1# NSQ Changelog
3## Releases
5### 1.2.1 - 2021-08-15
9 * #1227 - bump dependencies, officially drop `dep` support, drop Go `1.9` support
13 * #1347 - `nsqadmin`: switch to go:embed for static assets
14 * #1355 / #1364 - arm64 builds (thanks @danbf)
15 * #1346 - `nsqd`: ability to skip ephemeral topics/channels in statsd output
16 * #1336 / #1341 / #1343 - `nsqd`: ability to configure auth endpoint path (thanks @tufanbarisyildirim)
17 * #1307 - remove `Context` to use stdlib `context`
18 * #1295 / #1296 - switch to GitHub Actions CI
19 * #1292 - `nsqd`: minimize allocations on message send (thanks @imxyb)
20 * #1289 - optimize `uniq` (thanks @donutloop)
21 * #1230 / #1232 - `nsqd`: ability to omit memory stats from `/stats` (thanks @creker)
22 * #1226 - `nsqd`: only update internal `RDY` count for client when it changes (thanks @andyxning)
23 * #1221 / #1363 - test against more recent versions of Go
24 * #1209 - `nsqd`: bump `go-diskqueue` (interface change) (thanks @bitpeng)
25 * #1206 - prefer idiomatic `sort.Ints` over `sort.Sort` (thanks @lelenanam)
26 * #1197 / #1362 - Dockerfile: update Alpine base image, use /data by default
27 * #1178 - `nsqd`: configurable queue scan worker pool (thanks @andyxning)
28 * #1159 - `nsqd`: don't buffer messages when `--mem-queue-size=0` (thanks @bitpeng)
29 * #1073 / #1297 - `nsqd`: support separate broadcast ports for TCP and HTTP (thanks @shyam-king)
33 * #1347 - `nsqadmin`: fix graphite key for ephemeral topics/channels
34 * #765 / #1195 / #1203 / #1205 - fix build on illumos (thanks @i-sevostyanov)
35 * #1333 - fix race detector tests on non-bash shells
36 * #1330 - fix `log_level` support in configuration file (thanks @edoger)
37 * #1319 / #1331 / #1361 - `nsqd`: handle SIGTERM
38 * #1287 - `nsqadmin`: fix `--proxy-graphite` support (thanks @fanlix)
39 * #1270 / #1271 - `nsqlookupd`: fix incorrect error message for HTTP listener (thanks @TangDH03)
40 * #1264 - fix benchmark script
41 * #1251 / #1314 / #1327 - `nsqd`: fix live lock for high churn ephemeral topic/channel reconnections (thanks @slayercat)
42 * #1237 - Dockerfile: add `nsswitch.conf` to ensure go resolver uses `/etc/hosts` first
43 * #1217 / #1220 - `nsqd`: improve error message when `--data-path` does not exist (thanks @mdh67899)
44 * #1198 / #1190 / #1262 - synchronize close of all connections on Exit (thanks @benjsto)
45 * #1188 / #1189 - `nsqadmin`: fix channel delete, fix source-maps in Firefox (thanks @avtrifanov)
46 * #1186 - `nsqadmin`: fix nodes list with ipv6 addresses (thanks @andyxning)
48### 1.2.0 - 2019-08-26
52 * #1055 - `nsqd`: removed support for old metadata scheme used in v0.3.8 and earlier
53   * you cannot upgrade directly from v0.3.8 to v1.2.0, you must go through v1.0.0-compat or v1.1.0
54 * #1115 - manage dependencies with go modules
55   * `dep` support still present for now, but deprecated
59 * #1136 - `nsqd`: add `--max-channel-consumers` (default unlimited) (thanks @andyxning)
60 * #1133 - `nsqd`: add `--min-output-buffer-timeout` (default 25ms) to limit how low a timeout a consumer can request
61   * and raise default `--max-output-buffer-timeout` to 30 seconds (lower timeout, more cpu usage)
62 * #1127 - `nsqd`: add topic total message bytes to stats (thanks @andyxning)
63 * #1125 - `nsqd`: add flag to adjust default `--output-buffer-timeout` (thanks @andyxning)
64 * #1163 - `nsqd`: add random load balancing for authd requests (thanks @shenhui0509)
65 * #1119 - `nsqd`: include client TLS cert CommonName in authd requests
66 * #1147 - `nsq_to_file`: include topic/channel in most log messages
67 * #1117 - `nsq_to_file`: add `--log-level` and `--log-prefix` flags
68 * #1117/#1120/#1123 - `nsq_to_file`: big refactor, more robust file switching and syncing and error handling
69 * #1118 - `nsqd`: add param to `/stats` endpoint to allow skipping per-client stats (much faster if many clients)
70 * #1118 - `nsqadmin`, `nsq_stat`: use `include_clients` param for `/stats` for a big speedup for big clusters
71 * #1110 - `nsq_to_file`: support for separate working directory with `--work-dir` (thanks @mccutchen)
72 * #856 - `nsqadmin`: add `--base-path` flag (thanks @blinklv)
73 * #1072 - `nsq_to_http`: add `--header` flag (thanks @alwindoss)
74 * #881 - `nsqd`: add producer client tcp connections to stats (thanks @sparklxb)
75 * #1071/#1074 - `nsq_to_file`: new flag `--sync-interval` (default same as previous behavior, 30 seconds) (thanks @alpaker)
79 * #1153 - `nsqd`: close connections that don't send "magic" header (thanks @JoseFeng)
80 * #1140 - `nsqd`: exit on all fatal Accept() errors - restart enables better recovery for some conditions (thanks @mdh67899)
81 * #1140 - `nsqd`, `nsqlookupd`, `nsqadmin`: refactor LogLevel, general refactor to better exit on all fatal errors
82 * #1140 - `nsqadmin`: switch to using `judwhite/go-svc` like `nsqd` and `nsqadmin` do
83 * #1134 - `nsqadmin`: fix clients count and channel total message rate (new bugs introduced in this cycle)
84 * #1132 - `nsqd`, `nsqlookupd`, `nsqadmin`: fix http error response unreliable json serialization
85 * #1116 - `nsqlookupd`: fix orphaned ephemeral topics in registration DB
86 * #1109 - `nsqd`: fix topic message mis-counting if there are backend write errors (thanks @SwanSpouse)
87 * #1099 - `nsqlookupd`: optimize `/nodes` endpoint, much better for hundreds of nsqd (thanks @andyxning)
88 * #1085 - switch `GOFLAGS` to `BLDFLAGS` in `Makefile` now that `GOFLAGS` is automatically used by go
89 * #1080 - `nsqadmin`: eslint reported fixes/cleanups
91### 1.1.0 - 2018-08-19
93**Upgrading from 1.0.0-compat**: Just a few backwards incompatible changes:
95 * #1056 - Removed the `nsq_pubsub` utility
96 * #873 - `nsqd` flags `--msg-timeout` and `--statsd-interval` only take duration strings
97   * plain integer no longer supported
98 * #921 - `nsqd`: http `/mpub` endpoint `binary` param interprets "0" or "false" to mean text mode
99   * previously any value meant to use binary mode instead of text mode -  (thanks @andyxning)
101The previous release, version "1.0.0-compat", was curiously-named to indicate an almost
102(but not quite) complete transition to a 1.0 api-stable release line. Confusingly, this
103follow-up release which completes the transition comes more than a year later. Because there
104have been a fair number of changes and improvements in the past year, an additional minor
105version bump seems appropriate.
