2 * Python bindings.
3 *
4 * Open Phone Abstraction Library (OPAL)
5 *
6 * Copyright (c) 2011 Demetrius Cassidy
7 *
8 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
9 * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
10 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
12 *
13 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
14 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
15 * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
16 * under the License.
17 *
18 * The Original Code is Open Phone Abstraction Library (OPAL)
19 *
20 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Demetrius Cassidy
21 *
22 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
23 *
24 * $Revision: 26570 $
25 * $Author: rjongbloed $
26 * $Date: 2011-10-09 20:00:46 -0500 (Sun, 09 Oct 2011) $
27 */
31/**Base class for options attached to an OpalMediaFormat.
32  */
33class OpalMediaOption : PObject /Abstract/
36#include <ptlib.h>
37#include <opal/mediafmt.h>
40  public:
41    enum MergeType {
42      NoMerge,
43      MinMerge,
44      MaxMerge,
45      EqualMerge,
46      NotEqualMerge,
47      AlwaysMerge,
49      // Synonyms
50      AndMerge = MinMerge,
51      OrMerge  = MaxMerge
52    };
54  protected:
55    OpalMediaOption(
56      const PString & name
57    );
58    OpalMediaOption(
59      const char * name,
60      bool readOnly,
61      MergeType merge
62    );
64  public:
65    virtual Comparison Compare(const PObject & obj) const;
67    virtual bool Merge(
68      const OpalMediaOption & option
69    );
70    virtual Comparison CompareValue(
71      const OpalMediaOption & option
72    ) const = 0;
73    virtual void Assign(
74      const OpalMediaOption & option
75    ) = 0;
77    PString AsString() const;
78    bool FromString(const PString & value);
80    const PString & GetName() const;
82    bool IsReadOnly() const;
83    void SetReadOnly(bool readOnly);
85    MergeType GetMerge() const;
86    void SetMerge(MergeType merge);
88    const PString & GetFMTPName() const;
89    void SetFMTPName(const char * name);
91    const PString & GetFMTPDefault() const;
92    void SetFMTPDefault(const char * value);
95    struct H245GenericInfo {
96      H245GenericInfo();
97      unsigned ordinal;
99      enum Modes {
100        None,
101        Collapsing,
102        NonCollapsing
103      };
105      enum IntegerTypes {
106        UnsignedInt,
107        Unsigned32,
108        BooleanArray
109      };
111      bool excludeTCS;
112      bool excludeOLC;
113      bool excludeReqMode;
114    };
116    const H245GenericInfo & GetH245Generic() const;
117    void SetH245Generic(const H245GenericInfo & genericInfo);
123/**This class describes a media format as used in the OPAL system. A media
124   format is the type of any media data that is trasferred between OPAL
125   entities. For example an audio codec such as G.723.1 is a media format, a
126   video codec such as H.261 is also a media format.
127  */
128class OpalMediaFormat : PContainer
132#include <ptlib.h>
133#include <opal/mediafmt.h>
136  public:
137    /**This form of the constructor will register the full details of the
138       media format into an internal database. This would typically be used
139       as a static global. In fact it would be very dangerous for an instance
140       to use this constructor in any other way, especially local variables.
142       If the rtpPayloadType is RTP_DataFrame::DynamicBase, then the RTP
143       payload type is actually set to the first unused dynamic RTP payload
144       type that is in the registers set of media formats.
146       The frameSize parameter indicates that the media format has a maximum
147       size for each data frame, eg G.723.1 frames are no more than 24 bytes
148       long. If zero then there is no intrinsic maximum, eg G.711.
149      */
150    OpalMediaFormat(
151      const char * fullName,                      ///<  Full name of media format
152      const OpalMediaType & mediaType,            ///<  media type for this format
153      RTP_DataFrame::PayloadTypes rtpPayloadType, ///<  RTP payload type code
154      const char * encodingName,                  ///<  RTP encoding name
155      PBoolean     needsJitter,                   ///<  Indicate format requires a jitter buffer
156      unsigned bandwidth,                         ///<  Bandwidth in bits/second
157      PINDEX   frameSize,                         ///<  Size of frame in bytes (if applicable)
158      unsigned frameTime,                         ///<  Time for frame in RTP units (if applicable)
159      unsigned clockRate,                         ///<  Clock rate for data (if applicable)
160      time_t timeStamp = 0                        ///<  timestamp (for versioning)
161    );
163    /**Construct a media format, searching database for information.
