1# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Canonical Ltd.
2# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
4# Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com>
5# Author: Juerg Haefliger <juerg.haefliger@hp.com>
7# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
9"""Apt Configure: Configure apt for the user."""
11import glob
12import os
13import re
14import pathlib
15from textwrap import dedent
17from cloudinit.config.schema import (
18    get_schema_doc, validate_cloudconfig_schema)
19from cloudinit import gpg
20from cloudinit import log as logging
21from cloudinit import subp
22from cloudinit import templater
23from cloudinit import util
24from cloudinit.settings import PER_INSTANCE
26LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
28# this will match 'XXX:YYY' (ie, 'cloud-archive:foo' or 'ppa:bar')
29ADD_APT_REPO_MATCH = r"^[\w-]+:\w"
31APT_LOCAL_KEYS = '/etc/apt/trusted.gpg'
32APT_TRUSTED_GPG_DIR = '/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/'
33CLOUD_INIT_GPG_DIR = '/etc/apt/cloud-init.gpg.d/'
35frequency = PER_INSTANCE
36distros = ["ubuntu", "debian"]
37mirror_property = {
38    'type': 'array',
39    'items': {
40        'type': 'object',
41        'additionalProperties': False,
42        'required': ['arches'],
43        'properties': {
44            'arches': {
45                'type': 'array',
46                'items': {
47                    'type': 'string'
48                },
49                'minItems': 1
50            },
51            'uri': {
52                'type': 'string',
53                'format': 'uri'
54            },
55            'search': {
56                'type': 'array',
57                'items': {
58                    'type': 'string',
59                    'format': 'uri'
60                },
61                'minItems': 1
62            },
63            'search_dns': {
64                'type': 'boolean',
65            },
66            'keyid': {
67                'type': 'string'
68            },
69            'key': {
70                'type': 'string'
71            },
72            'keyserver': {
73                'type': 'string'
74            }
75        }
76    }
78schema = {
79    'id': 'cc_apt_configure',
80    'name': 'Apt Configure',
81    'title': 'Configure apt for the user',
82    'description': dedent("""\
83        This module handles both configuration of apt options and adding
84        source lists.  There are configuration options such as
85        ``apt_get_wrapper`` and ``apt_get_command`` that control how
86        cloud-init invokes apt-get. These configuration options are
87        handled on a per-distro basis, so consult documentation for
88        cloud-init's distro support for instructions on using
89        these config options.
91        .. note::
92            To ensure that apt configuration is valid yaml, any strings
93            containing special characters, especially ``:`` should be quoted.
95        .. note::
96            For more information about apt configuration, see the
97            ``Additional apt configuration`` example."""),
98    'distros': distros,
99    'examples': [dedent("""\
100        apt:
101          preserve_sources_list: false
102          disable_suites:
103            - $RELEASE-updates
104            - backports
105            - $RELEASE
106            - mysuite
107          primary:
108            - arches:
109                - amd64
110                - i386
111                - default
112              uri: 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu'
113              search:
114                - 'http://cool.but-sometimes-unreachable.com/ubuntu'
115                - 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu'
116              search_dns: false
117            - arches:
118                - s390x
119                - arm64
120              uri: 'http://archive-to-use-for-arm64.example.com/ubuntu'
122          security:
123            - arches:
124                - default
125              search_dns: true
126          sources_list: |
127              deb $MIRROR $RELEASE main restricted
128              deb-src $MIRROR $RELEASE main restricted
129              deb $PRIMARY $RELEASE universe restricted
130              deb $SECURITY $RELEASE-security multiverse
131          debconf_selections:
132              set1: the-package the-package/some-flag boolean true
133          conf: |
134              APT {
135                  Get {
136                      Assume-Yes 'true';
137                      Fix-Broken 'true';
138                  }
139              }
140          proxy: 'http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/'
141          http_proxy: 'http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/'
142          ftp_proxy: 'ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/'
143          https_proxy: 'https://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/'
144          sources:
145              source1:
146                  keyid: 'keyid'
147                  keyserver: 'keyserverurl'
148                  source: 'deb [signed-by=$KEY_FILE] http://<url>/ xenial main'
149              source2:
150                  source: 'ppa:<ppa-name>'
151              source3:
152                  source: 'deb $MIRROR $RELEASE multiverse'
153                  key: |
154                      ------BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-------
155                      <key data>
156                      ------END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-------""")],
157    'frequency': frequency,
158    'type': 'object',
159    'properties': {
160        'apt': {
161            'type': 'object',
162            'additionalProperties': False,
163            'properties': {
164                'preserve_sources_list': {
165                    'type': 'boolean',
166                    'default': False,
167                    'description': dedent("""\
168                        By default, cloud-init will generate a new sources
169                        list in ``/etc/apt/sources.list.d`` based on any
170                        changes specified in cloud config. To disable this
171                        behavior and preserve the sources list from the
172                        pristine image, set ``preserve_sources_list``
173                        to ``true``.
175                        The ``preserve_sources_list`` option overrides
176                        all other config keys that would alter
177                        ``sources.list`` or ``sources.list.d``,
178                        **except** for additional sources to be added
179                        to ``sources.list.d``.""")
