1# Copyright (c) 2003-2016 CORE Security Technologies
3# This software is provided under under a slightly modified version
4# of the Apache Software License. See the accompanying LICENSE file
5# for more information.
7# Author: Alberto Solino (beto@coresecurity.com)
9# Description:
10#   HRESULT Errors from [MS-ERREF]. Ideally all the files
11#   should grab the error codes from here (big ToDo)
15        0x00030200: ("STG_S_CONVERTED", "The underlying file was converted to compound file format."),
16        0x00030201: ("STG_S_BLOCK", "The storage operation should block until more data is available."),
17        0x00030202: ("STG_S_RETRYNOW", "The storage operation should retry immediately."),
18        0x00030203: ("STG_S_MONITORING", "The notified event sink will not influence the storage operation."),
19        0x00030204: ("STG_S_MULTIPLEOPENS", "Multiple opens prevent consolidated (commit succeeded)."),
20        0x00030205: ("STG_S_CONSOLIDATIONFAILED", "Consolidation of the storage file failed (commit succeeded)."),
21        0x00030206: ("STG_S_CANNOTCONSOLIDATE", "Consolidation of the storage file is inappropriate (commit succeeded)."),
22        0x00040000: ("OLE_S_USEREG", "Use the registry database to provide the requested information."),
23        0x00040001: ("OLE_S_STATIC", "Success, but static."),
24        0x00040002: ("OLE_S_MAC_CLIPFORMAT", "Macintosh clipboard format."),
25        0x00040100: ("DRAGDROP_S_DROP", "Successful drop took place."),
26        0x00040101: ("DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL", "Drag-drop operation canceled."),
27        0x00040102: ("DRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORS", "Use the default cursor."),
28        0x00040130: ("DATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC", "Data has same FORMATETC."),
29        0x00040140: ("VIEW_S_ALREADY_FROZEN", "View is already frozen."),
30        0x00040170: ("CACHE_S_FORMATETC_NOTSUPPORTED", "FORMATETC not supported."),
31        0x00040171: ("CACHE_S_SAMECACHE", "Same cache."),
32        0x00040172: ("CACHE_S_SOMECACHES_NOTUPDATED", "Some caches are not updated."),
33        0x00040180: ("OLEOBJ_S_INVALIDVERB", "Invalid verb for OLE object."),
34        0x00040181: ("OLEOBJ_S_CANNOT_DOVERB_NOW", "Verb number is valid but verb cannot be done now."),
35        0x00040182: ("OLEOBJ_S_INVALIDHWND", "Invalid window handle passed."),
36        0x000401A0: ("INPLACE_S_TRUNCATED", "Message is too long; some of it had to be truncated before displaying."),
37        0x000401C0: ("CONVERT10_S_NO_PRESENTATION", "Unable to convert OLESTREAM to IStorage."),
38        0x000401E2: ("MK_S_REDUCED_TO_SELF", "Moniker reduced to itself."),
39        0x000401E4: ("MK_S_ME", "Common prefix is this moniker."),
40        0x000401E5: ("MK_S_HIM", "Common prefix is input moniker."),
41        0x000401E6: ("MK_S_US", "Common prefix is both monikers."),
42        0x000401E7: ("MK_S_MONIKERALREADYREGISTERED", "Moniker is already registered in running object table."),
43        0x00040200: ("EVENT_S_SOME_SUBSCRIBERS_FAILED", "An event was able to invoke some, but not all, of the subscribers."),
44        0x00040202: ("EVENT_S_NOSUBSCRIBERS", "An event was delivered, but there were no subscribers."),
45        0x00041300: ("SCHED_S_TASK_READY", "The task is ready to run at its next scheduled time."),
46        0x00041301: ("SCHED_S_TASK_RUNNING", "The task is currently running."),
47        0x00041302: ("SCHED_S_TASK_DISABLED", "The task will not run at the scheduled times because it has been disabled."),
48        0x00041303: ("SCHED_S_TASK_HAS_NOT_RUN", "The task has not yet run."),
49        0x00041304: ("SCHED_S_TASK_NO_MORE_RUNS", "There are no more runs scheduled for this task."),
50        0x00041305: ("SCHED_S_TASK_NOT_SCHEDULED", "One or more of the properties that are needed to run this task on a schedule have not been set."),
51        0x00041306: ("SCHED_S_TASK_TERMINATED", "The last run of the task was terminated by the user."),
52        0x00041307: ("SCHED_S_TASK_NO_VALID_TRIGGERS", "Either the task has no triggers, or the existing triggers are disabled or not set."),
53        0x00041308: ("SCHED_S_EVENT_TRIGGER", "Event triggers do not have set run times."),
54        0x0004131B: ("SCHED_S_SOME_TRIGGERS_FAILED", "The task is registered, but not all specified triggers will start the task."),
55        0x0004131C: ("SCHED_S_BATCH_LOGON_PROBLEM", "The task is registered, but it may fail to start. Batch logon privilege needs to be enabled for the task principal."),
56        0x0004D000: ("XACT_S_ASYNC", "An asynchronous operation was specified. The operation has begun, but its outcome is not known yet."),
57        0x0004D002: ("XACT_S_READONLY", "The method call succeeded because the transaction was read-only."),
58        0x0004D003: ("XACT_S_SOMENORETAIN", "The transaction was successfully aborted. However, this is a coordinated transaction, and a number of enlisted resources were aborted outright because they could not support abort-retaining semantics."),
59        0x0004D004: ("XACT_S_OKINFORM", "No changes were made during this call, but the sink wants another chance to look if any other sinks make further changes."),
60        0x0004D005: ("XACT_S_MADECHANGESCONTENT", "The sink is content and wants the transaction to proceed. Changes were made to one or more resources during this call."),
61        0x0004D006: ("XACT_S_MADECHANGESINFORM", "The sink is for the moment and wants the transaction to proceed, but if other changes are made following this return by other event sinks, this sink wants another chance to look."),
62        0x0004D007: ("XACT_S_ALLNORETAIN", "The transaction was successfully aborted. However, the abort was nonretaining."),
63        0x0004D008: ("XACT_S_ABORTING", "An abort operation was already in progress."),
64        0x0004D009: ("XACT_S_SINGLEPHASE", "The resource manager has performed a single-phase commit of the transaction."),
65        0x0004D00A: ("XACT_S_LOCALLY_OK", "The local transaction has not aborted."),
66        0x0004D010: ("XACT_S_LASTRESOURCEMANAGER", "The resource manager has requested to be the coordinator (last resource manager) for the transaction."),
67        0x00080012: ("CO_S_NOTALLINTERFACES", "Not all the requested interfaces were available."),
68        0x00080013: ("CO_S_MACHINENAMENOTFOUND", "The specified machine name was not found in the cache."),
69        0x00090312: ("SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED", "The function completed successfully, but it must be called again to complete the context."),
70        0x00090313: ("SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED", "The function completed successfully, but CompleteToken must be called."),
71        0x00090314: ("SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE", "The function completed successfully, but both CompleteToken and this function must be called to complete the context."),
72        0x00090315: ("SEC_I_LOCAL_LOGON", "The logon was completed, but no network authority was available. The logon was made using locally known information."),
73        0x00090317: ("SEC_I_CONTEXT_EXPIRED", "The context has expired and can no longer be used."),
74        0x00090320: ("SEC_I_INCOMPLETE_CREDENTIALS", "The credentials supplied were not complete and could not be verified. Additional information can be returned from the context."),
75        0x00090321: ("SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE", "The context data must be renegotiated with the peer."),
76        0x00090323: ("SEC_I_NO_LSA_CONTEXT", "There is no LSA mode context associated with this context."),
77        0x0009035C: ("SEC_I_SIGNATURE_NEEDED", "A signature operation must be performed before the user can authenticate."),
78        0x00091012: ("CRYPT_I_NEW_PROTECTION_REQUIRED", "The protected data needs to be reprotected."),
79        0x000D0000: ("NS_S_CALLPENDING", "The requested operation is pending completion."),
80        0x000D0001: ("NS_S_CALLABORTED", "The requested operation was aborted by the client."),
81        0x000D0002: ("NS_S_STREAM_TRUNCATED", "The stream was purposefully stopped before completion."),
82        0x000D0BC8: ("NS_S_REBUFFERING", "The requested operation has caused the source to rebuffer."),
83        0x000D0BC9: ("NS_S_DEGRADING_QUALITY", "The requested operation has caused the source to degrade codec quality."),
84        0x000D0BDB: ("NS_S_TRANSCRYPTOR_EOF", "The transcryptor object has reached end of file."),
85        0x000D0FE8: ("NS_S_WMP_UI_VERSIONMISMATCH", "An upgrade may be needed for the theme manager to correctly show this skin. Skin reports version: %.1f."),
86        0x000D0FE9: ("NS_S_WMP_EXCEPTION", "An error occurred in one of the UI components."),
87        0x000D1040: ("NS_S_WMP_LOADED_GIF_IMAGE", "Successfully loaded a GIF file."),
88        0x000D1041: ("NS_S_WMP_LOADED_PNG_IMAGE", "Successfully loaded a PNG file."),
89        0x000D1042: ("NS_S_WMP_LOADED_BMP_IMAGE", "Successfully loaded a BMP file."),
90        0x000D1043: ("NS_S_WMP_LOADED_JPG_IMAGE", "Successfully loaded a JPG file."),
91        0x000D104F: ("NS_S_WMG_FORCE_DROP_FRAME", "Drop this frame."),
92        0x000D105F: ("NS_S_WMR_ALREADYRENDERED", "The specified stream has already been rendered."),
93        0x000D1060: ("NS_S_WMR_PINTYPEPARTIALMATCH", "The specified type partially matches this pin type."),
94        0x000D1061: ("NS_S_WMR_PINTYPEFULLMATCH", "The specified type fully matches this pin type."),
95        0x000D1066: ("NS_S_WMG_ADVISE_DROP_FRAME", "The timestamp is late compared to the current render position. Advise dropping this frame."),
96        0x000D1067: ("NS_S_WMG_ADVISE_DROP_TO_KEYFRAME", "The timestamp is severely late compared to the current render position. Advise dropping everything up to the next key frame."),
97        0x000D10DB: ("NS_S_NEED_TO_BUY_BURN_RIGHTS", "No burn rights. You will be prompted to buy burn rights when you try to burn this file to an audio CD."),
98        0x000D10FE: ("NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLISTCLEARABORT", "Failed to clear playlist because it was aborted by user."),
99        0x000D10FF: ("NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLISTREMOVEITEMABORT", "Failed to remove item in the playlist since it was aborted by user."),
100        0x000D1102: ("NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_CREATION_PENDING", "Playlist is being generated asynchronously."),
101        0x000D1103: ("NS_S_WMPCORE_MEDIA_VALIDATION_PENDING", "Validation of the media is pending."),
102        0x000D1104: ("NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_REPEAT_SECONDARY_SEGMENTS_IGNORED", "Encountered more than one Repeat block during ASX processing."),
103        0x000D1105: ("NS_S_WMPCORE_COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE", "Current state of WMP disallows calling this method or property."),
104        0x000D1106: ("NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_NAME_AUTO_GENERATED", "Name for the playlist has been auto generated."),
105        0x000D1107: ("NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_IMPORT_MISSING_ITEMS", "The imported playlist does not contain all items from the original."),
106        0x000D1108: ("NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_COLLAPSED_TO_SINGLE_MEDIA", "The M3U playlist has been ignored because it only contains one item."),
107        0x000D1109: ("NS_S_WMPCORE_MEDIA_CHILD_PLAYLIST_OPEN_PENDING", "The open for the child playlist associated with this media is pending."),
108        0x000D110A: ("NS_S_WMPCORE_MORE_NODES_AVAIABLE", "More nodes support the interface requested, but the array for returning them is full."),
109        0x000D1135: ("NS_S_WMPBR_SUCCESS", "Backup or Restore successful!."),
110        0x000D1136: ("NS_S_WMPBR_PARTIALSUCCESS", "Transfer complete with limitations."),
111        0x000D1144: ("NS_S_WMPEFFECT_TRANSPARENT", "Request to the effects control to change transparency status to transparent."),
112        0x000D1145: ("NS_S_WMPEFFECT_OPAQUE", "Request to the effects control to change transparency status to opaque."),
113        0x000D114E: ("NS_S_OPERATION_PENDING", "The requested application pane is performing an operation and will not be released."),
114        0x000D1359: ("NS_S_TRACK_BUY_REQUIRES_ALBUM_PURCHASE", "The file is only available for purchase when you buy the entire album."),
115        0x000D135E: ("NS_S_NAVIGATION_COMPLETE_WITH_ERRORS", "There were problems completing the requested navigation. There are identifiers missing in the catalog."),
116        0x000D1361: ("NS_S_TRACK_ALREADY_DOWNLOADED", "Track already downloaded."),
117        0x000D1519: ("NS_S_PUBLISHING_POINT_STARTED_WITH_FAILED_SINKS", "The publishing point successfully started, but one or more of the requested data writer plug-ins failed."),
118        0x000D2726: ("NS_S_DRM_LICENSE_ACQUIRED", "Status message: The license was acquired."),
119        0x000D2727: ("NS_S_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZED", "Status message: The security upgrade has been completed."),
120        0x000D2746: ("NS_S_DRM_MONITOR_CANCELLED", "Status message: License monitoring has been canceled."),
121        0x000D2747: ("NS_S_DRM_ACQUIRE_CANCELLED", "Status message: License acquisition has been canceled."),
122        0x000D276E: ("NS_S_DRM_BURNABLE_TRACK", "The track is burnable and had no playlist burn limit."),
123        0x000D276F: ("NS_S_DRM_BURNABLE_TRACK_WITH_PLAYLIST_RESTRICTION", "The track is burnable but has a playlist burn limit."),
124        0x000D27DE: ("NS_S_DRM_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATION", "A security upgrade is required to perform the operation on this media file."),
125        0x000D2AF8: ("NS_S_REBOOT_RECOMMENDED", "Installation was successful; however, some file cleanup is not complete. For best results, restart your computer."),
126        0x000D2AF9: ("NS_S_REBOOT_REQUIRED", "Installation was successful; however, some file cleanup is not complete. To continue, you must restart your computer."),
127        0x000D2F09: ("NS_S_EOSRECEDING", "EOS hit during rewinding."),
128        0x000D2F0D: ("NS_S_CHANGENOTICE", "Internal."),
129        0x001F0001: ("ERROR_FLT_IO_COMPLETE", "The IO was completed by a filter."),
130        0x00262307: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MODE_NOT_PINNED", "No mode is pinned on the specified VidPN source or target."),
131        0x0026231E: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_PREFERRED_MODE", "Specified mode set does not specify preference for one of its modes."),
132        0x0026234B: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_DATASET_IS_EMPTY", "Specified data set (for example, mode set, frequency range set, descriptor set, and topology) is empty."),
133        0x0026234C: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_MORE_ELEMENTS_IN_DATASET", "Specified data set (for example, mode set, frequency range set, descriptor set, and topology) does not contain any more elements."),
134        0x00262351: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PATH_CONTENT_GEOMETRY_TRANSFORMATION_NOT_PINNED", "Specified content transformation is not pinned on the specified VidPN present path."),
135        0x00300100: ("PLA_S_PROPERTY_IGNORED", "Property value will be ignored."),
136        0x00340001: ("ERROR_NDIS_INDICATION_REQUIRED", "The request will be completed later by a Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) status indication."),
137        0x0DEAD100: ("TRK_S_OUT_OF_SYNC", "The VolumeSequenceNumber of a MOVE_NOTIFICATION request is incorrect."),
138        0x0DEAD102: ("TRK_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND", "The VolumeID in a request was not found in the server's ServerVolumeTable."),
139        0x0DEAD103: ("TRK_VOLUME_NOT_OWNED", "A notification was sent to the LnkSvrMessage method, but the RequestMachine for the request was not the VolumeOwner for a VolumeID in the request."),
140        0x0DEAD107: ("TRK_S_NOTIFICATION_QUOTA_EXCEEDED", "The server received a MOVE_NOTIFICATION request, but the FileTable size limit has already been reached."),
141        0x400D004F: ("NS_I_TIGER_START", "The Title Server %1 is running."),
142        0x400D0051: ("NS_I_CUB_START", "Content Server %1 (%2) is starting."),
143        0x400D0052: ("NS_I_CUB_RUNNING", "Content Server %1 (%2) is running."),
144        0x400D0054: ("NS_I_DISK_START", "Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, is running."),
145        0x400D0056: ("NS_I_DISK_REBUILD_STARTED", "Started rebuilding disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3."),
146        0x400D0057: ("NS_I_DISK_REBUILD_FINISHED", "Finished rebuilding disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3."),
147        0x400D0058: ("NS_I_DISK_REBUILD_ABORTED", "Aborted rebuilding disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3."),
148        0x400D0059: ("NS_I_LIMIT_FUNNELS", "A NetShow administrator at network location %1 set the data stream limit to %2 streams."),
149        0x400D005A: ("NS_I_START_DISK", "A NetShow administrator at network location %1 started disk %2."),
150        0x400D005B: ("NS_I_STOP_DISK", "A NetShow administrator at network location %1 stopped disk %2."),
151        0x400D005C: ("NS_I_STOP_CUB", "A NetShow administrator at network location %1 stopped Content Server %2."),
152        0x400D005D: ("NS_I_KILL_USERSESSION", "A NetShow administrator at network location %1 aborted user session %2 from the system."),
153        0x400D005E: ("NS_I_KILL_CONNECTION", "A NetShow administrator at network location %1 aborted obsolete connection %2 from the system."),
154        0x400D005F: ("NS_I_REBUILD_DISK", "A NetShow administrator at network location %1 started rebuilding disk %2."),
155        0x400D0069: ("MCMADM_I_NO_EVENTS", "Event initialization failed, there will be no MCM events."),
156        0x400D006E: ("NS_I_LOGGING_FAILED", "The logging operation failed."),
157        0x400D0070: ("NS_I_LIMIT_BANDWIDTH", "A NetShow administrator at network location %1 set the maximum bandwidth limit to %2 bps."),
158        0x400D0191: ("NS_I_CUB_UNFAIL_LINK", "Content Server %1 (%2) has established its link to Content Server %3."),
159        0x400D0193: ("NS_I_RESTRIPE_START", "Restripe operation has started."),
160        0x400D0194: ("NS_I_RESTRIPE_DONE", "Restripe operation has completed."),
161        0x400D0196: ("NS_I_RESTRIPE_DISK_OUT", "Content disk %1 (%2) on Content Server %3 has been restriped out."),
162        0x400D0197: ("NS_I_RESTRIPE_CUB_OUT", "Content server %1 (%2) has been restriped out."),
163        0x400D0198: ("NS_I_DISK_STOP", "Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, has been offlined."),
164        0x400D14BE: ("NS_I_PLAYLIST_CHANGE_RECEDING", "The playlist change occurred while receding."),
165        0x400D2EFF: ("NS_I_RECONNECTED", "The client is reconnected."),
166        0x400D2F01: ("NS_I_NOLOG_STOP", "Forcing a switch to a pending header on start."),
167        0x400D2F03: ("NS_I_EXISTING_PACKETIZER", "There is already an existing packetizer plugin for the stream."),
168        0x400D2F04: ("NS_I_MANUAL_PROXY", "The proxy setting is manual."),
169        0x40262009: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_DRIVER_MISMATCH", "The kernel driver detected a version mismatch between it and the user mode driver."),
170        0x4026242F: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_UNKNOWN_CHILD_STATUS", "Child device presence was not reliably detected."),
171        0x40262437: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_LEADLINK_START_DEFERRED", "Starting the lead-link adapter has been deferred temporarily."),
172        0x40262439: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_POLLING_TOO_FREQUENTLY", "The display adapter is being polled for children too frequently at the same polling level."),
173        0x4026243A: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_START_DEFERRED", "Starting the adapter has been deferred temporarily."),
174        0x8000000A: ("E_PENDING", "The data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available."),
175        0x80004001: ("E_NOTIMPL", "Not implemented."),
176        0x80004002: ("E_NOINTERFACE", "No such interface supported."),
177        0x80004003: ("E_POINTER", "Invalid pointer."),
178        0x80004004: ("E_ABORT", "Operation aborted."),
179        0x80004005: ("E_FAIL", "Unspecified error."),
180        0x80004006: ("CO_E_INIT_TLS", "Thread local storage failure."),
181        0x80004007: ("CO_E_INIT_SHARED_ALLOCATOR", "Get shared memory allocator failure."),
182        0x80004008: ("CO_E_INIT_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR", "Get memory allocator failure."),
183        0x80004009: ("CO_E_INIT_CLASS_CACHE", "Unable to initialize class cache."),
184        0x8000400A: ("CO_E_INIT_RPC_CHANNEL", "Unable to initialize remote procedure call (RPC) services."),
185        0x8000400B: ("CO_E_INIT_TLS_SET_CHANNEL_CONTROL", "Cannot set thread local storage channel control."),
186        0x8000400C: ("CO_E_INIT_TLS_CHANNEL_CONTROL", "Could not allocate thread local storage channel control."),
187        0x8000400D: ("CO_E_INIT_UNACCEPTED_USER_ALLOCATOR", "The user-supplied memory allocator is unacceptable."),
188        0x8000400E: ("CO_E_INIT_SCM_MUTEX_EXISTS", "The OLE service mutex already exists."),
189        0x8000400F: ("CO_E_INIT_SCM_FILE_MAPPING_EXISTS", "The OLE service file mapping already exists."),
190        0x80004010: ("CO_E_INIT_SCM_MAP_VIEW_OF_FILE", "Unable to map view of file for OLE service."),
191        0x80004011: ("CO_E_INIT_SCM_EXEC_FAILURE", "Failure attempting to launch OLE service."),
192        0x80004012: ("CO_E_INIT_ONLY_SINGLE_THREADED", "There was an attempt to call CoInitialize a second time while single-threaded."),
193        0x80004013: ("CO_E_CANT_REMOTE", "A Remote activation was necessary but was not allowed."),
194        0x80004014: ("CO_E_BAD_SERVER_NAME", "A Remote activation was necessary, but the server name provided was invalid."),
195        0x80004015: ("CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY", "The class is configured to run as a security ID different from the caller."),
196        0x80004016: ("CO_E_OLE1DDE_DISABLED", "Use of OLE1 services requiring Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Windows is disabled."),
197        0x80004017: ("CO_E_RUNAS_SYNTAX", "A RunAs specification must be <domain name>\<user name> or simply <user name>."),
198        0x80004018: ("CO_E_CREATEPROCESS_FAILURE", "The server process could not be started. The path name may be incorrect."),
199        0x80004019: ("CO_E_RUNAS_CREATEPROCESS_FAILURE", "The server process could not be started as the configured identity. The path name may be incorrect or unavailable."),
200        0x8000401A: ("CO_E_RUNAS_LOGON_FAILURE", "The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the user name and password."),
201        0x8000401B: ("CO_E_LAUNCH_PERMSSION_DENIED", "The client is not allowed to launch this server."),
202        0x8000401C: ("CO_E_START_SERVICE_FAILURE", "The service providing this server could not be started."),
203        0x8000401D: ("CO_E_REMOTE_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE", "This computer was unable to communicate with the computer providing the server."),
204        0x8000401E: ("CO_E_SERVER_START_TIMEOUT", "The server did not respond after being launched."),
205        0x8000401F: ("CO_E_CLSREG_INCONSISTENT", "The registration information for this server is inconsistent or incomplete."),
206        0x80004020: ("CO_E_IIDREG_INCONSISTENT", "The registration information for this interface is inconsistent or incomplete."),
207        0x80004021: ("CO_E_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The operation attempted is not supported."),
208        0x80004022: ("CO_E_RELOAD_DLL", "A DLL must be loaded."),
209        0x80004023: ("CO_E_MSI_ERROR", "A Microsoft Software Installer error was encountered."),
210        0x80004024: ("CO_E_ATTEMPT_TO_CREATE_OUTSIDE_CLIENT_CONTEXT", "The specified activation could not occur in the client context as specified."),
211        0x80004025: ("CO_E_SERVER_PAUSED", "Activations on the server are paused."),
212        0x80004026: ("CO_E_SERVER_NOT_PAUSED", "Activations on the server are not paused."),
213        0x80004027: ("CO_E_CLASS_DISABLED", "The component or application containing the component has been disabled."),
214        0x80004028: ("CO_E_CLRNOTAVAILABLE", "The common language runtime is not available."),
215        0x80004029: ("CO_E_ASYNC_WORK_REJECTED", "The thread-pool rejected the submitted asynchronous work."),
216        0x8000402A: ("CO_E_SERVER_INIT_TIMEOUT", "The server started, but it did not finish initializing in a timely fashion."),
217        0x8000402B: ("CO_E_NO_SECCTX_IN_ACTIVATE", "Unable to complete the call because there is no COM+ security context inside IObjectControl.Activate."),
218        0x80004030: ("CO_E_TRACKER_CONFIG", "The provided tracker configuration is invalid."),
219        0x80004031: ("CO_E_THREADPOOL_CONFIG", "The provided thread pool configuration is invalid."),
220        0x80004032: ("CO_E_SXS_CONFIG", "The provided side-by-side configuration is invalid."),
221        0x80004033: ("CO_E_MALFORMED_SPN", "The server principal name (SPN) obtained during security negotiation is malformed."),
222        0x8000FFFF: ("E_UNEXPECTED", "Catastrophic failure."),
223        0x80010001: ("RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED", "Call was rejected by callee."),
224        0x80010002: ("RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED", "Call was canceled by the message filter."),
225        0x80010003: ("RPC_E_CANTPOST_INSENDCALL", "The caller is dispatching an intertask SendMessage call and cannot call out via PostMessage."),
226        0x80010004: ("RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_INASYNCCALL", "The caller is dispatching an asynchronous call and cannot make an outgoing call on behalf of this call."),
227        0x80010005: ("RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_INEXTERNALCALL", "It is illegal to call out while inside message filter."),
228        0x80010006: ("RPC_E_CONNECTION_TERMINATED", "The connection terminated or is in a bogus state and can no longer be used. Other connections are still valid."),
229        0x80010007: ("RPC_E_SERVER_DIED", "The callee (the server, not the server application) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call may have executed."),
230        0x80010008: ("RPC_E_CLIENT_DIED", "The caller (client) disappeared while the callee (server) was processing a call."),
231        0x80010009: ("RPC_E_INVALID_DATAPACKET", "The data packet with the marshaled parameter data is incorrect."),
232        0x8001000A: ("RPC_E_CANTTRANSMIT_CALL", "The call was not transmitted properly; the message queue was full and was not emptied after yielding."),
233        0x8001000B: ("RPC_E_CLIENT_CANTMARSHAL_DATA", "The client RPC caller cannot marshal the parameter data due to errors (such as low memory)."),
234        0x8001000C: ("RPC_E_CLIENT_CANTUNMARSHAL_DATA", "The client RPC caller cannot unmarshal the return data due to errors (such as low memory)."),
235        0x8001000D: ("RPC_E_SERVER_CANTMARSHAL_DATA", "The server RPC callee cannot marshal the return data due to errors (such as low memory)."),
236        0x8001000E: ("RPC_E_SERVER_CANTUNMARSHAL_DATA", "The server RPC callee cannot unmarshal the parameter data due to errors (such as low memory)."),
237        0x8001000F: ("RPC_E_INVALID_DATA", "Received data is invalid. The data may be server or client data."),
238        0x80010010: ("RPC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER", "A particular parameter is invalid and cannot be (un)marshaled."),
239        0x80010011: ("RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_AGAIN", "There is no second outgoing call on same channel in DDE conversation."),
240        0x80010012: ("RPC_E_SERVER_DIED_DNE", "The callee (the server, not the server application) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call did not execute."),
241        0x80010100: ("RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED", "System call failed."),
242        0x80010101: ("RPC_E_OUT_OF_RESOURCES", "Could not allocate some required resource (such as memory or events)"),
243        0x80010102: ("RPC_E_ATTEMPTED_MULTITHREAD", "Attempted to make calls on more than one thread in single-threaded mode."),
244        0x80010103: ("RPC_E_NOT_REGISTERED", "The requested interface is not registered on the server object."),
245        0x80010104: ("RPC_E_FAULT", "RPC could not call the server or could not return the results of calling the server."),
246        0x80010105: ("RPC_E_SERVERFAULT", "The server threw an exception."),
247        0x80010106: ("RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE", "Cannot change thread mode after it is set."),
248        0x80010107: ("RPC_E_INVALIDMETHOD", "The method called does not exist on the server."),
249        0x80010108: ("RPC_E_DISCONNECTED", "The object invoked has disconnected from its clients."),
250        0x80010109: ("RPC_E_RETRY", "The object invoked chose not to process the call now. Try again later."),
251        0x8001010A: ("RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER", "The message filter indicated that the application is busy."),
252        0x8001010B: ("RPC_E_SERVERCALL_REJECTED", "The message filter rejected the call."),
253        0x8001010C: ("RPC_E_INVALID_CALLDATA", "A call control interface was called with invalid data."),
254        0x8001010D: ("RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_ININPUTSYNCCALL", "An outgoing call cannot be made because the application is dispatching an input-synchronous call."),
255        0x8001010E: ("RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD", "The application called an interface that was marshaled for a different thread."),
256        0x8001010F: ("RPC_E_THREAD_NOT_INIT", "CoInitialize has not been called on the current thread."),
257        0x80010110: ("RPC_E_VERSION_MISMATCH", "The version of OLE on the client and server machines does not match."),
258        0x80010111: ("RPC_E_INVALID_HEADER", "OLE received a packet with an invalid header."),
259        0x80010112: ("RPC_E_INVALID_EXTENSION", "OLE received a packet with an invalid extension."),
260        0x80010113: ("RPC_E_INVALID_IPID", "The requested object or interface does not exist."),
261        0x80010114: ("RPC_E_INVALID_OBJECT", "The requested object does not exist."),
262        0x80010115: ("RPC_S_CALLPENDING", "OLE has sent a request and is waiting for a reply."),
263        0x80010116: ("RPC_S_WAITONTIMER", "OLE is waiting before retrying a request."),
264        0x80010117: ("RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE", "Call context cannot be accessed after call completed."),
265        0x80010118: ("RPC_E_UNSECURE_CALL", "Impersonate on unsecure calls is not supported."),
266        0x80010119: ("RPC_E_TOO_LATE", "Security must be initialized before any interfaces are marshaled or unmarshaled. It cannot be changed after initialized."),
267        0x8001011A: ("RPC_E_NO_GOOD_SECURITY_PACKAGES", "No security packages are installed on this machine, the user is not logged on, or there are no compatible security packages between the client and server."),
268        0x8001011B: ("RPC_E_ACCESS_DENIED", "Access is denied."),
269        0x8001011C: ("RPC_E_REMOTE_DISABLED", "Remote calls are not allowed for this process."),
270        0x8001011D: ("RPC_E_INVALID_OBJREF", "The marshaled interface data packet (OBJREF) has an invalid or unknown format."),
271        0x8001011E: ("RPC_E_NO_CONTEXT", "No context is associated with this call. This happens for some custom marshaled calls and on the client side of the call."),
272        0x8001011F: ("RPC_E_TIMEOUT", "This operation returned because the time-out period expired."),
273        0x80010120: ("RPC_E_NO_SYNC", "There are no synchronize objects to wait on."),
274        0x80010121: ("RPC_E_FULLSIC_REQUIRED", "Full subject issuer chain Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) principal name expected from the server."),
275        0x80010122: ("RPC_E_INVALID_STD_NAME", "Principal name is not a valid Microsoft standard (msstd) name."),
276        0x80010123: ("CO_E_FAILEDTOIMPERSONATE", "Unable to impersonate DCOM client."),
277        0x80010124: ("CO_E_FAILEDTOGETSECCTX", "Unable to obtain server's security context."),
278        0x80010125: ("CO_E_FAILEDTOOPENTHREADTOKEN", "Unable to open the access token of the current thread."),
279        0x80010126: ("CO_E_FAILEDTOGETTOKENINFO", "Unable to obtain user information from an access token."),
280        0x80010127: ("CO_E_TRUSTEEDOESNTMATCHCLIENT", "The client who called IAccessControl::IsAccessPermitted was not the trustee provided to the method."),
281        0x80010128: ("CO_E_FAILEDTOQUERYCLIENTBLANKET", "Unable to obtain the client's security blanket."),
282        0x80010129: ("CO_E_FAILEDTOSETDACL", "Unable to set a discretionary access control list (ACL) into a security descriptor."),
283        0x8001012A: ("CO_E_ACCESSCHECKFAILED", "The system function AccessCheck returned false."),
284        0x8001012B: ("CO_E_NETACCESSAPIFAILED", "Either NetAccessDel or NetAccessAdd returned an error code."),
285        0x8001012C: ("CO_E_WRONGTRUSTEENAMESYNTAX", "One of the trustee strings provided by the user did not conform to the <Domain>\<Name> syntax and it was not the *\" string\"."),
286        0x8001012D: ("CO_E_INVALIDSID", "One of the security identifiers provided by the user was invalid."),
287        0x8001012E: ("CO_E_CONVERSIONFAILED", "Unable to convert a wide character trustee string to a multiple-byte trustee string."),
288        0x8001012F: ("CO_E_NOMATCHINGSIDFOUND", "Unable to find a security identifier that corresponds to a trustee string provided by the user."),
289        0x80010130: ("CO_E_LOOKUPACCSIDFAILED", "The system function LookupAccountSID failed."),
290        0x80010131: ("CO_E_NOMATCHINGNAMEFOUND", "Unable to find a trustee name that corresponds to a security identifier provided by the user."),
291        0x80010132: ("CO_E_LOOKUPACCNAMEFAILED", "The system function LookupAccountName failed."),
292        0x80010133: ("CO_E_SETSERLHNDLFAILED", "Unable to set or reset a serialization handle."),
293        0x80010134: ("CO_E_FAILEDTOGETWINDIR", "Unable to obtain the Windows directory."),
294        0x80010135: ("CO_E_PATHTOOLONG", "Path too long."),
295        0x80010136: ("CO_E_FAILEDTOGENUUID", "Unable to generate a UUID."),
296        0x80010137: ("CO_E_FAILEDTOCREATEFILE", "Unable to create file."),
297        0x80010138: ("CO_E_FAILEDTOCLOSEHANDLE", "Unable to close a serialization handle or a file handle."),
298        0x80010139: ("CO_E_EXCEEDSYSACLLIMIT", "The number of access control entries (ACEs) in an ACL exceeds the system limit."),
299        0x8001013A: ("CO_E_ACESINWRONGORDER", "Not all the DENY_ACCESS ACEs are arranged in front of the GRANT_ACCESS ACEs in the stream."),
300        0x8001013B: ("CO_E_INCOMPATIBLESTREAMVERSION", "The version of ACL format in the stream is not supported by this implementation of IAccessControl."),
301        0x8001013C: ("CO_E_FAILEDTOOPENPROCESSTOKEN", "Unable to open the access token of the server process."),
302        0x8001013D: ("CO_E_DECODEFAILED", "Unable to decode the ACL in the stream provided by the user."),
303        0x8001013F: ("CO_E_ACNOTINITIALIZED", "The COM IAccessControl object is not initialized."),
304        0x80010140: ("CO_E_CANCEL_DISABLED", "Call Cancellation is disabled."),
305        0x8001FFFF: ("RPC_E_UNEXPECTED", "An internal error occurred."),
306        0x80020001: ("DISP_E_UNKNOWNINTERFACE", "Unknown interface."),
307        0x80020003: ("DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND", "Member not found."),
308        0x80020004: ("DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND", "Parameter not found."),
309        0x80020005: ("DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH", "Type mismatch."),
310        0x80020006: ("DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME", "Unknown name."),
311        0x80020007: ("DISP_E_NONAMEDARGS", "No named arguments."),
312        0x80020008: ("DISP_E_BADVARTYPE", "Bad variable type."),
313        0x80020009: ("DISP_E_EXCEPTION", "Exception occurred."),
314        0x8002000A: ("DISP_E_OVERFLOW", "Out of present range."),
315        0x8002000B: ("DISP_E_BADINDEX", "Invalid index."),
316        0x8002000C: ("DISP_E_UNKNOWNLCID", "Unknown language."),
317        0x8002000D: ("DISP_E_ARRAYISLOCKED", "Memory is locked."),
318        0x8002000E: ("DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT", "Invalid number of parameters."),
319        0x8002000F: ("DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL", "Parameter not optional."),
320        0x80020010: ("DISP_E_BADCALLEE", "Invalid callee."),
321        0x80020011: ("DISP_E_NOTACOLLECTION", "Does not support a collection."),
322        0x80020012: ("DISP_E_DIVBYZERO", "Division by zero."),
323        0x80020013: ("DISP_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL", "Buffer too small."),
324        0x80028016: ("TYPE_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL", "Buffer too small."),
325        0x80028017: ("TYPE_E_FIELDNOTFOUND", "Field name not defined in the record."),
326        0x80028018: ("TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD", "Old format or invalid type library."),
327        0x80028019: ("TYPE_E_UNSUPFORMAT", "Old format or invalid type library."),
328        0x8002801C: ("TYPE_E_REGISTRYACCESS", "Error accessing the OLE registry."),
329        0x8002801D: ("TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED", "Library not registered."),
330        0x80028027: ("TYPE_E_UNDEFINEDTYPE", "Bound to unknown type."),
331        0x80028028: ("TYPE_E_QUALIFIEDNAMEDISALLOWED", "Qualified name disallowed."),
332        0x80028029: ("TYPE_E_INVALIDSTATE", "Invalid forward reference, or reference to uncompiled type."),
333        0x8002802A: ("TYPE_E_WRONGTYPEKIND", "Type mismatch."),
334        0x8002802B: ("TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND", "Element not found."),
335        0x8002802C: ("TYPE_E_AMBIGUOUSNAME", "Ambiguous name."),
336        0x8002802D: ("TYPE_E_NAMECONFLICT", "Name already exists in the library."),
337        0x8002802E: ("TYPE_E_UNKNOWNLCID", "Unknown language code identifier (LCID)."),
338        0x8002802F: ("TYPE_E_DLLFUNCTIONNOTFOUND", "Function not defined in specified DLL."),
339        0x800288BD: ("TYPE_E_BADMODULEKIND", "Wrong module kind for the operation."),
340        0x800288C5: ("TYPE_E_SIZETOOBIG", "Size may not exceed 64 KB."),
341        0x800288C6: ("TYPE_E_DUPLICATEID", "Duplicate ID in inheritance hierarchy."),
342        0x800288CF: ("TYPE_E_INVALIDID", "Incorrect inheritance depth in standard OLE hmember."),
343        0x80028CA0: ("TYPE_E_TYPEMISMATCH", "Type mismatch."),
344        0x80028CA1: ("TYPE_E_OUTOFBOUNDS", "Invalid number of arguments."),
345        0x80028CA2: ("TYPE_E_IOERROR", "I/O error."),
346        0x80028CA3: ("TYPE_E_CANTCREATETMPFILE", "Error creating unique .tmp file."),
347        0x80029C4A: ("TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY", "Error loading type library or DLL."),
348        0x80029C83: ("TYPE_E_INCONSISTENTPROPFUNCS", "Inconsistent property functions."),
349        0x80029C84: ("TYPE_E_CIRCULARTYPE", "Circular dependency between types and modules."),
350        0x80030001: ("STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION", "Unable to perform requested operation."),
351        0x80030002: ("STG_E_FILENOTFOUND", "%1 could not be found."),
352        0x80030003: ("STG_E_PATHNOTFOUND", "The path %1 could not be found."),
353        0x80030004: ("STG_E_TOOMANYOPENFILES", "There are insufficient resources to open another file."),
354        0x80030005: ("STG_E_ACCESSDENIED", "Access denied."),
355        0x80030006: ("STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE", "Attempted an operation on an invalid object."),
356        0x80030008: ("STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY", "There is insufficient memory available to complete operation."),
357        0x80030009: ("STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER", "Invalid pointer error."),
358        0x80030012: ("STG_E_NOMOREFILES", "There are no more entries to return."),
359        0x80030013: ("STG_E_DISKISWRITEPROTECTED", "Disk is write-protected."),
360        0x80030019: ("STG_E_SEEKERROR", "An error occurred during a seek operation."),
361        0x8003001D: ("STG_E_WRITEFAULT", "A disk error occurred during a write operation."),
362        0x8003001E: ("STG_E_READFAULT", "A disk error occurred during a read operation."),
363        0x80030020: ("STG_E_SHAREVIOLATION", "A share violation has occurred."),
364        0x80030021: ("STG_E_LOCKVIOLATION", "A lock violation has occurred."),
365        0x80030050: ("STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS", "%1 already exists."),
366        0x80030057: ("STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER", "Invalid parameter error."),
367        0x80030070: ("STG_E_MEDIUMFULL", "There is insufficient disk space to complete operation."),
368        0x800300F0: ("STG_E_PROPSETMISMATCHED", "Illegal write of non-simple property to simple property set."),
369        0x800300FA: ("STG_E_ABNORMALAPIEXIT", "An application programming interface (API) call exited abnormally."),
370        0x800300FB: ("STG_E_INVALIDHEADER", "The file %1 is not a valid compound file."),
371        0x800300FC: ("STG_E_INVALIDNAME", "The name %1 is not valid."),
372        0x800300FD: ("STG_E_UNKNOWN", "An unexpected error occurred."),
373        0x800300FE: ("STG_E_UNIMPLEMENTEDFUNCTION", "That function is not implemented."),
374        0x800300FF: ("STG_E_INVALIDFLAG", "Invalid flag error."),
375        0x80030100: ("STG_E_INUSE", "Attempted to use an object that is busy."),
376        0x80030101: ("STG_E_NOTCURRENT", "The storage has been changed since the last commit."),
377        0x80030102: ("STG_E_REVERTED", "Attempted to use an object that has ceased to exist."),
378        0x80030103: ("STG_E_CANTSAVE", "Cannot save."),
379        0x80030104: ("STG_E_OLDFORMAT", "The compound file %1 was produced with an incompatible version of storage."),
380        0x80030105: ("STG_E_OLDDLL", "The compound file %1 was produced with a newer version of storage."),
381        0x80030106: ("STG_E_SHAREREQUIRED", "Share.exe or equivalent is required for operation."),
382        0x80030107: ("STG_E_NOTFILEBASEDSTORAGE", "Illegal operation called on non-file based storage."),
383        0x80030108: ("STG_E_EXTANTMARSHALLINGS", "Illegal operation called on object with extant marshalings."),
384        0x80030109: ("STG_E_DOCFILECORRUPT", "The docfile has been corrupted."),
385        0x80030110: ("STG_E_BADBASEADDRESS", "OLE32.DLL has been loaded at the wrong address."),
386        0x80030111: ("STG_E_DOCFILETOOLARGE", "The compound file is too large for the current implementation."),
387        0x80030112: ("STG_E_NOTSIMPLEFORMAT", "The compound file was not created with the STGM_SIMPLE flag."),
388        0x80030201: ("STG_E_INCOMPLETE", "The file download was aborted abnormally. The file is incomplete."),
389        0x80030202: ("STG_E_TERMINATED", "The file download has been terminated."),
390        0x80030305: ("STG_E_STATUS_COPY_PROTECTION_FAILURE", "Generic Copy Protection Error."),
391        0x80030306: ("STG_E_CSS_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE", "Copy Protection Error-DVD CSS Authentication failed."),
392        0x80030307: ("STG_E_CSS_KEY_NOT_PRESENT", "Copy Protection Error-The given sector does not have a valid CSS key."),
393        0x80030308: ("STG_E_CSS_KEY_NOT_ESTABLISHED", "Copy Protection Error-DVD session key not established."),
394        0x80030309: ("STG_E_CSS_SCRAMBLED_SECTOR", "Copy Protection Error-The read failed because the sector is encrypted."),
395        0x8003030A: ("STG_E_CSS_REGION_MISMATCH", "Copy Protection Error-The current DVD's region does not correspond to the region setting of the drive."),
396        0x8003030B: ("STG_E_RESETS_EXHAUSTED", "Copy Protection Error-The drive's region setting may be permanent or the number of user resets has been exhausted."),
397        0x80040000: ("OLE_E_OLEVERB", "Invalid OLEVERB structure."),
398        0x80040001: ("OLE_E_ADVF", "Invalid advise flags."),
399        0x80040002: ("OLE_E_ENUM_NOMORE", "Cannot enumerate any more because the associated data is missing."),
400        0x80040003: ("OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED", "This implementation does not take advises."),
401        0x80040004: ("OLE_E_NOCONNECTION", "There is no connection for this connection ID."),
402        0x80040005: ("OLE_E_NOTRUNNING", "Need to run the object to perform this operation."),
403        0x80040006: ("OLE_E_NOCACHE", "There is no cache to operate on."),
404        0x80040007: ("OLE_E_BLANK", "Uninitialized object."),
405        0x80040008: ("OLE_E_CLASSDIFF", "Linked object's source class has changed."),
406        0x80040009: ("OLE_E_CANT_GETMONIKER", "Not able to get the moniker of the object."),
407        0x8004000A: ("OLE_E_CANT_BINDTOSOURCE", "Not able to bind to the source."),
408        0x8004000B: ("OLE_E_STATIC", "Object is static; operation not allowed."),
409        0x8004000C: ("OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED", "User canceled out of the Save dialog box."),
410        0x8004000D: ("OLE_E_INVALIDRECT", "Invalid rectangle."),
411        0x8004000E: ("OLE_E_WRONGCOMPOBJ", "compobj.dll is too old for the ole2.dll initialized."),
412        0x8004000F: ("OLE_E_INVALIDHWND", "Invalid window handle."),
413        0x80040010: ("OLE_E_NOT_INPLACEACTIVE", "Object is not in any of the inplace active states."),
414        0x80040011: ("OLE_E_CANTCONVERT", "Not able to convert object."),
415        0x80040012: ("OLE_E_NOSTORAGE", "Not able to perform the operation because object is not given storage yet."),
416        0x80040064: ("DV_E_FORMATETC", "Invalid FORMATETC structure."),
417        0x80040065: ("DV_E_DVTARGETDEVICE", "Invalid DVTARGETDEVICE structure."),
418        0x80040066: ("DV_E_STGMEDIUM", "Invalid STDGMEDIUM structure."),
419        0x80040067: ("DV_E_STATDATA", "Invalid STATDATA structure."),
420        0x80040068: ("DV_E_LINDEX", "Invalid lindex."),
421        0x80040069: ("DV_E_TYMED", "Invalid TYMED structure."),
422        0x8004006A: ("DV_E_CLIPFORMAT", "Invalid clipboard format."),
423        0x8004006B: ("DV_E_DVASPECT", "Invalid aspects."),
424        0x8004006C: ("DV_E_DVTARGETDEVICE_SIZE", "The tdSize parameter of the DVTARGETDEVICE structure is invalid."),
425        0x8004006D: ("DV_E_NOIVIEWOBJECT", "Object does not support IViewObject interface."),
426        0x80040100: ("DRAGDROP_E_NOTREGISTERED", "Trying to revoke a drop target that has not been registered."),
427        0x80040101: ("DRAGDROP_E_ALREADYREGISTERED", "This window has already been registered as a drop target."),
428        0x80040102: ("DRAGDROP_E_INVALIDHWND", "Invalid window handle."),
429        0x80040110: ("CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION", "Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote)."),
430        0x80040111: ("CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE", "ClassFactory cannot supply requested class."),
431        0x80040112: ("CLASS_E_NOTLICENSED", "Class is not licensed for use."),
432        0x80040140: ("VIEW_E_DRAW", "Error drawing view."),
433        0x80040150: ("REGDB_E_READREGDB", "Could not read key from registry."),
434        0x80040151: ("REGDB_E_WRITEREGDB", "Could not write key to registry."),
435        0x80040152: ("REGDB_E_KEYMISSING", "Could not find the key in the registry."),
436        0x80040153: ("REGDB_E_INVALIDVALUE", "Invalid value for registry."),
437        0x80040154: ("REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG", "Class not registered."),
438        0x80040155: ("REGDB_E_IIDNOTREG", "Interface not registered."),
439        0x80040156: ("REGDB_E_BADTHREADINGMODEL", "Threading model entry is not valid."),
440        0x80040160: ("CAT_E_CATIDNOEXIST", "CATID does not exist."),
441        0x80040161: ("CAT_E_NODESCRIPTION", "Description not found."),
442        0x80040164: ("CS_E_PACKAGE_NOTFOUND", "No package in the software installation data in Active Directory meets this criteria."),
443        0x80040165: ("CS_E_NOT_DELETABLE", "Deleting this will break the referential integrity of the software installation data in Active Directory."),
444        0x80040166: ("CS_E_CLASS_NOTFOUND", "The CLSID was not found in the software installation data in Active Directory."),
445        0x80040167: ("CS_E_INVALID_VERSION", "The software installation data in Active Directory is corrupt."),
446        0x80040168: ("CS_E_NO_CLASSSTORE", "There is no software installation data in Active Directory."),
447        0x80040169: ("CS_E_OBJECT_NOTFOUND", "There is no software installation data object in Active Directory."),
448        0x8004016A: ("CS_E_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS", "The software installation data object in Active Directory already exists."),
449        0x8004016B: ("CS_E_INVALID_PATH", "The path to the software installation data in Active Directory is not correct."),
450        0x8004016C: ("CS_E_NETWORK_ERROR", "A network error interrupted the operation."),
451        0x8004016D: ("CS_E_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "The size of this object exceeds the maximum size set by the administrator."),
452        0x8004016E: ("CS_E_SCHEMA_MISMATCH", "The schema for the software installation data in Active Directory does not match the required schema."),
453        0x8004016F: ("CS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR", "An error occurred in the software installation data in Active Directory."),
454        0x80040170: ("CACHE_E_NOCACHE_UPDATED", "Cache not updated."),
455        0x80040180: ("OLEOBJ_E_NOVERBS", "No verbs for OLE object."),
456        0x80040181: ("OLEOBJ_E_INVALIDVERB", "Invalid verb for OLE object."),
457        0x800401A0: ("INPLACE_E_NOTUNDOABLE", "Undo is not available."),
458        0x800401A1: ("INPLACE_E_NOTOOLSPACE", "Space for tools is not available."),
459        0x800401C0: ("CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_GET", "OLESTREAM Get method failed."),
460        0x800401C1: ("CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_PUT", "OLESTREAM Put method failed."),
461        0x800401C2: ("CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_FMT", "Contents of the OLESTREAM not in correct format."),
462        0x800401C3: ("CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_BITMAP_TO_DIB", "There was an error in a Windows GDI call while converting the bitmap to a device-independent bitmap (DIB)."),
463        0x800401C4: ("CONVERT10_E_STG_FMT", "Contents of the IStorage not in correct format."),
464        0x800401C5: ("CONVERT10_E_STG_NO_STD_STREAM", "Contents of IStorage is missing one of the standard streams."),
465        0x800401C6: ("CONVERT10_E_STG_DIB_TO_BITMAP", "There was an error in a Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) call while converting the DIB to a bitmap."),
466        0x800401D0: ("CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN", "OpenClipboard failed."),
467        0x800401D1: ("CLIPBRD_E_CANT_EMPTY", "EmptyClipboard failed."),
468        0x800401D2: ("CLIPBRD_E_CANT_SET", "SetClipboard failed."),
469        0x800401D3: ("CLIPBRD_E_BAD_DATA", "Data on clipboard is invalid."),
470        0x800401D4: ("CLIPBRD_E_CANT_CLOSE", "CloseClipboard failed."),
471        0x800401E0: ("MK_E_CONNECTMANUALLY", "Moniker needs to be connected manually."),
472        0x800401E1: ("MK_E_EXCEEDEDDEADLINE", "Operation exceeded deadline."),
473        0x800401E2: ("MK_E_NEEDGENERIC", "Moniker needs to be generic."),
474        0x800401E3: ("MK_E_UNAVAILABLE", "Operation unavailable."),
475        0x800401E4: ("MK_E_SYNTAX", "Invalid syntax."),
476        0x800401E5: ("MK_E_NOOBJECT", "No object for moniker."),
477        0x800401E6: ("MK_E_INVALIDEXTENSION", "Bad extension for file."),
478        0x800401E7: ("MK_E_INTERMEDIATEINTERFACENOTSUPPORTED", "Intermediate operation failed."),
479        0x800401E8: ("MK_E_NOTBINDABLE", "Moniker is not bindable."),
480        0x800401E9: ("MK_E_NOTBOUND", "Moniker is not bound."),
481        0x800401EA: ("MK_E_CANTOPENFILE", "Moniker cannot open file."),
482        0x800401EB: ("MK_E_MUSTBOTHERUSER", "User input required for operation to succeed."),
483        0x800401EC: ("MK_E_NOINVERSE", "Moniker class has no inverse."),
484        0x800401ED: ("MK_E_NOSTORAGE", "Moniker does not refer to storage."),
485        0x800401EE: ("MK_E_NOPREFIX", "No common prefix."),
486        0x800401EF: ("MK_E_ENUMERATION_FAILED", "Moniker could not be enumerated."),
487        0x800401F0: ("CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED", "CoInitialize has not been called."),
488        0x800401F1: ("CO_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED", "CoInitialize has already been called."),
489        0x800401F2: ("CO_E_CANTDETERMINECLASS", "Class of object cannot be determined."),
490        0x800401F3: ("CO_E_CLASSSTRING", "Invalid class string."),
491        0x800401F4: ("CO_E_IIDSTRING", "Invalid interface string."),
492        0x800401F5: ("CO_E_APPNOTFOUND", "Application not found."),
493        0x800401F6: ("CO_E_APPSINGLEUSE", "Application cannot be run more than once."),
494        0x800401F7: ("CO_E_ERRORINAPP", "Some error in application."),
495        0x800401F8: ("CO_E_DLLNOTFOUND", "DLL for class not found."),
496        0x800401F9: ("CO_E_ERRORINDLL", "Error in the DLL."),
497        0x800401FA: ("CO_E_WRONGOSFORAPP", "Wrong operating system or operating system version for application."),
498        0x800401FB: ("CO_E_OBJNOTREG", "Object is not registered."),
499        0x800401FC: ("CO_E_OBJISREG", "Object is already registered."),
500        0x800401FD: ("CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED", "Object is not connected to server."),
501        0x800401FE: ("CO_E_APPDIDNTREG", "Application was launched, but it did not register a class factory."),
502        0x800401FF: ("CO_E_RELEASED", "Object has been released."),
503        0x80040201: ("EVENT_E_ALL_SUBSCRIBERS_FAILED", "An event was unable to invoke any of the subscribers."),
504        0x80040203: ("EVENT_E_QUERYSYNTAX", "A syntax error occurred trying to evaluate a query string."),
505        0x80040204: ("EVENT_E_QUERYFIELD", "An invalid field name was used in a query string."),
506        0x80040205: ("EVENT_E_INTERNALEXCEPTION", "An unexpected exception was raised."),
507        0x80040206: ("EVENT_E_INTERNALERROR", "An unexpected internal error was detected."),
508        0x80040207: ("EVENT_E_INVALID_PER_USER_SID", "The owner security identifier (SID) on a per-user subscription does not exist."),
509        0x80040208: ("EVENT_E_USER_EXCEPTION", "A user-supplied component or subscriber raised an exception."),
510        0x80040209: ("EVENT_E_TOO_MANY_METHODS", "An interface has too many methods to fire events from."),
511        0x8004020A: ("EVENT_E_MISSING_EVENTCLASS", "A subscription cannot be stored unless its event class already exists."),
512        0x8004020B: ("EVENT_E_NOT_ALL_REMOVED", "Not all the objects requested could be removed."),
513        0x8004020C: ("EVENT_E_COMPLUS_NOT_INSTALLED", "COM+ is required for this operation, but it is not installed."),
514        0x8004020D: ("EVENT_E_CANT_MODIFY_OR_DELETE_UNCONFIGURED_OBJECT", "Cannot modify or delete an object that was not added using the COM+ Administrative SDK."),
515        0x8004020E: ("EVENT_E_CANT_MODIFY_OR_DELETE_CONFIGURED_OBJECT", "Cannot modify or delete an object that was added using the COM+ Administrative SDK."),
516        0x8004020F: ("EVENT_E_INVALID_EVENT_CLASS_PARTITION", "The event class for this subscription is in an invalid partition."),
517        0x80040210: ("EVENT_E_PER_USER_SID_NOT_LOGGED_ON", "The owner of the PerUser subscription is not logged on to the system specified."),
518        0x80041309: ("SCHED_E_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND", "Trigger not found."),
519        0x8004130A: ("SCHED_E_TASK_NOT_READY", "One or more of the properties that are needed to run this task have not been set."),
520        0x8004130B: ("SCHED_E_TASK_NOT_RUNNING", "There is no running instance of the task."),
521        0x8004130C: ("SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_INSTALLED", "The Task Scheduler service is not installed on this computer."),
522        0x8004130D: ("SCHED_E_CANNOT_OPEN_TASK", "The task object could not be opened."),
523        0x8004130E: ("SCHED_E_INVALID_TASK", "The object is either an invalid task object or is not a task object."),
524        0x8004130F: ("SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION_NOT_SET", "No account information could be found in the Task Scheduler security database for the task indicated."),
525        0x80041310: ("SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_NAME_NOT_FOUND", "Unable to establish existence of the account specified."),
526        0x80041311: ("SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_DBASE_CORRUPT", "Corruption was detected in the Task Scheduler security database; the database has been reset."),
527        0x80041312: ("SCHED_E_NO_SECURITY_SERVICES", "Task Scheduler security services are available only on Windows NT."),
528        0x80041313: ("SCHED_E_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_VERSION", "The task object version is either unsupported or invalid."),
529        0x80041314: ("SCHED_E_UNSUPPORTED_ACCOUNT_OPTION", "The task has been configured with an unsupported combination of account settings and run-time options."),
530        0x80041315: ("SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING", "The Task Scheduler service is not running."),
531        0x80041316: ("SCHED_E_UNEXPECTEDNODE", "The task XML contains an unexpected node."),
532        0x80041317: ("SCHED_E_NAMESPACE", "The task XML contains an element or attribute from an unexpected namespace."),
533        0x80041318: ("SCHED_E_INVALIDVALUE", "The task XML contains a value that is incorrectly formatted or out of range."),
534        0x80041319: ("SCHED_E_MISSINGNODE", "The task XML is missing a required element or attribute."),
535        0x8004131A: ("SCHED_E_MALFORMEDXML", "The task XML is malformed."),
536        0x8004131D: ("SCHED_E_TOO_MANY_NODES", "The task XML contains too many nodes of the same type."),
537        0x8004131E: ("SCHED_E_PAST_END_BOUNDARY", "The task cannot be started after the trigger's end boundary."),
538        0x8004131F: ("SCHED_E_ALREADY_RUNNING", "An instance of this task is already running."),
539        0x80041320: ("SCHED_E_USER_NOT_LOGGED_ON", "The task will not run because the user is not logged on."),
540        0x80041321: ("SCHED_E_INVALID_TASK_HASH", "The task image is corrupt or has been tampered with."),
541        0x80041322: ("SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE", "The Task Scheduler service is not available."),
542        0x80041323: ("SCHED_E_SERVICE_TOO_BUSY", "The Task Scheduler service is too busy to handle your request. Try again later."),
543        0x80041324: ("SCHED_E_TASK_ATTEMPTED", "The Task Scheduler service attempted to run the task, but the task did not run due to one of the constraints in the task definition."),
544        0x8004D000: ("XACT_E_ALREADYOTHERSINGLEPHASE", "Another single phase resource manager has already been enlisted in this transaction."),
545        0x8004D001: ("XACT_E_CANTRETAIN", "A retaining commit or abort is not supported."),
546        0x8004D002: ("XACT_E_COMMITFAILED", "The transaction failed to commit for an unknown reason. The transaction was aborted."),
547        0x8004D003: ("XACT_E_COMMITPREVENTED", "Cannot call commit on this transaction object because the calling application did not initiate the transaction."),
548        0x8004D004: ("XACT_E_HEURISTICABORT", "Instead of committing, the resource heuristically aborted."),
549        0x8004D005: ("XACT_E_HEURISTICCOMMIT", "Instead of aborting, the resource heuristically committed."),
550        0x8004D006: ("XACT_E_HEURISTICDAMAGE", "Some of the states of the resource were committed while others were aborted, likely because of heuristic decisions."),
551        0x8004D007: ("XACT_E_HEURISTICDANGER", "Some of the states of the resource may have been committed while others may have been aborted, likely because of heuristic decisions."),
552        0x8004D008: ("XACT_E_ISOLATIONLEVEL", "The requested isolation level is not valid or supported."),
553        0x8004D009: ("XACT_E_NOASYNC", "The transaction manager does not support an asynchronous operation for this method."),
554        0x8004D00A: ("XACT_E_NOENLIST", "Unable to enlist in the transaction."),
555        0x8004D00B: ("XACT_E_NOISORETAIN", "The requested semantics of retention of isolation across retaining commit and abort boundaries cannot be supported by this transaction implementation, or isoFlags was not equal to 0."),
556        0x8004D00C: ("XACT_E_NORESOURCE", "There is no resource presently associated with this enlistment."),
557        0x8004D00D: ("XACT_E_NOTCURRENT", "The transaction failed to commit due to the failure of optimistic concurrency control in at least one of the resource managers."),
558        0x8004D00E: ("XACT_E_NOTRANSACTION", "The transaction has already been implicitly or explicitly committed or aborted."),
559        0x8004D00F: ("XACT_E_NOTSUPPORTED", "An invalid combination of flags was specified."),
560        0x8004D010: ("XACT_E_UNKNOWNRMGRID", "The resource manager ID is not associated with this transaction or the transaction manager."),
561        0x8004D011: ("XACT_E_WRONGSTATE", "This method was called in the wrong state."),
562        0x8004D012: ("XACT_E_WRONGUOW", "The indicated unit of work does not match the unit of work expected by the resource manager."),
563        0x8004D013: ("XACT_E_XTIONEXISTS", "An enlistment in a transaction already exists."),
564        0x8004D014: ("XACT_E_NOIMPORTOBJECT", "An import object for the transaction could not be found."),
565        0x8004D015: ("XACT_E_INVALIDCOOKIE", "The transaction cookie is invalid."),
566        0x8004D016: ("XACT_E_INDOUBT", "The transaction status is in doubt. A communication failure occurred, or a transaction manager or resource manager has failed."),
567        0x8004D017: ("XACT_E_NOTIMEOUT", "A time-out was specified, but time-outs are not supported."),
568        0x8004D018: ("XACT_E_ALREADYINPROGRESS", "The requested operation is already in progress for the transaction."),
569        0x8004D019: ("XACT_E_ABORTED", "The transaction has already been aborted."),
570        0x8004D01A: ("XACT_E_LOGFULL", "The Transaction Manager returned a log full error."),
571        0x8004D01B: ("XACT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE", "The transaction manager is not available."),
572        0x8004D01C: ("XACT_E_CONNECTION_DOWN", "A connection with the transaction manager was lost."),
573        0x8004D01D: ("XACT_E_CONNECTION_DENIED", "A request to establish a connection with the transaction manager was denied."),
574        0x8004D01E: ("XACT_E_REENLISTTIMEOUT", "Resource manager reenlistment to determine transaction status timed out."),
575        0x8004D01F: ("XACT_E_TIP_CONNECT_FAILED", "The transaction manager failed to establish a connection with another Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) transaction manager."),
576        0x8004D020: ("XACT_E_TIP_PROTOCOL_ERROR", "The transaction manager encountered a protocol error with another TIP transaction manager."),
577        0x8004D021: ("XACT_E_TIP_PULL_FAILED", "The transaction manager could not propagate a transaction from another TIP transaction manager."),
578        0x8004D022: ("XACT_E_DEST_TMNOTAVAILABLE", "The transaction manager on the destination machine is not available."),
579        0x8004D023: ("XACT_E_TIP_DISABLED", "The transaction manager has disabled its support for TIP."),
580        0x8004D024: ("XACT_E_NETWORK_TX_DISABLED", "The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote or network transactions."),
581        0x8004D025: ("XACT_E_PARTNER_NETWORK_TX_DISABLED", "The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote or network transactions."),
582        0x8004D026: ("XACT_E_XA_TX_DISABLED", "The transaction manager has disabled its support for XA transactions."),
583        0x8004D027: ("XACT_E_UNABLE_TO_READ_DTC_CONFIG", "Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) was unable to read its configuration information."),
584        0x8004D028: ("XACT_E_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_DTC_PROXY", "MSDTC was unable to load the DTC proxy DLL."),
585        0x8004D029: ("XACT_E_ABORTING", "The local transaction has aborted."),
586        0x8004D080: ("XACT_E_CLERKNOTFOUND", "The specified CRM clerk was not found. It may have completed before it could be held."),
587        0x8004D081: ("XACT_E_CLERKEXISTS", "The specified CRM clerk does not exist."),
588        0x8004D082: ("XACT_E_RECOVERYINPROGRESS", "Recovery of the CRM log file is still in progress."),
589        0x8004D083: ("XACT_E_TRANSACTIONCLOSED", "The transaction has completed, and the log records have been discarded from the log file. They are no longer available."),
590        0x8004D084: ("XACT_E_INVALIDLSN", "lsnToRead is outside of the current limits of the log"),
591        0x8004D085: ("XACT_E_REPLAYREQUEST", "The COM+ Compensating Resource Manager has records it wishes to replay."),
592        0x8004D100: ("XACT_E_CONNECTION_REQUEST_DENIED", "The request to connect to the specified transaction coordinator was denied."),
593        0x8004D101: ("XACT_E_TOOMANY_ENLISTMENTS", "The maximum number of enlistments for the specified transaction has been reached."),
594        0x8004D102: ("XACT_E_DUPLICATE_GUID", "A resource manager with the same identifier is already registered with the specified transaction coordinator."),
595        0x8004D103: ("XACT_E_NOTSINGLEPHASE", "The prepare request given was not eligible for single-phase optimizations."),
596        0x8004D104: ("XACT_E_RECOVERYALREADYDONE", "RecoveryComplete has already been called for the given resource manager."),
597        0x8004D105: ("XACT_E_PROTOCOL", "The interface call made was incorrect for the current state of the protocol."),
598        0x8004D106: ("XACT_E_RM_FAILURE", "The xa_open call failed for the XA resource."),
599        0x8004D107: ("XACT_E_RECOVERY_FAILED", "The xa_recover call failed for the XA resource."),
600        0x8004D108: ("XACT_E_LU_NOT_FOUND", "The logical unit of work specified cannot be found."),
601        0x8004D109: ("XACT_E_DUPLICATE_LU", "The specified logical unit of work already exists."),
602        0x8004D10A: ("XACT_E_LU_NOT_CONNECTED", "Subordinate creation failed. The specified logical unit of work was not connected."),
603        0x8004D10B: ("XACT_E_DUPLICATE_TRANSID", "A transaction with the given identifier already exists."),
604        0x8004D10C: ("XACT_E_LU_BUSY", "The resource is in use."),
605        0x8004D10D: ("XACT_E_LU_NO_RECOVERY_PROCESS", "The LU Recovery process is down."),
606        0x8004D10E: ("XACT_E_LU_DOWN", "The remote session was lost."),
607        0x8004D10F: ("XACT_E_LU_RECOVERING", "The resource is currently recovering."),
608        0x8004D110: ("XACT_E_LU_RECOVERY_MISMATCH", "There was a mismatch in driving recovery."),
609        0x8004D111: ("XACT_E_RM_UNAVAILABLE", "An error occurred with the XA resource."),
610        0x8004E002: ("CONTEXT_E_ABORTED", "The root transaction wanted to commit, but the transaction aborted."),
611        0x8004E003: ("CONTEXT_E_ABORTING", "The COM+ component on which the method call was made has a transaction that has already aborted or is in the process of aborting."),
612        0x8004E004: ("CONTEXT_E_NOCONTEXT", "There is no Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) object context."),
613        0x8004E005: ("CONTEXT_E_WOULD_DEADLOCK", "The component is configured to use synchronization, and this method call would cause a deadlock to occur."),
614        0x8004E006: ("CONTEXT_E_SYNCH_TIMEOUT", "The component is configured to use synchronization, and a thread has timed out waiting to enter the context."),
615        0x8004E007: ("CONTEXT_E_OLDREF", "You made a method call on a COM+ component that has a transaction that has already committed or aborted."),
616        0x8004E00C: ("CONTEXT_E_ROLENOTFOUND", "The specified role was not configured for the application."),
617        0x8004E00F: ("CONTEXT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE", "COM+ was unable to talk to the MSDTC."),
618        0x8004E021: ("CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED", "An unexpected error occurred during COM+ activation."),
619        0x8004E022: ("CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_EVENTLOGGED", "COM+ activation failed. Check the event log for more information."),
620        0x8004E023: ("CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_CATALOGERROR", "COM+ activation failed due to a catalog or configuration error."),
621        0x8004E024: ("CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_TIMEOUT", "COM+ activation failed because the activation could not be completed in the specified amount of time."),
622        0x8004E025: ("CO_E_INITIALIZATIONFAILED", "COM+ activation failed because an initialization function failed. Check the event log for more information."),
623        0x8004E026: ("CONTEXT_E_NOJIT", "The requested operation requires that just-in-time (JIT) be in the current context, and it is not."),
624        0x8004E027: ("CONTEXT_E_NOTRANSACTION", "The requested operation requires that the current context have a transaction, and it does not."),
625        0x8004E028: ("CO_E_THREADINGMODEL_CHANGED", "The components threading model has changed after install into a COM+ application. Re-install component."),
626        0x8004E029: ("CO_E_NOIISINTRINSICS", "Internet Information Services (IIS) intrinsics not available. Start your work with IIS."),
627        0x8004E02A: ("CO_E_NOCOOKIES", "An attempt to write a cookie failed."),
628        0x8004E02B: ("CO_E_DBERROR", "An attempt to use a database generated a database-specific error."),
629        0x8004E02C: ("CO_E_NOTPOOLED", "The COM+ component you created must use object pooling to work."),
630        0x8004E02D: ("CO_E_NOTCONSTRUCTED", "The COM+ component you created must use object construction to work correctly."),
631        0x8004E02E: ("CO_E_NOSYNCHRONIZATION", "The COM+ component requires synchronization, and it is not configured for it."),
632        0x8004E02F: ("CO_E_ISOLEVELMISMATCH", "The TxIsolation Level property for the COM+ component being created is stronger than the TxIsolationLevel for the root."),
633        0x8004E030: ("CO_E_CALL_OUT_OF_TX_SCOPE_NOT_ALLOWED", "The component attempted to make a cross-context call between invocations of EnterTransactionScope and ExitTransactionScope. This is not allowed. Cross-context calls cannot be made while inside a transaction scope."),
634        0x8004E031: ("CO_E_EXIT_TRANSACTION_SCOPE_NOT_CALLED", "The component made a call to EnterTransactionScope, but did not make a corresponding call to ExitTransactionScope before returning."),
635        0x80070005: ("E_ACCESSDENIED", "General access denied error."),
636        0x8007000E: ("E_OUTOFMEMORY", "The server does not have enough memory for the new channel."),
637        0x80070032: ("ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The server cannot support a client request for a dynamic virtual channel."),
638        0x80070057: ("E_INVALIDARG", "One or more arguments are invalid."),
639        0x80080001: ("CO_E_CLASS_CREATE_FAILED", "Attempt to create a class object failed."),
640        0x80080002: ("CO_E_SCM_ERROR", "OLE service could not bind object."),
641        0x80080003: ("CO_E_SCM_RPC_FAILURE", "RPC communication failed with OLE service."),
642        0x80080004: ("CO_E_BAD_PATH", "Bad path to object."),
643        0x80080005: ("CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE", "Server execution failed."),
644        0x80080006: ("CO_E_OBJSRV_RPC_FAILURE", "OLE service could not communicate with the object server."),
645        0x80080007: ("MK_E_NO_NORMALIZED", "Moniker path could not be normalized."),
646        0x80080008: ("CO_E_SERVER_STOPPING", "Object server is stopping when OLE service contacts it."),
647        0x80080009: ("MEM_E_INVALID_ROOT", "An invalid root block pointer was specified."),
648        0x80080010: ("MEM_E_INVALID_LINK", "An allocation chain contained an invalid link pointer."),
649        0x80080011: ("MEM_E_INVALID_SIZE", "The requested allocation size was too large."),
650        0x80080015: ("CO_E_MISSING_DISPLAYNAME", "The activation requires a display name to be present under the class identifier (CLSID) key."),
651        0x80080016: ("CO_E_RUNAS_VALUE_MUST_BE_AAA", "The activation requires that the RunAs value for the application is Activate As Activator."),
652        0x80080017: ("CO_E_ELEVATION_DISABLED", "The class is not configured to support elevated activation."),
653        0x80090001: ("NTE_BAD_UID", "Bad UID."),
654        0x80090002: ("NTE_BAD_HASH", "Bad hash."),
655        0x80090003: ("NTE_BAD_KEY", "Bad key."),
656        0x80090004: ("NTE_BAD_LEN", "Bad length."),
657        0x80090005: ("NTE_BAD_DATA", "Bad data."),
658        0x80090006: ("NTE_BAD_SIGNATURE", "Invalid signature."),
659        0x80090007: ("NTE_BAD_VER", "Bad version of provider."),
660        0x80090008: ("NTE_BAD_ALGID", "Invalid algorithm specified."),
661        0x80090009: ("NTE_BAD_FLAGS", "Invalid flags specified."),
662        0x8009000A: ("NTE_BAD_TYPE", "Invalid type specified."),
663        0x8009000B: ("NTE_BAD_KEY_STATE", "Key not valid for use in specified state."),
664        0x8009000C: ("NTE_BAD_HASH_STATE", "Hash not valid for use in specified state."),
665        0x8009000D: ("NTE_NO_KEY", "Key does not exist."),
666        0x8009000E: ("NTE_NO_MEMORY", "Insufficient memory available for the operation."),
667        0x8009000F: ("NTE_EXISTS", "Object already exists."),
668        0x80090010: ("NTE_PERM", "Access denied."),
669        0x80090011: ("NTE_NOT_FOUND", "Object was not found."),
670        0x80090012: ("NTE_DOUBLE_ENCRYPT", "Data already encrypted."),
671        0x80090013: ("NTE_BAD_PROVIDER", "Invalid provider specified."),
672        0x80090014: ("NTE_BAD_PROV_TYPE", "Invalid provider type specified."),
673        0x80090015: ("NTE_BAD_PUBLIC_KEY", "Provider's public key is invalid."),
674        0x80090016: ("NTE_BAD_KEYSET", "Key set does not exist."),
675        0x80090017: ("NTE_PROV_TYPE_NOT_DEF", "Provider type not defined."),
676        0x80090018: ("NTE_PROV_TYPE_ENTRY_BAD", "The provider type, as registered, is invalid."),
677        0x80090019: ("NTE_KEYSET_NOT_DEF", "The key set is not defined."),
678        0x8009001A: ("NTE_KEYSET_ENTRY_BAD", "The key set, as registered, is invalid."),
679        0x8009001B: ("NTE_PROV_TYPE_NO_MATCH", "Provider type does not match registered value."),
680        0x8009001C: ("NTE_SIGNATURE_FILE_BAD", "The digital signature file is corrupt."),
681        0x8009001D: ("NTE_PROVIDER_DLL_FAIL", "Provider DLL failed to initialize correctly."),
682        0x8009001E: ("NTE_PROV_DLL_NOT_FOUND", "Provider DLL could not be found."),
683        0x8009001F: ("NTE_BAD_KEYSET_PARAM", "The keyset parameter is invalid."),
684        0x80090020: ("NTE_FAIL", "An internal error occurred."),
685        0x80090021: ("NTE_SYS_ERR", "A base error occurred."),
686        0x80090022: ("NTE_SILENT_CONTEXT", "Provider could not perform the action because the context was acquired as silent."),
687        0x80090023: ("NTE_TOKEN_KEYSET_STORAGE_FULL", "The security token does not have storage space available for an additional container."),
688        0x80090024: ("NTE_TEMPORARY_PROFILE", "The profile for the user is a temporary profile."),
689        0x80090025: ("NTE_FIXEDPARAMETER", "The key parameters could not be set because the configuration service provider (CSP) uses fixed parameters."),
690        0x80090026: ("NTE_INVALID_HANDLE", "The supplied handle is invalid."),
691        0x80090027: ("NTE_INVALID_PARAMETER", "The parameter is incorrect."),
692        0x80090028: ("NTE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL", "The buffer supplied to a function was too small."),
693        0x80090029: ("NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The requested operation is not supported."),
694        0x8009002A: ("NTE_NO_MORE_ITEMS", "No more data is available."),
695        0x8009002B: ("NTE_BUFFERS_OVERLAP", "The supplied buffers overlap incorrectly."),
696        0x8009002C: ("NTE_DECRYPTION_FAILURE", "The specified data could not be decrypted."),
697        0x8009002D: ("NTE_INTERNAL_ERROR", "An internal consistency check failed."),
698        0x8009002E: ("NTE_UI_REQUIRED", "This operation requires input from the user."),
699        0x8009002F: ("NTE_HMAC_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The cryptographic provider does not support Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC)."),
700        0x80090300: ("SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY", "Not enough memory is available to complete this request."),
701        0x80090301: ("SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE", "The handle specified is invalid."),
702        0x80090302: ("SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION", "The function requested is not supported."),
703        0x80090303: ("SEC_E_TARGET_UNKNOWN", "The specified target is unknown or unreachable."),
704        0x80090304: ("SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR", "The Local Security Authority (LSA) cannot be contacted."),
705        0x80090305: ("SEC_E_SECPKG_NOT_FOUND", "The requested security package does not exist."),
706        0x80090306: ("SEC_E_NOT_OWNER", "The caller is not the owner of the desired credentials."),
707        0x80090307: ("SEC_E_CANNOT_INSTALL", "The security package failed to initialize and cannot be installed."),
708        0x80090308: ("SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN", "The token supplied to the function is invalid."),
709        0x80090309: ("SEC_E_CANNOT_PACK", "The security package is not able to marshal the logon buffer, so the logon attempt has failed."),
710        0x8009030A: ("SEC_E_QOP_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The per-message quality of protection is not supported by the security package."),
711        0x8009030B: ("SEC_E_NO_IMPERSONATION", "The security context does not allow impersonation of the client."),
712        0x8009030C: ("SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED", "The logon attempt failed."),
713        0x8009030D: ("SEC_E_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALS", "The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized."),
714        0x8009030E: ("SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS", "No credentials are available in the security package."),
715        0x8009030F: ("SEC_E_MESSAGE_ALTERED", "The message or signature supplied for verification has been altered."),
