2Objects that represent -- and generate code for -- C/C++ Python extension modules.
4Modules and Sub-modules
7A L{Module} object takes care of generating the code for a Python
8module.  The way a Python module is organized is as follows.  There is
9one "root" L{Module} object. There can be any number of
10L{SubModule}s. Sub-modules themselves can have additional sub-modules.
11Calling L{Module.generate} on the root module will trigger code
12generation for the whole module, not only functions and types, but
13also all its sub-modules.
15In Python, a sub-module will appear as a I{built-in} Python module
16that is available as an attribute of its parent module.  For instance,
17a module I{foo} having a sub-module I{xpto} appears like this::
19    |>>> import foo
20    |>>> foo.xpto
21    |<module 'foo.xpto' (built-in)>
23Modules and C++ namespaces
26Modules can be associated with specific C++ namespaces.  This means,
27for instance, that any C++ class wrapped inside that module must
28belong to that C++ namespace.  Example::
30    |>>> from cppclass import *
31    |>>> mod = Module("foo", cpp_namespace="::foo")
32    |>>> mod.add_class("Bar")
33    |<pybindgen.CppClass 'foo::Bar'>
35When we have a toplevel C++ namespace which contains another nested
36namespace, we want to wrap the nested namespace as a Python
37sub-module.  The method L{ModuleBase.add_cpp_namespace} makes it easy
38to create sub-modules for wrapping nested namespaces.  For instance::
40    |>>> from cppclass import *
41    |>>> mod = Module("foo", cpp_namespace="::foo")
42    |>>> submod = mod.add_cpp_namespace('xpto')
43    |>>> submod.add_class("Bar")
44    |<pybindgen.CppClass 'foo::xpto::Bar'>
48from pybindgen.function import Function, OverloadedFunction, CustomFunctionWrapper
49from pybindgen.typehandlers.base import CodeBlock, DeclarationsScope, ReturnValue, TypeHandler
50from pybindgen.typehandlers.codesink import MemoryCodeSink, CodeSink, FileCodeSink, NullCodeSink
51from pybindgen.cppclass import CppClass
52from pybindgen.cppexception import CppException
53from pybindgen.enum import Enum
54from pybindgen.container import Container
55from pybindgen.converter_functions import PythonToCConverter, CToPythonConverter
56from pybindgen import utils
57import warnings
58import traceback
59import collections
61class MultiSectionFactory(object):
62    """
63    Abstract base class for objects providing support for
64    multi-section code generation, i.e., splitting the generated C/C++
65    code into multiple files.  The generated code will generally have
66    the following structure:
68       1. For each section there is one source file specific to that section;
70       2. There is a I{main} source file, e.g. C{foomodule.cc}.  Code
71       that does not belong to any section will be included in this
72       main file;
74       3. Finally, there is a common header file, (e.g. foomodule.h),
75       which is included by the main file and section files alike.
76       Typically this header file contains function prototypes and
77       type definitions.
79    @see: L{Module.generate}
81    """
82    def get_section_code_sink(self, section_name):
83        """
84        Create and/or return a code sink for a given section.
86        :param section_name: name of the section
87        :return: a L{CodeSink} object that will receive generated code belonging to the section C{section_name}
88        """
89        raise NotImplementedError
90    def get_main_code_sink(self):
91        """
92        Create and/or return a code sink for the main file.
93        """
94        raise NotImplementedError
95    def get_common_header_code_sink(self):
96        """
97        Create and/or return a code sink for the common header.
98        """
99        raise NotImplementedError
100    def get_common_header_include(self):
101        """
102        Return the argument for an #include directive to include the common header.
104        :returns: a string with the header name, including surrounding
105        "" or <>.  For example, '"foomodule.h"'.
106        """
107        raise NotImplementedError
110class _SinkManager(object):
111    """
112    Internal abstract base class for bridging differences between
113    multi-file and single-file code generation.
