3TEMP=`/usr/local/bin/getopt -o qDGQVN:U:v:i:l:r: --long version,help,resource:,node:,uname:,attr-value:,id:,update:,delete-attr,get-value,attr-id:,lifetime:,quiet \
4     -n 'crm_master' -- "$@"`
6if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "crm_master - A convenience wrapper for crm_attribute"; echo ""; crm_attribute -?; exit 1 ; fi
8# Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
9eval set -- "$TEMP"
11# Explicitly set the (usual default) lifetime, so the attribute gets set as a
12# node attribute and not a cluster property.
13options="--lifetime forever"
15while true ; do
16	case "$1" in
17	    -N|--node|-U|--uname) options="$options $1 $2"; shift; shift;;
18	    -v|--attr-value|--update|-i|--id|--attr-id|-l|--lifetime) options="$options $1 $2"; shift; shift;;
19	    -Q|-q|--quiet|-D|--delete-attr|-G|--get-value|-V) options="$options $1"; shift;;
20	    -r|--resource) OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE=$2; shift; shift;;
21	    --version) crm_attribute --version; exit 0;;
22	    --help)
23		echo "crm_master - A convenience wrapper for crm_attribute";
24		echo "";
25		echo "Set, update or delete a resource's promotion score";
26		echo "";
27		echo "This program should normally only be invoked from inside an OCF resource agent"
28		echo "";
29		echo "Usage: crm_master command [options]";
30		echo "Options:"
31		echo " --help 		This text"
32		echo " --version 		Version information"
33		echo " -V, --verbose 		Increase debug output"
34		echo " -q, --quiet 		Print only the value on stdout"
35		echo ""
36		echo "Commands:"
37		echo " -G, --query 		Query the current value of the attribute/option"
38		echo " -v, --update=value	Update the value of the attribute/option"
39		echo " -D, --delete 		Delete the attribute/option"
40		echo ""
41		echo "Additional Options:"
42		echo " -N, --node=value	Set an attribute for the named node (instead of the current one)."
43		echo " -l, --lifetime=value	Until when should the setting take affect."
44		echo "	       		Valid values: reboot, forever"
45		echo " -i, --id=value		(Advanced) The ID used to identify the attribute"
46		exit 0;;
47	    --) shift ; break ;;
48	    *) echo "Unknown option: $1. See --help for details." exit 1;;
49	esac
52if [ -z "$OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE" ]; then
53    echo "This program should normally only be invoked from inside an OCF resource agent"
54    echo "To set the promotion/master score from the command line, please specify a resource ID with -r"
55    exit 1
58crm_attribute -n master-$OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE $options