1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2009 The Georgia Institute of Technology
4  * Copyright (c) 2021 NITK Surathkal
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
8  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
18  *
19  * This file is adapted from the old ipv4-nix-vector-routing.h.
20  *
21  * Authors: Josh Pelkey <jpelkey@gatech.edu>
22  *
23  * Modified by: Ameya Deshpande <ameyanrd@outlook.com>
24  */
29 #include "ns3/channel.h"
30 #include "ns3/node-container.h"
31 #include "ns3/node-list.h"
32 #include "ns3/net-device-container.h"
33 #include "ns3/ipv4-routing-protocol.h"
34 #include "ns3/ipv4-route.h"
35 #include "ns3/ipv6-route.h"
36 #include "ns3/ipv6-routing-protocol.h"
37 #include "ns3/nix-vector.h"
38 #include "ns3/bridge-net-device.h"
39 #include "ns3/nstime.h"
40 #include "ns3/ipv4-interface.h"
41 #include "ns3/ipv6-interface.h"
42 #include "ns3/ipv4-l3-protocol.h"
43 #include "ns3/ipv6-l3-protocol.h"
45 #include <map>
46 #include <unordered_map>
48 namespace ns3 {
50 /**
51  * \defgroup nix-vector-routing Nix-Vector Routing
52  *
53  * Nix-vector routing is a simulation specific routing protocol and is
54  * intended for large network topologies.
55  */
57 /**
58  * \ingroup nix-vector-routing
59  * Nix-vector routing protocol
60  *
61  * \internal
62  * Since this class is meant to be specialized only by Ipv4RoutingProtocol or
63  * Ipv6RoutingProtocol the implementation of this class doesn't need to be
64  * exposed here; it is in nix-vector-routing.cc.
65  */
66 template <typename T>
67 class NixVectorRouting : public std::enable_if<std::is_same<Ipv4RoutingProtocol, T>::value || std::is_same<Ipv6RoutingProtocol, T>::value, T>::type
68 {
69   /// Alias for determining whether the parent is Ipv4RoutingProtocol or Ipv6RoutingProtocol
70   using IsIpv4 = std::is_same <Ipv4RoutingProtocol, T>;
72   /// Alias for Ipv4 and Ipv6 classes
73   using Ip = typename std::conditional <IsIpv4::value, Ipv4, Ipv6>::type;
75   /// Alias for Ipv4Address and Ipv6Address classes
76   using IpAddress = typename std::conditional<IsIpv4::value, Ipv4Address, Ipv6Address>::type;
78   /// Alias for Ipv4Route and Ipv6Route classes
79   using IpRoute = typename std::conditional<IsIpv4::value, Ipv4Route, Ipv6Route>::type;
81   /// Alias for Ipv4AddressHash and Ipv6AddressHash classes
82   using IpAddressHash = typename std::conditional<IsIpv4::value, Ipv4AddressHash, Ipv6AddressHash>::type;
84   /// Alias for Ipv4Header and Ipv6Header classes
85   using IpHeader = typename std::conditional<IsIpv4::value, Ipv4Header, Ipv6Header>::type;
87   /// Alias for Ipv4InterfaceAddress and Ipv6InterfaceAddress classes
88   using IpInterfaceAddress = typename std::conditional<IsIpv4::value, Ipv4InterfaceAddress, Ipv6InterfaceAddress>::type;
90   /// Alias for Ipv4Interface and Ipv6Interface classes
91   using IpInterface = typename std::conditional<IsIpv4::value, Ipv4Interface, Ipv6Interface>::type;
93   /// Alias for Ipv4L3Protocol and Ipv4L3Protocol classes
94   using IpL3Protocol = typename std::conditional<IsIpv4::value, Ipv4L3Protocol, Ipv6L3Protocol>::type;
96 public:
97   NixVectorRouting ();
98   ~NixVectorRouting ();
99   /**
100    * @brief The Interface ID of the Global Router interface.
