1 // 9c libmach8db.c && 9l -o libmach8db libmach8db.o; rm libmach8db.o
3 // Libmach-based disassembler for use in reference tests.
5 // Inferno libmach/8db.c
6 // http://code.google.com/p/inferno-os/source/browse/utils/libmach/8db.c
7 //
8 //	Copyright © 1994-1999 Lucent Technologies Inc.
9 //	Power PC support Copyright © 1995-2004 C H Forsyth (forsyth@terzarima.net).
10 //	Portions Copyright © 1997-1999 Vita Nuova Limited.
11 //	Portions Copyright © 2000-2007 Vita Nuova Holdings Limited (www.vitanuova.com).
12 //	Revisions Copyright © 2000-2004 Lucent Technologies Inc. and others.
13 //	Portions Copyright © 2009 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
14 //
15 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
16 // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
17 // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
18 // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
19 // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
20 // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
21 //
22 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
23 // all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
24 //
33 #include <u.h>
34 #include <libc.h>
35 #include <bio.h>
37 typedef struct Map Map;
38 struct Map
39 {
40 	int (*get1)(Map*, uvlong, uchar*, int);
41 	uchar *p;
42 	uchar *ep;
43 	uchar *startp;
44 	uvlong startpc;
45 };
47 static int
get1(Map * m,uvlong addr,uchar * p,int n)48 get1(Map *m, uvlong addr, uchar *p, int n)
49 {
50 	return m->get1(m, addr, p, n);
51 }
53 /*
54  * i386-specific debugger interface
55  * also amd64 extensions
56  */
58 static	int	i386inst(Map*, uvlong, int, char, char*, int);
59 //static	int	i386das(Map*, uvlong, char*, int);
60 //static	int	i386instlen(Map*, uvlong);
62 	/* I386/486 - Disassembler and related functions */
64 /*
65  *  an instruction
66  */
67 typedef struct Instr Instr;
68 struct	Instr
69 {
70 	uchar	mem[1+1+1+1+2+1+1+4+4];		/* raw instruction */
71 	uvlong	addr;		/* address of start of instruction */
72 	int	n;		/* number of bytes in instruction */
73 	char	*prefix;	/* instr prefix */
74 	char	*segment;	/* segment override */
75 	uchar	jumptype;	/* set to the operand type for jump/ret/call */
76 	uchar	amd64;
77 	uchar	rex;		/* REX prefix (or zero) */
78 	uchar	op;
79 	char	osize;		/* 'W' or 'L' (or 'Q' on amd64) */
80 	char	asize;		/* address size 'W' or 'L' (or 'Q' or amd64) */
81 	uchar	mod;		/* bits 6-7 of mod r/m field */
82 	uchar	reg;		/* bits 3-5 of mod r/m field */
83 	char	ss;		/* bits 6-7 of SIB */
84 	schar	index;		/* bits 3-5 of SIB */
85 	schar	base;		/* bits 0-2 of SIB */
86 	char	rip;		/* RIP-relative in amd64 mode */
87 	uchar	opre;		/* f2/f3 could introduce media */
88 	short	seg;		/* segment of far address */
89 	uint32	disp;		/* displacement */
90 	uint32 	imm;		/* immediate */
91 	uint32 	imm2;		/* second immediate operand */
92 	uvlong	imm64;		/* big immediate */
93 	char	*curr;		/* fill level in output buffer */
94 	char	*end;		/* end of output buffer */
95 	char	*err;		/* error message */
96 };
98 	/* 386 register (ha!) set */
99 enum{
100 	AX=0,
101 	CX,
102 	DX,
103 	BX,
104 	SP,
105 	BP,
106 	SI,
107 	DI,
109 	/* amd64 */
110 	/* be careful: some unix system headers #define R8, R9, etc */
111 	AMD64_R8,
112 	AMD64_R9,
113 	AMD64_R10,
114 	AMD64_R11,
115 	AMD64_R12,
116 	AMD64_R13,
117 	AMD64_R14,
118 	AMD64_R15
119 };
121 	/* amd64 rex extension byte */
122 enum{
123 	REXW		= 1<<3,	/* =1, 64-bit operand size */
124 	REXR		= 1<<2,	/* extend modrm reg */
125 	REXX		= 1<<1,	/* extend sib index */
126 	REXB		= 1<<0	/* extend modrm r/m, sib base, or opcode reg */
127 };
129 	/* Operand Format codes */
130 /*
131 %A	-	address size register modifier (!asize -> 'E')
132 %C	-	Control register CR0/CR1/CR2
133 %D	-	Debug register DR0/DR1/DR2/DR3/DR6/DR7
134 %I	-	second immediate operand
135 %O	-	Operand size register modifier (!osize -> 'E')
136 %T	-	Test register TR6/TR7
137 %S	-	size code ('W' or 'L')
138 %W	-	Weird opcode: OSIZE == 'W' => "CBW"; else => "CWDE"
139 %d	-	displacement 16-32 bits
140 %e	-	effective address - Mod R/M value
141 %f	-	floating point register F0-F7 - from Mod R/M register
142 %g	-	segment register
143 %i	-	immediate operand 8-32 bits
144 %o	- 	register from opcode and REX.B
145 %p	-	PC-relative - signed displacement in immediate field
146 %r	-	Reg from Mod R/M
147 %w	-	Weird opcode: OSIZE == 'W' => "CWD"; else => "CDQ"
148 */
150 typedef struct Optable Optable;
151 struct Optable
152 {
153 	char	operand[2];
154 	void	*proto;		/* actually either (char*) or (Optable*) */
155 };
156 	/* Operand decoding codes */
157 enum {
158 	Ib = 1,			/* 8-bit immediate - (no sign extension)*/
159 	Ibs,			/* 8-bit immediate (sign extended) */
160 	Jbs,			/* 8-bit sign-extended immediate in jump or call */
161 	Iw,			/* 16-bit immediate -> imm */
162 	Iw2,			/* 16-bit immediate -> imm2 */
163 	Iwd,			/* Operand-sized immediate (no sign extension)*/
164 	Iwdq,			/* Operand-sized immediate, possibly 64 bits */
165 	Awd,			/* Address offset */
166 	Iwds,			/* Operand-sized immediate (sign extended) */
167 	RM,			/* Word or int32 R/M field with register (/r) */
168 	RMB,			/* Byte R/M field with register (/r) */
169 	RMOP,			/* Word or int32 R/M field with op code (/digit) */
170 	RMOPB,			/* Byte R/M field with op code (/digit) */
171 	RMR,			/* R/M register only (mod = 11) */
172 	RMM,			/* R/M memory only (mod = 0/1/2) */
173 	Op_R0,			/* Base reg of Mod R/M is literal 0x00 */
174 	Op_R1,			/* Base reg of Mod R/M is literal 0x01 */
175 	FRMOP,			/* Floating point R/M field with opcode */
176 	FRMEX,			/* Extended floating point R/M field with opcode */
177 	JUMP,			/* Jump or Call flag - no operand */
178 	RET,			/* Return flag - no operand */
179 	OA,			/* literal 0x0a byte */
180 	PTR,			/* Seg:Displacement addr (ptr16:16 or ptr16:32) */
181 	AUX,			/* Multi-byte op code - Auxiliary table */
182 	AUXMM,			/* multi-byte op code - auxiliary table chosen by prefix */
183 	PRE,			/* Instr Prefix */
184 	OPRE,			/* Instr Prefix or media op extension */
185 	SEG,			/* Segment Prefix */
186 	OPOVER,			/* Operand size override */
187 	ADDOVER,		/* Address size override */
188 };
190 static Optable optab0F00[8]=
191 {
192 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"MOVW	LDT,%e" },
193 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"MOVW	TR,%e" },
194 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"MOVW	%e,LDT" },
195 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"MOVW	%e,TR" },
196 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"VERR	%e" },
197 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"VERW	%e" },
198 };
200 static Optable optab0F01[8]=
201 {
202 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"MOVL	GDTR,%e" },
203 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"MOVL	IDTR,%e" },
204 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"MOVL	%e,GDTR" },
205 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"MOVL	%e,IDTR" },
206 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"MOVW	MSW,%e" },	/* word */
207 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"MOVW	%e,MSW" },	/* word */
208 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"INVLPG	%e" },		/* or SWAPGS */
209 };
211 static Optable optab0F01F8[1]=
212 {
213 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"SWAPGS" },
214 };
216 /* 0F71 */
217 /* 0F72 */
218 /* 0F73 */
220 static Optable optab0FAE[8]=
221 {
222 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"FXSAVE	%e" },
223 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"FXRSTOR	%e" },
224 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"LDMXCSR	%e" },
225 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"STMXCSR	%e" },
226 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"LFENCE" },
227 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"MFENCE" },
228 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"SFENCE" },
229 };
231 /* 0F18 */
232 /* 0F0D */
234 static Optable optab0FBA[8]=
235 {
236 [0x04] =	{ Ib,0,		"BT%S	%i,%e" },
237 [0x05] =	{ Ib,0,		"BTS%S	%i,%e" },
238 [0x06] =	{ Ib,0,		"BTR%S	%i,%e" },
239 [0x07] =	{ Ib,0,		"BTC%S	%i,%e" },
240 };
242 static Optable optab0F0F[256]=
243 {
244 [0x0c] =	{ 0,0,		"PI2FW	%m,%M" },
245 [0x0d] =	{ 0,0,		"PI2L	%m,%M" },
246 [0x1c] =	{ 0,0,		"PF2IW	%m,%M" },
247 [0x1d] =	{ 0,0,		"PF2IL	%m,%M" },
248 [0x8a] =	{ 0,0,		"PFNACC	%m,%M" },
249 [0x8e] =	{ 0,0,		"PFPNACC	%m,%M" },
250 [0x90] =	{ 0,0,		"PFCMPGE	%m,%M" },
251 [0x94] =	{ 0,0,		"PFMIN	%m,%M" },
252 [0x96] =	{ 0,0,		"PFRCP	%m,%M" },
253 [0x97] =	{ 0,0,		"PFRSQRT	%m,%M" },
254 [0x9a] =	{ 0,0,		"PFSUB	%m,%M" },
255 [0x9e] =	{ 0,0,		"PFADD	%m,%M" },
256 [0xa0] =	{ 0,0,		"PFCMPGT	%m,%M" },
257 [0xa4] =	{ 0,0,		"PFMAX	%m,%M" },
258 [0xa6] =	{ 0,0,		"PFRCPIT1	%m,%M" },
259 [0xa7] =	{ 0,0,		"PFRSQIT1	%m,%M" },
260 [0xaa] =	{ 0,0,		"PFSUBR	%m,%M" },
261 [0xae] =	{ 0,0,		"PFACC	%m,%M" },
262 [0xb0] =	{ 0,0,		"PFCMPEQ	%m,%M" },
263 [0xb4] =	{ 0,0,		"PFMUL	%m,%M" },
264 [0xb6] =	{ 0,0,		"PFRCPI2T	%m,%M" },
265 [0xb7] =	{ 0,0,		"PMULHRW	%m,%M" },
266 [0xbb] =	{ 0,0,		"PSWAPL	%m,%M" },
267 };
269 static Optable optab0FC7[8]=
270 {
271 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"CMPXCHG8B	%e" },
272 };
274 static Optable optab660F71[8]=
275 {
276 [0x02] =	{ Ib,0,		"PSRLW	%i,%X" },
277 [0x04] =	{ Ib,0,		"PSRAW	%i,%X" },
278 [0x06] =	{ Ib,0,		"PSLLW	%i,%X" },
279 };
281 static Optable optab660F72[8]=
282 {
283 [0x02] =	{ Ib,0,		"PSRLL	%i,%X" },
284 [0x04] =	{ Ib,0,		"PSRAL	%i,%X" },
285 [0x06] =	{ Ib,0,		"PSLLL	%i,%X" },
286 };
288 static Optable optab660F73[8]=
289 {
290 [0x02] =	{ Ib,0,		"PSRLQ	%i,%X" },
291 [0x03] =	{ Ib,0,		"PSRLO	%i,%X" },
292 [0x06] =	{ Ib,0,		"PSLLQ	%i,%X" },
