1 // Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
2 //
3 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
7 #ifndef DHCP6_H
8 #define DHCP6_H
10 #include <stdint.h>
12 /// @note Code points in comments are those assigned by IANA
13 /// but not yet implemented in Kea.
14 /// To implement a standard option, remove the comment characters,
15 /// add an entry in std_option_defs.h, add a stdOptionDefs6 unit test
16 /// in tests/libdhcp++_unittest.cc and update dhcp6-std-options-list in
17 /// the dhcp6-srv.xml source file of the user guide.
19 /* DHCPv6 Option codes: */
20 enum DHCPv6OptionType {
21    D6O_CLIENTID                            = 1, /* RFC8415 */
22    D6O_SERVERID                            = 2,
23    D6O_IA_NA                               = 3,
24    D6O_IA_TA                               = 4,
25    D6O_IAADDR                              = 5,
26    D6O_ORO                                 = 6,
27    D6O_PREFERENCE                          = 7,
28    D6O_ELAPSED_TIME                        = 8,
29    D6O_RELAY_MSG                           = 9,
30    // Option code 10 is unassigned.
31    D6O_AUTH                                = 11,
32    D6O_UNICAST                             = 12,
33    D6O_STATUS_CODE                         = 13,
34    D6O_RAPID_COMMIT                        = 14,
35    D6O_USER_CLASS                          = 15,
36    D6O_VENDOR_CLASS                        = 16,
37    D6O_VENDOR_OPTS                         = 17,
38    D6O_INTERFACE_ID                        = 18,
39    D6O_RECONF_MSG                          = 19,
40    D6O_RECONF_ACCEPT                       = 20,
41    D6O_SIP_SERVERS_DNS                     = 21, /* RFC3319 */
42    D6O_SIP_SERVERS_ADDR                    = 22, /* RFC3319 */
43    D6O_NAME_SERVERS                        = 23, /* RFC3646 */
44    D6O_DOMAIN_SEARCH                       = 24, /* RFC3646 */
45    D6O_IA_PD                               = 25, /* RFC8415 */
46    D6O_IAPREFIX                            = 26, /* RFC8415 */
47    D6O_NIS_SERVERS                         = 27, /* RFC3898 */
48    D6O_NISP_SERVERS                        = 28, /* RFC3898 */
49    D6O_NIS_DOMAIN_NAME                     = 29, /* RFC3898 */
50    D6O_NISP_DOMAIN_NAME                    = 30, /* RFC3898 */
51    D6O_SNTP_SERVERS                        = 31, /* RFC4075 */
52    D6O_INFORMATION_REFRESH_TIME            = 32, /* RFC8415 */
53    D6O_BCMCS_SERVER_D                      = 33, /* RFC4280 */
54    D6O_BCMCS_SERVER_A                      = 34, /* RFC4280 */
55    // Option code 35 is unassigned.
