1 /* a throttling transparent proxy. */
2 #include <string.h>
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 #include "../gsk.h"
5 #include "../gsklistmacros.h"
6 #include "../http/gskhttpcontent.h"
8 typedef struct _GskThrottleProxyConnection GskThrottleProxyConnection;
9 typedef struct _Side Side;
11 /* configuration */
12 guint upload_per_second_base = 10*1024;
13 guint download_per_second_base = 100*1024;
14 guint upload_per_second_noise = 1*1024;
15 guint download_per_second_noise = 10*1024;
17 /* if TRUE, shut-down the read and write ends of the connection
18    independently.  if FALSE, either propagation a read or a write
19    shutdown into both.  */
20 gboolean half_shutdowns = TRUE;
22 GskSocketAddress *bind_addr = NULL;
23 GskSocketAddress *server_addr = NULL;
24 GskSocketAddress *bind_status_addr = NULL;
26 static guint n_connections_accepted = 0;
27 static guint64 n_bytes_read_total = 0;
28 static guint64 n_bytes_written_total = 0;
30 struct _Side
31 {
32   GskThrottleProxyConnection *connection;
34   GskStream *read_side;		/* client for upload, server for download */
35   GskStream *write_side;	/* client for upload, server for download */
36   gboolean read_side_blocked;
37   gboolean write_side_blocked;
39   /* sides are in this list if their xferred_in_last_second==max
40      but buffer.size < max_buffer */
41   Side *next_throttled, *prev_throttled;
42   gboolean throttled;
44   guint max_xfer_per_second;
45   gulong last_xfer_second;
46   guint xferred_in_last_second;
48   GskBuffer buffer;
50   guint max_buffer;/* should be set to max_xfer_per_second or a bit more */
52   guint total_read, total_written;
53 };
55 struct _GskThrottleProxyConnection
56 {
57   Side upload;
58   Side download;
60   guint ref_count;
62   GskThrottleProxyConnection *prev, *next;
63 };
65 static GskThrottleProxyConnection *first_conn, *last_conn;
66 #define GET_CONNECTION_LIST() \
67   GskThrottleProxyConnection *, first_conn, last_conn, prev, next
69 static Side *first_throttled, *last_throttled;
70 #define GET_THROTTLED_LIST() \
71   Side *, first_throttled, last_throttled, prev_throttled, next_throttled
73 #define CURRENT_SECOND() (gsk_main_loop_default ()->current_time.tv_sec)
75 /* must be called whenever side->buffer changes "emptiness" */
76 static inline void
update_write_block(Side * side)77 update_write_block (Side   *side)
78 {
79   gboolean old_val = side->write_side_blocked;
80   gboolean val = (side->read_side != NULL && side->buffer.size == 0);
81   side->write_side_blocked = val;
83   if (old_val && !val)
84     gsk_io_unblock_write (side->write_side);
85   else if (!old_val && val)
86     gsk_io_block_write (side->write_side);
87 }
89 /* must be called whenever side->buffer changes "emptiness" */
90 static inline void
update_read_block(Side * side)91 update_read_block (Side   *side)
92 {
93   gboolean was_throttled = side->throttled;
94   gboolean old_val = side->read_side_blocked;
95   gboolean xfer_blocked = side->xferred_in_last_second >= side->max_xfer_per_second;
96   gboolean buf_blocked = side->buffer.size >= side->max_buffer;
97   gboolean val = xfer_blocked || buf_blocked;
99   side->throttled = xfer_blocked && !buf_blocked;
100   side->read_side_blocked = val;
102   if (side->throttled && !was_throttled)
103     {
104       /* put in throttled list */
106     }
107   else if (!side->throttled && was_throttled)
108     {
109       /* remove from throttled list */
111     }
113   if (old_val && !val)
114     gsk_io_unblock_read (side->read_side);
115   else if (!old_val && val)
116     gsk_io_block_read (side->read_side);
117 }
119 static void
connection_unref(GskThrottleProxyConnection * conn)120 connection_unref (GskThrottleProxyConnection *conn)
121 {
122   if (--(conn->ref_count) == 0)
123     {
125       gsk_buffer_destruct (&conn->upload.buffer);
126       gsk_buffer_destruct (&conn->download.buffer);
127       g_free (conn);
128     }
129 }
131 static gboolean
handle_side_writable(GskStream * stream,gpointer data)132 handle_side_writable (GskStream *stream,
