2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# ntpq - query an NTP server using mode 6 commands
6# Freely translated from the old C ntpq code by ESR.  The idea was to
7# cleanly separate ntpq-that-was into a thin front-end layer handling
8# mainly command interpretation and a back-end that presents the take
9# from ntpd as objects that can be re-used by other front
10# ends. Reusable pieces live in pylib.
12# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
13from __future__ import print_function, division
15import cmd
16import getopt
17import os
18import re
19import resource
20import socket
21import sys
22import time
25    import ntp.control
26    import ntp.ntpc
27    import ntp.packet
28    import ntp.util
29    import ntp.poly
30except ImportError as e:
31    sys.stderr.write(
32        "ntpq: can't find Python NTP library -- check PYTHONPATH.\n")
33    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % e)
34    sys.exit(1)
36# This used to force UTF-8 encoding, but that breaks the readline system.
37# Unfortunately sometimes sys.stdout.encoding lies about the encoding,
38# so expect random false positives.
41version = ntp.util.stdversion()
43# Flags for forming descriptors.
44OPT = 0x80        # this argument is optional, or'd with type */
45NO = 0x0
46NTP_STR = 0x1     # string argument
47NTP_UINT = 0x2    # unsigned integer
48NTP_INT = 0x3     # signed integer
49NTP_ADD = 0x4     # IP network address
50IP_VERSION = 0x5  # IP version
51NTP_ADP = 0x6     # IP address and port
52NTP_LFP = 0x7     # NTP timestamp
53NTP_MODE = 0x8    # peer mode
54NTP_2BIT = 0x9    # leap bits
55NTP_FLOAT = 0xa   # Float value
56NTP_UPTIME = 0xb  # uptime in days H:M:S (no frac)
59class Ntpq(cmd.Cmd):
60    "ntpq command interpreter"
62    def __init__(self, session):
63        cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)
64        self.session = session
65        self.prompt = "ntpq> " if os.isatty(0) else ""
66        self.interactive = False        # set to True when we should prompt
67        # self.auth_keyid   = 0# Keyid used for authentication.
68        # self.auth_keytype = "NID_md5"# MD5 (FIXME: string value is a dummy)
69        # self.auth_hashlen = 16# MD5
70        # I do not know if the preceding are there for a specific reason
71        #  so I am leaving them, and possibly duplicating them.
72        self.rawmode = False            # Flag which indicates raw mode output.
73        self.directmode = False         # Flag for direct MRU output.
74        self.showhostnames = 1          # If & 1, display names
75        self.showunits = False          # If False, show old style float
76        self.auth_delay = 20            # delay time (default 20msec)
77        self.wideremote = False         # show wide remote names?
78        self.ccmds = []                 # Queued commands
79        self.chosts = []                # Command-line hosts
80        self.peers = []                 # Data from NTP peers.
81        self.debug = 0
82        self.logfp = sys.stderr
83        self.pktversion = ntp.magic.NTP_OLDVERSION + 1
84        self.uservars = ntp.util.OrderedDict()
85        self.ai_family = socket.AF_UNSPEC
86        self.termwidth = ntp.util.termsize()[0]
88    def get_names(self):
89        # Overrides a method in Cmd
90        return [x.replace('hot_', ':').replace('config_from_file',
91                                               'config-from-file')
92                for x in dir(self.__class__)]
94    def emptyline(self):
95        "Called when an empty line is entered in response to the prompt."
96        pass
98    def precmd(self, line):
99        if line.startswith(":config"):
100            line = "hot_" + line[1:]
101        elif line.startswith("config-from-file"):
102            line = line.replace("config-from-file", "config_from_file")
103        return line
105    def default(self, line):
106        "Called on an input line when the command prefix is not recognized."
107        cmd, arg, line = self.parseline(line)
108        try:
109            dotext = 'do_'+cmd
110            cmdprefixlist = [a[3:] for a in self.get_names()
111                             if a.startswith(dotext)]
112            if len(cmdprefixlist) == 1:
113                line = line.replace(cmd, cmdprefixlist[0])
114                cmd = cmdprefixlist[0]
115            elif len(cmdprefixlist) > 1:
116                self.warn("***Command `%s' ambiguous" % cmd)
117                return
118            elif not cmdprefixlist:
119                self.warn("***Command `%s' unknown" % cmd)
120                return
122            if cmd == "help" and arg:
123                helptext = 'help_'+arg
124                if helptext not in self.get_names():
125                    argprefixlist = [a[5:] for a in self.get_names()
126                                     if a.startswith(helptext)]
127                    if len(argprefixlist) == 1:
128                        line = line.replace(arg, argprefixlist.pop())
129                    elif len(argprefixlist) > 1:
130                        self.warn("Command `%s' is ambiguous" % arg)
131                        return
132                    elif not argprefixlist:
133                        self.warn("Command `%s' is unknown" % arg)
134                        return
136            self.onecmd(line)
137        except TypeError:
138            self.warn("Command `%s' is unknown" % line)
140    def do_help(self, arg):
141        if arg:
142            helptext = 'help_'+arg
143            if helptext not in self.get_names():
144                argprefixlist = [a[5:] for a in self.get_names()
145                                 if a.startswith(helptext)]
146                if len(argprefixlist) == 1:
147                    arg = argprefixlist.pop()
148                elif len(argprefixlist) > 1:
149                    self.warn("Command `%s' is ambiguous." % arg)
150                    return
151        cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, arg)
153    def say(self, msg):
154        try:
155            sys.stdout.write(ntp.poly.polyunicode(msg))
156        except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
157            self.warn("Unicode failure: %s" % str(e))
158            self.warn("msg:\n" + repr(msg))
159            raise e
160        sys.stdout.flush()    # In case we're piping the output
162    def warn(self, msg):
163        sys.stderr.write(ntp.poly.polystr(msg) + "\n")
165    def help_help(self):
166        self.say("""\
167function: tell the use and syntax of commands
168usage: help [ command ]
171    # Unexposed helper tables and functions begin here
173    def __dogetassoc(self):
174        try:
175            self.peers = self.session.readstat()
176        except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
177            self.warn(e.message)
178            return False
179        except IOError as e:
180            self.warn(e.strerror)
181            return False
183        if not self.peers:
184            if self.chosts:
185                self.say("server=%s " % self.session.hostname)
186            self.say("No association IDs returned\n")
187            return False
189        if self.debug:
190            self.warn("\n%d associations total" % len(self.peers))
191        # sortassoc()
192        return True
194    def __printassoc(self, showall):
195        if not self.peers:
196            self.say("No association IDs in list\n")
197            return
198        self.say(
199            "\nind assid status  conf reach auth condition  last_event cnt\n")
200        self.say(
201            "===========================================================\n")
202        for (i, peer) in enumerate(self.peers):
203            statval = ntp.control.CTL_PEER_STATVAL(peer.status)
204            if (not showall and
205                    (statval & (ntp.control.CTL_PST_CONFIG |
206                                ntp.control.CTL_PST_REACH)) == 0):
207                continue
208            sw = ntp.util.PeerStatusWord(peer.status)
209            display = "%3d %5u  %04x   %3.3s  %4s  %4.4s %9.9s %11s %2lu" \
210                % (i + 1, peer.associd, peer.status, sw.conf, sw.reach,
211                   sw.auth, sw.condition, sw.last_event, sw.event_count)
212            self.say(display + "\n")
214    def __dopeers(self, showall, mode):
215        if not self.__dogetassoc():
216            return
217        report = ntp.util.PeerSummary(mode,
218                                      self.pktversion,
219                                      self.showhostnames,
220                                      self.wideremote,
221                                      self.showunits,
222                                      termwidth=interpreter.termwidth,
223                                      debug=interpreter.debug,
224                                      logfp=self.logfp)
225        try:
226            maxhostlen = 0
227            if len(self.chosts) > 1:
228                maxhostlen = max([len(host) for (host, _af) in self.chosts])
229                self.say("%-*.*s "
230                         % (maxhostlen, maxhostlen+1, "server"))
231            self.say(report.header() + "\n")
232            if len(self.chosts) > 1:
233                maxhostlen = max([len(host) for (host, _af) in self.chosts])
234                self.say("=" * (maxhostlen + 1))
235            self.say(("=" * report.width()) + "\n")
236            for peer in self.peers:
237                if (not showall and
238                    not (ntp.control.CTL_PEER_STATVAL(peer.status) &
239                         (ntp.control.CTL_PST_CONFIG |
240                          ntp.control.CTL_PST_REACH))):
241                    if self.debug:
242                        self.warn("eliding [%d]\n" % peer.associd)
243                    continue
244                try:
245                    variables = self.session.readvar(peer.associd, raw=True)
246                except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
247                    self.warn(e.message)
248                    return
249                except IOError as e:
250                    self.warn(e.strerror)
251                    return
252                if not variables:
253                    if len(self.chosts) > 1:
254                        self.warn("server=%s " % self.session.hostname)
255                    self.warn("***No information returned for association %d"
256                              % peer.associd)
257                    continue
258                if len(self.chosts) > 1:
259                    self.say(ntp.util.PeerSummary.high_truncate(
260                             self.session.hostname, maxhostlen) + " " *
261                             (maxhostlen + 1 - len(self.session.hostname)))
262                self.say(report.summary(self.session.rstatus,
263                                        variables, peer.associd))
264        except KeyboardInterrupt:
265            pass
267    def __assoc_valid(self, line, required=False):
268        "Process a numeric associd or index."