56    D6O_GEOCONF_CIVIC                       = 36, /* RFC4776 */
57    D6O_REMOTE_ID                           = 37, /* RFC4649 */
58    D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID                       = 38, /* RFC4580 */
59    D6O_CLIENT_FQDN                         = 39, /* RFC4704 */
60    D6O_PANA_AGENT                          = 40, /* RFC5192 */
61    D6O_NEW_POSIX_TIMEZONE                  = 41, /* RFC4833 */
62    D6O_NEW_TZDB_TIMEZONE                   = 42, /* RFC4833 */
63    D6O_ERO                                 = 43, /* RFC4994 */
64    D6O_LQ_QUERY                            = 44, /* RFC5007 */
65    D6O_CLIENT_DATA                         = 45, /* RFC5007 */
66    D6O_CLT_TIME                            = 46, /* RFC5007 */
67    D6O_LQ_RELAY_DATA                       = 47, /* RFC5007 */
68    D6O_LQ_CLIENT_LINK                      = 48, /* RFC5007 */
69 // D6O_MIP6_HNIDF                          = 49, /* RFC6610 */
70 // D6O_MIP6_VDINF                          = 50, /* RFC6610 */
71    D6O_V6_LOST                             = 51, /* RFC5223 */
72    D6O_CAPWAP_AC_V6                        = 52, /* RFC5417 */
73    D6O_RELAY_ID                            = 53, /* RFC5460 */
74 // D6O_IPV6_ADDRESS_MOS                    = 54, /* RFC5678 */
75 // D6O_IPV6_FQDN_MOS                       = 55, /* RFC5678 */
76 // D6O_NTP_SERVER                          = 56, /* RFC5908 */
77    D6O_V6_ACCESS_DOMAIN                    = 57, /* RFC5986 */
78    D6O_SIP_UA_CS_LIST                      = 58, /* RFC6011 */
79    D6O_BOOTFILE_URL                        = 59, /* RFC5970 */
80    D6O_BOOTFILE_PARAM                      = 60, /* RFC5970 */
81    D6O_CLIENT_ARCH_TYPE                    = 61, /* RFC5970 */
82    D6O_NII                                 = 62, /* RFC5970 */
83 // D6O_GEOLOCATION                         = 63, /* RFC6225 */
84    D6O_AFTR_NAME                           = 64, /* RFC6334 */
85    D6O_ERP_LOCAL_DOMAIN_NAME               = 65, /* RFC6440 */
86    D6O_RSOO                                = 66, /* RFC6422 */
87    D6O_PD_EXCLUDE                          = 67, /* RFC6603 */
88 // D6O_VSS                                 = 68, /* RFC6607 */
89 // D6O_MIP6_IDINF                          = 69, /* RFC6610 */
90 // D6O_MIP6_UDINF                          = 70, /* RFC6610 */
91 // D6O_MIP6_HNP                            = 71, /* RFC6610 */
92 // D6O_MIP6_HAA                            = 72, /* RFC6610 */
93 // D6O_MIP6_HAF                            = 73, /* RFC6610 */
94    D6O_RDNSS_SELECTION                     = 74, /* RFC6731 */
95 // D6O_KRB_PRINCIPAL_NAME                  = 75, /* RFC6784 */
96 // D6O_KRB_REALM_NAME                      = 76, /* RFC6784 */
97 // D6O_KRB_DEFAULT_REALM_NAME              = 77, /* RFC6784 */
98 // D6O_KRB_KDC                             = 78, /* RFC6784 */
99    D6O_CLIENT_LINKLAYER_ADDR               = 79, /* RFC6939 */
100    D6O_LINK_ADDRESS                        = 80, /* RFC6977 */
101 // D6O_RADIUS                              = 81, /* RFC7037 */
102    D6O_SOL_MAX_RT                          = 82, /* RFC8415 */
103    D6O_INF_MAX_RT                          = 83, /* RFC8415 */
104 // D6O_ADDRSEL                             = 84, /* RFC7078 */
105 // D6O_ADDRSEL_TABLE                       = 85, /* RFC7078 */
106 // D6O_V6_PCP_SERVER                       = 86, /* RFC7291 */
107    D6O_DHCPV4_MSG                          = 87, /* RFC7341 */
108    D6O_DHCPV4_O_DHCPV6_SERVER              = 88, /* RFC7341 */
109    D6O_S46_RULE                            = 89, /* RFC7598 */
110    D6O_S46_BR                              = 90, /* RFC7598 */
111    D6O_S46_DMR                             = 91, /* RFC7598 */
112    D6O_S46_V4V6BIND                        = 92, /* RFC7598 */
113    D6O_S46_PORTPARAMS                      = 93, /* RFC7598 */
114    D6O_S46_CONT_MAPE                       = 94, /* RFC7598 */
115    D6O_S46_CONT_MAPT                       = 95, /* RFC7598 */
116    D6O_S46_CONT_LW                         = 96, /* RFC7598 */
117 // D6O_4RD                                 = 97, /* RFC7600 */
118 // D6O_4RD_MAP_RULE                        = 98, /* RFC7600 */
119 // D6O_4RD_NON_MAP_RULE                    = 99, /* RFC7600 */
120 // D6O_LQ_BASE_TIME                       = 100, /* RFC7653 */
121 // D6O_LQ_START_TIME                      = 101, /* RFC7653 */
122 // D6O_LQ_END_TIME                        = 102, /* RFC7653 */
123    D6O_V6_CAPTIVE_PORTAL                  = 103, /* RFC7710 */
124 // D6O_MPL_PARAMETERS                     = 104, /* RFC7774 */
125 // D6O_ANI_ATT                            = 105, /* RFC7839 */
126 // D6O_ANI_NETWORK_NAME                   = 106, /* RFC7839 */
127 // D6O_ANI_AP_NAME                        = 107, /* RFC7839 */
128 // D6O_ANI_AP_BSSID                       = 108, /* RFC7839 */
129 // D6O_ANI_OPERATOR_ID                    = 109, /* RFC7839 */
130 // D6O_ANI_OPERATOR_REALM                 = 110, /* RFC7839 */
131 // D6O_S46_PRIORITY                       = 111, /* RFC8026 */
132    // Option code 112 is unassigned.