293 [0x07] =	{ Ib,0,		"PSLLO	%i,%X" },
294 };
296 static Optable optab660F[256]=
297 {
298 [0x2B] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVNTPD	%x,%e" },
299 [0x2E] =	{ RM,0,		"UCOMISD	%x,%X" },
300 [0x2F] =	{ RM,0,		"COMISD	%x,%X" },
301 [0x5A] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTPD2PS	%x,%X" },
302 [0x5B] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTPS2PL	%x,%X" },
303 [0x6A] =	{ RM,0,		"PUNPCKHLQ %x,%X" },
304 [0x6B] =	{ RM,0,		"PACKSSLW %x,%X" },
305 [0x6C] =	{ RM,0,		"PUNPCKLQDQ %x,%X" },
306 [0x6D] =	{ RM,0,		"PUNPCKHQDQ %x,%X" },
307 [0x6E] =	{ RM,0,		"MOV%S	%e,%X" },
308 [0x6F] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVO	%x,%X" },		/* MOVDQA */
309 [0x70] =	{ RM,Ib,		"PSHUFL	%i,%x,%X" },
310 [0x71] =	{ RMOP,0,		optab660F71 },
311 [0x72] =	{ RMOP,0,		optab660F72 },
312 [0x73] =	{ RMOP,0,		optab660F73 },
313 [0x7E] =	{ RM,0,		"MOV%S	%X,%e" },
314 [0x7F] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVO	%X,%x" },
315 [0xC4] =	{ RM,Ib,		"PINSRW	%i,%e,%X" },
316 [0xC5] =	{ RMR,Ib,		"PEXTRW	%i,%X,%e" },
317 [0xD4] =	{ RM,0,		"PADDQ	%x,%X" },
318 [0xD5] =	{ RM,0,		"PMULLW	%x,%X" },
319 [0xD6] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVQ	%X,%x" },
320 [0xE6] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTTPD2PL	%x,%X" },
321 [0xE7] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVNTO	%X,%e" },
322 [0xF7] =	{ RM,0,		"MASKMOVOU	%x,%X" },
323 };
325 static Optable optabF20F[256]=
326 {
327 [0x10] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVSD	%x,%X" },
328 [0x11] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVSD	%X,%x" },
329 [0x2A] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTS%S2SD	%e,%X" },
330 [0x2C] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTTSD2S%S	%x,%r" },
331 [0x2D] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTSD2S%S	%x,%r" },
332 [0x5A] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTSD2SS	%x,%X" },
333 [0x6F] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVOU	%x,%X" },
334 [0x70] =	{ RM,Ib,		"PSHUFLW	%i,%x,%X" },
335 [0x7F] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVOU	%X,%x" },
336 [0xD6] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVQOZX	%M,%X" },
337 [0xE6] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTPD2PL	%x,%X" },
338 };
340 static Optable optabF30F[256]=
341 {
342 [0x10] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVSS	%x,%X" },
343 [0x11] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVSS	%X,%x" },
344 [0x2A] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTS%S2SS	%e,%X" },
345 [0x2C] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTTSS2S%S	%x,%r" },
346 [0x2D] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTSS2S%S	%x,%r" },
347 [0x5A] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTSS2SD	%x,%X" },
348 [0x5B] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTTPS2PL	%x,%X" },
349 [0x6F] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVOU	%x,%X" },
350 [0x70] =	{ RM,Ib,		"PSHUFHW	%i,%x,%X" },
351 [0x7E] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVQOZX	%x,%X" },
352 [0x7F] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVOU	%X,%x" },
353 [0xD6] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVQOZX	%m*,%X" },
354 [0xE6] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTPL2PD	%x,%X" },
355 };
357 static Optable optab0F[256]=
358 {
359 [0x00] =	{ RMOP,0,		optab0F00 },
360 [0x01] =	{ RMOP,0,		optab0F01 },
361 [0x02] =	{ RM,0,		"LAR	%e,%r" },
362 [0x03] =	{ RM,0,		"LSL	%e,%r" },
363 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"SYSCALL" },
364 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"CLTS" },
365 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"SYSRET" },
366 [0x08] =	{ 0,0,		"INVD" },
367 [0x09] =	{ 0,0,		"WBINVD" },
368 [0x0B] =	{ 0,0,		"UD2" },
369 [0x0F] =	{ RM,AUX,		optab0F0F },		/* 3DNow! */
370 [0x10] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVU%s	%x,%X" },
371 [0x11] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVU%s	%X,%x" },
372 [0x12] =	{ RM,0,		"MOV[H]L%s	%x,%X" },	/* TO DO: H if source is XMM */
373 [0x13] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVL%s	%X,%e" },
374 [0x14] =	{ RM,0,		"UNPCKL%s	%x,%X" },
375 [0x15] =	{ RM,0,		"UNPCKH%s	%x,%X" },
376 [0x16] =	{ RM,0,		"MOV[L]H%s	%x,%X" },	/* TO DO: L if source is XMM */
377 [0x17] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVH%s	%X,%x" },
378 [0x1F] =	{ RM,0,		"NOP%S	%e" },
379 [0x20] =	{ RMR,0,		"MOVL	%C,%e" },
380 [0x21] =	{ RMR,0,		"MOVL	%D,%e" },
381 [0x22] =	{ RMR,0,		"MOVL	%e,%C" },
382 [0x23] =	{ RMR,0,		"MOVL	%e,%D" },
383 [0x24] =	{ RMR,0,		"MOVL	%T,%e" },
384 [0x26] =	{ RMR,0,		"MOVL	%e,%T" },
385 [0x28] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVA%s	%x,%X" },
386 [0x29] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVA%s	%X,%x" },
387 [0x2A] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTPL2%s	%m*,%X" },
388 [0x2B] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVNT%s	%X,%e" },
389 [0x2C] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTT%s2PL	%x,%M" },
390 [0x2D] =	{ RM,0,		"CVT%s2PL	%x,%M" },
391 [0x2E] =	{ RM,0,		"UCOMISS	%x,%X" },
392 [0x2F] =	{ RM,0,		"COMISS	%x,%X" },
393 [0x30] =	{ 0,0,		"WRMSR" },
394 [0x31] =	{ 0,0,		"RDTSC" },
395 [0x32] =	{ 0,0,		"RDMSR" },
396 [0x33] =	{ 0,0,		"RDPMC" },
397 [0x42] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVC	%e,%r" },		/* CF */
398 [0x43] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVNC	%e,%r" },		/* ¬ CF */
399 [0x44] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVZ	%e,%r" },		/* ZF */
400 [0x45] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVNZ	%e,%r" },		/* ¬ ZF */
401 [0x46] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVBE	%e,%r" },		/* CF ∨ ZF */
402 [0x47] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVA	%e,%r" },		/* ¬CF ∧ ¬ZF */
403 [0x48] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVS	%e,%r" },		/* SF */
404 [0x49] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVNS	%e,%r" },		/* ¬ SF */
405 [0x4A] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVP	%e,%r" },		/* PF */
406 [0x4B] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVNP	%e,%r" },		/* ¬ PF */
407 [0x4C] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVLT	%e,%r" },		/* LT ≡ OF ≠ SF */
408 [0x4D] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVGE	%e,%r" },		/* GE ≡ ZF ∨ SF */
409 [0x4E] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVLE	%e,%r" },		/* LE ≡ ZF ∨ LT */
410 [0x4F] =	{ RM,0,		"CMOVGT	%e,%r" },		/* GT ≡ ¬ZF ∧ GE */
411 [0x50] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVMSK%s	%X,%r" },	/* TO DO: check */
412 [0x51] =	{ RM,0,		"SQRT%s	%x,%X" },
413 [0x52] =	{ RM,0,		"RSQRT%s	%x,%X" },
414 [0x53] =	{ RM,0,		"RCP%s	%x,%X" },
415 [0x54] =	{ RM,0,		"AND%s	%x,%X" },
416 [0x55] =	{ RM,0,		"ANDN%s	%x,%X" },
417 [0x56] =	{ RM,0,		"OR%s	%x,%X" },		/* TO DO: S/D */
418 [0x57] =	{ RM,0,		"XOR%s	%x,%X" },		/* S/D */
419 [0x58] =	{ RM,0,		"ADD%s	%x,%X" },		/* S/P S/D */
420 [0x59] =	{ RM,0,		"MUL%s	%x,%X" },
421 [0x5A] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTPS2PD	%x,%X" },
422 [0x5B] =	{ RM,0,		"CVTPL2PS	%x,%X" },
423 [0x5C] =	{ RM,0,		"SUB%s	%x,%X" },
424 [0x5D] =	{ RM,0,		"MIN%s	%x,%X" },
425 [0x5E] =	{ RM,0,		"DIV%s	%x,%X" },		/* TO DO: S/P S/D */
426 [0x5F] =	{ RM,0,		"MAX%s	%x,%X" },
427 [0x60] =	{ RM,0,		"PUNPCKLBW %m,%M" },
428 [0x61] =	{ RM,0,		"PUNPCKLWL %m,%M" },
429 [0x62] =	{ RM,0,		"PUNPCKLLQ %m,%M" },
430 [0x63] =	{ RM,0,		"PACKSSWB %m,%M" },
431 [0x64] =	{ RM,0,		"PCMPGTB %m,%M" },
432 [0x65] =	{ RM,0,		"PCMPGTW %m,%M" },
433 [0x66] =	{ RM,0,		"PCMPGTL %m,%M" },
434 [0x67] =	{ RM,0,		"PACKUSWB %m,%M" },
435 [0x68] =	{ RM,0,		"PUNPCKHBW %m,%M" },
436 [0x69] =	{ RM,0,		"PUNPCKHWL %m,%M" },
437 [0x6A] =	{ RM,0,		"PUNPCKHLQ %m,%M" },
438 [0x6B] =	{ RM,0,		"PACKSSLW %m,%M" },
439 [0x6E] =	{ RM,0,		"MOV%S %e,%M" },
440 [0x6F] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVQ %m,%M" },
441 [0x70] =	{ RM,Ib,		"PSHUFW	%i,%m,%M" },
442 [0x74] =	{ RM,0,		"PCMPEQB %m,%M" },
443 [0x75] =	{ RM,0,		"PCMPEQW %m,%M" },
444 [0x76] =	{ RM,0,		"PCMPEQL %m,%M" },
445 [0x77] =	{ 0,0,		"EMMS" },
446 [0x7E] =	{ RM,0,		"MOV%S %M,%e" },
447 [0x7F] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVQ %M,%m" },
448 [0xAE] =	{ RMOP,0,		optab0FAE },
449 [0xAA] =	{ 0,0,		"RSM" },
450 [0xB0] =	{ RM,0,		"CMPXCHGB	%r,%e" },
451 [0xB1] =	{ RM,0,		"CMPXCHG%S	%r,%e" },
452 [0xC0] =	{ RMB,0,		"XADDB	%r,%e" },
453 [0xC1] =	{ RM,0,		"XADD%S	%r,%e" },
454 [0xC2] =	{ RM,Ib,		"CMP%s	%x,%X,%#i" },
455 [0xC3] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVNTI%S	%r,%e" },
456 [0xC6] =	{ RM,Ib,		"SHUF%s	%i,%x,%X" },
457 [0xC8] =	{ 0,0,		"BSWAP	AX" },
458 [0xC9] =	{ 0,0,		"BSWAP	CX" },
459 [0xCA] =	{ 0,0,		"BSWAP	DX" },
460 [0xCB] =	{ 0,0,		"BSWAP	BX" },
461 [0xCC] =	{ 0,0,		"BSWAP	SP" },
462 [0xCD] =	{ 0,0,		"BSWAP	BP" },
463 [0xCE] =	{ 0,0,		"BSWAP	SI" },
464 [0xCF] =	{ 0,0,		"BSWAP	DI" },
465 [0xD1] =	{ RM,0,		"PSRLW %m,%M" },
466 [0xD2] =	{ RM,0,		"PSRLL %m,%M" },
467 [0xD3] =	{ RM,0,		"PSRLQ %m,%M" },
468 [0xD5] =	{ RM,0,		"PMULLW %m,%M" },
469 [0xD6] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVQOZX	%m*,%X" },
470 [0xD7] =	{ RM,0,		"PMOVMSKB %m,%r" },
471 [0xD8] =	{ RM,0,		"PSUBUSB %m,%M" },
472 [0xD9] =	{ RM,0,		"PSUBUSW %m,%M" },
473 [0xDA] =	{ RM,0,		"PMINUB %m,%M" },
474 [0xDB] =	{ RM,0,		"PAND %m,%M" },
475 [0xDC] =	{ RM,0,		"PADDUSB %m,%M" },
476 [0xDD] =	{ RM,0,		"PADDUSW %m,%M" },
477 [0xDE] =	{ RM,0,		"PMAXUB %m,%M" },
478 [0xDF] =	{ RM,0,		"PANDN %m,%M" },
479 [0xE0] =	{ RM,0,		"PAVGB %m,%M" },
480 [0xE1] =	{ RM,0,		"PSRAW %m,%M" },
481 [0xE2] =	{ RM,0,		"PSRAL %m,%M" },
482 [0xE3] =	{ RM,0,		"PAVGW %m,%M" },
483 [0xE4] =	{ RM,0,		"PMULHUW %m,%M" },
