2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
6Any keystroke causes a poll and update. Keystroke commands:
8'a': Change peer display to apeers mode, showing association IDs.
9'd': Toggle detail mode (some peer will be reverse-video highlighted when on).
10'h': Display helpscreen.
11'j': Select next peer (in select mode); arrow down also works.
12'k': Select previous peer (in select mode); arrow up also works.
13'm': Disable peers display, showing only MRU list
14'n': Toggle display of hostnames (vs. IP addresses).
15'o': Change peer display to opeers mode, showing destination address.
16'p': Change peer display to default mode, showing refid.
17'q': Cleanly terminate the program.
18's': Toggle display of only reachable hosts (default is all hosts).
19'u': Toggle display of units.
20'w': Toggle wide mode.
21'x': Cleanly terminate the program.
22' ': Rotate through a/n/o/p/r display modes.
23'+': Increase debugging level.  Output goes to ntpmon.log
24'-': Decrease debugging level.
25'?': Display helpscreen.
28from __future__ import print_function, division
30import getopt
31import re
32import sys
33import time
36    import ntp.control
37    import ntp.magic
38    import ntp.ntpc
39    import ntp.packet
40    import ntp.util
41except ImportError as e:
42    sys.stderr.write(
43        "ntpmon: can't load Python NTP libraries -- check PYTHONPATH.\n")
44    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % e)
45    sys.exit(1)
47# This used to force UTF-8 encoding, but that breaks the readline system.
48# Unfortunately sometimes sys.stdout.encoding lies about the encoding,
49# so expect random false positives.
50# LANG=C or LANG=POSIX refuse unicode when combined with curses
51disableunicode = ntp.util.check_unicode()
55    import locale
56except ImportError as e:
57    sys.stderr.write(
58        "ntpmon: can't find Python locale library.\n")
59    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % e)
60    sys.exit(1)
63    import curses
64except ImportError as e:
65    sys.stderr.write(
66        "ntpmon: can't find Python curses library.\n")
67    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % e)
68    sys.exit(1)
70stdscr = None
73def iso8601(t):
74    "ISO8601 string from Unix time."
75    return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(t))
78def statline(_peerlist, _mrulist, nyquist):
79    "Generate a status line"
80    # We don't use stdversion here because the presence of a date is confusing
81    leader = sysvars['version'][0]
82    leader = re.sub(r" \([^\)]*\)", "", leader)
83    if span.entries:
84        trailer = "Updated: %s (%s)" \
85                  % (iso8601(int(ntp.ntpc.lfptofloat(span.entries[0].last))),
86                     ntp.util.PeerSummary.prettyinterval(nyquist))
87    else:
88        trailer = ""
89    spacer = ((peer_report.termwidth - 1) - len(leader) - len(trailer)) * " "
90    return leader + spacer + trailer
93def peer_detail(variables, showunits=False):
94    "Show the things a peer summary doesn't, cooked slightly differently"
95    # All of an rv display except refid, reach, delay, offset, jitter.
96    # One of the goals here is to emit field values at fixed positions
97    # on the 2D display, so that changes in the details are easier to spot.
98    vcopy = {}
99    vcopyraw = {}
100    vcopy.update(variables)
101    width = ntp.util.termsize().width - 2
102    # Need to separate the casted from the raw
103    for key in vcopy.keys():
104        vcopyraw[key] = vcopy[key][1]
105        vcopy[key] = vcopy[key][0]
106    vcopy["leap"] = ("no-leap", "add-leap", "del-leap",
107                     "unsync")[vcopy["leap"]]
108    for fld in ('xmt', 'rec', 'reftime'):
109        if fld not in vcopy:
110            vcopy[fld] = "***missing***"
111        else:
112            vcopy[fld] = ntp.util.rfc3339(ntp.ntpc.lfptofloat(vcopy[fld]))
113    if showunits:
114        for name in ntp.util.MS_VARS:
115            if name in vcopy:
116                vcopy[name] = ntp.util.unitify(vcopyraw[name],
117                                               ntp.util.UNIT_MS,
118                                               width=None)
119        for name in ntp.util.PPM_VARS:
120            if name in vcopy:
121                vcopy[name] = ntp.util.unitify(vcopyraw[name],
122                                               ntp.util.UNIT_PPM,
123                                               width=None)
124        for name in ntp.util.S_VARS:
125            if name in vcopy:
126                vcopy[name] = ntp.util.unitify(vcopyraw[name],
127                                               ntp.util.UNIT_S,
128                                               width=None)
129        vcopy['filtdelay'] = ntp.util.stringfiltcooker(vcopyraw['filtdelay'])
130        vcopy['filtoffset'] = ntp.util.stringfiltcooker(vcopyraw['filtoffset'])
131        vcopy['filtdisp'] = ntp.util.stringfiltcooker(vcopyraw['filtdisp'])
132    else:
133        vcopy['filtdelay'] = ntp.util.stringfilt(vcopyraw['filtdelay'])
134        vcopy['filtoffset'] = ntp.util.stringfilt(vcopyraw['filtoffset'])
