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README.mdH A D01-Feb-2021926 2115

session.goH A D01-Feb-202112.1 KiB378252

session_integration_test.goH A D01-Feb-202111.2 KiB441414

session_test.goH A D01-Feb-2021201 118

sessioncontext.goH A D01-Feb-2021628 3024

sessioncontext_test.goH A D01-Feb-20212.1 KiB10394

sessionlogger.goH A D01-Feb-20211.4 KiB7052

sessionlogger_test.goH A D01-Feb-20212.9 KiB119101

task.goH A D01-Feb-20213.8 KiB11551

task_integration_test.goH A D01-Feb-202113.1 KiB561520

task_internal_test.goH A D01-Feb-202187 64

uuid.goH A D01-Feb-2021260 105

uuid_test.goH A D01-Feb-2021216 1410


1# Package github.com/ooni/probe-engine/oonimkall
3Package oonimkall implements APIs used by OONI mobile apps. We
4expose these APIs to mobile apps using gomobile.
6We expose two APIs: the task API, which is derived from the
7API originally exposed by Measurement Kit, and the session API,
8which is a Go API that mobile apps can use via `gomobile`.
10This package is named oonimkall because it contains a partial
11reimplementation of the mkall API implemented by Measurement Kit
12in, e.g., [mkall-ios](https://github.com/measurement-kit/mkall-ios).
14The basic tenet of the task API is that you define an experiment
15task you wanna run using a JSON, then you start a task for it, and
16you receive events as serialized JSONs. In addition to this
17functionality, we also include extra APIs used by OONI mobile.
19The basic tenet of the session API is that you create an instance
20of `Session` and use it to perform the operations you need.