1 /* -*-  Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
4  * Copyright (c) 2013 Budiarto Herman
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
8  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
18  *
19  * Original work authors (from lte-enb-rrc.cc):
20  * - Nicola Baldo <nbaldo@cttc.es>
21  * - Marco Miozzo <mmiozzo@cttc.es>
22  * - Manuel Requena <manuel.requena@cttc.es>
23  *
24  * Converted to ANR interface by:
25  * - Budiarto Herman <budiarto.herman@magister.fi>
26  */
28 #ifndef LTE_ANR_H
29 #define LTE_ANR_H
31 #include <ns3/object.h>
32 #include <ns3/lte-rrc-sap.h>
33 #include <ns3/lte-anr-sap.h>
34 #include <map>
36 namespace ns3 {
39 class LteAnrSapProvider;
40 class LteAnrSapUser;
41 class LteNeighbourRelation;
43 /**
44  * \brief Automatic Neighbour Relation function.
45  *
46  * ANR is a conceptually a list of neighbouring cells called the Neighbour
47  * Relation Table (NRT). ANR has the capability of automatically inserting new
48  * entries into NRT based on measurement reports obtained from the eNodeB RRC
49  * instance. Besides this, ANR also supports manual insertion and accepts
50  * queries for the NRT content.
51  *
52  * The LteHelper class automatically installs one ANR instance for each eNodeB
53  * RRC instance. When installed, ANR will assist the eNodeB RRC's handover
54  * function, e.g., by preventing an X2-based handover execution if there is no
55  * X2 interface to the target neighbour cell. If this is not desired, it can be
56  * disabled by the following code sample:
57  *
58  *     Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteHelper::AnrEnabled", BooleanValue (false));
59  *     Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
60  *
61  * The communication between an ANR instance and the eNodeB RRC instance is done
62  * through the *ANR SAP* interface. The ANR instance corresponds to the
63  * "provider" part of this interface, while the eNodeB RRC instance takes the
64  * role of the "user" part. The following code skeleton establishes the
65  * connection between both instances:
66  *
67  *     Ptr<LteEnbRrc> u = ...;
68  *     Ptr<LteAnr> p = ...;
69  *     u->SetLteAnrSapProvider (p->GetLteAnrSapProvider ());
70  *     p->SetLteAnrSapUser (u->GetLteAnrSapUser ());
71  *
72  * However, user rarely needs to use the above code, since it has already been
73  * taken care by LteHelper::InstallEnbDevice.
74  *
75  * The current ANR model is inspired from Section 22.3.2a and 22.3.3 of 3GPP
76  * TS 36.300.
77  *
78  * \sa SetLteAnrSapProvider, SetLteAnrSapUser
79  */
80 class LteAnr : public Object
81 {
82 public:
83   /**
84    * \brief Creates an ANR instance.
85    * \param servingCellId the cell ID of the eNodeB instance whom this ANR
86    *                      instance is to be associated with
87    */
88   LteAnr (uint16_t servingCellId);
89   virtual ~LteAnr ();
91   /**
92    * \brief Get the type ID.
93    * \return the object TypeId
94    */
95   static TypeId GetTypeId ();
97   /**
98    * \brief Provide an advance information about a related neighbouring cell
99    *        and add it as a new Neighbour Relation entry.
100    * \param cellId the cell ID of the new neighbour
101    *
102    * This function simulates the Neighbour Relation addition operation by
103    * network operations and maintenance, as depicted in Section 22.3.2a of
104    * 3GPP TS 36.300.
105    *
106    * An entry added by this function will have the NoRemove flag set to TRUE and
107    * the NoHo flag set to TRUE. Hence, the cell may not act as the target cell
108    * of a handover, unless a measurement report of the cell is received, which
109    * will update the NoHo flag to FALSE.
110    */
111   void AddNeighbourRelation (uint16_t cellId);
113   /**
114    * \brief Remove an existing Neighbour Relation entry.
115    * \param cellId the cell ID to be removed from the NRT
116    *
117    * This function simulates the Neighbour Relation removal operation by
118    * network operations and maintenance, as depicted in Section 22.3.2a of
119    * 3GPP TS 36.300.