101    * @return The Interface ID
102    * @see Object::GetObject ()
103    */
104   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
105   /**
106    * @brief Set the Node pointer of the node for which this
107    * routing protocol is to be placed
108    *
109    * @param node Node pointer
110    */
111   void SetNode (Ptr<Node> node);
113   /**
114    * @brief Called when run-time link topology change occurs
115    * which iterates through the node list and flushes any
116    * nix vector caches
117    *
118    * \internal
119    * \c const is used here due to need to potentially flush the cache
120    * in const methods such as PrintRoutingTable.  Caches are stored in
121    * mutable variables and flushed in const methods.
122    */
123   void FlushGlobalNixRoutingCache (void) const;
125   /**
126    * @brief Print the Routing Path according to Nix Routing
127    * \param source Source node
128    * \param dest Destination node address
129    * \param stream The ostream the Routing path is printed to
130    * \param unit the time unit to be used in the report
131    *
132    * \note IpAddress is alias for either Ipv4Address or Ipv6Address
133    *       depending on on whether the network is IPv4 or IPv6 respectively.
134    */
135   void PrintRoutingPath (Ptr<Node> source, IpAddress dest, Ptr<OutputStreamWrapper> stream, Time::Unit unit) const;
138 private:
140   /**
141    * Flushes the cache which stores nix-vector based on
142    * destination IP
143    */
144   void FlushNixCache (void) const;
146   /**
147    * Flushes the cache which stores the Ip route
148    * based on the destination IP
149    */
150   void FlushIpRouteCache (void) const;
152   /**
153    * Upon a run-time topology change caches are
154    * flushed and the total number of neighbors is
155    * reset to zero
156    */
157   void ResetTotalNeighbors (void);
159   /**
160    * Takes in the source node and dest IP and calls GetNodeByIp,
161    * BFS, accounting for any output interface specified, and finally
162    * BuildNixVector to return the built nix-vector
163    *
164    * \param source Source node
165    * \param dest Destination node address
166    * \param oif Preferred output interface
167    * \returns The NixVector to be used in routing.
168    */
169   Ptr<NixVector> GetNixVector (Ptr<Node> source, IpAddress dest, Ptr<NetDevice> oif) const;
171   /**
172    * Checks the cache based on dest IP for the nix-vector
173    * \param address Address to check
174    * \param foundInCache Address found in cache
175    * \returns The NixVector to be used in routing.
176    */
177   Ptr<NixVector> GetNixVectorInCache (const IpAddress &address,  bool &foundInCache) const;
179   /**
180    * Checks the cache based on dest IP for the IpRoute
181    * \param address Address to check
182    * \returns The cached route.
183    */
184   Ptr<IpRoute> GetIpRouteInCache (IpAddress address);
186   /**
187    * Given a net-device returns all the adjacent net-devices,
188    * essentially getting the neighbors on that channel
189    * \param [in] netDevice the NetDevice attached to the channel.
190    * \param [in] channel the channel to check
191    * \param [out] netDeviceContainer the NetDeviceContainer of the NetDevices in the channel.
192    */
193   void GetAdjacentNetDevices (Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice, Ptr<Channel> channel, NetDeviceContainer & netDeviceContainer) const;
195   /**
196    * Iterates through the node list and finds the one
197    * corresponding to the given IpAddress
198    * \param dest destination node IP
199    * \return The node with the specified IP.
200    */
201   Ptr<Node> GetNodeByIp (IpAddress dest) const;
203   /**
204    * Iterates through the node list and finds the one
205    * corresponding to the given IpAddress
206    * \param netDevice NetDevice pointer
207    * \return The node with the specified IP.
208    */
209   Ptr<IpInterface> GetInterfaceByNetDevice (Ptr<NetDevice> netDevice) const;
211   /**
212    * Recurses the T vector, created by BFS and actually builds the nixvector
213    * \param [in] parentVector Parent vector for retracing routes
214    * \param [in] source Source Node index
215    * \param [in] dest Destination Node index
216    * \param [out] nixVector the NixVector to be used for routing
217    * \returns true on success, false otherwise.
218    */
219   bool BuildNixVector (const std::vector< Ptr<Node> > & parentVector, uint32_t source, uint32_t dest, Ptr<NixVector> nixVector) const;
221   /**
222    * Special variation of BuildNixVector for when a node is sending to itself
223    * \param [out] nixVector the NixVector to be used for routing
224    * \returns true on success, false otherwise.