135        vcopy['filtdisp'] = ntp.util.stringfilt(vcopyraw['filtdisp'])
136    # annotate IPv6, to stand out from :port
137    if ':' in vcopy['srcadr']:
138        vcopy['srcadr'] = '[' + vcopy['srcadr'] + ']'
139    if ':' in vcopy['dstadr']:
140        vcopy['dstadr'] = '[' + vcopy['dstadr'] + ']'
141    vcopy['adr'] = "dstadr=%(dstadr)s:%(dstport)s " \
142                   "srcadr=%(srcadr)s:%(srcport)d" % vcopy
143    if len(vcopy['adr']) > width:
144        # too long, break the line
145        vcopy['adr'] = vcopy['adr'].replace(" ", "\n")
147    peerfmt = """\
150    rec=%(rec)s\tstratum=%(stratum)2d\trootdisp=%(rootdisp)s
151    xmt=%(xmt)s\tprecision=%(precision)3d\tdispersion=%(dispersion)s
152unreach=%(unreach)d hmode=%(hmode)d pmode=%(pmode)d hpoll=%(hpoll)d \
153ppoll=%(ppoll)d headway=%(headway)s flash=%(flash)s keyid=%(keyid)s
154filtdelay  = %(filtdelay)s
155filtoffset = %(filtoffset)s
156filtdisp   = %(filtdisp)s
158    str = peerfmt % vcopy
159    return str.expandtabs()
162class Fatal(Exception):
163    "Unrecoverable error."
165    def __init__(self, msg):
166        Exception.__init__(self)
167        self.msg = msg
169    def __str__(self):
170        return self.msg
173class OutputContext:
174    def __enter__(self):
175        "Begin critical region."
176        if sys.version_info[0] < 3 and not disableunicode:
177            # This appears to only be needed under python 2, it is only
178            # activated when we already have UTF-8. Otherwise we drop
179            # down to non-unicode versions.
180            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
181        global stdscr
182        stdscr = curses.initscr()
183        try:
184            curses.curs_set(0)
185        except curses.error:
186            # VT100 terminal emulations can barf here.
187            pass
188        curses.cbreak()
189        curses.noecho()
190        stdscr.keypad(True)
191        # Design decision: The most important info is nearer the
192        # top of the display. Therefore, prevent scrolling.
193        stdscr.scrollok(False)
195    def __exit__(self, extype_unused, value_unused, traceback_unused):
196        curses.endwin()
199usage = '''
200USAGE: ntpmon [-dhnuV] [-D lvl] [-l logfile] [host]
201  Flg Arg Option-Name    Description
202   -d no  debug-level     Increase output debug message level
203                                - may appear multiple times
204   -D Int set-debug-level Set the output debug message level
205                                - may appear multiple times
206   -h no  help            Print a usage message.
207   -l Str logfile         Logs debug messages to the provided filename
208   -n no  numeric         Numeric host addresses
209   -u no  units           Display time with units.
210   -V opt version         Output version information and exit
213if __name__ == '__main__':
214    bin_ver = "ntpsec-@NTPSEC_VERSION_EXTENDED@"
215    if ntp.util.stdversion() != bin_ver:
216        sys.stderr.write("Module/Binary version mismatch\n")
217        sys.stderr.write("Binary: %s\n" % bin_ver)
218        sys.stderr.write("Module: %s\n" % ntp.util.stdversion())
219    try:
220        (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
221                                             "dD:hl:nsSuV",
222                                             ["debug", "help", "logfile=",
223                                              "numeric", "units",
224                                              "set-debug-level=", "version",
225                                              "srcname", "srcnumber"])
226    except getopt.GetoptError as e:
227        sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % e)
228        sys.stderr.write(usage)
229        raise SystemExit(1)
230    progname = sys.argv[0]
232    showhostnames = 1
233    wideremote = False
234    showall = True
235    showpeers = True
236    showunits = False
237    nyquist = 1
238    debug = 0
239    logfp = None
240    defaultlog = "ntpmon.log"
242    for (switch, val) in options:
243        if switch in ("-d", "--debug"):
244            debug += 1
245        elif switch in ("-D", "--set-debug-level"):
246            errmsg = "Error: -D parameter '%s' not a number\n"
247            debug = ntp.util.safeargcast(val, int, errmsg, usage)
248        elif switch in ("-h", "--help"):
249            print(usage)
250            raise SystemExit(0)
251        elif switch in ("-l", "--logfile"):
252            if logfp is not None:
253                logfp.close()
254            logfp = open(val, "a", 1)  # 1 => line buffered
255        elif switch in ("-n", "--numeric"):
256            showhostnames = 0
257        elif switch in ("-s", "--srcname"):
258            showhostnames = 3
259        elif switch in ("-S", "--srcnumber"):
260            showhostnames = 2
261        elif switch in ("-u", "--units"):
262            showunits = True
263        elif switch in ("-V", "--version"):
264            print("ntpmon %s" % ntp.util.stdversion())
265            raise SystemExit(0)
267    if (logfp is None) and (debug > 0):
268        logfp = open(defaultlog, "a", 1)
