1package exp
3import (
4	"fmt"
6	"github.com/doug-martin/goqu/v9/internal/sb"
9// Behaviors
10type (
12	// Interface that an expression should implement if it can be aliased.
13	Aliaseable interface {
14		// Returns an AliasedExpression
15		//    I("col").As("other_col") //"col" AS "other_col"
16		//    I("col").As(I("other_col")) //"col" AS "other_col"
17		As(interface{}) AliasedExpression
18	}
20	// Interface that an expression should implement if it can be casted to another SQL type .
21	Castable interface {
22		// Casts an expression to the specified type
23		//   I("a").Cast("numeric")//CAST("a" AS numeric)
24		Cast(val string) CastExpression
25	}
27	Inable interface {
28		// Creates a Boolean expression for IN clauses
29		//    I("col").In([]string{"a", "b", "c"}) //("col" IN ('a', 'b', 'c'))
30		In(...interface{}) BooleanExpression
31		// Creates a Boolean expression for NOT IN clauses
32		//    I("col").NotIn([]string{"a", "b", "c"}) //("col" NOT IN ('a', 'b', 'c'))
33		NotIn(...interface{}) BooleanExpression
34	}
36	Isable interface {
37		// Creates an Boolean expression IS clauses
38		//   ds.Where(I("a").Is(nil)) //("a" IS NULL)
39		//   ds.Where(I("a").Is(true)) //("a" IS TRUE)
40		//   ds.Where(I("a").Is(false)) //("a" IS FALSE)
41		Is(interface{}) BooleanExpression
42		// Creates an Boolean expression IS NOT clauses
43		//   ds.Where(I("a").IsNot(nil)) //("a" IS NOT NULL)
44		//   ds.Where(I("a").IsNot(true)) //("a" IS NOT TRUE)
45		//   ds.Where(I("a").IsNot(false)) //("a" IS NOT FALSE)
46		IsNot(interface{}) BooleanExpression
47		// Shortcut for Is(nil)
48		IsNull() BooleanExpression
49		// Shortcut for IsNot(nil)
50		IsNotNull() BooleanExpression
51		// Shortcut for Is(true)
52		IsTrue() BooleanExpression
53		// Shortcut for IsNot(true)
54		IsNotTrue() BooleanExpression
55		// Shortcut for Is(false)
56		IsFalse() BooleanExpression
57		// Shortcut for IsNot(false)
58		IsNotFalse() BooleanExpression
59	}
61	Likeable interface {
62		// Creates an Boolean expression for LIKE clauses
63		//   ds.Where(I("a").Like("a%")) //("a" LIKE 'a%')
64		Like(interface{}) BooleanExpression
65		// Creates an Boolean expression for NOT LIKE clauses
66		//   ds.Where(I("a").NotLike("a%")) //("a" NOT LIKE 'a%')
67		NotLike(interface{}) BooleanExpression
68		// Creates an Boolean expression for case insensitive LIKE clauses
69		//   ds.Where(I("a").ILike("a%")) //("a" ILIKE 'a%')
70		ILike(interface{}) BooleanExpression
71		// Creates an Boolean expression for case insensitive NOT LIKE clauses
72		//   ds.Where(I("a").NotILike("a%")) //("a" NOT ILIKE 'a%')
73		NotILike(interface{}) BooleanExpression
75		// Creates an Boolean expression for REGEXP LIKE clauses
76		//   ds.Where(I("a").RegexpLike("a%")) //("a" ~ 'a%')
77		RegexpLike(interface{}) BooleanExpression
78		// Creates an Boolean expression for REGEXP NOT LIKE clauses
79		//   ds.Where(I("a").RegexpNotLike("a%")) //("a" !~ 'a%')
80		RegexpNotLike(interface{}) BooleanExpression
81		// Creates an Boolean expression for case insensitive REGEXP ILIKE clauses
82		//   ds.Where(I("a").RegexpILike("a%")) //("a" ~* 'a%')
83		RegexpILike(interface{}) BooleanExpression
84		// Creates an Boolean expression for case insensitive REGEXP NOT ILIKE clauses
85		//   ds.Where(I("a").RegexpNotILike("a%")) //("a" !~* 'a%')
86		RegexpNotILike(interface{}) BooleanExpression
87	}
89	// Interface that an expression should implement if it can be compared with other values.