114    """
115    def get_code_sink_for_wrapper(self, wrapper):
116        """
117        :param wrapper: wrapper object
118        :returns: (body_code_sink, header_code_sink)
119        """
120        raise NotImplementedError
121    def get_includes_code_sink(self):
122        raise NotImplementedError
123    def get_main_code_sink(self):
124        raise NotImplementedError
125    def close(self):
126        raise NotImplementedError
128class _MultiSectionSinkManager(_SinkManager):
129    """
130    Sink manager that deals with multi-section code generation.
131    """
132    def __init__(self, multi_section_factory):
133        super(_MultiSectionSinkManager, self).__init__()
134        self.multi_section_factory = multi_section_factory
135        utils.write_preamble(self.multi_section_factory.get_common_header_code_sink())
136        self.multi_section_factory.get_main_code_sink().writeln(
137            "#include %s" % self.multi_section_factory.get_common_header_include())
138        self._already_initialized_sections = {}
139        self._already_initialized_sections['__main__'] = True
141    def get_code_sink_for_wrapper(self, wrapper):
142        header_sink = self.multi_section_factory.get_common_header_code_sink()
143        section = getattr(wrapper, "section", None)
144        if section is None:
145            return self.multi_section_factory.get_main_code_sink(), header_sink
146        else:
147            section_sink = self.multi_section_factory.get_section_code_sink(section)
148            if section not in self._already_initialized_sections:
149                self._already_initialized_sections[section] = True
150                section_sink.writeln("#include %s" % self.multi_section_factory.get_common_header_include())
151            return section_sink, header_sink
152    def get_includes_code_sink(self):
153        return self.multi_section_factory.get_common_header_code_sink()
154    def get_main_code_sink(self):
155        return self.multi_section_factory.get_main_code_sink()
156    def close(self):
157        pass
159class _MonolithicSinkManager(_SinkManager):
160    """
161    Sink manager that deals with single-section monolithic code generation.
162    """
163    def __init__(self, code_sink):
164        super(_MonolithicSinkManager, self).__init__()
165        self.final_code_sink = code_sink
166        self.null_sink = NullCodeSink()
167        self.includes = MemoryCodeSink()
168        self.code_sink = MemoryCodeSink()
170        utils.write_preamble(code_sink)
171    def get_code_sink_for_wrapper(self, dummy_wrapper):
172        return self.code_sink, self.code_sink
173    def get_includes_code_sink(self):
174        return self.includes
175    def get_main_code_sink(self):
176        return self.code_sink
177    def close(self):
178        self.includes.flush_to(self.final_code_sink)
179        self.code_sink.flush_to(self.final_code_sink)
182class ModuleBase(dict):
183    """
184    ModuleBase objects can be indexed dictionary style to access contained types.  Example::
186      >>> from enum import Enum
187      >>> from cppclass import CppClass
188      >>> m = Module("foo", cpp_namespace="foo")
189      >>> subm = m.add_cpp_namespace("subm")
190      >>> c1 = m.add_class("Bar")
191      >>> c2 = subm.add_class("Zbr")
192      >>> e1 = m.add_enum("En1", ["XX"])
193      >>> e2 = subm.add_enum("En2", ["XX"])
194      >>> m["Bar"] is c1
195      True
196      >>> m["foo::Bar"] is c1
197      True
198      >>> m["En1"] is e1
199      True
200      >>> m["foo::En1"] is e1
201      True
202      >>> m["badname"]
203      Traceback (most recent call last):
204        File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
205      KeyError: 'badname'
206      >>> m["foo::subm::Zbr"] is c2
207      True
208      >>> m["foo::subm::En2"] is e2
209      True
211    """
213    def __init__(self, name, parent=None, docstring=None, cpp_namespace=None):
214        """
215        Note: this is an abstract base class, see L{Module}
217        :param name: module name
218        :param parent: parent L{module<Module>} (i.e. the one that contains this submodule) or None if this is a root module
219        :param docstring: docstring to use for this module
220        :param cpp_namespace: C++ namespace prefix associated with this module
221        :return: a new module object
222        """
223        super(ModuleBase, self).__init__()
224        self.parent = parent
225        self.docstring = docstring
226        self.submodules = []
227        self.enums = []
228        self.typedefs = [] # list of (wrapper, alias) tuples
229        self._forward_declarations_declared = False
231        self.cpp_namespace = cpp_namespace
232        if self.parent is None:
233            error_return = 'return MOD_ERROR;'
234            self.after_forward_declarations = MemoryCodeSink()
235        else:
236            self.after_forward_declarations = None
237            self.parent.submodules.append(self)
238            error_return = 'return NULL;'
240        self.prefix = None
241        self.init_function_name = None
242        self._name = None
243        self.name = name
245        path = self.get_namespace_path()
246        if path and path[0] == '::':
247            del path[0]
248        self.cpp_namespace_prefix = '::'.join(path)
250        self.declarations = DeclarationsScope()
251        self.functions = collections.OrderedDict() # name => OverloadedFunction
252        self.classes = []
253        self.containers = []
254        self.exceptions = []
255        self.before_init = CodeBlock(error_return, self.declarations)
256        self.after_init = CodeBlock(error_return, self.declarations,
257                                    predecessor=self.before_init)
258        self.c_function_name_transformer = None
259        self.set_strip_prefix(name + '_')
260        if parent is None:
261            self.header = MemoryCodeSink()
262            self.body = MemoryCodeSink()
263            self.one_time_definitions = {}
264            self.includes = []
265        else:
266            self.header = parent.header
267            self.body = parent.body
268            self.one_time_definitions = parent.one_time_definitions
269            self.includes = parent.includes
271        self._current_section = '__main__'
273    def get_current_section(self):
274        return self.get_root()._current_section
275    current_section = property(get_current_section)
277    def begin_section(self, section_name):
278        """
279        Declare that types and functions registered with the module in
280        the future belong to the section given by that section_name
281        parameter, until a matching end_section() is called.
