2ldap.schema.subentry -  subschema subentry handling
4See https://www.python-ldap.org/ for details.
7import copy
8from urllib.request import urlopen
10import ldap.cidict,ldap.schema
11from ldap.schema.models import *
13import ldapurl
14import ldif
17SCHEMA_CLASS_MAPPING = ldap.cidict.cidict()
20for o in list(vars().values()):
21  if hasattr(o,'schema_attribute'):
22    SCHEMA_CLASS_MAPPING[o.schema_attribute] = o
23    SCHEMA_ATTR_MAPPING[o] = o.schema_attribute
28class SubschemaError(ValueError):
29  pass
32class OIDNotUnique(SubschemaError):
34  def __init__(self,desc):
35    self.desc = desc
37  def __str__(self):
38    return 'OID not unique for %s' % (self.desc)
41class NameNotUnique(SubschemaError):
43  def __init__(self,desc):
44    self.desc = desc
46  def __str__(self):
47    return 'NAME not unique for %s' % (self.desc)
50class SubSchema:
51  """
52  Arguments:
54  sub_schema_sub_entry
55      Dictionary usually returned by LDAP search or the LDIF parser
56      containing the sub schema sub entry
58  check_uniqueness
59      Defines whether uniqueness of OIDs and NAME is checked.
61      0
62        no check
63      1
64        check but add schema description with work-around
65      2
66        check and raise exception if non-unique OID or NAME is found
68  Class attributes:
70  sed
71    Dictionary holding the subschema information as pre-parsed
72    SchemaElement objects (do not access directly!)
73  name2oid
74    Dictionary holding the mapping from NAMEs to OIDs
75    (do not access directly!)
76  non_unique_oids
77    List of OIDs used at least twice in the subschema
78  non_unique_names
79    List of NAMEs used at least twice in the subschema for the same schema element
80  """
82  def __init__(self,sub_schema_sub_entry,check_uniqueness=1):
84    # Initialize all dictionaries
85    self.name2oid = {}
86    self.sed = {}
87    self.non_unique_oids = {}
88    self.non_unique_names = {}
89    for c in SCHEMA_CLASS_MAPPING.values():
90      self.name2oid[c] = ldap.cidict.cidict()
91      self.sed[c] = {}
92      self.non_unique_names[c] = ldap.cidict.cidict()
94    # Transform entry dict to case-insensitive dict
95    e = ldap.cidict.cidict(sub_schema_sub_entry)
97    # Build the schema registry in dictionaries
98    for attr_type in SCHEMA_ATTRS:
100      for attr_value in filter(None,e.get(attr_type,[])):
102        se_class = SCHEMA_CLASS_MAPPING[attr_type]
103        se_instance = se_class(attr_value)
104        se_id = se_instance.get_id()
106        if check_uniqueness and se_id in self.sed[se_class]:
107            self.non_unique_oids[se_id] = None
108            if check_uniqueness==1:
109              # Add to subschema by adding suffix to ID
110              suffix_counter = 1
111              new_se_id = se_id
112              while new_se_id in self.sed[se_class]:
113                new_se_id = ';'.join((se_id,str(suffix_counter)))
114                suffix_counter += 1
115              else:
116                se_id = new_se_id
117            elif check_uniqueness>=2:
118              raise OIDNotUnique(attr_value)
120        # Store the schema element instance in the central registry
121        self.sed[se_class][se_id] = se_instance
123        if hasattr(se_instance,'names'):
124          for name in ldap.cidict.cidict({}.fromkeys(se_instance.names)):
125            if check_uniqueness and name in self.name2oid[se_class]:
126              self.non_unique_names[se_class][se_id] = None
127              raise NameNotUnique(attr_value)
128            else:
129              self.name2oid[se_class][name] = se_id
131    # Turn dict into list maybe more handy for applications
132    self.non_unique_oids = list(self.non_unique_oids)
134    return # subSchema.__init__()
137  def ldap_entry(self):
138    """
139    Returns a dictionary containing the sub schema sub entry
140    """
141    # Initialize the dictionary with empty lists
142    entry = {}
143    # Collect the schema elements and store them in
144    # entry's attributes
145    for se_class, elements in self.sed.items():
146      for se in elements.values():
147        se_str = str(se)
148        try:
149          entry[SCHEMA_ATTR_MAPPING[se_class]].append(se_str)
150        except KeyError:
151          entry[SCHEMA_ATTR_MAPPING[se_class]] = [ se_str ]
152    return entry
154  def listall(self,schema_element_class,schema_element_filters=None):
155    """
156    Returns a list of OIDs of all available schema
157    elements of a given schema element class.
