1120    </message>
1123    <name>OpenURIDialog</name>
1124    <message>
1125        <source>Open bitcoin URI</source>
1126        <translation>Åpne bitcoin URI</translation>
1127    </message>
1128    <message>
1129        <source>URI:</source>
1130        <translation>URI:</translation>
1131    </message>
1134    <name>OpenWalletActivity</name>
1135    <message>
1136        <source>Open wallet failed</source>
1137        <translation>Åpne lommebok feilet</translation>
1138    </message>
1139    <message>
1140        <source>Open wallet warning</source>
1141        <translation>Advasel om åpen lommebok.</translation>
1142    </message>
1143    <message>
1144        <source>default wallet</source>
1145        <translation>standard lommebok</translation>
1146    </message>
1147    <message>
1148        <source>Opening Wallet &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt;...</source>
1149        <translation>Åpner Lommebok &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt;...</translation>
1150    </message>
1153    <name>OptionsDialog</name>
1154    <message>
1155        <source>Options</source>
1156        <translation>Innstillinger</translation>
1157    </message>
1158    <message>
1159        <source>&amp;Main</source>
1160        <translation>&amp;Hoved</translation>
1161    </message>
1162    <message>
1163        <source>Automatically start %1 after logging in to the system.</source>
1164        <translation>Start %1 automatisk etter å ha logget inn på systemet.</translation>
1165    </message>
1166    <message>
1167        <source>&amp;Start %1 on system login</source>
1168        <translation>&amp;Start %1 ved systeminnlogging</translation>
1169    </message>
1170    <message>
1171        <source>Size of &amp;database cache</source>
1172        <translation>Størrelse på &amp;database hurtigbuffer</translation>
1173    </message>
1174    <message>
1175        <source>Number of script &amp;verification threads</source>
1176        <translation>Antall script &amp;verifikasjonstråder</translation>
1177    </message>
1178    <message>
1179        <source>IP address of the proxy (e.g. IPv4: / IPv6: ::1)</source>
1180        <translation>IP-adressen til proxyen (f.eks. IPv4: / IPv6: ::1)</translation>
1181    </message>
1182    <message>
1183        <source>Shows if the supplied default SOCKS5 proxy is used to reach peers via this network type.</source>
1184        <translation>Viser hvorvidt angitt SOCKS5-mellomtjener blir brukt for å nå noder via denne nettverkstypen.</translation>
1185    </message>
1186    <message>
1187        <source>Hide the icon from the system tray.</source>
1188        <translation>Skjul ikonet fra systemkurven.</translation>
1189    </message>
1190    <message>
1191        <source>&amp;Hide tray icon</source>
1192        <translation>&amp;Skjul systemkurvsikon</translation>
1193    </message>
1194    <message>
1195        <source>Minimize instead of exit the application when the window is closed. When this option is enabled, the application will be closed only after selecting Exit in the menu.</source>
1196        <translation>Minimer i stedet for å avslutte applikasjonen når vinduet lukkes. Når dette er valgt, vil applikasjonen avsluttes kun etter at Avslutte er valgt i menyen.</translation>
1197    </message>
1198    <message>
1199        <source>Third party URLs (e.g. a block explorer) that appear in the transactions tab as context menu items. %s in the URL is replaced by transaction hash. Multiple URLs are separated by vertical bar |.</source>
1200        <translation>Tredjepart URLer (f. eks. en blokkutforsker) som dukker opp i transaksjonsfanen som kontekst meny elementer. %s i URLen er erstattet med transaksjonen sin hash. Flere URLer er separert av en vertikal linje |.</translation>
1201    </message>
1202    <message>
1203        <source>Open the %1 configuration file from the working directory.</source>
1204        <translation>Åpne %1-oppsettsfila fra arbeidsmappen.</translation>
1205    </message>
1206    <message>
1207        <source>Open Configuration File</source>
1208        <translation>Åpne oppsettsfil</translation>
1209    </message>
1210    <message>
1211        <source>Reset all client options to default.</source>
1212        <translation>Tilbakestill alle klient valg til standard</translation>
1213    </message>
1214    <message>
1215        <source>&amp;Reset Options</source>
1216        <translation>&amp;Tilbakestill Instillinger</translation>
1217    </message>
1218    <message>
1219        <source>&amp;Network</source>
1220        <translation>&amp;Nettverk</translation>
1221    </message>
1222    <message>
1223        <source>Disables some advanced features but all blocks will still be fully validated. Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. Actual disk usage may be somewhat higher.</source>
1224        <translation>Deaktiver noen avanserte funksjoner, men alle blokker vil fortsatt være fullglyldig. Gjenoppretting av denne innstillingen krever at du laster ned hele blockchain på nytt. Faktisk diskbruk kan være noe høvere.</translation>
1225    </message>
1226    <message>
1227        <source>Prune &amp;block storage to</source>
1228        <translation>Beskjær og blokker lagring til</translation>
1229    </message>
1230    <message>
1231        <source>GB</source>
1232        <translation>GB</translation>
1233    </message>
1234    <message>
1235        <source>Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain.</source>
1236        <translation>Gjenoppretting av denne innstillingen krever at du laster ned hele blockchain på nytt</translation>
1237    </message>
1238    <message>
1239        <source>MiB</source>
1240        <translation>MiB</translation>
1241    </message>
1242    <message>
1243        <source>(0 = auto, &lt;0 = leave that many cores free)</source>
1244        <translation>(0 = automatisk, &lt;0 = la så mange kjerner være ledig)</translation>
1245    </message>
1246    <message>
1247        <source>W&amp;allet</source>
1248        <translation>L&amp;ommebok</translation>
1249    </message>
1250    <message>
1251        <source>Expert</source>
1252        <translation>Ekspert</translation>
1253    </message>
1254    <message>
1255        <source>Enable coin &amp;control features</source>
1256        <translation>Aktiver &amp;myntkontroll funksjoner</translation>
1257    </message>
1258    <message>
1259        <source>If you disable the spending of unconfirmed change, the change from a transaction cannot be used until that transaction has at least one confirmation. This also affects how your balance is computed.</source>
1260        <translation>Hvis du sperrer for bruk av ubekreftet veksel, kan ikke vekselen fra transaksjonen bli brukt før transaksjonen har minimum en bekreftelse. Dette påvirker også hvordan balansen din blir beregnet.</translation>
1261    </message>
1262    <message>
1263        <source>&amp;Spend unconfirmed change</source>
1264        <translation>&amp;Bruk ubekreftet veksel</translation>
1265    </message>
1266    <message>
1267        <source>Automatically open the Bitcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled.</source>
1268        <translation>Åpne automatisk Bitcoin klientporten på ruteren. Dette virker kun om din ruter støtter UPnP og dette er påslått.</translation>
1269    </message>
1270    <message>
1271        <source>Map port using &amp;UPnP</source>
1272        <translation>Sett opp port ved hjelp av &amp;UPnP</translation>
1273    </message>
1274    <message>
1275        <source>Accept connections from outside.</source>
1276        <translation>Tillat tilkoblinger fra utsiden</translation>
1277    </message>
1278    <message>
1279        <source>Allow incomin&amp;g connections</source>
1280        <translation>Tillatt innkommend&amp;e tilkoblinger</translation>
1281    </message>
1282    <message>
1283        <source>Connect to the Bitcoin network through a SOCKS5 proxy.</source>
1284        <translation>Koble til Bitcoin-nettverket gjennom en SOCKS5 proxy.</translation>
1285    </message>
1286    <message>
1287        <source>&amp;Connect through SOCKS5 proxy (default proxy):</source>
1288        <translation>&amp;Koble til gjennom SOCKS5 proxy (standardvalg proxy):</translation>
1289    </message>
1290    <message>
1291        <source>Proxy &amp;IP:</source>
1292        <translation>Proxy &amp;IP:</translation>
1293    </message>
1294    <message>
1295        <source>&amp;Port:</source>
1296        <translation>&amp;Port:</translation>
1297    </message>
1298    <message>
1299        <source>Port of the proxy (e.g. 9050)</source>
1300        <translation>Proxyens port (f.eks. 9050)</translation>
1301    </message>
1302    <message>
1303        <source>Used for reaching peers via:</source>
1304        <translation>Brukt for å nå noder via:</translation>
1305    </message>
1306    <message>
1307        <source>IPv4</source>
1308        <translation>IPv4</translation>
1309    </message>
1310    <message>
1311        <source>IPv6</source>
1312        <translation>IPv6</translation>
1313    </message>
1314    <message>
1315        <source>Tor</source>
1316        <translation>Tor</translation>
1317    </message>
1318    <message>
1319        <source>&amp;Window</source>
1320        <translation>&amp;Vindu</translation>
1321    </message>
1322    <message>
1323        <source>Show only a tray icon after minimizing the window.</source>
1324        <translation>Vis kun ikon i systemkurv etter minimering av vinduet.</translation>
1325    </message>
1326    <message>
1327        <source>&amp;Minimize to the tray instead of the taskbar</source>
1328        <translation>&amp;Minimer til systemkurv istedenfor oppgavelinjen</translation>
1329    </message>
1330    <message>
1331        <source>M&amp;inimize on close</source>
1332        <translation>M&amp;inimer ved lukking</translation>
1333    </message>
1334    <message>
1335        <source>&amp;Display</source>
1336        <translation>&amp;Visning</translation>
1337    </message>
1338    <message>
1339        <source>User Interface &amp;language:</source>
1340        <translation>&amp;Språk for brukergrensesnitt</translation>
1341    </message>
1342    <message>
1343        <source>The user interface language can be set here. This setting will take effect after restarting %1.</source>
1344        <translation>Brukergrensesnittspråket kan endres her. Denne innstillingen trer i kraft etter omstart av %1.</translation>
1345    </message>
1346    <message>
1347        <source>&amp;Unit to show amounts in:</source>
1348        <translation>&amp;Enhet for visning av beløper:</translation>
1349    </message>
1350    <message>
1351        <source>Choose the default subdivision unit to show in the interface and when sending coins.</source>
1352        <translation>Velg standard delt enhet for visning i grensesnittet og for sending av bitcoins.</translation>
1353    </message>
1354    <message>
1355        <source>Whether to show coin control features or not.</source>
1356        <translation>Skal myntkontroll funksjoner vises eller ikke.</translation>
1357    </message>
1358    <message>
1359        <source>Connect to the Bitcoin network through a separate SOCKS5 proxy for Tor onion services.</source>
1360        <translation>Kobl til Bitcoin nettverket gjennom en separat SOCKS5 proxy for Tor onion tjenester. </translation>
1361    </message>
1362    <message>
1363        <source>Use separate SOCKS&amp;5 proxy to reach peers via Tor onion services:</source>
1364        <translation>Bruk separate SOCKS&amp;5 proxy for å nå peers via Tor onion tjenester:</translation>
1365    </message>
1366    <message>
1367        <source>&amp;Third party transaction URLs</source>
1368        <translation>Tredjepart transaksjon URLer</translation>
1369    </message>
1370    <message>
1371        <source>Options set in this dialog are overridden by the command line or in the configuration file:</source>
1372        <translation>Alternativer som er satt i denne dialogboksen overstyres av kommandolinjen eller i konfigurasjonsfilen:</translation>
1373    </message>
1374    <message>
1375        <source>&amp;OK</source>
1376        <translation>&amp;OK</translation>
1377    </message>
1378    <message>
1379        <source>&amp;Cancel</source>
1380        <translation>&amp;Avbryt</translation>
1381    </message>
1382    <message>
1383        <source>default</source>
1384        <translation>standardverdi</translation>
1385    </message>
1386    <message>
1387        <source>none</source>
1388        <translation>ingen</translation>
1389    </message>
1390    <message>
1391        <source>Confirm options reset</source>
1392        <translation>Bekreft tilbakestilling av innstillinger</translation>
1393    </message>
1394    <message>
1395        <source>Client restart required to activate changes.</source>
1396        <translation>Omstart av klienten er nødvendig for å aktivere endringene.</translation>
1397    </message>
1398    <message>
1399        <source>Client will be shut down. Do you want to proceed?</source>
1400        <translation>Klienten vil bli lukket. Ønsker du å gå videre?</translation>
1401    </message>
1402    <message>
1403        <source>Configuration options</source>
1404        <translation>Oppsettsvalg</translation>
1405    </message>
1406    <message>
1407        <source>The configuration file is used to specify advanced user options which override GUI settings. Additionally, any command-line options will override this configuration file.</source>
1408        <translation>Oppsettsfil brukt for å angi avanserte brukervalg som overstyrer innstillinger gjort i grafisk brukergrensesnitt. I tillegg vil enhver handling utført på kommandolinjen overstyre denne oppsettsfila.</translation>
1409    </message>
1410    <message>
1411        <source>Error</source>
1412        <translation>Feilmelding</translation>
1413    </message>
1414    <message>
1415        <source>The configuration file could not be opened.</source>
1416        <translation>Kunne ikke åpne oppsettsfila.</translation>
1417    </message>
1418    <message>
1419        <source>This change would require a client restart.</source>
1420        <translation>Denne endringen krever omstart av klienten.</translation>
1421    </message>
1422    <message>
1423        <source>The supplied proxy address is invalid.</source>
1424        <translation>Angitt proxyadresse er ugyldig.</translation>
1425    </message>
1428    <name>OverviewPage</name>
1429    <message>
1430        <source>Form</source>
1431        <translation>Skjema</translation>
1432    </message>
1433    <message>
1434        <source>The displayed information may be out of date. Your wallet automatically synchronizes with the Bitcoin network after a connection is established, but this process has not completed yet.</source>
1435        <translation>Informasjonen som vises kan være foreldet. Din lommebok synkroniseres automatisk med Bitcoin-nettverket etter at tilkobling er opprettet, men denne prosessen er ikke ferdig enda.</translation>
1436    </message>
1437    <message>
1438        <source>Watch-only:</source>
1439        <translation>Kun observerbar:</translation>
1440    </message>
1441    <message>
1442        <source>Available:</source>
1443        <translation>Tilgjengelig:</translation>
1444    </message>
1445    <message>
1446        <source>Your current spendable balance</source>
1447        <translation>Din nåværende saldo</translation>
1448    </message>
1449    <message>
1450        <source>Pending:</source>
1451        <translation>Under behandling:</translation>
1452    </message>
1453    <message>
1454        <source>Total of transactions that have yet to be confirmed, and do not yet count toward the spendable balance</source>