270    poll_interval = 1
271    helpmode = selectmode = detailmode = False
272    selected = -1
273    peer_report = ntp.util.PeerSummary(displaymode="peers",
274                                       pktversion=ntp.magic.NTP_VERSION,
275                                       showhostnames=showhostnames,
276                                       wideremote=wideremote,
277                                       showunits=showunits,
278                                       termwidth=80,
279                                       debug=debug,
280                                       logfp=logfp)
281    mru_report = ntp.util.MRUSummary(showhostnames,
282                                     wideremote=wideremote,
283                                     debug=debug, logfp=logfp)
284    try:
285        session = ntp.packet.ControlSession()
286        session.debug = debug
287        session.logfp = logfp
288        session.openhost(arguments[0] if arguments else "localhost")
289        sysvars = session.readvar(raw=True)
290        with OutputContext() as ctx:
291            while True:
292                stdscr.erase()
293                stdscr.addstr(0, 0, u"".encode('UTF-8'))
294                if helpmode:
295                    stdscr.addstr(__doc__.encode('UTF-8'))
296                    tempStr = u"\nPress any key to resume monitoring"
297                    stdscr.addstr(tempStr.encode('UTF-8'))
298                    stdscr.refresh()
299                    stdscr.timeout(-1)
300                else:
301                    if showpeers:
302                        try:
303                            peers = session.readstat()
304                        except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
305                            raise Fatal(e.message)
306                        except IOError as e:
307                            raise Fatal(e.strerror)
308                        strconvert = peer_report.header() + "\n"
309                        stdscr.addstr(strconvert.encode('UTF-8'),
310                                      curses.A_BOLD)
311                    else:
312                        peer_report.polls = [1]  # Kluge!
313                        peers = []
314                    if showpeers and not peers:
315                        raise Fatal("no peers reported")
316                    try:
317                        initphase = False
318                        for (i, peer) in enumerate(peers):
319                            if (not showall and not (
320                                    ntp.control.CTL_PEER_STATVAL(peer.status) &
321                                    (ntp.control.CTL_PST_CONFIG |
322                                     ntp.control.CTL_PST_REACH))):
323                                continue
324                            try:
325                                variables = session.readvar(peer.associd,
326                                                            raw=True)
327                            except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
328                                if e.errorcode == ntp.control.CERR_BADASSOC:
329                                    # Probable race condition due to pool
330                                    # dropping an associaton during refresh;
331                                    # ignore. (GitLab issue #374.)
332                                    break
333                                raise Fatal(e.message + "\n")
334                            except IOError as e:
335                                raise Fatal(e.strerror)
336                            except IndexError:
337                                raise Fatal(
338                                    "no 'hpoll' variable in peer response")
339                            if not variables:
340                                continue
341                            if selectmode and selected == i:
342                                retained = variables
343                                hilite = curses.A_REVERSE
344                            else:
345                                hilite = curses.A_NORMAL
346                            data = peer_report.summary(session.rstatus,
347                                                       variables,
348                                                       peer.associd)
349                            data = data.encode('UTF-8')
350                            stdscr.addstr(data, hilite)
351                            if ('refid' in variables and
352                                    'INIT' in variables['refid']):
353                                initphase = True
355                        # Now the MRU report
356                        limit = stdscr.getmaxyx()[0] - len(peers)
357                        span = session.mrulist(variables={'recent': limit})
358                        mru_report.now = time.time()
360                        # After init phase use Nyquist-interval
361                        # sampling - half the smallest poll interval
362                        # seen in the last cycle, rounded up to 1
363                        # second.
