7* Remove Babel requirement
8* Add link to PDF document
9* Switch to newer openstackdocstheme and reno versions
10* Bump hacking min version to 3.0.1
11* Remove mock in lower-constraints.txt
12* Use unittest.mock instead of third party mock
13* Remove future imports
14* doc: Update Testing document
15* Bump default tox env from py37 to py38
16* Switch to using TOX\_CONSTRAINTS\_FILE
17* Add py38 package metadata
18* [Community goal] Update contributor documentation
19* Add Python3 victoria unit tests
20* Update master for stable/ussuri
25* Microversion 2.87 - Stable device boot from volume rescue
26* [Trivial] FUP: Enhanced description for 'server list --config-drive' help
27* FUP: Add volume-update CLI pre V285 tests
28* Microversion 2.86 - Extra spec validation
29* Microversion 2.85: Change volume-update CLI
30* Make 'server list --config-drive' a boolean option
31* Microversion 2.84 - action event fault details
32* Microversion 2.83 - Add more filters for the nova list command
33* Update to hacking 3.0
34* Microversion 2.82 - nova cyborg interaction
35* Don't print user\_data for 'nova show'
36* Random cleanups
37* Bump to hacking 2.x
38* Remove six
39* tox: Configure 'ignore\_basepython\_conflict'
40* setup.cfg: Various Python 3 fixes
41* trivial: Remove 'u' prefix from string
42* doc: Update Testing document
43* doc: Fix supported version descriptions
44* Stop supporting and testing python2
45* Switch to Ussuri jobs
46* Add minor version [21] to the test\_versions
51* Add aggregate-cache-images command and client routines
52* Add images.GlanceManager.find\_images() bulk query
53* Add functional test for migration-list in v2.80
54* Microversion 2.80: Add user\_id/project\_id to migration-list API
55* PDF documentation build
56* Remove cells v1 and extension commands and APIs
57* Add release note for bug 1845322
58* Stop silently ignoring invalid 'nova boot --hint' options
59* Update master for stable/train
60* Add a check for --config-drive option on nova boot
61* doc: Add support microversions for options
66* Microversion 2.79: Add delete\_on\_termination to volume-attach API
67* Microversion 2.78 - show server topology
72* Microversion 2.77: Support Specifying AZ to unshelve
73* Clarify --migration-type migration value as cold migration
74* Follow up for microversion 2.75
75* API microversion 2.76: Add 'power-update' external event
76* Microversion 2.75 - Multiple API cleanup changes
77* Add --migration-type and --source-compute to migration-list
78* docs: clarify nova migration-list --host option
79* Update api-ref location
80* Bump the openstackdocstheme extension to 1.20
81* doc: Clarify versioned wrapped method
86* Deprecate cells v1 and extension commands and APIs
87* Add a guide to add a new microversion support
88* Add host and hypervisor\_hostname to create servers
89* Add Python 3 Train unit tests
90* Remove deprecated methods and properties
91* Modify the url of upper\_constraints\_file
92* Add Python 3 Train unit tests
93* Blacklist sphinx 2.1.0 (autodoc bug)
94* Add irrelevant files in dsvm job again
95* Revert "Add irrelevant files in dsvm job"
96* Add irrelevant files in dsvm job
97* Fix duplicate object description error
98* Blacklist python-cinderclient 4.0.0
99* Bump openstackdocstheme to 1.30.0
104* Add a description of --on-shared-storage
105* Set the lower limit of api\_version for volume\_type
106* Allow passing negative values for the locked search\_opt in cs.servers.list
107* Allow searching for hypervisors and getting back details
108* Optimize limit option docs string description for novaclient
113* Cap sphinx for py2 and drop keyring dependency
114* [Docs] Update client docs to add reason and locked options
115* Microversion 2.73: Support adding the reason behind a server lock
116* Use SHA256 instead of MD5 in completion cache
117* Tiny fix of documentation
118* Updates for OpenDev transition
119* Drop py35 tests
120* OpenDev Migration Patch
121* Add test for console-log and docs for bug 1746534
122* Revert "Fix crashing console-log"
123* Replace openstack.org git:// URLs with https://
124* Remove deprecated options
125* Update master for stable/stein
130* Add support for microversion v2.72
131* Microversion 2.71 - show server group
132* Remove unnecessary if statement
133* Add support for microversion 2.70 - expose device tags
134* Fix changes-before values in an instance action test
135* Handle unicode multi-byte characters
136* API microversion 2.69: Handles Down Cells
137* Make Server.networks use a predictable sort order
138* Fix output of interface-attach command
139* add python 3.7 unit test job
140* Microversion 2.68: Remove 'forced' live migrations, evacuations
145* Remove deprecated novaclient.v2.contrib modules
146* Add a note in "nova service-delete" help about deleting computes
147* Update hacking version
148* Fix flavor keyerror when nova boot vm
149* Change openstack-dev to openstack-discuss
150* Add Python 3.6 classifier to setup.cfg
151* Fix a type of block\_device\_mapping\_v2 in a comment
152* Fixes Python3 issue in decoding password
153* Deprecate the unused instance-name
154* Replace MB with MiB
159* Recommend against using --force for evacuate/live migration
160* Add support for microversion 2.67: BDMv2 volume\_type
161* doc: Start using openstackdoctheme's extlink extension
162* Follow up "Fix up userdata argument to rebuild"
163* Update the CLI reference
164* Update the contributor guide
165* Fix up userdata argument to rebuild
166* Fix test\_instance\_action functional test failure
167* Add support changes-before for microversion 2.66
168* docs: Add redirects
169* Follow the new PTI for document build
170* Improve the description of optional arguments
171* Cleanup zuul.yaml
172* Add missing options in CLI reference
173* add lib-forward-testing-python3 test job
174* add python 3.6 unit test job
175* switch documentation job to new PTI
176* import zuul job settings from project-config
177* Enable split logging for cinder-novaclient interaction
178* Replace os-client-config to openstacksdk
179* Use uuidutils of oslo.utils
180* Fix server strings in reboot operation
181* Refactor the getid method in novaclient/base.py
182* Use jsonutils of oslo.serialization
183* Update reno for stable/rocky
188* Fix the help text for server-group-create
189* Fix inconsistency
190* Add support for microversion 2.65
191* Microversion 2.64 - Use new format policy in server group
192* Switch to stestr
193* Rename --endpoint-override to --os-endpoint-override
194* Add release note link in README
195* Fix help text in server-group-create
196* Fix trusted-image-certificate-id help text
197* Microversion 2.63 - Add trusted\_image\_certificates
198* Add CLI docs reference for flavor-update
199* Remove doc/build when building docs
200* Modify novaclient to support basic attributes
201* Remove PyPI downloads
202* fix tox python3 overrides
207* Add a note in the nova CLI reference about using OSC
208* Import nova CLI reference from openstack-manuals
209* Revert "Fix listing of instances above API max\_limit"
210* Fix the incorrect cirros default password
211* Fix the policy argument in server-group-create
212* Make sure microversion < 2.62 does not show host(Id) for instance actions
213* Microversion 2.62 - Add host/hostId to instance action event
214* Trivial: Update pypi url to new url
219* [CLI] Fix token auth type
220* Microversion 2.61 - support extra\_specs in flavor API
221* Fix comments in novaclient/tests/unit/fakes.py
222* Stop printing flavor details on successful flavor-delete
223* Replace GB with GiB
224* Fix AttributeError in getting a resource ID
225* Fix validation for command arguments
226* Updated from global requirements
227* add lower-constraints job
228* Fix local test fails with pypy
229* Updated from global requirements
230* Updated from global requirements
231* Updated from global requirements
232* Updated from global requirements
233* Add os-testr in test-requirements.txt
234* Fix a comment in novaclient/api\_versions.py
235* Clean imports in code
236* Fix the docstring for the update method
237* Updated from global requirements
238* Updated from global requirements
239* Remove 2 redundant methods
240* Fix crashing console-log
241* Fix listing of instances above API max\_limit
242* nova limits ERROR (Exception): Field names must be unique
243* Zuul: Remove project name
244* Implement hypervisor hostname exact pattern match
245* Add CLI to show instance usage audit logs
246* Update reno for stable/queens
247* Updated from global requirements
252* Add support for microversion 2.60 - volume multiattach
253* Microversion 2.59 - Migrations list pagination
254* Update documentation links
255* Updated from global requirements
256* Add missing spaces in \`nova list --changes-since\` help
257* Microversion 2.58 - Instance actions list pagination
258* Add support for the 2.57 microversion
263* Remove deprecated services binary CLI arg
264* Remove deprecated fixedip/floatingip/virtual interface CLIs/APIs
265* Remove deprecated os-hosts CLIs and python API bindings
266* Remove deprecated cloudpipe CLIs and python API bindings
267* Remove deprecated certs CLIs and python bindings
268* Remove deprecated MigrationManager.list cell\_name kwarg
269* Fix being able to create a reno using tox -e venv
270* Remove incorrect legacy QuotaSet.id property
271* Updated from global requirements
272* boot: error out if no images match the property from --image-with
273* Update new documentation PTI jobs
274* boot: show warning if more than one match when setting --image-with
275* Remove irrelevant note
276* flavor create: clarify --swap description
277* Updated from global requirements
278* Updated from global requirements
279* Optimize jobs run on novaclient
280* Remove deprecated command in nova.rst
281* CommandError is raised for invalid server fields
282* inject file: add method of showing quota value of injecting files for 'rebuild' command
283* Updated from global requirements
284* Microversion 2.56 - Enable cold migration with target host
285* Avoid tox\_install.sh for constraints support
286* inject file: add description of injecting multiple files
287* [ci] Use pseudo-random names for new resources
288* Add support for microversion 2.55 - flavor description
289* Use utils.prepare\_query\_string instead of duplicated code
290* Move zuulv3 jobs to project repo
291* [functional] Remove duplication of boot helper
292* Microversion 2.54 - Enable reset keypair while rebuild
293* Remove setting of version/release from releasenotes
294* Remove SecretsHelper
295* Stop posting to os-volumes\_boot
296* Updated from global requirements
297* Fix missing metavar in aggregate-update
298* Updated from global requirements
299* Updated from global requirements
300* Use generic user for both zuul v2 and v3
301* Update "The nova Shell Utility" in the user guide
302* Updated from global requirements
303* Updated from global requirements
304* Updated from global requirements
305* Updated from global requirements
306* Allow boot server with multiple nics
307* Remove substitutions for command error msg
308* tools: Remove dead script
309* Updated from global requirements
310* Fix reservation\_id not supported by Nova API
311* Replace six.itervalues() with dict.values() in python-novaclient
312* Update reno for stable/pike
313* Updated from global requirements
314* Remove run\_tests.sh
315* Update URLs in docs, comments and setup.cfg
316* Updated from global requirements
321* doc: Remove Makefile
322* Allow tuple as for nics value
323* Help text for "--matching" is not clear
324* Be clear about hypevisors.search used in a few CLIs
325* Change Service repr to use self.id always
326* Microversion 2.53 - services and hypervisors using UUIDs
327* Add 'Forced down' column in serivce-list
328* Updated from global requirements
329* Updated from global requirements
330* Updated from global requirements
331* Expect id and disabled\_reason in GET /os-services response
332* Updated from global requirements
333* Adjust test\_resize\_down\_revert to account for counting quotas
334* Updated from global requirements
335* Microversion 2.52 - Support tag when boot
336* Updated from global requirements
337* Fix the inappropriate parameter name
338* Add resize down test which also verifies quota changes
339* Add functional test for resize-confirm plus quota validation
340* Add support for the 2.51 microversion