180                },
181                'disable_suites': {
182                    'type': 'array',
183                    'items': {
184                        'type': 'string'
185                    },
186                    'uniqueItems': True,
187                    'description': dedent("""\
188                        Entries in the sources list can be disabled using
189                        ``disable_suites``, which takes a list of suites
190                        to be disabled. If the string ``$RELEASE`` is
191                        present in a suite in the ``disable_suites`` list,
192                        it will be replaced with the release name. If a
193                        suite specified in ``disable_suites`` is not
194                        present in ``sources.list`` it will be ignored.
195                        For convenience, several aliases are provided for
196                        ``disable_suites``:
198                            - ``updates`` => ``$RELEASE-updates``
199                            - ``backports`` => ``$RELEASE-backports``
200                            - ``security`` => ``$RELEASE-security``
201                            - ``proposed`` => ``$RELEASE-proposed``
202                            - ``release`` => ``$RELEASE``.
204                        When a suite is disabled using ``disable_suites``,
205                        its entry in ``sources.list`` is not deleted; it
206                        is just commented out.""")
207                },
208                'primary': {
209                    **mirror_property,
210                    'description': dedent("""\
211                        The primary and security archive mirrors can
212                        be specified using the ``primary`` and
213                        ``security`` keys, respectively. Both the
214                        ``primary`` and ``security`` keys take a list
215                        of configs, allowing mirrors to be specified
216                        on a per-architecture basis. Each config is a
217                        dictionary which must have an entry for
218                        ``arches``, specifying which architectures
219                        that config entry is for. The keyword
220                        ``default`` applies to any architecture not
221                        explicitly listed. The mirror url can be specified
222                        with the ``uri`` key, or a list of mirrors to
223                        check can be provided in order, with the first
224                        mirror that can be resolved being selected. This
225                        allows the same configuration to be used in
226                        different environment, with different hosts used
227                        for a local apt mirror. If no mirror is provided
228                        by ``uri`` or ``search``, ``search_dns`` may be
229                        used to search for dns names in the format
230                        ``<distro>-mirror`` in each of the following:
232                            - fqdn of this host per cloud metadata,
233                            - localdomain,
234                            - domains listed in ``/etc/resolv.conf``.
236                        If there is a dns entry for ``<distro>-mirror``,
237                        then it is assumed that there is a distro mirror
238                        at ``http://<distro>-mirror.<domain>/<distro>``.
239                        If the ``primary`` key is defined, but not the
240                        ``security`` key, then then configuration for
241                        ``primary`` is also used for ``security``.
242                        If ``search_dns`` is used for the ``security``
243                        key, the search pattern will be
244                        ``<distro>-security-mirror``.
246                        Each mirror may also specify a key to import via
247                        any of the following optional keys:
249                            - ``keyid``: a key to import via shortid or \
250                                  fingerprint.
251                            - ``key``: a raw PGP key.
252                            - ``keyserver``: alternate keyserver to pull \
253                                    ``keyid`` key from.
255                        If no mirrors are specified, or all lookups fail,
256                        then default mirrors defined in the datasource
257                        are used. If none are present in the datasource
258                        either the following defaults are used:
260                            - ``primary`` => \
261                            ``http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu``.
262                            - ``security`` => \
263                            ``http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu``
264                        """)
265                },
266                'security': {
267                    **mirror_property,
268                    'description': dedent("""\
269                        Please refer to the primary config documentation""")
270                },
271                'add_apt_repo_match': {
272                    'type': 'string',
273                    'default': ADD_APT_REPO_MATCH,
274                    'description': dedent("""\
275                        All source entries in ``apt-sources`` that match
276                        regex in ``add_apt_repo_match`` will be added to
277                        the system using ``add-apt-repository``. If
278                        ``add_apt_repo_match`` is not specified, it
279                        defaults to ``{}``""".format(ADD_APT_REPO_MATCH))
280                },
281                'debconf_selections': {
282                    'type': 'object',
283                    'items': {'type': 'string'},
284                    'description': dedent("""\
285                        Debconf additional configurations can be specified as a
286                        dictionary under the ``debconf_selections`` config
287                        key, with each key in the dict representing a
288                        different set of configurations. The value of each key
289                        must be a string containing all the debconf
290                        configurations that must be applied. We will bundle
291                        all of the values and pass them to
292                        ``debconf-set-selections``. Therefore, each value line
293                        must be a valid entry for ``debconf-set-selections``,
294                        meaning that they must possess for distinct fields:
296                        ``pkgname question type answer``
298                        Where:
300                            - ``pkgname`` is the name of the package.
301                            - ``question`` the name of the questions.
302                            - ``type`` is the type of question.
303                            - ``answer`` is the value used to ansert the \
304                            question.
306                        For example: \
307                        ``ippackage ippackage/ip string 127.0.01``
308                    """)
309                },
310                'sources_list': {
311                    'type': 'string',
312                    'description': dedent("""\
313                       Specifies a custom template for rendering
314                       ``sources.list`` . If no ``sources_list`` template
315                       is given, cloud-init will use sane default. Within
316                       this template, the following strings will be
317                       replaced with the appropriate values:
319                            - ``$MIRROR``
320                            - ``$RELEASE``
321                            - ``$PRIMARY``
322                            - ``$SECURITY``
323                            - ``$KEY_FILE``""")
324                },
325                'conf': {
326                    'type': 'string',
327                    'description': dedent("""\
328                        Specify configuration for apt, such as proxy
329                        configuration. This configuration is specified as a
330                        string. For multiline apt configuration, make sure
331                        to follow yaml syntax.""")
