1 /**
2  * @file tree_internal.h
3  * @author Radek Krejci <rkrejci@cesnet.cz>
4  * @brief libyang internal functions for manipulating with the data model and
5  * data trees.
6  *
7  * Copyright (c) 2015 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
8  *
9  * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
10  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
12  *
13  *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
14  */
16 #ifndef LY_TREE_INTERNAL_H_
17 #define LY_TREE_INTERNAL_H_
19 #include <stdint.h>
21 #include "libyang.h"
22 #include "tree_schema.h"
23 #include "tree_data.h"
24 #include "resolve.h"
26 /* this is used to distinguish lyxml_elem * from a YANG temporary parsing structure, the first byte is compared */
27 #define LY_YANG_STRUCTURE_FLAG 0x80
29 /**
30  * @brief YANG namespace
31  */
32 #define LY_NSYANG "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:1"
34 /**
35  * @brief YIN namespace
36  */
37 #define LY_NSYIN "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1"
39 /**
40  * @brief NETCONF namespace
41  */
42 #define LY_NSNC "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"
44 /**
45  * @brief NACM namespace
46  */
47 #define LY_NSNACM "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-acm"
49 /**
50  * @brief internal parser flag for actions and inline notifications
51  */
52 #define LYD_OPT_ACT_NOTIF 0x100
54 /**
55  * @brief Internal list of built-in types
56  */
57 extern struct lys_tpdf *ly_types[LY_DATA_TYPE_COUNT];
59 /**
60  * @brief Internal structure for data node sorting.
61  */
62 struct lyd_node_pos {
63     struct lyd_node *node;
64     uint32_t pos;
65 };
67 /**
68  * @brief Internal structure for LYB parser/printer.
69  */
70 struct lyb_state {
71     size_t *written;
72     size_t *position;
73     uint8_t *inner_chunks;
74     int used;
75     int size;
76     const struct lys_module **models;
77     int mod_count;
78     struct ly_ctx *ctx;
80     /* LYB printer only */
81     struct {
82         struct lys_node *first_sibling;
83         struct hash_table *ht;
84     } *sib_ht;
85     int sib_ht_count;
86 };
88 /* struct lyb_state allocation step */
89 #define LYB_STATE_STEP 4
91 /**
92  * LYB schema hash constants
93  *
94  * Hash is divided to collision ID and hash itself.
95  *
96  * First bits are collision ID until 1 is found. The rest is truncated 32b hash.
97  * 1xxx xxxx - collision ID 0 (no collisions)
98  * 01xx xxxx - collision ID 1 (collision ID 0 hash collided)
99  * 001x xxxx - collision ID 2 ...
100  */
102 /* Number of bits the whole hash will take (including hash collision ID) */
103 #define LYB_HASH_BITS 8
105 /* Masking 32b hash (collision ID 0) */
106 #define LYB_HASH_MASK 0x7f
108 /* Type for storing the whole hash (used only internally, publicly defined directly) */
109 #define LYB_HASH uint8_t
111 /* Need to move this first >> collision number (from 0) to get collision ID hash part */
112 #define LYB_HASH_COLLISION_ID 0x80
114 /* How many bytes are reserved for one data chunk SIZE (8B is maximum) */
115 #define LYB_SIZE_BYTES 1
117 /* Maximum size that will be written into LYB_SIZE_BYTES (must be large enough) */
118 #define LYB_SIZE_MAX UINT8_MAX
120 /* How many bytes are reserved for one data chunk inner chunk count */
121 #define LYB_INCHUNK_BYTES 1
123 /* Maximum size that will be written into LYB_INCHUNK_BYTES (must be large enough) */
126 /* Just a helper macro */
129 /* Type large enough for all meta data */
130 #define LYB_META uint16_t
132 LYB_HASH lyb_hash(struct lys_node *sibling, uint8_t collision_id);
134 int lyb_has_schema_model(struct lys_node *sibling, const struct lys_module **models, int mod_count);
136 /**
137  * Macros to work with ::lyd_node#when_status
138  * +--- bit 1 - some when-stmt connected with the node (resolve_applies_when() is true)
139  * |+-- bit 2 - when-stmt's condition is resolved and it is true
140  * ||+- bit 3 - when-stmt's condition is resolved and it is false
141  * XXX
142  *
143  * bit 1 is set when the node is created
144  * if none of bits 2 and 3 is set, the when condition is not yet resolved
145  */
146 #define LYD_WHEN       0x04
147 #define LYD_WHEN_TRUE  0x02
148 #define LYD_WHEN_FALSE 0x01
149 #define LYD_WHEN_DONE(status) (!((status) & LYD_WHEN) || ((status) & (LYD_WHEN_TRUE | LYD_WHEN_FALSE)))
151 /**
152  * @brief Type flag for an unresolved type in a grouping.