341* Microversion 2.50 - fix quota class sets resource usage
342* Updated from global requirements
343* Remove custom autodoc implementation
344* doc: Switch from oslosphinx to openstackdocstheme
345* doc: Create directory structure for docs migration
346* Microversion 2.49 - Virt device tagged attach
347* Fix cropping the endpoint url
348* Removed extra word 'method' from the NOTE
349* Deprecate binary argument in nova service enable/disable/force-down CLIs
350* Updated from global requirements
351* Microversion 2.48: Standardization of VM diagnostics
352* 2.47: Show flavor info in server details
353* Cleanup duplicated methods
354* Make --profile load from environment variables
359* Revert "client.logger.warning wrongly used in migrations"
360* Clean up ShellTest unit tests
361* Fix setting 'global\_request\_id' in SessionClient
366* Updated from global requirements
367* Prevent 2.32 release note from showing up in 9.0.0 release notes
368* Skip rebuild functional test due to persistent vif plugging timeout
369* strip the remote prefixes from the release note branch specifiers
370* 2.46: match nova API version
371* Help message for aggregate-update is ambiguous
372* client.logger.warning wrongly used in migrations
373* Better handle key=value pair not being key=value
374* Error out if nic auto or none are not alone
375* Updated from global requirements
376* Have python-novaclient support global\_request\_id
377* Updated from global requirements
378* Remove various deprecated options
379* Updated from global requirements
380* Updated from global requirements
381* Fix help message and description for volume-update
382* Fix warning for deprecated cert commands
383* Mark cloudpipe deprecated in novaclient
384* Fix a typo
385* Updated from global requirements
386* Updated from global requirements
387* Remove 1.1 extension comment
388* 2.45: createImage/createBackup image\_id is in response body
389* 2.44: Deprecate multinic/floatingIP actions and os-virtual-interfaces
390* 2.43: Deprecate novaclient /os-hosts usage
391* Add \`instance-uuid\` flag to the migration-list
392* Remove direct dependency on requests
393* Microversion 2.42 - Fix tag attribute disappearing
394* doc: Remove cruft from conf.py
395* Explicitly set 'builders' option
396* Add novaclient client\_name and client\_version to user-agent
397* Updated from global requirements
398* Fix cinder volume leakage
399* Updated from global requirements
400* Deprecate certs commands and APIs
401* Revise \`nova list\` description
402* Update reno for removed network CLIs
407* Remove deprecated network APIs
408* Update Compute API Guide pointer
409* Fix 'nova list --fields' error in no instances case
410* Explicitly specify arguments of server\_groups creation
411* Remove version 1.1 support
412* Remove log translations
413* Updated from global requirements
414* Imported Translations from Zanata
415* Set test timout to 300 seconds
416* Drop deprecated aggregate-update positional args
417* Remove deprecated floating\_ips APIs
418* Remove deprecated fixed\_ips APIs
419* Remove deprecated security\_groups APIs
420* Remove deprecated security\_group\_rules APIs
421* Remove deprecated security\_group\_default\_rules APIs
422* Remove the deprecated fping API
423* Remove deprecated floating\_ip\_pools API
424* Remove deprecated floating\_ips\_bulk API
425* Remove deprecated floating IP DNS domain/entry APIs
426* Remove deprecated tenant network APIs
427* Remove deprecated baremetal CLIs and APIs
428* Remove py34 tox env and pypi classifier
429* Fix aggregate\_update name and availability\_zone clash
430* Use Sphinx 1.5 warning-is-error
431* Remove duplicate methods
432* Fix ValueError when incorrect metadata passed
433* Updated from global requirements
434* Tags and Metadata fields with unicode cannot be correctly displayed
435* [Fix gate]Update test requirement
436* Release note for cell\_name deprecation
437* Remove functional tests for removed commands
438* Deperecate cell\_name cli arg for migration-list
439* Updated from global requirements
440* Grammar typo in the comments for function set\_meta
441* Fix devstack python-novaclient warning
442* Remove deprecated network-related resource commands
443* Remove deprecated image commands/API bindings
444* Add functional test for "nova boot --image-with"
445* Updated from global requirements
446* Updated from global requirements
447* Update reno for stable/ocata
452* Add release not for fixing token auth method
453* Fix functional tests to deal with multiple networks
454* ListExtResource given in place of ListExtManager
455* Pass relevant parameters to Token based authentication
456* Updated from global requirements
457* x-openstack-request-id logged twice in logs
458* Add profiling support to novaclient
459* Fix help strings
460* Make \_console() public
461* Allow multiple tag add/delete from cli
462* Updated from global requirements
463* Enable coverage report in console output
464* Fix "Message object do not support addition"
465* Add support for showing aggregate UUIDs (v2.41)
466* Blacklist rather than whitelist autodoc modules
471* Clarify some release notes prior to the 7.0.0 release
472* Replaces uuid.uuid4 with uuidutils.generate\_uuid()
473* Microversion 2.40 - Simple tenant usage pagination
474* Fixed the \_\_ne\_\_ implementation in base.Resource
475* Add some missing modules in API reference
476* Deprecate volume\_service\_name argument
477* [proxy-api] microversion 2.39 deprecates image-metadata proxy API
478* Remove all code related to HTTPClient
479* Create keystone session instance if not present
480* Make SessionClient interface similar to HTTPClient
481* Deprecate connection\_pool variable
482* Transmit all auth related vars from cli to inner methods
483* Deprecate proxy\_token and proxy\_tenant\_id args
484* Clarify meaning of project\_id var
485* Rename interface to endpoint\_type
486* Rename api\_key to password
487* Rename bypass\_url to endpoint\_override
488* Remove redundant args of \_construct\_http\_client
489* Introduce helper for checking args deprecation
490* Sort arguments for client's methods
491* Updated from global requirements
492* Remove internal attribute access from shell
493* Add limit and offset to server-groups list
494* Restict usage \*args for novaclient.client.Client
495* Add version pin for image list function
496* CONF.osapi\_max\_limit -> CONF.api.max\_limit
497* Replace six.iteritems() with .items()
498* Usage missing from generated docs
499* remove variable '\_' from tests
500* Add min-disk and min-ram filters to list flavors
501* Fix doc generation errors
502* Check source\_type and destination\_type when booting with bdm provided
503* Updated from global requirements
504* Fix can't process the resource with name 'help'
505* Use more specific asserts in tests
506* Revert "Microversion 2.39 - Simple tenant usage pagination"
507* Updated from global requirements
508* Microversion 2.39 - Simple tenant usage pagination
509* Move all extensions from contrib dir
510* Use upper-constraints when running tox
511* Correct copy/paste errors in help
512* Show team and repo badges on README
513* Fix import statement order
514* Remove unused test code
515* Remove unused code
516* Fix the description of hypervisors.list
517* Change fake server id as str to fit real server id type
518* modified the description of service.list
519* Add version pin for image related function
520* Updated from global requirements
521* Bump client microversion to 2.38
522* Replace oslo\_utils.timeutils.isotime
523* Updated from global requirements
524* Updated from global requirements
525* Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv
526* Updated from global requirements
527* Remove support for non-keystone auth systems
528* Updated from global requirements
529* Updated from global requirements
530* Updated from global requirements
531* Updated from global requirements
532* Make "policy" a mandatory argument for server-group-create
533* Update docs for instructions on deprecating commands
534* Remove unused helper volume methods in v2 shell
535* Remove deprecated commands
536* Add timezone disclaimer to docstring
537* Enable release notes translation
538* Clean up requests-mock usage
539* Replace requests mocking with requests-mock
540* Updated from global requirements
541* Updated from global requirements
542* Updated from global requirements
543* Updated from global requirements
544* Updated from global requirements
545* Update reno for stable/newton
546* Fix incorrect output of "nova show" for long user data
547* Modify use of assertTrue(A in B)
548* Updated from global requirements
553* Fix test\_trigger\_crash\_dump\_in\_locked\_state\_nonadmin test
554* Fix 'UnicodeEncodeError' for unicode values
555* Fixes TypeError on Client instantiation
556* Updated from global requirements
557* Updated from global requirements
558* Replace functions 'Dict.get' and 'del' with 'Dict.pop'
559* Removed unused 'install\_venv' module
560* [functional] Do not discover same resources for every test
561* functional tests fail if cirros image not exist
562* Updated from global requirements
563* Pick first image if can't find the specific image
564* Add support for v2.37 and auto-allocated networking
565* Cap image API deprecated methods at 2.35
566* Cap baremetal python APIs at 2.35
567* Deprecate all the nova-network functions in the python API
568* Deprecate network-\* commands and clamp to microversion 2.35
569* [functional] Skip tests if API doesn't support microversion
570* Updated from global requirements
571* Store api\_version object in one place
576* Add eggs to gitignore list
577* Use glanceclient for functional tests
578* Skip nova-network-only tests if using Neutron
579* Make wait\_for\_server\_os\_boot wait longer
580* Handle successful response in console functional tests
581* Use neutron for network name -> id resolution
582* Look up image names directly in glance
583* Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
584* Make novaclient functional tests use pretty tox
585* Updated from global requirements
586* Added smaller flavors for novaclient functional tests to use
587* Split nic parsing out of \_boot method
588* Fix boot --nic error message for v2.32 boundary
589* Updated from global requirements
590* Microversion 2.35 adds keypairs pagination support
591* Modify flatten method to display an empty dict
592* remove start\_version arg for keypairs v2.10 shell
593* Added support for microversion 2.34
594* Add support for microversion 2.33
595* Fix python35 job failures
596* Refactor test\_servers APIVersion setup
597* Updated from global requirements
598* Updated from global requirements
599* Remove discover from test-requirements
600* Change all test URLs to use example.com
601* Fix deprecation message for --volume-service-name
606* Deprecate baremetal API and CLI interfaces
607* Add a missing i18n support
608* Correctly handle NOVACLIENT\_INESCURE
609* Virtual device tagging client support
610* Update clouds.yaml.sample
611* Updated from global requirements
612* base.Resource not define \_\_ne\_\_() built-in function
613* Remove white space between print and ()
614* Clean up deprecated CLI options
615* functional: fix a deprecation warning in test\_auth.TestAuthentication
616* functional: skip test\_auth\_via\_keystone\_vX if X is not available
617* Raise an exception in v2.client for direct\_use
618* Add support for microversion 2.31
619* Updated from global requirements
620* Updated from global requirements
621* [functional] Fix wrong message in server description test
622* Deprecated the \`--volume-service-name\` option
623* Make it possible to list quotas with details
624* List system dependencies for running common tests
625* make string.letters python3 compatible
626* Updated from global requirements
627* Fix the help message for 'get-mks-console'
628* Add support for microversion 2.30
629* Add support for microversion 2.29
630* Updated from global requirements
631* [functional] make tests work with only keystone v3
632* Updated from global requirements
633* Update README to comply with Identity v3
634* Extend microversion stuff to support resource classes
639* Added functional tests for server tags (microverison 2.26)
640* Add support for microversion 2.28
641* TrivialFix: Added missed value in string formatting
642* Log request\_id for each api call
643* Functional tests for server's description