109 * #874 - `nsqd`: add memory stats to http `/stats` response (thanks @sparklxb)
110 * #892 - `nsqd`, `nsqlookupd`, `nsqadmin`: add `--log-level` option (deprecating `--verbose`) (thanks @antihax)
111 * #898 - `nsqd`, `nsqlookupd`, `nsqadmin`: logging refactor to use log levels everywhere
112 * #914 - `nsqadmin`: `X-Forwarded-User` based "admin" permission (thanks @chen-anders)
113 * #929 - `nsqd`: add topic/channel filter to `/stats`, use in `nsqadmin` and `nsq_stat` for efficiency (thanks @andyxning)
114 * #936 - `nsq_to_file`: refactor/cleanup
115 * #945 - `nsq_to_nsq`: support multiple `--topic` flags (thanks @jlr52)
116 * #957 - `nsq_tail`: support multiple `--topic` flags (thanks @soar)
117 * #946 - `nsqd`, `nsqadmin`: update internal http client with new go `http.Transport` features (keepalives, timeouts, dualstack)
118   * affects metadata/stats requests between `nsqadmin`, `nsqd`, `nsqlookupd`
119 * #954 - manage dependencies with `dep` (replacing `gpm`) (thanks @judwhite)
120 * #957 - multi-stage docker image build (thanks @soar)
121 * #996 - `nsqd`: better memory usage when messages have different sizes (thanks @andyxning)
122 * #1019 - `nsqd`: optimize random channel selection in queueScanLoop (thanks @vearne)
123 * #1025 - `nsqd`: buffer and spread statsd udp sends (avoid big burst of udp, less chance of loss)
124 * #1038 - `nsqlookupd`: optimize for many producers (thousands) (thanks @andyxning)
125 * #1050/#1053 - `nsqd`: new topic can be unlocked faster after creation
126 * #1062 - `nsqadmin`: update JS deps
130 * #753 - `nsqadmin`: fix missing channels in topic list
131 * #867 - `to_nsq`: fix divide-by-zero issue when `--rate` not specified (thanks @adamweiner)
132 * #868 - `nsqd`: clamp requeue timeout to range instead of dropping connection (thanks @tsholmes)
133 * #891 - `nsqd`: fix race when client subscribes to ephemeral topic or channel while it is being cleaned up (reported by @slayercat)
134 * #927 - `nsqd`: fix deflate level handling
135 * #934 - `nsqd`: fix channel shutdown flush race
136 * #935 - `nsq_to_file`: fix connection leaks when using `--topic-pattern` (thanks @jxskiss)
137 * #951 - mention docker images and binaries for additional platforms in README (thanks @DAXaholic)
138 * #950 - `nsqlookupd`: close connection when magic read fails (thanks @yc90s)
139 * #971 - `nsqd`: fix some races getting ChannelStats (thanks @daroot)
140 * #988 - `nsqd`: fix e2e timings config example, add range validation (thanks @protoss-player)
141 * #991 - `nsq_tail`: logging to stderr (only nsq messages to stdout)
142 * #1000 - `nsq_to_http`: fix http connect/request timeout flags (thanks @kamyanskiy)
143 * #993/#1008 - `nsqd`: fix possible lookupd-identify-error busy-loop (reported by @andyxning)
144 * #1005 - `nsqadmin`: fix typo "Delfate" in connection attrs list (thanks @arussellsaw)
145 * #1032 - `nsqd`: fix loading metadata with messages queued on un-paused topic with multiple channels (thanks @michaelyou)
146 * #1004 - `nsqlookupd`: exit with error when failed to listen on ports (thanks @stephens2424)
147 * #1068 - `nsqadmin`: fix html escaping for large_graph url inside javascript
148 * misc test suite improvements and updates (go versions, tls certs, ...)
150### 1.0.0-compat - 2017-03-21
152**Upgrading from 0.3.8**: Numerous backwards incompatible changes:
154 * Deprecated `nsqd` features removed:
155   * Pre-V1 HTTP endpoints / response format:
156     * `/{m,}put` (use `/{m,}pub`)
157     * `/{create,delete,empty,pause,unpause}_{topic,channel}` (use `/{topic,channel}/<operation>`)
158   * `--max-message-size` flag (use `--max-msg-size`)
159   * `V2` protocol `IDENTIFY` command `short_id` and `long_id` properties (use `client_id`, `hostname`, and `user_agent`)
160   * `/stats` HTTP response `name` property (use `client_id`)
161 * Deprecated `nsqlookupd` features removed:
162   * Pre-V1 HTTP endpoints / response format:
163     * `/{create,delete}_{topic,channel}` (use `/{topic,channel}/<operation>`)
164     * `/tombstone_topic_producer` (use `/topic/tombstone`)
165 * Deprecated `nsqadmin` features removed:
166   * `--template-dir` flag (not required, templates are compiled into binary)
167   * `--use-statsd-prefixes` flag (use `--statsd-counter-format` and `--statsd-gauge-format`)
168 * `nsq_stat` `--status-every` flag (use `--interval`)
169 * `--reader-opt` on all binaries that had this flag (use `--consumer-opt`)
170 * `nsq_to_file` `--gzip-compression` flag (use `--gzip-level`)
171 * `nsq_to_http` `--http-timeout` and `--http-timeout-ms` flags (use `--http-connect-timeout` and `--http-request-timeout`)
172 * `nsq_to_http` `--round-robin` flag (use `--mode=round-robin`)
173 * `nsq_to_http` `--max-backoff-duration` flag (use `--consumer-opt=max_backoff_duration,X`)
174 * `nsq_to_http` `--throttle-fraction` flag (use `--sample=X`)
175 * `nsq_to_nsq` `--max-backoff-duration` flag (use `--consumer-opt=max_backoff_duration,X`)
176 * `nsqd` `--worker-id` deprecated in favor of `--node-id` (to be fully removed in subsequent release)
178This is a compatibility release that drops a wide range of previously deprecated features (#367)
179while introducing some new deprecations (#844) that we intend to fully remove in a subsequent 1.0
182Of note, all of the pre-1.0 HTTP endpoints (and response formats) are gone. Any clients or tools
183that use these endpoints/response formats won't work with this release. These changes have been
184available since 0.2.29 (released in July of 2014). Clients wishing to forwards-compatibly upgrade
185can either use the new endpoints or send the following header:
187    Accept: application/vnd.nsq version=1.0
189Also, many command line flags have been removed — in almost all cases an alternative is available
190with a (hopefully) more obvious name. These changes have the same affect on config file option
193On Linux, this release will automatically migrate `nsq.<worker-id>.dat` named metadata files to
194`nsq.dat` in a way that allows users to seamlessly _downgrade_ from this release back to 0.3.8, if
195necessary. A subsequent release will clean up these convenience symlinks and observe only
196`nsq.dat`. See the discussion in #741 and the changes #844 for more details.
198Performance wise, #741 landed which significantly reduces global contention on internal message ID
199generation, providing a ~1.75x speed improvement on multi-topic benchmarks.
201Finally, a number of minor issues were resolved spanning contributions from 9 community members!