133                       gpointer data)
134 {
135   Side *side = data;
136   GError *error = NULL;
137   guint written = gsk_stream_write_buffer (stream, &side->buffer, &error);
138   if (error)
139     {
140       g_warning ("error writing to stream %p: %s",
141                  stream, error->message);
142       g_error_free (error);
143     }
144   n_bytes_written_total += written;
145   side->total_written += written;
146   update_write_block (side);
147   update_read_block (side);
148   if (written == 0 && side->read_side == NULL && side->buffer.size == 0)
149     {
150       update_write_block (side);
151       if (half_shutdowns)
152         gsk_io_write_shutdown (side->write_side, NULL);
153       else
154         gsk_io_shutdown (GSK_IO (side->write_side), NULL);
155     }
156   return TRUE;
157 }
159 static gboolean
handle_side_write_shutdown(GskStream * stream,gpointer data)160 handle_side_write_shutdown (GskStream *stream,
161                             gpointer   data)
162 {
163   Side *side = data;
164   if (side->buffer.size > 0)
165     g_warning ("write-side shut down while data still pending");
166   if (side->read_side)
167     {
168       if (half_shutdowns)
169         gsk_io_read_shutdown (side->read_side, NULL);
170       else
171         gsk_io_shutdown (GSK_IO (side->read_side), NULL);
172     }
173   return FALSE;
174 }
176 static void
handle_side_write_destroy(gpointer data)177 handle_side_write_destroy (gpointer data)
178 {
179   Side *side = data;
180   g_object_unref (side->write_side);
181   side->write_side = NULL;
182   connection_unref (side->connection);
183 }
185 static gboolean
handle_side_readable(GskStream * stream,gpointer data)186 handle_side_readable (GskStream *stream,
187                       gpointer data)
188 {
189   Side *side = data;
190   gulong cur_sec = CURRENT_SECOND ();
191   GError *error = NULL;
192   guint max_read;
193   guint nread;
194   char *tmp;
195   if (cur_sec == side->last_xfer_second)
196     {
197       max_read = side->max_xfer_per_second - side->xferred_in_last_second;
198     }
199   else
200     {
201       side->xferred_in_last_second = 0;
202       side->last_xfer_second = cur_sec;
203       max_read = side->max_xfer_per_second;
204     }
205   if (max_read + side->buffer.size > side->max_buffer)
206     {
207       if (side->buffer.size > side->max_buffer)
208         max_read = 0;
209       else
210         max_read = side->max_buffer - side->buffer.size;
211     }
213   tmp = g_malloc (max_read);
214   nread = gsk_stream_read (stream, tmp, max_read, &error);
215   if (error != NULL)
216     {
217       g_warning ("error reading from stream %p: %s",
218 		 stream, error->message);
219       g_error_free (error);
220     }
221   /* TODO: use append_foreign if nread is big */
222   gsk_buffer_append (&side->buffer, tmp, nread);
224   g_free (tmp);
225   n_bytes_read_total += nread;
226   side->total_read += nread;
228   side->xferred_in_last_second += nread;
229   g_assert (side->xferred_in_last_second <= side->max_xfer_per_second);
230   update_write_block (side);
231   update_read_block (side);
232   return TRUE;
233 }
235 static gboolean
handle_side_read_shutdown(GskStream * stream,gpointer data)236 handle_side_read_shutdown (GskStream *stream,
237                            gpointer data)
238 {
239   return FALSE;
240 }
242 static void
handle_side_read_destroy(gpointer data)243 handle_side_read_destroy (gpointer data)
244 {
245   Side *side = data;
246   g_object_unref (side->read_side);
247   side->read_side = NULL;
248   if (side->buffer.size == 0 && side->write_side != NULL)
249     {
250       update_write_block (side);
251       if (half_shutdowns)
252         gsk_io_write_shutdown (side->write_side, NULL);
253       else
254         gsk_io_shutdown (GSK_IO (side->write_side), NULL);
255     }
256   connection_unref (side->connection);
257 }
259 static void
side_init(Side * side,GskThrottleProxyConnection * conn,GskStream * read_side,GskStream * write_side,guint max_xfer_per_second)260 side_init (Side      *side,