644* Updated from global requirements
645* Updated from global requirements
646* Update to microversion 2.27
647* Fix funtional test gate failure caused by keystone client change
648* Fix nova host-evacuate for v2.14
649* Updated from global requirements
650* Use tempes.lib instead of tempes\_lib
651* Deprecate --tenant option from flavor-access-list
652* Added Support of microverison 2.26
653* Name and AZ should as be optional param on aggregate-update
654* Updated from global requirements
655* Update the home-page with developer documentation
656* Updated from global requirements
657* Updated from global requirements
658* Clean the duplicated columns for "nova network-list"
659* Updated from global requirements
660* [Trivial] change some functions in novaclient/utils.py to public
661* Add info for user\_id in v2.10
662* Enhance descriptions for get and clear password
663* Add a note message for reboot
664* Decorate FakeHTTPClient with versions
665* Restrict positional arguments for Client
666* Use common find\_server from v2.shell
671* Updated from global requirements
672* Deprecate image list/show/delete/update CLIs/APIs
673* Make functional tests work with v3 keystone
674* Updated from global requirements
675* Fix typos in docstrings and comments
676* Remove busted baremetal CLIs and API bindings
677* Updated from global requirements
678* Add default values for domain related options
679* Remove deprecated volume(snapshot) commands/bindings
680* Switch to 2.1 default api\_version in v2.Client
681* [tests] initialize client objects inside setUp
682* Fix ServerGroup.NAME\_ATTR
687* Using glance 'image-list'/'image-show' in boot help message
688* Fix host-evacuate-live for 2.25 microversion
689* Use keystoneclient python bindings for testing
690* Removed unused Oslo Incubator code
691* Adding tox support for bandit
692* aggregate-details changed to aggregate-show
693* Handle error response for webob>=1.6.0
694* Validate shutdown value of --block-device
695* Add changes-since support when list servers
696* Update reno for stable/mitaka
697* Wrap interface\_list by proper resource class
698* nova add-secgroup help updated with secgroup id
699* Remove additional 'timeout' element
700* Make it clear that host-servers-migrate is a cold migration
701* Return a less dramatic message for public flavors
702* Remove unused code in tests/unit/v2/fakes.py
703* Fix a typo in novaclient/v2/hosts.py
704* Remove an unused method in novaclient/shell.py
705* Overwrite Usage class's get() function
706* Remove console expectation from NMI tests
707* Use novaclient/utils directly and remove openstack/common (4/4)
708* Use novaclient/utils directly and remove openstack/common
709* Use novaclient/utils directly and remove openstack/common (2/4)
710* Use novaclient/utils directly and remove openstack/common (1/4)
715* The novaclient Python API doc keystoneauth example fixed
716* [microversion] Bump to 2.25
717* Support for abort an ongoing live migration
718* Add two server-migration commands and bump migration-list command
719* Use isinstance instead of type
720* Support for forcing live migration to complete
721* Adds missing internationalization for help message
722* [microversions] Enable 2.21
723* [microversions] fix help msg for versioned args
724* Prepare to move extension into core plugin
725* Use assertIsNone instead of assertEqual(None, \*\*\*)
726* Functional tests for trigger-crash-dump (microversion 2.17)
727* Fix string interpolation at logging call
728* Deprecate run\_test.sh
729* Updated from global requirements
730* Add a way to discover only contrib extensions
731* [functional] Move code for boot vm to base testcase
732* [microversions] Enable 2.20
733* [microversions] Turn off check for header in response
734* [microversions] Add support for 2.19
735* Allow to specify a network for functional tests
736* Provide user with coherent interface to get request\_ids
737* [microversions] Skip microversion 2.18
738* Fix running functional tests against deployment with insecure SSL
739* Updated from global requirements
740* Make \_poll\_for\_status more user-friendly
741* Fix omission of request\_ids returned to user
742* Remove unnecessary filter from Resource's \_\_repr\_\_() function
743* Use # noqa to ignore one line but not whole file
744* Add release notes for return-request-id-to-caller
745* Update translation setup
746* Add return-request-id-to-caller function(5/5)
747* Add return-request-id-to-caller function(4/5)
748* Add return-request-id-to-caller function(3/5)
749* Support to boot a VM with network name
750* Add return-request-id-to-caller function(2/5)
751* Add return-request-id-to-caller function(1/5)
752* Add wrapper classes for return-request-id-to-caller
753* [microversions] Add support for 2.17
754* Allow restore command with name param
755* Updated from global requirements
756* [microversions] Extend shell with 2.12
757* Remove argparse from requirements
758* Added support for Nova microversion 2.16
759* Functional tests for os-services
760* Functional tests for flavors with public and non-public access
761* Updated from global requirements
762* Updated from global requirements
763* Updated from global requirements
764* Fix URLs for CLI Reference and API
765* Add functional tests launcher for py3 env
766* [microversions] Add support for 2.15
767* Updated from global requirements
768* Test: Clean v2 client userwarning
769* Fix broken link in documentation
770* Fix W503 line break before binary operator
771* Add a mechanism to call out deprecated options
772* Updated from global requirements
773* Replace assertTrue(isinstance()) by optimal assert
778* Use assertTrue/False instead of assertEqual(T/F)
779* Add python 2.7 comment
780* [microversions] Add support for 2.14
781* Fix extension loading from python path on Python 2.7
782* Wrong usage of "a/an"
783* Fix help strings
784* Validate the fixed ip address passed with --nic
785* [microversions] Add support for API microversion 2.13
786* [microversions] share one object for shell arguments
787* Put py34 first in the env order of tox
788* Fixed test\_shell which can't test microversions>=2.4
789* Updated from global requirements
790* document search\_opts parameter
791* Cleanup needless code from oslo-incubator
796* Validation for arguments of list command passed by "--fields"
801* Allow command line for virtual-interface-list
802* Removes MANIFEST.in as it is not needed explicitely by PBR
803* Updated from global requirements
804* Drop py33 support
805* Migrate to keystoneauth from keystoneclient
806* Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
807* Updated from global requirements
808* [functional-test] add v2.8 functional test
809* [functional-tests] fix version of novaclient instance
810* remove the default arguments "[]"
811* Change the logic for the client to retrive resources
812* Fix help message in case of microversions
813* Updated from global requirements
814* [microversions] Increase max version to 2.12
815* [microversions] Increase max version to 2.11
816* [microversions] Add support for 2.10
817* [microversions] update test\_versions with implemented versions
818* encode the url parameters
819* Fix H404/405 violations in novaclient/v2/[a-f]
820* Fix H404/405 violations in novaclient/tests/\*
821* Fix multiline string with missing space
822* [microversions] Increase max version to 2.9
823* [microversions] Add support for 2.8
824* Enable pass instance name as parameter in nova cli
825* Fix H404/405 violations in client.py,base.py,api\_version.py
826* Help msg about libvirt always default device names
827* Fix a Typo in Docstring
828* Updated from global requirements
829* Remove python 2.6 support from python-novaclient
830* [microversions] Increase max version to 2.7
831* Optimize "open" method with context manager
832* force releasenotes warnings to be treated as errors
833* Updated from global requirements
834* Fix repr of a host from a hosts.list()
835* Updated from global requirements
836* Add accessIPv4 and accessIPv6 when create server
837* Add reno for release notes management
838* Check response headers for microversions
839* Not transform to str on potential unicode fields
840* Updated from global requirements
841* Print current nova default nova API microversion
842* improve readme contents
843* Updated from global requirements
844* Last sync from oslo-incubator
845* Fix typo in error message
850* Added command for device to cinder volume mapping
851* Functional tests for os-extended-server-attributes
852* Remove --tenant suggestion for flavor-access-list
853* Add v2 support for optional project\_id in version discovery urls
854* Remove novaclient.v1\_1 module
859* Revert "Remove novaclient.v1\_1 module"
860* Revert "Do not expose exceptions from requests library"
861* Check flavor option before image checks
862* Updated from global requirements
867* Do not expose exceptions from requests library
868* make project\_id optional in urls for version discovery
869* Support the server side remote-console API changes
871* Rely on devstack for clouds.yaml
872* Refactor parsing metadata to a common function
873* Updated from global requirements
874* Updated from global requirements
875* Use v2.0 in clouds.yaml auth\_url for functional test job
876* Add sort\_dir/key to flavor list
877* Add pagination params for flavor list
878* Increase timeout when testing admin timeout
879* Fix incorrect help for 'nova flavor-create'
884* Revert "Allow display project-id for server groups"
885* Test that microversions are not skipped
886* Updated from global requirements
892* Always send volume\_id when booting with legacy bdm
893* Change default service\_type for volumes managers
894* Add --metadata as optional input when do nova image-create
895* Remove novaclient.v1\_1 module
896* Use dictionary literal for dictionary creation
901* Change ignore-errors to ignore\_errors
902* Modify nova help list message for --tenant
903* Split functional tests for legacy(V2.1) and microversions
904* Specify api\_version for functional tests
905* Improve help strings
906* Updated from global requirements
907* Encode unicode filter arguments for server list
908* [docs] Fix length of underline
909* Updated from global requirements
910* Fix nova bash-completion needs authentication
911* Show reserved status for a fixed\_ip if available
912* Fix unicode issue in shell.main() error handling
913* Remove redundant help command test and commonize
914* Fix the homepage url in setup.cfg
915* Fix mistakes in comments
916* Modify "nova keypair-show" Positional arguments help information
921* make sure os\_password is set for auth\_plugins
922* [BugFix] Change parameters for legacy bdm
923* Set api\_version to 2.0 by default for v2.Client
924* Deprecate 'novaclient.client.get\_client\_class'
925* Restrict direct usage of novaclient.v2.client
926* Fix bugs with rackspace
927* Add unit tests for different help commands
928* Enable i18n with Babel
929* Fix nova --help needs authentication
934* [Bug-Fix] Update requests body for quota-update
935* Adds missing internationalization for help message
940* workaround for RAX repose configuration
941* fix novaclient functional tests for new devstack config
942* Don't assume oscomputeversions is correctly deployed
943* Update path to subunit2html in post\_test\_hook
944* Option to specify max servers for live evacuate
949*  Allow to reboot multiple servers
950* Add method for better random name
951* Launch functional tests serially
952* Add mechanism to vm list to return all resources
953* Fixed typo Errors in comments
954* Updated from global requirements
955* Add "limit" option to servers list cli
956* Add 'marker' argument to server list cli
957* Fix a fault of request logging with no credentials
958* Add response message when the state of a server is reset
959* Fix versions.list for v2.1 Nova API
960* Add help message for floating ip bulk operation
961* Correct the files's description "overrwriter"
962* Updated from global requirements
963* Updated from global requirements
964* Add ability to use default major version
965* Copy cli arguments in api\_versions.wraps decorator
966* Change docstring of api\_versions.discover\_version
967* Allow display project-id for server groups
968* Remove \_discover\_extensions
969* Updated from global requirements
970* Support forcing service down
971* Adds support for x509 certificates as keypairs