164       This constructor will search through the RegisteredMediaFormats list
165       for the match of the payload type, if found the other information
166       fields are set from the database. If not found then the ancestor
167       string is set to the empty string.
169       Note it is impossible to determine the order of registration so this
170       should not be relied on.
171      */
172    OpalMediaFormat(
173      RTP_DataFrame::PayloadTypes rtpPayloadType, ///<  RTP payload type code
174      unsigned clockRate,                         ///<  clock rate
175      const char * rtpEncodingName = NULL,        ///<  RTP payload type name
176      const char * protocol = NULL                ///<  valid protocol (if NULL, then all)
177    );
179    /**Construct a media format, searching database for information.
180       This constructor will search through the RegisteredMediaFormats list
181       for the wildcard match of the parameter string, if found the other
182       information fields are set from the database. If not found then the
183       ancestor string is set to the empty string.
185       The wildcard string is a simple substring match using the '*'
186       character. For example: "G.711*" would match the first of
187       "G.711-uLaw-64k" and "G.711-ALaw-64k" to have been registered.
189       Note it is impossible to determine the order of registration so this
190       should not be relied on.
191      */
192    OpalMediaFormat(
193      const char * wildcard  ///<  Wildcard name to search for
194    );
196    /**Construct a media format, searching database for information.
197       This constructor will search through the RegisteredMediaFormats list
198       for the wildcard match of the parameter string, if found the other
199       information fields are set from the database. If not found then the
200       ancestor string is set to the empty string.
202       The wildcard string is a simple substring match using the '*'
203       character. For example: "G.711*" would match the first of
204       "G.711-uLaw-64k" and "G.711-ALaw-64k" to have been registered.
206       Note it is impossible to determine the order of registration so this
207       should not be relied on.
208      */
209    OpalMediaFormat(
210      const PString & wildcard  ///<  Wildcard name to search for
211    );
214    /**Create a copy of the media format.
215      */
216    virtual PObject * Clone() const;
218    /**Compare two media formats.
219      */
220    virtual Comparison Compare(const PObject & obj) const;
222    /**This will translate the codec specific "custom" options to OPAL
223       "normalised" options, e.g. For H.261 "QCIF MPI"="1", "CIF MPI"="5"
224        would be translated to "Frame Width"="176", "Frame Height"="144".
225      */
226    bool ToNormalisedOptions();
228    /**This will do the reverse of ToNormalisedOptions, translating the OPAL
229       "normalised" options to codec specific "custom" options.
230      */
231    bool ToCustomisedOptions();
233    /**Merge with another media format. This will alter and validate
234       the options for this media format according to the merge rule for
235       each option. The parameter is typically a "capability" while the
236       current object isthe proposed channel format. This if the current
237       object has a tx number of frames of 3, but the parameter has a value
238       of 1, then the current object will be set to 1.
240       Returns PFalse if the media formats are incompatible and cannot be
241       merged.
242      */
243    bool Merge(
244      const OpalMediaFormat & mediaFormat
245    );
247    /**Get the name of the format
248      */
249    PString GetName() const;
251    /**Return PTrue if media format info is valid. This may be used if the
252       single string constructor is used to check that it matched something
253       in the registered media formats database.
254      */
255    PBoolean IsValid() const;
257    /**Return PTrue if media format info may be sent via RTP. Some formats are internal
258       use only and are never transported "over the wire".
259      */
260    PBoolean IsTransportable() const;
262    /**Get the RTP payload type that is to be used for this media format.
263       This will either be an intrinsic one for the media format eg GSM or it
264       will be automatically calculated as a dynamic media format that will be
265       uniqueue amongst the registered media formats.
266      */
267    RTP_DataFrame::PayloadTypes GetPayloadType() const;
268    void SetPayloadType(RTP_DataFrame::PayloadTypes type);
270    /**Get the RTP encoding name that is to be used for this media format.