283        .. note::
285          :meth:`begin_section`/:meth:`end_section` are silently ignored
286          unless a :class:`MultiSectionFactory` object is used as code
287          generation output.
288        """
289        if self.current_section != '__main__':
290            raise ValueError("begin_section called while current section not ended")
291        if section_name == '__main__':
292            raise ValueError ("__main__ not allowed as section name")
293        assert self.parent is None
294        self._current_section = section_name
296    def end_section(self, section_name):
297        """
298        Declare the end of a section, i.e. further types and functions
299        will belong to the main module.
301        :param section_name: name of section; must match the one in
302           the previous :meth:`begin_section` call.
303        """
304        assert self.parent is None
305        if self._current_section != section_name:
306            raise ValueError("end_section called for wrong section: expected %r, got %r"
307                             % (self._current_section, section_name))
308        self._current_section = '__main__'
310    def get_name(self):
311        return self._name
313    def set_name(self, name):
314        self._name = name
316        if self.parent is None:
317            self.prefix = self.name.replace('.', '_')
318            self.init_function_name = "init%s" % (self.name.split('.')[-1],)
319        else:
320            self.prefix = self.parent.prefix + "_" + self.name
321            self.init_function_name = "init%s" % (self.prefix,)
323    name = property(get_name, set_name)
325    def get_submodule(self, submodule_name):
326        "get a submodule by its name"
327        for submodule in self.submodules:
328            if submodule.name == submodule_name:
329                return submodule
330        raise ValueError("submodule %s not found" % submodule_name)
332    def get_root(self):
333        ":return: the root :class:`Module` (even if it is self)"
334        root = self
335        while root.parent is not None:
336            root = root.parent
337        return root
339    def set_strip_prefix(self, prefix):
340        """Sets the prefix string to be used when transforming a C
341        function name into the python function name; the given prefix
342        string is removed from the C function name."""
344        def strip_prefix(c_name):
345            """A C funtion name transformer that simply strips a
346            common prefix from the name"""
347            if c_name.startswith(prefix):
348                return c_name[len(prefix):]
349            else:
350                return c_name
351        self.c_function_name_transformer = strip_prefix
353    def set_c_function_name_transformer(self, transformer):
354        """Sets the function to be used when transforming a C function
355        name into the python function name; the given given function
356        is called like this::
358          python_name = transformer(c_name)
359        """
360        self.c_function_name_transformer = transformer
362    def add_include(self, include):
363        """
364        Adds an additional include directive, needed to compile this python module
366        :param include: the name of the header file to include, including
367                   surrounding "" or <>.
368        """
369        include = utils.ascii(include)
370        assert include.startswith('"') or include.startswith('<')
371        assert include.endswith('"') or include.endswith('>')
372        if include not in self.includes:
373            self.includes.append(include)
375    def _add_function_obj(self, wrapper):
376        assert isinstance(wrapper, Function)
377        name = utils.ascii(wrapper.custom_name)
378        if name is None:
379            name = self.c_function_name_transformer(wrapper.function_name)
380            name = utils.get_mangled_name(name, wrapper.template_parameters)
381        try:
382            overload = self.functions[name]
383        except KeyError:
384            overload = OverloadedFunction(name)
385            self.functions[name] = overload
386        wrapper.module = self
387        wrapper.section = self.current_section
388        overload.add(wrapper)
390    def add_function(self, *args, **kwargs):
391        """
392        Add a function to the module/namespace. See the documentation for
393        :meth:`Function.__init__` for information on accepted parameters.