972* Set "latest" as default compute api version
973* Add version discover and check in CLI
974* Specify NIC option for nova boot
975* Refactor and update test\_instances and test\_volumes\_api
976* Use keystoneclient's TCPKeepAliveAdapter
977* Add 'deleted' status check in \_poll\_for\_status
978* Add "get\_current" method to VersionManager
979* Implements 'microversions' api type - Part 2
980* Fixes table when there are multiline in result data
981* rename root-password to set-password
982* Updated from global requirements
983* hypervisor command can't use cell format id to show hypervisor
984* Set iso8601 log level to WARNING
985* Updated from global requirements
986* Implements 'microversions' api type - Part 1
987* Updated from global requirements
988* Updated from global requirements
989* Improve hypervisor-show print list
990* Updated from global requirements
991* Fix resolving image.id in servers.boot
992* Added marker functionality to flavours and images
993* Updated from global requirements
994* Updated from global requirements
995* Change future nova version number references based on new values
996* cleanup openstack-common.conf and sync updated files
997* Updated from global requirements
998* Revert "Allow admin user to get all tenant's floating IPs"
999* Add a sample clouds.yaml
1000* Pass full path to pkgutil.iter\_modules()
1001* Cache a new token when the existing token expires
1002* Add help message for secgroup-add/del-default-rule
1003* Cleanup various inaccuracies in the README.rst
1004* Update weblinks
1005* Adds support to set admin password from the cli
1006* Adding missing nova read only CLI test
1007* Updated from global requirements
1008* Fix all doc warnings and gate on warnings
1009* Add docs tox env
1014* Remove unused novaclient.tests.unit.v2.utils module
1015* Add documentation on command deprecation process
1016* Deprecate volume/volume-type/volume-snapshot CRUD CLIs/APIs
1017* Do not check requirements when loading entry points
1018* Eliminate test comprehensions
1019* Remove redundant check for version of \`requests\`
1020* Use clouds.yaml for functional test credentials
1021* pass credentials via config file instead of magic
1022* server-group-list support 'all\_projects' parameter
1027* Drop use of 'oslo' namespace package
1028* Reuse uuidutils frim oslo\_utils
1029* Sync latest code from oslo-incubator
1030* Updated from global requirements
1031* Make \_discover\_extensions public
1032* Updated from global requirements
1033* nova client now support limits subcommand
1034* Don't use SessionClient for version-list API
1035* Add min/max microversions to version-list cmd
1036* Deprecate v1.1 and remove v3
1041* fix FloatingIP repr
1042* Don't lookup service url when bypass\_url is given
1043* Revert "nova flavor-show command is inconsistent"
1044* add ips to novaclient server manager
1045* Update README to work with release tools
1046* refactor functional test base class to no inherit from tempest\_lib
1051* Remove all imports from oslo namespace
1052* Fix typo on class Client sample
1053* Uncap library requirements for liberty
1054* Report better error message --ephemeral poor usage
1055* Fix displaying of an unavailable flavor of a showing instance
1056* Handle binary userdata files such as gzip
1057* Add --all-tenants option to 'nova delete'
1058* Combine test cases for checking nova limits response
1059* Fix repr of FloatingIPBulk
1060* Fix comments on metadata number limitation
1061* Corrected help for nova boot when attaching block device
1062* Removes reference to v3 nova api from novaclient docs
1063* Don't record time when self.timing is False
1064* Updated from global requirements
1065* Revert 'Remove image to local block device mapping'
1070* Ensure the use of volume endpoint in volumes apis
1071* Add missing servers.create parameter documentation
1072* Add Client object to documentation
1073* Add a test for the TCPKeepAliveAdapter
1074* Update help message for nova boot --file
1075* Fix typo in socket attribute name
1076* nova client cinder query param changed to display\_name
1077* nova flavor-show command is inconsistent
1078* Update help messages for default security group commands
1079* Add functional testing README
1080* Fix client usage in api example
1081* Updated from global requirements
1082* Cleanup in asserts in python-novaclient
1083* Update version of novaclient in the docs
1084* Cleanup in test\_images and image\_fakes
1089* Fix description of parameters in nova-client functions
1090* Enable check for E124 rule
1091* Removed unused 'e' from 'try except' statements
1092* allow --endpoint-type internal|admin|public
1093* Fixed redeclared test\_names
1094* Updated from global requirements
1095* add pretty\_tox to nova functional tests
1096* add functional test for nova volume-attach bug
1097* Revert "Overhaul bash-completion to support non-UUID based IDs"
1102* Change commands name from net-\* to tenant-network-\*
1103* Updated from global requirements
1104* Copy functional tests from tempest cli read only
1105* Add all tenants search opt to del instnce by name
1106* Updated from global requirements
1107* Check 'auth\_url' is presented while authentication
1108* Wrong help for nova usage command
1109* Add support for keypair-add command reading public key from stdin
1110* Compare dicts for POST data in test\_client\_reauth
1111* Remove image to local block device mapping
1112* Change the unsuitable item caching for completion
1113* Moved set of asserts from post\_servers\_1234\_action methods
1114* Change logic in find\_resource() to identify upper-case/lower-case name
1115* Add first pass at post\_test\_hook for functional tests
1116* Rename v1\_1 to v2
1117* Fix issue of quota-show and quota-defaults
1118* Refer to the admin password consistently
1119* Update volumes.get() docstring to correctly reflect functionality
1120* First pass at tempest\_lib based functional testing
1121* Add OS\_TEST\_PATH to testr
1122* Move unit tests into unit test directory
1123* whitelist find in testenv
1124* Updated from global requirements
1125* Use TCP Keep-Alive on the socket level
1126* Updated from global requirements
1127* In strings/comments change Ip/ip to IP
1128* Improving the help of the lock command
1129* Updated from global requirements
1130* Move to hacking 0.10
1131* Updated from global requirements
1132* Adds separate class for Hypervisor Stats
1133* Directly using base64 encoding for injected files
1134* Document unexpected need for --all-tenants when using --tenant
1135* Add 'Id' column to floating-ip-list
1136* Pass kwargs through to the adapter
1137* Display tenant id with nova list --all-tenants
1138* novaclient sort parameters support
1139* Reject non existent mock assert calls
1140* Updated from global requirements
1141* pass id to ServerGroupsManager in ServerGroup.delete()
1142* Workflow documentation is now in infra-manual
1143* Updated from global requirements
1144* Remove aliases for \`args\` and \`env\` in utils
1145* Use \`arg\` and \`env\` from cliutils: v1\_1/shell
1146* Remove code related to V3
1147* Enable check for E128 rule
1148* Fix E128 failures in novaclient/tests
1149* Fix E128 failures in novaclient/v3
1150* Fix E128 failures in novaclient/v1\_1/
1151* Fix E128 failures in novaclient/v1\_1/shell
1152* Updated from global requirements
1153* Curl statements to include globoff for IPv6 URLs
1154* Support using the Keystone V3 API from the Nova CLI
1155* Add limits to V3 and improve limits formatting in shell
1156* Fix the help comment about metadata
1157* Updated from global requirements
1158* support OS\_ENDPOINT\_TYPE in nova client
1159* Updated from global requirements
1160* Enable check for E129
1161* Enable check for E127
1162* Enable check for E126
1163* Propose 'tox' as tests launcher
1164* Update novaclient shell to use shared arguments from Session
1165* Allow to start/stop multiple servers
1166* Define helper to run an action on many resources
1167* Add missing parameters for server rescue
1168* Remove E12\* from list of deliberately ignored flake8 rules
1169* no way to delete valid/invalid security rule
1170* Sync latest code
1171* Port to use oslo.i18n
1172* Avoid "ambiguous option" when only current/deprecated forms match
1173* Updated from global requirements
1174* Clarify "nova scrub" help text
1175* Updated from global requirements
1176* Show 'state' and 'status' in hypervisor-list
1177* return 130 for keyboard interrupt
1178* Fix parameter description in create\_server
1179* Enable check for E123
1180* Enable check for E122
1181* Enable check for E121
1182* Use oslo.serialization
1183* Use common code instead of novaclient.utils
1188* Updated from global requirements
1189* Corrects typos "coearse," "proejct," and "unecrypts"
1190* Add list by user to shell
1191* Add retry\_after only to exceptions supporting it
1196* secgroup-create description is not optional
1197* Live migrate each instance from one host to other hosts
1198* novaclient: Convert v3 boot command with v2.1 spec (bdm)
1199* Stop using intersphinx
1200* novaclient: Convert v3 boot command with v2.1 spec (user-data)
1201* novaclient: Convert v3 boot command with v2.1 spec (security-groups)
1202* delete python bytecode before every test run
1203* Add support for the server group quotas
1204* quota delete tenant\_id parameter should be required
1205* Don't display duplicated security groups
1206* Updated from global requirements
1207* add new command get-serial-console
1208* Make findall support server side filtering
1209* Fix test mistake with requests-mock
1210* Use oslo.utils
1211* Use Token fixtures from keystoneclient
1212* Update requirements.txt to include keystoneclient
1213* Updated from global requirements
1214* Updated from global requirements
1215* Enhance network-list to allow --fields
1216* Adding Nova Client support for auto find host APIv2
1217* Adding Nova Client support for auto find host APIv3
1218* Add filtering by service to hosts list command
1219* Quickstart (README) doc should refer to nova
1220* Updated from global requirements
1221* Fix listing of flavor-list (V1\_1) to display swap value
1222* Use adapter from keystoneclient
1223* Fix the return code of the command "delete"
1224* Fix variable error for nova --service-type
1225* Convert to requests-mock
1226* Enable several checks and do not check docs/source/conf.py
1227* Updated from global requirements
1228* Fix order of arguments in assertEquals
1229* Enable check for E131
1230* Add support for security-group-default-rules
1231* Fix rxtx\_factor name for creating a flavor
1232* Allow selecting the network for doing the ssh with
1233* fix host resource repr to use 'host' attribute
1234* Enable H233
1235* Don't log sensitive auth data
1236* Enabled hacking checks H305 and H307
1237* Edits on help strings
1238* Add support for new fields in network create
1243* Add "version-list" for listing REST API versions
1244* Description is mandatory parameter when creating Security Group
1245* Revert "Reuse exceptions from Oslo"
1246* Updated from global requirements
1247* Revert "Set default http-based exception as \`HttpError\`"
1252* Adding multiple server support to nova reset-state
1253* Update nova boot help
1254* Convert Server Group Tests to httpretty
1255* Convert security group tests to httpretty
1256* Convert security group rules tests to httpretty
1257* Convert Quota tests to httpretty
1258* Fix the wrong dest of 'vlan' option and add new 'vlan\_start' option
1259* Fixing flavor access \_\_repr\_\_ method
1260* Allow us to use keystoneclient's session
1261* Fix the section name in CONTRIBUTING.rst
1262* Adds clarification note for project\_id vs tenant\_id
1263* Filter endpoints by region whenever possible
1264* Convert network tests to httpretty
1265* Convert limit tests to httpretty
1266* Convert keypair tests to httpretty
1267* Convert image tests to httpretty
1268* Convert Hypervisor tests to httpretty
1269* Convert hosts tests to httpretty
1270* Add missing parameters for server rebuild
1271* Fixes typo in error message of do\_network\_create
1272* Mention keystoneclient.Session use in docs
1273* Fix using a variable which is not defined
1274* Fix booting from volume when using api v3
1275* Sync apiclient from oslo-incubator
1276* Convert server tests to httpretty
1277* Convert floating IP pool tests to httpretty
1278* add disk bus and device type to volume attach
