1 /*
2   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 KovoKs <info@kovoks.nl>
3   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Thomas McGuire <thomas.mcguire@gmx.net>
5   SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
6 */
8 #pragma once
10 #include <mailtransport_export.h>
11 #include <transport.h>
13 #include <QList>
14 #include <QObject>
16 #include <memory>
18 class QProgressBar;
20 namespace MailTransport
21 {
22 class ServerTestPrivate;
24 /**
25  * @class ServerTest
26  * This class can be used to test certain server to see if they support stuff.
27  * @author Tom Albers <tomalbers@kde.nl>
28  */
29 class MAILTRANSPORT_EXPORT ServerTest : public QObject
30 {
31     Q_OBJECT
32     Q_PROPERTY(QString server READ server WRITE setServer)
33     Q_PROPERTY(QString protocol READ protocol WRITE setProtocol)
34     Q_PROPERTY(QProgressBar *progressBar READ progressBar WRITE setProgressBar)
36 public:
37     /**
38      * This enumeration has the special capabilities a server might
39      * support. This covers only capabilities not related to authentication.
40      * @since 4.1
41      */
42     enum Capability {
43         Pipelining, ///< POP3 only. The server supports pipeplining of commands
44         Top, ///< POP3 only. The server supports fetching only the headers
45         UIDL ///< POP3 only. The server has support for unique identifiers
46     };
48     /**
49      * Creates a new server test.
50      *
51      * @param parent The parent widget.
52      */
53     explicit ServerTest(QObject *parent = nullptr);
55     /**
56      * Destroys the server test.
57      */
58     ~ServerTest() override;
60     /**
61      * Sets the server to test.
62      */
63     void setServer(const QString &server);
65     /**
66      * Returns the server to test.
67      */
68     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QString server() const;
70     /**
71      * Set a custom port to use.
72      *
73      * Each encryption mode (no encryption or SSL) has a different port.
74      * TLS uses the same port as no encryption, because TLS is invoked during
75      * a normal session.
76      *
77      * If this function is never called, the default port is used, which is:
78      * (normal first, then SSL)
79      * SMTP: 587 (falls back to 25), 465
80      * POP: 110, 995
81      * IMAP: 143, 993
82      * NNTP: 119, 563
83      *
84      * @param encryptionMode the port will only be used in this encryption mode.
85      *                       Valid values for this are only 'None' and 'SSL'.
86      * @param port the port to use
87      *
88      * @since 4.1
89      */
90     void setPort(Transport::EnumEncryption::type encryptionMode, uint port);
92     /**
93      * @param encryptionMode the port of this encryption mode is returned.
94      *                       Can only be 'None' and 'SSL'
95      *
96      * @return the port set by @ref setPort or -1 if @ref setPort() was never
97      *         called for this encryption mode.
98      *
99      * @since 4.1
100      */
101     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT int port(Transport::EnumEncryption::type encryptionMode) const;
103     /**
104      * Sets a fake hostname for the test. This is currently only used when
105      * testing a SMTP server; there, the command for testing the capabilities
106      * (called EHLO) needs to have the hostname of the client included.
107      * The user can however choose to send a fake hostname instead of the
108      * local hostname to work around various problems. This fake hostname needs
109      * to be set here.
110      *
111      * @param fakeHostname the fake hostname to send
112      */
113     void setFakeHostname(const QString &fakeHostname);
115     /**
116      * @return the fake hostname, as set before with @ref setFakeHostname
117      */
118     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QString fakeHostname() const;
120     /**
121      * Makes @p pb the progressbar to use. This class will call show()
122      * and hide() and will count down. It does not take ownership of
123      * the progressbar.
124      */
125     void setProgressBar(QProgressBar *pb);
127     /**
128      * Returns the used progress bar.
129      */
130     QProgressBar *progressBar() const;
132     /**
133      * Sets @p protocol the protocol to test, currently supported are
134      * "smtp", "pop", "imap", and "nntp".
135      */
136     void setProtocol(const QString &protocol);
138     /**
139      * Returns the protocol.
140      */
141     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QString protocol() const;
143     /**
144      * Starts the test. Will emit finished() when done.
145      */
146     void start();
148     /**
149      * Get the protocols for the normal connections.. Call this only
150      * after the finished() signals has been sent.
151      * @return an enum of the type Transport::EnumAuthenticationType
152      */
153     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QVector<int> normalProtocols() const;
155     /**
156      * tells you if the normal server is available
157      * @since 4.5
158      */
159     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isNormalPossible() const;
161     /**
162      * Get the protocols for the TLS connections. Call this only
163      * after the finished() signals has been sent.
164      * @return an enum of the type Transport::EnumAuthenticationType
165      * @since 4.1
166      */
167     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QVector<int> tlsProtocols() const;
169     /**
170      * Get the protocols for the SSL connections. Call this only
171      * after the finished() signals has been sent.
172      * @return an enum of the type Transport::EnumAuthenticationType
173      */
174     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QVector<int> secureProtocols() const;
176     /**
177      * tells you if the ssl server is available
178      * @since 4.5
179      */
180     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isSecurePossible() const;
182     /**
183      * Get the special capabilities of the server.
184      * Call this only after the finished() signals has been sent.
185      *
186      * @return the list of special capabilities of the server.
187      * @since 4.1
188      */
189     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QList<Capability> capabilities() const;
192     /**
193      * This will be emitted when the test is done. It will contain
194      * the values from the enum EnumEncryption which are possible.
195      */
196     void finished(const QVector<int> &);
198 private:
199     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(ServerTest)
200     std::unique_ptr<ServerTestPrivate> const d;
202     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slotNormalPossible())
203     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slotTlsDone())
204     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slotSslPossible())
205     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slotReadNormal(const QString &text))
206     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slotReadSecure(const QString &text))
207     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slotNormalNotPossible())
208     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slotSslNotPossible())
209     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slotUpdateProgress())
210 };
211 } // namespace MailTransport