225    */
226   bool BuildNixVectorLocal (Ptr<NixVector> nixVector);
228   /**
229    * Simply iterates through the nodes net-devices and determines
230    * how many neighbors the node has.
231    * \param [in] node node pointer
232    * \returns the number of neighbors of m_node.
233    */
234   uint32_t FindTotalNeighbors (Ptr<Node> node) const;
237   /**
238    * Determine if the NetDevice is bridged
239    * \param nd the NetDevice to check
240    * \returns the bridging NetDevice (or null if the NetDevice is not bridged)
241    */
242   Ptr<BridgeNetDevice> NetDeviceIsBridged (Ptr<NetDevice> nd) const;
245   /**
246    * Nix index is with respect to the neighbors.  The net-device index must be
247    * derived from this
248    * \param [in] node the current node under consideration
249    * \param [in] nodeIndex Nix Node index
250    * \param [out] gatewayIp IP address of the gateway
251    * \returns the index of the NetDevice in the node.
252    */
253   uint32_t FindNetDeviceForNixIndex (Ptr<Node> node, uint32_t nodeIndex, IpAddress & gatewayIp) const;
255   /**
256    * \brief Breadth first search algorithm.
257    * \param [in] numberOfNodes total number of nodes
258    * \param [in] source Source Node
259    * \param [in] dest Destination Node
260    * \param [out] parentVector Parent vector for retracing routes
261    * \param [in] oif specific output interface to use from source node, if not null
262    * \returns false if dest not found, true o.w.
263    */
264   bool BFS (uint32_t numberOfNodes,
265             Ptr<Node> source,
266             Ptr<Node> dest,
267             std::vector< Ptr<Node> > & parentVector,
268             Ptr<NetDevice> oif) const;
270   /**
271    * \sa Ipv4RoutingProtocol::DoInitialize
272    * \sa Ipv6RoutingProtocol::DoInitialize
273    */
274   void DoInitialize ();
276   /**
277    * \sa Ipv4RoutingProtocol::DoDispose
278    * \sa Ipv6RoutingProtocol::DoDispose
279    */
280   void DoDispose (void);
282   /// Map of IpAddress to NixVector
283   typedef std::map<IpAddress, Ptr<NixVector> > NixMap_t;
284   /// Map of IpAddress to IpRoute
285   typedef std::map<IpAddress, Ptr<IpRoute> > IpRouteMap_t;
287   /// Callback for IPv4 unicast packets to be forwarded
288   typedef Callback<void, Ptr<IpRoute>, Ptr<const Packet>, const IpHeader &> UnicastForwardCallbackv4;
290   /// Callback for IPv6 unicast packets to be forwarded
291   typedef Callback<void, Ptr<const NetDevice>, Ptr<IpRoute>, Ptr<const Packet>, const IpHeader &> UnicastForwardCallbackv6;
293   /// Callback for unicast packets to be forwarded
294   typedef typename std::conditional<IsIpv4::value, UnicastForwardCallbackv4, UnicastForwardCallbackv6>::type UnicastForwardCallback;
296   /// Callback for IPv4 multicast packets to be forwarded
297   typedef Callback<void, Ptr<Ipv4MulticastRoute>, Ptr<const Packet>, const IpHeader &> MulticastForwardCallbackv4;
299   /// Callback for IPv6 multicast packets to be forwarded
300   typedef Callback<void, Ptr<const NetDevice>, Ptr<Ipv6MulticastRoute>, Ptr<const Packet>, const IpHeader &> MulticastForwardCallbackv6;
302   /// Callback for multicast packets to be forwarded
303   typedef typename std::conditional<IsIpv4::value, MulticastForwardCallbackv4, MulticastForwardCallbackv6>::type MulticastForwardCallback;
305   /// Callback for packets to be locally delivered
306   typedef Callback<void, Ptr<const Packet>, const IpHeader &, uint32_t > LocalDeliverCallback;
308   /// Callback for routing errors (e.g., no route found)
309   typedef Callback<void, Ptr<const Packet>, const IpHeader &, Socket::SocketErrno > ErrorCallback;
311   /* From Ipv4RoutingProtocol and Ipv6RoutingProtocol */
312   /**
313    * \brief Query routing cache for an existing route, for an outbound packet
314    * \param p packet to be routed.  Note that this method may modify the packet.