269        # FIXME: This does a useless call to __dogetassoc() when associd == 0
270        # No big deal most of the time.  Just a useless packet exchange.
271        if not line:
272            if required:
273                self.warn("An associd argument is required.")
274                return -1
275            else:
276                return 0
277        if not self.peers:
278            self.__dogetassoc()
279        if line.startswith("&"):
280            try:
281                idx = int(line[1:].split()[0])
282            except ValueError:
283                self.warn("Invalid index literal.")
284                return -1
285            if idx < 0 or idx >= 2**16-1:
286                self.warn("%d is not a valid association number." % idx)
287                return -1
288            elif idx not in range(1, len(self.peers)+1):
289                self.warn("No such association as %d." % idx)
290                return -1
291            else:
292                return self.peers[idx - 1].associd
293        else:
294            try:
295                associd = int(line.split()[0])
296            except ValueError:
297                self.warn("Invalid associd literal.")
298                return -1
299            if (associd != 0 and
300                    associd not in [peer.associd for peer in self.peers]):
301                self.warn("Unknown associd.")
302                return -1
303            else:
304                return associd
306    def __assoc_range_valid(self, line):
307        "Try to get a range of assoc IDs."
308        tokens = line.split()
309        if len(tokens) < 2:
310            return ()
311        lo = self.__assoc_valid(tokens[0])
312        hi = self.__assoc_valid(tokens[1])
313        if lo < 0 or hi < 0 or hi < lo:
314            return ()
315        if lo == hi:
316            return(lo,)
317        return range(lo, hi+1)
319    def printvars(self, variables, dtype, quiet):
320        "Dump variables in raw (actually, semi-cooked) mode."
321        if self.rawmode:
322            if not quiet:
323                self.say("status=0x%04x,\n" % self.session.rstatus)
324            # C ntpq not only suppressed \r but tried to visibilize
325            # high-half characters.  We won't do that unless somebody
326            # files a bug, Mode 6 never seems to generate those in
327            # variable fetches.
328            text = ntp.poly.polystr(session.response.replace(
329                ",\r\n", ",\n"))
330        else:
331            if not quiet:
332                self.say("status=%04x %s,\n"
333                         % (self.session.rstatus,
334                            ntp.ntpc.statustoa(dtype, self.session.rstatus)))
335            text = ntp.util.cook(variables, self.showunits)
336        text = text.replace("'", '"')
337        self.say(text)
339    def __dolist(self, varlist, associd, op, type, quiet=False):
340        "List variables associated with a specified peer."
341        try:
342            variables = self.session.readvar(associd, varlist, op, raw=True)
343        except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
344            self.warn(e.message)
345            return False
346        except IOError as e:
347            self.warn(e.strerror)
348            return False
349        if len(self.chosts) > 1:
350            self.say("server=%s " % self.session.hostname)
351        if not variables:
352            if associd == 0:
353                self.say("No system%s variables returned\n"
354                         % " clock" if (type == ntp.ntpc.TYPE_CLOCK) else "")
355            else:
356                self.say("No information returned for%s association %d\n"
357                         % (" clock" if (type == ntp.ntpc.TYPE_CLOCK) else "",
358                            associd))
359            return True
360        if not quiet:
361            self.say("associd=%d " % associd)
362        self.printvars(variables, type, not (not varlist))
363        return True
365    # Unexposed helper tables and functions end here
367    def do_units(self, _unused):
368        "toggle unit display"
369        self.showunits = not self.showunits
371    def help_units(self):
372        self.say("""\
373function: toggle unit display
374usage: units
377    def do_EOF(self, _unused):
378        "exit ntpq"
379        self.say("\n")
380        return True
382    def do_timeout(self, line):
383        "set the primary receive time out"
384        if line:
385            try:
386                self.session.primary_timeout = int(line)
387            except ValueError:
388                self.warn("What?")
389        self.say("primary timeout %d ms\n" % self.session.primary_timeout)
391    def help_timeout(self):
392        self.say("""\
393function: set the primary receive time out
394usage: timeout [ msec ]
397    def collect_display2(self, variables):
398        "Query and display a collection of variables from the system."
399        try:
400            queried = self.session.readvar(0,
401                                           [v[0] for v in variables] +
402                                           [v[0] + '_r' for v in variables],
403                                           raw=True)
404        except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
405            if ntp.control.CERR_UNKNOWNVAR == e.errorcode:
406                self.warn("Unknown variable.  Trying one at a time.")
407                varlist = [v[0] for v in variables] + \
408                          [v[0] + '_r' for v in variables]
409                items = []
410                for var in varlist:
411                    try:
412                        queried = self.session.readvar(0, [var],
413                                                       raw=True)
414                        for (name, (value, rawvalue)) in queried.items():
415                            items.append((name, (value, rawvalue)))
416                    except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
417                        if ntp.control.CERR_UNKNOWNVAR == e.errorcode:
418                            items.append((var, "???"))
419                            continue
420                        raise e
421                queried = ntp.util.OrderedDict(items)
422            else:
423                self.warn(e.message)
424                return
425        except IOError as e:
426            self.warn(e.strerror)
427            return
428        if self.rawmode:
429            self.say(self.session.response)
430            return
431        try:
432            for (name, legend, fmt) in variables:
433                if name not in queried:
434                    continue
435                value = queried[name][0]
436                rawvalue = queried[name][1]
437                value2 = queried[name + '_r'][0]
438                rawvalue2 = queried[name + '_r'][1]
439                if fmt in (NTP_UINT, NTP_INT, NTP_FLOAT):
440                    if self.showunits:
441                        displayvalue = ntp.util.unitifyvar(rawvalue, name)
442                        displayvalue2 = ntp.util.unitifyvar(rawvalue2, name)
443                    else:
444                        displayvalue = value
445                        displayvalue2 = value2
446                    self.say("%13s \t%9d\t%9d\n" %
447                             (legend, displayvalue, displayvalue2))
448                elif fmt == NTP_UPTIME:
449                    self.say("%13s  %s\t%s\n" % (legend, ntp.util.prettyuptime(
450                        value), ntp.util.prettyuptime(value2)))
451                else:
452                    self.warn("unexpected vc type %s for %s, value %s"
453                              % (fmt, name, value, value2))
454        except KeyboardInterrupt:
455            self.warn("display interrupted")
457    def collect_display(self, associd, variables, decodestatus):
458        "Query and display a collection of variables from the system."
459        try:
460            queried = self.session.readvar(associd,
461                                           [v[0] for v in variables],
462                                           raw=True)
463        except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
464            if ntp.control.CERR_UNKNOWNVAR == e.errorcode:
465                self.warn("Unknown variable.  Trying one at a time.")
466                varlist = [v[0] for v in variables]
467                items = []
468                for var in varlist:
469                    try:
470                        queried = self.session.readvar(associd, [var],
471                                                       raw=True)
472                        for (name, (value, rawvalue)) in queried.items():
473                            items.append((name, (value, rawvalue)))
474                    except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
475                        if ntp.control.CERR_UNKNOWNVAR == e.errorcode:
476                            items.append((var, "???"))
