1 /*
2  *	aprsc
3  *
4  *	(c) Heikki Hannikainen, OH7LZB <hessu@hes.iki.fi>
5  *
6  *     This program is licensed under the BSD license, which can be found
7  *     in the file LICENSE.
8  *
9  */
11 #include <stdio.h>
12 #include <string.h>
13 #include <netinet/in.h>
14 #include <arpa/inet.h>
15 #include <netdb.h>
17 #include "netlib.h"
19 #if 0
20 /*
21  *	Convert address & port to string
22  */
24 int aptoa(struct in_addr sin_addr, int sin_port, char *s, int len)
25 {
26 	int l;
28 	if (sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY)
29 		return snprintf(s, len, "*:%d", sin_port);
30 	else {
31 		if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void *)&sin_addr, s, len) == NULL) {
32 			return snprintf(s, len, "ERROR:%d", sin_port);
33 		} else {
34 			l = strlen(s);
35 			return snprintf(s + l, len - l, ":%d", sin_port) + l;
36 		}
37 	}
38 }
40 /*
41  *	Convert return values of gethostbyname() to a string
42  */
44 int h_strerror(int i, char *s, int len)
45 {
46 	switch (i) {
47 		case HOST_NOT_FOUND:
48 			return snprintf(s, len, "Host not found");
49 		case NO_ADDRESS:
50 			return snprintf(s, len, "No IP address found for name");
51 		case NO_RECOVERY:
52 			return snprintf(s, len, "A non-recovable name server error occurred");
53 		case TRY_AGAIN:
54 			return snprintf(s, len, "A temporary error on an authoritative name server");
55 		default:
56 			return snprintf(s, len, "%d", i);
57 	}
58 }
59 #endif