332                },
333                'https_proxy': {
334                    'type': 'string',
335                    'description': dedent("""\
336                        More convenient way to specify https apt proxy.
337                        https proxy url is specified in the format
338                        ``https://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/``.""")
339                },
340                'http_proxy': {
341                    'type': 'string',
342                    'description': dedent("""\
343                        More convenient way to specify http apt proxy.
344                        http proxy url is specified in the format
345                        ``http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/``.""")
346                },
347                'proxy': {
348                    'type': 'string',
349                    'description': 'Alias for defining a http apt proxy.'
350                },
351                'ftp_proxy': {
352                    'type': 'string',
353                    'description': dedent("""\
354                        More convenient way to specify ftp apt proxy.
355                        ftp proxy url is specified in the format
356                        ``ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/``.""")
357                },
358                'sources': {
359                    'type': 'object',
360                    'items': {'type': 'string'},
361                    'description': dedent("""\
362                        Source list entries can be specified as a
363                        dictionary under the ``sources`` config key, with
364                        each key in the dict representing a different source
365                        file. The key of each source entry will be used
366                        as an id that can be referenced in other config
367                        entries, as well as the filename for the source's
368                        configuration under ``/etc/apt/sources.list.d``.
369                        If the name does not end with ``.list``, it will
370                        be appended. If there is no configuration for a
371                        key in ``sources``, no file will be written, but
372                        the key may still be referred to as an id in other
373                        ``sources`` entries.
375                        Each entry under ``sources`` is a dictionary which
376                        may contain any of the following optional keys:
378                            - ``source``: a sources.list entry \
379                                  (some variable replacements apply).
380                            - ``keyid``: a key to import via shortid or \
381                                  fingerprint.
382                            - ``key``: a raw PGP key.
383                            - ``keyserver``: alternate keyserver to pull \
384                                    ``keyid`` key from.
385                            - ``filename``: specify the name of the .list file
387                        The ``source`` key supports variable
388                        replacements for the following strings:
390                            - ``$MIRROR``
391                            - ``$PRIMARY``
392                            - ``$SECURITY``
393                            - ``$RELEASE``
394                            - ``$KEY_FILE``""")
395                }
396            }
397        }
398    }
401__doc__ = get_schema_doc(schema)
404# place where apt stores cached repository data
405APT_LISTS = "/var/lib/apt/lists"
407# Files to store proxy information
408APT_CONFIG_FN = "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/94cloud-init-config"
409APT_PROXY_FN = "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90cloud-init-aptproxy"
411# Default keyserver to use
412DEFAULT_KEYSERVER = "keyserver.ubuntu.com"
414# Default archive mirrors
415PRIMARY_ARCH_MIRRORS = {"PRIMARY": "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/",
416                        "SECURITY": "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/"}
417PORTS_MIRRORS = {"PRIMARY": "http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports",
418                 "SECURITY": "http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports"}
419PRIMARY_ARCHES = ['amd64', 'i386']
420PORTS_ARCHES = ['s390x', 'arm64', 'armhf', 'powerpc', 'ppc64el', 'riscv64']
423def get_default_mirrors(arch=None, target=None):
424    """returns the default mirrors for the target. These depend on the
425       architecture, for more see:
426       https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PackageArchive#Ports"""
427    if arch is None:
428        arch = util.get_dpkg_architecture(target)
429    if arch in PRIMARY_ARCHES:
430        return PRIMARY_ARCH_MIRRORS.copy()
431    if arch in PORTS_ARCHES:
432        return PORTS_MIRRORS.copy()
433    raise ValueError("No default mirror known for arch %s" % arch)
436def handle(name, ocfg, cloud, log, _):
437    """process the config for apt_config. This can be called from
438       curthooks if a global apt config was provided or via the "apt"
439       standalone command."""
440    # keeping code close to curtin codebase via entry handler
441    target = None
442    if log is not None:
443        global LOG
444        LOG = log
445    # feed back converted config, but only work on the subset under 'apt'
446    ocfg = convert_to_v3_apt_format(ocfg)
447    cfg = ocfg.get('apt', {})
449    if not isinstance(cfg, dict):
450        raise ValueError(
451            "Expected dictionary for 'apt' config, found {config_type}".format(
452                config_type=type(cfg)))
454    validate_cloudconfig_schema(cfg, schema)
455    apply_debconf_selections(cfg, target)
456    apply_apt(cfg, cloud, target)
459def _should_configure_on_empty_apt():
460    # if no config was provided, should apt configuration be done?
461    if util.system_is_snappy():
462        return False, "system is snappy."
463    if not (subp.which('apt-get') or subp.which('apt')):
464        return False, "no apt commands."
465    return True, "Apt is available."
468def apply_apt(cfg, cloud, target):
469    # cfg is the 'apt' top level dictionary already in 'v3' format.