477                            continue
478                        raise e
479                queried = ntp.util.OrderedDict(items)
480            else:
481                self.warn(e.message)
482                return
483        except IOError as e:
484            self.warn(e.strerror)
485            return
486        if self.rawmode:
487            self.say(self.session.response)
488            return
489        if decodestatus:
490            if associd == 0:
491                statype = ntp.ntpc.TYPE_SYS
492            else:
493                statype = ntp.ntpc.TYPE_PEER
494            self.say("associd=%u status=%04x %s,\n"
495                     % (associd, self.session.rstatus,
496                        ntp.ntpc.statustoa(statype, self.session.rstatus)))
497        try:
498            for (name, legend, fmt) in variables:
499                if name not in queried:
500                    continue
501                value = queried[name][0]
502                rawvalue = queried[name][1]
503                if fmt in (NTP_ADD, NTP_ADP):
504                    if self.showhostnames & 1:  # if & 1, display names
505                        if self.debug:
506                            self.say("DNS lookup begins...")
507                        value = ntp.util.canonicalize_dns(
508                            value, family=self.ai_family)
509                        if self.debug:
510                            self.say("DNS lookup complete.")
511                    self.say("%s  %s\n" % (legend, value))
512                elif fmt == NTP_STR:
513                    if value:
514                        self.say("%s  %s\n" % (legend, value))
515                elif fmt in (NTP_UINT, NTP_INT, NTP_FLOAT):
516                    if self.showunits:
517                        displayvalue = ntp.util.unitifyvar(rawvalue, name)
518                    else:
519                        displayvalue = value
520                    self.say("%s  %s\n" % (legend, displayvalue))
521                elif fmt == NTP_LFP:
522                    self.say("%s  %s\n" % (legend, ntp.ntpc.prettydate(value)))
523                elif fmt == NTP_2BIT:
524                    self.say("%s  %s\n"
525                             % (legend, ("00", "01", "10", "11")[value]))
526                elif fmt == NTP_MODE:
527                    modes = (
528                        "unspec", "sym_active", "sym_passive", "client",
529                        "server",
530                        "broadcast", "control", "private", "bclient"
531                    )
532                    try:
533                        self.say("%s  %s\n" % (legend, modes[value]))
534                    except IndexError:
535                        self.say("%s  %s%d\n" % (legend, "mode#", value))
536                else:
537                    self.warn("unexpected vc type %s for %s, value %s"
538                              % (fmt, name, value))
539        except KeyboardInterrupt:
540            self.warn("display interrupted")
542    def do_delay(self, line):
543        "set the delay added to encryption time stamps"
544        if not line:
545            self.say("delay %d ms\n" % self.auth_delay)
546        else:
547            try:
548                self.auth_delay = int(line)
549                if self.auth_delay < 0:
550                    raise ValueError
551            except ValueError:
552                self.say("Huh?")
554    def help_delay(self):
555        self.say("""\
556function: set the delay added to encryption time stamps
557usage: delay [ msec ]
560    def do_host(self, line):
561        "specify the host whose NTP server we talk to"
562        if not line:
563            if self.session.havehost():
564                self.say("current host is %s\n" % self.session.hostname)
565            else:
566                self.say("no current host\n")
567        else:
568            tokens = line.split()
569            if tokens[0] == '-4':
570                session.ai_family = socket.AF_INET
571                tokens.pop(0)
572            elif tokens[0] == '-6':
573                session.ai_family = socket.AF_INET6
574                tokens.pop(0)
575            try:
576                if (tokens and
577                        self.session.openhost(tokens[0], session.ai_family)):
578                    self.say("current host set to %s\n"
579                             % self.session.hostname)
580                elif self.session.havehost():
581                    self.say("current host remains %s\n"
582                             % self.session.hostname)
583                else:
584                    self.say("still no current host\n")
585            except KeyboardInterrupt:
586                self.warn("lookup interrupted")
588    def help_host(self):
589        self.say("""\
590function: specify the host whose NTP server we talk to
591usage: host [-4|-6] [hostname]
594    def do_poll(self, line):
595        "poll an NTP server in client mode `n' times"
596        # And it's not in the C version, so we're off the hook here
597        self.warn("WARNING: poll not implemented yet")
599    def help_poll(self):
600        self.say("""\
601function: poll an NTP server in client mode `n' times
602usage: poll [n] [verbose]
605    def do_passwd(self, line):
606        "specify a password to use for authenticated requests"
607        try:
608            self.session.password()
609        except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
610            self.warn(e.message)
611        except IOError:
612            self.warn("***Can't read control key from /etc/ntp.conf")
614    def help_passwd(self):
615        self.say("""\
616function: specify a password to use for authenticated requests
617usage: passwd []
620    def do_hostnames(self, line):
621        "specify whether hostnames or net numbers are printed"
622        if not line:
623            pass
624        elif line == "yes":
625            self.showhostnames = 1
626        elif line == "no":
627            self.showhostnames = 0
628        elif line == 'hostnum':
629            self.showhostnames = 2
630        elif line == 'hostname':
631            self.showhostnames = 3
632        else:
633            self.say("What?\n")
634            pass
635        if self.showhostnames & 1:
636            self.say('resolved hostnames being shown\n')
637        else:
638            self.say('resolved hostnames not being shown\n')
639        if self.showhostnames & 2:
640            self.say('supplied hostnames being shown\n')
641        else:
642            self.say('supplied hostnames not being shown\n')
644    def help_hostnames(self):
645        self.say("""\
646function: specify whether hostnames or net numbers are printed
647usage: hostnames [yes|no|hostname|hostnum]
650    def do_debug(self, line):
651        "set/change debugging level"
652        if not line:
653            pass
654        elif line == "more":
655            self.debug += 1
656        elif line == "less":
657            if self.debug > 0:
658                self.debug -= 1
659        elif line == "no":
660            self.debug = 0
661        else:
662            try:
663                self.debug = int(line)  # C version didn't implement this
664            except ValueError:
665                self.warn("What?")
666        self.session.debug = self.debug
667        self.say("debug level is %d\n" % self.debug)
669    def do_logfile(self, line):
670        """view/change logfile. \"<stderr>\" will log to stderr
671           instead of a file"""
672        if not line:
673            self.say(repr(self.logfp.name) + "\n")
674            return
675        if self.logfp != sys.stderr:
676            self.logfp.close()
677        if line == "<stderr>":
678            self.logfp = self.session.logfp = sys.stderr
679        else:
680            try:
681                logfp = open(line, "a", 1)  # 1 => line buffered
682                self.logfp = self.session.logfp = logfp
683                self.say("Logfile set to %s\n" % line)
684            except IOError:
685                self.warn("Could not open %s for logging." % line)
687    def help_debug(self):
688        self.say("""\
689function: set/change debugging level
690usage: debug [no|more|less|n]
693    def do_exit(self, line):
694        "exit ntpq"
695        return True
697    def help_exit(self):
698        self.say("""\
699function: exit ntpq
700usage: exit
702    do_quit = do_exit
704    def help_quit(self):
705        self.say("""\
706function: exit ntpq
707usage: quit
710    def do_keyid(self, line):
711        "set keyid to use for authenticated requests"
712        if line:
713            try:
714                self.session.keyid = int(line)
715            except ValueError:
716                self.warn("What?")
717        if self.session.keyid is None:
718            self.say("no keyid defined\n")
719        else:
720            self.say("keyid is %d\n" % self.session.keyid)
722    def help_keyid(self):
723        self.say("""\
724function: set keyid to use for authenticated requests
725usage: keyid [key#]
728    def do_version(self, line):
729        "print version number"
730        self.say(version + "\n")
732    def help_version(self):
733        self.say("""\
734function: print version number
735usage: version
738    def do_direct(self, line):
739        "toggle direct mode output"
740        self.directmode = not self.directmode
741        if self.directmode:
742            self.say("Direct mode is on\n")
743        else:
744            self.say("Direct mode is off\n")
746    def help_direct(self):
747        self.say("""\
748function: toggle direct-mode MRU output
749usage: direct
752    def do_raw(self, line):
753        "do raw mode variable output"
754        self.rawmode = True
755        self.say("Output set to raw\n")
757    def help_raw(self):
758        self.say("""\
759function: do raw mode variable output
760usage: raw
763    def do_cooked(self, line):
764        "do cooked mode variable output"
765        self.rawmode = False
766        self.say("Output set to cooked\n")
768    def help_cooked(self):
769        self.say("""\
770function: do cooked mode variable output
771usage: cooked
774    def do_authenticate(self, line):
775        "always authenticate requests to this server"
776        if not line:
777            pass
778        elif line == "yes":
779            self.session.always_auth = True
780        elif line == "no":
781            self.session.always_auth = False
782        else:
783            self.warn("What?")
