1 /* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */
2 /*
3  *  (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory.
4  *      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
5  */
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <stdlib.h>
8 #include <math.h>
9 #include <string.h>
10 #include "mpi.h"
11 #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H
12 #include <process.h>
13 #endif
15 /* definitions */
17 #define PROMPT 1
18 #define USE_PPM /* define to output a color image, otherwise output is a grayscale pgm image */
20 #ifndef MIN
21 #define MIN(x, y)	(((x) < (y))?(x):(y))
22 #endif
23 #ifndef MAX
24 #define MAX(x, y)	(((x) > (y))?(x):(y))
25 #endif
27 #define NOVALUE 99999       /* indicates a parameter is as of yet unspecified */
28 #define MAX_ITERATIONS 10000 /* maximum 'depth' to look for mandelbrot value */
29 #define INFINITE_LIMIT 4.0  /* evalue when fractal is considered diverging */
30 #define MAX_X_VALUE 2.0     /* the highest x can go for the mandelbrot, usually 1.0 */
31 #define MIN_X_VALUE -2.0    /* the lowest x can go for the mandelbrot, usually -1.0 */
32 #define MAX_Y_VALUE 2.0     /* the highest y can go for the mandelbrot, usually 1.0 */
33 #define MIN_Y_VALUE -2.0    /* the lowest y can go for the mandelbrot, usually -1.0 */
34 #define IDEAL_ITERATIONS 100 /* my favorite 'depth' to default to */
35 /* the ideal default x and y are currently the same as the max area */
36 #define IDEAL_MAX_X_VALUE 1.0
37 #define IDEAL_MIN_X_VALUE -1.0
38 #define IDEAL_MAX_Y_VALUE 1.0
39 #define IDEAL_MIN_Y_VALUE -1.0
40 #define MAX_WIDTH 2048       /* maximum size of image, across, in pixels */
41 #define MAX_HEIGHT 2048      /* maximum size of image, down, in pixels */
42 #define IDEAL_WIDTH 768       /* my favorite size of image, across, in pixels */
43 #define IDEAL_HEIGHT 768      /* my favorite size of image, down, in pixels */
45 #define RGBtocolor_t(r,g,b) ((color_t)(((unsigned char)(r)|((unsigned short)((unsigned char)(g))<<8))|(((unsigned long)(unsigned char)(b))<<16)))
46 #define getR(r) ((int)((r) & 0xFF))
47 #define getG(g) ((int)((g>>8) & 0xFF))
48 #define getB(b) ((int)((b>>16) & 0xFF))
50 typedef int color_t;
52 typedef struct complex_t
53 {
54   /* real + imaginary * sqrt(-1) i.e.   x + iy */
55   double real, imaginary;
56 } complex_t;
58 /* prototypes */
60 void read_mand_args(int argc, char *argv[], int *o_max_iterations,
61 		    int *o_pixels_across, int *o_pixels_down,
62 		    double *o_x_min, double *o_x_max,
63 		    double *o_y_min, double *o_y_max, int *o_julia,
64 		    double *o_julia_real_x, double *o_julia_imaginary_y,
65 		    double *o_divergent_limit, int *o_alternate,
66 		    char *filename, int *num_colors, int *use_stdin,
67 		    int *save_image);
68 void check_mand_params(int *m_max_iterations,
69 		       int *m_pixels_across, int *m_pixels_down,
70 		       double *m_x_min, double *m_x_max,
71 		       double *m_y_min, double *m_y_max,
72 		       double *m_divergent_limit);
73 void check_julia_params(double *julia_x_constant, double *julia_y_constant);
74 int additive_mandelbrot_point(complex_t coord_point,
75 			    complex_t c_constant,
76 			    int Max_iterations, double divergent_limit);
77 int additive_mandelbrot_point(complex_t coord_point,
78 			    complex_t c_constant,
79 			    int Max_iterations, double divergent_limit);
80 int subtractive_mandelbrot_point(complex_t coord_point,
81 			    complex_t c_constant,
82 			    int Max_iterations, double divergent_limit);
83 complex_t exponential_complex(complex_t in_complex);
84 complex_t multiply_complex(complex_t in_one_complex, complex_t in_two_complex);
85 complex_t divide_complex(complex_t in_one_complex, complex_t in_two_complex);
86 complex_t inverse_complex(complex_t in_complex);
87 complex_t add_complex(complex_t in_one_complex, complex_t in_two_complex);
88 complex_t subtract_complex(complex_t in_one_complex, complex_t in_two_complex);
89 double absolute_complex(complex_t in_complex);
90 void dumpimage(char *filename, int in_grid_array[], int in_pixels_across, int in_pixels_down,
91 	  int in_max_pixel_value, char input_string[], int num_colors, color_t colors[]);
92 int single_mandelbrot_point(complex_t coord_point,
93 			    complex_t c_constant,
94 			    int Max_iterations, double divergent_limit);
95 color_t getColor(double fraction, double intensity);
96 int Make_color_array(int num_colors, color_t colors[]);
97 void output_data(int *in_grid_array, int coord[4], int *out_grid_array, int width, int height);
98 void PrintUsage(void);
100 #ifdef USE_PPM
101 const char *default_filename = "pmandel.ppm";
102 #else
103 const char *default_filename = "pmandel.pgm";
104 #endif
106 /* Solving the Mandelbrot set
108    Set a maximum number of iterations to calculate before forcing a terminate
109    in the Mandelbrot loop.