1455        <translation>Totalt antall ubekreftede transaksjoner som ikke teller med i saldo</translation>
1456    </message>
1457    <message>
1458        <source>Immature:</source>
1459        <translation>Umoden:</translation>
1460    </message>
1461    <message>
1462        <source>Mined balance that has not yet matured</source>
1463        <translation>Minet saldo har ikke modnet enda</translation>
1464    </message>
1465    <message>
1466        <source>Balances</source>
1467        <translation>Saldoer</translation>
1468    </message>
1469    <message>
1470        <source>Total:</source>
1471        <translation>Totalt:</translation>
1472    </message>
1473    <message>
1474        <source>Your current total balance</source>
1475        <translation>Din nåværende saldo</translation>
1476    </message>
1477    <message>
1478        <source>Your current balance in watch-only addresses</source>
1479        <translation>Din nåværende balanse i kun observerbare adresser</translation>
1480    </message>
1481    <message>
1482        <source>Spendable:</source>
1483        <translation>Kan brukes:</translation>
1484    </message>
1485    <message>
1486        <source>Recent transactions</source>
1487        <translation>Nylige transaksjoner</translation>
1488    </message>
1489    <message>
1490        <source>Unconfirmed transactions to watch-only addresses</source>
1491        <translation>Ubekreftede transaksjoner til kun observerbare adresser</translation>
1492    </message>
1493    <message>
1494        <source>Mined balance in watch-only addresses that has not yet matured</source>
1495        <translation>Utvunnet balanse i kun observerbare adresser som ennå ikke har modnet</translation>
1496    </message>
1497    <message>
1498        <source>Current total balance in watch-only addresses</source>
1499        <translation>Nåværende totale balanse i kun observerbare adresser</translation>
1500    </message>
1501    <message>
1502        <source>Privacy mode activated for the Overview tab. To unmask the values, uncheck Settings-&gt;Mask values.</source>
1503        <translation>Privat mode er aktivert for oversiktstabben. For å se verdier, uncheck innstillinger-&gt;Masker verdier</translation>
1504    </message>
1507    <name>PSBTOperationsDialog</name>
1508    <message>
1509        <source>Dialog</source>
1510        <translation>Dialog</translation>
1511    </message>
1512    <message>
1513        <source>Sign Tx</source>
1514        <translation>Signer Tx</translation>
1515    </message>
1516    <message>
1517        <source>Broadcast Tx</source>
1518        <translation>Kringkast Tx</translation>
1519    </message>
1520    <message>
1521        <source>Copy to Clipboard</source>
1522        <translation>Kopier til utklippstavle</translation>
1523    </message>
1524    <message>
1525        <source>Save...</source>
1526        <translation>Lagre...</translation>
1527    </message>
1528    <message>
1529        <source>Close</source>
1530        <translation>Lukk</translation>
1531    </message>
1532    <message>
1533        <source>Failed to load transaction: %1</source>
1534        <translation>Lasting av transaksjon: %1 feilet</translation>
1535    </message>
1536    <message>
1537        <source>Failed to sign transaction: %1</source>
1538        <translation>Signering av transaksjon: %1 feilet</translation>
1539    </message>
1540    <message>
1541        <source>Could not sign any more inputs.</source>
1542        <translation>Kunne ikke signere flere inputs.</translation>
1543    </message>
1544    <message>
1545        <source>Signed %1 inputs, but more signatures are still required.</source>
1546        <translation>Signerte %1 inputs, men flere signaturer kreves.</translation>
1547    </message>
1548    <message>
1549        <source>Signed transaction successfully. Transaction is ready to broadcast.</source>
1550        <translation>Signering av transaksjon var vellykket. Transaksjon er klar til å kringkastes.</translation>
1551    </message>
1552    <message>
1553        <source>Unknown error processing transaction.</source>
1554        <translation>Ukjent feil når den prossesserte transaksjonen.</translation>
1555    </message>
1556    <message>
1557        <source>Transaction broadcast successfully! Transaction ID: %1</source>
1558        <translation>Kringkasting av transaksjon var vellykket! Transaksjon ID: %1</translation>
1559    </message>
1560    <message>
1561        <source>Transaction broadcast failed: %1</source>
1562        <translation>Kringkasting av transaksjon feilet: %1</translation>
1563    </message>
1564    <message>
1565        <source>PSBT copied to clipboard.</source>
1566        <translation>PSBT kopiert til utklippstavle.</translation>
1567    </message>
1568    <message>
1569        <source>Save Transaction Data</source>
1570        <translation>Lagre Transaksjonsdata</translation>
1571    </message>
1572    <message>
1573        <source>Partially Signed Transaction (Binary) (*.psbt)</source>
1574        <translation>Delvis Signert Transaksjon (Binær) (*.psbt)</translation>
1575    </message>
1576    <message>
1577        <source>PSBT saved to disk.</source>
1578        <translation>PSBT lagret til disk.</translation>
1579    </message>
1580    <message>
1581        <source> * Sends %1 to %2</source>
1582        <translation>* Sender %1 til %2</translation>
1583    </message>
1584    <message>
1585        <source>Unable to calculate transaction fee or total transaction amount.</source>
1586        <translation>Klarte ikke å kalkulere transaksjonsavgift eller totalt transaksjonsbeløp.</translation>
1587    </message>
1588    <message>
1589        <source>Pays transaction fee: </source>
1590        <translation>Betaler transasjonsavgift:</translation>
1591    </message>
1592    <message>
1593        <source>Total Amount</source>
1594        <translation>Totalbeløp</translation>
1595    </message>
1596    <message>
1597        <source>or</source>
1598        <translation>eller</translation>
1599    </message>
1600    <message>
1601        <source>Transaction has %1 unsigned inputs.</source>
1602        <translation>Transaksjon har %1 usignert inputs.</translation>
1603    </message>
1604    <message>
1605        <source>Transaction is missing some information about inputs.</source>
1606        <translation>Transaksjonen mangler noe informasjon om inputs.</translation>
1607    </message>
1608    <message>
1609        <source>Transaction still needs signature(s).</source>
1610        <translation>Transaksjonen trenger signatur(er).</translation>
1611    </message>
1612    <message>
1613        <source>(But this wallet cannot sign transactions.)</source>
1614        <translation>(Men denne lommeboken kan ikke signere transaksjoner.)</translation>
1615    </message>
1616    <message>
1617        <source>(But this wallet does not have the right keys.)</source>
1618        <translation>(Men denne lommeboken har ikke de rette nøkklene.)</translation>
1619    </message>
1620    <message>
1621        <source>Transaction is fully signed and ready for broadcast.</source>
1622        <translation>Transaksjonen er signert og klar til kringkasting.</translation>
1623    </message>
1624    <message>
1625        <source>Transaction status is unknown.</source>
1626        <translation>Transaksjonsstatus er ukjent.</translation>
1627    </message>
1630    <name>PaymentServer</name>
1631    <message>
1632        <source>Payment request error</source>
1633        <translation>Feil ved betalingsforespørsel</translation>
1634    </message>
1635    <message>
1636        <source>Cannot start bitcoin: click-to-pay handler</source>
1637        <translation>Kan ikke starte bitcoin: Klikk-og-betal håndterer</translation>
1638    </message>
1639    <message>
1640        <source>URI handling</source>
1641        <translation>URI-håndtering</translation>
1642    </message>
1643    <message>
1644        <source>'bitcoin://' is not a valid URI. Use 'bitcoin:' instead.</source>
1645        <translation>'bitcoin: //' er ikke en gyldig URI. Bruk 'bitcoin:' i stedet.</translation>
1646    </message>
1647    <message>
1648        <source>Cannot process payment request because BIP70 is not supported.</source>
1649        <translation>Kan ikke behandle betalingsforespørsel fordi BIP70 ikke støttes.</translation>
1650    </message>
1651    <message>
1652        <source>Due to widespread security flaws in BIP70 it's strongly recommended that any merchant instructions to switch wallets be ignored.</source>
1653        <translation> grunn av utbredte sikkerhetsfeil i BIP70 anbefales det  det sterkeste at alle selgerinstruksjoner for å bytte lommebok ignoreres.</translation>
1654    </message>
1655    <message>
1656        <source>If you are receiving this error you should request the merchant provide a BIP21 compatible URI.</source>
1657        <translation>Hvis du mottar denne feilen, bør du be selgeren gi en BIP21-kompatibel URI.</translation>
1658    </message>
1659    <message>
1660        <source>Invalid payment address %1</source>
1661        <translation>Ugyldig betalingsadresse %1</translation>
1662    </message>
1663    <message>
1664        <source>URI cannot be parsed! This can be caused by an invalid Bitcoin address or malformed URI parameters.</source>
1665        <translation>URI kan ikke fortolkes! Dette kan være forårsaket av en ugyldig bitcoin-adresse eller feilformede URI-parametre.</translation>
1666    </message>
1667    <message>
1668        <source>Payment request file handling</source>
1669        <translation>Håndtering av betalingsforespørselsfil</translation>
1670    </message>
1673    <name>PeerTableModel</name>
1674    <message>
1675        <source>User Agent</source>
1676        <translation>Brukeragent</translation>
1677    </message>
1678    <message>
1679        <source>Node/Service</source>
1680        <translation>Node/Tjeneste</translation>
1681    </message>
1682    <message>
1683        <source>NodeId</source>
1684        <translation>NodeId</translation>
1685    </message>
1686    <message>
1687        <source>Ping</source>
1688        <translation>Nettverkssvarkall</translation>
1689    </message>
1690    <message>
1691        <source>Sent</source>
1692        <translation>Sendt</translation>
1693    </message>
1694    <message>
1695        <source>Received</source>
1696        <translation>Mottatt</translation>
1697    </message>
1700    <name>QObject</name>
1701    <message>
1702        <source>Amount</source>
1703        <translation>Beløp</translation>
1704    </message>
1705    <message>
1706        <source>Enter a Bitcoin address (e.g. %1)</source>
1707        <translation>Oppgi en Bitcoin-adresse (f.eks. %1)</translation>
1708    </message>
1709    <message>
1710        <source>%1 d</source>
1711        <translation>%1 d</translation>
1712    </message>
1713    <message>
1714        <source>%1 h</source>
1715        <translation>%1 t</translation>
1716    </message>
1717    <message>
1718        <source>%1 m</source>
1719        <translation>%1 m</translation>
1720    </message>
1721    <message>
1722        <source>%1 s</source>
1723        <translation>%1 s</translation>
1724    </message>
1725    <message>
1726        <source>None</source>
1727        <translation>Ingen</translation>
1728    </message>
1729    <message>
1730        <source>N/A</source>
1731        <translation>-</translation>
1732    </message>
1733    <message>
1734        <source>%1 ms</source>
1735        <translation>%1 ms</translation>
1736    </message>
1737    <message numerus="yes">
1738        <source>%n second(s)</source>
1739        <translation><numerusform>%n sekund</numerusform><numerusform>%n sekunder</numerusform></translation>
1740    </message>
1741    <message numerus="yes">
1742        <source>%n minute(s)</source>
1743        <translation><numerusform>%n minutt</numerusform><numerusform>%n minutter</numerusform></translation>
1744    </message>
1745    <message numerus="yes">
1746        <source>%n hour(s)</source>
1747        <translation><numerusform>%n time</numerusform><numerusform>%n timer</numerusform></translation>
1748    </message>
1749    <message numerus="yes">
1750        <source>%n day(s)</source>
1751        <translation><numerusform>%n dag</numerusform><numerusform>%n dager</numerusform></translation>
1752    </message>
1753    <message numerus="yes">
1754        <source>%n week(s)</source>
1755        <translation><numerusform>%n uke</numerusform><numerusform>%n uker</numerusform></translation>
1756    </message>
1757    <message>
1758        <source>%1 and %2</source>
1759        <translation>%1 og %2</translation>
1760    </message>
1761    <message numerus="yes">
1762        <source>%n year(s)</source>
1763        <translation><numerusform>%n år</numerusform><numerusform>%n år</numerusform></translation>
1764    </message>
1765    <message>
1766        <source>%1 B</source>
1767        <translation>%1 B</translation>
1768    </message>
1769    <message>
1770        <source>%1 KB</source>
1771        <translation>%1 KB</translation>
1772    </message>
1773    <message>
1774        <source>%1 MB</source>
1775        <translation>%1 MB</translation>
1776    </message>
1777    <message>
1778        <source>%1 GB</source>
1779        <translation>%1 GB</translation>
1780    </message>
1781    <message>
1782        <source>Error: Specified data directory "%1" does not exist.</source>
1783        <translation>Feil: Den spesifiserte datamappen "%1" finnes ikke.</translation>
1784    </message>
1785    <message>
1786        <source>Error: %1</source>
1787        <translation>Feil: %1</translation>
1788    </message>
1789    <message>
1790        <source>Error initializing settings: %1</source>
1791        <translation>Initialisering av innstillinger feilet: %1</translation>
1792    </message>
1793    <message>
1794        <source>%1 didn't yet exit safely...</source>
1795        <translation>%1 har ikke avsluttet trygt enda…</translation>
1796    </message>
1797    <message>
1798        <source>unknown</source>
1799        <translation>ukjent</translation>
1800    </message>
1803    <name>QRImageWidget</name>
1804    <message>
1805        <source>&amp;Save Image...</source>
1806        <translation>&amp;Lagre bilde...</translation>
1807    </message>
1808    <message>
1809        <source>&amp;Copy Image</source>
1810        <translation>&amp;Kopier bilde</translation>
1811    </message>
1812    <message>
1813        <source>Resulting URI too long, try to reduce the text for label / message.</source>
1814        <translation>Resulterende URI er for lang, prøv å redusere teksten for merkelapp / melding.</translation>
1815    </message>
1816    <message>
1817        <source>Error encoding URI into QR Code.</source>
1818        <translation>Feil ved koding av URI til QR-kode.</translation>
1819    </message>
1820    <message>
1821        <source>QR code support not available.</source>
1822        <translation>Støtte for QR kode ikke tilgjengelig.</translation>
1823    </message>
1824    <message>
1825        <source>Save QR Code</source>
1826        <translation>Lagre QR-kode</translation>
1827    </message>
1828    <message>
1829        <source>PNG Image (*.png)</source>
1830        <translation>PNG-bilde (*.png)</translation>
1831    </message>
1834    <name>RPCConsole</name>
1835    <message>
1836        <source>N/A</source>
1837        <translation>-</translation>
1838    </message>
1839    <message>
1840        <source>Client version</source>
1841        <translation>Klientversjon</translation>
1842    </message>
1843    <message>
1844        <source>&amp;Information</source>