470    if not cfg:
471        should_config, msg = _should_configure_on_empty_apt()
472        if not should_config:
473            LOG.debug("Nothing to do: No apt config and %s", msg)
474            return
476    LOG.debug("handling apt config: %s", cfg)
478    release = util.lsb_release(target=target)['codename']
479    arch = util.get_dpkg_architecture(target)
480    mirrors = find_apt_mirror_info(cfg, cloud, arch=arch)
481    LOG.debug("Apt Mirror info: %s", mirrors)
483    if util.is_false(cfg.get('preserve_sources_list', False)):
484        add_mirror_keys(cfg, target)
485        generate_sources_list(cfg, release, mirrors, cloud)
486        rename_apt_lists(mirrors, target, arch)
488    try:
489        apply_apt_config(cfg, APT_PROXY_FN, APT_CONFIG_FN)
490    except (IOError, OSError):
491        LOG.exception("Failed to apply proxy or apt config info:")
493    # Process 'apt_source -> sources {dict}'
494    if 'sources' in cfg:
495        params = mirrors
496        params['RELEASE'] = release
497        params['MIRROR'] = mirrors["MIRROR"]
499        matcher = None
500        matchcfg = cfg.get('add_apt_repo_match', ADD_APT_REPO_MATCH)
501        if matchcfg:
502            matcher = re.compile(matchcfg).search
504        add_apt_sources(cfg['sources'], cloud, target=target,
505                        template_params=params, aa_repo_match=matcher)
508def debconf_set_selections(selections, target=None):
509    if not selections.endswith(b'\n'):
510        selections += b'\n'
511    subp.subp(['debconf-set-selections'], data=selections, target=target,
512              capture=True)
515def dpkg_reconfigure(packages, target=None):
516    # For any packages that are already installed, but have preseed data
517    # we populate the debconf database, but the filesystem configuration
518    # would be preferred on a subsequent dpkg-reconfigure.
519    # so, what we have to do is "know" information about certain packages
520    # to unconfigure them.
521    unhandled = []
522    to_config = []
523    for pkg in packages:
524        if pkg in CONFIG_CLEANERS:
525            LOG.debug("unconfiguring %s", pkg)
526            CONFIG_CLEANERS[pkg](target)
527            to_config.append(pkg)
528        else:
529            unhandled.append(pkg)
531    if len(unhandled):
532        LOG.warning("The following packages were installed and preseeded, "
533                    "but cannot be unconfigured: %s", unhandled)
535    if len(to_config):
536        subp.subp(['dpkg-reconfigure', '--frontend=noninteractive'] +
537                  list(to_config), data=None, target=target, capture=True)
540def apply_debconf_selections(cfg, target=None):
541    """apply_debconf_selections - push content to debconf"""
542    # debconf_selections:
543    #  set1: |
544    #   cloud-init cloud-init/datasources multiselect MAAS
545    #  set2: pkg pkg/value string bar
546    selsets = cfg.get('debconf_selections')
547    if not selsets:
548        LOG.debug("debconf_selections was not set in config")
549        return
551    selections = '\n'.join(
552        [selsets[key] for key in sorted(selsets.keys())])
553    debconf_set_selections(selections.encode(), target=target)
555    # get a complete list of packages listed in input
556    pkgs_cfgd = set()
557    for _key, content in selsets.items():
558        for line in content.splitlines():
559            if line.startswith("#"):
560                continue
561            pkg = re.sub(r"[:\s].*", "", line)
562            pkgs_cfgd.add(pkg)
564    pkgs_installed = util.get_installed_packages(target)
566    LOG.debug("pkgs_cfgd: %s", pkgs_cfgd)
567    need_reconfig = pkgs_cfgd.intersection(pkgs_installed)
569    if len(need_reconfig) == 0:
570        LOG.debug("no need for reconfig")
571        return
573    dpkg_reconfigure(need_reconfig, target=target)
576def clean_cloud_init(target):
577    """clean out any local cloud-init config"""
578    flist = glob.glob(
579        subp.target_path(target, "/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/*dpkg*"))
581    LOG.debug("cleaning cloud-init config from: %s", flist)
582    for dpkg_cfg in flist:
583        os.unlink(dpkg_cfg)
586def mirrorurl_to_apt_fileprefix(mirror):
587    """mirrorurl_to_apt_fileprefix
588       Convert a mirror url to the file prefix used by apt on disk to
589       store cache information for that mirror.
590       To do so do:
591       - take off ???://
592       - drop tailing /
593       - convert in string / to _"""
594    string = mirror
595    if string.endswith("/"):
596        string = string[0:-1]
597    pos = string.find("://")
598    if pos >= 0:
599        string = string[pos + 3:]
600    string = string.replace("/", "_")
601    return string
604def rename_apt_lists(new_mirrors, target, arch):
605    """rename_apt_lists - rename apt lists to preserve old cache data"""
606    default_mirrors = get_default_mirrors(arch)
608    pre = subp.target_path(target, APT_LISTS)
609    for (name, omirror) in default_mirrors.items():
610        nmirror = new_mirrors.get(name)
611        if not nmirror:
612            continue
614        oprefix = pre + os.path.sep + mirrorurl_to_apt_fileprefix(omirror)
615        nprefix = pre + os.path.sep + mirrorurl_to_apt_fileprefix(nmirror)
616        if oprefix == nprefix:
617            continue
618        olen = len(oprefix)
619        for filename in glob.glob("%s_*" % oprefix):
620            newname = "%s%s" % (nprefix, filename[olen:])
621            LOG.debug("Renaming apt list %s to %s", filename, newname)
622            try:
623                os.rename(filename, newname)
624            except OSError:
625                # since this is a best effort task, warn with but don't fail
626                LOG.warning("Failed to rename apt list:", exc_info=True)
629def mirror_to_placeholder(tmpl, mirror, placeholder):
630    """mirror_to_placeholder
631       replace the specified mirror in a template with a placeholder string
632       Checks for existance of the expected mirror and warns if not found"""
633    if mirror not in tmpl:
634        LOG.warning("Expected mirror '%s' not found in: %s", mirror, tmpl)
635    return tmpl.replace(mirror, placeholder)
638def map_known_suites(suite):
639    """there are a few default names which will be auto-extended.