90	Comparable interface {
91		// Creates a Boolean expression comparing equality
92		//    I("col").Eq(1) //("col" = 1)
93		Eq(interface{}) BooleanExpression
94		// Creates a Boolean expression comparing in-equality
95		//    I("col").Neq(1) //("col" != 1)
96		Neq(interface{}) BooleanExpression
97		// Creates a Boolean expression for greater than comparisons
98		//    I("col").Gt(1) //("col" > 1)
99		Gt(interface{}) BooleanExpression
100		// Creates a Boolean expression for greater than or equal to than comparisons
101		//    I("col").Gte(1) //("col" >= 1)
102		Gte(interface{}) BooleanExpression
103		// Creates a Boolean expression for less than comparisons
104		//    I("col").Lt(1) //("col" < 1)
105		Lt(interface{}) BooleanExpression
106		// Creates a Boolean expression for less than or equal to comparisons
107		//    I("col").Lte(1) //("col" <= 1)
108		Lte(interface{}) BooleanExpression
109	}
111	// Interface that an expression should implement if it can be used in a DISTINCT epxression.
112	Distinctable interface {
113		// Creates a DISTINCT clause
114		//   I("a").Distinct() //DISTINCT("a")
115		Distinct() SQLFunctionExpression
116	}
118	// Interface that an expression should implement if it can be ORDERED.
119	Orderable interface {
120		// Creates an Ordered Expression for sql ASC order
121		//   ds.Order(I("a").Asc()) //ORDER BY "a" ASC
122		Asc() OrderedExpression
123		// Creates an Ordered Expression for sql DESC order
124		//   ds.Order(I("a").Desc()) //ORDER BY "a" DESC
125		Desc() OrderedExpression
126	}
128	Rangeable interface {
129		// Creates a Range expression for between comparisons
130		//    I("col").Between(RangeVal{Start:1, End:10}) //("col" BETWEEN 1 AND 10)
131		Between(RangeVal) RangeExpression
132		// Creates a Range expression for between comparisons
133		//    I("col").NotBetween(RangeVal{Start:1, End:10}) //("col" NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 10)
134		NotBetween(RangeVal) RangeExpression
135	}
137	Updateable interface {
138		// Used internally by update sql
139		Set(interface{}) UpdateExpression
140	}
142	Bitwiseable interface {
143		// Creates a Bit Operation Expresion for sql ~
144		// I("col").BitiInversion() // (~ "col")
145		BitwiseInversion() BitwiseExpression
146		// Creates a Bit Operation Expresion for sql |
147		// I("col").BitOr(1) // ("col" | 1)
148		BitwiseOr(interface{}) BitwiseExpression
149		// Creates a Bit Operation Expresion for sql &
150		// I("col").BitAnd(1) // ("col" & 1)
151		BitwiseAnd(interface{}) BitwiseExpression
152		// Creates a Bit Operation Expresion for sql ^
153		// I("col").BitXor(1) // ("col" ^ 1)
154		BitwiseXor(interface{}) BitwiseExpression
155		// Creates a Bit Operation Expresion for sql <<
156		// I("col").BitLeftShift(1) // ("col" << 1)
157		BitwiseLeftShift(interface{}) BitwiseExpression
158		// Creates a Bit Operation Expresion for sql >>
159		// I("col").BitRighttShift(1) // ("col" >> 1)
160		BitwiseRightShift(interface{}) BitwiseExpression
161	}
164type (
165	Vals []interface{}
166	// Parent of all expression types
167	Expression interface {
168		Clone() Expression
169		Expression() Expression
170	}
171	// An Expression that generates its own sql (e.g Dataset)
172	SQLExpression interface {
173		Expression
174		ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
175		IsPrepared() bool
176	}
178	AppendableExpression interface {
179		Expression
180		AppendSQL(b sb.SQLBuilder)
181		// Returns the alias value as an identiier expression
182		GetAs() IdentifierExpression
184		// Returns true if this expression returns columns.