716        0x80090310: ("SEC_E_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE", "The message supplied for verification is out of sequence."),
717        0x80090311: ("SEC_E_NO_AUTHENTICATING_AUTHORITY", "No authority could be contacted for authentication."),
718        0x80090316: ("SEC_E_BAD_PKGID", "The requested security package does not exist."),
719        0x80090317: ("SEC_E_CONTEXT_EXPIRED", "The context has expired and can no longer be used."),
720        0x80090318: ("SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE", "The supplied message is incomplete. The signature was not verified."),
721        0x80090320: ("SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_CREDENTIALS", "The credentials supplied were not complete and could not be verified. The context could not be initialized."),
722        0x80090321: ("SEC_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL", "The buffers supplied to a function was too small."),
723        0x80090322: ("SEC_E_WRONG_PRINCIPAL", "The target principal name is incorrect."),
724        0x80090324: ("SEC_E_TIME_SKEW", "The clocks on the client and server machines are skewed."),
725        0x80090325: ("SEC_E_UNTRUSTED_ROOT", "The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted."),
726        0x80090326: ("SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE", "The message received was unexpected or badly formatted."),
727        0x80090327: ("SEC_E_CERT_UNKNOWN", "An unknown error occurred while processing the certificate."),
728        0x80090328: ("SEC_E_CERT_EXPIRED", "The received certificate has expired."),
729        0x80090329: ("SEC_E_ENCRYPT_FAILURE", "The specified data could not be encrypted."),
730        0x80090330: ("SEC_E_DECRYPT_FAILURE", "The specified data could not be decrypted."),
731        0x80090331: ("SEC_E_ALGORITHM_MISMATCH", "The client and server cannot communicate because they do not possess a common algorithm."),
732        0x80090332: ("SEC_E_SECURITY_QOS_FAILED", "The security context could not be established due to a failure in the requested quality of service (for example, mutual authentication or delegation)."),
733        0x80090333: ("SEC_E_UNFINISHED_CONTEXT_DELETED", "A security context was deleted before the context was completed. This is considered a logon failure."),
734        0x80090334: ("SEC_E_NO_TGT_REPLY", "The client is trying to negotiate a context and the server requires user-to-user but did not send a ticket granting ticket (TGT) reply."),
735        0x80090335: ("SEC_E_NO_IP_ADDRESSES", "Unable to accomplish the requested task because the local machine does not have an IP addresses."),
736        0x80090336: ("SEC_E_WRONG_CREDENTIAL_HANDLE", "The supplied credential handle does not match the credential associated with the security context."),
737        0x80090337: ("SEC_E_CRYPTO_SYSTEM_INVALID", "The cryptographic system or checksum function is invalid because a required function is unavailable."),
738        0x80090338: ("SEC_E_MAX_REFERRALS_EXCEEDED", "The number of maximum ticket referrals has been exceeded."),
739        0x80090339: ("SEC_E_MUST_BE_KDC", "The local machine must be a Kerberos domain controller (KDC), and it is not."),
740        0x8009033A: ("SEC_E_STRONG_CRYPTO_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The other end of the security negotiation requires strong cryptographics, but it is not supported on the local machine."),
741        0x8009033B: ("SEC_E_TOO_MANY_PRINCIPALS", "The KDC reply contained more than one principal name."),
742        0x8009033C: ("SEC_E_NO_PA_DATA", "Expected to find PA data for a hint of what etype to use, but it was not found."),
743        0x8009033D: ("SEC_E_PKINIT_NAME_MISMATCH", "The client certificate does not contain a valid user principal name (UPN), or does not match the client name in the logon request. Contact your administrator."),
744        0x8009033E: ("SEC_E_SMARTCARD_LOGON_REQUIRED", "Smart card logon is required and was not used."),
745        0x8009033F: ("SEC_E_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS", "A system shutdown is in progress."),
746        0x80090340: ("SEC_E_KDC_INVALID_REQUEST", "An invalid request was sent to the KDC."),
747        0x80090341: ("SEC_E_KDC_UNABLE_TO_REFER", "The KDC was unable to generate a referral for the service requested."),
748        0x80090342: ("SEC_E_KDC_UNKNOWN_ETYPE", "The encryption type requested is not supported by the KDC."),
749        0x80090343: ("SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_PREAUTH", "An unsupported pre-authentication mechanism was presented to the Kerberos package."),
750        0x80090345: ("SEC_E_DELEGATION_REQUIRED", "The requested operation cannot be completed. The computer must be trusted for delegation, and the current user account must be configured to allow delegation."),
751        0x80090346: ("SEC_E_BAD_BINDINGS", "Client's supplied Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) channel bindings were incorrect."),
752        0x80090347: ("SEC_E_MULTIPLE_ACCOUNTS", "The received certificate was mapped to multiple accounts."),
753        0x80090348: ("SEC_E_NO_KERB_KEY", "No Kerberos key was found."),
754        0x80090349: ("SEC_E_CERT_WRONG_USAGE", "The certificate is not valid for the requested usage."),
755        0x80090350: ("SEC_E_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED", "The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you."),
756        0x80090351: ("SEC_E_SMARTCARD_CERT_REVOKED", "The smart card certificate used for authentication has been revoked. Contact your system administrator. The event log may contain additional information."),
757        0x80090352: ("SEC_E_ISSUING_CA_UNTRUSTED", "An untrusted certification authority (CA) was detected while processing the smart card certificate used for authentication. Contact your system administrator."),
758        0x80090353: ("SEC_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE_C", "The revocation status of the smart card certificate used for authentication could not be determined. Contact your system administrator."),
759        0x80090354: ("SEC_E_PKINIT_CLIENT_FAILURE", "The smart card certificate used for authentication was not trusted. Contact your system administrator."),
760        0x80090355: ("SEC_E_SMARTCARD_CERT_EXPIRED", "The smart card certificate used for authentication has expired. Contact your system administrator."),
761        0x80090356: ("SEC_E_NO_S4U_PROT_SUPPORT", "The Kerberos subsystem encountered an error. A service for user protocol requests was made against a domain controller that does not support services for users."),
762        0x80090357: ("SEC_E_CROSSREALM_DELEGATION_FAILURE", "An attempt was made by this server to make a Kerberos-constrained delegation request for a target outside the server's realm. This is not supported and indicates a misconfiguration on this server's allowed-to-delegate-to list. Contact your administrator."),
763        0x80090358: ("SEC_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE_KDC", "The revocation status of the domain controller certificate used for smart card authentication could not be determined. The system event log contains additional information. Contact your system administrator."),
764        0x80090359: ("SEC_E_ISSUING_CA_UNTRUSTED_KDC", "An untrusted CA was detected while processing the domain controller certificate used for authentication. The system event log contains additional information. Contact your system administrator."),
765        0x8009035A: ("SEC_E_KDC_CERT_EXPIRED", "The domain controller certificate used for smart card logon has expired. Contact your system administrator with the contents of your system event log."),
766        0x8009035B: ("SEC_E_KDC_CERT_REVOKED", "The domain controller certificate used for smart card logon has been revoked. Contact your system administrator with the contents of your system event log."),
767        0x8009035D: ("SEC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER", "One or more of the parameters passed to the function were invalid."),
768        0x8009035E: ("SEC_E_DELEGATION_POLICY", "The client policy does not allow credential delegation to the target server."),
769        0x8009035F: ("SEC_E_POLICY_NLTM_ONLY", "The client policy does not allow credential delegation to the target server with NLTM only authentication."),
770        0x80091001: ("CRYPT_E_MSG_ERROR", "An error occurred while performing an operation on a cryptographic message."),
771        0x80091002: ("CRYPT_E_UNKNOWN_ALGO", "Unknown cryptographic algorithm."),
772        0x80091003: ("CRYPT_E_OID_FORMAT", "The object identifier is poorly formatted."),
773        0x80091004: ("CRYPT_E_INVALID_MSG_TYPE", "Invalid cryptographic message type."),
774        0x80091005: ("CRYPT_E_UNEXPECTED_ENCODING", "Unexpected cryptographic message encoding."),
775        0x80091006: ("CRYPT_E_AUTH_ATTR_MISSING", "The cryptographic message does not contain an expected authenticated attribute."),
776        0x80091007: ("CRYPT_E_HASH_VALUE", "The hash value is not correct."),
777        0x80091008: ("CRYPT_E_INVALID_INDEX", "The index value is not valid."),
778        0x80091009: ("CRYPT_E_ALREADY_DECRYPTED", "The content of the cryptographic message has already been decrypted."),
779        0x8009100A: ("CRYPT_E_NOT_DECRYPTED", "The content of the cryptographic message has not been decrypted yet."),
780        0x8009100B: ("CRYPT_E_RECIPIENT_NOT_FOUND", "The enveloped-data message does not contain the specified recipient."),
781        0x8009100C: ("CRYPT_E_CONTROL_TYPE", "Invalid control type."),
782        0x8009100D: ("CRYPT_E_ISSUER_SERIALNUMBER", "Invalid issuer or serial number."),
783        0x8009100E: ("CRYPT_E_SIGNER_NOT_FOUND", "Cannot find the original signer."),
784        0x8009100F: ("CRYPT_E_ATTRIBUTES_MISSING", "The cryptographic message does not contain all of the requested attributes."),
785        0x80091010: ("CRYPT_E_STREAM_MSG_NOT_READY", "The streamed cryptographic message is not ready to return data."),
786        0x80091011: ("CRYPT_E_STREAM_INSUFFICIENT_DATA", "The streamed cryptographic message requires more data to complete the decode operation."),
787        0x80092001: ("CRYPT_E_BAD_LEN", "The length specified for the output data was insufficient."),
788        0x80092002: ("CRYPT_E_BAD_ENCODE", "An error occurred during the encode or decode operation."),
789        0x80092003: ("CRYPT_E_FILE_ERROR", "An error occurred while reading or writing to a file."),
790        0x80092004: ("CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND", "Cannot find object or property."),
791        0x80092005: ("CRYPT_E_EXISTS", "The object or property already exists."),
792        0x80092006: ("CRYPT_E_NO_PROVIDER", "No provider was specified for the store or object."),
793        0x80092007: ("CRYPT_E_SELF_SIGNED", "The specified certificate is self-signed."),
794        0x80092008: ("CRYPT_E_DELETED_PREV", "The previous certificate or certificate revocation list (CRL) context was deleted."),
795        0x80092009: ("CRYPT_E_NO_MATCH", "Cannot find the requested object."),
796        0x8009200A: ("CRYPT_E_UNEXPECTED_MSG_TYPE", "The certificate does not have a property that references a private key."),
797        0x8009200B: ("CRYPT_E_NO_KEY_PROPERTY", "Cannot find the certificate and private key for decryption."),
798        0x8009200C: ("CRYPT_E_NO_DECRYPT_CERT", "Cannot find the certificate and private key to use for decryption."),
799        0x8009200D: ("CRYPT_E_BAD_MSG", "Not a cryptographic message or the cryptographic message is not formatted correctly."),
800        0x8009200E: ("CRYPT_E_NO_SIGNER", "The signed cryptographic message does not have a signer for the specified signer index."),
801        0x8009200F: ("CRYPT_E_PENDING_CLOSE", "Final closure is pending until additional frees or closes."),
802        0x80092010: ("CRYPT_E_REVOKED", "The certificate is revoked."),
803        0x80092011: ("CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_DLL", "No DLL or exported function was found to verify revocation."),
804        0x80092012: ("CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_CHECK", "The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate."),
805        0x80092013: ("CRYPT_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE", "The revocation function was unable to check revocation because the revocation server was offline."),
806        0x80092014: ("CRYPT_E_NOT_IN_REVOCATION_DATABASE", "The certificate is not in the revocation server's database."),
807        0x80092020: ("CRYPT_E_INVALID_NUMERIC_STRING", "The string contains a non-numeric character."),
808        0x80092021: ("CRYPT_E_INVALID_PRINTABLE_STRING", "The string contains a nonprintable character."),
809        0x80092022: ("CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING", "The string contains a character not in the 7-bit ASCII character set."),
810        0x80092023: ("CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING", "The string contains an invalid X500 name attribute key, object identifier (OID), value, or delimiter."),
811        0x80092024: ("CRYPT_E_NOT_CHAR_STRING", "The dwValueType for the CERT_NAME_VALUE is not one of the character strings. Most likely it is either a CERT_RDN_ENCODED_BLOB or CERT_TDN_OCTED_STRING."),
812        0x80092025: ("CRYPT_E_FILERESIZED", "The Put operation cannot continue. The file needs to be resized. However, there is already a signature present. A complete signing operation must be done."),
813        0x80092026: ("CRYPT_E_SECURITY_SETTINGS", "The cryptographic operation failed due to a local security option setting."),
814        0x80092027: ("CRYPT_E_NO_VERIFY_USAGE_DLL", "No DLL or exported function was found to verify subject usage."),
815        0x80092028: ("CRYPT_E_NO_VERIFY_USAGE_CHECK", "The called function was unable to perform a usage check on the subject."),
816        0x80092029: ("CRYPT_E_VERIFY_USAGE_OFFLINE", "The called function was unable to complete the usage check because the server was offline."),
817        0x8009202A: ("CRYPT_E_NOT_IN_CTL", "The subject was not found in a certificate trust list (CTL)."),
818        0x8009202B: ("CRYPT_E_NO_TRUSTED_SIGNER", "None of the signers of the cryptographic message or certificate trust list is trusted."),
819        0x8009202C: ("CRYPT_E_MISSING_PUBKEY_PARA", "The public key's algorithm parameters are missing."),
820        0x80093000: ("CRYPT_E_OSS_ERROR", "OSS Certificate encode/decode error code base."),
821        0x80093001: ("OSS_MORE_BUF", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Output Buffer is too small."),
822        0x80093002: ("OSS_NEGATIVE_UINTEGER", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Signed integer is encoded as a unsigned integer."),
823        0x80093003: ("OSS_PDU_RANGE", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Unknown ASN.1 data type."),
824        0x80093004: ("OSS_MORE_INPUT", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Output buffer is too small; the decoded data has been truncated."),
825        0x80093005: ("OSS_DATA_ERROR", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."),
826        0x80093006: ("OSS_BAD_ARG", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid argument."),
827        0x80093007: ("OSS_BAD_VERSION", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Encode/Decode version mismatch."),
828        0x80093008: ("OSS_OUT_MEMORY", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Out of memory."),
829        0x80093009: ("OSS_PDU_MISMATCH", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Encode/Decode error."),
830        0x8009300A: ("OSS_LIMITED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Internal error."),
831        0x8009300B: ("OSS_BAD_PTR", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."),
832        0x8009300C: ("OSS_BAD_TIME", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."),
833        0x8009300D: ("OSS_INDEFINITE_NOT_SUPPORTED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Unsupported BER indefinite-length encoding."),
834        0x8009300E: ("OSS_MEM_ERROR", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Access violation."),
835        0x8009300F: ("OSS_BAD_TABLE", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."),
836        0x80093010: ("OSS_TOO_LONG", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."),
837        0x80093011: ("OSS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."),
838        0x80093012: ("OSS_FATAL_ERROR", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Internal error."),
839        0x80093013: ("OSS_ACCESS_SERIALIZATION_ERROR", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Multithreading conflict."),
840        0x80093014: ("OSS_NULL_TBL", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."),
841        0x80093015: ("OSS_NULL_FCN", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."),
842        0x80093016: ("OSS_BAD_ENCRULES", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."),
843        0x80093017: ("OSS_UNAVAIL_ENCRULES", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Encode/Decode function not implemented."),
844        0x80093018: ("OSS_CANT_OPEN_TRACE_WINDOW", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Trace file error."),
845        0x80093019: ("OSS_UNIMPLEMENTED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Function not implemented."),
846        0x8009301A: ("OSS_OID_DLL_NOT_LINKED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
847        0x8009301B: ("OSS_CANT_OPEN_TRACE_FILE", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Trace file error."),
848        0x8009301C: ("OSS_TRACE_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Trace file error."),
849        0x8009301D: ("OSS_TABLE_MISMATCH", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."),
850        0x8009301E: ("OSS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."),
851        0x8009301F: ("OSS_REAL_DLL_NOT_LINKED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
852        0x80093020: ("OSS_REAL_CODE_NOT_LINKED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
853        0x80093021: ("OSS_OUT_OF_RANGE", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
854        0x80093022: ("OSS_COPIER_DLL_NOT_LINKED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
855        0x80093023: ("OSS_CONSTRAINT_DLL_NOT_LINKED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
856        0x80093024: ("OSS_COMPARATOR_DLL_NOT_LINKED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
857        0x80093025: ("OSS_COMPARATOR_CODE_NOT_LINKED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
858        0x80093026: ("OSS_MEM_MGR_DLL_NOT_LINKED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
859        0x80093027: ("OSS_PDV_DLL_NOT_LINKED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
860        0x80093028: ("OSS_PDV_CODE_NOT_LINKED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
861        0x80093029: ("OSS_API_DLL_NOT_LINKED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
862        0x8009302A: ("OSS_BERDER_DLL_NOT_LINKED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
863        0x8009302B: ("OSS_PER_DLL_NOT_LINKED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
864        0x8009302C: ("OSS_OPEN_TYPE_ERROR", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."),
865        0x8009302D: ("OSS_MUTEX_NOT_CREATED", "OSS ASN.1 Error: System resource error."),
866        0x8009302E: ("OSS_CANT_CLOSE_TRACE_FILE", "OSS ASN.1 Error: Trace file error."),
867        0x80093100: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_ERROR", "ASN1 Certificate encode/decode error code base."),
868        0x80093101: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_INTERNAL", "ASN1 internal encode or decode error."),
869        0x80093102: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_EOD", "ASN1 unexpected end of data."),
870        0x80093103: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_CORRUPT", "ASN1 corrupted data."),
871        0x80093104: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_LARGE", "ASN1 value too large."),
872        0x80093105: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_CONSTRAINT", "ASN1 constraint violated."),
873        0x80093106: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_MEMORY", "ASN1 out of memory."),
874        0x80093107: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_OVERFLOW", "ASN1 buffer overflow."),
875        0x80093108: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADPDU", "ASN1 function not supported for this protocol data unit (PDU)."),
876        0x80093109: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADARGS", "ASN1 bad arguments to function call."),
877        0x8009310A: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADREAL", "ASN1 bad real value."),
878        0x8009310B: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADTAG", "ASN1 bad tag value met."),
879        0x8009310C: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_CHOICE", "ASN1 bad choice value."),
880        0x8009310D: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_RULE", "ASN1 bad encoding rule."),
881        0x8009310E: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_UTF8", "ASN1 bad Unicode (UTF8)."),
882        0x80093133: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_PDU_TYPE", "ASN1 bad PDU type."),
883        0x80093134: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_NYI", "ASN1 not yet implemented."),
884        0x80093201: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_EXTENDED", "ASN1 skipped unknown extensions."),
885        0x80093202: ("CRYPT_E_ASN1_NOEOD", "ASN1 end of data expected."),
886        0x80094001: ("CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSUBJECT", "The request subject name is invalid or too long."),
887        0x80094002: ("CERTSRV_E_NO_REQUEST", "The request does not exist."),
888        0x80094003: ("CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSTATUS", "The request's current status does not allow this operation."),
889        0x80094004: ("CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY", "The requested property value is empty."),
890        0x80094005: ("CERTSRV_E_INVALID_CA_CERTIFICATE", "The CA's certificate contains invalid data."),
891        0x80094006: ("CERTSRV_E_SERVER_SUSPENDED", "Certificate service has been suspended for a database restore operation."),
892        0x80094007: ("CERTSRV_E_ENCODING_LENGTH", "The certificate contains an encoded length that is potentially incompatible with older enrollment software."),
893        0x80094008: ("CERTSRV_E_ROLECONFLICT", "The operation is denied. The user has multiple roles assigned, and the CA is configured to enforce role separation."),
894        0x80094009: ("CERTSRV_E_RESTRICTEDOFFICER", "The operation is denied. It can only be performed by a certificate manager that is allowed to manage certificates for the current requester."),
895        0x8009400A: ("CERTSRV_E_KEY_ARCHIVAL_NOT_CONFIGURED", "Cannot archive private key. The CA is not configured for key archival."),
896        0x8009400B: ("CERTSRV_E_NO_VALID_KRA", "Cannot archive private key. The CA could not verify one or more key recovery certificates."),
897        0x8009400C: ("CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUEST_KEY_ARCHIVAL", "The request is incorrectly formatted. The encrypted private key must be in an unauthenticated attribute in an outermost signature."),
898        0x8009400D: ("CERTSRV_E_NO_CAADMIN_DEFINED", "At least one security principal must have the permission to manage this CA."),
899        0x8009400E: ("CERTSRV_E_BAD_RENEWAL_CERT_ATTRIBUTE", "The request contains an invalid renewal certificate attribute."),
900        0x8009400F: ("CERTSRV_E_NO_DB_SESSIONS", "An attempt was made to open a CA database session, but there are already too many active sessions. The server may need to be configured to allow additional sessions."),
901        0x80094010: ("CERTSRV_E_ALIGNMENT_FAULT", "A memory reference caused a data alignment fault."),
902        0x80094011: ("CERTSRV_E_ENROLL_DENIED", "The permissions on this CA do not allow the current user to enroll for certificates."),
903        0x80094012: ("CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_DENIED", "The permissions on the certificate template do not allow the current user to enroll for this type of certificate."),
904        0x80094013: ("CERTSRV_E_DOWNLEVEL_DC_SSL_OR_UPGRADE", "The contacted domain controller cannot support signed Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) traffic. Update the domain controller or configure Certificate Services to use SSL for Active Directory access."),
905        0x80094800: ("CERTSRV_E_UNSUPPORTED_CERT_TYPE", "The requested certificate template is not supported by this CA."),
906        0x80094801: ("CERTSRV_E_NO_CERT_TYPE", "The request contains no certificate template information."),
907        0x80094802: ("CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_CONFLICT", "The request contains conflicting template information."),
908        0x80094803: ("CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME_REQUIRED", "The request is missing a required Subject Alternate name extension."),
909        0x80094804: ("CERTSRV_E_ARCHIVED_KEY_REQUIRED", "The request is missing a required private key for archival by the server."),
910        0x80094805: ("CERTSRV_E_SMIME_REQUIRED", "The request is missing a required SMIME capabilities extension."),
911        0x80094806: ("CERTSRV_E_BAD_RENEWAL_SUBJECT", "The request was made on behalf of a subject other than the caller. The certificate template must be configured to require at least one signature to authorize the request."),
912        0x80094807: ("CERTSRV_E_BAD_TEMPLATE_VERSION", "The request template version is newer than the supported template version."),
913        0x80094808: ("CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_POLICY_REQUIRED", "The template is missing a required signature policy attribute."),
914        0x80094809: ("CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_POLICY_REQUIRED", "The request is missing required signature policy information."),
915        0x8009480A: ("CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_COUNT", "The request is missing one or more required signatures."),
916        0x8009480B: ("CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_REJECTED", "One or more signatures did not include the required application or issuance policies. The request is missing one or more required valid signatures."),
917        0x8009480C: ("CERTSRV_E_ISSUANCE_POLICY_REQUIRED", "The request is missing one or more required signature issuance policies."),
918        0x8009480D: ("CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_UPN_REQUIRED", "The UPN is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject Alternate name."),
919        0x8009480E: ("CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_DIRECTORY_GUID_REQUIRED", "The Active Directory GUID is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject Alternate name."),
920        0x8009480F: ("CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_DNS_REQUIRED", "The Domain Name System (DNS) name is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject Alternate name."),
921        0x80094810: ("CERTSRV_E_ARCHIVED_KEY_UNEXPECTED", "The request includes a private key for archival by the server, but key archival is not enabled for the specified certificate template."),
922        0x80094811: ("CERTSRV_E_KEY_LENGTH", "The public key does not meet the minimum size required by the specified certificate template."),
923        0x80094812: ("CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_EMAIL_REQUIRED", "The email name is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject or Subject Alternate name."),
924        0x80094813: ("CERTSRV_E_UNKNOWN_CERT_TYPE", "One or more certificate templates to be enabled on this CA could not be found."),
925        0x80094814: ("CERTSRV_E_CERT_TYPE_OVERLAP", "The certificate template renewal period is longer than the certificate validity period. The template should be reconfigured or the CA certificate renewed."),
926        0x80094815: ("CERTSRV_E_TOO_MANY_SIGNATURES", "The certificate template requires too many return authorization (RA) signatures. Only one RA signature is allowed."),
927        0x80094816: ("CERTSRV_E_RENEWAL_BAD_PUBLIC_KEY", "The key used in a renewal request does not match one of the certificates being renewed."),
928        0x80094817: ("CERTSRV_E_INVALID_EK", "The endorsement key certificate is not valid."),
929        0x8009481A: ("CERTSRV_E_KEY_ATTESTATION", "Key attestation did not succeed."),
930        0x80095000: ("XENROLL_E_KEY_NOT_EXPORTABLE", "The key is not exportable."),
931        0x80095001: ("XENROLL_E_CANNOT_ADD_ROOT_CERT", "You cannot add the root CA certificate into your local store."),
932        0x80095002: ("XENROLL_E_RESPONSE_KA_HASH_NOT_FOUND", "The key archival hash attribute was not found in the response."),
933        0x80095003: ("XENROLL_E_RESPONSE_UNEXPECTED_KA_HASH", "An unexpected key archival hash attribute was found in the response."),
934        0x80095004: ("XENROLL_E_RESPONSE_KA_HASH_MISMATCH", "There is a key archival hash mismatch between the request and the response."),
935        0x80095005: ("XENROLL_E_KEYSPEC_SMIME_MISMATCH", "Signing certificate cannot include SMIME extension."),
936        0x80096001: ("TRUST_E_SYSTEM_ERROR", "A system-level error occurred while verifying trust."),
937        0x80096002: ("TRUST_E_NO_SIGNER_CERT", "The certificate for the signer of the message is invalid or not found."),
938        0x80096003: ("TRUST_E_COUNTER_SIGNER", "One of the counter signatures was invalid."),
939        0x80096004: ("TRUST_E_CERT_SIGNATURE", "The signature of the certificate cannot be verified."),
940        0x80096005: ("TRUST_E_TIME_STAMP", "The time-stamp signature or certificate could not be verified or is malformed."),
941        0x80096010: ("TRUST_E_BAD_DIGEST", "The digital signature of the object did not verify."),
942        0x80096019: ("TRUST_E_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS", "A certificate's basic constraint extension has not been observed."),
943        0x8009601E: ("TRUST_E_FINANCIAL_CRITERIA", "The certificate does not meet or contain the Authenticode financial extensions."),
944        0x80097001: ("MSSIPOTF_E_OUTOFMEMRANGE", "Tried to reference a part of the file outside the proper range."),
945        0x80097002: ("MSSIPOTF_E_CANTGETOBJECT", "Could not retrieve an object from the file."),
946        0x80097003: ("MSSIPOTF_E_NOHEADTABLE", "Could not find the head table in the file."),
947        0x80097004: ("MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_MAGICNUMBER", "The magic number in the head table is incorrect."),
948        0x80097005: ("MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_OFFSET_TABLE", "The offset table has incorrect values."),
949        0x80097006: ("MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_TAGORDER", "Duplicate table tags or the tags are out of alphabetical order."),
950        0x80097007: ("MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_LONGWORD", "A table does not start on a long word boundary."),
951        0x80097008: ("MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_FIRST_TABLE_PLACEMENT", "First table does not appear after header information."),
952        0x80097009: ("MSSIPOTF_E_TABLES_OVERLAP", "Two or more tables overlap."),
953        0x8009700A: ("MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_PADBYTES", "Too many pad bytes between tables, or pad bytes are not 0."),
954        0x8009700B: ("MSSIPOTF_E_FILETOOSMALL", "File is too small to contain the last table."),
955        0x8009700C: ("MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_CHECKSUM", "A table checksum is incorrect."),
956        0x8009700D: ("MSSIPOTF_E_FILE_CHECKSUM", "The file checksum is incorrect."),
957        0x80097010: ("MSSIPOTF_E_FAILED_POLICY", "The signature does not have the correct attributes for the policy."),
958        0x80097011: ("MSSIPOTF_E_FAILED_HINTS_CHECK", "The file did not pass the hints check."),
959        0x80097012: ("MSSIPOTF_E_NOT_OPENTYPE", "The file is not an OpenType file."),
960        0x80097013: ("MSSIPOTF_E_FILE", "Failed on a file operation (such as open, map, read, or write)."),
961        0x80097014: ("MSSIPOTF_E_CRYPT", "A call to a CryptoAPI function failed."),
962        0x80097015: ("MSSIPOTF_E_BADVERSION", "There is a bad version number in the file."),
963        0x80097016: ("MSSIPOTF_E_DSIG_STRUCTURE", "The structure of the DSIG table is incorrect."),
964        0x80097017: ("MSSIPOTF_E_PCONST_CHECK", "A check failed in a partially constant table."),
965        0x80097018: ("MSSIPOTF_E_STRUCTURE", "Some kind of structural error."),
966        0x80097019: ("ERROR_CRED_REQUIRES_CONFIRMATION", "The requested credential requires confirmation."),
967        0x800B0001: ("TRUST_E_PROVIDER_UNKNOWN", "Unknown trust provider."),
968        0x800B0002: ("TRUST_E_ACTION_UNKNOWN", "The trust verification action specified is not supported by the specified trust provider."),
969        0x800B0003: ("TRUST_E_SUBJECT_FORM_UNKNOWN", "The form specified for the subject is not one supported or known by the specified trust provider."),
970        0x800B0004: ("TRUST_E_SUBJECT_NOT_TRUSTED", "The subject is not trusted for the specified action."),
971        0x800B0005: ("DIGSIG_E_ENCODE", "Error due to problem in ASN.1 encoding process."),
972        0x800B0006: ("DIGSIG_E_DECODE", "Error due to problem in ASN.1 decoding process."),
973        0x800B0007: ("DIGSIG_E_EXTENSIBILITY", "Reading/writing extensions where attributes are appropriate, and vice versa."),
974        0x800B0008: ("DIGSIG_E_CRYPTO", "Unspecified cryptographic failure."),
975        0x800B0009: ("PERSIST_E_SIZEDEFINITE", "The size of the data could not be determined."),
976        0x800B000A: ("PERSIST_E_SIZEINDEFINITE", "The size of the indefinite-sized data could not be determined."),
977        0x800B000B: ("PERSIST_E_NOTSELFSIZING", "This object does not read and write self-sizing data."),
978        0x800B0100: ("TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE", "No signature was present in the subject."),
979        0x800B0101: ("CERT_E_EXPIRED", "A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the time stamp in the signed file."),
980        0x800B0102: ("CERT_E_VALIDITYPERIODNESTING", "The validity periods of the certification chain do not nest correctly."),
981        0x800B0103: ("CERT_E_ROLE", "A certificate that can only be used as an end entity is being used as a CA or vice versa."),
982        0x800B0104: ("CERT_E_PATHLENCONST", "A path length constraint in the certification chain has been violated."),
983        0x800B0105: ("CERT_E_CRITICAL", "A certificate contains an unknown extension that is marked \"critical\"."),
984        0x800B0106: ("CERT_E_PURPOSE", "A certificate is being used for a purpose other than the ones specified by its CA."),
985        0x800B0107: ("CERT_E_ISSUERCHAINING", "A parent of a given certificate did not issue that child certificate."),
986        0x800B0108: ("CERT_E_MALFORMED", "A certificate is missing or has an empty value for an important field, such as a subject or issuer name."),
987        0x800B0109: ("CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT", "A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate that is not trusted by the trust provider."),
988        0x800B010A: ("CERT_E_CHAINING", "A certificate chain could not be built to a trusted root authority."),
989        0x800B010B: ("TRUST_E_FAIL", "Generic trust failure."),
990        0x800B010C: ("CERT_E_REVOKED", "A certificate was explicitly revoked by its issuer."),
991        0x800B010D: ("CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDTESTROOT", "The certification path terminates with the test root that is not trusted with the current policy settings."),
992        0x800B010E: ("CERT_E_REVOCATION_FAILURE", "The revocation process could not continue-the certificates could not be checked."),
993        0x800B010F: ("CERT_E_CN_NO_MATCH", "The certificate's CN name does not match the passed value."),
994        0x800B0110: ("CERT_E_WRONG_USAGE", "The certificate is not valid for the requested usage."),
995        0x800B0111: ("TRUST_E_EXPLICIT_DISTRUST", "The certificate was explicitly marked as untrusted by the user."),
996        0x800B0112: ("CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDCA", "A certification chain processed correctly, but one of the CA certificates is not trusted by the policy provider."),
997        0x800B0113: ("CERT_E_INVALID_POLICY", "The certificate has invalid policy."),
998        0x800B0114: ("CERT_E_INVALID_NAME", "The certificate has an invalid name. The name is not included in the permitted list or is explicitly excluded."),
999        0x800D0003: ("NS_W_SERVER_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT", "The maximum filebitrate value specified is greater than the server's configured maximum bandwidth."),
1000        0x800D0004: ("NS_W_FILE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT", "The maximum bandwidth value specified is less than the maximum filebitrate."),
1001        0x800D0060: ("NS_W_UNKNOWN_EVENT", "Unknown %1 event encountered."),
1002        0x800D0199: ("NS_I_CATATONIC_FAILURE", "Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, will be failed because it is catatonic."),
1003        0x800D019A: ("NS_I_CATATONIC_AUTO_UNFAIL", "Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, auto online from catatonic state."),
1004        0x800F0000: ("SPAPI_E_EXPECTED_SECTION_NAME", "A non-empty line was encountered in the INF before the start of a section."),
1005        0x800F0001: ("SPAPI_E_BAD_SECTION_NAME_LINE", "A section name marker in the information file (INF) is not complete or does not exist on a line by itself."),
1006        0x800F0002: ("SPAPI_E_SECTION_NAME_TOO_LONG", "An INF section was encountered whose name exceeds the maximum section name length."),
1007        0x800F0003: ("SPAPI_E_GENERAL_SYNTAX", "The syntax of the INF is invalid."),
1008        0x800F0100: ("SPAPI_E_WRONG_INF_STYLE", "The style of the INF is different than what was requested."),
1009        0x800F0101: ("SPAPI_E_SECTION_NOT_FOUND", "The required section was not found in the INF."),
1010        0x800F0102: ("SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND", "The required line was not found in the INF."),
1011        0x800F0103: ("SPAPI_E_NO_BACKUP", "The files affected by the installation of this file queue have not been backed up for uninstall."),
1012        0x800F0200: ("SPAPI_E_NO_ASSOCIATED_CLASS", "The INF or the device information set or element does not have an associated install class."),
1013        0x800F0201: ("SPAPI_E_CLASS_MISMATCH", "The INF or the device information set or element does not match the specified install class."),
1014        0x800F0202: ("SPAPI_E_DUPLICATE_FOUND", "An existing device was found that is a duplicate of the device being manually installed."),
1015        0x800F0203: ("SPAPI_E_NO_DRIVER_SELECTED", "There is no driver selected for the device information set or element."),
1016        0x800F0204: ("SPAPI_E_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST", "The requested device registry key does not exist."),
1017        0x800F0205: ("SPAPI_E_INVALID_DEVINST_NAME", "The device instance name is invalid."),
1018        0x800F0206: ("SPAPI_E_INVALID_CLASS", "The install class is not present or is invalid."),
1019        0x800F0207: ("SPAPI_E_DEVINST_ALREADY_EXISTS", "The device instance cannot be created because it already exists."),
1020        0x800F0208: ("SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_NOT_REGISTERED", "The operation cannot be performed on a device information element that has not been registered."),
1021        0x800F0209: ("SPAPI_E_INVALID_REG_PROPERTY", "The device property code is invalid."),
1022        0x800F020A: ("SPAPI_E_NO_INF", "The INF from which a driver list is to be built does not exist."),
1023        0x800F020B: ("SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_DEVINST", "The device instance does not exist in the hardware tree."),
1024        0x800F020C: ("SPAPI_E_CANT_LOAD_CLASS_ICON", "The icon representing this install class cannot be loaded."),
1025        0x800F020D: ("SPAPI_E_INVALID_CLASS_INSTALLER", "The class installer registry entry is invalid."),
1026        0x800F020E: ("SPAPI_E_DI_DO_DEFAULT", "The class installer has indicated that the default action should be performed for this installation request."),
1027        0x800F020F: ("SPAPI_E_DI_NOFILECOPY", "The operation does not require any files to be copied."),
1028        0x800F0210: ("SPAPI_E_INVALID_HWPROFILE", "The specified hardware profile does not exist."),
1029        0x800F0211: ("SPAPI_E_NO_DEVICE_SELECTED", "There is no device information element currently selected for this device information set."),
1030        0x800F0212: ("SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_LIST_LOCKED", "The operation cannot be performed because the device information set is locked."),
1031        0x800F0213: ("SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_DATA_LOCKED", "The operation cannot be performed because the device information element is locked."),
1032        0x800F0214: ("SPAPI_E_DI_BAD_PATH", "The specified path does not contain any applicable device INFs."),
1033        0x800F0215: ("SPAPI_E_NO_CLASSINSTALL_PARAMS", "No class installer parameters have been set for the device information set or element."),
1034        0x800F0216: ("SPAPI_E_FILEQUEUE_LOCKED", "The operation cannot be performed because the file queue is locked."),
1035        0x800F0217: ("SPAPI_E_BAD_SERVICE_INSTALLSECT", "A service installation section in this INF is invalid."),
1036        0x800F0218: ("SPAPI_E_NO_CLASS_DRIVER_LIST", "There is no class driver list for the device information element."),
1037        0x800F0219: ("SPAPI_E_NO_ASSOCIATED_SERVICE", "The installation failed because a function driver was not specified for this device instance."),
1038        0x800F021A: ("SPAPI_E_NO_DEFAULT_DEVICE_INTERFACE", "There is presently no default device interface designated for this interface class."),
1039        0x800F021B: ("SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ACTIVE", "The operation cannot be performed because the device interface is currently active."),
1040        0x800F021C: ("SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INTERFACE_REMOVED", "The operation cannot be performed because the device interface has been removed from the system."),
1041        0x800F021D: ("SPAPI_E_BAD_INTERFACE_INSTALLSECT", "An interface installation section in this INF is invalid."),
1042        0x800F021E: ("SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE_CLASS", "This interface class does not exist in the system."),
1043        0x800F021F: ("SPAPI_E_INVALID_REFERENCE_STRING", "The reference string supplied for this interface device is invalid."),
1044        0x800F0220: ("SPAPI_E_INVALID_MACHINENAME", "The specified machine name does not conform to Universal Naming Convention (UNCs)."),
1045        0x800F0221: ("SPAPI_E_REMOTE_COMM_FAILURE", "A general remote communication error occurred."),
1046        0x800F0222: ("SPAPI_E_MACHINE_UNAVAILABLE", "The machine selected for remote communication is not available at this time."),
1047        0x800F0223: ("SPAPI_E_NO_CONFIGMGR_SERVICES", "The Plug and Play service is not available on the remote machine."),
1048        0x800F0224: ("SPAPI_E_INVALID_PROPPAGE_PROVIDER", "The property page provider registry entry is invalid."),
1049        0x800F0225: ("SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_DEVICE_INTERFACE", "The requested device interface is not present in the system."),
1050        0x800F0226: ("SPAPI_E_DI_POSTPROCESSING_REQUIRED", "The device's co-installer has additional work to perform after installation is complete."),
1051        0x800F0227: ("SPAPI_E_INVALID_COINSTALLER", "The device's co-installer is invalid."),
1052        0x800F0228: ("SPAPI_E_NO_COMPAT_DRIVERS", "There are no compatible drivers for this device."),
1053        0x800F0229: ("SPAPI_E_NO_DEVICE_ICON", "There is no icon that represents this device or device type."),
1054        0x800F022A: ("SPAPI_E_INVALID_INF_LOGCONFIG", "A logical configuration specified in this INF is invalid."),
1055        0x800F022B: ("SPAPI_E_DI_DONT_INSTALL", "The class installer has denied the request to install or upgrade this device."),
1056        0x800F022C: ("SPAPI_E_INVALID_FILTER_DRIVER", "One of the filter drivers installed for this device is invalid."),
1057        0x800F022D: ("SPAPI_E_NON_WINDOWS_NT_DRIVER", "The driver selected for this device does not support Windows XP."),
1058        0x800F022E: ("SPAPI_E_NON_WINDOWS_DRIVER", "The driver selected for this device does not support Windows."),
1059        0x800F022F: ("SPAPI_E_NO_CATALOG_FOR_OEM_INF", "The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information."),
1060        0x800F0230: ("SPAPI_E_DEVINSTALL_QUEUE_NONNATIVE", "An invalid attempt was made to use a device installation file queue for verification of digital signatures relative to other platforms."),
1061        0x800F0231: ("SPAPI_E_NOT_DISABLEABLE", "The device cannot be disabled."),
1062        0x800F0232: ("SPAPI_E_CANT_REMOVE_DEVINST", "The device could not be dynamically removed."),
1063        0x800F0233: ("SPAPI_E_INVALID_TARGET", "Cannot copy to specified target."),
1064        0x800F0234: ("SPAPI_E_DRIVER_NONNATIVE", "Driver is not intended for this platform."),
1065        0x800F0235: ("SPAPI_E_IN_WOW64", "Operation not allowed in WOW64."),
1066        0x800F0236: ("SPAPI_E_SET_SYSTEM_RESTORE_POINT", "The operation involving unsigned file copying was rolled back, so that a system restore point could be set."),
1067        0x800F0237: ("SPAPI_E_INCORRECTLY_COPIED_INF", "An INF was copied into the Windows INF directory in an improper manner."),
1068        0x800F0238: ("SPAPI_E_SCE_DISABLED", "The Security Configuration Editor (SCE) APIs have been disabled on this embedded product."),
1069        0x800F0239: ("SPAPI_E_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION", "An unknown exception was encountered."),
1070        0x800F023A: ("SPAPI_E_PNP_REGISTRY_ERROR", "A problem was encountered when accessing the Plug and Play registry database."),
1071        0x800F023B: ("SPAPI_E_REMOTE_REQUEST_UNSUPPORTED", "The requested operation is not supported for a remote machine."),
1072        0x800F023C: ("SPAPI_E_NOT_AN_INSTALLED_OEM_INF", "The specified file is not an installed original equipment manufacturer (OEM) INF."),
1073        0x800F023D: ("SPAPI_E_INF_IN_USE_BY_DEVICES", "One or more devices are presently installed using the specified INF."),
1074        0x800F023E: ("SPAPI_E_DI_FUNCTION_OBSOLETE", "The requested device install operation is obsolete."),
1075        0x800F023F: ("SPAPI_E_NO_AUTHENTICODE_CATALOG", "A file could not be verified because it does not have an associated catalog signed via Authenticode."),
1076        0x800F0240: ("SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_DISALLOWED", "Authenticode signature verification is not supported for the specified INF."),
1077        0x800F0241: ("SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_TRUSTED_PUBLISHER", "The INF was signed with an Authenticode catalog from a trusted publisher."),
1078        0x800F0242: ("SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_TRUST_NOT_ESTABLISHED", "The publisher of an Authenticode-signed catalog has not yet been established as trusted."),
1079        0x800F0243: ("SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_PUBLISHER_NOT_TRUSTED", "The publisher of an Authenticode-signed catalog was not established as trusted."),
1080        0x800F0244: ("SPAPI_E_SIGNATURE_OSATTRIBUTE_MISMATCH", "The software was tested for compliance with Windows logo requirements on a different version of Windows and may not be compatible with this version."),
1081        0x800F0245: ("SPAPI_E_ONLY_VALIDATE_VIA_AUTHENTICODE", "The file may be validated only by a catalog signed via Authenticode."),
1082        0x800F0246: ("SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INSTALLER_NOT_READY", "One of the installers for this device cannot perform the installation at this time."),
1083        0x800F0247: ("SPAPI_E_DRIVER_STORE_ADD_FAILED", "A problem was encountered while attempting to add the driver to the store."),
1084        0x800F0248: ("SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INSTALL_BLOCKED", "The installation of this device is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator."),
1085        0x800F0249: ("SPAPI_E_DRIVER_INSTALL_BLOCKED", "The installation of this driver is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator."),
1086        0x800F024A: ("SPAPI_E_WRONG_INF_TYPE", "The specified INF is the wrong type for this operation."),
1087        0x800F024B: ("SPAPI_E_FILE_HASH_NOT_IN_CATALOG", "The hash for the file is not present in the specified catalog file. The file is likely corrupt or the victim of tampering."),
1088        0x800F024C: ("SPAPI_E_DRIVER_STORE_DELETE_FAILED", "A problem was encountered while attempting to delete the driver from the store."),
1089        0x800F0300: ("SPAPI_E_UNRECOVERABLE_STACK_OVERFLOW", "An unrecoverable stack overflow was encountered."),
1090        0x800F1000: ("SPAPI_E_ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED", "No installed components were detected."),
1091        0x80100001: ("SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR", "An internal consistency check failed."),
1092        0x80100002: ("SCARD_E_CANCELLED", "The action was canceled by an SCardCancel request."),
1093        0x80100003: ("SCARD_E_INVALID_HANDLE", "The supplied handle was invalid."),
1094        0x80100004: ("SCARD_E_INVALID_PARAMETER", "One or more of the supplied parameters could not be properly interpreted."),
1095        0x80100005: ("SCARD_E_INVALID_TARGET", "Registry startup information is missing or invalid."),
1096        0x80100006: ("SCARD_E_NO_MEMORY", "Not enough memory available to complete this command."),
1097        0x80100007: ("SCARD_F_WAITED_TOO_LONG", "An internal consistency timer has expired."),
1098        0x80100008: ("SCARD_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER", "The data buffer to receive returned data is too small for the returned data."),
1099        0x80100009: ("SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER", "The specified reader name is not recognized."),
1100        0x8010000A: ("SCARD_E_TIMEOUT", "The user-specified time-out value has expired."),
1101        0x8010000B: ("SCARD_E_SHARING_VIOLATION", "The smart card cannot be accessed because of other connections outstanding."),
1102        0x8010000C: ("SCARD_E_NO_SMARTCARD", "The operation requires a smart card, but no smart card is currently in the device."),
1103        0x8010000D: ("SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_CARD", "The specified smart card name is not recognized."),
1104        0x8010000E: ("SCARD_E_CANT_DISPOSE", "The system could not dispose of the media in the requested manner."),
1105        0x8010000F: ("SCARD_E_PROTO_MISMATCH", "The requested protocols are incompatible with the protocol currently in use with the smart card."),
1106        0x80100010: ("SCARD_E_NOT_READY", "The reader or smart card is not ready to accept commands."),
1107        0x80100011: ("SCARD_E_INVALID_VALUE", "One or more of the supplied parameters values could not be properly interpreted."),
1108        0x80100012: ("SCARD_E_SYSTEM_CANCELLED", "The action was canceled by the system, presumably to log off or shut down."),
1109        0x80100013: ("SCARD_F_COMM_ERROR", "An internal communications error has been detected."),
1110        0x80100014: ("SCARD_F_UNKNOWN_ERROR", "An internal error has been detected, but the source is unknown."),
1111        0x80100015: ("SCARD_E_INVALID_ATR", "An automatic terminal recognition (ATR) obtained from the registry is not a valid ATR string."),
1112        0x80100016: ("SCARD_E_NOT_TRANSACTED", "An attempt was made to end a nonexistent transaction."),
1113        0x80100017: ("SCARD_E_READER_UNAVAILABLE", "The specified reader is not currently available for use."),
1114        0x80100018: ("SCARD_P_SHUTDOWN", "The operation has been aborted to allow the server application to exit."),
1115        0x80100019: ("SCARD_E_PCI_TOO_SMALL", "The peripheral component interconnect (PCI) Receive buffer was too small."),
1116        0x8010001A: ("SCARD_E_READER_UNSUPPORTED", "The reader driver does not meet minimal requirements for support."),
1117        0x8010001B: ("SCARD_E_DUPLICATE_READER", "The reader driver did not produce a unique reader name."),
1118        0x8010001C: ("SCARD_E_CARD_UNSUPPORTED", "The smart card does not meet minimal requirements for support."),
1119        0x8010001D: ("SCARD_E_NO_SERVICE", "The smart card resource manager is not running."),
1120        0x8010001E: ("SCARD_E_SERVICE_STOPPED", "The smart card resource manager has shut down."),
1121        0x8010001F: ("SCARD_E_UNEXPECTED", "An unexpected card error has occurred."),
1122        0x80100020: ("SCARD_E_ICC_INSTALLATION", "No primary provider can be found for the smart card."),
1123        0x80100021: ("SCARD_E_ICC_CREATEORDER", "The requested order of object creation is not supported."),
1124        0x80100022: ("SCARD_E_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE", "This smart card does not support the requested feature."),
1125        0x80100023: ("SCARD_E_DIR_NOT_FOUND", "The identified directory does not exist in the smart card."),
1126        0x80100024: ("SCARD_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND", "The identified file does not exist in the smart card."),
1127        0x80100025: ("SCARD_E_NO_DIR", "The supplied path does not represent a smart card directory."),
1128        0x80100026: ("SCARD_E_NO_FILE", "The supplied path does not represent a smart card file."),
1129        0x80100027: ("SCARD_E_NO_ACCESS", "Access is denied to this file."),
1130        0x80100028: ("SCARD_E_WRITE_TOO_MANY", "The smart card does not have enough memory to store the information."),
1131        0x80100029: ("SCARD_E_BAD_SEEK", "There was an error trying to set the smart card file object pointer."),
1132        0x8010002A: ("SCARD_E_INVALID_CHV", "The supplied PIN is incorrect."),
1133        0x8010002B: ("SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_RES_MNG", "An unrecognized error code was returned from a layered component."),
1134        0x8010002C: ("SCARD_E_NO_SUCH_CERTIFICATE", "The requested certificate does not exist."),
1135        0x8010002D: ("SCARD_E_CERTIFICATE_UNAVAILABLE", "The requested certificate could not be obtained."),
1136        0x8010002E: ("SCARD_E_NO_READERS_AVAILABLE", "Cannot find a smart card reader."),
1137        0x8010002F: ("SCARD_E_COMM_DATA_LOST", "A communications error with the smart card has been detected. Retry the operation."),
1138        0x80100030: ("SCARD_E_NO_KEY_CONTAINER", "The requested key container does not exist on the smart card."),
1139        0x80100031: ("SCARD_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY", "The smart card resource manager is too busy to complete this operation."),
1140        0x80100065: ("SCARD_W_UNSUPPORTED_CARD", "The reader cannot communicate with the smart card, due to ATR configuration conflicts."),
1141        0x80100066: ("SCARD_W_UNRESPONSIVE_CARD", "The smart card is not responding to a reset."),
1142        0x80100067: ("SCARD_W_UNPOWERED_CARD", "Power has been removed from the smart card, so that further communication is not possible."),
1143        0x80100068: ("SCARD_W_RESET_CARD", "The smart card has been reset, so any shared state information is invalid."),
1144        0x80100069: ("SCARD_W_REMOVED_CARD", "The smart card has been removed, so that further communication is not possible."),
1145        0x8010006A: ("SCARD_W_SECURITY_VIOLATION", "Access was denied because of a security violation."),
1146        0x8010006B: ("SCARD_W_WRONG_CHV", "The card cannot be accessed because the wrong PIN was presented."),
1147        0x8010006C: ("SCARD_W_CHV_BLOCKED", "The card cannot be accessed because the maximum number of PIN entry attempts has been reached."),
1148        0x8010006D: ("SCARD_W_EOF", "The end of the smart card file has been reached."),
1149        0x8010006E: ("SCARD_W_CANCELLED_BY_USER", "The action was canceled by the user."),
1150        0x8010006F: ("SCARD_W_CARD_NOT_AUTHENTICATED", "No PIN was presented to the smart card."),
1151        0x80110401: ("COMADMIN_E_OBJECTERRORS", "Errors occurred accessing one or more objects-the ErrorInfo collection may have more detail."),
1152        0x80110402: ("COMADMIN_E_OBJECTINVALID", "One or more of the object's properties are missing or invalid."),
1153        0x80110403: ("COMADMIN_E_KEYMISSING", "The object was not found in the catalog."),
1154        0x80110404: ("COMADMIN_E_ALREADYINSTALLED", "The object is already registered."),
1155        0x80110407: ("COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_WRITEFAIL", "An error occurred writing to the application file."),
1156        0x80110408: ("COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_READFAIL", "An error occurred reading the application file."),
1157        0x80110409: ("COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_VERSION", "Invalid version number in application file."),
1158        0x8011040A: ("COMADMIN_E_BADPATH", "The file path is invalid."),
1159        0x8011040B: ("COMADMIN_E_APPLICATIONEXISTS", "The application is already installed."),
1160        0x8011040C: ("COMADMIN_E_ROLEEXISTS", "The role already exists."),
1161        0x8011040D: ("COMADMIN_E_CANTCOPYFILE", "An error occurred copying the file."),
1162        0x8011040F: ("COMADMIN_E_NOUSER", "One or more users are not valid."),
1163        0x80110410: ("COMADMIN_E_INVALIDUSERIDS", "One or more users in the application file are not valid."),
1164        0x80110411: ("COMADMIN_E_NOREGISTRYCLSID", "The component's CLSID is missing or corrupt."),
1165        0x80110412: ("COMADMIN_E_BADREGISTRYPROGID", "The component's programmatic ID is missing or corrupt."),
1166        0x80110413: ("COMADMIN_E_AUTHENTICATIONLEVEL", "Unable to set required authentication level for update request."),
1167        0x80110414: ("COMADMIN_E_USERPASSWDNOTVALID", "The identity or password set on the application is not valid."),
1168        0x80110418: ("COMADMIN_E_CLSIDORIIDMISMATCH", "Application file CLSIDs or instance identifiers (IIDs) do not match corresponding DLLs."),
1169        0x80110419: ("COMADMIN_E_REMOTEINTERFACE", "Interface information is either missing or changed."),
1170        0x8011041A: ("COMADMIN_E_DLLREGISTERSERVER", "DllRegisterServer failed on component install."),
1171        0x8011041B: ("COMADMIN_E_NOSERVERSHARE", "No server file share available."),
1172        0x8011041D: ("COMADMIN_E_DLLLOADFAILED", "DLL could not be loaded."),
1173        0x8011041E: ("COMADMIN_E_BADREGISTRYLIBID", "The registered TypeLib ID is not valid."),
1174        0x8011041F: ("COMADMIN_E_APPDIRNOTFOUND", "Application install directory not found."),
1175        0x80110423: ("COMADMIN_E_REGISTRARFAILED", "Errors occurred while in the component registrar."),
1176        0x80110424: ("COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_DOESNOTEXIST", "The file does not exist."),
1177        0x80110425: ("COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_LOADDLLFAIL", "The DLL could not be loaded."),
1178        0x80110426: ("COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_GETCLASSOBJ", "GetClassObject failed in the DLL."),
1179        0x80110427: ("COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_CLASSNOTAVAIL", "The DLL does not support the components listed in the TypeLib."),
1180        0x80110428: ("COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_BADTLB", "The TypeLib could not be loaded."),
1181        0x80110429: ("COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_NOTINSTALLABLE", "The file does not contain components or component information."),
1182        0x8011042A: ("COMADMIN_E_NOTCHANGEABLE", "Changes to this object and its subobjects have been disabled."),
1183        0x8011042B: ("COMADMIN_E_NOTDELETEABLE", "The delete function has been disabled for this object."),
1184        0x8011042C: ("COMADMIN_E_SESSION", "The server catalog version is not supported."),
1185        0x8011042D: ("COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_LOCKED", "The component move was disallowed because the source or destination application is either a system application or currently locked against changes."),
1186        0x8011042E: ("COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_BAD_DEST", "The component move failed because the destination application no longer exists."),
1187        0x80110430: ("COMADMIN_E_REGISTERTLB", "The system was unable to register the TypeLib."),
1188        0x80110433: ("COMADMIN_E_SYSTEMAPP", "This operation cannot be performed on the system application."),
1189        0x80110434: ("COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_NOREGISTRAR", "The component registrar referenced in this file is not available."),
1190        0x80110435: ("COMADMIN_E_COREQCOMPINSTALLED", "A component in the same DLL is already installed."),
1191        0x80110436: ("COMADMIN_E_SERVICENOTINSTALLED", "The service is not installed."),
1192        0x80110437: ("COMADMIN_E_PROPERTYSAVEFAILED", "One or more property settings are either invalid or in conflict with each other."),
1193        0x80110438: ("COMADMIN_E_OBJECTEXISTS", "The object you are attempting to add or rename already exists."),
1194        0x80110439: ("COMADMIN_E_COMPONENTEXISTS", "The component already exists."),
1195        0x8011043B: ("COMADMIN_E_REGFILE_CORRUPT", "The registration file is corrupt."),
1196        0x8011043C: ("COMADMIN_E_PROPERTY_OVERFLOW", "The property value is too large."),
1197        0x8011043E: ("COMADMIN_E_NOTINREGISTRY", "Object was not found in registry."),
1198        0x8011043F: ("COMADMIN_E_OBJECTNOTPOOLABLE", "This object cannot be pooled."),
1199        0x80110446: ("COMADMIN_E_APPLID_MATCHES_CLSID", "A CLSID with the same GUID as the new application ID is already installed on this machine."),
1200        0x80110447: ("COMADMIN_E_ROLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST", "A role assigned to a component, interface, or method did not exist in the application."),
1201        0x80110448: ("COMADMIN_E_START_APP_NEEDS_COMPONENTS", "You must have components in an application to start the application."),
1202        0x80110449: ("COMADMIN_E_REQUIRES_DIFFERENT_PLATFORM", "This operation is not enabled on this platform."),
1203        0x8011044A: ("COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_APP_PROXY", "Application proxy is not exportable."),
1204        0x8011044B: ("COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_START_APP", "Failed to start application because it is either a library application or an application proxy."),
1205        0x8011044C: ("COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_SYS_APP", "System application is not exportable."),
1206        0x8011044D: ("COMADMIN_E_CANT_SUBSCRIBE_TO_COMPONENT", "Cannot subscribe to this component (the component may have been imported)."),
1207        0x8011044E: ("COMADMIN_E_EVENTCLASS_CANT_BE_SUBSCRIBER", "An event class cannot also be a subscriber component."),
1208        0x8011044F: ("COMADMIN_E_LIB_APP_PROXY_INCOMPATIBLE", "Library applications and application proxies are incompatible."),
1209        0x80110450: ("COMADMIN_E_BASE_PARTITION_ONLY", "This function is valid for the base partition only."),
1210        0x80110451: ("COMADMIN_E_START_APP_DISABLED", "You cannot start an application that has been disabled."),
1211        0x80110457: ("COMADMIN_E_CAT_DUPLICATE_PARTITION_NAME", "The specified partition name is already in use on this computer."),
1212        0x80110458: ("COMADMIN_E_CAT_INVALID_PARTITION_NAME", "The specified partition name is invalid. Check that the name contains at least one visible character."),
1213        0x80110459: ("COMADMIN_E_CAT_PARTITION_IN_USE", "The partition cannot be deleted because it is the default partition for one or more users."),
1214        0x8011045A: ("COMADMIN_E_FILE_PARTITION_DUPLICATE_FILES", "The partition cannot be exported because one or more components in the partition have the same file name."),
1215        0x8011045B: ("COMADMIN_E_CAT_IMPORTED_COMPONENTS_NOT_ALLOWED", "Applications that contain one or more imported components cannot be installed into a nonbase partition."),
1216        0x8011045C: ("COMADMIN_E_AMBIGUOUS_APPLICATION_NAME", "The application name is not unique and cannot be resolved to an application ID."),
1217        0x8011045D: ("COMADMIN_E_AMBIGUOUS_PARTITION_NAME", "The partition name is not unique and cannot be resolved to a partition ID."),
1218        0x80110472: ("COMADMIN_E_REGDB_NOTINITIALIZED", "The COM+ registry database has not been initialized."),
1219        0x80110473: ("COMADMIN_E_REGDB_NOTOPEN", "The COM+ registry database is not open."),
1220        0x80110474: ("COMADMIN_E_REGDB_SYSTEMERR", "The COM+ registry database detected a system error."),
1221        0x80110475: ("COMADMIN_E_REGDB_ALREADYRUNNING", "The COM+ registry database is already running."),
1222        0x80110480: ("COMADMIN_E_MIG_VERSIONNOTSUPPORTED", "This version of the COM+ registry database cannot be migrated."),
1223        0x80110481: ("COMADMIN_E_MIG_SCHEMANOTFOUND", "The schema version to be migrated could not be found in the COM+ registry database."),
1224        0x80110482: ("COMADMIN_E_CAT_BITNESSMISMATCH", "There was a type mismatch between binaries."),
1225        0x80110483: ("COMADMIN_E_CAT_UNACCEPTABLEBITNESS", "A binary of unknown or invalid type was provided."),
1226        0x80110484: ("COMADMIN_E_CAT_WRONGAPPBITNESS", "There was a type mismatch between a binary and an application."),
1227        0x80110485: ("COMADMIN_E_CAT_PAUSE_RESUME_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The application cannot be paused or resumed."),
1228        0x80110486: ("COMADMIN_E_CAT_SERVERFAULT", "The COM+ catalog server threw an exception during execution."),
1229        0x80110600: ("COMQC_E_APPLICATION_NOT_QUEUED", "Only COM+ applications marked \"queued\" can be invoked using the \"queue\" moniker."),
1230        0x80110601: ("COMQC_E_NO_QUEUEABLE_INTERFACES", "At least one interface must be marked \"queued\" to create a queued component instance with the \"queue\" moniker."),
1231        0x80110602: ("COMQC_E_QUEUING_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE", "Message Queuing is required for the requested operation and is not installed."),
1232        0x80110603: ("COMQC_E_NO_IPERSISTSTREAM", "Unable to marshal an interface that does not support IPersistStream."),
1233        0x80110604: ("COMQC_E_BAD_MESSAGE", "The message is improperly formatted or was damaged in transit."),
1234        0x80110605: ("COMQC_E_UNAUTHENTICATED", "An unauthenticated message was received by an application that accepts only authenticated messages."),
1235        0x80110606: ("COMQC_E_UNTRUSTED_ENQUEUER", "The message was requeued or moved by a user not in the QC Trusted User \"role\"."),
1236        0x80110701: ("MSDTC_E_DUPLICATE_RESOURCE", "Cannot create a duplicate resource of type Distributed Transaction Coordinator."),
1237        0x80110808: ("COMADMIN_E_OBJECT_PARENT_MISSING", "One of the objects being inserted or updated does not belong to a valid parent collection."),
1238        0x80110809: ("COMADMIN_E_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST", "One of the specified objects cannot be found."),
1239        0x8011080A: ("COMADMIN_E_APP_NOT_RUNNING", "The specified application is not currently running."),
1240        0x8011080B: ("COMADMIN_E_INVALID_PARTITION", "The partitions specified are not valid."),
1241        0x8011080D: ("COMADMIN_E_SVCAPP_NOT_POOLABLE_OR_RECYCLABLE", "COM+ applications that run as Windows NT service may not be pooled or recycled."),
1242        0x8011080E: ("COMADMIN_E_USER_IN_SET", "One or more users are already assigned to a local partition set."),
1243        0x8011080F: ("COMADMIN_E_CANTRECYCLELIBRARYAPPS", "Library applications may not be recycled."),
1244        0x80110811: ("COMADMIN_E_CANTRECYCLESERVICEAPPS", "Applications running as Windows NT services may not be recycled."),
1245        0x80110812: ("COMADMIN_E_PROCESSALREADYRECYCLED", "The process has already been recycled."),
1246        0x80110813: ("COMADMIN_E_PAUSEDPROCESSMAYNOTBERECYCLED", "A paused process may not be recycled."),
1247        0x80110814: ("COMADMIN_E_CANTMAKEINPROCSERVICE", "Library applications may not be Windows NT services."),
1248        0x80110815: ("COMADMIN_E_PROGIDINUSEBYCLSID", "The ProgID provided to the copy operation is invalid. The ProgID is in use by another registered CLSID."),
1249        0x80110816: ("COMADMIN_E_DEFAULT_PARTITION_NOT_IN_SET", "The partition specified as the default is not a member of the partition set."),
1250        0x80110817: ("COMADMIN_E_RECYCLEDPROCESSMAYNOTBEPAUSED", "A recycled process may not be paused."),
1251        0x80110818: ("COMADMIN_E_PARTITION_ACCESSDENIED", "Access to the specified partition is denied."),
1252        0x80110819: ("COMADMIN_E_PARTITION_MSI_ONLY", "Only application files (*.msi files) can be installed into partitions."),
1253        0x8011081A: ("COMADMIN_E_LEGACYCOMPS_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_1_0_FORMAT", "Applications containing one or more legacy components may not be exported to 1.0 format."),
1254        0x8011081B: ("COMADMIN_E_LEGACYCOMPS_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_NONBASE_PARTITIONS", "Legacy components may not exist in nonbase partitions."),
1255        0x8011081C: ("COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_SOURCE", "A component cannot be moved (or copied) from the System Application, an application proxy, or a nonchangeable application."),
1256        0x8011081D: ("COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_DEST", "A component cannot be moved (or copied) to the System Application, an application proxy or a nonchangeable application."),
1257        0x8011081E: ("COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_PRIVATE", "A private component cannot be moved (or copied) to a library application or to the base partition."),
1258        0x8011081F: ("COMADMIN_E_BASEPARTITION_REQUIRED_IN_SET", "The Base Application Partition exists in all partition sets and cannot be removed."),
1259        0x80110820: ("COMADMIN_E_CANNOT_ALIAS_EVENTCLASS", "Alas, Event Class components cannot be aliased."),
1260        0x80110821: ("COMADMIN_E_PRIVATE_ACCESSDENIED", "Access is denied because the component is private."),
1261        0x80110822: ("COMADMIN_E_SAFERINVALID", "The specified SAFER level is invalid."),
1262        0x80110823: ("COMADMIN_E_REGISTRY_ACCESSDENIED", "The specified user cannot write to the system registry."),
1263        0x80110824: ("COMADMIN_E_PARTITIONS_DISABLED", "COM+ partitions are currently disabled."),
1264        0x801F0001: ("ERROR_FLT_NO_HANDLER_DEFINED", "A handler was not defined by the filter for this operation."),
1265        0x801F0002: ("ERROR_FLT_CONTEXT_ALREADY_DEFINED", "A context is already defined for this object."),
1266        0x801F0003: ("ERROR_FLT_INVALID_ASYNCHRONOUS_REQUEST", "Asynchronous requests are not valid for this operation."),
1267        0x801F0004: ("ERROR_FLT_DISALLOW_FAST_IO", "Disallow the Fast IO path for this operation."),
1268        0x801F0005: ("ERROR_FLT_INVALID_NAME_REQUEST", "An invalid name request was made. The name requested cannot be retrieved at this time."),
1269        0x801F0006: ("ERROR_FLT_NOT_SAFE_TO_POST_OPERATION", "Posting this operation to a worker thread for further processing is not safe at this time because it could lead to a system deadlock."),
1270        0x801F0007: ("ERROR_FLT_NOT_INITIALIZED", "The Filter Manager was not initialized when a filter tried to register. Be sure that the Filter Manager is being loaded as a driver."),
1271        0x801F0008: ("ERROR_FLT_FILTER_NOT_READY", "The filter is not ready for attachment to volumes because it has not finished initializing (FltStartFiltering has not been called)."),
1272        0x801F0009: ("ERROR_FLT_POST_OPERATION_CLEANUP", "The filter must clean up any operation-specific context at this time because it is being removed from the system before the operation is completed by the lower drivers."),
1273        0x801F000A: ("ERROR_FLT_INTERNAL_ERROR", "The Filter Manager had an internal error from which it cannot recover; therefore, the operation has been failed. This is usually the result of a filter returning an invalid value from a preoperation callback."),
1274        0x801F000B: ("ERROR_FLT_DELETING_OBJECT", "The object specified for this action is in the process of being deleted; therefore, the action requested cannot be completed at this time."),
1275        0x801F000C: ("ERROR_FLT_MUST_BE_NONPAGED_POOL", "Nonpaged pool must be used for this type of context."),
1276        0x801F000D: ("ERROR_FLT_DUPLICATE_ENTRY", "A duplicate handler definition has been provided for an operation."),
1277        0x801F000E: ("ERROR_FLT_CBDQ_DISABLED", "The callback data queue has been disabled."),
1278        0x801F000F: ("ERROR_FLT_DO_NOT_ATTACH", "Do not attach the filter to the volume at this time."),
1279        0x801F0010: ("ERROR_FLT_DO_NOT_DETACH", "Do not detach the filter from the volume at this time."),
1280        0x801F0011: ("ERROR_FLT_INSTANCE_ALTITUDE_COLLISION", "An instance already exists at this altitude on the volume specified."),
1281        0x801F0012: ("ERROR_FLT_INSTANCE_NAME_COLLISION", "An instance already exists with this name on the volume specified."),
1282        0x801F0013: ("ERROR_FLT_FILTER_NOT_FOUND", "The system could not find the filter specified."),
1283        0x801F0014: ("ERROR_FLT_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND", "The system could not find the volume specified."),
1284        0x801F0015: ("ERROR_FLT_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND", "The system could not find the instance specified."),
1285        0x801F0016: ("ERROR_FLT_CONTEXT_ALLOCATION_NOT_FOUND", "No registered context allocation definition was found for the given request."),
1286        0x801F0017: ("ERROR_FLT_INVALID_CONTEXT_REGISTRATION", "An invalid parameter was specified during context registration."),
1287        0x801F0018: ("ERROR_FLT_NAME_CACHE_MISS", "The name requested was not found in the Filter Manager name cache and could not be retrieved from the file system."),
1288        0x801F0019: ("ERROR_FLT_NO_DEVICE_OBJECT", "The requested device object does not exist for the given volume."),
1289        0x801F001A: ("ERROR_FLT_VOLUME_ALREADY_MOUNTED", "The specified volume is already mounted."),
1290        0x801F001B: ("ERROR_FLT_ALREADY_ENLISTED", "The specified Transaction Context is already enlisted in a transaction."),
1291        0x801F001C: ("ERROR_FLT_CONTEXT_ALREADY_LINKED", "The specified context is already attached to another object."),
1292        0x801F0020: ("ERROR_FLT_NO_WAITER_FOR_REPLY", "No waiter is present for the filter's reply to this message."),
1293        0x80260001: ("ERROR_HUNG_DISPLAY_DRIVER_THREAD", "{Display Driver Stopped Responding} The %hs display driver has stopped working normally. Save your work and reboot the system to restore full display functionality. The next time you reboot the machine a dialog will be displayed giving you a chance to report this failure to Microsoft."),
1294        0x80261001: ("ERROR_MONITOR_NO_DESCRIPTOR", "Monitor descriptor could not be obtained."),
1295        0x80261002: ("ERROR_MONITOR_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT", "Format of the obtained monitor descriptor is not supported by this release."),
1296        0x80263001: ("DWM_E_COMPOSITIONDISABLED", "{Desktop Composition is Disabled} The operation could not be completed because desktop composition is disabled."),
1297        0x80263002: ("DWM_E_REMOTING_NOT_SUPPORTED", "{Some Desktop Composition APIs Are Not Supported While Remoting} Some desktop composition APIs are not supported while remoting. The operation is not supported while running in a remote session."),
1298        0x80263003: ("DWM_E_NO_REDIRECTION_SURFACE_AVAILABLE", "{No DWM Redirection Surface is Available} The Desktop Window Manager (DWM) was unable to provide a redirection surface to complete the DirectX present."),
1299        0x80263004: ("DWM_E_NOT_QUEUING_PRESENTS", "{DWM Is Not Queuing Presents for the Specified Window} The window specified is not currently using queued presents."),
1300        0x80280000: ("TPM_E_ERROR_MASK", "This is an error mask to convert Trusted Platform Module (TPM) hardware errors to Win32 errors."),
1301        0x80280001: ("TPM_E_AUTHFAIL", "Authentication failed."),
1302        0x80280002: ("TPM_E_BADINDEX", "The index to a Platform Configuration Register (PCR), DIR, or other register is incorrect."),
1303        0x80280003: ("TPM_E_BAD_PARAMETER", "One or more parameters are bad."),
1304        0x80280004: ("TPM_E_AUDITFAILURE", "An operation completed successfully but the auditing of that operation failed."),
1305        0x80280005: ("TPM_E_CLEAR_DISABLED", "The clear disable flag is set and all clear operations now require physical access."),
1306        0x80280006: ("TPM_E_DEACTIVATED", "The TPM is deactivated."),
1307        0x80280007: ("TPM_E_DISABLED", "The TPM is disabled."),
1308        0x80280008: ("TPM_E_DISABLED_CMD", "The target command has been disabled."),
1309        0x80280009: ("TPM_E_FAIL", "The operation failed."),
1310        0x8028000A: ("TPM_E_BAD_ORDINAL", "The ordinal was unknown or inconsistent."),
1311        0x8028000B: ("TPM_E_INSTALL_DISABLED", "The ability to install an owner is disabled."),
1312        0x8028000C: ("TPM_E_INVALID_KEYHANDLE", "The key handle cannot be interpreted."),
1313        0x8028000D: ("TPM_E_KEYNOTFOUND", "The key handle points to an invalid key."),
1314        0x8028000E: ("TPM_E_INAPPROPRIATE_ENC", "Unacceptable encryption scheme."),
1315        0x8028000F: ("TPM_E_MIGRATEFAIL", "Migration authorization failed."),
1316        0x80280010: ("TPM_E_INVALID_PCR_INFO", "PCR information could not be interpreted."),
1317        0x80280011: ("TPM_E_NOSPACE", "No room to load key."),
1318        0x80280012: ("TPM_E_NOSRK", "There is no storage root key (SRK) set."),
1319        0x80280013: ("TPM_E_NOTSEALED_BLOB", "An encrypted blob is invalid or was not created by this TPM."),
1320        0x80280014: ("TPM_E_OWNER_SET", "There is already an owner."),
1321        0x80280015: ("TPM_E_RESOURCES", "The TPM has insufficient internal resources to perform the requested action."),
1322        0x80280016: ("TPM_E_SHORTRANDOM", "A random string was too short."),
1323        0x80280017: ("TPM_E_SIZE", "The TPM does not have the space to perform the operation."),
1324        0x80280018: ("TPM_E_WRONGPCRVAL", "The named PCR value does not match the current PCR value."),
1325        0x80280019: ("TPM_E_BAD_PARAM_SIZE", "The paramSize argument to the command has the incorrect value."),
1326        0x8028001A: ("TPM_E_SHA_THREAD", "There is no existing SHA-1 thread."),