158    """
159    avail_se = self.sed[schema_element_class]
160    if schema_element_filters:
161      result = []
162      for se_key, se in avail_se.items():
163        for fk,fv in schema_element_filters:
164          try:
165            if getattr(se,fk) in fv:
166              result.append(se_key)
167          except AttributeError:
168            pass
169    else:
170      result = list(avail_se)
171    return result
174  def tree(self,schema_element_class,schema_element_filters=None):
175    """
176    Returns a ldap.cidict.cidict dictionary representing the
177    tree structure of the schema elements.
178    """
179    assert schema_element_class in [ObjectClass,AttributeType]
180    avail_se = self.listall(schema_element_class,schema_element_filters)
181    top_node = '_'
182    tree = ldap.cidict.cidict({top_node:[]})
183    # 1. Pass: Register all nodes
184    for se in avail_se:
185      tree[se] = []
186    # 2. Pass: Register all sup references
187    for se_oid in avail_se:
188      se_obj = self.get_obj(schema_element_class,se_oid,None)
189      if se_obj.__class__!=schema_element_class:
190        # Ignore schema elements not matching schema_element_class.
191        # This helps with falsely assigned OIDs.
192        continue
193      assert se_obj.__class__==schema_element_class, \
194        "Schema element referenced by {} must be of class {} but was {}".format(
195          se_oid,schema_element_class.__name__,se_obj.__class__
196        )
197      for s in se_obj.sup or ('_',):
198        sup_oid = self.getoid(schema_element_class,s)
199        try:
200          tree[sup_oid].append(se_oid)
201        except:
202          pass
203    return tree
206  def getoid(self,se_class,nameoroid,raise_keyerror=0):
207    """
208    Get an OID by name or OID
209    """
210    nameoroid_stripped = nameoroid.split(';')[0].strip()
211    if nameoroid_stripped in self.sed[se_class]:
212      # name_or_oid is already a registered OID
213      return nameoroid_stripped
214    else:
215      try:
216        result_oid = self.name2oid[se_class][nameoroid_stripped]
217      except KeyError:
218        if raise_keyerror:
219          raise KeyError('No registered {}-OID for nameoroid {}'.format(se_class.__name__,repr(nameoroid_stripped)))
220        else:
221          result_oid = nameoroid_stripped
222    return result_oid
225  def get_inheritedattr(self,se_class,nameoroid,name):
226    """
227    Get a possibly inherited attribute specified by name
228    of a schema element specified by nameoroid.
229    Returns None if class attribute is not set at all.
231    Raises KeyError if no schema element is found by nameoroid.
232    """
233    se = self.sed[se_class][self.getoid(se_class,nameoroid)]
234    try:
235      result = getattr(se,name)
236    except AttributeError:
237      result = None
238    if result is None and se.sup:
239      result = self.get_inheritedattr(se_class,se.sup[0],name)
240    return result
243  def get_obj(self,se_class,nameoroid,default=None,raise_keyerror=0):
244    """
245    Get a schema element by name or OID
246    """
247    se_oid = self.getoid(se_class,nameoroid)
248    try:
249      se_obj = self.sed[se_class][se_oid]
250    except KeyError:
251      if raise_keyerror:
252        raise KeyError('No ldap.schema.{} instance with nameoroid {} and se_oid {}'.format(
253          se_class.__name__,repr(nameoroid),repr(se_oid))
254        )
255      else:
256        se_obj = default
257    return se_obj
260  def get_inheritedobj(self,se_class,nameoroid,inherited=None):
261    """
262    Get a schema element by name or OID with all class attributes
263    set including inherited class attributes
264    """
265    inherited = inherited or []
266    se = copy.copy(self.sed[se_class].get(self.getoid(se_class,nameoroid)))
267    if se and hasattr(se,'sup'):
268      for class_attr_name in inherited:
269        setattr(se,class_attr_name,self.get_inheritedattr(se_class,nameoroid,class_attr_name))
270    return se
273  def get_syntax(self,nameoroid):
274    """
275    Get the syntax of an attribute type specified by name or OID
276    """
277    at_oid = self.getoid(AttributeType,nameoroid)
278    try:
279      at_obj = self.get_inheritedobj(AttributeType,at_oid)
280    except KeyError:
281      return None
282    else:
283      return at_obj.syntax
286  def get_structural_oc(self,oc_list):
287    """
288    Returns OID of structural object class in oc_list
289    if any is present. Returns None else.