784        if self.session.always_auth:
785            self.say("authenticated requests being sent\n")
786        else:
787            self.say("unauthenticated requests being sent\n")
789    def help_authenticate(self):
790        self.say("""\
791function: always authenticate requests to this server
792usage: authenticate [yes|no]
795    def do_ntpversion(self, line):
796        "set the NTP version number to use for requests"
797        if not line:
798            pass
799        else:
800            try:
801                newversion = int(line)
802                if (newversion >= ntp.magic.NTP_OLDVERSION and
803                        newversion <= ntp.magic.NTP_VERSION):
804                    self.pktversion = newversion
805                else:
806                    self.warn("versions %d to %d, please"
807                              % (ntp.magic.NTP_OLDVERSION,
808                                 ntp.magic.NTP_VERSION))
809            except ValueError:
810                self.warn("What?")
811        self.say("NTP version being claimed is %d\n" % self.pktversion)
813    def help_ntpversion(self):
814        self.say("""\
815function: set the NTP version number to use for requests
816usage: ntpversion [version number]
819    def do_keytype(self, line):
820        "set key type to use for authenticated requests"
821        if not line:
822            self.say("Keytype: %s\n" % self.session.keytype)
823        elif line.upper() in ['AES', 'AES128CMAC']:
824            self.session.keytype = 'AES-128'
825        elif not ntp.ntpc.checkname(line.upper()):
826            self.warn("Keytype %s is not supported by openSSL or ntpq.\n" % line)
827        else:
828            self.session.keytype = line.upper()
830    def help_keytype(self):
831        self.say("""\
832function: set key type to use for authenticated requests, one of:
833    DSA, MD4, MD5, MDC2, RIPEMD160, SHA-1, AES-CMAC
834usage: keytype [digest-name]
837    def do_associations(self, line):
838        "print list of association IDs and statuses for the server's peers"
839        if self.__dogetassoc():
840            self.__printassoc(showall=True)
842    def help_associations(self):
843        self.say("""\
844function: print list of association IDs and statuses for the server's peers
845usage: associations
848    def do_passociations(self, line):
849        "print list of associations returned by last associations command"
850        self.__printassoc(showall=True)
852    def help_passociations(self):
853        self.say("""\
854function: print list of associations returned by last associations command
855usage: passociations
858    def do_lassociations(self, line):
859        "print list of associations including all client information"
860        if self.__dogetassoc():
861            self.__printassoc(showall=True)
863    def help_lassociations(self):
864        self.say("""\
865function: print list of associations including all client information
866usage: lassociations
869    def do_lpassociations(self, line):
870        """\
871print last obtained list of associations, including client information
873        self.__printassoc(showall=True)
875    def help_lpassociations(self):
876        self.say("""\
877function: print last obtained list of associations, including
878          client information
879usage: lpassociations
882    def do_addvars(self, line):
883        "add variables to the variable list or change their values"
884        if not line:
885            self.warn("usage: addvars name[=value][,...]\n")
886            return
887        vars_to_add = line.split(',')
888        for add_var in vars_to_add:
889            try:
890                (name, val) = add_var.split("=")
891            except ValueError:
892                (name, val) = (add_var, "")
893            self.uservars[name.strip()] = val.strip()
895    def help_addvars(self):
896        self.say("""\
897function: add variables to the variable list or change their values
898usage: addvars name[=value][,...]
901    def do_rmvars(self, line):
902        "remove variables from the variable list"
903        if not line:
904            self.warn("usage: rmvars name[,...]\n")
905            return
906        vars_to_rm = line.split(',')
907        for rm_var in vars_to_rm:
908            if rm_var not in self.uservars:
909                self.warn("%s is not in the variable list" % rm_var)
910            else:
911                del self.uservars[rm_var]
913    def help_rmvars(self):
914        self.say("""\
915function: remove variables from the variable list
916usage: rmvars name[,...]
919    def do_clearvars(self, line):
920        "remove all variables from the variable list"
921        self.uservars.clear()
923    def help_clearvars(self):
924        self.say("""\
925function: remove all variables from the variable list
926usage: clearvars
929    def do_showvars(self, line):
930        "print variables on the variable list"
931        if not self.uservars:
932            self.say("No variables on list.\n")
933        for (name, value) in self.uservars.items():
934            if value:
935                self.say("%s=%s\n" % (name, value))
936            else:
937                self.say(name + "\n")
939    def help_showvars(self):
940        self.say("""\
941function: print variables on the variable list
942usage: showvars
945    def do_readlist(self, line):
946        "read the system or peer variables included in the variable list"
947        associd = self.__assoc_valid(line)
948        if associd >= 0:
949            qtype = ntp.ntpc.TYPE_SYS if associd == 0 else ntp.ntpc.TYPE_PEER
950            self.__dolist(self.uservars.keys(), associd,
951                          ntp.control.CTL_OP_READVAR, qtype)
953    def help_readlist(self):
954        self.say("""\
955function: read the system or peer variables included in the variable list
956usage: readlist [assocID]
959    def do_rl(self, line):
960        "read the system or peer variables included in the variable list"
961        self.do_readlist(line)
963    def help_rl(self):
964        self.say("""\
965function: read the system or peer variables included in the variable list
966usage: rl [assocID]
969    def do_writelist(self, line):
970        "write the system or peer variables included in the variable list"
971        pass
973    def help_writelist(self):
974        self.say("""\
975function: write the system or peer variables included in the variable list
976usage: writelist [ assocID ]
979    def do_readvar(self, line):
980        "read system or peer variables"
981        associd = self.__assoc_valid(line)
982        if associd >= 0:
983            qtype = ntp.ntpc.TYPE_SYS if associd == 0 else ntp.ntpc.TYPE_PEER
984            silence = bool(len(line.split()) >= 2)
985            # Some scripts written for C ntpq need associd printed here
986            self.__dolist(line.split()[1:], associd,
987                          ntp.control.CTL_OP_READVAR, qtype, quiet=silence)
989    def help_readvar(self):
990        self.say("""\
991function: read system or peer variables
992usage: readvar [assocID] [varname1] [varname2] [varname3]
995    def do_rv(self, line):
996        "read system or peer variables"
997        self.do_readvar(line)
999    def help_rv(self):
1000        self.say("""\
1001function: read system or peer variables
1002usage: rv [assocID] [varname1] [varname2] [varname3]
1005    def do_writevar(self, line):
1006        "write system or peer variables"
1007        pass
1009    def help_writevar(self):
1010        self.say("""\
1011function: write system or peer variables
1012usage: writevar assocID name=value,[...]