484 [0xE5] =	{ RM,0,		"PMULHW %m,%M" },
485 [0xE7] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVNTQ	%M,%e" },
486 [0xE8] =	{ RM,0,		"PSUBSB %m,%M" },
487 [0xE9] =	{ RM,0,		"PSUBSW %m,%M" },
488 [0xEA] =	{ RM,0,		"PMINSW %m,%M" },
489 [0xEB] =	{ RM,0,		"POR %m,%M" },
490 [0xEC] =	{ RM,0,		"PADDSB %m,%M" },
491 [0xED] =	{ RM,0,		"PADDSW %m,%M" },
492 [0xEE] =	{ RM,0,		"PMAXSW %m,%M" },
493 [0xEF] =	{ RM,0,		"PXOR %m,%M" },
494 [0xF1] =	{ RM,0,		"PSLLW %m,%M" },
495 [0xF2] =	{ RM,0,		"PSLLL %m,%M" },
496 [0xF3] =	{ RM,0,		"PSLLQ %m,%M" },
497 [0xF4] =	{ RM,0,		"PMULULQ	%m,%M" },
498 [0xF5] =	{ RM,0,		"PMADDWL %m,%M" },
499 [0xF6] =	{ RM,0,		"PSADBW %m,%M" },
500 [0xF7] =	{ RMR,0,		"MASKMOVQ	%m,%M" },
501 [0xF8] =	{ RM,0,		"PSUBB %m,%M" },
502 [0xF9] =	{ RM,0,		"PSUBW %m,%M" },
503 [0xFA] =	{ RM,0,		"PSUBL %m,%M" },
504 [0xFC] =	{ RM,0,		"PADDB %m,%M" },
505 [0xFD] =	{ RM,0,		"PADDW %m,%M" },
506 [0xFE] =	{ RM,0,		"PADDL %m,%M" },
508 [0x80] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JOS	%p" },
509 [0x81] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JOC	%p" },
510 [0x82] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JCS	%p" },
511 [0x83] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JCC	%p" },
512 [0x84] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JEQ	%p" },
513 [0x85] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JNE	%p" },
514 [0x86] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JLS	%p" },
515 [0x87] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JHI	%p" },
516 [0x88] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JMI	%p" },
517 [0x89] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JPL	%p" },
518 [0x8a] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JPS	%p" },
519 [0x8b] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JPC	%p" },
520 [0x8c] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JLT	%p" },
521 [0x8d] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JGE	%p" },
522 [0x8e] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JLE	%p" },
523 [0x8f] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JGT	%p" },
524 [0x90] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETOS	%e" },
525 [0x91] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETOC	%e" },
526 [0x92] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETCS	%e" },
527 [0x93] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETCC	%e" },
528 [0x94] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETEQ	%e" },
529 [0x95] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETNE	%e" },
530 [0x96] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETLS	%e" },
531 [0x97] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETHI	%e" },
532 [0x98] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETMI	%e" },
533 [0x99] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETPL	%e" },
534 [0x9a] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETPS	%e" },
535 [0x9b] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETPC	%e" },
536 [0x9c] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETLT	%e" },
537 [0x9d] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETGE	%e" },
538 [0x9e] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETLE	%e" },
539 [0x9f] =	{ RMB,0,		"SETGT	%e" },
540 [0xa0] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSHL	FS" },
541 [0xa1] =	{ 0,0,		"POPL	FS" },
542 [0xa2] =	{ 0,0,		"CPUID" },
543 [0xa3] =	{ RM,0,		"BT%S	%r,%e" },
544 [0xa4] =	{ RM,Ib,		"SHLD%S	%r,%i,%e" },
545 [0xa5] =	{ RM,0,		"SHLD%S	%r,CL,%e" },
546 [0xa8] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSHL	GS" },
547 [0xa9] =	{ 0,0,		"POPL	GS" },
548 [0xab] =	{ RM,0,		"BTS%S	%r,%e" },
549 [0xac] =	{ RM,Ib,		"SHRD%S	%r,%i,%e" },
550 [0xad] =	{ RM,0,		"SHRD%S	%r,CL,%e" },
551 [0xaf] =	{ RM,0,		"IMUL%S	%e,%r" },
552 [0xb2] =	{ RMM,0,		"LSS	%e,%r" },
553 [0xb3] =	{ RM,0,		"BTR%S	%r,%e" },
554 [0xb4] =	{ RMM,0,		"LFS	%e,%r" },
555 [0xb5] =	{ RMM,0,		"LGS	%e,%r" },
556 [0xb6] =	{ RMB,0,		"MOVBZX	%e,%R" },
557 [0xb7] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVWZX	%e,%R" },
558 [0xba] =	{ RMOP,0,		optab0FBA },
559 [0xbb] =	{ RM,0,		"BTC%S	%e,%r" },
560 [0xbc] =	{ RM,0,		"BSF%S	%e,%r" },
561 [0xbd] =	{ RM,0,		"BSR%S	%e,%r" },
562 [0xbe] =	{ RMB,0,		"MOVBSX	%e,%R" },
563 [0xbf] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVWSX	%e,%R" },
564 [0xc7] =	{ RMOP,0,		optab0FC7 },
565 };
567 static Optable optab80[8]=
568 {
569 [0x00] =	{ Ib,0,		"ADDB	%i,%e" },
570 [0x01] =	{ Ib,0,		"ORB	%i,%e" },
571 [0x02] =	{ Ib,0,		"ADCB	%i,%e" },
572 [0x03] =	{ Ib,0,		"SBBB	%i,%e" },
573 [0x04] =	{ Ib,0,		"ANDB	%i,%e" },
574 [0x05] =	{ Ib,0,		"SUBB	%i,%e" },
575 [0x06] =	{ Ib,0,		"XORB	%i,%e" },
576 [0x07] =	{ Ib,0,		"CMPB	%e,%i" },
577 };
579 static Optable optab81[8]=
580 {
581 [0x00] =	{ Iwd,0,		"ADD%S	%i,%e" },
582 [0x01] =	{ Iwd,0,		"OR%S	%i,%e" },
583 [0x02] =	{ Iwd,0,		"ADC%S	%i,%e" },
584 [0x03] =	{ Iwd,0,		"SBB%S	%i,%e" },
585 [0x04] =	{ Iwd,0,		"AND%S	%i,%e" },
586 [0x05] =	{ Iwd,0,		"SUB%S	%i,%e" },
587 [0x06] =	{ Iwd,0,		"XOR%S	%i,%e" },
588 [0x07] =	{ Iwd,0,		"CMP%S	%e,%i" },
589 };
591 static Optable optab83[8]=
592 {
593 [0x00] =	{ Ibs,0,		"ADD%S	%i,%e" },
594 [0x01] =	{ Ibs,0,		"OR%S	%i,%e" },
595 [0x02] =	{ Ibs,0,		"ADC%S	%i,%e" },
596 [0x03] =	{ Ibs,0,		"SBB%S	%i,%e" },
597 [0x04] =	{ Ibs,0,		"AND%S	%i,%e" },
598 [0x05] =	{ Ibs,0,		"SUB%S	%i,%e" },
599 [0x06] =	{ Ibs,0,		"XOR%S	%i,%e" },
600 [0x07] =	{ Ibs,0,		"CMP%S	%e,%i" },
601 };
603 static Optable optabC0[8] =
604 {
605 [0x00] =	{ Ib,0,		"ROLB	%i,%e" },
606 [0x01] =	{ Ib,0,		"RORB	%i,%e" },
607 [0x02] =	{ Ib,0,		"RCLB	%i,%e" },
608 [0x03] =	{ Ib,0,		"RCRB	%i,%e" },
609 [0x04] =	{ Ib,0,		"SHLB	%i,%e" },
610 [0x05] =	{ Ib,0,		"SHRB	%i,%e" },
611 [0x07] =	{ Ib,0,		"SARB	%i,%e" },
612 };
614 static Optable optabC1[8] =
615 {
616 [0x00] =	{ Ib,0,		"ROL%S	%i,%e" },
617 [0x01] =	{ Ib,0,		"ROR%S	%i,%e" },
618 [0x02] =	{ Ib,0,		"RCL%S	%i,%e" },
619 [0x03] =	{ Ib,0,		"RCR%S	%i,%e" },
620 [0x04] =	{ Ib,0,		"SHL%S	%i,%e" },
621 [0x05] =	{ Ib,0,		"SHR%S	%i,%e" },
622 [0x07] =	{ Ib,0,		"SAR%S	%i,%e" },
623 };
625 static Optable optabD0[8] =
626 {
627 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"ROLB	%e" },
628 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"RORB	%e" },
629 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"RCLB	%e" },
630 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"RCRB	%e" },
631 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"SHLB	%e" },
632 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"SHRB	%e" },
633 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"SARB	%e" },
634 };
636 static Optable optabD1[8] =
637 {
638 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"ROL%S	%e" },
639 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"ROR%S	%e" },
640 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"RCL%S	%e" },
641 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"RCR%S	%e" },
642 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"SHL%S	%e" },
643 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"SHR%S	%e" },
644 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"SAR%S	%e" },
645 };
647 static Optable optabD2[8] =
648 {
649 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"ROLB	CL,%e" },
650 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"RORB	CL,%e" },
651 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"RCLB	CL,%e" },
652 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"RCRB	CL,%e" },
653 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"SHLB	CL,%e" },
654 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"SHRB	CL,%e" },
655 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"SARB	CL,%e" },
656 };
658 static Optable optabD3[8] =
659 {
660 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"ROL%S	CL,%e" },
661 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"ROR%S	CL,%e" },
662 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"RCL%S	CL,%e" },
663 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"RCR%S	CL,%e" },
664 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"SHL%S	CL,%e" },
665 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"SHR%S	CL,%e" },
666 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"SAR%S	CL,%e" },
667 };
669 static Optable optabD8[8+8] =
670 {
671 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"FADDF	%e,F0" },
672 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"FMULF	%e,F0" },
673 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMF	%e,F0" },
674 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMFP	%e,F0" },
675 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBF	%e,F0" },
676 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBRF	%e,F0" },
677 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVF	%e,F0" },
678 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVRF	%e,F0" },
679 [0x08] =	{ 0,0,		"FADDD	%f,F0" },
680 [0x09] =	{ 0,0,		"FMULD	%f,F0" },
681 [0x0a] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMD	%f,F0" },
682 [0x0b] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMPD	%f,F0" },
683 [0x0c] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBD	%f,F0" },
684 [0x0d] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBRD	%f,F0" },
685 [0x0e] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVD	%f,F0" },
686 [0x0f] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVRD	%f,F0" },
687 };
688 /*
689  *	optabD9 and optabDB use the following encoding:
690  *	if (0 <= modrm <= 2) instruction = optabDx[modrm&0x07];
691  *	else instruction = optabDx[(modrm&0x3f)+8];
692  *
693  *	the instructions for MOD == 3, follow the 8 instructions
694  *	for the other MOD values stored at the front of the table.