206 * #766 - use `alpine` base image for official Docker container (thanks @kenjones-cisco)
207 * #775 - `nsqadmin:` `/config` API (thanks @kenjones-cisco)
208 * #776 - `nsqadmin`, `nsq_stat`, `nsq_to_file`, `nsq_to_http`: HTTP client connect/request timeouts (thanks @kenjones-cisco)
209 * #777/#778/#783/#785 - improve test coverage (thanks @kenjones-cisco)
210 * #788 - `to_nsq`: add `--rate` message throttling option
211 * #367 - purge deprecated features (see above)
212 * #741 - `nsqd`: per-topic message IDs (multi-topic pub benchmarks up to ~1.75x faster)
213 * #850 - `nsqd`, `nsqlookupd`, `nsqadmin`: add `--log-prefix` option (thanks @ploxiln)
214 * #844 - `nsqd`: deprecate `--worker-id` for `--node-id` and drop ID from `nsqd.dat` file (thanks @ploxiln)
218 * #787 - `nsqlookupd`: properly close TCP connection in `IOLoop` (thanks @JackDrogon)
219 * #792 - `nsqdmin`: fix root CA verification (thanks @joshuarubin)
220 * #794 - `nsq_to_file`: require `--topic` or `--topic-pattern` (thanks @judwhite)
221 * #816/#823 - `nsqadmin`: fix handling of IPv6 broadcast addresses (thanks @magnetised)
222 * #805/#832 - `nsqd`: fix requeue and deferred message accounting (thanks @sdbaiguanghe)
223 * #532/#830 - `nsqd`: switch to golang/snappy to fix snappy deadlock
224 * #826/#831/#837/#839 - `nsqd`: fix default `--broadcast-address` and error when `nsqlookupd` reqs fail (thanks @ploxiln @stephensearles)
225 * #822/#835 - `nsqd`: prevent panic in binary `/mpub` (thanks @yangyifeng01)
226 * #841 - `nsqadmin`: allow ctrl/meta+click to open a new tab
227 * #843 - `nsqd`: check for exit before requeing
229### 0.3.8 - 2016-05-26
231**Upgrading from 0.3.7**: Binaries contain no backwards incompatible changes.
233This release fixes a critical regression in `0.3.7` that could result in message loss when
234attempting to cleanly shutdown `nsqd` by sending it a `SIGTERM`. The expected behavior was for it
235to flush messages in internal buffers to disk before exiting. See #757 and #759 for more details.
237A few performance improvements landed including #743, which improves channel throughput by ~17%,
238and #740, which reduces garbage when reading messages from disk.
240We're now stripping debug info, reducing binary size, in the official binary downloads and Windows
241binaries are now bundled with the appropriate `.exe` extension (#726 and #751).
245 * #743 - `nsqd`: remove channel `messagePump`
246 * #751 - strip debug info from binaries (thanks @ploxiln)
247 * #740 - `nsqd`: reduce garbage when reading from diskqueue (thanks @dieterbe)
251 * #757/#759 - `nsqd`: properly handle `SIGTERM` (thanks @judwhite)
252 * #738 - updates for latest `go-options`
253 * #730 - `nsqd`: diskqueue sync count on both read/write
254 * #734 - `nsqadmin`: make `rate` column work without `--proxy-graphite` (thanks @ploxiln)
255 * #726 - add `.exe` extension to Windows binaries (thanks @ploxiln)
256 * #722 - `nsqadmin`: fix connected duration > `1hr`
258### 0.3.7 - 2016-02-23
260**Upgrading from 0.3.6**: Binaries contain no backwards incompatible changes.
262This release has been built with Go 1.6.
264Highlights include the various work done to reduce `nsqd` lock contention, significantly improving
265the impact of high load on the `/stats` endpoint, addressing issues with timeouts and failures
266in `nsqadmin` (#700, #701, #703, #709).
268Thanks to @judwhite, `nsqd` and `nsqlookupd` now natively support being run as a Windows service
269(#718). We're also now publishing official Windows releases.
271`nsqd` will now `flock` its data directory on linux, preventing two `nsqd` from running
272simultaneously pointed at the same path (#583).
274On the bugfix side, the most noteworthy change is that `nsqd` will now correctly reset health state
275on a successful backend write (#671).
279 * #700/#701/#703/#709 - `nsqd`: reduce lock contention (thanks @zachbadgett @absolute8511)
280 * #718 - `nsqd`/`nsqlookupd`: support running as a windows service (thanks @judwhite)
281 * #706 - `nsqd`: support enabling/disabling block profile via HTTP (thanks @absolute8511)
282 * #710 - `nsqd`: support `POST` `/debug/pprof/symbol` (thanks @absolute8511)
283 * #662 - `nsqadmin`: add flags for formatting statsd keys (thanks @kesutton)
284 * #583 - `nsqd`: `flock` `--data-path` on linux
285 * #663 - `nsqd`: optimize GUID generation (thanks @ploxiln)
289 * #672 - `nsqd`: fix max size accounting in `diskqueue` (thanks @judwhite)
290 * #671 - `nsqd`: reset health on successful backend write (thanks @judwhite)
291 * #615 - `nsqd`: prevent OOM when reading from `nsqlookupd` peer
292 * #664/#666 - dist.sh/Makefile cleanup (thanks @ploxiln)
294### 0.3.6 - 2015-09-24
296**Upgrading from 0.3.5**: Binaries contain no backwards incompatible changes.
298We've adopted the [Contributor Covenant 1.2 Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) (#593). Help us
299keep NSQ open and inclusive by reading and following this document.
301We closed a few longstanding issues related to `nsqadmin`, namely (#323, et al.) converting it to
302an API and single-page app (so that it is _much_ easier to develop), displaying fine-grained errors
303(#421, #657), and enabling support for `--tls-required` configurations (#396).
305For `nsqd`, we added support for deferred publishing aka `DPUB` (#293), which allows a producer to
306specify a duration of time to delay initial delivery of the message. We also addressed performance
307issues relating to large numbers of topics/channels (#577) by removing some per-channel goroutines
308in favor of a centralized, periodic, garbage collection approach.
310In order to provide more flexibility when deploying NSQ in dynamically orchestrated topologies,
311`nsqd` now supports the ability to configure `nsqlookupd` peers at runtime via HTTP (#601),
312eliminating the need to restart the daemon.
314As part of the large `nsqadmin` refactoring, we took the opportunity to cleanup the internals for
315_all_ of the daemon's HTTP code paths (#601, #610, #612, #641) as well as improving the test suite
316so that it doesn't leave around temporary files (#553).