110 */
112 /* Command-line parameters are all optional, and include:
113    -xmin # -xmax #      Limits for the x-axis for calculating and plotting
114    -ymin # -ymax #      Limits for the y-axis for calculating and plotting
115    -xscale # -yscale #  output pixel width and height
116    -depth #             Number of iterations before we give up on a given
117                         point and move on to calculate the next
118    -diverge #           Criteria for assuming the calculation has been
119                         "solved"-- for each point z, when
120                              abs(z=z^2+c) > diverge_value
121    -julia        Plot a Julia set instead of a Mandelbrot set
122    -jx # -jy #   The Julia point that defines the set
123    -alternate #    Plot an alternate Mandelbrot equation (varient 1 or 2 so far)
124 */
126 int myid;
127 int use_stdin = 0;
128 MPI_Comm comm;
swap(int * i,int * j)130 void swap(int *i, int *j)
131 {
132     int x;
133     x = *i;
134     *i = *j;
135     *j = x;
136 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])138 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
139 {
140     complex_t coord_point, julia_constant;
141     double x_max, x_min, y_max, y_min, x_resolution, y_resolution;
142     double divergent_limit;
143     char file_message[160];
144     char filename[100];
145     int icount, imax_iterations;
146     int ipixels_across, ipixels_down;
147     int i, j, k, julia, alternate_equation;
148     int imin, imax, jmin, jmax;
149     int temp[5];
150     /* make an integer array of size [N x M] to hold answers. */
151     int *in_grid_array, *out_grid_array = NULL;
152     int numprocs;
153     int  namelen;
154     char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
155     int num_colors;
156     color_t *colors = NULL;
157     MPI_Status status;
158     int save_image = 0;
159     int result;
160     char mpi_port[MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME];
161     MPI_Info info;
163     MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
164     MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
165     MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);
166     MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &namelen);
168     if (numprocs == 1)
169     {
170 	PrintUsage();
171 	MPI_Finalize();
172 	exit(0);
173     }
175     if (myid == 0)
176     {
177 	printf("Welcome to the Mandelbrot/Julia set explorer.\n");
179 	/* Get inputs-- region to view (must be within x/ymin to x/ymax, make sure
180 	xmax>xmin and ymax>ymin) and resolution (number of pixels along an edge,
181 	N x M, i.e. 256x256)
182 	*/
184 	read_mand_args(argc, argv, &imax_iterations, &ipixels_across, &ipixels_down,
185 	    &x_min, &x_max, &y_min, &y_max, &julia, &julia_constant.real,
186 	    &julia_constant.imaginary, &divergent_limit,
187 	    &alternate_equation, filename, &num_colors, &use_stdin, &save_image);
188 	check_mand_params(&imax_iterations, &ipixels_across, &ipixels_down,
189 	    &x_min, &x_max, &y_min, &y_max, &divergent_limit);
191 	if (julia == 1) /* we're doing a julia figure */
192 	    check_julia_params(&julia_constant.real, &julia_constant.imaginary);
194 	MPI_Bcast(&use_stdin, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
195 	MPI_Bcast(&num_colors, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
196 	MPI_Bcast(&imax_iterations, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
197 	MPI_Bcast(&ipixels_across, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
198 	MPI_Bcast(&ipixels_down, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
199 	MPI_Bcast(&divergent_limit, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
200 	MPI_Bcast(&julia, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
201 	MPI_Bcast(&julia_constant.real, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
202 	MPI_Bcast(&julia_constant.imaginary, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
203 	MPI_Bcast(&alternate_equation, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
204     }
205     else
206     {
207 	MPI_Bcast(&use_stdin, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
208 	MPI_Bcast(&num_colors, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
209 	MPI_Bcast(&imax_iterations, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
210 	MPI_Bcast(&ipixels_across, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
211 	MPI_Bcast(&ipixels_down, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
212 	MPI_Bcast(&divergent_limit, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
213 	MPI_Bcast(&julia, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
214 	MPI_Bcast(&julia_constant.real, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
215 	MPI_Bcast(&julia_constant.imaginary, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
216 	MPI_Bcast(&alternate_equation, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
217     }
219     if (myid == 0)
220     {
221 	colors = malloc((num_colors+1)* sizeof(color_t));
222 	if (colors == NULL)
223 	{
224 	    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
225 	    exit(-1);
226 	}
227 	Make_color_array(num_colors, colors);
228 	colors[num_colors] = 0; /* add one on the top to avoid edge errors */
229     }
231     /* allocate memory */
232     if ( (in_grid_array = (int *)calloc(ipixels_across * ipixels_down, sizeof(int))) == NULL)
233     {
234 	printf("Memory allocation failed for data array, aborting.\n");
235 	MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
236 	exit(-1);
237     }
239     if (myid == 0)
240     {
241 	int istep, jstep, cur_proc;
242 	int i1[400], i2[400], j1[400], j2[400];
243 	int ii, jj;
244 	char line[1024], *token;
246 	if ( (out_grid_array = (int *)calloc(ipixels_across * ipixels_down, sizeof(int))) == NULL)
247 	{
248 	    printf("Memory allocation failed for data array, aborting.\n");
249 	    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
250 	    exit(-1);
251 	}
253 	srand(getpid());
255 	if (!use_stdin)
256 	{
257 	    result = MPI_Info_create(&info);
258 	    if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
259 	    {
260 		printf("Unable to create an MPI_Info to be used in MPI_Open_port.\n");
261 		MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
262 	    }
263 	    result = MPI_Open_port(/*info*/MPI_INFO_NULL, mpi_port);
264 	    if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
265 	    {
266 		printf("MPI_Open_port failed, aborting.\n");
267 		MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
268 		exit(-1);
269 	    }
270 	    result = MPI_Bcast(mpi_port, MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
271 	    if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
272 	    {
273 		printf("Unable to broadcast the port name to COMM_WORLD.\n");
274 		MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
275 	    }
276 	    printf("%s listening on port:\n%s\n", processor_name, mpi_port);
277 	    fflush(stdout);
279 	    result = MPI_Comm_accept(mpi_port, info, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm);
280 	    if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
281 	    {
282 		printf("MPI_Comm_accept failed, aborting.\n");
283 		MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
284 		exit(-1);
285 	    }
286 	    printf("accepted connection from visualization program.\n");
287 	    fflush(stdout);
289 	    printf("sending image size to visualizer.\n");
290 	    /*
291 	    printf("sending pixels_across.\n");
292 	    fflush(stdout);
293 	    */
294 	    result = MPI_Send(&ipixels_across, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm);
295 	    if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
296 	    {
297 		printf("Unable to send pixel width to visualizer, aborting.\n");
298 		MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
299 	    }
300 	    /*
301 	    printf("sending pixels_down.\n");
302 	    fflush(stdout);
303 	    */
304 	    result = MPI_Send(&ipixels_down, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm);
305 	    if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
306 	    {
307 		printf("Unable to send pixel height to visualizer, aborting.\n");
308 		MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
309 	    }
310 	    /*
311 	    printf("sending num_colors.\n");
312 	    fflush(stdout);
313 	    */
314 	    result = MPI_Send(&num_colors, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm);
315 	    if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
316 	    {
317 		printf("Unable to send num_colors to visualizer, aborting.\n");
318 		MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