695  */
696 static Optable optabD9[64+8] =
697 {
698 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVF	%e,F0" },
699 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVF	F0,%e" },
700 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVFP	F0,%e" },
701 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"FLDENV%S %e" },
702 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"FLDCW	%e" },
703 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"FSTENV%S %e" },
704 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"FSTCW	%e" },
705 [0x08] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVD	F0,F0" },		/* Mod R/M = 11xx xxxx*/
706 [0x09] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVD	F1,F0" },
707 [0x0a] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVD	F2,F0" },
708 [0x0b] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVD	F3,F0" },
709 [0x0c] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVD	F4,F0" },
710 [0x0d] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVD	F5,F0" },
711 [0x0e] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVD	F6,F0" },
712 [0x0f] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVD	F7,F0" },
713 [0x10] =	{ 0,0,		"FXCHD	F0,F0" },
714 [0x11] =	{ 0,0,		"FXCHD	F1,F0" },
715 [0x12] =	{ 0,0,		"FXCHD	F2,F0" },
716 [0x13] =	{ 0,0,		"FXCHD	F3,F0" },
717 [0x14] =	{ 0,0,		"FXCHD	F4,F0" },
718 [0x15] =	{ 0,0,		"FXCHD	F5,F0" },
719 [0x16] =	{ 0,0,		"FXCHD	F6,F0" },
720 [0x17] =	{ 0,0,		"FXCHD	F7,F0" },
721 [0x18] =	{ 0,0,		"FNOP" },
722 [0x28] =	{ 0,0,		"FCHS" },
723 [0x29] =	{ 0,0,		"FABS" },
724 [0x2c] =	{ 0,0,		"FTST" },
725 [0x2d] =	{ 0,0,		"FXAM" },
726 [0x30] =	{ 0,0,		"FLD1" },
727 [0x31] =	{ 0,0,		"FLDL2T" },
728 [0x32] =	{ 0,0,		"FLDL2E" },
729 [0x33] =	{ 0,0,		"FLDPI" },
730 [0x34] =	{ 0,0,		"FLDLG2" },
731 [0x35] =	{ 0,0,		"FLDLN2" },
732 [0x36] =	{ 0,0,		"FLDZ" },
733 [0x38] =	{ 0,0,		"F2XM1" },
734 [0x39] =	{ 0,0,		"FYL2X" },
735 [0x3a] =	{ 0,0,		"FPTAN" },
736 [0x3b] =	{ 0,0,		"FPATAN" },
737 [0x3c] =	{ 0,0,		"FXTRACT" },
738 [0x3d] =	{ 0,0,		"FPREM1" },
739 [0x3e] =	{ 0,0,		"FDECSTP" },
740 [0x3f] =	{ 0,0,		"FNCSTP" },
741 [0x40] =	{ 0,0,		"FPREM" },
742 [0x41] =	{ 0,0,		"FYL2XP1" },
743 [0x42] =	{ 0,0,		"FSQRT" },
744 [0x43] =	{ 0,0,		"FSINCOS" },
745 [0x44] =	{ 0,0,		"FRNDINT" },
746 [0x45] =	{ 0,0,		"FSCALE" },
747 [0x46] =	{ 0,0,		"FSIN" },
748 [0x47] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOS" },
749 };
751 static Optable optabDA[8+8] =
752 {
753 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"FADDL	%e,F0" },
754 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"FMULL	%e,F0" },
755 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOML	%e,F0" },
756 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMLP	%e,F0" },
757 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBL	%e,F0" },
758 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBRL	%e,F0" },
759 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVL	%e,F0" },
760 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVRL	%e,F0" },
761 [0x08] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVCS	%f,F0" },
762 [0x09] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVEQ	%f,F0" },
763 [0x0a] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVLS	%f,F0" },
764 [0x0b] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVUN	%f,F0" },
765 [0x0d] =	{ Op_R1,0,		"FUCOMPP" },
766 };
768 static Optable optabDB[8+64] =
769 {
770 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVL	%e,F0" },
771 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVL	F0,%e" },
772 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVLP	F0,%e" },
773 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVX	%e,F0" },
774 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVXP	F0,%e" },
775 [0x08] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVCC	F0,F0" },	/* Mod R/M = 11xx xxxx*/
776 [0x09] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVCC	F1,F0" },
777 [0x0a] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVCC	F2,F0" },
778 [0x0b] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVCC	F3,F0" },
779 [0x0c] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVCC	F4,F0" },
780 [0x0d] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVCC	F5,F0" },
781 [0x0e] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVCC	F6,F0" },
782 [0x0f] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVCC	F7,F0" },
783 [0x10] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNE	F0,F0" },
784 [0x11] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNE	F1,F0" },
785 [0x12] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNE	F2,F0" },
786 [0x13] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNE	F3,F0" },
787 [0x14] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNE	F4,F0" },
788 [0x15] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNE	F5,F0" },
789 [0x16] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNE	F6,F0" },
790 [0x17] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNE	F7,F0" },
791 [0x18] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVHI	F0,F0" },
792 [0x19] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVHI	F1,F0" },
793 [0x1a] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVHI	F2,F0" },
794 [0x1b] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVHI	F3,F0" },
795 [0x1c] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVHI	F4,F0" },
796 [0x1d] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVHI	F5,F0" },
797 [0x1e] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVHI	F6,F0" },
798 [0x1f] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVHI	F7,F0" },
799 [0x20] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNU	F0,F0" },
800 [0x21] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNU	F1,F0" },
801 [0x22] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNU	F2,F0" },
802 [0x23] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNU	F3,F0" },
803 [0x24] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNU	F4,F0" },
804 [0x25] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNU	F5,F0" },
805 [0x26] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNU	F6,F0" },
806 [0x27] =	{ 0,0,		"FCMOVNU	F7,F0" },
807 [0x2a] =	{ 0,0,		"FCLEX" },
808 [0x2b] =	{ 0,0,		"FINIT" },
809 [0x30] =	{ 0,0,		"FUCOMI	F0,F0" },
810 [0x31] =	{ 0,0,		"FUCOMI	F1,F0" },
811 [0x32] =	{ 0,0,		"FUCOMI	F2,F0" },
812 [0x33] =	{ 0,0,		"FUCOMI	F3,F0" },
813 [0x34] =	{ 0,0,		"FUCOMI	F4,F0" },
814 [0x35] =	{ 0,0,		"FUCOMI	F5,F0" },
815 [0x36] =	{ 0,0,		"FUCOMI	F6,F0" },
816 [0x37] =	{ 0,0,		"FUCOMI	F7,F0" },
817 [0x38] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMI	F0,F0" },
818 [0x39] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMI	F1,F0" },
819 [0x3a] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMI	F2,F0" },
820 [0x3b] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMI	F3,F0" },
821 [0x3c] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMI	F4,F0" },
822 [0x3d] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMI	F5,F0" },
823 [0x3e] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMI	F6,F0" },
824 [0x3f] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMI	F7,F0" },
825 };
827 static Optable optabDC[8+8] =
828 {
829 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"FADDD	%e,F0" },
830 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"FMULD	%e,F0" },
831 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMD	%e,F0" },
832 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMDP	%e,F0" },
833 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBD	%e,F0" },
834 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBRD	%e,F0" },
835 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVD	%e,F0" },
836 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVRD	%e,F0" },
837 [0x08] =	{ 0,0,		"FADDD	F0,%f" },
838 [0x09] =	{ 0,0,		"FMULD	F0,%f" },
839 [0x0c] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBRD	F0,%f" },
840 [0x0d] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBD	F0,%f" },
841 [0x0e] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVRD	F0,%f" },
842 [0x0f] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVD	F0,%f" },
843 };
845 static Optable optabDD[8+8] =
846 {
847 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVD	%e,F0" },
848 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVD	F0,%e" },
849 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVDP	F0,%e" },
850 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"FRSTOR%S %e" },
851 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"FSAVE%S %e" },
852 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"FSTSW	%e" },
853 [0x08] =	{ 0,0,		"FFREED	%f" },
854 [0x0a] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVD	%f,F0" },
855 [0x0b] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVDP	%f,F0" },
856 [0x0c] =	{ 0,0,		"FUCOMD	%f,F0" },
857 [0x0d] =	{ 0,0,		"FUCOMDP %f,F0" },
858 };
860 static Optable optabDE[8+8] =
861 {
862 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"FADDW	%e,F0" },
863 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"FMULW	%e,F0" },
864 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMW	%e,F0" },
865 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMWP	%e,F0" },
866 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBW	%e,F0" },
867 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBRW	%e,F0" },
868 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVW	%e,F0" },