320 * #593 - add code of conduct
321 * #323/#631/#632/#642/#421/#649/#650/#651/#652/#654 - `nsqadmin`: convert to API / single-page app
322 * #653 - `nsqadmin`: expand notification context
323 * #293 - `nsqd`: add deferred pub (`DPUB`)
324 * #577 - `nsqd`: drop per-channel queue workers in favor of centralized queue GC
325 * #584 - `nsqlookupd`: improve registration DB performance (thanks @xiaost)
326 * #601 - `nsqd`: HTTP endpoints to dynamically configure `nsqlookupd` peers
327 * #608 - `nsqd`: support for filtering `/stats` to topic/channel (thanks @chrusty)
328 * #601/#610/#612/#641 - improved HTTP internal routing / log HTTP requests
329 * #628 - `nsqd`: clarify help text for `--e2e-processing-latency-percentile`
330 * #640 - switch `--{consumer,producer}-opt` to `nsq.ConfigFlag`
334 * #656 - `nsqadmin`: update `statsd` prefix to `stats.counters`
335 * #421/#657 - `nsqadmin`: display upstream/partial errors
336 * #396 - `nsqdamin`/`nsqd`: support for `--tls-required`
337 * #558 - don't overwrite docker root FS
338 * #582 - `nsqd`: ignore benign EOF errors
339 * #587 - `nsqd`: GUID error handling / catch errors if GUID goes backwards (thanks @mpe)
340 * #586 - `nsqd`: fix valid range for `--worker-id`
341 * #550/#602/#617/#618/#619/#620/#622 - `nsqd`: fix benchmarks (thanks @Dieterbe)
342 * #553 - cleanup test dirs
343 * #600 - `nsqd`: enforce diskqueue min/max message size (thanks @twmb)
345### 0.3.5 - 2015-04-26
347**Upgrading from 0.3.3**: Binaries contain no backwards incompatible changes.
349This is another quick bug fix release to address the broken `nsqadmin` binary in the distribution
350(see #578).
352### 0.3.4 - 2015-04-26
354**WARNING**: please upgrade to `v0.3.5` to address the broken `nsqadmin` binary.
356**Upgrading from 0.3.3**: Binaries contain no backwards incompatible changes.
358This is a quick bug fix release to fix the outdated `go-nsq` dependency in `v0.3.3`
359for the bundled utilities (see 6e8504e).
361### 0.3.3 - 2015-04-26
363**WARNING**: please upgrade to `v0.3.5` to address the outdated `go-nsq` dependency for the
364bundled utilities and the broken `nsqadmin` binary.
366**Upgrading from 0.3.2**: Binaries contain no backwards incompatible changes.
368This release is primarily a bug fix release after cleaning up and reorganizing the codebase.
369`nsqadmin` is now importable, which paves the way for completing #323. The bundled utilities
370received a few feature additions and bug fixes (mostly from bug fixes on the `go-nsq` side).
374 * #569 - `nsqadmin`: re-org into importable package
375 * #562 - `nsq_to_{nsq,http}`: add `epsilon-greedy` mode (thanks @twmb)
376 * #547 - `nsqd`: adds `start_time` to `/stats` (thanks @ShawnSpooner)
377 * #544 - `nsq_to_http`: accept any `200` response as success (thanks @mikedewar)
378 * #548 - `nsq_to_http`: read entire request body (thanks @imgix)
379 * #552/#554/#555/#556/#561 - code cleanup and `/internal` package re-org (thanks @cespare)
383 * #573 - `nsqd`: don't persist metadata upon startup (thanks @xiaost)
384 * #560 - `nsqd`: do not print `EOF` error when client closes cleanly (thanks @twmb)
385 * #557 - `nsqd`: fix `--tls-required=tcp-https` with `--tls-client-auth-policy` (thanks @twmb)
386 * #545 - enable shell expansion in official Docker image (thanks @paddyforan)
388NOTE: the bundled utilities are built against [`go-nsq` `v1.0.4`][go-nsq_104] and include all of
389those features/fixes.
391[go-nsq_104]: https://github.com/nsqio/go-nsq/releases/tag/v1.0.4
393### 0.3.2 - 2015-02-08
395**Upgrading from 0.3.1**: Binaries contain no backwards incompatible changes however as of this
396release we've updated our official Docker images.
398We now provide a single Docker image [`nsqio/nsq`](https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/nsqio/nsq/)
399that includes *all* of the NSQ binaries. We did this for several reasons, primarily because the
400tagged versions in the previous incarnation were broken (and did not actually pin to a version!).
401The new image is an order of magnitude smaller, weighing in around 70mb.
403In addition, the impetus for this quick release is to address a slew of reconnect related bug fixes
404in the utility apps (`nsq_to_nsq`, `nsq_to_file`, etc.), for details see the [`go-nsq` `v1.0.3`
405release notes](https://github.com/nsqio/go-nsq/releases/tag/v1.0.3).
409 * #534/#539/#540 - single Dockerfile approach (thanks @paddyforan)
413 * #529 - nsqadmin: fix more `#ephemeral` topic deletion issues
414 * #530 - nsqd: fix the provided sample config file (thanks @jnewmano)
415 * #538 - nsqd: fix orphaned ephemeral channels (thanks @adamsathailo)
417### 0.3.1 - 2015-01-21
419**Upgrading from 0.3.0**: No backwards incompatible changes.
421This release contains minor bug fixes and feature additions.
423There are a number of functionality improvements to the `nsq_stat` and `nsq_to_file` helper
424applications (and general support for `#ephemeral` topics, broken in `0.2.30`).
426Additionally, the TLS options continue to improve with support for setting `--tls-min-version` and
427a work-around for a bug relating to `TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV` ([to be fixed in Go
432 * #527 - nsq_stat: deprecate `--status-every` in favor of `--interval`
433 * #524 - nsq_stat: add `--count` option (thanks @nordicdyno)
434 * #518 - nsqd: set defaults for `--tls-min-version` and set TLS max version to 1.2
435 * #475/#513/#518 - nsqd: `--tls-required` can be disabled for HTTP / add `--tls-min-version`
436                    (thanks @twmb)
437 * #496 - nsq_to_file: add `<PID>` to filename and rotation by size/interval (thanks @xiaost)
438 * #507 - nsq_stat: add rates (thanks @xiaost)
439 * #505 - nsqd: speed up failure path of `BytesToBase10` (thanks @iand)
443 * #522 - nsqadmin: fix `#ephemeral` topic deletion issues
444 * #509 - nsqd: fix `diskqueue` atomic rename on Windows (thanks @allgeek)
445 * #479 - nsqd: return `output_buffer_*` resolved settings in `IDENTIFY` response (thanks @tj)
447### 0.3.0 - 2014-11-18
449**Upgrading from 0.2.31**: No backwards incompatible changes.
451This release includes a slew of bug fixes and few key feature additions.
453The biggest functional change is that `nsqd` no longer decrements its `RDY` count for clients. This
454means that client libraries no longer have to periodically re-send `RDY`. For some context, `nsqd`
455already provided back-pressure due to the fact that a client must respond to messages before
456receiving new ones. The decremented `RDY` count only made the implementation of the server and
457client more complex without additional benefit. Now the `RDY` command can be treated as an "on/off"
458switch. For details see #404 and the associated changes in nsqio/go-nsq#83 and nsqio/pynsq#98.
460The second biggest change (and oft-requested feature!) is `#ephemeral` topics. Their behavior
461mirrors that of channels. This feature is incredibly useful for situations where you're using
462topics to "route" messages to consumers (like RPC) or when a backlog of messages is undesirable.
464There are now scripts in the `bench` directory that automate the process of running a distributed
465benchmark.  This is a work-in-progress, but it already provides a closer-to-production setup and
466therefore more accurate results.  There's much work to do here!
468A whole bunch of bugs were fixed - notably all were 3rd-party contributions! Thanks!