133 // D6O_V6_PREFIX64                        = 113, /* RFC8115 */
134 // D6O_F_BINDING_STATUS                   = 114, /* RFC8156 */
135 // D6O_F_CONNECT_FLAGS                    = 115, /* RFC8156 */
136 // D6O_F_DNS_REMOVAL_INFO                 = 116, /* RFC8156 */
137 // D6O_F_DNS_HOST_NAME                    = 117, /* RFC8156 */
138 // D6O_F_DNS_ZONE_NAME                    = 118, /* RFC8156 */
139 // D6O_F_DNS_FLAGS                        = 119, /* RFC8156 */
140 // D6O_F_EXPIRATION_TIME                  = 120, /* RFC8156 */
141 // D6O_F_MAX_UNACKED_BNDUPD               = 121, /* RFC8156 */
142 // D6O_F_MCLT                             = 122, /* RFC8156 */
143 // D6O_F_PARTNER_LIFETIME                 = 123, /* RFC8156 */
144 // D6O_F_PARTNER_LIFETIME_SENT            = 124, /* RFC8156 */
145 // D6O_F_PARTNER_DOWN_TIME                = 125, /* RFC8156 */
146 // D6O_F_PARTNER_RAW_CLT_TIME             = 126, /* RFC8156 */
147 // D6O_F_PROTOCOL_VERSION                 = 127, /* RFC8156 */
148 // D6O_F_KEEPALIVE_TIME                   = 128, /* RFC8156 */
149 // D6O_F_RECONFIGURE_DATA                 = 129, /* RFC8156 */
150 // D6O_F_RELATIONSHIP_NAME                = 130, /* RFC8156 */
151 // D6O_F_SERVER_FLAGS                     = 131, /* RFC8156 */
152 // D6O_F_SERVER_STATE                     = 132, /* RFC8156 */
153 // D6O_F_START_TIME_OF_STATE              = 133, /* RFC8156 */
154 // D6O_F_STATE_EXPIRATION_TIME            = 134, /* RFC8156 */
155    D6O_RELAY_SOURCE_PORT                  = 135, /* RFC8357 */
156    // Option codes 136-142 are unassigned.
157    D6O_IPV6_ADDRESS_ANDSF                 = 143 /* RFC6153 */
158 };
160 /*
161  * Status Codes, from RFC 8415 section 21.13, 5007, 5460.