153  */
154 #define LY_VALUE_UNRESGRP 0x80
158 /**
159  * @brief Minimum number of children for the parent to create a hash table for them.
160  */
161 #   define LY_CACHE_HT_MIN_CHILDREN 4
163     int lyd_hash(struct lyd_node *node);
165     void lyd_insert_hash(struct lyd_node *node);
167     void lyd_unlink_hash(struct lyd_node *node, struct lyd_node *orig_parent);
168 #endif
170 /**
171  * @brief Create submodule structure by reading data from memory.
172  *
173  * @param[in] module Schema tree where to connect the submodule, belongs-to value must match.
174  * @param[in] data String containing the submodule specification in the given \p format.
175  * @param[in] format Format of the data to read.
176  * @param[in] unres list of unresolved items
177  * @return Created submodule structure or NULL in case of error.
178  */
179 struct lys_submodule *lys_sub_parse_mem(struct lys_module *module, const char *data, LYS_INFORMAT format,
180                                         struct unres_schema *unres);
182 /**
183  * @brief Create submodule structure by reading data from file descriptor.
184  *
185  * \note Current implementation supports only reading data from standard (disk) file, not from sockets, pipes, etc.
186  *
187  * @param[in] module Schema tree where to connect the submodule, belongs-to value must match.
188  * @param[in] fd File descriptor of a regular file (e.g. sockets are not supported) containing the submodule
189  *            specification in the given \p format.
190  * @param[in] format Format of the data to read.
191  * @param[in] unres list of unresolved items
192  * @return Created submodule structure or NULL in case of error.
193  */
194 struct lys_submodule *lys_sub_parse_fd(struct lys_module *module, int fd, LYS_INFORMAT format, struct unres_schema *unres);
196 /**
197  * @brief Free the submodule structure
198  *
199  * @param[in] submodule The structure to free. Do not use the pointer after calling this function.
200  * @param[in] private_destructor Optional destructor function for private objects assigned
201  * to the nodes via lys_set_private(). If NULL, the private objects are not freed by libyang.
202  */
203 void lys_submodule_free(struct lys_submodule *submodule, void (*private_destructor)(const struct lys_node *node, void *priv));
205 /**
206  * @brief Add child schema tree node at the end of the parent's child list.
207  *
208  * If the child is connected somewhere (has a parent), it is completely
209  * unlinked and none of the following conditions applies.
210  * If the child has prev sibling(s), they are ignored (child is added at the
211  * end of the child list).
212  * If the child has next sibling(s), all of them are connected with the parent.
213  *
214  * @param[in] parent Parent node where the \p child will be added.
215  * @param[in] module Module where the \p child will be added if the \p parent
216  * parameter is NULL (case of top-level elements). The parameter does not change
217  * the module of the \p child element. If the \p parent parameter is present,
218  * the \p module parameter is ignored.
219  * @param[in] child The schema tree node to be added.
220  * @param[in] options Parsing options. Only relevant when creating a shorthand case.
221  * @return 0 on success, nonzero else
222  */
223 int lys_node_addchild(struct lys_node *parent, struct lys_module *module, struct lys_node *child, int options);
225 /**
226  * @brief Find a valid grouping definition relative to a node.
227  *
228  * Valid definition means a sibling of \p start or a sibling of any of \p start 's parents.
229  *
230  * @param[in] name Name of the searched grouping.
231  * @param[in] start Definition must be valid (visible) for this node.