869 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVRW	%e,F0" },
870 [0x08] =	{ 0,0,		"FADDDP	F0,%f" },
871 [0x09] =	{ 0,0,		"FMULDP	F0,%f" },
872 [0x0b] =	{ Op_R1,0,		"FCOMPDP" },
873 [0x0c] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBRDP F0,%f" },
874 [0x0d] =	{ 0,0,		"FSUBDP	F0,%f" },
875 [0x0e] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVRDP F0,%f" },
876 [0x0f] =	{ 0,0,		"FDIVDP	F0,%f" },
877 };
879 static Optable optabDF[8+8] =
880 {
881 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVW	%e,F0" },
882 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVW	F0,%e" },
883 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVWP	F0,%e" },
884 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"FBLD	%e" },
885 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVL	%e,F0" },
886 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"FBSTP	%e" },
887 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"FMOVLP	F0,%e" },
888 [0x0c] =	{ Op_R0,0,		"FSTSW	%OAX" },
889 [0x0d] =	{ 0,0,		"FUCOMIP	F0,%f" },
890 [0x0e] =	{ 0,0,		"FCOMIP	F0,%f" },
891 };
893 static Optable optabF6[8] =
894 {
895 [0x00] =	{ Ib,0,		"TESTB	%i,%e" },
896 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"NOTB	%e" },
897 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"NEGB	%e" },
898 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"MULB	AL,%e" },
899 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"IMULB	AL,%e" },
900 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"DIVB	AL,%e" },
901 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"IDIVB	AL,%e" },
902 };
904 static Optable optabF7[8] =
905 {
906 [0x00] =	{ Iwd,0,		"TEST%S	%i,%e" },
907 [0x02] =	{ 0,0,		"NOT%S	%e" },
908 [0x03] =	{ 0,0,		"NEG%S	%e" },
909 [0x04] =	{ 0,0,		"MUL%S	%OAX,%e" },
910 [0x05] =	{ 0,0,		"IMUL%S	%OAX,%e" },
911 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"DIV%S	%OAX,%e" },
912 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"IDIV%S	%OAX,%e" },
913 };
915 static Optable optabFE[8] =
916 {
917 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"INCB	%e" },
918 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"DECB	%e" },
919 };
921 static Optable optabFF[8] =
922 {
923 [0x00] =	{ 0,0,		"INC%S	%e" },
924 [0x01] =	{ 0,0,		"DEC%S	%e" },
925 [0x02] =	{ JUMP,0,		"CALL*	%e" },
926 [0x03] =	{ JUMP,0,		"CALLF*	%e" },
927 [0x04] =	{ JUMP,0,		"JMP*	%e" },
928 [0x05] =	{ JUMP,0,		"JMPF*	%e" },
929 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSHL	%e" },
930 };
932 static Optable optable[256+2] =
933 {
934 [0x00] =	{ RMB,0,		"ADDB	%r,%e" },
935 [0x01] =	{ RM,0,		"ADD%S	%r,%e" },
936 [0x02] =	{ RMB,0,		"ADDB	%e,%r" },
937 [0x03] =	{ RM,0,		"ADD%S	%e,%r" },
938 [0x04] =	{ Ib,0,		"ADDB	%i,AL" },
939 [0x05] =	{ Iwd,0,		"ADD%S	%i,%OAX" },
940 [0x06] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSHL	ES" },
941 [0x07] =	{ 0,0,		"POPL	ES" },
942 [0x08] =	{ RMB,0,		"ORB	%r,%e" },
943 [0x09] =	{ RM,0,		"OR%S	%r,%e" },
944 [0x0a] =	{ RMB,0,		"ORB	%e,%r" },
945 [0x0b] =	{ RM,0,		"OR%S	%e,%r" },
946 [0x0c] =	{ Ib,0,		"ORB	%i,AL" },
947 [0x0d] =	{ Iwd,0,		"OR%S	%i,%OAX" },
948 [0x0e] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSHL	CS" },
949 [0x0f] =	{ AUXMM,0,	optab0F },
950 [0x10] =	{ RMB,0,		"ADCB	%r,%e" },
951 [0x11] =	{ RM,0,		"ADC%S	%r,%e" },
952 [0x12] =	{ RMB,0,		"ADCB	%e,%r" },
953 [0x13] =	{ RM,0,		"ADC%S	%e,%r" },
954 [0x14] =	{ Ib,0,		"ADCB	%i,AL" },
955 [0x15] =	{ Iwd,0,		"ADC%S	%i,%OAX" },
956 [0x16] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSHL	SS" },
957 [0x17] =	{ 0,0,		"POPL	SS" },
958 [0x18] =	{ RMB,0,		"SBBB	%r,%e" },
959 [0x19] =	{ RM,0,		"SBB%S	%r,%e" },
960 [0x1a] =	{ RMB,0,		"SBBB	%e,%r" },
961 [0x1b] =	{ RM,0,		"SBB%S	%e,%r" },
962 [0x1c] =	{ Ib,0,		"SBBB	%i,AL" },
963 [0x1d] =	{ Iwd,0,		"SBB%S	%i,%OAX" },
964 [0x1e] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSHL	DS" },
965 [0x1f] =	{ 0,0,		"POPL	DS" },
966 [0x20] =	{ RMB,0,		"ANDB	%r,%e" },
967 [0x21] =	{ RM,0,		"AND%S	%r,%e" },
968 [0x22] =	{ RMB,0,		"ANDB	%e,%r" },
969 [0x23] =	{ RM,0,		"AND%S	%e,%r" },
970 [0x24] =	{ Ib,0,		"ANDB	%i,AL" },
971 [0x25] =	{ Iwd,0,		"AND%S	%i,%OAX" },
972 [0x26] =	{ SEG,0,		"ES:" },
973 [0x27] =	{ 0,0,		"DAA" },
974 [0x28] =	{ RMB,0,		"SUBB	%r,%e" },
975 [0x29] =	{ RM,0,		"SUB%S	%r,%e" },
976 [0x2a] =	{ RMB,0,		"SUBB	%e,%r" },
977 [0x2b] =	{ RM,0,		"SUB%S	%e,%r" },
978 [0x2c] =	{ Ib,0,		"SUBB	%i,AL" },
979 [0x2d] =	{ Iwd,0,		"SUB%S	%i,%OAX" },
980 [0x2e] =	{ SEG,0,		"CS:" },
981 [0x2f] =	{ 0,0,		"DAS" },
982 [0x30] =	{ RMB,0,		"XORB	%r,%e" },
983 [0x31] =	{ RM,0,		"XOR%S	%r,%e" },
984 [0x32] =	{ RMB,0,		"XORB	%e,%r" },
985 [0x33] =	{ RM,0,		"XOR%S	%e,%r" },
986 [0x34] =	{ Ib,0,		"XORB	%i,AL" },
987 [0x35] =	{ Iwd,0,		"XOR%S	%i,%OAX" },
988 [0x36] =	{ SEG,0,		"SS:" },
989 [0x37] =	{ 0,0,		"AAA" },
990 [0x38] =	{ RMB,0,		"CMPB	%r,%e" },
991 [0x39] =	{ RM,0,		"CMP%S	%r,%e" },
992 [0x3a] =	{ RMB,0,		"CMPB	%e,%r" },
993 [0x3b] =	{ RM,0,		"CMP%S	%e,%r" },
994 [0x3c] =	{ Ib,0,		"CMPB	%i,AL" },
995 [0x3d] =	{ Iwd,0,		"CMP%S	%i,%OAX" },
996 [0x3e] =	{ SEG,0,		"DS:" },
997 [0x3f] =	{ 0,0,		"AAS" },
998 [0x40] =	{ 0,0,		"INC%S	%OAX" },
999 [0x41] =	{ 0,0,		"INC%S	%OCX" },
1000 [0x42] =	{ 0,0,		"INC%S	%ODX" },
1001 [0x43] =	{ 0,0,		"INC%S	%OBX" },
1002 [0x44] =	{ 0,0,		"INC%S	%OSP" },
1003 [0x45] =	{ 0,0,		"INC%S	%OBP" },
1004 [0x46] =	{ 0,0,		"INC%S	%OSI" },
1005 [0x47] =	{ 0,0,		"INC%S	%ODI" },
1006 [0x48] =	{ 0,0,		"DEC%S	%OAX" },
1007 [0x49] =	{ 0,0,		"DEC%S	%OCX" },
1008 [0x4a] =	{ 0,0,		"DEC%S	%ODX" },
1009 [0x4b] =	{ 0,0,		"DEC%S	%OBX" },
1010 [0x4c] =	{ 0,0,		"DEC%S	%OSP" },
1011 [0x4d] =	{ 0,0,		"DEC%S	%OBP" },
1012 [0x4e] =	{ 0,0,		"DEC%S	%OSI" },
1013 [0x4f] =	{ 0,0,		"DEC%S	%ODI" },
1014 [0x50] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSH%S	%OAX" },
1015 [0x51] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSH%S	%OCX" },
1016 [0x52] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSH%S	%ODX" },
1017 [0x53] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSH%S	%OBX" },
1018 [0x54] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSH%S	%OSP" },
1019 [0x55] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSH%S	%OBP" },
1020 [0x56] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSH%S	%OSI" },
1021 [0x57] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSH%S	%ODI" },
1022 [0x58] =	{ 0,0,		"POP%S	%OAX" },
1023 [0x59] =	{ 0,0,		"POP%S	%OCX" },
1024 [0x5a] =	{ 0,0,		"POP%S	%ODX" },
1025 [0x5b] =	{ 0,0,		"POP%S	%OBX" },
1026 [0x5c] =	{ 0,0,		"POP%S	%OSP" },
1027 [0x5d] =	{ 0,0,		"POP%S	%OBP" },
1028 [0x5e] =	{ 0,0,		"POP%S	%OSI" },
1029 [0x5f] =	{ 0,0,		"POP%S	%ODI" },
1030 [0x60] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSHA%S" },
1031 [0x61] =	{ 0,0,		"POPA%S" },
1032 [0x62] =	{ RMM,0,		"BOUND	%e,%r" },
1033 [0x63] =	{ RM,0,		"ARPL	%r,%e" },
1034 [0x64] =	{ SEG,0,		"FS:" },
1035 [0x65] =	{ SEG,0,		"GS:" },
1036 [0x66] =	{ OPOVER,0,	"" },
1037 [0x67] =	{ ADDOVER,0,	"" },
1038 [0x68] =	{ Iwd,0,		"PUSH%S	%i" },
1039 [0x69] =	{ RM,Iwd,		"IMUL%S	%e,%i,%r" },
1040 [0x6a] =	{ Ib,0,		"PUSH%S	%i" },
1041 [0x6b] =	{ RM,Ibs,		"IMUL%S	%e,%i,%r" },
1042 [0x6c] =	{ 0,0,		"INSB	DX,(%ODI)" },
1043 [0x6d] =	{ 0,0,		"INS%S	DX,(%ODI)" },
1044 [0x6e] =	{ 0,0,		"OUTSB	(%ASI),DX" },
1045 [0x6f] =	{ 0,0,		"OUTS%S	(%ASI),DX" },
1046 [0x70] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JOS	%p" },
1047 [0x71] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JOC	%p" },
1048 [0x72] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JCS	%p" },
1049 [0x73] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JCC	%p" },
1050 [0x74] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JEQ	%p" },
1051 [0x75] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JNE	%p" },
1052 [0x76] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JLS	%p" },
1053 [0x77] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JHI	%p" },
1054 [0x78] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JMI	%p" },
1055 [0x79] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JPL	%p" },
1056 [0x7a] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JPS	%p" },
1057 [0x7b] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JPC	%p" },
1058 [0x7c] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JLT	%p" },
1059 [0x7d] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JGE	%p" },
1060 [0x7e] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JLE	%p" },
1061 [0x7f] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JGT	%p" },
1062 [0x80] =	{ RMOPB,0,	optab80 },
1063 [0x81] =	{ RMOP,0,		optab81 },
1064 [0x83] =	{ RMOP,0,		optab83 },
1065 [0x84] =	{ RMB,0,		"TESTB	%r,%e" },
1066 [0x85] =	{ RM,0,		"TEST%S	%r,%e" },
1067 [0x86] =	{ RMB,0,		"XCHGB	%r,%e" },
1068 [0x87] =	{ RM,0,		"XCHG%S	%r,%e" },
1069 [0x88] =	{ RMB,0,		"MOVB	%r,%e" },
1070 [0x89] =	{ RM,0,		"MOV%S	%r,%e" },
1071 [0x8a] =	{ RMB,0,		"MOVB	%e,%r" },
1072 [0x8b] =	{ RM,0,		"MOV%S	%e,%r" },
1073 [0x8c] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVW	%g,%e" },
1074 [0x8d] =	{ RM,0,		"LEA%S	%e,%r" },
1075 [0x8e] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVW	%e,%g" },
1076 [0x8f] =	{ RM,0,		"POP%S	%e" },
1077 [0x90] =	{ 0,0,		"NOP" },
1078 [0x91] =	{ 0,0,		"XCHG	%OCX,%OAX" },
1079 [0x92] =	{ 0,0,		"XCHG	%ODX,%OAX" },
1080 [0x93] =	{ 0,0,		"XCHG	%OBX,%OAX" },
1081 [0x94] =	{ 0,0,		"XCHG	%OSP,%OAX" },
1082 [0x95] =	{ 0,0,		"XCHG	%OBP,%OAX" },
1083 [0x96] =	{ 0,0,		"XCHG	%OSI,%OAX" },
1084 [0x97] =	{ 0,0,		"XCHG	%ODI,%OAX" },