319 	    }
320 	    result = MPI_Send(&imax_iterations, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm);
321 	    if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
322 	    {
323 		printf("Unable to send imax_iterations to visualizer, aborting.\n");
324 		MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
325 	    }
326 	}
328 	for (;;)
329 	{
330 	    /* get x_min, x_max, y_min, and y_max */
331 	    if (use_stdin)
332 	    {
333 		printf("input xmin ymin xmax ymax max_iter, (0 0 0 0 0 to quit):\n");fflush(stdout);
334 		fgets(line, 1024, stdin);
335 		/*printf("read <%s> from stdin\n", line);fflush(stdout);*/
336 		token = strtok(line, " \n");
337 		x_min = atof(token);
338 		token = strtok(NULL, " \n");
339 		y_min = atof(token);
340 		token = strtok(NULL, " \n");
341 		x_max = atof(token);
342 		token = strtok(NULL, " \n");
343 		y_max = atof(token);
344 		token = strtok(NULL, " \n");
345 		imax_iterations = atoi(token);
346 		/*sscanf(line, "%g %g %g %g", &x_min, &y_min, &x_max, &y_max);*/
347 		/*scanf("%g %g %g %g", &x_min, &y_min, &x_max, &y_max);*/
348 	    }
349 	    else
350 	    {
351 		printf("reading xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax.\n");fflush(stdout);
352 		result = MPI_Recv(&x_min, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, comm, &status);
353 		if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
354 		{
355 		    printf("Unable to receive x_min from the visualizer, aborting.\n");
356 		    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
357 		}
358 		result = MPI_Recv(&y_min, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, comm, &status);
359 		if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
360 		{
361 		    printf("Unable to receive y_min from the visualizer, aborting.\n");
362 		    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
363 		}
364 		result = MPI_Recv(&x_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, comm, &status);
365 		if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
366 		{
367 		    printf("Unable to receive x_max from the visualizer, aborting.\n");
368 		    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
369 		}
370 		result = MPI_Recv(&y_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, comm, &status);
371 		if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
372 		{
373 		    printf("Unable to receive y_max from the visualizer, aborting.\n");
374 		    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
375 		}
376 		result = MPI_Recv(&imax_iterations, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm, &status);
377 		if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
378 		{
379 		    printf("Unable to receive imax_iterations from the visualizer, aborting.\n");
380 		    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
381 		}
382 	    }
383 	    printf("x0,y0 = (%f, %f) x1,y1 = (%f,%f) max_iter = %d\n", x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, imax_iterations);fflush(stdout);
385 	    /* break the work up into 400 pieces */
386 	    istep = ipixels_across / 20;
387 	    jstep = ipixels_down / 20;
388 	    if (istep < 1)
389 		istep = 1;
390 	    if (jstep < 1)
391 		jstep = 1;
392 	    k = 0;
393 	    for (i=0; i<20; i++)
394 	    {
395 		for (j=0; j<20; j++)
396 		{
397 		    i1[k] = MIN(istep * i, ipixels_across - 1);
398 		    i2[k] = MIN((istep * (i+1)) - 1, ipixels_across - 1);
399 		    j1[k] = MIN(jstep * j, ipixels_down - 1);
400 		    j2[k] = MIN((jstep * (j+1)) - 1, ipixels_down - 1);
401 		    k++;
402 		}
403 	    }
405 	    /* shuffle the work */
406 	    for (i=0; i<500; i++)
407 	    {
408 		ii = rand() % 400;
409 		jj = rand() % 400;
410 		swap(&i1[ii], &i1[jj]);
411 		swap(&i2[ii], &i2[jj]);
412 		swap(&j1[ii], &j1[jj]);
413 		swap(&j2[ii], &j2[jj]);
414 	    }
416 	    /*printf("bcasting the limits: (%f,%f)(%f,%f)\n", x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max);fflush(stdout);*/
417 	    /* let everyone know the limits */
418 	    MPI_Bcast(&x_min, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
419 	    MPI_Bcast(&x_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
420 	    MPI_Bcast(&y_min, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
421 	    MPI_Bcast(&y_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
422 	    MPI_Bcast(&imax_iterations, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
424 	    /* check for the end condition */
425 	    if (x_min == x_max && y_min == y_max)
426 	    {
427 		break;
428 	    }
430 	    /* send a piece of work to each worker (there must be more work than workers) */
431 	    cur_proc = 1;
432 	    k = 0;
433 	    for (i=1; i<numprocs; i++)
434 	    {
435 		temp[0] = k+1;
436 		temp[1] = i1[k]; /* imin */
437 		temp[2] = i2[k]; /* imax */
438 		temp[3] = j1[k]; /* jmin */
439 		temp[4] = j2[k]; /* jmax */
441 		/*printf("sending work(%d) to %d\n", k+1, cur_proc);fflush(stdout);*/
442 		MPI_Send(temp, 5, MPI_INT, cur_proc, 100, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
443 		cur_proc++;
444 		k++;
445 	    }
446 	    /* receive the results and hand out more work until the image is complete */
447 	    while (k<400)
448 	    {
449 		MPI_Recv(temp, 5, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 200, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
450 		cur_proc = temp[0];
451 		MPI_Recv(in_grid_array, (temp[2] + 1 - temp[1]) * (temp[4] + 1 - temp[3]), MPI_INT, cur_proc, 201, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
452 		/* draw data */
453 		output_data(in_grid_array, &temp[1], out_grid_array, ipixels_across, ipixels_down);
454 		temp[0] = k+1;
455 		temp[1] = i1[k];
456 		temp[2] = i2[k];
457 		temp[3] = j1[k];
458 		temp[4] = j2[k];
459 		/*printf("sending work(%d) to %d\n", k+1, cur_proc);fflush(stdout);*/
460 		MPI_Send(temp, 5, MPI_INT, cur_proc, 100, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
461 		k++;
462 	    }
463 	    /* receive the last pieces of work */
464 	    /* and tell everyone to stop */
465 	    for (i=1; i<numprocs; i++)
466 	    {
467 		MPI_Recv(temp, 5, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 200, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
468 		cur_proc = temp[0];
469 		MPI_Recv(in_grid_array, (temp[2] + 1 - temp[1]) * (temp[4] + 1 - temp[3]), MPI_INT, cur_proc, 201, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
470 		/* draw data */
471 		output_data(in_grid_array, &temp[1], out_grid_array, ipixels_across, ipixels_down);
472 		temp[0] = 0;
473 		temp[1] = 0;
474 		temp[2] = 0;
475 		temp[3] = 0;
476 		temp[4] = 0;
477 		/*printf("sending %d to tell %d to stop\n", temp[0], cur_proc);fflush(stdout);*/
478 		MPI_Send(temp, 5, MPI_INT, cur_proc, 100, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
479 	    }
481 	    /* tell the visualizer the image is done */
482 	    if (!use_stdin)
483 	    {
484 		temp[0] = 0;
485 		temp[1] = 0;
486 		temp[2] = 0;
487 		temp[3] = 0;
488 		result = MPI_Send(temp, 4, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm);
489 		if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
490 		{
491 		    printf("Unable to send a done command to the visualizer, aborting.\n");
492 		    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
493 		}
494 	    }
495 	}
496     }
497     else
498     {
499 	if (!use_stdin)
500 	{
501 	    result = MPI_Info_create(&info);
502 	    if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
503 	    {
504 		printf("Unable to create an MPI_Info to be used in MPI_Open_port.\n");
505 		MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
506 	    }
507 	    result = MPI_Bcast(mpi_port, MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
508 	    if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
509 	    {
510 		printf("Unable to broadcast the port name on COMM_WORLD.\n");
511 		MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
512 	    }
513 	    /*
514 	    printf("%s listening on port: %s\n", processor_name, mpi_port);
515 	    fflush(stdout);
516 	    */
518 	    result = MPI_Comm_accept(mpi_port, info, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm);
519 	    if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
520 	    {
521 		printf("MPI_Comm_accept failed, aborting.\n");
522 		MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
523 		exit(-1);
524 	    }
525 	}
526 	for (;;)
527 	{
528 	    MPI_Bcast(&x_min, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
529 	    MPI_Bcast(&x_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
530 	    MPI_Bcast(&y_min, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
531 	    MPI_Bcast(&y_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