232  * @return Matching valid grouping or NULL.
233  */
234 struct lys_node_grp *lys_find_grouping_up(const char *name, struct lys_node *start);
236 /**
237  * @brief Check that the \p node being connected into the \p parent has a unique name (identifier).
238  *
239  * Function is performed also as part of lys_node_addchild().
240  *
241  * @param[in] node The schema tree node to be checked.
242  * @param[in] parent Parent node where the \p child is supposed to be added.
243  * @param[in] module Module where the \p child is supposed to be added if the \p parent
244  * parameter is NULL (case of top-level elements). The parameter does not change
245  * the module of the \p child element. If the \p parent parameter is present,
246  * the \p module parameter is ignored.
247  * @return 0 on success, nonzero else
248  */
249 int lys_check_id(struct lys_node *node, struct lys_node *parent, struct lys_module *module);
251 /**
252  * @brief Get know if the node contains must or when with XPath expression
253  *
254  * @param[in] node Node to examine.
255  * @return 1 if contains, 0 otherwise
256  */
257 int lys_has_xpath(const struct lys_node *node);
259 /**
260  * @brief Learn if \p type is defined in the local module or from an import.
261  *
262  * @param[in] type Type to examine.
263  * @return non-zero if local, 0 if from an import.
264  */
265 int lys_type_is_local(const struct lys_type *type);
267 /**
268  * @brief Create a copy of the specified schema tree \p node
269  *
270  * @param[in] module Target module for the duplicated node.
271  * @param[in] parent Schema tree node where the node is being connected, NULL in case of top level \p node.
272  * @param[in] node Schema tree node to be duplicated.
273  * @param[in] unres list of unresolved items
274  * @param[in] shallow Whether to copy children and connect to parent/module too.
275  * @return Created copy of the provided schema \p node.
276  */
277 struct lys_node *lys_node_dup(struct lys_module *module, struct lys_node *parent, const struct lys_node *node,
278                               struct unres_schema *unres, int shallow);
280 /**
281  * @brief duplicate the list of extension instances.
282  *
283  * @param[in] ctx Context to store errors in.
284  * @param[in] mod Module where we are
285  * @param[in] orig list of the extension instances to duplicate, the size of the array must correspond with \p size
286  * @param[in] size number of items in \p old array to duplicate
287  * @param[in] parent Parent structure of the new extension instances list
288  * @param[in] parent_type Type of the provide \p parent *
289  * @param[in,out] new Address where to store the created list of duplicated extension instances
290  * @param[in] shallow Whether to copy children and connect to parent/module too.
291  * @param[in] unres list of unresolved items
292  *
293  */
294 int lys_ext_dup(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lys_module *mod, struct lys_ext_instance **orig, uint8_t size, void *parent,
295                 LYEXT_PAR parent_type, struct lys_ext_instance ***new, int shallow, struct unres_schema *unres);
297 /**
298  * @brief Iterate over the specified type of the extension instances
299  *
300  * @param[in] ext Array of extensions to explore
301  * @param[in] ext_size Size of the provided \p ext array
302  * @param[in] start Index in the \p ext array where to start searching (first call with 0, the consequent calls with
303  *            the returned index increased by 1, unless the returned index is -1)
304  * @param[in] substmt Type of the extension (its belongins to the specific substatement) to iterate, use
305  *            #LYEXT_SUBSTMT_ALL to go through all the extensions in the array
306  * @result index in the ext, -1 if not present
307  */
308 int lys_ext_iter(struct lys_ext_instance **ext, uint8_t ext_size, uint8_t start, LYEXT_SUBSTMT substmt);
310 /**
311  * @brief free the array of the extension instances
312  */
313 void lys_extension_instances_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lys_ext_instance **e, unsigned int size,
314                                   void (*private_destructor)(const struct lys_node *node, void *priv));
316 /**
317  * @brief Check that leafref and its target have allowed config combination and there are no cyclic references.
318  *
319  * @param[in] leafref_target Leaf that is \p leafref's target.
320  * @param[in] leafref Leaf or leaflist of type #LY_TYPE_LEAFREF referring \p leafref_target.