1845        <translation>&amp;Informasjon</translation>
1846    </message>
1847    <message>
1848        <source>General</source>
1849        <translation>Generelt</translation>
1850    </message>
1851    <message>
1852        <source>Using BerkeleyDB version</source>
1853        <translation>Bruker BerkeleyDB versjon</translation>
1854    </message>
1855    <message>
1856        <source>Datadir</source>
1857        <translation>Datamappe</translation>
1858    </message>
1859    <message>
1860        <source>Blocksdir</source>
1861        <translation>Blocksdir</translation>
1862    </message>
1863    <message>
1864        <source>Startup time</source>
1865        <translation>Oppstartstidspunkt</translation>
1866    </message>
1867    <message>
1868        <source>Network</source>
1869        <translation>Nettverk</translation>
1870    </message>
1871    <message>
1872        <source>Name</source>
1873        <translation>Navn</translation>
1874    </message>
1875    <message>
1876        <source>Number of connections</source>
1877        <translation>Antall tilkoblinger</translation>
1878    </message>
1879    <message>
1880        <source>Block chain</source>
1881        <translation>Blokkjeden</translation>
1882    </message>
1883    <message>
1884        <source>Memory Pool</source>
1885        <translation>Hukommelsespulje</translation>
1886    </message>
1887    <message>
1888        <source>Current number of transactions</source>
1889        <translation>Nåværende antall transaksjoner</translation>
1890    </message>
1891    <message>
1892        <source>Memory usage</source>
1893        <translation>Minnebruk</translation>
1894    </message>
1895    <message>
1896        <source>Wallet: </source>
1897        <translation>Lommebok:</translation>
1898    </message>
1899    <message>
1900        <source>(none)</source>
1901        <translation>(ingen)</translation>
1902    </message>
1903    <message>
1904        <source>&amp;Reset</source>
1905        <translation>&amp;Tilbakestill</translation>
1906    </message>
1907    <message>
1908        <source>Received</source>
1909        <translation>Mottatt</translation>
1910    </message>
1911    <message>
1912        <source>Sent</source>
1913        <translation>Sendt</translation>
1914    </message>
1915    <message>
1916        <source>&amp;Peers</source>
1917        <translation>&amp;Noder</translation>
1918    </message>
1919    <message>
1920        <source>Banned peers</source>
1921        <translation>Utestengte noder</translation>
1922    </message>
1923    <message>
1924        <source>Select a peer to view detailed information.</source>
1925        <translation>Velg en node for å vise detaljert informasjon.</translation>
1926    </message>
1927    <message>
1928        <source>Direction</source>
1929        <translation>Retning</translation>
1930    </message>
1931    <message>
1932        <source>Version</source>
1933        <translation>Versjon</translation>
1934    </message>
1935    <message>
1936        <source>Starting Block</source>
1937        <translation>Startblokk</translation>
1938    </message>
1939    <message>
1940        <source>Synced Headers</source>
1941        <translation>Synkroniserte Blokkhoder</translation>
1942    </message>
1943    <message>
1944        <source>Synced Blocks</source>
1945        <translation>Synkroniserte Blokker</translation>
1946    </message>
1947    <message>
1948        <source>The mapped Autonomous System used for diversifying peer selection.</source>
1949        <translation>Det kartlagte autonome systemet som brukes til å diversifisere valg av fagfeller.</translation>
1950    </message>
1951    <message>
1952        <source>Mapped AS</source>
1953        <translation>Kartlagt AS</translation>
1954    </message>
1955    <message>
1956        <source>User Agent</source>
1957        <translation>Brukeragent</translation>
1958    </message>
1959    <message>
1960        <source>Node window</source>
1961        <translation>Nodevindu</translation>
1962    </message>
1963    <message>
1964        <source>Current block height</source>
1965        <translation>Nåværende blokkhøyde</translation>
1966    </message>
1967    <message>
1968        <source>Open the %1 debug log file from the current data directory. This can take a few seconds for large log files.</source>
1969        <translation>Åpne %1-feilrettingsloggfila fra gjeldende datamappe. Dette kan ta et par sekunder for store loggfiler.</translation>
1970    </message>
1971    <message>
1972        <source>Decrease font size</source>
1973        <translation>Forminsk font størrelsen</translation>
1974    </message>
1975    <message>
1976        <source>Increase font size</source>
1977        <translation>Forstørr font størrelse</translation>
1978    </message>
1979    <message>
1980        <source>Permissions</source>
1981        <translation>Rettigheter</translation>
1982    </message>
1983    <message>
1984        <source>Services</source>
1985        <translation>Tjenester</translation>
1986    </message>
1987    <message>
1988        <source>Connection Time</source>
1989        <translation>Tilkoblingstid</translation>
1990    </message>
1991    <message>
1992        <source>Last Send</source>
1993        <translation>Siste Sendte</translation>
1994    </message>
1995    <message>
1996        <source>Last Receive</source>
1997        <translation>Siste Mottatte</translation>
1998    </message>
1999    <message>
2000        <source>Ping Time</source>
2001        <translation>Ping-tid</translation>
2002    </message>
2003    <message>
2004        <source>The duration of a currently outstanding ping.</source>
2005        <translation>Tidsforløp for utestående ping.</translation>
2006    </message>
2007    <message>
2008        <source>Ping Wait</source>
2009        <translation>Ping Tid</translation>
2010    </message>
2011    <message>
2012        <source>Min Ping</source>
2013        <translation>Minimalt nettverkssvarkall</translation>
2014    </message>
2015    <message>
2016        <source>Time Offset</source>
2017        <translation>Tidsforskyvning</translation>
2018    </message>
2019    <message>
2020        <source>Last block time</source>
2021        <translation>Tidspunkt for siste blokk</translation>
2022    </message>
2023    <message>
2024        <source>&amp;Open</source>
2025        <translation>&amp;Åpne</translation>
2026    </message>
2027    <message>
2028        <source>&amp;Console</source>
2029        <translation>&amp;Konsoll</translation>
2030    </message>
2031    <message>
2032        <source>&amp;Network Traffic</source>
2033        <translation>&amp;Nettverkstrafikk</translation>
2034    </message>
2035    <message>
2036        <source>Totals</source>
2037        <translation>Totalt</translation>
2038    </message>
2039    <message>
2040        <source>In:</source>
2041        <translation>Inn:</translation>
2042    </message>
2043    <message>
2044        <source>Out:</source>
2045        <translation>Ut:</translation>
2046    </message>
2047    <message>
2048        <source>Debug log file</source>
2049        <translation>Loggfil for feilsøk</translation>
2050    </message>
2051    <message>
2052        <source>Clear console</source>
2053        <translation>Tøm konsoll</translation>
2054    </message>
2055    <message>
2056        <source>1 &amp;hour</source>
2057        <translation>1 &amp;time</translation>
2058    </message>
2059    <message>
2060        <source>1 &amp;day</source>
2061        <translation>1 &amp;dag</translation>
2062    </message>
2063    <message>
2064        <source>1 &amp;week</source>
2065        <translation>1 &amp;uke</translation>
2066    </message>
2067    <message>
2068        <source>1 &amp;year</source>
2069        <translation>1 &amp;år</translation>
2070    </message>
2071    <message>
2072        <source>&amp;Disconnect</source>
2073        <translation>&amp;Koble fra</translation>
2074    </message>
2075    <message>
2076        <source>Ban for</source>
2077        <translation>Bannlys i</translation>
2078    </message>
2079    <message>
2080        <source>&amp;Unban</source>
2081        <translation>&amp;Opphev bannlysning</translation>
2082    </message>
2083    <message>
2084        <source>Welcome to the %1 RPC console.</source>
2085        <translation>Velkommen til %1 RPC-konsoll.</translation>
2086    </message>
2087    <message>
2088        <source>Use up and down arrows to navigate history, and %1 to clear screen.</source>
2089        <translation>Bruk ↑ og ↓ til å navigere historikk, og %1 for å tømme skjermen.</translation>
2090    </message>
2091    <message>
2092        <source>Type %1 for an overview of available commands.</source>
2093        <translation>Skriv %1 for en oversikt over tilgjengelige kommandoer.</translation>
2094    </message>
2095    <message>
2096        <source>For more information on using this console type %1.</source>
2097        <translation>For mer informasjon om hvordan konsollet brukes skriv %1.</translation>
2098    </message>
2099    <message>
2100        <source>WARNING: Scammers have been active, telling users to type commands here, stealing their wallet contents. Do not use this console without fully understanding the ramifications of a command.</source>
2101        <translation>Advarsel: Svindlere har vært på ferde, i oppfordringen om å skrive kommandoer her, for å stjele lommebokinnhold. Ikke bruk konsollen uten at du forstår alle ringvirkningene av en kommando.</translation>
2102    </message>
2103    <message>
2104        <source>Network activity disabled</source>
2105        <translation>Nettverksaktivitet avskrudd</translation>
2106    </message>
2107    <message>
2108        <source>Executing command without any wallet</source>
2109        <translation>Utfør kommando uten noen lommebok</translation>
2110    </message>
2111    <message>
2112        <source>Executing command using "%1" wallet</source>
2113        <translation>Utfør kommando med lommebok "%1"</translation>
2114    </message>
2115    <message>
2116        <source>(node id: %1)</source>
2117        <translation>(node id: %1)</translation>
2118    </message>
2119    <message>
2120        <source>via %1</source>
2121        <translation>via %1</translation>
2122    </message>
2123    <message>
2124        <source>never</source>
2125        <translation>aldri</translation>
2126    </message>
2127    <message>
2128        <source>Inbound</source>
2129        <translation>Innkommende</translation>
2130    </message>
2131    <message>
2132        <source>Outbound</source>
2133        <translation>Utgående</translation>
2134    </message>
2135    <message>
2136        <source>Unknown</source>
2137        <translation>Ukjent</translation>
2138    </message>
2141    <name>ReceiveCoinsDialog</name>
2142    <message>
2143        <source>&amp;Amount:</source>
2144        <translation>&amp;Beløp:</translation>
2145    </message>
2146    <message>
2147        <source>&amp;Label:</source>
2148        <translation>&amp;Merkelapp:</translation>
2149    </message>
2150    <message>
2151        <source>&amp;Message:</source>
2152        <translation>&amp;Melding:</translation>
2153    </message>
2154    <message>
2155        <source>An optional message to attach to the payment request, which will be displayed when the request is opened. Note: The message will not be sent with the payment over the Bitcoin network.</source>
2156        <translation>En valgfri melding å tilknytte betalingsetterspørringen, som vil bli vist når forespørselen er åpnet. Meldingen vil ikke bli sendt med betalingen over Bitcoin-nettverket.</translation>
2157    </message>
2158    <message>
2159        <source>An optional label to associate with the new receiving address.</source>
2160        <translation>En valgfri merkelapp å tilknytte den nye mottakeradressen.</translation>
2161    </message>
2162    <message>
2163        <source>Use this form to request payments. All fields are &lt;b&gt;optional&lt;/b&gt;.</source>
2164        <translation>Bruk dette skjemaet til betalingsforespørsler. Alle felt er &lt;b&gt;valgfrie&lt;/b&gt;.</translation>
2165    </message>
2166    <message>
2167        <source>An optional amount to request. Leave this empty or zero to not request a specific amount.</source>
2168        <translation>Et valgfritt beløp å etterspørre. La stå tomt eller null for ikke å etterspørre et spesifikt beløp.</translation>
2169    </message>
2170    <message>
2171        <source>An optional label to associate with the new receiving address (used by you to identify an invoice).  It is also attached to the payment request.</source>
2172        <translation>En valgfri etikett for å knytte til den nye mottaksadressen (brukt av deg for å identifisere en faktura). Det er også knyttet til betalingsforespørselen.</translation>
2173    </message>
2174    <message>
2175        <source>An optional message that is attached to the payment request and may be displayed to the sender.</source>
2176        <translation>En valgfri melding som er knyttet til betalingsforespørselen og kan vises til avsenderen.</translation>
2177    </message>
2178    <message>
2179        <source>&amp;Create new receiving address</source>
2180        <translation>&amp;Lag ny mottakeradresse</translation>
2181    </message>
2182    <message>
2183        <source>Clear all fields of the form.</source>
2184        <translation>Fjern alle felter fra skjemaet.</translation>
2185    </message>
2186    <message>
2187        <source>Clear</source>
2188        <translation>Fjern</translation>
2189    </message>
2190    <message>
2191        <source>Native segwit addresses (aka Bech32 or BIP-173) reduce your transaction fees later on and offer better protection against typos, but old wallets don't support them. When unchecked, an address compatible with older wallets will be created instead.</source>
2192        <translation>Innfødte segwit-adresser (også kalt Bech32 eller BIP-173) reduserer transaksjonsgebyrene senere og gir bedre beskyttelse mot skrivefeil, men gamle lommebøker støtter dem ikke. Når du ikke har merket av, opprettes en adresse som er kompatibel med eldre lommebøker.</translation>
2193    </message>
2194    <message>
2195        <source>Generate native segwit (Bech32) address</source>
2196        <translation>Generer nativ segwit (Bech32) adresse</translation>
2197    </message>
2198    <message>
2199        <source>Requested payments history</source>
2200        <translation>Etterspurt betalingshistorikk</translation>
2201    </message>
2202    <message>
2203        <source>Show the selected request (does the same as double clicking an entry)</source>
2204        <translation>Vis den valgte etterspørringen (gjør det samme som å dobbelklikke  en oppføring)</translation>
2205    </message>
2206    <message>
2207        <source>Show</source>
2208        <translation>Vis</translation>
2209    </message>
2210    <message>
2211        <source>Remove the selected entries from the list</source>
2212        <translation>Fjern de valgte oppføringene fra listen</translation>
2213    </message>
2214    <message>
2215        <source>Remove</source>
2216        <translation>Fjern</translation>
2217    </message>
2218    <message>
2219        <source>Copy URI</source>
2220        <translation>Kopier URI</translation>
2221    </message>
2222    <message>
2223        <source>Copy label</source>
2224        <translation>Kopiér merkelapp</translation>
2225    </message>
2226    <message>
2227        <source>Copy message</source>
2228        <translation>Kopier melding</translation>
2229    </message>
2230    <message>
2231        <source>Copy amount</source>
2232        <translation>Kopier beløp</translation>
2233    </message>