394        """
395        if len(args) >= 1 and isinstance(args[0], Function):
396            func = args[0]
397            warnings.warn("add_function has changed API; see the API documentation",
398                          DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
399            if len(args) == 2:
400                func.custom_name = args[1]
401            elif 'name' in kwargs:
402                assert len(args) == 1
403                func.custom_name = kwargs['name']
404            else:
405                assert len(args) == 1
406                assert len(kwargs) == 0
407        else:
408            try:
409                func = Function(*args, **kwargs)
410            except utils.SkipWrapper:
411                return None
412        self._add_function_obj(func)
413        return func
415    def add_custom_function_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
416        """
417        Add a function, using custom wrapper code, to the module/namespace. See the documentation for
418        :class:`pybindgen.function.CustomFunctionWrapper` for information on accepted parameters.
419        """
420        try:
421            func = CustomFunctionWrapper(*args, **kwargs)
422        except utils.SkipWrapper:
423            return None
424        self._add_function_obj(func)
425        return func
427    def register_type(self, name, full_name, type_wrapper):
428        """
429        Register a type wrapper with the module, for easy access in
430        the future.  Normally should not be called by the programmer,
431        as it is meant for internal pybindgen use and called automatically.
433        :param name: type name without any C++ namespace prefix, or None
434        :param full_name: type name with a C++ namespace prefix, or None
435        :param type_wrapper: the wrapper object for the type (e.g. L{CppClass} or L{Enum})
436        """
437        module = self
438        if name:
439            module[name] = type_wrapper
440        if full_name:
441            while module is not None:
442                module[full_name] = type_wrapper
443                module = module.parent
445    def _add_class_obj(self, class_):
446        """
447        Add a class to the module.
449        :param class_: a CppClass object
450        """
451        assert isinstance(class_, CppClass)
452        class_.module = self
453        class_.section = self.current_section
454        self.classes.append(class_)
455        self.register_type(class_.name, class_.full_name, class_)
457    def add_class(self, *args, **kwargs):
458        """
459        Add a class to the module. See the documentation for
460        L{CppClass.__init__} for information on accepted parameters.
461        """
462        if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and isinstance(args[0], CppClass):
463            cls = args[0]
464            warnings.warn("add_class has changed API; see the API documentation",
465                          DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
466        else:
467            cls = CppClass(*args, **kwargs)
468        self._add_class_obj(cls)
469        return cls
471    def add_struct(self, *args, **kwargs):
472        """
473        Add a struct to the module.
475        In addition to the parameters accepted by
476        L{CppClass.__init__}, this method accepts the following
477        keyword parameters:
479          - no_constructor (bool): if True, the structure will not
480            have a constructor by default (if omitted, it will be
481            considered to have a trivial constructor).
483          - no_copy (bool): if True, the structure will not
484            have a copy constructor by default (if omitted, it will be
485            considered to have a simple copy constructor).
487        """
489        try:
490            no_constructor = kwargs['no_constructor']
491        except KeyError:
492            no_constructor = False
493        else:
494            del kwargs['no_constructor']
496        try:
497            no_copy = kwargs['no_copy']
498        except KeyError:
499            no_copy = False
500        else:
501            del kwargs['no_copy']
503        struct = CppClass(*args, **kwargs)
504        struct.stack_where_defined = traceback.extract_stack()
505        self._add_class_obj(struct)
506        if not no_constructor:
507            struct.add_constructor([])
508        if not no_copy:
509            struct.add_copy_constructor()
510        return struct
513    def add_cpp_namespace(self, name):
514        """
515        Add a nested module namespace corresponding to a C++
516        namespace.  If the requested namespace was already added, the
517        existing module is returned instead of creating a new one.
519        :param name: name of C++ namespace (just the last component,
520        not full scoped name); this also becomes the name of the
521        submodule.
523        :return: a L{SubModule} object that maps to this namespace.