1015    def do_mreadlist(self, line):
1016        "read the peer variables in the variable list for multiple peers"
1017        if not line:
1018            self.warn("usage: mreadlist assocIDlow assocIDhigh\n")
1019            return
1020        idrange = self.__assoc_range_valid(line)
1021        if not idrange:
1022            return
1023        for associd in idrange:
1024            if associd != idrange[0]:
1025                self.say("\n")
1026            if not self.__dolist(self.uservars,
1027                                 associd, ntp.control.CTL_OP_READVAR,
1028                                 ntp.ntpc.TYPE_PEER):
1029                return
1031    def help_mreadlist(self):
1032        self.say("""\
1033function: read the peer variables in the variable list for multiple peers
1034usage: mreadlist assocIDlow assocIDhigh
1037    def do_mrl(self, line):
1038        "read the peer variables in the variable list for multiple peers"
1039        if not line:
1040            self.warn("usage: mrl assocIDlow assocIDhigh")
1041            return
1042        self.do_mreadlist(line)
1044    def help_mrl(self):
1045        self.say("""\
1046function: read the peer variables in the variable list for multiple peers
1047usage: mrl assocIDlow assocIDhigh
1050    def do_mreadvar(self, line):
1051        "read peer variables from multiple peers"
1052        if not line:
1053            self.warn("usage: mreadvar assocIDlow assocIDhigh  "
1054                      "[ name=value[,...] ]")
1055            return
1056        idrange = self.__assoc_range_valid(line)
1057        if not idrange:
1058            return
1059        varlist = line.split()[2:]
1060        for associd in idrange:
1061            if associd != idrange[0]:
1062                self.say("\n")
1063            if not self.__dolist(varlist, associd,
1064                                 ntp.control.CTL_OP_READVAR,
1065                                 ntp.ntpc.TYPE_PEER):
1066                return
1068    def help_mreadvar(self):
1069        self.say("""\
1070function: read peer variables from multiple peers
1071usage: mreadvar assocIDlow assocIDhigh [name=value[,...]]
1074    def do_mrv(self, line):
1075        "read peer variables from multiple peers"
1076        if not line:
1077            self.warn(
1078                "usage: mrv assocIDlow assocIDhigh [name=value[,...]]")
1079            return
1080        self.do_mreadvar(line)
1082    def help_mrv(self):
1083        self.say("""\
1084function: read peer variables from multiple peers
1085usage: mrv assocIDlow assocIDhigh [name=value[,...]]
1088    def do_clocklist(self, line):
1089        "read the clock variables included in the variable list"
1090        assoc = self.__assoc_valid(line)
1091        if assoc >= 0:
1092            self.__dolist(self.uservars.keys(),
1093                          assoc, ntp.control.CTL_OP_READCLOCK,
1094                          ntp.ntpc.TYPE_CLOCK)
1096    def help_clocklist(self):
1097        self.say("""\
1098function: read the clock variables included in the variable list
1099usage: clocklist [assocID]
1102    def do_cl(self, line):
1103        "read the clock variables included in the variable list"
1104        self.do_clocklist(line)
1106    def help_cl(self):
1107        self.say("""\
1108function: read the clock variables included in the variable list
1109usage: cl [assocID]
1112    def do_clockvar(self, line):
1113        "read clock variables"
1114        assoc = self.__assoc_valid(line)
1115        if assoc == 0:
1116            self.warn("This command requires the association ID of a clock.")
1117        elif assoc > 0:
1118            self.__dolist(line.split()[1:], assoc,
1119                          ntp.control.CTL_OP_READCLOCK, ntp.ntpc.TYPE_CLOCK)
1121    def help_clockvar(self):
1122        self.say("""\
1123function: read clock variables
1124usage: clockvar [assocID] [name=value[,...]]
1127    def do_cv(self, line):
1128        "read clock variables"
1129        self.do_clockvar(line)
1131    def help_cv(self):
1132        self.say("""\
1133function: read clock variables
1134usage: cv [ assocID ] [ name=value[,...] ]
1137    def do_pstats(self, line):
1138        "show statistics for a peer"
1139        pstats = (
1140            ("srcadr", "remote host:          ", NTP_ADD),
1141            ("dstadr", "local address:        ", NTP_ADD),
1142            ("timerec", "time last received:   ", NTP_INT),
1143            ("timer", "time until next send: ", NTP_INT),
1144            ("timereach", "reachability change:  ", NTP_INT),
1145            ("sent", "packets sent:         ", NTP_INT),
1146            ("received", "packets received:     ", NTP_INT),
1147            ("badauth", "bad authentication:   ", NTP_INT),
1148            ("bogusorg", "bogus origin:         ", NTP_INT),
1149            ("oldpkt", "duplicate:            ", NTP_INT),
1150            ("seldisp", "bad dispersion:       ", NTP_INT),
1151            ("selbroken", "bad reference time:   ", NTP_INT),
1152            ("candidate", "candidate order:      ", NTP_INT),
1153            ("ntscookies", "count of nts cookies: ", NTP_INT),
1154        )
1155        if not line:
1156            self.warn("usage: pstats assocID")
1157            return
1158        associd = self.__assoc_valid(line)
1159        if associd >= 0:
1160            self.collect_display(associd=associd,
1161                                 variables=pstats, decodestatus=True)
1163    def help_pstats(self):
1164        self.say("""\
1165function: show statistics for a peer
1166usage: pstats assocID
1169    def do_peers(self, line):
1170        "obtain and print a list of the server's peers [IP version]"
1171        self.__dopeers(showall=True, mode="peers")
1173    def help_peers(self):
1174        self.say("""\
1175function: obtain and print a list of the server's peers [IP version]
1176usage: peers
1179    def do_rpeers(self, line):
1180        "obtain and print a list of the server's peers (dextral)"
1181        self.__dopeers(showall=True, mode="rpeers")
1183    def help_rpeers(self):
1184        self.say("""\
1185function: obtain and print a list of the server's peers (dextral)
1186usage: rpeers
1189    def do_apeers(self, line):
1190        """
1191obtain and print a list of the server's peers and their assocIDs [IP version]
1193        self.__dopeers(showall=True, mode="apeers")
1195    def help_apeers(self):
1196        self.say("""\
1197function: obtain and print a list of the server's peers and their
1198          assocIDs [IP version]
1199usage: apeers
1202    def do_lpeers(self, line):
1203        "obtain and print a list of all peers and clients [IP version]"
1204        self.__dopeers(showall=True, mode="peers")
1206    def help_lpeers(self):
1207        self.say("""\
1208function: obtain and print a list of all peers and clients [IP version]
1209usage: lpeers
1212    def do_opeers(self, line):
1213        """
1214print peer list the old way, with dstadr shown rather than refid [IP version]
1216        self.__dopeers(showall=True, mode="opeers")
1218    def help_opeers(self):
1219        self.say("""\
1220function: print peer list the old way, with dstadr shown rather than
1221          refid [IP version]
1222usage: opeers
1225    def do_lopeers(self, line):
1226        """obtain and print a list of all peers and clients showing
1227        dstadr [IP version]"""
1228        self.__dopeers(showall=True, mode="opeers")
1230    def help_lopeers(self):
1231        self.say("""\
1232function: obtain and print a list of all peers and clients showing
1233          dstadr [IP version]
1234usage: lopeers
1237    def do_hot_config(self, line):
1238        "send a remote configuration command to ntpd"
1239        try:
1240            self.session.password()
1241        except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
1242            self.warn(e.message)
1243            return
1244        except IOError:
1245            self.warn("***Can't read control key from /etc/ntp.conf")
1246            return
1247        if self.debug > 2:
1248            self.warn("In Config\nKeyword = :config\nCommand = %s" % line)
1249        try:
1250            self.session.config(line)
1251            self.session.response = ntp.poly.polystr(self.session.response)
1252            m = re.match("column ([0-9]+) syntax error", self.session.response)
1253            if m:
1254                col = int(m.group(1))
1255                if col >= 0 and col <= len(line):
1256                    if self.interactive:
1257                        self.say("_" * (len(self.prompt) + 2 + col))
1258                    else:
1259                        self.say(line + "\n")
1260                    self.say("_" * (col - 1))
1261                self.say("^\n")
1262            self.say(self.session.response + "\n")
1263        except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
1264            self.warn(e.message)
1266    def help_hot_config(self):
1267        self.say("""\
1268function: send a remote configuration command to ntpd
1269usage: config <configuration command line>
1272    def do_config_from_file(self, line):
1273        "configure ntpd using the configuration filename"
1274        try:
1275            with open(line) as rfp:
1276                self.say("%s\n" % self.session.config(rfp.read()))
1277        except IOError:
1278            self.warn("Could not read %s" % line)
1280    def help_config_from_file(self):
1281        self.say("""\
1282function: configure ntpd using the configuration filename
1283usage: config_from_file <configuration filename>
1286    def printdirect(self, entries):
1287        for entry in entries:
1288            self.say(self.formatter.summary(entry) + "\n")
1290    def do_noflake(self):
1291        """Disables the dropping of control packets by ntpq for testing."""