261            GskThrottleProxyConnection *conn,
262            GskStream *read_side,
263            GskStream *write_side,
264            guint      max_xfer_per_second)
265 {
266   side->connection = conn;
267   side->read_side = read_side;
268   side->write_side = write_side;
269   side->read_side_blocked = FALSE;
270   side->write_side_blocked = FALSE;
271   side->throttled = FALSE;
272   side->next_throttled = side->prev_throttled = NULL;
273   side->max_xfer_per_second = max_xfer_per_second;
274   side->last_xfer_second = gsk_main_loop_default ()->current_time.tv_sec;
275   side->xferred_in_last_second = 0;
276   gsk_buffer_construct (&side->buffer);
277   side->max_buffer = max_xfer_per_second;
278   side->total_read = 0;
279   side->total_written = 0;
281   conn->ref_count += 2;
283   g_object_ref (read_side);
284   gsk_io_trap_readable (read_side,
285                         handle_side_readable,
286                         handle_side_read_shutdown,
287                         side,
288                         handle_side_read_destroy);
290   g_object_ref (write_side);
291   gsk_io_trap_writable (write_side,
292                         handle_side_writable,
293                         handle_side_write_shutdown,
294                         side,
295                         handle_side_write_destroy);
296 }
299 /* --- handle a new stream --- */
300 static guint
pick_rand(guint base,guint noise)301 pick_rand (guint base, guint noise)
302 {
303   return base + (noise ? g_random_int_range (0, noise) : 0);
304 }
306 static gboolean
handle_accept(GskStream * stream,gpointer data,GError ** error)307 handle_accept  (GskStream    *stream,
308                 gpointer      data,
309                 GError      **error)
310 {
311   GskThrottleProxyConnection *conn = g_new (GskThrottleProxyConnection, 1);
312   GError *e = NULL;
313   GskStream *server = gsk_stream_new_connecting (server_addr, &e);
314   if (e)
315     g_error ("gsk_stream_new_connecting failed: %s", e->message);
316   n_connections_accepted++;
317   conn->ref_count = 1;
319   side_init (&conn->upload, conn, stream, server,
320              pick_rand (upload_per_second_base, upload_per_second_noise));
321   side_init (&conn->download, conn, server, stream,
322              pick_rand (download_per_second_base, download_per_second_noise));
323   connection_unref (conn);
324   g_object_unref (stream);
325   g_object_unref (server);
326   return TRUE;
327 }
329 static void
handle_listener_error(GError * error,gpointer data)330 handle_listener_error  (GError *error,
331                         gpointer data)
332 {
333   g_error ("handle_listener_error: %s", error->message);
334 }
336 /* --- unblock throttled streams every second --- */
337 static gboolean
unblock_timer_func(gpointer data)338 unblock_timer_func (gpointer data)
339 {
340   Side *at = first_throttled;
341   gulong sec = CURRENT_SECOND ();
342   while (at)
343     {
344       Side *next = at->next_throttled;
345       g_assert (at->throttled);
346       g_assert (at->read_side_blocked);
347       if (sec > at->last_xfer_second)
348         {
349 	  at->last_xfer_second = sec;
350 	  at->xferred_in_last_second = 0;
351           update_read_block (at);
352         }
353       at = next;
354     }
356   /* schedule next timeout */
357   gsk_main_loop_add_timer_absolute (gsk_main_loop_default (),
358                                     unblock_timer_func, NULL, NULL,
359                                     sec + 1, 0);
361   return FALSE;
362 }
364 static void
usage(void)365 usage (void)
366 {
367   g_printerr ("usage: %s --bind=LISTEN_ADDR --server=CONNECT_ADDR OPTIONS\n\n",
368               g_get_prgname ());
369   g_printerr ("Bind to LISTEN_ADDR; whenever we receive a connection,\n"
370               "proxy to CONNECT_ADDR, obeying thottling constraints.\n"
371               "\n"
372               "Options:\n"
373               "  --bind-status=STATUS_ADDR  Report status on this addr.\n"
374               "  --upload-rate=BPS          ...\n"