524        """
525        name = utils.ascii(name)
526        try:
527            return self.get_submodule(name)
528        except ValueError:
529            module = SubModule(name, parent=self, cpp_namespace=name)
530            module.stack_where_defined = traceback.extract_stack()
531            return module
533    def _add_enum_obj(self, enum):
534        """
535        Add an enumeration.
536        """
537        assert isinstance(enum, Enum)
538        self.enums.append(enum)
539        enum.module = self
540        enum.section = self.current_section
541        self.register_type(enum.name, enum.full_name, enum)
543    def add_enum(self, *args, **kwargs):
544        """
545        Add an enumeration to the module. See the documentation for
546        L{Enum.__init__} for information on accepted parameters.
547        """
548        if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and isinstance(args[0], Enum):
549            enum = args[0]
550            warnings.warn("add_enum has changed API; see the API documentation",
551                          DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
552        else:
553            enum = Enum(*args, **kwargs)
554        enum.stack_where_defined = traceback.extract_stack()
555        self._add_enum_obj(enum)
556        return enum
559    def _add_container_obj(self, container):
560        """
561        Add a container to the module.
563        :param container: a L{Container} object
564        """
565        assert isinstance(container, Container)
566        container.module = self
567        container.section = self.current_section
568        self.containers.append(container)
569        self.register_type(container.name, container.full_name, container)
571    def add_container(self, *args, **kwargs):
572        """
573        Add a container to the module. See the documentation for
574        L{Container.__init__} for information on accepted parameters.
575        """
576        try:
577            container = Container(*args, **kwargs)
578        except utils.SkipWrapper:
579            return None
580        container.stack_where_defined = traceback.extract_stack()
581        self._add_container_obj(container)
582        return container
584    def _add_exception_obj(self, exc):
585        assert isinstance(exc, CppException)
586        exc.module = self
587        exc.section = self.current_section
588        self.exceptions.append(exc)
589        self.register_type(exc.name, exc.full_name, exc)
591    def add_exception(self, *args, **kwargs):
592        """
593        Add a C++ exception to the module. See the documentation for
594        L{CppException.__init__} for information on accepted parameters.
595        """
596        exc = CppException(*args, **kwargs)
597        self._add_exception_obj(exc)
598        return exc
600    def declare_one_time_definition(self, definition_name):
601        """
602        Internal helper method for code geneneration to coordinate
603        generation of code that can only be defined once per compilation unit
605        (note: assuming here one-to-one mapping between 'module' and
606        'compilation unit').
608        :param definition_name: a string that uniquely identifies the code
609        definition that will be added.  If the given definition was
610        already declared KeyError is raised.
612        >>> module = Module('foo')
613        >>> module.declare_one_time_definition("zbr")
614        >>> module.declare_one_time_definition("zbr")
615        Traceback (most recent call last):
616        ...
617        KeyError: 'zbr'
618        >>> module.declare_one_time_definition("bar")
619        """
620        definition_name = utils.ascii(definition_name)
621        if definition_name in self.one_time_definitions:
622            raise KeyError(definition_name)
623        self.one_time_definitions[definition_name] = None
625    def generate_forward_declarations(self, code_sink):
626        """(internal) generate forward declarations for types"""
627        assert not self._forward_declarations_declared
628        if self.classes or self.containers or self.exceptions:
629            code_sink.writeln('/* --- forward declarations --- */')
630            code_sink.writeln()
632        for class_ in [c for c in self.classes if c.import_from_module]:
633            class_.generate_forward_declarations(code_sink, self)
635        for class_ in [c for c in self.classes if not c.import_from_module]:
636            class_.generate_forward_declarations(code_sink, self)
638        for container in self.containers:
639            container.generate_forward_declarations(code_sink, self)
640        for exc in self.exceptions:
641            exc.generate_forward_declarations(code_sink, self)
642        ## recurse to submodules
643        for submodule in self.submodules:
644            submodule.generate_forward_declarations(code_sink)
645        self._forward_declarations_declared = True
647    def get_module_path(self):
648        """Get the full [module, submodule, submodule,...] path """
649        names = [self.name]
650        parent = self.parent
651        while parent is not None:
652            names.insert(0, parent.name)
653            parent = parent.parent
654        return names
656    def get_namespace_path(self):
657        """Get the full [root_namespace, namespace, namespace,...] path (C++)"""
658        if not self.cpp_namespace:
659            names = []
660        else:
661            if self.cpp_namespace == '::':
662                names = []
663            else:
664                names = self.cpp_namespace.split('::')
665                if not names[0]:
666                    del names[0]
667        parent = self.parent
668        while parent is not None:
669            if parent.cpp_namespace and parent.cpp_namespace != '::':
670                parent_names = parent.cpp_namespace.split('::')
671                if not parent_names[0]:
672                    del parent_names[0]
673                names = parent_names + names
674            parent = parent.parent
675        return names
677    def do_generate(self, out, module_file_base_name=None):
678        """(internal) Generates the module."""