271      */
272    const char * GetEncodingName() const;
274    /** Get the media type for this format
275      */
276    OpalMediaType GetMediaType() const;
278    /**Determine if the media format requires a jitter buffer. As a rule an
279       audio codec needs a jitter buffer and all others do not.
280      */
281    bool NeedsJitterBuffer() const;
282    static const PString & NeedsJitterOption();
284    /**Get the average bandwidth used in bits/second.
285      */
286    unsigned GetBandwidth() const;
287    static const PString & MaxBitRateOption();
288    static const PString & TargetBitRateOption();
290    /**Get the maximum frame size in bytes. If this returns zero then the
291       media format has no intrinsic maximum frame size, eg a video format
292       would return zero but G.723.1 would return 24.
293      */
294    PINDEX GetFrameSize() const;
295    static const PString & MaxFrameSizeOption();
297    /**Get the frame time in RTP timestamp units. If this returns zero then
298       the media format is not real time and has no intrinsic timing eg T.120
299      */
300    unsigned GetFrameTime() const;
301    static const PString & FrameTimeOption();
303    /**Get the number of RTP timestamp units per millisecond.
304      */
305    unsigned GetTimeUnits() const;
307    enum StandardClockRate {
308      AudioClockRate = 8000,  ///<  8kHz sample rate
309      VideoClockRate = 90000  ///<  90kHz sample rate
310    };
312    /**Get the clock rate in Hz for this format.
313      */
314    unsigned GetClockRate() const;
315    static const PString & ClockRateOption();
317    /**Get the name of the OpalMediaOption indicating the protocol the format is being used on.
318      */
319    static const PString & ProtocolOption();
321    /**Get the name of the OpalMediaOption indicating the maximum RTP payload size.
322      */
323    static const PString & MaxTxPacketSizeOption();
325    /**Get all of the option values of the format as a dictionary.
326       Each entry is a name value pair.
327      */
328    PStringToString GetOptions() const;
330    /**Get the number of options this media format has.
331      */
332    PINDEX GetOptionCount() const;
334    /**Get the option instance at the specified index. This contains the
335       description and value for the option.
336      */
337    const OpalMediaOption & GetOption(
338      PINDEX index   ///<  Index of option in list to get
339    ) const;
341    /**Get the option value of the specified name as a string.
343       Returns false of the option is not present.
344      */
345    bool GetOptionValue(
346      const PString & name,   ///<  Option name
347      PString & value /Out/        ///<  String to receive option value
348    ) const;
350    /**Set the option value of the specified name as a string.
351       Note the option will not be added if it does not exist, the option
352       must be explicitly added using AddOption().
354       Returns false of the option is not present.
355      */
356    bool SetOptionValue(
357      const PString & name,   ///<  Option name
358      const PString & value   ///<  New option value as string
359    );
361    /**Get the option value of the specified name as a boolean. The default
362       value is returned if the option is not present.
363      */
364    bool GetOptionBoolean(
365      const PString & name,   ///<  Option name
366      bool dflt = PFalse       ///<  Default value if option not present
367    ) const;
369    /**Set the option value of the specified name as a boolean.
370       Note the option will not be added if it does not exist, the option
371       must be explicitly added using AddOption().
373       Returns false of the option is not present or is not of the same type.
374      */
375    bool SetOptionBoolean(
376      const PString & name,   ///<  Option name
377      bool value              ///<  New value for option
378    );
380    /**Get the option value of the specified name as an integer. The default
381       value is returned if the option is not present.
382      */
383    int GetOptionInteger(
384      const PString & name,   ///<  Option name
385      int dflt = 0            ///<  Default value if option not present
386    ) const;
388    /**Set the option value of the specified name as an integer.
389       Note the option will not be added if it does not exist, the option
390       must be explicitly added using AddOption().
392       Returns false of the option is not present, not of the same type or
393       is putside the allowable range.
394      */
395    bool SetOptionInteger(
396      const PString & name,   ///<  Option name
397      int value               ///<  New value for option
398    );
400    /**Get the option value of the specified name as a real. The default
401       value is returned if the option is not present.