1327        0x8028001B: ("TPM_E_SHA_ERROR", "The calculation is unable to proceed because the existing SHA-1 thread has already encountered an error."),
1328        0x8028001C: ("TPM_E_FAILEDSELFTEST", "Self-test has failed and the TPM has shut down."),
1329        0x8028001D: ("TPM_E_AUTH2FAIL", "The authorization for the second key in a two-key function failed authorization."),
1330        0x8028001E: ("TPM_E_BADTAG", "The tag value sent to for a command is invalid."),
1331        0x8028001F: ("TPM_E_IOERROR", "An I/O error occurred transmitting information to the TPM."),
1332        0x80280020: ("TPM_E_ENCRYPT_ERROR", "The encryption process had a problem."),
1333        0x80280021: ("TPM_E_DECRYPT_ERROR", "The decryption process did not complete."),
1334        0x80280022: ("TPM_E_INVALID_AUTHHANDLE", "An invalid handle was used."),
1335        0x80280023: ("TPM_E_NO_ENDORSEMENT", "The TPM does not have an endorsement key (EK) installed."),
1336        0x80280024: ("TPM_E_INVALID_KEYUSAGE", "The usage of a key is not allowed."),
1337        0x80280025: ("TPM_E_WRONG_ENTITYTYPE", "The submitted entity type is not allowed."),
1338        0x80280026: ("TPM_E_INVALID_POSTINIT", "The command was received in the wrong sequence relative to TPM_Init and a subsequent TPM_Startup."),
1339        0x80280027: ("TPM_E_INAPPROPRIATE_SIG", "Signed data cannot include additional DER information."),
1340        0x80280028: ("TPM_E_BAD_KEY_PROPERTY", "The key properties in TPM_KEY_PARMs are not supported by this TPM."),
1341        0x80280029: ("TPM_E_BAD_MIGRATION", "The migration properties of this key are incorrect."),
1342        0x8028002A: ("TPM_E_BAD_SCHEME", "The signature or encryption scheme for this key is incorrect or not permitted in this situation."),
1343        0x8028002B: ("TPM_E_BAD_DATASIZE", "The size of the data (or blob) parameter is bad or inconsistent with the referenced key."),
1344        0x8028002C: ("TPM_E_BAD_MODE", "A mode parameter is bad, such as capArea or subCapArea for TPM_GetCapability, physicalPresence parameter for TPM_PhysicalPresence, or migrationType for TPM_CreateMigrationBlob."),
1345        0x8028002D: ("TPM_E_BAD_PRESENCE", "Either the physicalPresence or physicalPresenceLock bits have the wrong value."),
1346        0x8028002E: ("TPM_E_BAD_VERSION", "The TPM cannot perform this version of the capability."),
1347        0x8028002F: ("TPM_E_NO_WRAP_TRANSPORT", "The TPM does not allow for wrapped transport sessions."),
1348        0x80280030: ("TPM_E_AUDITFAIL_UNSUCCESSFUL", "TPM audit construction failed and the underlying command was returning a failure code also."),
1349        0x80280031: ("TPM_E_AUDITFAIL_SUCCESSFUL", "TPM audit construction failed and the underlying command was returning success."),
1350        0x80280032: ("TPM_E_NOTRESETABLE", "Attempt to reset a PCR that does not have the resettable attribute."),
1351        0x80280033: ("TPM_E_NOTLOCAL", "Attempt to reset a PCR register that requires locality and the locality modifier not part of command transport."),
1352        0x80280034: ("TPM_E_BAD_TYPE", "Make identity blob not properly typed."),
1353        0x80280035: ("TPM_E_INVALID_RESOURCE", "When saving context identified resource type does not match actual resource."),
1354        0x80280036: ("TPM_E_NOTFIPS", "The TPM is attempting to execute a command only available when in Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode."),
1355        0x80280037: ("TPM_E_INVALID_FAMILY", "The command is attempting to use an invalid family ID."),
1356        0x80280038: ("TPM_E_NO_NV_PERMISSION", "The permission to manipulate the NV storage is not available."),
1357        0x80280039: ("TPM_E_REQUIRES_SIGN", "The operation requires a signed command."),
1358        0x8028003A: ("TPM_E_KEY_NOTSUPPORTED", "Wrong operation to load an NV key."),
1359        0x8028003B: ("TPM_E_AUTH_CONFLICT", "NV_LoadKey blob requires both owner and blob authorization."),
1360        0x8028003C: ("TPM_E_AREA_LOCKED", "The NV area is locked and not writable."),
1361        0x8028003D: ("TPM_E_BAD_LOCALITY", "The locality is incorrect for the attempted operation."),
1362        0x8028003E: ("TPM_E_READ_ONLY", "The NV area is read-only and cannot be written to."),
1363        0x8028003F: ("TPM_E_PER_NOWRITE", "There is no protection on the write to the NV area."),
1364        0x80280040: ("TPM_E_FAMILYCOUNT", "The family count value does not match."),
1365        0x80280041: ("TPM_E_WRITE_LOCKED", "The NV area has already been written to."),
1366        0x80280042: ("TPM_E_BAD_ATTRIBUTES", "The NV area attributes conflict."),
1367        0x80280043: ("TPM_E_INVALID_STRUCTURE", "The structure tag and version are invalid or inconsistent."),
1368        0x80280044: ("TPM_E_KEY_OWNER_CONTROL", "The key is under control of the TPM owner and can only be evicted by the TPM owner."),
1369        0x80280045: ("TPM_E_BAD_COUNTER", "The counter handle is incorrect."),
1370        0x80280046: ("TPM_E_NOT_FULLWRITE", "The write is not a complete write of the area."),
1371        0x80280047: ("TPM_E_CONTEXT_GAP", "The gap between saved context counts is too large."),
1372        0x80280048: ("TPM_E_MAXNVWRITES", "The maximum number of NV writes without an owner has been exceeded."),
1373        0x80280049: ("TPM_E_NOOPERATOR", "No operator AuthData value is set."),
1374        0x8028004A: ("TPM_E_RESOURCEMISSING", "The resource pointed to by context is not loaded."),
1375        0x8028004B: ("TPM_E_DELEGATE_LOCK", "The delegate administration is locked."),
1376        0x8028004C: ("TPM_E_DELEGATE_FAMILY", "Attempt to manage a family other then the delegated family."),
1377        0x8028004D: ("TPM_E_DELEGATE_ADMIN", "Delegation table management not enabled."),
1378        0x8028004E: ("TPM_E_TRANSPORT_NOTEXCLUSIVE", "There was a command executed outside an exclusive transport session."),
1379        0x8028004F: ("TPM_E_OWNER_CONTROL", "Attempt to context save an owner evict controlled key."),
1380        0x80280050: ("TPM_E_DAA_RESOURCES", "The DAA command has no resources available to execute the command."),
1381        0x80280051: ("TPM_E_DAA_INPUT_DATA0", "The consistency check on DAA parameter inputData0 has failed."),
1382        0x80280052: ("TPM_E_DAA_INPUT_DATA1", "The consistency check on DAA parameter inputData1 has failed."),
1383        0x80280053: ("TPM_E_DAA_ISSUER_SETTINGS", "The consistency check on DAA_issuerSettings has failed."),
1384        0x80280054: ("TPM_E_DAA_TPM_SETTINGS", "The consistency check on DAA_tpmSpecific has failed."),
1385        0x80280055: ("TPM_E_DAA_STAGE", "The atomic process indicated by the submitted DAA command is not the expected process."),
1386        0x80280056: ("TPM_E_DAA_ISSUER_VALIDITY", "The issuer's validity check has detected an inconsistency."),
1387        0x80280057: ("TPM_E_DAA_WRONG_W", "The consistency check on w has failed."),
1388        0x80280058: ("TPM_E_BAD_HANDLE", "The handle is incorrect."),
1389        0x80280059: ("TPM_E_BAD_DELEGATE", "Delegation is not correct."),
1390        0x8028005A: ("TPM_E_BADCONTEXT", "The context blob is invalid."),
1391        0x8028005B: ("TPM_E_TOOMANYCONTEXTS", "Too many contexts held by the TPM."),
1392        0x8028005C: ("TPM_E_MA_TICKET_SIGNATURE", "Migration authority signature validation failure."),
1393        0x8028005D: ("TPM_E_MA_DESTINATION", "Migration destination not authenticated."),
1394        0x8028005E: ("TPM_E_MA_SOURCE", "Migration source incorrect."),
1395        0x8028005F: ("TPM_E_MA_AUTHORITY", "Incorrect migration authority."),
1396        0x80280061: ("TPM_E_PERMANENTEK", "Attempt to revoke the EK and the EK is not revocable."),
1397        0x80280062: ("TPM_E_BAD_SIGNATURE", "Bad signature of CMK ticket."),
1398        0x80280063: ("TPM_E_NOCONTEXTSPACE", "There is no room in the context list for additional contexts."),
1399        0x80280400: ("TPM_E_COMMAND_BLOCKED", "The command was blocked."),
1400        0x80280401: ("TPM_E_INVALID_HANDLE", "The specified handle was not found."),
1401        0x80280402: ("TPM_E_DUPLICATE_VHANDLE", "The TPM returned a duplicate handle and the command needs to be resubmitted."),
1402        0x80280403: ("TPM_E_EMBEDDED_COMMAND_BLOCKED", "The command within the transport was blocked."),
1403        0x80280404: ("TPM_E_EMBEDDED_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED", "The command within the transport is not supported."),
1404        0x80280800: ("TPM_E_RETRY", "The TPM is too busy to respond to the command immediately, but the command could be resubmitted at a later time."),
1405        0x80280801: ("TPM_E_NEEDS_SELFTEST", "SelfTestFull has not been run."),
1406        0x80280802: ("TPM_E_DOING_SELFTEST", "The TPM is currently executing a full self-test."),
1407        0x80280803: ("TPM_E_DEFEND_LOCK_RUNNING", "The TPM is defending against dictionary attacks and is in a time-out period."),
1408        0x80284001: ("TBS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR", "An internal software error has been detected."),
1409        0x80284002: ("TBS_E_BAD_PARAMETER", "One or more input parameters are bad."),
1410        0x80284003: ("TBS_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_POINTER", "A specified output pointer is bad."),
1411        0x80284004: ("TBS_E_INVALID_CONTEXT", "The specified context handle does not refer to a valid context."),
1412        0x80284005: ("TBS_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER", "A specified output buffer is too small."),
1413        0x80284006: ("TBS_E_IOERROR", "An error occurred while communicating with the TPM."),
1414        0x80284007: ("TBS_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_PARAM", "One or more context parameters are invalid."),
1415        0x80284008: ("TBS_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING", "The TPM Base Services (TBS) is not running and could not be started."),
1416        0x80284009: ("TBS_E_TOO_MANY_TBS_CONTEXTS", "A new context could not be created because there are too many open contexts."),
1417        0x8028400A: ("TBS_E_TOO_MANY_RESOURCES", "A new virtual resource could not be created because there are too many open virtual resources."),
1418        0x8028400B: ("TBS_E_SERVICE_START_PENDING", "The TBS service has been started but is not yet running."),
1419        0x8028400C: ("TBS_E_PPI_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The physical presence interface is not supported."),
1420        0x8028400D: ("TBS_E_COMMAND_CANCELED", "The command was canceled."),
1421        0x8028400E: ("TBS_E_BUFFER_TOO_LARGE", "The input or output buffer is too large."),
1422        0x80290100: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_STATE", "The command buffer is not in the correct state."),
1423        0x80290101: ("TPMAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA", "The command buffer does not contain enough data to satisfy the request."),
1424        0x80290102: ("TPMAPI_E_TOO_MUCH_DATA", "The command buffer cannot contain any more data."),
1425        0x80290103: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_POINTER", "One or more output parameters was null or invalid."),
1426        0x80290104: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER", "One or more input parameters are invalid."),
1427        0x80290105: ("TPMAPI_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY", "Not enough memory was available to satisfy the request."),
1428        0x80290106: ("TPMAPI_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL", "The specified buffer was too small."),
1429        0x80290107: ("TPMAPI_E_INTERNAL_ERROR", "An internal error was detected."),
1430        0x80290108: ("TPMAPI_E_ACCESS_DENIED", "The caller does not have the appropriate rights to perform the requested operation."),
1431        0x80290109: ("TPMAPI_E_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED", "The specified authorization information was invalid."),
1432        0x8029010A: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE", "The specified context handle was not valid."),
1433        0x8029010B: ("TPMAPI_E_TBS_COMMUNICATION_ERROR", "An error occurred while communicating with the TBS."),
1434        0x8029010C: ("TPMAPI_E_TPM_COMMAND_ERROR", "The TPM returned an unexpected result."),
1435        0x8029010D: ("TPMAPI_E_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE", "The message was too large for the encoding scheme."),
1436        0x8029010E: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_ENCODING", "The encoding in the binary large object (BLOB) was not recognized."),
1437        0x8029010F: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_KEY_SIZE", "The key size is not valid."),
1438        0x80290110: ("TPMAPI_E_ENCRYPTION_FAILED", "The encryption operation failed."),
1439        0x80290111: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_KEY_PARAMS", "The key parameters structure was not valid."),
1440        0x80290112: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_MIGRATION_AUTHORIZATION_BLOB", "The requested supplied data does not appear to be a valid migration authorization BLOB."),
1441        0x80290113: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_PCR_INDEX", "The specified PCR index was invalid."),
1442        0x80290114: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_DELEGATE_BLOB", "The data given does not appear to be a valid delegate BLOB."),
1443        0x80290115: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_PARAMS", "One or more of the specified context parameters was not valid."),
1444        0x80290116: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_KEY_BLOB", "The data given does not appear to be a valid key BLOB."),
1445        0x80290117: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_PCR_DATA", "The specified PCR data was invalid."),
1446        0x80290118: ("TPMAPI_E_INVALID_OWNER_AUTH", "The format of the owner authorization data was invalid."),
1447        0x80290200: ("TBSIMP_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL", "The specified buffer was too small."),
1448        0x80290201: ("TBSIMP_E_CLEANUP_FAILED", "The context could not be cleaned up."),
1449        0x80290202: ("TBSIMP_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE", "The specified context handle is invalid."),
1450        0x80290203: ("TBSIMP_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_PARAM", "An invalid context parameter was specified."),
1451        0x80290204: ("TBSIMP_E_TPM_ERROR", "An error occurred while communicating with the TPM."),
1452        0x80290205: ("TBSIMP_E_HASH_BAD_KEY", "No entry with the specified key was found."),
1453        0x80290206: ("TBSIMP_E_DUPLICATE_VHANDLE", "The specified virtual handle matches a virtual handle already in use."),
1454        0x80290207: ("TBSIMP_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_POINTER", "The pointer to the returned handle location was null or invalid."),
1455        0x80290208: ("TBSIMP_E_INVALID_PARAMETER", "One or more parameters are invalid."),
1456        0x80290209: ("TBSIMP_E_RPC_INIT_FAILED", "The RPC subsystem could not be initialized."),
1457        0x8029020A: ("TBSIMP_E_SCHEDULER_NOT_RUNNING", "The TBS scheduler is not running."),
1458        0x8029020B: ("TBSIMP_E_COMMAND_CANCELED", "The command was canceled."),
1459        0x8029020C: ("TBSIMP_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY", "There was not enough memory to fulfill the request."),
1460        0x8029020D: ("TBSIMP_E_LIST_NO_MORE_ITEMS", "The specified list is empty, or the iteration has reached the end of the list."),
1461        0x8029020E: ("TBSIMP_E_LIST_NOT_FOUND", "The specified item was not found in the list."),
1462        0x8029020F: ("TBSIMP_E_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE", "The TPM does not have enough space to load the requested resource."),
1463        0x80290210: ("TBSIMP_E_NOT_ENOUGH_TPM_CONTEXTS", "There are too many TPM contexts in use."),
1464        0x80290211: ("TBSIMP_E_COMMAND_FAILED", "The TPM command failed."),
1465        0x80290212: ("TBSIMP_E_UNKNOWN_ORDINAL", "The TBS does not recognize the specified ordinal."),
1466        0x80290213: ("TBSIMP_E_RESOURCE_EXPIRED", "The requested resource is no longer available."),
1467        0x80290214: ("TBSIMP_E_INVALID_RESOURCE", "The resource type did not match."),
1468        0x80290215: ("TBSIMP_E_NOTHING_TO_UNLOAD", "No resources can be unloaded."),
1469        0x80290216: ("TBSIMP_E_HASH_TABLE_FULL", "No new entries can be added to the hash table."),
1470        0x80290217: ("TBSIMP_E_TOO_MANY_TBS_CONTEXTS", "A new TBS context could not be created because there are too many open contexts."),
1471        0x80290218: ("TBSIMP_E_TOO_MANY_RESOURCES", "A new virtual resource could not be created because there are too many open virtual resources."),
1472        0x80290219: ("TBSIMP_E_PPI_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The physical presence interface is not supported."),
1473        0x8029021A: ("TBSIMP_E_TPM_INCOMPATIBLE", "TBS is not compatible with the version of TPM found on the system."),
1474        0x80290300: ("TPM_E_PPI_ACPI_FAILURE", "A general error was detected when attempting to acquire the BIOS response to a physical presence command."),
1475        0x80290301: ("TPM_E_PPI_USER_ABORT", "The user failed to confirm the TPM operation request."),
1476        0x80290302: ("TPM_E_PPI_BIOS_FAILURE", "The BIOS failure prevented the successful execution of the requested TPM operation (for example, invalid TPM operation request, BIOS communication error with the TPM)."),
1477        0x80290303: ("TPM_E_PPI_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The BIOS does not support the physical presence interface."),
1478        0x80300002: ("PLA_E_DCS_NOT_FOUND", "A Data Collector Set was not found."),
1479        0x80300045: ("PLA_E_TOO_MANY_FOLDERS", "Unable to start Data Collector Set because there are too many folders."),
1480        0x80300070: ("PLA_E_NO_MIN_DISK", "Not enough free disk space to start Data Collector Set."),
1481        0x803000AA: ("PLA_E_DCS_IN_USE", "Data Collector Set is in use."),
1482        0x803000B7: ("PLA_E_DCS_ALREADY_EXISTS", "Data Collector Set already exists."),
1483        0x80300101: ("PLA_E_PROPERTY_CONFLICT", "Property value conflict."),
1484        0x80300102: ("PLA_E_DCS_SINGLETON_REQUIRED", "The current configuration for this Data Collector Set requires that it contain exactly one Data Collector."),
1485        0x80300103: ("PLA_E_CREDENTIALS_REQUIRED", "A user account is required to commit the current Data Collector Set properties."),
1486        0x80300104: ("PLA_E_DCS_NOT_RUNNING", "Data Collector Set is not running."),
1487        0x80300105: ("PLA_E_CONFLICT_INCL_EXCL_API", "A conflict was detected in the list of include and exclude APIs. Do not specify the same API in both the include list and the exclude list."),
1488        0x80300106: ("PLA_E_NETWORK_EXE_NOT_VALID", "The executable path specified refers to a network share or UNC path."),
1489        0x80300107: ("PLA_E_EXE_ALREADY_CONFIGURED", "The executable path specified is already configured for API tracing."),
1490        0x80300108: ("PLA_E_EXE_PATH_NOT_VALID", "The executable path specified does not exist. Verify that the specified path is correct."),
1491        0x80300109: ("PLA_E_DC_ALREADY_EXISTS", "Data Collector already exists."),
1492        0x8030010A: ("PLA_E_DCS_START_WAIT_TIMEOUT", "The wait for the Data Collector Set start notification has timed out."),
1493        0x8030010B: ("PLA_E_DC_START_WAIT_TIMEOUT", "The wait for the Data Collector to start has timed out."),
1494        0x8030010C: ("PLA_E_REPORT_WAIT_TIMEOUT", "The wait for the report generation tool to finish has timed out."),
1495        0x8030010D: ("PLA_E_NO_DUPLICATES", "Duplicate items are not allowed."),
1496        0x8030010E: ("PLA_E_EXE_FULL_PATH_REQUIRED", "When specifying the executable to trace, you must specify a full path to the executable and not just a file name."),
1497        0x8030010F: ("PLA_E_INVALID_SESSION_NAME", "The session name provided is invalid."),
1498        0x80300110: ("PLA_E_PLA_CHANNEL_NOT_ENABLED", "The Event Log channel Microsoft-Windows-Diagnosis-PLA/Operational must be enabled to perform this operation."),
1499        0x80300111: ("PLA_E_TASKSCHED_CHANNEL_NOT_ENABLED", "The Event Log channel Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler must be enabled to perform this operation."),
1500        0x80310000: ("FVE_E_LOCKED_VOLUME", "The volume must be unlocked before it can be used."),
1501        0x80310001: ("FVE_E_NOT_ENCRYPTED", "The volume is fully decrypted and no key is available."),
1502        0x80310002: ("FVE_E_NO_TPM_BIOS", "The firmware does not support using a TPM during boot."),
1503        0x80310003: ("FVE_E_NO_MBR_METRIC", "The firmware does not use a TPM to perform initial program load (IPL) measurement."),
1504        0x80310004: ("FVE_E_NO_BOOTSECTOR_METRIC", "The master boot record (MBR) is not TPM-aware."),
1505        0x80310005: ("FVE_E_NO_BOOTMGR_METRIC", "The BOOTMGR is not being measured by the TPM."),
1506        0x80310006: ("FVE_E_WRONG_BOOTMGR", "The BOOTMGR component does not perform expected TPM measurements."),
1507        0x80310007: ("FVE_E_SECURE_KEY_REQUIRED", "No secure key protection mechanism has been defined."),
1508        0x80310008: ("FVE_E_NOT_ACTIVATED", "This volume has not been provisioned for encryption."),
1509        0x80310009: ("FVE_E_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED", "Requested action was denied by the full-volume encryption (FVE) control engine."),
1510        0x8031000A: ("FVE_E_AD_SCHEMA_NOT_INSTALLED", "The Active Directory forest does not contain the required attributes and classes to host FVE or TPM information."),
1511        0x8031000B: ("FVE_E_AD_INVALID_DATATYPE", "The type of data obtained from Active Directory was not expected."),
1512        0x8031000C: ("FVE_E_AD_INVALID_DATASIZE", "The size of the data obtained from Active Directory was not expected."),
1513        0x8031000D: ("FVE_E_AD_NO_VALUES", "The attribute read from Active Directory has no (zero) values."),
1514        0x8031000E: ("FVE_E_AD_ATTR_NOT_SET", "The attribute was not set."),
1515        0x8031000F: ("FVE_E_AD_GUID_NOT_FOUND", "The specified GUID could not be found."),
1516        0x80310010: ("FVE_E_BAD_INFORMATION", "The control block for the encrypted volume is not valid."),
1517        0x80310011: ("FVE_E_TOO_SMALL", "Not enough free space remaining on volume to allow encryption."),
1518        0x80310012: ("FVE_E_SYSTEM_VOLUME", "The volume cannot be encrypted because it is required to boot the operating system."),
1519        0x80310013: ("FVE_E_FAILED_WRONG_FS", "The volume cannot be encrypted because the file system is not supported."),
1520        0x80310014: ("FVE_E_FAILED_BAD_FS", "The file system is inconsistent. Run CHKDSK."),
1521        0x80310015: ("FVE_E_NOT_SUPPORTED", "This volume cannot be encrypted."),
1522        0x80310016: ("FVE_E_BAD_DATA", "Data supplied is malformed."),
1523        0x80310017: ("FVE_E_VOLUME_NOT_BOUND", "Volume is not bound to the system."),
1524        0x80310018: ("FVE_E_TPM_NOT_OWNED", "TPM must be owned before a volume can be bound to it."),
1525        0x80310019: ("FVE_E_NOT_DATA_VOLUME", "The volume specified is not a data volume."),
1526        0x8031001A: ("FVE_E_AD_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER", "The buffer supplied to a function was insufficient to contain the returned data."),
1527        0x8031001B: ("FVE_E_CONV_READ", "A read operation failed while converting the volume."),
1528        0x8031001C: ("FVE_E_CONV_WRITE", "A write operation failed while converting the volume."),
1529        0x8031001D: ("FVE_E_KEY_REQUIRED", "One or more key protection mechanisms are required for this volume."),
1530        0x8031001E: ("FVE_E_CLUSTERING_NOT_SUPPORTED", "Cluster configurations are not supported."),
1531        0x8031001F: ("FVE_E_VOLUME_BOUND_ALREADY", "The volume is already bound to the system."),
1532        0x80310020: ("FVE_E_OS_NOT_PROTECTED", "The boot OS volume is not being protected via FVE."),
1533        0x80310021: ("FVE_E_PROTECTION_DISABLED", "All protection mechanisms are effectively disabled (clear key exists)."),
1534        0x80310022: ("FVE_E_RECOVERY_KEY_REQUIRED", "A recovery key protection mechanism is required."),
1535        0x80310023: ("FVE_E_FOREIGN_VOLUME", "This volume cannot be bound to a TPM."),
1536        0x80310024: ("FVE_E_OVERLAPPED_UPDATE", "The control block for the encrypted volume was updated by another thread. Try again."),
1537        0x80310025: ("FVE_E_TPM_SRK_AUTH_NOT_ZERO", "The SRK authentication of the TPM is not zero and, therefore, is not compatible."),
1538        0x80310026: ("FVE_E_FAILED_SECTOR_SIZE", "The volume encryption algorithm cannot be used on this sector size."),
1539        0x80310027: ("FVE_E_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION", "BitLocker recovery authentication failed."),
1540        0x80310028: ("FVE_E_NOT_OS_VOLUME", "The volume specified is not the boot OS volume."),
1541        0x80310029: ("FVE_E_AUTOUNLOCK_ENABLED", "Auto-unlock information for data volumes is present on the boot OS volume."),
1542        0x8031002A: ("FVE_E_WRONG_BOOTSECTOR", "The system partition boot sector does not perform TPM measurements."),
1543        0x8031002B: ("FVE_E_WRONG_SYSTEM_FS", "The system partition file system must be NTFS."),
1544        0x8031002C: ("FVE_E_POLICY_PASSWORD_REQUIRED", "Group policy requires a recovery password before encryption may begin."),
1545        0x8031002D: ("FVE_E_CANNOT_SET_FVEK_ENCRYPTED", "The volume encryption algorithm and key cannot be set on an encrypted volume."),
1546        0x8031002E: ("FVE_E_CANNOT_ENCRYPT_NO_KEY", "A key must be specified before encryption may begin."),
1547        0x80310030: ("FVE_E_BOOTABLE_CDDVD", "A bootable CD/DVD is in the system. Remove the CD/DVD and reboot the system."),
1548        0x80310031: ("FVE_E_PROTECTOR_EXISTS", "An instance of this key protector already exists on the volume."),
1549        0x80310032: ("FVE_E_RELATIVE_PATH", "The file cannot be saved to a relative path."),
1550        0x80320001: ("FWP_E_CALLOUT_NOT_FOUND", "The callout does not exist."),
1551        0x80320002: ("FWP_E_CONDITION_NOT_FOUND", "The filter condition does not exist."),
1552        0x80320003: ("FWP_E_FILTER_NOT_FOUND", "The filter does not exist."),
1553        0x80320004: ("FWP_E_LAYER_NOT_FOUND", "The layer does not exist."),
1554        0x80320005: ("FWP_E_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND", "The provider does not exist."),
1555        0x80320006: ("FWP_E_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND", "The provider context does not exist."),
1556        0x80320007: ("FWP_E_SUBLAYER_NOT_FOUND", "The sublayer does not exist."),
1557        0x80320008: ("FWP_E_NOT_FOUND", "The object does not exist."),
1558        0x80320009: ("FWP_E_ALREADY_EXISTS", "An object with that GUID or LUID already exists."),
1559        0x8032000A: ("FWP_E_IN_USE", "The object is referenced by other objects and, therefore, cannot be deleted."),
1560        0x8032000B: ("FWP_E_DYNAMIC_SESSION_IN_PROGRESS", "The call is not allowed from within a dynamic session."),
1561        0x8032000C: ("FWP_E_WRONG_SESSION", "The call was made from the wrong session and, therefore, cannot be completed."),
1562        0x8032000D: ("FWP_E_NO_TXN_IN_PROGRESS", "The call must be made from within an explicit transaction."),
1563        0x8032000E: ("FWP_E_TXN_IN_PROGRESS", "The call is not allowed from within an explicit transaction."),
1564        0x8032000F: ("FWP_E_TXN_ABORTED", "The explicit transaction has been forcibly canceled."),
1565        0x80320010: ("FWP_E_SESSION_ABORTED", "The session has been canceled."),
1566        0x80320011: ("FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_TXN", "The call is not allowed from within a read-only transaction."),
1567        0x80320012: ("FWP_E_TIMEOUT", "The call timed out while waiting to acquire the transaction lock."),
1568        0x80320013: ("FWP_E_NET_EVENTS_DISABLED", "Collection of network diagnostic events is disabled."),
1569        0x80320014: ("FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_LAYER", "The operation is not supported by the specified layer."),
1570        0x80320015: ("FWP_E_KM_CLIENTS_ONLY", "The call is allowed for kernel-mode callers only."),
1571        0x80320016: ("FWP_E_LIFETIME_MISMATCH", "The call tried to associate two objects with incompatible lifetimes."),
1572        0x80320017: ("FWP_E_BUILTIN_OBJECT", "The object is built in and, therefore, cannot be deleted."),
1573        0x80320018: ("FWP_E_TOO_MANY_BOOTTIME_FILTERS", "The maximum number of boot-time filters has been reached."),
1574        0x80320019: ("FWP_E_NOTIFICATION_DROPPED", "A notification could not be delivered because a message queue is at its maximum capacity."),
1575        0x8032001A: ("FWP_E_TRAFFIC_MISMATCH", "The traffic parameters do not match those for the security association context."),
1576        0x8032001B: ("FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_SA_STATE", "The call is not allowed for the current security association state."),
1577        0x8032001C: ("FWP_E_NULL_POINTER", "A required pointer is null."),
1578        0x8032001D: ("FWP_E_INVALID_ENUMERATOR", "An enumerator is not valid."),
1579        0x8032001E: ("FWP_E_INVALID_FLAGS", "The flags field contains an invalid value."),
1580        0x8032001F: ("FWP_E_INVALID_NET_MASK", "A network mask is not valid."),
1581        0x80320020: ("FWP_E_INVALID_RANGE", "An FWP_RANGE is not valid."),
1582        0x80320021: ("FWP_E_INVALID_INTERVAL", "The time interval is not valid."),
1583        0x80320022: ("FWP_E_ZERO_LENGTH_ARRAY", "An array that must contain at least one element that is zero-length."),
1584        0x80320023: ("FWP_E_NULL_DISPLAY_NAME", "The displayData.name field cannot be null."),
1585        0x80320024: ("FWP_E_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE", "The action type is not one of the allowed action types for a filter."),
1586        0x80320025: ("FWP_E_INVALID_WEIGHT", "The filter weight is not valid."),
1587        0x80320026: ("FWP_E_MATCH_TYPE_MISMATCH", "A filter condition contains a match type that is not compatible with the operands."),
1588        0x80320027: ("FWP_E_TYPE_MISMATCH", "An FWP_VALUE or FWPM_CONDITION_VALUE is of the wrong type."),
1589        0x80320028: ("FWP_E_OUT_OF_BOUNDS", "An integer value is outside the allowed range."),
1590        0x80320029: ("FWP_E_RESERVED", "A reserved field is nonzero."),
1591        0x8032002A: ("FWP_E_DUPLICATE_CONDITION", "A filter cannot contain multiple conditions operating on a single field."),
1592        0x8032002B: ("FWP_E_DUPLICATE_KEYMOD", "A policy cannot contain the same keying module more than once."),
1593        0x8032002C: ("FWP_E_ACTION_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_LAYER", "The action type is not compatible with the layer."),
1594        0x8032002D: ("FWP_E_ACTION_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_SUBLAYER", "The action type is not compatible with the sublayer."),
1595        0x8032002E: ("FWP_E_CONTEXT_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_LAYER", "The raw context or the provider context is not compatible with the layer."),
1596        0x8032002F: ("FWP_E_CONTEXT_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_CALLOUT", "The raw context or the provider context is not compatible with the callout."),
1597        0x80320030: ("FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_AUTH_METHOD", "The authentication method is not compatible with the policy type."),
1598        0x80320031: ("FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_DH_GROUP", "The Diffie-Hellman group is not compatible with the policy type."),
1599        0x80320032: ("FWP_E_EM_NOT_SUPPORTED", "An Internet Key Exchange (IKE) policy cannot contain an Extended Mode policy."),
1600        0x80320033: ("FWP_E_NEVER_MATCH", "The enumeration template or subscription will never match any objects."),
1601        0x80320034: ("FWP_E_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_MISMATCH", "The provider context is of the wrong type."),
1602        0x80320035: ("FWP_E_INVALID_PARAMETER", "The parameter is incorrect."),
1603        0x80320036: ("FWP_E_TOO_MANY_SUBLAYERS", "The maximum number of sublayers has been reached."),
1604        0x80320037: ("FWP_E_CALLOUT_NOTIFICATION_FAILED", "The notification function for a callout returned an error."),
1605        0x80320038: ("FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_AUTH_CONFIG", "The IPsec authentication configuration is not compatible with the authentication type."),
1606        0x80320039: ("FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_CIPHER_CONFIG", "The IPsec cipher configuration is not compatible with the cipher type."),
1607        0x80340002: ("ERROR_NDIS_INTERFACE_CLOSING", "The binding to the network interface is being closed."),
1608        0x80340004: ("ERROR_NDIS_BAD_VERSION", "An invalid version was specified."),
1609        0x80340005: ("ERROR_NDIS_BAD_CHARACTERISTICS", "An invalid characteristics table was used."),
1610        0x80340006: ("ERROR_NDIS_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND", "Failed to find the network interface, or the network interface is not ready."),
1611        0x80340007: ("ERROR_NDIS_OPEN_FAILED", "Failed to open the network interface."),
1612        0x80340008: ("ERROR_NDIS_DEVICE_FAILED", "The network interface has encountered an internal unrecoverable failure."),
1613        0x80340009: ("ERROR_NDIS_MULTICAST_FULL", "The multicast list on the network interface is full."),
1614        0x8034000A: ("ERROR_NDIS_MULTICAST_EXISTS", "An attempt was made to add a duplicate multicast address to the list."),
1615        0x8034000B: ("ERROR_NDIS_MULTICAST_NOT_FOUND", "At attempt was made to remove a multicast address that was never added."),
1616        0x8034000C: ("ERROR_NDIS_REQUEST_ABORTED", "The network interface aborted the request."),
1617        0x8034000D: ("ERROR_NDIS_RESET_IN_PROGRESS", "The network interface cannot process the request because it is being reset."),
1618        0x8034000F: ("ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_PACKET", "An attempt was made to send an invalid packet on a network interface."),
1619        0x80340010: ("ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST", "The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device."),
1620        0x80340011: ("ERROR_NDIS_ADAPTER_NOT_READY", "The network interface is not ready to complete this operation."),
1621        0x80340014: ("ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_LENGTH", "The length of the buffer submitted for this operation is not valid."),
1622        0x80340015: ("ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_DATA", "The data used for this operation is not valid."),
1623        0x80340016: ("ERROR_NDIS_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT", "The length of the buffer submitted for this operation is too small."),
1624        0x80340017: ("ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_OID", "The network interface does not support this OID."),
1625        0x80340018: ("ERROR_NDIS_ADAPTER_REMOVED", "The network interface has been removed."),
1626        0x80340019: ("ERROR_NDIS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA", "The network interface does not support this media type."),
1627        0x8034001A: ("ERROR_NDIS_GROUP_ADDRESS_IN_USE", "An attempt was made to remove a token ring group address that is in use by other components."),
1628        0x8034001B: ("ERROR_NDIS_FILE_NOT_FOUND", "An attempt was made to map a file that cannot be found."),
1629        0x8034001C: ("ERROR_NDIS_ERROR_READING_FILE", "An error occurred while the NDIS tried to map the file."),
1630        0x8034001D: ("ERROR_NDIS_ALREADY_MAPPED", "An attempt was made to map a file that is already mapped."),
1631        0x8034001E: ("ERROR_NDIS_RESOURCE_CONFLICT", "An attempt to allocate a hardware resource failed because the resource is used by another component."),
1632        0x8034001F: ("ERROR_NDIS_MEDIA_DISCONNECTED", "The I/O operation failed because network media is disconnected or the wireless access point is out of range."),
1633        0x80340022: ("ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_ADDRESS", "The network address used in the request is invalid."),
1634        0x8034002A: ("ERROR_NDIS_PAUSED", "The offload operation on the network interface has been paused."),
1635        0x8034002B: ("ERROR_NDIS_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND", "The network interface was not found."),
1636        0x8034002C: ("ERROR_NDIS_UNSUPPORTED_REVISION", "The revision number specified in the structure is not supported."),
1637        0x8034002D: ("ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_PORT", "The specified port does not exist on this network interface."),
1638        0x8034002E: ("ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_PORT_STATE", "The current state of the specified port on this network interface does not support the requested operation."),
1639        0x803400BB: ("ERROR_NDIS_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The network interface does not support this request."),
1640        0x80342000: ("ERROR_NDIS_DOT11_AUTO_CONFIG_ENABLED", "The wireless local area network (LAN) interface is in auto-configuration mode and does not support the requested parameter change operation."),
1641        0x80342001: ("ERROR_NDIS_DOT11_MEDIA_IN_USE", "The wireless LAN interface is busy and cannot perform the requested operation."),
1642        0x80342002: ("ERROR_NDIS_DOT11_POWER_STATE_INVALID", "The wireless LAN interface is shutting down and does not support the requested operation."),
1643        0x8DEAD01B: ("TRK_E_NOT_FOUND", "A requested object was not found."),
1644        0x8DEAD01C: ("TRK_E_VOLUME_QUOTA_EXCEEDED", "The server received a CREATE_VOLUME subrequest of a SYNC_VOLUMES request, but the ServerVolumeTable size limit for the RequestMachine has already been reached."),
1645        0x8DEAD01E: ("TRK_SERVER_TOO_BUSY", "The server is busy, and the client should retry the request at a later time."),
1646        0xC0090001: ("ERROR_AUDITING_DISABLED", "The specified event is currently not being audited."),
1647        0xC0090002: ("ERROR_ALL_SIDS_FILTERED", "The SID filtering operation removed all SIDs."),
1648        0xC0090003: ("ERROR_BIZRULES_NOT_ENABLED", "Business rule scripts are disabled for the calling application."),
1649        0xC00D0005: ("NS_E_NOCONNECTION", "There is no connection established with the Windows Media server. The operation failed."),
1650        0xC00D0006: ("NS_E_CANNOTCONNECT", "Unable to establish a connection to the server."),
1651        0xC00D0007: ("NS_E_CANNOTDESTROYTITLE", "Unable to destroy the title."),
1652        0xC00D0008: ("NS_E_CANNOTRENAMETITLE", "Unable to rename the title."),
1653        0xC00D0009: ("NS_E_CANNOTOFFLINEDISK", "Unable to offline disk."),
1654        0xC00D000A: ("NS_E_CANNOTONLINEDISK", "Unable to online disk."),
1655        0xC00D000B: ("NS_E_NOREGISTEREDWALKER", "There is no file parser registered for this type of file."),
1656        0xC00D000C: ("NS_E_NOFUNNEL", "There is no data connection established."),
1657        0xC00D000D: ("NS_E_NO_LOCALPLAY", "Failed to load the local play DLL."),
1658        0xC00D000E: ("NS_E_NETWORK_BUSY", "The network is busy."),
1659        0xC00D000F: ("NS_E_TOO_MANY_SESS", "The server session limit was exceeded."),
1660        0xC00D0010: ("NS_E_ALREADY_CONNECTED", "The network connection already exists."),
1661        0xC00D0011: ("NS_E_INVALID_INDEX", "Index %1 is invalid."),
1662        0xC00D0012: ("NS_E_PROTOCOL_MISMATCH", "There is no protocol or protocol version supported by both the client and the server."),
1663        0xC00D0013: ("NS_E_TIMEOUT", "The server, a computer set up to offer multimedia content to other computers, could not handle your request for multimedia content in a timely manner. Please try again later."),
1664        0xC00D0014: ("NS_E_NET_WRITE", "Error writing to the network."),
1665        0xC00D0015: ("NS_E_NET_READ", "Error reading from the network."),
1666        0xC00D0016: ("NS_E_DISK_WRITE", "Error writing to a disk."),
1667        0xC00D0017: ("NS_E_DISK_READ", "Error reading from a disk."),
1668        0xC00D0018: ("NS_E_FILE_WRITE", "Error writing to a file."),
1669        0xC00D0019: ("NS_E_FILE_READ", "Error reading from a file."),
1670        0xC00D001A: ("NS_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND", "The system cannot find the file specified."),
1671        0xC00D001B: ("NS_E_FILE_EXISTS", "The file already exists."),
1672        0xC00D001C: ("NS_E_INVALID_NAME", "The file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect."),
1673        0xC00D001D: ("NS_E_FILE_OPEN_FAILED", "Failed to open a file."),
1674        0xC00D001E: ("NS_E_FILE_ALLOCATION_FAILED", "Unable to allocate a file."),
1675        0xC00D001F: ("NS_E_FILE_INIT_FAILED", "Unable to initialize a file."),
1676        0xC00D0020: ("NS_E_FILE_PLAY_FAILED", "Unable to play a file."),
1677        0xC00D0021: ("NS_E_SET_DISK_UID_FAILED", "Could not set the disk UID."),
1678        0xC00D0022: ("NS_E_INDUCED", "An error was induced for testing purposes."),
1679        0xC00D0023: ("NS_E_CCLINK_DOWN", "Two Content Servers failed to communicate."),
1680        0xC00D0024: ("NS_E_INTERNAL", "An unknown error occurred."),
1681        0xC00D0025: ("NS_E_BUSY", "The requested resource is in use."),
1682        0xC00D0026: ("NS_E_UNRECOGNIZED_STREAM_TYPE", "The specified protocol is not recognized. Be sure that the file name and syntax, such as slashes, are correct for the protocol."),
1683        0xC00D0027: ("NS_E_NETWORK_SERVICE_FAILURE", "The network service provider failed."),
1684        0xC00D0028: ("NS_E_NETWORK_RESOURCE_FAILURE", "An attempt to acquire a network resource failed."),
1685        0xC00D0029: ("NS_E_CONNECTION_FAILURE", "The network connection has failed."),
1686        0xC00D002A: ("NS_E_SHUTDOWN", "The session is being terminated locally."),
1687        0xC00D002B: ("NS_E_INVALID_REQUEST", "The request is invalid in the current state."),
1688        0xC00D002C: ("NS_E_INSUFFICIENT_BANDWIDTH", "There is insufficient bandwidth available to fulfill the request."),
1689        0xC00D002D: ("NS_E_NOT_REBUILDING", "The disk is not rebuilding."),
1690        0xC00D002E: ("NS_E_LATE_OPERATION", "An operation requested for a particular time could not be carried out on schedule."),
1691        0xC00D002F: ("NS_E_INVALID_DATA", "Invalid or corrupt data was encountered."),
1692        0xC00D0030: ("NS_E_FILE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT", "The bandwidth required to stream a file is higher than the maximum file bandwidth allowed on the server."),
1693        0xC00D0031: ("NS_E_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT", "The client cannot have any more files open simultaneously."),
1694        0xC00D0032: ("NS_E_BAD_CONTROL_DATA", "The server received invalid data from the client on the control connection."),
1695        0xC00D0033: ("NS_E_NO_STREAM", "There is no stream available."),
1696        0xC00D0034: ("NS_E_STREAM_END", "There is no more data in the stream."),
1697        0xC00D0035: ("NS_E_SERVER_NOT_FOUND", "The specified server could not be found."),
1698        0xC00D0036: ("NS_E_DUPLICATE_NAME", "The specified name is already in use."),
1699        0xC00D0037: ("NS_E_DUPLICATE_ADDRESS", "The specified address is already in use."),
1700        0xC00D0038: ("NS_E_BAD_MULTICAST_ADDRESS", "The specified address is not a valid multicast address."),
1701        0xC00D0039: ("NS_E_BAD_ADAPTER_ADDRESS", "The specified adapter address is invalid."),
1702        0xC00D003A: ("NS_E_BAD_DELIVERY_MODE", "The specified delivery mode is invalid."),
1703        0xC00D003B: ("NS_E_INVALID_CHANNEL", "The specified station does not exist."),
1704        0xC00D003C: ("NS_E_INVALID_STREAM", "The specified stream does not exist."),
1705        0xC00D003D: ("NS_E_INVALID_ARCHIVE", "The specified archive could not be opened."),
1706        0xC00D003E: ("NS_E_NOTITLES", "The system cannot find any titles on the server."),
1707        0xC00D003F: ("NS_E_INVALID_CLIENT", "The system cannot find the client specified."),
1708        0xC00D0040: ("NS_E_INVALID_BLACKHOLE_ADDRESS", "The Blackhole Address is not initialized."),
1709        0xC00D0041: ("NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_FORMAT", "The station does not support the stream format."),
1710        0xC00D0042: ("NS_E_INVALID_KEY", "The specified key is not valid."),
1711        0xC00D0043: ("NS_E_INVALID_PORT", "The specified port is not valid."),
1712        0xC00D0044: ("NS_E_INVALID_TTL", "The specified TTL is not valid."),
1713        0xC00D0045: ("NS_E_STRIDE_REFUSED", "The request to fast forward or rewind could not be fulfilled."),
1714        0xC00D0046: ("NS_E_MMSAUTOSERVER_CANTFINDWALKER", "Unable to load the appropriate file parser."),
1715        0xC00D0047: ("NS_E_MAX_BITRATE", "Cannot exceed the maximum bandwidth limit."),
1716        0xC00D0048: ("NS_E_LOGFILEPERIOD", "Invalid value for LogFilePeriod."),
1717        0xC00D0049: ("NS_E_MAX_CLIENTS", "Cannot exceed the maximum client limit."),
1718        0xC00D004A: ("NS_E_LOG_FILE_SIZE", "The maximum log file size has been reached."),
1719        0xC00D004B: ("NS_E_MAX_FILERATE", "Cannot exceed the maximum file rate."),
1720        0xC00D004C: ("NS_E_WALKER_UNKNOWN", "Unknown file type."),
1721        0xC00D004D: ("NS_E_WALKER_SERVER", "The specified file, %1, cannot be loaded onto the specified server, %2."),
1722        0xC00D004E: ("NS_E_WALKER_USAGE", "There was a usage error with file parser."),
1723        0xC00D0050: ("NS_E_TIGER_FAIL", "The Title Server %1 has failed."),
1724        0xC00D0053: ("NS_E_CUB_FAIL", "Content Server %1 (%2) has failed."),
1725        0xC00D0055: ("NS_E_DISK_FAIL", "Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, has failed."),
1726        0xC00D0060: ("NS_E_MAX_FUNNELS_ALERT", "The NetShow data stream limit of %1 streams was reached."),
1727        0xC00D0061: ("NS_E_ALLOCATE_FILE_FAIL", "The NetShow Video Server was unable to allocate a %1 block file named %2."),
1728        0xC00D0062: ("NS_E_PAGING_ERROR", "A Content Server was unable to page a block."),
1729        0xC00D0063: ("NS_E_BAD_BLOCK0_VERSION", "Disk %1 has unrecognized control block version %2."),
1730        0xC00D0064: ("NS_E_BAD_DISK_UID", "Disk %1 has incorrect uid %2."),
1731        0xC00D0065: ("NS_E_BAD_FSMAJOR_VERSION", "Disk %1 has unsupported file system major version %2."),
1732        0xC00D0066: ("NS_E_BAD_STAMPNUMBER", "Disk %1 has bad stamp number in control block."),
1733        0xC00D0067: ("NS_E_PARTIALLY_REBUILT_DISK", "Disk %1 is partially reconstructed."),
1734        0xC00D0068: ("NS_E_ENACTPLAN_GIVEUP", "EnactPlan gives up."),
1735        0xC00D006A: ("MCMADM_E_REGKEY_NOT_FOUND", "The key was not found in the registry."),
1736        0xC00D006B: ("NS_E_NO_FORMATS", "The publishing point cannot be started because the server does not have the appropriate stream formats. Use the Multicast Announcement Wizard to create a new announcement for this publishing point."),
1737        0xC00D006C: ("NS_E_NO_REFERENCES", "No reference URLs were found in an ASX file."),
1738        0xC00D006D: ("NS_E_WAVE_OPEN", "Error opening wave device, the device might be in use."),
1739        0xC00D006F: ("NS_E_CANNOTCONNECTEVENTS", "Unable to establish a connection to the NetShow event monitor service."),
1740        0xC00D0071: ("NS_E_NO_DEVICE", "No device driver is present on the system."),
1741        0xC00D0072: ("NS_E_NO_SPECIFIED_DEVICE", "No specified device driver is present."),
1742        0xC00D00C8: ("NS_E_MONITOR_GIVEUP", "Netshow Events Monitor is not operational and has been disconnected."),
1743        0xC00D00C9: ("NS_E_REMIRRORED_DISK", "Disk %1 is remirrored."),
1744        0xC00D00CA: ("NS_E_INSUFFICIENT_DATA", "Insufficient data found."),
1745        0xC00D00CB: ("NS_E_ASSERT", "1 failed in file %2 line %3."),
1746        0xC00D00CC: ("NS_E_BAD_ADAPTER_NAME", "The specified adapter name is invalid."),
1747        0xC00D00CD: ("NS_E_NOT_LICENSED", "The application is not licensed for this feature."),
1748        0xC00D00CE: ("NS_E_NO_SERVER_CONTACT", "Unable to contact the server."),
1749        0xC00D00CF: ("NS_E_TOO_MANY_TITLES", "Maximum number of titles exceeded."),
1750        0xC00D00D0: ("NS_E_TITLE_SIZE_EXCEEDED", "Maximum size of a title exceeded."),
1751        0xC00D00D1: ("NS_E_UDP_DISABLED", "UDP protocol not enabled. Not trying %1!ls!."),
1752        0xC00D00D2: ("NS_E_TCP_DISABLED", "TCP protocol not enabled. Not trying %1!ls!."),
1753        0xC00D00D3: ("NS_E_HTTP_DISABLED", "HTTP protocol not enabled. Not trying %1!ls!."),
1754        0xC00D00D4: ("NS_E_LICENSE_EXPIRED", "The product license has expired."),
1755        0xC00D00D5: ("NS_E_TITLE_BITRATE", "Source file exceeds the per title maximum bitrate. See NetShow Theater documentation for more information."),
1756        0xC00D00D6: ("NS_E_EMPTY_PROGRAM_NAME", "The program name cannot be empty."),
1757        0xC00D00D7: ("NS_E_MISSING_CHANNEL", "Station %1 does not exist."),
1758        0xC00D00D8: ("NS_E_NO_CHANNELS", "You need to define at least one station before this operation can complete."),
1759        0xC00D00D9: ("NS_E_INVALID_INDEX2", "The index specified is invalid."),
1760        0xC00D0190: ("NS_E_CUB_FAIL_LINK", "Content Server %1 (%2) has failed its link to Content Server %3."),
1761        0xC00D0192: ("NS_E_BAD_CUB_UID", "Content Server %1 (%2) has incorrect uid %3."),
1762        0xC00D0195: ("NS_E_GLITCH_MODE", "Server unreliable because multiple components failed."),
1763        0xC00D019B: ("NS_E_NO_MEDIA_PROTOCOL", "Content Server %1 (%2) is unable to communicate with the Media System Network Protocol."),
1764        0xC00D07F1: ("NS_E_NOTHING_TO_DO", "Nothing to do."),
1765        0xC00D07F2: ("NS_E_NO_MULTICAST", "Not receiving data from the server."),
1766        0xC00D0BB8: ("NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_FORMAT", "The input media format is invalid."),
1767        0xC00D0BB9: ("NS_E_MSAUDIO_NOT_INSTALLED", "The MSAudio codec is not installed on this system."),
1768        0xC00D0BBA: ("NS_E_UNEXPECTED_MSAUDIO_ERROR", "An unexpected error occurred with the MSAudio codec."),
1769        0xC00D0BBB: ("NS_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_FORMAT", "The output media format is invalid."),
1770        0xC00D0BBC: ("NS_E_NOT_CONFIGURED", "The object must be fully configured before audio samples can be processed."),
1771        0xC00D0BBD: ("NS_E_PROTECTED_CONTENT", "You need a license to perform the requested operation on this media file."),
1772        0xC00D0BBE: ("NS_E_LICENSE_REQUIRED", "You need a license to perform the requested operation on this media file."),
1773        0xC00D0BBF: ("NS_E_TAMPERED_CONTENT", "This media file is corrupted or invalid. Contact the content provider for a new file."),
1774        0xC00D0BC0: ("NS_E_LICENSE_OUTOFDATE", "The license for this media file has expired. Get a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance."),
1775        0xC00D0BC1: ("NS_E_LICENSE_INCORRECT_RIGHTS", "You are not allowed to open this file. Contact the content provider for further assistance."),
1776        0xC00D0BC2: ("NS_E_AUDIO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLED", "The requested audio codec is not installed on this system."),
1777        0xC00D0BC3: ("NS_E_AUDIO_CODEC_ERROR", "An unexpected error occurred with the audio codec."),
1778        0xC00D0BC4: ("NS_E_VIDEO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLED", "The requested video codec is not installed on this system."),
1779        0xC00D0BC5: ("NS_E_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR", "An unexpected error occurred with the video codec."),
1780        0xC00D0BC6: ("NS_E_INVALIDPROFILE", "The Profile is invalid."),
1781        0xC00D0BC7: ("NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION", "A new version of the SDK is needed to play the requested content."),
1782        0xC00D0BCA: ("NS_E_OFFLINE_MODE", "The requested URL is not available in offline mode."),
1783        0xC00D0BCB: ("NS_E_NOT_CONNECTED", "The requested URL cannot be accessed because there is no network connection."),
1784        0xC00D0BCC: ("NS_E_TOO_MUCH_DATA", "The encoding process was unable to keep up with the amount of supplied data."),
1785        0xC00D0BCD: ("NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY", "The given property is not supported."),
1786        0xC00D0BCE: ("NS_E_8BIT_WAVE_UNSUPPORTED", "Windows Media Player cannot copy the files to the CD because they are 8-bit. Convert the files to 16-bit, 44-kHz stereo files by using Sound Recorder or another audio-processing program, and then try again."),
1787        0xC00D0BCF: ("NS_E_NO_MORE_SAMPLES", "There are no more samples in the current range."),
1788        0xC00D0BD0: ("NS_E_INVALID_SAMPLING_RATE", "The given sampling rate is invalid."),
1789        0xC00D0BD1: ("NS_E_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_TOO_SMALL", "The given maximum packet size is too small to accommodate this profile.)"),
1790        0xC00D0BD2: ("NS_E_LATE_PACKET", "The packet arrived too late to be of use."),
1791        0xC00D0BD3: ("NS_E_DUPLICATE_PACKET", "The packet is a duplicate of one received before."),
1792        0xC00D0BD4: ("NS_E_SDK_BUFFERTOOSMALL", "Supplied buffer is too small."),
1793        0xC00D0BD5: ("NS_E_INVALID_NUM_PASSES", "The wrong number of preprocessing passes was used for the stream's output type."),
1794        0xC00D0BD6: ("NS_E_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY", "An attempt was made to add, modify, or delete a read only attribute."),
1795        0xC00D0BD7: ("NS_E_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_ALLOWED", "An attempt was made to add attribute that is not allowed for the given media type."),
1796        0xC00D0BD8: ("NS_E_INVALID_EDL", "The EDL provided is invalid."),
1797        0xC00D0BD9: ("NS_E_DATA_UNIT_EXTENSION_TOO_LARGE", "The Data Unit Extension data was too large to be used."),
1798        0xC00D0BDA: ("NS_E_CODEC_DMO_ERROR", "An unexpected error occurred with a DMO codec."),
1799        0xC00D0BDC: ("NS_E_FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_GROUP_POLICY", "This feature has been disabled by group policy."),
1800        0xC00D0BDD: ("NS_E_FEATURE_DISABLED_IN_SKU", "This feature is disabled in this SKU."),
1801        0xC00D0FA0: ("NS_E_NO_CD", "There is no CD in the CD drive. Insert a CD, and then try again."),
1802        0xC00D0FA1: ("NS_E_CANT_READ_DIGITAL", "Windows Media Player could not use digital playback to play the CD. To switch to analog playback, on the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Devices tab. Double-click the CD drive, and then in the Playback area, click Analog. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
1803        0xC00D0FA2: ("NS_E_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED", "Windows Media Player no longer detects a connected portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try synchronizing the file again."),
1804        0xC00D0FA3: ("NS_E_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT_FORMAT", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The portable device does not support the specified file type."),
1805        0xC00D0FA4: ("NS_E_SLOW_READ_DIGITAL", "Windows Media Player could not use digital playback to play the CD. The Player has automatically switched the CD drive to analog playback. To switch back to digital CD playback, use the Devices tab. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
1806        0xC00D0FA5: ("NS_E_MIXER_INVALID_LINE", "An invalid line error occurred in the mixer."),
1807        0xC00D0FA6: ("NS_E_MIXER_INVALID_CONTROL", "An invalid control error occurred in the mixer."),
1808        0xC00D0FA7: ("NS_E_MIXER_INVALID_VALUE", "An invalid value error occurred in the mixer."),
1809        0xC00D0FA8: ("NS_E_MIXER_UNKNOWN_MMRESULT", "An unrecognized MMRESULT occurred in the mixer."),
1810        0xC00D0FA9: ("NS_E_USER_STOP", "User has stopped the operation."),
1811        0xC00D0FAA: ("NS_E_MP3_FORMAT_NOT_FOUND", "Windows Media Player cannot rip the track because a compatible MP3 encoder is not installed on your computer. Install a compatible MP3 encoder or choose a different format to rip to (such as Windows Media Audio)."),
1812        0xC00D0FAB: ("NS_E_CD_READ_ERROR_NO_CORRECTION", "Windows Media Player cannot read the CD. The disc might be dirty or damaged. Turn on error correction, and then try again."),
1813        0xC00D0FAC: ("NS_E_CD_READ_ERROR", "Windows Media Player cannot read the CD. The disc might be dirty or damaged or the CD drive might be malfunctioning."),
1814        0xC00D0FAD: ("NS_E_CD_SLOW_COPY", "For best performance, do not play CD tracks while ripping them."),
1815        0xC00D0FAE: ("NS_E_CD_COPYTO_CD", "It is not possible to directly burn tracks from one CD to another CD. You must first rip the tracks from the CD to your computer, and then burn the files to a blank CD."),
1816        0xC00D0FAF: ("NS_E_MIXER_NODRIVER", "Could not open a sound mixer driver."),
1817        0xC00D0FB0: ("NS_E_REDBOOK_ENABLED_WHILE_COPYING", "Windows Media Player cannot rip tracks from the CD correctly because the CD drive settings in Device Manager do not match the CD drive settings in the Player."),
1818        0xC00D0FB1: ("NS_E_CD_REFRESH", "Windows Media Player is busy reading the CD."),
1819        0xC00D0FB2: ("NS_E_CD_DRIVER_PROBLEM", "Windows Media Player could not use digital playback to play the CD. The Player has automatically switched the CD drive to analog playback. To switch back to digital CD playback, use the Devices tab. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
1820        0xC00D0FB3: ("NS_E_WONT_DO_DIGITAL", "Windows Media Player could not use digital playback to play the CD. The Player has automatically switched the CD drive to analog playback. To switch back to digital CD playback, use the Devices tab. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
1821        0xC00D0FB4: ("NS_E_WMPXML_NOERROR", "A call was made to GetParseError on the XML parser but there was no error to retrieve."),
1822        0xC00D0FB5: ("NS_E_WMPXML_ENDOFDATA", "The XML Parser ran out of data while parsing."),
1823        0xC00D0FB6: ("NS_E_WMPXML_PARSEERROR", "A generic parse error occurred in the XML parser but no information is available."),
1824        0xC00D0FB7: ("NS_E_WMPXML_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUND", "A call get GetNamedAttribute or GetNamedAttributeIndex on the XML parser resulted in the index not being found."),
1825        0xC00D0FB8: ("NS_E_WMPXML_PINOTFOUND", "A call was made go GetNamedPI on the XML parser, but the requested Processing Instruction was not found."),
1826        0xC00D0FB9: ("NS_E_WMPXML_EMPTYDOC", "Persist was called on the XML parser, but the parser has no data to persist."),
1827        0xC00D0FBA: ("NS_E_WMP_PATH_ALREADY_IN_LIBRARY", "This file path is already in the library."),
1828        0xC00D0FBE: ("NS_E_WMP_FILESCANALREADYSTARTED", "Windows Media Player is already searching for files to add to your library. Wait for the current process to finish before attempting to search again."),
1829        0xC00D0FBF: ("NS_E_WMP_HME_INVALIDOBJECTID", "Windows Media Player is unable to find the media you are looking for."),
1830        0xC00D0FC0: ("NS_E_WMP_MF_CODE_EXPIRED", "A component of Windows Media Player is out-of-date. If you are running a pre-release version of Windows, try upgrading to a more recent version."),
1831        0xC00D0FC1: ("NS_E_WMP_HME_NOTSEARCHABLEFORITEMS", "This container does not support search on items."),
1832        0xC00D0FC7: ("NS_E_WMP_ADDTOLIBRARY_FAILED", "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while adding one or more files to the library. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
1833        0xC00D0FC8: ("NS_E_WMP_WINDOWSAPIFAILURE", "A Windows API call failed but no error information was available."),
1834        0xC00D0FC9: ("NS_E_WMP_RECORDING_NOT_ALLOWED", "This file does not have burn rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get burn rights."),
1835        0xC00D0FCA: ("NS_E_DEVICE_NOT_READY", "Windows Media Player no longer detects a connected portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try to sync the file again."),
1836        0xC00D0FCB: ("NS_E_DAMAGED_FILE", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because it is corrupted."),
1837        0xC00D0FCC: ("NS_E_MPDB_GENERIC", "Windows Media Player encountered an error while attempting to access information in the library. Try restarting the Player."),
1838        0xC00D0FCD: ("NS_E_FILE_FAILED_CHECKS", "The file cannot be added to the library because it is smaller than the \"Skip files smaller than\" setting. To add the file, change the setting on the Library tab. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
1839        0xC00D0FCE: ("NS_E_MEDIA_LIBRARY_FAILED", "Windows Media Player cannot create the library. You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to install the Player. For more information, contact your system administrator."),
1840        0xC00D0FCF: ("NS_E_SHARING_VIOLATION", "The file is already in use. Close other programs that might be using the file, or stop playing the file, and then try again."),
1841        0xC00D0FD0: ("NS_E_NO_ERROR_STRING_FOUND", "Windows Media Player has encountered an unknown error."),
1842        0xC00D0FD1: ("NS_E_WMPOCX_NO_REMOTE_CORE", "The Windows Media Player ActiveX control cannot connect to remote media services, but will continue with local media services."),
1843        0xC00D0FD2: ("NS_E_WMPOCX_NO_ACTIVE_CORE", "The requested method or property is not available because the Windows Media Player ActiveX control has not been properly activated."),
1844        0xC00D0FD3: ("NS_E_WMPOCX_NOT_RUNNING_REMOTELY", "The Windows Media Player ActiveX control is not running in remote mode."),
1845        0xC00D0FD4: ("NS_E_WMPOCX_NO_REMOTE_WINDOW", "An error occurred while trying to get the remote Windows Media Player window."),
1846        0xC00D0FD5: ("NS_E_WMPOCX_ERRORMANAGERNOTAVAILABLE", "Windows Media Player has encountered an unknown error."),
1847        0xC00D0FD6: ("NS_E_PLUGIN_NOTSHUTDOWN", "Windows Media Player was not closed properly. A damaged or incompatible plug-in might have caused the problem to occur. As a precaution, all optional plug-ins have been disabled."),
1848        0xC00D0FD7: ("NS_E_WMP_CANNOT_FIND_FOLDER", "Windows Media Player cannot find the specified path. Verify that the path is typed correctly. If it is, the path does not exist in the specified location, or the computer where the path is located is not available."),
1849        0xC00D0FD8: ("NS_E_WMP_STREAMING_RECORDING_NOT_ALLOWED", "Windows Media Player cannot save a file that is being streamed."),
1850        0xC00D0FD9: ("NS_E_WMP_PLUGINDLL_NOTFOUND", "Windows Media Player cannot find the selected plug-in. The Player will try to remove it from the menu. To use this plug-in, install it again."),
1851        0xC00D0FDA: ("NS_E_NEED_TO_ASK_USER", "Action requires input from the user."),
1852        0xC00D0FDB: ("NS_E_WMPOCX_PLAYER_NOT_DOCKED", "The Windows Media Player ActiveX control must be in a docked state for this action to be performed."),
1853        0xC00D0FDC: ("NS_E_WMP_EXTERNAL_NOTREADY", "The Windows Media Player external object is not ready."),
1854        0xC00D0FDD: ("NS_E_WMP_MLS_STALE_DATA", "Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action. Your computer's time and date might not be set correctly."),
1855        0xC00D0FDE: ("NS_E_WMP_UI_SUBCONTROLSNOTSUPPORTED", "The control (%s) does not support creation of sub-controls, yet (%d) sub-controls have been specified."),
1856        0xC00D0FDF: ("NS_E_WMP_UI_VERSIONMISMATCH", "Version mismatch: (%.1f required, %.1f found)."),
1857        0xC00D0FE0: ("NS_E_WMP_UI_NOTATHEMEFILE", "The layout manager was given valid XML that wasn't a theme file."),
1858        0xC00D0FE1: ("NS_E_WMP_UI_SUBELEMENTNOTFOUND", "The %s subelement could not be found on the %s object."),
1859        0xC00D0FE2: ("NS_E_WMP_UI_VERSIONPARSE", "An error occurred parsing the version tag. Valid version tags are of the form: <?wmp version='1.0'?>."),
1860        0xC00D0FE3: ("NS_E_WMP_UI_VIEWIDNOTFOUND", "The view specified in for the 'currentViewID' property (%s) was not found in this theme file."),
1861        0xC00D0FE4: ("NS_E_WMP_UI_PASSTHROUGH", "This error used internally for hit testing."),
1862        0xC00D0FE5: ("NS_E_WMP_UI_OBJECTNOTFOUND", "Attributes were specified for the %s object, but the object was not available to send them to."),
1863        0xC00D0FE6: ("NS_E_WMP_UI_SECONDHANDLER", "The %s event already has a handler, the second handler was ignored."),
1864        0xC00D0FE7: ("NS_E_WMP_UI_NOSKININZIP", "No .wms file found in skin archive."),
1865        0xC00D0FEA: ("NS_E_WMP_URLDOWNLOADFAILED", "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while downloading the file. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
1866        0xC00D0FEB: ("NS_E_WMPOCX_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_SKIN", "The Windows Media Player ActiveX control cannot load the requested uiMode and cannot roll back to the existing uiMode."),
1867        0xC00D0FEC: ("NS_E_WMP_INVALID_SKIN", "Windows Media Player encountered a problem with the skin file. The skin file might not be valid."),
1868        0xC00D0FED: ("NS_E_WMP_SENDMAILFAILED", "Windows Media Player cannot send the link because your email program is not responding. Verify that your email program is configured properly, and then try again. For more information about email, see Windows Help."),
1869        0xC00D0FEE: ("NS_E_WMP_LOCKEDINSKINMODE", "Windows Media Player cannot switch to full mode because your computer administrator has locked this skin."),
1870        0xC00D0FEF: ("NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_SAVE_FILE", "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while saving the file. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
1871        0xC00D0FF0: ("NS_E_WMP_SAVEAS_READONLY", "Windows Media Player cannot overwrite a read-only file. Try using a different file name."),
1872        0xC00D0FF1: ("NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_SAVE_PLAYLIST", "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while creating or saving the playlist. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
1873        0xC00D0FF2: ("NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_OPEN_WMD", "Windows Media Player cannot open the Windows Media Download file. The file might be damaged."),
1874        0xC00D0FF3: ("NS_E_WMP_CANT_PLAY_PROTECTED", "The file cannot be added to the library because it is a protected DVR-MS file. This content cannot be played back by Windows Media Player."),
1875        0xC00D0FF4: ("NS_E_SHARING_STATE_OUT_OF_SYNC", "Media sharing has been turned off because a required Windows setting or component has changed. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
1876        0xC00D0FFA: ("NS_E_WMPOCX_REMOTE_PLAYER_ALREADY_RUNNING", "Exclusive Services launch failed because the Windows Media Player is already running."),
1877        0xC00D1004: ("NS_E_WMP_RBC_JPGMAPPINGIMAGE", "JPG Images are not recommended for use as a mappingImage."),
1878        0xC00D1005: ("NS_E_WMP_JPGTRANSPARENCY", "JPG Images are not recommended when using a transparencyColor."),
1879        0xC00D1009: ("NS_E_WMP_INVALID_MAX_VAL", "The Max property cannot be less than Min property."),
1880        0xC00D100A: ("NS_E_WMP_INVALID_MIN_VAL", "The Min property cannot be greater than Max property."),
1881        0xC00D100E: ("NS_E_WMP_CS_JPGPOSITIONIMAGE", "JPG Images are not recommended for use as a positionImage."),
1882        0xC00D100F: ("NS_E_WMP_CS_NOTEVENLYDIVISIBLE", "The (%s) image's size is not evenly divisible by the positionImage's size."),
1883        0xC00D1018: ("NS_E_WMPZIP_NOTAZIPFILE", "The ZIP reader opened a file and its signature did not match that of the ZIP files."),
1884        0xC00D1019: ("NS_E_WMPZIP_CORRUPT", "The ZIP reader has detected that the file is corrupted."),
1885        0xC00D101A: ("NS_E_WMPZIP_FILENOTFOUND", "GetFileStream, SaveToFile, or SaveTemp file was called on the ZIP reader with a file name that was not found in the ZIP file."),
1886        0xC00D1022: ("NS_E_WMP_IMAGE_FILETYPE_UNSUPPORTED", "Image type not supported."),
1887        0xC00D1023: ("NS_E_WMP_IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT", "Image file may be corrupt."),
1888        0xC00D1024: ("NS_E_WMP_GIF_UNEXPECTED_ENDOFFILE", "Unexpected end of file. GIF file may be corrupt."),
1889        0xC00D1025: ("NS_E_WMP_GIF_INVALID_FORMAT", "Invalid GIF file."),
1890        0xC00D1026: ("NS_E_WMP_GIF_BAD_VERSION_NUMBER", "Invalid GIF version. Only 87a or 89a supported."),
1891        0xC00D1027: ("NS_E_WMP_GIF_NO_IMAGE_IN_FILE", "No images found in GIF file."),
1892        0xC00D1028: ("NS_E_WMP_PNG_INVALIDFORMAT", "Invalid PNG image file format."),
1893        0xC00D1029: ("NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_BITDEPTH", "PNG bitdepth not supported."),
1894        0xC00D102A: ("NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION", "Compression format defined in PNG file not supported,"),
1895        0xC00D102B: ("NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_FILTER", "Filter method defined in PNG file not supported."),
1896        0xC00D102C: ("NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_INTERLACE", "Interlace method defined in PNG file not supported."),
1897        0xC00D102D: ("NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_BAD_CRC", "Bad CRC in PNG file."),
1898        0xC00D102E: ("NS_E_WMP_BMP_INVALID_BITMASK", "Invalid bitmask in BMP file."),
1899        0xC00D102F: ("NS_E_WMP_BMP_TOPDOWN_DIB_UNSUPPORTED", "Topdown DIB not supported."),
1900        0xC00D1030: ("NS_E_WMP_BMP_BITMAP_NOT_CREATED", "Bitmap could not be created."),
1901        0xC00D1031: ("NS_E_WMP_BMP_COMPRESSION_UNSUPPORTED", "Compression format defined in BMP not supported."),
1902        0xC00D1032: ("NS_E_WMP_BMP_INVALID_FORMAT", "Invalid Bitmap format."),
1903        0xC00D1033: ("NS_E_WMP_JPG_JERR_ARITHCODING_NOTIMPL", "JPEG Arithmetic coding not supported."),
1904        0xC00D1034: ("NS_E_WMP_JPG_INVALID_FORMAT", "Invalid JPEG format."),
1905        0xC00D1035: ("NS_E_WMP_JPG_BAD_DCTSIZE", "Invalid JPEG format."),
1906        0xC00D1036: ("NS_E_WMP_JPG_BAD_VERSION_NUMBER", "Internal version error. Unexpected JPEG library version."),
1907        0xC00D1037: ("NS_E_WMP_JPG_BAD_PRECISION", "Internal JPEG Library error. Unsupported JPEG data precision."),
1908        0xC00D1038: ("NS_E_WMP_JPG_CCIR601_NOTIMPL", "JPEG CCIR601 not supported."),
1909        0xC00D1039: ("NS_E_WMP_JPG_NO_IMAGE_IN_FILE", "No image found in JPEG file."),
1910        0xC00D103A: ("NS_E_WMP_JPG_READ_ERROR", "Could not read JPEG file."),
1911        0xC00D103B: ("NS_E_WMP_JPG_FRACT_SAMPLE_NOTIMPL", "JPEG Fractional sampling not supported."),
1912        0xC00D103C: ("NS_E_WMP_JPG_IMAGE_TOO_BIG", "JPEG image too large. Maximum image size supported is 65500 X 65500."),
1913        0xC00D103D: ("NS_E_WMP_JPG_UNEXPECTED_ENDOFFILE", "Unexpected end of file reached in JPEG file."),
1914        0xC00D103E: ("NS_E_WMP_JPG_SOF_UNSUPPORTED", "Unsupported JPEG SOF marker found."),
1915        0xC00D103F: ("NS_E_WMP_JPG_UNKNOWN_MARKER", "Unknown JPEG marker found."),
1916        0xC00D1044: ("NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_OPEN_IMAGE", "Windows Media Player cannot display the picture file. The player either does not support the picture type or the picture is corrupted."),
1917        0xC00D1049: ("NS_E_WMP_DAI_SONGTOOSHORT", "Windows Media Player cannot compute a Digital Audio Id for the song. It is too short."),
1918        0xC00D104A: ("NS_E_WMG_RATEUNAVAILABLE", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file at the requested speed."),
1919        0xC00D104B: ("NS_E_WMG_PLUGINUNAVAILABLE", "The rendering or digital signal processing plug-in cannot be instantiated."),
1920        0xC00D104C: ("NS_E_WMG_CANNOTQUEUE", "The file cannot be queued for seamless playback."),
1921        0xC00D104D: ("NS_E_WMG_PREROLLLICENSEACQUISITIONNOTALLOWED", "Windows Media Player cannot download media usage rights for a file in the playlist."),
1922        0xC00D104E: ("NS_E_WMG_UNEXPECTEDPREROLLSTATUS", "Windows Media Player encountered an error while trying to queue a file."),
1923        0xC00D1051: ("NS_E_WMG_INVALID_COPP_CERTIFICATE", "Windows Media Player cannot play the protected file. The Player cannot verify that the connection to your video card is secure. Try installing an updated device driver for your video card."),
1924        0xC00D1052: ("NS_E_WMG_COPP_SECURITY_INVALID", "Windows Media Player cannot play the protected file. The Player detected that the connection to your hardware might not be secure."),
1925        0xC00D1053: ("NS_E_WMG_COPP_UNSUPPORTED", "Windows Media Player output link protection is unsupported on this system."),
1926        0xC00D1054: ("NS_E_WMG_INVALIDSTATE", "Operation attempted in an invalid graph state."),
1927        0xC00D1055: ("NS_E_WMG_SINKALREADYEXISTS", "A renderer cannot be inserted in a stream while one already exists."),
1928        0xC00D1056: ("NS_E_WMG_NOSDKINTERFACE", "The Windows Media SDK interface needed to complete the operation does not exist at this time."),
1929        0xC00D1057: ("NS_E_WMG_NOTALLOUTPUTSRENDERED", "Windows Media Player cannot play a portion of the file because it requires a codec that either could not be downloaded or that is not supported by the Player."),
1930        0xC00D1058: ("NS_E_WMG_FILETRANSFERNOTALLOWED", "File transfer streams are not allowed in the standalone Player."),
1931        0xC00D1059: ("NS_E_WMR_UNSUPPORTEDSTREAM", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player does not support the format you are trying to play."),
1932        0xC00D105A: ("NS_E_WMR_PINNOTFOUND", "An operation was attempted on a pin that does not exist in the DirectShow filter graph."),
1933        0xC00D105B: ("NS_E_WMR_WAITINGONFORMATSWITCH", "Specified operation cannot be completed while waiting for a media format change from the SDK."),
1934        0xC00D105C: ("NS_E_WMR_NOSOURCEFILTER", "Specified operation cannot be completed because the source filter does not exist."),
1935        0xC00D105D: ("NS_E_WMR_PINTYPENOMATCH", "The specified type does not match this pin."),
1936        0xC00D105E: ("NS_E_WMR_NOCALLBACKAVAILABLE", "The WMR Source Filter does not have a callback available."),
1937        0xC00D1062: ("NS_E_WMR_SAMPLEPROPERTYNOTSET", "The specified property has not been set on this sample."),
1938        0xC00D1063: ("NS_E_WMR_CANNOT_RENDER_BINARY_STREAM", "A plug-in is required to correctly play the file. To determine if the plug-in is available to download, click Web Help."),
1939        0xC00D1064: ("NS_E_WMG_LICENSE_TAMPERED", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because your media usage rights are corrupted. If you previously backed up your media usage rights, try restoring them."),
1940        0xC00D1065: ("NS_E_WMR_WILLNOT_RENDER_BINARY_STREAM", "Windows Media Player cannot play protected files that contain binary streams."),
1941        0xC00D1068: ("NS_E_WMX_UNRECOGNIZED_PLAYLIST_FORMAT", "Windows Media Player cannot play the playlist because it is not valid."),
1942        0xC00D1069: ("NS_E_ASX_INVALIDFORMAT", "Windows Media Player cannot play the playlist because it is not valid."),
1943        0xC00D106A: ("NS_E_ASX_INVALIDVERSION", "A later version of Windows Media Player might be required to play this playlist."),
1944        0xC00D106B: ("NS_E_ASX_INVALID_REPEAT_BLOCK", "The format of a REPEAT loop within the current playlist file is not valid."),
1945        0xC00D106C: ("NS_E_ASX_NOTHING_TO_WRITE", "Windows Media Player cannot save the playlist because it does not contain any items."),
1946        0xC00D106D: ("NS_E_URLLIST_INVALIDFORMAT", "Windows Media Player cannot play the playlist because it is not valid."),
1947        0xC00D106E: ("NS_E_WMX_ATTRIBUTE_DOES_NOT_EXIST", "The specified attribute does not exist."),
1948        0xC00D106F: ("NS_E_WMX_ATTRIBUTE_ALREADY_EXISTS", "The specified attribute already exists."),
1949        0xC00D1070: ("NS_E_WMX_ATTRIBUTE_UNRETRIEVABLE", "Cannot retrieve the specified attribute."),
1950        0xC00D1071: ("NS_E_WMX_ITEM_DOES_NOT_EXIST", "The specified item does not exist in the current playlist."),
1951        0xC00D1072: ("NS_E_WMX_ITEM_TYPE_ILLEGAL", "Items of the specified type cannot be created within the current playlist."),
1952        0xC00D1073: ("NS_E_WMX_ITEM_UNSETTABLE", "The specified item cannot be set in the current playlist."),
1953        0xC00D1074: ("NS_E_WMX_PLAYLIST_EMPTY", "Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because the playlist does not contain any items."),
1954        0xC00D1075: ("NS_E_MLS_SMARTPLAYLIST_FILTER_NOT_REGISTERED", "The specified auto playlist contains a filter type that is either not valid or is not installed on this computer."),
1955        0xC00D1076: ("NS_E_WMX_INVALID_FORMAT_OVER_NESTING", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the associated playlist contains too many nested playlists."),
1956        0xC00D107C: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_NOSOURCEURLSTRING", "Windows Media Player cannot find the file. Verify that the path is typed correctly. If it is, the file might not exist in the specified location, or the computer where the file is stored might not be available."),
1957        0xC00D107D: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_COCREATEFAILEDFORGITOBJECT", "Failed to create the Global Interface Table."),
1958        0xC00D107E: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_FAILEDTOGETMARSHALLEDEVENTHANDLERINTERFACE", "Failed to get the marshaled graph event handler interface."),
1959        0xC00D107F: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_BUFFERTOOSMALL", "Buffer is too small for copying media type."),
1960        0xC00D1080: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_UNAVAILABLE", "The current state of the Player does not allow this operation."),
1961        0xC00D1081: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_INVALIDPLAYLISTMODE", "The playlist manager does not understand the current play mode (for example, shuffle or normal)."),
1962        0xC00D1086: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_ITEMNOTINPLAYLIST", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because it is not in the current playlist."),
1963        0xC00D1087: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLISTEMPTY", "There are no items in the playlist. Add items to the playlist, and then try again."),
1964        0xC00D1088: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_NOBROWSER", "The web page cannot be displayed because no web browser is installed on your computer."),
1965        0xC00D1089: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA_URL", "Windows Media Player cannot find the specified file. Verify the path is typed correctly. If it is, the file does not exist in the specified location, or the computer where the file is stored is not available."),