162  */
163 enum DHCPv6StatusCode {
164    STATUS_Success                    = 0,
165    STATUS_UnspecFail                 = 1,
166    STATUS_NoAddrsAvail               = 2,
167    STATUS_NoBinding                  = 3,
168    STATUS_NotOnLink                  = 4,
169    STATUS_UseMulticast               = 5,
170    STATUS_NoPrefixAvail              = 6,
171    STATUS_UnknownQueryType           = 7,
172    STATUS_MalformedQuery             = 8,
173    STATUS_NotConfigured              = 9,
174    STATUS_NotAllowed                 = 10,
175 // STATUS_QueryTerminated            = 11,
176 /* RFC7653 */
177 // STATUS_DataMissing                = 12,
178 // STATUS_CatchUpComplete            = 13,
179 // STATUS_NotSupported               = 14,
180 // STATUS_TLSConnectionRefused       = 15,
181 /* RFC8156 */
182 // STATUS_AddressInUse               = 16,
183 // STATUS_ConfigurationConflict      = 17,
184 // STATUS_MissingBindingInformation  = 18,
185 // STATUS_OutdatedBindingInformation = 19,
186 // STATUS_ServerShuttingDown         = 20,
187 // STATUS_DNSUpdateNotSupported      = 21,
188 // STATUS_ExcessiveTimeSkew          = 22,
190 // The following are EXPERIMENTAL and may change when IANA assigns official
191 // values.
192 /* secure DHCPv6 (draft-ietf-dhc-sedhcpv6-08) */
193 /* temporary values for hackathon 93 */
194    STATUS_AlgorithmNotSupported     = 705,
195    STATUS_AuthenticationFail        = 706,
196    STATUS_TimestampFail             = 707,
197    STATUS_SignatureFail             = 708
198 };
200 /*
201  * DHCPv6 message types, defined in section 7.3 of RFC 8415
202  */
203 enum DHCPv6MessageType {
204    DHCPV6_SOLICIT              = 1,
205    DHCPV6_ADVERTISE            = 2,
206    DHCPV6_REQUEST              = 3,
207    DHCPV6_CONFIRM              = 4,
208    DHCPV6_RENEW                = 5,
209    DHCPV6_REBIND               = 6,
210    DHCPV6_REPLY                = 7,
211    DHCPV6_RELEASE              = 8,
212    DHCPV6_DECLINE              = 9,
213    DHCPV6_RECONFIGURE          = 10,
215    DHCPV6_RELAY_FORW           = 12,
216    DHCPV6_RELAY_REPL           = 13,
217    /* RFC 5007 */
218    DHCPV6_LEASEQUERY           = 14,
219    DHCPV6_LEASEQUERY_REPLY     = 15,
220    /* RFC 5460 */
221 // DHCPV6_LEASEQUERY_DONE      = 16,
222 // DHCPV6_LEASEQUERY_DATA      = 17,
223    /* RFC 6977 */
226    /* RFC 7341 */
227    DHCPV6_DHCPV4_QUERY         = 20,
228    DHCPV6_DHCPV4_RESPONSE      = 21
229    /* RFC 7653 */
231 // DHCPV6_STARTTLS             = 23,
232    /* RFC 8156 */
233 // DHCPV6_BNDUPD               = 24,
234 // DHCPV6_BNDREPLY             = 25,
235 // DHCPV6_POOLREQ              = 26,
236 // DHCPV6_POOLRESP             = 27,
237 // DHCPV6_UPDREQ               = 28,
238 // DHCPV6_UPDREQALL            = 29,
239 // DHCPV6_UPDDONE              = 30,
240 // DHCPV6_CONNECT              = 31,
241 // DHCPV6_CONNECTREPLY         = 32,
242 // DHCPV6_DISCONNECT           = 33,
243 // DHCPV6_STATE                = 34,
244 // DHCPV6_CONTACT              = 35
245 };
247 extern const char *dhcpv6_type_names[];
248 extern const int dhcpv6_type_name_max;
250 // DUID type definitions (RFC 8415 section 11).
251 // see isc::dhcp::DUID::DUIDType enum in dhcp/duid.h
253 // Define hardware types
254 // Taken from http://www.iana.org/assignments/arp-parameters/
255 static const uint16_t HWTYPE_ETHERNET = 0x0001;
256 static const uint16_t HWTYPE_INFINIBAND = 0x0020;
258 // The following are EXPERIMENTAL and may change when IANA assigns official
259 // values.