185		// Used to determine if a Select, Update, Insert, or Delete query returns columns
186		ReturnsColumns() bool
187	}
188	// Expression for Aliased expressions
189	//   I("a").As("b") -> "a" AS "b"
190	//   SUM("a").As(I("a_sum")) -> SUM("a") AS "a_sum"
191	AliasedExpression interface {
192		Expression
193		// Returns the Epxression being aliased
194		Aliased() Expression
195		// Returns the alias value as an identiier expression
196		GetAs() IdentifierExpression
198		// Returns a new IdentifierExpression with the specified schema
199		Schema(string) IdentifierExpression
200		// Returns a new IdentifierExpression with the specified table
201		Table(string) IdentifierExpression
202		// Returns a new IdentifierExpression with the specified column
203		Col(interface{}) IdentifierExpression
204		// Returns a new IdentifierExpression with the column set to *
205		//   I("my_table").All() //"my_table".*
206		All() IdentifierExpression
207	}
209	BooleanOperation  int
210	BooleanExpression interface {
211		Expression
212		// Returns the operator for the expression
213		Op() BooleanOperation
214		// The left hand side of the expression (e.g. I("a")
215		LHS() Expression
216		// The right hand side of the expression could be a primitive value, dataset, or expression
217		RHS() interface{}
218	}
220	BitwiseOperation  int
221	BitwiseExpression interface {
222		Expression
223		Aliaseable
224		Comparable
225		Isable
226		Inable
227		Likeable
228		Rangeable
229		Orderable
230		Distinctable
231		// Returns the operator for the expression
232		Op() BitwiseOperation
233		// The left hand side of the expression (e.g. I("a")
234		LHS() Expression
235		// The right hand side of the expression could be a primitive value, dataset, or expression
236		RHS() interface{}
237	}
239	// An Expression that represents another Expression casted to a SQL type
240	CastExpression interface {
241		Expression
242		Aliaseable
243		Comparable
244		Inable
245		Isable
246		Likeable
247		Orderable
248		Distinctable
249		Rangeable
250		// The exression being casted
251		Casted() Expression
252		// The the SQL type to cast the expression to
253		Type() LiteralExpression
254	}
255	// A list of columns. Typically used internally by Select, Order, From
256	ColumnListExpression interface {
257		Expression
258		// Returns the list of columns
259		Columns() []Expression
260		// Returns true if the column list is empty
261		IsEmpty() bool
262		// Returns a new ColumnListExpression with the columns appended.
263		Append(...Expression) ColumnListExpression
264	}
265	CompoundType       int
266	CompoundExpression interface {
267		Expression
268		Type() CompoundType
269		RHS() AppendableExpression
270	}
271	// An Expression that the ON CONFLICT/ON DUPLICATE KEY portion of an INSERT statement
272	ConflictAction     int
273	ConflictExpression interface {
274		Expression
275		Action() ConflictAction
276	}
277	ConflictUpdateExpression interface {
278		ConflictExpression
279		TargetColumn() string
280		Where(expressions ...Expression) ConflictUpdateExpression
281		WhereClause() ExpressionList
282		Update() interface{}
283	}
284	CommonTableExpression interface {
285		Expression
286		IsRecursive() bool
287		// Returns the alias name for the extracted expression
288		Name() LiteralExpression
289		// Returns the Expression being extracted
290		SubQuery() Expression
291	}
292	ExpressionListType int
293	// A list of expressions that should be joined together
294	//    And(I("a").Eq(10), I("b").Eq(11)) //(("a" = 10) AND ("b" = 11))
295	//    Or(I("a").Eq(10), I("b").Eq(11)) //(("a" = 10) OR ("b" = 11))
296	ExpressionList interface {
297		Expression
298		// Returns type (e.g. OR, AND)
299		Type() ExpressionListType
300		// Slice of expressions that should be joined together
301		Expressions() []Expression
302		// Returns a new expression list with the given expressions appended to the current Expressions list
