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4<title>Untitled Document</title>
5<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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9<p align="center"><b><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="5">README
10  for the BEEPLib SASL Profiles</font></b></p>
11<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">This BEEP library comes
12  equipped with two SASL profiles, corresponding to the Anonymous and OTP SASL
13  mechanisms. Example code for the use of both mechanisms has been included in
14  the distribution in org.beepcore.beep.example.SASLExample. This document will
15  describe this example and extrapolate from it to assist in the development and
16  deployment of other BEEP-based applications that wish to take advanatage of
17  the SASL mechanisms provided.</font></p>
18<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><i>An explicit explanation
19  of the SASLExample:</i></b></font></p>
20<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">The code that follows has
21  been edited slightly to focus on the important points. Commentary can be found
22  in <b>bold</b> and preceeds the logic it's describing.</font></p>
23<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">public class SASLExample</font></p>
24<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">{<br>
25  </font></p>
26<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><b>/* Package and import directives
27  omitted for brevity</b></font><b><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">. Local
28  constants denoted in UPPER_CASE</font></b><b><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">*/</font></b></p>
30  <p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">public static void main(String argv[])<br>
31    {</font></p>
32  <blockquote>
33    <p><b><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">/* BEEPLib's Logging facility
34      is initialized here, </font></b><b><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">we
35      use the default console log (maps to System.out)</font></b><b><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">.
36      */</font></b> <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><br>
37      ConsoleLog log = new ConsoleLog();<br>
38      log.setSeverity(Log.SEV_DEBUG_VERBOSE);<br>
39      Log.setLogService(log);</font></p>
40    <p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">try <br>
41      {</font></p>
42    <p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><b>/* ProfileRegistry is a helpful
43      class. It allows a BEEP Peer </b></font><b><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">to
44      register various classes (implementations of the class <i>ChannelControlListener</i>)
45      to process StartChannel requests for a given profile. In this case, we're
46      creating and initializing instances of our two SASL profiles, Anonymous
47      and OTP. We then register these profiles (which are their own <i>Channel
48      Control Listeners</i>) as the class to be called if a start channel request is
49    received. We also register the EchoProfile (for reasons we'll show later).
50    We register CCLs for each profile with the
51    <EM>addChannelControlListener</EM>
52                 call
53      </font></b><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><b>*/</b><br>
54      // Set up our profile registry<br>
55      ProfileRegistry reg = new ProfileRegistry();<br>
56      SASLAnonymousProfile anon = new SASLAnonymousProfile();<br>
57      SASLOTPProfile otp = new SASLOTPProfile();<br>
58      anon.init(new ProfileConfiguration());<br>
59      otp.init(new ProfileConfiguration());<br>
60      <br>
61      reg.addChannelControlListener(SASLOTPProfile.uri, otp);<br>
62      reg.addChannelControlListener(SASLAnonymousProfile.uri, anon);<br>
63      reg.addChannelControlListener(EchoProfile.uri,<br>
64      new SASLExample().getCCL());</font></p>
65    <p><b><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">/* If the command line arguments
66      specify to make this a 'listener' then we proceed to set ourselves up appropriately.
67      We have provided a simple stub routine to generate OTP databases for some
68      sample users (which are IW_User and IW_User2) to allow the example to function
69      correctly.*/</font></b></p>
70    <P><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">// If we're a listener, then create
71      sessions by 'listening' on the<br>
72      // static AutomatedTCPSessionCreator methods<br>
73      if (argv[2].charAt(0) == 'l') {<br>
74      InetAddress addr = null;</font></P>
75    <P><FONT face="Courier New"><STRONG>/* This bit is a little inane, it simple
76    creates a couple of OTP database files for IW_User and IW_User2.&nbsp; After
77    running this in listening mode, you can see this files locally.&nbsp; I
78    suggest you take a look at them.&nbsp; It is our intention to write an
79    interface through which other storage mechanisms can hook in to store these
80    things - so that the profile can be used without being extended.&nbsp;
81    That's rife with security issues however, so this is what is available for
82    now.*/</STRONG></FONT></P>
83    <P><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"> // Creates stub accts for the
84      users in this example<br>
85      try<br>
86      {<br>
87      UserDatabasePool.populateUserDatabases();<br>
88      }<br>
89      catch(BEEPException ex)<br>
90      {<br>
91      ex.printStackTrace();<br>
92      }</font></P>
93    <P><FONT face="Courier New"></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