364                        if not initphase:
365                            nyquist = int(min(peer_report.intervals()) / 2)
366                            nyquist = 1 if nyquist == 0 else nyquist
367                            ntp.util.dolog(logfp,
368                                           "nyquist is %d\n" % nyquist,
369                                           debug, 1)
370                        # The status line
371                        sl = statline(peer_report, mru_report, nyquist)
372                        strconvert = sl + "\n"
373                        stdscr.addstr(strconvert.encode('UTF-8'),
374                                      curses.A_REVERSE | curses.A_DIM)
375                        if detailmode:
376                            if ntp.util.PeerSummary.is_clock(retained):
377                                dtype = ntp.ntpc.TYPE_CLOCK
378                            else:
379                                dtype = ntp.ntpc.TYPE_PEER
380                            sw = ntp.ntpc.statustoa(dtype,
381                                                    peers[selected].status)
382                            strconvert = "assoc=%d: %s\n"
383                            stdscr.addstr(strconvert
384                                          % (peers[selected].associd, sw))
385                            strconvert = peer_detail(retained, showunits)
386                            stdscr.addstr(strconvert.encode('UTF-8'))
387                            try:
388                                clockvars = session.readvar(
389                                    peers[selected].associd,
390                                    opcode=ntp.control.CTL_OP_READCLOCK,
391                                    raw=True)
392                                strconvert = ntp.util.cook(clockvars,
393                                                           showunits, " ")
394                                stdscr.addstr(strconvert.encode('UTF-8'))
395                            except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
396                                pass
397                        elif span.entries:
398                            strconvert = ntp.util.MRUSummary.header + "\n"
399                            stdscr.addstr(strconvert.encode('UTF-8'),
400                                          curses.A_BOLD)
401                            for entry in reversed(span.entries):
402                                strcon = mru_report.summary(entry) + "\n"
403                                stdscr.addstr(strcon.encode('UTF-8'))
404                    except curses.error:
405                        # An addstr overran the screen, no worries
406                        pass
407                    # Display all
408                    stdscr.refresh()
409                    stdscr.timeout(nyquist * 1000)
410                try:
411                    helpmode = False
412                    key = stdscr.getkey()
413                    if key == 'q' or key == 'x':
414                        raise SystemExit(0)
415                    elif key == 'a':
416                        peer_report.displaymode = 'apeers'
417                    elif key == 'd':
418                        if not selectmode:
419                            selected = 0
420                        selectmode = not selectmode
421                        detailmode = not detailmode
422                        showpeers = True  # detail + hide peers == crash
423                    elif key == 'm':
424                        showpeers = not showpeers
425                        detailmode = False  # detail + hide peers == crash
426                    elif key == 'n':
427                        if peer_report.showhostnames == 2:
428                            peer_report.showhostnames = 0
429                        elif peer_report.showhostnames == 0:
430                            peer_report.showhostnames = 1
431                        elif peer_report.showhostnames == 1:
432                            peer_report.showhostnames = 3
433                        else:
434                            peer_report.showhostnames = 2
435                        mru_report.showhostnames = \
436                            peer_report.showhostnames
437                    elif key == 'o':
438                        peer_report.displaymode = 'opeers'
439                    elif key == 'p':
440                        peer_report.displaymode = 'peers'
441                    elif key == 'r':
442                        peer_report.displaymode = 'rpeers'
443                    elif key == 's':
444                        showall = not showall
445                    elif key == 'u':
446                        showunits = not showunits
447                        peer_report.showunits = showunits
448                    elif key == 'w':
449                        wideremote = not wideremote
450                        peer_report.wideremote = wideremote
451                        mru_report.wideremote = wideremote
452                    elif key == " ":
453                        if peer_report.displaymode == 'peers':
454                            peer_report.displaymode = 'apeers'
455                        elif peer_report.displaymode == 'apeers':
456                            peer_report.displaymode = 'opeers'
457                        elif peer_report.displaymode == 'opeers':
458                            peer_report.displaymode = 'rpeers'
459                        else:
460                            peer_report.displaymode = 'peers'
461                    elif key == 'j' or key == "KEY_DOWN":
462                        if showpeers:
463                            selected += 1
464                            selected %= len(peers)
465                    elif key == 'k' or key == "KEY_UP":
466                        if showpeers:
467                            selected += len(peers) - 1
468                            selected %= len(peers)
469                    elif key == '+':
470                        if logfp is None:
471                            logfp = open(defaultlog, "a", 1)
472                            session.logfp = logfp
473                            peer_report.logfp = logfp
474                            mru_report.logfp = logfp
475                        debug += 1
476                        session.debug = debug
477                        peer_report.debug = debug
478                        mru_report.debug = debug
479                    elif key == '-':
480                        debug -= 1
481                        session.debug = debug
482                        peer_report.debug = debug
483                        mru_report.debug = debug
484                    elif key in ['?', 'h']:
485                        helpmode = True
486                except curses.error:
487                    pass
488    except KeyboardInterrupt:
489        print("")
490    except (Fatal, ntp.packet.ControlException) as e:
491        print(e)
492    except IOError:
493        print("Bailing out...")
495# end