1966        0xC00D108A: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_GRAPH_NOT_IN_LIST", "Graph with the specified URL was not found in the prerolled graph list."),
1967        0xC00D108B: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_EMPTY_OR_SINGLE_MEDIA", "Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested operation because there is only one item in the playlist."),
1968        0xC00D108C: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_ERRORSINKNOTREGISTERED", "An error sink was never registered for the calling object."),
1969        0xC00D108D: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_ERRORMANAGERNOTAVAILABLE", "The error manager is not available to respond to errors."),
1970        0xC00D108E: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_WEBHELPFAILED", "The Web Help URL cannot be opened."),
1971        0xC00D108F: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_ERROR_RESUME_FAILED", "Could not resume playing next item in playlist."),
1972        0xC00D1090: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_NO_REF_IN_ENTRY", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the associated playlist does not contain any items or the playlist is not valid."),
1973        0xC00D1091: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_EMPTY", "An empty string for playlist attribute name was found."),
1974        0xC00D1092: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ILLEGAL", "A playlist attribute name that is not valid was found."),
1975        0xC00D1093: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_EMPTY", "An empty string for a playlist attribute value was found."),
1976        0xC00D1094: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_ILLEGAL", "An illegal value for a playlist attribute was found."),
1977        0xC00D1095: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_EMPTY", "An empty string for a playlist item attribute name was found."),
1978        0xC00D1096: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ILLEGAL", "An illegal value for a playlist item attribute name was found."),
1979        0xC00D1097: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_EMPTY", "An illegal value for a playlist item attribute was found."),
1980        0xC00D1098: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_LIST_ENTRY_NO_REF", "The playlist does not contain any items."),
1981        0xC00D1099: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_MISNAMED_FILE", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The file is either corrupted or the Player does not support the format you are trying to play."),
1982        0xC00D109A: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_CODEC_NOT_TRUSTED", "The codec downloaded for this file does not appear to be properly signed, so it cannot be installed."),
1983        0xC00D109B: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_CODEC_NOT_FOUND", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. One or more codecs required to play the file could not be found."),
1984        0xC00D109C: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_CODEC_DOWNLOAD_NOT_ALLOWED", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a required codec is not installed on your computer. To try downloading the codec, turn on the \"Download codecs automatically\" option."),
1985        0xC00D109D: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_ERROR_DOWNLOADING_PLAYLIST", "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while downloading the playlist. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
1986        0xC00D109E: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_FAILED_TO_BUILD_PLAYLIST", "Failed to build the playlist."),
1987        0xC00D109F: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_NONE", "Playlist has no alternates to switch into."),
1988        0xC00D10A0: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_EXHAUSTED", "No more playlist alternates available to switch to."),
1989        0xC00D10A1: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_NAME_NOT_FOUND", "Could not find the name of the alternate playlist to switch into."),
1990        0xC00D10A2: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_MORPH_FAILED", "Failed to switch to an alternate for this media."),
1991        0xC00D10A3: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_INIT_FAILED", "Failed to initialize an alternate for the media."),
1992        0xC00D10A4: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_ALTERNATE_REF_EMPTY", "No URL specified for the roll over Refs in the playlist file."),
1993        0xC00D10A5: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_NO_EVENT_NAME", "Encountered a playlist with no name."),
1994        0xC00D10A6: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_ABSENT", "A required attribute in the event block of the playlist was not found."),
1995        0xC00D10A7: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_EVENT_EMPTY", "No items were found in the event block of the playlist."),
1996        0xC00D10A8: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_STACK_EMPTY", "No playlist was found while returning from a nested playlist."),
1997        0xC00D10A9: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_CURRENT_MEDIA_NOT_ACTIVE", "The media item is not active currently."),
1998        0xC00D10AB: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_USER_CANCEL", "Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because you chose to cancel it."),
1999        0xC00D10AC: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_REPEAT_EMPTY", "Windows Media Player encountered a problem with the playlist. The format of the playlist is not valid."),
2000        0xC00D10AD: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_REPEAT_START_MEDIA_NONE", "Media object corresponding to start of a playlist repeat block was not found."),
2001        0xC00D10AE: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_REPEAT_END_MEDIA_NONE", "Media object corresponding to the end of a playlist repeat block was not found."),
2002        0xC00D10AF: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_INVALID_PLAYLIST_URL", "The playlist URL supplied to the playlist manager is not valid."),
2003        0xC00D10B0: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_MISMATCHED_RUNTIME", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because it is corrupted."),
2004        0xC00D10B1: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_IMPORT_FAILED_NO_ITEMS", "Windows Media Player cannot add the playlist to the library because the playlist does not contain any items."),
2005        0xC00D10B2: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_VIDEO_TRANSFORM_FILTER_INSERTION", "An error has occurred that could prevent the changing of the video contrast on this media."),
2006        0xC00D10B3: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLE", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. If the file is located on the Internet, connect to the Internet. If the file is located on a removable storage card, insert the storage card."),
2007        0xC00D10B4: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_ENTRYREF_NO_REF", "The playlist contains an ENTRYREF for which no href was parsed. Check the syntax of playlist file."),
2008        0xC00D10B5: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_NO_PLAYABLE_MEDIA_IN_PLAYLIST", "Windows Media Player cannot play any items in the playlist. To find information about the problem, click the Now Playing tab, and then click the icon next to each file in the List pane."),
2009        0xC00D10B6: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_EMPTY_NESTED_PLAYLIST_SKIPPED_ITEMS", "Windows Media Player cannot play some or all of the items in the playlist because the playlist is nested."),
2010        0xC00D10B7: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_BUSY", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file at this time. Try again later."),
2011        0xC00D10B8: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_CHILD_PLAYLIST_UNAVAILABLE", "There is no child playlist available for this media item at this time."),
2012        0xC00D10B9: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_NO_CHILD_PLAYLIST", "There is no child playlist for this media item."),
2013        0xC00D10BA: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_FILE_NOT_FOUND", "Windows Media Player cannot find the file. The link from the item in the library to its associated digital media file might be broken. To fix the problem, try repairing the link or removing the item from the library."),
2014        0xC00D10BB: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_TEMP_FILE_NOT_FOUND", "The temporary file was not found."),
2015        0xC00D10BC: ("NS_E_WMDM_REVOKED", "Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the device needs to be updated."),
2016        0xC00D10BD: ("NS_E_DDRAW_GENERIC", "Windows Media Player cannot play the video because there is a problem with your video card."),
2017        0xC00D10BE: ("NS_E_DISPLAY_MODE_CHANGE_FAILED", "Windows Media Player failed to change the screen mode for full-screen video playback."),
2018        0xC00D10BF: ("NS_E_PLAYLIST_CONTAINS_ERRORS", "Windows Media Player cannot play one or more files. For additional information, right-click an item that cannot be played, and then click Error Details."),
2019        0xC00D10C0: ("NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_NAME", "Cannot change the proxy name if the proxy setting is not set to custom."),
2020        0xC00D10C1: ("NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_PORT", "Cannot change the proxy port if the proxy setting is not set to custom."),
2021        0xC00D10C2: ("NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_EXCEPTIONLIST", "Cannot change the proxy exception list if the proxy setting is not set to custom."),
2022        0xC00D10C3: ("NS_E_CHANGING_PROXYBYPASS", "Cannot change the proxy bypass flag if the proxy setting is not set to custom."),
2023        0xC00D10C4: ("NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND", "Cannot find the specified protocol."),
2024        0xC00D10C5: ("NS_E_GRAPH_NOAUDIOLANGUAGE", "Cannot change the language settings. Either the graph has no audio or the audio only supports one language."),
2025        0xC00D10C6: ("NS_E_GRAPH_NOAUDIOLANGUAGESELECTED", "The graph has no audio language selected."),
2026        0xC00D10C7: ("NS_E_CORECD_NOTAMEDIACD", "This is not a media CD."),
2027        0xC00D10C8: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_URL_TOO_LONG", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the URL is too long."),
2028        0xC00D10C9: ("NS_E_WMPFLASH_CANT_FIND_COM_SERVER", "To play the selected item, you must install the Macromedia Flash Player. To download the Macromedia Flash Player, go to the Adobe website."),
2029        0xC00D10CA: ("NS_E_WMPFLASH_INCOMPATIBLEVERSION", "To play the selected item, you must install a later version of the Macromedia Flash Player. To download the Macromedia Flash Player, go to the Adobe website."),
2030        0xC00D10CB: ("NS_E_WMPOCXGRAPH_IE_DISALLOWS_ACTIVEX_CONTROLS", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because your Internet security settings prohibit the use of ActiveX controls."),
2031        0xC00D10CC: ("NS_E_NEED_CORE_REFERENCE", "The use of this method requires an existing reference to the Player object."),
2032        0xC00D10CD: ("NS_E_MEDIACD_READ_ERROR", "Windows Media Player cannot play the CD. The disc might be dirty or damaged."),
2033        0xC00D10CE: ("NS_E_IE_DISALLOWS_ACTIVEX_CONTROLS", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because your Internet security settings prohibit the use of ActiveX controls."),
2034        0xC00D10CF: ("NS_E_FLASH_PLAYBACK_NOT_ALLOWED", "Flash playback has been turned off in Windows Media Player."),
2035        0xC00D10D0: ("NS_E_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_RIP_LOCATION", "Windows Media Player cannot rip the CD because a valid rip location cannot be created."),
2036        0xC00D10D1: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_SOME_CODECS_MISSING", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a required codec is not installed on your computer."),
2037        0xC00D10D2: ("NS_E_WMP_RIP_FAILED", "Windows Media Player cannot rip one or more tracks from the CD."),
2038        0xC00D10D3: ("NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_RIP_TRACK", "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while ripping the track from the CD. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2039        0xC00D10D4: ("NS_E_WMP_ERASE_FAILED", "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while erasing the disc. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2040        0xC00D10D5: ("NS_E_WMP_FORMAT_FAILED", "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while formatting the device. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2041        0xC00D10D6: ("NS_E_WMP_CANNOT_BURN_NON_LOCAL_FILE", "This file cannot be burned to a CD because it is not located on your computer."),
2042        0xC00D10D7: ("NS_E_WMP_FILE_TYPE_CANNOT_BURN_TO_AUDIO_CD", "It is not possible to burn this file type to an audio CD. Windows Media Player can burn the following file types to an audio CD: WMA, MP3, or WAV."),
2043        0xC00D10D8: ("NS_E_WMP_FILE_DOES_NOT_FIT_ON_CD", "This file is too large to fit on a disc."),
2044        0xC00D10D9: ("NS_E_WMP_FILE_NO_DURATION", "It is not possible to determine if this file can fit on a disc because Windows Media Player cannot detect the length of the file. Playing the file before burning may enable the Player to detect the file length."),
2045        0xC00D10DA: ("NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_BURN", "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while burning the file to the disc. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2046        0xC00D10DC: ("NS_E_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_ABORT_BURN", "Windows Media Player cannot burn the audio CD because some items in the list that you chose to buy could not be downloaded from the online store."),
2047        0xC00D10DD: ("NS_E_WMPCORE_DEVICE_DRIVERS_MISSING", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. Try using Windows Update or Device Manager to update the device drivers for your audio and video cards. For information about using Windows Update or Device Manager, see Windows Help."),
2048        0xC00D1126: ("NS_E_WMPIM_USEROFFLINE", "Windows Media Player has detected that you are not connected to the Internet. Connect to the Internet, and then try again."),
2049        0xC00D1127: ("NS_E_WMPIM_USERCANCELED", "The attempt to connect to the Internet was canceled."),
2050        0xC00D1128: ("NS_E_WMPIM_DIALUPFAILED", "The attempt to connect to the Internet failed."),
2051        0xC00D1129: ("NS_E_WINSOCK_ERROR_STRING", "Windows Media Player has encountered an unknown network error."),
2052        0xC00D1130: ("NS_E_WMPBR_NOLISTENER", "No window is currently listening to Backup and Restore events."),
2053        0xC00D1131: ("NS_E_WMPBR_BACKUPCANCEL", "Your media usage rights were not backed up because the backup was canceled."),
2054        0xC00D1132: ("NS_E_WMPBR_RESTORECANCEL", "Your media usage rights were not restored because the restoration was canceled."),
2055        0xC00D1133: ("NS_E_WMPBR_ERRORWITHURL", "An error occurred while backing up or restoring your media usage rights. A required web page cannot be displayed."),
2056        0xC00D1134: ("NS_E_WMPBR_NAMECOLLISION", "Your media usage rights were not backed up because the backup was canceled."),
2057        0xC00D1137: ("NS_E_WMPBR_DRIVE_INVALID", "Windows Media Player cannot restore your media usage rights from the specified location. Choose another location, and then try again."),
2058        0xC00D1138: ("NS_E_WMPBR_BACKUPRESTOREFAILED", "Windows Media Player cannot backup or restore your media usage rights."),
2059        0xC00D1158: ("NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_FILE_FAILED", "Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library."),
2060        0xC00D1159: ("NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_NO_RIGHTS_ERRORURL", "Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library because the content provider prohibits it. For assistance, contact the company that provided the file."),
2061        0xC00D115A: ("NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_NO_RIGHTS_NOERRORURL", "Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library because the content provider prohibits it. For assistance, contact the company that provided the file."),
2062        0xC00D115B: ("NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_FILE_CORRUPT", "Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The file might not be valid."),
2063        0xC00D115C: ("NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_PLUGIN_UNAVAILABLE_ERRORURL", "Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The plug-in required to add the file is not installed properly. For assistance, click Web Help to display the website of the company that provided the file."),
2064        0xC00D115D: ("NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_PLUGIN_UNAVAILABLE_NOERRORURL", "Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The plug-in required to add the file is not installed properly. For assistance, contact the company that provided the file."),
2065        0xC00D115E: ("NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_PLUGIN_UNKNOWN_FILE_OWNER", "Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The plug-in required to add the file is not installed properly. For assistance, contact the company that provided the file."),
2066        0xC00D1160: ("NS_E_DVD_DISC_COPY_PROTECT_OUTPUT_NS", "Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD. Try installing an updated driver for your video card or obtaining a newer video card."),
2067        0xC00D1161: ("NS_E_DVD_DISC_COPY_PROTECT_OUTPUT_FAILED", "This DVD's resolution exceeds the maximum allowed by your component video outputs. Try reducing your screen resolution to 640 x 480, or turn off analog component outputs and use a VGA connection to your monitor."),
2068        0xC00D1162: ("NS_E_DVD_NO_SUBPICTURE_STREAM", "Windows Media Player cannot display subtitles or highlights in DVD menus. Reinstall the DVD decoder or contact the DVD drive manufacturer to obtain an updated decoder."),
2069        0xC00D1163: ("NS_E_DVD_COPY_PROTECT", "Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD because there is a problem with digital copy protection between your DVD drive, decoder, and video card. Try installing an updated driver for your video card."),
2070        0xC00D1164: ("NS_E_DVD_AUTHORING_PROBLEM", "Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD. The disc was created in a manner that the Player does not support."),
2071        0xC00D1165: ("NS_E_DVD_INVALID_DISC_REGION", "Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because the disc prohibits playback in your region of the world. You must obtain a disc that is intended for your geographic region."),
2072        0xC00D1166: ("NS_E_DVD_COMPATIBLE_VIDEO_CARD", "Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because your video card does not support DVD playback."),
2073        0xC00D1167: ("NS_E_DVD_MACROVISION", "Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD because it is not possible to turn on analog copy protection on the output display. Try installing an updated driver for your video card."),
2074        0xC00D1168: ("NS_E_DVD_SYSTEM_DECODER_REGION", "Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because the region assigned to your DVD drive does not match the region assigned to your DVD decoder."),
2075        0xC00D1169: ("NS_E_DVD_DISC_DECODER_REGION", "Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because the disc prohibits playback in your region of the world. You must obtain a disc that is intended for your geographic region."),
2076        0xC00D116A: ("NS_E_DVD_NO_VIDEO_STREAM", "Windows Media Player cannot play DVD video. You might need to adjust your Windows display settings. Open display settings in Control Panel, and then try lowering your screen resolution and color quality settings."),
2077        0xC00D116B: ("NS_E_DVD_NO_AUDIO_STREAM", "Windows Media Player cannot play DVD audio. Verify that your sound card is set up correctly, and then try again."),
2078        0xC00D116C: ("NS_E_DVD_GRAPH_BUILDING", "Windows Media Player cannot play DVD video. Close any open files and quit any other programs, and then try again. If the problem persists, restart your computer."),
2079        0xC00D116D: ("NS_E_DVD_NO_DECODER", "Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because a compatible DVD decoder is not installed on your computer."),
2080        0xC00D116E: ("NS_E_DVD_PARENTAL", "Windows Media Player cannot play the scene because it has a parental rating higher than the rating that you are authorized to view."),
2081        0xC00D116F: ("NS_E_DVD_CANNOT_JUMP", "Windows Media Player cannot skip to the requested location on the DVD."),
2082        0xC00D1170: ("NS_E_DVD_DEVICE_CONTENTION", "Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because it is currently in use by another program. Quit the other program that is using the DVD, and then try again."),
2083        0xC00D1171: ("NS_E_DVD_NO_VIDEO_MEMORY", "Windows Media Player cannot play DVD video. You might need to adjust your Windows display settings. Open display settings in Control Panel, and then try lowering your screen resolution and color quality settings."),
2084        0xC00D1172: ("NS_E_DVD_CANNOT_COPY_PROTECTED", "Windows Media Player cannot rip the DVD because it is copy protected."),
2085        0xC00D1173: ("NS_E_DVD_REQUIRED_PROPERTY_NOT_SET", "One of more of the required properties has not been set."),
2086        0xC00D1174: ("NS_E_DVD_INVALID_TITLE_CHAPTER", "The specified title and/or chapter number does not exist on this DVD."),
2087        0xC00D1176: ("NS_E_NO_CD_BURNER", "Windows Media Player cannot burn the files because the Player cannot find a burner. If the burner is connected properly, try using Windows Update to install the latest device driver."),
2088        0xC00D1177: ("NS_E_DEVICE_IS_NOT_READY", "Windows Media Player does not detect storage media in the selected device. Insert storage media into the device, and then try again."),
2089        0xC00D1178: ("NS_E_PDA_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT", "Windows Media Player cannot sync this file. The Player might not support the file type."),
2090        0xC00D1179: ("NS_E_NO_PDA", "Windows Media Player does not detect a portable device. Connect your portable device, and then try again."),
2091        0xC00D117A: ("NS_E_PDA_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR", "Windows Media Player encountered an error while communicating with the device. The storage card on the device might be full, the device might be turned off, or the device might not allow playlists or folders to be created on it."),
2092        0xC00D117B: ("NS_E_MEMSTORAGE_BAD_DATA", "Windows Media Player encountered an error while burning a CD."),
2093        0xC00D117C: ("NS_E_PDA_FAIL_SELECT_DEVICE", "Windows Media Player encountered an error while communicating with a portable device or CD drive."),
2094        0xC00D117D: ("NS_E_PDA_FAIL_READ_WAVE_FILE", "Windows Media Player cannot open the WAV file."),
2095        0xC00D117E: ("NS_E_IMAPI_LOSSOFSTREAMING", "Windows Media Player failed to burn all the files to the CD. Select a slower recording speed, and then try again."),
2096        0xC00D117F: ("NS_E_PDA_DEVICE_FULL", "There is not enough storage space on the portable device to complete this operation. Delete some unneeded files on the portable device, and then try again."),
2097        0xC00D1180: ("NS_E_FAIL_LAUNCH_ROXIO_PLUGIN", "Windows Media Player cannot burn the files. Verify that your burner is connected properly, and then try again. If the problem persists, reinstall the Player."),
2098        0xC00D1181: ("NS_E_PDA_DEVICE_FULL_IN_SESSION", "Windows Media Player did not sync some files to the device because there is not enough storage space on the device."),
2099        0xC00D1182: ("NS_E_IMAPI_MEDIUM_INVALIDTYPE", "The disc in the burner is not valid. Insert a blank disc into the burner, and then try again."),
2100        0xC00D1183: ("NS_E_PDA_MANUALDEVICE", "Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because the device does not support sync."),
2101        0xC00D1184: ("NS_E_PDA_PARTNERSHIPNOTEXIST", "To perform the requested action, you must first set up sync with the device."),
2102        0xC00D1185: ("NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_CREATE_ADDITIONAL_SYNC_RELATIONSHIP", "You have already created sync partnerships with 16 devices. To create a new sync partnership, you must first end an existing partnership."),
2103        0xC00D1186: ("NS_E_PDA_NO_TRANSCODE_OF_DRM", "Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because protected files cannot be converted to the required quality level or file format."),
2104        0xC00D1187: ("NS_E_PDA_TRANSCODECACHEFULL", "The folder that stores converted files is full. Either empty the folder or increase its size, and then try again."),
2105        0xC00D1188: ("NS_E_PDA_TOO_MANY_FILE_COLLISIONS", "There are too many files with the same name in the folder on the device. Change the file name or sync to a different folder."),
2106        0xC00D1189: ("NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE", "Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to the format required by the device."),
2107        0xC00D118A: ("NS_E_PDA_TOO_MANY_FILES_IN_DIRECTORY", "You have reached the maximum number of files your device allows in a folder. If your device supports playback from subfolders, try creating subfolders on the device and storing some files in them."),
2108        0xC00D118B: ("NS_E_PROCESSINGSHOWSYNCWIZARD", "Windows Media Player is already trying to start the Device Setup Wizard."),
2109        0xC00D118C: ("NS_E_PDA_TRANSCODE_NOT_PERMITTED", "Windows Media Player cannot convert this file format. If an updated version of the codec used to compress this file is available, install it and then try to sync the file again."),
2110        0xC00D118D: ("NS_E_PDA_INITIALIZINGDEVICES", "Windows Media Player is busy setting up devices. Try again later."),
2111        0xC00D118E: ("NS_E_PDA_OBSOLETE_SP", "Your device is using an outdated driver that is no longer supported by Windows Media Player. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2112        0xC00D118F: ("NS_E_PDA_TITLE_COLLISION", "Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because a file with the same name already exists on the device. Change the file name or try to sync the file to a different folder."),
2113        0xC00D1190: ("NS_E_PDA_DEVICESUPPORTDISABLED", "Automatic and manual sync have been turned off temporarily. To sync to a device, restart Windows Media Player."),
2114        0xC00D1191: ("NS_E_PDA_NO_LONGER_AVAILABLE", "This device is not available. Connect the device to the computer, and then try again."),
2115        0xC00D1192: ("NS_E_PDA_ENCODER_NOT_RESPONDING", "Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because an error occurred while converting the file to another quality level or format. If the problem persists, remove the file from the list of files to sync."),
2116        0xC00D1193: ("NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_SYNC_FROM_LOCATION", "Windows Media Player cannot sync the file to your device. The file might be stored in a location that is not supported. Copy the file from its current location to your hard disk, add it to your library, and then try to sync the file again."),
2117        0xC00D1194: ("NS_E_WMP_PROTOCOL_PROBLEM", "Windows Media Player cannot open the specified URL. Verify that the Player is configured to use all available protocols, and then try again."),
2118        0xC00D1195: ("NS_E_WMP_NO_DISK_SPACE", "Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because there is not enough storage space on your computer. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk, and then try again."),
2119        0xC00D1196: ("NS_E_WMP_LOGON_FAILURE", "The server denied access to the file. Verify that you are using the correct user name and password."),
2120        0xC00D1197: ("NS_E_WMP_CANNOT_FIND_FILE", "Windows Media Player cannot find the file. If you are trying to play, burn, or sync an item that is in your library, the item might point to a file that has been moved, renamed, or deleted."),
2121        0xC00D1198: ("NS_E_WMP_SERVER_INACCESSIBLE", "Windows Media Player cannot connect to the server. The server name might not be correct, the server might not be available, or your proxy settings might not be correct."),
2122        0xC00D1199: ("NS_E_WMP_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file."),
2123        0xC00D119A: ("NS_E_WMP_DSHOW_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or a required codec might not be installed on your computer."),
2124        0xC00D119B: ("NS_E_WMP_PLAYLIST_EXISTS", "Windows Media Player cannot create the playlist because the name already exists. Type a different playlist name."),
2125        0xC00D119C: ("NS_E_WMP_NONMEDIA_FILES", "Windows Media Player cannot delete the playlist because it contains items that are not digital media files. Any digital media files in the playlist were deleted."),
2126        0xC00D119D: ("NS_E_WMP_INVALID_ASX", "The playlist cannot be opened because it is stored in a shared folder on another computer. If possible, move the playlist to the playlists folder on your computer."),
2127        0xC00D119E: ("NS_E_WMP_ALREADY_IN_USE", "Windows Media Player is already in use. Stop playing any items, close all Player dialog boxes, and then try again."),
2128        0xC00D119F: ("NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_FAILURE", "Windows Media Player encountered an error while burning. Verify that the burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged."),
2129        0xC00D11A0: ("NS_E_WMP_WMDM_FAILURE", "Windows Media Player has encountered an unknown error with your portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try again."),
2130        0xC00D11A1: ("NS_E_WMP_CODEC_NEEDED_WITH_4CC", "A codec is required to play this file. To determine if this codec is available to download from the web, click Web Help."),
2131        0xC00D11A2: ("NS_E_WMP_CODEC_NEEDED_WITH_FORMATTAG", "An audio codec is needed to play this file. To determine if this codec is available to download from the web, click Web Help."),
2132        0xC00D11A3: ("NS_E_WMP_MSSAP_NOT_AVAILABLE", "To play the file, you must install the latest Windows service pack. To install the service pack from the Windows Update website, click Web Help."),
2133        0xC00D11A4: ("NS_E_WMP_WMDM_INTERFACEDEAD", "Windows Media Player no longer detects a portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try again."),
2134        0xC00D11A5: ("NS_E_WMP_WMDM_NOTCERTIFIED", "Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the portable device does not support protected files."),
2135        0xC00D11A6: ("NS_E_WMP_WMDM_LICENSE_NOTEXIST", "This file does not have sync rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get sync rights."),
2136        0xC00D11A7: ("NS_E_WMP_WMDM_LICENSE_EXPIRED", "Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the sync rights have expired. Go to the content provider's online store to get new sync rights."),
2137        0xC00D11A8: ("NS_E_WMP_WMDM_BUSY", "The portable device is already in use. Wait until the current task finishes or quit other programs that might be using the portable device, and then try again."),
2138        0xC00D11A9: ("NS_E_WMP_WMDM_NORIGHTS", "Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the content provider or device prohibits it. You might be able to resolve this problem by going to the content provider's online store to get sync rights."),
2139        0xC00D11AA: ("NS_E_WMP_WMDM_INCORRECT_RIGHTS", "The content provider has not granted you the right to sync this file. Go to the content provider's online store to get sync rights."),
2140        0xC00D11AB: ("NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_GENERIC", "Windows Media Player cannot burn the files to the CD. Verify that the disc is clean and not damaged. If necessary, select a slower recording speed or try a different brand of blank discs."),
2141        0xC00D11AD: ("NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_DEVICE_NOTPRESENT", "Windows Media Player cannot burn the files. Verify that the burner is connected properly, and then try again."),
2142        0xC00D11AE: ("NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_DEVICE_BUSY", "Windows Media Player cannot burn the files. Verify that the burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged. If the burner is already in use, wait until the current task finishes or quit other programs that might be using the burner."),
2143        0xC00D11AF: ("NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_LOSS_OF_STREAMING", "Windows Media Player cannot burn the files to the CD."),
2144        0xC00D11B0: ("NS_E_WMP_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The server might not be available or there might be a problem with your network or firewall settings."),
2145        0xC00D11B1: ("NS_E_WMP_FILE_OPEN_FAILED", "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2146        0xC00D11B2: ("NS_E_WMP_VERIFY_ONLINE", "Windows Media Player must connect to the Internet to verify the file's media usage rights. Connect to the Internet, and then try again."),
2147        0xC00D11B3: ("NS_E_WMP_SERVER_NOT_RESPONDING", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred. The server might not be available. Verify that you are connected to the network and that your proxy settings are correct."),
2148        0xC00D11B4: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_CORRUPT_BACKUP", "Windows Media Player cannot restore your media usage rights because it could not find any backed up rights on your computer."),
2149        0xC00D11B5: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE", "Windows Media Player cannot download media usage rights because the server is not available (for example, the server might be busy or not online)."),
2150        0xC00D11B6: ("NS_E_WMP_NETWORK_FIREWALL", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. A network firewall might be preventing the Player from opening the file by using the UDP transport protocol. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, \"http:\")."),
2151        0xC00D11B7: ("NS_E_WMP_NO_REMOVABLE_MEDIA", "Insert the removable media, and then try again."),
2152        0xC00D11B8: ("NS_E_WMP_PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the proxy server is not responding. The proxy server might be temporarily unavailable or your Player proxy settings might not be valid."),
2153        0xC00D11B9: ("NS_E_WMP_NEED_UPGRADE", "To play the file, you might need to install a later version of Windows Media Player. On the Help menu, click Check for Updates, and then follow the instructions. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2154        0xC00D11BA: ("NS_E_WMP_AUDIO_HW_PROBLEM", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly."),
2155        0xC00D11BB: ("NS_E_WMP_INVALID_PROTOCOL", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, \"http:\" or \"rtsp:\")."),
2156        0xC00D11BC: ("NS_E_WMP_INVALID_LIBRARY_ADD", "Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library because the file format is not supported."),
2157        0xC00D11BD: ("NS_E_WMP_MMS_NOT_SUPPORTED", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, \"mms:\")."),
2158        0xC00D11BE: ("NS_E_WMP_NO_PROTOCOLS_SELECTED", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there are no streaming protocols selected. Select one or more protocols, and then try again."),
2159        0xC00D11BF: ("NS_E_WMP_GOFULLSCREEN_FAILED", "Windows Media Player cannot switch to Full Screen. You might need to adjust your Windows display settings. Open display settings in Control Panel, and then try setting Hardware acceleration to Full."),
2160        0xC00D11C0: ("NS_E_WMP_NETWORK_ERROR", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred. The server might not be available (for example, the server is busy or not online) or you might not be connected to the network."),
2161        0xC00D11C1: ("NS_E_WMP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the server is not responding. Verify that you are connected to the network, and then try again later."),
2162        0xC00D11C2: ("NS_E_WMP_MULTICAST_DISABLED", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the multicast protocol is not enabled. On the Tools menu, click Options, click the Network tab, and then select the Multicast check box. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2163        0xC00D11C3: ("NS_E_WMP_SERVER_DNS_TIMEOUT", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network problem occurred. Verify that you are connected to the network, and then try again later."),
2164        0xC00D11C4: ("NS_E_WMP_PROXY_NOT_FOUND", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the network proxy server cannot be found. Verify that your proxy settings are correct, and then try again."),
2165        0xC00D11C5: ("NS_E_WMP_TAMPERED_CONTENT", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because it is corrupted."),
2166        0xC00D11C6: ("NS_E_WMP_OUTOFMEMORY", "Your computer is running low on memory. Quit other programs, and then try again."),
2167        0xC00D11C7: ("NS_E_WMP_AUDIO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLED", "Windows Media Player cannot play, burn, rip, or sync the file because a required audio codec is not installed on your computer."),
2168        0xC00D11C8: ("NS_E_WMP_VIDEO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLED", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the required video codec is not installed on your computer."),
2169        0xC00D11C9: ("NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_DEVICE_INVALIDTYPE", "Windows Media Player cannot burn the files. If the burner is busy, wait for the current task to finish. If necessary, verify that the burner is connected properly and that you have installed the latest device driver."),
2170        0xC00D11CA: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_DRIVER_AUTH_FAILURE", "Windows Media Player cannot play the protected file because there is a problem with your sound device. Try installing a new device driver or use a different sound device."),
2171        0xC00D11CB: ("NS_E_WMP_NETWORK_RESOURCE_FAILURE", "Windows Media Player encountered a network error. Restart the Player."),
2172        0xC00D11CC: ("NS_E_WMP_UPGRADE_APPLICATION", "Windows Media Player is not installed properly. Reinstall the Player."),
2173        0xC00D11CD: ("NS_E_WMP_UNKNOWN_ERROR", "Windows Media Player encountered an unknown error. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2174        0xC00D11CE: ("NS_E_WMP_INVALID_KEY", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the required codec is not valid."),
2175        0xC00D11CF: ("NS_E_WMP_CD_ANOTHER_USER", "The CD drive is in use by another user. Wait for the task to complete, and then try again."),
2176        0xC00D11D0: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_NEEDS_AUTHORIZATION", "Windows Media Player cannot play, sync, or burn the protected file because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) system. You might need to connect to the Internet to update your DRM components. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2177        0xC00D11D1: ("NS_E_WMP_BAD_DRIVER", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there might be a problem with your sound or video device. Try installing an updated device driver."),
2178        0xC00D11D2: ("NS_E_WMP_ACCESS_DENIED", "Windows Media Player cannot access the file. The file might be in use, you might not have access to the computer where the file is stored, or your proxy settings might not be correct."),
2179        0xC00D11D3: ("NS_E_WMP_LICENSE_RESTRICTS", "The content provider prohibits this action. Go to the content provider's online store to get new media usage rights."),
2180        0xC00D11D4: ("NS_E_WMP_INVALID_REQUEST", "Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action at this time."),
2181        0xC00D11D5: ("NS_E_WMP_CD_STASH_NO_SPACE", "Windows Media Player cannot burn the files because there is not enough free disk space to store the temporary files. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk, and then try again."),
2182        0xC00D11D6: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_NEW_HARDWARE", "Your media usage rights have become corrupted or are no longer valid. This might happen if you have replaced hardware components in your computer."),
2183        0xC00D11D7: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_INVALID_SIG", "The required Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) component cannot be validated. You might be able resolve the problem by reinstalling the Player."),
2184        0xC00D11D8: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_CANNOT_RESTORE", "You have exceeded your restore limit for the day. Try restoring your media usage rights tomorrow."),
2185        0xC00D11D9: ("NS_E_WMP_BURN_DISC_OVERFLOW", "Some files might not fit on the CD. The required space cannot be calculated accurately because some files might be missing duration information. To ensure the calculation is accurate, play the files that are missing duration information."),
2186        0xC00D11DA: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_GENERIC_LICENSE_FAILURE", "Windows Media Player cannot verify the file's media usage rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get the necessary rights."),
2187        0xC00D11DB: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_NO_SECURE_CLOCK", "It is not possible to sync because this device's internal clock is not set correctly. To set the clock, select the option to set the device clock on the Privacy tab of the Options dialog box, connect to the Internet, and then sync the device again. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2188        0xC00D11DC: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_NO_RIGHTS", "Windows Media Player cannot play, burn, rip, or sync the protected file because you do not have the appropriate rights."),
2189        0xC00D11DD: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_INDIV_FAILED", "Windows Media Player encountered an error during upgrade."),
2190        0xC00D11DE: ("NS_E_WMP_SERVER_NONEWCONNECTIONS", "Windows Media Player cannot connect to the server because it is not accepting any new connections. This could be because it has reached its maximum connection limit. Please try again later."),
2191        0xC00D11DF: ("NS_E_WMP_MULTIPLE_ERROR_IN_PLAYLIST", "A number of queued files cannot be played. To find information about the problem, click the Now Playing tab, and then click the icon next to each file in the List pane."),
2192        0xC00D11E0: ("NS_E_WMP_IMAPI2_ERASE_FAIL", "Windows Media Player encountered an error while erasing the rewritable CD or DVD. Verify that the CD or DVD burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged."),
2193        0xC00D11E1: ("NS_E_WMP_IMAPI2_ERASE_DEVICE_BUSY", "Windows Media Player cannot erase the rewritable CD or DVD. Verify that the CD or DVD burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged. If the burner is already in use, wait until the current task finishes or quit other programs that might be using the burner."),
2194        0xC00D11E2: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_COMPONENT_FAILURE", "A Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) component encountered a problem. If you are trying to use a file that you obtained from an online store, try going to the online store and getting the appropriate usage rights."),
2195        0xC00D11E3: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_NO_DEVICE_CERT", "It is not possible to obtain device's certificate. Please contact the device manufacturer for a firmware update or for other steps to resolve this problem."),
2196        0xC00D11E4: ("NS_E_WMP_SERVER_SECURITY_ERROR", "Windows Media Player encountered an error when connecting to the server. The security information from the server could not be validated."),
2197        0xC00D11E5: ("NS_E_WMP_AUDIO_DEVICE_LOST", "An audio device was disconnected or reconfigured. Verify that the audio device is connected, and then try to play the item again."),
2198        0xC00D11E6: ("NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_MEDIA_INCOMPATIBLE", "Windows Media Player could not complete burning because the disc is not compatible with your drive. Try inserting a different kind of recordable media or use a disc that supports a write speed that is compatible with your drive."),
2199        0xC00D11EE: ("NS_E_SYNCWIZ_DEVICE_FULL", "Windows Media Player cannot save the sync settings because your device is full. Delete some unneeded files on your device and then try again."),
2200        0xC00D11EF: ("NS_E_SYNCWIZ_CANNOT_CHANGE_SETTINGS", "It is not possible to change sync settings at this time. Try again later."),
2201        0xC00D11F0: ("NS_E_TRANSCODE_DELETECACHEERROR", "Windows Media Player cannot delete these files currently. If the Player is synchronizing, wait until it is complete and then try again."),
2202        0xC00D11F8: ("NS_E_CD_NO_BUFFERS_READ", "Windows Media Player could not use digital mode to read the CD. The Player has automatically switched the CD drive to analog mode. To switch back to digital mode, use the Devices tab. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2203        0xC00D11F9: ("NS_E_CD_EMPTY_TRACK_QUEUE", "No CD track was specified for playback."),
2204        0xC00D11FA: ("NS_E_CD_NO_READER", "The CD filter was not able to create the CD reader."),
2205        0xC00D11FB: ("NS_E_CD_ISRC_INVALID", "Invalid ISRC code."),
2206        0xC00D11FC: ("NS_E_CD_MEDIA_CATALOG_NUMBER_INVALID", "Invalid Media Catalog Number."),
2207        0xC00D11FD: ("NS_E_SLOW_READ_DIGITAL_WITH_ERRORCORRECTION", "Windows Media Player cannot play audio CDs correctly because the CD drive is slow and error correction is turned on. To increase performance, turn off playback error correction for this drive."),
2208        0xC00D11FE: ("NS_E_CD_SPEEDDETECT_NOT_ENOUGH_READS", "Windows Media Player cannot estimate the CD drive's playback speed because the CD track is too short."),
2209        0xC00D11FF: ("NS_E_CD_QUEUEING_DISABLED", "Cannot queue the CD track because queuing is not enabled."),
2210        0xC00D1202: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_ACQUIRING_LICENSE", "Windows Media Player cannot download additional media usage rights until the current download is complete."),
2211        0xC00D1203: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_EXPIRED", "The media usage rights for this file have expired or are no longer valid. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again."),
2212        0xC00D1204: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_NOTACQUIRED", "Windows Media Player cannot download the media usage rights for the file. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again."),
2213        0xC00D1205: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_NOTENABLED", "The media usage rights for this file are not yet valid. To see when they will become valid, right-click the file in the library, click Properties, and then click the Media Usage Rights tab."),
2214        0xC00D1206: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_UNUSABLE", "The media usage rights for this file are not valid. If you obtained this file from an online store, contact the store for assistance."),
2215        0xC00D1207: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_CONTENT_REVOKED", "The content provider has revoked the media usage rights for this file. If you obtained this file from an online store, ask the store if a new version of the file is available."),
2216        0xC00D1208: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_NOSAP", "The media usage rights for this file require a feature that is not supported in your current version of Windows Media Player or your current version of Windows. Try installing the latest version of the Player. If you obtained this file from an online store, contact the store for further assistance."),
2217        0xC00D1209: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_UNABLE_TO_ACQUIRE_LICENSE", "Windows Media Player cannot download media usage rights at this time. Try again later."),
2218        0xC00D120A: ("NS_E_WMP_LICENSE_REQUIRED", "Windows Media Player cannot play, burn, or sync the file because the media usage rights are missing. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again."),
2219        0xC00D120B: ("NS_E_WMP_PROTECTED_CONTENT", "Windows Media Player cannot play, burn, or sync the file because the media usage rights are missing. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again."),
2220        0xC00D122A: ("NS_E_WMP_POLICY_VALUE_NOT_CONFIGURED", "Windows Media Player cannot read a policy. This can occur when the policy does not exist in the registry or when the registry cannot be read."),
2221        0xC00D1234: ("NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_SYNC_FROM_INTERNET", "Windows Media Player cannot sync content streamed directly from the Internet. If possible, download the file to your computer, and then try to sync the file."),
2222        0xC00D1235: ("NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_SYNC_INVALID_PLAYLIST", "This playlist is not valid or is corrupted. Create a new playlist using Windows Media Player, then sync the new playlist instead."),
2223        0xC00D1236: ("NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_FILE", "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while synchronizing the file to the device. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2224        0xC00D1237: ("NS_E_PDA_SYNC_FAILED", "Windows Media Player encountered an error while synchronizing to the device."),
2225        0xC00D1238: ("NS_E_PDA_DELETE_FAILED", "Windows Media Player cannot delete a file from the device."),
2226        0xC00D1239: ("NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_RETRIEVE_FILE", "Windows Media Player cannot copy a file from the device to your library."),
2227        0xC00D123A: ("NS_E_PDA_DEVICE_NOT_RESPONDING", "Windows Media Player cannot communicate with the device because the device is not responding. Try reconnecting the device, resetting the device, or contacting the device manufacturer for updated firmware."),
2228        0xC00D123B: ("NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_TRANSCODE_PHOTO", "Windows Media Player cannot sync the picture to the device because a problem occurred while converting the file to another quality level or format. The original file might be damaged or corrupted."),
2229        0xC00D123C: ("NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_ENCRYPT_TRANSCODED_FILE", "Windows Media Player cannot convert the file. The file might have been encrypted by the Encrypted File System (EFS). Try decrypting the file first and then synchronizing it. For information about how to decrypt a file, see Windows Help and Support."),
2230        0xC00D123D: ("NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE_TO_AUDIO", "Your device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support playing audio, or Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to an audio format that is supported by the device."),
2231        0xC00D123E: ("NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE_TO_VIDEO", "Your device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support playing video, or Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to a video format that is supported by the device."),
2232        0xC00D123F: ("NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE_TO_IMAGE", "Your device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support displaying pictures, or Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to a picture format that is supported by the device."),
2233        0xC00D1240: ("NS_E_PDA_RETRIEVED_FILE_FILENAME_TOO_LONG", "Windows Media Player cannot sync the file to your computer because the file name is too long. Try renaming the file on the device."),
2234        0xC00D1241: ("NS_E_PDA_CEWMDM_DRM_ERROR", "Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the device is not responding. This typically occurs when there is a problem with the device firmware. For additional assistance, click Web Help."),
2235        0xC00D1242: ("NS_E_INCOMPLETE_PLAYLIST", "Incomplete playlist."),
2236        0xC00D1243: ("NS_E_PDA_SYNC_RUNNING", "It is not possible to perform the requested action because sync is in progress. You can either stop sync or wait for it to complete, and then try again."),
2237        0xC00D1244: ("NS_E_PDA_SYNC_LOGIN_ERROR", "Windows Media Player cannot sync the subscription content because you are not signed in to the online store that provided it. Sign in to the online store, and then try again."),
2238        0xC00D1245: ("NS_E_PDA_TRANSCODE_CODEC_NOT_FOUND", "Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to the format required by the device. One or more codecs required to convert the file could not be found."),
2239        0xC00D1246: ("NS_E_CANNOT_SYNC_DRM_TO_NON_JANUS_DEVICE", "It is not possible to sync subscription files to this device."),
2240        0xC00D1247: ("NS_E_CANNOT_SYNC_PREVIOUS_SYNC_RUNNING", "Your device is operating slowly or is not responding. Until the device responds, it is not possible to sync again. To return the device to normal operation, try disconnecting it from the computer or resetting it."),
2241        0xC00D125C: ("NS_E_WMP_HWND_NOTFOUND", "The Windows Media Player download manager cannot function properly because the Player main window cannot be found. Try restarting the Player."),
2242        0xC00D125D: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_WRONG_NO_FILES", "Windows Media Player encountered a download that has the wrong number of files. This might occur if another program is trying to create jobs with the same signature as the Player."),
2243        0xC00D125E: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_COMPLETECANCELLEDJOB", "Windows Media Player tried to complete a download that was already canceled. The file will not be available."),
2244        0xC00D125F: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CANCELCOMPLETEDJOB", "Windows Media Player tried to cancel a download that was already completed. The file will not be removed."),
2245        0xC00D1260: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_NOJOBPOINTER", "Windows Media Player is trying to access a download that is not valid."),
2246        0xC00D1261: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_INVALIDJOBSIGNATURE", "This download was not created by Windows Media Player."),
2247        0xC00D1262: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_FAILED_TO_CREATE_TEMPFILE", "The Windows Media Player download manager cannot create a temporary file name. This might occur if the path is not valid or if the disk is full."),
2248        0xC00D1263: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_PLUGIN_FAILEDINITIALIZE", "The Windows Media Player download manager plug-in cannot start. This might occur if the system is out of resources."),
2249        0xC00D1264: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_PLUGIN_FAILEDTOMOVEFILE", "The Windows Media Player download manager cannot move the file."),
2250        0xC00D1265: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CALLFUNCFAILED", "The Windows Media Player download manager cannot perform a task because the system has no resources to allocate."),
2251        0xC00D1266: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CALLFUNCTIMEOUT", "The Windows Media Player download manager cannot perform a task because the task took too long to run."),
2252        0xC00D1267: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CALLFUNCENDED", "The Windows Media Player download manager cannot perform a task because the Player is terminating the service. The task will be recovered when the Player restarts."),
2253        0xC00D1268: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_WMDUNPACKFAILED", "The Windows Media Player download manager cannot expand a WMD file. The file will be deleted and the operation will not be completed successfully."),
2254        0xC00D1269: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_FAILEDINITIALIZE", "The Windows Media Player download manager cannot start. This might occur if the system is out of resources."),
2255        0xC00D126A: ("NS_E_INTERFACE_NOT_REGISTERED_IN_GIT", "Windows Media Player cannot access a required functionality. This might occur if the wrong system files or Player DLLs are loaded."),
2256        0xC00D126B: ("NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_INVALID_FILE_NAME", "Windows Media Player cannot get the file name of the requested download. The requested download will be canceled."),
2257        0xC00D128E: ("NS_E_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED", "Windows Media Player encountered an error while downloading an image."),
2258        0xC00D12C0: ("NS_E_WMP_UDRM_NOUSERLIST", "Windows Media Player cannot update your media usage rights because the Player cannot verify the list of activated users of this computer."),
2259        0xC00D12C1: ("NS_E_WMP_DRM_NOT_ACQUIRING", "Windows Media Player is trying to acquire media usage rights for a file that is no longer being used. Rights acquisition will stop."),
2260        0xC00D12F2: ("NS_E_WMP_BSTR_TOO_LONG", "The parameter is not valid."),
2261        0xC00D12FC: ("NS_E_WMP_AUTOPLAY_INVALID_STATE", "The state is not valid for this request."),
2262        0xC00D1306: ("NS_E_WMP_COMPONENT_REVOKED", "Windows Media Player cannot play this file until you complete the software component upgrade. After the component has been upgraded, try to play the file again."),
2263        0xC00D1324: ("NS_E_CURL_NOTSAFE", "The URL is not safe for the operation specified."),
2264        0xC00D1325: ("NS_E_CURL_INVALIDCHAR", "The URL contains one or more characters that are not valid."),
2265        0xC00D1326: ("NS_E_CURL_INVALIDHOSTNAME", "The URL contains a host name that is not valid."),
2266        0xC00D1327: ("NS_E_CURL_INVALIDPATH", "The URL contains a path that is not valid."),
2267        0xC00D1328: ("NS_E_CURL_INVALIDSCHEME", "The URL contains a scheme that is not valid."),
2268        0xC00D1329: ("NS_E_CURL_INVALIDURL", "The URL is not valid."),
2269        0xC00D132B: ("NS_E_CURL_CANTWALK", "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. If you clicked a link on a web page, the link might not be valid."),
2270        0xC00D132C: ("NS_E_CURL_INVALIDPORT", "The URL port is not valid."),
2271        0xC00D132D: ("NS_E_CURLHELPER_NOTADIRECTORY", "The URL is not a directory."),
2272        0xC00D132E: ("NS_E_CURLHELPER_NOTAFILE", "The URL is not a file."),
2273        0xC00D132F: ("NS_E_CURL_CANTDECODE", "The URL contains characters that cannot be decoded. The URL might be truncated or incomplete."),
2274        0xC00D1330: ("NS_E_CURLHELPER_NOTRELATIVE", "The specified URL is not a relative URL."),
2275        0xC00D1331: ("NS_E_CURL_INVALIDBUFFERSIZE", "The buffer is smaller than the size specified."),
2276        0xC00D1356: ("NS_E_SUBSCRIPTIONSERVICE_PLAYBACK_DISALLOWED", "The content provider has not granted you the right to play this file. Go to the content provider's online store to get play rights."),
2277        0xC00D1357: ("NS_E_CANNOT_BUY_OR_DOWNLOAD_FROM_MULTIPLE_SERVICES", "Windows Media Player cannot purchase or download content from multiple online stores."),
2278        0xC00D1358: ("NS_E_CANNOT_BUY_OR_DOWNLOAD_CONTENT", "The file cannot be purchased or downloaded. The file might not be available from the online store."),
2279        0xC00D135A: ("NS_E_NOT_CONTENT_PARTNER_TRACK", "The provider of this file cannot be identified."),
2280        0xC00D135B: ("NS_E_TRACK_DOWNLOAD_REQUIRES_ALBUM_PURCHASE", "The file is only available for download when you buy the entire album."),
2281        0xC00D135C: ("NS_E_TRACK_DOWNLOAD_REQUIRES_PURCHASE", "You must buy the file before you can download it."),
2282        0xC00D135D: ("NS_E_TRACK_PURCHASE_MAXIMUM_EXCEEDED", "You have exceeded the maximum number of files that can be purchased in a single transaction."),
2283        0xC00D135F: ("NS_E_SUBSCRIPTIONSERVICE_LOGIN_FAILED", "Windows Media Player cannot sign in to the online store. Verify that you are using the correct user name and password. If the problem persists, the store may be temporarily unavailable."),
2284        0xC00D1360: ("NS_E_SUBSCRIPTIONSERVICE_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT", "Windows Media Player cannot download this item because the server is not responding. The server might be temporarily unavailable or you may have lost your Internet connection."),
2285        0xC00D1362: ("NS_E_CONTENT_PARTNER_STILL_INITIALIZING", "Content Partner still initializing."),
2286        0xC00D1363: ("NS_E_OPEN_CONTAINING_FOLDER_FAILED", "The folder could not be opened. The folder may have been moved or deleted."),
2287        0xC00D136A: ("NS_E_ADVANCEDEDIT_TOO_MANY_PICTURES", "Windows Media Player could not add all of the images to the file because the images exceeded the 7 megabyte (MB) limit."),
2288        0xC00D1388: ("NS_E_REDIRECT", "The client redirected to another server."),
2289        0xC00D1389: ("NS_E_STALE_PRESENTATION", "The streaming media description is no longer current."),
2290        0xC00D138A: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_WRONG_PERSIST", "It is not possible to create a persistent namespace node under a transient parent node."),
2291        0xC00D138B: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_WRONG_TYPE", "It is not possible to store a value in a namespace node that has a different value type."),
2292        0xC00D138C: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_NODE_CONFLICT", "It is not possible to remove the root namespace node."),
2293        0xC00D138D: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_NODE_NOT_FOUND", "The specified namespace node could not be found."),
2294        0xC00D138E: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL", "The buffer supplied to hold namespace node string is too small."),
2295        0xC00D138F: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_TOO_MANY_CALLBACKS", "The callback list on a namespace node is at the maximum size."),
2296        0xC00D1390: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_DUPLICATE_CALLBACK", "It is not possible to register an already-registered callback on a namespace node."),
2297        0xC00D1391: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_CALLBACK_NOT_FOUND", "Cannot find the callback in the namespace when attempting to remove the callback."),
2298        0xC00D1392: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_NAME_TOO_LONG", "The namespace node name exceeds the allowed maximum length."),
2299        0xC00D1393: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_DUPLICATE_NAME", "Cannot create a namespace node that already exists."),
2300        0xC00D1394: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_EMPTY_NAME", "The namespace node name cannot be a null string."),
2301        0xC00D1395: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_INDEX_TOO_LARGE", "Finding a child namespace node by index failed because the index exceeded the number of children."),
2302        0xC00D1396: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_BAD_NAME", "The namespace node name is invalid."),
2303        0xC00D1397: ("NS_E_NAMESPACE_WRONG_SECURITY", "It is not possible to store a value in a namespace node that has a different security type."),
2304        0xC00D13EC: ("NS_E_CACHE_ARCHIVE_CONFLICT", "The archive request conflicts with other requests in progress."),
2305        0xC00D13ED: ("NS_E_CACHE_ORIGIN_SERVER_NOT_FOUND", "The specified origin server cannot be found."),
2306        0xC00D13EE: ("NS_E_CACHE_ORIGIN_SERVER_TIMEOUT", "The specified origin server is not responding."),
2307        0xC00D13EF: ("NS_E_CACHE_NOT_BROADCAST", "The internal code for HTTP status code 412 Precondition Failed due to not broadcast type."),
2308        0xC00D13F0: ("NS_E_CACHE_CANNOT_BE_CACHED", "The internal code for HTTP status code 403 Forbidden due to not cacheable."),
2309        0xC00D13F1: ("NS_E_CACHE_NOT_MODIFIED", "The internal code for HTTP status code 304 Not Modified."),
2310        0xC00D1450: ("NS_E_CANNOT_REMOVE_PUBLISHING_POINT", "It is not possible to remove a cache or proxy publishing point."),
2311        0xC00D1451: ("NS_E_CANNOT_REMOVE_PLUGIN", "It is not possible to remove the last instance of a type of plug-in."),
2312        0xC00D1452: ("NS_E_WRONG_PUBLISHING_POINT_TYPE", "Cache and proxy publishing points do not support this property or method."),
2313        0xC00D1453: ("NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_LOAD_TYPE", "The plug-in does not support the specified load type."),
2314        0xC00D1454: ("NS_E_INVALID_PLUGIN_LOAD_TYPE_CONFIGURATION", "The plug-in does not support any load types. The plug-in must support at least one load type."),
2315        0xC00D1455: ("NS_E_INVALID_PUBLISHING_POINT_NAME", "The publishing point name is invalid."),
2316        0xC00D1456: ("NS_E_TOO_MANY_MULTICAST_SINKS", "Only one multicast data writer plug-in can be enabled for a publishing point."),
2317        0xC00D1457: ("NS_E_PUBLISHING_POINT_INVALID_REQUEST_WHILE_STARTED", "The requested operation cannot be completed while the publishing point is started."),
2318        0xC00D1458: ("NS_E_MULTICAST_PLUGIN_NOT_ENABLED", "A multicast data writer plug-in must be enabled in order for this operation to be completed."),
2319        0xC00D1459: ("NS_E_INVALID_OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION", "This feature requires Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition."),
2320        0xC00D145A: ("NS_E_PUBLISHING_POINT_REMOVED", "The requested operation cannot be completed because the specified publishing point has been removed."),
2321        0xC00D145B: ("NS_E_INVALID_PUSH_PUBLISHING_POINT_START_REQUEST", "Push publishing points are started when the encoder starts pushing the stream. This publishing point cannot be started by the server administrator."),
2322        0xC00D145C: ("NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_LANGUAGE", "The specified language is not supported."),
2323        0xC00D145D: ("NS_E_WRONG_OS_VERSION", "Windows Media Services will only run on Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition and Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition."),
2324        0xC00D145E: ("NS_E_PUBLISHING_POINT_STOPPED", "The operation cannot be completed because the publishing point has been stopped."),
2325        0xC00D14B4: ("NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_ALREADY_PLAYING", "The playlist entry is already playing."),
2326        0xC00D14B5: ("NS_E_EMPTY_PLAYLIST", "The playlist or directory you are requesting does not contain content."),
2327        0xC00D14B6: ("NS_E_PLAYLIST_PARSE_FAILURE", "The server was unable to parse the requested playlist file."),
2328        0xC00D14B7: ("NS_E_PLAYLIST_UNSUPPORTED_ENTRY", "The requested operation is not supported for this type of playlist entry."),
2329        0xC00D14B8: ("NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_NOT_IN_PLAYLIST", "Cannot jump to a playlist entry that is not inserted in the playlist."),
2330        0xC00D14B9: ("NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_SEEK", "Cannot seek to the desired playlist entry."),
2331        0xC00D14BA: ("NS_E_PLAYLIST_RECURSIVE_PLAYLISTS", "Cannot play recursive playlist."),
2332        0xC00D14BB: ("NS_E_PLAYLIST_TOO_MANY_NESTED_PLAYLISTS", "The number of nested playlists exceeded the limit the server can handle."),
2333        0xC00D14BC: ("NS_E_PLAYLIST_SHUTDOWN", "Cannot execute the requested operation because the playlist has been shut down by the Media Server."),
2334        0xC00D14BD: ("NS_E_PLAYLIST_END_RECEDING", "The playlist has ended while receding."),
2335        0xC00D1518: ("NS_E_DATAPATH_NO_SINK", "The data path does not have an associated data writer plug-in."),
2336        0xC00D151A: ("NS_E_INVALID_PUSH_TEMPLATE", "The specified push template is invalid."),
2337        0xC00D151B: ("NS_E_INVALID_PUSH_PUBLISHING_POINT", "The specified push publishing point is invalid."),
2338        0xC00D151C: ("NS_E_CRITICAL_ERROR", "The requested operation cannot be performed because the server or publishing point is in a critical error state."),
2339        0xC00D151D: ("NS_E_NO_NEW_CONNECTIONS", "The content cannot be played because the server is not currently accepting connections. Try connecting at a later time."),
2340        0xC00D151E: ("NS_E_WSX_INVALID_VERSION", "The version of this playlist is not supported by the server."),
2341        0xC00D151F: ("NS_E_HEADER_MISMATCH", "The command does not apply to the current media header user by a server component."),
2342        0xC00D1520: ("NS_E_PUSH_DUPLICATE_PUBLISHING_POINT_NAME", "The specified publishing point name is already in use."),
2343        0xC00D157C: ("NS_E_NO_SCRIPT_ENGINE", "There is no script engine available for this file."),
2344        0xC00D157D: ("NS_E_PLUGIN_ERROR_REPORTED", "The plug-in has reported an error. See the Troubleshooting tab or the NT Application Event Log for details."),
2345        0xC00D157E: ("NS_E_SOURCE_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND", "No enabled data source plug-in is available to access the requested content."),
2346        0xC00D157F: ("NS_E_PLAYLIST_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND", "No enabled playlist parser plug-in is available to access the requested content."),
2347        0xC00D1580: ("NS_E_DATA_SOURCE_ENUMERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The data source plug-in does not support enumeration."),
2348        0xC00D1581: ("NS_E_MEDIA_PARSER_INVALID_FORMAT", "The server cannot stream the selected file because it is either damaged or corrupt. Select a different file."),
2349        0xC00D1582: ("NS_E_SCRIPT_DEBUGGER_NOT_INSTALLED", "The plug-in cannot be enabled because a compatible script debugger is not installed on this system. Install a script debugger, or disable the script debugger option on the general tab of the plug-in's properties page and try again."),
2350        0xC00D1583: ("NS_E_FEATURE_REQUIRES_ENTERPRISE_SERVER", "The plug-in cannot be loaded because it requires Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition."),
2351        0xC00D1584: ("NS_E_WIZARD_RUNNING", "Another wizard is currently running. Please close the other wizard or wait until it finishes before attempting to run this wizard again."),
2352        0xC00D1585: ("NS_E_INVALID_LOG_URL", "Invalid log URL. Multicast logging URL must look like \"http://servername/isapibackend.dll\"."),
2353        0xC00D1586: ("NS_E_INVALID_MTU_RANGE", "Invalid MTU specified. The valid range for maximum packet size is between 36 and 65507 bytes."),
2354        0xC00D1587: ("NS_E_INVALID_PLAY_STATISTICS", "Invalid play statistics for logging."),
2355        0xC00D1588: ("NS_E_LOG_NEED_TO_BE_SKIPPED", "The log needs to be skipped."),
2356        0xC00D1589: ("NS_E_HTTP_TEXT_DATACONTAINER_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "The size of the data exceeded the limit the WMS HTTP Download Data Source plugin can handle."),
2357        0xC00D158A: ("NS_E_PORT_IN_USE", "One usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is permitted. Verify that other services or applications are not attempting to use the same port and then try to enable the plug-in again."),
2358        0xC00D158B: ("NS_E_PORT_IN_USE_HTTP", "One usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is permitted. Verify that other services (such as IIS) or applications are not attempting to use the same port and then try to enable the plug-in again."),
2359        0xC00D158C: ("NS_E_HTTP_TEXT_DATACONTAINER_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE", "The WMS HTTP Download Data Source plugin was unable to receive the remote server's response."),
2360        0xC00D158D: ("NS_E_ARCHIVE_REACH_QUOTA", "The archive plug-in has reached its quota."),
2361        0xC00D158E: ("NS_E_ARCHIVE_ABORT_DUE_TO_BCAST", "The archive plug-in aborted because the source was from broadcast."),
2362        0xC00D158F: ("NS_E_ARCHIVE_GAP_DETECTED", "The archive plug-in detected an interrupt in the source."),
2363        0xC00D1590: ("NS_E_AUTHORIZATION_FILE_NOT_FOUND", "The system cannot find the file specified."),
2364        0xC00D1B58: ("NS_E_BAD_MARKIN", "The mark-in time should be greater than 0 and less than the mark-out time."),
2365        0xC00D1B59: ("NS_E_BAD_MARKOUT", "The mark-out time should be greater than the mark-in time and less than the file duration."),
2366        0xC00D1B5A: ("NS_E_NOMATCHING_MEDIASOURCE", "No matching media type is found in the source %1."),
2367        0xC00D1B5B: ("NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_SOURCETYPE", "The specified source type is not supported."),
2368        0xC00D1B5C: ("NS_E_TOO_MANY_AUDIO", "It is not possible to specify more than one audio input."),
2369        0xC00D1B5D: ("NS_E_TOO_MANY_VIDEO", "It is not possible to specify more than two video inputs."),
2370        0xC00D1B5E: ("NS_E_NOMATCHING_ELEMENT", "No matching element is found in the list."),
2371        0xC00D1B5F: ("NS_E_MISMATCHED_MEDIACONTENT", "The profile's media types must match the media types defined for the session."),
2372        0xC00D1B60: ("NS_E_CANNOT_DELETE_ACTIVE_SOURCEGROUP", "It is not possible to remove an active source while encoding."),
2373        0xC00D1B61: ("NS_E_AUDIODEVICE_BUSY", "It is not possible to open the specified audio capture device because it is currently in use."),
2374        0xC00D1B62: ("NS_E_AUDIODEVICE_UNEXPECTED", "It is not possible to open the specified audio capture device because an unexpected error has occurred."),
2375        0xC00D1B63: ("NS_E_AUDIODEVICE_BADFORMAT", "The audio capture device does not support the specified audio format."),
2376        0xC00D1B64: ("NS_E_VIDEODEVICE_BUSY", "It is not possible to open the specified video capture device because it is currently in use."),
2377        0xC00D1B65: ("NS_E_VIDEODEVICE_UNEXPECTED", "It is not possible to open the specified video capture device because an unexpected error has occurred."),
2378        0xC00D1B66: ("NS_E_INVALIDCALL_WHILE_ENCODER_RUNNING", "This operation is not allowed while encoding."),
2379        0xC00D1B67: ("NS_E_NO_PROFILE_IN_SOURCEGROUP", "No profile is set for the source."),
2380        0xC00D1B68: ("NS_E_VIDEODRIVER_UNSTABLE", "The video capture driver returned an unrecoverable error. It is now in an unstable state."),
2381        0xC00D1B69: ("NS_E_VIDCAPSTARTFAILED", "It was not possible to start the video device."),
2382        0xC00D1B6A: ("NS_E_VIDSOURCECOMPRESSION", "The video source does not support the requested output format or color depth."),
2383        0xC00D1B6B: ("NS_E_VIDSOURCESIZE", "The video source does not support the requested capture size."),
2384        0xC00D1B6C: ("NS_E_ICMQUERYFORMAT", "It was not possible to obtain output information from the video compressor."),
2385        0xC00D1B6D: ("NS_E_VIDCAPCREATEWINDOW", "It was not possible to create a video capture window."),
2386        0xC00D1B6E: ("NS_E_VIDCAPDRVINUSE", "There is already a stream active on this video device."),
2387        0xC00D1B6F: ("NS_E_NO_MEDIAFORMAT_IN_SOURCE", "No media format is set in source."),
2388        0xC00D1B70: ("NS_E_NO_VALID_OUTPUT_STREAM", "Cannot find a valid output stream from the source."),
2389        0xC00D1B71: ("NS_E_NO_VALID_SOURCE_PLUGIN", "It was not possible to find a valid source plug-in for the specified source."),
2390        0xC00D1B72: ("NS_E_NO_ACTIVE_SOURCEGROUP", "No source is currently active."),
2391        0xC00D1B73: ("NS_E_NO_SCRIPT_STREAM", "No script stream is set in the current source."),
2392        0xC00D1B74: ("NS_E_INVALIDCALL_WHILE_ARCHIVAL_RUNNING", "This operation is not allowed while archiving."),
2393        0xC00D1B75: ("NS_E_INVALIDPACKETSIZE", "The setting for the maximum packet size is not valid."),
2394        0xC00D1B76: ("NS_E_PLUGIN_CLSID_INVALID", "The plug-in CLSID specified is not valid."),
2395        0xC00D1B77: ("NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVETYPE", "This archive type is not supported."),
2396        0xC00D1B78: ("NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVEOPERATION", "This archive operation is not supported."),
2397        0xC00D1B79: ("NS_E_ARCHIVE_FILENAME_NOTSET", "The local archive file name was not set."),
2398        0xC00D1B7A: ("NS_E_SOURCEGROUP_NOTPREPARED", "The source is not yet prepared."),
2399        0xC00D1B7B: ("NS_E_PROFILE_MISMATCH", "Profiles on the sources do not match."),
2400        0xC00D1B7C: ("NS_E_INCORRECTCLIPSETTINGS", "The specified crop values are not valid."),
2401        0xC00D1B7D: ("NS_E_NOSTATSAVAILABLE", "No statistics are available at this time."),
2402        0xC00D1B7E: ("NS_E_NOTARCHIVING", "The encoder is not archiving."),
2403        0xC00D1B7F: ("NS_E_INVALIDCALL_WHILE_ENCODER_STOPPED", "This operation is only allowed during encoding."),
2404        0xC00D1B80: ("NS_E_NOSOURCEGROUPS", "This SourceGroupCollection doesn't contain any SourceGroups."),
2405        0xC00D1B81: ("NS_E_INVALIDINPUTFPS", "This source does not have a frame rate of 30 fps. Therefore, it is not possible to apply the inverse telecine filter to the source."),
2406        0xC00D1B82: ("NS_E_NO_DATAVIEW_SUPPORT", "It is not possible to display your source or output video in the Video panel."),
2407        0xC00D1B83: ("NS_E_CODEC_UNAVAILABLE", "One or more codecs required to open this content could not be found."),
2408        0xC00D1B84: ("NS_E_ARCHIVE_SAME_AS_INPUT", "The archive file has the same name as an input file. Change one of the names before continuing."),
2409        0xC00D1B85: ("NS_E_SOURCE_NOTSPECIFIED", "The source has not been set up completely."),
2410        0xC00D1B86: ("NS_E_NO_REALTIME_TIMECOMPRESSION", "It is not possible to apply time compression to a broadcast session."),
2411        0xC00D1B87: ("NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODER_DEVICE", "It is not possible to open this device."),
2412        0xC00D1B88: ("NS_E_UNEXPECTED_DISPLAY_SETTINGS", "It is not possible to start encoding because the display size or color has changed since the current session was defined. Restore the previous settings or create a new session."),
2413        0xC00D1B89: ("NS_E_NO_AUDIODATA", "No audio data has been received for several seconds. Check the audio source and restart the encoder."),