94    <P><FONT face="Courier New"><STRONG>/* This is where we bind to an
95    address/port combination and begin to listen for connections.&nbsp; If
96    another peer connects to our port and sends us a greeting, a new session is
97    created.*/</STRONG></FONT></P>
98    <p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"> try {<br>
99      addr =
100        InetAddress.getByName(argv[1]);<br>
101      } catch (Exception x) {<br>
102      addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();<br>
103      }</font></p>
104    <p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"> System.out.println("Listening
105      on " + addr.toString() + ":"<br>
106      + argv[1]);</font></p>
107    <P><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"> while (true)
108      {</font><FONT face="Courier New, Courier, mono">   <br>
109      Session newSession =
110      AutomatedTCPSessionCreator.listen(addr, <br>
111      Integer.parseInt(argv[1]), <br>
112      reg);</FONT></P>
113    <P><FONT face="Courier New, Courier, mono">}</FONT><FONT
114    face="Courier New, Courier, mono">
115      <br>
116      }</FONT></P>
117    <P><FONT face="Courier New"><STRONG>/* This is the initiator path
118    */</STRONG></FONT></P>
119    <P><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"> // Otherwise we're initiating.<br>
120      else if (argv[2].charAt(0) == 'i') <br>
121      {<br>
122      Channel echoChannel = null; <br>
123      Log.logEntry(Log.SEV_DEBUG,"Initiating..."<br>
124      + InetAddress.getByName(argv[0]).toString()<br>
125      + ":" + argv[1]);<br>
126      </font></P>
127    <P><FONT face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><STRONG>/* We create a Session by
128    connecting to the host/port where we know another BEEP peer is
129    listening.&nbsp; The peers exchange greetings, and a reference to the
130    Session is returned to us */</STRONG></FONT></P>
131    <P><FONT face="Courier New, Courier, mono">Session session =
132         AutomatedTCPSessionCreator.initiate(InetAddress.getByName(argv[0]),
133      <br>
134      Integer.parseInt(argv[1]), <br>
135      reg);</FONT></P><FONT
136    face="Courier New, Courier, mono"></FONT>
137  </blockquote>
138  <BLOCKQUOTE><FONT face="Courier New, Courier, mono">
139    <P><STRONG>/* The routine used below, <EM>AuthenticateSASLAnonymous </EM>is
140    provided as a convenience routine.&nbsp; All you have to do is provide it
141    with your session (the first argument) and some sort of identifier for
142    yourself (the second argument, in this case, the 'anonymous' string
143    constant) and go.&nbsp; The return value is another Session reference.&nbsp;
144    In this case, this will be the same session - although this isn't always the
145    case.*/</STRONG>
146      <br>
147      if(argv[3].charAt(0) == 'a')<br>
148      {<br>
149      session =
150        SASLAnonymousProfile.AuthenticateSASLAnonymous(session,<br>
151      SASLAnonymousProfile.ANONYMOUS);<br>
152      }</P>
153    <P><STRONG>/* This is the OTP convenience routine.&nbsp; The arguments are,
154      first, the session you wish to Authenticate on, second the Authorization
155      ID you wish to use (this is who you are authorized to act as, which is different
156      than who you authenticate as - see the OTP spec for a more extensive explanation),
157      third, the identity you're authenticating as, fourth, the passphrase you
158      use to secure yourself.*/</STRONG> <br>
159      else if(argv[3].charAt(0) == 'o')<br>
160      {<br>
161      session =
162        (TCPSession)SASLOTPProfile.AuthenticateSASLOTP(session,<br>
163      null, // No Authorization ID<br>
164      SAMPLE_OTP_USER,<br>
166      }</P>
167    <P><STRONG>/* When either SASL authentication routine succeeds without throwing
168      a SASLException, you're homefree!&nbsp; We can examine the new credentials
169      we have by calling <EM>session</EM>-&gt;<EM>getMyCredentials</EM>() which
170      returns a <EM>SessionCredential</EM> object, whose <EM>toString</EM>() method
171      prettyily prints all its attributes.*/</STRONG></P>
172    <P><STRONG>/* What we're going to do now shows us who we are as far as our
173    peer is concerned.&nbsp; We're going to start up an ECHO profile on BEEP (a
174    profile that simply echos back what we type) only it has a twist.&nbsp; The
175    ECHO profile this time (since we're running our example) echoes back what we
176    sent them AND includes credential information indicating who we have
177    authenticated as - from their point of view.&nbsp; This shows how the
178    credential exists on both sides.*/</STRONG>
179      <br>
180      echoChannel = session.startChannel(EchoProfile.uri);<br>
181      String temp = "Hi There!";<br>
182      ReplyListener idiot = null;<br>
183      echoChannel.sendMSG(new StringDataStream(temp),idiot);<br>
184      Utility.delay(500); <br>
185      }<br>
186      else <br>
187      {<br>
188      System.out.println(USAGE);<br>
189      return;<br>
190      }<br>
191      } catch (Exception x) {<br>
192      x.printStackTrace();<br>
193      Log.logEntry(Log.SEV_ERROR,"SASL Example Failed. Exiting.");<br>
194      return;<br>
195      }<br>
196      Log.logEntry(Log.SEV_DEBUG,"SASL Example Succeeded. Exiting");</P>
198  <p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">}<br>
199    <b> /* The funky echo described above is implemented in the SASLExample source
200    code. You can examine it there if you like, but it is merely a distraction
201    here. */</b></font><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><br>