1279* Fix listing of Server in floating-ip-list
1280* Sync Oslo's apiclient
1281* Overhaul bash-completion to support non-UUID based IDs
1282* Add some security group tests for the V1\_1 API
1283* Updated from global requirements
1284* Allow updating fixed\_ips quotas in quota-class-update (v2 shell only)
1285* Look for all accessible flavors by default, not just public ones
1286* Enable F841
1287* Updated from global requirements
1288* Remove quota-class-\* commands from v3 shell
1289* Updated from global requirements
1290* "nova boot" should not log an error if subsidiary commands fail
1291* Bump hacking to 0.9.x series
1292* Add posargs support to flake8 call
1293* Fixes wrong value description for volume-detach
1294* adjust to {SHA1} convention for token
1295* 'policy' should be required in server\_group\_create
1296* Adding cornercases for set\_metadata
1297* add tox target for python 3.4
1298* mask keystone token in debug output
1299* Remove \_print\_volume from volume-update
1300* Add way to specify key-name from environ
1301* Convert Floating IP bulk tests to httpretty
1302* Convert Floating IPs DNS tests to httpretty
1303* Convert Floating IP tests to httpretty
1304* Overwrite HelpFormatter constructur to extend argument column
1305* Add swap measurement unit (MB) to CLI output
1306* Change help message for volume-update
1307* Add NOVACLIENT\_BYPASS\_URL env variable
1308* Logical error in flavors unset\_keys method
1309* Removed now unnecesary workaround for PyPy
1310* Change help for --poll option in Nova commands
1311* Revert "Remove quota-class subcommand"
1312* Synced jsonutils from oslo-incubator
1313* Convert fPing tests to httpretty
1314* Convert Fixed IP tests to httpretty
1315* Convert Cloud Pipe tests to httpretty
1316* In Py3 decode the output of base64.decode
1317* Convert certificate tests to httpretty
1318* Set default http-based exception as \`HttpError\`
1319* Convert Availability Zone testing to httpretty
1320* Convert agent testing to httpretty
1321* debug level logs should not be translated
1322* Add missing dependent module gettextutils
1323* Allow the default value of 1 to  be set for boot multiple
1324* Add extension-list command for v3 API
1325* Add mailmap entry
1326* Some Help Messages Missing Translation Support
1327* Print message if instance is successfully deleted v3
1328* Enable delete multiple server groups in one request
1329* Make port-id and net-id keys mutually exclusive
1330* Remove duplicate test test\_boot\_multiple
1331* Deprecate num-instances in favor of min/max count
1332* Make help description of rescue/unrescue more useful
1333* Print message if instance is successfully deleted
1334* Updated from global requirements
1335* Fix documentation for config\_drive boot parameter
1336* Synced jsonutils from oslo-incubator
1337* Fix for "nova help list" command
1338* Fixed a typo in a comment
1339* Reuse exceptions from Oslo
1340* Updated from global requirements
1341* Fix the incorrect return messages in keypair show and delete
1342* Fix wrong fake return values for Nova V3 client tests
1343* Add unit test for keypair's api
1344* Fix the unlimited length of console-log
1345* Fix mac address and task\_state in baremetal-node-list
1346* Updated from global requirements
1347* Convert aggregates testing to use httpretty
1348* Fix name arg help for volume-type-create
1349* Add service-delete subcommand to delete a service
1350* Updated from global requirements
1351* Fix session handling in novaclient
1352* Print adminPass when rebuilding from shell
1353* Remove py3kcompat
1354* Split test\_rebuild() into two tests
1355* Allow admin user to get all tenant's floating IPs
1356* Fix for invalid literal ValueError parsing ipv6 url(s)
1357* Remove unused arguments to \_boot()
1358* typo in novaclient
1359* Sync with Oslo-Incubator
1360* Start using oslosphinx theme for docs
1361* Fix error when run with no arguments on Python 3
1362* Avoid AttributeError in servers.Server.\_\_repr\_\_
1363* Raise exception when poll returns error state
1364* Correct the help sting of volume-type-delete
1365* Print a useful message for unknown server errors
1366* Show Exception Name in Shell Output
1367* Work around pypy testing issue
1368* Support IPv6 when booting instances
1369* Updated from global requirements
1370* Do auth\_url.rstrip('/') only if auth\_url is set
1371* Explain how to delete a metadata in aggregate-set-metadata
1372* Nova CLI for server groups
1373* Removes copy of output of 'nova help' from README
1374* Fix authentication bug when booting an server in V3
1379* Allow user ID for authentication
1380* Add os-server-external-events support
1381* Fix some spelling mistakes
1382* Add classifiers for specific versions of Python
1383* Remove quota-class subcommand
1384* Re-add install\_venv\_common to openstack-common.conf
1385* oslo sync apiclient and cliutils
1386* Fix in in novaclient, to avoid excessive conns
1387* Revert "'name' should as be optional param on aggregate-update"
1388* Add service-list show \`id\` column
1389* oslo-sync of low hanging fruit
1390* Updated from global requirements
1391* 'name' should as be optional param on aggregate-update
1396* Fix typo in novaclient
1397* Remove usage of module py3kcompat
1398* Updated from global requirements
1399* Invalid client version message unclear
1400* Remove None for dict.get()
1401* Replace assertEqual(None, \*) with assertIsNone in tests
1402* Fix element miss in client request body
1403* Fix i18n messages in novaclient, part II
1404* Update broken command line reference link
1405* Fix spelling miss of password\_func variable
1406* Fix copy/paste errors in print messages
1407* Remove invalid parameter of quota-update
1408* Remove tox locale overrides
1409* Fix python 3.3 unit test job
1410* Adds support for the get\_rdp\_console API
1411* Support building wheels (PEP-427)
1412* Fixed polling after boot in shell
1413* Update my mailmap
1414* Fix Serivce class AttributeError
1415* [UT] Fixed floating\_ip\_pools fake return to expected one
1416* [UT] Removed duplicate key from dict in fake baremetal\_node
1417* Fixed multi validation and wrong fail calls in unit tests
1418* Fixed super constructor call for TestResponse class
1419* Flavor ExtraSpecs containing '/' cannot be deleted
1420* Removed undefined method in install\_env.py file
1421* Fix i18n messages in novaclient, part I
1422* Adds ability to boot a server via the Nova V3 API
1423* Removes unsupported volume commands from V3 API support
1424* Reuse Resource from oslo
1425* Updates nova client to use the latest oslo files
1426* Using common methods from oslo cliutils
1427* Add tests for boot method of v3 shell
1428* Replace basestring by six.string\_types
1429* Removes use of timeutils.set\_time\_override
1430* Fix logic for "nova flavor-show 0#"
1431* Sync with global requirements
1432* Don't call CS if a token + URL are provided
1433* Sync cliutils from oslo
1434* Sync apiclient from oslo
1435* Fix QuotaClassSet and their tests
1436* assertTrue(isinstance) replace by assertIsInstance
1437* Remove the coverage extension code
1438* shell: refactor boot to use \_print\_server
1439* Don't slugify() None names
1440* Adds volume support for the V3 API
1441* Fixes ambiguous cli output between "None" and NoneType
1442* Support list deleted servers for admin
1443* Using floating-ip-{associate|disassociate}
1444* Removes vim configuration headers
1445* Adds quota usage support for the V3 API
1446* Fix tab-completion of --flags under OS X
1447* Remove class\_name parameter from quota\_class
1448* Ensure that the diagnostics are user friendly
1449* Code cleanup: use oslo's to\_slug() instead of slugify()
1450* Added v3 interfaces in reference doc
1451* Enable pep8 check for config.py in doc
1452* Generate interfaces reference doc
1453* Ensure that nova client prints dictionaries and arrays correctly
1454* Replace some utils.bool\_from\_str with strutils
1455* Allow empty response in service-list
1456* Nova aggregate-details should be more human friendly
1457* Removed duplicated import
1458* Adding additional tests for novaclient ssh
1459* Fix "device" as the optional para on volume-attach
1460* Adds simple tenant usage support for the Nova V3 API
1461* Adds keypairs support for the Nova V3 API
1462* Adds certificates support for Nova V3 API
1463* Adds aggregates support for Nova V3 API
1464* Adds hypervisor support for Nova V3 API
1465* Adds services support for Nova V3 API
1466* Adds second part of quotas support for Nova V3 API
1467* Adds first part of quotas support for Nova V3 API
1468* Adds availability zone support for Nova V3 API
1469* Adds basic servers support for the Nova V3 API
1470* add support for nova ssh user@host
1471* remove duplicate six import
1472* Allow multiple volume delete from cli like Cinder
1473* Fixed autodoc can't import/find class error
1474* Expose the rebuild preserve-ephemeral extension
1475* Stop using deprecated keyring backends
1476* Adds images support for Nova V3 API
1477* Remove commands not supported by Nova V3 API
1478* Adds agent support for Nova V3 API
1479* Adds flavor access support for Nova V3 API
1480* Adds flavor support for Nova V3 API
1481* Enables H403 pep8 rules
1482* Allow graceful shutdown on Ctrl+C
1483* Enables H306 pep8 rules
1484* Enables E711,E721,E712 pep8 rules
1485* Updates tox.ini to use new features
1486* Updated from global requirements
1487* Remove the release.rst file
1488* Fix docstring on novaclient
1489* add support for server set metadata item
1490* Fix incorrect help message on flavor\_access action
1491* Fix inappropriate comment for delete FloatingIP
1492* Enable hacking check for Apache 2.0 license
1493* Sets default service type for Nova V3 API
1494* Fix the inappropriate comment for flavor
1495* Adds a --show option to the image-create subcommand
1496* Updates .gitignore
1497* Allows users to retrieve ciphered VM passwords
1498* Fix inappropriate comment for flavor create api
1499* Fix typo in novaclient
1500* Removes unnecessary pass
1501* Updated from global requirements
1502* Discrepancy between README.rst and nova help
1503* nova security-group-\* should support uuid as input
1504* Change "project" to "project\_id" in cloudpipe-create
1505* Fix single H234 Bug to make Hacking 0.8 pass
1506* Flatten hypervisor-show dictionary for printing
1507* Revert "Nova aggregate-details should be more human friendly"
1508* Update mailmap for Joe Gordon
1509* Print security groups as a human readable list
1510* Adds locking to completion caches
1511* Nova aggregate-details should be more human friendly
1512* Make 'nova ssh' automatically fall back to private address
1513* Quote URL in curl output to handle query params
1514* Add --insecure to curl output if required
1515* Apply six for metaclass
1516* Updated from global requirements
1517* Remove deprecated NOVA\_RAX\_AUTH
1518* Print dicts in alphabetical order
1519* Make os-cache retry on an invalid token
1520* Document and make OS\_CACHE work
1521* Revert "Add-in some re-auth logic when using os\_cache"
1522* Align mocking pattern for test case
1523* py33: use six.StringIO() to mock stdout/stderr
1524* py33: sort the files parameters of "--files"
1525* py33: sort hosts while treeize AvailabilityZone
1526* py33: unify the input of request to json format
1527* py33: align the order of parameters for urlencode()
1528* py33: sort dict for test\_add\_floating\_ip\_to\_fixed
1529* py33: iteration order of dict is unpredictable
1530* Updated from global requirements
1531* py33: 'str' does not support the buffer interface
1532* assertEquals is deprecated, use assertEqual
1533* py33: align the order of parameters for urlencode()
1534* Add shelve/unshelve/shelve-offload command
1535* py33: uuid verification in find\_resource()
1536* py33: don't encode security\_group
1537* Add-in some re-auth logic when using os\_cache
1538* if we have a valid auth token, use it instead of generating a new one
1539* py33: safe\_encode() returns bytes in Python 3
1540* py33: unknown encoding: base64 Edit
1541* Fix AttributeError in Keypair.\_add\_details()
1542* Fixed several test failures on Python3
1543* Make nova CLI use term "server" where possible
1544* py33: dict.keys() is not a list in python3
1545* Corrected several usage of keys() for Python 3
1546* py33: 'dict\_keys' object does not support indexing
1547* Corrected usage of len(filter(...))