470 * #305 - `#ephemeral` topics
471 * #404/#459 - don't decr `RDY` / send `RDY` before `FIN`/`REQ`
472 * #472 - improve `nsqd` `diskqueue` sync strategies
473 * #488 - ability to filter topics by regex in `nsq_to_file` (thanks @lxfontes)
474 * #438 - distributed pub-sub benchmark scripts
475 * #448 - better `nsqd` `IOLoop` logging (thanks @rexposadas)
476 * #458 - switch to [gpm](https://github.com/pote/gpm) for builds
480 * #493 - ensure all `nsqd` `Notify()` goroutines have exited prior to shutdown (thanks @allgeek)
481 * #492 - ensure `diskqueue` syncs at end of benchmarks (thanks @Dieterbe)
482 * #490 - de-flake `TestPauseMetadata` (thanks @allgeek)
483 * #486 - require ports to be specified for daemons (thanks @jnewmano)
484 * #482 - better bash in `dist.sh` (thanks @losinggeneration)
485 * #480 - fix panic when `nsqadmin` checks stats for missing topic (thanks @jnewmano)
486 * #469 - fix panic when misbehaving client sends corrupt command (thanks @prio)
487 * #461 - fix panic when `nsqd` decodes corrupt message data (thanks @twmb)
488 * #454/#455 - fix 32-bit atomic ops in `nsq_to_nsq`/`nsq_to_http` (thanks @leshik)
489 * #451 - fix `go get` compatibility (thanks @adams-sarah)
491### 0.2.31 - 2014-08-26
493**Upgrading from 0.2.30**: No backwards incompatible changes.
495This release includes a few key changes. First, we improved feedback and back-pressure when `nsqd`
496writes to disk. Previously this was asynchronous and would result in clients not knowing that their
497`PUB` had failed. Interestingly, this refactoring improved performance of `PUB` by 41%, by removing
498the topic's goroutine responsible for message routing in favor of `N:N` Go channel communication.
499For details see #437.
501@paddyforan contributed official Dockerfiles that are now built automatically via Docker Hub.
502Please begin to use (and improve these) as the various older images we had been maintaining will be
505The utility apps deprecated the `--reader-opt` flag in favor of `--consumer-opt` and `nsq_to_nsq`
506and `to_nsq` received a `--producer-opt` flag, for configuring details of the connection publishing
507to `nsqd`. Additionally, it is now possible to configure client side TLS certificates via
508`tls_cert` and `tls_key` opts.
510As usual, we fixed a few minor bugs, see below for details.
512New Features / Enhancements:
514 * #422/#437 - `nsqd`: diskqueue error feedback/backpressure (thanks @boyand)
515 * #412 - official Dockerfiles for `nsqd`, `nsqlookupd`, `nsqadmin` (thanks @paddyforan)
516 * #442 - utilities: add `--consumer-opt` alias for `--reader-opt` and
517          add `--producer-opt` to `nsq_to_nsq` (also support configuration
518          of `tls_cert` and `tls_key`)
519 * #448 - `nsqd`: improve IOLoop error messages (thanks @rexposadas)
523 * #440 - `nsqd`: fixed statsd GC stats reporting (thanks @jphines)
524 * #434/#435 - refactored/stabilized tests and logging
525 * #429 - `nsqd`: improve handling/documentation of `--worker-id` (thanks @bschwartz)
526 * #428 - `nsqd`: `IDENTIFY` should respond with materialized `msg_timeout` (thanks @visionmedia)
528### 0.2.30 - 2014-07-28
530**Upgrading from 0.2.29**: No backwards incompatible changes.
532**IMPORTANT**: this is a quick bug-fix release to address a panic in `nsq_to_nsq` and
533`nsq_to_http`, see #425.
535New Features / Enhancements:
537 * #417 - `nsqadmin`/`nsqd`: expose TLS connection state
538 * #425 - `nsq_to_nsq`/`nsq_to_file`: display per-destination-address timings
542 * #425 - `nsq_to_nsq`/`nsq_to_file`: fix shared mutable state panic
544### 0.2.29 - 2014-07-25
546**Upgrading from 0.2.28**: No backwards incompatible changes.
548This release includes a slew of new features and bug fixes, with contributions from 8
549members of the community, thanks!
551The most important new feature is authentication (the `AUTH` command for `nsqd`), added in #356.
552When `nsqd` is configured with an `--auth-http-address` it will require clients to send the `AUTH`
553command. The `AUTH` command body is opaque to `nsqd`, it simply passes it along to the configured
554auth daemon which responds with well formed JSON, indicating which topics/channels and properties
555on those entities are accessible to that client (rejecting the client if it accesses anything
556prohibited). For more details, see [the spec](https://nsq.io/clients/tcp_protocol_spec.html) or [the
557`nsqd` guide](https://nsq.io/components/nsqd.html#auth).
559Additionally, we've improved performance in a few areas. First, we refactored in-flight handling in
560`nsqd` to reduce garbage creation and improve baseline performance 6%. End-to-end processing
561latency calculations are also significantly faster, thanks to improvements in the
562[`perks`](https://github.com/bmizerany/perks/pulls/7) package.
564HTTP response formats have been improved (removing the redundant response wrapper) and cleaning up
565some of the endpoint namespaces. This change is backwards compatible. Clients wishing to move
566towards the new response format can either use the new endpoint names or send the following header:
568    Accept: application/vnd.nsq version=1.0
570Other changes including officially bumping the character limit for topic and channel names to 64
571(thanks @svmehta), making the `REQ` timeout limit configurable in `nsqd` (thanks @AlphaB), and
572compiling static asset dependencies into `nsqadmin` to simplify deployment (thanks @crossjam).
574Finally, `to_nsq` was added to the suite of bundled apps. It takes a stdin stream and publishes to
575`nsqd`, an extremely flexible solution (thanks @matryer)!
577As for bugs, they're mostly minor, see the pull requests referenced in the section below for
580New Features / Enhancements:
582 * #304 - apps: added `to_nsq` for piping stdin to NSQ (thanks @matryer)
583 * #406 - `nsqadmin`: embed external static asset dependencies (thanks @crossjam)
584 * #389 - apps: report app name and version via `user_agent`
585 * #378/#390 - `nsqd`: improve in-flight message handling (6% faster, GC reduction)
586 * #356/#370/#386 - `nsqd`: introduce `AUTH`
587 * #358 - increase topic/channel name max length to 64 (thanks @svmehta)
588 * #357 - remove internal `go-nsq` dependencies (GC reduction)
589 * #330/#366 - version HTTP endpoints, simplify response format
590 * #352 - `nsqd`: make `REQ` timeout limit configurable (thanks @AlphaB)
591 * #340 - `nsqd`: bump perks dependency (E2E performance improvement, see 25086e4)
595 * #384 - `nsqd`: fix statsd GC time reporting
596 * #407 - `nsqd`: fix double `TOUCH` and use of client's configured msg timeout
597 * #392 - `nsqadmin`: fix HTTPS warning (thanks @juliangruber)
598 * #383 - `nsqlookupd`: fix race on last update timestamp
599 * #385 - `nsqd`: properly handle empty `FIN`
600 * #365 - `nsqd`: fix `IDENTIFY` `msg_timeout` response (thanks @visionmedia)
601 * #345 - `nsq_to_file`: set proper permissions on new directories (thanks @bschwartz)
602 * #338 - `nsqd`: fix windows diskqueue filenames (thanks @politician)
604### 0.2.28 - 2014-04-28
606**Upgrading from 0.2.27**: No backwards incompatible changes.  We've deprecated the `short_id`
607and `long_id` options in the `IDENTIFY` command in favor of `client_id` and `hostname`, which
608more accurately reflect the data typically used.
