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README.trace.mdH A D24-Aug-20211.1 KiB2318

daq_trace.cH A D03-May-202219.2 KiB568469

libdaq_static_trace.pc.inH A D24-Aug-2021303 1613


1Trace Module
4A wrapper DAQ module that records information about packet message verdicts,
5injected packet messages, and IOCTL calls that it intercepts to a text file.
6The Trace module presents the configuration stack as being capable of inline
7interface operation, blocking, and injection.
9Injected packet messages and unrecognized IOCTLs will have their contents
10dumped in hex format.  Recognized IOCTLs will get more of a pretty-print style
11output.  Verdicts on packet messages will be recorded on a single line with
12some indentifying information from the packet message header.
14By default, the output file will be named 'inline-out.txt' in the current
15directory.  The default filename can be overridden with the 'file' variable. A
16useful technique for debugging is to set the 'file' variable to /dev/stdout.
18When running with multiple instances, the output filename will be mangled to
19start with the instance ID followed by an underscore.  For example, the default
20output filename would be '2_inline-out.txt' for the second instance.  The output
21filename must be bare (no directory structure, relative nor absolute) in such a