1548* Update pbr usage
1549* Clean up a little cruft
1550* Novaclient shell list command should support a minimal server list
1555* Add v3 HostManager
1556* Create v3 tests directory
1557* Fix the print order of quota-show
1558* assertEquals is deprecated, use assertEqual
1559* Small bugfix for client v3
1560* Modify --num-instances flag description to clarify limit upper bound
1561* Add a block device for the image when using BDMv2
1562* python3: Compatibility for iteritems differences
1563* python3: Fix traceback while running unit tests
1564* python3: Fix Traceback while running unit tests
1565* Unittests added for client v1\_1
1566* Python3: Fix traceback while running unit tests
1567* Python3: Use six.StringIO for io.Bytes()
1568* Update oslo from oslo-incubator
1569* Add delete method to Flavor class
1570* New syntax to boot from a block device mapping
1571* Allow name argument to flavor-access-add
1572* Add support for os-assisted-volume-snapshots
1573* Suport instance list pagination in novaclient, Part I
1574* Add interface for listing security groups of an instance
1575* Added support for running the tests under PyPy with tox
1576* python3: Fix imports for py2/py3
1577* Upgrade to Hacking 0.7
1578* Sync py3kcompat from oslo
1579* Update mailmap
1580* Update mailmap
1581* Added 'nova migration-list' command
1582* Fix and gate on H501, no locals for string formatting
1583* Update oslo
1584* Allow name argument to flavor-access-add
1585* python3: Fix traceback while running tests
1586* Fix the help messages to specify image/flavor name
1587* Clean up inaccurate docstrings of server list() method
1588* Remove old references
1589* Enable v3 api code
1590* Begin adding v3 api support
1591* change 'Host' object's 'host' attribute to 'host\_name'
1592* Updated from global requirements
1593* Do not restrict flavor to only ID and integers
1594* Fix typo and grammar in docstring only
1599* remove requests version max
1604* Sync with global requirements
1605* Add support for swap\_volume
1606* FakeClient: fix the arguments of a string format
1607* Support programmatic use of disk config extension
1608* Check whether the security group id is integer
1609* Fixing host-action on V2
1610* Add user quota client API support
1611* Fix net-id metavar for interface-attach
1612* make findall in novaclient/base.py more efficient
1613* Fix the help text process and the generated wrong help
1614* Remove python 2.4 and python 2.5 support
1615* Enable force\_delete and restore instance via novaclient
1616* Add name argument to aggregate commands
1617* Add name argument to hypervisor commands
1618* recognize 429 as an rate limiting status
1619* Fix backwards-incompatible API change (method signature)
1620* Fix and enable gating on H402
1621* Add AgregatesManager.get()
1622* Skip setting volume\_size if not given
1623* Fix interface-list got none mac address
1624* Remove uncessary code related to nova start/stop
1625* make v2\_auth and plugin\_auth explictly return their results
1626* Sync install\_venv\_common from oslo
1627* Clean up and make HACKING.rst point to openstack-dev/hacking
1628* CLI for disable service reason
1629* Allow tenant ID for authentication
1630* Adds zsh completion
1631* Bring stdout/stderr capturing in line w/ nova
1632* Fixup trivial License Header mismatch
1633* Remove Diablo compatibility options
1634* python3: Fix print statements
1635* python3: Compatibility for iteritems differences
1636* python3: Fix unicode compatibility python2/python3
1637* Return Customer's Quota Usage through Admin API
1638* Discard possibly expired token before re-authenticating
1639* Support force update quota
1640* Update help for --nic opt and make net-id or port-id required
1641* Adds support for ExtendedFloatingIps APi extension
1642* Remove explicit distribute depend
1643* Cells Support
1644* Set default value of flavorid to "auto"
1645* Migrate each instances of a host to another
1646* Set/Delete metadata on all instances of a host
1647* The 'nova keypair-show key\_name' command added
1648* Use Python 3.x compatible except: construct
1649* Delete a quota through admin api
1650* Exit w/ valid code when no servers are deleted
1651* Evacuate each instance from one host to another
1652* python3: Introduce py33 to tox.ini
1653* Start using Hacking and PyFlakes
1654* Add update method of security group name and description
1655* Fix shell tests for older prettytable versions
1656* Provide nova CLI man page
1657* Improve error messages for invalid --nic / --file
1658* 100% test coverage for security groups and rules
1659* Add MethodNotAllowed and Conflict exception classes
1660* Move tests into the novaclient package
1661* Add CONTRIBUTING file
1662* Rename requires files to standard names
1663* Code cleanup in advance of flake8
1664* Migrate to flake8
1665* Revert "Support force update quota"
1666* Only add logging handlers if there currently aren't any
1667* Convert to more modern openstack-common.conf format
1668* Cleanup unused local variables
1669* Reuse oslo for is\_uuid\_like() implementation
1670* Synchronize code from oslo
1671* Migrate to pbr
1672* Cleanup nova subcommands for security groups and rules
1673* Make ManagerWithFind abstract and fix its descendants
1674* Cleanup some flavor commands
1675* Fix the default parameter in print\_list
1676* Fix for --bridge-interface being ignore by nova network-create
1677* Add setuptools\_git-\*.egg to .gitignore
1678* Expose retry\_after attribute of OverLimit exception
1679* Adds extended status fields to nova list
1680* Clean up exceptions.from\_response
1681* Allow deleting multiple images from shell
1682* Synchronize code from oslo
1683* Add 'flavor-list --all' admin switch
1684* Fix nova instance-action-list output field and order
1685* Make list flavor show extra specs optional
1686* Use HTTP keep-alive feature in HTTPClient class
1687* Cleanup unused import
1688* Make --vlan option work in network-create in VLAN mode
1689* Support force update quota
1690* make sure .get() also updates \_info
1691* Add coverage-reset command to reset Nova coverage data
1692* Fixing shell command 'service-disable' description
1693* Correct a unit test failure that crept into trunk
1694* Fix problem with nova --version
1695* Make "multi\_host" True when it is set to 'T' in network\_create
1696* Fix IBM copyright strings
1697* Allow for bypass\_url when using proxy\_token
1702* Fix mispelt x-auth-token header
1703* Remove actions command from servers
1704* do not ignore --os-cache
1705* Improve authentication plugins management
1706* Skip security groups w/ no protocol
1707* catch NoKeyringDaemonError from gnomekeyring
1708* Ensure shell tests use isolated env variables set
1709* Update to latest openstack.common.setup
1710* setuptools: remove data\_files section
1711* Use correct filter name for listing of instances
1716* Don't check build/ for pep8 violations
1717* Add support for retrieving instance-actions info
1718* Split commands properly for bash completion test
1719* Remove extraneous output during testing
1720* Use setuptools-git to include files from the repo
1721* Update tools/pip-requires for prettytable
1722* Fix keypair-delete help documents
1723* Add support for the new fixed\_ip quota
1724* Set up debug level on root logger
1725* Remove unused import
1726* Fix Copyright Headers from LLC to Foundation
1727* Removes tenant IDs checking for nova quota operations
1728* Make os-services API extensions consistent with Nova
1729* Revert API changes in "Unify Manager.\_update behaviour"
1730* Use keyring for testing
1731* Show Tenant\_ID for secgroup-list with all-tenant
1732* Additional "Unify Manager.\_update behaviour" cleanup
1733* Add wrap option to nova credentials for humans
1734* Check if tenant flag is uuid\_like for all quota operations
1735* Fix nova boot --num-instances option checking
1736* Fix typo in error message
1737* Extend test coverage for v1\_1/shell.py
1738* Decodes input and encodes output
1739* Fixed bug with password prompt, added tests
1740* Make ip\_protocol parameter in security groups rules case insensitive
1741* Fixes the output of 'os-evacuate' command
1742* Update the docstring of cloudpipe-configure command
1743* Accept 201 status code on POST
1744* Fix how tests were failing due to missing attributes
1745* Missing import for gnomekeyring
1746* A minimum of Python3 fixes so that installation works without errors/warnings
1747* Allows admins to reset-network of an instance
1748* Remove prov\_vlan\_id from baremetal
1749* Add support for os-attach-interfaces
1750* Added limit to image-list in a preparatory step toward addressing bug 1001345
1751* Extend test coverage (shell, fping)
1756* Issue when gnomekeyring is present but not the current backend
1757* Avoid doing a deep copy on the availability zone manager
1758* Allow extensions to provide a name when discovered on the python path
1759* Fix IOError with gnomekeyring.find\_network\_password\_sync
1760* Expand and improve baremetal API
1761* Fix nova availability-zone-list for admin users
1762* Make availability\_zone in aggregate\_create optional
1763* Corrects 2nd argument type for logging
1768* Add format options to 'nova coverage-report'
1769* Update to requests >= 0.8
1770* Mask permissions on private key files
1771* Fix run\_tests.sh --coverage
1772* Support showing extra fields in server list
1773* management\_url not set by authenticate method
1774* Update .coveragerc
1775* Show the summary or details of all availability zones of a region
1776* Upgrade to pep8 1.3.3
1777* Fixed 7 pep8 errors
1778* Live migration with an auto selection of dest
1779* Add help about the id 'auto' for flavor-create
1780* Fix default format of 'nova coverage-report'
1781* Add usage command to show usage for single tenant
1782* Store tenant\_id from keystone and use for quotas
1783* Show the details of the added bare-metal resource
1784* Fix the usage of password, keyrings, and tokens
1785* Added homedir path expansion for keypair-add
1786* Migrate from nose to testr
1787* \_get\_secgroup returns first group even if multiple groups match
1788* Fix bash completion on osx
1789* Check tenant\_id's format in "nova quota-update"
1790* ClientExceptions should include url and method
1791* Adds baremetal nova API support
1792* RateLimit does not have method attribute
1793* make print\_dict split strings with newlines into multiple rows
1794* Allow for image selection using the metadata properties
1795* Add support for get\_spice\_console RPC API
1796* Ensure list output function can support non-sorting printing
1797* Allow request timeout to be specified
1798* Implement get password for novaclient
1799* Adds tenant network support to the client
1800* Update functionality of coverage extension
1801* Fix a couple of broken shell tests
1802* Update hosts API action calls (startup etc.)