402      */
403    double GetOptionReal(
404      const PString & name,   ///<  Option name
405      double dflt = 0         ///<  Default value if option not present
406    ) const;
408    /**Set the option value of the specified name as a real.
409       Note the option will not be added if it does not exist, the option
410       must be explicitly added using AddOption().
412       Returns false of the option is not present or is not of the same type.
413      */
414    bool SetOptionReal(
415      const PString & name,   ///<  Option name
416      double value            ///<  New value for option
417    );
419    /**Get the option value of the specified name as an index into an
420       enumeration list. The default value is returned if the option is not
421       present.
422      */
423    PINDEX GetOptionEnum(
424      const PString & name,   ///<  Option name
425      PINDEX dflt = 0         ///<  Default value if option not present
426    ) const;
428    /**Set the option value of the specified name as an index into an enumeration.
429       Note the option will not be added if it does not exist, the option
430       must be explicitly added using AddOption().
432       Returns false of the option is not present or is not of the same type.
433      */
434    bool SetOptionEnum(
435      const PString & name,   ///<  Option name
436      PINDEX value            ///<  New value for option
437    );
439    /**Get the option value of the specified name as a string. The default
440       value is returned if the option is not present.
441      */
442    PString GetOptionString(
443      const PString & name,                   ///<  Option name
444      const PString & dflt = PString::Empty() ///<  Default value if option not present
445    ) const;
447    /**Set the option value of the specified name as a string.
448       Note the option will not be added if it does not exist, the option
449       must be explicitly added using AddOption().
451       Returns false of the option is not present or is not of the same type.
452      */
453    bool SetOptionString(
454      const PString & name,   ///<  Option name
455      const PString & value   ///<  New value for option
456    );
458    /**Set the option value of the specified name as an octet array.
459       Note the option will not be added if it does not exist, the option
460       must be explicitly added using AddOption().
462       Returns false of the option is not present or is not of the same type.
463      */
464    bool SetOptionOctets(
465      const PString & name,       ///<  Option name
466      const BYTE * data,          ///<  Octets in option
467      PINDEX length               ///<  Number of octets
468    );
470    /**Get a copy of the list of media formats that have been registered.
471      */
472    static OpalMediaFormatList GetAllRegisteredMediaFormats();
473    static void GetAllRegisteredMediaFormats(
474      OpalMediaFormatList & copy    ///<  List to receive the copy of the master list
475    );
477    /**Set the options on the master format list entry.
478       The media format must already be registered. Returns false if not.
479      */
480    static bool SetRegisteredMediaFormat(
481      const OpalMediaFormat & mediaFormat  ///<  Media format to copy to master list
482    );
484	/**Remove the media format from master format list entry.
485       The media format must already be registered. Returns false if not.
486    */
487    static bool RemoveRegisteredMediaFormat(
488      const OpalMediaFormat & mediaFormat  ///<  Media format to copy to master list
489    );
491    /**
492      * Add a new option to this media format
493      */
494    bool AddOption(
495      OpalMediaOption * option,
496      PBoolean overwrite = PFalse
497    );
499    /**
500      * Determine if media format has the specified option.
501      */
502    bool HasOption(const PString & name) const;
504    /**
505      * Get a pointer to the specified media format option.
506      * Returns NULL if thee option does not exist.