321  * @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
322  */
323 int lys_leaf_check_leafref(struct lys_node_leaf *leafref_target, struct lys_node *leafref);
325 /**
326  * @brief Free a schema when condition
327  *
328  * @param[in] libyang context where the schema of the ondition is used.
329  * @param[in] w When structure to free.
330  * @param[in] private_destructor Destructor for priv member in extension instances
331  */
332 void lys_when_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lys_when *w,
333                    void (*private_destructor)(const struct lys_node *node, void *priv));
335 /**
336  * @brief Free the schema tree restriction (must, ...) structure content
337  *
338  * @param[in] ctx libyang context where the schema of the restriction is used.
339  * @param[in] restr The restriction structure to free. The function actually frees only
340  * the content of the structure, so after using this function, caller is supposed to
341  * use free(restr). It is done to free the content of structures being allocated as
342  * part of array, in that case the free() is used on the whole array.
343  * @param[in] private_destructor Destructor for priv member in extension instances
344  */
345 void lys_restr_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lys_restr *restr,
346                     void (*private_destructor)(const struct lys_node *node, void *priv));
348 /**
349  * @brief Free the schema tree type structure content
350  *
351  * @param[in] ctx libyang context where the schema of the type is used.
352  * @param[in] restr The type structure to free. The function actually frees only
353  * the content of the structure, so after using this function, caller is supposed to
354  * use free(type). It is done to free the content of structures being allocated as
355  * part of array, in that case the free() is used on the whole array.
356  * @param[in] private_destructor Destructor for priv member in extension instances
357  */
358 void lys_type_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lys_type *type,
359                    void (*private_destructor)(const struct lys_node *node, void *priv));
361 /**
362  * @brief Unlink the schema node from the tree.
363  *
364  * @param[in] node Schema tree node to unlink.
365  */
366 void lys_node_unlink(struct lys_node *node);
368 /**
369  * @brief Free the schema node structure, includes unlinking it from the tree
370  *
371  * @param[in] ctx libang context to use, @p node may not have it filled (in groupings, for example).
372  * @param[in] node Schema tree node to free. Do not use the pointer after calling this function.
373  * @param[in] private_destructor Optional destructor function for private objects assigned
374  * to the nodes via lys_set_private(). If NULL, the private objects are not freed by libyang.
375  * @param[in] shallow Whether to do a shallow free only (on a shallow copy of a node).
376  */
377 void lys_node_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lys_node *node,
378                    void (*private_destructor)(const struct lys_node *node, void *priv), int shallow);
380 /**
381  * @brief Free (and unlink it from the context) the specified schema.
382  *
383  * It is dangerous to call this function on schemas already placed into the context's
384  * list of modules - there can be many references from other modules and data instances.
385  *
386  * @param[in] module Data model to free.
387  * @param[in] private_destructor Optional destructor function for private objects assigned
388  * to the nodes via lys_set_private(). If NULL, the private objects are not freed by libyang.
389  * @param[in] free_subs Whether to free included submodules.
390  * @param[in] remove_from_ctx Whether to remove this model from context. Always use 1 except
391  * when removing all the models (in ly_ctx_destroy()).
392  */
393 void lys_free(struct lys_module *module, void (*private_destructor)(const struct lys_node *node, void *priv),
394               int free_subs, int remove_from_ctx);
396 /**
397  * @brief Create a data container knowing it's schema node.
398  *
399  * @param[in] parent Data parent of the new node.
400  * @param[in] schema Schema node of the new node.
401  * @param[in] dflt Set dflt flag in the created data nodes
402  * @return New node, NULL on error.
403  */
404 struct lyd_node *_lyd_new(struct lyd_node *parent, const struct lys_node *schema, int dflt);
406 /**
407  * @brief Find the parent node of an attribute.
408  *
409  * @param[in] root Root element of the data tree with the attribute.
410  * @param[in] attr Attribute to find.
411  *
412  * @return Parent of \p attr, NULL if not found.
413  */
414 const struct lyd_node *lyd_attr_parent(const struct lyd_node *root, struct lyd_attr *attr);
416 /**
417  * @brief Internal version of lyd_value_type().