375               "  --download-rate=BPS        ...\n"
376               "  --upload-rate-noise=BPS    ...\n"
377               "  --download-rate-noise=BPS  ...\n"
378               "  --full-shutdowns\n"
379               "  --half-shutdowns\n"
380              );
381   exit (1);
382 }
384 static void
dump_side_to_buffer(Side * side,GskBuffer * out)385 dump_side_to_buffer (Side *side, GskBuffer *out)
386 {
387   gsk_buffer_printf (out, "<td>%sreadable%s, %swritable%s, %u buffered [total read/written=%u/%u]</td>\n",
388                      side->read_side ? "" : "NOT ",
389                      side->throttled ? " [throttled]" :
390                           side->read_side_blocked ? " [blocked]" : "",
391                      side->write_side ? "" : "NOT ",
392                      side->write_side_blocked ? " [blocked]" : "",
393                      side->buffer.size,
394                      side->total_read, side->total_written);
395 }
397 static GskHttpContentResult
create_status_page(GskHttpContent * content,GskHttpContentHandler * handler,GskHttpServer * server,GskHttpRequest * request,GskStream * post_data,gpointer data)398 create_status_page (GskHttpContent   *content,
399                     GskHttpContentHandler *handler,
400                     GskHttpServer  *server,
401                     GskHttpRequest *request,
402                     GskStream      *post_data,
403                     gpointer        data)
404 {
405   GskThrottleProxyConnection *conn;
406   GskBuffer buffer = GSK_BUFFER_STATIC_INIT;
407   GskHttpResponse *response;
408   GskStream *stream;
409   gsk_buffer_printf (&buffer, "<html><head>\n");
410   gsk_buffer_printf (&buffer, "<title>GskThrottleProxy Status Page</title>\n");
411   gsk_buffer_printf (&buffer, "</head>\n");
412   gsk_buffer_printf (&buffer, "<body>\n");
413   gsk_buffer_printf (&buffer, "<h1>Statistics</h1>\n");
414   gsk_buffer_printf (&buffer, "<br>%u connections accepted.\n",
415                      n_connections_accepted);
416   gsk_buffer_printf (&buffer, "<br>%"G_GUINT64_FORMAT" bytes read.\n",
417                      n_bytes_read_total);
418   gsk_buffer_printf (&buffer, "<br>%"G_GUINT64_FORMAT" bytes written.\n",
419                      n_bytes_written_total);
420   gsk_buffer_printf (&buffer, "<h1>Connections</h1>\n");
421   gsk_buffer_printf (&buffer, "<table>\n"
422                               " <tr><th>Connection Pointer</th>"
423                                    "<th>RefCount</th>"
424                                    "<th>Upload</th>"
425                                    "<th>Download</th>"
426                                "</tr>\n");
427   for (conn = first_conn; conn; conn = conn->next)
428     {
429       gsk_buffer_printf (&buffer,
430                         " <tr><td>%p</td><td>%u</td>", conn, conn->ref_count);
431       dump_side_to_buffer (&conn->upload, &buffer);
432       dump_side_to_buffer (&conn->download, &buffer);
433       gsk_buffer_printf (&buffer, "</tr>\n");
434     }
435   gsk_buffer_printf (&buffer, "</table>\n</body>\n</html>\n");
436   response = gsk_http_response_from_request (request, 200, buffer.size);
437   gsk_http_header_set_content_type (response, "text");
438   gsk_http_header_set_content_subtype (response, "html");
439   stream = gsk_memory_buffer_source_new (&buffer);
440   gsk_http_server_respond (server, request, response, stream);
441   g_object_unref (response);
442   g_object_unref (stream);
444   return GSK_HTTP_CONTENT_OK;
445 }
447 /* --- main --- */
main(int argc,char ** argv)448 int main(int argc, char **argv)
449 {
450   guint i;
451   GskStreamListener *listener;
452   GError *error = NULL;
453   gsk_init_without_threads (&argc, &argv);
454   for (i = 1; i < (guint) argc; i++)
455     {
456       if (g_str_has_prefix (argv[i], "--bind="))
457         {
458           const char *bind_str = strchr (argv[i], '=') + 1;
459           if (bind_addr != NULL)
460             g_error ("--bind may only be given once");
461           if (g_ascii_isdigit (bind_str[0]))
462             {
