1 /* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
4  *                         University Research and Technology
5  *                         Corporation.  All rights reserved.
6  * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
7  *                         of Tennessee Research Foundation.  All rights
8  *                         reserved.
9  * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
10  *                         University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.
11  * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
12  *                         All rights reserved.
13  * Copyright (c) 2015      Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights
14  *                         reserved.
16  *
17  * Additional copyrights may follow
18  *
19  * $HEADER$
20  *
21  */
23 /** @file
24  *
25  *     A red black tree
26  */
28 #ifndef OPAL_RB_TREE_H
29 #define OPAL_RB_TREE_H
31 #include "opal_config.h"
32 #include <stdlib.h>
33 #include "opal/constants.h"
34 #include "opal/class/opal_object.h"
35 #include "opal/class/opal_free_list.h"
38 /*
39  * Data structures and datatypes
40  */
42 /**
43   * red and black enum
44   */
45 typedef enum {RED, BLACK} opal_rb_tree_nodecolor_t;
47 /**
48   * node data structure
49   */
50 struct opal_rb_tree_node_t
51 {
52     opal_free_list_item_t super;        /**< the parent class */
53     opal_rb_tree_nodecolor_t color;     /**< the node color */
54     struct opal_rb_tree_node_t * parent;/**< the parent node, can be NULL */
55     struct opal_rb_tree_node_t * left;  /**< the left child - can be nill */
56     struct opal_rb_tree_node_t * right; /**< the right child - can be nill */
57     void *key;                          /**< a pointer to the key */
58     void *value;                        /**< a pointer to the value */
59 };
60 typedef struct opal_rb_tree_node_t opal_rb_tree_node_t;
62 /**
63   * the compare function typedef. This function is used to compare 2 nodes.
64   */
65 typedef int (*opal_rb_tree_comp_fn_t)(void *key1, void *key2);
67 /**
68   * the data structure that holds all the needed information about the tree.
69   */
70 struct opal_rb_tree_t {
71     opal_object_t parent;           /**< the parent class */
72     /* this root pointer doesn't actually point to the root of the tree.
73      * rather, it points to a sentinal node who's left branch is the real
74      * root of the tree. This is done to eliminate special cases */
75     opal_rb_tree_node_t * root_ptr; /**< a pointer to the root of the tree */
76     opal_rb_tree_node_t * nill;     /**< the nill sentinal node */
77     opal_rb_tree_comp_fn_t comp;    /**< the compare function */
78     opal_free_list_t free_list;   /**< the free list to get the memory from */
79     size_t tree_size;                  /**< the size of the tree */
80 };
81 typedef struct opal_rb_tree_t opal_rb_tree_t;
83 /** declare the tree node as a class */
85 /** declare the tree as a class */
88 /* Function pointers for map traversal function */
89 /**
90   * this function is used for the opal_rb_tree_traverse function.
91   * it is passed a pointer to the value for each node and, if it returns
92   * a one, the action function is called on that node. Otherwise, the node is ignored.
93   */
94 typedef int (*opal_rb_tree_condition_fn_t)(void *);
95 /**
96  * this function is used for the user to perform any action on the passed
97  * values. The first argument is the key and the second is the value.
98  * note that this function SHOULD NOT modify the keys, as that would
99  * mess up the tree.
100  */
101 typedef void (*opal_rb_tree_action_fn_t)(void *, void *);
103 /*
104  * Public function protoypes
105  */
107 /**
108   * the function creates a new tree
109   *
110   * @param tree a pointer to an allocated area of memory for the main
111   *  tree data structure.
112   * @param comp a pointer to the function to use for comaparing 2 nodes
113   *
114   * @retval OPAL_SUCCESS if it is successful
115   * @retval OPAL_ERR_TEMP_OUT_OF_RESOURCE if unsuccessful
116   */
117 OPAL_DECLSPEC int opal_rb_tree_init(opal_rb_tree_t * tree, opal_rb_tree_comp_fn_t comp);
120 /**
121   * inserts a node into the tree
122   *
123   * @param tree a pointer to the tree data structure
124   * @param key the key for the node
125   * @param value the value for the node
126   *
127   * @retval OPAL_SUCCESS
128   * @retval OPAL_ERR_TEMP_OUT_OF_RESOURCE if unsuccessful
129   */
130 OPAL_DECLSPEC int opal_rb_tree_insert(opal_rb_tree_t *tree, void * key, void * value);
132 /**
133   * finds a value in the tree based on the passed key using passed
134   * compare function
135   *
136   * @param tree a pointer to the tree data structure
137   * @param key a pointer to the key
138   * @param compare function
139   *
140   * @retval pointer to the value if found
141   * @retval NULL if not found
142   */
143 OPAL_DECLSPEC void * opal_rb_tree_find_with(opal_rb_tree_t *tree, void *key, opal_rb_tree_comp_fn_t compfn);
145 /**
146   * finds a value in the tree based on the passed key
147   *
148   * @param tree a pointer to the tree data structure
149   * @param key a pointer to the key
150   *
151   * @retval pointer to the value if found
152   * @retval NULL if not found
153   */
opal_rb_tree_find(opal_rb_tree_t * tree,void * key)154 static inline void * opal_rb_tree_find(opal_rb_tree_t *tree, void *key)
155 {
156     return opal_rb_tree_find_with(tree, key, tree->comp);
157 }
159 /**
160   * deletes a node based on its key
161   *
162   * @param tree a pointer to the tree data structure
163   * @param key a pointer to the key
164   *
165   * @retval OPAL_SUCCESS if the node is found and deleted
166   * @retval OPAL_ERR_NOT_FOUND if the node is not found
167   */
168 OPAL_DECLSPEC int opal_rb_tree_delete(opal_rb_tree_t *tree, void *key);
170 /**
171   * frees all the nodes on the tree
172   *
173   * @param tree a pointer to the tree data structure
174   *
175   * @retval OPAL_SUCCESS
176   */
177 OPAL_DECLSPEC int opal_rb_tree_destroy(opal_rb_tree_t *tree);
179 /**
180   * traverses the entire tree, performing the cond function on each of the
181   * values and if it returns one it performs the action function on the values
182   *
183   * @param tree a pointer to the tree
184   * @param cond a pointer to the condition function
185   * @param action a pointer to the action function
186   *
187   * @retval OPAL_SUCCESS
188   * @retval OPAL_ERROR if there is an error
189   */
190 OPAL_DECLSPEC int opal_rb_tree_traverse(opal_rb_tree_t *tree,
191                           opal_rb_tree_condition_fn_t cond,
192                           opal_rb_tree_action_fn_t action);
194 /**
195   * returns the size of the tree
196   *
197   * @param tree a pointer to the tree data structure
198   *
199   * @retval int the nuber of items on the tree
200   */
201 OPAL_DECLSPEC int opal_rb_tree_size(opal_rb_tree_t *tree);
204 #endif /* OPAL_RB_TREE_H */