640       This comes at the inability to use those names literally as suites,
641       but on the other hand increases readability of the cfg quite a lot"""
642    mapping = {'updates': '$RELEASE-updates',
643               'backports': '$RELEASE-backports',
644               'security': '$RELEASE-security',
645               'proposed': '$RELEASE-proposed',
646               'release': '$RELEASE'}
647    try:
648        retsuite = mapping[suite]
649    except KeyError:
650        retsuite = suite
651    return retsuite
654def disable_suites(disabled, src, release):
655    """reads the config for suites to be disabled and removes those
656       from the template"""
657    if not disabled:
658        return src
660    retsrc = src
661    for suite in disabled:
662        suite = map_known_suites(suite)
663        releasesuite = templater.render_string(suite, {'RELEASE': release})
664        LOG.debug("Disabling suite %s as %s", suite, releasesuite)
666        newsrc = ""
667        for line in retsrc.splitlines(True):
668            if line.startswith("#"):
669                newsrc += line
670                continue
672            # sources.list allow options in cols[1] which can have spaces
673            # so the actual suite can be [2] or later. example:
674            # deb [ arch=amd64,armel k=v ] http://example.com/debian
675            cols = line.split()
676            if len(cols) > 1:
677                pcol = 2
678                if cols[1].startswith("["):
679                    for col in cols[1:]:
680                        pcol += 1
681                        if col.endswith("]"):
682                            break
684                if cols[pcol] == releasesuite:
685                    line = '# suite disabled by cloud-init: %s' % line
686            newsrc += line
687        retsrc = newsrc
689    return retsrc
692def add_mirror_keys(cfg, target):
693    """Adds any keys included in the primary/security mirror clauses"""
694    for key in ('primary', 'security'):
695        for mirror in cfg.get(key, []):
696            add_apt_key(mirror, target, file_name=key)
699def generate_sources_list(cfg, release, mirrors, cloud):
700    """generate_sources_list
701       create a source.list file based on a custom or default template
702       by replacing mirrors and release in the template"""
703    aptsrc = "/etc/apt/sources.list"
704    params = {'RELEASE': release, 'codename': release}
705    for k in mirrors:
706        params[k] = mirrors[k]
707        params[k.lower()] = mirrors[k]
709    tmpl = cfg.get('sources_list', None)
710    if tmpl is None:
711        LOG.info("No custom template provided, fall back to builtin")
712        template_fn = cloud.get_template_filename('sources.list.%s' %
713                                                  (cloud.distro.name))
714        if not template_fn:
715            template_fn = cloud.get_template_filename('sources.list')
716        if not template_fn:
717            LOG.warning("No template found, "
718                        "not rendering /etc/apt/sources.list")
719            return
720        tmpl = util.load_file(template_fn)
722    rendered = templater.render_string(tmpl, params)
723    disabled = disable_suites(cfg.get('disable_suites'), rendered, release)
724    util.write_file(aptsrc, disabled, mode=0o644)
727def add_apt_key_raw(key, file_name, hardened=False, target=None):
728    """
729    actual adding of a key as defined in key argument
730    to the system
731    """
732    LOG.debug("Adding key:\n'%s'", key)
733    try:
734        name = pathlib.Path(file_name).stem
735        return apt_key('add', output_file=name, data=key, hardened=hardened)
736    except subp.ProcessExecutionError:
737        LOG.exception("failed to add apt GPG Key to apt keyring")
738        raise
741def add_apt_key(ent, target=None, hardened=False, file_name=None):
742    """