303		Append(...Expression) ExpressionList
305		IsEmpty() bool
306	}
307	// An Identifier that can contain schema, table and column identifiers
308	IdentifierExpression interface {
309		Expression
310		Aliaseable
311		Comparable
312		Inable
313		Isable
314		Likeable
315		Rangeable
316		Orderable
317		Updateable
318		Distinctable
319		Castable
320		Bitwiseable
321		// returns true if this identifier has more more than on part (Schema, Table or Col)
322		//	"schema" -> true //cant qualify anymore
323		//	"schema.table" -> true
324		//	"table" -> false
325		// "schema"."table"."col" -> true
326		// "table"."col" -> true
327		// "col" -> false
328		IsQualified() bool
329		// Returns a new IdentifierExpression with the specified schema
330		Schema(string) IdentifierExpression
331		// Returns the current schema
332		GetSchema() string
333		// Returns a new IdentifierExpression with the specified table
334		Table(string) IdentifierExpression
335		// Returns the current table
336		GetTable() string
337		// Returns a new IdentifierExpression with the specified column
338		Col(interface{}) IdentifierExpression
339		// Returns the current column
340		GetCol() interface{}
341		// Returns a new IdentifierExpression with the column set to *
342		//   I("my_table").All() //"my_table".*
343		All() IdentifierExpression
345		// Returns true if schema table and identifier are all zero values.
346		IsEmpty() bool
347	}
348	InsertExpression interface {
349		Expression
350		IsEmpty() bool
351		IsInsertFrom() bool
352		From() AppendableExpression
353		Cols() ColumnListExpression
354		SetCols(cols ColumnListExpression) InsertExpression
355		Vals() [][]interface{}
356		SetVals([][]interface{}) InsertExpression
357	}
359	JoinType       int
360	JoinExpression interface {
361		Expression
362		JoinType() JoinType
363		IsConditioned() bool
364		Table() Expression
365	}
366	// Parent type for join expressions
367	ConditionedJoinExpression interface {
368		JoinExpression
369		Condition() JoinCondition
370		IsConditionEmpty() bool
371	}
372	LateralExpression interface {
373		Expression
374		Aliaseable
375		Table() AppendableExpression
376	}
378	// Expression for representing "literal" sql.
379	//  L("col = 1") -> col = 1)
380	//  L("? = ?", I("col"), 1) -> "col" = 1
381	LiteralExpression interface {
382		Expression
383		Aliaseable
384		Comparable
385		Isable
386		Inable
387		Likeable
388		Rangeable
389		Orderable
390		Bitwiseable
391		// Returns the literal sql
392		Literal() string
393		// Arguments to be replaced within the sql
394		Args() []interface{}
395	}
397	NullSortType  int
398	SortDirection int
399	// An expression for specifying sort order and options
400	OrderedExpression interface {
401		Expression
402		// The expression being sorted
403		SortExpression() Expression
404		// Sort direction (e.g. ASC, DESC)
405		IsAsc() bool
406		// If the adapter supports it null sort type (e.g. NULLS FIRST, NULLS LAST)
407		NullSortType() NullSortType
408		// Returns a new OrderedExpression with NullSortType set to NULLS_FIRST
409		NullsFirst() OrderedExpression
410		// Returns a new OrderedExpression with NullSortType set to NULLS_LAST
411		NullsLast() OrderedExpression
412	}
414	RangeOperation  int
415	RangeExpression interface {
416		Expression
417		// Returns the operator for the expression
418		Op() RangeOperation
419		// The left hand side of the expression (e.g. I("a")
420		LHS() Expression
421		// The right hand side of the expression could be a primitive value, dataset, or expression
422		RHS() RangeVal
423	}
424	RangeVal interface {
425		Start() interface{}
426		End() interface{}
427	}
429	Windowable interface {
430		Over(WindowExpression) SQLWindowFunctionExpression
431		OverName(IdentifierExpression) SQLWindowFunctionExpression
432	}
434	// Expression for representing a SQLFunction(e.g. COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX...)