2414        0xC00D1B8A: ("NS_E_INPUTSOURCE_PROBLEM", "One or all of the specified sources are not working properly. Check that the sources are configured correctly."),
2415        0xC00D1B8B: ("NS_E_WME_VERSION_MISMATCH", "The supplied configuration file is not supported by this version of the encoder."),
2416        0xC00D1B8C: ("NS_E_NO_REALTIME_PREPROCESS", "It is not possible to use image preprocessing with live encoding."),
2417        0xC00D1B8D: ("NS_E_NO_REPEAT_PREPROCESS", "It is not possible to use two-pass encoding when the source is set to loop."),
2418        0xC00D1B8E: ("NS_E_CANNOT_PAUSE_LIVEBROADCAST", "It is not possible to pause encoding during a broadcast."),
2419        0xC00D1B8F: ("NS_E_DRM_PROFILE_NOT_SET", "A DRM profile has not been set for the current session."),
2420        0xC00D1B90: ("NS_E_DUPLICATE_DRMPROFILE", "The profile ID is already used by a DRM profile. Specify a different profile ID."),
2421        0xC00D1B91: ("NS_E_INVALID_DEVICE", "The setting of the selected device does not support control for playing back tapes."),
2422        0xC00D1B92: ("NS_E_SPEECHEDL_ON_NON_MIXEDMODE", "You must specify a mixed voice and audio mode in order to use an optimization definition file."),
2423        0xC00D1B93: ("NS_E_DRM_PASSWORD_TOO_LONG", "The specified password is too long. Type a password with fewer than 8 characters."),
2424        0xC00D1B94: ("NS_E_DEVCONTROL_FAILED_SEEK", "It is not possible to seek to the specified mark-in point."),
2425        0xC00D1B95: ("NS_E_INTERLACE_REQUIRE_SAMESIZE", "When you choose to maintain the interlacing in your video, the output video size must match the input video size."),
2426        0xC00D1B96: ("NS_E_TOO_MANY_DEVICECONTROL", "Only one device control plug-in can control a device."),
2427        0xC00D1B97: ("NS_E_NO_MULTIPASS_FOR_LIVEDEVICE", "You must also enable storing content to hard disk temporarily in order to use two-pass encoding with the input device."),
2428        0xC00D1B98: ("NS_E_MISSING_AUDIENCE", "An audience is missing from the output stream configuration."),
2429        0xC00D1B99: ("NS_E_AUDIENCE_CONTENTTYPE_MISMATCH", "All audiences in the output tree must have the same content type."),
2430        0xC00D1B9A: ("NS_E_MISSING_SOURCE_INDEX", "A source index is missing from the output stream configuration."),
2431        0xC00D1B9B: ("NS_E_NUM_LANGUAGE_MISMATCH", "The same source index in different audiences should have the same number of languages."),
2432        0xC00D1B9C: ("NS_E_LANGUAGE_MISMATCH", "The same source index in different audiences should have the same languages."),
2433        0xC00D1B9D: ("NS_E_VBRMODE_MISMATCH", "The same source index in different audiences should use the same VBR encoding mode."),
2434        0xC00D1B9E: ("NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_AUDIENCE_INDEX", "The bit rate index specified is not valid."),
2435        0xC00D1B9F: ("NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_LANGUAGE", "The specified language is not valid."),
2436        0xC00D1BA0: ("NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_STREAM", "The specified source type is not valid."),
2437        0xC00D1BA1: ("NS_E_EXPECT_MONO_WAV_INPUT", "The source must be a mono channel .wav file."),
2438        0xC00D1BA2: ("NS_E_INPUT_WAVFORMAT_MISMATCH", "All the source .wav files must have the same format."),
2439        0xC00D1BA3: ("NS_E_RECORDQ_DISK_FULL", "The hard disk being used for temporary storage of content has reached the minimum allowed disk space. Create more space on the hard disk and restart encoding."),
2440        0xC00D1BA4: ("NS_E_NO_PAL_INVERSE_TELECINE", "It is not possible to apply the inverse telecine feature to PAL content."),
2441        0xC00D1BA5: ("NS_E_ACTIVE_SG_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED", "A capture device in the current active source is no longer available."),
2442        0xC00D1BA6: ("NS_E_ACTIVE_SG_DEVICE_CONTROL_DISCONNECTED", "A device used in the current active source for device control is no longer available."),
2443        0xC00D1BA7: ("NS_E_NO_FRAMES_SUBMITTED_TO_ANALYZER", "No frames have been submitted to the analyzer for analysis."),
2444        0xC00D1BA8: ("NS_E_INPUT_DOESNOT_SUPPORT_SMPTE", "The source video does not support time codes."),
2445        0xC00D1BA9: ("NS_E_NO_SMPTE_WITH_MULTIPLE_SOURCEGROUPS", "It is not possible to generate a time code when there are multiple sources in a session."),
2446        0xC00D1BAA: ("NS_E_BAD_CONTENTEDL", "The voice codec optimization definition file cannot be found or is corrupted."),
2447        0xC00D1BAB: ("NS_E_INTERLACEMODE_MISMATCH", "The same source index in different audiences should have the same interlace mode."),
2448        0xC00D1BAC: ("NS_E_NONSQUAREPIXELMODE_MISMATCH", "The same source index in different audiences should have the same nonsquare pixel mode."),
2449        0xC00D1BAD: ("NS_E_SMPTEMODE_MISMATCH", "The same source index in different audiences should have the same time code mode."),
2450        0xC00D1BAE: ("NS_E_END_OF_TAPE", "Either the end of the tape has been reached or there is no tape. Check the device and tape."),
2451        0xC00D1BAF: ("NS_E_NO_MEDIA_IN_AUDIENCE", "No audio or video input has been specified."),
2452        0xC00D1BB0: ("NS_E_NO_AUDIENCES", "The profile must contain a bit rate."),
2453        0xC00D1BB1: ("NS_E_NO_AUDIO_COMPAT", "You must specify at least one audio stream to be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1."),
2454        0xC00D1BB2: ("NS_E_INVALID_VBR_COMPAT", "Using a VBR encoding mode is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1."),
2455        0xC00D1BB3: ("NS_E_NO_PROFILE_NAME", "You must specify a profile name."),
2456        0xC00D1BB4: ("NS_E_INVALID_VBR_WITH_UNCOMP", "It is not possible to use a VBR encoding mode with uncompressed audio or video."),
2457        0xC00D1BB5: ("NS_E_MULTIPLE_VBR_AUDIENCES", "It is not possible to use MBR encoding with VBR encoding."),
2458        0xC00D1BB6: ("NS_E_UNCOMP_COMP_COMBINATION", "It is not possible to mix uncompressed and compressed content in a session."),
2459        0xC00D1BB7: ("NS_E_MULTIPLE_AUDIO_CODECS", "All audiences must use the same audio codec."),
2460        0xC00D1BB8: ("NS_E_MULTIPLE_AUDIO_FORMATS", "All audiences should use the same audio format to be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1."),
2461        0xC00D1BB9: ("NS_E_AUDIO_BITRATE_STEPDOWN", "The audio bit rate for an audience with a higher total bit rate must be greater than one with a lower total bit rate."),
2462        0xC00D1BBA: ("NS_E_INVALID_AUDIO_PEAKRATE", "The audio peak bit rate setting is not valid."),
2463        0xC00D1BBB: ("NS_E_INVALID_AUDIO_PEAKRATE_2", "The audio peak bit rate setting must be greater than the audio bit rate setting."),
2464        0xC00D1BBC: ("NS_E_INVALID_AUDIO_BUFFERMAX", "The setting for the maximum buffer size for audio is not valid."),
2465        0xC00D1BBD: ("NS_E_MULTIPLE_VIDEO_CODECS", "All audiences must use the same video codec."),
2466        0xC00D1BBE: ("NS_E_MULTIPLE_VIDEO_SIZES", "All audiences should use the same video size to be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1."),
2467        0xC00D1BBF: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BITRATE", "The video bit rate setting is not valid."),
2468        0xC00D1BC0: ("NS_E_VIDEO_BITRATE_STEPDOWN", "The video bit rate for an audience with a higher total bit rate must be greater than one with a lower total bit rate."),
2469        0xC00D1BC1: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_PEAKRATE", "The video peak bit rate setting is not valid."),
2470        0xC00D1BC2: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_PEAKRATE_2", "The video peak bit rate setting must be greater than the video bit rate setting."),
2471        0xC00D1BC3: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_WIDTH", "The video width setting is not valid."),
2472        0xC00D1BC4: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_HEIGHT", "The video height setting is not valid."),
2473        0xC00D1BC5: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_FPS", "The video frame rate setting is not valid."),
2474        0xC00D1BC6: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_KEYFRAME", "The video key frame setting is not valid."),
2475        0xC00D1BC7: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_IQUALITY", "The video image quality setting is not valid."),
2476        0xC00D1BC8: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_CQUALITY", "The video codec quality setting is not valid."),
2477        0xC00D1BC9: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BUFFER", "The video buffer setting is not valid."),
2478        0xC00D1BCA: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BUFFERMAX", "The setting for the maximum buffer size for video is not valid."),
2479        0xC00D1BCB: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BUFFERMAX_2", "The value of the video maximum buffer size setting must be greater than the video buffer size setting."),
2480        0xC00D1BCC: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_WIDTH_ALIGN", "The alignment of the video width is not valid."),
2481        0xC00D1BCD: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_HEIGHT_ALIGN", "The alignment of the video height is not valid."),
2482        0xC00D1BCE: ("NS_E_MULTIPLE_SCRIPT_BITRATES", "All bit rates must have the same script bit rate."),
2483        0xC00D1BCF: ("NS_E_INVALID_SCRIPT_BITRATE", "The script bit rate specified is not valid."),
2484        0xC00D1BD0: ("NS_E_MULTIPLE_FILE_BITRATES", "All bit rates must have the same file transfer bit rate."),
2485        0xC00D1BD1: ("NS_E_INVALID_FILE_BITRATE", "The file transfer bit rate is not valid."),
2486        0xC00D1BD2: ("NS_E_SAME_AS_INPUT_COMBINATION", "All audiences in a profile should either be same as input or have video width and height specified."),
2487        0xC00D1BD3: ("NS_E_SOURCE_CANNOT_LOOP", "This source type does not support looping."),
2488        0xC00D1BD4: ("NS_E_INVALID_FOLDDOWN_COEFFICIENTS", "The fold-down value needs to be between -144 and 0."),
2489        0xC00D1BD5: ("NS_E_DRMPROFILE_NOTFOUND", "The specified DRM profile does not exist in the system."),
2490        0xC00D1BD6: ("NS_E_INVALID_TIMECODE", "The specified time code is not valid."),
2491        0xC00D1BD7: ("NS_E_NO_AUDIO_TIMECOMPRESSION", "It is not possible to apply time compression to a video-only session."),
2492        0xC00D1BD8: ("NS_E_NO_TWOPASS_TIMECOMPRESSION", "It is not possible to apply time compression to a session that is using two-pass encoding."),
2493        0xC00D1BD9: ("NS_E_TIMECODE_REQUIRES_VIDEOSTREAM", "It is not possible to generate a time code for an audio-only session."),
2494        0xC00D1BDA: ("NS_E_NO_MBR_WITH_TIMECODE", "It is not possible to generate a time code when you are encoding content at multiple bit rates."),
2495        0xC00D1BDB: ("NS_E_INVALID_INTERLACEMODE", "The video codec selected does not support maintaining interlacing in video."),
2496        0xC00D1BDC: ("NS_E_INVALID_INTERLACE_COMPAT", "Maintaining interlacing in video is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1."),
2497        0xC00D1BDD: ("NS_E_INVALID_NONSQUAREPIXEL_COMPAT", "Allowing nonsquare pixel output is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1."),
2498        0xC00D1BDE: ("NS_E_INVALID_SOURCE_WITH_DEVICE_CONTROL", "Only capture devices can be used with device control."),
2499        0xC00D1BDF: ("NS_E_CANNOT_GENERATE_BROADCAST_INFO_FOR_QUALITYVBR", "It is not possible to generate the stream format file if you are using quality-based VBR encoding for the audio or video stream. Instead use the Windows Media file generated after encoding to create the announcement file."),
2500        0xC00D1BE0: ("NS_E_EXCEED_MAX_DRM_PROFILE_LIMIT", "It is not possible to create a DRM profile because the maximum number of profiles has been reached. You must delete some DRM profiles before creating new ones."),
2501        0xC00D1BE1: ("NS_E_DEVICECONTROL_UNSTABLE", "The device is in an unstable state. Check that the device is functioning properly and a tape is in place."),
2502        0xC00D1BE2: ("NS_E_INVALID_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO", "The pixel aspect ratio value must be between 1 and 255."),
2503        0xC00D1BE3: ("NS_E_AUDIENCE__LANGUAGE_CONTENTTYPE_MISMATCH", "All streams with different languages in the same audience must have same properties."),
2504        0xC00D1BE4: ("NS_E_INVALID_PROFILE_CONTENTTYPE", "The profile must contain at least one audio or video stream."),
2505        0xC00D1BE5: ("NS_E_TRANSFORM_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND", "The transform plug-in could not be found."),
2506        0xC00D1BE6: ("NS_E_TRANSFORM_PLUGIN_INVALID", "The transform plug-in is not valid. It may be damaged or you may not have the required permissions to access the plug-in."),
2507        0xC00D1BE7: ("NS_E_EDL_REQUIRED_FOR_DEVICE_MULTIPASS", "To use two-pass encoding, you must enable device control and setup an edit decision list (EDL) that has at least one entry."),
2508        0xC00D1BE8: ("NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_WIDTH_FOR_INTERLACED_ENCODING", "When you choose to maintain the interlacing in your video, the output video size must be a multiple of 4."),
2509        0xC00D1BE9: ("NS_E_MARKIN_UNSUPPORTED", "Markin/Markout is unsupported with this source type."),
2510        0xC00D2711: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPLICATION", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application."),
2511        0xC00D2712: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_STORE_ERROR", "License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2512        0xC00D2713: ("NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_ERROR", "Secure storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2513        0xC00D2714: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_STORE_SAVE_ERROR", "License acquisition did not work. Acquire a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance."),
2514        0xC00D2715: ("NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_UNLOCK_ERROR", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2515        0xC00D2716: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_CONTENT", "The media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file."),
2516        0xC00D2717: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_LICENSE", "The license is corrupted. Acquire a new license."),
2517        0xC00D2718: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE", "The license is corrupted or invalid. Acquire a new license"),
2518        0xC00D2719: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_MACHINE", "Licenses cannot be copied from one computer to another. Use License Management to transfer licenses, or get a new license for the media file."),
2519        0xC00D271B: ("NS_E_DRM_ENUM_LICENSE_FAILED", "License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2520        0xC00D271C: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE_REQUEST", "The media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file."),
2521        0xC00D271D: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2522        0xC00D271E: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_ACQUIRE_LICENSE", "The license could not be acquired. Try again later."),
2523        0xC00D271F: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE_ACQUIRED", "License acquisition did not work. Acquire a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance."),
2524        0xC00D2720: ("NS_E_DRM_NO_RIGHTS", "The requested operation cannot be performed on this file."),
2525        0xC00D2721: ("NS_E_DRM_KEY_ERROR", "The requested action cannot be performed because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer."),
2526        0xC00D2722: ("NS_E_DRM_ENCRYPT_ERROR", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2527        0xC00D2723: ("NS_E_DRM_DECRYPT_ERROR", "The media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file."),
2528        0xC00D2725: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_INVALID_XML", "The license is corrupted. Acquire a new license."),
2529        0xC00D2728: ("NS_E_DRM_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATION", "A security upgrade is required to perform the operation on this media file."),
2530        0xC00D2729: ("NS_E_DRM_ALREADY_INDIVIDUALIZED", "You already have the latest security components. No upgrade is necessary at this time."),
2531        0xC00D272A: ("NS_E_DRM_ACTION_NOT_QUERIED", "The application cannot perform this action. Contact product support for this application."),
2532        0xC00D272B: ("NS_E_DRM_ACQUIRING_LICENSE", "You cannot begin a new license acquisition process until the current one has been completed."),
2533        0xC00D272C: ("NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZING", "You cannot begin a new security upgrade until the current one has been completed."),
2534        0xC00D272D: ("NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_FAILURE", "Failure in Backup-Restore."),
2535        0xC00D272E: ("NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_BAD_REQUEST_ID", "Bad Request ID in Backup-Restore."),
2536        0xC00D272F: ("NS_E_DRM_PARAMETERS_MISMATCHED", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2537        0xC00D2730: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_LICENSE_OBJECT", "A license cannot be created for this media file. Reinstall the application."),
2538        0xC00D2731: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_INDI_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2539        0xC00D2732: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_ENCRYPT_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2540        0xC00D2733: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DECRYPT_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2541        0xC00D2734: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PROPERTIES_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2542        0xC00D2735: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2543        0xC00D2736: ("NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZE_ERROR", "The security upgrade failed. Try again later."),
2544        0xC00D2737: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_OPEN_ERROR", "License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2545        0xC00D2738: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CLOSE_ERROR", "License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2546        0xC00D2739: ("NS_E_DRM_GET_LICENSE_ERROR", "License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2547        0xC00D273A: ("NS_E_DRM_QUERY_ERROR", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2548        0xC00D273B: ("NS_E_DRM_REPORT_ERROR", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application."),
2549        0xC00D273C: ("NS_E_DRM_GET_LICENSESTRING_ERROR", "License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2550        0xC00D273D: ("NS_E_DRM_GET_CONTENTSTRING_ERROR", "The media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file."),
2551        0xC00D273E: ("NS_E_DRM_MONITOR_ERROR", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Try again later."),
2552        0xC00D273F: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_SET_PARAMETER", "The application has made an invalid call to the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application."),
2553        0xC00D2740: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPDATA", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2554        0xC00D2741: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPDATA_VERSION", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application."),
2555        0xC00D2742: ("NS_E_DRM_BACKUP_EXISTS", "Licenses are already backed up in this location."),
2556        0xC00D2743: ("NS_E_DRM_BACKUP_CORRUPT", "One or more backed-up licenses are missing or corrupt."),
2557        0xC00D2744: ("NS_E_DRM_BACKUPRESTORE_BUSY", "You cannot begin a new backup process until the current process has been completed."),
2558        0xC00D2745: ("NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_BAD_DATA", "Bad Data sent to Backup-Restore."),
2559        0xC00D2748: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_UNUSABLE", "The license is invalid. Contact the content provider for further assistance."),
2560        0xC00D2749: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_PROPERTY", "A required property was not set by the application. Contact product support for this application."),
2561        0xC00D274A: ("NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_NOT_FOUND", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component of this application. Try to acquire a license again."),
2562        0xC00D274B: ("NS_E_DRM_CACHED_CONTENT_ERROR", "A license cannot be found for this media file. Use License Management to transfer a license for this file from the original computer, or acquire a new license."),
2563        0xC00D274C: ("NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZATION_INCOMPLETE", "A problem occurred during the security upgrade. Try again later."),
2564        0xC00D274D: ("NS_E_DRM_DRIVER_AUTH_FAILURE", "Certified driver components are required to play this media file. Contact Windows Update to see whether updated drivers are available for your hardware."),
2565        0xC00D274E: ("NS_E_DRM_NEED_UPGRADE_MSSAP", "One or more of the Secure Audio Path components were not found or an entry point in those components was not found."),
2566        0xC00D274F: ("NS_E_DRM_REOPEN_CONTENT", "Status message: Reopen the file."),
2567        0xC00D2750: ("NS_E_DRM_DRIVER_DIGIOUT_FAILURE", "Certain driver functionality is required to play this media file. Contact Windows Update to see whether updated drivers are available for your hardware."),
2568        0xC00D2751: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_SECURESTORE_PASSWORD", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2569        0xC00D2752: ("NS_E_DRM_APPCERT_REVOKED", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2570        0xC00D2753: ("NS_E_DRM_RESTORE_FRAUD", "You cannot restore your license(s)."),
2571        0xC00D2754: ("NS_E_DRM_HARDWARE_INCONSISTENT", "The licenses for your media files are corrupted. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2572        0xC00D2755: ("NS_E_DRM_SDMI_TRIGGER", "To transfer this media file, you must upgrade the application."),
2573        0xC00D2756: ("NS_E_DRM_SDMI_NOMORECOPIES", "You cannot make any more copies of this media file."),
2574        0xC00D2757: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_HEADER_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2575        0xC00D2758: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_KEYS_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2576        0xC00D2759: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTACQUIRED", "Unable to obtain license."),
2577        0xC00D275A: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_CODING_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2578        0xC00D275B: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_STATE_DATA_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2579        0xC00D275C: ("NS_E_DRM_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL", "The buffer supplied is not sufficient."),
2580        0xC00D275D: ("NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY", "The property requested is not supported."),
2581        0xC00D275E: ("NS_E_DRM_ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP", "The specified server cannot perform the requested operation."),
2582        0xC00D275F: ("NS_E_DRM_STORE_NOTALLSTORED", "Some of the licenses could not be stored."),
2583        0xC00D2760: ("NS_E_DRM_SECURITY_COMPONENT_SIGNATURE_INVALID", "The Digital Rights Management security upgrade component could not be validated. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2584        0xC00D2761: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_DATA", "Invalid or corrupt data was encountered."),
2585        0xC00D2762: ("NS_E_DRM_POLICY_DISABLE_ONLINE", "The Windows Media Digital Rights Management system cannot perform the requested action because your computer or network administrator has enabled the group policy Prevent Windows Media DRM Internet Access. For assistance, contact your administrator."),
2586        0xC00D2763: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_AUTHENTICATION_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2587        0xC00D2764: ("NS_E_DRM_NOT_CONFIGURED", "Not all of the necessary properties for DRM have been set."),
2588        0xC00D2765: ("NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_ACTIVATION_CANCELED", "The portable device does not have the security required to copy protected files to it. To obtain the additional security, try to copy the file to your portable device again. When a message appears, click OK."),
2589        0xC00D2766: ("NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_TOO_MANY_RESETS", "Too many resets in Backup-Restore."),
2590        0xC00D2767: ("NS_E_DRM_DEBUGGING_NOT_ALLOWED", "Running this process under a debugger while using DRM content is not allowed."),
2591        0xC00D2768: ("NS_E_DRM_OPERATION_CANCELED", "The user canceled the DRM operation."),
2592        0xC00D2769: ("NS_E_DRM_RESTRICTIONS_NOT_RETRIEVED", "The license you are using has associated output restrictions. This license is unusable until these restrictions are queried."),
2593        0xC00D276A: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PLAYLIST_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2594        0xC00D276B: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PLAYLIST_BURN_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2595        0xC00D276C: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DEVICE_REGISTRATION_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2596        0xC00D276D: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_METERING_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2597        0xC00D2770: ("NS_E_DRM_TRACK_EXCEEDED_PLAYLIST_RESTICTION", "The specified track has exceeded it's specified playlist burn limit in this playlist."),
2598        0xC00D2771: ("NS_E_DRM_TRACK_EXCEEDED_TRACKBURN_RESTRICTION", "The specified track has exceeded it's track burn limit."),
2599        0xC00D2772: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_GET_DEVICE_CERT", "A problem has occurred in obtaining the device's certificate. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2600        0xC00D2773: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_GET_SECURE_CLOCK", "A problem has occurred in obtaining the device's secure clock. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2601        0xC00D2774: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_SET_SECURE_CLOCK", "A problem has occurred in setting the device's secure clock. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2602        0xC00D2775: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_GET_SECURE_CLOCK_FROM_SERVER", "A problem has occurred in obtaining the secure clock from server. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2603        0xC00D2776: ("NS_E_DRM_POLICY_METERING_DISABLED", "This content requires the metering policy to be enabled."),
2604        0xC00D2777: ("NS_E_DRM_TRANSFER_CHAINED_LICENSES_UNSUPPORTED", "Transfer of chained licenses unsupported."),
2605        0xC00D2778: ("NS_E_DRM_SDK_VERSIONMISMATCH", "The Digital Rights Management component is not installed properly. Reinstall the Player."),
2606        0xC00D2779: ("NS_E_DRM_LIC_NEEDS_DEVICE_CLOCK_SET", "The file could not be transferred because the device clock is not set."),
2607        0xC00D277A: ("NS_E_LICENSE_HEADER_MISSING_URL", "The content header is missing an acquisition URL."),
2608        0xC00D277B: ("NS_E_DEVICE_NOT_WMDRM_DEVICE", "The current attached device does not support WMDRM."),
2609        0xC00D277C: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPCERT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2610        0xC00D277D: ("NS_E_DRM_PROTOCOL_FORCEFUL_TERMINATION_ON_PETITION", "The client application has been forcefully terminated during a DRM petition."),
2611        0xC00D277E: ("NS_E_DRM_PROTOCOL_FORCEFUL_TERMINATION_ON_CHALLENGE", "The client application has been forcefully terminated during a DRM challenge."),
2612        0xC00D277F: ("NS_E_DRM_CHECKPOINT_FAILED", "Secure storage protection error. Restore your licenses from a previous backup and try again."),
2613        0xC00D2780: ("NS_E_DRM_BB_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management root of trust. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2614        0xC00D2781: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_HARDWARE_ID", "A problem has occurred in retrieving the Digital Rights Management machine identification. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2615        0xC00D2782: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_DATA_STORE", "A problem has occurred in opening the Digital Rights Management data storage file. Contact Microsoft product."),
2616        0xC00D2783: ("NS_E_DRM_DATASTORE_CORRUPT", "The Digital Rights Management data storage is not functioning properly. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2617        0xC00D2784: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_INMEMORYSTORE_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2618        0xC00D2785: ("NS_E_DRM_STUBLIB_REQUIRED", "A secured library is required to access the requested functionality."),
2619        0xC00D2786: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_CERTIFICATE_OBJECT", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2620        0xC00D2787: ("NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_TARGET_NOT_ONLINE", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2621        0xC00D2788: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_MIGRATION_IMAGE", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2622        0xC00D2789: ("NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_TARGET_STATES_CORRUPTED", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2623        0xC00D278A: ("NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_IMPORTER_NOT_AVAILABLE", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2624        0xC00D278B: ("NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_UPGRADE_WITH_DIFF_SID", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2625        0xC00D278C: ("NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_SOURCE_MACHINE_IN_USE", "The Digital Rights Management component is in use during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2626        0xC00D278D: ("NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_TARGET_MACHINE_LESS_THAN_LH", "Licenses are being migrated to a machine running XP or downlevel OS. This operation can only be performed on Windows Vista or a later OS. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2627        0xC00D278E: ("NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_IMAGE_ALREADY_EXISTS", "Migration Image already exists. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2628        0xC00D278F: ("NS_E_DRM_HARDWAREID_MISMATCH", "The requested action cannot be performed because a hardware configuration change has been detected by the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer."),
2629        0xC00D2790: ("NS_E_INVALID_DRMV2CLT_STUBLIB", "The wrong stublib has been linked to an application or DLL using drmv2clt.dll."),
2630        0xC00D2791: ("NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_INVALID_LEGACYV2_DATA", "The legacy V2 data being imported is invalid."),
2631        0xC00D2792: ("NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_LICENSE_ALREADY_EXISTS", "The license being imported already exists."),
2632        0xC00D2793: ("NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_INVALID_LEGACYV2_SST_PASSWORD", "The password of the Legacy V2 SST entry being imported is incorrect."),
2633        0xC00D2794: ("NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_NOT_SUPPORTED", "Migration is not supported by the plugin."),
2634        0xC00D2795: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_MIGRATION_IMPORTER_OBJECT", "A migration importer cannot be created for this media file. Reinstall the application."),
2635        0xC00D2796: ("NS_E_DRM_CHECKPOINT_MISMATCH", "The requested action cannot be performed because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer."),
2636        0xC00D2797: ("NS_E_DRM_CHECKPOINT_CORRUPT", "The requested action cannot be performed because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer."),
2637        0xC00D2798: ("NS_E_REG_FLUSH_FAILURE", "The requested action cannot be performed because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer."),
2638        0xC00D2799: ("NS_E_HDS_KEY_MISMATCH", "The requested action cannot be performed because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer."),
2639        0xC00D279A: ("NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_OPERATION_CANCELLED", "Migration was canceled by the user."),
2640        0xC00D279B: ("NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_OBJECT_IN_USE", "Migration object is already in use and cannot be called until the current operation completes."),
2641        0xC00D279C: ("NS_E_DRM_MALFORMED_CONTENT_HEADER", "The content header does not comply with DRM requirements and cannot be used."),
2642        0xC00D27D8: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_EXPIRED", "The license for this file has expired and is no longer valid. Contact your content provider for further assistance."),
2643        0xC00D27D9: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTENABLED", "The license for this file is not valid yet, but will be at a future date."),
2644        0xC00D27DA: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_APPSECLOW", "The license for this file requires a higher level of security than the player you are currently using has. Try using a different player or download a newer version of your current player."),
2645        0xC00D27DB: ("NS_E_DRM_STORE_NEEDINDI", "The license cannot be stored as it requires security upgrade of Digital Rights Management component."),
2646        0xC00D27DC: ("NS_E_DRM_STORE_NOTALLOWED", "Your machine does not meet the requirements for storing the license."),
2647        0xC00D27DD: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_APP_NOTALLOWED", "The license for this file requires an upgraded version of your player or a different player."),
2648        0xC00D27DF: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CERT_EXPIRED", "The license server's certificate expired. Make sure your system clock is set correctly. Contact your content provider for further assistance."),
2649        0xC00D27E0: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_SECLOW", "The license for this file requires a higher level of security than the player you are currently using has. Try using a different player or download a newer version of your current player."),
2650        0xC00D27E1: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CONTENT_REVOKED", "The content owner for the license you just acquired is no longer supporting their content. Contact the content owner for a newer version of the content."),
2651        0xC00D27E2: ("NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED", "The content owner for the license you just acquired requires your device to register to the current machine."),
2652        0xC00D280A: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOSAP", "The license for this file requires a feature that is not supported in your current player or operating system. You can try with newer version of your current player or contact your content provider for further assistance."),
2653        0xC00D280B: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOSVP", "The license for this file requires a feature that is not supported in your current player or operating system. You can try with newer version of your current player or contact your content provider for further assistance."),
2654        0xC00D280C: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOWDM", "The license for this file requires Windows Driver Model (WDM) audio drivers. Contact your sound card manufacturer for further assistance."),
2655        0xC00D280D: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTRUSTEDCODEC", "The license for this file requires a higher level of security than the player you are currently using has. Try using a different player or download a newer version of your current player."),
2656        0xC00D280E: ("NS_E_DRM_SOURCEID_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The license for this file is not supported by your current player. You can try with newer version of your current player or contact your content provider for further assistance."),
2657        0xC00D283D: ("NS_E_DRM_NEEDS_UPGRADE_TEMPFILE", "An updated version of your media player is required to play the selected content."),
2658        0xC00D283E: ("NS_E_DRM_NEED_UPGRADE_PD", "A new version of the Digital Rights Management component is required. Contact product support for this application to get the latest version."),
2659        0xC00D283F: ("NS_E_DRM_SIGNATURE_FAILURE", "Failed to either create or verify the content header."),
2660        0xC00D2840: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_SERVER_INFO_MISSING", "Could not read the necessary information from the system registry."),
2661        0xC00D2841: ("NS_E_DRM_BUSY", "The DRM subsystem is currently locked by another application or user. Try again later."),
2662        0xC00D2842: ("NS_E_DRM_PD_TOO_MANY_DEVICES", "There are too many target devices registered on the portable media."),
2663        0xC00D2843: ("NS_E_DRM_INDIV_FRAUD", "The security upgrade cannot be completed because the allowed number of daily upgrades has been exceeded. Try again tomorrow."),
2664        0xC00D2844: ("NS_E_DRM_INDIV_NO_CABS", "The security upgrade cannot be completed because the server is unable to perform the operation. Try again later."),
2665        0xC00D2845: ("NS_E_DRM_INDIV_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE", "The security upgrade cannot be performed because the server is not available. Try again later."),
2666        0xC00D2846: ("NS_E_DRM_RESTORE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE", "Windows Media Player cannot restore your licenses because the server is not available. Try again later."),
2667        0xC00D2847: ("NS_E_DRM_CLIENT_CODE_EXPIRED", "Windows Media Player cannot play the protected file. Verify that your computer's date is set correctly. If it is correct, on the Help menu, click Check for Player Updates to install the latest version of the Player."),
2668        0xC00D2848: ("NS_E_DRM_NO_UPLINK_LICENSE", "The chained license cannot be created because the referenced uplink license does not exist."),
2669        0xC00D2849: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_KID", "The specified KID is invalid."),
2670        0xC00D284A: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_INITIALIZATION_ERROR", "License initialization did not work. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2671        0xC00D284C: ("NS_E_DRM_CHAIN_TOO_LONG", "The uplink license of a chained license cannot itself be a chained license."),
2672        0xC00D284D: ("NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM", "The specified encryption algorithm is unsupported."),
2673        0xC00D284E: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_DELETION_ERROR", "License deletion did not work. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2674        0xC00D28A0: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_CERTIFICATE", "The client's certificate is corrupted or the signature cannot be verified."),
2675        0xC00D28A1: ("NS_E_DRM_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED", "The client's certificate has been revoked."),
2676        0xC00D28A2: ("NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_UNAVAILABLE", "There is no license available for the requested action."),
2677        0xC00D28A3: ("NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_LIMIT_REACHED", "The maximum number of devices in use has been reached. Unable to open additional devices."),
2678        0xC00D28A4: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_PROXIMITY", "The proximity detection procedure could not confirm that the receiver is near the transmitter in the network."),
2679        0xC00D28A5: ("NS_E_DRM_MUST_REGISTER", "The client must be registered before executing the intended operation."),
2680        0xC00D28A6: ("NS_E_DRM_MUST_APPROVE", "The client must be approved before executing the intended operation."),
2681        0xC00D28A7: ("NS_E_DRM_MUST_REVALIDATE", "The client must be revalidated before executing the intended operation."),
2682        0xC00D28A8: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_PROXIMITY_RESPONSE", "The response to the proximity detection challenge is invalid."),
2683        0xC00D28A9: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_SESSION", "The requested session is invalid."),
2684        0xC00D28AA: ("NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_NOT_OPEN", "The device must be opened before it can be used to receive content."),
2685        0xC00D28AB: ("NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_ALREADY_REGISTERED", "Device registration failed because the device is already registered."),
2686        0xC00D28AC: ("NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSION", "Unsupported WMDRM-ND protocol version."),
2687        0xC00D28AD: ("NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION", "The requested action is not supported."),
2688        0xC00D28AE: ("NS_E_DRM_CERTIFICATE_SECURITY_LEVEL_INADEQUATE", "The certificate does not have an adequate security level for the requested action."),
2689        0xC00D28AF: ("NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_PORT", "Unable to open the specified port for receiving Proximity messages."),
2690        0xC00D28B0: ("NS_E_DRM_BAD_REQUEST", "The message format is invalid."),
2691        0xC00D28B1: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_CRL", "The Certificate Revocation List is invalid or corrupted."),
2692        0xC00D28B2: ("NS_E_DRM_ATTRIBUTE_TOO_LONG", "The length of the attribute name or value is too long."),
2693        0xC00D28B3: ("NS_E_DRM_EXPIRED_LICENSEBLOB", "The license blob passed in the cardea request is expired."),
2694        0xC00D28B4: ("NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSEBLOB", "The license blob passed in the cardea request is invalid. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2695        0xC00D28B5: ("NS_E_DRM_INCLUSION_LIST_REQUIRED", "The requested operation cannot be performed because the license does not contain an inclusion list."),
2696        0xC00D28B6: ("NS_E_DRM_DRMV2CLT_REVOKED", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2697        0xC00D28B7: ("NS_E_DRM_RIV_TOO_SMALL", "A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support."),
2698        0xC00D2904: ("NS_E_OUTPUT_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED", "Windows Media Player does not support the level of output protection required by the content."),
2699        0xC00D2905: ("NS_E_COMPRESSED_DIGITAL_VIDEO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED", "Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for compressed digital video."),
2700        0xC00D2906: ("NS_E_UNCOMPRESSED_DIGITAL_VIDEO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED", "Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for uncompressed digital video."),
2701        0xC00D2907: ("NS_E_ANALOG_VIDEO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED", "Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for analog video."),
2702        0xC00D2908: ("NS_E_COMPRESSED_DIGITAL_AUDIO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED", "Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for compressed digital audio."),
2703        0xC00D2909: ("NS_E_UNCOMPRESSED_DIGITAL_AUDIO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED", "Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for uncompressed digital audio."),
2704        0xC00D290A: ("NS_E_OUTPUT_PROTECTION_SCHEME_UNSUPPORTED", "Windows Media Player does not support the scheme of output protection required by the content."),
2705        0xC00D2AFA: ("NS_E_REBOOT_RECOMMENDED", "Installation was not successful and some file cleanup is not complete. For best results, restart your computer."),
2706        0xC00D2AFB: ("NS_E_REBOOT_REQUIRED", "Installation was not successful. To continue, you must restart your computer."),
2707        0xC00D2AFC: ("NS_E_SETUP_INCOMPLETE", "Installation was not successful."),
2708        0xC00D2AFD: ("NS_E_SETUP_DRM_MIGRATION_FAILED", "Setup cannot migrate the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components."),
2709        0xC00D2AFE: ("NS_E_SETUP_IGNORABLE_FAILURE", "Some skin or playlist components cannot be installed."),
2710        0xC00D2AFF: ("NS_E_SETUP_DRM_MIGRATION_FAILED_AND_IGNORABLE_FAILURE", "Setup cannot migrate the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components. In addition, some skin or playlist components cannot be installed."),
2711        0xC00D2B00: ("NS_E_SETUP_BLOCKED", "Installation is blocked because your computer does not meet one or more of the setup requirements."),
2712        0xC00D2EE0: ("NS_E_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL", "The specified protocol is not supported."),
2713        0xC00D2EE1: ("NS_E_REDIRECT_TO_PROXY", "The client is redirected to a proxy server."),
2714        0xC00D2EE2: ("NS_E_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request."),
2715        0xC00D2EE3: ("NS_E_BAD_REQUEST", "The request could not be understood by the server."),
2716        0xC00D2EE4: ("NS_E_ERROR_FROM_PROXY", "The proxy experienced an error while attempting to contact the media server."),
2717        0xC00D2EE5: ("NS_E_PROXY_TIMEOUT", "The proxy did not receive a timely response while attempting to contact the media server."),
2718        0xC00D2EE6: ("NS_E_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE", "The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server."),
2719        0xC00D2EE7: ("NS_E_REFUSED_BY_SERVER", "The server is refusing to fulfill the requested operation."),
2720        0xC00D2EE8: ("NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER", "The server is not a compatible streaming media server."),
2721        0xC00D2EE9: ("NS_E_MULTICAST_DISABLED", "The content cannot be streamed because the Multicast protocol has been disabled."),
2722        0xC00D2EEA: ("NS_E_INVALID_REDIRECT", "The server redirected the player to an invalid location."),
2723        0xC00D2EEB: ("NS_E_ALL_PROTOCOLS_DISABLED", "The content cannot be streamed because all protocols have been disabled."),
2724        0xC00D2EEC: ("NS_E_MSBD_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED", "The MSBD protocol is no longer supported. Please use HTTP to connect to the Windows Media stream."),
2725        0xC00D2EED: ("NS_E_PROXY_NOT_FOUND", "The proxy server could not be located. Please check your proxy server configuration."),
2726        0xC00D2EEE: ("NS_E_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_PROXY", "Unable to establish a connection to the proxy server. Please check your proxy server configuration."),
2727        0xC00D2EEF: ("NS_E_SERVER_DNS_TIMEOUT", "Unable to locate the media server. The operation timed out."),
2728        0xC00D2EF0: ("NS_E_PROXY_DNS_TIMEOUT", "Unable to locate the proxy server. The operation timed out."),
2729        0xC00D2EF1: ("NS_E_CLOSED_ON_SUSPEND", "Media closed because Windows was shut down."),
2730        0xC00D2EF2: ("NS_E_CANNOT_READ_PLAYLIST_FROM_MEDIASERVER", "Unable to read the contents of a playlist file from a media server."),
2731        0xC00D2EF3: ("NS_E_SESSION_NOT_FOUND", "Session not found."),
2732        0xC00D2EF4: ("NS_E_REQUIRE_STREAMING_CLIENT", "Content requires a streaming media client."),
2733        0xC00D2EF5: ("NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_HAS_CHANGED", "A command applies to a previous playlist entry."),
2734        0xC00D2EF6: ("NS_E_PROXY_ACCESSDENIED", "The proxy server is denying access. The username and/or password might be incorrect."),
2735        0xC00D2EF7: ("NS_E_PROXY_SOURCE_ACCESSDENIED", "The proxy could not provide valid authentication credentials to the media server."),
2736        0xC00D2EF8: ("NS_E_NETWORK_SINK_WRITE", "The network sink failed to write data to the network."),
2737        0xC00D2EF9: ("NS_E_FIREWALL", "Packets are not being received from the server. The packets might be blocked by a filtering device, such as a network firewall."),
2738        0xC00D2EFA: ("NS_E_MMS_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The MMS protocol is not supported. Please use HTTP or RTSP to connect to the Windows Media stream."),
2739        0xC00D2EFB: ("NS_E_SERVER_ACCESSDENIED", "The Windows Media server is denying access. The username and/or password might be incorrect."),
2740        0xC00D2EFC: ("NS_E_RESOURCE_GONE", "The Publishing Point or file on the Windows Media Server is no longer available."),
2741        0xC00D2EFD: ("NS_E_NO_EXISTING_PACKETIZER", "There is no existing packetizer plugin for a stream."),
2742        0xC00D2EFE: ("NS_E_BAD_SYNTAX_IN_SERVER_RESPONSE", "The response from the media server could not be understood. This might be caused by an incompatible proxy server or media server."),
2743        0xC00D2F00: ("NS_E_RESET_SOCKET_CONNECTION", "The Windows Media Server reset the network connection."),
2744        0xC00D2F02: ("NS_E_TOO_MANY_HOPS", "The request could not reach the media server (too many hops)."),
2745        0xC00D2F05: ("NS_E_TOO_MUCH_DATA_FROM_SERVER", "The server is sending too much data. The connection has been terminated."),
2746        0xC00D2F06: ("NS_E_CONNECT_TIMEOUT", "It was not possible to establish a connection to the media server in a timely manner. The media server may be down for maintenance, or it may be necessary to use a proxy server to access this media server."),
2747        0xC00D2F07: ("NS_E_PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT", "It was not possible to establish a connection to the proxy server in a timely manner. Please check your proxy server configuration."),
2748        0xC00D2F08: ("NS_E_SESSION_INVALID", "Session not found."),
2749        0xC00D2F0A: ("NS_E_PACKETSINK_UNKNOWN_FEC_STREAM", "Unknown packet sink stream."),
2750        0xC00D2F0B: ("NS_E_PUSH_CANNOTCONNECT", "Unable to establish a connection to the server. Ensure Windows Media Services is started and the HTTP Server control protocol is properly enabled."),
2751        0xC00D2F0C: ("NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PUSH_SERVER", "The Server service that received the HTTP push request is not a compatible version of Windows Media Services (WMS). This error may indicate the push request was received by IIS instead of WMS. Ensure WMS is started and has the HTTP Server control protocol properly enabled and try again."),
2752        0xC00D32C8: ("NS_E_END_OF_PLAYLIST", "The playlist has reached its end."),
2753        0xC00D32C9: ("NS_E_USE_FILE_SOURCE", "Use file source."),
2754        0xC00D32CA: ("NS_E_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND", "The property was not found."),
2755        0xC00D32CC: ("NS_E_PROPERTY_READ_ONLY", "The property is read only."),
2756        0xC00D32CD: ("NS_E_TABLE_KEY_NOT_FOUND", "The table key was not found."),
2757        0xC00D32CF: ("NS_E_INVALID_QUERY_OPERATOR", "Invalid query operator."),
2758        0xC00D32D0: ("NS_E_INVALID_QUERY_PROPERTY", "Invalid query property."),
2759        0xC00D32D2: ("NS_E_PROPERTY_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The property is not supported."),
2760        0xC00D32D4: ("NS_E_SCHEMA_CLASSIFY_FAILURE", "Schema classification failure."),
2761        0xC00D32D5: ("NS_E_METADATA_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The metadata format is not supported."),
2762        0xC00D32D6: ("NS_E_METADATA_NO_EDITING_CAPABILITY", "Cannot edit the metadata."),
2763        0xC00D32D7: ("NS_E_METADATA_CANNOT_SET_LOCALE", "Cannot set the locale id."),
2764        0xC00D32D8: ("NS_E_METADATA_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPORTED", "The language is not supported in the format."),
2765        0xC00D32D9: ("NS_E_METADATA_NO_RFC1766_NAME_FOR_LOCALE", "There is no RFC1766 name translation for the supplied locale id."),
2766        0xC00D32DA: ("NS_E_METADATA_NOT_AVAILABLE", "The metadata (or metadata item) is not available."),
2767        0xC00D32DB: ("NS_E_METADATA_CACHE_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE", "The cached metadata (or metadata item) is not available."),
2768        0xC00D32DC: ("NS_E_METADATA_INVALID_DOCUMENT_TYPE", "The metadata document is invalid."),
2769        0xC00D32DD: ("NS_E_METADATA_IDENTIFIER_NOT_AVAILABLE", "The metadata content identifier is not available."),
2770        0xC00D32DE: ("NS_E_METADATA_CANNOT_RETRIEVE_FROM_OFFLINE_CACHE", "Cannot retrieve metadata from the offline metadata cache."),
2771        0xC0261003: ("ERROR_MONITOR_INVALID_DESCRIPTOR_CHECKSUM", "Checksum of the obtained monitor descriptor is invalid."),
2772        0xC0261004: ("ERROR_MONITOR_INVALID_STANDARD_TIMING_BLOCK", "Monitor descriptor contains an invalid standard timing block."),
2773        0xC0261005: ("ERROR_MONITOR_WMI_DATABLOCK_REGISTRATION_FAILED", "Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) data block registration failed for one of the MSMonitorClass WMI subclasses."),
2774        0xC0261006: ("ERROR_MONITOR_INVALID_SERIAL_NUMBER_MONDSC_BLOCK", "Provided monitor descriptor block is either corrupted or does not contain the monitor's detailed serial number."),
2775        0xC0261007: ("ERROR_MONITOR_INVALID_USER_FRIENDLY_MONDSC_BLOCK", "Provided monitor descriptor block is either corrupted or does not contain the monitor's user-friendly name."),
2776        0xC0261008: ("ERROR_MONITOR_NO_MORE_DESCRIPTOR_DATA", "There is no monitor descriptor data at the specified (offset, size) region."),
2777        0xC0261009: ("ERROR_MONITOR_INVALID_DETAILED_TIMING_BLOCK", "Monitor descriptor contains an invalid detailed timing block."),
2778        0xC0262000: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_OWNER", "Exclusive mode ownership is needed to create unmanaged primary allocation."),
2779        0xC0262001: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INSUFFICIENT_DMA_BUFFER", "The driver needs more direct memory access (DMA) buffer space to complete the requested operation."),
2780        0xC0262002: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_DISPLAY_ADAPTER", "Specified display adapter handle is invalid."),
2781        0xC0262003: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_ADAPTER_WAS_RESET", "Specified display adapter and all of its state has been reset."),
2782        0xC0262004: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_DRIVER_MODEL", "The driver stack does not match the expected driver model."),
2783        0xC0262005: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PRESENT_MODE_CHANGED", "Present happened but ended up into the changed desktop mode."),
2784        0xC0262006: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PRESENT_OCCLUDED", "Nothing to present due to desktop occlusion."),
2785        0xC0262007: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PRESENT_DENIED", "Not able to present due to denial of desktop access."),
2786        0xC0262008: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_CANNOTCOLORCONVERT", "Not able to present with color conversion."),
2787        0xC0262100: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_VIDEO_MEMORY", "Not enough video memory available to complete the operation."),
2788        0xC0262101: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_CANT_LOCK_MEMORY", "Could not probe and lock the underlying memory of an allocation."),
2789        0xC0262102: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_ALLOCATION_BUSY", "The allocation is currently busy."),
2790        0xC0262103: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_TOO_MANY_REFERENCES", "An object being referenced has reach the maximum reference count already and cannot be referenced further."),
2791        0xC0262104: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_TRY_AGAIN_LATER", "A problem could not be solved due to some currently existing condition. The problem should be tried again later."),
2792        0xC0262105: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_TRY_AGAIN_NOW", "A problem could not be solved due to some currently existing condition. The problem should be tried again immediately."),
2793        0xC0262106: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_ALLOCATION_INVALID", "The allocation is invalid."),
2794        0xC0262107: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_UNSWIZZLING_APERTURE_UNAVAILABLE", "No more unswizzling apertures are currently available."),
2795        0xC0262108: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_UNSWIZZLING_APERTURE_UNSUPPORTED", "The current allocation cannot be unswizzled by an aperture."),
2796        0xC0262109: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_CANT_EVICT_PINNED_ALLOCATION", "The request failed because a pinned allocation cannot be evicted."),
2797        0xC0262110: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_ALLOCATION_USAGE", "The allocation cannot be used from its current segment location for the specified operation."),
2798        0xC0262111: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_CANT_RENDER_LOCKED_ALLOCATION", "A locked allocation cannot be used in the current command buffer."),
2799        0xC0262112: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_ALLOCATION_CLOSED", "The allocation being referenced has been closed permanently."),
2800        0xC0262113: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_ALLOCATION_INSTANCE", "An invalid allocation instance is being referenced."),
2801        0xC0262114: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_ALLOCATION_HANDLE", "An invalid allocation handle is being referenced."),
2802        0xC0262115: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_WRONG_ALLOCATION_DEVICE", "The allocation being referenced does not belong to the current device."),
2803        0xC0262116: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_ALLOCATION_CONTENT_LOST", "The specified allocation lost its content."),
2804        0xC0262200: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_GPU_EXCEPTION_ON_DEVICE", "Graphics processing unit (GPU) exception is detected on the given device. The device is not able to be scheduled."),
2805        0xC0262300: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_TOPOLOGY", "Specified video present network (VidPN) topology is invalid."),
2806        0xC0262301: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_VIDPN_TOPOLOGY_NOT_SUPPORTED", "Specified VidPN topology is valid but is not supported by this model of the display adapter."),
2807        0xC0262302: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_VIDPN_TOPOLOGY_CURRENTLY_NOT_SUPPORTED", "Specified VidPN topology is valid but is not supported by the display adapter at this time, due to current allocation of its resources."),
2808        0xC0262303: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN", "Specified VidPN handle is invalid."),
2809        0xC0262304: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDEO_PRESENT_SOURCE", "Specified video present source is invalid."),
2810        0xC0262305: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDEO_PRESENT_TARGET", "Specified video present target is invalid."),
2811        0xC0262306: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_VIDPN_MODALITY_NOT_SUPPORTED", "Specified VidPN modality is not supported (for example, at least two of the pinned modes are not cofunctional)."),
2812        0xC0262308: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_SOURCEMODESET", "Specified VidPN source mode set is invalid."),
2813        0xC0262309: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_TARGETMODESET", "Specified VidPN target mode set is invalid."),
2814        0xC026230A: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_FREQUENCY", "Specified video signal frequency is invalid."),
2815        0xC026230B: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_ACTIVE_REGION", "Specified video signal active region is invalid."),
2816        0xC026230C: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_TOTAL_REGION", "Specified video signal total region is invalid."),
2817        0xC0262310: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDEO_PRESENT_SOURCE_MODE", "Specified video present source mode is invalid."),
2818        0xC0262311: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDEO_PRESENT_TARGET_MODE", "Specified video present target mode is invalid."),
2819        0xC0262312: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PINNED_MODE_MUST_REMAIN_IN_SET", "Pinned mode must remain in the set on VidPN's cofunctional modality enumeration."),
2820        0xC0262313: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PATH_ALREADY_IN_TOPOLOGY", "Specified video present path is already in the VidPN topology."),
2821        0xC0262314: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MODE_ALREADY_IN_MODESET", "Specified mode is already in the mode set."),
2822        0xC0262315: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDEOPRESENTSOURCESET", "Specified video present source set is invalid."),
2823        0xC0262316: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDEOPRESENTTARGETSET", "Specified video present target set is invalid."),
2824        0xC0262317: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_SOURCE_ALREADY_IN_SET", "Specified video present source is already in the video present source set."),
2825        0xC0262318: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_TARGET_ALREADY_IN_SET", "Specified video present target is already in the video present target set."),
2826        0xC0262319: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH", "Specified VidPN present path is invalid."),
2827        0xC026231A: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_RECOMMENDED_VIDPN_TOPOLOGY", "Miniport has no recommendation for augmentation of the specified VidPN topology."),
2828        0xC026231B: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MONITOR_FREQUENCYRANGESET", "Specified monitor frequency range set is invalid."),
2829        0xC026231C: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MONITOR_FREQUENCYRANGE", "Specified monitor frequency range is invalid."),
2830        0xC026231D: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_FREQUENCYRANGE_NOT_IN_SET", "Specified frequency range is not in the specified monitor frequency range set."),
2831        0xC026231F: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_FREQUENCYRANGE_ALREADY_IN_SET", "Specified frequency range is already in the specified monitor frequency range set."),
2832        0xC0262320: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_STALE_MODESET", "Specified mode set is stale. Reacquire the new mode set."),
2833        0xC0262321: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MONITOR_SOURCEMODESET", "Specified monitor source mode set is invalid."),
2834        0xC0262322: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MONITOR_SOURCE_MODE", "Specified monitor source mode is invalid."),
2835        0xC0262323: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_RECOMMENDED_FUNCTIONAL_VIDPN", "Miniport does not have any recommendation regarding the request to provide a functional VidPN given the current display adapter configuration."),
2836        0xC0262324: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MODE_ID_MUST_BE_UNIQUE", "ID of the specified mode is already used by another mode in the set."),
2837        0xC0262325: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_EMPTY_ADAPTER_MONITOR_MODE_SUPPORT_INTERSECTION", "System failed to determine a mode that is supported by both the display adapter and the monitor connected to it."),
2838        0xC0262326: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_VIDEO_PRESENT_TARGETS_LESS_THAN_SOURCES", "Number of video present targets must be greater than or equal to the number of video present sources."),
2839        0xC0262327: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PATH_NOT_IN_TOPOLOGY", "Specified present path is not in the VidPN topology."),
2840        0xC0262328: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_ADAPTER_MUST_HAVE_AT_LEAST_ONE_SOURCE", "Display adapter must have at least one video present source."),
2841        0xC0262329: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_ADAPTER_MUST_HAVE_AT_LEAST_ONE_TARGET", "Display adapter must have at least one video present target."),
2842        0xC026232A: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MONITORDESCRIPTORSET", "Specified monitor descriptor set is invalid."),
2843        0xC026232B: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MONITORDESCRIPTOR", "Specified monitor descriptor is invalid."),
2844        0xC026232C: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MONITORDESCRIPTOR_NOT_IN_SET", "Specified descriptor is not in the specified monitor descriptor set."),
2845        0xC026232D: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MONITORDESCRIPTOR_ALREADY_IN_SET", "Specified descriptor is already in the specified monitor descriptor set."),
2846        0xC026232E: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MONITORDESCRIPTOR_ID_MUST_BE_UNIQUE", "ID of the specified monitor descriptor is already used by another descriptor in the set."),
2847        0xC026232F: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_TARGET_SUBSET_TYPE", "Specified video present target subset type is invalid."),
2848        0xC0262330: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_RESOURCES_NOT_RELATED", "Two or more of the specified resources are not related to each other, as defined by the interface semantics."),
2849        0xC0262331: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_SOURCE_ID_MUST_BE_UNIQUE", "ID of the specified video present source is already used by another source in the set."),
2850        0xC0262332: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_TARGET_ID_MUST_BE_UNIQUE", "ID of the specified video present target is already used by another target in the set."),
2851        0xC0262333: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_AVAILABLE_VIDPN_TARGET", "Specified VidPN source cannot be used because there is no available VidPN target to connect it to."),
2852        0xC0262334: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MONITOR_COULD_NOT_BE_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ADAPTER", "Newly arrived monitor could not be associated with a display adapter."),
2853        0xC0262335: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_VIDPNMGR", "Display adapter in question does not have an associated VidPN manager."),
2854        0xC0262336: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_ACTIVE_VIDPN", "VidPN manager of the display adapter in question does not have an active VidPN."),
2855        0xC0262337: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_STALE_VIDPN_TOPOLOGY", "Specified VidPN topology is stale. Re-acquire the new topology."),
2856        0xC0262338: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MONITOR_NOT_CONNECTED", "There is no monitor connected on the specified video present target."),
2857        0xC0262339: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_SOURCE_NOT_IN_TOPOLOGY", "Specified source is not part of the specified VidPN topology."),
2858        0xC026233A: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PRIMARYSURFACE_SIZE", "Specified primary surface size is invalid."),
2859        0xC026233B: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VISIBLEREGION_SIZE", "Specified visible region size is invalid."),
2860        0xC026233C: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_STRIDE", "Specified stride is invalid."),
2861        0xC026233D: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PIXELFORMAT", "Specified pixel format is invalid."),
2862        0xC026233E: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_COLORBASIS", "Specified color basis is invalid."),
2863        0xC026233F: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PIXELVALUEACCESSMODE", "Specified pixel value access mode is invalid."),
2864        0xC0262340: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_TARGET_NOT_IN_TOPOLOGY", "Specified target is not part of the specified VidPN topology."),
2865        0xC0262341: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_DISPLAY_MODE_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT", "Failed to acquire display mode management interface."),
2866        0xC0262342: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_VIDPN_SOURCE_IN_USE", "Specified VidPN source is already owned by a display mode manager (DMM) client and cannot be used until that client releases it."),
2867        0xC0262343: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_CANT_ACCESS_ACTIVE_VIDPN", "Specified VidPN is active and cannot be accessed."),
2868        0xC0262344: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PATH_IMPORTANCE_ORDINAL", "Specified VidPN present path importance ordinal is invalid."),
2869        0xC0262345: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PATH_CONTENT_GEOMETRY_TRANSFORMATION", "Specified VidPN present path content geometry transformation is invalid."),
2870        0xC0262346: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PATH_CONTENT_GEOMETRY_TRANSFORMATION_NOT_SUPPORTED", "Specified content geometry transformation is not supported on the respective VidPN present path."),
2871        0xC0262347: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_GAMMA_RAMP", "Specified gamma ramp is invalid."),
2872        0xC0262348: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_GAMMA_RAMP_NOT_SUPPORTED", "Specified gamma ramp is not supported on the respective VidPN present path."),
2873        0xC0262349: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MULTISAMPLING_NOT_SUPPORTED", "Multisampling is not supported on the respective VidPN present path."),
2874        0xC026234A: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MODE_NOT_IN_MODESET", "Specified mode is not in the specified mode set."),
2875        0xC026234D: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_TOPOLOGY_RECOMMENDATION_REASON", "Specified VidPN topology recommendation reason is invalid."),
2876        0xC026234E: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PATH_CONTENT_TYPE", "Specified VidPN present path content type is invalid."),
2877        0xC026234F: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_COPYPROTECTION_TYPE", "Specified VidPN present path copy protection type is invalid."),
2878        0xC0262350: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_UNASSIGNED_MODESET_ALREADY_EXISTS", "No more than one unassigned mode set can exist at any given time for a given VidPN source or target."),
2879        0xC0262352: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_SCANLINE_ORDERING", "The specified scan line ordering type is invalid."),
2880        0xC0262353: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGES_NOT_ALLOWED", "Topology changes are not allowed for the specified VidPN."),
2881        0xC0262354: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_AVAILABLE_IMPORTANCE_ORDINALS", "All available importance ordinals are already used in the specified topology."),
2882        0xC0262355: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INCOMPATIBLE_PRIVATE_FORMAT", "Specified primary surface has a different private format attribute than the current primary surface."),
2883        0xC0262356: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MODE_PRUNING_ALGORITHM", "Specified mode pruning algorithm is invalid."),
2884        0xC0262400: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_SPECIFIED_CHILD_ALREADY_CONNECTED", "Specified display adapter child device already has an external device connected to it."),
2885        0xC0262401: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_CHILD_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The display adapter child device does not support reporting a descriptor."),
2886        0xC0262430: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_A_LINKED_ADAPTER", "The display adapter is not linked to any other adapters."),
2887        0xC0262431: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_LEADLINK_NOT_ENUMERATED", "Lead adapter in a linked configuration was not enumerated yet."),
2888        0xC0262432: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_CHAINLINKS_NOT_ENUMERATED", "Some chain adapters in a linked configuration were not enumerated yet."),
2889        0xC0262433: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_ADAPTER_CHAIN_NOT_READY", "The chain of linked adapters is not ready to start because of an unknown failure."),
2890        0xC0262434: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_CHAINLINKS_NOT_STARTED", "An attempt was made to start a lead link display adapter when the chain links were not started yet."),
2891        0xC0262435: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_CHAINLINKS_NOT_POWERED_ON", "An attempt was made to turn on a lead link display adapter when the chain links were turned off."),
2892        0xC0262436: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_INCONSISTENT_DEVICE_LINK_STATE", "The adapter link was found to be in an inconsistent state. Not all adapters are in an expected PNP or power state."),
2893        0xC0262438: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_POST_DEVICE_DRIVER", "The driver trying to start is not the same as the driver for the posted display adapter."),
2894        0xC0262500: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The driver does not support Output Protection Manager (OPM)."),
2895        0xC0262501: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_COPP_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The driver does not support Certified Output Protection Protocol (COPP)."),
2896        0xC0262502: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_UAB_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The driver does not support a user-accessible bus (UAB)."),
2897        0xC0262503: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INVALID_ENCRYPTED_PARAMETERS", "The specified encrypted parameters are invalid."),
2898        0xC0262504: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_PARAMETER_ARRAY_TOO_SMALL", "An array passed to a function cannot hold all of the data that the function wants to put in it."),
2899        0xC0262505: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_NO_VIDEO_OUTPUTS_EXIST", "The GDI display device passed to this function does not have any active video outputs."),
2900        0xC0262506: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PVP_NO_DISPLAY_DEVICE_CORRESPONDS_TO_NAME", "The protected video path (PVP) cannot find an actual GDI display device that corresponds to the passed-in GDI display device name."),
2901        0xC0262507: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PVP_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NOT_ATTACHED_TO_DESKTOP", "This function failed because the GDI display device passed to it was not attached to the Windows desktop."),
2902        0xC0262508: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PVP_MIRRORING_DEVICES_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The PVP does not support mirroring display devices because they do not have video outputs."),
2903        0xC026250A: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INVALID_POINTER", "The function failed because an invalid pointer parameter was passed to it. A pointer parameter is invalid if it is null, it points to an invalid address, it points to a kernel mode address, or it is not correctly aligned."),
2904        0xC026250B: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INTERNAL_ERROR", "An internal error caused this operation to fail."),
2905        0xC026250C: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INVALID_HANDLE", "The function failed because the caller passed in an invalid OPM user mode handle."),
2906        0xC026250D: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PVP_NO_MONITORS_CORRESPOND_TO_DISPLAY_DEVICE", "This function failed because the GDI device passed to it did not have any monitors associated with it."),
2907        0xC026250E: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PVP_INVALID_CERTIFICATE_LENGTH", "A certificate could not be returned because the certificate buffer passed to the function was too small."),
2908        0xC026250F: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_SPANNING_MODE_ENABLED", "A video output could not be created because the frame buffer is in spanning mode."),
2909        0xC0262510: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_THEATER_MODE_ENABLED", "A video output could not be created because the frame buffer is in theater mode."),
2910        0xC0262511: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PVP_HFS_FAILED", "The function call failed because the display adapter's hardware functionality scan failed to validate the graphics hardware."),
2911        0xC0262512: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INVALID_SRM", "The High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) System Renewability Message (SRM) passed to this function did not comply with section 5 of the HDCP 1.1 specification."),
2912        0xC0262513: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_OUTPUT_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_HDCP", "The video output cannot enable the HDCP system because it does not support it."),
2913        0xC0262514: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_OUTPUT_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_ACP", "The video output cannot enable analog copy protection because it does not support it."),
2914        0xC0262515: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_OUTPUT_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_CGMSA", "The video output cannot enable the Content Generation Management System Analog (CGMS-A) protection technology because it does not support it."),
2915        0xC0262516: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_HDCP_SRM_NEVER_SET", "IOPMVideoOutput's GetInformation() method cannot return the version of the SRM being used because the application never successfully passed an SRM to the video output."),
2916        0xC0262517: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_RESOLUTION_TOO_HIGH", "IOPMVideoOutput's Configure() method cannot enable the specified output protection technology because the output's screen resolution is too high."),