290    """
291    # Get tree of all STRUCTURAL object classes
292    oc_tree = self.tree(ObjectClass,[('kind',[0])])
293    # Filter all STRUCTURAL object classes
294    struct_ocs = {}
295    for oc_nameoroid in oc_list:
296      oc_se = self.get_obj(ObjectClass,oc_nameoroid,None)
297      if oc_se and oc_se.kind==0:
298        struct_ocs[oc_se.oid] = None
299    result = None
300    # Build a copy of the oid list, to be cleaned as we go.
301    struct_oc_list = list(struct_ocs)
302    while struct_oc_list:
303      oid = struct_oc_list.pop()
304      for child_oid in oc_tree[oid]:
305        if self.getoid(ObjectClass,child_oid) in struct_ocs:
306          break
307      else:
308        result = oid
309    return result
312  def get_applicable_aux_classes(self,nameoroid):
313    """
314    Return a list of the applicable AUXILIARY object classes
315    for a STRUCTURAL object class specified by 'nameoroid'
316    if the object class is governed by a DIT content rule.
317    If there's no DIT content rule all available AUXILIARY
318    object classes are returned.
319    """
320    content_rule = self.get_obj(DITContentRule,nameoroid)
321    if content_rule:
322      # Return AUXILIARY object classes from DITContentRule instance
323      return content_rule.aux
324    else:
325      # list all AUXILIARY object classes
326      return self.listall(ObjectClass,[('kind',[2])])
328  def attribute_types(
329    self,object_class_list,attr_type_filter=None,raise_keyerror=1,ignore_dit_content_rule=0
330  ):
331    """
332    Returns a 2-tuple of all must and may attributes including
333    all inherited attributes of superior object classes
334    by walking up classes along the SUP attribute.
336    The attributes are stored in a ldap.cidict.cidict dictionary.
338    object_class_list
339        list of strings specifying object class names or OIDs
340    attr_type_filter
341        list of 2-tuples containing lists of class attributes
342        which has to be matched
343    raise_keyerror
344        All KeyError exceptions for non-existent schema elements
345        are ignored
346    ignore_dit_content_rule
347        A DIT content rule governing the structural object class
348        is ignored
349    """
350    AttributeType = ldap.schema.AttributeType
351    ObjectClass = ldap.schema.ObjectClass
353    # Map object_class_list to object_class_oids (list of OIDs)
354    object_class_oids = [
355      self.getoid(ObjectClass,o)
356      for o in object_class_list
357    ]
358    # Initialize
359    oid_cache = {}
361    r_must,r_may = ldap.cidict.cidict(),ldap.cidict.cidict()
362    if '' in object_class_oids:
363      # Object class 'extensibleObject' MAY carry every attribute type
364      for at_obj in self.sed[AttributeType].values():
365        r_may[at_obj.oid] = at_obj
367    # Loop over OIDs of all given object classes
368    while object_class_oids:
369      object_class_oid = object_class_oids.pop(0)
370      # Check whether the objectClass with this OID
371      # has already been processed
372      if object_class_oid in oid_cache:
373        continue
374      # Cache this OID as already being processed
375      oid_cache[object_class_oid] = None
376      try:
377        object_class = self.sed[ObjectClass][object_class_oid]
378      except KeyError:
379        if raise_keyerror:
380          raise
381        # Ignore this object class
382        continue
383      assert isinstance(object_class,ObjectClass)
384      assert hasattr(object_class,'must'),ValueError(object_class_oid)
385      assert hasattr(object_class,'may'),ValueError(object_class_oid)
386      for a in object_class.must:
387        se_oid = self.getoid(AttributeType,a,raise_keyerror=raise_keyerror)
388        r_must[se_oid] = self.get_obj(AttributeType,se_oid,raise_keyerror=raise_keyerror)
389      for a in object_class.may:
390        se_oid = self.getoid(AttributeType,a,raise_keyerror=raise_keyerror)
391        r_may[se_oid] = self.get_obj(AttributeType,se_oid,raise_keyerror=raise_keyerror)