418  *
419  * @param[in] node Schema node of the value.
420  * @param[in] value String value to get the type of.
421  * @param[in] local_mod Local module for the value prefix resolution in case it is a default value (defined in schema).
422  * Otherwise set to NULL.
423  * @param[out] type Optionally the resolved type of the value.
424  * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on error.
425  */
426 int lyd_value_type_internal(struct lys_node *node, const char *value, const struct lys_module *local_mod,
427                             struct lys_type **type);
429 /**
430  * @brief Internal version of lyd_unlink().
431  *
432  * @param[in] node Node to unlink.
433  * @param[in] permanent 0 - the node will be linked back,
434  *                      1 - the node is premanently unlinked,
435  *                      2 - the node is being freed.
436  *
437  * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on error.
438  */
439 int lyd_unlink_internal(struct lyd_node *node, int permanent);
441 /**
442  * @brief Get the canonical value.
443  *
444  * @param[in] schema Leaf or leaf-list schema node of the value.
445  * @param[in] val_str String value to transform.
446  * @param[in] val_str_len String value length.
447  * @return Canonical value (must be freed), NULL on error.
448  */
449 char *lyd_make_canonical(const struct lys_node *schema, const char *val_str, int val_str_len);
451 /**
452  * @brief Internal version of lyd_insert() and lyd_insert_sibling().
453  *
454  * @param[in] invalidate Whether to invalidate any nodes. Set 0 only if linking back some temporarily internally unlinked nodes.
455  */
456 int lyd_insert_common(struct lyd_node *parent, struct lyd_node **sibling, struct lyd_node *node, int invalidate);
458 /**
459  * @brief Internal version of lyd_insert_before() and lyd_insert_after().
460  *
461  * @param[in] invalidate Whether to invalidate any nodes. Set 0 only if linking back some temporarily internally unlinked nodes.
462  */
463 int lyd_insert_nextto(struct lyd_node *sibling, struct lyd_node *node, int before, int invalidate);
465 /**
466  * @brief Find a specific sibling. Does not log.
467  *
468  * Since \p mod_name is mandatory, augments are handled.
469  *
470  * @param[in] siblings Siblings to consider. They are first adjusted to
471  *                     point to the first sibling.
472  * @param[in] mod_name Module name, mandatory.
473  * @param[in] mod_name_len Module name length.
474  * @param[in] name Node name, mandatory.
475  * @param[in] nam_len Node name length.
476  * @param[in] type ORed desired type of the node. 0 means any type.
477  *                 Does not return groupings, uses, and augments (but can return augment nodes).
478  * @param[out] ret Pointer to the node of the desired type. Can be NULL.
479  *
480  * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on forward reference.
481  */
482 int lys_get_sibling(const struct lys_node *siblings, const char *mod_name, int mod_name_len, const char *name,
483                     int nam_len, LYS_NODE type, const struct lys_node **ret);
485 /**
486  * @brief Find a specific node that can only appear in the data. Does not log.
487  *
488  * @param[in] mod Main module with the node. Must be set if \p parent == NULL (top-level node).
489  * @param[in] parent Parent of the node. Must be set if \p mod == NULL (nested node).
490  * @param[in] name Node name.
491  * @param[in] nam_len Node \p name length.
492  * @param[in] type ORed desired type of the node. 0 means any (data node) type.
493  * @param[in] getnext_opts lys_getnext() options to use.
494  * @param[out] ret Pointer to the node of the desired type. Can be NULL.
495  *
496  * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on fail.
497  */
498 int lys_getnext_data(const struct lys_module *mod, const struct lys_node *parent, const char *name, int nam_len,
499                      LYS_NODE type, int getnext_opts, const struct lys_node **ret);
501 int lyd_get_unique_default(const char* unique_expr, struct lyd_node *list, const char **dflt);
503 int lyd_build_relative_data_path(const struct lys_module *module, const struct lyd_node *node, const char *schema_id,
504                                  char *buf);
506 void lyd_free_value(lyd_val value, LY_DATA_TYPE value_type, uint8_t value_flags, struct lys_type *type,
507                     const char *value_str, lyd_val *old_val, LY_DATA_TYPE *old_val_type, uint8_t *old_val_flags);
509 int lyd_list_equal(struct lyd_node *node1, struct lyd_node *node2, int with_defaults);
511 int lys_make_implemented_r(struct lys_module *module, struct unres_schema *unres);
513 /**
514  * @brief Check for (validate) mandatory nodes of a data tree. Checks recursively whole data tree. Requires all when
515  * statement to be solved.