2917        0xC0262518: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_ALL_HDCP_HARDWARE_ALREADY_IN_USE", "IOPMVideoOutput's Configure() method cannot enable HDCP because the display adapter's HDCP hardware is already being used by other physical outputs."),
2918        0xC0262519: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_NO_LONGER_EXISTS", "The operating system asynchronously destroyed this OPM video output because the operating system's state changed. This error typically occurs because the monitor physical device object (PDO) associated with this video output was removed, the monitor PDO associated with this video output was stopped, the video output's session became a nonconsole session or the video output's desktop became an inactive desktop."),
2919        0xC026251A: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_SESSION_TYPE_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS", "IOPMVideoOutput's methods cannot be called when a session is changing its type. There are currently three types of sessions: console, disconnected and remote (remote desktop protocol [RDP] or Independent Computing Architecture [ICA])."),
2920        0xC0262580: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The monitor connected to the specified video output does not have an I2C bus."),
2921        0xC0262581: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST", "No device on the I2C bus has the specified address."),
2922        0xC0262582: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_ERROR_TRANSMITTING_DATA", "An error occurred while transmitting data to the device on the I2C bus."),
2923        0xC0262583: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_ERROR_RECEIVING_DATA", "An error occurred while receiving data from the device on the I2C bus."),
2924        0xC0262584: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_VCP_NOT_SUPPORTED", "The monitor does not support the specified Virtual Control Panel (VCP) code."),
2925        0xC0262585: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_INVALID_DATA", "The data received from the monitor is invalid."),
2926        0xC0262586: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_MONITOR_RETURNED_INVALID_TIMING_STATUS_BYTE", "A function call failed because a monitor returned an invalid Timing Status byte when the operating system used the Display Data Channel Command Interface (DDC/CI) Get Timing Report and Timing Message command to get a timing report from a monitor."),
2927        0xC0262587: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_INVALID_CAPABILITIES_STRING", "The monitor returned a DDC/CI capabilities string that did not comply with the ACCESS.bus 3.0, DDC/CI 1.1 or MCCS 2 Revision 1 specification."),
2928        0xC0262588: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_INTERNAL_ERROR", "An internal Monitor Configuration API error occurred."),
2929        0xC0262589: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_INVALID_MESSAGE_COMMAND", "An operation failed because a DDC/CI message had an invalid value in its command field."),
2930        0xC026258A: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH", "This error occurred because a DDC/CI message length field contained an invalid value."),
2931        0xC026258B: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_INVALID_MESSAGE_CHECKSUM", "This error occurred because the value in a DDC/CI message checksum field did not match the message's computed checksum value. This error implies that the data was corrupted while it was being transmitted from a monitor to a computer."),
2932        0xC02625D6: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PMEA_INVALID_MONITOR", "The HMONITOR no longer exists, is not attached to the desktop, or corresponds to a mirroring device."),
2933        0xC02625D7: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_PMEA_INVALID_D3D_DEVICE", "The Direct3D (D3D) device's GDI display device no longer exists, is not attached to the desktop, or is a mirroring display device."),
2934        0xC02625D8: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_CURRENT_CURRENT_VALUE_GREATER_THAN_MAXIMUM_VALUE", "A continuous VCP code's current value is greater than its maximum value. This error code indicates that a monitor returned an invalid value."),
2935        0xC02625D9: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_INVALID_VCP_VERSION", "The monitor's VCP Version (0xDF) VCP code returned an invalid version value."),
2936        0xC02625DA: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_MONITOR_VIOLATES_MCCS_SPECIFICATION", "The monitor does not comply with the Monitor Control Command Set (MCCS) specification it claims to support."),
2937        0xC02625DB: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_MCCS_VERSION_MISMATCH", "The MCCS version in a monitor's mccs_ver capability does not match the MCCS version the monitor reports when the VCP Version (0xDF) VCP code is used."),
2938        0xC02625DC: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_UNSUPPORTED_MCCS_VERSION", "The Monitor Configuration API only works with monitors that support the MCCS 1.0 specification, the MCCS 2.0 specification, or the MCCS 2.0 Revision 1 specification."),
2939        0xC02625DE: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_INVALID_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE_RETURNED", "The monitor returned an invalid monitor technology type. CRT, plasma, and LCD (TFT) are examples of monitor technology types. This error implies that the monitor violated the MCCS 2.0 or MCCS 2.0 Revision 1 specification."),
2940        0xC02625DF: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_UNSUPPORTED_COLOR_TEMPERATURE", "The SetMonitorColorTemperature() caller passed a color temperature to it that the current monitor did not support. CRT, plasma, and LCD (TFT) are examples of monitor technology types. This error implies that the monitor violated the MCCS 2.0 or MCCS 2.0 Revision 1 specification."),
2941        0xC02625E0: ("ERROR_GRAPHICS_ONLY_CONSOLE_SESSION_SUPPORTED", "This function can be used only if a program is running in the local console session. It cannot be used if the program is running on a remote desktop session or on a terminal server session."),
2944# Error Codes
2946STG_S_CONVERTED                                              = 0x00030200
2947STG_S_BLOCK                                                  = 0x00030201
2948STG_S_RETRYNOW                                               = 0x00030202
2949STG_S_MONITORING                                             = 0x00030203
2950STG_S_MULTIPLEOPENS                                          = 0x00030204
2951STG_S_CONSOLIDATIONFAILED                                    = 0x00030205
2952STG_S_CANNOTCONSOLIDATE                                      = 0x00030206
2953OLE_S_USEREG                                                 = 0x00040000
2954OLE_S_STATIC                                                 = 0x00040001
2955OLE_S_MAC_CLIPFORMAT                                         = 0x00040002
2956DRAGDROP_S_DROP                                              = 0x00040100
2957DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL                                            = 0x00040101
2958DRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORS                                 = 0x00040102
2959DATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC                                         = 0x00040130
2960VIEW_S_ALREADY_FROZEN                                        = 0x00040140
2961CACHE_S_FORMATETC_NOTSUPPORTED                               = 0x00040170
2962CACHE_S_SAMECACHE                                            = 0x00040171
2963CACHE_S_SOMECACHES_NOTUPDATED                                = 0x00040172
2964OLEOBJ_S_INVALIDVERB                                         = 0x00040180
2965OLEOBJ_S_CANNOT_DOVERB_NOW                                   = 0x00040181
2966OLEOBJ_S_INVALIDHWND                                         = 0x00040182
2967INPLACE_S_TRUNCATED                                          = 0x000401A0
2968CONVERT10_S_NO_PRESENTATION                                  = 0x000401C0
2969MK_S_REDUCED_TO_SELF                                         = 0x000401E2
2970MK_S_ME                                                      = 0x000401E4
2971MK_S_HIM                                                     = 0x000401E5
2972MK_S_US                                                      = 0x000401E6
2973MK_S_MONIKERALREADYREGISTERED                                = 0x000401E7
2974EVENT_S_SOME_SUBSCRIBERS_FAILED                              = 0x00040200
2975EVENT_S_NOSUBSCRIBERS                                        = 0x00040202
2976SCHED_S_TASK_READY                                           = 0x00041300
2977SCHED_S_TASK_RUNNING                                         = 0x00041301
2978SCHED_S_TASK_DISABLED                                        = 0x00041302
2979SCHED_S_TASK_HAS_NOT_RUN                                     = 0x00041303
2980SCHED_S_TASK_NO_MORE_RUNS                                    = 0x00041304
2981SCHED_S_TASK_NOT_SCHEDULED                                   = 0x00041305
2982SCHED_S_TASK_TERMINATED                                      = 0x00041306
2983SCHED_S_TASK_NO_VALID_TRIGGERS                               = 0x00041307
2984SCHED_S_EVENT_TRIGGER                                        = 0x00041308
2985SCHED_S_SOME_TRIGGERS_FAILED                                 = 0x0004131B
2986SCHED_S_BATCH_LOGON_PROBLEM                                  = 0x0004131C
2987XACT_S_ASYNC                                                 = 0x0004D000
2988XACT_S_READONLY                                              = 0x0004D002
2989XACT_S_SOMENORETAIN                                          = 0x0004D003
2990XACT_S_OKINFORM                                              = 0x0004D004
2991XACT_S_MADECHANGESCONTENT                                    = 0x0004D005
2992XACT_S_MADECHANGESINFORM                                     = 0x0004D006
2993XACT_S_ALLNORETAIN                                           = 0x0004D007
2994XACT_S_ABORTING                                              = 0x0004D008
2995XACT_S_SINGLEPHASE                                           = 0x0004D009
2996XACT_S_LOCALLY_OK                                            = 0x0004D00A
2997XACT_S_LASTRESOURCEMANAGER                                   = 0x0004D010
2998CO_S_NOTALLINTERFACES                                        = 0x00080012
2999CO_S_MACHINENAMENOTFOUND                                     = 0x00080013
3000SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED                                        = 0x00090312
3001SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED                                        = 0x00090313
3002SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE                                  = 0x00090314
3003SEC_I_LOCAL_LOGON                                            = 0x00090315
3004SEC_I_CONTEXT_EXPIRED                                        = 0x00090317
3005SEC_I_INCOMPLETE_CREDENTIALS                                 = 0x00090320
3006SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE                                            = 0x00090321
3007SEC_I_NO_LSA_CONTEXT                                         = 0x00090323
3008SEC_I_SIGNATURE_NEEDED                                       = 0x0009035C
3009CRYPT_I_NEW_PROTECTION_REQUIRED                              = 0x00091012
3010NS_S_CALLPENDING                                             = 0x000D0000
3011NS_S_CALLABORTED                                             = 0x000D0001
3012NS_S_STREAM_TRUNCATED                                        = 0x000D0002
3013NS_S_REBUFFERING                                             = 0x000D0BC8
3014NS_S_DEGRADING_QUALITY                                       = 0x000D0BC9
3015NS_S_TRANSCRYPTOR_EOF                                        = 0x000D0BDB
3016NS_S_WMP_UI_VERSIONMISMATCH                                  = 0x000D0FE8
3017NS_S_WMP_EXCEPTION                                           = 0x000D0FE9
3018NS_S_WMP_LOADED_GIF_IMAGE                                    = 0x000D1040
3019NS_S_WMP_LOADED_PNG_IMAGE                                    = 0x000D1041
3020NS_S_WMP_LOADED_BMP_IMAGE                                    = 0x000D1042
3021NS_S_WMP_LOADED_JPG_IMAGE                                    = 0x000D1043
3022NS_S_WMG_FORCE_DROP_FRAME                                    = 0x000D104F
3023NS_S_WMR_ALREADYRENDERED                                     = 0x000D105F
3024NS_S_WMR_PINTYPEPARTIALMATCH                                 = 0x000D1060
3025NS_S_WMR_PINTYPEFULLMATCH                                    = 0x000D1061
3026NS_S_WMG_ADVISE_DROP_FRAME                                   = 0x000D1066
3027NS_S_WMG_ADVISE_DROP_TO_KEYFRAME                             = 0x000D1067
3028NS_S_NEED_TO_BUY_BURN_RIGHTS                                 = 0x000D10DB
3029NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLISTCLEARABORT                              = 0x000D10FE
3030NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLISTREMOVEITEMABORT                         = 0x000D10FF
3031NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_CREATION_PENDING                       = 0x000D1102
3032NS_S_WMPCORE_MEDIA_VALIDATION_PENDING                        = 0x000D1103
3034NS_S_WMPCORE_COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE                           = 0x000D1105
3035NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_NAME_AUTO_GENERATED                    = 0x000D1106
3036NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_IMPORT_MISSING_ITEMS                   = 0x000D1107
3039NS_S_WMPCORE_MORE_NODES_AVAIABLE                             = 0x000D110A
3040NS_S_WMPBR_SUCCESS                                           = 0x000D1135
3041NS_S_WMPBR_PARTIALSUCCESS                                    = 0x000D1136
3042NS_S_WMPEFFECT_TRANSPARENT                                   = 0x000D1144
3043NS_S_WMPEFFECT_OPAQUE                                        = 0x000D1145
3044NS_S_OPERATION_PENDING                                       = 0x000D114E
3045NS_S_TRACK_BUY_REQUIRES_ALBUM_PURCHASE                       = 0x000D1359
3046NS_S_NAVIGATION_COMPLETE_WITH_ERRORS                         = 0x000D135E
3047NS_S_TRACK_ALREADY_DOWNLOADED                                = 0x000D1361
3049NS_S_DRM_LICENSE_ACQUIRED                                    = 0x000D2726
3050NS_S_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZED                                      = 0x000D2727
3051NS_S_DRM_MONITOR_CANCELLED                                   = 0x000D2746
3052NS_S_DRM_ACQUIRE_CANCELLED                                   = 0x000D2747
3053NS_S_DRM_BURNABLE_TRACK                                      = 0x000D276E
3055NS_S_DRM_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATION                             = 0x000D27DE
3056NS_S_REBOOT_RECOMMENDED                                      = 0x000D2AF8
3057NS_S_REBOOT_REQUIRED                                         = 0x000D2AF9
3058NS_S_EOSRECEDING                                             = 0x000D2F09
3059NS_S_CHANGENOTICE                                            = 0x000D2F0D
3060ERROR_FLT_IO_COMPLETE                                        = 0x001F0001
3061ERROR_GRAPHICS_MODE_NOT_PINNED                               = 0x00262307
3062ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_PREFERRED_MODE                             = 0x0026231E
3063ERROR_GRAPHICS_DATASET_IS_EMPTY                              = 0x0026234B
3064ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_MORE_ELEMENTS_IN_DATASET                   = 0x0026234C
3066PLA_S_PROPERTY_IGNORED                                       = 0x00300100
3067ERROR_NDIS_INDICATION_REQUIRED                               = 0x00340001
3068TRK_S_OUT_OF_SYNC                                            = 0x0DEAD100
3069TRK_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND                                         = 0x0DEAD102
3070TRK_VOLUME_NOT_OWNED                                         = 0x0DEAD103
3071TRK_S_NOTIFICATION_QUOTA_EXCEEDED                            = 0x0DEAD107
3072NS_I_TIGER_START                                             = 0x400D004F
3073NS_I_CUB_START                                               = 0x400D0051
3074NS_I_CUB_RUNNING                                             = 0x400D0052
3075NS_I_DISK_START                                              = 0x400D0054
3076NS_I_DISK_REBUILD_STARTED                                    = 0x400D0056
3077NS_I_DISK_REBUILD_FINISHED                                   = 0x400D0057
3078NS_I_DISK_REBUILD_ABORTED                                    = 0x400D0058
3079NS_I_LIMIT_FUNNELS                                           = 0x400D0059
3080NS_I_START_DISK                                              = 0x400D005A
3081NS_I_STOP_DISK                                               = 0x400D005B
3082NS_I_STOP_CUB                                                = 0x400D005C
3083NS_I_KILL_USERSESSION                                        = 0x400D005D
3084NS_I_KILL_CONNECTION                                         = 0x400D005E
3085NS_I_REBUILD_DISK                                            = 0x400D005F
3086MCMADM_I_NO_EVENTS                                           = 0x400D0069
3087NS_I_LOGGING_FAILED                                          = 0x400D006E
3088NS_I_LIMIT_BANDWIDTH                                         = 0x400D0070
3089NS_I_CUB_UNFAIL_LINK                                         = 0x400D0191
3090NS_I_RESTRIPE_START                                          = 0x400D0193
3091NS_I_RESTRIPE_DONE                                           = 0x400D0194
3092NS_I_RESTRIPE_DISK_OUT                                       = 0x400D0196
3093NS_I_RESTRIPE_CUB_OUT                                        = 0x400D0197
3094NS_I_DISK_STOP                                               = 0x400D0198
3095NS_I_PLAYLIST_CHANGE_RECEDING                                = 0x400D14BE
3096NS_I_RECONNECTED                                             = 0x400D2EFF
3097NS_I_NOLOG_STOP                                              = 0x400D2F01
3098NS_I_EXISTING_PACKETIZER                                     = 0x400D2F03
3099NS_I_MANUAL_PROXY                                            = 0x400D2F04
3100ERROR_GRAPHICS_DRIVER_MISMATCH                               = 0x40262009
3101ERROR_GRAPHICS_UNKNOWN_CHILD_STATUS                          = 0x4026242F
3102ERROR_GRAPHICS_LEADLINK_START_DEFERRED                       = 0x40262437
3103ERROR_GRAPHICS_POLLING_TOO_FREQUENTLY                        = 0x40262439
3104ERROR_GRAPHICS_START_DEFERRED                                = 0x4026243A
3105E_PENDING                                                    = 0x8000000A
3106E_NOTIMPL                                                    = 0x80004001
3107E_NOINTERFACE                                                = 0x80004002
3108E_POINTER                                                    = 0x80004003
3109E_ABORT                                                      = 0x80004004
3110E_FAIL                                                       = 0x80004005
3111CO_E_INIT_TLS                                                = 0x80004006
3112CO_E_INIT_SHARED_ALLOCATOR                                   = 0x80004007
3113CO_E_INIT_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR                                   = 0x80004008
3114CO_E_INIT_CLASS_CACHE                                        = 0x80004009
3115CO_E_INIT_RPC_CHANNEL                                        = 0x8000400A
3116CO_E_INIT_TLS_SET_CHANNEL_CONTROL                            = 0x8000400B
3117CO_E_INIT_TLS_CHANNEL_CONTROL                                = 0x8000400C
3118CO_E_INIT_UNACCEPTED_USER_ALLOCATOR                          = 0x8000400D
3119CO_E_INIT_SCM_MUTEX_EXISTS                                   = 0x8000400E
3120CO_E_INIT_SCM_FILE_MAPPING_EXISTS                            = 0x8000400F
3121CO_E_INIT_SCM_MAP_VIEW_OF_FILE                               = 0x80004010
3122CO_E_INIT_SCM_EXEC_FAILURE                                   = 0x80004011
3123CO_E_INIT_ONLY_SINGLE_THREADED                               = 0x80004012
3124CO_E_CANT_REMOTE                                             = 0x80004013
3125CO_E_BAD_SERVER_NAME                                         = 0x80004014
3126CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY                                   = 0x80004015
3127CO_E_OLE1DDE_DISABLED                                        = 0x80004016
3128CO_E_RUNAS_SYNTAX                                            = 0x80004017
3129CO_E_CREATEPROCESS_FAILURE                                   = 0x80004018
3130CO_E_RUNAS_CREATEPROCESS_FAILURE                             = 0x80004019
3131CO_E_RUNAS_LOGON_FAILURE                                     = 0x8000401A
3132CO_E_LAUNCH_PERMSSION_DENIED                                 = 0x8000401B
3133CO_E_START_SERVICE_FAILURE                                   = 0x8000401C
3134CO_E_REMOTE_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE                            = 0x8000401D
3135CO_E_SERVER_START_TIMEOUT                                    = 0x8000401E
3136CO_E_CLSREG_INCONSISTENT                                     = 0x8000401F
3137CO_E_IIDREG_INCONSISTENT                                     = 0x80004020
3138CO_E_NOT_SUPPORTED                                           = 0x80004021
3139CO_E_RELOAD_DLL                                              = 0x80004022
3140CO_E_MSI_ERROR                                               = 0x80004023
3141CO_E_ATTEMPT_TO_CREATE_OUTSIDE_CLIENT_CONTEXT                = 0x80004024
3142CO_E_SERVER_PAUSED                                           = 0x80004025
3143CO_E_SERVER_NOT_PAUSED                                       = 0x80004026
3144CO_E_CLASS_DISABLED                                          = 0x80004027
3145CO_E_CLRNOTAVAILABLE                                         = 0x80004028
3146CO_E_ASYNC_WORK_REJECTED                                     = 0x80004029
3147CO_E_SERVER_INIT_TIMEOUT                                     = 0x8000402A
3148CO_E_NO_SECCTX_IN_ACTIVATE                                   = 0x8000402B
3149CO_E_TRACKER_CONFIG                                          = 0x80004030
3150CO_E_THREADPOOL_CONFIG                                       = 0x80004031
3151CO_E_SXS_CONFIG                                              = 0x80004032
3152CO_E_MALFORMED_SPN                                           = 0x80004033
3153E_UNEXPECTED                                                 = 0x8000FFFF
3154RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED                                          = 0x80010001
3155RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED                                          = 0x80010002
3156RPC_E_CANTPOST_INSENDCALL                                    = 0x80010003
3157RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_INASYNCCALL                                = 0x80010004
3158RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_INEXTERNALCALL                             = 0x80010005
3159RPC_E_CONNECTION_TERMINATED                                  = 0x80010006
3160RPC_E_SERVER_DIED                                            = 0x80010007
3161RPC_E_CLIENT_DIED                                            = 0x80010008
3162RPC_E_INVALID_DATAPACKET                                     = 0x80010009
3163RPC_E_CANTTRANSMIT_CALL                                      = 0x8001000A
3164RPC_E_CLIENT_CANTMARSHAL_DATA                                = 0x8001000B
3165RPC_E_CLIENT_CANTUNMARSHAL_DATA                              = 0x8001000C
3166RPC_E_SERVER_CANTMARSHAL_DATA                                = 0x8001000D
3167RPC_E_SERVER_CANTUNMARSHAL_DATA                              = 0x8001000E
3168RPC_E_INVALID_DATA                                           = 0x8001000F
3169RPC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER                                      = 0x80010010
3170RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_AGAIN                                      = 0x80010011
3171RPC_E_SERVER_DIED_DNE                                        = 0x80010012
3172RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED                                        = 0x80010100
3173RPC_E_OUT_OF_RESOURCES                                       = 0x80010101
3174RPC_E_ATTEMPTED_MULTITHREAD                                  = 0x80010102
3175RPC_E_NOT_REGISTERED                                         = 0x80010103
3176RPC_E_FAULT                                                  = 0x80010104
3177RPC_E_SERVERFAULT                                            = 0x80010105
3178RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE                                           = 0x80010106
3179RPC_E_INVALIDMETHOD                                          = 0x80010107
3180RPC_E_DISCONNECTED                                           = 0x80010108
3181RPC_E_RETRY                                                  = 0x80010109
3182RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER                                  = 0x8001010A
3183RPC_E_SERVERCALL_REJECTED                                    = 0x8001010B
3184RPC_E_INVALID_CALLDATA                                       = 0x8001010C
3185RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_ININPUTSYNCCALL                            = 0x8001010D
3186RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD                                           = 0x8001010E
3187RPC_E_THREAD_NOT_INIT                                        = 0x8001010F
3188RPC_E_VERSION_MISMATCH                                       = 0x80010110
3189RPC_E_INVALID_HEADER                                         = 0x80010111
3190RPC_E_INVALID_EXTENSION                                      = 0x80010112
3191RPC_E_INVALID_IPID                                           = 0x80010113
3192RPC_E_INVALID_OBJECT                                         = 0x80010114
3193RPC_S_CALLPENDING                                            = 0x80010115
3194RPC_S_WAITONTIMER                                            = 0x80010116
3195RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE                                          = 0x80010117
3196RPC_E_UNSECURE_CALL                                          = 0x80010118
3197RPC_E_TOO_LATE                                               = 0x80010119
3198RPC_E_NO_GOOD_SECURITY_PACKAGES                              = 0x8001011A
3199RPC_E_ACCESS_DENIED                                          = 0x8001011B
3200RPC_E_REMOTE_DISABLED                                        = 0x8001011C
3201RPC_E_INVALID_OBJREF                                         = 0x8001011D
3202RPC_E_NO_CONTEXT                                             = 0x8001011E
3203RPC_E_TIMEOUT                                                = 0x8001011F
3204RPC_E_NO_SYNC                                                = 0x80010120
3205RPC_E_FULLSIC_REQUIRED                                       = 0x80010121
3206RPC_E_INVALID_STD_NAME                                       = 0x80010122
3207CO_E_FAILEDTOIMPERSONATE                                     = 0x80010123
3208CO_E_FAILEDTOGETSECCTX                                       = 0x80010124
3209CO_E_FAILEDTOOPENTHREADTOKEN                                 = 0x80010125
3210CO_E_FAILEDTOGETTOKENINFO                                    = 0x80010126
3211CO_E_TRUSTEEDOESNTMATCHCLIENT                                = 0x80010127
3212CO_E_FAILEDTOQUERYCLIENTBLANKET                              = 0x80010128
3213CO_E_FAILEDTOSETDACL                                         = 0x80010129
3214CO_E_ACCESSCHECKFAILED                                       = 0x8001012A
3215CO_E_NETACCESSAPIFAILED                                      = 0x8001012B
3216CO_E_WRONGTRUSTEENAMESYNTAX                                  = 0x8001012C
3217CO_E_INVALIDSID                                              = 0x8001012D
3218CO_E_CONVERSIONFAILED                                        = 0x8001012E
3219CO_E_NOMATCHINGSIDFOUND                                      = 0x8001012F
3220CO_E_LOOKUPACCSIDFAILED                                      = 0x80010130
3221CO_E_NOMATCHINGNAMEFOUND                                     = 0x80010131
3222CO_E_LOOKUPACCNAMEFAILED                                     = 0x80010132
3223CO_E_SETSERLHNDLFAILED                                       = 0x80010133
3224CO_E_FAILEDTOGETWINDIR                                       = 0x80010134
3225CO_E_PATHTOOLONG                                             = 0x80010135
3226CO_E_FAILEDTOGENUUID                                         = 0x80010136
3227CO_E_FAILEDTOCREATEFILE                                      = 0x80010137
3228CO_E_FAILEDTOCLOSEHANDLE                                     = 0x80010138
3229CO_E_EXCEEDSYSACLLIMIT                                       = 0x80010139
3230CO_E_ACESINWRONGORDER                                        = 0x8001013A
3231CO_E_INCOMPATIBLESTREAMVERSION                               = 0x8001013B
3232CO_E_FAILEDTOOPENPROCESSTOKEN                                = 0x8001013C
3233CO_E_DECODEFAILED                                            = 0x8001013D
3234CO_E_ACNOTINITIALIZED                                        = 0x8001013F
3235CO_E_CANCEL_DISABLED                                         = 0x80010140
3236RPC_E_UNEXPECTED                                             = 0x8001FFFF
3237DISP_E_UNKNOWNINTERFACE                                      = 0x80020001
3238DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND                                        = 0x80020003
3239DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND                                         = 0x80020004
3240DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH                                          = 0x80020005
3241DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME                                           = 0x80020006
3242DISP_E_NONAMEDARGS                                           = 0x80020007
3243DISP_E_BADVARTYPE                                            = 0x80020008
3244DISP_E_EXCEPTION                                             = 0x80020009
3245DISP_E_OVERFLOW                                              = 0x8002000A
3246DISP_E_BADINDEX                                              = 0x8002000B
3247DISP_E_UNKNOWNLCID                                           = 0x8002000C
3248DISP_E_ARRAYISLOCKED                                         = 0x8002000D
3249DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT                                         = 0x8002000E
3250DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL                                      = 0x8002000F
3251DISP_E_BADCALLEE                                             = 0x80020010
3252DISP_E_NOTACOLLECTION                                        = 0x80020011
3253DISP_E_DIVBYZERO                                             = 0x80020012
3254DISP_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL                                        = 0x80020013
3255TYPE_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL                                        = 0x80028016
3256TYPE_E_FIELDNOTFOUND                                         = 0x80028017
3257TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD                                           = 0x80028018
3258TYPE_E_UNSUPFORMAT                                           = 0x80028019
3259TYPE_E_REGISTRYACCESS                                        = 0x8002801C
3260TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED                                      = 0x8002801D
3261TYPE_E_UNDEFINEDTYPE                                         = 0x80028027
3262TYPE_E_QUALIFIEDNAMEDISALLOWED                               = 0x80028028
3263TYPE_E_INVALIDSTATE                                          = 0x80028029
3264TYPE_E_WRONGTYPEKIND                                         = 0x8002802A
3265TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND                                       = 0x8002802B
3266TYPE_E_AMBIGUOUSNAME                                         = 0x8002802C
3267TYPE_E_NAMECONFLICT                                          = 0x8002802D
3268TYPE_E_UNKNOWNLCID                                           = 0x8002802E
3269TYPE_E_DLLFUNCTIONNOTFOUND                                   = 0x8002802F
3270TYPE_E_BADMODULEKIND                                         = 0x800288BD
3271TYPE_E_SIZETOOBIG                                            = 0x800288C5
3272TYPE_E_DUPLICATEID                                           = 0x800288C6
3273TYPE_E_INVALIDID                                             = 0x800288CF
3274TYPE_E_TYPEMISMATCH                                          = 0x80028CA0
3275TYPE_E_OUTOFBOUNDS                                           = 0x80028CA1
3276TYPE_E_IOERROR                                               = 0x80028CA2
3277TYPE_E_CANTCREATETMPFILE                                     = 0x80028CA3
3278TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY                                       = 0x80029C4A
3279TYPE_E_INCONSISTENTPROPFUNCS                                 = 0x80029C83
3280TYPE_E_CIRCULARTYPE                                          = 0x80029C84
3281STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION                                        = 0x80030001
3282STG_E_FILENOTFOUND                                           = 0x80030002
3283STG_E_PATHNOTFOUND                                           = 0x80030003
3284STG_E_TOOMANYOPENFILES                                       = 0x80030004
3285STG_E_ACCESSDENIED                                           = 0x80030005
3286STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE                                          = 0x80030006
3287STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY                                     = 0x80030008
3288STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER                                         = 0x80030009
3289STG_E_NOMOREFILES                                            = 0x80030012
3290STG_E_DISKISWRITEPROTECTED                                   = 0x80030013
3291STG_E_SEEKERROR                                              = 0x80030019
3292STG_E_WRITEFAULT                                             = 0x8003001D
3293STG_E_READFAULT                                              = 0x8003001E
3294STG_E_SHAREVIOLATION                                         = 0x80030020
3295STG_E_LOCKVIOLATION                                          = 0x80030021
3296STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS                                      = 0x80030050
3297STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER                                       = 0x80030057
3298STG_E_MEDIUMFULL                                             = 0x80030070
3299STG_E_PROPSETMISMATCHED                                      = 0x800300F0
3300STG_E_ABNORMALAPIEXIT                                        = 0x800300FA
3301STG_E_INVALIDHEADER                                          = 0x800300FB
3302STG_E_INVALIDNAME                                            = 0x800300FC
3303STG_E_UNKNOWN                                                = 0x800300FD
3304STG_E_UNIMPLEMENTEDFUNCTION                                  = 0x800300FE
3305STG_E_INVALIDFLAG                                            = 0x800300FF
3306STG_E_INUSE                                                  = 0x80030100
3307STG_E_NOTCURRENT                                             = 0x80030101
3308STG_E_REVERTED                                               = 0x80030102
3309STG_E_CANTSAVE                                               = 0x80030103
3310STG_E_OLDFORMAT                                              = 0x80030104
3311STG_E_OLDDLL                                                 = 0x80030105
3312STG_E_SHAREREQUIRED                                          = 0x80030106
3313STG_E_NOTFILEBASEDSTORAGE                                    = 0x80030107
3314STG_E_EXTANTMARSHALLINGS                                     = 0x80030108
3315STG_E_DOCFILECORRUPT                                         = 0x80030109
3316STG_E_BADBASEADDRESS                                         = 0x80030110
3317STG_E_DOCFILETOOLARGE                                        = 0x80030111
3318STG_E_NOTSIMPLEFORMAT                                        = 0x80030112
3319STG_E_INCOMPLETE                                             = 0x80030201
3320STG_E_TERMINATED                                             = 0x80030202
3321STG_E_STATUS_COPY_PROTECTION_FAILURE                         = 0x80030305
3322STG_E_CSS_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE                             = 0x80030306
3323STG_E_CSS_KEY_NOT_PRESENT                                    = 0x80030307
3324STG_E_CSS_KEY_NOT_ESTABLISHED                                = 0x80030308
3325STG_E_CSS_SCRAMBLED_SECTOR                                   = 0x80030309
3326STG_E_CSS_REGION_MISMATCH                                    = 0x8003030A
3327STG_E_RESETS_EXHAUSTED                                       = 0x8003030B
3328OLE_E_OLEVERB                                                = 0x80040000
3329OLE_E_ADVF                                                   = 0x80040001
3330OLE_E_ENUM_NOMORE                                            = 0x80040002
3331OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED                                     = 0x80040003
3332OLE_E_NOCONNECTION                                           = 0x80040004
3333OLE_E_NOTRUNNING                                             = 0x80040005
3334OLE_E_NOCACHE                                                = 0x80040006
3335OLE_E_BLANK                                                  = 0x80040007
3336OLE_E_CLASSDIFF                                              = 0x80040008
3337OLE_E_CANT_GETMONIKER                                        = 0x80040009
3338OLE_E_CANT_BINDTOSOURCE                                      = 0x8004000A
3339OLE_E_STATIC                                                 = 0x8004000B
3340OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED                                    = 0x8004000C
3341OLE_E_INVALIDRECT                                            = 0x8004000D
3342OLE_E_WRONGCOMPOBJ                                           = 0x8004000E
3343OLE_E_INVALIDHWND                                            = 0x8004000F
3344OLE_E_NOT_INPLACEACTIVE                                      = 0x80040010
3345OLE_E_CANTCONVERT                                            = 0x80040011
3346OLE_E_NOSTORAGE                                              = 0x80040012
3347DV_E_FORMATETC                                               = 0x80040064
3348DV_E_DVTARGETDEVICE                                          = 0x80040065
3349DV_E_STGMEDIUM                                               = 0x80040066
3350DV_E_STATDATA                                                = 0x80040067
3351DV_E_LINDEX                                                  = 0x80040068
3352DV_E_TYMED                                                   = 0x80040069
3353DV_E_CLIPFORMAT                                              = 0x8004006A
3354DV_E_DVASPECT                                                = 0x8004006B
3355DV_E_DVTARGETDEVICE_SIZE                                     = 0x8004006C
3356DV_E_NOIVIEWOBJECT                                           = 0x8004006D
3357DRAGDROP_E_NOTREGISTERED                                     = 0x80040100
3358DRAGDROP_E_ALREADYREGISTERED                                 = 0x80040101
3359DRAGDROP_E_INVALIDHWND                                       = 0x80040102
3360CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION                                        = 0x80040110
3361CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE                                    = 0x80040111
3362CLASS_E_NOTLICENSED                                          = 0x80040112
3363VIEW_E_DRAW                                                  = 0x80040140
3364REGDB_E_READREGDB                                            = 0x80040150
3365REGDB_E_WRITEREGDB                                           = 0x80040151
3366REGDB_E_KEYMISSING                                           = 0x80040152
3367REGDB_E_INVALIDVALUE                                         = 0x80040153
3368REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG                                          = 0x80040154
3369REGDB_E_IIDNOTREG                                            = 0x80040155
3370REGDB_E_BADTHREADINGMODEL                                    = 0x80040156
3371CAT_E_CATIDNOEXIST                                           = 0x80040160
3372CAT_E_NODESCRIPTION                                          = 0x80040161
3373CS_E_PACKAGE_NOTFOUND                                        = 0x80040164
3374CS_E_NOT_DELETABLE                                           = 0x80040165
3375CS_E_CLASS_NOTFOUND                                          = 0x80040166
3376CS_E_INVALID_VERSION                                         = 0x80040167
3377CS_E_NO_CLASSSTORE                                           = 0x80040168
3378CS_E_OBJECT_NOTFOUND                                         = 0x80040169
3379CS_E_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS                                   = 0x8004016A
3380CS_E_INVALID_PATH                                            = 0x8004016B
3381CS_E_NETWORK_ERROR                                           = 0x8004016C
3382CS_E_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED                                    = 0x8004016D
3383CS_E_SCHEMA_MISMATCH                                         = 0x8004016E
3384CS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR                                          = 0x8004016F
3385CACHE_E_NOCACHE_UPDATED                                      = 0x80040170
3386OLEOBJ_E_NOVERBS                                             = 0x80040180
3387OLEOBJ_E_INVALIDVERB                                         = 0x80040181
3388INPLACE_E_NOTUNDOABLE                                        = 0x800401A0
3389INPLACE_E_NOTOOLSPACE                                        = 0x800401A1
3390CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_GET                                    = 0x800401C0
3391CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_PUT                                    = 0x800401C1
3392CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_FMT                                    = 0x800401C2
3393CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_BITMAP_TO_DIB                          = 0x800401C3
3394CONVERT10_E_STG_FMT                                          = 0x800401C4
3395CONVERT10_E_STG_NO_STD_STREAM                                = 0x800401C5
3396CONVERT10_E_STG_DIB_TO_BITMAP                                = 0x800401C6
3397CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN                                          = 0x800401D0
3398CLIPBRD_E_CANT_EMPTY                                         = 0x800401D1
3399CLIPBRD_E_CANT_SET                                           = 0x800401D2
3400CLIPBRD_E_BAD_DATA                                           = 0x800401D3
3401CLIPBRD_E_CANT_CLOSE                                         = 0x800401D4
3402MK_E_CONNECTMANUALLY                                         = 0x800401E0
3403MK_E_EXCEEDEDDEADLINE                                        = 0x800401E1
3404MK_E_NEEDGENERIC                                             = 0x800401E2
3405MK_E_UNAVAILABLE                                             = 0x800401E3
3406MK_E_SYNTAX                                                  = 0x800401E4
3407MK_E_NOOBJECT                                                = 0x800401E5
3408MK_E_INVALIDEXTENSION                                        = 0x800401E6
3409MK_E_INTERMEDIATEINTERFACENOTSUPPORTED                       = 0x800401E7
3410MK_E_NOTBINDABLE                                             = 0x800401E8
3411MK_E_NOTBOUND                                                = 0x800401E9
3412MK_E_CANTOPENFILE                                            = 0x800401EA
3413MK_E_MUSTBOTHERUSER                                          = 0x800401EB
3414MK_E_NOINVERSE                                               = 0x800401EC
3415MK_E_NOSTORAGE                                               = 0x800401ED
3416MK_E_NOPREFIX                                                = 0x800401EE
3417MK_E_ENUMERATION_FAILED                                      = 0x800401EF
3418CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED                                          = 0x800401F0
3419CO_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED                                      = 0x800401F1
3420CO_E_CANTDETERMINECLASS                                      = 0x800401F2
3421CO_E_CLASSSTRING                                             = 0x800401F3
3422CO_E_IIDSTRING                                               = 0x800401F4
3423CO_E_APPNOTFOUND                                             = 0x800401F5
3424CO_E_APPSINGLEUSE                                            = 0x800401F6
3425CO_E_ERRORINAPP                                              = 0x800401F7
3426CO_E_DLLNOTFOUND                                             = 0x800401F8
3427CO_E_ERRORINDLL                                              = 0x800401F9
3428CO_E_WRONGOSFORAPP                                           = 0x800401FA
3429CO_E_OBJNOTREG                                               = 0x800401FB
3430CO_E_OBJISREG                                                = 0x800401FC
3431CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED                                         = 0x800401FD
3432CO_E_APPDIDNTREG                                             = 0x800401FE
3433CO_E_RELEASED                                                = 0x800401FF
3434EVENT_E_ALL_SUBSCRIBERS_FAILED                               = 0x80040201
3435EVENT_E_QUERYSYNTAX                                          = 0x80040203
3436EVENT_E_QUERYFIELD                                           = 0x80040204
3437EVENT_E_INTERNALEXCEPTION                                    = 0x80040205
3438EVENT_E_INTERNALERROR                                        = 0x80040206
3439EVENT_E_INVALID_PER_USER_SID                                 = 0x80040207
3440EVENT_E_USER_EXCEPTION                                       = 0x80040208
3441EVENT_E_TOO_MANY_METHODS                                     = 0x80040209
3442EVENT_E_MISSING_EVENTCLASS                                   = 0x8004020A
3443EVENT_E_NOT_ALL_REMOVED                                      = 0x8004020B
3444EVENT_E_COMPLUS_NOT_INSTALLED                                = 0x8004020C
3447EVENT_E_INVALID_EVENT_CLASS_PARTITION                        = 0x8004020F
3448EVENT_E_PER_USER_SID_NOT_LOGGED_ON                           = 0x80040210
3449SCHED_E_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND                                    = 0x80041309
3450SCHED_E_TASK_NOT_READY                                       = 0x8004130A
3451SCHED_E_TASK_NOT_RUNNING                                     = 0x8004130B
3452SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_INSTALLED                                = 0x8004130C
3453SCHED_E_CANNOT_OPEN_TASK                                     = 0x8004130D
3454SCHED_E_INVALID_TASK                                         = 0x8004130E
3455SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION_NOT_SET                          = 0x8004130F
3456SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_NAME_NOT_FOUND                               = 0x80041310
3457SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_DBASE_CORRUPT                                = 0x80041311
3458SCHED_E_NO_SECURITY_SERVICES                                 = 0x80041312
3459SCHED_E_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_VERSION                               = 0x80041313
3460SCHED_E_UNSUPPORTED_ACCOUNT_OPTION                           = 0x80041314
3461SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING                                  = 0x80041315
3462SCHED_E_UNEXPECTEDNODE                                       = 0x80041316
3463SCHED_E_NAMESPACE                                            = 0x80041317
3464SCHED_E_INVALIDVALUE                                         = 0x80041318
3465SCHED_E_MISSINGNODE                                          = 0x80041319
3466SCHED_E_MALFORMEDXML                                         = 0x8004131A
3467SCHED_E_TOO_MANY_NODES                                       = 0x8004131D
3468SCHED_E_PAST_END_BOUNDARY                                    = 0x8004131E
3469SCHED_E_ALREADY_RUNNING                                      = 0x8004131F
3470SCHED_E_USER_NOT_LOGGED_ON                                   = 0x80041320
3471SCHED_E_INVALID_TASK_HASH                                    = 0x80041321
3472SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE                                = 0x80041322
3473SCHED_E_SERVICE_TOO_BUSY                                     = 0x80041323
3474SCHED_E_TASK_ATTEMPTED                                       = 0x80041324
3475XACT_E_ALREADYOTHERSINGLEPHASE                               = 0x8004D000
3476XACT_E_CANTRETAIN                                            = 0x8004D001
3477XACT_E_COMMITFAILED                                          = 0x8004D002
3478XACT_E_COMMITPREVENTED                                       = 0x8004D003
3479XACT_E_HEURISTICABORT                                        = 0x8004D004
3480XACT_E_HEURISTICCOMMIT                                       = 0x8004D005
3481XACT_E_HEURISTICDAMAGE                                       = 0x8004D006
3482XACT_E_HEURISTICDANGER                                       = 0x8004D007
3483XACT_E_ISOLATIONLEVEL                                        = 0x8004D008
3484XACT_E_NOASYNC                                               = 0x8004D009
3485XACT_E_NOENLIST                                              = 0x8004D00A
3486XACT_E_NOISORETAIN                                           = 0x8004D00B
3487XACT_E_NORESOURCE                                            = 0x8004D00C
3488XACT_E_NOTCURRENT                                            = 0x8004D00D
3489XACT_E_NOTRANSACTION                                         = 0x8004D00E
3490XACT_E_NOTSUPPORTED                                          = 0x8004D00F
3491XACT_E_UNKNOWNRMGRID                                         = 0x8004D010
3492XACT_E_WRONGSTATE                                            = 0x8004D011
3493XACT_E_WRONGUOW                                              = 0x8004D012
3494XACT_E_XTIONEXISTS                                           = 0x8004D013
3495XACT_E_NOIMPORTOBJECT                                        = 0x8004D014
3496XACT_E_INVALIDCOOKIE                                         = 0x8004D015
3497XACT_E_INDOUBT                                               = 0x8004D016
3498XACT_E_NOTIMEOUT                                             = 0x8004D017
3499XACT_E_ALREADYINPROGRESS                                     = 0x8004D018
3500XACT_E_ABORTED                                               = 0x8004D019
3501XACT_E_LOGFULL                                               = 0x8004D01A
3502XACT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE                                        = 0x8004D01B
3503XACT_E_CONNECTION_DOWN                                       = 0x8004D01C
3504XACT_E_CONNECTION_DENIED                                     = 0x8004D01D
3505XACT_E_REENLISTTIMEOUT                                       = 0x8004D01E
3506XACT_E_TIP_CONNECT_FAILED                                    = 0x8004D01F
3507XACT_E_TIP_PROTOCOL_ERROR                                    = 0x8004D020
3508XACT_E_TIP_PULL_FAILED                                       = 0x8004D021
3509XACT_E_DEST_TMNOTAVAILABLE                                   = 0x8004D022
3510XACT_E_TIP_DISABLED                                          = 0x8004D023
3511XACT_E_NETWORK_TX_DISABLED                                   = 0x8004D024
3512XACT_E_PARTNER_NETWORK_TX_DISABLED                           = 0x8004D025
3513XACT_E_XA_TX_DISABLED                                        = 0x8004D026
3514XACT_E_UNABLE_TO_READ_DTC_CONFIG                             = 0x8004D027
3515XACT_E_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_DTC_PROXY                              = 0x8004D028
3516XACT_E_ABORTING                                              = 0x8004D029
3517XACT_E_CLERKNOTFOUND                                         = 0x8004D080
3518XACT_E_CLERKEXISTS                                           = 0x8004D081
3519XACT_E_RECOVERYINPROGRESS                                    = 0x8004D082
3520XACT_E_TRANSACTIONCLOSED                                     = 0x8004D083
3521XACT_E_INVALIDLSN                                            = 0x8004D084
3522XACT_E_REPLAYREQUEST                                         = 0x8004D085
3523XACT_E_CONNECTION_REQUEST_DENIED                             = 0x8004D100
3524XACT_E_TOOMANY_ENLISTMENTS                                   = 0x8004D101
3525XACT_E_DUPLICATE_GUID                                        = 0x8004D102
3526XACT_E_NOTSINGLEPHASE                                        = 0x8004D103
3527XACT_E_RECOVERYALREADYDONE                                   = 0x8004D104
3528XACT_E_PROTOCOL                                              = 0x8004D105
3529XACT_E_RM_FAILURE                                            = 0x8004D106
3530XACT_E_RECOVERY_FAILED                                       = 0x8004D107
3531XACT_E_LU_NOT_FOUND                                          = 0x8004D108
3532XACT_E_DUPLICATE_LU                                          = 0x8004D109
3533XACT_E_LU_NOT_CONNECTED                                      = 0x8004D10A
3534XACT_E_DUPLICATE_TRANSID                                     = 0x8004D10B
3535XACT_E_LU_BUSY                                               = 0x8004D10C
3536XACT_E_LU_NO_RECOVERY_PROCESS                                = 0x8004D10D
3537XACT_E_LU_DOWN                                               = 0x8004D10E
3538XACT_E_LU_RECOVERING                                         = 0x8004D10F
3539XACT_E_LU_RECOVERY_MISMATCH                                  = 0x8004D110
3540XACT_E_RM_UNAVAILABLE                                        = 0x8004D111
3541CONTEXT_E_ABORTED                                            = 0x8004E002
3542CONTEXT_E_ABORTING                                           = 0x8004E003
3543CONTEXT_E_NOCONTEXT                                          = 0x8004E004
3544CONTEXT_E_WOULD_DEADLOCK                                     = 0x8004E005
3545CONTEXT_E_SYNCH_TIMEOUT                                      = 0x8004E006
3546CONTEXT_E_OLDREF                                             = 0x8004E007
3547CONTEXT_E_ROLENOTFOUND                                       = 0x8004E00C
3548CONTEXT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE                                     = 0x8004E00F
3549CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED                                        = 0x8004E021
3550CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_EVENTLOGGED                            = 0x8004E022
3551CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_CATALOGERROR                           = 0x8004E023
3552CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_TIMEOUT                                = 0x8004E024
3553CO_E_INITIALIZATIONFAILED                                    = 0x8004E025
3554CONTEXT_E_NOJIT                                              = 0x8004E026
3555CONTEXT_E_NOTRANSACTION                                      = 0x8004E027
3556CO_E_THREADINGMODEL_CHANGED                                  = 0x8004E028
3557CO_E_NOIISINTRINSICS                                         = 0x8004E029
3558CO_E_NOCOOKIES                                               = 0x8004E02A
3559CO_E_DBERROR                                                 = 0x8004E02B
3560CO_E_NOTPOOLED                                               = 0x8004E02C
3561CO_E_NOTCONSTRUCTED                                          = 0x8004E02D
3562CO_E_NOSYNCHRONIZATION                                       = 0x8004E02E
3563CO_E_ISOLEVELMISMATCH                                        = 0x8004E02F
3564CO_E_CALL_OUT_OF_TX_SCOPE_NOT_ALLOWED                        = 0x8004E030
3565CO_E_EXIT_TRANSACTION_SCOPE_NOT_CALLED                       = 0x8004E031
3566E_ACCESSDENIED                                               = 0x80070005
3567E_OUTOFMEMORY                                                = 0x8007000E
3568ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                                          = 0x80070032
3569E_INVALIDARG                                                 = 0x80070057
3570CO_E_CLASS_CREATE_FAILED                                     = 0x80080001
3571CO_E_SCM_ERROR                                               = 0x80080002
3572CO_E_SCM_RPC_FAILURE                                         = 0x80080003
3573CO_E_BAD_PATH                                                = 0x80080004
3574CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE                                     = 0x80080005
3575CO_E_OBJSRV_RPC_FAILURE                                      = 0x80080006
3576MK_E_NO_NORMALIZED                                           = 0x80080007
3577CO_E_SERVER_STOPPING                                         = 0x80080008
3578MEM_E_INVALID_ROOT                                           = 0x80080009
3579MEM_E_INVALID_LINK                                           = 0x80080010
3580MEM_E_INVALID_SIZE                                           = 0x80080011
3581CO_E_MISSING_DISPLAYNAME                                     = 0x80080015
3582CO_E_RUNAS_VALUE_MUST_BE_AAA                                 = 0x80080016
3583CO_E_ELEVATION_DISABLED                                      = 0x80080017
3584NTE_BAD_UID                                                  = 0x80090001
3585NTE_BAD_HASH                                                 = 0x80090002
3586NTE_BAD_KEY                                                  = 0x80090003
3587NTE_BAD_LEN                                                  = 0x80090004
3588NTE_BAD_DATA                                                 = 0x80090005
3589NTE_BAD_SIGNATURE                                            = 0x80090006
3590NTE_BAD_VER                                                  = 0x80090007
3591NTE_BAD_ALGID                                                = 0x80090008
3592NTE_BAD_FLAGS                                                = 0x80090009
3593NTE_BAD_TYPE                                                 = 0x8009000A
3594NTE_BAD_KEY_STATE                                            = 0x8009000B
3595NTE_BAD_HASH_STATE                                           = 0x8009000C
3596NTE_NO_KEY                                                   = 0x8009000D
3597NTE_NO_MEMORY                                                = 0x8009000E
3598NTE_EXISTS                                                   = 0x8009000F
3599NTE_PERM                                                     = 0x80090010
3600NTE_NOT_FOUND                                                = 0x80090011
3601NTE_DOUBLE_ENCRYPT                                           = 0x80090012
3602NTE_BAD_PROVIDER                                             = 0x80090013
3603NTE_BAD_PROV_TYPE                                            = 0x80090014
3604NTE_BAD_PUBLIC_KEY                                           = 0x80090015
3605NTE_BAD_KEYSET                                               = 0x80090016
3606NTE_PROV_TYPE_NOT_DEF                                        = 0x80090017
3607NTE_PROV_TYPE_ENTRY_BAD                                      = 0x80090018
3608NTE_KEYSET_NOT_DEF                                           = 0x80090019
3609NTE_KEYSET_ENTRY_BAD                                         = 0x8009001A
3610NTE_PROV_TYPE_NO_MATCH                                       = 0x8009001B
3611NTE_SIGNATURE_FILE_BAD                                       = 0x8009001C
3612NTE_PROVIDER_DLL_FAIL                                        = 0x8009001D
3613NTE_PROV_DLL_NOT_FOUND                                       = 0x8009001E
3614NTE_BAD_KEYSET_PARAM                                         = 0x8009001F
3615NTE_FAIL                                                     = 0x80090020
3616NTE_SYS_ERR                                                  = 0x80090021
3617NTE_SILENT_CONTEXT                                           = 0x80090022
3618NTE_TOKEN_KEYSET_STORAGE_FULL                                = 0x80090023
3619NTE_TEMPORARY_PROFILE                                        = 0x80090024
3620NTE_FIXEDPARAMETER                                           = 0x80090025
3621NTE_INVALID_HANDLE                                           = 0x80090026
3622NTE_INVALID_PARAMETER                                        = 0x80090027
3623NTE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                                         = 0x80090028
3624NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED                                            = 0x80090029
3625NTE_NO_MORE_ITEMS                                            = 0x8009002A
3626NTE_BUFFERS_OVERLAP                                          = 0x8009002B
3627NTE_DECRYPTION_FAILURE                                       = 0x8009002C
3628NTE_INTERNAL_ERROR                                           = 0x8009002D
3629NTE_UI_REQUIRED                                              = 0x8009002E
3630NTE_HMAC_NOT_SUPPORTED                                       = 0x8009002F
3631SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY                                    = 0x80090300
3632SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE                                         = 0x80090301
3633SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION                                   = 0x80090302
3634SEC_E_TARGET_UNKNOWN                                         = 0x80090303
3635SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR                                         = 0x80090304
3636SEC_E_SECPKG_NOT_FOUND                                       = 0x80090305
3637SEC_E_NOT_OWNER                                              = 0x80090306
3638SEC_E_CANNOT_INSTALL                                         = 0x80090307
3639SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN                                          = 0x80090308
3640SEC_E_CANNOT_PACK                                            = 0x80090309
3641SEC_E_QOP_NOT_SUPPORTED                                      = 0x8009030A
3642SEC_E_NO_IMPERSONATION                                       = 0x8009030B
3643SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED                                           = 0x8009030C
3644SEC_E_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALS                                    = 0x8009030D
3645SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS                                         = 0x8009030E
3646SEC_E_MESSAGE_ALTERED                                        = 0x8009030F
3647SEC_E_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE                                        = 0x80090310
3648SEC_E_NO_AUTHENTICATING_AUTHORITY                            = 0x80090311
3649SEC_E_BAD_PKGID                                              = 0x80090316
3650SEC_E_CONTEXT_EXPIRED                                        = 0x80090317
3651SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE                                     = 0x80090318
3652SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_CREDENTIALS                                 = 0x80090320
3653SEC_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                                       = 0x80090321
3654SEC_E_WRONG_PRINCIPAL                                        = 0x80090322
3655SEC_E_TIME_SKEW                                              = 0x80090324
3656SEC_E_UNTRUSTED_ROOT                                         = 0x80090325
3657SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE                                        = 0x80090326
3658SEC_E_CERT_UNKNOWN                                           = 0x80090327
3659SEC_E_CERT_EXPIRED                                           = 0x80090328
3660SEC_E_ENCRYPT_FAILURE                                        = 0x80090329
3661SEC_E_DECRYPT_FAILURE                                        = 0x80090330
3662SEC_E_ALGORITHM_MISMATCH                                     = 0x80090331
3663SEC_E_SECURITY_QOS_FAILED                                    = 0x80090332
3664SEC_E_UNFINISHED_CONTEXT_DELETED                             = 0x80090333
3665SEC_E_NO_TGT_REPLY                                           = 0x80090334
3666SEC_E_NO_IP_ADDRESSES                                        = 0x80090335
3667SEC_E_WRONG_CREDENTIAL_HANDLE                                = 0x80090336
3668SEC_E_CRYPTO_SYSTEM_INVALID                                  = 0x80090337
3669SEC_E_MAX_REFERRALS_EXCEEDED                                 = 0x80090338
3670SEC_E_MUST_BE_KDC                                            = 0x80090339
3671SEC_E_STRONG_CRYPTO_NOT_SUPPORTED                            = 0x8009033A
3672SEC_E_TOO_MANY_PRINCIPALS                                    = 0x8009033B
3673SEC_E_NO_PA_DATA                                             = 0x8009033C
3674SEC_E_PKINIT_NAME_MISMATCH                                   = 0x8009033D
3675SEC_E_SMARTCARD_LOGON_REQUIRED                               = 0x8009033E
3676SEC_E_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS                                   = 0x8009033F
3677SEC_E_KDC_INVALID_REQUEST                                    = 0x80090340
3678SEC_E_KDC_UNABLE_TO_REFER                                    = 0x80090341
3679SEC_E_KDC_UNKNOWN_ETYPE                                      = 0x80090342
3680SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_PREAUTH                                    = 0x80090343
3681SEC_E_DELEGATION_REQUIRED                                    = 0x80090345
3682SEC_E_BAD_BINDINGS                                           = 0x80090346
3683SEC_E_MULTIPLE_ACCOUNTS                                      = 0x80090347
3684SEC_E_NO_KERB_KEY                                            = 0x80090348
3685SEC_E_CERT_WRONG_USAGE                                       = 0x80090349
3686SEC_E_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED                                     = 0x80090350
3687SEC_E_SMARTCARD_CERT_REVOKED                                 = 0x80090351
3688SEC_E_ISSUING_CA_UNTRUSTED                                   = 0x80090352
3689SEC_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE_C                                   = 0x80090353
3690SEC_E_PKINIT_CLIENT_FAILURE                                  = 0x80090354
3691SEC_E_SMARTCARD_CERT_EXPIRED                                 = 0x80090355
3692SEC_E_NO_S4U_PROT_SUPPORT                                    = 0x80090356
3693SEC_E_CROSSREALM_DELEGATION_FAILURE                          = 0x80090357
3694SEC_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE_KDC                                 = 0x80090358
3695SEC_E_ISSUING_CA_UNTRUSTED_KDC                               = 0x80090359
3696SEC_E_KDC_CERT_EXPIRED                                       = 0x8009035A
3697SEC_E_KDC_CERT_REVOKED                                       = 0x8009035B
3698SEC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER                                      = 0x8009035D
3699SEC_E_DELEGATION_POLICY                                      = 0x8009035E
3700SEC_E_POLICY_NLTM_ONLY                                       = 0x8009035F
3701CRYPT_E_MSG_ERROR                                            = 0x80091001
3702CRYPT_E_UNKNOWN_ALGO                                         = 0x80091002
3703CRYPT_E_OID_FORMAT                                           = 0x80091003
3704CRYPT_E_INVALID_MSG_TYPE                                     = 0x80091004
3705CRYPT_E_UNEXPECTED_ENCODING                                  = 0x80091005
3706CRYPT_E_AUTH_ATTR_MISSING                                    = 0x80091006
3707CRYPT_E_HASH_VALUE                                           = 0x80091007
3708CRYPT_E_INVALID_INDEX                                        = 0x80091008
3709CRYPT_E_ALREADY_DECRYPTED                                    = 0x80091009
3710CRYPT_E_NOT_DECRYPTED                                        = 0x8009100A
3711CRYPT_E_RECIPIENT_NOT_FOUND                                  = 0x8009100B
3712CRYPT_E_CONTROL_TYPE                                         = 0x8009100C
3713CRYPT_E_ISSUER_SERIALNUMBER                                  = 0x8009100D
3714CRYPT_E_SIGNER_NOT_FOUND                                     = 0x8009100E
3715CRYPT_E_ATTRIBUTES_MISSING                                   = 0x8009100F
3716CRYPT_E_STREAM_MSG_NOT_READY                                 = 0x80091010
3717CRYPT_E_STREAM_INSUFFICIENT_DATA                             = 0x80091011
3718CRYPT_E_BAD_LEN                                              = 0x80092001
3719CRYPT_E_BAD_ENCODE                                           = 0x80092002
3720CRYPT_E_FILE_ERROR                                           = 0x80092003
3721CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND                                            = 0x80092004
3722CRYPT_E_EXISTS                                               = 0x80092005
3723CRYPT_E_NO_PROVIDER                                          = 0x80092006
3724CRYPT_E_SELF_SIGNED                                          = 0x80092007
3725CRYPT_E_DELETED_PREV                                         = 0x80092008
3726CRYPT_E_NO_MATCH                                             = 0x80092009
3727CRYPT_E_UNEXPECTED_MSG_TYPE                                  = 0x8009200A
3728CRYPT_E_NO_KEY_PROPERTY                                      = 0x8009200B
3729CRYPT_E_NO_DECRYPT_CERT                                      = 0x8009200C
3730CRYPT_E_BAD_MSG                                              = 0x8009200D
3731CRYPT_E_NO_SIGNER                                            = 0x8009200E
3732CRYPT_E_PENDING_CLOSE                                        = 0x8009200F
3733CRYPT_E_REVOKED                                              = 0x80092010
3734CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_DLL                                    = 0x80092011
3735CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_CHECK                                  = 0x80092012
3736CRYPT_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE                                   = 0x80092013
3737CRYPT_E_NOT_IN_REVOCATION_DATABASE                           = 0x80092014
3738CRYPT_E_INVALID_NUMERIC_STRING                               = 0x80092020
3739CRYPT_E_INVALID_PRINTABLE_STRING                             = 0x80092021
3740CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING                                   = 0x80092022
3741CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING                                  = 0x80092023
3742CRYPT_E_NOT_CHAR_STRING                                      = 0x80092024
3743CRYPT_E_FILERESIZED                                          = 0x80092025
3744CRYPT_E_SECURITY_SETTINGS                                    = 0x80092026
3745CRYPT_E_NO_VERIFY_USAGE_DLL                                  = 0x80092027
3746CRYPT_E_NO_VERIFY_USAGE_CHECK                                = 0x80092028
3747CRYPT_E_VERIFY_USAGE_OFFLINE                                 = 0x80092029
3748CRYPT_E_NOT_IN_CTL                                           = 0x8009202A
3749CRYPT_E_NO_TRUSTED_SIGNER                                    = 0x8009202B
3750CRYPT_E_MISSING_PUBKEY_PARA                                  = 0x8009202C
3751CRYPT_E_OSS_ERROR                                            = 0x80093000
3752OSS_MORE_BUF                                                 = 0x80093001
3753OSS_NEGATIVE_UINTEGER                                        = 0x80093002
3754OSS_PDU_RANGE                                                = 0x80093003
3755OSS_MORE_INPUT                                               = 0x80093004
3756OSS_DATA_ERROR                                               = 0x80093005
3757OSS_BAD_ARG                                                  = 0x80093006
3758OSS_BAD_VERSION                                              = 0x80093007
3759OSS_OUT_MEMORY                                               = 0x80093008
3760OSS_PDU_MISMATCH                                             = 0x80093009
3761OSS_LIMITED                                                  = 0x8009300A
3762OSS_BAD_PTR                                                  = 0x8009300B
3763OSS_BAD_TIME                                                 = 0x8009300C
3764OSS_INDEFINITE_NOT_SUPPORTED                                 = 0x8009300D
3765OSS_MEM_ERROR                                                = 0x8009300E
3766OSS_BAD_TABLE                                                = 0x8009300F
3767OSS_TOO_LONG                                                 = 0x80093010
3768OSS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED                                      = 0x80093011
3769OSS_FATAL_ERROR                                              = 0x80093012
3770OSS_ACCESS_SERIALIZATION_ERROR                               = 0x80093013
3771OSS_NULL_TBL                                                 = 0x80093014
3772OSS_NULL_FCN                                                 = 0x80093015
3773OSS_BAD_ENCRULES                                             = 0x80093016
3774OSS_UNAVAIL_ENCRULES                                         = 0x80093017
3775OSS_CANT_OPEN_TRACE_WINDOW                                   = 0x80093018
3776OSS_UNIMPLEMENTED                                            = 0x80093019
3777OSS_OID_DLL_NOT_LINKED                                       = 0x8009301A
3778OSS_CANT_OPEN_TRACE_FILE                                     = 0x8009301B
3779OSS_TRACE_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN                                  = 0x8009301C
3780OSS_TABLE_MISMATCH                                           = 0x8009301D
3781OSS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED                                       = 0x8009301E
3782OSS_REAL_DLL_NOT_LINKED                                      = 0x8009301F
3783OSS_REAL_CODE_NOT_LINKED                                     = 0x80093020
3784OSS_OUT_OF_RANGE                                             = 0x80093021
3785OSS_COPIER_DLL_NOT_LINKED                                    = 0x80093022
3786OSS_CONSTRAINT_DLL_NOT_LINKED                                = 0x80093023
3787OSS_COMPARATOR_DLL_NOT_LINKED                                = 0x80093024
3788OSS_COMPARATOR_CODE_NOT_LINKED                               = 0x80093025
3789OSS_MEM_MGR_DLL_NOT_LINKED                                   = 0x80093026
3790OSS_PDV_DLL_NOT_LINKED                                       = 0x80093027
3791OSS_PDV_CODE_NOT_LINKED                                      = 0x80093028
3792OSS_API_DLL_NOT_LINKED                                       = 0x80093029
3793OSS_BERDER_DLL_NOT_LINKED                                    = 0x8009302A
3794OSS_PER_DLL_NOT_LINKED                                       = 0x8009302B
3795OSS_OPEN_TYPE_ERROR                                          = 0x8009302C
3796OSS_MUTEX_NOT_CREATED                                        = 0x8009302D
3797OSS_CANT_CLOSE_TRACE_FILE                                    = 0x8009302E
3798CRYPT_E_ASN1_ERROR                                           = 0x80093100
3799CRYPT_E_ASN1_INTERNAL                                        = 0x80093101
3800CRYPT_E_ASN1_EOD                                             = 0x80093102
3801CRYPT_E_ASN1_CORRUPT                                         = 0x80093103
3802CRYPT_E_ASN1_LARGE                                           = 0x80093104
3803CRYPT_E_ASN1_CONSTRAINT                                      = 0x80093105
3804CRYPT_E_ASN1_MEMORY                                          = 0x80093106
3805CRYPT_E_ASN1_OVERFLOW                                        = 0x80093107
3806CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADPDU                                          = 0x80093108
3807CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADARGS                                         = 0x80093109
3808CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADREAL                                         = 0x8009310A
3809CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADTAG                                          = 0x8009310B
3810CRYPT_E_ASN1_CHOICE                                          = 0x8009310C
3811CRYPT_E_ASN1_RULE                                            = 0x8009310D
3812CRYPT_E_ASN1_UTF8                                            = 0x8009310E
3813CRYPT_E_ASN1_PDU_TYPE                                        = 0x80093133
3814CRYPT_E_ASN1_NYI                                             = 0x80093134
3815CRYPT_E_ASN1_EXTENDED                                        = 0x80093201
3816CRYPT_E_ASN1_NOEOD                                           = 0x80093202
3817CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSUBJECT                                 = 0x80094001
3818CERTSRV_E_NO_REQUEST                                         = 0x80094002
3819CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSTATUS                                  = 0x80094003
3820CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY                                     = 0x80094004
3821CERTSRV_E_INVALID_CA_CERTIFICATE                             = 0x80094005
3822CERTSRV_E_SERVER_SUSPENDED                                   = 0x80094006
3823CERTSRV_E_ENCODING_LENGTH                                    = 0x80094007
3824CERTSRV_E_ROLECONFLICT                                       = 0x80094008
3825CERTSRV_E_RESTRICTEDOFFICER                                  = 0x80094009
3826CERTSRV_E_KEY_ARCHIVAL_NOT_CONFIGURED                        = 0x8009400A
3827CERTSRV_E_NO_VALID_KRA                                       = 0x8009400B
3828CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUEST_KEY_ARCHIVAL                           = 0x8009400C
3829CERTSRV_E_NO_CAADMIN_DEFINED                                 = 0x8009400D
3830CERTSRV_E_BAD_RENEWAL_CERT_ATTRIBUTE                         = 0x8009400E
3831CERTSRV_E_NO_DB_SESSIONS                                     = 0x8009400F
3832CERTSRV_E_ALIGNMENT_FAULT                                    = 0x80094010
3833CERTSRV_E_ENROLL_DENIED                                      = 0x80094011
3834CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_DENIED                                    = 0x80094012
3835CERTSRV_E_DOWNLEVEL_DC_SSL_OR_UPGRADE                        = 0x80094013
3836CERTSRV_E_UNSUPPORTED_CERT_TYPE                              = 0x80094800
3837CERTSRV_E_NO_CERT_TYPE                                       = 0x80094801
3838CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_CONFLICT                                  = 0x80094802
3839CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME_REQUIRED                          = 0x80094803
3840CERTSRV_E_ARCHIVED_KEY_REQUIRED                              = 0x80094804
3841CERTSRV_E_SMIME_REQUIRED                                     = 0x80094805
3842CERTSRV_E_BAD_RENEWAL_SUBJECT                                = 0x80094806
3843CERTSRV_E_BAD_TEMPLATE_VERSION                               = 0x80094807
3844CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_POLICY_REQUIRED                           = 0x80094808