435	SQLFunctionExpression interface {
436		Expression
437		Aliaseable
438		Rangeable
439		Comparable
440		Orderable
441		Isable
442		Inable
443		Likeable
444		Windowable
445		// The function name
446		Name() string
447		// Arguments to be passed to the function
448		Args() []interface{}
449	}
451	UpdateExpression interface {
452		Col() IdentifierExpression
453		Val() interface{}
454	}
456	SQLWindowFunctionExpression interface {
457		Expression
458		Aliaseable
459		Rangeable
460		Comparable
461		Orderable
462		Isable
463		Inable
464		Likeable
465		Func() SQLFunctionExpression
467		Window() WindowExpression
468		WindowName() IdentifierExpression
470		HasWindow() bool
471		HasWindowName() bool
472	}
474	WindowExpression interface {
475		Expression
477		Name() IdentifierExpression
478		HasName() bool
480		Parent() IdentifierExpression
481		HasParent() bool
482		PartitionCols() ColumnListExpression
483		HasPartitionBy() bool
484		OrderCols() ColumnListExpression
485		HasOrder() bool
487		Inherit(parent string) WindowExpression
488		PartitionBy(cols ...interface{}) WindowExpression
489		OrderBy(cols ...interface{}) WindowExpression
490	}
491	CaseElse interface {
492		Result() interface{}
493	}
494	CaseWhen interface {
495		Condition() interface{}
496		Result() interface{}
497	}
498	CaseExpression interface {
499		Expression
500		Aliaseable
501		Orderable
502		GetValue() interface{}
503		GetWhens() []CaseWhen
504		GetElse() CaseElse
505		Value(val interface{}) CaseExpression
506		When(condition, result interface{}) CaseExpression
507		Else(result interface{}) CaseExpression
508	}
511const (
512	UnionCompoundType CompoundType = iota
513	UnionAllCompoundType
514	IntersectCompoundType
515	IntersectAllCompoundType
517	DoNothingConflictAction ConflictAction = iota
518	DoUpdateConflictAction
520	AndType ExpressionListType = iota
521	OrType
523	InnerJoinType JoinType = iota
524	FullOuterJoinType
525	RightOuterJoinType
526	LeftOuterJoinType
527	FullJoinType
528	RightJoinType
529	LeftJoinType
530	NaturalJoinType
531	NaturalLeftJoinType
532	NaturalRightJoinType
533	NaturalFullJoinType
534	CrossJoinType
536	UsingJoinCondType JoinConditionType = iota
537	OnJoinCondType
539	// Default null sort type with no null sort order
540	NoNullsSortType NullSortType = iota
542	NullsFirstSortType
544	NullsLastSortType
545	// ASC
546	AscDir SortDirection = iota
547	// DESC
548	DescSortDir
550	// BETWEEN
551	BetweenOp RangeOperation = iota
553	NotBetweenOp
555	// =
556	EqOp BooleanOperation = iota
557	// != or <>
558	NeqOp
559	// IS
560	IsOp
561	// IS NOT
562	IsNotOp
563	// >
564	GtOp
565	// >=
566	GteOp
567	// <
568	LtOp
569	// <=
570	LteOp
571	//  IN
572	InOp
573	//  NOT IN
574	NotInOp
575	//  LIKE, LIKE BINARY...