463               bind_addr = gsk_socket_address_ipv4_new (gsk_ipv4_ip_address_any,
464                                                        atoi (bind_str));
465             }
466           else
467             {
468               bind_addr = gsk_socket_address_local_new (bind_str);
469             }
470         }
471       else if (g_str_has_prefix (argv[i], "--bind-status="))
472         {
473           const char *bind_str = strchr (argv[i], '=') + 1;
474           if (bind_status_addr != NULL)
475             g_error ("--bind-status may only be given once");
476           if (g_ascii_isdigit (bind_str[0]))
477             {
478               bind_status_addr = gsk_socket_address_ipv4_new (gsk_ipv4_ip_address_any,
479                                                        atoi (bind_str));
480             }
481           else
482             {
483               bind_status_addr = gsk_socket_address_local_new (bind_str);
484             }
485         }
486       else if (g_str_has_prefix (argv[i], "--server="))
487         {
488           const char *server_str = strchr (argv[i], '=') + 1;
489           const char *colon = strchr (server_str, ':');
490           if (server_addr != NULL)
491             g_error ("--server may only be given once");
492           if (colon != NULL && strchr (server_str, '/') == NULL)
493             {
494               /* host:port */
495               char *host = g_strndup (server_str, colon - server_str);
496               guint port = atoi (colon + 1);
497               server_addr = gsk_socket_address_symbolic_ipv4_new (host, port);
498               g_free (host);
499             }
500           else
501             {
502               /* unix */
503               server_addr = gsk_socket_address_local_new (server_str);
504             }
505         }
506       else if (g_str_has_prefix (argv[i], "--upload-rate="))
507         upload_per_second_base = atoi (strchr (argv[i], '=') + 1);
508       else if (g_str_has_prefix (argv[i], "--download-rate="))
509         download_per_second_base = atoi (strchr (argv[i], '=') + 1);
510       else if (g_str_has_prefix (argv[i], "--upload-rate-noise="))
511         upload_per_second_noise = atoi (strchr (argv[i], '=') + 1);
512       else if (g_str_has_prefix (argv[i], "--download-rate-noise="))
513         download_per_second_noise = atoi (strchr (argv[i], '=') + 1);
514       else if (strcmp (argv[i], "--half-shutdowns") == 0)
515         half_shutdowns = TRUE;
516       else if (strcmp (argv[i], "--full-shutdowns") == 0)
517         half_shutdowns = FALSE;
518       else
519         usage ();
520     }
522   if (server_addr == NULL)
523     g_error ("missing --server=ADDRESS: try --help");
524   if (bind_addr == NULL)
525     g_error ("missing --bind=ADDRESS: try --help");
527   listener = gsk_stream_listener_socket_new_bind (bind_addr, &error);
528   if (listener == NULL)
529     g_error ("bind failed: %s", error->message);
530   gsk_stream_listener_handle_accept (listener,
531                                      handle_accept,
532                                      handle_listener_error,
533                                      NULL, NULL);
535   if (bind_status_addr != NULL)
536     {
537       GskHttpContentHandler *handler;
538       GskHttpContent *content = gsk_http_content_new ();
539       GskHttpContentId id = GSK_HTTP_CONTENT_ID_INIT;
540       handler = gsk_http_content_handler_new (create_status_page, NULL, NULL);
541       id.path = "/";
542       gsk_http_content_add_handler (content, &id, handler, GSK_HTTP_CONTENT_REPLACE);
543       gsk_http_content_handler_unref (handler);
544       if (!gsk_http_content_listen (content, bind_status_addr, &error))
545         g_error ("error listening: %s", error->message);
546     }
548   gsk_main_loop_add_timer_absolute (gsk_main_loop_default (),
549                                     unblock_timer_func, NULL, NULL,
550                                     gsk_main_loop_default ()->current_time.tv_sec + 1, 0);
552   return gsk_main_run ();
553 }