3845CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_POLICY_REQUIRED                          = 0x80094809
3846CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_COUNT                                    = 0x8009480A
3847CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_REJECTED                                 = 0x8009480B
3848CERTSRV_E_ISSUANCE_POLICY_REQUIRED                           = 0x8009480C
3849CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_UPN_REQUIRED                               = 0x8009480D
3850CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_DIRECTORY_GUID_REQUIRED                    = 0x8009480E
3851CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_DNS_REQUIRED                               = 0x8009480F
3852CERTSRV_E_ARCHIVED_KEY_UNEXPECTED                            = 0x80094810
3853CERTSRV_E_KEY_LENGTH                                         = 0x80094811
3854CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_EMAIL_REQUIRED                             = 0x80094812
3855CERTSRV_E_UNKNOWN_CERT_TYPE                                  = 0x80094813
3856CERTSRV_E_CERT_TYPE_OVERLAP                                  = 0x80094814
3857CERTSRV_E_TOO_MANY_SIGNATURES                                = 0x80094815
3858CERTSRV_E_RENEWAL_BAD_PUBLIC_KEY                             = 0x80094816
3859CERTSRV_E_INVALID_EK                                         = 0x80094817
3860CERTSRV_E_KEY_ATTESTATION                                    = 0x8009481A
3861XENROLL_E_KEY_NOT_EXPORTABLE                                 = 0x80095000
3862XENROLL_E_CANNOT_ADD_ROOT_CERT                               = 0x80095001
3863XENROLL_E_RESPONSE_KA_HASH_NOT_FOUND                         = 0x80095002
3864XENROLL_E_RESPONSE_UNEXPECTED_KA_HASH                        = 0x80095003
3865XENROLL_E_RESPONSE_KA_HASH_MISMATCH                          = 0x80095004
3866XENROLL_E_KEYSPEC_SMIME_MISMATCH                             = 0x80095005
3867TRUST_E_SYSTEM_ERROR                                         = 0x80096001
3868TRUST_E_NO_SIGNER_CERT                                       = 0x80096002
3869TRUST_E_COUNTER_SIGNER                                       = 0x80096003
3870TRUST_E_CERT_SIGNATURE                                       = 0x80096004
3871TRUST_E_TIME_STAMP                                           = 0x80096005
3872TRUST_E_BAD_DIGEST                                           = 0x80096010
3873TRUST_E_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS                                    = 0x80096019
3874TRUST_E_FINANCIAL_CRITERIA                                   = 0x8009601E
3875MSSIPOTF_E_OUTOFMEMRANGE                                     = 0x80097001
3876MSSIPOTF_E_CANTGETOBJECT                                     = 0x80097002
3877MSSIPOTF_E_NOHEADTABLE                                       = 0x80097003
3878MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_MAGICNUMBER                                   = 0x80097004
3879MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_OFFSET_TABLE                                  = 0x80097005
3880MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_TAGORDER                                    = 0x80097006
3881MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_LONGWORD                                    = 0x80097007
3882MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_FIRST_TABLE_PLACEMENT                         = 0x80097008
3883MSSIPOTF_E_TABLES_OVERLAP                                    = 0x80097009
3884MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_PADBYTES                                    = 0x8009700A
3885MSSIPOTF_E_FILETOOSMALL                                      = 0x8009700B
3886MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_CHECKSUM                                    = 0x8009700C
3887MSSIPOTF_E_FILE_CHECKSUM                                     = 0x8009700D
3888MSSIPOTF_E_FAILED_POLICY                                     = 0x80097010
3889MSSIPOTF_E_FAILED_HINTS_CHECK                                = 0x80097011
3890MSSIPOTF_E_NOT_OPENTYPE                                      = 0x80097012
3891MSSIPOTF_E_FILE                                              = 0x80097013
3892MSSIPOTF_E_CRYPT                                             = 0x80097014
3893MSSIPOTF_E_BADVERSION                                        = 0x80097015
3894MSSIPOTF_E_DSIG_STRUCTURE                                    = 0x80097016
3895MSSIPOTF_E_PCONST_CHECK                                      = 0x80097017
3896MSSIPOTF_E_STRUCTURE                                         = 0x80097018
3897ERROR_CRED_REQUIRES_CONFIRMATION                             = 0x80097019
3898TRUST_E_PROVIDER_UNKNOWN                                     = 0x800B0001
3899TRUST_E_ACTION_UNKNOWN                                       = 0x800B0002
3900TRUST_E_SUBJECT_FORM_UNKNOWN                                 = 0x800B0003
3901TRUST_E_SUBJECT_NOT_TRUSTED                                  = 0x800B0004
3902DIGSIG_E_ENCODE                                              = 0x800B0005
3903DIGSIG_E_DECODE                                              = 0x800B0006
3904DIGSIG_E_EXTENSIBILITY                                       = 0x800B0007
3905DIGSIG_E_CRYPTO                                              = 0x800B0008
3906PERSIST_E_SIZEDEFINITE                                       = 0x800B0009
3907PERSIST_E_SIZEINDEFINITE                                     = 0x800B000A
3908PERSIST_E_NOTSELFSIZING                                      = 0x800B000B
3909TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE                                          = 0x800B0100
3910CERT_E_EXPIRED                                               = 0x800B0101
3911CERT_E_VALIDITYPERIODNESTING                                 = 0x800B0102
3912CERT_E_ROLE                                                  = 0x800B0103
3913CERT_E_PATHLENCONST                                          = 0x800B0104
3914CERT_E_CRITICAL                                              = 0x800B0105
3915CERT_E_PURPOSE                                               = 0x800B0106
3916CERT_E_ISSUERCHAINING                                        = 0x800B0107
3917CERT_E_MALFORMED                                             = 0x800B0108
3918CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT                                         = 0x800B0109
3919CERT_E_CHAINING                                              = 0x800B010A
3920TRUST_E_FAIL                                                 = 0x800B010B
3921CERT_E_REVOKED                                               = 0x800B010C
3922CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDTESTROOT                                     = 0x800B010D
3923CERT_E_REVOCATION_FAILURE                                    = 0x800B010E
3924CERT_E_CN_NO_MATCH                                           = 0x800B010F
3925CERT_E_WRONG_USAGE                                           = 0x800B0110
3926TRUST_E_EXPLICIT_DISTRUST                                    = 0x800B0111
3927CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDCA                                           = 0x800B0112
3928CERT_E_INVALID_POLICY                                        = 0x800B0113
3929CERT_E_INVALID_NAME                                          = 0x800B0114
3930NS_W_SERVER_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT                                  = 0x800D0003
3931NS_W_FILE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT                                    = 0x800D0004
3932NS_W_UNKNOWN_EVENT                                           = 0x800D0060
3933NS_I_CATATONIC_FAILURE                                       = 0x800D0199
3934NS_I_CATATONIC_AUTO_UNFAIL                                   = 0x800D019A
3935SPAPI_E_EXPECTED_SECTION_NAME                                = 0x800F0000
3936SPAPI_E_BAD_SECTION_NAME_LINE                                = 0x800F0001
3937SPAPI_E_SECTION_NAME_TOO_LONG                                = 0x800F0002
3938SPAPI_E_GENERAL_SYNTAX                                       = 0x800F0003
3939SPAPI_E_WRONG_INF_STYLE                                      = 0x800F0100
3940SPAPI_E_SECTION_NOT_FOUND                                    = 0x800F0101
3941SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND                                       = 0x800F0102
3942SPAPI_E_NO_BACKUP                                            = 0x800F0103
3943SPAPI_E_NO_ASSOCIATED_CLASS                                  = 0x800F0200
3944SPAPI_E_CLASS_MISMATCH                                       = 0x800F0201
3945SPAPI_E_DUPLICATE_FOUND                                      = 0x800F0202
3946SPAPI_E_NO_DRIVER_SELECTED                                   = 0x800F0203
3947SPAPI_E_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST                                   = 0x800F0204
3948SPAPI_E_INVALID_DEVINST_NAME                                 = 0x800F0205
3949SPAPI_E_INVALID_CLASS                                        = 0x800F0206
3950SPAPI_E_DEVINST_ALREADY_EXISTS                               = 0x800F0207
3951SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_NOT_REGISTERED                               = 0x800F0208
3952SPAPI_E_INVALID_REG_PROPERTY                                 = 0x800F0209
3953SPAPI_E_NO_INF                                               = 0x800F020A
3954SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_DEVINST                                      = 0x800F020B
3955SPAPI_E_CANT_LOAD_CLASS_ICON                                 = 0x800F020C
3956SPAPI_E_INVALID_CLASS_INSTALLER                              = 0x800F020D
3957SPAPI_E_DI_DO_DEFAULT                                        = 0x800F020E
3958SPAPI_E_DI_NOFILECOPY                                        = 0x800F020F
3959SPAPI_E_INVALID_HWPROFILE                                    = 0x800F0210
3960SPAPI_E_NO_DEVICE_SELECTED                                   = 0x800F0211
3961SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_LIST_LOCKED                                  = 0x800F0212
3962SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_DATA_LOCKED                                  = 0x800F0213
3963SPAPI_E_DI_BAD_PATH                                          = 0x800F0214
3964SPAPI_E_NO_CLASSINSTALL_PARAMS                               = 0x800F0215
3965SPAPI_E_FILEQUEUE_LOCKED                                     = 0x800F0216
3966SPAPI_E_BAD_SERVICE_INSTALLSECT                              = 0x800F0217
3967SPAPI_E_NO_CLASS_DRIVER_LIST                                 = 0x800F0218
3968SPAPI_E_NO_ASSOCIATED_SERVICE                                = 0x800F0219
3969SPAPI_E_NO_DEFAULT_DEVICE_INTERFACE                          = 0x800F021A
3970SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ACTIVE                              = 0x800F021B
3971SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INTERFACE_REMOVED                             = 0x800F021C
3972SPAPI_E_BAD_INTERFACE_INSTALLSECT                            = 0x800F021D
3973SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE_CLASS                              = 0x800F021E
3974SPAPI_E_INVALID_REFERENCE_STRING                             = 0x800F021F
3975SPAPI_E_INVALID_MACHINENAME                                  = 0x800F0220
3976SPAPI_E_REMOTE_COMM_FAILURE                                  = 0x800F0221
3977SPAPI_E_MACHINE_UNAVAILABLE                                  = 0x800F0222
3978SPAPI_E_NO_CONFIGMGR_SERVICES                                = 0x800F0223
3979SPAPI_E_INVALID_PROPPAGE_PROVIDER                            = 0x800F0224
3980SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_DEVICE_INTERFACE                             = 0x800F0225
3981SPAPI_E_DI_POSTPROCESSING_REQUIRED                           = 0x800F0226
3982SPAPI_E_INVALID_COINSTALLER                                  = 0x800F0227
3983SPAPI_E_NO_COMPAT_DRIVERS                                    = 0x800F0228
3984SPAPI_E_NO_DEVICE_ICON                                       = 0x800F0229
3985SPAPI_E_INVALID_INF_LOGCONFIG                                = 0x800F022A
3986SPAPI_E_DI_DONT_INSTALL                                      = 0x800F022B
3987SPAPI_E_INVALID_FILTER_DRIVER                                = 0x800F022C
3988SPAPI_E_NON_WINDOWS_NT_DRIVER                                = 0x800F022D
3989SPAPI_E_NON_WINDOWS_DRIVER                                   = 0x800F022E
3990SPAPI_E_NO_CATALOG_FOR_OEM_INF                               = 0x800F022F
3991SPAPI_E_DEVINSTALL_QUEUE_NONNATIVE                           = 0x800F0230
3992SPAPI_E_NOT_DISABLEABLE                                      = 0x800F0231
3993SPAPI_E_CANT_REMOVE_DEVINST                                  = 0x800F0232
3994SPAPI_E_INVALID_TARGET                                       = 0x800F0233
3995SPAPI_E_DRIVER_NONNATIVE                                     = 0x800F0234
3996SPAPI_E_IN_WOW64                                             = 0x800F0235
3997SPAPI_E_SET_SYSTEM_RESTORE_POINT                             = 0x800F0236
3998SPAPI_E_INCORRECTLY_COPIED_INF                               = 0x800F0237
3999SPAPI_E_SCE_DISABLED                                         = 0x800F0238
4000SPAPI_E_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION                                    = 0x800F0239
4001SPAPI_E_PNP_REGISTRY_ERROR                                   = 0x800F023A
4002SPAPI_E_REMOTE_REQUEST_UNSUPPORTED                           = 0x800F023B
4003SPAPI_E_NOT_AN_INSTALLED_OEM_INF                             = 0x800F023C
4004SPAPI_E_INF_IN_USE_BY_DEVICES                                = 0x800F023D
4005SPAPI_E_DI_FUNCTION_OBSOLETE                                 = 0x800F023E
4006SPAPI_E_NO_AUTHENTICODE_CATALOG                              = 0x800F023F
4007SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_DISALLOWED                              = 0x800F0240
4008SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_TRUSTED_PUBLISHER                       = 0x800F0241
4009SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_TRUST_NOT_ESTABLISHED                   = 0x800F0242
4010SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_PUBLISHER_NOT_TRUSTED                   = 0x800F0243
4011SPAPI_E_SIGNATURE_OSATTRIBUTE_MISMATCH                       = 0x800F0244
4012SPAPI_E_ONLY_VALIDATE_VIA_AUTHENTICODE                       = 0x800F0245
4013SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INSTALLER_NOT_READY                           = 0x800F0246
4014SPAPI_E_DRIVER_STORE_ADD_FAILED                              = 0x800F0247
4015SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INSTALL_BLOCKED                               = 0x800F0248
4016SPAPI_E_DRIVER_INSTALL_BLOCKED                               = 0x800F0249
4017SPAPI_E_WRONG_INF_TYPE                                       = 0x800F024A
4018SPAPI_E_FILE_HASH_NOT_IN_CATALOG                             = 0x800F024B
4019SPAPI_E_DRIVER_STORE_DELETE_FAILED                           = 0x800F024C
4020SPAPI_E_UNRECOVERABLE_STACK_OVERFLOW                         = 0x800F0300
4021SPAPI_E_ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED                                  = 0x800F1000
4022SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR                                       = 0x80100001
4023SCARD_E_CANCELLED                                            = 0x80100002
4024SCARD_E_INVALID_HANDLE                                       = 0x80100003
4025SCARD_E_INVALID_PARAMETER                                    = 0x80100004
4026SCARD_E_INVALID_TARGET                                       = 0x80100005
4027SCARD_E_NO_MEMORY                                            = 0x80100006
4028SCARD_F_WAITED_TOO_LONG                                      = 0x80100007
4029SCARD_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER                                  = 0x80100008
4030SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER                                       = 0x80100009
4031SCARD_E_TIMEOUT                                              = 0x8010000A
4032SCARD_E_SHARING_VIOLATION                                    = 0x8010000B
4033SCARD_E_NO_SMARTCARD                                         = 0x8010000C
4034SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_CARD                                         = 0x8010000D
4035SCARD_E_CANT_DISPOSE                                         = 0x8010000E
4036SCARD_E_PROTO_MISMATCH                                       = 0x8010000F
4037SCARD_E_NOT_READY                                            = 0x80100010
4038SCARD_E_INVALID_VALUE                                        = 0x80100011
4039SCARD_E_SYSTEM_CANCELLED                                     = 0x80100012
4040SCARD_F_COMM_ERROR                                           = 0x80100013
4041SCARD_F_UNKNOWN_ERROR                                        = 0x80100014
4042SCARD_E_INVALID_ATR                                          = 0x80100015
4043SCARD_E_NOT_TRANSACTED                                       = 0x80100016
4044SCARD_E_READER_UNAVAILABLE                                   = 0x80100017
4045SCARD_P_SHUTDOWN                                             = 0x80100018
4046SCARD_E_PCI_TOO_SMALL                                        = 0x80100019
4047SCARD_E_READER_UNSUPPORTED                                   = 0x8010001A
4048SCARD_E_DUPLICATE_READER                                     = 0x8010001B
4049SCARD_E_CARD_UNSUPPORTED                                     = 0x8010001C
4050SCARD_E_NO_SERVICE                                           = 0x8010001D
4051SCARD_E_SERVICE_STOPPED                                      = 0x8010001E
4052SCARD_E_UNEXPECTED                                           = 0x8010001F
4053SCARD_E_ICC_INSTALLATION                                     = 0x80100020
4054SCARD_E_ICC_CREATEORDER                                      = 0x80100021
4055SCARD_E_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE                                  = 0x80100022
4056SCARD_E_DIR_NOT_FOUND                                        = 0x80100023
4057SCARD_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND                                       = 0x80100024
4058SCARD_E_NO_DIR                                               = 0x80100025
4059SCARD_E_NO_FILE                                              = 0x80100026
4060SCARD_E_NO_ACCESS                                            = 0x80100027
4061SCARD_E_WRITE_TOO_MANY                                       = 0x80100028
4062SCARD_E_BAD_SEEK                                             = 0x80100029
4063SCARD_E_INVALID_CHV                                          = 0x8010002A
4064SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_RES_MNG                                      = 0x8010002B
4065SCARD_E_NO_SUCH_CERTIFICATE                                  = 0x8010002C
4066SCARD_E_CERTIFICATE_UNAVAILABLE                              = 0x8010002D
4067SCARD_E_NO_READERS_AVAILABLE                                 = 0x8010002E
4068SCARD_E_COMM_DATA_LOST                                       = 0x8010002F
4069SCARD_E_NO_KEY_CONTAINER                                     = 0x80100030
4070SCARD_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY                                      = 0x80100031
4071SCARD_W_UNSUPPORTED_CARD                                     = 0x80100065
4072SCARD_W_UNRESPONSIVE_CARD                                    = 0x80100066
4073SCARD_W_UNPOWERED_CARD                                       = 0x80100067
4074SCARD_W_RESET_CARD                                           = 0x80100068
4075SCARD_W_REMOVED_CARD                                         = 0x80100069
4076SCARD_W_SECURITY_VIOLATION                                   = 0x8010006A
4077SCARD_W_WRONG_CHV                                            = 0x8010006B
4078SCARD_W_CHV_BLOCKED                                          = 0x8010006C
4079SCARD_W_EOF                                                  = 0x8010006D
4080SCARD_W_CANCELLED_BY_USER                                    = 0x8010006E
4081SCARD_W_CARD_NOT_AUTHENTICATED                               = 0x8010006F
4082COMADMIN_E_OBJECTERRORS                                      = 0x80110401
4083COMADMIN_E_OBJECTINVALID                                     = 0x80110402
4084COMADMIN_E_KEYMISSING                                        = 0x80110403
4085COMADMIN_E_ALREADYINSTALLED                                  = 0x80110404
4086COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_WRITEFAIL                                = 0x80110407
4087COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_READFAIL                                 = 0x80110408
4088COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_VERSION                                  = 0x80110409
4089COMADMIN_E_BADPATH                                           = 0x8011040A
4090COMADMIN_E_APPLICATIONEXISTS                                 = 0x8011040B
4091COMADMIN_E_ROLEEXISTS                                        = 0x8011040C
4092COMADMIN_E_CANTCOPYFILE                                      = 0x8011040D
4093COMADMIN_E_NOUSER                                            = 0x8011040F
4094COMADMIN_E_INVALIDUSERIDS                                    = 0x80110410
4095COMADMIN_E_NOREGISTRYCLSID                                   = 0x80110411
4096COMADMIN_E_BADREGISTRYPROGID                                 = 0x80110412
4097COMADMIN_E_AUTHENTICATIONLEVEL                               = 0x80110413
4098COMADMIN_E_USERPASSWDNOTVALID                                = 0x80110414
4099COMADMIN_E_CLSIDORIIDMISMATCH                                = 0x80110418
4100COMADMIN_E_REMOTEINTERFACE                                   = 0x80110419
4101COMADMIN_E_DLLREGISTERSERVER                                 = 0x8011041A
4102COMADMIN_E_NOSERVERSHARE                                     = 0x8011041B
4103COMADMIN_E_DLLLOADFAILED                                     = 0x8011041D
4104COMADMIN_E_BADREGISTRYLIBID                                  = 0x8011041E
4105COMADMIN_E_APPDIRNOTFOUND                                    = 0x8011041F
4106COMADMIN_E_REGISTRARFAILED                                   = 0x80110423
4107COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_DOESNOTEXIST                             = 0x80110424
4108COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_LOADDLLFAIL                              = 0x80110425
4109COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_GETCLASSOBJ                              = 0x80110426
4110COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_CLASSNOTAVAIL                            = 0x80110427
4111COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_BADTLB                                   = 0x80110428
4112COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_NOTINSTALLABLE                           = 0x80110429
4113COMADMIN_E_NOTCHANGEABLE                                     = 0x8011042A
4114COMADMIN_E_NOTDELETEABLE                                     = 0x8011042B
4115COMADMIN_E_SESSION                                           = 0x8011042C
4116COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_LOCKED                                  = 0x8011042D
4117COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_BAD_DEST                                = 0x8011042E
4118COMADMIN_E_REGISTERTLB                                       = 0x80110430
4119COMADMIN_E_SYSTEMAPP                                         = 0x80110433
4120COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_NOREGISTRAR                              = 0x80110434
4121COMADMIN_E_COREQCOMPINSTALLED                                = 0x80110435
4122COMADMIN_E_SERVICENOTINSTALLED                               = 0x80110436
4123COMADMIN_E_PROPERTYSAVEFAILED                                = 0x80110437
4124COMADMIN_E_OBJECTEXISTS                                      = 0x80110438
4125COMADMIN_E_COMPONENTEXISTS                                   = 0x80110439
4126COMADMIN_E_REGFILE_CORRUPT                                   = 0x8011043B
4127COMADMIN_E_PROPERTY_OVERFLOW                                 = 0x8011043C
4128COMADMIN_E_NOTINREGISTRY                                     = 0x8011043E
4129COMADMIN_E_OBJECTNOTPOOLABLE                                 = 0x8011043F
4130COMADMIN_E_APPLID_MATCHES_CLSID                              = 0x80110446
4131COMADMIN_E_ROLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST                               = 0x80110447
4132COMADMIN_E_START_APP_NEEDS_COMPONENTS                        = 0x80110448
4133COMADMIN_E_REQUIRES_DIFFERENT_PLATFORM                       = 0x80110449
4134COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_APP_PROXY                          = 0x8011044A
4135COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_START_APP                                 = 0x8011044B
4136COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_SYS_APP                            = 0x8011044C
4137COMADMIN_E_CANT_SUBSCRIBE_TO_COMPONENT                       = 0x8011044D
4138COMADMIN_E_EVENTCLASS_CANT_BE_SUBSCRIBER                     = 0x8011044E
4139COMADMIN_E_LIB_APP_PROXY_INCOMPATIBLE                        = 0x8011044F
4140COMADMIN_E_BASE_PARTITION_ONLY                               = 0x80110450
4141COMADMIN_E_START_APP_DISABLED                                = 0x80110451
4142COMADMIN_E_CAT_DUPLICATE_PARTITION_NAME                      = 0x80110457
4143COMADMIN_E_CAT_INVALID_PARTITION_NAME                        = 0x80110458
4144COMADMIN_E_CAT_PARTITION_IN_USE                              = 0x80110459
4145COMADMIN_E_FILE_PARTITION_DUPLICATE_FILES                    = 0x8011045A
4147COMADMIN_E_AMBIGUOUS_APPLICATION_NAME                        = 0x8011045C
4148COMADMIN_E_AMBIGUOUS_PARTITION_NAME                          = 0x8011045D
4149COMADMIN_E_REGDB_NOTINITIALIZED                              = 0x80110472
4150COMADMIN_E_REGDB_NOTOPEN                                     = 0x80110473
4151COMADMIN_E_REGDB_SYSTEMERR                                   = 0x80110474
4152COMADMIN_E_REGDB_ALREADYRUNNING                              = 0x80110475
4153COMADMIN_E_MIG_VERSIONNOTSUPPORTED                           = 0x80110480
4154COMADMIN_E_MIG_SCHEMANOTFOUND                                = 0x80110481
4155COMADMIN_E_CAT_BITNESSMISMATCH                               = 0x80110482
4156COMADMIN_E_CAT_UNACCEPTABLEBITNESS                           = 0x80110483
4157COMADMIN_E_CAT_WRONGAPPBITNESS                               = 0x80110484
4158COMADMIN_E_CAT_PAUSE_RESUME_NOT_SUPPORTED                    = 0x80110485
4159COMADMIN_E_CAT_SERVERFAULT                                   = 0x80110486
4160COMQC_E_APPLICATION_NOT_QUEUED                               = 0x80110600
4161COMQC_E_NO_QUEUEABLE_INTERFACES                              = 0x80110601
4162COMQC_E_QUEUING_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE                        = 0x80110602
4163COMQC_E_NO_IPERSISTSTREAM                                    = 0x80110603
4164COMQC_E_BAD_MESSAGE                                          = 0x80110604
4165COMQC_E_UNAUTHENTICATED                                      = 0x80110605
4166COMQC_E_UNTRUSTED_ENQUEUER                                   = 0x80110606
4167MSDTC_E_DUPLICATE_RESOURCE                                   = 0x80110701
4168COMADMIN_E_OBJECT_PARENT_MISSING                             = 0x80110808
4169COMADMIN_E_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST                             = 0x80110809
4170COMADMIN_E_APP_NOT_RUNNING                                   = 0x8011080A
4171COMADMIN_E_INVALID_PARTITION                                 = 0x8011080B
4173COMADMIN_E_USER_IN_SET                                       = 0x8011080E
4174COMADMIN_E_CANTRECYCLELIBRARYAPPS                            = 0x8011080F
4175COMADMIN_E_CANTRECYCLESERVICEAPPS                            = 0x80110811
4176COMADMIN_E_PROCESSALREADYRECYCLED                            = 0x80110812
4177COMADMIN_E_PAUSEDPROCESSMAYNOTBERECYCLED                     = 0x80110813
4178COMADMIN_E_CANTMAKEINPROCSERVICE                             = 0x80110814
4179COMADMIN_E_PROGIDINUSEBYCLSID                                = 0x80110815
4180COMADMIN_E_DEFAULT_PARTITION_NOT_IN_SET                      = 0x80110816
4181COMADMIN_E_RECYCLEDPROCESSMAYNOTBEPAUSED                     = 0x80110817
4182COMADMIN_E_PARTITION_ACCESSDENIED                            = 0x80110818
4183COMADMIN_E_PARTITION_MSI_ONLY                                = 0x80110819
4186COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_SOURCE                                  = 0x8011081C
4187COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_DEST                                    = 0x8011081D
4188COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_PRIVATE                                 = 0x8011081E
4189COMADMIN_E_BASEPARTITION_REQUIRED_IN_SET                     = 0x8011081F
4190COMADMIN_E_CANNOT_ALIAS_EVENTCLASS                           = 0x80110820
4191COMADMIN_E_PRIVATE_ACCESSDENIED                              = 0x80110821
4192COMADMIN_E_SAFERINVALID                                      = 0x80110822
4193COMADMIN_E_REGISTRY_ACCESSDENIED                             = 0x80110823
4194COMADMIN_E_PARTITIONS_DISABLED                               = 0x80110824
4195ERROR_FLT_NO_HANDLER_DEFINED                                 = 0x801F0001
4196ERROR_FLT_CONTEXT_ALREADY_DEFINED                            = 0x801F0002
4197ERROR_FLT_INVALID_ASYNCHRONOUS_REQUEST                       = 0x801F0003
4198ERROR_FLT_DISALLOW_FAST_IO                                   = 0x801F0004
4199ERROR_FLT_INVALID_NAME_REQUEST                               = 0x801F0005
4200ERROR_FLT_NOT_SAFE_TO_POST_OPERATION                         = 0x801F0006
4201ERROR_FLT_NOT_INITIALIZED                                    = 0x801F0007
4202ERROR_FLT_FILTER_NOT_READY                                   = 0x801F0008
4203ERROR_FLT_POST_OPERATION_CLEANUP                             = 0x801F0009
4204ERROR_FLT_INTERNAL_ERROR                                     = 0x801F000A
4205ERROR_FLT_DELETING_OBJECT                                    = 0x801F000B
4206ERROR_FLT_MUST_BE_NONPAGED_POOL                              = 0x801F000C
4207ERROR_FLT_DUPLICATE_ENTRY                                    = 0x801F000D
4208ERROR_FLT_CBDQ_DISABLED                                      = 0x801F000E
4209ERROR_FLT_DO_NOT_ATTACH                                      = 0x801F000F
4210ERROR_FLT_DO_NOT_DETACH                                      = 0x801F0010
4211ERROR_FLT_INSTANCE_ALTITUDE_COLLISION                        = 0x801F0011
4212ERROR_FLT_INSTANCE_NAME_COLLISION                            = 0x801F0012
4213ERROR_FLT_FILTER_NOT_FOUND                                   = 0x801F0013
4214ERROR_FLT_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND                                   = 0x801F0014
4215ERROR_FLT_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND                                 = 0x801F0015
4216ERROR_FLT_CONTEXT_ALLOCATION_NOT_FOUND                       = 0x801F0016
4217ERROR_FLT_INVALID_CONTEXT_REGISTRATION                       = 0x801F0017
4218ERROR_FLT_NAME_CACHE_MISS                                    = 0x801F0018
4219ERROR_FLT_NO_DEVICE_OBJECT                                   = 0x801F0019
4220ERROR_FLT_VOLUME_ALREADY_MOUNTED                             = 0x801F001A
4221ERROR_FLT_ALREADY_ENLISTED                                   = 0x801F001B
4222ERROR_FLT_CONTEXT_ALREADY_LINKED                             = 0x801F001C
4223ERROR_FLT_NO_WAITER_FOR_REPLY                                = 0x801F0020
4224ERROR_HUNG_DISPLAY_DRIVER_THREAD                             = 0x80260001
4225ERROR_MONITOR_NO_DESCRIPTOR                                  = 0x80261001
4226ERROR_MONITOR_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT                      = 0x80261002
4227DWM_E_COMPOSITIONDISABLED                                    = 0x80263001
4228DWM_E_REMOTING_NOT_SUPPORTED                                 = 0x80263002
4229DWM_E_NO_REDIRECTION_SURFACE_AVAILABLE                       = 0x80263003
4230DWM_E_NOT_QUEUING_PRESENTS                                   = 0x80263004
4231TPM_E_ERROR_MASK                                             = 0x80280000
4232TPM_E_AUTHFAIL                                               = 0x80280001
4233TPM_E_BADINDEX                                               = 0x80280002
4234TPM_E_BAD_PARAMETER                                          = 0x80280003
4235TPM_E_AUDITFAILURE                                           = 0x80280004
4236TPM_E_CLEAR_DISABLED                                         = 0x80280005
4237TPM_E_DEACTIVATED                                            = 0x80280006
4238TPM_E_DISABLED                                               = 0x80280007
4239TPM_E_DISABLED_CMD                                           = 0x80280008
4240TPM_E_FAIL                                                   = 0x80280009
4241TPM_E_BAD_ORDINAL                                            = 0x8028000A
4242TPM_E_INSTALL_DISABLED                                       = 0x8028000B
4243TPM_E_INVALID_KEYHANDLE                                      = 0x8028000C
4244TPM_E_KEYNOTFOUND                                            = 0x8028000D
4245TPM_E_INAPPROPRIATE_ENC                                      = 0x8028000E
4246TPM_E_MIGRATEFAIL                                            = 0x8028000F
4247TPM_E_INVALID_PCR_INFO                                       = 0x80280010
4248TPM_E_NOSPACE                                                = 0x80280011
4249TPM_E_NOSRK                                                  = 0x80280012
4250TPM_E_NOTSEALED_BLOB                                         = 0x80280013
4251TPM_E_OWNER_SET                                              = 0x80280014
4252TPM_E_RESOURCES                                              = 0x80280015
4253TPM_E_SHORTRANDOM                                            = 0x80280016
4254TPM_E_SIZE                                                   = 0x80280017
4255TPM_E_WRONGPCRVAL                                            = 0x80280018
4256TPM_E_BAD_PARAM_SIZE                                         = 0x80280019
4257TPM_E_SHA_THREAD                                             = 0x8028001A
4258TPM_E_SHA_ERROR                                              = 0x8028001B
4259TPM_E_FAILEDSELFTEST                                         = 0x8028001C
4260TPM_E_AUTH2FAIL                                              = 0x8028001D
4261TPM_E_BADTAG                                                 = 0x8028001E
4262TPM_E_IOERROR                                                = 0x8028001F
4263TPM_E_ENCRYPT_ERROR                                          = 0x80280020
4264TPM_E_DECRYPT_ERROR                                          = 0x80280021
4265TPM_E_INVALID_AUTHHANDLE                                     = 0x80280022
4266TPM_E_NO_ENDORSEMENT                                         = 0x80280023
4267TPM_E_INVALID_KEYUSAGE                                       = 0x80280024
4268TPM_E_WRONG_ENTITYTYPE                                       = 0x80280025
4269TPM_E_INVALID_POSTINIT                                       = 0x80280026
4270TPM_E_INAPPROPRIATE_SIG                                      = 0x80280027
4271TPM_E_BAD_KEY_PROPERTY                                       = 0x80280028
4272TPM_E_BAD_MIGRATION                                          = 0x80280029
4273TPM_E_BAD_SCHEME                                             = 0x8028002A
4274TPM_E_BAD_DATASIZE                                           = 0x8028002B
4275TPM_E_BAD_MODE                                               = 0x8028002C
4276TPM_E_BAD_PRESENCE                                           = 0x8028002D
4277TPM_E_BAD_VERSION                                            = 0x8028002E
4278TPM_E_NO_WRAP_TRANSPORT                                      = 0x8028002F
4279TPM_E_AUDITFAIL_UNSUCCESSFUL                                 = 0x80280030
4280TPM_E_AUDITFAIL_SUCCESSFUL                                   = 0x80280031
4281TPM_E_NOTRESETABLE                                           = 0x80280032
4282TPM_E_NOTLOCAL                                               = 0x80280033
4283TPM_E_BAD_TYPE                                               = 0x80280034
4284TPM_E_INVALID_RESOURCE                                       = 0x80280035
4285TPM_E_NOTFIPS                                                = 0x80280036
4286TPM_E_INVALID_FAMILY                                         = 0x80280037
4287TPM_E_NO_NV_PERMISSION                                       = 0x80280038
4288TPM_E_REQUIRES_SIGN                                          = 0x80280039
4289TPM_E_KEY_NOTSUPPORTED                                       = 0x8028003A
4290TPM_E_AUTH_CONFLICT                                          = 0x8028003B
4291TPM_E_AREA_LOCKED                                            = 0x8028003C
4292TPM_E_BAD_LOCALITY                                           = 0x8028003D
4293TPM_E_READ_ONLY                                              = 0x8028003E
4294TPM_E_PER_NOWRITE                                            = 0x8028003F
4295TPM_E_FAMILYCOUNT                                            = 0x80280040
4296TPM_E_WRITE_LOCKED                                           = 0x80280041
4297TPM_E_BAD_ATTRIBUTES                                         = 0x80280042
4298TPM_E_INVALID_STRUCTURE                                      = 0x80280043
4299TPM_E_KEY_OWNER_CONTROL                                      = 0x80280044
4300TPM_E_BAD_COUNTER                                            = 0x80280045
4301TPM_E_NOT_FULLWRITE                                          = 0x80280046
4302TPM_E_CONTEXT_GAP                                            = 0x80280047
4303TPM_E_MAXNVWRITES                                            = 0x80280048
4304TPM_E_NOOPERATOR                                             = 0x80280049
4305TPM_E_RESOURCEMISSING                                        = 0x8028004A
4306TPM_E_DELEGATE_LOCK                                          = 0x8028004B
4307TPM_E_DELEGATE_FAMILY                                        = 0x8028004C
4308TPM_E_DELEGATE_ADMIN                                         = 0x8028004D
4309TPM_E_TRANSPORT_NOTEXCLUSIVE                                 = 0x8028004E
4310TPM_E_OWNER_CONTROL                                          = 0x8028004F
4311TPM_E_DAA_RESOURCES                                          = 0x80280050
4312TPM_E_DAA_INPUT_DATA0                                        = 0x80280051
4313TPM_E_DAA_INPUT_DATA1                                        = 0x80280052
4314TPM_E_DAA_ISSUER_SETTINGS                                    = 0x80280053
4315TPM_E_DAA_TPM_SETTINGS                                       = 0x80280054
4316TPM_E_DAA_STAGE                                              = 0x80280055
4317TPM_E_DAA_ISSUER_VALIDITY                                    = 0x80280056
4318TPM_E_DAA_WRONG_W                                            = 0x80280057
4319TPM_E_BAD_HANDLE                                             = 0x80280058
4320TPM_E_BAD_DELEGATE                                           = 0x80280059
4321TPM_E_BADCONTEXT                                             = 0x8028005A
4322TPM_E_TOOMANYCONTEXTS                                        = 0x8028005B
4323TPM_E_MA_TICKET_SIGNATURE                                    = 0x8028005C
4324TPM_E_MA_DESTINATION                                         = 0x8028005D
4325TPM_E_MA_SOURCE                                              = 0x8028005E
4326TPM_E_MA_AUTHORITY                                           = 0x8028005F
4327TPM_E_PERMANENTEK                                            = 0x80280061
4328TPM_E_BAD_SIGNATURE                                          = 0x80280062
4329TPM_E_NOCONTEXTSPACE                                         = 0x80280063
4330TPM_E_COMMAND_BLOCKED                                        = 0x80280400
4331TPM_E_INVALID_HANDLE                                         = 0x80280401
4332TPM_E_DUPLICATE_VHANDLE                                      = 0x80280402
4333TPM_E_EMBEDDED_COMMAND_BLOCKED                               = 0x80280403
4334TPM_E_EMBEDDED_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED                           = 0x80280404
4335TPM_E_RETRY                                                  = 0x80280800
4336TPM_E_NEEDS_SELFTEST                                         = 0x80280801
4337TPM_E_DOING_SELFTEST                                         = 0x80280802
4338TPM_E_DEFEND_LOCK_RUNNING                                    = 0x80280803
4339TBS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR                                         = 0x80284001
4340TBS_E_BAD_PARAMETER                                          = 0x80284002
4341TBS_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_POINTER                                 = 0x80284003
4342TBS_E_INVALID_CONTEXT                                        = 0x80284004
4343TBS_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER                                    = 0x80284005
4344TBS_E_IOERROR                                                = 0x80284006
4345TBS_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_PARAM                                  = 0x80284007
4346TBS_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING                                    = 0x80284008
4347TBS_E_TOO_MANY_TBS_CONTEXTS                                  = 0x80284009
4348TBS_E_TOO_MANY_RESOURCES                                     = 0x8028400A
4349TBS_E_SERVICE_START_PENDING                                  = 0x8028400B
4350TBS_E_PPI_NOT_SUPPORTED                                      = 0x8028400C
4351TBS_E_COMMAND_CANCELED                                       = 0x8028400D
4352TBS_E_BUFFER_TOO_LARGE                                       = 0x8028400E
4353TPMAPI_E_INVALID_STATE                                       = 0x80290100
4354TPMAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA                                     = 0x80290101
4355TPMAPI_E_TOO_MUCH_DATA                                       = 0x80290102
4356TPMAPI_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_POINTER                              = 0x80290103
4357TPMAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER                                   = 0x80290104
4358TPMAPI_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY                                       = 0x80290105
4359TPMAPI_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                                    = 0x80290106
4360TPMAPI_E_INTERNAL_ERROR                                      = 0x80290107
4361TPMAPI_E_ACCESS_DENIED                                       = 0x80290108
4362TPMAPI_E_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED                                = 0x80290109
4363TPMAPI_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE                              = 0x8029010A
4364TPMAPI_E_TBS_COMMUNICATION_ERROR                             = 0x8029010B
4365TPMAPI_E_TPM_COMMAND_ERROR                                   = 0x8029010C
4366TPMAPI_E_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE                                   = 0x8029010D
4367TPMAPI_E_INVALID_ENCODING                                    = 0x8029010E
4368TPMAPI_E_INVALID_KEY_SIZE                                    = 0x8029010F
4369TPMAPI_E_ENCRYPTION_FAILED                                   = 0x80290110
4370TPMAPI_E_INVALID_KEY_PARAMS                                  = 0x80290111
4372TPMAPI_E_INVALID_PCR_INDEX                                   = 0x80290113
4373TPMAPI_E_INVALID_DELEGATE_BLOB                               = 0x80290114
4374TPMAPI_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_PARAMS                              = 0x80290115
4375TPMAPI_E_INVALID_KEY_BLOB                                    = 0x80290116
4376TPMAPI_E_INVALID_PCR_DATA                                    = 0x80290117
4377TPMAPI_E_INVALID_OWNER_AUTH                                  = 0x80290118
4378TBSIMP_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                                    = 0x80290200
4379TBSIMP_E_CLEANUP_FAILED                                      = 0x80290201
4380TBSIMP_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE                              = 0x80290202
4381TBSIMP_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_PARAM                               = 0x80290203
4382TBSIMP_E_TPM_ERROR                                           = 0x80290204
4383TBSIMP_E_HASH_BAD_KEY                                        = 0x80290205
4384TBSIMP_E_DUPLICATE_VHANDLE                                   = 0x80290206
4385TBSIMP_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_POINTER                              = 0x80290207
4386TBSIMP_E_INVALID_PARAMETER                                   = 0x80290208
4387TBSIMP_E_RPC_INIT_FAILED                                     = 0x80290209
4388TBSIMP_E_SCHEDULER_NOT_RUNNING                               = 0x8029020A
4389TBSIMP_E_COMMAND_CANCELED                                    = 0x8029020B
4390TBSIMP_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY                                       = 0x8029020C
4391TBSIMP_E_LIST_NO_MORE_ITEMS                                  = 0x8029020D
4392TBSIMP_E_LIST_NOT_FOUND                                      = 0x8029020E
4393TBSIMP_E_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE                                    = 0x8029020F
4394TBSIMP_E_NOT_ENOUGH_TPM_CONTEXTS                             = 0x80290210
4395TBSIMP_E_COMMAND_FAILED                                      = 0x80290211
4396TBSIMP_E_UNKNOWN_ORDINAL                                     = 0x80290212
4397TBSIMP_E_RESOURCE_EXPIRED                                    = 0x80290213
4398TBSIMP_E_INVALID_RESOURCE                                    = 0x80290214
4399TBSIMP_E_NOTHING_TO_UNLOAD                                   = 0x80290215
4400TBSIMP_E_HASH_TABLE_FULL                                     = 0x80290216
4401TBSIMP_E_TOO_MANY_TBS_CONTEXTS                               = 0x80290217
4402TBSIMP_E_TOO_MANY_RESOURCES                                  = 0x80290218
4403TBSIMP_E_PPI_NOT_SUPPORTED                                   = 0x80290219
4404TBSIMP_E_TPM_INCOMPATIBLE                                    = 0x8029021A
4405TPM_E_PPI_ACPI_FAILURE                                       = 0x80290300
4406TPM_E_PPI_USER_ABORT                                         = 0x80290301
4407TPM_E_PPI_BIOS_FAILURE                                       = 0x80290302
4408TPM_E_PPI_NOT_SUPPORTED                                      = 0x80290303
4409PLA_E_DCS_NOT_FOUND                                          = 0x80300002
4410PLA_E_TOO_MANY_FOLDERS                                       = 0x80300045
4411PLA_E_NO_MIN_DISK                                            = 0x80300070
4412PLA_E_DCS_IN_USE                                             = 0x803000AA
4413PLA_E_DCS_ALREADY_EXISTS                                     = 0x803000B7
4414PLA_E_PROPERTY_CONFLICT                                      = 0x80300101
4415PLA_E_DCS_SINGLETON_REQUIRED                                 = 0x80300102
4416PLA_E_CREDENTIALS_REQUIRED                                   = 0x80300103
4417PLA_E_DCS_NOT_RUNNING                                        = 0x80300104
4418PLA_E_CONFLICT_INCL_EXCL_API                                 = 0x80300105
4419PLA_E_NETWORK_EXE_NOT_VALID                                  = 0x80300106
4420PLA_E_EXE_ALREADY_CONFIGURED                                 = 0x80300107
4421PLA_E_EXE_PATH_NOT_VALID                                     = 0x80300108
4422PLA_E_DC_ALREADY_EXISTS                                      = 0x80300109
4423PLA_E_DCS_START_WAIT_TIMEOUT                                 = 0x8030010A
4424PLA_E_DC_START_WAIT_TIMEOUT                                  = 0x8030010B
4425PLA_E_REPORT_WAIT_TIMEOUT                                    = 0x8030010C
4426PLA_E_NO_DUPLICATES                                          = 0x8030010D
4427PLA_E_EXE_FULL_PATH_REQUIRED                                 = 0x8030010E
4428PLA_E_INVALID_SESSION_NAME                                   = 0x8030010F
4429PLA_E_PLA_CHANNEL_NOT_ENABLED                                = 0x80300110
4430PLA_E_TASKSCHED_CHANNEL_NOT_ENABLED                          = 0x80300111
4431FVE_E_LOCKED_VOLUME                                          = 0x80310000
4432FVE_E_NOT_ENCRYPTED                                          = 0x80310001
4433FVE_E_NO_TPM_BIOS                                            = 0x80310002
4434FVE_E_NO_MBR_METRIC                                          = 0x80310003
4435FVE_E_NO_BOOTSECTOR_METRIC                                   = 0x80310004
4436FVE_E_NO_BOOTMGR_METRIC                                      = 0x80310005
4437FVE_E_WRONG_BOOTMGR                                          = 0x80310006
4438FVE_E_SECURE_KEY_REQUIRED                                    = 0x80310007
4439FVE_E_NOT_ACTIVATED                                          = 0x80310008
4440FVE_E_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED                                     = 0x80310009
4441FVE_E_AD_SCHEMA_NOT_INSTALLED                                = 0x8031000A
4442FVE_E_AD_INVALID_DATATYPE                                    = 0x8031000B
4443FVE_E_AD_INVALID_DATASIZE                                    = 0x8031000C
4444FVE_E_AD_NO_VALUES                                           = 0x8031000D
4445FVE_E_AD_ATTR_NOT_SET                                        = 0x8031000E
4446FVE_E_AD_GUID_NOT_FOUND                                      = 0x8031000F
4447FVE_E_BAD_INFORMATION                                        = 0x80310010
4448FVE_E_TOO_SMALL                                              = 0x80310011
4449FVE_E_SYSTEM_VOLUME                                          = 0x80310012
4450FVE_E_FAILED_WRONG_FS                                        = 0x80310013
4451FVE_E_FAILED_BAD_FS                                          = 0x80310014
4452FVE_E_NOT_SUPPORTED                                          = 0x80310015
4453FVE_E_BAD_DATA                                               = 0x80310016
4454FVE_E_VOLUME_NOT_BOUND                                       = 0x80310017
4455FVE_E_TPM_NOT_OWNED                                          = 0x80310018
4456FVE_E_NOT_DATA_VOLUME                                        = 0x80310019
4457FVE_E_AD_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER                                 = 0x8031001A
4458FVE_E_CONV_READ                                              = 0x8031001B
4459FVE_E_CONV_WRITE                                             = 0x8031001C
4460FVE_E_KEY_REQUIRED                                           = 0x8031001D
4461FVE_E_CLUSTERING_NOT_SUPPORTED                               = 0x8031001E
4462FVE_E_VOLUME_BOUND_ALREADY                                   = 0x8031001F
4463FVE_E_OS_NOT_PROTECTED                                       = 0x80310020
4464FVE_E_PROTECTION_DISABLED                                    = 0x80310021
4465FVE_E_RECOVERY_KEY_REQUIRED                                  = 0x80310022
4466FVE_E_FOREIGN_VOLUME                                         = 0x80310023
4467FVE_E_OVERLAPPED_UPDATE                                      = 0x80310024
4468FVE_E_TPM_SRK_AUTH_NOT_ZERO                                  = 0x80310025
4469FVE_E_FAILED_SECTOR_SIZE                                     = 0x80310026
4470FVE_E_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION                                  = 0x80310027
4471FVE_E_NOT_OS_VOLUME                                          = 0x80310028
4472FVE_E_AUTOUNLOCK_ENABLED                                     = 0x80310029
4473FVE_E_WRONG_BOOTSECTOR                                       = 0x8031002A
4474FVE_E_WRONG_SYSTEM_FS                                        = 0x8031002B
4475FVE_E_POLICY_PASSWORD_REQUIRED                               = 0x8031002C
4476FVE_E_CANNOT_SET_FVEK_ENCRYPTED                              = 0x8031002D
4477FVE_E_CANNOT_ENCRYPT_NO_KEY                                  = 0x8031002E
4478FVE_E_BOOTABLE_CDDVD                                         = 0x80310030
4479FVE_E_PROTECTOR_EXISTS                                       = 0x80310031
4480FVE_E_RELATIVE_PATH                                          = 0x80310032
4481FWP_E_CALLOUT_NOT_FOUND                                      = 0x80320001
4482FWP_E_CONDITION_NOT_FOUND                                    = 0x80320002
4483FWP_E_FILTER_NOT_FOUND                                       = 0x80320003
4484FWP_E_LAYER_NOT_FOUND                                        = 0x80320004
4485FWP_E_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND                                     = 0x80320005
4486FWP_E_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND                             = 0x80320006
4487FWP_E_SUBLAYER_NOT_FOUND                                     = 0x80320007
4488FWP_E_NOT_FOUND                                              = 0x80320008
4489FWP_E_ALREADY_EXISTS                                         = 0x80320009
4490FWP_E_IN_USE                                                 = 0x8032000A
4491FWP_E_DYNAMIC_SESSION_IN_PROGRESS                            = 0x8032000B
4492FWP_E_WRONG_SESSION                                          = 0x8032000C
4493FWP_E_NO_TXN_IN_PROGRESS                                     = 0x8032000D
4494FWP_E_TXN_IN_PROGRESS                                        = 0x8032000E
4495FWP_E_TXN_ABORTED                                            = 0x8032000F
4496FWP_E_SESSION_ABORTED                                        = 0x80320010
4497FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_TXN                                       = 0x80320011
4498FWP_E_TIMEOUT                                                = 0x80320012
4499FWP_E_NET_EVENTS_DISABLED                                    = 0x80320013
4500FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_LAYER                                     = 0x80320014
4501FWP_E_KM_CLIENTS_ONLY                                        = 0x80320015
4502FWP_E_LIFETIME_MISMATCH                                      = 0x80320016
4503FWP_E_BUILTIN_OBJECT                                         = 0x80320017
4504FWP_E_TOO_MANY_BOOTTIME_FILTERS                              = 0x80320018
4505FWP_E_NOTIFICATION_DROPPED                                   = 0x80320019
4506FWP_E_TRAFFIC_MISMATCH                                       = 0x8032001A
4507FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_SA_STATE                                  = 0x8032001B
4508FWP_E_NULL_POINTER                                           = 0x8032001C
4509FWP_E_INVALID_ENUMERATOR                                     = 0x8032001D
4510FWP_E_INVALID_FLAGS                                          = 0x8032001E
4511FWP_E_INVALID_NET_MASK                                       = 0x8032001F
4512FWP_E_INVALID_RANGE                                          = 0x80320020
4513FWP_E_INVALID_INTERVAL                                       = 0x80320021
4514FWP_E_ZERO_LENGTH_ARRAY                                      = 0x80320022
4515FWP_E_NULL_DISPLAY_NAME                                      = 0x80320023
4516FWP_E_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE                                    = 0x80320024
4517FWP_E_INVALID_WEIGHT                                         = 0x80320025
4518FWP_E_MATCH_TYPE_MISMATCH                                    = 0x80320026
4519FWP_E_TYPE_MISMATCH                                          = 0x80320027
4520FWP_E_OUT_OF_BOUNDS                                          = 0x80320028
4521FWP_E_RESERVED                                               = 0x80320029
4522FWP_E_DUPLICATE_CONDITION                                    = 0x8032002A
4523FWP_E_DUPLICATE_KEYMOD                                       = 0x8032002B
4524FWP_E_ACTION_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_LAYER                         = 0x8032002C
4525FWP_E_ACTION_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_SUBLAYER                      = 0x8032002D
4526FWP_E_CONTEXT_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_LAYER                        = 0x8032002E
4527FWP_E_CONTEXT_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_CALLOUT                      = 0x8032002F
4528FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_AUTH_METHOD                               = 0x80320030
4529FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_DH_GROUP                                  = 0x80320031
4530FWP_E_EM_NOT_SUPPORTED                                       = 0x80320032
4531FWP_E_NEVER_MATCH                                            = 0x80320033
4532FWP_E_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_MISMATCH                              = 0x80320034
4533FWP_E_INVALID_PARAMETER                                      = 0x80320035
4534FWP_E_TOO_MANY_SUBLAYERS                                     = 0x80320036
4535FWP_E_CALLOUT_NOTIFICATION_FAILED                            = 0x80320037
4536FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_AUTH_CONFIG                               = 0x80320038
4537FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_CIPHER_CONFIG                             = 0x80320039
4538ERROR_NDIS_INTERFACE_CLOSING                                 = 0x80340002
4539ERROR_NDIS_BAD_VERSION                                       = 0x80340004
4540ERROR_NDIS_BAD_CHARACTERISTICS                               = 0x80340005
4541ERROR_NDIS_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND                                 = 0x80340006
4542ERROR_NDIS_OPEN_FAILED                                       = 0x80340007
4543ERROR_NDIS_DEVICE_FAILED                                     = 0x80340008
4544ERROR_NDIS_MULTICAST_FULL                                    = 0x80340009
4545ERROR_NDIS_MULTICAST_EXISTS                                  = 0x8034000A
4546ERROR_NDIS_MULTICAST_NOT_FOUND                               = 0x8034000B
4547ERROR_NDIS_REQUEST_ABORTED                                   = 0x8034000C
4548ERROR_NDIS_RESET_IN_PROGRESS                                 = 0x8034000D
4549ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_PACKET                                    = 0x8034000F
4550ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST                            = 0x80340010
4551ERROR_NDIS_ADAPTER_NOT_READY                                 = 0x80340011
4552ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_LENGTH                                    = 0x80340014
4553ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_DATA                                      = 0x80340015
4554ERROR_NDIS_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT                                  = 0x80340016
4555ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_OID                                       = 0x80340017
4556ERROR_NDIS_ADAPTER_REMOVED                                   = 0x80340018
4557ERROR_NDIS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA                                 = 0x80340019
4558ERROR_NDIS_GROUP_ADDRESS_IN_USE                              = 0x8034001A
4559ERROR_NDIS_FILE_NOT_FOUND                                    = 0x8034001B
4560ERROR_NDIS_ERROR_READING_FILE                                = 0x8034001C
4561ERROR_NDIS_ALREADY_MAPPED                                    = 0x8034001D
4562ERROR_NDIS_RESOURCE_CONFLICT                                 = 0x8034001E
4563ERROR_NDIS_MEDIA_DISCONNECTED                                = 0x8034001F
4564ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_ADDRESS                                   = 0x80340022
4565ERROR_NDIS_PAUSED                                            = 0x8034002A
4566ERROR_NDIS_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND                               = 0x8034002B
4567ERROR_NDIS_UNSUPPORTED_REVISION                              = 0x8034002C
4568ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_PORT                                      = 0x8034002D
4569ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_PORT_STATE                                = 0x8034002E
4570ERROR_NDIS_NOT_SUPPORTED                                     = 0x803400BB
4571ERROR_NDIS_DOT11_AUTO_CONFIG_ENABLED                         = 0x80342000
4572ERROR_NDIS_DOT11_MEDIA_IN_USE                                = 0x80342001
4573ERROR_NDIS_DOT11_POWER_STATE_INVALID                         = 0x80342002
4574TRK_E_NOT_FOUND                                              = 0x8DEAD01B
4575TRK_E_VOLUME_QUOTA_EXCEEDED                                  = 0x8DEAD01C
4576TRK_SERVER_TOO_BUSY                                          = 0x8DEAD01E
4577ERROR_AUDITING_DISABLED                                      = 0xC0090001
4578ERROR_ALL_SIDS_FILTERED                                      = 0xC0090002
4579ERROR_BIZRULES_NOT_ENABLED                                   = 0xC0090003
4580NS_E_NOCONNECTION                                            = 0xC00D0005
4581NS_E_CANNOTCONNECT                                           = 0xC00D0006
4582NS_E_CANNOTDESTROYTITLE                                      = 0xC00D0007
4583NS_E_CANNOTRENAMETITLE                                       = 0xC00D0008
4584NS_E_CANNOTOFFLINEDISK                                       = 0xC00D0009
4585NS_E_CANNOTONLINEDISK                                        = 0xC00D000A
4586NS_E_NOREGISTEREDWALKER                                      = 0xC00D000B
4587NS_E_NOFUNNEL                                                = 0xC00D000C
4588NS_E_NO_LOCALPLAY                                            = 0xC00D000D
4589NS_E_NETWORK_BUSY                                            = 0xC00D000E
4590NS_E_TOO_MANY_SESS                                           = 0xC00D000F
4591NS_E_ALREADY_CONNECTED                                       = 0xC00D0010
4592NS_E_INVALID_INDEX                                           = 0xC00D0011
4593NS_E_PROTOCOL_MISMATCH                                       = 0xC00D0012
4594NS_E_TIMEOUT                                                 = 0xC00D0013
4595NS_E_NET_WRITE                                               = 0xC00D0014
4596NS_E_NET_READ                                                = 0xC00D0015
4597NS_E_DISK_WRITE                                              = 0xC00D0016
4598NS_E_DISK_READ                                               = 0xC00D0017
4599NS_E_FILE_WRITE                                              = 0xC00D0018
4600NS_E_FILE_READ                                               = 0xC00D0019
4601NS_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND                                          = 0xC00D001A
4602NS_E_FILE_EXISTS                                             = 0xC00D001B
4603NS_E_INVALID_NAME                                            = 0xC00D001C
4604NS_E_FILE_OPEN_FAILED                                        = 0xC00D001D
4605NS_E_FILE_ALLOCATION_FAILED                                  = 0xC00D001E
4606NS_E_FILE_INIT_FAILED                                        = 0xC00D001F
4607NS_E_FILE_PLAY_FAILED                                        = 0xC00D0020
4608NS_E_SET_DISK_UID_FAILED                                     = 0xC00D0021
4609NS_E_INDUCED                                                 = 0xC00D0022
4610NS_E_CCLINK_DOWN                                             = 0xC00D0023
4611NS_E_INTERNAL                                                = 0xC00D0024
4612NS_E_BUSY                                                    = 0xC00D0025
4613NS_E_UNRECOGNIZED_STREAM_TYPE                                = 0xC00D0026
4614NS_E_NETWORK_SERVICE_FAILURE                                 = 0xC00D0027
4615NS_E_NETWORK_RESOURCE_FAILURE                                = 0xC00D0028
4616NS_E_CONNECTION_FAILURE                                      = 0xC00D0029
4617NS_E_SHUTDOWN                                                = 0xC00D002A
4618NS_E_INVALID_REQUEST                                         = 0xC00D002B
4619NS_E_INSUFFICIENT_BANDWIDTH                                  = 0xC00D002C
4620NS_E_NOT_REBUILDING                                          = 0xC00D002D
4621NS_E_LATE_OPERATION                                          = 0xC00D002E
4622NS_E_INVALID_DATA                                            = 0xC00D002F
4623NS_E_FILE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT                                    = 0xC00D0030
4624NS_E_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT                                         = 0xC00D0031
4625NS_E_BAD_CONTROL_DATA                                        = 0xC00D0032
4626NS_E_NO_STREAM                                               = 0xC00D0033
4627NS_E_STREAM_END                                              = 0xC00D0034
4628NS_E_SERVER_NOT_FOUND                                        = 0xC00D0035
4629NS_E_DUPLICATE_NAME                                          = 0xC00D0036
4630NS_E_DUPLICATE_ADDRESS                                       = 0xC00D0037
4631NS_E_BAD_MULTICAST_ADDRESS                                   = 0xC00D0038
4632NS_E_BAD_ADAPTER_ADDRESS                                     = 0xC00D0039
4633NS_E_BAD_DELIVERY_MODE                                       = 0xC00D003A
4634NS_E_INVALID_CHANNEL                                         = 0xC00D003B
4635NS_E_INVALID_STREAM                                          = 0xC00D003C
4636NS_E_INVALID_ARCHIVE                                         = 0xC00D003D
4637NS_E_NOTITLES                                                = 0xC00D003E
4638NS_E_INVALID_CLIENT                                          = 0xC00D003F
4639NS_E_INVALID_BLACKHOLE_ADDRESS                               = 0xC00D0040
4640NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_FORMAT                                     = 0xC00D0041
4641NS_E_INVALID_KEY                                             = 0xC00D0042
4642NS_E_INVALID_PORT                                            = 0xC00D0043
4643NS_E_INVALID_TTL                                             = 0xC00D0044
4644NS_E_STRIDE_REFUSED                                          = 0xC00D0045
4645NS_E_MMSAUTOSERVER_CANTFINDWALKER                            = 0xC00D0046
4646NS_E_MAX_BITRATE                                             = 0xC00D0047
4647NS_E_LOGFILEPERIOD                                           = 0xC00D0048
4648NS_E_MAX_CLIENTS                                             = 0xC00D0049
4649NS_E_LOG_FILE_SIZE                                           = 0xC00D004A
4650NS_E_MAX_FILERATE                                            = 0xC00D004B
4651NS_E_WALKER_UNKNOWN                                          = 0xC00D004C
4652NS_E_WALKER_SERVER                                           = 0xC00D004D
4653NS_E_WALKER_USAGE                                            = 0xC00D004E
4654NS_E_TIGER_FAIL                                              = 0xC00D0050
4655NS_E_CUB_FAIL                                                = 0xC00D0053
4656NS_E_DISK_FAIL                                               = 0xC00D0055
4657NS_E_MAX_FUNNELS_ALERT                                       = 0xC00D0060
4658NS_E_ALLOCATE_FILE_FAIL                                      = 0xC00D0061
4659NS_E_PAGING_ERROR                                            = 0xC00D0062
4660NS_E_BAD_BLOCK0_VERSION                                      = 0xC00D0063
4661NS_E_BAD_DISK_UID                                            = 0xC00D0064
4662NS_E_BAD_FSMAJOR_VERSION                                     = 0xC00D0065
4663NS_E_BAD_STAMPNUMBER                                         = 0xC00D0066
4664NS_E_PARTIALLY_REBUILT_DISK                                  = 0xC00D0067
4665NS_E_ENACTPLAN_GIVEUP                                        = 0xC00D0068
4666MCMADM_E_REGKEY_NOT_FOUND                                    = 0xC00D006A
4667NS_E_NO_FORMATS                                              = 0xC00D006B
4668NS_E_NO_REFERENCES                                           = 0xC00D006C
4669NS_E_WAVE_OPEN                                               = 0xC00D006D
4670NS_E_CANNOTCONNECTEVENTS                                     = 0xC00D006F
4671NS_E_NO_DEVICE                                               = 0xC00D0071
4672NS_E_NO_SPECIFIED_DEVICE                                     = 0xC00D0072
4673NS_E_MONITOR_GIVEUP                                          = 0xC00D00C8
4674NS_E_REMIRRORED_DISK                                         = 0xC00D00C9
4675NS_E_INSUFFICIENT_DATA                                       = 0xC00D00CA
4676NS_E_ASSERT                                                  = 0xC00D00CB
4677NS_E_BAD_ADAPTER_NAME                                        = 0xC00D00CC
4678NS_E_NOT_LICENSED                                            = 0xC00D00CD
4679NS_E_NO_SERVER_CONTACT                                       = 0xC00D00CE
4680NS_E_TOO_MANY_TITLES                                         = 0xC00D00CF
4681NS_E_TITLE_SIZE_EXCEEDED                                     = 0xC00D00D0
4682NS_E_UDP_DISABLED                                            = 0xC00D00D1
4683NS_E_TCP_DISABLED                                            = 0xC00D00D2
4684NS_E_HTTP_DISABLED                                           = 0xC00D00D3
4685NS_E_LICENSE_EXPIRED                                         = 0xC00D00D4
4686NS_E_TITLE_BITRATE                                           = 0xC00D00D5
4687NS_E_EMPTY_PROGRAM_NAME                                      = 0xC00D00D6
4688NS_E_MISSING_CHANNEL                                         = 0xC00D00D7
4689NS_E_NO_CHANNELS                                             = 0xC00D00D8
4690NS_E_INVALID_INDEX2                                          = 0xC00D00D9
4691NS_E_CUB_FAIL_LINK                                           = 0xC00D0190
4692NS_E_BAD_CUB_UID                                             = 0xC00D0192
4693NS_E_GLITCH_MODE                                             = 0xC00D0195
4694NS_E_NO_MEDIA_PROTOCOL                                       = 0xC00D019B
4695NS_E_NOTHING_TO_DO                                           = 0xC00D07F1
4696NS_E_NO_MULTICAST                                            = 0xC00D07F2
4697NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_FORMAT                                    = 0xC00D0BB8
4698NS_E_MSAUDIO_NOT_INSTALLED                                   = 0xC00D0BB9
4699NS_E_UNEXPECTED_MSAUDIO_ERROR                                = 0xC00D0BBA
4700NS_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_FORMAT                                   = 0xC00D0BBB
4701NS_E_NOT_CONFIGURED                                          = 0xC00D0BBC
4702NS_E_PROTECTED_CONTENT                                       = 0xC00D0BBD
4703NS_E_LICENSE_REQUIRED                                        = 0xC00D0BBE
4704NS_E_TAMPERED_CONTENT                                        = 0xC00D0BBF
4705NS_E_LICENSE_OUTOFDATE                                       = 0xC00D0BC0
4706NS_E_LICENSE_INCORRECT_RIGHTS                                = 0xC00D0BC1
4707NS_E_AUDIO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLED                               = 0xC00D0BC2
4708NS_E_AUDIO_CODEC_ERROR                                       = 0xC00D0BC3
4709NS_E_VIDEO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLED                               = 0xC00D0BC4
4710NS_E_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR                                       = 0xC00D0BC5
4711NS_E_INVALIDPROFILE                                          = 0xC00D0BC6
4712NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION                                    = 0xC00D0BC7
4713NS_E_OFFLINE_MODE                                            = 0xC00D0BCA
4714NS_E_NOT_CONNECTED                                           = 0xC00D0BCB
4715NS_E_TOO_MUCH_DATA                                           = 0xC00D0BCC
4716NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY                                    = 0xC00D0BCD
4717NS_E_8BIT_WAVE_UNSUPPORTED                                   = 0xC00D0BCE
4718NS_E_NO_MORE_SAMPLES                                         = 0xC00D0BCF
4719NS_E_INVALID_SAMPLING_RATE                                   = 0xC00D0BD0
4720NS_E_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_TOO_SMALL                               = 0xC00D0BD1
4721NS_E_LATE_PACKET                                             = 0xC00D0BD2
4722NS_E_DUPLICATE_PACKET                                        = 0xC00D0BD3
4723NS_E_SDK_BUFFERTOOSMALL                                      = 0xC00D0BD4
4724NS_E_INVALID_NUM_PASSES                                      = 0xC00D0BD5
4725NS_E_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY                                     = 0xC00D0BD6
4726NS_E_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_ALLOWED                                   = 0xC00D0BD7
4727NS_E_INVALID_EDL                                             = 0xC00D0BD8
4728NS_E_DATA_UNIT_EXTENSION_TOO_LARGE                           = 0xC00D0BD9
4729NS_E_CODEC_DMO_ERROR                                         = 0xC00D0BDA
4730NS_E_FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_GROUP_POLICY                        = 0xC00D0BDC
4731NS_E_FEATURE_DISABLED_IN_SKU                                 = 0xC00D0BDD
4732NS_E_NO_CD                                                   = 0xC00D0FA0
4733NS_E_CANT_READ_DIGITAL                                       = 0xC00D0FA1
4734NS_E_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED                                     = 0xC00D0FA2
4735NS_E_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT_FORMAT                               = 0xC00D0FA3
4736NS_E_SLOW_READ_DIGITAL                                       = 0xC00D0FA4
4737NS_E_MIXER_INVALID_LINE                                      = 0xC00D0FA5
4738NS_E_MIXER_INVALID_CONTROL                                   = 0xC00D0FA6
4739NS_E_MIXER_INVALID_VALUE                                     = 0xC00D0FA7
4740NS_E_MIXER_UNKNOWN_MMRESULT                                  = 0xC00D0FA8
4741NS_E_USER_STOP                                               = 0xC00D0FA9
4742NS_E_MP3_FORMAT_NOT_FOUND                                    = 0xC00D0FAA
4743NS_E_CD_READ_ERROR_NO_CORRECTION                             = 0xC00D0FAB
4744NS_E_CD_READ_ERROR                                           = 0xC00D0FAC
4745NS_E_CD_SLOW_COPY                                            = 0xC00D0FAD
4746NS_E_CD_COPYTO_CD                                            = 0xC00D0FAE
4747NS_E_MIXER_NODRIVER                                          = 0xC00D0FAF
4748NS_E_REDBOOK_ENABLED_WHILE_COPYING                           = 0xC00D0FB0
4749NS_E_CD_REFRESH                                              = 0xC00D0FB1
4750NS_E_CD_DRIVER_PROBLEM                                       = 0xC00D0FB2
4751NS_E_WONT_DO_DIGITAL                                         = 0xC00D0FB3
4752NS_E_WMPXML_NOERROR                                          = 0xC00D0FB4
4753NS_E_WMPXML_ENDOFDATA                                        = 0xC00D0FB5
4754NS_E_WMPXML_PARSEERROR                                       = 0xC00D0FB6
4755NS_E_WMPXML_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUND                                = 0xC00D0FB7
4756NS_E_WMPXML_PINOTFOUND                                       = 0xC00D0FB8
4757NS_E_WMPXML_EMPTYDOC                                         = 0xC00D0FB9
4758NS_E_WMP_PATH_ALREADY_IN_LIBRARY                             = 0xC00D0FBA
4759NS_E_WMP_FILESCANALREADYSTARTED                              = 0xC00D0FBE
4760NS_E_WMP_HME_INVALIDOBJECTID                                 = 0xC00D0FBF
4761NS_E_WMP_MF_CODE_EXPIRED                                     = 0xC00D0FC0
4762NS_E_WMP_HME_NOTSEARCHABLEFORITEMS                           = 0xC00D0FC1
4763NS_E_WMP_ADDTOLIBRARY_FAILED                                 = 0xC00D0FC7
4764NS_E_WMP_WINDOWSAPIFAILURE                                   = 0xC00D0FC8
4765NS_E_WMP_RECORDING_NOT_ALLOWED                               = 0xC00D0FC9
4766NS_E_DEVICE_NOT_READY                                        = 0xC00D0FCA
4767NS_E_DAMAGED_FILE                                            = 0xC00D0FCB
4768NS_E_MPDB_GENERIC                                            = 0xC00D0FCC
4769NS_E_FILE_FAILED_CHECKS                                      = 0xC00D0FCD
4770NS_E_MEDIA_LIBRARY_FAILED                                    = 0xC00D0FCE
4771NS_E_SHARING_VIOLATION                                       = 0xC00D0FCF
4772NS_E_NO_ERROR_STRING_FOUND                                   = 0xC00D0FD0
4773NS_E_WMPOCX_NO_REMOTE_CORE                                   = 0xC00D0FD1
4774NS_E_WMPOCX_NO_ACTIVE_CORE                                   = 0xC00D0FD2
4775NS_E_WMPOCX_NOT_RUNNING_REMOTELY                             = 0xC00D0FD3
4776NS_E_WMPOCX_NO_REMOTE_WINDOW                                 = 0xC00D0FD4
4777NS_E_WMPOCX_ERRORMANAGERNOTAVAILABLE                         = 0xC00D0FD5
4778NS_E_PLUGIN_NOTSHUTDOWN                                      = 0xC00D0FD6
4779NS_E_WMP_CANNOT_FIND_FOLDER                                  = 0xC00D0FD7
4780NS_E_WMP_STREAMING_RECORDING_NOT_ALLOWED                     = 0xC00D0FD8
4781NS_E_WMP_PLUGINDLL_NOTFOUND                                  = 0xC00D0FD9
4782NS_E_NEED_TO_ASK_USER                                        = 0xC00D0FDA
4783NS_E_WMPOCX_PLAYER_NOT_DOCKED                                = 0xC00D0FDB
4784NS_E_WMP_EXTERNAL_NOTREADY                                   = 0xC00D0FDC
4785NS_E_WMP_MLS_STALE_DATA                                      = 0xC00D0FDD
4786NS_E_WMP_UI_SUBCONTROLSNOTSUPPORTED                          = 0xC00D0FDE
4787NS_E_WMP_UI_VERSIONMISMATCH                                  = 0xC00D0FDF
4788NS_E_WMP_UI_NOTATHEMEFILE                                    = 0xC00D0FE0
4789NS_E_WMP_UI_SUBELEMENTNOTFOUND                               = 0xC00D0FE1
4790NS_E_WMP_UI_VERSIONPARSE                                     = 0xC00D0FE2
4791NS_E_WMP_UI_VIEWIDNOTFOUND                                   = 0xC00D0FE3
4792NS_E_WMP_UI_PASSTHROUGH                                      = 0xC00D0FE4
4793NS_E_WMP_UI_OBJECTNOTFOUND                                   = 0xC00D0FE5
4794NS_E_WMP_UI_SECONDHANDLER                                    = 0xC00D0FE6
4795NS_E_WMP_UI_NOSKININZIP                                      = 0xC00D0FE7
4796NS_E_WMP_URLDOWNLOADFAILED                                   = 0xC00D0FEA
4797NS_E_WMPOCX_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_SKIN                              = 0xC00D0FEB
4798NS_E_WMP_INVALID_SKIN                                        = 0xC00D0FEC
4799NS_E_WMP_SENDMAILFAILED                                      = 0xC00D0FED
4800NS_E_WMP_LOCKEDINSKINMODE                                    = 0xC00D0FEE
4801NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_SAVE_FILE                                 = 0xC00D0FEF
4802NS_E_WMP_SAVEAS_READONLY                                     = 0xC00D0FF0
4803NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_SAVE_PLAYLIST                             = 0xC00D0FF1
4804NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_OPEN_WMD                                  = 0xC00D0FF2
4805NS_E_WMP_CANT_PLAY_PROTECTED                                 = 0xC00D0FF3
4806NS_E_SHARING_STATE_OUT_OF_SYNC                               = 0xC00D0FF4
4808NS_E_WMP_RBC_JPGMAPPINGIMAGE                                 = 0xC00D1004
4809NS_E_WMP_JPGTRANSPARENCY                                     = 0xC00D1005
4810NS_E_WMP_INVALID_MAX_VAL                                     = 0xC00D1009
4811NS_E_WMP_INVALID_MIN_VAL                                     = 0xC00D100A
4812NS_E_WMP_CS_JPGPOSITIONIMAGE                                 = 0xC00D100E
4813NS_E_WMP_CS_NOTEVENLYDIVISIBLE                               = 0xC00D100F