315    *          Callers may also pass in a null pointer.
316    * \param header input parameter (used to form key to search for the route)
317    * \param oif Output interface Netdevice.  May be zero, or may be bound via
318    *            socket options to a particular output interface.
319    * \param sockerr Output parameter; socket errno
320    *
321    * \returns a code that indicates what happened in the lookup
322    *
323    * \sa Ipv4RoutingProtocol::RouteOutput
324    * \sa Ipv6RoutingProtocol::RouteOutput
325    */
326   virtual Ptr<IpRoute> RouteOutput (Ptr<Packet> p, const IpHeader &header, Ptr<NetDevice> oif, Socket::SocketErrno &sockerr);
328   /**
329    * \brief Route an input packet (to be forwarded or locally delivered)
330    * \param p received packet
331    * \param header input parameter used to form a search key for a route
332    * \param idev Pointer to ingress network device
333    * \param ucb Callback for the case in which the packet is to be forwarded
334    *            as unicast
335    * \param mcb Callback for the case in which the packet is to be forwarded
336    *            as multicast
337    * \param lcb Callback for the case in which the packet is to be locally
338    *            delivered
339    * \param ecb Callback to call if there is an error in forwarding
340    *
341    * \returns true if NixVectorRouting class takes responsibility for
342    *          forwarding or delivering the packet, false otherwise
343    *
344    * \sa Ipv4RoutingProtocol::RouteInput
345    * \sa Ipv6RoutingProtocol::RouteInput
346    */
347   virtual bool RouteInput (Ptr<const Packet> p, const IpHeader &header, Ptr<const NetDevice> idev,
348                            UnicastForwardCallback ucb, MulticastForwardCallback mcb,
349                            LocalDeliverCallback lcb, ErrorCallback ecb);
351   /**
352    * \param interface the index of the interface we are being notified about
353    *
354    * \sa Ipv4RoutingProtocol::NotifyInterfaceUp
355    * \sa Ipv6RoutingProtocol::NotifyInterfaceUp
356    */
357   virtual void NotifyInterfaceUp (uint32_t interface);
359   /**
360    * \param interface the index of the interface we are being notified about
361    *
362    * \sa Ipv4RoutingProtocol::NotifyInterfaceDown
363    * \sa Ipv6RoutingProtocol::NotifyInterfaceDown
364    */
365   virtual void NotifyInterfaceDown (uint32_t interface);
367   /**
368    * \param interface the index of the interface we are being notified about
369    * \param address a new address being added to an interface
370    *
371    * \sa Ipv4RoutingProtocol::NotifyAddAddress
372    * \sa Ipv6RoutingProtocol::NotifyAddAddress
373    */
374   virtual void NotifyAddAddress (uint32_t interface, IpInterfaceAddress address);
376   /**
377    * \param interface the index of the interface we are being notified about
378    * \param address a new address being added to an interface
379    *
380    * \sa Ipv4RoutingProtocol::NotifyRemoveAddress
381    * \sa Ipv6RoutingProtocol::NotifyRemoveAddress
382    */
383   virtual void NotifyRemoveAddress (uint32_t interface, IpInterfaceAddress address);
385   /**
386    * \brief Print the Routing Table entries
387    *
388    * \param stream The ostream the Routing table is printed to
389    * \param unit The time unit to be used in the report
390    *
391    * \sa Ipv4RoutingProtocol::PrintRoutingTable
392    * \sa Ipv6RoutingProtocol::PrintRoutingTable
393    */
394   virtual void PrintRoutingTable (Ptr<OutputStreamWrapper> stream, Time::Unit unit = Time::S) const;
396   /* From IPv4RoutingProtocol */
397   /**
398    * \brief Typically, invoked directly or indirectly from ns3::Ipv4::SetRoutingProtocol
399    *
400    * \param ipv4 the ipv4 object this routing protocol is being associated with
401    *
402    * \sa Ipv4RoutingProtocol::SetIpv4
403    */
404   virtual void SetIpv4 (Ptr<Ip> ipv4);
406   /* From IPv6RoutingProtocol */
407   /**
408    * \brief Typically, invoked directly or indirectly from ns3::Ipv6::SetRoutingProtocol
409    *
410    * \param ipv6 the ipv6 object this routing protocol is being associated with
411    *
412    * \sa Ipv6RoutingProtocol::SetIpv6
413    */
414   virtual void SetIpv6 (Ptr<Ip> ipv6);
416   /**
417    * \brief Notify a new route.