576	LikeOp
578	NotLikeOp
579	//  ILIKE, LIKE
580	ILikeOp
582	NotILikeOp
584	RegexpLikeOp
586	RegexpNotLikeOp
587	// ~*, REGEXP
588	RegexpILikeOp
589	// !~*, NOT REGEXP
590	RegexpNotILikeOp
592	betweenStr = "between"
594	BitwiseInversionOp BitwiseOperation = iota
595	BitwiseOrOp
596	BitwiseAndOp
597	BitwiseXorOp
598	BitwiseLeftShiftOp
599	BitwiseRightShiftOp
602var (
603	ConditionedJoinTypes = map[JoinType]bool{
604		InnerJoinType:      true,
605		FullOuterJoinType:  true,
606		RightOuterJoinType: true,
607		LeftOuterJoinType:  true,
608		FullJoinType:       true,
609		RightJoinType:      true,
610		LeftJoinType:       true,
611	}
612	// used internally for inverting operators
613	operatorInversions = map[BooleanOperation]BooleanOperation{
614		IsOp:             IsNotOp,
615		EqOp:             NeqOp,
616		GtOp:             LteOp,
617		GteOp:            LtOp,
618		LtOp:             GteOp,
619		LteOp:            GtOp,
620		InOp:             NotInOp,
621		LikeOp:           NotLikeOp,
622		ILikeOp:          NotILikeOp,
623		RegexpLikeOp:     RegexpNotLikeOp,
624		RegexpILikeOp:    RegexpNotILikeOp,
625		IsNotOp:          IsOp,
626		NeqOp:            EqOp,
627		NotInOp:          InOp,
628		NotLikeOp:        LikeOp,
629		NotILikeOp:       ILikeOp,
630		RegexpNotLikeOp:  RegexpLikeOp,
631		RegexpNotILikeOp: RegexpILikeOp,
632	}
635func (bo BooleanOperation) String() string {
636	switch bo {
637	case EqOp:
638		return "eq"
639	case NeqOp:
640		return "neq"
641	case IsOp:
642		return "is"
643	case IsNotOp:
644		return "isnot"
645	case GtOp:
646		return "gt"
647	case GteOp:
648		return "gte"
649	case LtOp:
650		return "lt"
651	case LteOp:
652		return "lte"
653	case InOp:
654		return "in"
655	case NotInOp:
656		return "notin"
657	case LikeOp:
658		return "like"
659	case NotLikeOp:
660		return "notlike"
661	case ILikeOp:
662		return "ilike"
663	case NotILikeOp:
664		return "notilike"
665	case RegexpLikeOp:
666		return "regexplike"
667	case RegexpNotLikeOp:
668		return "regexpnotlike"
669	case RegexpILikeOp:
670		return "regexpilike"
671	case RegexpNotILikeOp:
672		return "regexpnotilike"
673	}
674	return fmt.Sprintf("%d", bo)
677func (bi BitwiseOperation) String() string {
678	switch bi {
679	case BitwiseInversionOp:
680		return "Inversion"
681	case BitwiseOrOp:
682		return "OR"
683	case BitwiseAndOp:
684		return "AND"
685	case BitwiseXorOp:
686		return "XOR"
687	case BitwiseLeftShiftOp:
688		return "Left Shift"
689	case BitwiseRightShiftOp:
690		return "Right Shift"
691	}
692	return fmt.Sprintf("%d", bi)
695func (ro RangeOperation) String() string {
696	switch ro {
697	case BetweenOp:
698		return betweenStr
699	case NotBetweenOp:
700		return "not between"
701	}
702	return fmt.Sprintf("%d", ro)
705func (jt JoinType) String() string {
706	switch jt {
707	case InnerJoinType:
708		return "InnerJoinType"
709	case FullOuterJoinType:
710		return "FullOuterJoinType"
711	case RightOuterJoinType:
712		return "RightOuterJoinType"
713	case LeftOuterJoinType:
714		return "LeftOuterJoinType"
715	case FullJoinType:
716		return "FullJoinType"
717	case RightJoinType:
718		return "RightJoinType"
719	case LeftJoinType:
720		return "LeftJoinType"
721	case NaturalJoinType:
722		return "NaturalJoinType"
723	case NaturalLeftJoinType:
724		return "NaturalLeftJoinType"
725	case NaturalRightJoinType:
726		return "NaturalRightJoinType"
727	case NaturalFullJoinType:
728		return "NaturalFullJoinType"
729	case CrossJoinType:
730		return "CrossJoinType"
731	}
732	return fmt.Sprintf("%d", jt)