1085 [0x98] =	{ 0,0,		"%W" },			/* miserable CBW or CWDE */
1086 [0x99] =	{ 0,0,		"%w" },			/* idiotic CWD or CDQ */
1087 [0x9a] =	{ PTR,0,		"CALL%S	%d" },
1088 [0x9b] =	{ 0,0,		"WAIT" },
1089 [0x9c] =	{ 0,0,		"PUSHF" },
1090 [0x9d] =	{ 0,0,		"POPF" },
1091 [0x9e] =	{ 0,0,		"SAHF" },
1092 [0x9f] =	{ 0,0,		"LAHF" },
1093 [0xa0] =	{ Awd,0,		"MOVB	%i,AL" },
1094 [0xa1] =	{ Awd,0,		"MOV%S	%i,%OAX" },
1095 [0xa2] =	{ Awd,0,		"MOVB	AL,%i" },
1096 [0xa3] =	{ Awd,0,		"MOV%S	%OAX,%i" },
1097 [0xa4] =	{ 0,0,		"MOVSB	(%ASI),(%ADI)" },
1098 [0xa5] =	{ 0,0,		"MOVS%S	(%ASI),(%ADI)" },
1099 [0xa6] =	{ 0,0,		"CMPSB	(%ASI),(%ADI)" },
1100 [0xa7] =	{ 0,0,		"CMPS%S	(%ASI),(%ADI)" },
1101 [0xa8] =	{ Ib,0,		"TESTB	%i,AL" },
1102 [0xa9] =	{ Iwd,0,		"TEST%S	%i,%OAX" },
1103 [0xaa] =	{ 0,0,		"STOSB	AL,(%ADI)" },
1104 [0xab] =	{ 0,0,		"STOS%S	%OAX,(%ADI)" },
1105 [0xac] =	{ 0,0,		"LODSB	(%ASI),AL" },
1106 [0xad] =	{ 0,0,		"LODS%S	(%ASI),%OAX" },
1107 [0xae] =	{ 0,0,		"SCASB	(%ADI),AL" },
1108 [0xaf] =	{ 0,0,		"SCAS%S	(%ADI),%OAX" },
1109 [0xb0] =	{ Ib,0,		"MOVB	%i,AL" },
1110 [0xb1] =	{ Ib,0,		"MOVB	%i,CL" },
1111 [0xb2] =	{ Ib,0,		"MOVB	%i,DL" },
1112 [0xb3] =	{ Ib,0,		"MOVB	%i,BL" },
1113 [0xb4] =	{ Ib,0,		"MOVB	%i,AH" },
1114 [0xb5] =	{ Ib,0,		"MOVB	%i,CH" },
1115 [0xb6] =	{ Ib,0,		"MOVB	%i,DH" },
1116 [0xb7] =	{ Ib,0,		"MOVB	%i,BH" },
1117 [0xb8] =	{ Iwdq,0,		"MOV%S	%i,%o" },
1118 [0xb9] =	{ Iwdq,0,		"MOV%S	%i,%o" },
1119 [0xba] =	{ Iwdq,0,		"MOV%S	%i,%o" },
1120 [0xbb] =	{ Iwdq,0,		"MOV%S	%i,%o" },
1121 [0xbc] =	{ Iwdq,0,		"MOV%S	%i,%o" },
1122 [0xbd] =	{ Iwdq,0,		"MOV%S	%i,%o" },
1123 [0xbe] =	{ Iwdq,0,		"MOV%S	%i,%o" },
1124 [0xbf] =	{ Iwdq,0,		"MOV%S	%i,%o" },
1125 [0xc0] =	{ RMOPB,0,	optabC0 },
1126 [0xc1] =	{ RMOP,0,		optabC1 },
1127 [0xc2] =	{ Iw,0,		"RET	%i" },
1128 [0xc3] =	{ RET,0,		"RET" },
1129 [0xc4] =	{ RM,0,		"LES	%e,%r" },
1130 [0xc5] =	{ RM,0,		"LDS	%e,%r" },
1131 [0xc6] =	{ RMB,Ib,		"MOVB	%i,%e" },
1132 [0xc7] =	{ RM,Iwd,		"MOV%S	%i,%e" },
1133 [0xc8] =	{ Iw2,Ib,		"ENTER	%i,%I" },		/* loony ENTER */
1134 [0xc9] =	{ RET,0,		"LEAVE" },		/* bizarre LEAVE */
1135 [0xca] =	{ Iw,0,		"RETF	%i" },
1136 [0xcb] =	{ RET,0,		"RETF" },
1137 [0xcc] =	{ 0,0,		"INT	3" },
1138 [0xcd] =	{ Ib,0,		"INTB	%i" },
1139 [0xce] =	{ 0,0,		"INTO" },
1140 [0xcf] =	{ 0,0,		"IRET" },
1141 [0xd0] =	{ RMOPB,0,	optabD0 },
1142 [0xd1] =	{ RMOP,0,		optabD1 },
1143 [0xd2] =	{ RMOPB,0,	optabD2 },
1144 [0xd3] =	{ RMOP,0,		optabD3 },
1145 [0xd4] =	{ OA,0,		"AAM" },
1146 [0xd5] =	{ OA,0,		"AAD" },
1147 [0xd7] =	{ 0,0,		"XLAT" },
1148 [0xd8] =	{ FRMOP,0,	optabD8 },
1149 [0xd9] =	{ FRMEX,0,	optabD9 },
1150 [0xda] =	{ FRMOP,0,	optabDA },
1151 [0xdb] =	{ FRMEX,0,	optabDB },
1152 [0xdc] =	{ FRMOP,0,	optabDC },
1153 [0xdd] =	{ FRMOP,0,	optabDD },
1154 [0xde] =	{ FRMOP,0,	optabDE },
1155 [0xdf] =	{ FRMOP,0,	optabDF },
1156 [0xe0] =	{ Jbs,0,		"LOOPNE	%p" },
1157 [0xe1] =	{ Jbs,0,		"LOOPE	%p" },
1158 [0xe2] =	{ Jbs,0,		"LOOP	%p" },
1159 [0xe3] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JCXZ	%p" },
1160 [0xe4] =	{ Ib,0,		"INB	%i,AL" },
1161 [0xe5] =	{ Ib,0,		"IN%S	%i,%OAX" },
1162 [0xe6] =	{ Ib,0,		"OUTB	AL,%i" },
1163 [0xe7] =	{ Ib,0,		"OUT%S	%OAX,%i" },
1164 [0xe8] =	{ Iwds,0,		"CALL	%p" },
1165 [0xe9] =	{ Iwds,0,		"JMP	%p" },
1166 [0xea] =	{ PTR,0,		"JMP	%d" },
1167 [0xeb] =	{ Jbs,0,		"JMP	%p" },
1168 [0xec] =	{ 0,0,		"INB	DX,AL" },
1169 [0xed] =	{ 0,0,		"IN%S	DX,%OAX" },
1170 [0xee] =	{ 0,0,		"OUTB	AL,DX" },
1171 [0xef] =	{ 0,0,		"OUT%S	%OAX,DX" },
1172 [0xf0] =	{ PRE,0,		"LOCK" },
1173 [0xf2] =	{ OPRE,0,		"REPNE" },
1174 [0xf3] =	{ OPRE,0,		"REP" },
1175 [0xf4] =	{ 0,0,		"HLT" },
1176 [0xf5] =	{ 0,0,		"CMC" },
1177 [0xf6] =	{ RMOPB,0,	optabF6 },
1178 [0xf7] =	{ RMOP,0,		optabF7 },
1179 [0xf8] =	{ 0,0,		"CLC" },
1180 [0xf9] =	{ 0,0,		"STC" },
1181 [0xfa] =	{ 0,0,		"CLI" },
1182 [0xfb] =	{ 0,0,		"STI" },
1183 [0xfc] =	{ 0,0,		"CLD" },
1184 [0xfd] =	{ 0,0,		"STD" },
1185 [0xfe] =	{ RMOPB,0,	optabFE },
1186 [0xff] =	{ RMOP,0,		optabFF },
1187 [0x100] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVLQSX	%e,%r" },
1188 [0x101] =	{ RM,0,		"MOVLQZX	%e,%r" },
1189 };
1191 /*
1192  *  get a byte of the instruction
1193  */
1194 static int
igetc(Map * map,Instr * ip,uchar * c)1195 igetc(Map *map, Instr *ip, uchar *c)
1196 {
1197 	if(ip->n+1 > sizeof(ip->mem)){
1198 		werrstr("instruction too long");
1199 		return -1;
1200 	}
1201 	if (get1(map, ip->addr+ip->n, c, 1) < 0) {
1202 		werrstr("can't read instruction: %r");
1203 		return -1;
1204 	}
1205 	ip->mem[ip->n++] = *c;
1206 	return 1;
1207 }
1209 /*
1210  *  get two bytes of the instruction
1211  */
1212 static int
igets(Map * map,Instr * ip,ushort * sp)1213 igets(Map *map, Instr *ip, ushort *sp)
1214 {
1215 	uchar c;
1216 	ushort s;
1218 	if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1219 		return -1;
1220 	s = c;
1221 	if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1222 		return -1;
1223 	s |= (c<<8);
1224 	*sp = s;
1225 	return 1;
1226 }
1228 /*
1229  *  get 4 bytes of the instruction
1230  */
1231 static int
igetl(Map * map,Instr * ip,uint32 * lp)1232 igetl(Map *map, Instr *ip, uint32 *lp)
1233 {
1234 	ushort s;
1235 	int32	l;
1237 	if (igets(map, ip, &s) < 0)
1238 		return -1;
1239 	l = s;
1240 	if (igets(map, ip, &s) < 0)
1241 		return -1;
1242 	l |= (s<<16);
1243 	*lp = l;
1244 	return 1;
1245 }
1247 /*
1248  *  get 8 bytes of the instruction
1249  *
1250 static int
1251 igetq(Map *map, Instr *ip, vlong *qp)
1252 {
1253 	uint32	l;
1254 	uvlong q;
1256 	if (igetl(map, ip, &l) < 0)
1257 		return -1;
1258 	q = l;
1259 	if (igetl(map, ip, &l) < 0)
1260 		return -1;
1261 	q |= ((uvlong)l<<32);
1262 	*qp = q;
1263 	return 1;
1264 }
1265  */
1267 static int
getdisp(Map * map,Instr * ip,int mod,int rm,int code,int pcrel)1268 getdisp(Map *map, Instr *ip, int mod, int rm, int code, int pcrel)
1269 {
1270 	uchar c;
1271 	ushort s;
1273 	if (mod > 2)
1274 		return 1;
1275 	if (mod == 1) {
1276 		if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1277 			return -1;
1278 		if (c&0x80)
1279 			ip->disp = c|0xffffff00;
1280 		else
1281 			ip->disp = c&0xff;
1282 	} else if (mod == 2 || rm == code) {
1283 		if (ip->asize == 'E') {
1284 			if (igetl(map, ip, &ip->disp) < 0)
1285 				return -1;
1286 			if (mod == 0)
1287 				ip->rip = pcrel;
1288 		} else {
1289 			if (igets(map, ip, &s) < 0)
1290 				return -1;
1291 			if (s&0x8000)
1292 				ip->disp = s|0xffff0000;
1293 			else
1294 				ip->disp = s;
1295 		}
1296 		if (mod == 0)
1297 			ip->base = -1;
1298 	}
1299 	return 1;
1300 }
1302 static int
modrm(Map * map,Instr * ip,uchar c)1303 modrm(Map *map, Instr *ip, uchar c)
1304 {
1305 	uchar rm, mod;
1307 	mod = (c>>6)&3;
1308 	rm = c&7;
1309 	ip->mod = mod;
1310 	ip->base = rm;
1311 	ip->reg = (c>>3)&7;
1312 	ip->rip = 0;
1313 	if (mod == 3)			/* register */
1314 		return 1;
1315 	if (ip->asize == 0) {		/* 16-bit mode */
1316 		switch(rm) {
1317 		case 0:
1318 			ip->base = BX; ip->index = SI;
1319 			break;
1320 		case 1:
1321 			ip->base = BX; ip->index = DI;
1322 			break;
1323 		case 2:
1324 			ip->base = BP; ip->index = SI;
1325 			break;
1326 		case 3:
1327 			ip->base = BP; ip->index = DI;
1328 			break;
1329 		case 4:
1330 			ip->base = SI;
1331 			break;
1332 		case 5:
1333 			ip->base = DI;
1334 			break;
1335 		case 6:
1336 			ip->base = BP;
1337 			break;
1338 		case 7:
1339 			ip->base = BX;
1340 			break;
1341 		default:
1342 			break;
1343 		}
1344 		return getdisp(map, ip, mod, rm, 6, 0);
1345 	}
1346 	if (rm == 4) {	/* scummy sib byte */
1347 		if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1348 			return -1;
1349 		ip->ss = (c>>6)&0x03;
1350 		ip->index = (c>>3)&0x07;
1351 		if (ip->index == 4)
1352 			ip->index = -1;
1353 		ip->base = c&0x07;
1354 		return getdisp(map, ip, mod, ip->base, 5, 0);
1355 	}
1356 	return getdisp(map, ip, mod, rm, 5, ip->amd64);
1357 }
1359 static char *
_hexify(char * buf,uint32 p,int zeros)1360 _hexify(char *buf, uint32 p, int zeros)
1361 {
1362 	uint32 d;
1364 	d = p/16;
1365 	if(d)
1366 		buf = _hexify(buf, d, zeros-1);
1367 	else
1368 		while(zeros--)
1369 			*buf++ = '0';
1370 	*buf++ = "0123456789abcdef"[p&0x0f];
1371 	return buf;
1372 }
1374 static Optable *
mkinstr(Map * map,Instr * ip,uvlong pc,int is64)1375 mkinstr(Map *map, Instr *ip, uvlong pc, int is64)
1376 {
1377 	int i, n, norex;
1378 	uchar c;
1379 	ushort s;
1380 	Optable *op, *obase;
1381 	char buf[128];
1383 	memset(ip, 0, sizeof(*ip));
1384 	norex = 1;
1385 	ip->base = -1;
1386 	ip->index = -1;
1387 	ip->osize = 'L';
1388 	ip->asize = 'E';
1389 	ip->amd64 = is64;
1390 	norex = 0;
1391 	ip->addr = pc;
1392 	if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1393 		return 0;
1394 	obase = optable;
1395 newop:
1396 	if(ip->amd64 && !norex){
1397 		if(c >= 0x40 && c <= 0x4f) {
1398 			ip->rex = c;
1399 			if(igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1400 				return 0;
1401 		}
1402 		if(c == 0x63){
1403 			if(ip->rex&REXW)
1404 				op = &obase[0x100];	/* MOVLQSX */
1405 			else
1406 				op = &obase[0x101];	/* MOVLQZX */
1407 			goto hack;
1408 		}
1409 	}
1410 	if(obase == optable)
1411 		ip->op = c;
1412 	op = &obase[c];
1413 hack:
1414 	if (op->proto == 0) {
1415 badop:
1416 		n = snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "opcode: ??");
1417 		for (i = 0; i < ip->n && n < sizeof(buf)-3; i++, n+=2)
1418 			_hexify(buf+n, ip->mem[i], 1);
1419 		strcpy(buf+n, "??");
1420 		werrstr(buf);
1421 		return 0;
1422 	}
1423 	for(i = 0; i < 2 && op->operand[i]; i++) {