610This release includes a few important new features, in particular enhanced `nsqd`
611TLS support thanks to a big contribution by @chrisroberts.
613You can now *require* that clients negotiate TLS with `--tls-required` and you can configure a
614client certificate policy via `--tls-client-auth-policy` (`require` or `require-verify`):
616 * `require` - the client must offer a certificate, otherwise rejected
617 * `require-verify` - the client must offer a valid certificate according to the default CA or
618                      the chain specified by `--tls-root-ca-file`, otherwise rejected
620This can be used as a form of client authentication.
622Additionally, `nsqd` is now structured such that it is importable in other Go applications
623via `github.com/nsqio/nsq/nsqd`, thanks to @kzvezdarov.
625Finally, thanks to @paddyforan, `nsq_to_file` can now archive *multiple* topics or
626optionally archive *all* discovered topics (by specifying no `--topic` params
627and using `--lookupd-http-address`).
629New Features / Enhancements:
631 * #334 - `nsq_to_file` can archive many topics (thanks @paddyforan)
632 * #327 - add `nsqd` TLS client certificate verification policy, ability
633          to require TLS, and HTTPS support (thanks @chrisroberts)
634 * #325 - make `nsqd` importable (`github.com/nsqio/nsq/nsqd`) (thanks @kzvezdarov)
635 * #321 - improve `IDENTIFY` options (replace `short_id` and `long_id` with
636          `client_id` and `hostname`)
637 * #319 - allow path separator in `nsq_to_file` filenames (thanks @jsocol)
638 * #324 - display memory depth and total depth in `nsq_stat`
640Bug Fixes:
642 * nsqio/go-nsq#19 and nsqio/go-nsq#29 - fix deadlocks on `nsq.Reader` connection close/exit, this
643                                         impacts the utilities packaged with the NSQ binary
644                                         distribution such as `nsq_to_file`, `nsq_to_http`,
645                                         `nsq_to_nsq` and `nsq_tail`.
646 * #329 - use heartbeat interval for write deadline
647 * #321/#326 - improve benchmarking tests
648 * #315/#318 - fix test data races / flakiness
650### 0.2.27 - 2014-02-17
652**Upgrading from 0.2.26**: No backwards incompatible changes.  We deprecated `--max-message-size`
653in favor of `--max-msg-size` for consistency with the rest of the flag names.
655IMPORTANT: this is another quick bug-fix release to address an issue in `nsqadmin` where templates
656were incompatible with older versions of Go (pre-1.2).
658 * #306 - fix `nsqadmin` template compatibility (and formatting)
659 * #310 - fix `nsqadmin` behavior when E2E stats are disabled
660 * #309 - fix `nsqadmin` `INVALID_ERROR` on node page tombstone link
661 * #311/#312 - fix `nsqd` client metadata race condition and test flakiness
662 * #314 - fix `nsqd` test races (run w/ `-race` and `GOMAXPROCS=4`) deprecate `--max-message-size`
664### 0.2.26 - 2014-02-06
666**Upgrading from 0.2.25**: No backwards incompatible changes.
668IMPORTANT: this is a quick bug-fix release to address a regression identified in `0.2.25` where
669`statsd` prefixes were broken when using the default (or any) prefix that contained a `%s` for
670automatic host replacement.
672 * #303 - fix `nsqd` `--statsd-prefix` when using `%s` host replacement
674### 0.2.25 - 2014-02-05
676**Upgrading from 0.2.24**: No backwards incompatible changes.
678This release adds several commonly requested features.
680First, thanks to [@elubow](https://twitter.com/elubow) you can now configure your clients to sample
681the stream they're subscribed to. To read more about the details of the implementation see #286 and
682the original discussion in #223.  Eric also contributed an improvement to `nsq_tail` to add
683the ability to tail the last `N` messages and exit.
685We added config file support ([TOML](https://github.com/mojombo/toml/blob/master/README.md)) for
686`nsqd`, `nsqlookupd`, and `nsqadmin` - providing even more deployment flexibility. Example configs
687are in the `contrib` directory. Command line arguments override the equivalent option in the config
690We added the ability to pause a *topic* (it is already possible to pause individual *channels*).
691This functionality stops all message flow from topic to channel for *all channels* of a topic,
692queueing at the topic level. This enables all kinds of interesting possibilities like atomic
693channel renames and trivial infrastructure wide operations.
695Finally, we now compile the static assets used by `nsqadmin` into the binary, simplifying
696deployment.  This means that `--template-dir` is now deprecated and will be removed in a future
697release and you can remove the templates you previously deployed and maintained.
699New Features / Enhancements:
701 * #286 - add client `IDENTIFY` option to sample a % of messages
702 * #279 - add TOML config file support to `nsqd`, `nsqlookupd`, and `nsqadmin`
703 * #263 - add ability to pause a topic
704 * #291 - compile templates into `nsqadmin` binary
705 * #285/#288 - `nsq_tail` support for `-n #` to get recent # messages
706 * #287/#294 - display client `IDENTIFY` attributes in `nsqadmin` (sample rate, TLS, compression)
707 * #189/#296 - add client user agent to `nsqadmin``
708 * #297 - add `nsq_to_nsq` JSON message filtering options
710### 0.2.24 - 2013-12-07
712**Upgrading from 0.2.23**: No backwards incompatible changes. However, as you'll see below, quite a
713few command line flags to the utility apps (`nsq_to_http`, `nsq_to_file`, `nsq_to_http`) were
714deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use this release to transition over to
715the new ones.
717NOTE: we are now publishing additional binaries built against go1.2
719The most prominent addition is the tracking of end-to-end message processing percentiles. This
720measures the amount of time it's taking from `PUB` to `FIN` per topic/channel. The percentiles are
721configurable and, because there is *some* overhead in collecting this data, it can be turned off
722entirely. Please see [the section in the docs](https://nsq.io/components/nsqd.html) for
723implementation details.
725Additionally, the utility apps received comprehensive support for all configurable reader options
726(including compression, which was previously missing). This necessitated a bit of command line flag
727cleanup, as follows:
729#### nsq_to_file
731 * deprecated `--gzip-compression` in favor of `--gzip-level`
732 * deprecated `--verbose` in favor of `--reader-opt=verbose`
734#### nsq_to_http
736 * deprecated `--throttle-fraction` in favor of `--sample`
737 * deprecated `--http-timeout-ms` in favor of `--http-timeout` (which is a
738   *duration* flag)
739 * deprecated `--verbose` in favor of `--reader-opt=verbose`
740 * deprecated `--max-backoff-duration` in favor of
741   `--reader-opt=max_backoff_duration=X`
743#### nsq_to_nsq
745 * deprecated `--verbose` in favor of `--reader-opt=verbose`
746 * deprecated `--max-backoff-duration` in favor of
747   `--reader-opt=max_backoff_duration=X`
749New Features / Enhancements:
751 * #280 - add end-to-end message processing latency metrics
752 * #267 - comprehensive reader command line flags for utilities
754### 0.2.23 - 2013-10-21
756**Upgrading from 0.2.22**: No backwards incompatible changes.