260 // Secure DHCPv6 (draft-ietf-dhc-sedhcpv6-08.txt)
261 // (can't use an enum because HashAlgorithm name is already taken)
262 #define SHA_256                 1
263 #define SHA_512                 2
264 #define RSASSA_PKCS1v1_5        1
266 // Taken from http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers
267 static const uint32_t ENTERPRISE_ID_ISC = 2495;
269 /* DHCPv4-over-DHCPv6 (RFC 7341) inter-process communication. These are option
270    codes for the ISC vendor specific options used in 4o6 */
271 static const uint16_t ISC_V6_4O6_INTERFACE = 60000;
272 static const uint16_t ISC_V6_4O6_SRC_ADDRESS = 60001;
273 static const uint16_t ISC_V6_4O6_SRC_PORT = 60002;
275 /* Offsets into IA_*'s where Option spaces commence.  */
276 static const uint16_t IA_NA_OFFSET = 12; /* IAID, T1, T2, all 4 octets each */
277 static const uint16_t IA_TA_OFFSET = 4; /* IAID only, 4 octets */
278 static const uint16_t IA_PD_OFFSET = 12; /* IAID, T1, T2, all 4 octets each */
280 /* Offset into IAADDR's where Option spaces commence. */
281 static const uint16_t IAADDR_OFFSET = 24;
283 /* Offset into IAPREFIX's where Option spaces commence. */
284 static const uint16_t IAPREFIX_OFFSET = 25;
286 /* Offset into LQ_QUERY's where Option spaces commence. */
287 static const uint16_t LQ_QUERY_OFFSET = 17;
289 /*
290  * DHCPv6 well-known multicast addresses, from section 7.1 of RFC 8415
291  */
292 // TODO
293 #define ALL_DHCP_RELAY_AGENTS_AND_SERVERS "ff02::1:2"
294 #define ALL_DHCP_SERVERS "ff05::1:3"
296 static const uint16_t DHCP6_CLIENT_PORT = 546;
297 static const uint16_t DHCP6_SERVER_PORT = 547;
299 /*
300  * DHCPv6 Retransmission Constants (RFC 8415 section 7.6, RFC 5007)
301  */
303 // TODO
304 #define SOL_MAX_DELAY     1
305 #define SOL_TIMEOUT       1
306 #define SOL_MAX_RT      120
307 #define REQ_TIMEOUT       1
308 #define REQ_MAX_RT       30
309 #define REQ_MAX_RC       10
310 #define CNF_MAX_DELAY     1
311 #define CNF_TIMEOUT       1
312 #define CNF_MAX_RT        4
313 #define CNF_MAX_RD       10
314 #define REN_TIMEOUT      10
315 #define REN_MAX_RT      600
316 #define REB_TIMEOUT      10
317 #define REB_MAX_RT      600
318 #define INF_MAX_DELAY     1
319 #define INF_TIMEOUT       1
320 #define INF_MAX_RT      120
321 #define REL_TIMEOUT       1
322 #define REL_MAX_RC        5
323 #define DEC_TIMEOUT       1
324 #define DEC_MAX_RC        5
325 #define REC_TIMEOUT       2
326 #define REC_MAX_RC        8
327 #define HOP_COUNT_LIMIT  32
328 #define LQ6_TIMEOUT       1
329 #define LQ6_MAX_RT       10
330 #define LQ6_MAX_RC        5
332 /* Leasequery query-types (RFC 5007, RFC 5460) */
334 #define LQ6QT_BY_ADDRESS        1
335 #define LQ6QT_BY_CLIENTID       2
336 //#define LQ6QT_BY_RELAY_ID       3
337 //#define LQ6QT_BY_LINK_ADDRESS   4
338 //#define LQ6QT_BY_REMOTE_ID      5
340 /*
341  * DUID time starts 2000-01-01.
342  * This constant is the number of seconds since 1970-01-01,
343  * when the Unix epoch began.
344  */
345 #define DUID_TIME_EPOCH 946684800
347 /* Information-Request Time option (RFC 8415) */
349 #define IRT_DEFAULT     86400
350 #define IRT_MINIMUM     600
352 /* DHCPv4-query message flags (see RFC7341) */
353 #define DHCPV4_QUERY_FLAGS_UNICAST (1 << 23)
355 #endif /* DHCP6_H */