743    Add key to the system as defined in ent (if any).
744    Supports raw keys or keyid's
745    The latter will as a first step fetched to get the raw key
746    """
747    if 'keyid' in ent and 'key' not in ent:
748        keyserver = DEFAULT_KEYSERVER
749        if 'keyserver' in ent:
750            keyserver = ent['keyserver']
752        ent['key'] = gpg.getkeybyid(ent['keyid'], keyserver)
754    if 'key' in ent:
755        return add_apt_key_raw(
756            ent['key'],
757            file_name or ent['filename'],
758            hardened=hardened)
761def update_packages(cloud):
762    cloud.distro.update_package_sources()
765def add_apt_sources(srcdict, cloud, target=None, template_params=None,
766                    aa_repo_match=None):
767    """
768    install keys and repo source .list files defined in 'sources'
770    for each 'source' entry in the config:
771        1. expand template variables and write source .list file in
772                /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
773        2. install defined keys
774        3. update packages via distro-specific method (i.e. apt-key update)
777    @param srcdict: a dict containing elements required
778    @param cloud: cloud instance object
780    Example srcdict value:
781    {
782    'rio-grande-repo': {
783        'source': 'deb [signed-by=$KEY_FILE] $MIRROR $RELEASE main',
784        'keyid': 'B59D 5F15 97A5 04B7 E230  6DCA 0620 BBCF 0368 3F77',
785        'keyserver': 'pgp.mit.edu'
786        }
787    }
789    Note: Deb822 format is not supported
790    """
791    if template_params is None:
792        template_params = {}
794    if aa_repo_match is None:
795        raise ValueError('did not get a valid repo matcher')
797    if not isinstance(srcdict, dict):
798        raise TypeError('unknown apt format: %s' % (srcdict))
800    for filename in srcdict:
801        ent = srcdict[filename]
802        LOG.debug("adding source/key '%s'", ent)
803        if 'filename' not in ent:
804            ent['filename'] = filename
806        if 'source' in ent and '$KEY_FILE' in ent['source']:
807            key_file = add_apt_key(ent, target, hardened=True)
808            template_params['KEY_FILE'] = key_file
809        else:
810            key_file = add_apt_key(ent, target)
812        if 'source' not in ent:
813            continue
814        source = ent['source']
815        source = templater.render_string(source, template_params)
817        if not ent['filename'].startswith("/"):
818            ent['filename'] = os.path.join("/etc/apt/sources.list.d/",
819                                           ent['filename'])
820        if not ent['filename'].endswith(".list"):
821            ent['filename'] += ".list"
823        if aa_repo_match(source):
824            try:
825                subp.subp(["add-apt-repository", source], target=target)
826            except subp.ProcessExecutionError:
827                LOG.exception("add-apt-repository failed.")
828                raise
829            continue
831        sourcefn = subp.target_path(target, ent['filename'])
832        try:
833            contents = "%s\n" % (source)
834            util.write_file(sourcefn, contents, omode="a")
835        except IOError as detail:
836            LOG.exception("failed write to file %s: %s", sourcefn, detail)
837            raise
839    update_packages(cloud)
841    return
844def convert_v1_to_v2_apt_format(srclist):
845    """convert v1 apt format to v2 (dict in apt_sources)"""
846    srcdict = {}
847    if isinstance(srclist, list):
848        LOG.debug("apt config: convert V1 to V2 format (source list to dict)")
849        for srcent in srclist:
850            if 'filename' not in srcent:
851                # file collides for multiple !filename cases for compatibility
852                # yet we need them all processed, so not same dictionary key
853                srcent['filename'] = "cloud_config_sources.list"
854                key = util.rand_dict_key(srcdict, "cloud_config_sources.list")
855            else:
856                # all with filename use that as key (matching new format)
857                key = srcent['filename']
858            srcdict[key] = srcent
859    elif isinstance(srclist, dict):
860        srcdict = srclist
861    else:
862        raise ValueError("unknown apt_sources format")
864    return srcdict
867def convert_key(oldcfg, aptcfg, oldkey, newkey):
868    """convert an old key to the new one if the old one exists
869       returns true if a key was found and converted"""
870    if oldcfg.get(oldkey, None) is not None:
871        aptcfg[newkey] = oldcfg.get(oldkey)
872        del oldcfg[oldkey]
873        return True
874    return False
877def convert_mirror(oldcfg, aptcfg):
878    """convert old apt_mirror keys into the new more advanced mirror spec"""
879    keymap = [('apt_mirror', 'uri'),
880              ('apt_mirror_search', 'search'),
881              ('apt_mirror_search_dns', 'search_dns')]
882    converted = False
883    newmcfg = {'arches': ['default']}
884    for oldkey, newkey in keymap:
885        if convert_key(oldcfg, newmcfg, oldkey, newkey):
886            converted = True
888    # only insert new style config if anything was converted
889    if converted:
890        aptcfg['primary'] = [newmcfg]
893def convert_v2_to_v3_apt_format(oldcfg):
894    """convert old to new keys and adapt restructured mirror spec"""
895    mapoldkeys = {'apt_sources': 'sources',
896                  'apt_mirror': None,
897                  'apt_mirror_search': None,
898                  'apt_mirror_search_dns': None,
899                  'apt_proxy': 'proxy',
900                  'apt_http_proxy': 'http_proxy',
901                  'apt_ftp_proxy': 'https_proxy',
902                  'apt_https_proxy': 'ftp_proxy',
903                  'apt_preserve_sources_list': 'preserve_sources_list',
904                  'apt_custom_sources_list': 'sources_list',
905                  'add_apt_repo_match': 'add_apt_repo_match'}
906    needtoconvert = []
907    for oldkey in mapoldkeys:
908        if oldkey in oldcfg:
909            if oldcfg[oldkey] in (None, ""):
910                del oldcfg[oldkey]
911            else:
912                needtoconvert.append(oldkey)