2234    <message>
2235        <source>Could not unlock wallet.</source>
2236        <translation>Kunne ikke låse opp lommebok.</translation>
2237    </message>
2238    <message>
2239        <source>Could not generate new %1 address</source>
2240        <translation>Kunne ikke generere ny %1 adresse </translation>
2241    </message>
2244    <name>ReceiveRequestDialog</name>
2245    <message>
2246        <source>Request payment to ...</source>
2247        <translation>Be om betaling til...</translation>
2248    </message>
2249    <message>
2250        <source>Address:</source>
2251        <translation>Adresse:</translation>
2252    </message>
2253    <message>
2254        <source>Amount:</source>
2255        <translation>Beløp:</translation>
2256    </message>
2257    <message>
2258        <source>Label:</source>
2259        <translation>Merkelapp:</translation>
2260    </message>
2261    <message>
2262        <source>Message:</source>
2263        <translation>Melding:</translation>
2264    </message>
2265    <message>
2266        <source>Wallet:</source>
2267        <translation>Lommebok:</translation>
2268    </message>
2269    <message>
2270        <source>Copy &amp;URI</source>
2271        <translation>Kopier &amp;URI</translation>
2272    </message>
2273    <message>
2274        <source>Copy &amp;Address</source>
2275        <translation>Kopier &amp;Adresse</translation>
2276    </message>
2277    <message>
2278        <source>&amp;Save Image...</source>
2279        <translation>&amp;Lagre Bilde...</translation>
2280    </message>
2281    <message>
2282        <source>Request payment to %1</source>
2283        <translation>Forespør betaling til %1</translation>
2284    </message>
2285    <message>
2286        <source>Payment information</source>
2287        <translation>Betalingsinformasjon</translation>
2288    </message>
2291    <name>RecentRequestsTableModel</name>
2292    <message>
2293        <source>Date</source>
2294        <translation>Dato</translation>
2295    </message>
2296    <message>
2297        <source>Label</source>
2298        <translation>Beskrivelse</translation>
2299    </message>
2300    <message>
2301        <source>Message</source>
2302        <translation>Melding</translation>
2303    </message>
2304    <message>
2305        <source>(no label)</source>
2306        <translation>(ingen beskrivelse)</translation>
2307    </message>
2308    <message>
2309        <source>(no message)</source>
2310        <translation>(ingen melding)</translation>
2311    </message>
2312    <message>
2313        <source>(no amount requested)</source>
2314        <translation>(inget beløp forespurt)</translation>
2315    </message>
2316    <message>
2317        <source>Requested</source>
2318        <translation>Forespurt</translation>
2319    </message>
2322    <name>SendCoinsDialog</name>
2323    <message>
2324        <source>Send Coins</source>
2325        <translation>Send Bitcoins</translation>
2326    </message>
2327    <message>
2328        <source>Coin Control Features</source>
2329        <translation>Myntkontroll Funksjoner</translation>
2330    </message>
2331    <message>
2332        <source>Inputs...</source>
2333        <translation>Inndata...</translation>
2334    </message>
2335    <message>
2336        <source>automatically selected</source>
2337        <translation>automatisk valgte</translation>
2338    </message>
2339    <message>
2340        <source>Insufficient funds!</source>
2341        <translation>Utilstrekkelige midler!</translation>
2342    </message>
2343    <message>
2344        <source>Quantity:</source>
2345        <translation>Mengde:</translation>
2346    </message>
2347    <message>
2348        <source>Bytes:</source>
2349        <translation>Bytes:</translation>
2350    </message>
2351    <message>
2352        <source>Amount:</source>
2353        <translation>Beløp:</translation>
2354    </message>
2355    <message>
2356        <source>Fee:</source>
2357        <translation>Gebyr:</translation>
2358    </message>
2359    <message>
2360        <source>After Fee:</source>
2361        <translation>Etter Gebyr:</translation>
2362    </message>
2363    <message>
2364        <source>Change:</source>
2365        <translation>Veksel:</translation>
2366    </message>
2367    <message>
2368        <source>If this is activated, but the change address is empty or invalid, change will be sent to a newly generated address.</source>
2369        <translation>Hvis dette er aktivert, men adressen for veksel er tom eller ugyldig, vil veksel bli sendt til en nylig generert adresse.</translation>
2370    </message>
2371    <message>
2372        <source>Custom change address</source>
2373        <translation>Egendefinert adresse for veksel</translation>
2374    </message>
2375    <message>
2376        <source>Transaction Fee:</source>
2377        <translation>Transaksjonsgebyr:</translation>
2378    </message>
2379    <message>
2380        <source>Choose...</source>
2381        <translation>Velg...</translation>
2382    </message>
2383    <message>
2384        <source>Using the fallbackfee can result in sending a transaction that will take several hours or days (or never) to confirm. Consider choosing your fee manually or wait until you have validated the complete chain.</source>
2385        <translation>Bruk av tilbakefallsgebyr kan medføre at en transaksjon tar flere timer eller dager, å fullføre, eller aldri gjør det. Overvei å velge et gebyr manuelt, eller vent til du har bekreftet hele kjeden.</translation>
2386    </message>
2387    <message>
2388        <source>Warning: Fee estimation is currently not possible.</source>
2389        <translation>Advarsel: Gebyroverslag er ikke tilgjengelig for tiden.</translation>
2390    </message>
2391    <message>
2392        <source>Specify a custom fee per kB (1,000 bytes) of the transaction's virtual size.
2394Note:  Since the fee is calculated on a per-byte basis, a fee of "100 satoshis per kB" for a transaction size of 500 bytes (half of 1 kB) would ultimately yield a fee of only 50 satoshis.</source>
2395        <translation>Spesifiser en tilpasset avgift per kB (1000 byte) av transaksjonens virtuelle størrelse.
2397Merk: Siden avgiften er beregnet per byte-basis, vil et gebyr på "100 satoshis per kB" for en transaksjonsstørrelse på 500 byte (halvparten av 1 kB) til slutt gi et gebyr på bare 50 satoshis.</translation>
2398    </message>
2399    <message>
2400        <source>per kilobyte</source>
2401        <translation>per kilobyte</translation>
2402    </message>
2403    <message>
2404        <source>Hide</source>
2405        <translation>Skjul</translation>
2406    </message>
2407    <message>
2408        <source>Recommended:</source>
2409        <translation>Anbefalt:</translation>
2410    </message>
2411    <message>
2412        <source>Custom:</source>
2413        <translation>Egendefinert:</translation>
2414    </message>
2415    <message>
2416        <source>(Smart fee not initialized yet. This usually takes a few blocks...)</source>
2417        <translation>(Smartgebyr ikke innført ennå. Dette tar vanligvis noen blokker...)</translation>
2418    </message>
2419    <message>
2420        <source>Send to multiple recipients at once</source>
2421        <translation>Send til flere enn en mottaker</translation>
2422    </message>
2423    <message>
2424        <source>Add &amp;Recipient</source>
2425        <translation>Legg til &amp;Mottaker</translation>
2426    </message>
2427    <message>
2428        <source>Clear all fields of the form.</source>
2429        <translation>Fjern alle felter fra skjemaet.</translation>
2430    </message>
2431    <message>
2432        <source>Dust:</source>
2433        <translation>Støv:</translation>
2434    </message>
2435    <message>
2436        <source>Hide transaction fee settings</source>
2437        <translation>Skjul innstillinger for transaksjonsgebyr</translation>
2438    </message>
2439    <message>
2440        <source>When there is less transaction volume than space in the blocks, miners as well as relaying nodes may enforce a minimum fee. Paying only this minimum fee is just fine, but be aware that this can result in a never confirming transaction once there is more demand for bitcoin transactions than the network can process.</source>
2441        <translation>Når det er mindre transaksjonsvolum enn plass i blokkene, kan gruvearbeidere så vel som videresende noder håndheve et minimumsgebyr. Å betale bare denne minsteavgiften er helt greit, men vær klar over at dette kan resultere i en aldri bekreftende transaksjon når det er større etterspørsel etter bitcoin-transaksjoner enn nettverket kan behandle.</translation>
2442    </message>
2443    <message>
2444        <source>A too low fee might result in a never confirming transaction (read the tooltip)</source>
2445        <translation>For lavt gebyr kan føre til en transaksjon som aldri bekreftes (les verktøytips)</translation>
2446    </message>
2447    <message>
2448        <source>Confirmation time target:</source>
2449        <translation>Bekreftelsestidsmål:</translation>
2450    </message>
2451    <message>
2452        <source>Enable Replace-By-Fee</source>
2453        <translation>Aktiver Replace-By-Fee</translation>
2454    </message>
2455    <message>
2456        <source>With Replace-By-Fee (BIP-125) you can increase a transaction's fee after it is sent. Without this, a higher fee may be recommended to compensate for increased transaction delay risk.</source>
2457        <translation>Med Replace-By-Fee (BIP-125) kan du øke transaksjonens gebyr etter at den er sendt. Uten dette aktivert anbefales et høyere gebyr for å kompensere for risikoen for at transaksjonen blir forsinket.</translation>
2458    </message>
2459    <message>
2460        <source>Clear &amp;All</source>
2461        <translation>Fjern &amp;Alt</translation>
2462    </message>
2463    <message>
2464        <source>Balance:</source>
2465        <translation>Saldo:</translation>
2466    </message>
2467    <message>
2468        <source>Confirm the send action</source>
2469        <translation>Bekreft sending</translation>
2470    </message>
2471    <message>
2472        <source>S&amp;end</source>
2473        <translation>S&amp;end</translation>
2474    </message>
2475    <message>
2476        <source>Copy quantity</source>
2477        <translation>Kopier mengde</translation>
2478    </message>
2479    <message>
2480        <source>Copy amount</source>
2481        <translation>Kopier beløp</translation>
2482    </message>
2483    <message>
2484        <source>Copy fee</source>
2485        <translation>Kopier gebyr</translation>
2486    </message>
2487    <message>
2488        <source>Copy after fee</source>
2489        <translation>Kopiér totalt</translation>
2490    </message>
2491    <message>
2492        <source>Copy bytes</source>
2493        <translation>Kopiér bytes</translation>
2494    </message>
2495    <message>
2496        <source>Copy dust</source>
2497        <translation>Kopiér støv</translation>
2498    </message>
2499    <message>
2500        <source>Copy change</source>
2501        <translation>Kopier veksel</translation>
2502    </message>
2503    <message>
2504        <source>%1 (%2 blocks)</source>
2505        <translation>%1 (%2 blokker)</translation>
2506    </message>
2507    <message>
2508        <source>Cr&amp;eate Unsigned</source>
2509        <translation>Cr &amp; eate Usignert</translation>
2510    </message>
2511    <message>
2512        <source>%1 to %2</source>
2513        <translation>%1 til %2</translation>
2514    </message>
2515    <message>
2516        <source>Do you want to draft this transaction?</source>
2517        <translation>Vil du utarbeide denne transaksjonen?</translation>
2518    </message>
2519    <message>
2520        <source>Are you sure you want to send?</source>
2521        <translation>Er du sikker  at du vil sende?</translation>
2522    </message>
2523    <message>
2524        <source>Create Unsigned</source>
2525        <translation>Lag usignert</translation>
2526    </message>
2527    <message>
2528        <source>Save Transaction Data</source>
2529        <translation>Lagre Transaksjonsdata</translation>
2530    </message>
2531    <message>
2532        <source>Partially Signed Transaction (Binary) (*.psbt)</source>
2533        <translation>Delvis Signert Transaksjon (Binær) (*.psbt)</translation>
2534    </message>
2535    <message>
2536        <source>PSBT saved</source>
2537        <translation>PSBT lagret</translation>
2538    </message>
2539    <message>
2540        <source>or</source>
2541        <translation>eller</translation>
2542    </message>
2543    <message>
2544        <source>You can increase the fee later (signals Replace-By-Fee, BIP-125).</source>
2545        <translation>Du kan øke gebyret senere (signaliserer Replace-By-Fee, BIP-125).</translation>
2546    </message>
2547    <message>
2548        <source>Please, review your transaction proposal. This will produce a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) which you can save or copy and then sign with e.g. an offline %1 wallet, or a PSBT-compatible hardware wallet.</source>
2549        <translation>Se over ditt transaksjonsforslag. Dette kommer til å produsere en Delvis Signert Bitcoin Transaksjon (PSBT) som du kan lagre eller kopiere og  signere med f.eks. en offline %1 lommebok, eller en PSBT kompatibel hardware lommebok.</translation>
2550    </message>
2551    <message>
2552        <source>Please, review your transaction.</source>
2553        <translation>Vennligst se over transaksjonen din.</translation>
2554    </message>
2555    <message>
2556        <source>Transaction fee</source>
2557        <translation>Transaksjonsgebyr</translation>
2558    </message>
2559    <message>
2560        <source>Not signalling Replace-By-Fee, BIP-125.</source>
2561        <translation>Signaliserer ikke Replace-By-Fee, BIP-125</translation>
2562    </message>
2563    <message>
2564        <source>Total Amount</source>
2565        <translation>Totalbeløp</translation>
2566    </message>
2567    <message>
2568        <source>To review recipient list click "Show Details..."</source>
2569        <translation>For å se gjennom mottakerlisten, klikk "Vis detaljer ..."</translation>
2570    </message>
2571    <message>
2572        <source>Confirm send coins</source>
2573        <translation>Bekreft forsendelse av mynter</translation>
2574    </message>
2575    <message>
2576        <source>Confirm transaction proposal</source>
2577        <translation>Bekreft transaksjonsforslaget</translation>
2578    </message>
2579    <message>
2580        <source>Send</source>
2581        <translation>Send</translation>
2582    </message>
2583    <message>
2584        <source>Watch-only balance:</source>
2585        <translation>Kun-observer balanse:</translation>
2586    </message>
2587    <message>
2588        <source>The recipient address is not valid. Please recheck.</source>
2589        <translation>Mottakeradressen er ikke gyldig. Sjekk den igjen.</translation>
2590    </message>
2591    <message>
2592        <source>The amount to pay must be larger than 0.</source>
2593        <translation>Betalingsbeløpet  være høyere enn 0.</translation>
2594    </message>
2595    <message>
2596        <source>The amount exceeds your balance.</source>
2597        <translation>Beløper overstiger saldo.</translation>
2598    </message>
2599    <message>
2600        <source>The total exceeds your balance when the %1 transaction fee is included.</source>
2601        <translation>Totalbeløpet overstiger saldo etter at %1-transaksjonsgebyret er lagt til.</translation>
2602    </message>
2603    <message>