1292        self.session.flakey = False
1294    def help_noflake(self):
1295        """Print help for noflake."""
1296        self.say("""\
1297function: Disables the dropping of received packets by ntpq for testing.
1298usage: noflake
1301    def do_doflake(self, line):
1302        """Drop some received packets for testing.
1304        Probabilities 0 and 1 should be certainly accepted
1305        and discarded respectively. No default, but 0.1
1306        should be a one in ten loss rate.
1307        """
1308        try:
1309            _ = float(line)
1310            if not 0 < _ < 1:
1311                raise ValueError
1312            self.session.flakey = _
1313        except ValueError:
1314            self.say('Flakiness must be a (positive) float less than 1.')
1316    def help_doflake(self):
1317        """Print help for doflake."""
1318        self.say("""\
1319function: Enables the dropping of control packets by
1320ntpq for testing. Probabilities 0 and 1 should be
1321certainly accepted and discarded respectively. No
1322default, but 0.1 should be a one in ten loss rate.
1323usage: doflake <probability>
1326    def do_mrulist(self, line):
1327        """display the list of most recently seen source addresses,
1328           tags mincount=... resall=0x... resany=0x..."""
1329        cmdvars = {}
1330        for item in line.split(" "):
1331            if not item:
1332                continue
1333            if '=' not in item:
1334                cmdvars[item] = True
1335            else:
1336                eq = item.index("=")
1337                var = item[:eq].strip()
1338                val = item[eq+1:].strip()
1339                try:
1340                    val = int(val, 0)
1341                except ValueError:
1342                    try:
1343                        val = float(val)
1344                    except ValueError:
1345                        if val[0] == '"' and val[-1] == '"':
1346                            val = val[1:-1]
1347                cmdvars[var] = val
1349        if not self.directmode:
1350            self.say("Ctrl-C will stop MRU retrieval and display "
1351                     "partial results.\n")
1352        if self.rawmode:
1353            mruhook = lambda v: self.printvars(variables=v,
1354                                               dtype=ntp.ntpc.TYPE_SYS,
1355                                               quiet=True)
1356        else:
1357            mruhook = None
1358        try:
1359            formatter = ntp.util.MRUSummary(interpreter.showhostnames,
1360                                            wideremote=True)
1361            if self.directmode:
1362                formatter.now = None
1363            self.formatter = formatter
1364            if session.debug:
1365                formatter.logfp = session.logfp
1366                formatter.debug = session.debug
1367            self.session.slots = 0
1368            self.session.start = time.time()
1369            direct = self.printdirect if self.directmode else None
1370            span = self.session.mrulist(variables=cmdvars,
1371                                        rawhook=mruhook, direct=direct)
1372            if not self.directmode and not self.rawmode:
1373                if not span.is_complete():
1374                    self.say("mrulist retrieval interrupted by operator.\n"
1375                             "Displaying partial client list.\n")
1376                    span.now = time.time()
1377                try:
1378                    delta1 = time.time() - self.session.start
1379                    self.say(ntp.util.MRUSummary.header + "\n")
1380                    self.say(("=" * len(ntp.util.MRUSummary.header)) + "\n")
1381                    # reversed puts most recent entries at the top if no sort=
1382                    # see sort comments in pylib/packet.py
1383                    formatter.now = span.now
1384                    for entry in reversed(span.entries):
1385                        self.say(formatter.summary(entry) + "\n")
1386                    self.say("# Collected %d slots in %.3f seconds\n"
1387                             % (self.session.slots, delta1))
1388                except KeyboardInterrupt:
1389                    pass
1390            delta2 = time.time() - self.session.start
1391            self.say("# Processed %d slots in %.3f seconds\n"
1392                     % (self.session.slots, delta2))
1393            usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
1394            rusage_denom = 1024.
1395            if sys.platform == 'darwin':
1396                # OSX uses bytes, while every other platform uses kilobytes
1397                rusage_denom = rusage_denom * rusage_denom
1398            self.say("# Used %d megabytes of memory\n"
1399                     % (usage.ru_maxrss/rusage_denom))
1400        except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
1401            # Giving up after 8 restarts from the beginning.
1402            # With high-traffic NTP servers, this can occur if the
1403            # MRU list is limited to less than about 16 seconds' of
1404            # entries.  See the 'mru' ntp.conf entry.
1405            self.warn(e.message)
1407    def help_mrulist(self):
1408        self.say("""\
1409function: display the list of most recently seen source addresses,
1410          tags mincount=... resall=0x... resany=0x...
1411usage: mrulist [tag=value] [tag=value] [tag=value] [tag=value]
1414    def do_ifstats(self, line):
1415        "show statistics for each local address ntpd is using"
1416        try:
1417            self.session.password()
1418            entries = self.session.ifstats()
1419            if self.rawmode:
1420                self.say(self.session.response + "\n")
1421            else:
1422                formatter = ntp.util.IfstatsSummary()
1423                self.say(ntp.util.IfstatsSummary.header)
1424                self.say(("=" * ntp.util.IfstatsSummary.width) + "\n")
1425                for (i, entry) in enumerate(entries):
1426                    self.say(formatter.summary(i, entry))
1427        except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
1428            self.warn(e.message)
1429            return
1430        except IOError:
1431            self.warn("***Can't read control key from /etc/ntp.conf")
1433    def help_ifstats(self):
1434        self.say("""\
1435function: show statistics for each local address ntpd is using
1436usage: ifstats
1439    def do_reslist(self, line):
1440        "show ntpd access control list"
1441        try:
1442            self.session.password()
1443            entries = self.session.reslist()
1444            if self.rawmode:
1445                self.say(self.session.response + "\n")
1446            else:
1447                formatter = ntp.util.ReslistSummary()
1448                self.say(ntp.util.ReslistSummary.header)
1449                self.say(("=" * ntp.util.ReslistSummary.width) + "\n")
1450                for entry in entries:
1451                    self.say(formatter.summary(entry))
1452        except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
1453            self.warn(e.message)
1454            return
1455        except IOError:
1456            self.warn("***Can't read control key from /etc/ntp.conf")
1458    def help_reslist(self):
1459        self.say("""\
1460function: show ntpd access control list
1461usage: reslist
1464# FIXME: This table should move to ntpd
1465#          so the answers track when ntpd is updated
1466    def do_sysinfo(self, _line):
1467        "display system summary"
1468        sysinfo = (
1469            ("peeradr", "system peer:      ", NTP_ADP),
1470            ("peermode", "system peer mode: ", NTP_MODE),
1471            ("leap", "leap indicator:   ", NTP_2BIT),
1472            ("stratum", "stratum:          ", NTP_INT),
1473            ("precision", "log2 precision:   ", NTP_INT),
1474            ("rootdelay", "root delay:       ", NTP_FLOAT),
1475            ("rootdisp", "root dispersion:  ", NTP_FLOAT),
1476            ("rootdist", "root distance     ", NTP_FLOAT),
1477            ("refid", "reference ID:     ", NTP_STR),
1478            ("reftime", "reference time:   ", NTP_LFP),
1479            ("sys_jitter", "system jitter:    ", NTP_FLOAT),
1480            ("clk_jitter", "clock jitter:     ", NTP_FLOAT),
1481            ("clk_wander", "clock wander:     ", NTP_FLOAT),
1482            ("authdelay", "symm. auth. delay:", NTP_FLOAT),
1483        )
1484        self.collect_display(associd=0, variables=sysinfo, decodestatus=True)
1486    def help_sysinfo(self):
1487        self.say("""\
1488function: display system summary
1489usage: sysinfo
1492# FIXME: This table should move to ntpd
1493#          so the answers track when ntpd is updated
1494    def do_kerninfo(self, _line):
1495        "display kernel loop and PPS statistics"
1496        kerninfo = (
1497            ("koffset", "pll offset:          ", NTP_FLOAT),
1498            ("kfreq", "pll frequency:       ", NTP_FLOAT),
1499            ("kmaxerr", "maximum error:       ", NTP_FLOAT),
1500            ("kesterr", "estimated error:     ", NTP_FLOAT),