914    # no old config, so no new one to be created
915    if not needtoconvert:
916        return oldcfg
917    LOG.debug("apt config: convert V2 to V3 format for keys '%s'",
918              ", ".join(needtoconvert))
920    # if old AND new config are provided, prefer the new one (LP #1616831)
921    newaptcfg = oldcfg.get('apt', None)
922    if newaptcfg is not None:
923        LOG.debug("apt config: V1/2 and V3 format specified, preferring V3")
924        for oldkey in needtoconvert:
925            newkey = mapoldkeys[oldkey]
926            verify = oldcfg[oldkey]  # drop, but keep a ref for verification
927            del oldcfg[oldkey]
928            if newkey is None or newaptcfg.get(newkey, None) is None:
929                # no simple mapping or no collision on this particular key
930                continue
931            if verify != newaptcfg[newkey]:
932                raise ValueError("Old and New apt format defined with unequal "
933                                 "values %s vs %s @ %s" % (verify,
934                                                           newaptcfg[newkey],
935                                                           oldkey))
936        # return conf after clearing conflicting V1/2 keys
937        return oldcfg
939    # create new format from old keys
940    aptcfg = {}
942    # simple renames / moves under the apt key
943    for oldkey in mapoldkeys:
944        if mapoldkeys[oldkey] is not None:
945            convert_key(oldcfg, aptcfg, oldkey, mapoldkeys[oldkey])
947    # mirrors changed in a more complex way
948    convert_mirror(oldcfg, aptcfg)
950    for oldkey in mapoldkeys:
951        if oldcfg.get(oldkey, None) is not None:
952            raise ValueError("old apt key '%s' left after conversion" % oldkey)
954    # insert new format into config and return full cfg with only v3 content
955    oldcfg['apt'] = aptcfg
956    return oldcfg
959def convert_to_v3_apt_format(cfg):
960    """convert the old list based format to the new dict based one. After that
961       convert the old dict keys/format to v3 a.k.a 'new apt config'"""
962    # V1 -> V2, the apt_sources entry from list to dict
963    apt_sources = cfg.get('apt_sources', None)
964    if apt_sources is not None:
965        cfg['apt_sources'] = convert_v1_to_v2_apt_format(apt_sources)
967    # V2 -> V3, move all former globals under the "apt" key
968    # Restructure into new key names and mirror hierarchy
969    cfg = convert_v2_to_v3_apt_format(cfg)
971    return cfg
974def search_for_mirror_dns(configured, mirrortype, cfg, cloud):
975    """
976    Try to resolve a list of predefines DNS names to pick mirrors
977    """
978    mirror = None
980    if configured:
981        mydom = ""
982        doms = []
984        if mirrortype == "primary":
985            mirrordns = "mirror"
986        elif mirrortype == "security":
987            mirrordns = "security-mirror"
988        else:
989            raise ValueError("unknown mirror type")
991        # if we have a fqdn, then search its domain portion first
992        (_, fqdn) = util.get_hostname_fqdn(cfg, cloud)
993        mydom = ".".join(fqdn.split(".")[1:])
994        if mydom:
995            doms.append(".%s" % mydom)
997        doms.extend((".localdomain", "",))
999        mirror_list = []
1000        distro = cloud.distro.name
1001        mirrorfmt = "http://%s-%s%s/%s" % (distro, mirrordns, "%s", distro)
1002        for post in doms:
1003            mirror_list.append(mirrorfmt % (post))
1005        mirror = util.search_for_mirror(mirror_list)
1007    return mirror
1010def update_mirror_info(pmirror, smirror, arch, cloud):
1011    """sets security mirror to primary if not defined.
1012       returns defaults if no mirrors are defined"""
1013    if pmirror is not None:
1014        if smirror is None:
1015            smirror = pmirror
1016        return {'PRIMARY': pmirror,
1017                'SECURITY': smirror}
1019    # None specified at all, get default mirrors from cloud
1020    mirror_info = cloud.datasource.get_package_mirror_info()
1021    if mirror_info:
1022        # get_package_mirror_info() returns a dictionary with
1023        # arbitrary key/value pairs including 'primary' and 'security' keys.
1024        # caller expects dict with PRIMARY and SECURITY.
1025        m = mirror_info.copy()
1026        m['PRIMARY'] = m['primary']
1027        m['SECURITY'] = m['security']
1029        return m
1031    # if neither apt nor cloud configured mirrors fall back to
1032    return get_default_mirrors(arch)
1035def get_arch_mirrorconfig(cfg, mirrortype, arch):
1036    """out of a list of potential mirror configurations select
1037       and return the one matching the architecture (or default)"""
1038    # select the mirror specification (if-any)
1039    mirror_cfg_list = cfg.get(mirrortype, None)
1040    if mirror_cfg_list is None:
1041        return None
1043    # select the specification matching the target arch
1044    default = None
1045    for mirror_cfg_elem in mirror_cfg_list:
1046        arches = mirror_cfg_elem.get("arches") or []
1047        if arch in arches:
1048            return mirror_cfg_elem
1049        if "default" in arches:
1050            default = mirror_cfg_elem
1051    return default
1054def get_mirror(cfg, mirrortype, arch, cloud):
1055    """pass the three potential stages of mirror specification
1056       returns None is neither of them found anything otherwise the first
1057       hit is returned"""
1058    mcfg = get_arch_mirrorconfig(cfg, mirrortype, arch)
1059    if mcfg is None:
1060        return None
1062    # directly specified
1063    mirror = mcfg.get("uri", None)
1065    # fallback to search if specified
1066    if mirror is None:
1067        # list of mirrors to try to resolve
1068        mirror = util.search_for_mirror(mcfg.get("search", None))
1070    # fallback to search_dns if specified
1071    if mirror is None:
1072        # list of mirrors to try to resolve
1073        mirror = search_for_mirror_dns(mcfg.get("search_dns", None),
1074                                       mirrortype, cfg, cloud)
1076    return mirror
1079def find_apt_mirror_info(cfg, cloud, arch=None):
1080    """find_apt_mirror_info
1081       find an apt_mirror given the cfg provided.