679        assert isinstance(out, _SinkManager)
681        if self.parent is None:
682            ## generate the include directives (only the root module)
684            forward_declarations_sink = MemoryCodeSink()
686            if not self._forward_declarations_declared:
687                self.generate_forward_declarations(forward_declarations_sink)
688                self.after_forward_declarations.flush_to(forward_declarations_sink)
690            if self.parent is None:
691                for include in self.includes:
692                    out.get_includes_code_sink().writeln("#include %s" % include)
693                self.includes = None
695            forward_declarations_sink.flush_to(out.get_includes_code_sink())
697        else:
698            assert module_file_base_name is None, "only root modules can generate with alternate module_file_base_name"
700        ## generate the submodules
701        for submodule in self.submodules:
702            submodule.do_generate(out)
704        m = self.declarations.declare_variable('PyObject*', 'm')
705        assert m == 'm'
706        if module_file_base_name is None:
707            mod_init_name = '.'.join(self.get_module_path())
708        else:
709            mod_init_name = module_file_base_name
710        self.before_init.write_code('#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000')
711        self.before_init.write_code(
712            "m = PyModule_Create(&%s_moduledef);"
713            % (self.prefix))
714        self.before_init.write_code('#else')
715        self.before_init.write_code(
716            "m = Py_InitModule3((char *) \"%s\", %s_functions, %s);"
717            % (mod_init_name, self.prefix,
718               self.docstring and '"'+self.docstring+'"' or 'NULL'))
719        self.before_init.write_code('#endif')
720        self.before_init.write_error_check("m == NULL")
722        main_sink = out.get_main_code_sink()
724        ## generate the function wrappers
725        py_method_defs = []
726        if self.functions:
727            main_sink.writeln('/* --- module functions --- */')
728            main_sink.writeln()
729            for func_name, overload in self.functions.items():
730                sink, header_sink = out.get_code_sink_for_wrapper(overload)
731                sink.writeln()
732                try:
733                    utils.call_with_error_handling(overload.generate, (sink,), {}, overload)
734                except utils.SkipWrapper:
735                    continue
736                try:
737                    utils.call_with_error_handling(overload.generate_declaration, (main_sink,), {}, overload)
738                except utils.SkipWrapper:
739                    continue
741                sink.writeln()
742                py_method_defs.append(overload.get_py_method_def(func_name))
743                del sink
745        ## generate the function table
746        main_sink.writeln("static PyMethodDef %s_functions[] = {"
747                          % (self.prefix,))
748        main_sink.indent()
749        for py_method_def in py_method_defs:
750            main_sink.writeln(py_method_def)
751        main_sink.writeln("{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}")
752        main_sink.unindent()
753        main_sink.writeln("};")
755        ## generate the classes
756        if self.classes:
757            main_sink.writeln('/* --- classes --- */')
758            main_sink.writeln()
759            for class_ in [c for c in self.classes if c.import_from_module]:
760                sink, header_sink = out.get_code_sink_for_wrapper(class_)
761                sink.writeln()
762                class_.generate(sink, self)
763                sink.writeln()
764            for class_ in [c for c in self.classes if not c.import_from_module]:
765                sink, header_sink = out.get_code_sink_for_wrapper(class_)
766                sink.writeln()
767                class_.generate(sink, self)
768                sink.writeln()
770        ## generate the containers
771        if self.containers:
772            main_sink.writeln('/* --- containers --- */')
773            main_sink.writeln()
774            for container in self.containers:
775                sink, header_sink = out.get_code_sink_for_wrapper(container)
776                sink.writeln()
777                container.generate(sink, self)
778                sink.writeln()