1803* When logging request include request data
1804* Add support for instance evacuate
1805* Fix the help text of add-fixed-ip
1806* Move from untitest2 to testtools
1807* Update README.rst
1808* Unify Manager.\_update behaviour
1809* Fix some usage messages of 'nova volume-\*'
1810* add num\_instances option for nova boot
1811* Use requests module for HTTP/HTTPS
1812* Fix find for alphanumeic flavor id/name
1813* Make --tenant a required arg for quota-show
1814* Add support for the coverage extension
1815* Specify some arguments by name
1816* Makes the OS\_NO\_CACHE env variable work again
1817* Add optional argument to include reservations in os-used-limits
1818* Add nova client support for nova-manage agent command
1819* Adds --os-cache to replace old --no-cache
1820* Adds support for security group/rules quotas
1821* Adds nova client support for nova-manage network command
1822* add host-update help info param
1823* Fix argument checking method for 'nova list --flavor' command
1824* Fix a wrong substition for '-h' in bash completion
1825* Fixed nics param ignored when bdm is specified
1826* Adds support for key\_pairs quota
1827* Adds support for injected\_file\_path\_bytes quota
1828* Adds nova client support for nova-manage floating command
1833* Remove unnecessary casts in flavor create
1834* Validate that rxtx\_factor is a float
1835* Adds nova client support for nova-manage vpn command
1836* Fix aggregate command help messages
1837* Add nova client support for nova-manage account scrub command
1838* Adds nova client support for nova-manage fixed command
1839* Implement fping calls in nova client
1840* Expand help message for 'migrate' to explain how the new host is selected
1841* Improved quota output
1842* Boot from volume without image supplied
1843* Added --extra-opts to the nova ssh command
1844* Cleans up the flavor creation code. Fixes bug 1080891
1845* Adding support to filter instances by tenant from the admin api
1846* Make sure create\_image returns result
1847* make tenant id optional for quota-defaults and quota-show
1848* fix hypervisor-servers for hypervisors without servers
1849* discover extensions via entry points
1850* show help when calling without arguments
1851* Add nova client support for nova-manage service command
1852* Updated the help text for nova list command
1853* Fixes setup compatibility issue on Windows
1854* include projectid in the cache key
1855* Fixes utils.findresource checking for integer
1856* Allows deletion of multiple servers through CLI
1857* Add ability of nova client to display availability zones when listing hosts
1858* Validate that boolean parameters are boolean
1859* Auto-Assign Flavor ID
1860* Pull in latest openstack-common changes and fix a minor PEP8 issue
1861* Add OpenStack trove classifier for PyPI
1862* Exception handling for 'nova flavor-create' arguments
1863* Add support for backup instance
1864* Add simple os-api extension cli extension
1865* Raises Exception on improper Auth Configuration
1866* Do not prefer ALL\_TENANTS environment variable to command line arguments
1867* Encode user data to utf-8 when creating a server
1868* Add --all-tenants option to volume-list
1873* Show volume and snapshot data on create
1874* Fixes setup compatibility issue on Windows
1875* allow empty network list to be requested
1876* Work around httplib2 tunnelling bug
1877* Add support for all-tenants search opt to secgroup-list
1878* expose os-networks extension to CLI
1879* Add support for Unicode secgroup names
1880* Support flavor extra specs in nova client
1881* Optionally faster 'nova show'
1882* Makes handling of nic args more robust
1883* Show instances built from deleted snapshots
1884* Add ConnectionRefused exception
1889* Fix usage-list date range to use UTC time
1890* Show POST in debug with curl
1891* Fixes doc string and string formatting
1892*     Add the image\_id arg to volume create
1893* Make region case insensitive
1894* Fix PEP8 issues
1895* Add -X to DELETE and PUT in debug mode
1896* Implement project specific flavors API, client bindings
1897* Add missing port-id usage info
1898* Change '\_' to '-' in options
1899* Adding --version option
1900* Added -nic port-id=<port\_uuid\_in\_qunatum> support
1901* Implement network calls in nova client
1902* Add nosehtmloutput as a test dependency
1903* split req and response logging this allows capture of timestamps prior to and after request for timing also did some pep8 1.3 cleanup while I was in there
1904* Add availability\_zone support for volume creation
1905* Adds support for autogenerated device on attach
1906* Allow resources to use any field as 'name'
1907* gitignore ChangeLog and add to MANIFEST.in
1908* Allow different auth providers via plugin system
1909* Better handling of stale tokens (no more 401's)
1910* change image list and network list data to be sorted by name rather than UUID
1911* Relex prettytable depend to match glanceclient
1916* Add call to get hypervisor statistics
1917* Fix image-create --poll race-condition
1918* set admin password during instance creation
1919* Clarify usage of --insecure flag
1920* Fix resize polling
1921* Add support for modification of instance Security Group
1922* Add support for hypervisor-uptime
1923* Install test-requires in development venv
1924* 'endpoints' and 'credentials' work with token caching
1925* This should fix a problem with overly aggressive token caching
1926* Flavor-list sort by ID numerically
1927* Bring back the output from client.http\_log()
1932* Add hypervisor information extension
1933* More friendly keyring support when token caching is off
1934* Whoops, the last changes to keyring introduced some problems with v1.1 auth tests
1935* Auth token caching on by default. --no\_cache to disable. Better bypass support too
1936* Add host-list command
1937* Indicate unused variables and other misc. house cleaning
1938* don't bash-complete the '-h' option
1939* Add read\_versioninfo method
1940* Turn multiple hints with the same key into a list
1941* Cleanup of setup.py usage of openstack-common
1942* Implement post-tag versioning numbering
1943* Small doc cleanup round
1944* Update Contributing blurb in the docs
1945* Update for blueprint general-host-aggregates
1950* Admin action to reset states
1951* Filter out v1.0 endpoints
1952* option to bypass managment endpoint and timings support
1953* Removes NOVACLIENT\_DEBUG from client code
1954* Fix spelling errors in aggregates section
1955* Move docs to doc
1956* Lock prettytable dep at v0.6
1957* Removed generate\_authors.sh since it's no longer used
1958* nova show cmd displays unique flavor and image id
1959* Use openstack-common for AUTHORS generation
1960* Add .tox to .gitignore
1961* Add start and stop to server actions
1962* Adds flavor-show support
1963* doc: fix and clarify the --meta option help
1964* Lock pep8 at v1.1
1965* Turn on verbose test output
1966* Align tox.ini with standards
1967* make nova bash-complete faster and more accurate
1968* refactored --service\_name to only work with compute calls and added --volume\_service\_name for volume calls
1969* removed int requirement for volume\_id on snaps
1970* Updated to new prettytable api. Fixes bug 995818
1971* Allow server name to be specified for actions and diagnostics
1972* Don't force volume id to int and allow search by name
1973* Fix LP #990667 - Keypair \_\_repr\_\_ referencesuuid
1974* really output the description of an exception
1975* Limit hint/nic parsing to one split on '='
1976* update README.rst,add args "service\_type" when getting endpoints
1978* Raise exception on all 4xx and 5xx responses
1979* Update unittests to be Python 2.6 compatible
1980* Display the request id on error response
1981* Make '--help' argument more useful
1982* Fixed the subcommand error message for nova shell
1983* Request ID when name is ambiguous
1984* Set resources as loaded on get
1985* Miscellaneous code cleanup
1986* add packages using find\_packages()
1987* set 'compute' as default endpoint bug fix for #970808
1988* Add -i/--identity option to 'nova ssh'
1989* Improve 'nova ssh' error message
1990* Fix spelling of curent in list sec groups
1991* Set up the log handler only once
1992* Remove serverId lookup in volume attachments
1993* Handle server\_id and serverId in volume list
1994* Added cloudpipe support. Fixes bug 962286
1995* Proposed HACKING guidelines for string encoding
1996* Add missing tools and tox.ini to tarball
1997* Fixes bug #959262 - Prevent a failure to create the cache directory from causing an exception
1998* Improve the error message from the nova shell
1999* Adds NOVACLIENT\_INSECURE option
2000* Implement quota classes
2001* Open Folsom
2002* Adding Console Log to CLI
2003* Change CLIAuth arg names
2004* Add suport for instance locking/unlocking
2005* Add --poll for instance snapshots
2006* Add human-friendly ID support
2007* Fixes lp#948685 proxy\_token and proxy\_tenant\_id behavior
2008* Separate UUID caches for different endpoints
2009* Remove trailing whitespaces in regular file
2010* Adds --ipv6 and --port to ssh convience command
2011* Add --poll for long running actions
2012* Add support for volume types
2013* Makes novaclient use the volumes endpoint
2014* Fix for backward compatibility with stable/diablo flavors
2015* Add support for ephemeral\_gb to novaclient
2016* allow '=' inside value of --meta=key=value
2017* bug 932408: python-novaclient miss OSAPI host operations
2018* Add ssh convenience command
2019* Allow UUID\_CACHE\_DIR overriding via env variable
2020* Removes zones
2021* Fixes bug 925644: move dotfiles into dir
2022* add support for --config-drive 'boot' command
2023* shell: Hook --debug up to more stuff
2024* Properly handle KeyErrors
2025* adding credentials and endpoints output for debugging
2026* Fixes bug 924588: Remove proto-keystone client from novaclient
2027* Fix bug 904364: Consistiently handle trailing '/' on URLs
2028* Adding describe-resource subcommand
2029* Add Accept: applicaton/json header to all service requests.  Fixes bug 904436
2030* Blueprint cli-auth: common cli args
2031* Add --all\_tenants option to 'nova list'
2032* Adding live migration subcommand
2033* Handle Ambiguous Endpoints Correctly
2034* Implementing Scheduling Hints
2035* Remove non-working --key\_path argument on boot
2036* Fix datetime issue with usage\_data
2037* blueprint host-aggregates: client bindings
2038* moves the "help" in the usage information of a wrong command to the correct position
2039* Implementing client for new x509 support in nova
2040* Add flavor create/delete support
2041* Add a 'usage' module and 'usage-list' cli command
2042* Implement virtual interfaces servers api
2043* Print adminPass when rescuing an instance
2044* do not require NOVA\_VERSION in env, default to 1.1
2045* Match create\_image on server object and manager
2046* Catch novaclient up with renaming and other nova changes
2047* Add server.get\_vnc\_console functionality to python-novaclient
2048* Fix bad api call, 'migrate' is an action
2049* Adding rebuild/resize hooks
2050* Implementing Floating Ip Pools
2051* Get ImpLoader from ImpImporter for Py2.6
2052* Discover extensions via Python's import paths
2053* PEP8 python-novaclient cleanup
2054* show 409 responses
2055* Added command-line interfaces for the floating ip DNS api to nova
2056* Fix Quota ant SecurityGroup resources refreshing
2057* Clean FloatingIPDNS resource
2058* Install a good version of pip in the venv
2059* Add tox.ini file
2060* Add missing returns and remove superfluous ones
2061* Fix typo in endpoint\_name help string
2062* Add the python api for floating IP DNS
2063* Abstract Client building into novaclient.client
2064* Remove unused imports and fix NameError on exc
2065* Improve the test framework to handle urls with args
2066* Simplifying get\_console\_output client interface
2067* Removing cache-busting query param (fresh)
2068* Adding return statement to get\_console\_output
2069* python-novaclient missing pep8 in pip-requires
2070* utils.find\_resource fixes + fix for volumes
2071* Add list() method to ManagerWithFind
2072* Extensions can now modify resources
2073* more work towards standardize config
2074* Allow to not specify image if block\_device\_mapping is set
2075* Adding support for the os-getConsoleOutput server action
2076* Add 'discover' command for Keystone discovery and version listing
2077* User friendly help message
2078* Do no depends on argparse for Python >= 2.7
2079* standardize environmental settings for cli auth
2080* Removed v1.0 support
2081* Making contrib a Python package
2082* Adding extension framework
2083* Fix typo in README
2084* Accept 1 and 2 as version choices
2085* Add support for RAX authentication
2086* Align run\_tests.sh with nova
2087* Switch versioning to common Nova versioning
2088* Fix PEP8 error
2089* Add MANIFEST.in and setup.cfg back
2090* Adding 'absolute-limits' and 'rate-limits'
2091* Fixing all remaining pep8 errors
2092* Clean up image-list cli command
2093* Clean up image-show
2094* Updated README.rst
2095* Converting rxtx\_cap and rxtx\_quota to rxtx\_factor
2096* Gracefully handle failure to cache UUID's. Bug #897885
2097* Change 'zone\_blob' key to 'blob' in create server. bug 893183
2098* Fix spacing errors in authentication exceptions
2099* Adding UUID cache for bash autocompletion
2100* Revert api\_key change in novaclient Client argument
2101* Adds bash completion support and cleans up setup.py
2102* Rewriting admin-only calls as server actions
2103* Add rfc.sh
2104* Add .gitreview config file for gerrit
2105* pep8
2106* fix tests
2107* trunk merge
2108* Add support for specifying VIF networks while booting