2604        <source>Duplicate address found: addresses should only be used once each.</source>
2605        <translation>Gjenbruk av adresse funnet: Adresser skal kun brukes én gang hver.</translation>
2606    </message>
2607    <message>
2608        <source>Transaction creation failed!</source>
2609        <translation>Opprettelse av transaksjon mislyktes!</translation>
2610    </message>
2611    <message>
2612        <source>A fee higher than %1 is considered an absurdly high fee.</source>
2613        <translation>Et gebyr høyere enn %1 anses som absurd høyt.</translation>
2614    </message>
2615    <message>
2616        <source>Payment request expired.</source>
2617        <translation>Tidsavbrudd for betalingsforespørsel</translation>
2618    </message>
2619    <message numerus="yes">
2620        <source>Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).</source>
2621        <translation><numerusform>Antatt bekreftelsesbegynnelse innen %n blokk.</numerusform><numerusform>Antatt bekreftelsesbegynnelse innen %n blokker.</numerusform></translation>
2622    </message>
2623    <message>
2624        <source>Warning: Invalid Bitcoin address</source>
2625        <translation>Advarsel Ugyldig bitcoin-adresse</translation>
2626    </message>
2627    <message>
2628        <source>Warning: Unknown change address</source>
2629        <translation>Advarsel: Ukjent vekslingsadresse</translation>
2630    </message>
2631    <message>
2632        <source>Confirm custom change address</source>
2633        <translation>Bekreft egendefinert vekslingsadresse</translation>
2634    </message>
2635    <message>
2636        <source>The address you selected for change is not part of this wallet. Any or all funds in your wallet may be sent to this address. Are you sure?</source>
2637        <translation>Adressen du valgte for veksling er ikke en del av denne lommeboka. Alle verdiene i din lommebok vil bli sendt til denne adressen. Er du sikker?</translation>
2638    </message>
2639    <message>
2640        <source>(no label)</source>
2641        <translation>(ingen beskrivelse)</translation>
2642    </message>
2645    <name>SendCoinsEntry</name>
2646    <message>
2647        <source>A&amp;mount:</source>
2648        <translation>&amp;Beløp:</translation>
2649    </message>
2650    <message>
2651        <source>Pay &amp;To:</source>
2652        <translation>Betal &amp;Til:</translation>
2653    </message>
2654    <message>
2655        <source>&amp;Label:</source>
2656        <translation>&amp;Merkelapp:</translation>
2657    </message>
2658    <message>
2659        <source>Choose previously used address</source>
2660        <translation>Velg tidligere brukt adresse</translation>
2661    </message>
2662    <message>
2663        <source>The Bitcoin address to send the payment to</source>
2664        <translation>Bitcoin-adressen betalingen skal sendes til</translation>
2665    </message>
2666    <message>
2667        <source>Alt+A</source>
2668        <translation>Alt+A</translation>
2669    </message>
2670    <message>
2671        <source>Paste address from clipboard</source>
2672        <translation>Lim inn adresse fra utklippstavlen</translation>
2673    </message>
2674    <message>
2675        <source>Alt+P</source>
2676        <translation>Alt+P</translation>
2677    </message>
2678    <message>
2679        <source>Remove this entry</source>
2680        <translation>Fjern denne oppføringen</translation>
2681    </message>
2682    <message>
2683        <source>The amount to send in the selected unit</source>
2684        <translation>beløpet som skal sendes inn den valgte enheten.</translation>
2685    </message>
2686    <message>
2687        <source>The fee will be deducted from the amount being sent. The recipient will receive less bitcoins than you enter in the amount field. If multiple recipients are selected, the fee is split equally.</source>
2688        <translation>Gebyret vil bli trukket fra beløpet som blir sendt. Mottakeren vil motta mindre bitcoins enn det du skriver inn i beløpsfeltet. Hvis det er valgt flere mottakere, deles gebyret likt.</translation>
2689    </message>
2690    <message>
2691        <source>S&amp;ubtract fee from amount</source>
2692        <translation>T&amp;rekk fra gebyr fra beløp</translation>
2693    </message>
2694    <message>
2695        <source>Use available balance</source>
2696        <translation>Bruk tilgjengelig saldo</translation>
2697    </message>
2698    <message>
2699        <source>Message:</source>
2700        <translation>Melding:</translation>
2701    </message>
2702    <message>
2703        <source>This is an unauthenticated payment request.</source>
2704        <translation>Dette er en uautorisert betalingsetterspørring.</translation>
2705    </message>
2706    <message>
2707        <source>This is an authenticated payment request.</source>
2708        <translation>Dette er en autorisert betalingsetterspørring.</translation>
2709    </message>
2710    <message>
2711        <source>Enter a label for this address to add it to the list of used addresses</source>
2712        <translation>Skriv inn en merkelapp for denne adressen for å legge den til listen av brukte adresser</translation>
2713    </message>
2714    <message>
2715        <source>A message that was attached to the bitcoin: URI which will be stored with the transaction for your reference. Note: This message will not be sent over the Bitcoin network.</source>
2716        <translation>En melding som var tilknyttet bitcoinen: URI vil bli lagret med transaksjonen for din oversikt. Denne meldingen vil ikke bli sendt over Bitcoin-nettverket.</translation>
2717    </message>
2718    <message>
2719        <source>Pay To:</source>
2720        <translation>Betal Til:</translation>
2721    </message>
2722    <message>
2723        <source>Memo:</source>
2724        <translation>Memo:</translation>
2725    </message>
2728    <name>ShutdownWindow</name>
2729    <message>
2730        <source>%1 is shutting down...</source>
2731        <translation>%1 lukker...</translation>
2732    </message>
2733    <message>
2734        <source>Do not shut down the computer until this window disappears.</source>
2735        <translation>Slå ikke av datamaskinen før dette vinduet forsvinner.</translation>
2736    </message>
2739    <name>SignVerifyMessageDialog</name>
2740    <message>
2741        <source>Signatures - Sign / Verify a Message</source>
2742        <translation>Signaturer - Signer / Verifiser en Melding</translation>
2743    </message>
2744    <message>
2745        <source>&amp;Sign Message</source>
2746        <translation>&amp;Signer Melding</translation>
2747    </message>
2748    <message>
2749        <source>You can sign messages/agreements with your addresses to prove you can receive bitcoins sent to them. Be careful not to sign anything vague or random, as phishing attacks may try to trick you into signing your identity over to them. Only sign fully-detailed statements you agree to.</source>
2750        <translation>Du kan signere meldinger/avtaler med adresser for å bevise at du kan motta bitcoins sendt til dem. Vær forsiktig med å signere noe vagt eller tilfeldig, siden phishing-angrep kan prøve å lure deg til å signere din identitet over til dem. Bare signer fullt detaljerte utsagn som du er enig i.</translation>
2751    </message>
2752    <message>
2753        <source>The Bitcoin address to sign the message with</source>
2754        <translation>Bitcoin-adressen meldingen skal signeres med</translation>
2755    </message>
2756    <message>
2757        <source>Choose previously used address</source>
2758        <translation>Velg tidligere brukt adresse</translation>
2759    </message>
2760    <message>
2761        <source>Alt+A</source>
2762        <translation>Alt+A</translation>
2763    </message>
2764    <message>
2765        <source>Paste address from clipboard</source>
2766        <translation>Lim inn adresse fra utklippstavlen</translation>
2767    </message>
2768    <message>
2769        <source>Alt+P</source>
2770        <translation>Alt+P</translation>
2771    </message>
2772    <message>
2773        <source>Enter the message you want to sign here</source>
2774        <translation>Skriv inn meldingen du vil signere her</translation>
2775    </message>
2776    <message>
2777        <source>Signature</source>
2778        <translation>Signatur</translation>
2779    </message>
2780    <message>
2781        <source>Copy the current signature to the system clipboard</source>
2782        <translation>Kopier valgt signatur til utklippstavle</translation>
2783    </message>
2784    <message>
2785        <source>Sign the message to prove you own this Bitcoin address</source>
2786        <translation>Signer meldingen for å bevise at du eier denne Bitcoin-adressen</translation>
2787    </message>
2788    <message>
2789        <source>Sign &amp;Message</source>
2790        <translation>Signer &amp;Melding</translation>
2791    </message>
2792    <message>
2793        <source>Reset all sign message fields</source>
2794        <translation>Tilbakestill alle felter for meldingssignering</translation>
2795    </message>
2796    <message>
2797        <source>Clear &amp;All</source>
2798        <translation>Fjern &amp;Alt</translation>
2799    </message>
2800    <message>
2801        <source>&amp;Verify Message</source>
2802        <translation>&amp;Verifiser Melding</translation>
2803    </message>
2804    <message>
2805        <source>Enter the receiver's address, message (ensure you copy line breaks, spaces, tabs, etc. exactly) and signature below to verify the message. Be careful not to read more into the signature than what is in the signed message itself, to avoid being tricked by a man-in-the-middle attack. Note that this only proves the signing party receives with the address, it cannot prove sendership of any transaction!</source>
2806        <translation>Skriv inn mottakerens adresse, melding (forsikre deg om at du kopier linjeskift, mellomrom, faner osv. nøyaktig) og underskrift nedenfor for å bekrefte meldingen. Vær forsiktig så du ikke leser mer ut av signaturen enn hva som er i den signerte meldingen i seg selv, for å unngå å bli lurt av et man-in-the-middle-angrep. Merk at dette bare beviser at den som signerer kan motta med adressen, dette beviser ikke hvem som har sendt transaksjoner!</translation>
2807    </message>
2808    <message>
2809        <source>The Bitcoin address the message was signed with</source>
2810        <translation>Bitcoin-adressen meldingen ble signert med</translation>
2811    </message>
2812    <message>
2813        <source>The signed message to verify</source>
2814        <translation>Den signerte meldingen for å bekfrefte</translation>
2815    </message>
2816    <message>
2817        <source>The signature given when the message was signed</source>
2818        <translation>signaturen som ble gitt da meldingen ble signert</translation>
2819    </message>
2820    <message>
2821        <source>Verify the message to ensure it was signed with the specified Bitcoin address</source>
2822        <translation>Verifiser meldingen for å være sikker på at den ble signert av den angitte Bitcoin-adressen</translation>
2823    </message>
2824    <message>
2825        <source>Verify &amp;Message</source>
2826        <translation>Verifiser &amp;Melding</translation>
2827    </message>
2828    <message>
2829        <source>Reset all verify message fields</source>
2830        <translation>Tilbakestill alle felter for meldingsverifikasjon</translation>
2831    </message>
2832    <message>
2833        <source>Click "Sign Message" to generate signature</source>
2834        <translation>Klikk "Signer melding" for å generere signatur</translation>
2835    </message>
2836    <message>
2837        <source>The entered address is invalid.</source>
2838        <translation>Innskrevet adresse er ugyldig.</translation>
2839    </message>
2840    <message>
2841        <source>Please check the address and try again.</source>
2842        <translation>Sjekk adressen og prøv igjen.</translation>
2843    </message>
2844    <message>
2845        <source>The entered address does not refer to a key.</source>
2846        <translation>Innskrevet adresse refererer ikke til noen nøkkel.</translation>
2847    </message>
2848    <message>
2849        <source>Wallet unlock was cancelled.</source>
2850        <translation>Opplåsning av lommebok ble avbrutt.</translation>
2851    </message>
2852    <message>
2853        <source>No error</source>
2854        <translation>Ingen feil</translation>
2855    </message>
2856    <message>
2857        <source>Private key for the entered address is not available.</source>
2858        <translation>Privat nøkkel for den angitte adressen er ikke tilgjengelig.</translation>
2859    </message>
2860    <message>
2861        <source>Message signing failed.</source>
2862        <translation>Signering av melding feilet.</translation>
2863    </message>
2864    <message>
2865        <source>Message signed.</source>
2866        <translation>Melding signert.</translation>
2867    </message>
2868    <message>
2869        <source>The signature could not be decoded.</source>
2870        <translation>Signaturen kunne ikke dekodes.</translation>
2871    </message>
2872    <message>
2873        <source>Please check the signature and try again.</source>
2874        <translation>Sjekk signaturen og prøv igjen.</translation>
2875    </message>
2876    <message>
2877        <source>The signature did not match the message digest.</source>
2878        <translation>Signaturen samsvarer ikke med meldingsporteføljen.</translation>
2879    </message>
2880    <message>
2881        <source>Message verification failed.</source>
2882        <translation>Meldingsverifiseringen mislyktes.</translation>
2883    </message>
2884    <message>
2885        <source>Message verified.</source>
2886        <translation>Melding bekreftet.</translation>
2887    </message>
2890    <name>TrafficGraphWidget</name>
2891    <message>
2892        <source>KB/s</source>
2893        <translation>KB/s</translation>
2894    </message>
2897    <name>TransactionDesc</name>
2898    <message numerus="yes">
2899        <source>Open for %n more block(s)</source>
2900        <translation><numerusform>Åpen for %n blokk til</numerusform><numerusform>Åpen for %n flere blokker</numerusform></translation>
2901    </message>
2902    <message>
2903        <source>Open until %1</source>
2904        <translation>Åpen til %1</translation>
2905    </message>
2906    <message>
2907        <source>conflicted with a transaction with %1 confirmations</source>
2908        <translation>gikk ikke overens med en transaksjon med %1 bekreftelser</translation>
2909    </message>
2910    <message>
2911        <source>0/unconfirmed, %1</source>
2912        <translation>0/ubekreftet, %1</translation>
2913    </message>
2914    <message>
2915        <source>in memory pool</source>
2916        <translation>i hukommelsespulje</translation>
2917    </message>
2918    <message>
2919        <source>not in memory pool</source>
2920        <translation>ikke i hukommelsespulje</translation>
2921    </message>
2922    <message>
2923        <source>abandoned</source>
2924        <translation>forlatt</translation>
2925    </message>
2926    <message>
2927        <source>%1/unconfirmed</source>
2928        <translation>%1/ubekreftet</translation>
2929    </message>
2930    <message>
2931        <source>%1 confirmations</source>
2932        <translation>%1 bekreftelser</translation>
2933    </message>
2934    <message>
2935        <source>Status</source>
2936        <translation>Status</translation>
2937    </message>
2938    <message>
2939        <source>Date</source>
2940        <translation>Dato</translation>