780        ## generate the exceptions
781        if self.exceptions:
782            main_sink.writeln('/* --- exceptions --- */')
783            main_sink.writeln()
784            for exc in self.exceptions:
785                sink, header_sink = out.get_code_sink_for_wrapper(exc)
786                sink.writeln()
787                exc.generate(sink, self)
788                sink.writeln()
790        # typedefs
791        for (wrapper, alias) in self.typedefs:
792            if isinstance(wrapper, CppClass):
793                cls = wrapper
794                cls.generate_typedef(self, alias)
796        ## generate the enums
797        if self.enums:
798            main_sink.writeln('/* --- enumerations --- */')
799            main_sink.writeln()
800            for enum in self.enums:
801                sink, header_sink = out.get_code_sink_for_wrapper(enum)
802                sink.writeln()
803                enum.generate(sink)
804                enum.generate_declaration(header_sink, self)
805                sink.writeln()
807        ## register the submodules
808        if self.submodules:
809            submodule_var = self.declarations.declare_variable('PyObject*', 'submodule')
810        for submodule in self.submodules:
811            self.after_init.write_code('%s = %s();' % (
812                    submodule_var, submodule.init_function_name))
813            self.after_init.write_error_check('%s == NULL' % submodule_var)
814            self.after_init.write_code('Py_INCREF(%s);' % (submodule_var,))
815            self.after_init.write_code('PyModule_AddObject(m, (char *) "%s", %s);'
816                                       % (submodule.name, submodule_var,))
818        ## flush the header section
819        self.header.flush_to(out.get_includes_code_sink())
821        ## flush the body section
822        self.body.flush_to(main_sink)
824        ## now generate the module init function itself
825        main_sink.writeln('#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000\n'
826            'static struct PyModuleDef %s_moduledef = {\n'
827            '    PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,\n'
828            '    "%s",\n'
829            '    %s,\n'
830            '    -1,\n'
831            '    %s_functions,\n'
832            '};\n'
833            '#endif' % (self.prefix, mod_init_name,
834                        self.docstring and '"'+self.docstring+'"' or 'NULL',
835                        self.prefix))
836        main_sink.writeln()
837        if self.parent is None:
838            main_sink.writeln('''
839#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
840    #define MOD_ERROR NULL
841    #define MOD_INIT(name) PyObject* PyInit_##name(void)
842    #define MOD_RETURN(val) val
844    #define MOD_ERROR
845    #define MOD_INIT(name) void init##name(void)
846    #define MOD_RETURN(val)
848#if defined(__cplusplus)
849extern "C"
851#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4
852__attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
856        else:
857            main_sink.writeln("static PyObject *")
858        if self.parent is None:
859            main_sink.writeln("MOD_INIT(%s)" % (self.name,))
860        elif module_file_base_name is None:
861            main_sink.writeln("%s(void)" % (self.init_function_name,))
862        else:
863            main_sink.writeln("init%s(void)" % (module_file_base_name,))
864        main_sink.writeln('{')
865        main_sink.indent()
866        self.declarations.get_code_sink().flush_to(main_sink)
867        self.before_init.sink.flush_to(main_sink)
868        self.after_init.write_cleanup()
869        self.after_init.sink.flush_to(main_sink)
870        if self.parent is not None:
871            main_sink.writeln("return m;")
872        else:
873            main_sink.writeln("return MOD_RETURN(m);")
874        main_sink.unindent()
875        main_sink.writeln('}')
878    def __repr__(self):
879        return "<pybindgen.module.Module %r>" % self.name
881    def add_typedef(self, wrapper, alias):
882        """
883        Declares an equivalent to a typedef in C::
884          typedef Foo Bar;
886        :param wrapper: the wrapper object to alias (Foo in the example)
887        :param alias: name of the typedef alias
889        @note: only typedefs for CppClass objects have been
890        implemented so far; others will be implemented in the future.