418    *
419    * \param dst destination address
420    * \param mask destination mask
421    * \param nextHop nextHop for this destination
422    * \param interface output interface
423    * \param prefixToUse prefix to use as source with this route
424    *
425    * \sa Ipv6RoutingProtocol::NotifyAddRoute
426    */
427   virtual void NotifyAddRoute (IpAddress dst, Ipv6Prefix mask, IpAddress nextHop, uint32_t interface, IpAddress prefixToUse = IpAddress::GetZero ());
429   /**
430    * \brief Notify route removing.
431    *
432    * \param dst destination address
433    * \param mask destination mask
434    * \param nextHop nextHop for this destination
435    * \param interface output interface
436    * \param prefixToUse prefix to use as source with this route
437    *
438    * \sa Ipv6RoutingProtocol::NotifyRemoveRoute
439    */
440   virtual void NotifyRemoveRoute (IpAddress dst, Ipv6Prefix mask, IpAddress nextHop, uint32_t interface, IpAddress prefixToUse = IpAddress::GetZero ());
442   /**
443    * Flushes routing caches if required.
444    */
445   void CheckCacheStateAndFlush (void) const;
447   /**
448    * Build map from IP Address to Node for faster lookup.
449    */
450   void BuildIpAddressToNodeMap (void) const;
452   /**
453    * Flag to mark when caches are dirty and need to be flushed.
454    * Used for lazy cleanup of caches when there are many topology changes.
455    */
456   static bool g_isCacheDirty;
458   /** Cache stores nix-vectors based on destination ip */
459   mutable NixMap_t m_nixCache;
461   /** Cache stores IpRoutes based on destination ip */
462   mutable IpRouteMap_t m_ipRouteCache;
464   Ptr<Ip> m_ip; //!< IP object
465   Ptr<Node> m_node; //!< Node object
467   /** Total neighbors used for nix-vector to determine number of bits */
468   uint32_t m_totalNeighbors;
471   /**
472    * Mapping of IP address to ns-3 node.
473    *
474    * Used to avoid linear searching of nodes/devices to find a node in
475    * GetNodeByIp() method.  NIX vector routing assumes IP addresses
476    * are unique so mapping can be done without duplication.
477    **/
478   typedef std::unordered_map<IpAddress, ns3::Ptr<ns3::Node>, IpAddressHash > IpAddressToNodeMap;
479   static IpAddressToNodeMap g_ipAddressToNodeMap; //!< Address to node map.
481   /// Mapping of Ptr<NetDevice> to Ptr<IpInterface>.
482   typedef std::unordered_map<Ptr<NetDevice>, Ptr<IpInterface>> NetDeviceToIpInterfaceMap;
483   static NetDeviceToIpInterfaceMap g_netdeviceToIpInterfaceMap; //!< NetDevice pointer to IpInterface pointer map
484 };
487 /**
488  * \ingroup nix-vector-routing
489  * Create the typedef Ipv4NixVectorRouting with T as Ipv4RoutingProtocol
490  *
491  * Note: This typedef enables also backwards compatibility with original Ipv4NixVectorRouting.
492  */
493 typedef NixVectorRouting<Ipv4RoutingProtocol> Ipv4NixVectorRouting;
495 /**
496  * \ingroup nix-vector-routing
497  * Create the typedef Ipv6NixVectorRouting with T as Ipv6RoutingProtocol
498  */
499 typedef NixVectorRouting<Ipv6RoutingProtocol> Ipv6NixVectorRouting;
500 } // namespace ns3
502 #endif /* NIX_VECTOR_ROUTING_H */