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AUTHORSH A D20-Feb-2013461 1611

COPYINGH A D20-Feb-20131.4 KiB2722

Makefile.inH A D03-May-20222.4 KiB8351

PART_OF_SPEEXH A D20-Feb-2013168 84

READMEH A D20-Feb-2013704 1511

Speex_2005.vcprojH A D20-Feb-201323.4 KiB942941

Speex_2008.vcprojH A D20-Feb-201323.5 KiB942941

Speex_2010.vcxprojH A D20-Feb-201333.9 KiB400400

Speex_2010.vcxproj.filtersH A D20-Feb-20133.2 KiB104104

speexcodec.cxxH A D03-May-202236.9 KiB877684


1See INSTALL file for instruction on how to install Speex.
3The Speex project aims to build an open-source patent-free voice codec.
4Unlike other codecs like MP3 and Ogg Vorbis, Speex is specially designed
5for compressing voice at low bit-rates for applications such as voice over
6IP (VoIP). In some sense, it is meant to be complementary to the Ogg
7Vorbis codec.
9Although we aim at providing a patent-free codec, we strongly suggest you
10have a look at patent issues if you are thinking about using Speex
11commercially. The speech coding field is a real patent minefield and
12the scope and enforceability of all these patents is sometimes unclear,
13not to mention that each country has different laws.