891        """
892        assert isinstance(wrapper, CppClass)
893        alias = utils.ascii(alias)
894        self.typedefs.append((wrapper, alias))
895        self.register_type(alias, alias, wrapper)
896        wrapper.register_alias(alias)
897        full_name = '::'.join(self.get_namespace_path() + [alias])
898        wrapper.register_alias(full_name)
901class Module(ModuleBase):
902    def __init__(self, name, docstring=None, cpp_namespace=None):
903        """
904        :param name: module name
905        :param docstring: docstring to use for this module
906        :param cpp_namespace: C++ namespace prefix associated with this module
907        """
908        super(Module, self).__init__(name, docstring=docstring, cpp_namespace=cpp_namespace)
910    def generate(self, out, module_file_base_name=None):
911        """Generates the module
913        :type out: a file object, L{FileCodeSink}, or L{MultiSectionFactory}
915        :param module_file_base_name: base name of the module file.
916        This is useful when we want to produce a _foo module that will
917        be imported into a foo module, to avoid making all types
918        docstrings contain _foo.Xpto instead of foo.Xpto.
919        """
920        if hasattr(out, 'write'):
921            out = FileCodeSink(out)
922        if isinstance(out, CodeSink):
923            sink_manager = _MonolithicSinkManager(out)
924        elif isinstance(out, MultiSectionFactory):
925            sink_manager = _MultiSectionSinkManager(out)
926        else:
927            raise TypeError
928        self.do_generate(sink_manager, module_file_base_name)
929        sink_manager.close()
931    def get_python_to_c_type_converter_function_name(self, value_type):
932        """
933        Internal API, do not use.
934        """
935        assert isinstance(value_type, TypeHandler)
936        ctype = value_type.ctype
937        mangled_ctype = utils.mangle_name(str(ctype))
938        converter_function_name = "_wrap_convert_py2c__%s" % mangled_ctype
939        return converter_function_name
941    def generate_python_to_c_type_converter(self, value_type, code_sink):
942        """
943        Generates a python-to-c converter function for a given type
944        and returns the name of the generated function.  If called
945        multiple times with the same name only the first time is the
946        converter function generated.
948        Use: this method is to be considered pybindgen internal, used
949        by code generation modules.
951        :type value_type: L{ReturnValue}
952        :type code_sink: L{CodeSink}
953        :returns: name of the converter function
954        """
955        assert isinstance(value_type, TypeHandler)
956        converter_function_name = self.get_python_to_c_type_converter_function_name(value_type)
957        try:
958            self.declare_one_time_definition(converter_function_name)
959        except KeyError:
960            return converter_function_name
961        else:
962            converter = PythonToCConverter(value_type, converter_function_name)
963            self.header.writeln("\n%s;\n" % converter.get_prototype())
964            code_sink.writeln()
965            converter.generate(code_sink, converter_function_name)
966            code_sink.writeln()
967            return converter_function_name
970    def get_c_to_python_type_converter_function_name(self, value_type):
971        """
972        Internal API, do not use.
973        """
974        assert isinstance(value_type, TypeHandler)
975        ctype = value_type.ctype
976        mangled_ctype = utils.mangle_name(str(ctype))
977        converter_function_name = "_wrap_convert_c2py__%s" % mangled_ctype
978        return converter_function_name
980    def generate_c_to_python_type_converter(self, value_type, code_sink):
981        """
982        Generates a c-to-python converter function for a given type
983        and returns the name of the generated function.  If called
984        multiple times with the same name only the first time is the
985        converter function generated.
987        Use: this method is to be considered pybindgen internal, used
988        by code generation modules.
990        :type value_type: L{ReturnValue}
991        :type code_sink: L{CodeSink}
992        :returns: name of the converter function
993        """
994        assert isinstance(value_type, TypeHandler)
995        converter_function_name = self.get_c_to_python_type_converter_function_name(value_type)
996        try:
997            self.declare_one_time_definition(converter_function_name)
998        except KeyError:
999            return converter_function_name
1000        else:
1001            converter = CToPythonConverter(value_type, converter_function_name)
1002            self.header.writeln("\n%s;\n" % converter.get_prototype())
1003            code_sink.writeln()
1004            converter.generate(code_sink)
1005            code_sink.writeln()
1006            return converter_function_name
1009class SubModule(ModuleBase):
1010    def __init__(self, name, parent, docstring=None, cpp_namespace=None):
1011        """
1012        :param parent: parent L{module<Module>} (i.e. the one that contains this submodule)
1013        :param name: name of the submodule
1014        :param docstring: docstring to use for this module
1015        :param cpp_namespace: C++ namespace component associated with this module
1016        """
1017        super(SubModule, self).__init__(name, parent, docstring=docstring, cpp_namespace=cpp_namespace)