507      */
508    OpalMediaOption * FindOption(
509      const PString & name
510    ) const;
512    /** Returns PTrue if the media format is valid for the protocol specified
513        This allow plugin codecs to customise which protocols they are valid for
514        The default implementation returns true unless the protocol is H.323
515        and the rtpEncodingName is NULL
516      */
517    bool IsValidForProtocol(const PString & protocol) const;
519    time_t GetCodecVersionTime() const;
521    static const PString & MediaPacketizationOption();
522    static const PString & MediaPacketizationsOption();
524	SIP_PYOBJECT __repr__();
526	sipRes = PyString_FromString(sipCpp->GetName());
529	int __nonzero__();
531	sipRes = sipCpp->IsValid();
534	int __contains__(const PString & name);
536	sipRes = (*a0 == sipCpp->GetName());
539	int __eq__(const PString & name);
541	sipRes = (*a0 == sipCpp->GetName());
546class OpalMediaFormatInternal : PObject
548  public:
549    OpalMediaFormatInternal(
550      const char * fullName,
551      const OpalMediaType & mediaType,
552      RTP_DataFrame::PayloadTypes rtpPayloadType,
553      const char * encodingName,
554      PBoolean     needsJitter,
555      unsigned bandwidth,
556      PINDEX   frameSize,
557      unsigned frameTime,
558      unsigned clockRate,
559      time_t timeStamp
560    );
562    const PCaselessString & GetName() const;
564    virtual PObject * Clone() const;
566    virtual bool IsValid() const;
567    virtual bool IsTransportable() const;
569    virtual PStringToString GetOptions() const;
570    virtual bool GetOptionValue(const PString & name, PString & value) const;
571    virtual bool SetOptionValue(const PString & name, const PString & value);
572    virtual bool GetOptionBoolean(const PString & name, bool dflt) const;
573    virtual bool SetOptionBoolean(const PString & name, bool value);
574    virtual int GetOptionInteger(const PString & name, int dflt) const;
575    virtual bool SetOptionInteger(const PString & name, int value);
576    virtual double GetOptionReal(const PString & name, double dflt) const;
577    virtual bool SetOptionReal(const PString & name, double value);
578    virtual PINDEX GetOptionEnum(const PString & name, PINDEX dflt) const;
579    virtual bool SetOptionEnum(const PString & name, PINDEX value);
580    virtual PString GetOptionString(const PString & name, const PString & dflt) const;
581    virtual bool SetOptionString(const PString & name, const PString & value);
582    virtual bool GetOptionOctets(const PString & name, PBYTEArray & octets) const;
583    virtual bool SetOptionOctets(const PString & name, const PBYTEArray & octets);
584    virtual bool SetOptionOctets(const PString & name, const BYTE * data, PINDEX length);
585    virtual bool AddOption(OpalMediaOption * option, PBoolean overwrite = false);
586    virtual OpalMediaOption * FindOption(const PString & name) const;
588    virtual bool ToNormalisedOptions();
589    virtual bool ToCustomisedOptions();
590    virtual bool Merge(const OpalMediaFormatInternal & mediaFormat);
592    virtual bool ValidateMerge(const OpalMediaFormatInternal & mediaFormat) const;
594    virtual bool IsValidForProtocol(const PString & protocol) const;
597class OpalAudioFormat : OpalMediaFormat
599  public:
600    OpalAudioFormat(
601      OpalMediaFormatInternal * info = NULL
602    );
604    OpalAudioFormat(
605      const char * fullName,    ///<  Full name of media format
606      RTP_DataFrame::PayloadTypes rtpPayloadType, ///<  RTP payload type code
607      const char * encodingName,///<  RTP encoding name
608      PINDEX   frameSize,       ///<  Size of frame in bytes (if applicable)
609      unsigned frameTime,       ///<  Time for frame in RTP units (if applicable)
610      unsigned rxFrames,        ///<  Maximum number of frames per packet we can receive
611      unsigned txFrames,        ///<  Desired number of frames per packet we transmit
612      unsigned maxFrames = 256, ///<  Maximum possible frames per packet
613      unsigned clockRate = 8000, ///<  Clock Rate
614      time_t timeStamp = 0       ///<  timestamp (for versioning)
615    );
617    static const PString & RxFramesPerPacketOption();
618    static const PString & TxFramesPerPacketOption();
619    static const PString & MaxFramesPerPacketOption();
620    static const PString & ChannelsOption();
624%MappedType OpalMediaFormatList
627#include <ptlib.h>
628#include <ptlib/lists.h>
629#include <opal/mediafmt.h>
633    // Create the list.
634    PyObject *l;
635	SIP_SSIZE_T i = 0;
637    if ((l = PyList_New(sipCpp->GetSize())) == NULL)
638        return NULL;
640    // Go through each element in the C++ instance and convert it to a
641    // wrapped TYPE.
642    for (OpalMediaFormatList::iterator iter = sipCpp->begin(); iter != sipCpp->end(); iter++)
643    {
644		OpalMediaFormat *fmt = new OpalMediaFormat(*iter);
645        PyObject *pobj;
647		// Get the Python wrapper for the Type instance, creating a new
648		// one if necessary, and handle any ownership transfer.