120    */
121   void RemoveNeighbourRelation (uint16_t cellId);
123   /**
124    * \brief Set the "user" part of the ANR SAP interface that this ANR instance
125    *        will interact with.
126    * \param s a reference to the "user" part of the interface, typically a
127    *          member of an LteEnbRrc instance
128    */
129   virtual void SetLteAnrSapUser (LteAnrSapUser* s);
131   /**
132    * \brief Export the "provider" part of the ANR SAP interface.
133    * \return the reference to the "provider" part of the interface, typically to
134    *         be kept by an LteEnbRrc instance
135    */
136   virtual LteAnrSapProvider* GetLteAnrSapProvider ();
138   /// let the forwarder class access the protected and private members
139   friend class MemberLteAnrSapProvider<LteAnr>;
141 protected:
142   // inherited from Object
143   virtual void DoInitialize ();
144   virtual void DoDispose ();
146 private:
150   /**
151    * \brief Implementation of LteAnrSapProvider::ReportUeMeas.
152    * \param measResults a single report of one measurement identity
153    */
154   void DoReportUeMeas (LteRrcSap::MeasResults measResults);
156   /**
157    * \brief Implementation of LteAnrSapProvider::AddNeighbourRelation.
158    * \param cellId the Physical Cell ID of the new neighbouring cell
159    */
160   void DoAddNeighbourRelation (uint16_t cellId);
162   /**
163    * \brief Implementation of LteAnrSapProvider::GetNoRemove.
164    * \param cellId the Physical Cell ID of the neighbouring cell of interest
165    * \return if true, the Neighbour Relation shall *not* be removed from the NRT
166    */
167   bool DoGetNoRemove (uint16_t cellId) const;
169   /**
170    * \brief Implementation of LteAnrSapProvider::GetNoHo.
171    * \param cellId the Physical Cell ID of the neighbouring cell of interest
172    * \return if true, the Neighbour Relation shall *not* be used by the eNodeB
173    *         for handover reasons
174    */
175   bool DoGetNoHo (uint16_t cellId) const;
177   /**
178    * \brief Implementation of LteAnrSapProvider::GetNoX2.
179    * \param cellId the Physical Cell ID of the neighbouring cell of interest
180    * \return if true, the Neighbour Relation shall *not* use an X2 interface in
181    *         order to initiate procedures towards the eNodeB parenting the
182    *         target cell
183    */
184   bool DoGetNoX2 (uint16_t cellId) const;
186   // ANR SAP
188   /**
189    * \brief Reference to the "provider" part of the ANR SAP interface, which is
190    *        automatically created when this class instantiates.
191    */
192   LteAnrSapProvider* m_anrSapProvider;
194   /**
195    * \brief Reference to the "user" part of the ANR SAP interface, which is
196    *        provided by the eNodeB RRC instance.
197    */
198   LteAnrSapUser* m_anrSapUser;
200   // ATTRIBUTE
202   /// The attribute Threshold.
203   uint8_t m_threshold;
205   /**
206    * \brief Neighbour Relation between two eNodeBs (serving eNodeB and neighbour
207    *        eNodeB).
208    */
209   struct NeighbourRelation_t
210   {
211     bool noRemove; ///< no remove
212     bool noHo; ///< no HO
213     bool noX2; ///< no X2
214     bool detectedAsNeighbour; ///< detected as neighbor
215   };
217   /// cellId
218   typedef std::map<uint16_t, NeighbourRelation_t> NeighbourRelationTable_t;
220   /// neighbor relation table
221   NeighbourRelationTable_t m_neighbourRelationTable;
223   /**
224    * \internal methods
225    * \param cellId
226    * \returns the neighbor relation
227    */
228   const NeighbourRelation_t* Find (uint16_t cellId) const;
230   /// The expected measurement identity
231   uint8_t m_measId;
233   /// Serving cell ID
234   uint16_t m_servingCellId;
236 }; // end of class LteAnr
239 } // end of namespace ns3
242 #endif /* LTE_ANR_H */