1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
3from __future__ import absolute_import
4from __future__ import division
5from __future__ import print_function
6from __future__ import unicode_literals
8import specs.fizz as fizz
9import specs.fmt as fmt
10import specs.folly as folly
11import specs.gmock as gmock
12import specs.mvfst as mvfst
13import specs.sodium as sodium
14import specs.wangle as wangle
15import specs.zstd as zstd
18def fbcode_builder_spec(builder):
19    # Projects that **depend** on proxygen should don't need to build tests
20    # or QUIC support.
21    builder.add_option(
22        "proxygen/proxygen:cmake_defines",
23        {
24            # These 2 are set to ON in `proxygen_quic.py`
25            "BUILD_QUIC": "OFF",
26            "BUILD_TESTS": "OFF",
27            # For bistro
28            "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS": "OFF",
29        },
30    )
32    return {
33        "depends_on": [gmock, fmt, folly, wangle, fizz, sodium, zstd, mvfst],
34        "steps": [builder.fb_github_cmake_install("proxygen/proxygen", "..")],
35    }