1501            ("kstflags", "kernel status:       ", NTP_STR),
1502            ("ktimeconst", "pll time constant:   ", NTP_INT),
1503            ("kprecis", "precision:           ", NTP_FLOAT),
1504            ("kfreqtol", "frequency tolerance: ", NTP_INT),
1505            ("kppsfreq", "pps frequency:       ", NTP_INT),
1506            ("kppsstab", "pps stability:       ", NTP_INT),
1507            ("kppsjitter", "pps jitter:          ", NTP_INT),
1508            ("kppscalibdur", "calibration interval ", NTP_INT),
1509            ("kppscalibs", "calibration cycles:  ", NTP_INT),
1510            ("kppsjitexc", "jitter exceeded:     ", NTP_INT),
1511            ("kppsstbexc", "stability exceeded:  ", NTP_INT),
1512            ("kppscaliberrs", "calibration errors:  ", NTP_INT),
1513        )
1514        self.collect_display(associd=0, variables=kerninfo, decodestatus=True)
1516    def help_kerninfo(self):
1517        self.say("""\
1518function: display kernel loop and PPS statistics
1519usage: kerninfo
1522# FIXME: This table should move to ntpd
1523#          so the answers track when ntpd is updated
1524    def do_sysstats(self, _line):
1525        "display system uptime and packet counts"
1526        sysstats = (
1527            ("ss_uptime", "uptime:               ", NTP_INT),
1528            ("ss_numctlreq", "control requests:     ", NTP_INT),
1529            ("ss_reset", "sysstats reset:       ", NTP_UPTIME),
1530            ("ss_received", "packets received:     ", NTP_INT),
1531            ("ss_thisver", "current version:      ", NTP_INT),
1532            ("ss_oldver", "older version:        ", NTP_INT),
1533            ("ss_badformat", "bad length or format: ", NTP_INT),
1534            ("ss_badauth", "authentication failed:", NTP_INT),
1535            ("ss_declined", "declined:             ", NTP_INT),
1536            ("ss_restricted", "restricted:           ", NTP_INT),
1537            ("ss_limited", "rate limited:         ", NTP_INT),
1538            ("ss_kodsent", "KoD responses:        ", NTP_INT),
1539            ("ss_processed", "processed for time:   ", NTP_INT),
1540        )
1541        self.collect_display(associd=0, variables=sysstats, decodestatus=False)
1543    def help_sysstats(self):
1544        self.say("""\
1545function: display system uptime and packet counts
1546usage: sysstats
1549# FIXME: This table should move to ntpd
1550#          so the answers track when ntpd is updated
1551    def do_monstats(self, _line):
1552        "display monitor (mrulist) counters and limits"
1553        monstats = (
1554            ("mru_enabled",     "enabled:              ", NTP_INT),
1555            ("mru_hashslots",   "hash slots in use:    ", NTP_INT),
1556            ("mru_depth",       "addresses in use:     ", NTP_INT),
1557            ("mru_deepest",     "peak addresses:       ", NTP_INT),
1558            ("mru_maxdepth",    "maximum addresses:    ", NTP_INT),
1559            ("mru_mindepth",    "reclaim above count:  ", NTP_INT),
1560            ("mru_maxage",      "reclaim maxage:       ", NTP_INT),
1561            ("mru_minage",      "reclaim minage:       ", NTP_INT),
1562            ("mru_mem",         "kilobytes:            ", NTP_INT),
1563            ("mru_maxmem",      "maximum kilobytes:    ", NTP_INT),
1564            ("mru_exists",      "alloc: exists:        ", NTP_INT),
1565            ("mru_new",         "alloc: new:           ", NTP_INT),
1566            ("mru_recycleold",  "alloc: recycle old:   ", NTP_INT),
1567            ("mru_recyclefull", "alloc: recycle full:  ", NTP_INT),
1568            ("mru_none",        "alloc: none:          ", NTP_INT),
1569            ("mru_oldest_age",  "age of oldest slot:   ", NTP_INT),
1570        )
1571        self.collect_display(associd=0, variables=monstats, decodestatus=False)
1573    def help_monstats(self):
1574        self.say("""\
1575function: display monitor (mrulist) counters and limits
1576usage: monstats
1579# FIXME: This table should move to ntpd
1580#          so the answers track when ntpd is updated
1581    def do_authinfo(self, _line):
1582        "display symmetric authentication counters"
1583        authinfo = (
1584            ("authreset",          "time since reset:    ", NTP_INT),
1585            ("authkeys",           "stored keys:         ", NTP_INT),
1586            ("authfreek",          "free keys:           ", NTP_INT),
1587            ("authklookups",       "key lookups:         ", NTP_INT),
1588            ("authknotfound",      "keys not found:      ", NTP_INT),
1589            ("authencrypts",       "encryptions:         ", NTP_INT),
1590            ("authdigestencrypts", "digest encryptions:  ", NTP_INT),
1591            ("authcmacencrypts",   "CMAC encryptions:    ", NTP_INT),
1592            ("authdecrypts",       "decryptions:         ", NTP_INT),
1593            ("authdigestdecrypts", "digest decryptions:  ", NTP_INT),
1594            ("authdigestfails",    "digest failures:     ", NTP_INT),
1595            ("authcmacdecrypts",   "CMAC decryptions:    ", NTP_INT),
1596            ("authcmacfails",      "CMAC failures:       ", NTP_INT),
1597            # Old variables no longer supported.
1598            # Interesting if looking at an old system.
1599            ("authkuncached",      "uncached keys:       ", NTP_INT),
1600            ("authkexpired",       "expired keys:        ", NTP_INT),
1601        )
1602        self.collect_display(associd=0, variables=authinfo, decodestatus=False)
1604    def help_authinfo(self):
1605        self.say("""\
1606function: display symmetric authentication counters
1607usage: authinfo
1610# FIXME: This table should move to ntpd
1611#          so the answers track when ntpd is updated
1612    def do_ntsinfo(self, _line):
1613        "display NTS authentication counters"
1614        ntsinfo = (
1615   ("nts_client_send",           "NTS client sends:          ", NTP_UINT),
1616   ("nts_client_recv_good",      "NTS client recvs good:     ", NTP_UINT),
1617   ("nts_client_recv_bad",       "NTS client recvs w error:  ", NTP_UINT),
1618   ("nts_server_recv_good",      "NTS server recvs good:     ", NTP_UINT),
1619   ("nts_server_recv_bad",       "NTS server recvs w error:  ", NTP_UINT),
1620   ("nts_server_send",           "NTS server sends:          ", NTP_UINT),
1621   ("nts_cookie_make",           "NTS make cookies:          ", NTP_UINT),
1622   ("nts_cookie_decode",         "NTS decode cookies:        ", NTP_UINT),
1623   ("nts_cookie_decode_old",     "NTS decode cookies old:    ", NTP_UINT),
1624   ("nts_cookie_decode_too_old", "NTS decode cookies too old:", NTP_UINT),
1625   ("nts_cookie_decode_error",   "NTS decode cookies error:  ", NTP_UINT),
1626   ("nts_ke_probes_good",        "NTS KE client probes good: ", NTP_UINT),
1627   ("nts_ke_probes_bad",         "NTS KE client probes bad:  ", NTP_UINT),
1628   ("nts_ke_serves_good",        "NTS KE serves good:        ", NTP_UINT),
1629   ("nts_ke_serves_bad",         "NTS KE serves bad:         ", NTP_UINT),
1630  )
1631        self.collect_display(associd=0, variables=ntsinfo, decodestatus=False)
1633    def help_ntsinfo(self):
1634        self.say("""\
1635function: display NTS authentication counters
1636usage: ntsinfo
1640# FIXME: This table should move to ntpd
1641#          so the answers track when ntpd is updated
1642    def do_iostats(self, _line):
1643        "display network input and output counters"
1644        iostats = (
1645            ("iostats_reset", "time since reset:     ", NTP_INT),
1646            ("total_rbuf", "receive buffers:      ", NTP_INT),
1647            ("free_rbuf", "free receive buffers: ", NTP_INT),
1648            ("used_rbuf", "used receive buffers: ", NTP_INT),
1649            ("rbuf_lowater", "low water refills:    ", NTP_INT),
1650            ("io_dropped", "dropped packets:      ", NTP_INT),
1651            ("io_ignored", "ignored packets:      ", NTP_INT),
1652            ("io_received", "received packets:     ", NTP_INT),
1653            ("io_sent", "packets sent:         ", NTP_INT),
1654            ("io_sendfailed", "packet send failures: ", NTP_INT),
1655            ("io_wakeups", "input wakeups:        ", NTP_INT),
1656            ("io_goodwakeups", "useful input wakeups: ", NTP_INT),
1657        )
1658        self.collect_display(associd=0, variables=iostats, decodestatus=False)
1660    def help_iostats(self):
1661        self.say("""\
1662function: display network input and output counters
1663usage: iostats
1666# FIXME: This table should move to ntpd
1667#          so the answers track when ntpd is updated
1668    def do_timerstats(self, line):
1669        "display interval timer counters"
1670        timerstats = (
1671            ("timerstats_reset", "time since reset:  ", NTP_INT),
1672            ("timer_overruns", "timer overruns:    ", NTP_INT),
1673            ("timer_xmts", "calls to transmit: ", NTP_INT),
1674        )
1675        self.collect_display(associd=0, variables=timerstats,
1676                             decodestatus=False)
1678    def help_timerstats(self):
1679        self.say("""\
1680function: display interval timer counters
1681usage: timerstats
1685# Default values we use.