1424 		switch(op->operand[i]) {
1425 		case Ib:	/* 8-bit immediate - (no sign extension)*/
1426 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1427 				return 0;
1428 			ip->imm = c&0xff;
1429 			ip->imm64 = ip->imm;
1430 			break;
1431 		case Jbs:	/* 8-bit jump immediate (sign extended) */
1432 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1433 				return 0;
1434 			if (c&0x80)
1435 				ip->imm = c|0xffffff00;
1436 			else
1437 				ip->imm = c&0xff;
1438 			ip->imm64 = (int32)ip->imm;
1439 			ip->jumptype = Jbs;
1440 			break;
1441 		case Ibs:	/* 8-bit immediate (sign extended) */
1442 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1443 				return 0;
1444 			if (c&0x80)
1445 				if (ip->osize == 'L')
1446 					ip->imm = c|0xffffff00;
1447 				else
1448 					ip->imm = c|0xff00;
1449 			else
1450 				ip->imm = c&0xff;
1451 			ip->imm64 = (int32)ip->imm;
1452 			break;
1453 		case Iw:	/* 16-bit immediate -> imm */
1454 			if (igets(map, ip, &s) < 0)
1455 				return 0;
1456 			ip->imm = s&0xffff;
1457 			ip->imm64 = ip->imm;
1458 			ip->jumptype = Iw;
1459 			break;
1460 		case Iw2:	/* 16-bit immediate -> in imm2*/
1461 			if (igets(map, ip, &s) < 0)
1462 				return 0;
1463 			ip->imm2 = s&0xffff;
1464 			break;
1465 		case Iwd:	/* Operand-sized immediate (no sign extension unless 64 bits)*/
1466 			if (ip->osize == 'L') {
1467 				if (igetl(map, ip, &ip->imm) < 0)
1468 					return 0;
1469 				ip->imm64 = ip->imm;
1470 				if(ip->rex&REXW && (ip->imm & (1<<31)) != 0)
1471 					ip->imm64 |= (vlong)~0 << 32;
1472 			} else {
1473 				if (igets(map, ip, &s)< 0)
1474 					return 0;
1475 				ip->imm = s&0xffff;
1476 				ip->imm64 = ip->imm;
1477 			}
1478 			break;
1479 		case Iwdq:	/* Operand-sized immediate, possibly big */
1480 			if (ip->osize == 'L') {
1481 				if (igetl(map, ip, &ip->imm) < 0)
1482 					return 0;
1483 				ip->imm64 = ip->imm;
1484 				if (ip->rex & REXW) {
1485 					uint32 l;
1486 					if (igetl(map, ip, &l) < 0)
1487 						return 0;
1488 					ip->imm64 |= (uvlong)l << 32;
1489 				}
1490 			} else {
1491 				if (igets(map, ip, &s)< 0)
1492 					return 0;
1493 				ip->imm = s&0xffff;
1494 			}
1495 			break;
1496 		case Awd:	/* Address-sized immediate (no sign extension)*/
1497 			if (ip->asize == 'E') {
1498 				if (igetl(map, ip, &ip->imm) < 0)
1499 					return 0;
1500 				/* TO DO: REX */
1501 			} else {
1502 				if (igets(map, ip, &s)< 0)
1503 					return 0;
1504 				ip->imm = s&0xffff;
1505 			}
1506 			break;
1507 		case Iwds:	/* Operand-sized immediate (sign extended) */
1508 			if (ip->osize == 'L') {
1509 				if (igetl(map, ip, &ip->imm) < 0)
1510 					return 0;
1511 			} else {
1512 				if (igets(map, ip, &s)< 0)
1513 					return 0;
1514 				if (s&0x8000)
1515 					ip->imm = s|0xffff0000;
1516 				else
1517 					ip->imm = s&0xffff;
1518 			}
1519 			ip->jumptype = Iwds;
1520 			break;
1521 		case OA:	/* literal 0x0a byte */
1522 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1523 				return 0;
1524 			if (c != 0x0a)
1525 				goto badop;
1526 			break;
1527 		case Op_R0:	/* base register must be R0 */
1528 			if (ip->base != 0)
1529 				goto badop;
1530 			break;
1531 		case Op_R1:	/* base register must be R1 */
1532 			if (ip->base != 1)
1533 				goto badop;
1534 			break;
1535 		case RMB:	/* R/M field with byte register (/r)*/
1536 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1537 				return 0;
1538 			if (modrm(map, ip, c) < 0)
1539 				return 0;
1540 			ip->osize = 'B';
1541 			break;
1542 		case RM:	/* R/M field with register (/r) */
1543 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1544 				return 0;
1545 			if (modrm(map, ip, c) < 0)
1546 				return 0;
1547 			break;
1548 		case RMOPB:	/* R/M field with op code (/digit) */
1549 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1550 				return 0;
1551 			if (modrm(map, ip, c) < 0)
1552 				return 0;
1553 			c = ip->reg;		/* secondary op code */
1554 			obase = (Optable*)op->proto;
1555 			ip->osize = 'B';
1556 			goto newop;
1557 		case RMOP:	/* R/M field with op code (/digit) */
1558 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1559 				return 0;
1560 			if (modrm(map, ip, c) < 0)
1561 				return 0;
1562 			obase = (Optable*)op->proto;
1563 			if(ip->amd64 && obase == optab0F01 && c == 0xF8)
1564 				return optab0F01F8;
1565 			c = ip->reg;
1566 			goto newop;
1567 		case FRMOP:	/* FP R/M field with op code (/digit) */
1568 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1569 				return 0;
1570 			if (modrm(map, ip, c) < 0)
1571 				return 0;
1572 			if ((c&0xc0) == 0xc0)
1573 				c = ip->reg+8;		/* 16 entry table */
1574 			else
1575 				c = ip->reg;
1576 			obase = (Optable*)op->proto;
1577 			goto newop;
1578 		case FRMEX:	/* Extended FP R/M field with op code (/digit) */
1579 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1580 				return 0;
1581 			if (modrm(map, ip, c) < 0)
1582 				return 0;
1583 			if ((c&0xc0) == 0xc0)
1584 				c = (c&0x3f)+8;		/* 64-entry table */
1585 			else
1586 				c = ip->reg;
1587 			obase = (Optable*)op->proto;
1588 			goto newop;
1589 		case RMR:	/* R/M register only (mod = 11) */
1590 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1591 				return 0;
1592 			if ((c&0xc0) != 0xc0) {
1593 				werrstr("invalid R/M register: %#x", c);
1594 				return 0;
1595 			}
1596 			if (modrm(map, ip, c) < 0)
1597 				return 0;
1598 			break;
1599 		case RMM:	/* R/M register only (mod = 11) */
1600 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1601 				return 0;
1602 			if ((c&0xc0) == 0xc0) {
1603 				werrstr("invalid R/M memory mode: %#x", c);
1604 				return 0;
1605 			}
1606 			if (modrm(map, ip, c) < 0)
1607 				return 0;
1608 			break;
1609 		case PTR:	/* Seg:Displacement addr (ptr16:16 or ptr16:32) */
1610 			if (ip->osize == 'L') {
1611 				if (igetl(map, ip, &ip->disp) < 0)
1612 					return 0;
1613 			} else {
1614 				if (igets(map, ip, &s)< 0)
1615 					return 0;
1616 				ip->disp = s&0xffff;
1617 			}
1618 			if (igets(map, ip, (ushort*)&ip->seg) < 0)
1619 				return 0;
1620 			ip->jumptype = PTR;
1621 			break;
1622 		case AUXMM:	/* Multi-byte op code; prefix determines table selection */
1623 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1624 				return 0;
1625 			obase = (Optable*)op->proto;
1626 			switch (ip->opre) {
1627 			case 0x66:	op = optab660F; break;
1628 			case 0xF2:	op = optabF20F; break;
1629 			case 0xF3:	op = optabF30F; break;
1630 			default:	op = nil; break;
1631 			}
1632 			if(op != nil && op[c].proto != nil)
1633 				obase = op;
1634 			norex = 1;	/* no more rex prefixes */
1635 			/* otherwise the optab entry captures it */
1636 			goto newop;
1637 		case AUX:	/* Multi-byte op code - Auxiliary table */
1638 			obase = (Optable*)op->proto;
1639 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1640 				return 0;
1641 			goto newop;
1642 		case OPRE:	/* Instr Prefix or media op */
1643 			ip->opre = c;
1644 			/* fall through */
1645 		case PRE:	/* Instr Prefix */
1646 			ip->prefix = (char*)op->proto;
1647 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1648 				return 0;
1649 			if (ip->opre && c == 0x0F)
1650 				ip->prefix = 0;
1651 			goto newop;
1652 		case SEG:	/* Segment Prefix */
1653 			ip->segment = (char*)op->proto;
1654 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1655 				return 0;
1656 			goto newop;
1657 		case OPOVER:	/* Operand size override */
1658 			ip->opre = c;
1659 			ip->osize = 'W';
1660 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1661 				return 0;
1662 			if (c == 0x0F)
1663 				ip->osize = 'L';
1664 			else if (ip->amd64 && (c&0xF0) == 0x40)
1665 				ip->osize = 'Q';
1666 			goto newop;
1667 		case ADDOVER:	/* Address size override */
1668 			ip->asize = 0;
1669 			if (igetc(map, ip, &c) < 0)
1670 				return 0;
1671 			goto newop;
1672 		case JUMP:	/* mark instruction as JUMP or RET */
1673 		case RET:
1674 			ip->jumptype = op->operand[i];
1675 			break;
1676 		default:
1677 			werrstr("bad operand type %d", op->operand[i]);
1678 			return 0;
1679 		}
1680 	}
1681 	return op;
1682 }
1684 static void
bprint(Instr * ip,char * fmt,...)1685 bprint(Instr *ip, char *fmt, ...)
1686 {
1687 	va_list arg;
1689 	va_start(arg, fmt);
1690 	ip->curr = vseprint(ip->curr, ip->end, fmt, arg);
1691 	va_end(arg);
1692 }
1694 /*
1695  *  if we want to call 16 bit regs AX,BX,CX,...
1696  *  and 32 bit regs EAX,EBX,ECX,... then
1697  *  change the defs of ANAME and ONAME to:
1698  *  #define	ANAME(ip)	((ip->asize == 'E' ? "E" : "")
1699  *  #define	ONAME(ip)	((ip)->osize == 'L' ? "E" : "")
1700  */
1701 #define	ANAME(ip)	""
1702 #define	ONAME(ip)	""
1704 static char *reg[] =  {
1705 [AX] =	"AX",
1706 [CX] =	"CX",
1707 [DX] =	"DX",
1708 [BX] =	"BX",
1709 [SP] =	"SP",
1710 [BP] =	"BP",
1711 [SI] =	"SI",
1712 [DI] =	"DI",
1714 	/* amd64 */
1715 [AMD64_R8] =	"R8",
1716 [AMD64_R9] =	"R9",
1717 [AMD64_R10] =	"R10",
1718 [AMD64_R11] =	"R11",
1719 [AMD64_R12] =	"R12",
1720 [AMD64_R13] =	"R13",
1721 [AMD64_R14] =	"R14",
1722 [AMD64_R15] =	"R15",
1723 };
1725 static char *breg[] = { "AL", "CL", "DL", "BL", "AH", "CH", "DH", "BH" };
1726 static char *breg64[] = { "AL", "CL", "DL", "BL", "SPB", "BPB", "SIB", "DIB",
1727 	"R8B", "R9B", "R10B", "R11B", "R12B", "R13B", "R14B", "R15B" };
1728 static char *sreg[] = { "ES", "CS", "SS", "DS", "FS", "GS" };
1730 static void
immediate(Instr * ip,vlong val)1731 immediate(Instr *ip, vlong val)
1732 {
1733 	// TODO: Translate known names.