393      object_class_oids.extend([
394        self.getoid(ObjectClass,o)
395        for o in object_class.sup
396      ])
398    # Process DIT content rules
399    if not ignore_dit_content_rule:
400      structural_oc = self.get_structural_oc(object_class_list)
401      if structural_oc:
402        # Process applicable DIT content rule
403        try:
404          dit_content_rule = self.get_obj(DITContentRule,structural_oc,raise_keyerror=1)
405        except KeyError:
406          # Not DIT content rule found for structural objectclass
407          pass
408        else:
409          for a in dit_content_rule.must:
410            se_oid = self.getoid(AttributeType,a,raise_keyerror=raise_keyerror)
411            r_must[se_oid] = self.get_obj(AttributeType,se_oid,raise_keyerror=raise_keyerror)
412          for a in dit_content_rule.may:
413            se_oid = self.getoid(AttributeType,a,raise_keyerror=raise_keyerror)
414            r_may[se_oid] = self.get_obj(AttributeType,se_oid,raise_keyerror=raise_keyerror)
415          for a in dit_content_rule.nots:
416            a_oid = self.getoid(AttributeType,a,raise_keyerror=raise_keyerror)
417            try:
418              del r_may[a_oid]
419            except KeyError:
420              pass
422    # Remove all mandantory attribute types from
423    # optional attribute type list
424    for a in list(r_may):
425      if a in r_must:
426        del r_may[a]
428    # Apply attr_type_filter to results
429    if attr_type_filter:
430      for l in [r_must,r_may]:
431        for a in list(l):
432          for afk,afv in attr_type_filter:
433            try:
434              schema_attr_type = self.sed[AttributeType][a]
435            except KeyError:
436              if raise_keyerror:
437                raise KeyError('No attribute type found in sub schema by name %s' % (a))
438              # If there's no schema element for this attribute type
439              # but still KeyError is to be ignored we filter it away
440              del l[a]
441              break
442            else:
443              if not getattr(schema_attr_type,afk) in afv:
444                del l[a]
445                break
447    return r_must,r_may # attribute_types()
450def urlfetch(uri,trace_level=0):
451  """
452  Fetches a parsed schema entry by uri.
454  If uri is a LDAP URL the LDAP server is queried directly.
455  Otherwise uri is assumed to point to a LDIF file which
456  is loaded with urllib.
457  """
458  uri = uri.strip()
459  if uri.startswith(('ldap:', 'ldaps:', 'ldapi:')):
460    ldap_url = ldapurl.LDAPUrl(uri)
462    l=ldap.initialize(ldap_url.initializeUrl(),trace_level)
463    l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
464    l.simple_bind_s(ldap_url.who or '', ldap_url.cred or '')
465    subschemasubentry_dn = l.search_subschemasubentry_s(ldap_url.dn)
466    if subschemasubentry_dn is None:
467      s_temp = None
468    else:
469      if ldap_url.attrs is None:
470        schema_attrs = SCHEMA_ATTRS
471      else:
472        schema_attrs = ldap_url.attrs
473      s_temp = l.read_subschemasubentry_s(
474        subschemasubentry_dn,attrs=schema_attrs
475      )
476    l.unbind_s()
477    del l
478  else:
479    ldif_file = urlopen(uri)
480    ldif_parser = ldif.LDIFRecordList(ldif_file,max_entries=1)
481    ldif_parser.parse()
482    subschemasubentry_dn,s_temp = ldif_parser.all_records[0]
483  # Work-around for mixed-cased attribute names
484  subschemasubentry_entry = ldap.cidict.cidict()
485  s_temp = s_temp or {}
486  for at,av in s_temp.items():
487    if at in SCHEMA_CLASS_MAPPING:
488      try:
489        subschemasubentry_entry[at].extend(av)
490      except KeyError:
491        subschemasubentry_entry[at] = av
492  # Finally parse the schema
493  if subschemasubentry_dn!=None:
494    parsed_sub_schema = ldap.schema.SubSchema(subschemasubentry_entry)
495  else:
496    parsed_sub_schema = None
497  return subschemasubentry_dn, parsed_sub_schema