532 	    MPI_Bcast(&imax_iterations, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
534 	    /* check for the end condition */
535 	    if (x_min == x_max && y_min == y_max)
536 	    {
537 		break;
538 	    }
540 	    x_resolution = (x_max-x_min)/ ((double)ipixels_across);
541 	    y_resolution = (y_max-y_min)/ ((double)ipixels_down);
543 	    MPI_Recv(temp, 5, MPI_INT, 0, 100, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
544 	    while (temp[0] != 0)
545 	    {
546 		imin = temp[1];
547 		imax = temp[2];
548 		jmin = temp[3];
549 		jmax = temp[4];
551 		k = 0;
552 		for (j=jmin; j<=jmax; ++j)
553 		{
554 		    coord_point.imaginary = y_max - j*y_resolution; /* go top to bottom */
556 		    for (i=imin; i<=imax; ++i)
557 		    {
558 			/* Call Mandelbrot routine for each code, fill array with number of iterations. */
560 			coord_point.real = x_min + i*x_resolution; /* go left to right */
561 			if (julia == 1)
562 			{
563 			    /* doing Julia set */
564 			    /* julia eq:  z = z^2 + c, z_0 = grid coordinate, c = constant */
565 			    icount = single_mandelbrot_point(coord_point, julia_constant, imax_iterations, divergent_limit);
566 			}
567 			else if (alternate_equation == 1)
568 			{
569 			    /* doing experimental form 1 */
570 			    icount = subtractive_mandelbrot_point(coord_point, julia_constant, imax_iterations, divergent_limit);
571 			}
572 			else if (alternate_equation == 2)
573 			{
574 			    /* doing experimental form 2 */
575 			    icount = additive_mandelbrot_point(coord_point, julia_constant, imax_iterations, divergent_limit);
576 			}
577 			else
578 			{
579 			    /* default to doing Mandelbrot set */
580 			    /* mandelbrot eq: z = z^2 + c, z_0 = c, c = grid coordinate */
581 			    icount = single_mandelbrot_point(coord_point, coord_point, imax_iterations, divergent_limit);
582 			}
583 			in_grid_array[k] = icount;
584 			++k;
585 		    }
586 		}
587 		/* send the result to the root */
588 		temp[0] = myid;
589 		MPI_Send(temp, 5, MPI_INT, 0, 200, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
590 		MPI_Send(in_grid_array, (temp[2] + 1 - temp[1]) * (temp[4] + 1 - temp[3]), MPI_INT, 0, 201, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
591 		/* get the next piece of work */
592 		MPI_Recv(temp, 5, MPI_INT, 0, 100, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
593 	    }
594 	}
595     }
597     if (myid == 0 && save_image)
598     {
599 	imax_iterations = 0;
600 	for (i=0; i<ipixels_across * ipixels_down; ++i)
601 	{
602 	    /* look for "brightest" pixel value, for image use */
603 	    if (out_grid_array[i] > imax_iterations)
604 		imax_iterations = out_grid_array[i];
605 	}
607 	if (julia == 0)
608 	    printf("Done calculating mandelbrot, now creating file\n");
609 	else
610 	    printf("Done calculating julia, now creating file\n");
611 	fflush(stdout);
613 	/* Print out the array in some appropriate form. */
614 	if (julia == 0)
615 	{
616 	    /* it's a mandelbrot */
617 	    sprintf(file_message, "Mandelbrot over (%lf-%lf,%lf-%lf), size %d x %d",
618 		x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, ipixels_across, ipixels_down);
619 	}
620 	else
621 	{
622 	    /* it's a julia */
623 	    sprintf(file_message, "Julia over (%lf-%lf,%lf-%lf), size %d x %d, center (%lf, %lf)",
624 		x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, ipixels_across, ipixels_down,
625 		julia_constant.real, julia_constant.imaginary);
626 	}
628 	dumpimage(filename, out_grid_array, ipixels_across, ipixels_down, imax_iterations, file_message, num_colors, colors);
629     }
631     MPI_Comm_disconnect(&comm);
633     MPI_Finalize();
634     free(colors);
635     return 0;
636 } /* end of main */
PrintUsage(void)638 void PrintUsage(void)
639 {
640     printf("usage: mpiexec -n x pmandel [options]\n");
641     printf("options:\n -xmin # -xmax #\n -ymin # -ymax #\n -depth #\n -xscale # -yscale #\n -out filename\n -i\n");
642     printf("All options are optional.\n");
643     printf("-i will allow you to input the min/max parameters from stdin and output the resulting image to a ppm file.");
644     printf("  Otherwise the root process will listen for a separate visualizer program to connect to it.\n");
645     printf("The defaults are:\n xmin %f, xmax %f\n ymin %f, ymax %f\n depth %d\n xscale %d, yscale %d\n %s\n",
647 	IDEAL_WIDTH, IDEAL_HEIGHT, default_filename);
648     fflush(stdout);
649 }
getColor(double fraction,double intensity)651 color_t getColor(double fraction, double intensity)
652 {
653     /* fraction is a part of the rainbow (0.0 - 1.0) = (Red-Yellow-Green-Cyan-Blue-Magenta-Red)
654     intensity (0.0 - 1.0) 0 = black, 1 = full color, 2 = white
655     */
656     double red, green, blue;
657     int r,g,b;
658     double dtemp;
660     fraction = fabs(modf(fraction, &dtemp));
662     if (intensity > 2.0)
663 	intensity = 2.0;
664     if (intensity < 0.0)
665 	intensity = 0.0;
667     dtemp = 1.0/6.0;
669     if (fraction < 1.0/6.0)
670     {
671 	red = 1.0;
672 	green = fraction / dtemp;
673 	blue = 0.0;
674     }
675     else
676     {
677 	if (fraction < 1.0/3.0)
678 	{
679 	    red = 1.0 - ((fraction - dtemp) / dtemp);
680 	    green = 1.0;
681 	    blue = 0.0;
682 	}
683 	else
684 	{
685 	    if (fraction < 0.5)
686 	    {
687 		red = 0.0;
688 		green = 1.0;
689 		blue = (fraction - (dtemp*2.0)) / dtemp;
690 	    }
691 	    else
692 	    {
693 		if (fraction < 2.0/3.0)
694 		{
695 		    red = 0.0;
696 		    green = 1.0 - ((fraction - (dtemp*3.0)) / dtemp);
697 		    blue = 1.0;
698 		}
699 		else
700 		{
701 		    if (fraction < 5.0/6.0)
702 		    {
703 			red = (fraction - (dtemp*4.0)) / dtemp;
704 			green = 0.0;
705 			blue = 1.0;
706 		    }
707 		    else
708 		    {
709 			red = 1.0;
710 			green = 0.0;
711 			blue = 1.0 - ((fraction - (dtemp*5.0)) / dtemp);
712 		    }
713 		}
714 	    }
715 	}
716     }
718     if (intensity > 1)
719     {
720 	intensity = intensity - 1.0;
721 	red = red + ((1.0 - red) * intensity);
722 	green = green + ((1.0 - green) * intensity);
723 	blue = blue + ((1.0 - blue) * intensity);
724     }
725     else
726     {
727 	red = red * intensity;
728 	green = green * intensity;
729 	blue = blue * intensity;
730     }
732     r = (int)(red * 255.0);
733     g = (int)(green * 255.0);
734     b = (int)(blue * 255.0);
736     return RGBtocolor_t(r,g,b);
737 }
Make_color_array(int num_colors,color_t colors[])739 int Make_color_array(int num_colors, color_t colors[])
740 {
741     double fraction, intensity;
742     int i;
744     intensity = 1.0;
745     for (i=0; i<num_colors; i++)
746     {
747 	fraction = (double)i / (double)num_colors;
748 	colors[i] = getColor(fraction, intensity);
749     }
750     return 0;
751 }
getRGB(color_t color,int * r,int * g,int * b)753 void getRGB(color_t color, int *r, int *g, int *b)
754 {
755     *r = getR(color);
756     *g = getG(color);
757     *b = getB(color);
758 }
read_mand_args(int argc,char * argv[],int * o_max_iterations,int * o_pixels_across,int * o_pixels_down,double * o_x_min,double * o_x_max,double * o_y_min,double * o_y_max,int * o_julia,double * o_julia_real_x,double * o_julia_imaginary_y,double * o_divergent_limit,int * o_alternate,char * filename,int * o_num_colors,int * use_stdin,int * save_image)760 void read_mand_args(int argc, char *argv[], int *o_max_iterations,
761 		    int *o_pixels_across, int *o_pixels_down,
762 		    double *o_x_min, double *o_x_max,
763 		    double *o_y_min, double *o_y_max, int *o_julia,
764 		    double *o_julia_real_x, double *o_julia_imaginary_y,
765 		    double *o_divergent_limit, int *o_alternate,
766 		    char *filename, int *o_num_colors, int *use_stdin,
767 		    int *save_image)
768 {
769     int i;
771     *o_julia_real_x = NOVALUE;
772     *o_julia_imaginary_y = NOVALUE;
774     /* set defaults */
775     *o_max_iterations = IDEAL_ITERATIONS;
776     *o_pixels_across = IDEAL_WIDTH;
777     *o_pixels_down = IDEAL_HEIGHT;
778     *o_x_min = IDEAL_MIN_X_VALUE;
779     *o_x_max = IDEAL_MAX_X_VALUE;
780     *o_y_min = IDEAL_MIN_Y_VALUE;
781     *o_y_max = IDEAL_MAX_Y_VALUE;
782     *o_divergent_limit = INFINITE_LIMIT;
783     strcpy(filename, default_filename);
784     *o_num_colors = IDEAL_ITERATIONS;
785     *use_stdin = 0; /* default is to listen for a controller */
786     *save_image = NOVALUE;
788     *o_julia = 0; /* default is "generate Mandelbrot" */
789     *o_alternate = 0; /* default is still "generate Mandelbrot" */
790     *o_divergent_limit = INFINITE_LIMIT; /* default total range is assumed
791 					 if not explicitly overwritten */
793     /* We just cycle through all given parameters, matching what we can.