202    </font> </p>
203  </blockquote>
204<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><i>To use the existing
205  SASLAnonymous and SASLOTP Profiles:</i></b></font></p>
206<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">Simply <i>initiate</i>
207  using the various <i>Authenticate </i>routines in the profiles, or <i> listen
208  </i>using an <i>org.beepcore.beep.core.ProfileRegistry</i> which registers the
209  included implmentations of SASLOTP and SASLAnonymous as the CCLs (<i>ChannelControlListener</i>s)
210  for the uri's corresponding to the two SASL Profiles. The specific classes are
211  o<i>rg.beepcore.profile.sasl.anonymous.SASLAnonymousProfile </i>and <i>org.beepcore.profile.sasl.otp.SASLOTPProfile
212  </i>of course.</font></p>
213<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">Example:</font></p>
215<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"><i><b>To Authenticate to
216  another BEEP peer using Anonymous SASL:</b></i></font></p>
217<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">simply call <i>AuthenticateSASLAnonymous
218  </i>in<i> or</i></font><i><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">g.beepcore.profile.sasl.anonymous.SASLAnonymousProfile
219  </font></i><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">with an existing
220  session, such as is done below.</font></p>
221<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">// We have a valid Session
222  'mySession'</font></p>
223<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">mySession = SASLAnonymousProfile.AuthenticateSASLAnonymous(
224  mySession, null, &quot;Bob&quot;, &quot;Bob's_password&quot;);</font></p>
225<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><i>To Authenticate to
226  another BEEP peer using OTP SASL:</i></b></font></p>
227<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">The OTP case is very similar
228  to the Anonymous one</font></p>
229<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">// We have a valid Session
230  'mySession'</font></p>
231<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">mySession = SASLAnonymousProfile.AuthenticateSASLOTP(
232  mySession, null, &quot;Bob&quot;, &quot;Bob's_password&quot;);</font></p>
233<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><i>To access the Credentials
234  associated ith a given Session:</i></b></font></p>
235<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">SessionCredential myCredentials
236  = mySession.getLocalCredential();</font></p>
237<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">SessionCredential myPeersCredentials
238  = mySession.getPeerCredential();</font></p>
239<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">System.out.println(&quot;My
240  credentials are &quot;+myCredentials.toString());</font></p>
241<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">System.out.println(&quot;My
242  peer's credentials are &quot;+myPeersCredentials.toString());</font></p>
254<p>Note: The <i>SessionCredential</i> class has several data members, each of
255  which can be accessed as outlined in the documentation for <i>org.beepcore.beep.core.SessionCredential.</i></p>
256<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"><i><b>To generate a sequence
257  of One-Time Passwords</b></i></font></p>
258<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">A utility class <i>org.beepcore.beep.profile.sasl.otp.Generator
259  </i>has been provided for the</font><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">purpose
260  of generating OTP databases for individual users. These databases take the form
261  of flat files that are the serialized output of the java.util.Properties class.
262  The library does not make an effort to modify or maintain any sort of access
263  control for the generated files. It is up to the application or the individual
264  user to protect access to the generated file. It will disallow the generation
265  of a user otp database file on top of a previously generated one.</font></p>
266<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">To use: simply run java
267  org.beepcore.beep.profile.sasl.otp.Generator. This will bring up a series of
268  questions and prompts that will allow the user to enter enough information to
269  create an OTP database. The generated file will then be produced in the local
270  directory. It is the responsiblity of the user to ensure that the generated
271  file is accessible by listening BEEP peers in order to facilitate OTP authentication.</font></p>
272<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">The 'clean' way to renew
273  or alter them is to use the <i>AuthenticateSASLOTPWithInit </i>call in <i>org.beepcore.beep.profile.sasl.otp.SASLOTPProfile
274  </i>which is identical to the other OTP authentication calls, except that it
275  tells the server to create a record for this user. If you have access to the
276  test directory, OTPTest shows how to do this too.</font></p>
277<p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">Note however that the whole
278  issue of how the user information for OTP is stored and propagated is all very
279  murky. The <i>org.beepcore.beep.profile.sasl.otp.UserDatabase </i>interface
280  is designed to kind of provide room for expansion in this area, considering
281  the ability to create or delete user OTP databases, and the like. We will eventually
282  have to provide some sort of facility for this in the BEEP libraries, not in
283  core, but in lib perhaps. Until then, look to <i>UserDatabaseManager</i> and
284  its implementation in <i>UserDatabasePool </i>as the prototype. </font></p>