1 /* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.  All rights reserved.
4  * Copyright (c) 2013      Mellanox Technologies, Inc.
5  *                         All rights reserved.
6  * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved.
7  *
9  *
10  * Additional copyrights may follow
11  */
13 /* This is the public RTE interface to the OMPI layer. Any RTE can be
14  * connected to the OMPI layer by creating a new static component in
15  * this framework, assigning it a priority and including a configure.m4
16  * to define when it should be built.
17  *
18  * Each component must provide a number of types and functions that mimic
19  * those provided by ORTE. These include (where flexibility exists, the
20  * ORTE data type is shown, but any compatible type is allowed. For example,
21  * the jobid field in ompi_process_name_t could be any type of integer, but
22  * cannot be a string):
23  *
24  * (a) Process name objects and operations
25  *     1. Definitions for integral types ompi_jobid_t and ompi_vpid_t.
26  *        The jobid must be unique for a given MPI_COMM_WORLD capable of
27  *        connecting to another OMPI_COMM_WORLD and the vpid will be the
28  *        process's rank in MPI_COMM_WORLD.
29  *     2. ompi_process_name_t - a struct that must contain at least two integer-typed fields:
30  *           a. ompi_jobid_t jobid
31  *           b. ompi_vpid_t vpid
32  *        Note that the structure can contain any number of fields beyond these
33  *        two, so the process name struct for any particular RTE can be whatever
34  *        is desired.
35  *     3. OMPI_NAME_PRINT - a macro that prints a process name when given
36  *        a pointer to ompi_process_name_t. The output format is to be
37  *        a single string representing the name.  This function should
38  *        be thread-safe for multiple threads to call simultaneously.
39  *     4. OMPI_PROC_MY_NAME - a pointer to a global variable containing
40  *        the ompi_process_name_t for this process. Typically, this is
41  *        stored as a field in the ompi_process_info_t struct, but that
42  *        is not a requirement.
43  *     5. OMPI_NAME_WIlDCARD - a wildcard name.
44  *     6. ompi_rte_compare_name_fields - a function used to compare fields
45  *        in the ompi_process_name_t struct. The function prototype must be
46  *        of the form:
47  *        int ompi_rte_compare_name_fields(ompi_rte_cmp_bitmask_t mask,
48  *                                         ompi_process_name_t *name1,
49  *                                         ompi_process_name_t *name2);
50  *        The bitmask must be defined to indicate the fields to be used
51  *        in the comparison. Fields not included in the mask must be ignored.
52  *        Supported bitmask values must include:
53  *           b. OMPI_RTE_CMP_JOBID
54  *           c. OMPI_RTE_CMP_VPID
55  *           d. OMPI_RTE_CMP_ALL
56  *      7. uint64_t ompi_rte_hash_name(name) - return a string hash uniquely
57  *         representing the ompi_process_name passed in.
58  *      8. OMPI_NAME - an Opal DSS constant for a handler already registered
59  *         to serialize/deserialize an ompi_process_name_t structure.
60  *
61  * (b) Collective objects and operations
62  *     1. ompi_rte_collective_t - an OPAL object used during RTE collective operations
63  *        such as modex and barrier. It must be an opal_list_item_t and contain the
64  *        following fields:
65  *           a. id (ORTE type: int32_t)
66  *           b. bool active
67  *              flag that user can poll on to know when collective
68  *              has completed - set to false just prior to
69  *              calling user callback function, if provided
70  *     2. ompi_rte_modex - a function that performs an exchange of endpoint information
71  *        to wireup the MPI transports. The function prototype must be of the form:
72  *        int ompi_rte_modex(ompi_rte_collective_t *coll);
73  *        At the completion of the modex operation, the coll->active flag must be set
74  *        to false, and the endpoint information must be stored in the modex database.
75  *        This function must have barrier semantics across the MPI_COMM_WORLD of the
76  *        calling process.
77  *     3. ompi_rte_barrier - a function that performs a barrier operation within the
78  *        RTE. The function prototype must be of the form:
79  *        int ompi_rte_barrier(ompi_rte_collective_t *coll);
80  *        At the completion of the barrier operation, the coll->active flag must be set
81  *        to false
82  *
83  * (c) Process info struct
84  *     1. ompi_process_info_t - a struct containing info about the current process.
85  *        The struct must contain at least the following fields:
86  *           a. app_num -
87  *           b. pid - this process's pid.  Should be same as getpid().
88  *           c. num_procs - Number of processes in this job (ie, MCW)
89  *           d. my_node_rank - relative rank on local node to other peers this run-time
90  *                    instance knows about.  If doing dynamics, this may be something
91  *                    different than my_local_rank, but will be my_local_rank in a
92  *                    static job.
93  *           d. my_local_rank - relative rank on local node with other peers in this job (ie, MCW)
94  *           e. num_local_peers - Number of local peers (peers in MCW on your node)
95  *           f. my_hnp_uri -
96  *           g. peer_modex - a collective id for the modex operation
97  *           h. peer_init_barrier - a collective id for the barrier during MPI_Init
98  *           i. peer_fini_barrier - a collective id for the barrier during MPI_Finalize
99  *           j. job_session_dir -
100  *           k. proc_session_dir -
101  *           l. nodename - a string representation for the name of the node this
102  *              process is on
103  *           m. cpuset -
104  *     2. ompi_process_info - a global instance of the ompi_process_t structure.