794     Note that we force casting, because we expect that a nonsensical
795     value is better than a poorly formatted one (fewer crashes), and
796     we'll later sort out the good from the bad
797     */
799     for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) /* grab command line arguments */
800 	if (strcmp(argv[i], "-xmin\0") == 0 && argv[i+1] != NULL)
801 	    sscanf(argv[i+1], "%lf", &*o_x_min);
802 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-xmax\0") == 0 && argv[i+1] != NULL)
803 	    sscanf(argv[i+1], "%lf", &*o_x_max);
804 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ymin\0") == 0 && argv[i+1] != NULL)
805 	    sscanf(argv[i+1], "%lf", &*o_y_min);
806 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ymax\0") == 0 && argv[i+1] != NULL)
807 	    sscanf(argv[i+1], "%lf", &*o_y_max);
808 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-depth\0") == 0 && argv[i+1] != NULL)
809 	    sscanf(argv[i+1], "%d", &*o_max_iterations);
810 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-xscale\0") == 0 && argv[i+1] != NULL)
811 	    sscanf(argv[i+1], "%d", &*o_pixels_across);
812 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-yscale\0") == 0 && argv[i+1] != NULL)
813 	    sscanf(argv[i+1], "%d", &*o_pixels_down);
814 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-diverge\0") == 0 && argv[i+1] != NULL)
815 	    sscanf(argv[i+1], "%lf", &*o_divergent_limit);
816 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-jx\0") == 0 && argv[i+1] != NULL)
817 	    sscanf(argv[i+1], "%lf", &*o_julia_real_x);
818 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-jy\0") == 0 && argv[i+1] != NULL)
819 	    sscanf(argv[i+1], "%lf", &*o_julia_imaginary_y);
820 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-alternate\0") == 0 && argv[i+1] != NULL)
821 	    sscanf(argv[i+1], "%d", &*o_alternate);
822 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-julia\0") == 0)
823 	    *o_julia = 1;
824 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-out\0") == 0 && argv[i+1] != NULL)
825 	    strcpy(filename, argv[i+1]);
826 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-colors\0") == 0 && argv[i+1] != NULL)
827 	    sscanf(argv[i+1], "%d", &*o_num_colors);
828 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-i\0") == 0)
829 	    *use_stdin = 1;
830 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-save\0") == 0)
831 	    *save_image = 1;
832 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nosave\0") == 0)
833 	    *save_image = 0;
834 	else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-help\0") == 0)
835 	{
836 	    PrintUsage();
837 	    MPI_Finalize();
838 	    exit(0);
839 	}
841 	if (*save_image == NOVALUE)
842 	{
843 	    if (*use_stdin == 1)
844 		*save_image = 1;
845 	    else
846 		*save_image = 0;
847 	}
848 #if DEBUG2
849 	if (myid == 0)
850 	{
851 	    printf("Doing %d iterations over (%.2lf:%.2lf,%.2lf:%.2lf) on a %d x %d grid\n",
852 		*o_max_iterations, *o_x_min,*o_x_max,*o_y_min,*o_y_max,
853 		*o_pixels_across, *o_pixels_down);
854 	}
855 #endif
856 }
check_mand_params(int * m_max_iterations,int * m_pixels_across,int * m_pixels_down,double * m_x_min,double * m_x_max,double * m_y_min,double * m_y_max,double * m_divergent_limit)858 void check_mand_params(int *m_max_iterations,
859 		       int *m_pixels_across, int *m_pixels_down,
860 		       double *m_x_min, double *m_x_max,
861 		       double *m_y_min, double *m_y_max,
862 		       double *m_divergent_limit)
863 {
864     /* Get first batch of limits */
865 #if PROMPT
866     if (*m_x_min == NOVALUE || *m_x_max == NOVALUE)
867     {
868 	/* grab unspecified limits */
869 	printf("Enter lower and higher limits on x (within -1 to 1): ");
870 	scanf("%lf %lf", &*m_x_min, &*m_x_max);
871     }
873     if (*m_y_min == NOVALUE || *m_y_max == NOVALUE)
874     {
875 	/* grab unspecified limits */
876 	printf("Enter lower and higher limits on y (within -1 to 1): ");
877 	scanf("%lf %lf", &*m_y_min, &*m_y_max);
878     }
879 #endif
881     /* Verify limits are reasonable */
883     if (*m_x_min < MIN_X_VALUE || *m_x_min > *m_x_max)
884     {
885 	printf("Chosen lower x limit is too low, resetting to %lf\n",MIN_X_VALUE);
886 	*m_x_min = MIN_X_VALUE;
887     }
888     if (*m_x_max > MAX_X_VALUE || *m_x_max <= *m_x_min)
889     {
890 	printf("Chosen upper x limit is too high, resetting to %lf\n",MAX_X_VALUE);
891 	*m_x_max = MAX_X_VALUE;
892     }
893     if (*m_y_min < MIN_Y_VALUE || *m_y_min > *m_y_max)
894     {
895 	printf("Chosen lower y limit is too low, resetting to %lf\n",MIN_Y_VALUE);
896 	*m_y_min = MIN_Y_VALUE;
897     }
898     if (*m_y_max > MAX_Y_VALUE || *m_y_max <= *m_y_min)
899     {
900 	printf("Chosen upper y limit is too high, resetting to %lf\n",MAX_Y_VALUE);
901 	*m_y_max = MAX_Y_VALUE;
902     }
904     /* Get second set of limits */
905 #if PROMPT
907     if (*m_max_iterations == NOVALUE)
908     {
909 	/* grab unspecified limit */
910 	printf("Enter max interations to do: ");
911 	scanf("%d",&*m_max_iterations);
912     }
913 #endif
915     /* Verify second set of limits */
917     if (*m_max_iterations > MAX_ITERATIONS || *m_max_iterations < 0)
918     {
919 	printf("Warning, unreasonable number of iterations, setting to %d\n", MAX_ITERATIONS);
920 	*m_max_iterations = MAX_ITERATIONS;
921     }
923     /* Get third set of limits */