516  *
517  * @param[in] root Data tree to validate.
518  * @param[in] ctx libyang context (for the case when the data tree is empty - i.e. root == NULL).
519  * @param[in] modules Only check mandatory nodes from these modules. If not set, check for all modules in the context.
520  * @param[in] mod_count Number of modules in \p modules.
521  * @param[in] options Standard @ref parseroptions.
522  * @return EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE.
523  */
524 int lyd_check_mandatory_tree(struct lyd_node *root, struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lys_module **modules, int mod_count,
525                              int options);
527 /**
528  * @brief Check if the provided node is inside a grouping.
529  *
530  * @param[in] node Schema node to check.
531  * @return 0 as false, 1 as true
532  */
533 int lys_ingrouping(const struct lys_node *node);
535 int unres_data_diff_new(struct unres_data *unres, struct lyd_node *subtree, struct lyd_node *parent, int created);
537 void unres_data_diff_rem(struct unres_data *unres, unsigned int idx);
539 /**
540  * @brief Process (add/clean) default nodes in the data tree and resolve the unresolved items
541  *
542  * @param[in,out] root  Pointer to the root node of the complete data tree, the root node can be NULL if the data tree
543  *                      is empty
544  * @param[in] options   Parser options to know the data tree type, see @ref parseroptions.
545  * @param[in] ctx       Context for the case the \p root is empty (in that case \p ctx must not be NULL)
546  * @param[in] modules   Only modules that will be traversed when adding default values.
547  * @param[in] mod_count Number of module names in \p modules.
548  * @param[in] data_tree Additional data tree for validating RPC/action/notification. The tree is used to satisfy
549  *                      possible references to the datastore content.
550  * @param[in] act_notif In case of nested action/notification, the subtree of the action/notification. Note
551  *                      that in this case the \p root points to the top level data tree node which provides the context
552  *                      for the nested action/notification
553  * @param[in] unres     Unresolved data list, the newly added default nodes may need to add some unresolved items
554  * @param[in] wd        Whether to add default values.
556  */
557 int lyd_defaults_add_unres(struct lyd_node **root, int options, struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lys_module **modules,
558                            int mod_count, const struct lyd_node *data_tree, struct lyd_node *act_notif,
559                            struct unres_data *unres, int wd);
561 void lys_enable_deviations(struct lys_module *module);
563 void lys_disable_deviations(struct lys_module *module);
565 void lys_sub_module_remove_devs_augs(struct lys_module *module);
567 void lys_sub_module_apply_devs_augs(struct lys_module *module);
569 int apply_aug(struct lys_node_augment *augment, struct unres_schema *unres);
571 void lys_submodule_module_data_free(struct lys_submodule *submodule);
573 int lys_copy_union_leafrefs(struct lys_module *mod, struct lys_node *parent, struct lys_type *type,
574                             struct lys_type *prev_new, struct unres_schema *unres);
576 const struct lys_module *lys_parse_fd_(struct ly_ctx *ctx, int fd, LYS_INFORMAT format, const char *revision, int implement);
578 const struct lys_module *lys_parse_mem_(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *data, LYS_INFORMAT format, const char *revision,
579                                         int internal, int implement);
581 /**
582  * @brief Get next augment from \p mod augmenting \p aug_target
583  */
584 struct lys_node_augment *lys_getnext_target_aug(struct lys_node_augment *last, const struct lys_module *mod,
585                                                 const struct lys_node *aug_target);
587 LY_STMT lys_snode2stmt(LYS_NODE nodetype);
588 struct lys_node ** lys_child(const struct lys_node *node, LYS_NODE nodetype);
590 #endif /* LY_TREE_INTERNAL_H_ */