105  *     3. ompi_rte_proc_is_bound - global boolean that will be true if the runtime bound
106  *        the process to a particular core or set of cores and is false otherwise.
107  *
108  * (d) Error handling objects and operations
109  *     1. void ompi_rte_abort(int err_code, char *fmt, ...) - Abort the current
110  *        process with the specified error code and message.
111  *     2. int ompi_rte_abort_peers(ompi_process_name_t *procs, size_t nprocs) -
112  *        Abort the specified list of peers
113  *     3. OMPI_ERROR_LOG(rc) - print error message regarding the given return code
114  *
115  * (e) Init and finalize objects and operations
116  *     1. ompi_rte_init - a function to initialize the RTE. The function
117  *        prototype must be of the form:
118  *        int ompi_rte_init(int *argc, char ***argv);
119  *     2. ompi_rte_finalize - a function to finalize the RTE. The function
120  *        prototype must be of the form:
121  *        int ompi_rte_finalize(void);
122  *     3. void ompi_rte_wait_for_debugger(void) - Called during MPI_Init, this
123  *        function is used to wait for debuggers to do their pre-MPI attach.
124  *        If there is no attached debugger, this function will not block.
125  *
126  * (f) Database operations
127  *     1. ompi_rte_db_store - a function to store modex and other data in
128  *        a local database. The function is primarily used for storing modex
129  *        data, but can be used for general purposes. The prototype must be
130  *        of the form:
131  *        int ompi_rte_db_store(const ompi_process_name_t *proc,
132  *                              const char *key, const void *data,
133  *                              opal_data_type_t type);
134  *        The implementation of this function must store a COPY of the data
135  *        provided - the data is NOT guaranteed to be valid after return
136  *        from the call.
137  *     3. ompi_rte_db_fetch -
138  *        NOTE: Fetch accepts an 'ompi_proc_t'.
139  *        int ompi_rte_db_fetch(const struct ompi_proc_t *proc,
140  *                              const char *key,
141  *                              void **data,
142  *                              opal_data_type_t type);
143  *     4. ompi_rte_db_fetch_pointer -
144  *        NOTE: Fetch accepts an 'ompi_proc_t'.
145  *        int ompi_rte_db_fetch_pointer(const struct ompi_proc_t *proc,
146  *                                      const char *key,
147  *                                      void **data,
148  *                                      opal_data_type_t type);
149  *     5. Pre-defined db keys (with associated values after rte_init)
150  *        a. OMPI_DB_HOSTNAME
151  *        b. OMPI_DB_LOCALITY
152  *
153  * (g) Communication support
154  *
155  */
157 #ifndef OMPI_MCA_RTE_H
158 #define OMPI_MCA_RTE_H
160 #include "ompi_config.h"
162 #include "opal/dss/dss_types.h"
163 #include "ompi/mca/mca.h"
164 #include "opal/mca/base/base.h"
168 /**
169  * Structure for rte components.
170  */
171 struct ompi_rte_base_component_1_0_0_t {
172     /** MCA base component */
173     mca_base_component_t base_version;
174     /** MCA base data */
175     mca_base_component_data_t base_data;
176 };
178 /**
179  * Convenience typedef
180  */
181 typedef struct ompi_rte_base_component_1_0_0_t ompi_rte_base_component_1_0_0_t;
182 typedef struct ompi_rte_base_component_1_0_0_t ompi_rte_component_t;
184 /**
185  * Macro for use in components that are of type rte
186  */
187 #define OMPI_RTE_BASE_VERSION_1_0_0 \
188     OMPI_MCA_BASE_VERSION_2_1_0("rte", 2, 0, 0)
192 /* include implementation to call */
197 /*
198  * MCA Framework
199  */
200 OMPI_DECLSPEC extern mca_base_framework_t ompi_rte_base_framework;
202 /* In a few places, we need to barrier until something happens
203  * that changes a flag to indicate we can release - e.g., waiting
204  * for a specific RTE message to arrive. We don't want to block MPI
205  * progress while waiting, so we loop over opal_progress, letting
206  * the RTE progress thread move the RTE along
207  */
208 #define OMPI_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION(flg)                                       \
209     do {                                                                    \
210         opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_rte_base_framework.framework_output,    \
211                             "%s waiting on RTE event at %s:%d",             \
212                             OMPI_NAME_PRINT(OMPI_PROC_MY_NAME),             \
213                             __FILE__, __LINE__);                            \
214         while ((flg)) {                                                     \
215             opal_progress();                                                \
216         }                                                                   \
217     }while(0);
219 #define OMPI_LAZY_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION(flg)                                  \
220     do {                                                                    \
221         opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_rte_base_framework.framework_output,    \
222                             "%s lazy waiting on RTE event at %s:%d",        \
223                             OMPI_NAME_PRINT(OMPI_PROC_MY_NAME),             \
224                             __FILE__, __LINE__);                            \
225         while ((flg)) {                                                     \
226             opal_progress();                                                \
227             usleep(100);                                                    \
228         }                                                                   \
229     }while(0);
231 typedef struct {
232     opal_list_item_t super;
233     ompi_process_name_t name;
234 } ompi_namelist_t;
235 OBJ_CLASS_DECLARATION(ompi_namelist_t);
239 #endif /* OMPI_RTE_H_ */