924 #if PROMPT
925     if (*m_pixels_across == NOVALUE || *m_pixels_down == NOVALUE)
926     {
927 	/* grab unspecified limits */
928 	printf("Enter pixel size (horizonal by vertical, i.e. 256 256): ");
929 	scanf(" %d %d", &*m_pixels_across, &*m_pixels_down);
930     }
931 #endif
933     /* Verify third set of limits */
935     if (*m_pixels_across > MAX_WIDTH)
936     {
937 	printf("Warning, image requested is too wide, setting to %d pixel width\n", MAX_WIDTH);
938 	*m_pixels_across = MAX_WIDTH;
939     }
940     if (*m_pixels_down > MAX_HEIGHT)
941     {
942 	printf("Warning, image requested is too tall, setting to %d pixel height\n", MAX_HEIGHT);
943 	*m_pixels_down = MAX_HEIGHT;
944     }
946 #if DEBUG2
947     printf("%d iterations over (%.2lf:%.2lf,%.2lf:%.2lf), %d x %d grid, diverge value %lf\n",
948 	*m_max_iterations, *m_x_min,*m_x_max,*m_y_min,*m_y_max,
949 	*m_pixels_across, *m_pixels_down, *m_divergent_limit);
950 #endif
951 }
check_julia_params(double * julia_x_constant,double * julia_y_constant)953 void check_julia_params(double *julia_x_constant, double *julia_y_constant)
954 {
956     /* Hey, we're not stupid-- if they must Prompt, we will also be Noisy */
957 #if PROMPT
958     if (*julia_x_constant == NOVALUE || *julia_y_constant == NOVALUE)
959     {
960 	/* grab unspecified limits */
961 	printf("Enter Coordinates for Julia expansion: ");
962 	scanf("%lf %lf", &*julia_x_constant, &*julia_y_constant);
963     }
964 #endif
966 #if DEBUG2
967     /* In theory, any point can be investigated, although it's not much point
968     if it's outside of the area viewed.  But, hey, that's not our problem */
969     printf("Exploring julia set around (%lf, %lf)\n", *julia_x_constant, *julia_y_constant);
970 #endif
971 }
973 /* This is a Mandelbrot variant, solving the code for the equation:
974 z = z(1-z)
975 */
977 /* This routine takes a complex coordinate point (x+iy) and a value stating
978 what the upper limit to the number of iterations is.  It eventually
979 returns an integer of how many counts the code iterated for within
980 the given point/region until the exit condition ( abs(x+iy) > limit) was met.
981 This value is returned as an integer.
982 */
subtractive_mandelbrot_point(complex_t coord_point,complex_t c_constant,int Max_iterations,double divergent_limit)984 int subtractive_mandelbrot_point(complex_t coord_point,
985 				 complex_t c_constant,
986 				 int Max_iterations, double divergent_limit)
987 {
988     complex_t z_point, a_point; /* we need 2 pts to use in our calculation */
989     int num_iterations;  /* a counter to track the number of iterations done */
991     num_iterations = 0; /* zero our counter */
992     z_point = coord_point; /* initialize to the given start coordinate */
994     /* loop while the absolute value of the complex coordinate is < our limit
995     (for a mandelbrot) or until we've done our specified maximum number of
996     iterations (both julia and mandelbrot) */
998     while (absolute_complex(z_point) < divergent_limit &&
999 	num_iterations < Max_iterations)
1000     {
1001 	/* z = z(1-z) */
1002 	a_point.real = 1.0; a_point.imaginary = 0.0; /* make "1" */
1003 	a_point = subtract_complex(a_point,z_point);
1004 	z_point = multiply_complex(z_point,a_point);
1006 	++num_iterations;
1007     } /* done iterating for one point */
1009     return num_iterations;
1010 }
1012 /* This is a Mandelbrot variant, solving the code for the equation:
1013 z = z(z+c)
1014 */
1016 /* This routine takes a complex coordinate point (x+iy) and a value stating
1017 what the upper limit to the number of iterations is.  It eventually
1018 returns an integer of how many counts the code iterated for within
1019 the given point/region until the exit condition ( abs(x+iy) > limit) was met.
1020 This value is returned as an integer.
1021 */
additive_mandelbrot_point(complex_t coord_point,complex_t c_constant,int Max_iterations,double divergent_limit)1023 int additive_mandelbrot_point(complex_t coord_point,
1024 			      complex_t c_constant,
1025 			      int Max_iterations, double divergent_limit)
1026 {
1027     complex_t z_point, a_point; /* we need 2 pts to use in our calculation */
1028     int num_iterations;  /* a counter to track the number of iterations done */
1030     num_iterations = 0; /* zero our counter */
1031     z_point = coord_point; /* initialize to the given start coordinate */
1033     /* loop while the absolute value of the complex coordinate is < our limit
1034     (for a mandelbrot) or until we've done our specified maximum number of
1035     iterations (both julia and mandelbrot) */
1037     while (absolute_complex(z_point) < divergent_limit &&
1038 	num_iterations < Max_iterations)
1039     {
1040 	/* z = z(z+C) */
1041 	a_point = add_complex(z_point,coord_point);
1042 	z_point = multiply_complex(z_point,a_point);
1044 	++num_iterations;
1045     } /* done iterating for one point */
1047     return num_iterations;
1048 }
1050 /* This is a Mandelbrot variant, solving the code for the equation:
1051 z = z(z+1)
1052 */
1054 /* This routine takes a complex coordinate point (x+iy) and a value stating
1055 what the upper limit to the number of iterations is.  It eventually
1056 returns an integer of how many counts the code iterated for within
1057 the given point/region until the exit condition ( abs(x+iy) > limit) was met.