1686DEFHOST = "localhost"    # default host name
1689# main - parse arguments and handle options
1692usage = '''
1693USAGE: ntpq [-46dphinOV] [-c str] [-D lvl] [host ...]
1694  Flg Arg Option-Name    Description
1695   -4 no  ipv4            Force IPv4 DNS name resolution
1696                                - prohibits the option 'ipv6'
1697   -6 no  ipv6            Force IPv6 DNS name resolution
1698                                - prohibits the option 'ipv4'
1699   -a Num authentication  Enable authentication with the numbered key
1700   -c Str command         Run a command and exit
1701                                - may appear multiple times
1702   -d no  debug-level     Increase output debug message level
1703                                - may appear multiple times
1704   -l Str logfile         Logs debug messages to the provided filename
1705   -D Int set-debug-level Set the output debug message level
1706                                - may appear multiple times
1707   -h no  help            Print a usage message.
1708   -p no  peers           Print a list of the peers
1709   -n no  numeric         Numeric host addresses
1710   -k Str keyfile         Specify a keyfile. ntpq will look in this file
1711                          for the key specified with -a
1712   -V opt version         Output version information and exit
1713   -w no  wide            Enable wide display of addresses / hosts
1714                          on a separate line
1715   -W Num width           Force output width to this value instead of
1716                          querying the terminal size
1717   -u no  units           Display time with units.
1720if __name__ == '__main__':
1721    bin_ver = "ntpsec-@NTPSEC_VERSION_EXTENDED@"
1722    if ntp.util.stdversion() != bin_ver:
1723        sys.stderr.write("Module/Binary version mismatch\n")
1724        sys.stderr.write("Binary: %s\n" % bin_ver)
1725        sys.stderr.write("Module: %s\n" % ntp.util.stdversion())
1726    try:
1727        (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(
1728            sys.argv[1:],
1729            "46a:c:dD:hk:npsSVwW:ul:",
1730            ["ipv4", "ipv6", "authentication=",
1731             "command=", "debug", "set-debug-level=",
1732             "help", "keyfile", "numeric", "peers",
1733             "version", "wide", "width=", "units",
1734             "logfile=", "srcname", "srcnumber"])
1735    except getopt.GetoptError as e:
1736        sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % e)
1737        sys.stderr.write(usage)
1738        raise SystemExit(1)
1739    progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
1740    ntp.ntpc.setprogname(progname)
1742    session = ntp.packet.ControlSession()
1743    interpreter = Ntpq(session)
1745    keyid = keyfile = None
1746    logfp = sys.stderr
1748    for (switch, val) in options:
1749        if switch in ("-4", "--ipv4"):
1750            interpreter.ai_family = socket.AF_INET
1751        elif switch in ("-6", "--ipv6"):
1752            interpreter.ai_family = socket.AF_INET6
1753        elif switch in ("-a", "--authentication"):
1754            errmsg = "Error: -a parameter '%s' not a number\n"
1755            keyid = ntp.util.safeargcast(val, int, errmsg, usage)
1756        elif switch in ("-c", "--command"):
1757            interpreter.ccmds.append(val)
1758        elif switch in ("-d", "--debug"):
1759            interpreter.debug += 1
1760            session.debug += 1
1761        elif switch in ("-D", "--set-debug-level"):
1762            errmsg = "Error: -D parameter '%s' not a number\n"
1763            cast = ntp.util.safeargcast(val, int, errmsg, usage)
1764            session.debug = interpreter.debug = cast
1765        elif switch in ("-h", "--help"):
1766            sys.stderr.write(usage)
1767            raise SystemExit(0)
1768        elif switch in ("-n", "--numeric"):
1769            interpreter.showhostnames = 0
1770        elif switch in ("-p", "--peers"):
1771            interpreter.ccmds.append("peers")
1772        elif switch in ("-k", "--keyfile"):
1773            keyfile = val
1774        elif switch in ("-s", "--srcname"):
1775            interpreter.showhostnames = 3
1776        elif switch in ("-S", "--srcnumber"):
1777            interpreter.showhostnames = 2
1778        elif switch in ("-V", "--version"):
1779            sys.stdout.write("ntpq %s\n" % version)
1780            raise SystemExit(0)
1781        elif switch in ("-w", "--wide"):
1782            interpreter.wideremote = True
1783        elif switch in ("-W", "--width"):
1784            errmsg = "Error: -W parameter '%s' not a number\n"
1785            interpreter.termwidth = ntp.util.safeargcast(val, int,
1786                                                         errmsg, usage)
1787        elif switch in ("-u", "--units"):
1788            interpreter.showunits = True
1789        elif switch in ("-l", "--logfile"):
1790            if logfp != sys.stderr:
1791                logfp.close()
1792            logfp = open(val, "a", 1)  # 1 => line buffered
1794    session.logfp = interpreter.logfp = logfp
1796    if ntp.poly.forced_utf8 and interpreter.debug:
1797        interpreter.warn("\nforced UTF-8 output\n")
1799    if keyfile is not None:  # Have a -k, setup the auth
1800        credentials = None
1801        try:
1802            credentials = ntp.packet.Authenticator(keyfile)
1803        except (OSError, IOError):
1804            sys.stderr.write("ntpq: %s nonexistent or unreadable" % keyfile)
1805            raise SystemExit(1)
1806        if credentials:
1807            session.auth = credentials
1808    if keyid is not None:  # Have an -a
1809        session.keyid = keyid
1811    for token in arguments:
1812        if token.startswith("-"):
1813            if '4' == token[-1]:
1814                session.ai_family = socket.AF_INET
1815            elif '6' == token[-1]:
1816                session.ai_family = socket.AF_INET6
1817            else:
1818                interpreter.warn("%s: unexpected option-like thing."
1819                                 % progname)
1820                raise SystemExit(1)
1821            arguments.pop(0)
1822        else:
1823            interpreter.chosts.append((token, session.ai_family))
1825    if not arguments:
1826        interpreter.chosts.append((DEFHOST, session.ai_family))
1828    if (not interpreter.ccmds and
1829            not interpreter.interactive and
1830            os.isatty(0) and
1831            os.isatty(1)):
1832        interpreter.interactive = True
1834    try:
1835        if not interpreter.ccmds:
1836            if len(interpreter.chosts) > 1:
1837                interpreter.warn(
1838                    "ntpq can only work interactively on one host.")
1839                interpreter.chosts = interpreter.chosts[:1]
1840            session.openhost(*interpreter.chosts[0])
1841            interpreter.cmdloop()
1842        else:
1843            for ihost in interpreter.chosts:
1844                if session.openhost(*ihost):
1845                    for command in interpreter.ccmds:
1846                        interpreter.onecmd(interpreter.precmd(command))
1847                    session.close()
1848        raise SystemExit(0)
1849    except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
1850        if os.isatty(0):
1851            interpreter.say("\n")
1852    except ntp.packet.ControlException as e:
1853        interpreter.warn(e.message)
1854    except IOError:
1855        sys.stderr.write("Bailing out...\n")
1856# end