1082       It can check for separate config of primary and security mirrors
1083       If only primary is given security is assumed to be equal to primary
1084       If the generic apt_mirror is given that is defining for both
1085    """
1087    if arch is None:
1088        arch = util.get_dpkg_architecture()
1089        LOG.debug("got arch for mirror selection: %s", arch)
1090    pmirror = get_mirror(cfg, "primary", arch, cloud)
1091    LOG.debug("got primary mirror: %s", pmirror)
1092    smirror = get_mirror(cfg, "security", arch, cloud)
1093    LOG.debug("got security mirror: %s", smirror)
1095    mirror_info = update_mirror_info(pmirror, smirror, arch, cloud)
1097    # less complex replacements use only MIRROR, derive from primary
1098    mirror_info["MIRROR"] = mirror_info["PRIMARY"]
1100    return mirror_info
1103def apply_apt_config(cfg, proxy_fname, config_fname):
1104    """apply_apt_config
1105       Applies any apt*proxy config from if specified
1106    """
1107    # Set up any apt proxy
1108    cfgs = (('proxy', 'Acquire::http::Proxy "%s";'),
1109            ('http_proxy', 'Acquire::http::Proxy "%s";'),
1110            ('ftp_proxy', 'Acquire::ftp::Proxy "%s";'),
1111            ('https_proxy', 'Acquire::https::Proxy "%s";'))
1113    proxies = [fmt % cfg.get(name) for (name, fmt) in cfgs if cfg.get(name)]
1114    if len(proxies):
1115        LOG.debug("write apt proxy info to %s", proxy_fname)
1116        util.write_file(proxy_fname, '\n'.join(proxies) + '\n')
1117    elif os.path.isfile(proxy_fname):
1118        util.del_file(proxy_fname)
1119        LOG.debug("no apt proxy configured, removed %s", proxy_fname)
1121    if cfg.get('conf', None):
1122        LOG.debug("write apt config info to %s", config_fname)
1123        util.write_file(config_fname, cfg.get('conf'))
1124    elif os.path.isfile(config_fname):
1125        util.del_file(config_fname)
1126        LOG.debug("no apt config configured, removed %s", config_fname)
1129def apt_key(command, output_file=None, data=None, hardened=False,
1130            human_output=True):
1131    """apt-key replacement
1133    commands implemented: 'add', 'list', 'finger'
1135    @param output_file: name of output gpg file (without .gpg or .asc)
1136    @param data: key contents
1137    @param human_output: list keys formatted for human parsing
1138    @param hardened: write keys to to /etc/apt/cloud-init.gpg.d/ (referred to
1139    with [signed-by] in sources file)
1140    """
1142    def _get_key_files():
1143        """return all apt keys
1145        /etc/apt/trusted.gpg (if it exists) and all keyfiles (and symlinks to
1146        keyfiles) in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ are returned
1148        based on apt-key implementation
1149        """
1150        key_files = [APT_LOCAL_KEYS] if os.path.isfile(APT_LOCAL_KEYS) else []
1152        for file in os.listdir(APT_TRUSTED_GPG_DIR):
1153            if file.endswith('.gpg') or file.endswith('.asc'):
1154                key_files.append(APT_TRUSTED_GPG_DIR + file)
1155        return key_files if key_files else ''
1157    def apt_key_add():
1158        """apt-key add <file>
1160        returns filepath to new keyring, or '/dev/null' when an error occurs
1161        """
1162        file_name = '/dev/null'
1163        if not output_file:
1164            util.logexc(
1165                LOG, 'Unknown filename, failed to add key: "{}"'.format(data))
1166        else:
1167            try:
1168                key_dir = \
1169                    CLOUD_INIT_GPG_DIR if hardened else APT_TRUSTED_GPG_DIR
1170                stdout = gpg.dearmor(data)
1171                file_name = '{}{}.gpg'.format(key_dir, output_file)
1172                util.write_file(file_name, stdout)
1173            except subp.ProcessExecutionError:
1174                util.logexc(LOG, 'Gpg error, failed to add key: {}'.format(
1175                    data))
1176            except UnicodeDecodeError:
1177                util.logexc(LOG, 'Decode error, failed to add key: {}'.format(
1178                    data))
1179        return file_name
1181    def apt_key_list():
1182        """apt-key list
1184        returns string of all trusted keys (in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg and
1185        /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/)
1186        """
1187        key_list = []
1188        for key_file in _get_key_files():
1189            try:
1190                key_list.append(gpg.list(key_file, human_output=human_output))
1191            except subp.ProcessExecutionError as error:
1192                LOG.warning('Failed to list key "%s": %s', key_file, error)
1193        return '\n'.join(key_list)
1195    if command == 'add':
1196        return apt_key_add()
1197    elif command == 'finger' or command == 'list':
1198        return apt_key_list()
1199    else:
1200        raise ValueError(
1201            'apt_key() commands add, list, and finger are currently supported')
1205    'cloud-init': clean_cloud_init,
1208# vi: ts=4 expandtab