758We now use [godep](https://github.com/kr/godep) in order to achieve reproducible builds with pinned
759dependencies.  If you're on go1.1+ you can now just use `godep get github.com/nsqio/nsq/...`.
761This release includes `nsqd` protocol compression feature negotiation.
762[Snappy](https://code.google.com/p/snappy/) and [Deflate](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEFLATE) are
763supported, clients can choose their preferred format.
765`--statsd-prefix` can now be used to modify the prefix for the `statsd` keys generated by `nsqd`.
766This is useful if you want to add datacenter prefixes or remove the default host prefix.
768Finally, this release includes a "bug" fix that reduces CPU usage for `nsqd` with many clients by
769choosing a more reasonable default for a timer used in client output buffering.  For more details
770see #236.
772New Features / Enhancements:
774 * #266 - use godep for reproducible builds
775 * #229 - compression (Snappy/Deflate) feature negotiation
776 * #241 - binary support for HTTP /mput
777 * #269 - add --statsd-prefix flag
779Bug Fixes:
781 * #278 - fix nsqd race for client subscription cleanup (thanks @simplereach)
782 * #277 - fix nsqadmin counter page
783 * #275 - stop accessing simplejson internals
784 * #274 - nsqd channel pause state lost during unclean restart (thanks @hailocab)
785 * #236 - reduce "idle" CPU usage by 90% with large # of clients
787### 0.2.22 - 2013-08-26
789**Upgrading from 0.2.21**: message timestamps are now officially nanoseconds.  The protocol docs
790always stated this however `nsqd` was actually sending seconds.  This may cause some compatibility
791issues for client libraries/clients that were taking advantage of this field.
793This release also introduces support for TLS feature negotiation in `nsqd`.  Clients can optionally
794enable TLS by using the appropriate handshake via the `IDENTIFY` command. See #227.
796Significant improvements were made to the HTTP publish endpoints and in flight message handling to
797reduce GC pressure and eliminate memory abuse vectors. See #242, #239, and #245.
799This release also includes a new utility `nsq_to_nsq` for performant, low-latency, copying of an NSQ
800topic over the TCP protocol.
802Finally, a whole suite of debug HTTP endpoints were added (and consolidated) under the
803`/debug/pprof` namespace. See #238, #248, and #252. As a result `nsqd` now supports *direct*
804profiling via Go's `pprof` tool, ie:
806    $ go tool pprof --web http://ip.address:4151/debug/pprof/heap
808New Features / Enhancements:
810 * #227 - TLS feature negotiation
811 * #238/#248/#252 - support for more HTTP debug endpoints
812 * #256 - `nsqadmin` single node view (with GC/mem graphs)
813 * #255 - `nsq_to_nsq` utility for copying a topic over TCP
814 * #230 - `nsq_to_http` takes `--content-type` flag (thanks @michaelhood)
815 * #228 - `nsqadmin` displays tombstoned topics in the `/nodes` list
816 * #242/#239/#245 - reduced GC pressure for inflight and `/mput`
818Bug Fixes:
820 * #260 - `tombstone_topic_producer` action in `nsqadmin` missing node info
821 * #244 - fix 64bit atomic alignment issues on 32bit platforms
822 * #251 - respect configured limits for HTTP publishing
823 * #247 - publish methods should not allow 0 length messages
824 * #231/#259 - persist `nsqd` metadata on topic/channel changes
825 * #237 - fix potential memory leaks with retained channel references
826 * #232 - message timestamps are now nano
827 * #228 - `nsqlookupd`/`nsqadmin` would display inactive nodes in `/nodes` list
828 * #216 - fix edge cases in `nsq_to_file` that caused empty files
830### 0.2.21 - 2013-06-07
832**Upgrading from 0.2.20**: there are no backward incompatible changes in this release.
834This release introduces a significant new client feature as well as a slew of consistency and
835recovery improvements to diskqueue.
837First, we expanded the feature negotiation options for clients. There are many cases where you want
838different output buffering semantics from `nsqd` to your client. You can now control both
839output buffer size and the output buffer timeout via new fields in the `IDENTIFY` command. You can
840even disable output buffering if low latency is a priority.
842You can now specify a duration between fsyncs via `--sync-timeout`. This is a far better way to
843manage when the process fsyncs messages to disk (vs the existing `--sync-every` which is based on #
844of messages). `--sync-every` is now considered a deprecated option and will be removed in a future
847Finally, `0.2.20` introduced a significant regression in #176 where a topic would not write messages
848to its channels. It is recommended that all users running `0.2.20` upgrade to this release. For
849additional information see #217.
851New Features / Enhancements:
853 * #214 - add --sync-timeout for time based fsync, improve when diskqueue syncs
854 * #196 - client configurable output buffering
855 * #190 - nsq_tail generates a random #ephemeral channel
857Bug Fixes:
859 * #218/#220 - expose --statsd-interval for nsqadmin to handle non 60s statsd intervals
860 * #217 - fix new topic channel creation regression from #176 (thanks @elubow)
861 * #212 - dont use port in nsqadmin cookies
862 * #214 - dont open diskqueue writeFile with O_APPEND
863 * #203/#211 - diskqueue depth accounting consistency
864 * #207 - failure to write a heartbeat is fatal / reduce error log noise
865 * #206 - use broadcast address for statsd prefix
866 * #205 - cleanup example utils exit
868### 0.2.20 - 2013-05-13
870**Upgrading from 0.2.19**: there are no backward incompatible changes in this release.
872This release adds a couple of convenient features (such as adding the ability to empty a *topic*)
873and continues our work to reduce garbage produced at runtime to relieve GC pressure in the Go
876`nsqd` now has two new flags to control the max value clients can use to set their heartbeat
877interval as well as adjust a clients maximum RDY count. This is all set/communicated via `IDENTIFY`.
879`nsqadmin` now displays `nsqd` -> `nsqlookupd` connections in the "nodes" view. This is useful for
880visualizing how the topology is connected as well as situations where `--broadcast-address` is being
881used incorrectly.
883`nsq_to_http` now has a "host pool" mode where upstream state will be adjusted based on
884successful/failed requests and for failures, upstreams will be exponentially backed off. This is an
885incredibly useful routing mode.
887As for bugs, we fixed an issue where "fatal" client errors were not actually being treated as fatal.
888Under certain conditions deleting a topic would not clean up all of its files on disk. There was a
889reported issue where the `--data-path` was not writable by the process and this was only discovered
890after message flow began. We added a writability check at startup to improve feedback. Finally.
891`deferred_count` was being sent as a counter value to statsd, it should be a gauge.