2941    </message>
2942    <message>
2943        <source>Source</source>
2944        <translation>Kilde</translation>
2945    </message>
2946    <message>
2947        <source>Generated</source>
2948        <translation>Generert</translation>
2949    </message>
2950    <message>
2951        <source>From</source>
2952        <translation>Fra</translation>
2953    </message>
2954    <message>
2955        <source>unknown</source>
2956        <translation>ukjent</translation>
2957    </message>
2958    <message>
2959        <source>To</source>
2960        <translation>Til</translation>
2961    </message>
2962    <message>
2963        <source>own address</source>
2964        <translation>egen adresse</translation>
2965    </message>
2966    <message>
2967        <source>watch-only</source>
2968        <translation>kun oppsyn</translation>
2969    </message>
2970    <message>
2971        <source>label</source>
2972        <translation>merkelapp</translation>
2973    </message>
2974    <message>
2975        <source>Credit</source>
2976        <translation>Kreditt</translation>
2977    </message>
2978    <message numerus="yes">
2979        <source>matures in %n more block(s)</source>
2980        <translation><numerusform>modner om %n blokk</numerusform><numerusform>modner om %n blokker</numerusform></translation>
2981    </message>
2982    <message>
2983        <source>not accepted</source>
2984        <translation>ikke akseptert</translation>
2985    </message>
2986    <message>
2987        <source>Debit</source>
2988        <translation>Debet</translation>
2989    </message>
2990    <message>
2991        <source>Total debit</source>
2992        <translation>Total debet</translation>
2993    </message>
2994    <message>
2995        <source>Total credit</source>
2996        <translation>Total kreditt</translation>
2997    </message>
2998    <message>
2999        <source>Transaction fee</source>
3000        <translation>Transaksjonsgebyr</translation>
3001    </message>
3002    <message>
3003        <source>Net amount</source>
3004        <translation>Nettobeløp</translation>
3005    </message>
3006    <message>
3007        <source>Message</source>
3008        <translation>Melding</translation>
3009    </message>
3010    <message>
3011        <source>Comment</source>
3012        <translation>Kommentar</translation>
3013    </message>
3014    <message>
3015        <source>Transaction ID</source>
3016        <translation>Transaksjons-ID</translation>
3017    </message>
3018    <message>
3019        <source>Transaction total size</source>
3020        <translation>Total transaksjonsstørrelse</translation>
3021    </message>
3022    <message>
3023        <source>Transaction virtual size</source>
3024        <translation>Virtuell transaksjonsstørrelse</translation>
3025    </message>
3026    <message>
3027        <source>Output index</source>
3028        <translation>Utdatainndeks</translation>
3029    </message>
3030    <message>
3031        <source> (Certificate was not verified)</source>
3032        <translation>(sertifikatet ble ikke bekreftet)</translation>
3033    </message>
3034    <message>
3035        <source>Merchant</source>
3036        <translation>Forretningsdrivende</translation>
3037    </message>
3038    <message>
3039        <source>Generated coins must mature %1 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to "not accepted" and it won't be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours.</source>
3040        <translation>Genererte bitcoins  modne %1 blokker før de kan brukes. Da du genererte denne blokken ble den kringkastet  nettverket for å bli lagt til i kjeden av blokker. Hvis den ikke kommer med i kjeden vil den endre seg til "ikke akseptert", og vil ikke kunne brukes. Dette vil noen ganger skje hvis en annen node genererer en blokk innen noen sekunder av din.</translation>
3041    </message>
3042    <message>
3043        <source>Debug information</source>
3044        <translation>Feilrettingsinformasjon</translation>
3045    </message>
3046    <message>
3047        <source>Transaction</source>
3048        <translation>Transaksjon</translation>
3049    </message>
3050    <message>
3051        <source>Inputs</source>
3052        <translation>Inndata</translation>
3053    </message>
3054    <message>
3055        <source>Amount</source>
3056        <translation>Beløp</translation>
3057    </message>
3058    <message>
3059        <source>true</source>
3060        <translation>sant</translation>
3061    </message>
3062    <message>
3063        <source>false</source>
3064        <translation>usant</translation>
3065    </message>
3068    <name>TransactionDescDialog</name>
3069    <message>
3070        <source>This pane shows a detailed description of the transaction</source>
3071        <translation>Her vises en detaljert beskrivelse av transaksjonen</translation>
3072    </message>
3073    <message>
3074        <source>Details for %1</source>
3075        <translation>Detaljer for %1</translation>
3076    </message>
3079    <name>TransactionTableModel</name>
3080    <message>
3081        <source>Date</source>
3082        <translation>Dato</translation>
3083    </message>
3084    <message>
3085        <source>Type</source>
3086        <translation>Type</translation>
3087    </message>
3088    <message>
3089        <source>Label</source>
3090        <translation>Beskrivelse</translation>
3091    </message>
3092    <message numerus="yes">
3093        <source>Open for %n more block(s)</source>
3094        <translation><numerusform>Åpen for én blokk til</numerusform><numerusform>Åpen for %n blokker til</numerusform></translation>
3095    </message>
3096    <message>
3097        <source>Open until %1</source>
3098        <translation>Åpen til %1</translation>
3099    </message>
3100    <message>
3101        <source>Unconfirmed</source>
3102        <translation>Ubekreftet</translation>
3103    </message>
3104    <message>
3105        <source>Abandoned</source>
3106        <translation>Forlatt</translation>
3107    </message>
3108    <message>
3109        <source>Confirming (%1 of %2 recommended confirmations)</source>
3110        <translation>Bekrefter (%1 av %2 anbefalte bekreftelser)</translation>
3111    </message>
3112    <message>
3113        <source>Confirmed (%1 confirmations)</source>
3114        <translation>Bekreftet (%1 bekreftelser)</translation>
3115    </message>
3116    <message>
3117        <source>Conflicted</source>
3118        <translation>Gikk ikke overens</translation>
3119    </message>
3120    <message>
3121        <source>Immature (%1 confirmations, will be available after %2)</source>
3122        <translation>Umoden (%1 bekreftelser, vil være tilgjengelig etter %2)</translation>
3123    </message>
3124    <message>
3125        <source>Generated but not accepted</source>
3126        <translation>Generert, men ikke akseptert</translation>
3127    </message>
3128    <message>
3129        <source>Received with</source>
3130        <translation>Mottatt med</translation>
3131    </message>
3132    <message>
3133        <source>Received from</source>
3134        <translation>Mottatt fra</translation>
3135    </message>
3136    <message>
3137        <source>Sent to</source>
3138        <translation>Sendt til</translation>
3139    </message>
3140    <message>
3141        <source>Payment to yourself</source>
3142        <translation>Betaling til deg selv</translation>
3143    </message>
3144    <message>
3145        <source>Mined</source>
3146        <translation>Utvunnet</translation>
3147    </message>
3148    <message>
3149        <source>watch-only</source>
3150        <translation>kun oppsyn</translation>
3151    </message>
3152    <message>
3153        <source>(n/a)</source>
3154        <translation>(i/t)</translation>
3155    </message>
3156    <message>
3157        <source>(no label)</source>
3158        <translation>(ingen beskrivelse)</translation>
3159    </message>
3160    <message>
3161        <source>Transaction status. Hover over this field to show number of confirmations.</source>
3162        <translation>Transaksjonsstatus. Hold pekeren over dette feltet for å se antall bekreftelser.</translation>
3163    </message>
3164    <message>
3165        <source>Date and time that the transaction was received.</source>
3166        <translation>Dato og tid for mottak av transaksjonen.</translation>
3167    </message>
3168    <message>
3169        <source>Type of transaction.</source>
3170        <translation>Transaksjonstype.</translation>
3171    </message>
3172    <message>
3173        <source>Whether or not a watch-only address is involved in this transaction.</source>
3174        <translation>Hvorvidt en oppsynsadresse er involvert i denne transaksjonen.</translation>
3175    </message>
3176    <message>
3177        <source>User-defined intent/purpose of the transaction.</source>
3178        <translation>Brukerdefinert intensjon/hensikt med transaksjonen.</translation>
3179    </message>
3180    <message>
3181        <source>Amount removed from or added to balance.</source>
3182        <translation>Beløp fjernet eller lagt til saldo.</translation>
3183    </message>
3186    <name>TransactionView</name>
3187    <message>
3188        <source>All</source>
3189        <translation>Alt</translation>
3190    </message>
3191    <message>
3192        <source>Today</source>
3193        <translation>I dag</translation>
3194    </message>
3195    <message>
3196        <source>This week</source>
3197        <translation>Denne uka</translation>
3198    </message>
3199    <message>
3200        <source>This month</source>
3201        <translation>Denne måneden</translation>
3202    </message>
3203    <message>
3204        <source>Last month</source>
3205        <translation>Forrige måned</translation>
3206    </message>
3207    <message>
3208        <source>This year</source>
3209        <translation>Dette året</translation>
3210    </message>
3211    <message>
3212        <source>Range...</source>
3213        <translation>Rekkevidde…</translation>
3214    </message>
3215    <message>
3216        <source>Received with</source>
3217        <translation>Mottatt med</translation>
3218    </message>
3219    <message>
3220        <source>Sent to</source>
3221        <translation>Sendt til</translation>
3222    </message>
3223    <message>
3224        <source>To yourself</source>
3225        <translation>Til deg selv</translation>
3226    </message>
3227    <message>
3228        <source>Mined</source>
3229        <translation>Utvunnet</translation>
3230    </message>
3231    <message>
3232        <source>Other</source>
3233        <translation>Andre</translation>
3234    </message>
3235    <message>
3236        <source>Enter address, transaction id, or label to search</source>
3237        <translation>Oppgi adresse, transaksjons-ID eller merkelapp for å søke</translation>
3238    </message>
3239    <message>
3240        <source>Min amount</source>
3241        <translation>Minimumsbeløp</translation>
3242    </message>
3243    <message>
3244        <source>Abandon transaction</source>
3245        <translation>Avbryt transaksjon</translation>
3246    </message>
3247    <message>
3248        <source>Increase transaction fee</source>
3249        <translation>Øk overføringsgebyret</translation>
3250    </message>
3251    <message>
3252        <source>Copy address</source>
3253        <translation>Kopier adresse</translation>
3254    </message>
3255    <message>
3256        <source>Copy label</source>
3257        <translation>Kopiér merkelapp</translation>
3258    </message>
3259    <message>
3260        <source>Copy amount</source>
3261        <translation>Kopier beløp</translation>
3262    </message>
3263    <message>
3264        <source>Copy transaction ID</source>
3265        <translation>Kopier transaksjons-ID</translation>
3266    </message>
3267    <message>
3268        <source>Copy raw transaction</source>
3269        <translation>Kopier råtransaksjon</translation>
3270    </message>
3271    <message>
3272        <source>Copy full transaction details</source>
3273        <translation>Kopier helhetlig transaksjonsdetaljering</translation>
3274    </message>
3275    <message>
3276        <source>Edit label</source>
3277        <translation>Rediger merkelapp</translation>
3278    </message>
3279    <message>
3280        <source>Show transaction details</source>
3281        <translation>Vis transaksjonsdetaljer</translation>
3282    </message>
3283    <message>
3284        <source>Export Transaction History</source>
3285        <translation>Eksporter transaksjonshistorikk</translation>
3286    </message>
3287    <message>
3288        <source>Comma separated file (*.csv)</source>
3289        <translation>Komma separert fil (*.csv)</translation>
3290    </message>
3291    <message>
3292        <source>Confirmed</source>
3293        <translation>Bekreftet</translation>
3294    </message>
3295    <message>
3296        <source>Watch-only</source>
3297        <translation>Kun oppsyn</translation>
3298    </message>
3299    <message>
3300        <source>Date</source>
3301        <translation>Dato</translation>
3302    </message>
3303    <message>
3304        <source>Type</source>
3305        <translation>Type</translation>
3306    </message>
3307    <message>
3308        <source>Label</source>
3309        <translation>Beskrivelse</translation>
3310    </message>
3311    <message>
3312        <source>Address</source>
3313        <translation>Adresse</translation>
3314    </message>
3315    <message>
3316        <source>ID</source>
3317        <translation>ID</translation>
3318    </message>
3319    <message>
3320        <source>Exporting Failed</source>
3321        <translation>Eksporten feilet</translation>
3322    </message>
3323    <message>
3324        <source>There was an error trying to save the transaction history to %1.</source>
3325        <translation>En feil oppstod ved lagring av transaksjonshistorikk til %1.</translation>
3326    </message>
3327    <message>
3328        <source>Exporting Successful</source>
3329        <translation>Eksportert</translation>
3330    </message>
3331    <message>
3332        <source>The transaction history was successfully saved to %1.</source>
3333        <translation>Transaksjonshistorikken ble lagret til %1.</translation>
3334    </message>
3335    <message>
3336        <source>Range:</source>
3337        <translation>Rekkevidde:</translation>
3338    </message>
3339    <message>
3340        <source>to</source>
3341        <translation>til</translation>
3342    </message>
3345    <name>UnitDisplayStatusBarControl</name>
3346    <message>
3347        <source>Unit to show amounts in. Click to select another unit.</source>
3348        <translation>Enhet å vise beløper i. Klikk for å velge en annen enhet.</translation>
3349    </message>
3352    <name>WalletController</name>
3353    <message>
3354        <source>Close wallet</source>
3355        <translation>Lukk lommebok</translation>
3356    </message>
3357    <message>
3358        <source>Closing the wallet for too long can result in having to resync the entire chain if pruning is enabled.</source>
3359        <translation>Å lukke lommeboken for lenge kan føre til at du  synkronisere hele kjeden hvis beskjæring er aktivert.</translation>
3360    </message>
3361    <message>
3362        <source>Close all wallets</source>
3363        <translation>Lukk alle lommebøker</translation>
3364    </message>
3365    <message>
3366        <source>Are you sure you wish to close all wallets?</source>
3367        <translation>Er du sikker  at du vil lukke alle lommebøker?</translation>
3368    </message>
3371    <name>WalletFrame</name>
3372    <message>
3373        <source>No wallet has been loaded.