4814NS_E_WMPZIP_NOTAZIPFILE                                      = 0xC00D1018
4815NS_E_WMPZIP_CORRUPT                                          = 0xC00D1019
4816NS_E_WMPZIP_FILENOTFOUND                                     = 0xC00D101A
4817NS_E_WMP_IMAGE_FILETYPE_UNSUPPORTED                          = 0xC00D1022
4818NS_E_WMP_IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT                                = 0xC00D1023
4819NS_E_WMP_GIF_UNEXPECTED_ENDOFFILE                            = 0xC00D1024
4820NS_E_WMP_GIF_INVALID_FORMAT                                  = 0xC00D1025
4821NS_E_WMP_GIF_BAD_VERSION_NUMBER                              = 0xC00D1026
4822NS_E_WMP_GIF_NO_IMAGE_IN_FILE                                = 0xC00D1027
4823NS_E_WMP_PNG_INVALIDFORMAT                                   = 0xC00D1028
4824NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_BITDEPTH                            = 0xC00D1029
4825NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION                         = 0xC00D102A
4826NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_FILTER                              = 0xC00D102B
4827NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_INTERLACE                           = 0xC00D102C
4828NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_BAD_CRC                             = 0xC00D102D
4829NS_E_WMP_BMP_INVALID_BITMASK                                 = 0xC00D102E
4830NS_E_WMP_BMP_TOPDOWN_DIB_UNSUPPORTED                         = 0xC00D102F
4831NS_E_WMP_BMP_BITMAP_NOT_CREATED                              = 0xC00D1030
4832NS_E_WMP_BMP_COMPRESSION_UNSUPPORTED                         = 0xC00D1031
4833NS_E_WMP_BMP_INVALID_FORMAT                                  = 0xC00D1032
4834NS_E_WMP_JPG_JERR_ARITHCODING_NOTIMPL                        = 0xC00D1033
4835NS_E_WMP_JPG_INVALID_FORMAT                                  = 0xC00D1034
4836NS_E_WMP_JPG_BAD_DCTSIZE                                     = 0xC00D1035
4837NS_E_WMP_JPG_BAD_VERSION_NUMBER                              = 0xC00D1036
4838NS_E_WMP_JPG_BAD_PRECISION                                   = 0xC00D1037
4839NS_E_WMP_JPG_CCIR601_NOTIMPL                                 = 0xC00D1038
4840NS_E_WMP_JPG_NO_IMAGE_IN_FILE                                = 0xC00D1039
4841NS_E_WMP_JPG_READ_ERROR                                      = 0xC00D103A
4842NS_E_WMP_JPG_FRACT_SAMPLE_NOTIMPL                            = 0xC00D103B
4843NS_E_WMP_JPG_IMAGE_TOO_BIG                                   = 0xC00D103C
4844NS_E_WMP_JPG_UNEXPECTED_ENDOFFILE                            = 0xC00D103D
4845NS_E_WMP_JPG_SOF_UNSUPPORTED                                 = 0xC00D103E
4846NS_E_WMP_JPG_UNKNOWN_MARKER                                  = 0xC00D103F
4847NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_OPEN_IMAGE                                = 0xC00D1044
4848NS_E_WMP_DAI_SONGTOOSHORT                                    = 0xC00D1049
4849NS_E_WMG_RATEUNAVAILABLE                                     = 0xC00D104A
4850NS_E_WMG_PLUGINUNAVAILABLE                                   = 0xC00D104B
4851NS_E_WMG_CANNOTQUEUE                                         = 0xC00D104C
4853NS_E_WMG_UNEXPECTEDPREROLLSTATUS                             = 0xC00D104E
4854NS_E_WMG_INVALID_COPP_CERTIFICATE                            = 0xC00D1051
4855NS_E_WMG_COPP_SECURITY_INVALID                               = 0xC00D1052
4856NS_E_WMG_COPP_UNSUPPORTED                                    = 0xC00D1053
4857NS_E_WMG_INVALIDSTATE                                        = 0xC00D1054
4858NS_E_WMG_SINKALREADYEXISTS                                   = 0xC00D1055
4859NS_E_WMG_NOSDKINTERFACE                                      = 0xC00D1056
4860NS_E_WMG_NOTALLOUTPUTSRENDERED                               = 0xC00D1057
4861NS_E_WMG_FILETRANSFERNOTALLOWED                              = 0xC00D1058
4862NS_E_WMR_UNSUPPORTEDSTREAM                                   = 0xC00D1059
4863NS_E_WMR_PINNOTFOUND                                         = 0xC00D105A
4864NS_E_WMR_WAITINGONFORMATSWITCH                               = 0xC00D105B
4865NS_E_WMR_NOSOURCEFILTER                                      = 0xC00D105C
4866NS_E_WMR_PINTYPENOMATCH                                      = 0xC00D105D
4867NS_E_WMR_NOCALLBACKAVAILABLE                                 = 0xC00D105E
4868NS_E_WMR_SAMPLEPROPERTYNOTSET                                = 0xC00D1062
4869NS_E_WMR_CANNOT_RENDER_BINARY_STREAM                         = 0xC00D1063
4870NS_E_WMG_LICENSE_TAMPERED                                    = 0xC00D1064
4871NS_E_WMR_WILLNOT_RENDER_BINARY_STREAM                        = 0xC00D1065
4872NS_E_WMX_UNRECOGNIZED_PLAYLIST_FORMAT                        = 0xC00D1068
4873NS_E_ASX_INVALIDFORMAT                                       = 0xC00D1069
4874NS_E_ASX_INVALIDVERSION                                      = 0xC00D106A
4875NS_E_ASX_INVALID_REPEAT_BLOCK                                = 0xC00D106B
4876NS_E_ASX_NOTHING_TO_WRITE                                    = 0xC00D106C
4877NS_E_URLLIST_INVALIDFORMAT                                   = 0xC00D106D
4878NS_E_WMX_ATTRIBUTE_DOES_NOT_EXIST                            = 0xC00D106E
4879NS_E_WMX_ATTRIBUTE_ALREADY_EXISTS                            = 0xC00D106F
4880NS_E_WMX_ATTRIBUTE_UNRETRIEVABLE                             = 0xC00D1070
4881NS_E_WMX_ITEM_DOES_NOT_EXIST                                 = 0xC00D1071
4882NS_E_WMX_ITEM_TYPE_ILLEGAL                                   = 0xC00D1072
4883NS_E_WMX_ITEM_UNSETTABLE                                     = 0xC00D1073
4884NS_E_WMX_PLAYLIST_EMPTY                                      = 0xC00D1074
4886NS_E_WMX_INVALID_FORMAT_OVER_NESTING                         = 0xC00D1076
4887NS_E_WMPCORE_NOSOURCEURLSTRING                               = 0xC00D107C
4890NS_E_WMPCORE_BUFFERTOOSMALL                                  = 0xC00D107F
4891NS_E_WMPCORE_UNAVAILABLE                                     = 0xC00D1080
4892NS_E_WMPCORE_INVALIDPLAYLISTMODE                             = 0xC00D1081
4893NS_E_WMPCORE_ITEMNOTINPLAYLIST                               = 0xC00D1086
4894NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLISTEMPTY                                   = 0xC00D1087
4895NS_E_WMPCORE_NOBROWSER                                       = 0xC00D1088
4896NS_E_WMPCORE_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA_URL                          = 0xC00D1089
4897NS_E_WMPCORE_GRAPH_NOT_IN_LIST                               = 0xC00D108A
4899NS_E_WMPCORE_ERRORSINKNOTREGISTERED                          = 0xC00D108C
4900NS_E_WMPCORE_ERRORMANAGERNOTAVAILABLE                        = 0xC00D108D
4901NS_E_WMPCORE_WEBHELPFAILED                                   = 0xC00D108E
4902NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_ERROR_RESUME_FAILED                       = 0xC00D108F
4903NS_E_WMPCORE_NO_REF_IN_ENTRY                                 = 0xC00D1090
4904NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_EMPTY                   = 0xC00D1091
4906NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_EMPTY                  = 0xC00D1093
4911NS_E_WMPCORE_LIST_ENTRY_NO_REF                               = 0xC00D1098
4912NS_E_WMPCORE_MISNAMED_FILE                                   = 0xC00D1099
4913NS_E_WMPCORE_CODEC_NOT_TRUSTED                               = 0xC00D109A
4914NS_E_WMPCORE_CODEC_NOT_FOUND                                 = 0xC00D109B
4915NS_E_WMPCORE_CODEC_DOWNLOAD_NOT_ALLOWED                      = 0xC00D109C
4916NS_E_WMPCORE_ERROR_DOWNLOADING_PLAYLIST                      = 0xC00D109D
4917NS_E_WMPCORE_FAILED_TO_BUILD_PLAYLIST                        = 0xC00D109E
4918NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_NONE                    = 0xC00D109F
4923NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_ALTERNATE_REF_EMPTY                       = 0xC00D10A4
4924NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_NO_EVENT_NAME                          = 0xC00D10A5
4926NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_EVENT_EMPTY                            = 0xC00D10A7
4927NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_STACK_EMPTY                            = 0xC00D10A8
4928NS_E_WMPCORE_CURRENT_MEDIA_NOT_ACTIVE                        = 0xC00D10A9
4929NS_E_WMPCORE_USER_CANCEL                                     = 0xC00D10AB
4930NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_REPEAT_EMPTY                           = 0xC00D10AC
4933NS_E_WMPCORE_INVALID_PLAYLIST_URL                            = 0xC00D10AF
4934NS_E_WMPCORE_MISMATCHED_RUNTIME                              = 0xC00D10B0
4937NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLE                               = 0xC00D10B3
4938NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_ENTRYREF_NO_REF                             = 0xC00D10B4
4939NS_E_WMPCORE_NO_PLAYABLE_MEDIA_IN_PLAYLIST                   = 0xC00D10B5
4941NS_E_WMPCORE_BUSY                                            = 0xC00D10B7
4943NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_NO_CHILD_PLAYLIST                         = 0xC00D10B9
4944NS_E_WMPCORE_FILE_NOT_FOUND                                  = 0xC00D10BA
4945NS_E_WMPCORE_TEMP_FILE_NOT_FOUND                             = 0xC00D10BB
4946NS_E_WMDM_REVOKED                                            = 0xC00D10BC
4947NS_E_DDRAW_GENERIC                                           = 0xC00D10BD
4948NS_E_DISPLAY_MODE_CHANGE_FAILED                              = 0xC00D10BE
4949NS_E_PLAYLIST_CONTAINS_ERRORS                                = 0xC00D10BF
4950NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_NAME                                     = 0xC00D10C0
4951NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_PORT                                     = 0xC00D10C1
4952NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_EXCEPTIONLIST                            = 0xC00D10C2
4953NS_E_CHANGING_PROXYBYPASS                                    = 0xC00D10C3
4954NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND                       = 0xC00D10C4
4955NS_E_GRAPH_NOAUDIOLANGUAGE                                   = 0xC00D10C5
4956NS_E_GRAPH_NOAUDIOLANGUAGESELECTED                           = 0xC00D10C6
4957NS_E_CORECD_NOTAMEDIACD                                      = 0xC00D10C7
4958NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_URL_TOO_LONG                              = 0xC00D10C8
4959NS_E_WMPFLASH_CANT_FIND_COM_SERVER                           = 0xC00D10C9
4960NS_E_WMPFLASH_INCOMPATIBLEVERSION                            = 0xC00D10CA
4962NS_E_NEED_CORE_REFERENCE                                     = 0xC00D10CC
4963NS_E_MEDIACD_READ_ERROR                                      = 0xC00D10CD
4964NS_E_IE_DISALLOWS_ACTIVEX_CONTROLS                           = 0xC00D10CE
4965NS_E_FLASH_PLAYBACK_NOT_ALLOWED                              = 0xC00D10CF
4966NS_E_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_RIP_LOCATION                           = 0xC00D10D0
4967NS_E_WMPCORE_SOME_CODECS_MISSING                             = 0xC00D10D1
4968NS_E_WMP_RIP_FAILED                                          = 0xC00D10D2
4969NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_RIP_TRACK                                 = 0xC00D10D3
4970NS_E_WMP_ERASE_FAILED                                        = 0xC00D10D4
4971NS_E_WMP_FORMAT_FAILED                                       = 0xC00D10D5
4972NS_E_WMP_CANNOT_BURN_NON_LOCAL_FILE                          = 0xC00D10D6
4973NS_E_WMP_FILE_TYPE_CANNOT_BURN_TO_AUDIO_CD                   = 0xC00D10D7
4974NS_E_WMP_FILE_DOES_NOT_FIT_ON_CD                             = 0xC00D10D8
4975NS_E_WMP_FILE_NO_DURATION                                    = 0xC00D10D9
4976NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_BURN                                      = 0xC00D10DA
4977NS_E_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_ABORT_BURN                              = 0xC00D10DC
4978NS_E_WMPCORE_DEVICE_DRIVERS_MISSING                          = 0xC00D10DD
4979NS_E_WMPIM_USEROFFLINE                                       = 0xC00D1126
4980NS_E_WMPIM_USERCANCELED                                      = 0xC00D1127
4981NS_E_WMPIM_DIALUPFAILED                                      = 0xC00D1128
4982NS_E_WINSOCK_ERROR_STRING                                    = 0xC00D1129
4983NS_E_WMPBR_NOLISTENER                                        = 0xC00D1130
4984NS_E_WMPBR_BACKUPCANCEL                                      = 0xC00D1131
4985NS_E_WMPBR_RESTORECANCEL                                     = 0xC00D1132
4986NS_E_WMPBR_ERRORWITHURL                                      = 0xC00D1133
4987NS_E_WMPBR_NAMECOLLISION                                     = 0xC00D1134
4988NS_E_WMPBR_DRIVE_INVALID                                     = 0xC00D1137
4989NS_E_WMPBR_BACKUPRESTOREFAILED                               = 0xC00D1138
4990NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_FILE_FAILED                                 = 0xC00D1158
4991NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_NO_RIGHTS_ERRORURL                          = 0xC00D1159
4992NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_NO_RIGHTS_NOERRORURL                        = 0xC00D115A
4993NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_FILE_CORRUPT                                = 0xC00D115B
4996NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_PLUGIN_UNKNOWN_FILE_OWNER                   = 0xC00D115E
4997NS_E_DVD_DISC_COPY_PROTECT_OUTPUT_NS                         = 0xC00D1160
4998NS_E_DVD_DISC_COPY_PROTECT_OUTPUT_FAILED                     = 0xC00D1161
4999NS_E_DVD_NO_SUBPICTURE_STREAM                                = 0xC00D1162
5000NS_E_DVD_COPY_PROTECT                                        = 0xC00D1163
5001NS_E_DVD_AUTHORING_PROBLEM                                   = 0xC00D1164
5002NS_E_DVD_INVALID_DISC_REGION                                 = 0xC00D1165
5003NS_E_DVD_COMPATIBLE_VIDEO_CARD                               = 0xC00D1166
5004NS_E_DVD_MACROVISION                                         = 0xC00D1167
5005NS_E_DVD_SYSTEM_DECODER_REGION                               = 0xC00D1168
5006NS_E_DVD_DISC_DECODER_REGION                                 = 0xC00D1169
5007NS_E_DVD_NO_VIDEO_STREAM                                     = 0xC00D116A
5008NS_E_DVD_NO_AUDIO_STREAM                                     = 0xC00D116B
5009NS_E_DVD_GRAPH_BUILDING                                      = 0xC00D116C
5010NS_E_DVD_NO_DECODER                                          = 0xC00D116D
5011NS_E_DVD_PARENTAL                                            = 0xC00D116E
5012NS_E_DVD_CANNOT_JUMP                                         = 0xC00D116F
5013NS_E_DVD_DEVICE_CONTENTION                                   = 0xC00D1170
5014NS_E_DVD_NO_VIDEO_MEMORY                                     = 0xC00D1171
5015NS_E_DVD_CANNOT_COPY_PROTECTED                               = 0xC00D1172
5016NS_E_DVD_REQUIRED_PROPERTY_NOT_SET                           = 0xC00D1173
5017NS_E_DVD_INVALID_TITLE_CHAPTER                               = 0xC00D1174
5018NS_E_NO_CD_BURNER                                            = 0xC00D1176
5019NS_E_DEVICE_IS_NOT_READY                                     = 0xC00D1177
5020NS_E_PDA_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT                                  = 0xC00D1178
5021NS_E_NO_PDA                                                  = 0xC00D1179
5022NS_E_PDA_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR                                   = 0xC00D117A
5023NS_E_MEMSTORAGE_BAD_DATA                                     = 0xC00D117B
5024NS_E_PDA_FAIL_SELECT_DEVICE                                  = 0xC00D117C
5025NS_E_PDA_FAIL_READ_WAVE_FILE                                 = 0xC00D117D
5026NS_E_IMAPI_LOSSOFSTREAMING                                   = 0xC00D117E
5027NS_E_PDA_DEVICE_FULL                                         = 0xC00D117F
5028NS_E_FAIL_LAUNCH_ROXIO_PLUGIN                                = 0xC00D1180
5029NS_E_PDA_DEVICE_FULL_IN_SESSION                              = 0xC00D1181
5030NS_E_IMAPI_MEDIUM_INVALIDTYPE                                = 0xC00D1182
5031NS_E_PDA_MANUALDEVICE                                        = 0xC00D1183
5032NS_E_PDA_PARTNERSHIPNOTEXIST                                 = 0xC00D1184
5034NS_E_PDA_NO_TRANSCODE_OF_DRM                                 = 0xC00D1186
5035NS_E_PDA_TRANSCODECACHEFULL                                  = 0xC00D1187
5036NS_E_PDA_TOO_MANY_FILE_COLLISIONS                            = 0xC00D1188
5037NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE                                    = 0xC00D1189
5038NS_E_PDA_TOO_MANY_FILES_IN_DIRECTORY                         = 0xC00D118A
5039NS_E_PROCESSINGSHOWSYNCWIZARD                                = 0xC00D118B
5040NS_E_PDA_TRANSCODE_NOT_PERMITTED                             = 0xC00D118C
5041NS_E_PDA_INITIALIZINGDEVICES                                 = 0xC00D118D
5042NS_E_PDA_OBSOLETE_SP                                         = 0xC00D118E
5043NS_E_PDA_TITLE_COLLISION                                     = 0xC00D118F
5044NS_E_PDA_DEVICESUPPORTDISABLED                               = 0xC00D1190
5045NS_E_PDA_NO_LONGER_AVAILABLE                                 = 0xC00D1191
5046NS_E_PDA_ENCODER_NOT_RESPONDING                              = 0xC00D1192
5047NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_SYNC_FROM_LOCATION                           = 0xC00D1193
5048NS_E_WMP_PROTOCOL_PROBLEM                                    = 0xC00D1194
5049NS_E_WMP_NO_DISK_SPACE                                       = 0xC00D1195
5050NS_E_WMP_LOGON_FAILURE                                       = 0xC00D1196
5051NS_E_WMP_CANNOT_FIND_FILE                                    = 0xC00D1197
5052NS_E_WMP_SERVER_INACCESSIBLE                                 = 0xC00D1198
5053NS_E_WMP_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT                                  = 0xC00D1199
5054NS_E_WMP_DSHOW_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT                            = 0xC00D119A
5055NS_E_WMP_PLAYLIST_EXISTS                                     = 0xC00D119B
5056NS_E_WMP_NONMEDIA_FILES                                      = 0xC00D119C
5057NS_E_WMP_INVALID_ASX                                         = 0xC00D119D
5058NS_E_WMP_ALREADY_IN_USE                                      = 0xC00D119E
5059NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_FAILURE                                       = 0xC00D119F
5060NS_E_WMP_WMDM_FAILURE                                        = 0xC00D11A0
5061NS_E_WMP_CODEC_NEEDED_WITH_4CC                               = 0xC00D11A1
5062NS_E_WMP_CODEC_NEEDED_WITH_FORMATTAG                         = 0xC00D11A2
5063NS_E_WMP_MSSAP_NOT_AVAILABLE                                 = 0xC00D11A3
5064NS_E_WMP_WMDM_INTERFACEDEAD                                  = 0xC00D11A4
5065NS_E_WMP_WMDM_NOTCERTIFIED                                   = 0xC00D11A5
5066NS_E_WMP_WMDM_LICENSE_NOTEXIST                               = 0xC00D11A6
5067NS_E_WMP_WMDM_LICENSE_EXPIRED                                = 0xC00D11A7
5068NS_E_WMP_WMDM_BUSY                                           = 0xC00D11A8
5069NS_E_WMP_WMDM_NORIGHTS                                       = 0xC00D11A9
5070NS_E_WMP_WMDM_INCORRECT_RIGHTS                               = 0xC00D11AA
5071NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_GENERIC                                       = 0xC00D11AB
5072NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_DEVICE_NOTPRESENT                             = 0xC00D11AD
5073NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_DEVICE_BUSY                                   = 0xC00D11AE
5074NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_LOSS_OF_STREAMING                             = 0xC00D11AF
5075NS_E_WMP_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE                                  = 0xC00D11B0
5076NS_E_WMP_FILE_OPEN_FAILED                                    = 0xC00D11B1
5077NS_E_WMP_VERIFY_ONLINE                                       = 0xC00D11B2
5078NS_E_WMP_SERVER_NOT_RESPONDING                               = 0xC00D11B3
5079NS_E_WMP_DRM_CORRUPT_BACKUP                                  = 0xC00D11B4
5080NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE                      = 0xC00D11B5
5081NS_E_WMP_NETWORK_FIREWALL                                    = 0xC00D11B6
5082NS_E_WMP_NO_REMOVABLE_MEDIA                                  = 0xC00D11B7
5083NS_E_WMP_PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT                               = 0xC00D11B8
5084NS_E_WMP_NEED_UPGRADE                                        = 0xC00D11B9
5085NS_E_WMP_AUDIO_HW_PROBLEM                                    = 0xC00D11BA
5086NS_E_WMP_INVALID_PROTOCOL                                    = 0xC00D11BB
5087NS_E_WMP_INVALID_LIBRARY_ADD                                 = 0xC00D11BC
5088NS_E_WMP_MMS_NOT_SUPPORTED                                   = 0xC00D11BD
5089NS_E_WMP_NO_PROTOCOLS_SELECTED                               = 0xC00D11BE
5090NS_E_WMP_GOFULLSCREEN_FAILED                                 = 0xC00D11BF
5091NS_E_WMP_NETWORK_ERROR                                       = 0xC00D11C0
5092NS_E_WMP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT                                     = 0xC00D11C1
5093NS_E_WMP_MULTICAST_DISABLED                                  = 0xC00D11C2
5094NS_E_WMP_SERVER_DNS_TIMEOUT                                  = 0xC00D11C3
5095NS_E_WMP_PROXY_NOT_FOUND                                     = 0xC00D11C4
5096NS_E_WMP_TAMPERED_CONTENT                                    = 0xC00D11C5
5097NS_E_WMP_OUTOFMEMORY                                         = 0xC00D11C6
5098NS_E_WMP_AUDIO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLED                           = 0xC00D11C7
5099NS_E_WMP_VIDEO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLED                           = 0xC00D11C8
5100NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_DEVICE_INVALIDTYPE                            = 0xC00D11C9
5101NS_E_WMP_DRM_DRIVER_AUTH_FAILURE                             = 0xC00D11CA
5102NS_E_WMP_NETWORK_RESOURCE_FAILURE                            = 0xC00D11CB
5103NS_E_WMP_UPGRADE_APPLICATION                                 = 0xC00D11CC
5104NS_E_WMP_UNKNOWN_ERROR                                       = 0xC00D11CD
5105NS_E_WMP_INVALID_KEY                                         = 0xC00D11CE
5106NS_E_WMP_CD_ANOTHER_USER                                     = 0xC00D11CF
5107NS_E_WMP_DRM_NEEDS_AUTHORIZATION                             = 0xC00D11D0
5108NS_E_WMP_BAD_DRIVER                                          = 0xC00D11D1
5109NS_E_WMP_ACCESS_DENIED                                       = 0xC00D11D2
5110NS_E_WMP_LICENSE_RESTRICTS                                   = 0xC00D11D3
5111NS_E_WMP_INVALID_REQUEST                                     = 0xC00D11D4
5112NS_E_WMP_CD_STASH_NO_SPACE                                   = 0xC00D11D5
5113NS_E_WMP_DRM_NEW_HARDWARE                                    = 0xC00D11D6
5114NS_E_WMP_DRM_INVALID_SIG                                     = 0xC00D11D7
5115NS_E_WMP_DRM_CANNOT_RESTORE                                  = 0xC00D11D8
5116NS_E_WMP_BURN_DISC_OVERFLOW                                  = 0xC00D11D9
5117NS_E_WMP_DRM_GENERIC_LICENSE_FAILURE                         = 0xC00D11DA
5118NS_E_WMP_DRM_NO_SECURE_CLOCK                                 = 0xC00D11DB
5119NS_E_WMP_DRM_NO_RIGHTS                                       = 0xC00D11DC
5120NS_E_WMP_DRM_INDIV_FAILED                                    = 0xC00D11DD
5121NS_E_WMP_SERVER_NONEWCONNECTIONS                             = 0xC00D11DE
5122NS_E_WMP_MULTIPLE_ERROR_IN_PLAYLIST                          = 0xC00D11DF
5123NS_E_WMP_IMAPI2_ERASE_FAIL                                   = 0xC00D11E0
5124NS_E_WMP_IMAPI2_ERASE_DEVICE_BUSY                            = 0xC00D11E1
5125NS_E_WMP_DRM_COMPONENT_FAILURE                               = 0xC00D11E2
5126NS_E_WMP_DRM_NO_DEVICE_CERT                                  = 0xC00D11E3
5127NS_E_WMP_SERVER_SECURITY_ERROR                               = 0xC00D11E4
5128NS_E_WMP_AUDIO_DEVICE_LOST                                   = 0xC00D11E5
5129NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_MEDIA_INCOMPATIBLE                            = 0xC00D11E6
5130NS_E_SYNCWIZ_DEVICE_FULL                                     = 0xC00D11EE
5131NS_E_SYNCWIZ_CANNOT_CHANGE_SETTINGS                          = 0xC00D11EF
5132NS_E_TRANSCODE_DELETECACHEERROR                              = 0xC00D11F0
5133NS_E_CD_NO_BUFFERS_READ                                      = 0xC00D11F8
5134NS_E_CD_EMPTY_TRACK_QUEUE                                    = 0xC00D11F9
5135NS_E_CD_NO_READER                                            = 0xC00D11FA
5136NS_E_CD_ISRC_INVALID                                         = 0xC00D11FB
5137NS_E_CD_MEDIA_CATALOG_NUMBER_INVALID                         = 0xC00D11FC
5139NS_E_CD_SPEEDDETECT_NOT_ENOUGH_READS                         = 0xC00D11FE
5140NS_E_CD_QUEUEING_DISABLED                                    = 0xC00D11FF
5141NS_E_WMP_DRM_ACQUIRING_LICENSE                               = 0xC00D1202
5142NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_EXPIRED                                 = 0xC00D1203
5143NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_NOTACQUIRED                             = 0xC00D1204
5144NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_NOTENABLED                              = 0xC00D1205
5145NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_UNUSABLE                                = 0xC00D1206
5146NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_CONTENT_REVOKED                         = 0xC00D1207
5147NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_NOSAP                                   = 0xC00D1208
5148NS_E_WMP_DRM_UNABLE_TO_ACQUIRE_LICENSE                       = 0xC00D1209
5149NS_E_WMP_LICENSE_REQUIRED                                    = 0xC00D120A
5150NS_E_WMP_PROTECTED_CONTENT                                   = 0xC00D120B
5151NS_E_WMP_POLICY_VALUE_NOT_CONFIGURED                         = 0xC00D122A
5152NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_SYNC_FROM_INTERNET                           = 0xC00D1234
5153NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_SYNC_INVALID_PLAYLIST                        = 0xC00D1235
5154NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_FILE                          = 0xC00D1236
5155NS_E_PDA_SYNC_FAILED                                         = 0xC00D1237
5156NS_E_PDA_DELETE_FAILED                                       = 0xC00D1238
5157NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_RETRIEVE_FILE                             = 0xC00D1239
5158NS_E_PDA_DEVICE_NOT_RESPONDING                               = 0xC00D123A
5159NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_TRANSCODE_PHOTO                           = 0xC00D123B
5160NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_ENCRYPT_TRANSCODED_FILE                   = 0xC00D123C
5161NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE_TO_AUDIO                           = 0xC00D123D
5162NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE_TO_VIDEO                           = 0xC00D123E
5163NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE_TO_IMAGE                           = 0xC00D123F
5164NS_E_PDA_RETRIEVED_FILE_FILENAME_TOO_LONG                    = 0xC00D1240
5165NS_E_PDA_CEWMDM_DRM_ERROR                                    = 0xC00D1241
5166NS_E_INCOMPLETE_PLAYLIST                                     = 0xC00D1242
5167NS_E_PDA_SYNC_RUNNING                                        = 0xC00D1243
5168NS_E_PDA_SYNC_LOGIN_ERROR                                    = 0xC00D1244
5169NS_E_PDA_TRANSCODE_CODEC_NOT_FOUND                           = 0xC00D1245
5170NS_E_CANNOT_SYNC_DRM_TO_NON_JANUS_DEVICE                     = 0xC00D1246
5171NS_E_CANNOT_SYNC_PREVIOUS_SYNC_RUNNING                       = 0xC00D1247
5172NS_E_WMP_HWND_NOTFOUND                                       = 0xC00D125C
5173NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_WRONG_NO_FILES                              = 0xC00D125D
5174NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_COMPLETECANCELLEDJOB                        = 0xC00D125E
5175NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CANCELCOMPLETEDJOB                          = 0xC00D125F
5176NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_NOJOBPOINTER                                = 0xC00D1260
5177NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_INVALIDJOBSIGNATURE                         = 0xC00D1261
5178NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_FAILED_TO_CREATE_TEMPFILE                   = 0xC00D1262
5179NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_PLUGIN_FAILEDINITIALIZE                     = 0xC00D1263
5180NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_PLUGIN_FAILEDTOMOVEFILE                     = 0xC00D1264
5181NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CALLFUNCFAILED                              = 0xC00D1265
5182NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CALLFUNCTIMEOUT                             = 0xC00D1266
5183NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CALLFUNCENDED                               = 0xC00D1267
5184NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_WMDUNPACKFAILED                             = 0xC00D1268
5185NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_FAILEDINITIALIZE                            = 0xC00D1269
5186NS_E_INTERFACE_NOT_REGISTERED_IN_GIT                         = 0xC00D126A
5187NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_INVALID_FILE_NAME                           = 0xC00D126B
5188NS_E_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED                                   = 0xC00D128E
5189NS_E_WMP_UDRM_NOUSERLIST                                     = 0xC00D12C0
5190NS_E_WMP_DRM_NOT_ACQUIRING                                   = 0xC00D12C1
5191NS_E_WMP_BSTR_TOO_LONG                                       = 0xC00D12F2
5192NS_E_WMP_AUTOPLAY_INVALID_STATE                              = 0xC00D12FC
5193NS_E_WMP_COMPONENT_REVOKED                                   = 0xC00D1306
5194NS_E_CURL_NOTSAFE                                            = 0xC00D1324
5195NS_E_CURL_INVALIDCHAR                                        = 0xC00D1325
5196NS_E_CURL_INVALIDHOSTNAME                                    = 0xC00D1326
5197NS_E_CURL_INVALIDPATH                                        = 0xC00D1327
5198NS_E_CURL_INVALIDSCHEME                                      = 0xC00D1328
5199NS_E_CURL_INVALIDURL                                         = 0xC00D1329
5200NS_E_CURL_CANTWALK                                           = 0xC00D132B
5201NS_E_CURL_INVALIDPORT                                        = 0xC00D132C
5202NS_E_CURLHELPER_NOTADIRECTORY                                = 0xC00D132D
5203NS_E_CURLHELPER_NOTAFILE                                     = 0xC00D132E
5204NS_E_CURL_CANTDECODE                                         = 0xC00D132F
5205NS_E_CURLHELPER_NOTRELATIVE                                  = 0xC00D1330
5206NS_E_CURL_INVALIDBUFFERSIZE                                  = 0xC00D1331
5209NS_E_CANNOT_BUY_OR_DOWNLOAD_CONTENT                          = 0xC00D1358
5210NS_E_NOT_CONTENT_PARTNER_TRACK                               = 0xC00D135A
5212NS_E_TRACK_DOWNLOAD_REQUIRES_PURCHASE                        = 0xC00D135C
5213NS_E_TRACK_PURCHASE_MAXIMUM_EXCEEDED                         = 0xC00D135D
5214NS_E_SUBSCRIPTIONSERVICE_LOGIN_FAILED                        = 0xC00D135F
5216NS_E_CONTENT_PARTNER_STILL_INITIALIZING                      = 0xC00D1362
5217NS_E_OPEN_CONTAINING_FOLDER_FAILED                           = 0xC00D1363
5218NS_E_ADVANCEDEDIT_TOO_MANY_PICTURES                          = 0xC00D136A
5219NS_E_REDIRECT                                                = 0xC00D1388
5220NS_E_STALE_PRESENTATION                                      = 0xC00D1389
5221NS_E_NAMESPACE_WRONG_PERSIST                                 = 0xC00D138A
5222NS_E_NAMESPACE_WRONG_TYPE                                    = 0xC00D138B
5223NS_E_NAMESPACE_NODE_CONFLICT                                 = 0xC00D138C
5224NS_E_NAMESPACE_NODE_NOT_FOUND                                = 0xC00D138D
5225NS_E_NAMESPACE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                              = 0xC00D138E
5226NS_E_NAMESPACE_TOO_MANY_CALLBACKS                            = 0xC00D138F
5227NS_E_NAMESPACE_DUPLICATE_CALLBACK                            = 0xC00D1390
5228NS_E_NAMESPACE_CALLBACK_NOT_FOUND                            = 0xC00D1391
5229NS_E_NAMESPACE_NAME_TOO_LONG                                 = 0xC00D1392
5230NS_E_NAMESPACE_DUPLICATE_NAME                                = 0xC00D1393
5231NS_E_NAMESPACE_EMPTY_NAME                                    = 0xC00D1394
5232NS_E_NAMESPACE_INDEX_TOO_LARGE                               = 0xC00D1395
5233NS_E_NAMESPACE_BAD_NAME                                      = 0xC00D1396
5234NS_E_NAMESPACE_WRONG_SECURITY                                = 0xC00D1397
5235NS_E_CACHE_ARCHIVE_CONFLICT                                  = 0xC00D13EC
5236NS_E_CACHE_ORIGIN_SERVER_NOT_FOUND                           = 0xC00D13ED
5237NS_E_CACHE_ORIGIN_SERVER_TIMEOUT                             = 0xC00D13EE
5238NS_E_CACHE_NOT_BROADCAST                                     = 0xC00D13EF
5239NS_E_CACHE_CANNOT_BE_CACHED                                  = 0xC00D13F0
5240NS_E_CACHE_NOT_MODIFIED                                      = 0xC00D13F1
5241NS_E_CANNOT_REMOVE_PUBLISHING_POINT                          = 0xC00D1450
5242NS_E_CANNOT_REMOVE_PLUGIN                                    = 0xC00D1451
5243NS_E_WRONG_PUBLISHING_POINT_TYPE                             = 0xC00D1452
5244NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_LOAD_TYPE                                   = 0xC00D1453
5246NS_E_INVALID_PUBLISHING_POINT_NAME                           = 0xC00D1455
5247NS_E_TOO_MANY_MULTICAST_SINKS                                = 0xC00D1456
5249NS_E_MULTICAST_PLUGIN_NOT_ENABLED                            = 0xC00D1458
5250NS_E_INVALID_OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION                        = 0xC00D1459
5251NS_E_PUBLISHING_POINT_REMOVED                                = 0xC00D145A
5253NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_LANGUAGE                                    = 0xC00D145C
5254NS_E_WRONG_OS_VERSION                                        = 0xC00D145D
5255NS_E_PUBLISHING_POINT_STOPPED                                = 0xC00D145E
5256NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_ALREADY_PLAYING                          = 0xC00D14B4
5257NS_E_EMPTY_PLAYLIST                                          = 0xC00D14B5
5258NS_E_PLAYLIST_PARSE_FAILURE                                  = 0xC00D14B6
5259NS_E_PLAYLIST_UNSUPPORTED_ENTRY                              = 0xC00D14B7
5260NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_NOT_IN_PLAYLIST                          = 0xC00D14B8
5261NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_SEEK                                     = 0xC00D14B9
5262NS_E_PLAYLIST_RECURSIVE_PLAYLISTS                            = 0xC00D14BA
5263NS_E_PLAYLIST_TOO_MANY_NESTED_PLAYLISTS                      = 0xC00D14BB
5264NS_E_PLAYLIST_SHUTDOWN                                       = 0xC00D14BC
5265NS_E_PLAYLIST_END_RECEDING                                   = 0xC00D14BD
5266NS_E_DATAPATH_NO_SINK                                        = 0xC00D1518
5267NS_E_INVALID_PUSH_TEMPLATE                                   = 0xC00D151A
5268NS_E_INVALID_PUSH_PUBLISHING_POINT                           = 0xC00D151B
5269NS_E_CRITICAL_ERROR                                          = 0xC00D151C
5270NS_E_NO_NEW_CONNECTIONS                                      = 0xC00D151D
5271NS_E_WSX_INVALID_VERSION                                     = 0xC00D151E
5272NS_E_HEADER_MISMATCH                                         = 0xC00D151F
5273NS_E_PUSH_DUPLICATE_PUBLISHING_POINT_NAME                    = 0xC00D1520
5274NS_E_NO_SCRIPT_ENGINE                                        = 0xC00D157C
5275NS_E_PLUGIN_ERROR_REPORTED                                   = 0xC00D157D
5276NS_E_SOURCE_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND                                 = 0xC00D157E
5277NS_E_PLAYLIST_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND                               = 0xC00D157F
5278NS_E_DATA_SOURCE_ENUMERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED                   = 0xC00D1580
5279NS_E_MEDIA_PARSER_INVALID_FORMAT                             = 0xC00D1581
5280NS_E_SCRIPT_DEBUGGER_NOT_INSTALLED                           = 0xC00D1582
5281NS_E_FEATURE_REQUIRES_ENTERPRISE_SERVER                      = 0xC00D1583
5282NS_E_WIZARD_RUNNING                                          = 0xC00D1584
5283NS_E_INVALID_LOG_URL                                         = 0xC00D1585
5284NS_E_INVALID_MTU_RANGE                                       = 0xC00D1586
5285NS_E_INVALID_PLAY_STATISTICS                                 = 0xC00D1587
5286NS_E_LOG_NEED_TO_BE_SKIPPED                                  = 0xC00D1588
5288NS_E_PORT_IN_USE                                             = 0xC00D158A
5289NS_E_PORT_IN_USE_HTTP                                        = 0xC00D158B
5291NS_E_ARCHIVE_REACH_QUOTA                                     = 0xC00D158D
5292NS_E_ARCHIVE_ABORT_DUE_TO_BCAST                              = 0xC00D158E
5293NS_E_ARCHIVE_GAP_DETECTED                                    = 0xC00D158F
5294NS_E_AUTHORIZATION_FILE_NOT_FOUND                            = 0xC00D1590
5295NS_E_BAD_MARKIN                                              = 0xC00D1B58
5296NS_E_BAD_MARKOUT                                             = 0xC00D1B59
5297NS_E_NOMATCHING_MEDIASOURCE                                  = 0xC00D1B5A
5298NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_SOURCETYPE                                  = 0xC00D1B5B
5299NS_E_TOO_MANY_AUDIO                                          = 0xC00D1B5C
5300NS_E_TOO_MANY_VIDEO                                          = 0xC00D1B5D
5301NS_E_NOMATCHING_ELEMENT                                      = 0xC00D1B5E
5302NS_E_MISMATCHED_MEDIACONTENT                                 = 0xC00D1B5F
5303NS_E_CANNOT_DELETE_ACTIVE_SOURCEGROUP                        = 0xC00D1B60
5304NS_E_AUDIODEVICE_BUSY                                        = 0xC00D1B61
5305NS_E_AUDIODEVICE_UNEXPECTED                                  = 0xC00D1B62
5306NS_E_AUDIODEVICE_BADFORMAT                                   = 0xC00D1B63
5307NS_E_VIDEODEVICE_BUSY                                        = 0xC00D1B64
5308NS_E_VIDEODEVICE_UNEXPECTED                                  = 0xC00D1B65
5309NS_E_INVALIDCALL_WHILE_ENCODER_RUNNING                       = 0xC00D1B66
5310NS_E_NO_PROFILE_IN_SOURCEGROUP                               = 0xC00D1B67
5311NS_E_VIDEODRIVER_UNSTABLE                                    = 0xC00D1B68
5312NS_E_VIDCAPSTARTFAILED                                       = 0xC00D1B69
5313NS_E_VIDSOURCECOMPRESSION                                    = 0xC00D1B6A
5314NS_E_VIDSOURCESIZE                                           = 0xC00D1B6B
5315NS_E_ICMQUERYFORMAT                                          = 0xC00D1B6C
5316NS_E_VIDCAPCREATEWINDOW                                      = 0xC00D1B6D
5317NS_E_VIDCAPDRVINUSE                                          = 0xC00D1B6E
5318NS_E_NO_MEDIAFORMAT_IN_SOURCE                                = 0xC00D1B6F
5319NS_E_NO_VALID_OUTPUT_STREAM                                  = 0xC00D1B70
5320NS_E_NO_VALID_SOURCE_PLUGIN                                  = 0xC00D1B71
5321NS_E_NO_ACTIVE_SOURCEGROUP                                   = 0xC00D1B72
5322NS_E_NO_SCRIPT_STREAM                                        = 0xC00D1B73
5323NS_E_INVALIDCALL_WHILE_ARCHIVAL_RUNNING                      = 0xC00D1B74
5324NS_E_INVALIDPACKETSIZE                                       = 0xC00D1B75
5325NS_E_PLUGIN_CLSID_INVALID                                    = 0xC00D1B76
5326NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVETYPE                                 = 0xC00D1B77
5327NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVEOPERATION                            = 0xC00D1B78
5328NS_E_ARCHIVE_FILENAME_NOTSET                                 = 0xC00D1B79
5329NS_E_SOURCEGROUP_NOTPREPARED                                 = 0xC00D1B7A
5330NS_E_PROFILE_MISMATCH                                        = 0xC00D1B7B
5331NS_E_INCORRECTCLIPSETTINGS                                   = 0xC00D1B7C
5332NS_E_NOSTATSAVAILABLE                                        = 0xC00D1B7D
5333NS_E_NOTARCHIVING                                            = 0xC00D1B7E
5334NS_E_INVALIDCALL_WHILE_ENCODER_STOPPED                       = 0xC00D1B7F
5335NS_E_NOSOURCEGROUPS                                          = 0xC00D1B80
5336NS_E_INVALIDINPUTFPS                                         = 0xC00D1B81
5337NS_E_NO_DATAVIEW_SUPPORT                                     = 0xC00D1B82
5338NS_E_CODEC_UNAVAILABLE                                       = 0xC00D1B83
5339NS_E_ARCHIVE_SAME_AS_INPUT                                   = 0xC00D1B84
5340NS_E_SOURCE_NOTSPECIFIED                                     = 0xC00D1B85
5341NS_E_NO_REALTIME_TIMECOMPRESSION                             = 0xC00D1B86
5342NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODER_DEVICE                              = 0xC00D1B87
5343NS_E_UNEXPECTED_DISPLAY_SETTINGS                             = 0xC00D1B88
5344NS_E_NO_AUDIODATA                                            = 0xC00D1B89
5345NS_E_INPUTSOURCE_PROBLEM                                     = 0xC00D1B8A
5346NS_E_WME_VERSION_MISMATCH                                    = 0xC00D1B8B
5347NS_E_NO_REALTIME_PREPROCESS                                  = 0xC00D1B8C
5348NS_E_NO_REPEAT_PREPROCESS                                    = 0xC00D1B8D
5349NS_E_CANNOT_PAUSE_LIVEBROADCAST                              = 0xC00D1B8E
5350NS_E_DRM_PROFILE_NOT_SET                                     = 0xC00D1B8F
5351NS_E_DUPLICATE_DRMPROFILE                                    = 0xC00D1B90
5352NS_E_INVALID_DEVICE                                          = 0xC00D1B91
5353NS_E_SPEECHEDL_ON_NON_MIXEDMODE                              = 0xC00D1B92
5354NS_E_DRM_PASSWORD_TOO_LONG                                   = 0xC00D1B93
5355NS_E_DEVCONTROL_FAILED_SEEK                                  = 0xC00D1B94
5356NS_E_INTERLACE_REQUIRE_SAMESIZE                              = 0xC00D1B95
5357NS_E_TOO_MANY_DEVICECONTROL                                  = 0xC00D1B96
5358NS_E_NO_MULTIPASS_FOR_LIVEDEVICE                             = 0xC00D1B97
5359NS_E_MISSING_AUDIENCE                                        = 0xC00D1B98
5360NS_E_AUDIENCE_CONTENTTYPE_MISMATCH                           = 0xC00D1B99
5361NS_E_MISSING_SOURCE_INDEX                                    = 0xC00D1B9A
5362NS_E_NUM_LANGUAGE_MISMATCH                                   = 0xC00D1B9B
5363NS_E_LANGUAGE_MISMATCH                                       = 0xC00D1B9C
5364NS_E_VBRMODE_MISMATCH                                        = 0xC00D1B9D
5365NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_AUDIENCE_INDEX                            = 0xC00D1B9E
5366NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_LANGUAGE                                  = 0xC00D1B9F
5367NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_STREAM                                    = 0xC00D1BA0
5368NS_E_EXPECT_MONO_WAV_INPUT                                   = 0xC00D1BA1
5369NS_E_INPUT_WAVFORMAT_MISMATCH                                = 0xC00D1BA2
5370NS_E_RECORDQ_DISK_FULL                                       = 0xC00D1BA3
5371NS_E_NO_PAL_INVERSE_TELECINE                                 = 0xC00D1BA4
5372NS_E_ACTIVE_SG_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED                           = 0xC00D1BA5
5374NS_E_NO_FRAMES_SUBMITTED_TO_ANALYZER                         = 0xC00D1BA7
5375NS_E_INPUT_DOESNOT_SUPPORT_SMPTE                             = 0xC00D1BA8
5376NS_E_NO_SMPTE_WITH_MULTIPLE_SOURCEGROUPS                     = 0xC00D1BA9
5377NS_E_BAD_CONTENTEDL                                          = 0xC00D1BAA
5378NS_E_INTERLACEMODE_MISMATCH                                  = 0xC00D1BAB
5379NS_E_NONSQUAREPIXELMODE_MISMATCH                             = 0xC00D1BAC
5380NS_E_SMPTEMODE_MISMATCH                                      = 0xC00D1BAD
5381NS_E_END_OF_TAPE                                             = 0xC00D1BAE
5382NS_E_NO_MEDIA_IN_AUDIENCE                                    = 0xC00D1BAF
5383NS_E_NO_AUDIENCES                                            = 0xC00D1BB0
5384NS_E_NO_AUDIO_COMPAT                                         = 0xC00D1BB1
5385NS_E_INVALID_VBR_COMPAT                                      = 0xC00D1BB2
5386NS_E_NO_PROFILE_NAME                                         = 0xC00D1BB3
5387NS_E_INVALID_VBR_WITH_UNCOMP                                 = 0xC00D1BB4
5388NS_E_MULTIPLE_VBR_AUDIENCES                                  = 0xC00D1BB5
5389NS_E_UNCOMP_COMP_COMBINATION                                 = 0xC00D1BB6
5390NS_E_MULTIPLE_AUDIO_CODECS                                   = 0xC00D1BB7
5391NS_E_MULTIPLE_AUDIO_FORMATS                                  = 0xC00D1BB8
5392NS_E_AUDIO_BITRATE_STEPDOWN                                  = 0xC00D1BB9
5393NS_E_INVALID_AUDIO_PEAKRATE                                  = 0xC00D1BBA
5394NS_E_INVALID_AUDIO_PEAKRATE_2                                = 0xC00D1BBB
5395NS_E_INVALID_AUDIO_BUFFERMAX                                 = 0xC00D1BBC
5396NS_E_MULTIPLE_VIDEO_CODECS                                   = 0xC00D1BBD
5397NS_E_MULTIPLE_VIDEO_SIZES                                    = 0xC00D1BBE
5398NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BITRATE                                   = 0xC00D1BBF
5399NS_E_VIDEO_BITRATE_STEPDOWN                                  = 0xC00D1BC0
5400NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_PEAKRATE                                  = 0xC00D1BC1
5401NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_PEAKRATE_2                                = 0xC00D1BC2
5402NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_WIDTH                                     = 0xC00D1BC3
5403NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_HEIGHT                                    = 0xC00D1BC4
5404NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_FPS                                       = 0xC00D1BC5
5405NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_KEYFRAME                                  = 0xC00D1BC6
5406NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_IQUALITY                                  = 0xC00D1BC7
5407NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_CQUALITY                                  = 0xC00D1BC8
5408NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BUFFER                                    = 0xC00D1BC9
5409NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BUFFERMAX                                 = 0xC00D1BCA
5410NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BUFFERMAX_2                               = 0xC00D1BCB
5411NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_WIDTH_ALIGN                               = 0xC00D1BCC
5412NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_HEIGHT_ALIGN                              = 0xC00D1BCD
5413NS_E_MULTIPLE_SCRIPT_BITRATES                                = 0xC00D1BCE
5414NS_E_INVALID_SCRIPT_BITRATE                                  = 0xC00D1BCF
5415NS_E_MULTIPLE_FILE_BITRATES                                  = 0xC00D1BD0
5416NS_E_INVALID_FILE_BITRATE                                    = 0xC00D1BD1
5417NS_E_SAME_AS_INPUT_COMBINATION                               = 0xC00D1BD2
5418NS_E_SOURCE_CANNOT_LOOP                                      = 0xC00D1BD3
5419NS_E_INVALID_FOLDDOWN_COEFFICIENTS                           = 0xC00D1BD4
5420NS_E_DRMPROFILE_NOTFOUND                                     = 0xC00D1BD5
5421NS_E_INVALID_TIMECODE                                        = 0xC00D1BD6
5422NS_E_NO_AUDIO_TIMECOMPRESSION                                = 0xC00D1BD7
5423NS_E_NO_TWOPASS_TIMECOMPRESSION                              = 0xC00D1BD8
5424NS_E_TIMECODE_REQUIRES_VIDEOSTREAM                           = 0xC00D1BD9
5425NS_E_NO_MBR_WITH_TIMECODE                                    = 0xC00D1BDA
5426NS_E_INVALID_INTERLACEMODE                                   = 0xC00D1BDB
5427NS_E_INVALID_INTERLACE_COMPAT                                = 0xC00D1BDC
5428NS_E_INVALID_NONSQUAREPIXEL_COMPAT                           = 0xC00D1BDD
5429NS_E_INVALID_SOURCE_WITH_DEVICE_CONTROL                      = 0xC00D1BDE
5431NS_E_EXCEED_MAX_DRM_PROFILE_LIMIT                            = 0xC00D1BE0
5432NS_E_DEVICECONTROL_UNSTABLE                                  = 0xC00D1BE1
5433NS_E_INVALID_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO                              = 0xC00D1BE2
5435NS_E_INVALID_PROFILE_CONTENTTYPE                             = 0xC00D1BE4
5436NS_E_TRANSFORM_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND                              = 0xC00D1BE5
5437NS_E_TRANSFORM_PLUGIN_INVALID                                = 0xC00D1BE6
5438NS_E_EDL_REQUIRED_FOR_DEVICE_MULTIPASS                       = 0xC00D1BE7
5440NS_E_MARKIN_UNSUPPORTED                                      = 0xC00D1BE9
5441NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPLICATION                                 = 0xC00D2711
5442NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_STORE_ERROR                                 = 0xC00D2712
5443NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_ERROR                                  = 0xC00D2713
5444NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_STORE_SAVE_ERROR                            = 0xC00D2714
5445NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_UNLOCK_ERROR                           = 0xC00D2715
5446NS_E_DRM_INVALID_CONTENT                                     = 0xC00D2716
5447NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_LICENSE                              = 0xC00D2717
5448NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE                                     = 0xC00D2718
5449NS_E_DRM_INVALID_MACHINE                                     = 0xC00D2719
5450NS_E_DRM_ENUM_LICENSE_FAILED                                 = 0xC00D271B
5451NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE_REQUEST                             = 0xC00D271C
5452NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE                                = 0xC00D271D
5453NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_ACQUIRE_LICENSE                           = 0xC00D271E
5454NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE_ACQUIRED                            = 0xC00D271F
5455NS_E_DRM_NO_RIGHTS                                           = 0xC00D2720
5456NS_E_DRM_KEY_ERROR                                           = 0xC00D2721
5457NS_E_DRM_ENCRYPT_ERROR                                       = 0xC00D2722
5458NS_E_DRM_DECRYPT_ERROR                                       = 0xC00D2723
5459NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_INVALID_XML                                 = 0xC00D2725
5460NS_E_DRM_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATION                             = 0xC00D2728
5461NS_E_DRM_ALREADY_INDIVIDUALIZED                              = 0xC00D2729
5462NS_E_DRM_ACTION_NOT_QUERIED                                  = 0xC00D272A
5463NS_E_DRM_ACQUIRING_LICENSE                                   = 0xC00D272B
5464NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZING                                     = 0xC00D272C
5465NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_FAILURE                                  = 0xC00D272D
5466NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_BAD_REQUEST_ID                           = 0xC00D272E
5467NS_E_DRM_PARAMETERS_MISMATCHED                               = 0xC00D272F
5468NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_LICENSE_OBJECT                     = 0xC00D2730
5469NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_INDI_OBJECT                        = 0xC00D2731
5470NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_ENCRYPT_OBJECT                     = 0xC00D2732
5471NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DECRYPT_OBJECT                     = 0xC00D2733
5472NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PROPERTIES_OBJECT                  = 0xC00D2734
5473NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP_OBJECT                      = 0xC00D2735
5474NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZE_ERROR                                 = 0xC00D2736
5475NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_OPEN_ERROR                                  = 0xC00D2737
5476NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CLOSE_ERROR                                 = 0xC00D2738
5477NS_E_DRM_GET_LICENSE_ERROR                                   = 0xC00D2739
5478NS_E_DRM_QUERY_ERROR                                         = 0xC00D273A
5479NS_E_DRM_REPORT_ERROR                                        = 0xC00D273B
5480NS_E_DRM_GET_LICENSESTRING_ERROR                             = 0xC00D273C
5481NS_E_DRM_GET_CONTENTSTRING_ERROR                             = 0xC00D273D
5482NS_E_DRM_MONITOR_ERROR                                       = 0xC00D273E
5483NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_SET_PARAMETER                             = 0xC00D273F
5484NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPDATA                                     = 0xC00D2740
5485NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPDATA_VERSION                             = 0xC00D2741
5486NS_E_DRM_BACKUP_EXISTS                                       = 0xC00D2742
5487NS_E_DRM_BACKUP_CORRUPT                                      = 0xC00D2743
5488NS_E_DRM_BACKUPRESTORE_BUSY                                  = 0xC00D2744
5489NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_BAD_DATA                                 = 0xC00D2745
5490NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_UNUSABLE                                    = 0xC00D2748
5491NS_E_DRM_INVALID_PROPERTY                                    = 0xC00D2749
5492NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_NOT_FOUND                              = 0xC00D274A
5493NS_E_DRM_CACHED_CONTENT_ERROR                                = 0xC00D274B
5494NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZATION_INCOMPLETE                        = 0xC00D274C
5495NS_E_DRM_DRIVER_AUTH_FAILURE                                 = 0xC00D274D
5496NS_E_DRM_NEED_UPGRADE_MSSAP                                  = 0xC00D274E
5497NS_E_DRM_REOPEN_CONTENT                                      = 0xC00D274F
5498NS_E_DRM_DRIVER_DIGIOUT_FAILURE                              = 0xC00D2750
5499NS_E_DRM_INVALID_SECURESTORE_PASSWORD                        = 0xC00D2751
5500NS_E_DRM_APPCERT_REVOKED                                     = 0xC00D2752
5501NS_E_DRM_RESTORE_FRAUD                                       = 0xC00D2753
5502NS_E_DRM_HARDWARE_INCONSISTENT                               = 0xC00D2754
5503NS_E_DRM_SDMI_TRIGGER                                        = 0xC00D2755
5504NS_E_DRM_SDMI_NOMORECOPIES                                   = 0xC00D2756
5505NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_HEADER_OBJECT                      = 0xC00D2757
5506NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_KEYS_OBJECT                        = 0xC00D2758
5507NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTACQUIRED                                 = 0xC00D2759
5508NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_CODING_OBJECT                      = 0xC00D275A
5509NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_STATE_DATA_OBJECT                  = 0xC00D275B
5510NS_E_DRM_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                                    = 0xC00D275C
5511NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY                                = 0xC00D275D
5512NS_E_DRM_ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP                                  = 0xC00D275E
5513NS_E_DRM_STORE_NOTALLSTORED                                  = 0xC00D275F
5515NS_E_DRM_INVALID_DATA                                        = 0xC00D2761
5516NS_E_DRM_POLICY_DISABLE_ONLINE                               = 0xC00D2762
5518NS_E_DRM_NOT_CONFIGURED                                      = 0xC00D2764
5519NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_ACTIVATION_CANCELED                          = 0xC00D2765
5520NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_TOO_MANY_RESETS                          = 0xC00D2766
5521NS_E_DRM_DEBUGGING_NOT_ALLOWED                               = 0xC00D2767
5522NS_E_DRM_OPERATION_CANCELED                                  = 0xC00D2768
5523NS_E_DRM_RESTRICTIONS_NOT_RETRIEVED                          = 0xC00D2769
5524NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PLAYLIST_OBJECT                    = 0xC00D276A
5527NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_METERING_OBJECT                    = 0xC00D276D
5530NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_GET_DEVICE_CERT                           = 0xC00D2772
5531NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_GET_SECURE_CLOCK                          = 0xC00D2773
5532NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_SET_SECURE_CLOCK                          = 0xC00D2774
5534NS_E_DRM_POLICY_METERING_DISABLED                            = 0xC00D2776
5536NS_E_DRM_SDK_VERSIONMISMATCH                                 = 0xC00D2778
5537NS_E_DRM_LIC_NEEDS_DEVICE_CLOCK_SET                          = 0xC00D2779
5538NS_E_LICENSE_HEADER_MISSING_URL                              = 0xC00D277A
5539NS_E_DEVICE_NOT_WMDRM_DEVICE                                 = 0xC00D277B
5540NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPCERT                                     = 0xC00D277C
5543NS_E_DRM_CHECKPOINT_FAILED                                   = 0xC00D277F
5544NS_E_DRM_BB_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE                             = 0xC00D2780
5545NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_HARDWARE_ID                          = 0xC00D2781
5546NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_DATA_STORE                           = 0xC00D2782
5547NS_E_DRM_DATASTORE_CORRUPT                                   = 0xC00D2783
5549NS_E_DRM_STUBLIB_REQUIRED                                    = 0xC00D2785
5551NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_TARGET_NOT_ONLINE                         = 0xC00D2787
5552NS_E_DRM_INVALID_MIGRATION_IMAGE                             = 0xC00D2788
5553NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_TARGET_STATES_CORRUPTED                   = 0xC00D2789
5554NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_IMPORTER_NOT_AVAILABLE                    = 0xC00D278A
5555NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_UPGRADE_WITH_DIFF_SID                     = 0xC00D278B
5556NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_SOURCE_MACHINE_IN_USE                     = 0xC00D278C
5558NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_IMAGE_ALREADY_EXISTS                      = 0xC00D278E
5559NS_E_DRM_HARDWAREID_MISMATCH                                 = 0xC00D278F
5560NS_E_INVALID_DRMV2CLT_STUBLIB                                = 0xC00D2790
5561NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_INVALID_LEGACYV2_DATA                     = 0xC00D2791
5562NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_LICENSE_ALREADY_EXISTS                    = 0xC00D2792
5564NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_NOT_SUPPORTED                             = 0xC00D2794
5566NS_E_DRM_CHECKPOINT_MISMATCH                                 = 0xC00D2796
5567NS_E_DRM_CHECKPOINT_CORRUPT                                  = 0xC00D2797
5568NS_E_REG_FLUSH_FAILURE                                       = 0xC00D2798
5569NS_E_HDS_KEY_MISMATCH                                        = 0xC00D2799
5570NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_OPERATION_CANCELLED                       = 0xC00D279A
5571NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_OBJECT_IN_USE                             = 0xC00D279B
5572NS_E_DRM_MALFORMED_CONTENT_HEADER                            = 0xC00D279C
5573NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_EXPIRED                                     = 0xC00D27D8
5574NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTENABLED                                  = 0xC00D27D9
5575NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_APPSECLOW                                   = 0xC00D27DA
5576NS_E_DRM_STORE_NEEDINDI                                      = 0xC00D27DB
5577NS_E_DRM_STORE_NOTALLOWED                                    = 0xC00D27DC
5578NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_APP_NOTALLOWED                              = 0xC00D27DD
5579NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CERT_EXPIRED                                = 0xC00D27DF
5580NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_SECLOW                                      = 0xC00D27E0
5581NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CONTENT_REVOKED                             = 0xC00D27E1
5582NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED                               = 0xC00D27E2
5583NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOSAP                                       = 0xC00D280A
5584NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOSVP                                       = 0xC00D280B
5585NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOWDM                                       = 0xC00D280C
5586NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTRUSTEDCODEC                              = 0xC00D280D
5587NS_E_DRM_SOURCEID_NOT_SUPPORTED                              = 0xC00D280E
5588NS_E_DRM_NEEDS_UPGRADE_TEMPFILE                              = 0xC00D283D
5589NS_E_DRM_NEED_UPGRADE_PD                                     = 0xC00D283E
5590NS_E_DRM_SIGNATURE_FAILURE                                   = 0xC00D283F
5591NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_SERVER_INFO_MISSING                         = 0xC00D2840
5592NS_E_DRM_BUSY                                                = 0xC00D2841
5593NS_E_DRM_PD_TOO_MANY_DEVICES                                 = 0xC00D2842
5594NS_E_DRM_INDIV_FRAUD                                         = 0xC00D2843
5595NS_E_DRM_INDIV_NO_CABS                                       = 0xC00D2844
5596NS_E_DRM_INDIV_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE                           = 0xC00D2845
5597NS_E_DRM_RESTORE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE                         = 0xC00D2846
5598NS_E_DRM_CLIENT_CODE_EXPIRED                                 = 0xC00D2847
5599NS_E_DRM_NO_UPLINK_LICENSE                                   = 0xC00D2848
5600NS_E_DRM_INVALID_KID                                         = 0xC00D2849
5601NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_INITIALIZATION_ERROR                        = 0xC00D284A
5602NS_E_DRM_CHAIN_TOO_LONG                                      = 0xC00D284C
5603NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM                               = 0xC00D284D
5604NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_DELETION_ERROR                              = 0xC00D284E
5605NS_E_DRM_INVALID_CERTIFICATE                                 = 0xC00D28A0
5606NS_E_DRM_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED                                 = 0xC00D28A1
5607NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_UNAVAILABLE                                 = 0xC00D28A2
5608NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_LIMIT_REACHED                                = 0xC00D28A3
5609NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_PROXIMITY                          = 0xC00D28A4
5610NS_E_DRM_MUST_REGISTER                                       = 0xC00D28A5
5611NS_E_DRM_MUST_APPROVE                                        = 0xC00D28A6
5612NS_E_DRM_MUST_REVALIDATE                                     = 0xC00D28A7
5613NS_E_DRM_INVALID_PROXIMITY_RESPONSE                          = 0xC00D28A8
5614NS_E_DRM_INVALID_SESSION                                     = 0xC00D28A9
5615NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_NOT_OPEN                                     = 0xC00D28AA
5616NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_ALREADY_REGISTERED                           = 0xC00D28AB
5617NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSION                        = 0xC00D28AC
5618NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION                                  = 0xC00D28AD
5620NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_PORT                                 = 0xC00D28AF
5621NS_E_DRM_BAD_REQUEST                                         = 0xC00D28B0
5622NS_E_DRM_INVALID_CRL                                         = 0xC00D28B1
5623NS_E_DRM_ATTRIBUTE_TOO_LONG                                  = 0xC00D28B2
5624NS_E_DRM_EXPIRED_LICENSEBLOB                                 = 0xC00D28B3
5625NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSEBLOB                                 = 0xC00D28B4
5626NS_E_DRM_INCLUSION_LIST_REQUIRED                             = 0xC00D28B5
5627NS_E_DRM_DRMV2CLT_REVOKED                                    = 0xC00D28B6
5628NS_E_DRM_RIV_TOO_SMALL                                       = 0xC00D28B7
5629NS_E_OUTPUT_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED                     = 0xC00D2904
5636NS_E_REBOOT_RECOMMENDED                                      = 0xC00D2AFA
5637NS_E_REBOOT_REQUIRED                                         = 0xC00D2AFB
5638NS_E_SETUP_INCOMPLETE                                        = 0xC00D2AFC
5639NS_E_SETUP_DRM_MIGRATION_FAILED                              = 0xC00D2AFD
5640NS_E_SETUP_IGNORABLE_FAILURE                                 = 0xC00D2AFE
5642NS_E_SETUP_BLOCKED                                           = 0xC00D2B00
5643NS_E_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL                                        = 0xC00D2EE0
5644NS_E_REDIRECT_TO_PROXY                                       = 0xC00D2EE1
5645NS_E_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR                                   = 0xC00D2EE2
5646NS_E_BAD_REQUEST                                             = 0xC00D2EE3
5647NS_E_ERROR_FROM_PROXY                                        = 0xC00D2EE4
5648NS_E_PROXY_TIMEOUT                                           = 0xC00D2EE5
5649NS_E_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE                                      = 0xC00D2EE6
5650NS_E_REFUSED_BY_SERVER                                       = 0xC00D2EE7
5651NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER                                     = 0xC00D2EE8
5652NS_E_MULTICAST_DISABLED                                      = 0xC00D2EE9
5653NS_E_INVALID_REDIRECT                                        = 0xC00D2EEA
5654NS_E_ALL_PROTOCOLS_DISABLED                                  = 0xC00D2EEB
5655NS_E_MSBD_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED                                = 0xC00D2EEC
5656NS_E_PROXY_NOT_FOUND                                         = 0xC00D2EED
5657NS_E_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_PROXY                                 = 0xC00D2EEE
5658NS_E_SERVER_DNS_TIMEOUT                                      = 0xC00D2EEF
5659NS_E_PROXY_DNS_TIMEOUT                                       = 0xC00D2EF0
5660NS_E_CLOSED_ON_SUSPEND                                       = 0xC00D2EF1
5662NS_E_SESSION_NOT_FOUND                                       = 0xC00D2EF3
5663NS_E_REQUIRE_STREAMING_CLIENT                                = 0xC00D2EF4
5664NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_HAS_CHANGED                              = 0xC00D2EF5
5665NS_E_PROXY_ACCESSDENIED                                      = 0xC00D2EF6
5666NS_E_PROXY_SOURCE_ACCESSDENIED                               = 0xC00D2EF7
5667NS_E_NETWORK_SINK_WRITE                                      = 0xC00D2EF8
5668NS_E_FIREWALL                                                = 0xC00D2EF9
5669NS_E_MMS_NOT_SUPPORTED                                       = 0xC00D2EFA
5670NS_E_SERVER_ACCESSDENIED                                     = 0xC00D2EFB
5671NS_E_RESOURCE_GONE                                           = 0xC00D2EFC
5672NS_E_NO_EXISTING_PACKETIZER                                  = 0xC00D2EFD
5673NS_E_BAD_SYNTAX_IN_SERVER_RESPONSE                           = 0xC00D2EFE
5674NS_E_RESET_SOCKET_CONNECTION                                 = 0xC00D2F00
5675NS_E_TOO_MANY_HOPS                                           = 0xC00D2F02
5676NS_E_TOO_MUCH_DATA_FROM_SERVER                               = 0xC00D2F05
5677NS_E_CONNECT_TIMEOUT                                         = 0xC00D2F06
5678NS_E_PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT                                   = 0xC00D2F07
5679NS_E_SESSION_INVALID                                         = 0xC00D2F08
5680NS_E_PACKETSINK_UNKNOWN_FEC_STREAM                           = 0xC00D2F0A
5681NS_E_PUSH_CANNOTCONNECT                                      = 0xC00D2F0B
5682NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PUSH_SERVER                                = 0xC00D2F0C
5683NS_E_END_OF_PLAYLIST                                         = 0xC00D32C8
5684NS_E_USE_FILE_SOURCE                                         = 0xC00D32C9
5685NS_E_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND                                      = 0xC00D32CA
5686NS_E_PROPERTY_READ_ONLY                                      = 0xC00D32CC
5687NS_E_TABLE_KEY_NOT_FOUND                                     = 0xC00D32CD
5688NS_E_INVALID_QUERY_OPERATOR                                  = 0xC00D32CF
5689NS_E_INVALID_QUERY_PROPERTY                                  = 0xC00D32D0
5690NS_E_PROPERTY_NOT_SUPPORTED                                  = 0xC00D32D2
5691NS_E_SCHEMA_CLASSIFY_FAILURE                                 = 0xC00D32D4
5692NS_E_METADATA_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED                           = 0xC00D32D5
5693NS_E_METADATA_NO_EDITING_CAPABILITY                          = 0xC00D32D6
5694NS_E_METADATA_CANNOT_SET_LOCALE                              = 0xC00D32D7
5695NS_E_METADATA_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPORTED                          = 0xC00D32D8
5696NS_E_METADATA_NO_RFC1766_NAME_FOR_LOCALE                     = 0xC00D32D9
5697NS_E_METADATA_NOT_AVAILABLE                                  = 0xC00D32DA
5698NS_E_METADATA_CACHE_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE                       = 0xC00D32DB
5699NS_E_METADATA_INVALID_DOCUMENT_TYPE                          = 0xC00D32DC
5700NS_E_METADATA_IDENTIFIER_NOT_AVAILABLE                       = 0xC00D32DD
5702ERROR_MONITOR_INVALID_DESCRIPTOR_CHECKSUM                    = 0xC0261003
5707ERROR_MONITOR_NO_MORE_DESCRIPTOR_DATA                        = 0xC0261008
5709ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_OWNER                      = 0xC0262000
5710ERROR_GRAPHICS_INSUFFICIENT_DMA_BUFFER                       = 0xC0262001
5711ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_DISPLAY_ADAPTER                       = 0xC0262002
5712ERROR_GRAPHICS_ADAPTER_WAS_RESET                             = 0xC0262003
5713ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_DRIVER_MODEL                          = 0xC0262004
5714ERROR_GRAPHICS_PRESENT_MODE_CHANGED                          = 0xC0262005
5715ERROR_GRAPHICS_PRESENT_OCCLUDED                              = 0xC0262006
5716ERROR_GRAPHICS_PRESENT_DENIED                                = 0xC0262007
5717ERROR_GRAPHICS_CANNOTCOLORCONVERT                            = 0xC0262008
5718ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_VIDEO_MEMORY                               = 0xC0262100
5719ERROR_GRAPHICS_CANT_LOCK_MEMORY                              = 0xC0262101
5720ERROR_GRAPHICS_ALLOCATION_BUSY                               = 0xC0262102
5721ERROR_GRAPHICS_TOO_MANY_REFERENCES                           = 0xC0262103
5722ERROR_GRAPHICS_TRY_AGAIN_LATER                               = 0xC0262104
5723ERROR_GRAPHICS_TRY_AGAIN_NOW                                 = 0xC0262105
5724ERROR_GRAPHICS_ALLOCATION_INVALID                            = 0xC0262106
5728ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_ALLOCATION_USAGE                      = 0xC0262110
5730ERROR_GRAPHICS_ALLOCATION_CLOSED                             = 0xC0262112
5732ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_ALLOCATION_HANDLE                     = 0xC0262114
5733ERROR_GRAPHICS_WRONG_ALLOCATION_DEVICE                       = 0xC0262115
5734ERROR_GRAPHICS_ALLOCATION_CONTENT_LOST                       = 0xC0262116
5735ERROR_GRAPHICS_GPU_EXCEPTION_ON_DEVICE                       = 0xC0262200
5736ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_TOPOLOGY                        = 0xC0262300
5739ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN                                 = 0xC0262303
5745ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_FREQUENCY                             = 0xC026230A
5746ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_ACTIVE_REGION                         = 0xC026230B
5747ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_TOTAL_REGION                          = 0xC026230C
5751ERROR_GRAPHICS_PATH_ALREADY_IN_TOPOLOGY                      = 0xC0262313
5752ERROR_GRAPHICS_MODE_ALREADY_IN_MODESET                       = 0xC0262314
5755ERROR_GRAPHICS_SOURCE_ALREADY_IN_SET                         = 0xC0262317
5756ERROR_GRAPHICS_TARGET_ALREADY_IN_SET                         = 0xC0262318
5757ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH                    = 0xC0262319
5761ERROR_GRAPHICS_FREQUENCYRANGE_NOT_IN_SET                     = 0xC026231D
5763ERROR_GRAPHICS_STALE_MODESET                                 = 0xC0262320
5765ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MONITOR_SOURCE_MODE                   = 0xC0262322
5767ERROR_GRAPHICS_MODE_ID_MUST_BE_UNIQUE                        = 0xC0262324
5770ERROR_GRAPHICS_PATH_NOT_IN_TOPOLOGY                          = 0xC0262327
5779ERROR_GRAPHICS_RESOURCES_NOT_RELATED                         = 0xC0262330
5780ERROR_GRAPHICS_SOURCE_ID_MUST_BE_UNIQUE                      = 0xC0262331
5781ERROR_GRAPHICS_TARGET_ID_MUST_BE_UNIQUE                      = 0xC0262332
5782ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_AVAILABLE_VIDPN_TARGET                     = 0xC0262333
5784ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_VIDPNMGR                                   = 0xC0262335
5785ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_ACTIVE_VIDPN                               = 0xC0262336
5786ERROR_GRAPHICS_STALE_VIDPN_TOPOLOGY                          = 0xC0262337
5787ERROR_GRAPHICS_MONITOR_NOT_CONNECTED                         = 0xC0262338
5788ERROR_GRAPHICS_SOURCE_NOT_IN_TOPOLOGY                        = 0xC0262339
5791ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_STRIDE                                = 0xC026233C
5792ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PIXELFORMAT                           = 0xC026233D
5793ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_COLORBASIS                            = 0xC026233E
5795ERROR_GRAPHICS_TARGET_NOT_IN_TOPOLOGY                        = 0xC0262340
5797ERROR_GRAPHICS_VIDPN_SOURCE_IN_USE                           = 0xC0262342
5798ERROR_GRAPHICS_CANT_ACCESS_ACTIVE_VIDPN                      = 0xC0262343
5802ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_GAMMA_RAMP                            = 0xC0262347
5803ERROR_GRAPHICS_GAMMA_RAMP_NOT_SUPPORTED                      = 0xC0262348
5805ERROR_GRAPHICS_MODE_NOT_IN_MODESET                           = 0xC026234A
5807ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PATH_CONTENT_TYPE                     = 0xC026234E
5810ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_SCANLINE_ORDERING                     = 0xC0262352
5817ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_A_LINKED_ADAPTER                          = 0xC0262430
5818ERROR_GRAPHICS_LEADLINK_NOT_ENUMERATED                       = 0xC0262431
5819ERROR_GRAPHICS_CHAINLINKS_NOT_ENUMERATED                     = 0xC0262432
5820ERROR_GRAPHICS_ADAPTER_CHAIN_NOT_READY                       = 0xC0262433
5821ERROR_GRAPHICS_CHAINLINKS_NOT_STARTED                        = 0xC0262434
5822ERROR_GRAPHICS_CHAINLINKS_NOT_POWERED_ON                     = 0xC0262435
5824ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_POST_DEVICE_DRIVER                        = 0xC0262438
5825ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_NOT_SUPPORTED                             = 0xC0262500
5826ERROR_GRAPHICS_COPP_NOT_SUPPORTED                            = 0xC0262501
5827ERROR_GRAPHICS_UAB_NOT_SUPPORTED                             = 0xC0262502
5830ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_NO_VIDEO_OUTPUTS_EXIST                    = 0xC0262505
5834ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INVALID_POINTER                           = 0xC026250A
5835ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INTERNAL_ERROR                            = 0xC026250B
5836ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INVALID_HANDLE                            = 0xC026250C
5839ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_SPANNING_MODE_ENABLED                     = 0xC026250F
5840ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_THEATER_MODE_ENABLED                      = 0xC0262510
5841ERROR_GRAPHICS_PVP_HFS_FAILED                                = 0xC0262511
5842ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INVALID_SRM                               = 0xC0262512
5846ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_HDCP_SRM_NEVER_SET                        = 0xC0262516
5847ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_RESOLUTION_TOO_HIGH                       = 0xC0262517
5851ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_NOT_SUPPORTED                             = 0xC0262580
5852ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST                     = 0xC0262581
5853ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_ERROR_TRANSMITTING_DATA                   = 0xC0262582
5854ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_ERROR_RECEIVING_DATA                      = 0xC0262583
5855ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_VCP_NOT_SUPPORTED                       = 0xC0262584
5856ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_INVALID_DATA                            = 0xC0262585
5859ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_INTERNAL_ERROR                            = 0xC0262588
5863ERROR_GRAPHICS_PMEA_INVALID_MONITOR                          = 0xC02625D6
5864ERROR_GRAPHICS_PMEA_INVALID_D3D_DEVICE                       = 0xC02625D7
5866ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_INVALID_VCP_VERSION                       = 0xC02625D9
5868ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_MCCS_VERSION_MISMATCH                     = 0xC02625DB