1058 This value is returned as an integer.
1059 */
exponential_mandelbrot_point(complex_t coord_point,complex_t c_constant,int Max_iterations,double divergent_limit)1061 int exponential_mandelbrot_point(complex_t coord_point,
1062 				 complex_t c_constant,
1063 				 int Max_iterations, double divergent_limit)
1064 {
1065     complex_t z_point, a_point; /* we need 2 pts to use in our calculation */
1066     int num_iterations;  /* a counter to track the number of iterations done */
1068     num_iterations = 0; /* zero our counter */
1069     z_point = coord_point; /* initialize to the given start coordinate */
1071     /* loop while the absolute value of the complex coordinate is < our limit
1072     (for a mandelbrot) or until we've done our specified maximum number of
1073     iterations (both julia and mandelbrot) */
1075     while (absolute_complex(z_point) < divergent_limit &&
1076 	num_iterations < Max_iterations)
1077     {
1078 	/* z = z(1-z) */
1079 	a_point.real = 1.0; a_point.imaginary = 0.0; /* make "1" */
1080 	a_point = subtract_complex(a_point,z_point);
1081 	z_point = multiply_complex(z_point,a_point);
1083 	++num_iterations;
1084     } /* done iterating for one point */
1086     return num_iterations;
1087 }
complex_points_to_image(complex_t in_julia_coord_set[],int in_julia_set_size,int i_pixels_across,int i_pixels_down,int * out_image_final,int * out_max_colors)1089 void complex_points_to_image(complex_t in_julia_coord_set[],
1090 			     int in_julia_set_size,
1091 			     int i_pixels_across,int i_pixels_down,
1092 			     int *out_image_final, int *out_max_colors)
1093 {
1094     int i, i_temp_quantize;
1095     double x_resolution_element, y_resolution_element, temp_quantize;
1096     double x_max, x_min, y_max, y_min;
1098     /* Convert the complex points into an image--
1100     first, find the min and max for each axis. */
1102     x_min = in_julia_coord_set[0].real;
1103     x_max = x_min;
1104     y_min = in_julia_coord_set[0].imaginary;
1105     y_max = y_min;
1107     for (i=0;i<in_julia_set_size;++i)
1108     {
1109 	if (in_julia_coord_set[i].real < x_min)
1110 	    x_min = in_julia_coord_set[i].real;
1111 	if (in_julia_coord_set[i].real > x_max)
1112 	    x_max = in_julia_coord_set[i].real;
1113 	if (in_julia_coord_set[i].imaginary < y_min)
1114 	    y_min = in_julia_coord_set[i].imaginary;
1115 	if (in_julia_coord_set[i].imaginary > y_max)
1116 	    y_max = in_julia_coord_set[i].imaginary;
1117     }
1119     /* convert to fit image grid size: */
1121     x_resolution_element =  (x_max - x_min)/(double)i_pixels_across;
1122     y_resolution_element =  (y_max - y_min)/(double)i_pixels_down;
1124 #ifdef DEBUG
1125     printf("%lf %lf\n",x_resolution_element, y_resolution_element);
1126 #endif
1129     /* now we can put each point into a grid space, and up the count of
1130     said grid.  Since calloc initialized it to zero, this is safe */
1131     /* A point x,y goes to grid region i,j, where
1132     xi =  (x-xmin)/x_resolution   (position relative to far left)
1133     yj =  (ymax-y)/y_resolution   (position relative to top)
1134     This gets mapped to our 1-d array as  xi + yj*i_pixels_across,
1135     taken as an integer (rounding down) and checking array limits
1136     */
1138     for (i=0; i<in_julia_set_size; ++i)
1139     {
1140 	temp_quantize =
1141 	    (in_julia_coord_set[i].real - x_min)/x_resolution_element +
1142 	    (y_max -  in_julia_coord_set[i].imaginary)/y_resolution_element *
1143 	    (double)i_pixels_across;
1144 	i_temp_quantize = (int)temp_quantize;
1145 	if (i_temp_quantize > i_pixels_across*i_pixels_down)
1146 	    i_temp_quantize = i_pixels_across*i_pixels_down;
1148 #ifdef DEBUG
1149 	printf("%d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",
1150 	    i_temp_quantize, temp_quantize, x_min, x_resolution_element,
1151 	    in_julia_coord_set[i].real, y_max, y_resolution_element,
1152 	    in_julia_coord_set[i].imaginary);
1153 #endif
1155 	++out_image_final[i_temp_quantize];
1156     }
1158     /* find the highest value (most occupied bin) */
1159     *out_max_colors = 0;
1160     for (i=0;i<i_pixels_across*i_pixels_down;++i)
1161     {
1162 	if (out_image_final[i] > *out_max_colors)
1163 	{
1164 	    *out_max_colors = out_image_final[i];
1165 	}
1166     }
1167 }
exponential_complex(complex_t in_complex)1169 complex_t exponential_complex(complex_t in_complex)
1170 {
1171     complex_t out_complex;
1172     double e_to_x;
1173     /* taking the exponential,   e^(x+iy) = e^xe^iy = e^x(cos(y)+isin(y) */
1174     e_to_x = exp(in_complex.real);
1175     out_complex.real = e_to_x * cos(in_complex.imaginary);
1176     out_complex.imaginary = e_to_x * sin(in_complex.imaginary);
1177     return out_complex;
1178 }
multiply_complex(complex_t in_one_complex,complex_t in_two_complex)1180 complex_t multiply_complex(complex_t in_one_complex, complex_t in_two_complex)
1181 {
1182     complex_t out_complex;
1183     /* multiplying complex variables-- (x+iy) * (a+ib) = xa - yb + i(xb + ya) */
1184     out_complex.real = in_one_complex.real * in_two_complex.real -
1185 	in_one_complex.imaginary * in_two_complex.imaginary;
1186     out_complex.imaginary = in_one_complex.real * in_two_complex.imaginary +
1187 	in_one_complex.imaginary * in_two_complex.real;
1188     return out_complex;
1189 }
divide_complex(complex_t in_one_complex,complex_t in_two_complex)1191 complex_t divide_complex(complex_t in_one_complex, complex_t in_two_complex)
1192 {
1193     complex_t out_complex;
1194     double divider;
1195     /* dividing complex variables-- (x+iy)/(a+ib) = (xa - yb)/(a^2+b^2)
1196     + i (y*a-x*b)/(a^2+b^2) */
1197     divider = (in_two_complex.real*in_two_complex.real -
1198 	in_two_complex.imaginary*in_two_complex.imaginary);
1199     out_complex.real = (in_one_complex.real * in_two_complex.real -
1200 	in_one_complex.imaginary * in_two_complex.imaginary) / divider;
1201     out_complex.imaginary = (in_one_complex.imaginary * in_two_complex.real -
1202 	in_one_complex.real * in_two_complex.imaginary) / divider;
1203     return out_complex;
1204 }
inverse_complex(complex_t in_complex)1206 complex_t inverse_complex(complex_t in_complex)
1207 {
1208     complex_t out_complex;
1209     double divider;
1210     /* inverting a complex variable: 1/(x+iy) */
1211     divider = (in_complex.real*in_complex.real -
1212 	in_complex.imaginary*in_complex.imaginary);
1213     out_complex.real = (in_complex.real - in_complex.imaginary) / divider;
1214     out_complex.imaginary = (in_complex.real - in_complex.imaginary) / divider;
1215     return out_complex;
1216 }
add_complex(complex_t in_one_complex,complex_t in_two_complex)1218 complex_t add_complex(complex_t in_one_complex, complex_t in_two_complex)
1219 {
1220     complex_t out_complex;
1221     /* adding complex variables-- do by component */
1222     out_complex.real = in_one_complex.real + in_two_complex.real;
1223     out_complex.imaginary = in_one_complex.imaginary + in_two_complex.imaginary;
1224     return out_complex;
1225 }
subtract_complex(complex_t in_one_complex,complex_t in_two_complex)1227 complex_t subtract_complex(complex_t in_one_complex, complex_t in_two_complex)
1228 {
1229     complex_t out_complex;
1230     /* subtracting complex variables-- do by component */
1231     out_complex.real = in_one_complex.real - in_two_complex.real;
1232     out_complex.imaginary = in_one_complex.imaginary - in_two_complex.imaginary;
1233     return out_complex;
1234 }
absolute_complex(complex_t in_complex)1236 double absolute_complex(complex_t in_complex)
1237 {
1238     double out_double;
1239     /* absolute value is (for x+yi)  sqrt( x^2 + y^2) */
1240     out_double = sqrt(in_complex.real*in_complex.real + in_complex.imaginary*in_complex.imaginary);
1241     return out_double;
1242 }
1244 /* This routine takes a complex coordinate point (x+iy) and a value stating
1245 what the upper limit to the number of iterations is.  It eventually
1246 returns an integer of how many counts the code iterated for within
1247 the given point/region until the exit condition ( abs(x+iy) > limit) was met.
1248 This value is returned as an integer.
1249 */
single_mandelbrot_point(complex_t coord_point,complex_t c_constant,int Max_iterations,double divergent_limit)1251 int single_mandelbrot_point(complex_t coord_point,
1252 			    complex_t c_constant,
1253 			    int Max_iterations, double divergent_limit)
1254 {
1255     complex_t z_point;  /* we need a point to use in our calculation */
1256     int num_iterations;  /* a counter to track the number of iterations done */
1258     num_iterations = 0; /* zero our counter */
1259     z_point = coord_point; /* initialize to the given start coordinate */
1261     /* loop while the absolute value of the complex coordinate is < our limit
1262     (for a mandelbrot) or until we've done our specified maximum number of
1263     iterations (both julia and mandelbrot) */
1265     while (absolute_complex(z_point) < divergent_limit &&
1266 	num_iterations < Max_iterations)
1267     {
1268 	/* z = z*z + c */
1269 	z_point = multiply_complex(z_point,z_point);
1270 	z_point = add_complex(z_point,c_constant);
1272 	++num_iterations;
1273     } /* done iterating for one point */
1275     return num_iterations;
1276 }
output_data(int * in_grid_array,int coord[4],int * out_grid_array,int width,int height)1278 void output_data(int *in_grid_array, int coord[4], int *out_grid_array, int width, int height)
1279 {
1280     int i, j, k;
1281     int result;
1283     k = 0;
1284     for (j=coord[2]; j<=coord[3]; j++)
1285     {
1286 	for (i=coord[0]; i<=coord[1]; i++)
1287 	{
1288 	    out_grid_array[(j * height) + i] = in_grid_array[k];
1289 	    k++;
1290 	}
1291     }
1292     if (!use_stdin)
1293     {
1294 	result = MPI_Send(coord, 4, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm);
1295 	if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
1296 	{
1297 	    printf("Unable to send coordinates to the visualizer, aborting.\n");
1298 	    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
1299 	}
1300 	result = MPI_Send(in_grid_array, (coord[1] + 1 - coord[0]) * (coord[3] + 1 - coord[2]), MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm);
1301 	if (result != MPI_SUCCESS)
1302 	{
1303 	    printf("Unable to send coordinate data to the visualizer, aborting.\n");
1304 	    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
1305 	}
1306     }
1307 }
1309 /* Writes out a linear integer array of grayscale pixel values to a
1310 pgm-format file (with header).  The exact format details are given
1311 at the end of this routine in case you don't have the man pages
1312 installed locally.  Essentially, it's a 2-dimensional integer array
1313 of pixel grayscale values.  Very easy to manipulate externally.
1314 */
1316 /* You need the following inputs:
1317 A linear integer array with the actual pixel values (read in as
1318 consecutive rows),
1319 The width and height of the grid, and
1320 The maximum pixel value (to set greyscale range).  We are assuming
1321 that the lowest value is "0".
1322 */
dumpimage(char * filename,int in_grid_array[],int in_pixels_across,int in_pixels_down,int in_max_pixel_value,char input_string[],int num_colors,color_t colors[])1324 void dumpimage(char *filename, int in_grid_array[], int in_pixels_across, int in_pixels_down,
1325 	       int in_max_pixel_value, char input_string[], int num_colors, color_t colors[])
1326 {
1327     FILE *ifp;
1328     int i, j, k;
1329 #ifdef USE_PPM
1330     int r, g, b;
1331 #endif
1333     printf("%s\nwidth: %d\nheight: %d\ncolors: %d\nstr: %s\n",
1334 	filename, in_pixels_across, in_pixels_down, num_colors, input_string);
1335     fflush(stdout);
1337     if ( (ifp=fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL)
1338     {
1339 	printf("Error, could not open output file\n");
1340 	MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
1341 	exit(-1);
1342     }
1344 #ifdef USE_PPM
1345     fprintf(ifp, "P3\n");  /* specifies type of file, in this case ppm */
1346     fprintf(ifp, "# %s\n", input_string);  /* an arbitrary file identifier */
1347     /* now give the file size in pixels by pixels */
1348     fprintf(ifp, "%d %d\n", in_pixels_across, in_pixels_down);
1349     /* give the max r,g,b level */
1350     fprintf(ifp, "255\n");
1352     k=0; /* counter for the linear array of the final image */
1353     /* assumes first point is upper left corner (element 0 of array) */
1355     if (in_max_pixel_value < 1)
1356     {
1357 	for (j=0; j<in_pixels_down; ++j) /* start at the top row and work down */
1358 	{
1359 	    for (i=0; i<in_pixels_across; ++i) /* go along the row */
1360 	    {
1361 		fprintf(ifp, "0 0 0 ");
1362 	    }
1363 	    fprintf(ifp, "\n"); /* done writing one row, begin next line */
1364 	}
1365     }
1366     else
1367     {
1368 	for (j=0; j<in_pixels_down; ++j) /* start at the top row and work down */
1369 	{
1370 	    for (i=0; i<in_pixels_across; ++i) /* go along the row */
1371 	    {
1372 		getRGB(colors[(in_grid_array[k] * num_colors) / in_max_pixel_value], &r, &g, &b);
1373 		fprintf(ifp, "%d %d %d ", r, g, b); /* +1 since 0 = first color */
1374 		++k;
1375 	    }
1376 	    fprintf(ifp, "\n"); /* done writing one row, begin next line */
1377 	}
1378     }
1379 #else
1380     fprintf(ifp, "P2\n");  /* specifies type of file, in this case pgm */
1381     fprintf(ifp, "# %s\n", input_string);  /* an arbitrary file identifier */
1382     /* now give the file size in pixels by pixels */
1383     fprintf(ifp, "%d %d\n", in_pixels_across, in_pixels_down);
1384     /* gives max number of grayscale levels */
1385     fprintf(ifp, "%d\n", in_max_pixel_value+1); /* plus 1 because 0=first color */
1387     k=0; /* counter for the linear array of the final image */
1388     /* assumes first point is upper left corner (element 0 of array) */
1390     for (j=0;j<in_pixels_down;++j) /* start at the top row and work down */
1391     {
1392 	for (i=0;i<in_pixels_across;++i) /* go along the row */
1393 	{
1394 	    fprintf(ifp, "%d ", in_grid_array[k]+1); /* +1 since 0 = first color */
1395 	    ++k;
1396 	}
1397 	fprintf(ifp, "\n"); /* done writing one row, begin next line */
1398     }
1399 #endif
1401     fclose(ifp);
1402 }