1734 	if((ip->rex & REXW) == 0)
1735 		bprint(ip, "%#lux", (long)val);
1736 	else
1737 		bprint(ip, "%#llux", val);
1738 }
1740 static void
pea(Instr * ip)1741 pea(Instr *ip)
1742 {
1743 	int base;
1745 	base = ip->base;
1746 	if(base >= 0 && (ip->rex & REXB))
1747 		base += 8;
1749 	if (ip->mod == 3) {
1750 		if (ip->osize == 'B')
1751 			bprint(ip, (ip->rex & REXB? breg64: breg)[(uchar)ip->base]);
1752 		else
1753 			bprint(ip, "%s%s", ANAME(ip), reg[base]);
1754 		return;
1755 	}
1757 	if (ip->segment)
1758 		bprint(ip, ip->segment);
1759 	if (1) {
1760 		if (ip->base < 0)
1761 			immediate(ip, ip->disp);
1762 		else {
1763 			bprint(ip, "%#ux", ip->disp);
1764 			if(ip->rip)
1765 				bprint(ip, "(RIP)");
1766 			bprint(ip,"(%s%s)", ANAME(ip), reg[ip->rex&REXB? ip->base+8: ip->base]);
1767 		}
1768 	}
1769 	if (ip->index >= 0)
1770 		bprint(ip,"(%s%s*%d)", ANAME(ip), reg[ip->rex&REXX? ip->index+8: ip->index], 1<<ip->ss);
1771 }
1773 static void
prinstr(Instr * ip,char * fmt)1774 prinstr(Instr *ip, char *fmt)
1775 {
1776 	int sharp, i;
1777 	vlong v;
1779 	if (ip->prefix)
1780 		bprint(ip, "%s ", ip->prefix);
1781 	for (; *fmt && ip->curr < ip->end; fmt++) {
1782 		if (*fmt != '%'){
1783 			*ip->curr++ = *fmt;
1784 			continue;
1785 		}
1786 		sharp = 0;
1787 		if(*++fmt == '#') {
1788 			sharp = 1;
1789 			++fmt;
1790 		}
1791 		switch(*fmt){
1792 		case '%':
1793 			*ip->curr++ = '%';
1794 			break;
1795 		case 'A':
1796 			bprint(ip, "%s", ANAME(ip));
1797 			break;
1798 		case 'C':
1799 			bprint(ip, "CR%d", ip->reg);
1800 			break;
1801 		case 'D':
1802 			if (ip->reg < 4 || ip->reg == 6 || ip->reg == 7)
1803 				bprint(ip, "DR%d",ip->reg);
1804 			else
1805 				bprint(ip, "???");
1806 			break;
1807 		case 'I':
1808 			bprint(ip, "$");
1809 			immediate(ip, ip->imm2);
1810 			break;
1811 		case 'O':
1812 			bprint(ip,"%s", ONAME(ip));
1813 			break;
1814 		case 'o':
1815 			i = ip->op & 7;
1816 			if(ip->rex & REXB)
1817 				i += 8;
1818 			bprint(ip, "%s", reg[i]);
1819 			break;
1820 		case 'i':
1821 			if(!sharp)
1822 				bprint(ip, "$");
1823 			v = ip->imm;
1824 			if(ip->rex & REXW)
1825 				v = ip->imm64;
1826 			immediate(ip, v);
1827 			break;
1828 		case 'R':
1829 			bprint(ip, "%s%s", ONAME(ip), reg[ip->rex&REXR? ip->reg+8: ip->reg]);
1830 			break;
1831 		case 'S':
1832 			if(ip->osize == 'Q' || (ip->osize == 'L' && ip->rex & REXW))
1833 				bprint(ip, "Q");
1834 			else
1835 				bprint(ip, "%c", ip->osize);
1836 			break;
1837 		case 's':
1838 			if(ip->opre == 0 || ip->opre == 0x66)
1839 				bprint(ip, "P");
1840 			else
1841 				bprint(ip, "S");
1842 			if(ip->opre == 0xf2 || ip->opre == 0x66)
1843 				bprint(ip, "D");
1844 			else
1845 				bprint(ip, "S");
1846 			break;
1847 		case 'T':
1848 			if (ip->reg == 6 || ip->reg == 7)
1849 				bprint(ip, "TR%d",ip->reg);
1850 			else
1851 				bprint(ip, "???");
1852 			break;
1853 		case 'W':
1854 			if (ip->osize == 'Q' || (ip->osize == 'L' && ip->rex & REXW))
1855 				bprint(ip, "CDQE");
1856 			else if (ip->osize == 'L')
1857 				bprint(ip,"CWDE");
1858 			else
1859 				bprint(ip, "CBW");
1860 			break;
1861 		case 'd':
1862 			bprint(ip,"%#ux:%#ux", ip->seg, ip->disp);
1863 			break;
1864 		case 'm':
1865 			if (ip->mod == 3 && ip->osize != 'B') {
1866 				if(fmt[1] != '*'){
1867 					if(ip->opre != 0) {
1868 						bprint(ip, "X%d", ip->rex&REXB? ip->base+8: ip->base);
1869 						break;
1870 					}
1871 				} else
1872 					fmt++;
1873 				bprint(ip, "M%d", ip->base);
1874 				break;
1875 			}
1876 			pea(ip);
1877 			break;
1878 		case 'e':
1879 			pea(ip);
1880 			break;
1881 		case 'f':
1882 			bprint(ip, "F%d", ip->base);
1883 			break;
1884 		case 'g':
1885 			if (ip->reg < 6)
1886 				bprint(ip,"%s",sreg[ip->reg]);
1887 			else
1888 				bprint(ip,"???");
1889 			break;
1890 		case 'p':
1891 			/*
1892 			 * signed immediate in the uint32 ip->imm.
1893 			 */
1894 			v = (int32)ip->imm;
1895 			immediate(ip, v+ip->addr+ip->n);
1896 			break;
1897 		case 'r':
1898 			if (ip->osize == 'B')
1899 				bprint(ip,"%s", (ip->rex? breg64: breg)[ip->rex&REXR? ip->reg+8: ip->reg]);
1900 			else
1901 				bprint(ip, reg[ip->rex&REXR? ip->reg+8: ip->reg]);
1902 			break;
1903 		case 'w':
1904 			if (ip->osize == 'Q' || ip->rex & REXW)
1905 				bprint(ip, "CQO");
1906 			else if (ip->osize == 'L')
1907 				bprint(ip,"CDQ");
1908 			else
1909 				bprint(ip, "CWD");
1910 			break;
1911 		case 'M':
1912 			if(ip->opre != 0)
1913 				bprint(ip, "X%d", ip->rex&REXR? ip->reg+8: ip->reg);
1914 			else
1915 				bprint(ip, "M%d", ip->reg);
1916 			break;
1917 		case 'x':
1918 			if (ip->mod == 3 && ip->osize != 'B') {
1919 				bprint(ip, "X%d", ip->rex&REXB? ip->base+8: ip->base);
1920 				break;
1921 			}
1922 			pea(ip);
1923 			break;
1924 		case 'X':
1925 			bprint(ip, "X%d", ip->rex&REXR? ip->reg+8: ip->reg);
1926 			break;
1927 		default:
1928 			bprint(ip, "%%%c", *fmt);
1929 			break;
1930 		}
1931 	}
1932 	*ip->curr = 0;		/* there's always room for 1 byte */
1933 }
1935 static int
i386inst(Map * map,uvlong pc,int is64,char modifier,char * buf,int n)1936 i386inst(Map *map, uvlong pc, int is64, char modifier, char *buf, int n)
1937 {
1938 	Instr instr;
1939 	Optable *op;
1941 	USED(modifier);
1942 	op = mkinstr(map, &instr, pc, is64);
1943 	if (op == 0)
1944 		return -1;
1945 	instr.curr = buf;
1946 	instr.end = buf+n-1;
1947 	prinstr(&instr, op->proto);
1948 	return instr.n;
1949 }
1951 /*
1952 static int
1953 i386das(Map *map, uvlong pc, char *buf, int n)
1954 {
1955 	Instr instr;
1956 	int i;
1958 	if (mkinstr(map, &instr, pc) == 0) {
1959 		errstr(buf, n);
1960 		return -1;
1961 	}
1962 	for(i = 0; i < instr.n && n > 2; i++) {
1963 		_hexify(buf, instr.mem[i], 1);
1964 		buf += 2;
1965 		n -= 2;
1966 	}
1967 	*buf = 0;
1968 	return instr.n;
1969 }
1971 static int
1972 i386instlen(Map *map, uvlong pc)
1973 {
1974 	Instr i;
1976 	if (mkinstr(map, &i, pc))
1977 		return i.n;
1978 	return -1;
1979 }
1980 */
1982 static int
getmem(Map * m,uvlong addr,uchar * dst,int ndst)1983 getmem(Map *m, uvlong addr, uchar *dst, int ndst)
1984 {
1985 	uchar *p;
1987 	p = m->startp + (addr - m->startpc);
1988 	if(p < m->p || p >= m->ep || m->ep - p < ndst) {
1989 		werrstr("out of bounds");
1990 		return -1;
1991 	}
1992 	memmove(dst, p, ndst);
1993 	return ndst;
1994 }
1996 int
x86disasm(uchar * p,uchar * end,uvlong pc,int is64,char * buf,int n)1997 x86disasm(uchar *p, uchar *end, uvlong pc, int is64, char *buf, int n)
1998 {
1999 	Map m;
2001 	m.p = p;
2002 	m.ep = end;
2003 	m.startp = p;
2004 	m.startpc = pc;
2005 	m.get1 = getmem;
2006 	return i386inst(&m, pc, is64, 0, buf, n);
2007 }
2009 void
usage(void)2010 usage(void)
2011 {
2012 	fprint(2, "usage: libmach8db file\n");
2013 	exits("usage");
2014 }
2016 void
main(int argc,char ** argv)2017 main(int argc, char **argv)
2018 {
2019 	uchar data[10000], *p, *ep;
2020 	int fd, n, eof, addr, is64;
2021 	Biobuf bstdout;
2022 	char buf[1000];
2024 	fmtinstall('H', encodefmt);
2026 	is64 = 0;
2028 	case '8':
2029 		is64 = 0;
2030 		break;
2031 	case '6':
2032 		is64 = 1;
2033 		break;
2034 	default:
2035 		usage();
2036 	}ARGEND
2038 	if(argc != 1)
2039 		usage();
2041 	fd = open(argv[0], OREAD);
2042 	if(fd < 0)
2043 		sysfatal("open %s: %r", argv[0]);
2045 	Binit(&bstdout, 1, OWRITE);
2046 	p = data;
2047 	ep = data;
2048 	eof = 0;
2049 	addr = 0;
2050 	for(;;) {
2051 		if(!eof && ep-p < 64) {
2052 			memmove(data, p, ep-p);
2053 			ep = data + (ep-p);
2054 			p = data;
2055 			n = readn(fd, ep, data+sizeof data-ep);
2056 			if(n <= 0)
2057 				eof = 1;
2058 			else
2059 				ep += n;
2060 		}
2061 		if(p == ep)
2062 			break;
2063 		n = x86disasm(p, ep, addr, is64, buf, sizeof buf);
2064 		if(n < 0) {
2065 			Bprint(&bstdout, "0x%x %.*H error: %r\n", addr, 1, p);
2066 			n = 1;
2067 		} else {
2068 			Bprint(&bstdout, "0x%x %.*H %s\n", addr, n, p, buf);
2069 		}
2070 		addr += n;
2071 		p += n;
2072 	}
2073 	Bflush(&bstdout);
2074 	exits(0);
2075 }