893New Features / Enhancements:
895 * #197 - nsqadmin nodes list improvements (show nsqd -> lookupd conns)
896 * #192 - add golang runtime version to daemon version output
897 * #183 - ability to empty a topic
898 * #176 - optimizations to reduce garbage, copying, locking
899 * #184 - add table headers to nsqadmin channel view (thanks @elubow)
900 * #174/#186 - nsq_to_http hostpool mode and backoff control
901 * #173/#187 - nsq_stat utility for command line introspection
902 * #175 - add nsqd --max-rdy-count configuration option
903 * #178 - add nsqd --max-heartbeat-interval configuration option
905Bug Fixes:
907 * #198 - fix fatal errors not actually being fatal
908 * #195 - fix delete topic does not delete all diskqueue files
909 * #193 - fix data race in channel requeue
910 * #185 - ensure that --data-path is writable on startup
911 * #182 - fix topic deletion ordering to prevent race conditions with lookupd/diskqueue
912 * #179 - deferred_count as gauge for statsd
913 * #173/#188/#191 - fix nsqadmin counter template error; fix nsqadmin displaying negative rates
915### 0.2.19 - 2013-04-11
917**Upgrading from 0.2.18**: there are no backward incompatible changes in this release.
919This release is a small release that introduces one major client side feature and resolves one
920critical bug.
922`nsqd` clients can now configure their own heartbeat interval. This is important because as of
923`0.2.18` *all* clients (including producers) received heartbeats by default. In certain cases
924receiving a heartbeat complicated "simple" clients that just wanted to produce messages and not
925handle asynchronous responses. This gives flexibility for the client to decide how it would like
928A critical bug was discovered where emptying a channel would leave client in-flight state
929inconsistent (it would not zero) which limited deliverability of messages to those clients.
931New Features / Enhancements:
933 * #167 - 'go get' compatibility
934 * #158 - allow nsqd clients to configure (or disable) heartbeats
936Bug Fixes:
938 * #171 - fix race conditions identified testing against go 1.1 (scheduler improvements)
939 * #160 - empty channel left in-flight count inconsistent (thanks @dmarkham)
941### 0.2.18 - 2013-02-28
943**Upgrading from 0.2.17**: all V2 clients of nsqd now receive heartbeats (previously only clients
944that subscribed would receive heartbeats, excluding TCP *producers*).
946**Upgrading from 0.2.16**: follow the notes in the 0.2.17 changelog for upgrading from 0.2.16.
948Beyond the important note above regarding heartbeats this release includes `nsq_tail`, an extremely
949useful utility application that can be used to introspect a topic on the command line. If statsd is
950enabled (and graphite in `nsqadmin`) we added the ability to retrieve rates for display in
953We resolved a few critical issues with data consistency in `nsqlookupd` when channels and topics are
954deleted. First, deleting a topic would cause that producer to disappear from `nsqlookupd` for all
955topics. Second, deleting a channel would cause that producer to disappear from the topic list in
958New Features / Enhancements:
960 * #131 - all V2 nsqd clients get heartbeats
961 * #154 - nsq_tail example reader
962 * #143 - display message rates in nsqadmin
964Bug Fixes:
966 * #148 - store tombstone data per registration in nsqlookupd
967 * #153 - fix large graph formulas in nsqadmin
968 * #150/#151 - fix topics disappearing from nsqlookupd when channels are deleted
970### 0.2.17 - 2013-02-07
972**Upgrading from 0.2.16**: IDENTIFY and SUB now return success responses (they previously only
973responded to errors). The official Go and Python libraries are forwards/backwards compatible with
974this change however 3rd party client libraries may not be.
976**Upgrading from 0.2.15**: in #132 deprecations in SUB were removed as well as support for the old,
977line oriented, `nsqd` metadata file format. For these reasons you should upgrade to `0.2.16` first.
979New Features / Enhancements:
981 * #119 - add TOUCH command to nsqd
982 * #142 - add --broadcast-address flag to nsqd/nsqadmin (thanks @dustismo)
983 * #135 - atomic MPUB
984 * #133 - improved protocol fatal error handling and responses; IDENTIFY/SUB success responses
985 * #118 - switch nsqadmin actions to POST and require confirmation
986 * #117/#147 - nsqadmin action POST notifications
987 * #122 - configurable msg size limits
988 * #132 - deprecate identify in SUB and old nsqd metadata file format
990Bug Fixes:
992 * #144 - empty channel should clear inflight/deferred messages
993 * #140 - fix MPUB protocol documentation
994 * #139 - fix nsqadmin handling of legacy statsd prefixes for graphs
995 * #138/#145 - fix nsqadmin action redirect handling
996 * #134 - nsqd to nsqlookupd registration fixes
997 * #129 - nsq_to_file gzip file versioning
998 * #106 - nsqlookupd topic producer tombstones
999 * #100 - sane handling of diskqueue read errors
1000 * #123/#125 - fix notify related exit deadlock
1002### 0.2.16 - 2013-01-07
1004**Upgrading from 0.2.15**: there are no backward incompatible changes in this release.
1006However, this release introduces the `IDENTIFY` command (which supersedes sending
1007metadata along with `SUB`) for clients of `nsqd`.  The old functionality will be
1008removed in a future release.
1010 * #114 persist paused channels through restart
1011 * #121 fix typo preventing compile of bench_reader (thanks @datastream)
1012 * #120 fix nsqd crash when empty command is sent (thanks @michaelhood)
1013 * #115 nsq_to_file --filename-format --datetime-format parameter and fix
1014 * #101 fix topic/channel delete operations ordering
1015 * #98 nsqadmin fixes when not using lookupd
1016 * #90/#108 performance optimizations / IDENTIFY protocol support in nsqd. For
1017   a single consumer of small messages (< 4k) increases throughput ~400% and
1018   reduces # of allocations ~30%.
1019 * #105 strftime compatible datetime format
1020 * #103 nsq_to_http handler logging
1021 * #102 compatibility with Go tip
1022 * #99 nsq_to_file --gzip flag
1023 * #95 proxy graphite requests through nsqadmin
1024 * #93 fix nqd API response for no topics
1025 * #92 graph rendering options
1026 * #86 nsq_to_http Content-Length headers
1027 * #89 gopkg doc updates
1028 * #88 move pynsq to it's own repo
1029 * #81/#87 reader improvements / introduced MPUB. Fix bug for mem-queue-size < 10
1030 * #76 statsd/graphite support
1031 * #75 administrative ability to create topics and channels
1033### 0.2.15 - 2012-10-25
1035 * #84 fix lookupd hanging on to ephemeral channels w/ no producers
1036 * #82 add /counter page to nsqadmin
1037 * #80 message size benchmark
1038 * #78 send Content-Length for nsq_to_http requests
1039 * #57/#83 documentation updates
1041### 0.2.14 - 2012-10-19
1043 * #77 ability to pause a channel (includes bugfix for message pump/diskqueue)
1044 * #74 propagate all topic changes to lookupd
1045 * #65 create binary releases
1047### 0.2.13 - 2012-10-15
1049 * #70 deadlined nsq_to_http outbound requests
1050 * #69/#72 improved nsq_to_file sync strategy
1051 * #58 diskqueue metadata bug and refactoring
1053### 0.2.12 - 2012-10-10
1055 * #63 consolidated protocol V1 into V2 and fixed PUB bug
1056 * #61 added a makefile for simpler building
1057 * #55 allow topic/channel names with `.`
1058 * combined versions for all binaries
1060### 0.2.7 - 0.2.11
1062 * Initial public release.
1064## go-nsq Client Library
1066 * #264 moved **go-nsq** to its own [repository](https://github.com/nsqio/go-nsq)
1068## pynsq Python Client Library
1070 * #88 moved **pynsq** to its own [repository](https://github.com/nsqio/pynsq)