3374Go to File &gt; Open Wallet to load a wallet.
3375- OR -</source>
3376        <translation>Ingen lommebok har blitt lastet.
3377 til Fil &gt; Åpne lommebok for å laste en lommebok.
3378- ELLER -</translation>
3379    </message>
3380    <message>
3381        <source>Create a new wallet</source>
3382        <translation>Lag en ny lommebok</translation>
3383    </message>
3386    <name>WalletModel</name>
3387    <message>
3388        <source>Send Coins</source>
3389        <translation>Send mynter</translation>
3390    </message>
3391    <message>
3392        <source>Fee bump error</source>
3393        <translation>Gebyrforhøyelsesfeil</translation>
3394    </message>
3395    <message>
3396        <source>Increasing transaction fee failed</source>
3397        <translation>Økning av transaksjonsgebyr mislyktes</translation>
3398    </message>
3399    <message>
3400        <source>Do you want to increase the fee?</source>
3401        <translation>Ønsker du å øke gebyret?</translation>
3402    </message>
3403    <message>
3404        <source>Do you want to draft a transaction with fee increase?</source>
3405        <translation>Vil du utarbeide en transaksjon med gebyrøkning?</translation>
3406    </message>
3407    <message>
3408        <source>Current fee:</source>
3409        <translation>Nåværede gebyr:</translation>
3410    </message>
3411    <message>
3412        <source>Increase:</source>
3413        <translation>Økning:</translation>
3414    </message>
3415    <message>
3416        <source>New fee:</source>
3417        <translation>Nytt gebyr:</translation>
3418    </message>
3419    <message>
3420        <source>Confirm fee bump</source>
3421        <translation>Bekreft gebyrøkning</translation>
3422    </message>
3423    <message>
3424        <source>Can't draft transaction.</source>
3425        <translation>Kan ikke utarbeide transaksjon.</translation>
3426    </message>
3427    <message>
3428        <source>PSBT copied</source>
3429        <translation>PSBT kopiert</translation>
3430    </message>
3431    <message>
3432        <source>Can't sign transaction.</source>
3433        <translation>Kan ikke signere transaksjon</translation>
3434    </message>
3435    <message>
3436        <source>Could not commit transaction</source>
3437        <translation>Kunne ikke sende inn transaksjon</translation>
3438    </message>
3439    <message>
3440        <source>default wallet</source>
3441        <translation>standard lommebok</translation>
3442    </message>
3445    <name>WalletView</name>
3446    <message>
3447        <source>&amp;Export</source>
3448        <translation>&amp;Eksport</translation>
3449    </message>
3450    <message>
3451        <source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source>
3452        <translation>Eksporter data i den valgte fliken til en fil</translation>
3453    </message>
3454    <message>
3455        <source>Error</source>
3456        <translation>Feilmelding</translation>
3457    </message>
3458    <message>
3459        <source>Unable to decode PSBT from clipboard (invalid base64)</source>
3460        <translation>Klarte ikke å dekode PSBT fra utklippstavle (ugyldig base64)</translation>
3461    </message>
3462    <message>
3463        <source>Load Transaction Data</source>
3464        <translation>Last transaksjonsdata</translation>
3465    </message>
3466    <message>
3467        <source>Partially Signed Transaction (*.psbt)</source>
3468        <translation>Delvis signert transaksjon (*.psbt)</translation>
3469    </message>
3470    <message>
3471        <source>PSBT file must be smaller than 100 MiB</source>
3472        <translation>PSBT-fil  være mindre enn 100 MiB</translation>
3473    </message>
3474    <message>
3475        <source>Unable to decode PSBT</source>
3476        <translation>Klarte ikke å dekode PSBT</translation>
3477    </message>
3478    <message>
3479        <source>Backup Wallet</source>
3480        <translation>Sikkerhetskopier lommebok</translation>
3481    </message>
3482    <message>
3483        <source>Wallet Data (*.dat)</source>
3484        <translation>Lommeboksdata (*.dat)</translation>
3485    </message>
3486    <message>
3487        <source>Backup Failed</source>
3488        <translation>Sikkerhetskopiering mislyktes</translation>
3489    </message>
3490    <message>
3491        <source>There was an error trying to save the wallet data to %1.</source>
3492        <translation>Feil under forsøk  lagring av lommebokdata til %1</translation>
3493    </message>
3494    <message>
3495        <source>Backup Successful</source>
3496        <translation>Sikkerhetskopiert</translation>
3497    </message>
3498    <message>
3499        <source>The wallet data was successfully saved to %1.</source>
3500        <translation>Lommebokdata lagret til %1.</translation>
3501    </message>
3502    <message>
3503        <source>Cancel</source>
3504        <translation>Avbryt</translation>
3505    </message>
3508    <name>bitcoin-core</name>
3509    <message>
3510        <source>Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file %s or %s</source>
3511        <translation>Lisensiert MIT. Se tilhørende fil %s eller %s</translation>
3512    </message>
3513    <message>
3514        <source>Prune configured below the minimum of %d MiB.  Please use a higher number.</source>
3515        <translation>Beskjæringsmodus er konfigurert under minimum  %d MiB. Vennligst bruk et høyere nummer.</translation>
3516    </message>
3517    <message>
3518        <source>Prune: last wallet synchronisation goes beyond pruned data. You need to -reindex (download the whole blockchain again in case of pruned node)</source>
3519        <translation>Beskjæring: siste lommeboksynkronisering går utenfor beskjærte data. Du  bruke -reindex (laster ned hele blokkjeden igjen for beskjærte noder)</translation>
3520    </message>
3521    <message>
3522        <source>Pruning blockstore...</source>
3523        <translation>Beskjærer blokklageret...</translation>
3524    </message>
3525    <message>
3526        <source>Unable to start HTTP server. See debug log for details.</source>
3527        <translation>Kunne ikke starte HTTP-tjener. Se feilrettingslogg for detaljer.</translation>
3528    </message>
3529    <message>
3530        <source>The %s developers</source>
3531        <translation>%s-utviklerne</translation>
3532    </message>
3533    <message>
3534        <source>Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. %s is probably already running.</source>
3535        <translation>Kan ikke låse datamappen %s. %s kjører antagelig allerede.</translation>
3536    </message>
3537    <message>
3538        <source>Cannot provide specific connections and have addrman find outgoing connections at the same.</source>
3539        <translation>Kan ikke angi spesifikke tilkoblinger og ha addrman til å finne utgående tilkoblinger samtidig.</translation>
3540    </message>
3541    <message>
3542        <source>Error reading %s! All keys read correctly, but transaction data or address book entries might be missing or incorrect.</source>
3543        <translation>Feil under lesing av %s! Alle nøkler har blitt lest rett, men transaksjonsdata eller adressebokoppføringer kan mangle eller være uriktige.</translation>
3544    </message>
3545    <message>
3546        <source>More than one onion bind address is provided. Using %s for the automatically created Tor onion service.</source>
3547        <translation>Mer enn en onion adresse har blitt gitt. Bruker %s for den automatisk lagde Tor onion tjenesten.</translation>
3548    </message>
3549    <message>
3550        <source>Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong, %s will not work properly.</source>
3551        <translation>Sjekk at din datamaskins dato og klokke er stilt rett! Hvis klokka er feil, vil ikke %s fungere ordentlig.</translation>
3552    </message>
3553    <message>
3554        <source>Please contribute if you find %s useful. Visit %s for further information about the software.</source>
3555        <translation>Bidra hvis du finner %s nyttig. Besøk %s for mer informasjon om programvaren.</translation>
3556    </message>
3557    <message>
3558        <source>The block database contains a block which appears to be from the future. This may be due to your computer's date and time being set incorrectly. Only rebuild the block database if you are sure that your computer's date and time are correct</source>
3559        <translation>Blokkdatabasen inneholder en blokk som ser ut til å være fra fremtiden. Dette kan være fordi dato og tid på din datamaskin er satt feil. Gjenopprett kun blokkdatabasen når du er sikker på at dato og tid er satt riktig.</translation>
3560    </message>
3561    <message>
3562        <source>This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications</source>
3563        <translation>Dette er en testversjon i påvente av utgivelse - bruk på egen risiko - ikke for bruk til blokkutvinning eller i forretningsøyemed</translation>
3564    </message>
3565    <message>
3566        <source>This is the transaction fee you may discard if change is smaller than dust at this level</source>
3567        <translation>Dette er transaksjonsgebyret du kan se bort fra hvis vekslepengene utgjør mindre enn støv på dette nivået</translation>
3568    </message>
3569    <message>
3570        <source>Unable to replay blocks. You will need to rebuild the database using -reindex-chainstate.</source>
3571        <translation>Kan ikke spille av blokker igjen. Du må bygge opp igjen databasen ved bruk av -reindex-chainstate.</translation>
3572    </message>
3573    <message>
3574        <source>Unable to rewind the database to a pre-fork state. You will need to redownload the blockchain</source>
3575        <translation>Kan ikke spole tilbake databasen til en tilstand før forgreiningen. Du må laste ned blokkjeden igjen</translation>
3576    </message>
3577    <message>
3578        <source>Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues.</source>
3579        <translation>Advarsel: Nettverket ser ikke ut til å være i overenstemmelse! Noen utvinnere ser ut til å ha problemer.</translation>
3580    </message>
3581    <message>
3582        <source>Warning: We do not appear to fully agree with our peers! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade.</source>
3583        <translation>Advarsel: Vi ser ikke ut til å være i full overenstemmelse med våre likemenn! Du kan trenge å oppgradere, eller andre noder kan trenge å oppgradere.</translation>
3584    </message>
3585    <message>
3586        <source>-maxmempool must be at least %d MB</source>
3587        <translation>-maxmempool må være minst %d MB</translation>
3588    </message>
3589    <message>
3590        <source>Cannot resolve -%s address: '%s'</source>
3591        <translation>Kunne ikke slå opp -%s-adresse: "%s"</translation>
3592    </message>
3593    <message>
3594        <source>Change index out of range</source>
3595        <translation>Kjedeindeks utenfor rekkevidde</translation>
3596    </message>
3597    <message>
3598        <source>Copyright (C) %i-%i</source>
3599        <translation>Kopirett © %i-%i</translation>
3600    </message>
3601    <message>
3602        <source>Corrupted block database detected</source>
3603        <translation>Oppdaget korrupt blokkdatabase</translation>
3604    </message>
3605    <message>
3606        <source>Could not find asmap file %s</source>
3607        <translation>Kunne ikke finne asmap filen %s</translation>
3608    </message>
3609    <message>
3610        <source>Could not parse asmap file %s</source>
3611        <translation>Kunne ikke analysere asmap filen %s</translation>
3612    </message>
3613    <message>
3614        <source>Do you want to rebuild the block database now?</source>
3615        <translation>Ønsker du å gjenopprette blokkdatabasen nå?</translation>
3616    </message>
3617    <message>
3618        <source>Error initializing block database</source>
3619        <translation>Feil under initialisering av blokkdatabase</translation>
3620    </message>
3621    <message>
3622        <source>Error initializing wallet database environment %s!</source>
3623        <translation>Feil under oppstart av lommeboken sitt databasemiljø %s!</translation>
3624    </message>
3625    <message>
3626        <source>Error loading %s</source>
3627        <translation>Feil ved lasting av %s</translation>
3628    </message>
3629    <message>
3630        <source>Error loading %s: Wallet corrupted</source>
3631        <translation>Feil under innlasting av %s: Skadet lommebok</translation>
3632    </message>
3633    <message>
3634        <source>Error loading %s: Wallet requires newer version of %s</source>
3635        <translation>Feil under innlasting av %s: Lommeboka krever nyere versjon av %s</translation>
3636    </message>
3637    <message>
3638        <source>Error loading block database</source>
3639        <translation>Feil ved lasting av blokkdatabase</translation>
3640    </message>
3641    <message>
3642        <source>Error opening block database</source>
3643        <translation>Feil under åpning av blokkdatabase</translation>
3644    </message>
3645    <message>
3646        <source>Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this.</source>
3647        <translation>Kunne ikke lytte på noen port. Bruk -listen=0 hvis det er dette du vil.</translation>
3648    </message>
3649    <message>
3650        <source>Failed to rescan the wallet during initialization</source>
3651        <translation>Klarte ikke gå igjennom lommeboken under oppstart</translation>
3652    </message>
3653    <message>
3654        <source>Failed to verify database</source>
3655        <translation>Verifisering av database feilet</translation>
3656    </message>
3657    <message>
3658        <source>Ignoring duplicate -wallet %s.</source>
3659        <translation>Ignorerer dupliserte -wallet %s.</translation>
3660    </message>
3661    <message>
3662        <source>Importing...</source>
3663        <translation>Importerer...</translation>
3664    </message>
3665    <message>
3666        <source>Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network?</source>
3667        <translation>Ugyldig eller ingen skaperblokk funnet. Feil datamappe for nettverk?</translation>
3668    </message>
3669    <message>
3670        <source>Initialization sanity check failed. %s is shutting down.</source>
3671        <translation>Sunnhetssjekk ved oppstart mislyktes. %s skrus av.</translation>
3672    </message>
3673    <message>
3674        <source>Invalid amount for -%s=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s'</source>
3675        <translation>Ugyldig beløp for -%s=&lt;amount&gt;: "%s"</translation>
3676    </message>
3677    <message>
3678        <source>Invalid amount for -discardfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s'</source>
3679        <translation>Ugyldig beløp for -discardfee=&lt;amount&gt;: "%s"</translation>
3680    </message>
3681    <message>
3682        <source>Invalid amount for -fallbackfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s'</source>
3683        <translation>Ugyldig beløp for -fallbackfee=&lt;amount&gt;: "%s"</translation>
3684    </message>
3685    <message>
3686        <source>Upgrading txindex database</source>