649		if ((pobj = sipConvertFromNewType(fmt, sipType_OpalMediaFormat, Py_None)) == NULL)
650		{
651			// There was an error so garbage collect the Python list.
652			Py_DECREF(l);
653			return NULL;
654		}
656		// Add the wrapper to the list.
657        PyList_SET_ITEM(l, i++, pobj);
658	}
660	// Return the Python list.
661    return l;
665	// Check if type is compatible
666	if (sipIsErr == NULL)
667	{
668		// Must be any iterable
669		PyObject *i = PyObject_GetIter(sipPy);
670		bool iterable = (i != NULL);
671		Py_XDECREF(i);
672		return iterable;
673	}
675	// Iterate over the object
676	PyObject *iterator = PyObject_GetIter(sipPy);
677	PyObject *item;
678	int state;
680	OpalMediaFormatList *plist = new OpalMediaFormatList;
682	while ((item = PyIter_Next(iterator)))
683	{
684	   if (!sipCanConvertToType(item, sipType_OpalMediaFormat, SIP_NOT_NONE))
685	   {
686		   PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "object in iterable cannot be converted to OpalMediaFormat");
687		   *sipIsErr = 1;
688		   break;
689	   }
691	   //Python should retain ownership, as we are creating a copy of this object in our list.
692	   OpalMediaFormat* p = reinterpret_cast<OpalMediaFormat*>(
693			sipConvertToType(item, sipType_OpalMediaFormat, Py_None, SIP_NOT_NONE, &state, sipIsErr));
695	   if (!*sipIsErr)
696		   *plist+=*p;
698	   sipReleaseType(p, sipType_OpalMediaFormat, state);
699	   Py_DECREF(item);
700	}
702	Py_DECREF(iterator);
704	if (*sipIsErr)
705	{
706	   delete plist;
707	   return 0;
708	}
710	*sipCppPtr = plist;
711	return sipGetState(sipTransferObj);
716class OpalVideoFormat : OpalMediaFormat
719#include <ptlib.h>
720#include <opal/mediafmt.h>
723  public:
724    OpalVideoFormat(
725      const char * fullName,    ///<  Full name of media format
726      RTP_DataFrame::PayloadTypes rtpPayloadType, ///<  RTP payload type code
727      const char * encodingName,///<  RTP encoding name
728      unsigned maxFrameWidth,   ///<  Width of video frame
729      unsigned maxFrameHeight,  ///<  Height of video frame
730      unsigned maxFrameRate,    ///<  Number of frames per second
731      unsigned maxBitRate,      ///<  Maximum bits per second
732      time_t timeStamp = 0      ///<  timestamp (for versioning)
733    );
735    static const PString & FrameWidthOption();
736    static const PString & FrameHeightOption();
737    static const PString & MinRxFrameWidthOption();
738    static const PString & MinRxFrameHeightOption();
739    static const PString & MaxRxFrameWidthOption();
740    static const PString & MaxRxFrameHeightOption();
741    static const PString & TemporalSpatialTradeOffOption();
742    static const PString & TxKeyFramePeriodOption();
743    static const PString & RateControlEnableOption();
744    static const PString & RateControllerOption();
746    /**The "role" of the content in the video stream based on this media
747       format. This is based on RFC4796 and H.239 semantics and is an
748       enumeration consisting of:
749          Value          H.239                RFC4796
750          NoRole         Not used             (not populated)
751          Presentation   Presentation (0x01)  slides
752          Main           Live (0x02)          main
753          Speaker        Live (0x02)          speaker
754          SignLanguage   Live (0x02)          sl
755      */
756    enum ContentRole {
757      eNoRole,
758      ePresentation,
759      eMainRole,
760      eSpeaker,
761      eSignLanguage,
762      eNumRoles
763    };
765    enum
766	{
767		ContentRoleMask = 15
768	};
770	static unsigned ContentRoleBit(ContentRole contentRole);
771    static const PString & ContentRoleOption();
772    static const PString & ContentRoleMaskOption();