2109* Use a try/finally to ensure state restoration
2110* Follow redirects when calling out to Keystone
2111* Modified as per code-review comments:     - Renaned snapshot to volume-snapshot     - Created a new file for volume snapshots
2112* few missing references to api\_key
2113* tests working
2114* started
2115* added --endpoint\_name support
2116* Add back display of adminPass to boot
2117* Boot now works with limited info returned from server
2118* fixed missing line continuation characters in shell.py
2119* PEP8 cleanups of utils, and the v1\_?/shell.py files
2120* minor pep8 tweaks
2121* corrected argument order and replaced tabs with spaces
2122* resolved merge conflict
2123* added a space after url
2124* Added the option --insecure.   This disables SSL certificate validation
2125* Updated the novaclient shell to display the parent server id that the image came from
2126* Fixed description for block\_device\_mapping parameter
2127* minor fixes
2128* Added support for boot from volume (or snapshot)
2129* version update
2130* minor tweaks and long overdue pep8
2131* new service catalog semantics
2132* Added support for listing/creating/deleting snapshots of nova volumes. Also implemented the supporting CLI commands.     Requires the OS API extension, 'os-snapshots'
2133* Updated volume-create command to accept an optional attribute, snapshot\_id. This enables the user to create a volume from a snapshot
2134* Fixes #133 -- Keystone Client fetches correct service type and endpoint
2135* fix tests
2136* typo
2137* merged and fixed pshkitin's keypair work
2138* doc improvements
2139* Added support to specify more boot options
2140* Updated volume attach/detach commands to accept server name (in addition to server id).     Code review comments:     https://github.com/rackspace/python-novaclient/pull/125/files#r169829
2141* Booting server with specific key is implemented
2142* Added commands to work with keypairs
2143* make description consistent
2144* remove extra space
2145* add ability to create source group rules
2146* don't expose ids to end user
2147* work on formatting for secgroup rules
2148* display floating ip on create
2149* Add CLI for security groups and rules
2150* raise exception if floating\_ip is not found in floating-ip-delete
2151* Add cli for floating ips
2152* Added support to specify more boot options
2153* Don't filter endpoints when filter\_value is non-truthy
2154* Added the following CLI commands to access nova volumes:     volume-attach       Attach a volume to a server.     volume-create       Add a new volume.     volume-delete       Remove a volume.     volume-detach       Detach a volume from a server.     volume-list         List all the volumes.     volume-show         Show details about a volume
2155* now uses tenantName vs. tenantId to auth
2156* version bump
2157* removed unicode casts
2158* cleaned up exception handling
2159* new service catalog implementation
2160* change auth cred format for keystone
2161* Added methods to get, attach and detach volumes to/from running instances
2162* Added support to access nova-volume api (v1.1 extension)     - Only the basic functionality (create, delete, list) is implemented
2163* add todo to update doc strings so that they reflect extension/optional-ness
2164* update doc strings
2165* add key\_name to servers.create
2166* Make sure flavor is a type of int
2167* removed debugging
2168* token support
2169* fixed unknown service
2170* properly uses keystone admin endpoint for token lookup
2171* proxy token support - no tests
2172* readme fix
2173* service catalog with multiple endpoints per service
2174* Add ability to force debugging via os environ
2175* merge fixup
2176* version bump
2177* readme
2178* service catalog as auth parameter
2179* service name support
2180* Extend lazy loading support to Weighting
2181* Fix unittests breakage in test\_shell
2182* Fix #109 (nova show name not working)
2183* Add userdata support
2184* Remove extra NOVA\_PROJECT\_ID
2185* Fix unittests breakage from merge 3507905
2186* Add 'meta' command to allow set/delete of metadata items on servers. Added ability to run multiple assert\_called tests from one test function
2187* add build, dist, python-novaclient.egg-info to .gitignore
2188* fixes odd \_\_get\_attr\_\_ behavior in 2.6.5
2189* conflict fixed
2190* catch misssing id
2191* Add body in debugging
2192* Fix test installation exclude
2193* Add support for image metadata to be viewed, added, updated, and deleted
2194* Bump the release version
2195* fixed up zone-add
2196* Reducing v1\_1.base to just booting manager
2197* tests working
2198* in progress - adding zone name
2199* ensure we have auth\_url and project\_id for !1.0
2200* Updated error message as suggested by bcwaldon
2201* take auth token param
2202* Do not assume default for image and flavor
2203* expanding on concept of 'loaded'
2204* limiting resource lazyloading to a single query
2205* Fix extra # char as noticed by jk0
2206* Add piston service\_catalog
2207* Add anotherjesse keystone here
2208* Fix loop properly
2209* Make sure we can do a get on the base class
2210* Client changes for username and password in zone add
2211* fix for chmouel's comment, and tweaks to tests
2212* support for floating\_ips + D4
2213* make \_\_repr\_\_ more useful with default behavior, rather than juse displaying id
2214* a few tweaks to get the client talking to nova
2215* more cleanup
2216* progress on security groups
2217* updating version
2218* updating for new rebuild format
2219* adding tests
2220* cleaning up find\_resource method to support str/int ids, uuids, and integer-like names
2221* Fix #85
2222* fixing the shell tests
2223* Fixed 1.0 and unit tests
2224* Added support for 1.0 and added unit tests
2225* Updated rescue/unrescue to use public API
2226* removing extra space
2227* updating quotas and tests with the format which recently landed in nova
2228* fixing up a few pep8 issues, and pointing client to the new endpoint
2229* Properly make image\_id a requirement to be int
2230* Make sure the image id is an integer
2231* really fixed
2232* accidentally deleted a comment when fixing conflict
2233* pep8 issues
2234* update readme to talk about keystone with CLI and use 1.1 api
2235* Switch API path to match http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tpatil/nova/os-security-groups/revision/1369
2236* Fix API path
2237* fix display\_name references that should have been instance\_name
2238* removed fixed\_ip from v1.1 shell.  Use --ip instead.  Fixed up rest of other search options from last commit
2239* start add of --image, --flavor, --status, and --host options to 'list' command.  also fix up differences with --name and --display\_name compared to how nova implementation turned out
2240* Security groups cleanups
2241* Added redirect tests, changed wrong status in test\_authenticate\_success
2242* Added self.auth\_url updating, WrongResponse exception
2243* add note about keystone / auth 2.0
2244* Clean up id handling and pass basic tests
2245* Add security group rules
2246* Eradicate TABs, make tests run
2247* missed a conflict
2248* merge master
2249* Initial security groups code
2250* adding unittest
2251* removing extra newline
2252* adding email to .mailmap
2253* catching authorization failure (x-server-management-url KeyError)
2254* bring up-to-date with lp:~cloudbuilders/nova/os-keypairs
2255* keypair api
2256* add license headers
2257* add support for quotas
2258* pep8, again
2259* Recursion handling
2260* Added .mailmap file for AUTHORS
2261* Updated authors and fixed tools/generate\_authors.sh
2262* Fixes copyright notice and adds script to gen AUTHORS
2263* keypair api
2264* pep8
2265* Status code 305 fix, ClientExceptions if we can not handle response
2266* whitespace cleanups
2267* pep8 cleanups after the rebase
2268* Adds run\_tests.sh and virtualenv support
2269* pep8 in tests
2270* pep8 in novaclient
2271* Add Hacking and Authors to bring this into accordance with OpenStack coding standards
2272* redirect
2273* Redirection handling
2274* cleaning up boot output; upping version
2275* Added documentation for NOVA\_VERSION
2276* Make it possible to authenticate against keystone
2277* Removed the bodies again
2278* Corrected docs
2279* off by one
2280* Missed a conflict
2285* manual merge
2286* Accidently had a reference to ipgroup still
2287* Merged v1.0 functionality into v1.1 so we don't lose any features by...upgrading?
2288* Fix for failing tests because boot response now requests additional information
2289* formatting updates
2290* novaclient -> nova in some documentation as per feedback
2291* Removed unneeded print
2292* Change create-image back to image-create, and increased version to 2.6.0
2293* Updated --version to default to NOVA\_VERSION, quick fix
2294* Updated --version to default to NOVA\_VERSION
2295* osc -> novaclient
2296* Cleaned up v1.0 and v1.1 test setup to remove globals and encapsulate custom asserts. Still duplicate code, but closer to being able to remove. Now tests set up OpenStackClient much closer to how users will do it, minus the stubbing of the client
2297* Wrong client was getting loaded
2298* Grrrr, bad import
2299* Tests now run correctly for v1.1 and v1.0
2300* Updated the default version back to 1.0, as there are some quirks with 1.1
2301* Tests working again...merged in some work we did earlier
2302* Split everything down the middle into v1\_0 and v1\_1, including tests
2303* bumping version and updating README
2304* updating server backup action; pep8 fixes
2305* removed server dump after add/remove fixed-ip
2306* version bump
2307* fixed public private ip list
2308* added various search options to list command.  will need a version bump as i changed the 'list' api that nova uses.  after version bump, my search nova branch will need pip-requires updated to match
2309* docs
2310* added add/remove fixed\_ip actions to servers
2311* Clarify description so usage doesn't imply name is the only valid value
2312* Added support for request timeouts
2313* Added migration functionality
2314* Refactored backup rotation
2315* Review feedback
2316* Fixed unit tests
2317* Implemented backup with rotation
2318* for creating 'x' instances, min\_count > max\_count check was reversed make max/min\_instances a little more sane by making them 'int' types fix issue where only specifying --min\_instances didn't work
2319* Due to how novaclient works, it tends to do a 'get' first on whatever ID you pass on command line.  Then it does the real command, re-using the ID found in the 'get' call, instead of the initial ID that you specified (which may have been a UUID)
2320* Cleaned up the query\_string generation for 'nova list' Made --recurse\_zones not need an '=argument'
2321* Added --recurse\_zones option to 'list' Added --fixed\_ip option to 'list' to find a particular instance by IP Fixed issue with 'show' when --recurse\_zones=1 and specifying UUID
2322* fixup
2323* release note update
2324* tests working again for weight\_scale/weight\_offset
2325* fixed up tests after trunk merge and bumped version
2326* version bump
2327* fixed project\_id tests
2328* Merged my 'create-num-instances' branch which adds support for --min\_instances and --max\_instances to zone-boot
2329* version bumped
2330* trunk merge
2331* Typo fix
2332* Added the missing files
2333* Added a method to create instances on behalf of an account via the admin API methods for openstack
2334* changed docs about using project id
2335* bumped version # after project\_id update
2336* Don't restrict ids to int
2337* fix errors
2338* support for project id header
2339* Now that I understand how to build extensions, I understand how this extension will be built, and can fully implement add\_fixed\_ip() and remove\_fixed\_ip()
2340* Add the basic calls for add\_fixed\_ip/remove\_fixed\_ip
2341* defaults back to no detail
2342* tweaks
2343* griddynamics better logging
2344* reservation\_id optional parameter added to GET /servers (aka 'list')
2345* works properly with zone-boot
2346* Improving tests
2347* Added parameter detailed to list
2348* zone select support and version bump to 2.4.3
2349* fix to reviewer comment: add check if logging disabled
2350* improve perfomance on string concat in logging
2351* add logging for http request-response
2352* zone select
2353* add undetailed flavor list
2354* zone\_blob support added to server.create
2355* fixed flavor-list columns
2356* added support for missing flavors/images
2357* up'ed version to suit pypi distribution update
2358* fixed software license
2359* version 2.4
2360* Added Jacob Kaplan-Moss copyright notices on older/untouched files
2361* renamed to novaclient and fixed flavor tests
2362* missing docstring quote
2363* tweaked release notes
2364* removed copyright/license notices from files not significantly changed
2365* renamed cmdline tool from novatools to nova. Changed version to 2.1. Changed license to Apache. Added copyright notices. Cleaner exception reporting in non-debug scnario
2366* fixed setup
2367* longer zone list
2368* Added full flavor detail support
2369* zone info works
2370* get this zone status
2371* removed Username from zone info
2372* NOVA\_TOOLS\_\* -> NOVA\_\*, --debug
2373* removed zone name, renamed auth\_url to api\_url, added username/password
2374* zone shell cmds & tests added
2375* zone tests pass
2376* zone tests pass
2377* tests pass again
2378* zones
2379* Renamed all CloudServers to OpenStack and python-cloudservers to python-novatools
2380* installer fixup
2381* README update and rename cloudservers to novatools
2382* Starting on child zone support
2383* Initial commit from fork