3687        <translation>Oppgraderer txindex databasen</translation>
3688    </message>
3689    <message>
3690        <source>Loading P2P addresses...</source>
3691        <translation>Laster maskin-til-maskin -adresser…</translation>
3692    </message>
3693    <message>
3694        <source>Loading banlist...</source>
3695        <translation>Laster inn bannlysningsliste…</translation>
3696    </message>
3697    <message>
3698        <source>Not enough file descriptors available.</source>
3699        <translation>For få fildeskriptorer tilgjengelig.</translation>
3700    </message>
3701    <message>
3702        <source>Prune cannot be configured with a negative value.</source>
3703        <translation>Beskjæringsmodus kan ikke konfigureres med en negativ verdi.</translation>
3704    </message>
3705    <message>
3706        <source>Prune mode is incompatible with -txindex.</source>
3707        <translation>Beskjæringsmodus er ikke kompatibel med -txindex.</translation>
3708    </message>
3709    <message>
3710        <source>Replaying blocks...</source>
3711        <translation>Spiller av blokker igjen…</translation>
3712    </message>
3713    <message>
3714        <source>Rewinding blocks...</source>
3715        <translation>Spoler tilbake blokker…</translation>
3716    </message>
3717    <message>
3718        <source>The source code is available from %s.</source>
3719        <translation>Kildekoden er tilgjengelig fra %s.</translation>
3720    </message>
3721    <message>
3722        <source>Transaction fee and change calculation failed</source>
3723        <translation>Transaksjonsgebyr og vekslingsutregning mislyktes</translation>
3724    </message>
3725    <message>
3726        <source>Unable to bind to %s on this computer. %s is probably already running.</source>
3727        <translation>Kan ikke binde til %s på denne datamaskinen. Sannsynligvis kjører %s allerede.</translation>
3728    </message>
3729    <message>
3730        <source>Unable to generate keys</source>
3731        <translation>Klarte ikke å lage nøkkel</translation>
3732    </message>
3733    <message>
3734        <source>Unsupported logging category %s=%s.</source>
3735        <translation>Ustøttet loggingskategori %s=%s.</translation>
3736    </message>
3737    <message>
3738        <source>Upgrading UTXO database</source>
3739        <translation>Oppgraderer UTXO-database</translation>
3740    </message>
3741    <message>
3742        <source>User Agent comment (%s) contains unsafe characters.</source>
3743        <translation>User Agent kommentar (%s) inneholder utrygge tegn.</translation>
3744    </message>
3745    <message>
3746        <source>Verifying blocks...</source>
3747        <translation>Verifiserer blokker...</translation>
3748    </message>
3749    <message>
3750        <source>Wallet needed to be rewritten: restart %s to complete</source>
3751        <translation>Lommeboka må skrives om: Start %s på nytt for å fullføre</translation>
3752    </message>
3753    <message>
3754        <source>Error: Listening for incoming connections failed (listen returned error %s)</source>
3755        <translation>Feil: Lytting etter innkommende tilkoblinger feilet (lytting returnerte feil %s)</translation>
3756    </message>
3757    <message>
3758        <source>%s corrupt. Try using the wallet tool bitcoin-wallet to salvage or restoring a backup.</source>
3759        <translation>%s korrupt. Prøv å bruk lommebokverktøyet bitcoin-wallet til å fikse det eller laste en backup.</translation>
3760    </message>
3761    <message>
3762        <source>Invalid amount for -maxtxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s' (must be at least the minrelay fee of %s to prevent stuck transactions)</source>
3763        <translation>Ugyldig beløp for -maxtxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s' (må være minst minimum relé gebyr på %s for å hindre fastlåste transaksjoner)</translation>
3764    </message>
3765    <message>
3766        <source>The transaction amount is too small to send after the fee has been deducted</source>
3767        <translation>Transaksjonsbeløpet er for lite til å sendes etter at gebyret er fratrukket</translation>
3768    </message>
3769    <message>
3770        <source>This error could occur if this wallet was not shutdown cleanly and was last loaded using a build with a newer version of Berkeley DB. If so, please use the software that last loaded this wallet</source>
3771        <translation>Denne feilen kan oppstå hvis denne lommeboken ikke ble avsluttet skikkelig og var sist lastet med en build som hadde en nyere versjon av Berkeley DB. Hvis det har skjedd, vær så snill å bruk softwaren som sist lastet denne lommeboken.</translation>
3772    </message>
3773    <message>
3774        <source>This is the maximum transaction fee you pay (in addition to the normal fee) to prioritize partial spend avoidance over regular coin selection.</source>
3775        <translation>Dette er maksimum transaksjonsavgift du betaler (i tillegg til den normale avgiften) for å prioritere delvis betaling unngåelse over normal mynt seleksjon.</translation>
3776    </message>
3777    <message>
3778        <source>Transaction needs a change address, but we can't generate it. Please call keypoolrefill first.</source>
3779        <translation>Transaksjon trenger en veksel adresse, men vi kan ikke generere den. Kall keypoolrefill først.</translation>
3780    </message>
3781    <message>
3782        <source>You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to go back to unpruned mode.  This will redownload the entire blockchain</source>
3783        <translation>Du  gjenoppbygge databasen ved hjelp av -reindex for å  tilbake til ubeskåret modus. Dette vil laste ned hele blokkjeden  nytt.</translation>
3784    </message>
3785    <message>
3786        <source>A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details</source>
3787        <translation>En fatal intern feil oppstod, se debug.log for detaljer.</translation>
3788    </message>
3789    <message>
3790        <source>Cannot set -peerblockfilters without -blockfilterindex.</source>
3791        <translation>Kan ikke sette -peerblockfilters uten -blockfilterindex</translation>
3792    </message>
3793    <message>
3794        <source>Disk space is too low!</source>
3795        <translation>For lite diskplass!</translation>
3796    </message>
3797    <message>
3798        <source>Error reading from database, shutting down.</source>
3799        <translation>Feil ved lesing fra database, stenger ned.</translation>
3800    </message>
3801    <message>
3802        <source>Error upgrading chainstate database</source>
3803        <translation>Feil ved oppgradering av kjedetilstandsdatabase</translation>
3804    </message>
3805    <message>
3806        <source>Error: Disk space is low for %s</source>
3807        <translation>Feil: Ikke nok ledig diskplass for %s</translation>
3808    </message>
3809    <message>
3810        <source>Error: Keypool ran out, please call keypoolrefill first</source>
3811        <translation>Feil: Keypool gikk tom, kall keypoolrefill først.</translation>
3812    </message>
3813    <message>
3814        <source>Fee rate (%s) is lower than the minimum fee rate setting (%s)</source>
3815        <translation>Avgiftsrate (%s) er lavere enn den minimume avgiftsrate innstillingen (%s)</translation>
3816    </message>
3817    <message>
3818        <source>Invalid -onion address or hostname: '%s'</source>
3819        <translation>Ugyldig -onion adresse eller vertsnavn: "%s"</translation>
3820    </message>
3821    <message>
3822        <source>Invalid -proxy address or hostname: '%s'</source>
3823        <translation>Ugyldig -mellomtjeneradresse eller vertsnavn: "%s"</translation>
3824    </message>
3825    <message>
3826        <source>Invalid amount for -paytxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s' (must be at least %s)</source>
3827        <translation>Ugyldig beløp for -paytxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s' ( være minst %s)</translation>
3828    </message>
3829    <message>
3830        <source>Invalid netmask specified in -whitelist: '%s'</source>
3831        <translation>Ugyldig nettmaske spesifisert i -whitelist: '%s'</translation>
3832    </message>
3833    <message>
3834        <source>Need to specify a port with -whitebind: '%s'</source>
3835        <translation> oppgi en port med -whitebind: '%s'</translation>
3836    </message>
3837    <message>
3838        <source>No proxy server specified. Use -proxy=&lt;ip&gt; or -proxy=&lt;ip:port&gt;.</source>
3839        <translation>Ingen proxyserver er spesifisert. Bruk -proxy=&lt;ip&gt; eller -proxy=&lt;ip:port&gt;.</translation>
3840    </message>
3841    <message>
3842        <source>Prune mode is incompatible with -blockfilterindex.</source>
3843        <translation>Beskjæringsmodus er inkompatibel med -blokkfilterindex.</translation>
3844    </message>
3845    <message>
3846        <source>Reducing -maxconnections from %d to %d, because of system limitations.</source>
3847        <translation>Reduserer -maxconnections fra %d til %d, pga. systembegrensninger.</translation>
3848    </message>
3849    <message>
3850        <source>Signing transaction failed</source>
3851        <translation>Signering av transaksjon feilet</translation>
3852    </message>
3853    <message>
3854        <source>Specified -walletdir "%s" does not exist</source>
3855        <translation>Oppgitt -walletdir "%s" eksisterer ikke</translation>
3856    </message>
3857    <message>
3858        <source>Specified -walletdir "%s" is a relative path</source>
3859        <translation>Oppgitt -walletdir "%s" er en relativ sti</translation>
3860    </message>
3861    <message>
3862        <source>Specified -walletdir "%s" is not a directory</source>
3863        <translation>Oppgitt -walletdir "%s" er ikke en katalog</translation>
3864    </message>
3865    <message>
3866        <source>The specified config file %s does not exist
3868        <translation>Konfigurasjonsfilen %s eksisterer ikke
3870    </message>
3871    <message>
3872        <source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source>
3873        <translation>Transaksjonsbeløpet er for lite til å betale gebyr</translation>
3874    </message>
3875    <message>
3876        <source>This is experimental software.</source>
3877        <translation>Dette er eksperimentell programvare.</translation>
3878    </message>
3879    <message>
3880        <source>Transaction amount too small</source>
3881        <translation>Transaksjonen er for liten</translation>
3882    </message>
3883    <message>
3884        <source>Transaction too large</source>
3885        <translation>Transaksjonen er for stor</translation>
3886    </message>
3887    <message>
3888        <source>Unable to bind to %s on this computer (bind returned error %s)</source>
3889        <translation>Kan ikke binde til %s  denne datamaskinen (binding returnerte feilen %s)</translation>
3890    </message>
3891    <message>
3892        <source>Unable to generate initial keys</source>
3893        <translation>Klarte ikke lage første nøkkel</translation>
3894    </message>
3895    <message>
3896        <source>Verifying wallet(s)...</source>
3897        <translation>Lommebokbekreftelse pågår…</translation>
3898    </message>
3899    <message>
3900        <source>Warning: unknown new rules activated (versionbit %i)</source>
3901        <translation>Advarsel: Ukjente nye regler aktivert (versionbit %i)</translation>
3902    </message>
3903    <message>
3904        <source>-maxtxfee is set very high! Fees this large could be paid on a single transaction.</source>
3905        <translation>-maxtxfee er satt veldig høyt!  stort gebyr kan bli betalt ved en enkelt transaksjon.</translation>
3906    </message>
3907    <message>
3908        <source>This is the transaction fee you may pay when fee estimates are not available.</source>
3909        <translation>Dette er transaksjonsgebyret du kan betale når gebyranslag ikke er tilgjengelige.</translation>
3910    </message>
3911    <message>
3912        <source>Total length of network version string (%i) exceeds maximum length (%i). Reduce the number or size of uacomments.</source>
3913        <translation>Total lengde av nettverks-versionstreng (%i) er over maks lengde (%i). Reduser tallet eller størrelsen av uacomments.</translation>
3914    </message>
3915    <message>
3916        <source>%s is set very high!</source>
3917        <translation>%s er satt veldig høyt!</translation>
3918    </message>
3919    <message>
3920        <source>Starting network threads...</source>
3921        <translation>Starter nettverkstråder…</translation>
3922    </message>
3923    <message>
3924        <source>The wallet will avoid paying less than the minimum relay fee.</source>
3925        <translation>Lommeboka vil unngå å betale mindre enn minimumsstafettgebyret.</translation>
3926    </message>
3927    <message>
3928        <source>This is the minimum transaction fee you pay on every transaction.</source>
3929        <translation>Dette er minimumsgebyret du betaler for hver transaksjon.</translation>
3930    </message>
3931    <message>
3932        <source>This is the transaction fee you will pay if you send a transaction.</source>
3933        <translation>Dette er transaksjonsgebyret du betaler som forsender av transaksjon.</translation>
3934    </message>
3935    <message>
3936        <source>Transaction amounts must not be negative</source>
3937        <translation>Transaksjonsbeløpet kan ikke være negativt</translation>
3938    </message>
3939    <message>
3940        <source>Transaction has too long of a mempool chain</source>
3941        <translation>Transaksjonen har for lang hukommelsespuljekjede</translation>
3942    </message>
3943    <message>
3944        <source>Transaction must have at least one recipient</source>
3945        <translation>Transaksjonen  ha minst én mottaker</translation>
3946    </message>
3947    <message>
3948        <source>Unknown network specified in -onlynet: '%s'</source>
3949        <translation>Ukjent nettverk angitt i -onlynet '%s'</translation>
3950    </message>
3951    <message>
3952        <source>Insufficient funds</source>
3953        <translation>Utilstrekkelige midler</translation>
3954    </message>
3955    <message>
3956        <source>Fee estimation failed. Fallbackfee is disabled. Wait a few blocks or enable -fallbackfee.</source>
3957        <translation>Avgiftsberegning mislyktes. Fallbackfee er deaktivert. Vent et par blokker eller aktiver -fallbackfee.</translation>
3958    </message>
3959    <message>
3960        <source>Loading block index...</source>
3961        <translation>Laster blokkindeks...</translation>
3962    </message>
3963    <message>
3964        <source>Loading wallet...</source>
3965        <translation>Laster lommebok...</translation>
3966    </message>
3967    <message>
3968        <source>Cannot downgrade wallet</source>
3969        <translation>Kan ikke nedgradere lommebok</translation>
3970    </message>
3971    <message>
3972        <source>Rescanning...</source>
3973        <translation>Leser gjennom...</translation>
3974    </message>
3975    <message>
3976        <source>Done loading</source>
3977        <translation>Ferdig med lasting</translation>
3978    </message>